THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set
to as the "City' and OWEN AYRES & ASSOCIATES, a corporation,
to 'as 'Professional"
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein
1 between the parties hereto as follows
i below, by and
it is agreed by
1 Scope of Services The Professional agrees to provide services in' accordance with
scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of six (6) pages, land incorporated
ein by this reference
2 Time of Commencement and Completion of Services The services to be performed
'suant to this Agreement shall be initiated within three (3) days following xecution of this
reement Services shall be completed no later than June 1, 2002 Time is of the essence Any
ensions of the time limit set forth above must be agreed upon in carding by thl parties hereto
3 Early l_ermmation by Cdy Notwithstanding the time periods contained herein, the
may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing iwritten notice of
nation to the Professional Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties
notices provided udder this Agreement shall be effective when mailed,
to the following addresses
prepaid and sent
I Stream Flow Evaluation The Design Team will evaluate stream flow characteristics
for low, high, and normal summer conditions from USGS gage data These flows
will be used in the hydraulic modeling of the baseline coudition and alternative
2 Baseline Hvdraulic Conditions The Design Team shall develop a HEC-2 hydraulic
model of the project reach to establish a baseline for existing hydraulic conditions
Flow velocity, depth and shear stress for each of the modeled flows will be evaluated
and tabulated It is anticipated that up to five flow conditions will be modeled,
including the low, high, and normal summer flows and the 100-year event
3 River and bank stability The Design Team will review the stability of the current
channel conditions and assess stabilization needs for project alternatives Hydraulic
conditions estimated from the HEC-2 modeling will be used as a basis for erosion
prevention requirements
4 Alternatives Preliminary Designs Once the alternatives have been formulated, the
Design Team will prepare preliminary designs for each alternative, including
budgetary cost estimates Preliminary designs will consist of plan views and cross
section details sufficient to support accurate material volume estimates and
subsequent construction cost estimates
5 Alternatives IIydraulic Conditions A HEC-2 hydraulic analysis will be completed
for each alternative, as necessary, to assess hydraulic conditions for a range of flows
Flow velocity, depth, and shear stress will be evaluated and compared to the baseline
condition results
6 Presentation Graphics The Design Team will develop conceptual presentation style
drawings for each alternative, showing a plan view and cross section views of the
channel improvements
Task 3. Development of the Preferred Plan. Following the selection of a preferred
alternative, the Design Team will
1 Refine the preferred alternative into a master plan map that illustrates specific
improvements in the channel and along the river
2 Revise budgetary cost estimates and identify logical construction sequences
3 Present the draft plan to the Project Team for comments
4 Incorporate comments and prepare master plan exhibit for review by city boards
5 Provide exhibits and staff for public meeting or open house
6 Meet with the Project Team to review comments received by the boards and the
7 Finalize drawings
8 Compile preliminary draft report Provide the City with 4 copies for internal review
9 Respond to city staff review comments and submit I original draft report
10 Review comments and agree upon final revisions with staff Submit final original
document to the City
Poudre River Enhancement Project— Linden to Lincoln
IV. Project Coordination. The Design Team will work with the Project Team to identify public forum
sti ategies and other venues for dissemination of information A summary of the anticipated meetings and
in Formation requirements necessary for the public process is as follows
1 Project kickoff meeting
2 First meeting with adjacent property owners — define site constraints and
3 Constraints and opportunities design charette — with the River Team to develop a
summary of constraints and opportunities
4 Alternatives design charette — with the River Team to formulate three alternatives for
recreational, environmental, and river channel stability improvements
5 Second meeting with adjacent property owners
6 Alternative selection design charette — with the River Team to select a preferred
7 Public Open House — City staff presentation of opportunities and constraints,
process, and preferred alternative Consultant will provide displays and staffing to
assist in open house.
8 Presentation Meetings to Potentially Affected Interests (PAI) — presentations by City
staff Consultant will prepare presentation materials, display boards, and PowerPoint
slides for the preferred alternative
9 Project meetings — monthly meetings with Design Team and Project Team to discuss
project issues and progress A total of six meetings are estimated These will be
interactive working sessions, facilitated by the Design team and will involve (1)
reviewing inventory data and program development, (2) developmg mformation for
alternatives, (3) evaluating alternatives, (4) comments and refinements of preferred
plan, and (5) reviewing final design, costs, and priorities
V. Submittals
Completion Date
Notice to proceed
Approximately May 1, 2001
Composite base map and site inventory
60 days following NTP
Project alternative summary (drawings,
100 days following NTP
preliminary cost estimates, and
hydraulic data)
Preferred alternative exhibits
150 days followmg NTP
Preliminary draft report (text, tables,
150 days following NTP
fi ures, maps, cost estimates, etc )
City Staff provide review comments on
20 days following report
preliminary draft report
Draft report
30 days following receipt of
City Staff provide review comments on
30 days following report
draft report
Final report
20 days following receipt of
Poudre River Enhancement Project —Linden to Lincoln
No Text
With Copy to
Scott Hogan
Bob Smith, Utilities
Opal F Dick, CPPO, Sr Buyer
Owen Ayres & Associates
City of Fort Collins
City of Fort Collins
3665 JFK Parkway
P O Box 580
Bldg 2, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80522
P O Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Fort Collins, CO 80522
the event of any such early termination by the City, the Professional shall be. paid for services
ered prior to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory
:ssional's obligations under this Agreement Such payment shall be the Pri
remedy for such termination
4 Design, Project Indemnity and Insurance Responsibility The I
responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion
of all services rendered by the Professional, including but not limited to deg
speafications, and drawings and shall, without additional compensation, p
ct any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies The Professional shall inc
harmless the City, its officers and employees in accordance with Color
ages whatsoever claimed by third parties against the City, and for the
attorneys fees, arising directly or indirectly out of the
of any of the services furnished under this Agreement The
general liability insurance in the amount of $500,000 combined si
omissions insurance in the amount of $2,000,000
5 Compensation In consideration of the services to be performe
lent, the City agrees to pay Professional a fixed fee in the amount of One
ind Dollars ($118,000 00) including reimbursable direct costs, as set f
formance of the
3 onal's sole right
�ssional shall be
the coordination
plans, reports,
)tly remedy and
mnify, save and
do law, from all
ity's costs and
onal's negligent
ial shall maintain
limits, and errors
pursuant to this
lundred Eighteen
th in Exhibit "B"
hereto, consisting of one (1) pages, and incorporated herein by this
and costs shall not exceed One Hundred Eighteen Thousand Dollars
acknowledge that EDAW, Inc is not a party to this agreement However,
to be provided by this subcontractor shall be the rate paid by the City
these services If the amount charged by this subcontractor exceeds the
" the excess amount shall not be paid or owed by the City The limitation on i
set forth in section 4 herein shall apply to all rates listed in Exhibit "B" including su
MII nthly partial payments based upon the Professional's billings and itemize(
permissible The amounts of all such partial payments shall be based upon t
City -verified progress in completing the services to be performed pursuant her
61ty's approval of the Professional's actual reimbursable expenses Final paym(
following acceptance of the work by the City Upon final payment, all design
specifications, drawings, and other services rendered by the Professional shall
property of the City
6 City Representative The City will designate, prior to commence
project representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority,
proper decisions with reference to the project All requests for contract interpr
orders, and other clarification or instruction shall be directed to the City Represe
1 7 Project Drawings Upon conclusion of the project and before fi
Pri fessional shall provide the City with reproducible drawings of the project co
information on the project as constructed Drawings shall be of archival quality, p
mylar base material using a non -fading process to prove for long storage
PSA 05/01
rence All such
18,000 00) The
ie rates listed for
the Professional
s listed in Exhibit
Dreases in prices
)contractor rates
statements are
e Professional's
to and upon the
nt shall be made
plans, reports,
)ecome the sole
ment of work, its
II necessary and
lotions, change
)al payment, the
itammg accurate
epared on stable
snd high quality
8 Monthly Re ort Commencing thirty (30) days after the date of
-eement and every thirty (30) days thereafter, Professional is required to
Dresentative with a written report of the status of the work with respect to the
Schedule, and other material information Failure to provide any required
at the option of the City, suspend the processing of any partial payment requr
9 Independent Contractor The services to be performed by Pro
oflan independent contractor and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins
responsible for withholding any portion of Professional's compensation
anent of FICA, Workers' Compensation, other taxes or benefits or for any o
10 Personal Services It is understood that the City enters into this
the special abilities of the Professional and that this Agreement shall be
for personal services Accordingly, the Professional shall
nor delegate any duties arising under this Agreement
of the City
11 Acceptance Not Waiver The City's approval of drawings,
rations, reports, and incidental work or materials furnished hereunder sha
the Professional of responsibility for the quality or technical accuracy of the
approval or acceptance of, or payment for, any of the services shall not be cc
a aiver of any rights or benefits provided to the City under this Agreement
12 Defaull Each and every term and condition hereof shall be de
nent of this Agreement In the event either party should fail or refuse to
terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default
13 Remedies In the event a party has been declared in default,
PSLA 05/01
execution of this
provide the City
cope of Services,
rnthly report may,
ssional are those
The City shall not
sreunder for the
ier purpose
agreement based
onsidered as an
Cher assign any
the prior written
designs, plans,
II not in anyway
work The City's
to operate as
to be a material
according to
i defaulting party
shall be allowed a period of ten (10) days within which to cure said default In the event the default
remains uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the Agreement and seek
damages, (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific performance, or (c) avail
himself of any other remedy at law or equity If the non -defaulting party commences legal or
equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the
non -defaulting party for the non -defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred
because of the default
14 Binding Effect This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers, employees,
agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assigns of said parties
16 Law/Severabihty The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction,
interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement In the event any provision of this
Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement
PSA 05/01
. t4tyavt.� t..tY.:ti
c E6�7EST W,.
Assistan City A
Corporate Secre ary
PSA 05/01
V Fischbach
City Manager
gJ mes B O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Direc of Purchasing & Risk Management
By 2 j—c
Title Ge 'pIz;SIDv,3-T-
Date q ZS /o I
(Corporate Seal),?=3"
September 10, 2001
SUBJECT: Poudre River Enhancement Project - Lincoln to Linden
CONSULTANT: Ayres Associates, Contact Scott Hogan
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Bob Smith, Utilities — Lead, the Project "Team is made up of members
from the following departments — Storrnwater, Parks and Recreation, Advance Planning, and Natural
Resources The Design 'I earn is made up of representatives of the consulting firms of Ayres and
Associates and EDA W The River'l eam is made up of several city departments and individuals within
the City organization with an interest in the Poudre River
I. Project Area. The project area for the services defined within this scope of work is delineated in
Figure 1 The study reach extends along the Cache la Poudre River reach from Linden Street
downstream to Lincoln Avenue The improvements for this phase will be focussed within the project
area, but will be consistent with the adjacent improvements identified by the Downtown River Corridor
Improvement Plan
IL Project Purpose. To initiate a project that inlegiates of balances bank and channel stabilization
measures, riverbank iecication activities, historic structure compatibility and enhancement, sensitive
landscaping of riverbank ecosystems, river habitat and property owner activities on each bank of the
Poudre River from Lincoln Avenue to Linden Street
M. Description of Services Required Consultant shall provide expertise in the following areas (1)
Floodplam I lydrology and Hydraulics, (2) River and Bank Stability, (3) Terrestrial Biology, (4)
Graphics, (5) Fdc,ihtation, (6) 1 andseape Architecture, (7) River Bank Recreation, (8) Pcioutting
Requirements and (9) Final Report Preparation 'I he Consultant shall assemble a design team consisting
of internal staff members and subconsultants who arc well vused in these areas of expertise Services
shall include a detailed inventory of ecological, recreation, historical, and river and bank stability
constraints for the reach and to provide final documents thal meorporales the various visions for the river
reach which will be used to direct the preparation of the, final constriction plans and specifications
Analysis will be performed on alternatives, which will involve the generation of cost estimates, cross -
sections and artist renderings of the alternatives, and phasing tecommendations of the final project
Materials generated from these services will be used in future phases for the generation of the
construction plans and specifications that will be used for the construction of [lie project Specific
emphasis shall be placed on balancing property ownet rights with soft bank and river stabilization
measures, riverbank recreation, historic compatibility and enhancement, sensitive landscaping of
riverbank ecosystems, and river habitat Balancing river encroachment on one side of the river with
expansion on the opposite bank Designs shall not proclude consideration of future recreational river
channel enhancements A specific description of each task follows
Pouch e River Enhancement Pi otect — Linden to Loicohi
Task 1. Site Inventory. The consultant shall conduct an inventory of existing conditions along
the project reach to provide sufficient information for the development of three project design
alternatives The site inventory will be limited to the top of bank on the west/south side of the
river and 200 ft landward of the top of bank on the northleast side of the river The main
objective of this task is to clearly identify the environmental and physical design constraints for
the project Meetings with the City River Team may be necessary to gather and verify existing
information At a minimum the inventory will include the following tasks
Site Survev. The contractor will conduct a survey of the project site to gather
information for the project base map At a minimum the survey shall identify (1)
location of existing utilities (i a stormwater outfalls), (2) limits of existing bank
protection, (3) location of trees greater than 6 inches in diameter, (4) staked wetlands
limits, and (5) channel cross section data necessary to supplement the 1999 City
mapping data and physical improvements such as trails and signage All survey data
will be referenced to the NAD 83 horizontal and NDVD 29 vertical datum's
Research and Review — The consultant will gather and review existing plans and
studies that are related to the project area and the development of future plans The
consultant's biologists will contact City of Fort Collins Natural Areas personnel to
gather all species lists (flora and fauna) for the Poudre River Trail, which will be
used as a checklist for a baseline inventory The consultant will also gather
historical aerial photographs of the corridor, if available, and search Colorado
Division of Wildlife (CDOW) NDIS and iJ S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
databases for records of rare, threatened, and endangered species occurrences along
the Poudre River in Fort Collins Existing fishery information will be documented to
the extent that it currently exists for this area of the river
Wetlands Manpine—The consultant will determine the extent of U S Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) jurisdiction for the Linden to Lincoln reach of the Poudre River
Based on a preliminary field inspection it appears that USACE jurisdiction will be
limited to the width of the river below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM).
That is, there are no adjoining wetlands immediately next to the river channel fhe
consultant will gather U S Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station data to
quantitatively estimate normal high water levels, which will be compared to
qualitative field indicators (vegetation, drift and scour lines) and used to field
delineate OIIWM OHWM will then be staked and surveyed by the consultant,
Terrestrial Ecology Survey— The consultant's biologist's will complete a field
inventory of the Linden to Lincoln Poudre River corridor that covers the river
channel and associated vegetation, as well as a 200' buffer on either side of the
channel A reconnaissance -level survey will also be conducted for river reaches
immediately up and downstream of this reach, which wil I enable a general
comparative analysis of the disturbed Linden to Lincoln reach to more pristine
portions of the river corridor
5 Recreation and Physical features Inventory —Physu al features will be identified and
portrayed on the base map
Poudre River Enhancement Project —Linden to Lincoln
6 Site Inventory Mao A composite map of the project area will be prepared,
summarizing the information collected from the site inventory The map will be
formatted for use in project presentations
Summary Report A summary report will be prepared that describes and
characterizes plant communities present, dominant flora and fauna in the area, the
extent of USAGE jurisdiction, and the potential for state and federally listed species
occurrence Based on a comparison to other nearby river reaches, the report will also
describe what the ecological condition of the Linden to Lincoln reach was prior to
industrial disturbance
Task 1. OPTION ITEM: Oxbow Area inventory
Site Survey The consultant will conduct a survey of the entire oxbow area (Figure
1) to gather additional information for the project basemap At a minimum the
survey shall identify (1) location of existing utilities (i a stormwater outfalls), (2)
location of trees greater than 6 inches in diameter, and (3) staked wetland limits All
survey data will be referenced to the NAD 83 horizontal and NDVD 29 vertical
Wetlands Ma m —Much of the Kiefer "oxbow" property is currently heavily
disturbed by surface grading and placement of various fill materials IIowever,
remnant riparian vegetation occurs onsite, and some depressional areas appear to be
supporting woody and herbaceous wetland vegetation Given that the oxbow
property appears to now be hydrologically disconnected from the river channel, it is
unlikely that any of the riparian or wetland vegetation would fall under USACE
jurisdiction Nevertheless, a closer field inspection, including some data collection,
will be needed to confirm this suspicion The consultant's wetland specialists will
complete a field determination of USACGjurisdictnin onsite Any likely
jurisdu.tional wetland areas will be staked and then surveyed by the consultant
Terrestrial Ecology Survey/Summary — The consultant's biologists will complete a
field inventory of the Kiefer "oxbow" property. A summary report will be prepared
that describes and characterizes plant communities present, donunant flora and fauna
in the area, the extent of USACE jurisdiction onsite, and the potential for state and
federally listed species ocwrrence
Task 2. Development of Alternatives. Based on the vision in the Downtown River Corridor
Implementation Program recently adopted by the City, the Design Team will work with the River
Team to further define the specific recreational, ecological enhancement and streambank stability
program elements and requirements for this reach of the river, and formulate a plan that
addresses to the extent possible the desires of the River Team and the: property owners It is
assumed that 3 alternatives will be developed that illustrate various have is of recreational facility
development, enhancement options and stabilization concepts These will be illustrated in plan
and sketches Key tasks will include
Poudre River Enhancement Project — Linden to Lincoln