HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - RFP - P742 CIVIL ENGINEERINGServices Purchasing Division of ForKollins 23, 2000 Terry J Rodrigue, P E J R Engineering 2620 E Prospect Rd , STE 190 Fort Collins, CO 80521i RE Civil Engineering Design/Drafting Services Work Order PSA :odngue )lease find your copy of the signed contract for the above -mentioned 7Neill II, CPPO Purchasing and Risk Management in Lang, Engineering 256IW Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division Citv of Fort Collins February 3, 2000 Bruce H Perryman, P E President AV II Professional Corp 1035 Westland Road Cheyenne. WY 82001 Mr Perryman ThelCrty of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written Request for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms J R Engineering S AlMiro Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the time: expended by your firm in preparing your written respor continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and look forward to works B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management my to our listed below We hope you with you in the 256 W Mountain Avenue ^ PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division Citv of Forf Collins 3, 2000 Michael D Middleton P E Drexel Barrell & Co 4840 Pearl East Circle STE 114 Boulder, CO 80301 2475 r Mr Middleton City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written uest for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms J R Engineering S A Miro Muller Engineering Company we appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written respor continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and look forward to works I O'Neill II, CPPO of Purchasing and Risk Management response to our listed below We hope you with you in the 256 W Mountain Avenue 4 PO Box 580 • Port Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division ry 3, 2000 W Sam Otero, P E Director of Engineering Balloffet & Associates, Inc 345 East Mountain Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524 Mr Otero City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your writter uest for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms J R Engineering S A Miro Muller Engineering Company appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written r unue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and look forward to cerely, B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management J response to our listed below We hope you with you in the 256 W Mountain Avenue n PO Box 580 o Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • rAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division February 3, 2000 Douglas W Masson, P E President Masson & Associates, Inc 14202 East Evans Ave STE 100 Aurora, CO 80014 Dear Mr Masson The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written response to our Request for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services Proposals were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms are listed below J R Engineering S A Miro Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the lime expended by your firm in preparing your written response We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and look forward to working with you in the future; Sincerely, (Jame B O'Neill II, CPPO If or of Purchasing and Risk Management 256 W Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • PAX (970) 221-6707 Adminl9tive Services Purchasing Division a � � February 3, 2000 Mark Nothaft, P E Senior civil Engineer Morrison Knudsen Corp 10822 West Toller Drive Littleton, CO 80127 Dear Mr Nothaft The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written response to our Request for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting SE:rvices Proposals were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms are listed below J R Engineering S A fvhro Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and look forward to working with you in the future Sincerely, C Jictor s B O'Neill II, CPPO Dof Purchasing and Risk Management JBO/imv 256 W Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 o Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 2216775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division February 3, 2000 Denis V Kelsch, P E Director of Engineering Accurate Consultants, Inc 1008 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020 Dear Mr Kelsch The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written response to our Request for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services Proposals were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms are listed below J R Engineering S A Miro Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' protects and look forward to working with you in the future Sincerely, Jame% B O Neill il, CPPO alr for of Purchasing and Risk Management JBO/hmv 256 W Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 0 To Phone Attention Letter of Transmittal James B O'Neill 11, CPPO City of Fort Collins 256 W Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins, CO James B O'Neill, II We are sending you DAttached ❑Under separate cover via ❑ Disks ❑ Originals ❑ Documents ❑ Prints ❑ Mylars ❑ Sepias j-R ENGINEERING A Subsidiary of Wesbien 2620 G Prospect Rd SUlt, 190, Ft Collins CO 80525 970-491 -9888 i FAX 970-491,-9984 • www lrengmeerrng wm 1;°� r��R �a(tf1➢ � S x4 ¢�a Date _ 2-154 Job Name _ Civil _ Job Number Re Work the follow ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Other PSA No of Copies Remarks 4 -Description Contract documents I� f These are transmitted as checked below ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copses [—X]As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected ❑ For review and comment ❑ For recording ❑ For bids due ❑ Plans returned after loan to us If material received is not listed above, kindly notify us at once. Transmitted by ❑ First Class Mall ❑ Certified Mail ❑ FedEx ❑ Pick Up ❑ Messenger Copy to for approval for distribution prints Signed Received By To ve Services Purchasing Division LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Carrie Daggett, Assistant City Attorney John Fischbach, City Manager Wanda Kra)icek, City Clerk James B O'Neill II, CPPO �J�g -- Director of Purchasing & Ris en ana t February 16, 2000 " Re I RFP #P-742 - Civil Engineering Design/Drafting Services A find four (4) sets of contract documents regarding the above-mentic you approve as to form and forward to the City Manager for signature J R Engineering received the award through the normal RFP process , please forward to the City Clerk after you sign the agreement Wanda, please call Purchasing, Jim will come over, sign the contracts and signature Would you call Purchasing when that is completed you matter you attest his 256 IW Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Admin ative Services Purchasing Division 10.2000 Terry J Rodrigue, P E J RI Engineering 2620 East Prospect Rd Suite 190 Fort; Collins, CO 80525 Re I Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services Work Order PSA Mr Rodrigue I have enclosed four (4) sets of contract documents regarding the above captioned) matter Please sign the four copies and return all copies to me After the signatures have been obtained, a copy of the agreement will be sent to you II, CPPO asing and Risk Management 256 W Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221 6775 (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division February 9, 2000 Robert G Carlson, P E , President Muller Engineering Company, Inc Irongate 4 Suite 200 777 South Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood. CO 80226-4331 Mr Carlson The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your presentation on Proposal #P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services The firm selected for this project subject to contract negotiations is J R Engineerng Although you were not selected for this project, we appreciate the time you ex your proposal presentation We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort looklforward to working with you in the future B O'Neill II, CPPO of Purchasing and Risk Management in preparing projects and 256 W Mountain Avenue ^ PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 < FAX (970) 221-6707 in ative Services Purchasing Division February 9, 2000 Ted A Borstad, P E S A Miro, Inc 3500 John F Kennedy Parkway STE 300 Fortl Collins, CO 80525 Borstad r of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your I #P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services Thel firm selected for this project subject to contract negotiations is J R on )ugh you were not selected for this project, we appreciate the time you expended in preparing proposal presentation We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and forward to working with you in the future Sincerely, B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management 256 W Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 > (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division 20 ary 3, 2000 y J Rodrigue, PE President/Director of Operations Engineering ) East Prospect Road STE 190 Collins, CO 80525 r Mr Rodrigue ou have been informed by telephone, your firm has been selected for an ore uest for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services interview will occur on Tuesday, February 8, 2000 at 1 30 a m in the i at 281 North College Ave in Fort Collins the interview, you will have 15 - 20 minutes for a formal presentation in irements of the Request for Proposal and then there will be a question and :) 25 minutes your information, the other firms selected for oral interviews were S A Mi sneering Company, Inc We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response, to your oral presentation B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management for our Conference se to the period of Inc and Muller look forward 256 Mountain Avenue • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division ?000 Willie E McGriggs, President Drafting Services, Inc P Oi Box 20556 Jackson. MI 39289 156 Mr McGriggs City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written jest for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms J R Engineering S AlMiro Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written respor continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' protects and look forward to works fly, r B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management to our listed below We hope you with you in the 256 W Mountain Avenue -- PO Box 580 • Fort Collis, CO 80522-0580 e (970) 221-6775 • F_AX (970) 221-6707 Services Purchasing Division Citv of Fort Collins 3, 2000 Jerry L Adamson, ASLA Operations Vice President The Schemmer Associates 2140 S Ivanhoe St STE 6-8 Denver. CO 80222 5748 Mr Adamson The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written response to our Request for Proposal P-742, Civil Engineering Design and/or Drafting Services Proposals were received from eleven (11) firms The three (3) top ranked firms are listed below J R Engineering SAMvo Muller Engineering Company We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response'. We hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' protects and look forward to workinglwith you in the B O'Neill II, CPPO r of Purchasing and Risk Management 256 W Mountain Avenue ^ PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 ° FAX (970) 221-6707