HomeMy WebLinkAbout129614 PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS - CONTRACT - CONTRACT - 129118LEASE AGREEMENT THE DOCUMENT COMPANY XEROX Customer's legal Name (Bill to) _ i 1 Ty OF- -^ /d i _(N J b 11 S- _- Check all that apply Name Overflow (if needed) _o-L ly'LVs itnf--� _J),T4r_I•wsH -_❑ Tax Exempt(Certificate Attached) Street Address ----- --------------❑ ❑ Assoc /Coop Name Negotiated Contract # {0177 9� Box#/Routing _ -P-0-- AC A _ - _5-F�❑ Attached Customer P 0 #s Supplles_ City, State PT _--___- (__, L"" Zip Code iu3: - Q.5 ❑ State or Local Government Customer Tax ID# Int Rate— % Total Int Payable Customer Name (Imtzll) L'C Fr T_ _� I )! n 5_ _ _ ❑ ReplacemenUModificahon of Prior Xerox Agreement NamL Overflow (if needed) - - -- -- - _ _ - _ _ - _ Agreement eoveiing Xerox Equipment Senal# (or 95#) Installed at Street Address -1 U+O O'C_')— � � - _ _- is hereby ❑ modified ❑ replaced Effective Date__ _ — —V�I _ Comments Floor/Room/Routing - - - _ - G, F7 �lloS - _ _ - _ _ _ -Erase lntorrnatron ® ep City, State _ LemeTer m Piq months Zip Code - _ _ T- - - _ - _ ❑ Supplies included in Base/Print Charges County Installed In L.6-r- I t,otY _ -- _ _ -, ❑ Refin of Prior Agm't ❑ Xerox (95#L ❑ 3rd Party Eq Customer Requested Install Date _ _/_ _/ Aim Refin $ Int Rate S.0 % Total Int Payable $ Product (with scrod number, if in place equipment) Purchase Option Down Payment Prev Install Fin'l Interm Cost Install C 245 $ $ ❑ ❑ ❑ $ ❑ ❑ El $ ❑ ❑ ❑ $ ❑ ❑ ❑ $ ❑ ❑ ❑ $ Y. YMINIMUM MONTHLY LF'ASE PAYMENT (excl of applic taxes) Price Information ❑ Adjustment Period Period A - Mos Affected Monthly Base Charge $ Monthly Base Charge $ Print Charge Meter 1 'r„,;��Ij Pnn[Charge Meter I =,'afi)q',t r Prints I Prints I - $ Prints - $ Prints - $ Prints - $ Prints - $ Print Charge Meter 2 it s� $dti I Print Charge Meter 2 Prints I - $ Prints 1 - $ Prints - $ Prints - $ Mo Min # of Prints Mo Min # of Prints (based on Meter I Print Charges) (based on Meter I Print Charges) Period B - Mos Afteeted Monthly Base Charge $ Print Chat ge Meter I -,y'"�',yG'3,"*`,m,;n=G Prints I - $ Prints $ Prints $ Print Charge Meter 2 at:(rt3t'E„ Xk;j , Prints I - $ Prints $ Mo Mine of Prints (based on Meter l Print Charges) n n—t.—d Q„ nhoc Mr-h nF,n,n„ n flr t ,cte 1-1 Aoolication Software Reorder # Qty Description Price Software Title $ Initial License Fee ❑ Cash ❑ Finance Annual Renewal Fee ❑ Support Only $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ Total Price = $ Toml Initial License Pees = $ ❑ Trade -In Allowance Final Principal Payment# Manufaetmer Model/Sepal# I Allowance $ $ $ Total Allowance= $ Total Allowance Applied to ❑ Trade -In Equipment Balance $ ❑ Puce of Replacement Equip $ Agreement rresenceurn Joy r/70 Name 5' ICet141 Phone IO'l-6iZ'] Xerox Corporation - Acceptance By Name Date Signature Form 51860 (10/97) ❑ K-16 Billing Additional Options (check all that apply) Suspension ❑ Run Length Plan ❑ Fixed Puce Plan (check I as required) ❑ Per -Foot Pricing Months affected ❑ Extended Service Hours ❑ June only Description /S mo ❑ July only ❑ Comp Replacement Program $ ❑ August only ❑ Attached Addenda ❑June - July form# ( )form# ❑ July - August