HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - BID - 5759 DOWNTOWN ENHANCEMENTAdministrative Services Purchasing Division December 20, 2002 RE: Contractor Pre -Qualification - Downtown Enhancement Project: Bid # 5759 Dear General Contractor: The City is pre -qualifying contractors and sub -contractors for the upcoming Downtown Enhancement Project, which is a combination of several smaller projects in the downtown Fort Collins area. If you find the following description of the project of interest, please visit our website at www.fegov.com/purchasing for a pre -qualification application. It is listed under Bid # 5759, Downtown Enhancement Project, Pre -Qualification form. If you have no access to the website, please call 970-221-6775 and request one to be faxed or come in to the Purchasing Office located at 215 N. Mason Street, Ft Collins, Colorado. Applications must be received no later than January 22nd, 2003, if you intend to bid on this project. We anticipate an award in mid February, with construction to begin in early March of 2003, The project is expected to exceed one million dollars. The Downtown Enhancement Project includes two sidewalk streetscape locations; the Oak Street Plaza frontage and median on College Avenue, and Mason Street north of Mountain, along the west side. These locations generally include removal of existing sidewalks and installation of colored concrete, decorative brick pavers, curb & gutter, pedestrian access ramps, irrigation, tree grates, pedestrian lighting and traffic control. The Mountain Avenue and Mason Street intersection will be reconstructed. Work includes a new concrete intersection, enhanced colored and stamped crosswalks, pedestrian refuges, irrigation, and a mid -block colored and stamped concrete crossing with median. A variety of street maintenance repairs are also included on Mountain Avenue between Howes Street and Remington. The majority of this work is concrete pavement removal and replacement, traffic control and curb and gutter repairs. Splashblock will be installed on the medians both east and west of College and Mountain, along with reconstruction of the interior concrete median noses. Finally, the turn bay will be extended to the south at Laporte and College Avenue. The concrete planter will be extended, and includes construction of a new concrete planter wall, irrigation, and associated pavement repairs. If you have any questions please contact John Stephen, CPPB, Senior Buyer, at 970- 221-6777. Sincerely, Q gJasB. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP r of Purchasing and Risk Management JBO/jbe 215 North Mason Street • 2nd Floor • P.O. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 City of Fort Collins Return to: City of Fort Collins Contractor Pre-Qualifl cation Statement Purchasing Department M�irqa 1 P.O. Box 580 City of Fort Collins Downtown Enhancement Project Bid #5759 Fort Collins, CO 80S22 Contractor Instructions: ✓ Ifyou plan to bid this project as a General Contractor, you must be on the current pre -Qualification list for projects greater than $500,000 with the Colorado Department of Transportation. In addition, General and Sub -contractors must complete this form as defined below for the City of Fort Collins pre -Qualification. ✓ Complete this form and submit to City of Fort Collins Purchasing Department at least 21 days beforeyou bid on this project. Failure to do so may delayyour pre -Qualification and ability to bid. ✓ Resubmit this form during theyear if there are changes inyour company ownership or financial standing. O General Contractor ❑ Subcontractor Type Company Name Phone # FAX # Company Address (street, city, county, state, zip) Contact person's name & title Business type ❑ Corporation Areyou pre -Qualified with CDOT? ❑ no Oyes ❑ Partnership ❑ Sole Proprietor ❑ Joint Venture Section One — General Information and History I . Ifyour company is a Partnership, complete: ❑ General Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) 2. If your company is incorporated, complete: ❑ Limited ❑ Association Organization Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) Partner name and address (street, city, state and zip) Date incorporated State incorporated Cash capital paid 3. If you are an out-of-state contractor, who isyour Colorado registered agent? Address Phone no. (street, city, state, zip) 4. List your business partners or associates not listed in Question # I , who have worked with you in the last S years. Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name S. How manyyears hasyour company been in the contracting business? General contracting? Subcontracting? (minimum 10 ars) (minimum 5 ars) 6. List the construction experience of the principal individuals* for this project. Include capacity, magnitude, and type of work. Name Present position Years experience Magnitude/Type of Work Capacity * Project Manager, Estimator, Superintendent, Foreman 7. List the projectsyour company completed in the last S years (include city, county or state projects). Year TvRe of work Owner name Contract amount Work location(city, counV or state 8. Hasyour company had any experience in the following? a. Working in an urban area dealing with business access, parking, seasonal restrictions, and public interface? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, please list completed project on the following page) b. Working at night? ❑ no Oyes (ifyes, please list completed project on the following page) c. Dealing with urban area traffic control? (Particularly pedestrian cross traffic and business access issues.) ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, please list completed project on the following page) d. Participating in a formal Partnering process on construction projects? ❑ no Dyes (if yes, please list completed project on the following page) Year TY.Pe of work Owner name Contract amount Work location (dV, county or statel Avolles to a b c d 12. Have you had or doyou currently have a Right -of -Way Contractor License with the City of Fort Collins? Ono Dyes Doyou currently hold or have a Right -of -Way Contractor License from another city? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, please list the city) 13. Attach a list ofyour construction couipment. (Include the Quantity, name description and capacity) 14. Attach a list ofyour parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies if applicable. (Include relationship, percentage of ownership and principals) 15. Hasyour company, its parent, affiliate or subsidiary been denied pre -Qualification in the last Syears by any governmental agency in Colorado or any other state's highway agency? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, attach explanation) 16. Haveyou ever failed to complete any contract awarded toyou? ❑ no ❑ yes (ifyes, attach statement with date, work location and reason) 17. Have any ofyour officers or partners failed to complete a contract while working for another company or managing a contract under their own names? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, attach statement with employee name, company name and reason) 18. Has any officer inyour company, its parent, affiliate or subsidiary, been indicted/convicted of bid/contract related violations in the past Syears? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, attach explanation) 19. Doesyour company have financial interests in other businesses? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, attach a list of the businesses) 20. Haveyou, or areyou currently, debarred from any government work? ❑ no Dyes (ifyes, name of government entity ) Section Two — Experience and EQuipment CONSTRUCTION TYPE - indicate the workyour company performs using couipmentyou own. I . ❑ General Construction - Ability to mobilize and undertake work of any type and magnitude. 2. ❑ General Grading - Roadway excavation and embankment of any magnitude. 3. ❑ General Paving - Bituminous and portland cement concrete paving of any magnitude. 4. ❑ Bituminous Concrete - Hot bituminous pavement production and/or placement. S. ❑ Portland Cement Concrete - Portland cement concrete pavement production and/or placement. 6. ❑ Curb/Gutter/Flatwork - Curb, gutter, bikeway, median cover, stamped concrete crosswalks, colored decorative pavement. 7. ❑ Landscaping - Seeding, sodding, topsoil, planting, fertilizing, mulching, irrigation, etc. SECTION TWO (continued) 8. O Construction Traffic Control - Flagging, traffic control supervision, and/or construction traffic control devices. 9. ❑ Pavement Repair - Pavement sawing, patching, caulking. 10. 0 Electrical - Lighting, wiring. 1 1. 0 Building Construction - miscellaneous building -related construction. 12. ❑ Utility - Miscellaneous underground utility relocations. 13. 0 Masonry - Brick paver installation. 14. O OTHER: (list) SECTION THREE - CERTIFICATION (NOTE - You must sign exactly as bid proposals and contracts will be signed) ME CERTIFYAND UNDERSTAND: ✓ Any reference listed is authorized to supply the City of Fort Collins with all necessary information to verify this statement. I/WE DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY IN THE SECOND DEGREE, AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, THAT THE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM (INCLUDING EXPERIENCE, FINANCIAL CONDITION AND ALL ATTACHMENTS) ARE TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY/OUR KNOWLEDGE. President or authorized agent's name and signature Date Secretary or authorized agent's name and signature Date IF YOU ARE A CORPORATION ATTACH YOUR COMPANY SEAL