THIS AGREEMENT is made this c2W day of d 2002, by and between
THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO (hereinafter referred kb as the "City"), and BOYS
AND GIRLS CLUBS OF LARIMER COUNTY, whose address isl608 Lancer Drive, Fort Collins,
Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider").
The Provider is a non-profit organization formed for the purpose of providing educational,
personal growth, and recreational programs for youth from the ages of 6 to 18 years; and
The City desires to engage the Provider to provide educational, recreational and personal
growth opportunities for such youth of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").
This Agreement benefits the Fort Collins community by promoting welfare, safety, morals
and contentment of all inhabitants of the City by assisting in making recreational facilities, activities
and social services available for the use and assistance of the youth of the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Provider agree as follows:
1. Scone of Services. The Provider will provide the following services:
A. The Provider will provide for all the youth of Fort Collins but with special focus on
youths aged ten- to fifteen -years, at a user fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) per youth per
year, a youth center located at1608 Lancer Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado (the
i. The Center will include a game room offering social and recreational
opportunities such as pool, ping pong, foosball, and music, during at least the
following hours (plus any additional hours it is able to offer): 2:30 p.m. to
7:00 p.m. on weekdays when Poudre School District classes are in session,
and 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays that are Poudre School District holidays
or days when classes are not in session.
ii. Provider will ensure that at least two adult supervisors, at least one of whom
must be an employee of Provider, are on duty at all times the Center is open
to the public, and at least one additional supervisor, paid or volunteer, is on
duty in the gym when the gym is open to the public.
iii. Provider will maintain on hand at the Center an adequate first -aid kit and
other safety supplies and equipment, including but not limited to the
following supplies: a number of ice packs, band -aids, antiseptics, gauze
and an emergency blood spills kit adequate to ensure that proper first aid
care will be available to Center participants.
B. The Provider will provide a total of at least twenty-seven (27) Trips (as described
in this paragraph), twenty (20) of which shall be provided prior to August 1, 2002.
Each Trip provided pursuant to this Agreement shall provide recreational
and educational programming for ten- to fifteen -year olds, and will be held
away from the Center. The Trips shall be scheduled seasonally, and shall
include transportation. Examples are trips to sporting events, the zoo,
museums, and other places of interest; concerts and special events; various
activities such as crafts, sports and games held in City parks.
C. An activity or event offered by the Provider that duplicates any program, activity
or event offered by the City for ten- to fifteen -year olds shall not be within the
scope of services to be provided under this Agreement, and shall not be
considered in determining whether Provider has met its requirements under this
Agreement, unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the City in writing in advance
of such activity or event.
D. City staff will meet with the Provider's staff at the City's discretion to be updated
on programming.
Payments by the Citv.
A. For the services described in paragraph 1 A, above, the City shall pay the Provider
Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) per month, payment to be processed after the
receipt of monthly reports as described in paragraphs 4A and 4B, below, for a
2002 total of Forty-eight Thousand Dollars ($48,000.00).
B. For the services described in paragraph 1B, the City shall pay Provider on the
following basis:
The City shall pay the Provider One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per
month, after receipt of monthly reports, for the months of January through
and including July; and
ii. Contingent upon the Provider having provided no fewer than twenty (20)
Trips meeting the requirements of paragraph 1B before August 1, 2002,
and continuing to offer Trips at a rate sufficient to permit the full
performance of the required total of twenty-seven (27) Trips per year, the
City shall pay to the Provider One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per
month, after receipt of monthly reports, for the months of August through
and including December.
iii. In the event the Provider fails to provide the twenty-seven (27) Trips
required under paragraph 1B, the City shall be entitled to withhold any
payments due under this paragraph 2, whether for services described in
paragraph lA or 1B, at the rate of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars
($450.00) per Trip for the shortfall.
3. Employees and Volunteers of the Provider. All employees and volunteers of the Provider
supervising or managing activities at the Center must wear name tags at all times. Provider
agrees to screen all employees, volunteers, and other representatives or agents of Provider using
the background screening procedure attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this
reference. In the event that a background check, or any other information available to Provider,
raises questions about the trustworthiness of an individual for a position of trust working with
youths, such individual shall not be employed or allowed to volunteer at the Center, or in a
manner that would permit contact by that person with youths participating in programs or
services provided under this Agreement.
4. Records and Accounting, Reporting.
A. The Provider shall maintain fiscal accounting records for all costs actually
incurred by the Provider in rendering services to the eligible youth of Fort Collins
under the terms of this Agreement. The Provider shall also accurately record
participation levels for all programs provided hereunder, by Trip and program.
The Provider shall report all such costs and participation information to the City
on a monthly basis, by the 12th day of each month, and in a manner acceptable to
the City. Provider's report shall include a breakdown of how the City's
payments to it have been allocated to Provider's services rendered
hereunder, and shall specifically describe each Trip offered, the number,
identity and age of participants, and Trip accounting.
B. The Provider shall maintain accurate accounts related to its overall operation,
including the amounts and sources of all revenue of the Provider, and the costs
allocated to each of Provider's programs, and shall provide a monthly financial
report for Provider's organization to the City by the 12th day of each month.
C. Provider shall submit to an audit of its records and activities, as may be required
by the City.
D. The Provider will submit all minutes from any meetings of the Board of Directors
of Provider board meetings to the City by the 12th day of each month.
E. All records maintained by Provider in connection with the services provided
under this Agreement shall be made available to the City for review upon request.
5. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 2002. The
Provider shall provide the Service through December 31, 2002.
undertakings and professional services herein prescribed and contemplated as an
independent contractor.
B. That this Agreement may not be enlarged, modified, or altered, except in writing,
signed by the parties as an amendment hereto.
C. That no waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be held or construed to be a
waiver of any subsequent breach thereof.
D. That it is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the only
expenditures to be made by the City under and by virtue of this Agreement shall
be amounts specifically provided herein.
10. Indemnification. Any liability incurred by the Provider in providing services
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be solely the liability of the Provider, and the
City shall incur no liability by reasons thereof. The Provider agrees to indemnify the City, its
officers, agents, representatives, successors and assigns and hold them harmless against any and
all liability or claim of liability arising from any negligent act or omission of the Provider, its
employees, officers, agents or representatives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is signed the day and year first above written.
City Clerk
Asses ant City Attorney
ri pa�
o d S cretary
a municipal corporation
By: �1�....
J=Fischbach, QCity M�anageQr
By:i SIG �
O'Neill, II, CPPO
of Purchasing and Risk Management
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