HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 5671 CABLE UNDERGROUND 15KV 750KCM (2)FIRM NAME: IJI� -y� S lT� CITY OF FORT COLLINS BID PROPOSAL BID NO. 5671 BID DATE: 2:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) FEBRUARY 7, 2002 WE HEREBY ENTER OUR BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS' REQUIREMENTS FOR CABLE, UNDERGROUND, 15KV, 750 KCM, BID INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS. QUANTITY: DESCRIPTION: 109,200 fit. Cable, underground, 15KV, 750 KCM, 61 strd., Blocked strd. Compressed AL. conductor, min. 20 mils semi -conducting XLP conductor shield, 220 mils nominal TRXLPE insulation, 1.460"+/-30 mils DOI, min. 40 mils semi -conducting black XLP insulation shield, 1.500"+/-50 mils DOS, 12412 AWG untinned copper concentric neutral, per Specification No. 367-102, Rev. E, Serial 03 except 220 mils insulation thickness, 12 #12 neutral, and no jacket. Ship on lagged N/R reels meeting the following requirements: max. flange dia. 70", Max. 0/A Width 37", Min. drum dia. 28" min. rim clear 2", 1400+/-25' $ 10,9- Ld M/Ft. $ 26c))4'T�.06 Total Mfr.-n"M� WiP.6WL45 Mfr.# )2L-- Delivery in weeks: Accurate gross reel and tare weights are critical. Please weigh empty reel, and verify weights prior to shipping. Averaged weights are unacceptable since specific cable is issued by foot per pound units. Refusal to comply with these terms may result in removal from the bidder's list for future orders. The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to evaluate the quoted delivery as a part of the bid award. Items being bid meet the above specifications without exception. Yes No If no, please list exceptions, specifying paragraph refere ce number, on a separate sheet and attach to your bid. For purposes of warranty and service ONLY approved manufacturers or distributors authorized by an approved manufacturer to serve the Fort Collins area may bid. 09/12/01 02/07/2002 09:20 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 05 UG/Utl/E002 18;28 FAX 80998110 i PIRFLLI CUSTOMER SERVICE '--� 4JBU6 FORT COLI INS, CITY OF Page 4 PORT COLLINS CO 80522 Poememem W.10mv, 4017365 / OT05MO2 T nos and Conditions All gqnuulatons are wbjw[ to a Pl order acknowledgrnerht �mr angA et withdrawal without notice. Orders shag pqt be considered Accepted until aftowledged on AACgqtarwe Is expresdy limbed in ma belane e➢d condition stated herein. All at as to deliveries a tbp SaLLaf ehal! not be 1' baheA upud eondrnoos prevaiting at due of Moteduat. In tam event that [hare are an delays Inoriel, thcref Jie aiiA ffie Buyer agrees to accept such deWeriaa when made by die Soller. Fallurc of ' �e detvardel, If 9elive*y shall noe be demoed [o lfaemre or Aal4wY'dta,rratei�al t vsAihn of [ rn breach the cautmot as to other the Seller's abft to ,ntenv ttta3 or Ilma�ealrod !br a➢y of du following cruses;bu idegimy of labor fl,� , metals or agoya�omam r rretariels, facHrtles of live, ry depAlmhenta or xgegela stokes; wsr,blockarles ar aml+aroost} peel or requirements of any arose or rilWe PedgW f; or b, ate' miter cause whatsoever and tit newmaeble control o1 the seller, whether u! t ar or dtffeee➢t nawre the➢ die Sg ariy ar M of its c➢etomera o ageingg the Stater shall have Ate da{ t in WAeatn k!c avaBable productions and dalivodes to or such 6� leis as it may Cleo in its so a d scredon, and may cancel in whole or in pan the Buyer's LNG". r e<COnnaat coati[ [e,+a�x m sue sd re die aodnaq [fie 3alkr for mobil a1, wAhwt linbih of either p1 in the other. the Soller het in writ tlxpfE851 eaves xta ttnBt b tuneel flu Huyer's order or �wnuaa., and con$gpt prgj yea to arty other lawfa! acmm�rWpGafelaga Mlatg0, if the Buyer does im➢➢c➢ona . L lDlpmant IdY, Al nhtrge dre�Buyef airy � rho b A e Seller's not give widlio o➢o year c. lea'il invoice w nerrr Rae eK00dve oa ate r er roar such invoice coven the eidiro odder shal] be anode in accordauce with the terms dP aide of invoice; cash discount, rvhen allowed Joss cat apply m transporwdod chugcs nr .:,,.r,. P t (hall be mado If the Huybr tq &IBII the ,.-w.a,«.ry to ihp ailla! O17! r ecdul shipment a[ the unit price., al payment of arty invoice or rf ate financial reepanslbdjty of die g�rr shall become imisairat seitetcd by say acts or ragWtxntcnu of any governmenr mrehoriSy. dl1 Se11N reservaa the n'eht to Re [Came of payment !OL QP d further shipme➢la, witll0u[ pmjurhrx l0 emy ether Intrlid ramra�y, ➢adj volt IrE by errors era made col sa o lob 80VeZumentll abfborlty aaa➢tan:w oI Bn-dw-,ty.e;.i.s credits t�?�� are rcernved rite Seller, or until such ac[a or iequfrwna➢u have brm CmRlpnaO Wl� T11�tl beLLar Aloe. ttselVeB the nghr In dffi Cage of any Of are farenOhld a DP 32593 t W➢ IZ msetvent naCn angnnmot L Ine iauir /attl pe muntutereto A Separate tract toll➢n and toperiods specified herein, the Scl er may bring a separate soft in recover the contract price within ate tolcr inaa, lintits and sizes established by applicable industry a dons. urge to and at the risk of Buyer for a period of Marry days after such maferW u ready for Tons. After dim expiration of the thirty -day period, storage and handling will be at the risk Buyer. Snment of any pateor, domestic or forel'$IL arising out of the use, M [loll Or Me of red by the Sell= is accordance with the Bnyei 8 instructions qr apaelBCa , gt�w_BnWuyer wrIl Hui of airy nabYe ur ]and whatsoever based oa or arising out of any claim r emlat mbk reels, Spools, gntep.wtd *plot wrwdn6n. All returnable containers are the property, o1 as to t.e installannd acid opctauod of"eabmerine able, die Rtte➢d t rceporuibUily for w5whrim a tar I succcsday die facmry tests ptxsciibed by the speetilatfe s m which tits uAble was FORTH AHOVE RE IN C,1iL ",Ad"", "R xPRESS Y DISCLMMS ANY AND G I�E74i UTOA A' SON �wNK N -AW E%P M Olt 1MP' Y6 J bI±hl 11et`1.7.'ARiONOR OF la V 1 trMrIS 1V LVM UK FK Yll, USC, mul3uL l'lD W a'Li OR END ,AD1Ed OPUOlR DANIAGPS ARiSDVG Otll' OH TA@ , rfzx�yy CT, �YARRA , TORT ise pT Sal roiler rues, In additiun M du A➢�ppo apauified herein, the amount of any sorb present atertalshere➢ndershall bepaidby the FAryer. teolhl1 chigcs quoted herein Shall remain the property of the Seller. on are subicet to correction by the Seller, but the contract shah not otherwise be madtllod or I by tin parties. (8-2/86) Thank you for your queryl 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE 8J PAGE 06 uzivaizuuz 14;28 FAX 8039811 �,-_, pIRELLI CUSTUMER SERVICE —� IM000 COMMENT I; Reference Section 3.1.3 Pirelli verifies that 100% of the ferrous metal Contaminates are COMMENT2: Reference Section 4,7 Paga 6 of 6 ,rrpound Is filtered to Insure that streamers, fines, and ferrous and non - however, no formal pellet inspection is performed. Pirelli Will supply Qualification Teat R errs Fee ICEA-649-1907 instead of the specified ICEA$49-2000. The specified version of ICEA.649 hag Jus been issued, and qualification testing has not been .completed for this new standard. However, Pirelli would Ilke 0 polyd out that the differences between the two versions Is very minor, and that the qualification testing done per IC �49-1997 should have the same requirements specified in the latest vereion_ All future qualification testing will bed ne to +he new standard; and once this testing is Complete, 4 Copy of the QTRs for ICEA-4349.2000 can be obtained rough application engineering, COMMENT3: Pirelli would request approval from the City 4)r manufacturer's certification only on the certified test reports. If en independent tenting laboratory Is requ red, P relli would be happy to supply a sample to the IndependeDnt tester, however, the cost of the testing by theindependent laboratory would 6e up to the Ce Customer ignat�ra oat* Please Print Name and Title Srgnad approvals must accompany all P n aa'. ordain ahrt apply. Purchase Orders will not be Prooataed without iris aPProral and r quirad slgnatyra, 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 07 02/06/2002 18:29 FAX 8039ZII 6.1 PIRELIZ f T STQAIER SERVICE Q 007 SUILMCT Conductor Shield/insul; 649-1997 Specification ICEA 5-97-682 2000 10.1.8. 1/C No. 1/0 AWO Cox malts Tree Retardant Cr( Shield; Concentric Wire St lean Quebec_ t1tn,yl 4 �+ Report No REL/00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 PIRELLI CONFIDENTIAL, Qualification Test Report In Accordance With The ICEA S-94- Ccncentrie Neutral Cables hated 5,000 - 46,000 'Volts and the lccticn For Utility Shielded power Cables, Sections 10.1.3 to l Alumiuum; Thermosetting Extruded Conductor Shield; 175 i Polyethylene Ins llatioa; Thermosetting Extruded Insulation 1J kV; Dry Cured.EPA99/299 Item 1, PIsnt of Mamfacture; U61iYpN The cable design incoxp tin¢; 'Union Carbide HFDA-0800 conductor shield, Union Carbide HFDB 4202 insulation d Union Carbide HFDC-0692 insulation shield was manufactured to and subjected to the Co duetcr Shield/losulation Qualification Test Procedure in accordance with ICEA's 649 =d 6 2 Specifications as supplemented by the following: AEC CS5-96, ICEA Standard S-6&524 IEEE Standard No_ 82 and ICEA Publication T-24.425. This design has success y complied with all testing criteria and has met the qualiiicauda regn1reme is of the IC 's 619 and 682 Specifications and the AEIC CS5-96 Specikoation. Deport has been revised �o include all extended data. We hereby certify that #Iis qualification test report is a true and correct record of testing conducted by Pirelli Cabe Corporation. Written by_ D, it Title: Senior Lab G. Chavarria B. Caporale Approved by: F. Kuchta Tide: H."V & Electrical Lab Maaager }research, Development & Enizineera No this r 3'A�� day of My Commission Expires: Y_ o • z7 C Page 1 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 903693: 02/(18/2002 18:29 FAX 80395110 PAGE 08 @J 008 Report Ng. REL100105 - Revised April 12, 2001 CONDUCTOR _ ])!INSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST MORT IN ACCORD CE'xIITFI TIIE ICEA S-94-649.1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES ELATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS PSA CARTHAGE _--_,PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE m Voltage Breakdowns f IMH VOLTAQE TWM TZU CY1=31) 0 aTINAL CYCLIC AGEA 9ampla Wi . Failure Sample Withstand F4ure 1 ? 13Q Nona 7 > 1420 None 2 >1420 None 8 1340 1380 3 1260 1300 9 1140 1180 Minimum U3 620 Miaittxtcm c` 620 per I--EA-94 649-197& AMC CSS-94 for Standard QuaUftad0a (1) Miaimaut Re er 7CEA 649 and 682, Paragraph 10.1.4 HOT BvLPULSE TEST IML ORIGIN CYCLIC ArYED S Ie WE Failure S le Wldwmd F&U=e 4 2457 2614 10 =0 I 2457 5 2300 2457 11 1671 1823 6 245 2614 12 >2142 End Fatiure mmimum t'l 12 r 1iRimlLm to 1200 (1) Muaxmum Requiremept per it.;k A J4 U F7-17 / ac ElDa� a�-r a c u u iw - Page 2 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 02/06/2002 18:29 FAA 8039511 PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLI SUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE 09 10009 I Report No. M/00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 (ZUALCPiCATION TEST REPORT IN Wr[H TfM ICEA 5-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL. CAELES RAC 5,000 _ 46,000 VOLTS Faihire Analysts nfv Per T1iST SA AP a L .au,� aUL A 549 and 682, Paragraph 10.1.3 & 10.1.4 ORIGINAL SAMPLES. WAIL LOCATIONCInto Test Sectian)/DIRECTION • CAUSE HVTT 1 0.135' Eud Failuro Not Determined 2 3 NIA 0,185" No Failure 10" into Fad Not Determined Not Determined Rot Imp 4 5 0.1f35" 0.177" 12' into teat section/inconclueive 3' into test section/inconclusive Not Determined Not Determined w 6 0.195" 3' into test secuou/inaouclusive Not Determined ' Per IN T 1' and Hot Impulse on Aged S2M]es ICEA 649 and 682, Paxagraph 10.1.3 & 10.1,4 CYCLIC AGED SAMPLES TEST SAMPLE WALL LOCATION(Into Test Sectiou)MIRECTTON CAUSE gym 7 N" No Failure Not Determined 8 0.19:." 10' into test sectio&Anconclusive Not Determined 9 0.18ti" 15' Into test sectionllnside to outside Not Determined Hot Imp 10 0.18 ." 11' into teat section/incooclusive Not Determined 11 0.173" 10' into test secri0n/i1ooac1t1sive Not Determined 12 N/t No Failure Not Determined page 3 of 13 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 10 02; o6/2002 18_30 FAX $p394110 9_ PIRELLI CIISTOMER SERVICE �p10 Report No. RELA Revised April 12, 30,, CONDUCTOR /INSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST RWORT IN ACCORD CE RTIR THE ICEA S-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOR -ONCENTRIC NBUTRAL CABLES FATED 5,000 46,000'VOLTS jAWrj DISBIPAT7 N FA['TOR %) CAPACITANCE (PT-) at Racm Tea, enmte at .7kV 3.7kV .03 1960 (30' teat sect) 02 2020 (30' test sect) d) .02 1030 (15' teat sect)w 0. Maxk Orildnal Cable Requirements pNLY. For Engineers Iufar== Out PARTIAL DISCEARM(PQ ,it 200V/mil Not Measurable Not Measurable Not Measurable s 5* Aging 30 HD1NO (lba) FIELD STRIPPABILITY n Max at -10"C at +40"C Original* 1 .d 14.6 P� P� Cyclic 5 23 6.52 pass pass AWT'1 (120tA 5 83 6.64 pass pass Pmqukeme= 3 ( C 6)" 24* * Orlgi>sat Cable Aegairctaen ON Y. Note: To pass tUe Pie1d S 'gpabi lia Tact the insulation shield must be removable ryltb= tearing or Leaving residual conductive azejal. ou the W3,71adom surface which is sot removable with Usht rubbing. Page 4 of 15 02/07/2002 09:2e _ 1b7JZZZ2 PSA CARTHAGE ?IRELLI„CUSTO1fER SERVICE r._ PAGE 11 toil Report No, REL/00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 S'Ma-DlINSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT IN kNC 3 VYT H THE ICEA S-94-649.1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC N1IITRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 -- 46,000 VOLTS I.nalifieation Test Mechanical Requirements Per ILEA 649 and 682, P Qraph 10 1 7 For Engneeras Infozmation Oaly COND CTOH AND INSULATION SI�LD THIC�SS IN MILS AGING CONAUCTCR SHIELD Min F01pt INSULATION SMELD Mm Max l" 18.3 37.6 40.0 Cycac 19.5 38.5 42.5 Aln&ntrigin AVrr (120d) 17.0 35.8 40,9 Requirement 120 30* 60* `+++gam+ w WQ acctl=W lJ1V:.I I. For EnaaaeeringInfoxmation only SULATION THICKNESS AND ECCENTRICITY AGING INSULATION THICKNESS (mils) MIN MAX AVG ECC Original* 173 192.6 182.2 18.8 Cyelie 171.3 188.9 181.1 17.5 AWTT (121d) 170.6 188,2 ' 179.7 17.6 Requirnnents 165* 205* 175* AEIC 32*AEIC —•�a�- ��-+vyuucluaq ll1V l�I. Min Avaiaga Requirtment of 75 sllS and EccanaidrY Of 32 mils Max is for AEIC ONLY. .Page 5 of I.5 02/07/2002 09:20 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 12 .� �r.`. ,v`ui,.!! PI E.MLLI CUSTD MER SE$VICI Q012 Report No. PJM/06, Revised April 12, 206 CONDUCTOR I DCNSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT IN ACCORD CE W TH THE ICEA S-94-649-1997 spFacIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES RATBD 5,o00 - 46,000 VOLTS j Temperance ROOM 9o°C 110"C 130°c Ralutremenvs s m Volume Resistivity Test VOLUNCE RESISTIVITY (Ohm -maim) f sm ----�� Mf Insulation 2.05 2.57 1.S1 Page 6 of 15 02/07/2002 09.28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE YA6 iPAGE 13 —� cur cou< ae:di wJ851Ig08 __. _ - PIRELLI CUSTOAML.SERVICE � 019 Report No. REL/00109 Revised Aprtl 12, 2001 SI3IkLD/INSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT IN WITH THE ILEA S794-649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES . M3U ;r;� •-. s :1`I�7ii Ci 1 Resistance Stability Test Per'(CEA 649 and 682, Paras3'2ph 9.6.1 RESISTANCE STABILITY (ohm -meters) CONDUCTOR SHIELD INSULATION. SI�LL1 PERIOD TEMI'. VOL. RES. TEMP VOL. RES, I -Day 1308C 1.90 120°C 1.49 14-Day 130dC 1.07 1200C 1.16 28-Day 13001'. 0.74 120°C 0.96 42-Day 1304+. 0.57 120°C 0.66 T"v ^•' 11VIC 0.53 100°C 0.76 90-c 0.60 808C 70"t; 034 60°C 0.64 so 0.19 40°C 0.49 Rt 0.11 Rt 0.41 This sample is in compliace 'th the stability requiremears of ICEA T-24-.25 aed the maximum volum restirity bmits of this specifi=dou- page 7 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE —_ +..`oY4Y11por__ LIRISLL! CUST JER_ SERVICE PAGE 14 Z 014 Report No. REL100/09 Revised April 12, 2001 SHM1.0/INSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT IN NCE WrrH TIM ICBA S-94.649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOIL CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS Breakdowns after Accelergted tivater Treeing' w (1) M=,,a,+,,, RequiremeV per) CZA-94-649-1997 for Standard QUaIM02tiau AWTT, Failure Analysis TEST SAW WAIL LOCATION(Into Test 8ecdon)/AIRECTION CAUSE 120 day PH 7 13 0.171 " 5' into test seedou/ineotlolusive Unitnow-A 14 .18i " 260into test secdonlinside to outside Unkwwa 13 0,17't" 3' taw test section/inconelwive Unnowa 180 day 16 0.1Cr4" Find Fatlure,X in / outside to inside Unknown Pli 6.7 17 0.17i" 3' lnto test.wdoo/inconclusivv Unknown is 0.175" 3' into test secdenlinside w a,*sida Uuknovm 1 year 19 0.175" 4"into test section/lnside to outside UnI¢mwn PH 6.7 20 0.IN7" 3'iato test SeWca/inside to outside Unlmnwn 21 0.1$6" Tinto test section/mcouclusive Utdmown Page 8 of 15 Future orders of jacked cable may be authorized from this bid for a period of two years after confirmation of pricing & delivery with the successful bidder. Any questions or inquiries regarding this bid should be directed to: Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer (970) 221-6778 e-mail: odick fc ov.com may,:/4FAr��/L7E6aI�—t /�.�����.'3.fF�1! _ �47 VN "A60L.> �Z 09/12/01 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 15 .,._ �•. ++. uc r•na ouraollyua_ Pi_RELLI C`Tp1fER SERVICE 015 Report No. REL/00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 4 SHM LDM43ULATION QUALMCATION TEST REPORT IN )ANC1.3 WITH THE ICEA S-94-649.1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCEN=C NEUTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 — 46,000 VOLTS AWTT Plots: 120 day I.,20F.-00 i.00s roo 9.00E-01 a V 6.00E.-01 d 4 01 4.00I 2.001i-01 010011+00 a °off a s g Tree Site flange (rrils) - cd: shield ulsnlation ins sield SMALL BOW TIE TREE COUNT Thtmhem At #r n ..a . --- i--u 3 Size Range (mils) 2:5 6:10 1 la 3 1136 30 Page 9 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 90369 (1Z/UU/Z002 18:32 PAX So3961 M PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 16 PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE laole Report Na_ REL/001k Revised April 12, 2001 SMBIJ)IINSULATrON QUALLFCATION TEST REPORT IN k.NCE WITH TIM ICF.A S-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION Fc,;,L CONCENTRIC MTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS AWTT Flats. 180 day ..i For jwdgerms Information Only I.0(FI+00 - ------ ...... .............. ...... S No Countable Trees OADEOL I ...... 4.110 ...... ------ ...... ............... ........... 2.0oul �00 !2 en cn 7rag SIze Moge (mils) Shield insulatioll-}rim shield SMALL BOW =-Tg= COUNT Umnbers of trees Der sin ronge ter inch ,%Zm RAUge (MRS) fE�EH 1 6:10 in I 1 1.2 116 1 75 Page 10 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 17 02/06/2002 18:32 FAX 80395110 3 - PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE 2 014 Report No. REL100/09 Revised April 12, 2001 SHXELD/INSULATION QUALISCATION TEST REPORT IN 1NCL WIT&THE ICEA S-94649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOR CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS AWTT Plots: 1 Year C CSS-94 Section M, Paratc For EnQmeerin¢ Iufarmazion Only I1.OEi02 I.Ii0E+02 o S•u0E+01 m` a 00 6A0E+Ol H 4,10E+01 S. Awl OJOS4-001 — i i 1 6 S o N Tree Size Range (mils) c dr shield — insulation 1 -4- ins shield SMALL BOW TIE TREE COUNT 9iue liaa=a (p b) 2:s 6:10 1 in' 0.9 E6 :00 Page 11 of 15 02/07/2002 09:28 90369E 02/08/2002 18:32 FA% 8039511 PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLI CUS-10NER SERVICE PAGE 18 Q 018 Report No. REL100/09;'r Revised April 12, 2001 aEI D/INSULATION QUALIFICATION TrST REPORT iN CB WITH THE ICEA 5-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION FOIL CONCENTRIC NEUMAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS Photographs, most significant tree 120 day Magnification 30X General treeing of -2 mils 02/07/2002 09.20 V �/VV/LVuc yO. JJ r PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLL—CIISTOMER SERVICE PAGE 19 12 018 Report No. REL/00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 -DANSULATION QUALTkICATION TEST REPORT TN WITH THE ICEA S-94-649-1997 sPECMCATION t CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 VOLTS PRODUMOIN DATA CONllUCTOR TESTS, Per ICE . S6o-524, Paz=2 DC RESIS ANCF; _165l2/1000' D 0,362' TPMP 'A Hard CONDUCTORS LD TESTS, Per AEIC C35-94, Seaton D and ICHA S66-524, Pact 2 VOLUME RES STMTY 5.95 meter-0Bms 490°C 9.55 i carob (V 130°C TIUCKNESS Miu 1%) 18 mils i YO Aone, 2 to 3 mils PROTRUSIONS; inm none cane CONVOL ON:I nome WAFER E OIL Pa," DLkNMTFR 0.4w, Page 13of15 02/07/2002 09:2 PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE 20 I1020 Report No. RF.7 /00/09 Revised April 12, 2001 .D/WSULATION QUALIMCATION TEST REPORT IN WITH THE ICEA 5-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION R CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CABLES RATED 5,000 - 46,000 voLTs PRODUC'XTXON DATA INSULATION SEkD TESTS, Per AEIC C35-94, Section D and ICEA $66-524, Pw 2 AGED FELON ATION 226.6 % VOLUME RES TiV rY 3.150 meter -ohms 050°C 3.380 meter -ohms g 110°C THICoass ! Pt) 37 miLs VOIDS none, 2 to 3 mtls PROTRU5 ONS Mae WAFER 13 OIL Pass INDENT ax) 5.6 mil STRIPPING SION Bo Swin,-th Amb 10.0 IN MW 11.0 lbs Max Fie d StrlppabEity pass DIAM 0 $40• Page 14 of 15 0Z/QU/ZQ02 16;33 F, PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLI MSTOMER SERVICE PAGE 21 Z 021 Report No. RED,/00109 Revised Apn712, 2001 .-WINSULATION QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT IN WITH THE ICEA S-94-649-1997 SPECIFICATION t CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL CA9LES RATED $,000 - 46,000 VOLTS PRODUCTION DATA INSULATION TS, Pas AMC CS5-94, Section C and F; ICEA 366-524, Part 3 TENSILPM ON ATION Otigiatl # 3325 psi 15VA % Aged n) 112.3 % /112.2 76 HOT CREEP / SIiT 60,0 % 17.0 % VOIDS none, 2 to 3 mils none, ] 3 mils CONTAMAV TION none, 2 to 5 rails cone, > 5 mils none, 2 2 mils ADLAAM 0.765" 15 10 mils total i TAL LIC SHIELD TESTS, Per ICEA S66-524, Part 4 DIMENSIONS 6 #14 AWG, Cu 0.064" Diameter LEC=CAL TESTS, Per AMC CS5-94, Section F AC WITH ANTI Passed 35 kV AC, 5 min PARTIAL DI.S42DUM APD 65pC at 4bo% Vg OT= TESTS CONDUCTOR ois--ME note Rage 15 of i5 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 22 02/06/2002 18:34 FAX 80996110A-_ NULLI CUSTOMER SERVICE 10022 SUBJECT Conductor Shield Specification, For 46 KV. REPORT NO. RNLIM017 Rev. June 28, 2000 PIRELLI CONMENTIAL (nalificaticn Test Report In Accordance With The AEIC C85-94 ed Polyethylene Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through VC No. 1I0 AWG Com asset -Aluminum; Thermosetting Lxtrudee. Conductor Shieid;.175 mils Tree Retardant Czosslinked Polyethylene Insulation; Thermosetting Extruded Insulation Shield; Concentric Wire Serve; 15. kV;. Dry Cured. EO-98-ECD-161 Item 4 SUNL MIAR AND CO CLI[SION The cable design into orating Union Carbide =A-0802 conductor shield, Union Carbide IIFDB 4202 insulation d Cfnion Carbide FIFDC-0692 insulation shield was manufactured by Pirelli Cables and Syst s North America. Qualification testing w s hor:tracted with NEETMC to be carried out in accordance with the Conductor Shieldllasul' tion Qualification Test Procedure in Section M of the AEIC CS5.94 Specification_ The attached revised and final report has beets updated to ticlude all extended data as required by the AEIC CSS-94 Specification. This design has sueees fuil):. complied with all testing criteria and has met the qualification requirements of the AEI Sp,wification, P Z' Approved By: F, L. Kuchta DIiST='U'I'ION: SummaryagnAC Compleft R. Kelley P. Cinquern mi P. Coplen B. Caporale REL MaaterFile R. Dalton B. Truluck Y. Wen ' Page 1 of 1 07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 23 nz/cie/zoos ls:�a FAX $oa a811 98 PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE Z 023 � Pirelli Cable Lim Voltage TPMPE Cable Qaalit"ieation Test Report Final Report 'Onion Carbide Compounds BYDA 0802 HFDB 4202 10DC 0692 NEETRAC Project No. 98-306 May 2000 1 0� ��E gaplcoCp� ` . A Center of Ca,o, The Georgia Institute of Technology No Text L26700 FAX TO: CAROL PARTCH O• 13034670714 N�� Page 1 of 1 MILFORD. NEW HAMPSHIRE 03055 603-673-2040 CITY OF FORT COLLINS _ BID #5671 FORT COLLINS CO 80521 We ere pleased to quote per Your request as lollova: ITEM NUMBER: 126700 109.200 MFT #750 61X EC-H19 FIL-PRSD AA LHL 15KV ORD: E 2385.00 1. xlr-nwTURALmoss- XSC SUPERSMOOTH 1 L DpOLYETFrvLENE .020" 2. B)q-RBIACKmoss- .220" TRXLP UNKED POLYETHYLENE ' POLYEET}OW MiOLENE .040" XSC uUi<ED 12 12 AWG BCW 9. TIOaRTREE RETAR- DANT MOSS,UNKED SEQ MKRS IN FEET POLYETHYLENE LENGTHS: 1400' ON 66"x28"x30" NRR LAGGED 5. HMW-HIGHMOLEM- u WEIGHT e. EPR-ETFIYLENE PRO- PYLENE RUBBER 7. TPI-THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER - HENDRIX OFFERS AN ALTERNATE PRICE FOR 8. X4 EMICONDUCRNG CABLE PRODUCED WITHIN A FOUR MOSSENEKEDPOLY- (4) WEEK LEADTIME $2,433/MFT 9. =-SEMICONDUCDNG POLYETHYLENE 10. AMWPEGLACK HIGH MOLEC WEIGHT POLYETHYLENE 11. BI-APE- ACK HIGH DENSRY POLYETHYLENE 12. H1R -B!-P.O( TRACK -RESISTANT HIGH DENSITY 13. GRi-I[PEGREYTRAIX- RESISTA HIGH DENSTY 16. PJGPOLWINYL G LORIDE 15. FILL -FILLED STRAJJD 16. AA -ALUMINUM 17, Q OPPER 18. SOL-SOLID 19. REG-REGUL 20, l>t6DCOMPiESSED 21, OMTCOMPACT WIRES 23. BGW E COPPER WIRES N. MFT-THOUSANDS FEET M M -THOUSANDS OR - CUR FEET QUOTATION VALID FOR 30 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED."^ST",,.- FOOTAGEM7WKERTAI 28. MT-MYIAR TAPE DEST FGT ALLOWED Net 30 Days 29, QMSCENTEMA R RKED 1i4=A 1' NO 6�'2 srwwD COMMEMS: • A TFE OF ORDER ENTRY. RECONfiA1gTION 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 25 02/06/2002 18:35 FAX 8059511 ea FIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE I028 Pirelli able MiMurn Voltage TR.YLPE Cable QuaUcatloA Test Report NEETRAC Project No. 98-306 Sttttamary At the aequest of Mr, P Cin luemam of Pirelli Cable Corporation, Georgia Tech NEET'RAC perfomned an: AESC Cable Core Q cretior i:Test on a cable core sample made with the. following, Limos Carbide compounds: 4 HFDA 0802 conductor shield • 'REDS 4202 insulation HFIIC 0692 insulation shield This report, contains it tion of the test procedures used and an overview of the test results, The tests were conduc ': acci itding to AEIC C55-94 "Specifications for i Yassliaked Polyethylene InaulatEd Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through 46 kV (1 Oth Edition)' on 15 kV, cromE ked polyethylene qa pg) insulated undergrouT'! r mbles. Samples from the cables were subjected to a High Voltage Time Teet, a Hot Impulse Test, ac lino Test' an Accelerated Water Treeing Test and a Vohrme Rwjsfi ty Stability test. Die cable care sampl .ed above met all tha AEIC CS5-94, Section M,2 qualification test regrutemem. Cable Description , ' . The following cable coi 64M-p was submitted for testing according to the qualification test m*=ects outlined iir AMC CS5- Ideutifim ion > eel: 424519 (0802/B4202/0692) Conductor IX A,NG class B stranded ahuminutxa Conductor Shield: S2 ro s (0.30 rrun} of eV ded setnicanduttmg?MPE. (UCC RiMA 0802) insulation 175i5 ;r7s (4.45 ram) of MB 420 Z Iabulatiou Shield 39.04 (016 mm) of v=ded, semiconducting XLP$.'(LJCC iIt"•I0C 0892) Metallic S[tield 6 No 4 A-? 10 uncoated copper cone emic nenaais Manual Xable, Abbeat Plant 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 _ 02/08/2002 18:33 FAX $0395110 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 26 3 PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE (4028 Test.Prograiu . The PrUZL= CUnsi t9 of ' `ollo'vtng tC5t5: ' • High Voltage'Fune.T ioa Lfnaged Cable Hot apulse On Unag Cable • Load Cycling For 14 • High Voltage,Th= T After Load Cycling ' Volume Resistivity. S tlity'I'est For Conductor and hmiladon Shields •' Hot impulse On Load 'ycled Cable • 120 Day AcceleMtO ater Treeing Test After Lead Cycling • Partial Discharge, Di 'o I Faetcr and Physical Dimensions on. Unaged, Load Cycling and 120 Day AWTT . es High Voltage Tn� T 'Aft= 120 Days in AWTT • 180 Day Accelerated ater Treeing Test After Load Cycling • High Voltage. Time T rAft�r 186 Days in AWTT' • 360 Day'Acw1emted' ata `Treeing Test After Load Cycling • High Voltage Tnne' or 360 Days iu AWIT A, flow share of the test 91= is shown in Figure 1. J. r ;t PAGE 27 19027 120 Day Aaaelcrated Water Traeiag Test No. 6 . Continue AWTf For Total of 10 Days Wgill Voltage Time T08t M.2.1 Samples 16, 17, 18 Test No. 7 - Continue AWTT for Total of 300 Days HiyR Voltage Time Test M.2.1 Samples 19, 20, 21 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 28 02/00/2002 18:36 PAX 80395110 3 _ , PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE ®028 Tearperature Profile Two tez¢perat<2so profiles mgiiired for this test program 'The first is tot; the 14, daYl dY g test The second is for the ace ezatu: water treeing test. Both profiles were established as described below. 14 Day Load CYcle Temperature Profile To establish the obtain a condcctot teraperatute of d30 °C, a 25-foot (7.6 m) "dttrnrxiylength ,to ofcable wouC. E M the shipping reel and placed in a 3-irrCh (76 mm) ditatneter, P VC Jxrrttluit Cuuent d--e on the cable and'the ends of the cortdueter were joined together to.fprm a loop. To rnumto> tlJe;t enducto teitipt.rature two thermocouples were placed on the conductor try chilling radial holes t1h: ix the cable until.i :drili:liit contacted the conductor. Each tbar=eouple .was plated into the hole and• bed in place with epoxy ..;d ail i;ctrne tape. Two thermocouples were also attached to the. outside surface of the cable jacket; The -etrrtmt was., a. i a t :achieve a 13o °C +o/-5 ° C conductor temperature during the last 4'hours of en 8 hour ort; hour urii °` 'erit lad cycle, The required otrrrnnt was 270 Amperes. and thZ,corresponding ,16 instilation'shields approximately 100 ° C, A graph of this dummy cable ttie>znal.profile for the „14- day.load Cycle' Test -§:6j6vn it Figure 2. • ' 14 D+r Load Crcla Cloic Temperet uru " Ja C1.4mit-N9 Water .. eeadect.r C.,e . ^70 AI Conductor, 175 mil mrsO TRXLPE- No Jacket ". . tzv.4 lit rim Im i seta. o eonson s. H.' Sa .. - • 4 .. Tubes outer Tub ,A t Figwe2t 14-Day load Cycle Temperature Profile •, No Text 02/07/2002 09:20 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 30 02/08/2002 18:30 FAX 800951.0 3 FJULJJ CUSTONER SERVICE idj09tl r. i Tf.st I'xocedures " The ptocedurrs outlined m AEI 7 CS5-94 were used'to conduct the High Voltage 1`=0 T664 Hat •lm¢mise l bat, it�ia �jt61b Test1 celerated Water Taxing Test They are briefly desczibed below. 1. High Volhge Tune Test High Voltage Tune Tit le< with a 15-foot (4.6 m) native length wire tanrt ted by.•plWing the cable ends irk the 270.:kV water.Y :;`'i :60 Hz, ae voltage of 17.5 kV (100 Vhml or 3.94 kVhmn) was.then applied for 5-rnmutes; ;The volh W33; nkressed in 40 Vlmil (1.57 kV/mm) steps, 5 mii,utes xt each ttep, until the cable fa bd drt* ii fife i 1 'V ,i U (4331 kVhnm) step was reached. Samples:. L,Z,3,T;8,9,13,14,15,16,1 ,i$J 9,20 and 21 were subjected to this test:. Hot Impulse Test 1 o conduct this test'.the etallv 'shield of the 35400t (10.7 m) Iong sample wa9:r 6m6ved for a distance of 12 . ;beet (4;6 i iu); & each sad the .of Impulse Sample. This allowed the insulation shield fa lie used as a volage gradtog termination titer'-i pulse application The aaraple wrs placed in 15=foot (4,571n);4ong,,3-inch (7 :611P iametsr ncnaaetallia conduit. C'utmat trio sfor6*s vatplaced on the cable to laduce;ciilftt,s the;to' iiCtdr and the conductor ands were joined togtathu rukig ab&e' O:bigh,cturent jumper. ��,,,s grro�peC t>icii;' ' : 1-to the 2.2 MV Maxwell impulse genetntax. Thx be'iniples Wan installed to morutar'fhe msiileh'on d teYtlpezatttrn. Sufficient cumt was induced in the condhicior.m raise the insulation shield ttmperatrrre'to 1v. vidch, as discussed previously, corresponds to a eondnot6r2empetatwa of 130 Ac This' fkmperatiue/' ielationship was established in the temperafu::.profile f6r cyclic aging o begiir the ]rot xiipuise ] 0 positive impulses with a magnitude of 110 kY;'.the BII magmutude for 15 kV - "dais': i%blea i W= 401161.: Ikt:'test sample was then conditioned with three. negative i�nLses at approraraately 65!kV','ii�•itsidaifca':., . `iED's;:82. After conditioning,l0 negative impulses with a maguttrde of 110 kY wets Y Tk uoltage was tlicn oy er the 13IL value in steps of approximately 2S 0 6 of Hzi with em impulses of negative poletfiy a!V l<t Milli step. This procedure was continued until cable liieakdowir.oeaured outside the teraimataons.: The... a ss mqunrd to withstmmd'threa negative bnpu1sw at T 200 V/mil (472 kV, which,' for tins cable, u I0 & V. Samples 4, 5, 6, 10,11 and 12 were iubjaetbd to tlai.b st . i } I i a ti ' 02/07/2002 09:28 02/08/2002 18:37 FA loadin Tkie s cozidu aondu '; vraB G 'i 8':and Zest a To.:co ni116 b PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 31 PIREUI CUSTOMER SERVICE Rail Partial Discharge Test 1000 series corona detector and corona recognition it* was oonnected to a tri =a = the applied voltage and capture the Pgtiw discHatga signal Chc it (7.87 kV/imm), which is 35 kV for this cable. The Pkdg';disofiargc :tie voltage was lowered to zero. Samples 1, 7 and 13 Were subjected to this Dissipation Factor Test' :rrupts were added to the cable just below atchwatei teriziinal.to electrically Ire rest of the cable: A 160 kV, 100 pF Tefeience.capacitor:was connected in able metallic shield was grounded through,: Tettex dissipation factor bridge. iiient temperature for Samples 1, 7 end 13. r: a Thermal Cycling Test Ids 7-21) were Cut from die test reeL Each sarnple,,approicmmately 35 feet (10.67 4-footrl=2 (4.27 m), 3-inch (76 mm) diameter PVC conduit such that the center id in the conduit. The extra length outside the conduit was included far tho high .. rE& Voltage Time tests, The samples were comteeted' a aeries surd erurmzt d to indtrce eurreat in the conductor. ,14 load cycles. Each load cycle consisted of S;.hours Witti txitaeat in the to current in the conductor. The txr =t magrdtutie wds,kt to achieve a 'C during the last four hours of each cw ent-erl pexicd Fhe,regttixed MUIR& ;lie aging temperature profile test After 14 load eyc(es`w .complete XM*Ies 7, igh Voltage Time Test, Samples 10, 11 and 12 Were'subjected to a Trot Impulse .:subjected to the Accelerated Water Turning Test. ' Accelerated Water Treeing Test eater Treeing Test on Samples 13 21, the cable conductors as d the conduits mall plastic water reservoirs were attached to the: end of Bath sample to maintain ut was induced into the' conductor for 8 hours each day to achi. a an insulation :enduit of45 * 3 °.0 by the end of the load' cycle,pe&a .:. ?: voltage of 26.2 kV is applied continuously,. ach weep the Ter c7tperiettced five eonseru#ive, 24•hour load rydb perods 3n116wed by two.11 . iv non -load e'periods: Each of these 24 hour periods is aallkd a day ofaguig I1'rhe Mature No Text 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 33 218:38 PAX 1 0 00/00E % BT A` �_.: ...— PI$gLLI CUSTOMER SERVICE a �099 The, do ies�stance: fl e ilect2odm was imtialjy measured at room t penittiue vstog a ge'w3e(t Packard muliBmetex 'she;bo shi bid sample was then placed in a correction type, fercedilratt circa ling -air tYvwx L a taruperature o 130:9C and the insulation shield sample was plW;d in Si mlmr ovw ii 120 °C Additional resistance m demo were mane with the same equipment after 1 day,14 diy's' 28 days and 42 1 he restsranoe values we� cacv r ed to scsistivity using the fom1r71a P. :volunne resisfivity gkuiyi�eters TL - sfirstanrz in:obzns ' �' . 17 dislnnter (Ivti the ilili c iVe layer in inches d g5abete r?inder the dive layer in inches' . L '+:detAr2ee tfeliveesr a ell trodes in inches 1 `: for the conductor eld:.2 fbr the insulation shield Staln(iiy was detepimm usia '.the lbllawi2rg cdtena 3T:og Pa tl (o-id) .I.OQ,A,(n.s81 + Lo8p(ne2) + 03 `Ce3t!ltesuIts ' 'The tesulnfroni:each ttbb i-JeCtrical and physical tests are described in the following sections. Thigh Voltage Time Test The i31gh Voltage j t irsutis are tabulated in Table l along with the rasniatieiuthrdmess'at the ha ire. .Me ac breakdown ale .also shown graphically in Figure S: They iu:$nde the samples tbat were unaged, samples tf rah weir 1a cycipd,and eaiapl►s that were subjected to the arxr' irted:wa titieiaQ testy Samples 1, 2 anti 3 $re vithatand requirement of 620 V/mri %z tnaged samples Samples 7, 8 and 4 znet the wthitand of `.620 V/mil far samples sobjecWd to load" cyc m and' Samples 1;3,14 and 15 met the sZ60 Vfmrl istand ievi mnent for samples subjected to 120 ttays.k the accelerated water ireeiug hest. � 1 Breakdown Woe. mauurea-mauianon . (V�m�l�* £hiCi�esS At%Failurd oafs) .«. _ 1060 171,: 980 1140 ; L';'170' 1220 1100 940 172 yq0 D177. 900 900 183 740 174 920 >170: 166 .,�� ... ...,..;.ion MO DAYS I 62V I d_ III thiqmcs& No iuregulatities observed at Failures: oltage Time Test • AC Breakdown Values 080210420210692 N o ®'®s a 9 I N � 0 Tes! Samples. tugh Voltage WitbatandTestResults- 0802/7420 12 FAX TO: CAROL PARTCH ._a TERMS &CONDITIONS OF SALE t~ HENDRIX WIRE & CA,BLK INC. (FIEI1II0ItM t • AMMWML&MMH1 This obarrwa, brie ft these To= ant Condilorls lodectivey `Agwmenn SUMUcias all other apemenON or #**Iop� eo *may aft Partlearxmggesangaddfaw a WOW mitre, n e u �r only by wdhn Ww wnt slgled by bdh parties, Th. em nw Anal and brrrrw a orclershea haw arty terse or until a*=Wdged in wdUngby Herwt or and dry pntpoeal br a difaent b y th +mY rkgea enY a fw Mm1e hereof a busby doomed rmedal and a abjecw m and rejeomd. No rams a my documem or loan submitted by Suyershaa a thecae e a der a add b the mars and eondfcre In the Agee nort. U*wa afwnwise sftfad hereto, Buyers rerdpl a arty e partima the goods ('Ceere9 shell oorwtlbtle aocepterxx a this AgrMemerd arrd as a ie toms and andUas, unim Buys immeduey rehrrw all such sh petards teUvaerss shwa termas nIa n 30 *0 from the Wow clam. All lam payments will be Subject to ate chargs of I,S% per month. dedirw a malty dripmen or rr W mgWM pai m nd In advance or OW a�rraVen a Hentalx us Pa Deparutwaf upon whose infomwtlpn Huatix may rylenwrd To eseure due payment, OftP Including mitrechange 000. it, a( R*d 10 without rx%a tordect Handdn% priose at ama at sh nterd and inxeagas in labor or Rend ix shoo be paid withM the out � to carsot airy silos More in spedacaigra a prices. Minimum ands charge is VDD. AM edlourre owed m abatere t,dadrAionMeetoil. 4. WM end Tra_rlr_+aarMtn_n Tams. Shipment awdced d 5Ao0 fed or more for as* or $1,MD or mac of m ose sodea are sold F.O.S. shipping P % hrdljt Xopaid and elbwad, where within the CMbWW United Sales Shipman* Of less then 5,000 tad ($1,000 for amesacdee) are sold F.O.B. shiPPinO Pond, with slsppltlg ant handling doW added to f1e undo. 5. • Aaapmna by nobg me" Harft of PurchgBsra wriblen order Manesuee a Y9as Chben V contract behwgn the parties which, except as othenvea orre(cl, fat sable for Hmanddxt tknYllatlm a modaed without the p� W *dud calaart In the ewrtt PurchBaar rah = to WOW goods Purchaser Of WdOW wills 00 c la white do not exceed the purchase ea the uncle has goods. Cancelhaacn by goolffi will result In arrafatbrr clahred clan the Iwlowkrmunxrlae: A. A ntnbmm charge of 20% at fro salty price via be paid by Purdtresr for analltidon of goods whe iulod for fabdcaWn so days a mite of x""d to the dale Walddx reafw s notice of amcelEaon. B. A minimum sharps of 50% Of the same pia will be paid by Pumhow for oanc Mon of goods whedubd for fabrteatian lees then So days 11J6SOCIU d m the dam He irk reoBlyss notioe of analalim. in fw avant fw above tomlulaa ere inadit to cave cars Incurred by Hendrix Incident to fabillcallon and prior to No recelpt of notice of cancellatim, PrNWMW &W (IMbesM Hnrdds all tech oasts l0wred Addilionaly br by PUMhasa al l0D% a thepier unit pica � �� a 00 unlike febricaetl Pint toorder anon bit paid good Condition by Hendbc The*as�dit by 8Pwchaser rMhin a oesen (18) months ham dam a w0nai shl"nt for full Most m received in aftewtee slowed for return" MIS Is eubpd to dedfatidr by the amount of the coet d repel(& Teen. P(bes aft" of aryl federal stain areal f aft' rule a plag �� n shier 18xe4 a a rnen6 novy a heredssr anposed a levied by a under the SlydltaxB5lra mBf113, ownargfwGOadsS Mheeandworthemanufactureors&thereof. NHendmixpay$ary Buyershall, upon demand, mintu se Hendrix fm such wrcunts. S. fl k d Lw. All risk of lad or r arW to Gooclo ahlppad ha9UMlar ehss peas b Buys upon daavay ow(d to ddBuyer, to Its dBalleigmlamd age*, or ro a k Mho g Her, whkhewr oaths n�t. thrlass athewse dabd all shipmate will be made F.O.B. priot a mood Its e v The alo Ills blew" a aria I engala. atph shall a d-1O% on the abler and +/-togs a ind'wklud reek a call l niJ , All sNRppinp end dwwery dais are eetirrwee end ua based Won ROMOW a Mery al M=information.information.sea on. Denys in ring &Here liable for" ix or of piodmcis eef matalak shall, f reHendrrx so tthooeee, extend fw rise a delivery. Herft ehall rat a dama➢e a any kind whOwsm for delays in ddhey. 11, WiffilIntilleandLIMITATI ON WA A. Hendrix expreeey wdmvb that the Goods (q will anfam m the desaip = and ep Masiforw iragorated Iwrdn wain the gl Ones esmb WW Itereal and (a) wll a bee fmm dried in m eledd and waWrwnehO for a Petri a sate (SM deyw afar shWwd- THESE ARE HENDRDC ONLY WARRANTIES. HENDRIX MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANWFt FITNESS MR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY HENDRIX AND EXCLUDED. S• thereto. grid f ld wdfnp safWi rlw werranry paid a a deed a er,mslwisl a wftmm hp in any Bootle a pen thereof sold wanary gweh herewxer, II ropa'r, ra Rhea a refund � � gooda a pert fw(of are not in aonfm* with fw remSdYfor llatift,bM*hw&mdw,Any cWswnot ft"WWMthlWWertedbP amddesemedwahed shest Thisasuyaesmrdaiw TOTRL P.01 No Text No Text No Text No Text PAGE 39 Q 039 ,`.CRt to the Cable kthis gCaelal vob=ved is bowtiC water the 30 wafito &Provided in a. 111rbUWtiC; %UW&&Wi*1&&WYALE HENDRIX WIRE & CABLE, INC. WMRIIX) C. HendW liability to &yen or anyone claiming though or on behalf of Buyer, with reaped to any claim of Ices arising out of We tranrection of alleged to have resulted from an ad or anisilon of Hendbc, whether negligent or othawMe, and whether In tort, contract, or otherwise, Including failure to deliver, relay in delivery, or breech dwamanry, shoe be Irtiled to an moot equal to the purchase price d the Goods or pat thereof with degas In which such liability Is dekned or, whore appropriate and at the option of Horft to roplacon eat of the Goode or pad tiered. In no case will Pandit be bible for any bodiy iryury, death, or property der age mosArg from or in any way adskg out of the goods or their ado, use, or rteredactue. IN NO EVENT SFW L HENDRIX BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSSES, OR EXPENSES ARISING OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION. D. I Buyer or any okra person, without the prior written consent of Hmxhx, repairs or modifies all or pal of the Goode, or if the Goods are not k*WW or used In compliance with W Wt' directions, this wenantyshall be void as70 71 I A If the Goods are manufactured In accordance with specifications or other directions provided by Buyer, Byer shall indemnify, dotard, and held harmless HmW against all doled, lanes, tiebbhiee, and expeeee pndaAng akorrrys' Jose), which lead x may incur or becane liable to pay with reaped to such Goode, including Wtho d Irritation) dekre rstadg to latent, heden ark, copyright Infringement, or unfair cor petition, stelae of noocorrplienoe with any federal, date, or local law or regulation, and any other claim of any third party which release to or In any way arlees out of such pedlicatlae or diver di edlons provided by Buyer. B. Buyer shall also dndsmnby, Moral, and hold hemiess Hendix against all ddms, eases, 6edlkee, and spreme (edudng attorneys' fees). which Ferrfrk may Sara became Ilabie to pay which ides to or in any way also out of Goode suNwW to: (I) eproper installation or Wrap; f1 accident, damage, starve, or ntisse; (lb) ebnormel operefing owdliee or applications; (k) operating oondim or applications drove the reed capedy of the Goods. 13. EMM. Except as provided in Section 12A with respect to Goods manufactured in accordance with specifications or dmcft% provided by Byer, and provided Buyer has made all psymets de herew der, Flandit shall defend, d its expense, any out or proceeding brought Mason Buyer based upon ley claim that the Goods or any pad thereof Infringe ay United Stale patent Issued as of the dale of Hen rix's quotation and shall pay any danepes and toss awarded Moves against Byer, povided to Hsedk is notified pro" In writing of such claim and Is given full aulhaly, Information and assIsonce by Buyer to defend craft the ark, If the Goods or any pat Mered are deemed to Infringe any such patent, Hmxnk shall, at tea expire and sole option either; procure for Byer the right to centime using said Goode or phi; replace them with non -Infringing Goode or pads; mo* Man so Mey bwwm norrdnff VV g; a remove Man and refund the purchase price for them. 14. Face Manure. Hendrix shell not be liable for ay delay In or failure of perfartrence hereunder due to any contingency beyond Is reasonable control, Including wltleut Ikdhkon: an act of 04 war; clap commotion; sabotage; labor depute, explosion; fie; aaddW power or equlprnert failure; Inability to rain suitable or aBdent labor, fuel. power, or naterlat delay of carrier, anbargo; or any law, ordnance, rule, or regulstion, whether valid or Invall including but not IimHed to prloriy, requlsillon, allocation, or price control. 15. f �y,(I . If Byer Is In default or cnMs a bradh of any of the provbbns at this Agreernan, Hendrix shall have the right to cease work hereunder imrnadietey. Further, keys falls to cure such dWA or Meech within ton (t% dye after written notice Owed from Hand Hendrix may terminate thls Agreement by wrken noble la Buyer. lt Byer close such defaultor Meath within said en (10) day period, this Agreement shall remain in effect except for any edl al n ors to pdW delivery lams, or other provision hsed ldich are necessary or appropriate because of any penrMad cessation of work by Herhdtx. 16. Sm. In absence of aped shipping data, F Kdk shalt have the right to Invoice Buyer and ship the Goods once they are ready for ehipnnerd. If Byer a unwilling tD accept shiprrem d the Goods on the aped shipping doe or as provided in the prior sentence, Hendrix may, at is option, place them in sarege and bill Byer for the storage charges. In such case, risk of loss shall pass to Byer when the Good are placed in slarage, and the date the Goods are placed In storage dote corstihus the data of shipment for purposes of beginning the warmny paled. 17. WWItg, Faihre of Hendrix: at any tine to require Buyefe perinnrance of any obligation under Mls Ag menerd date not died HadW right to require pabmence of hid obligation. Any waiver by Hmdrk of any breech or do" heeuder neat be In writing and shell not be oondnued to be a waiver of ary continuing or suonedi g Meech or default a waiter or modkation of fine provision Beek, or a waiver or modification of any right under this 19. Assm anm . Buyer shall not sesiph this Agreement or any modes due or to become due hereunder, without He nch prior written consent and any attempted asslgvreet without Flendk' prior written ooncent shell be void and, at FlendrWs option, grounds for tendnation of thIs agreement. 19. Governingjam. This Apeenoent etWl be conemed M accordance with the laws of the Jurisdiction in which is located the plant of Heft Producing the Goode, as I sled on the front hereof. July 1,1990 TOTAL P.01 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 01 Preferred Sales Agency 316 W. SABINE ST. • P.O. BOX 1410 CARTHAGE, TX. 75633 903-693-4486 FAX:903-693-2222 e-mail: shough@preferred-sales.com To: Direct r of Purchasing From: Susan Hough City o Fort Collins, Co Fax: 970-2 '1-6707 Date: 02/07/2002 Re: Bid # 671 Pages:�2*, 24`7 Pirelli CC: Rob A urgent ❑IFor Review ❑ PleaseCMWMM ❑ PleaeeReply Please see a shed Bid # 5671 offered by Pirelli, through Preferred Sales Agency, Man claret's Representative. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. Thanksl Susan Hough PSA 02/07/2002 09:20 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 02 02/08/2002 18!27 PAX 8039511 63 PI_RELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE '._.-.` Z 002 IR LLI Repeat printout M Shipping %Int; ENERGY DIV AMPALLE Page: 1 Pirelli Power Cables and S stems USA, LLC Feb 06, 2002 EnPr y 01VIatln. 26e SMW14ge Oew, Cal lob, SC 2fi210 800-e4e-ee07 ,n0.pinlr.00m _ _ _. (Yealetl W: JM11JIN12 Customer Quotation FORT COLUNS, CITY OF PO BOIL 580 FORT COLLINS CO 8057,2 Quote Number: 4017365 Date Ouoted: 02/05/20M Partner Number : 51423 ShIPAII address FORT COLLINS, CITY OF Validity Period: 02/05/2002 ti) 02/20/2002 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521 Territory Number: 117 EDUSUW- PREP SLS C Job Name: BID #576I 5-A QXY238A 1/C 750IC+ 12412 AWG CITY OF FO 01/2002 ANT Al wt/mft: Cu wt/raft: Put-UP6 78 x 1,400 FT Lead Time 8TO General matt THE MY 109,200 FT $2,470.00 USD1 1 6IM' CPRS STRANDSEAL(R) AL, TH C/S, 220 MIL NOM TR-XLPE, 3DBC C/N, UNMACKETED, 15SV. :T COLLINS 30-102 REV. E DTD ADL ENDUM NO. 2. 700.3 LB 258.4 LB Tolaranoe Real Size (KxTxDxDW) -10%/_10% ARO. Unit 91 PRICE INCLUDES THE HIGHT VOLTAGE TIME TEST AND WOOD LAGGING} Thank you for your quuryl 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PAGE 03 ;aiuoi uui 1a^_z'/ PpE 4039511 09_ _ PIR$LLI CUSTOMER SERVICE '0003 ■, R E L , PORT COLLINS, CITY OF aaca z PO Box 5$0 FORT COLLINS CO 80522 Documam No./0aW 4017365 / 02/05/2002 Line # Material Rty Price Price Unit Value Description OF T13E 000020 QXY238A 109,200 FT $2,314.00 LTSD/ 1,000 FT $252,688.80 1/C 750 KCM 1/W CFRS STRANDSEAL(R) AL, SUPERSMOO C/S, 220 MIL NOM TR-XLPE, 12412 AWG DBC C/N, UNJACKETED, 15KV. CITY OF F0 T COLLINS 367-102 REV, E DTD 01/2002 AND DENDUM NO. 2. Al wt/mft: 700.3 LB Cu wt/mft: 258.4 LB Put -ups Tolerance Real Size (FXTxDXOW) 78 x 1,400 FT 10%1-10% Load Time: a TO 10 3 ARO. ameralInstrued : TR13 PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TIM RIGHT VOLTAGE Tam TEST AND WOOD LAGOIN OF'rHEpjn S. Alternative i for item 000010 000030 MIS OUS 1 EA $3,000.00 USD/ I EA $3 000,00 EUGH VOLT GE TTNM TEST Altematiye ite for item 000010 000040 MISC OUE 78 EA $180.00 USD/ 1 ? A $14,040.00 WOOD LA G C3ARGFS Alternative i for item 000010 Items total 269,724.00 Final Amount 269,724.00 FINAL AMOUNT $269,724.00 Thank you for your quaryl 02/07/2002 09:28 9036932222 PSA CARTHAGE PIRELLI CUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE 04 21004 ■ ,INI IE L IL , FORT COLLINS, CITY OF PO BOX 580 FORT COLLINS CO 80522 Page 3 ooc� em rdc.ro 4017365 / 02/05/2002 Line # Material Description Qty Pnoe Rice Unit Value We deliver according to th following terms and conditions: Currency USD Terns of p4PPD Terms of dPM 0 days without deduction ALLOWED Wei t (gra Marking Grross weigB Net weight 332,623.2 L.BMetals Prici Prices are firth fro r 'hi a tarough quoted lead times, .,rrucr nu�: IMPORTANT: EAISE NOTE THIS QUOTA ON IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACKED TERMS & CONDMONS. THERE WILL AD.31TIONAL CHARGE IF CUSTOMER BRING THIRD PARTY FOR TESTING AND SPJ!CTION. HOLD FOR REXAS2 ORDERS WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR PRODUCTION AT THE TIME OF ORDER RELEASE WITH FINAL CUT LENGTHS. CHANGES IN CUT LENGTHS AFTER RELEASE ARE 5UW7.CT TO REVIEW AND CONFIRMANTION BY PIRELId AND MAY RESULT IN AD ITIONAL CHARGES. CERTIFIED TEST REPORTS: CTR'S ARE NO CHARGE IF REQUESTED AT ORDER PLACEMENT. CTR'S REQUESTED A FM ORDER PLACEMENT ARE SUBJECT TO A $75.00 CHARGE FOR BACK COPY. CANCELLATI N: CiRDMtS ARE CONSIDERED NON -CANCELLABLE. EXCEPTIONS ARROZ THE DISCRETION OF PIRELLI CABLES & SYSTEMS LLC AND WILL BE SUBJ. ICT TO CANCELLATION CHARGES. THE CHARGES LEVIED WILL BE COMMENSURATE 1VITH THE RESOURCES COMMITTED TOWARD THE FULPIL.LMBNT OF THE ORDER PLUS I IQUIDATED DAMAGES W AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 15 PERCENT OF THE VALUE OF TH I CANCELED PORTION OF THE ORDER, ISR Signature: John Jiang Te1.. 803-951-1 5 Fax: 803-951-1126 ,john.jiang(Mue.pirclli. com Thank you for your queryi