North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Phase 11 Transit Needs Assessment Study and Implementation Plan 2007
Town of Castle Rock
4175 North Castleton Court
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Contact Lisa Streisfeld, Project Manager (303) 814-6415
TransitPlus and Fellsburg, Holt and Ullevig developed a framework for guiding the growth of
transit services in the Town of Castle Rock, which identified the basic goals and objectives to
guide the alternatives and provide the foundation for service standards Service standards
setting targets for the system were identified and used in determining when service will be
initiated We met with the Community Advisory Group and held an open house to obtain
guidance on the issues and inform a broad segment of the public about the goals, standards
and alternatives The team analyzed critical factors Impacting the final alternatives, Including
financing, capital requirements for passenger facilities, fleet, customer facilities, and
maintenance facility requirements A comprehensive marketing plan was developed that
included marketing strategies, evaluation, and was geared to each service type and market An
implementation, transit management and 10-year financial plan were developed for the selected
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill, Cady Dawson, Emily Jackson, Holly Buck
2035 Statewide Transportation Plan 2007
Colorado Department of Transportation
Devision of Transportation Development
4201 E Arkansas Ave Shumate Bldg
Denver, CO 80222
Contact Kathy Engelson, Project Manager, (303) 757-9770
FHU was a part of the consulting team hired to update Colorado's Statewide Transportation
Plan to 2035 FHU was responsible for completing the plans for the Upper Front Range and the
Eastern planning regions The intent of the statewide plan update is to integrate the Regional
Transportation Plans for the 15 Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Transportation
Planning Regions into a single plan that reflects a statewide vision for the future of Colorado's
transportation system The plan will provide an inventory of the transportation system, an
understanding of the future demands and needs on the system, identification of the funding
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
requirements to meet these needs, and policies and strategies to implement the desired
transportation system
Key Personnel Jenny Young, Debbie Scott
North Front Range MPO Grant Management
419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Contact Vicky McLane, Project Manager, (970) 224-6059
This project has two parts preparing grant applications for CDOT funding 5310, 5311, and 5316
projects and preparing a project management plan for the FTA Section 5316 (Job Access
Reverse Commute) and FTA Section 5317 (New Freedoms) programs The grant applications
have been completed and the program management plan is underway For the grant
applications, information was gathered from Larimer County providers for a consolidated
application covering three providers A separate application was prepared for a Mobility
Manager for the MPO region and assistance was provided on applications for regional transit
services for the City of Greeley and on rural services for Weld County Mr Brad Patterson
(970 350,9282) and Mr Richard Guest (970 498 6872) may also be contacted as these were
individuals with whom Emily Jackson worked with directly
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill, Emily Jackson
Weld County Transit System Assessment 2007
Weld County Department of Finance and Administration
915 10' St
P O Box 758
Greeley, CO 80632
Contact Don Warden or Monika Mika (970) 356-4000 ext 4218
This was an assessment to review compliance and management concerns regarding the Weld
County Human Resources Transportation system It included interviews, review of reports and
data, development of findings, and identification of options for the direction of the system in the
future Recommendations were made to the County Commissioners on management
improvements, how to maintain compliance with various fund sources, and on policy options for
the future
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill, Cady Dawson
Winter Park Transit Study 2006 - 2007
FHU Engineering, for Winter Park, Colorado
6300 South Syracuse Way, Suite 600
Centennial, CO 80111
Contact Dave Hattan, Project Manager (303) 721-1440
TransitPlus prepared a long-range transit plan for the Winter Park and Fraser Valley area This
study was part of a long-range multi -modal transportation plan that included roadway planning,
downtown circulation and design, and an economic analysis For the purposes of the transit
mode, Suzanne O'Neill prepared a short-range element reflecting the activities needed to
transition service from a resort operation to a public operation Along with visitor movements,
employee transportation and demand response services for people with specialized needs was
addressed A capital and financial plan was prepared This project was prepared under a
contract between Intrawest Corp and FHU The Town of Winter Park and Grand County were
also partners
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill served as project manager and planner
NFR 2035 Transportation Plan Update 2007
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization
419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Contact Suzette Mallette, Project Manager, (970) 416-2257
Since transportation planning, especially in a dynamic area such as the North Front Range
(NFR), is an evolving process, the North Front Range Transportation (NFRT) and Air Quality
Planning Council (AQPC) retained FHU to revisit, update, and refine the 2015 North Front
Range Regional transportation plan (completed in 1994), expanding the time horizon to the year
The study process included an inventory of the existing transportation system, land use and
travel demand forecasting to the year 2020, an identification of improvement projects to be
included in a Vision Plan for 2020, and priontization ranking of these projects The final ranking
of these projects was combined with funding limitations to establish a financially constrained
plan, reflecting the projects, which will likely be implemented with the available resources FHU
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
was subsequently retained to prepare the NFR 2025 Regional Transportation Plan Update with
a similar scope as the 2020 plan The firm has recently been assisting the MPO with the
preparation of the 2030 and 2035 Regional Transportation Plans
Key Personnel Jenny Young, Debbie Scott
Southeast Transportation Authority Management 2000 — 2006
Southeast Transportation Authority
30 South Raritan Street, Denver, CO 80723
Contact Nancy Sharpe, Board President, (303) 995-3663
Management of the Southeast Transportation Authority, including oversight of the contract
operator (Laidlaw), governance, finance, planning, marketing, and grant activities Suzanne
O'Neill served as Manager from 2000 through the end of 2006 when the Link bus service was
discontinued as a result of light rail opening Over the course of this project, Suzanne carried
out a variety of activities, from service planning to purchasing equipment One activity related to
the Summit Stage project was to develop light rail access services for the Southeast Corridor
This project initiated with the Southeast Transportation Authority as a joint project with the Joint
Southeast Public Improvement Association and RTD to develop feeder routes for the Southeast
Corridor Suzanne O'Neill served as Project Manager and contracted with TDA to evaluate the
need for transit services She was a primary architect of the study, along with Bill Eiger and
David Leahy of TDA The initial study was used by RTD in developing their service plan
A transportation management association was formed in the corridor, and is now housed
through the Southeast Business Partnership The TMA continued this project by hiring Suzanne
O'Neill to evaluate RTD's plan and work with RTD staff to refine the proposed services to better
meet the needs of business and residential developments along the corridor
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill and Cady Dawson
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Johnstown Milliken Windsor Transit Plan 2005 - 2006
Client North Front Range MPO
419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Contact John Daggett, NFR MPO (970) 224-6190
This Plan assessed the need for transit in Johnstown, Milliken and Windsor and those three
communities as a subarea and recommended a short-range plan to address these needs As
part of the study, FHU conducted a public transit planning workshop where citizens and elected
officials were given information on various transit options and asked to design a transit system
with limited financial resources The workshop helped the team better understand the
communities' goals for the system, and helped citizens and elected officials understand the
balance between different service options in the region
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill, Cady Dawson, Holly Buck
Larimer County Rural Transit Plan 2006 - 2007
Larimer County
P O Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Contact Richard Guest, (970) 498-6872
TransitPlus developed a rural transit plan for the Larimer County area The study determined
the rural transit needs, identified all available resources in the County, and resulted in a
collaborative mechanism for transit coordination An advisory committee comprised of key
stakeholders was an integral part of the protect, tasked with building an understanding of the
inter -relationships between the County's transportation and human service needs A final
strategic plan included a comprehensive picture of specialized transportation services in rural
Larimer County as well as an assessment of the funding and operating transportation services,
the type of clients carried, service area boundaries, operators of the service and revenue
sources This protect was prepared in partnership with Collaborative Group Dynamics
Key Personnel Suzanne O'Neill
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Analysis of the Human Service Transportation
and Public Transit Systems in Colorado 2004 - 2006
Health ONE Alliance Rose Community Foundation
600 South Cherry Street, Suite 1200 600 South Cherry, Suite 217
Denver, CO 80246 Denver, CO 80246
Contacts Therese Ellery, (303) 398-7413 Kelly Dunkin, (303) 322-3515
This was a project of the "Getting There Collaboration", a multi -year initiative of the HealthONE
Alliance and Rose Community Foundation The objectives were to develop recommendations
for improving mobility options in the Metropolitan region, to research the funding streams and
regulatory requirements for human service transportation and public transit in Colorado, and to
develop recommendations on improving coordination of these transportation systems This
project is listed because, as part of the project, Suzanne O'Neill conducted an assessment of
statewide transit services, developing both an inventory of those services that would be
considered regional feeders to an intercity network and identifying key contacts across the state
Project Team Staff Suzanne O'Neill, Cady Dawson
Resumes ®f Participating Staff
The project team includes experienced staff members with the depth of skills needed to
complete any and all projects for the North Front Range MPO Resumes of all staff members
are on the following pages
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization
Planning Services Proposal
TransitPlus principal
Moving People a itteos
Suzanne O'Neill has over twenty-five years experience in transit planning, transit management, and
public involvement activities She is able to apply extensive experience to provide clients with
effective, workable solutions to their problems and works with communities to assure these solutions
reflect the values of the community She is experienced in the evaluation of public transportation
systems, from both an operational and financial perspective Ms O'Neill has a strong administrative,
operations and planning background, excellent organizational, analytical, and personal skills
Transportation Consultant 1988 - Present
Principal of TransitPlus, Inc , a Colorado firm specializing in planning and management of
public transportation systems Ms O'Neill has prepared a wide variety of short and long-range
transit development plans, regional transportation plans, and has carried out transportation
planning activities for a variety of small -to -medium-sized transit systems She is familiar with
public and human service transportation operations across Colorado, having worked in Greeley
and Weld County, Larimer County, the Denver -Boulder Metropolitan Area, Castle Rock,
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Vail, Avon, and Eagle County, Grand Junction, Steamboat Springs,
Craig, and Moffat and Routt counties, Winter Park, and Durango
From January 2005 through April of 2006, Suzanne operated her consulting practice through
Nelson Nygaard Consulting Associates but has recently returned to operating TransitPlus
Recent protects include
• Winter Park Multi -Modal Transportation Plan Worked on a team headed by Felsburg, Holt, &
Ullevig to develop a transportation plan integrated with a downtown design plan Suzanne
O'Neill was responsible for transit alternatives She participated in all phases of the protect
and the recommended alternative of transitioning private transit service to the public sector
was adopted (2006)
• Larimer County Rural Transit Plan / NFR MPO Coordination Plan Two projects were carried
out simultaneously to make effective use of resources One was a plan for developing rural
transit services in Larimer County, with a focus on collaboration The Larimer County
preferred options became a part of the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services
Transportation Plan prepared for the North Front Range region (2007)
• San Luis Valley Service Planning Suzanne O'Neill led the team responsible for developing
a service plan for the Valley and determining if adequate resources were available to
implement the desired plan This work was used as part of the grant application submitted to
CDOT for 2008-2009 funding
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
• Town of Castle Rock Phase II Planning Study Suzanne O'Neill is leading the planning team
that is developing a long-range strategic plan for transit services and a ten-year
implementation plan for the selected alternative (2007)
Transportation Specialist, Colorado Department of Transportation 1987
Conducted an internal review of the transportation grants administered by CDOT in preparation for
final audits and close-out Was instrumental in establishing grant management system and training
CDOT employees in its use
Transportation Director, Steamboat Springs, CO 1981 - 1986
Responsible for all aspects of starting up a new local bus system Duties included general
administration, hiring, training and safety, and disciplining employees, budget preparation and
monitoring revenues and expenses, grant management, purchasing, planning, marketing, working
with the City Council, Transit Advisory Committee, community leaders, and citizens Managed
protects involving construction of a maintenance and operations facility, and purchase of buses and
related equipment
Transit Manager, Salinas, CA 1978 - 1981
Responsible for the administration, operations, and maintenance of a small municipal bus system
After analysis showed it was far more costly to operate the Salinas Transit System as a separate
entity, negotiated a merger of the system with a neighboring system The combined system is
known as the Monterey -Salinas Transit System
Transit Analyst, Monterey CA 1977 - 1978
For each of the transit systems in the region, developed information required in the Short -Range
Transit Plan and assisted in the preparation of this document, set up the National Transit Database
collection system and collected all National Transit Database statistics
B A , June - 1976 in Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine Campus Emphasis in
Planning and Public Policy
ADA Implementation Seminar, sponsored by FTA, CTAA and Protect Action, 1991
Financial Management for Transit, Indiana University Graduate School of Business, Bloomington, IN
- 1982
Was a founder of the Colorado Association of Transportation Agencies (CASTA), serving as
president for two years
Currently a member of CASTA, the Colorado Mobility Coalition, and the Transportation Research
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
. tq
Movrtg M0010 & 100 s
Cady C. Dawson
An experienced transportation planner with expertise in transit planning, marketing, transit
management, transportation demand management and public involvement
TransltPlus, Planner II 2007, 2003 - 2006
Cady worked for TransltPlus beginning in 2003 and transferred to Nelson/Nygaard when the firm
made its transition She left in April of 2006 to work for a marketing firm, 360 Media, and stayed until
the birth of her twins While there she worked developing marketing plans for a variety of clients
She has returned to work for TransltPlus, part-time, and is working on a protect basis Prior protect
work includes
Short Range Transit Plans for rural and small city systems for clients such as Berthoud Area
Transportation Services, Northern Larimer County, and the Johnstown, Milliken, and Windsor area,
all located in Colorado Short-range plans are usually five -years in scope, and typically address
relevant socio-economic data, existing conditions, travel patterns, marketing, and financial and
capital planning
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) for the Southeast Business Partnership's
Transportation Management Association (TMA) in Englewood, Colorado TDM work for a TMA
focuses on the promotion of alternative modes of transportation to reduce single occupancy vehicle
trips Work for a TMA typically entails outreach to area employers and commuters to implement
commute programs and alternative work arrangements, marketing and outreach campaigns to
reduce vehicle miles traveled, and grant writing/management for federal and local funding,
Operational Analysis for clients such as Clean Air Transit Company in Castle Rock, Colorado
Operational studies usually focus on service planning and the identification of short-range
opportunities for increasing ridership and increasing productivity
Transportation Coordination for the State of Colorado through a protect called the "Getting There
Collaborative" The focus of this study is to identify possible areas for better coordination of
transportation services throughout the state and how to increase mobility for seniors in the Denver
metro area
Transit Management for the Southeast Transportation Authority in Denver, Colorado Management
of this fixed route circulator service includes monitoring bus ridership and trends, preparing monthly
board reports, creating annual budgets, creating and implementing annual marketing, advertising
and outreach plan, preparing and submitting annual 5309 Bus/Bus Facility funding grant, grant
management, and the creation of annual rider surveys and the analysis of data gathered
BA, English, Minor Spanish, University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Mb g Poopie a ideas
Emily 7ackson
TransitPlus, Planner) 2007
Emily is responsible for researching and documenting existing conditions, preparing reports,
mapping, and preparing for and facilitating public meetings She will bring her experience in
communications, marketing, transportation demand management, and project management to bear
on preparing transit plans Recent planning experience includes
• San Luis Valley Transit Planning Researched and documented transportation needs and
existing transportation services, assisted in the development of service options, met with
stakeholders, and prepared a map of the recommended alternative
• Colorado Transit Coalition Grant Application Responsible for preparing a Federal Transit
Administration grant request for bus discretionary funds for thirteen participants in the
• North Front Range MPO Grant Management Assistance Responsible for preparing a
combined grant application for rural transit funds for Larimer County, Berthoud, and
Loveland Also provided narrative and budget information for Weld County job access and
rural transit applications and City of Greeley lob access application
• Castle Rock Transit Plan — Phase II Assisted with public outreach activities Prepared
maps, designed a brochure and developed a marketing plan for the implementation plan
Southeast Business Partnership, 2006-2007
Transportation Outreach Coordinator
• Educated employers and employees in the South Metro Denver to promote and implement
commute programs, resolved issues surrounding the opening of Light Rail
• Set up and facilitated meetings for the Southeast Urban Corridor Transportation Steering
Committee Led a team of Public Information Officers to coordinate and successfully plan the
Grand Opening of the Southeast Light Rail Station Parties
• Designed and completed monthly transportation newsletters, maintaining the SEBP
database and website
Southeast Corridor Constructors 2005-2006
Public Information
• Conducted a wide variety of outreach activities to strengthen the organization's credibility,
further the organization's image, and improve the overall relations between the project and
the public Wrote press releases to inform media of upcoming closures and lane restrictions
B A Communication, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado 2005
October 10, 2007
Mr James O'Neill
City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division
P 0 Box 580
215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor,
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
RE RFP P1088 -Transit Planning Services-NFRMPO
Dear Mr O'Neill
TransitPlus is pleased to submit this proposal to provide on -call transit planning services for the North Front
Range Metropolitan Planning Organization TransitPlus has teamed with Felsburg Holt and Ullevig in this proposal in
order to provide the mix of skills and depth of staff for projects that are more extensive Suzanne O'Neill will serve as
Project Manager for work received under this proposal
Our firms have extensive background in all aspects of transit planning — from urban to rural, operations to
administration, marketing to financial planning
We bring local knowledge of the region
- TransitPlus staff recently completed the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation
Plan for the region, the Rural Larimer County Transit Plan, and an Analysis of Weld County Transit
Operations Our work in the region spans more than fifteen years
- FHU has most recently assisted in the preparation of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and is
actively involved in transportation planning for the North Front Range region and its communities
We are committed to development of successful services in your area
- The development of the Larimer Lift illustrates our commitment to working with local agencies to
develop projects that can be successfully implemented
We take pride in the success of our projects
Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for this work We look forward to hearing from you We are very
excited about the opportunity to continue to work with the North Front Range MPO
Please contact me if you would like additional information on our proposed approach or qualifications for this project
Suzannr O'Neill
P 0 Box 637 • Elizabeth, Colorado, 80107 • (303) 646-4319 • FAX (303) 646-1565
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
FD. Holly Buck, PE-�
Senior Transportation Engineer
B S , Engineering
Management University of
Portland, 1993
M S , Civil Engineering -
Transportation, University of
Colorado at Denver, 2002
Professional Engineer —
Institute of Transportation
Women s Transportation
Ms Buck has nearly 15 years
of experience in transportation
planning and engineering Her
experience includes resort
traffic and parking analyses,
transit studies, regional
transportation plans and
corridor studies
North 1-25 Environmental Impact Statement,
Denver to Fort Collins, Colorado (Study Area)
Currently working on development and evaluation of bus rapid transit
and managed lane alternatives as possible options to improve travel
between northern Colorado and the Denver metropolitan area
Coordinates efforts for involvement of representatives from over 40
Northern Colorado communities and agencies in the 5-county study
North Front Range Regional Transportation Plan,
Transit Element, Various Locations Statewide
Inventoried and evaluated existing rural and urban transit systems in
the North Front Range and Upper Front Range Transportation
Planning Areas Assisted with assessing the 2030 transit needs
based on the population and employment growth and changing
demographics in the study area
Front Range Commuter Bus Study, Fort Collins to
Pueblo, Colorado (Study Area)
Worked with CDOT and communities located along the 1-25 Front
Range corridor to evaluate the feasibility of a proposed commuter
transit service connecting Fort Collins, Denver, Colorado Springs and
Pueblo Estimated operating costs and capital costs for four potential
service legs and determined their potential ridership and farebox
revenues Evaluation also included reviewing various financing
mechanisms and institutional arrangements for system operation
Parker Jordan Metropolitan District Transit Study,
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Conducted a survey of Parker Jordan Metropolitan District residents
to determine their interest in utilizing transit This included developing
the questionnaire, coordinating its distribution through water bills and
apartment complex property managers, and summarizing the data
returned through the surveys Coordinated with the Regional
Transportation District (RTD) to provide free -ride tickets as incentive
to return the completed questionnaire Tabulated and cross tabulated
data to provide the most useful information to the Parker Jordan
Metropolitan District Board
Based on the survey results, developed bus route alternatives to
better meet the needs of residents Reviewed alternatives with the
District, adjacent communities and RTD and developed a locally
preferred alternative that was implemented by RTD in January 2005
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
D Holly Buck, PE
SH 9 Redesignation, Breckenridge, Colorado
Analyzed future operation of Park Avenue in support of its
redesignation as SH 9 (instead of Main Street) through downtown
Breckenridge Identified existing access locations, generated buildout
traffic volume estimates, conducted an analysis of progression and
made recommendations to improve progression to meet the
standards identified by the Colorado Department of Transportation
State Highway Access Code The analysis provides support toward
implementing the SH 9 designation switch
Estes Valley Transportation Alternatives Study,
Estes Park, Colorado
Through guest and resident surveys previous planning efforts,
discussions with the Town of Estes Park staff and citizen input
gained insight to the existing and future concerns in the Estes Valley
Performed roadway capacity analyses developed parking protections
and generated alternative improvements to develop a multi -modal
transportation plan The recommended plan identified travel demand
management measures and roadway improvements in conjunction
with transit, and bike / pedestrian improvements to accommodate
expected increases in transportation demand due to growth in the
area and increases in Rocky Mountain National Park visitation
Multi -Modal Transportation Center,
Breckenridge, Colorado
Analyzed access alternatives private auto circulation patterns
parking structure locations bus routing alternatives and pedestrian
travel patterns to determine which would operate most efficiently with
the fewest conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles Made
recommendations to achieve the goal of safe and efficient travel for
all modes of transportation utilizing the multi -modal center
Traffic Impact Assessment, Vail Resorts,
Conducted a traffic impact assessment for Vail Resorts Development
Company in Breckenridge that included looking at the impacts
associated with development and redevelopment of Peaks 7 and 8
into a large multi -faintly and commercial development at the base of
the mountain Analyzed the development's impact to a two-lane
mountainous road both with and without a gondola present as an
alternate travel mode
1-225 / Colfax Avenue Interchange System
Level Feasibility Study, Aurora, Colorado
Evaluated existing and future traffic operating characteristics of
multiple interchange configurations to assist in identifying a preferred
interchange configuration Future travel demand analysis included
updating DRCOG's regional traffic model to include the latest planned
land uses for the Fitzsimons redevelopment area The study included
a number of public meetings and outreach to a neighborhood that
could require mitigation to address environmental justice concerns
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
D Holly Buck, PE
The study was submitted to the Denver Regional Council of
Governments for inclusion in the 2030 regional transportation plan
SH 85 Corridor Study, Commerce City, Colorado
Conducted a corridor study for SH 6 and SH 85 between SH 2 !
Vasquez Boulevard and 1-76 in Commerce City This included
updating DRCOG s 2020 regional travel demand model to reflect the
latest development plans in the Commerce City area Alternatives
that would increase the capacity of Highway 85 were then developed
and evaluated The near -term plan identified solutions for existing
problem intersections that would maximize the capacity of a six -lane
facility The long term recommendation included grade separating
Highway 85 and creating a one-way frontage road system Public
comment was solicited throughout the process at a number of public
New Lands Transportation Plan, Commerce City,
Conducted a 20-year transportation plan for the rapid development
occurring in and planned for the New Lands area in north Commerce
City Efforts included updating DRCOG's regional model to include
the 27 000 plus households and 53,000 employees anticipated by the
City of Commerce City in 2025 Appropriate street classifications and
lanes were identified for 2025 and buildout An annual improvement
phasing program was developed to assist the City with allocating
limited funding to the most critical areas of the transportation network
Avon Town Center, Avon, Colorado
This protect was initiated to create a plan that would establish a more
active, pedestrian -oriented, mixed -use development in Avon's Town
Center Evaluated a number of configurations for the Town Center s
Main Street, locations for visitor parking and possible transit routes
Configurations for Main Street included a pedestrian! transit -only
facility as well as cross sections that included on -street parking and /
or bike lanes Evaluated the Main Street configurations based on how
well they created a pedestrian -oriented mixed -use development, how
vehicle circulation and visitor parking would work together and
operation of seasonal traffic
Access Master Plan, Fort Lewis College,
Conducted a traffic impact assessment for Fort Lewis College that
included review of five campus access alternatives including limiting
the existing main access to pedestrian and bicycle traffic only The
study analyzed the impacts associated with each alternative and
recommended modifications to accommodate future traffic needs
The preferred plan included a modern roundabout at the relocated
main access
North Front Range Met ropotitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
D Holly Buck, PE
Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Needs
Studies, Edwards, Colorado
Worked with learn architect and civil engineer to design the parking
layout, truck clock area and access locations for the expanded Vail
Valley Medical Center in Edwards, Colorado Determined parking
needs based on existing demand and Eagle County Land Use
Traffic Calming Plans, Various Locations
Identified problem areas and suggested mitigation measures that
effectively reduce speeds and cut through volumes creating a more
livable community Plans focused on balancing pedestrian and
vehicular activity in residential areas Suggesting measures that
create a safer environment and encourage use of alternative modes
of transportation Study locations include Arrowhead Village, Beaver
Creek, Buena Vista Crestmoor Park and Steamboat Springs,
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization -
Planning Services Proposal
Jenny Young, PE
Transportation Engineer
AI 5 , Cml Engneennn,
Um,ercry of Colorado at
Denver, 2005
B 5 Civil Engineering,
eucl nell Uni urn s'ty, 1938
SJomer, s Transporaion
tnsntu e c: Transomaticn
F,otescional Engineer
RIG Young joined Felsburg
Holt & Ullevig Ae: earmrg he:
l:3chelor _ degree in Coal
Engineering Her rime years of
experence LncludeS the
de,elopment of: mnal
nansocnebm plans, travel
demand modeling, isci3ted and
system m'ec ecton analyses,
feasibility studies and raffic
impact snulies Ccmpu er
prg•ams such as MnUTP,
TransCaA, Synchrof&T.Trai+c
and the Highv,3y C3oaaty
Menu 31 Sol -wee were used in
the analysts of p:ote�, s
Gateway hovel Shed -Denver, Colorado
Served 3s -he prcgee manager in 6=-.eloping a transpo•t3uon
evaluation cc the r_3teaey ravel shed as pan cf me Cry and County
D; DenJer's S rate go: Transooraicn ?Ian Tne On involved
develcnirg 20 0-dne bulldo;n i 3a,c;c:etas s v.-rich we:e men used
to identfry ransperta'im urpro:emens vcs-has r=p,dly growing Damon
o; Denvar one prof -n induced coord rwcn with RTD, M, and
several su;:eandcig 7unsdicaons indudirg Raro:a, Commerce City,
and Adams Coun y
North Front Range Regional Transportation Plan
Asm-ed the Ncrh Ft Din Range MFD in developing the r 2025, 20311-
and 20_1 � Regional Trenspereaon Plans Ti ne reg onal irans;oranan
plans entad cordLc ing an ir,,emr,ry of emstng cordricns, developing
corridor vmon_fo, hergronallesgrf.wntc.rndo•s,anadaselopirg
me-hodolcmes for pnortnng prate., -
Upper Front Range Regional hansportafton Plan
Assiaed h Unp-r Frcrt Range Regional lohmmnc Commission in
develeolrg the Rf,xan3l Transportancn Flan for both 2G20 and 2030
Jenny i=- cu:rendy cr•,ing as tf: protec manager in uadatng -he
UFR:egiorel plan, to 2035 The xancporta-ian plan includes an
mvev'ary cf excmg condmans ano -rends, development of coridor
e isior s, resource , Ilc ca�icn, and pabBc involvement
Eastern Regional Transportation Plan
Cur:erJy serving as proleol manager in the de',elooment of he 20135
Regior31 Transporn-im Plan for the Emterr. Trenspora-ion Planning
Re-ncn Thu wind, involves uodaing the vansnormon, soac-
eccromic, and er,arnmerLl inven-ory, assemmi the region s
t•ancDonation reeds and pncntes, and ce velcpmg a oxridor$a_ed
6sr-slly con: rained plan based on the funding level eama-a•d;or-he
region over -he nex• 3f ear
Original Broomfield Transportation overview -
Broomfleld, Colorado
Ccmole ed a stud; for the Ci v and County of Bromfield c address
the tampcn=von rends of -he'CrIgLn31=,00mf.eld' are 3, v.nirh L;
ripe for rede Jelcpmient given l s Iota-icn adjacent it the foireb s
rabid nensit and commu-er:3d lines Tne s udy involved developing
sheet standards, identforg fu-ure roadaav laneage needs and
phasing cptons, and tient hung cDbons nor aocs convol
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization
Planning Services Proposal
Morningview Drive Extension - Castle Rock,
Conducted a technical analysis to evaluate a connection between
The Meadow3 and SH 105 The analysis involved developing traffic
forecasts for Iwo alternative connection locations and comparing
them to a no build scenario Select link analyses were used to
understand the potential users of a connection
Black Hawk Transportation Plan - Black Hawk,
Conducted an extensive data collection effort to record information
essential to the planning and development of a transportation plan
The collected data, as well as future travel demand forecasts were
used to develop and evaluate alternative strategies to accommodate
future travel demand levels associated with the gaming in Black
Rapid City Transportation Plan - Rapid City,
South Dakota
This 25-year transportation plan Identified the existing and future
Improvement needs for key roadway corridors for the City of Rapid
City SD Along -range Preferred Plan was recommended based on
travel demand forecasts for the year 2025 An estimate of financial
resources was then established to identify the Fiscally Constrained
Jackson Boulevard Extension - Rapid City,
South Dakota
Completed a study for the City of Rapid City to assess the benefits
and potential impacts of extending Jackson Boulevard from Main
Street north to Omaha Street The extension was proposed as a
means to improve the connectivity of the roadway network however,
the evaluation of the extension took into consideration congestion
relief, right -of way impacts railroad crossing and the future operation
of Omaha Street
Mead Transportation Plan — Mead, Colorado
Conducted a Study of transportation issues for the Town s planning
area that included changes to street classifications and cross -
sections, an evaluation of local and regional roadway improvement
alternatives and recommendations for access control policies
Greeley Transportation Plan - Greeley,
Assisted in the development of a transportation plan for the City s
Growth Management Area Included modification to the
NFRTBAQPC travel demand model, evaluation of various roadway
improvement alternatives and pnontization of major east -west corridor
improvement projects
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
list of short term and long term transportation improvement needs
The plan included the development of conceptual alignment
alternatives for the Downtown Parkway (bypass)
Weld County Road 13 — Weld County, Colorado
Provided traffic engineering support for the design of Weld County
Road 13 from WCR 8 to WCR 20 The project included designing a
three -lane interim section and an ultimate five -lane section and the
realignment of the SH 52MCR 13 intersection The traffic
engineering component involved developing short tern and long term
daily and peak hour traffic volume projections in order to appropriately
size the intersections along the corridor and develop thresholds for
future widening
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Deborah Scott
Transportation Planner
MS, Urban and Regional
Planning University of
Colorado at Denver, 1999
BA, Environmental Sciences,
University of Virginia 1995
Professional Affiliations
Women s Transportation
Ms Scott has more than 8
years of experience in
transportation Most of her
background is in travel demand
modeling, GIS, and transit
planning and operations She
worked for the Regional
Transportation District (RTD)
for more than 4 years before
coming to FHU Computer
programs such as TransCAD,
MinUTP EMME2, and ArcGIS
9 2 and 3 2a were used in
Travel Demand Modeling
Flag conducted the travel demand modeling on numerous studies
from small traffic analyses to entire EISs for both auto and transit
projects Principal duties include coding, running, and troubleshooting
models in TransCAD, MmUTP, and EMME2 software packages and
analyzing results Travel demand models used on projects and
maintained by the following MPOs include DRCOG NFRMPO, Mesa
County MPO, PPACG, and El Paso TX MPO Analyzing results
included such techniques as the NCHRP 255 method, screenlines,
select link analyses travel limes, desire lines, transit ridership mode
share percentages, and subarea analyses Experienced in splitting
zones to tailor models to organizations' needs
Northwest Corridor EIS
Conducted the travel demand modeling for this study which
is looking at altematives to relieve congestion in the
northwest quadrant of the Denver metro area Principal
duties included coding and running the Denver region travel
demand model in MmUTP and TransCAD software in
accordance with federal requirements and analyzing results
The NCHRP 255 method, select link analyses auto
screenlines, transit ridership and travel times were used to
analyze results and assist in the alternative evaluation
Denver Strategic Transportation Plan
Modified the Denver region TransCAD travel demand model
based on the City of Denver s needs to address future auto
and transit volumes in their city Altering the model required
adding 33 zones to the network for three different model
years and modifying the necessary input files Analyzing
results included creating auto and transit saeenhnes, desire
Imes and mode share percentages to various areas of the
city This model served as the basis for other work in the
study including its associated travel sheds
Arapahoe Road Corridor Study
Modified the Denver region TransCAD travel demand model
based on stakeholders' needs to address future auto and
transit volumes along the corridor Altering the model
required adding 10 zones to the network for Iwo different
model years and modifying the necessary input files The
NCHRP 255 method, select link analyses travel times,
transit ridership, and desire lines were used to analyze
results and assist in the alternative evaluation process
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Deborah Scott
North 1-25 EIS
Assisted in the travel demand modeling for this study by
completing the transit coding for a new base model that was
developed for the study and modifying the related Input files
Gathered ridership, fare and other data on the existing bus
systems to calibrate the model and review results Created a
subarea analysis to review traffic at specific interchanges
Parker Transportation System Evaluation
Modified the Denver region TransCAD travel demand model
based on the Town of Parker s needs to address future auto
traffic volumes in their city Altering the model required
adding 16 zones to the network for three different model
years and modifying the necessary input files The NCHRP
255 method select link analyses, and auto screenllnes were
used to analyze results and assist in the alternative
evaluation process
Regional Transportation District
Played an Integral role In modeling and analyzing the travel
demand modeling results for RTD s FasTracks plan and EIS
and MIS studies Pnncipal duties at RTD included coding
running, and troubleshooting travel demand models in
MmUTP and TransCAD travel demand modeling software as
well as data analysis and mapmaking in ArcGIS software
Coded all transit networks in TransCAD for DRCOG's Model
Refresh project Created TransCAD transit coding manual
for consultants Created screenlmes of existing data for
calibration of the model Major travel model duties Included
transit ndershlp, screenhnes, mode share percentages, park-
n-Ride sizing, and travel time analyses
Santa Teresa Master Plan
Used the El Paso TX MPO travel demand model to split
zones and produce auto projections for the study based on
new land use Created desire Imes to show travel patterns
between the Santa Teresa Development and the rest of the
El Paso TX metro area
Mesa State Development TIA
Used the Mesa County, CO MPO travel demand model to
split zones and produce auto projections for the study based
on new land use Used the NCHRP 255 method in analyzing
Tejon Street Projections
Coded and ran the PPACG model In EMME2 to produce
auto projections for the study
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Deborah Scott
Transit Planning
Knowledgeable of the federal New Starts process, Colorado Senate
Bill 208 process, and transit rail and bus operations Experienced in
using GIS and modeling data to support the decision -making process
Castle Rock Transit
Used ArcGIS sofbvare to create a map combining household
density and employment density to highlight areas of the
Town that may support transit use Gathered data to
support the identification of a future intermodal facility in the
Town including proximity to railroads, bike and pedestrian
trails interchanges, and availability of land
FREX SustainabOdy Study
Used 2000 Census Journey to Work data in TransCAD to
create matrices and desire lines showing travel patterns
between communities served by the Front Range Express
(FREX) bus service This data is supporting the acquisition
and allocation of funding for the service
Breckenridge Transit Center
Performed field work and watched video to gather data on
use of the Breckenridge Transit Center by three different bus
systems in Summit County CO Information gathered
included total number of routes serving the facility, penods of
peak use at the facility, and pedestrian travel patterns This
data is supporting the creation of an appropriately sized
facility to serve the future needs of the town
Regional Transportation District
Sized the FasTracks bus fleet using model data and
knowledge of the agency s bus system to develop the
FasTracks fiscally -constrained bus service plan Sized light
rail and commuter rail fleets for rapid transit corridors based
on forecasted peak period, peak direction ridership
Knowledgeable of operational and capital needs and
constraints for transit projects Supported the federal New
Starts process Colorado Senate Bill 208 process, and EIS
and MIS processes by providing transit ridership, travel
times, mode share percentages, and other data
RFP # P 7 088
Transit Planning Services.
Prepared by.
Wvfno People & Ideas
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit Planning Services Proposal
Project Team Availability
Project Team Availability
As of mid -October, 2007
Suzanne O'Neill
Cady Dawson
Emily Jackson
70% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Holly Buck
Jenny Young
Debbie Weaver
1 40%
1 70%
1 100%
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Fee Schedule
The following table illustrates the current rates for all staff members assigned to this project As
noted in the RFP, based upon potential extension of the service agreement, fees may be
negotiated for later years (3, 4 and 5)
Year 1
Prinicipal II
$120 00
Principal I
$105 00
Planner II
$90 00
Planner I
$72 00
$80 00
$60 00
Transportation Engineer IV
$110 00
Transportation Engineer III
$95 00
Transportation Planner III
$95 00
GIS/Gra hics
$85 00
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning
Transit Planning Services Proposal
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............. ....................................I.............................1
FIRM BACKGROUND INFORMATION..............................................................2
PROJECT APPROACH ....................................................................
........ ................... 5
........................ 6
RESUMES OF PARTICIPATING STAFF ...................................................12
PROJECT TEAM AVAILABILITY ... ...... ...............................
.. .... .........27
FEE SCHEDULE.........................................................................
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Firm Background Information
TransitPlus is a Colorado corporation offering transit planning, management
PWA and operations services to public transit and paratransit systems and local
!A governments The firm has a commitment to providing practical, effective
TransitPlus solutions We pride ourselves on having a solid grasp of the operating and
Wmg veop�a idm: financial issues facing transit systems, the timely completion of technical work,
and a high degree of client satisfaction Further, TransitPlus works with clients so they are
prepared for the implementation and management of the changes resulting from our
TransitPlus has been active in transit planning in Colorado and Arizona since its inception in
1990 We bring the mix of skills and knowledge needed to complete any and all protects
awarded to us by the North Front Range MPO TransitPlus holds DBE and SBE certification
from the State of Colorado
For this proposal, TransitPlus has teamed with Felsburg Holt & Ullevlg (FHU), a consulting
firm, which specializes in transportation planning, traffic engineering, civil engineering design
and transportation related environmental services The two firms have a long history of working
together and FHU brings specific skills and knowledge that will expand the capability of the
team The staff members identified have extensive experience in the North Front Range both in
transportation and transit planning In addition, FHU has full service graphics capabilities
The philosophy of FHU is to provide high quality professional services on a wide range of
transportation and design protects, with emphasis on developing creative, cost-effective and
environmentally sensitive solutions The strength of their firm comes from a group of Principals
with many years of technical and managerial experience who are actively involved in all
protects This assures the highest level of customer satisfaction The entire staff is committed to
producing the best protect for the client and the community The company has extensive
experience in managing complex endeavors as well as experience in teaming with other firms to
ensure the best possible product and outcomes for all of their clients
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Project Approach
This is a proposal for on -call services and specific protects have not been Identified However,
many aspects of our approach to protects will directly affect the success of individual transit
planning assignments Our team will take the following general approach to all protects
assigned through the on -call process
One of the reasons for establishing an on -call service contract is to provide NFRMPO with a
means to respond quickly and effectively to protect needs which are not defined at this time, but
which will arise during the contract period We will be diligent in providing quick responses and
turn -around times so that NFRMPO will have its needs met in a timely manner As Protect
Manager, Suzanne O'Neill will be the first point of contact for receipt of a specific request -for
proposal Suzanne will ascertain the general scope of the request and make an initial
determination as to which of the staff members would be appropriate to work on the
assignment A meeting or telephone consultation will be held with the NFRMPO point person,
Ms O'Neill, and the identified staff members After reaching an understanding of the scope of
services, TransitPlus will prepare a proposal spelling out the proposed work tasks, analytical
techniques, and the individuals most appropriate for the timely and effective completion of the
Transit planning in the region is at a transitional stage, ready to move to the next level of
development In our experience, communities at this stage often need a great deal of flexibility
in conducting protects As findings are reported or new stakeholders come to the table it is not
unusual to need flexibility in adjusting the direction of a particular undertaking or following up
with additional projects TransitPlus staff is experienced in identifying when changes may be
needed to meet the expectations of the stakeholders and to keep them engaged in the process
and study goals If such a situation occurs, we will immediately meet with NFRMPO staff and
identify ways in which the project can be fine-tuned to better meet the needs of the region
Regular communication with NFRMPO will be essential to providing project results that reflect
the needs of the region and stay within the budget
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
Knowledge of the Region and State and Federal
The TransitPlus and FHU team is composed of individuals who have worked extensively in the
North Front Range and in the State of Colorado We are knowledgeable about transit services
and conditions ih the region, the historical development of transit services, and the relationship
of the transit mode to the overall transportation network In addition, since most of our work is in
Colorado, we are well versed in Colorado's procedures and regulatory requirements for transit
services We keep informed of the policies and regulations that affect rural, small urban, and
large urban areas and are knowledgeable of the federal requirements that serve as a foundation
for State regulations
We have worked specifically with the NFR MPO on numerous projects in the region,
independently and as a team Protects have included the preparation of regional and local
transit plans, strategic plans, coordination planning, assistance with planning process and
financial / grant management, and updating the Regional Transportation Plan We would
welcome the opportunity to continue this work
Quality Work
We strive to develop products that directly address the issues, apply nationwide experience to
local conditions and institutions, and are of a uniformly high quality These products reflect the
broad -based experience we are able to bring to bear on local issues We strive to include a
wide range of stakeholders in the planning work we carry out so that the results reflect a
consensus in the study area We place an emphasis on well -written reports with graphics that
enhance the reader's understanding of the issues It is our goal to prepare reports and other
products that explain transit issues — which are often complex — in an understandable manner
so a broad audience will be able to build a consensus and make effective decisions
Project Management anti Administration
Administrative Capabilities
Transit Plus is familiar with NFRMPO administrative requirements and procedures We have a
staff person, Sandy Usher, who will be responsible for administering the task contract and
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transit
Planning Services Proposal
preparing invoices All project staff will work with her to assure that reports are complete and
include both financial data and information on how the completed activities relate to the overall
scope With a staff person dedicated to this function, billing is timely and we have the ability to
respond to follow-up or additional requests
Project Management
One of our team's key philosophies is ensuring quality project management for each and every
project we work on We believe that it takes strong leadership to ensure that all projects are
successfully completed on -time and on -budget, with the quality that our clients expect
Suzanne O'Neill is anticipated to be the Project Manager for all projects If a project primarily
requires a skill set of one of the other team members, she may be identified as a deputy project
We work internally with all project staff to ensure work is being completed with a high level of
quality and in a timely manner We will have frequent communication with NFRMPO project
managers throughout the course of any task We believe that communication is critical to
project success and we welcome on -going communication with our clients as well as progress
report meetings as needed
Service Categories by Key Staff
Transit planning is our specialty In addition to having core competencies in short and long
range transit planning and extensive knowledge of fixed route and demand response transit
services, our staff has developed expertise in a variety of topics In addition to the areas listed
below, other skill areas include
• Coordination of public transit and human services transportation
• Service planning for local and regional or intercity bus services
• FTA regulatory requirements
• ADA requirements
• Transit marketing, including the design of maps that illustrate transit services,
brochures, and web pages
• Transit system implementation activities — including Board development, establishing
financial and operational systems, and personnel development
• Fare structures
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization - Transl[
Planning Services Proposal
• Public outreach and facilitation
FHU staff brings addition specific expertise in
Multi -modal transportation planning, Including transit, bike and pedestrian travel and
transit oriented development
• Parking demand estimation
• Traffic Impact assessment
Transit station location siting and evaluation
Geographic information systems (GIS)
• Graphics capabilities to support public outreach activities
The following table illustrates staff competencies for the service categories identified in the RFP
Transit Plus Partici alin
r"U Partici otin Personnel
Service Category 1 Short Range Transit Plans
Holl Buck
]eon Voun
Debbie Scott
Principal II
Planner Il
Engineer lV
Engineer IIl
Planner III
service Plans
Financial or Institutional Options
Coordination Plans
Service Category 2 Long Range Transit Plans
Strategic Plans
Funding O bons
Service Category 3 Data Collection and Analysis
On -board surveys
Vehicle Irwomenes
behavioral surveys
Peer Com arsons
Seance Category q Process Facilitation
Develop and implement process and methodologies for
various planning related applications
Facilitate public involvement processes in relation to
planning work
Coordinate and facilitate planning related activities with
Relevant Experience Ft References
The protects listed below combine references for both firms and are a representative sample
illustrating work completed by TransitPlus and FHU protect team members We encourage you
to contact any or all of our references to learn more about our firms, work products, and