HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - 3175312/17/2007 15 55 3036598596 WESTERN UNITED PAGE 01 FirmName Date December 13, 2007 Ref #81753 THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NOT AN ORDER Please supply pricing and delivery information, all items to be quoted FOR Fort Collins, Colorado, as requested below, and respond via FAX or e-mail within 3 days to Opal F. Dick, Senior Buyer, CPPO odick0-fcgov.com (e-mail) (970)221-6707(fa)() Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to Opal F Dick, Senior Buyer, CPPO (970) 221-6778 QUANTITY: DESCRIPTION; 400 TRANSFORMER SUPPORTS, FOR VAULT, 17ACTORY CUT, 35" LONG, FIHERGLASS, 2" Y Z" X 1/4" SQUARE TUBING RYERSON, EXTREN 500, UNISTRUT, yy O� Total Mfr 07 i ,StfU ` Mfr # r.- o p -'2OD0-3S Delivery ...... .�� 3 I ✓� C Item�mg bid meet the above specifications without exception Yes No If not, please list exceptions, specifying paragraph raph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to your bid For purposes of warranty and service ONLY approved manufacturers or distributors authorized by an approved manufacturer to serve the Fort Collins area may bid where renewal is a way of (lfe 12/17/2007 15 55 3036598590 WE51ERN UNITED PACE 02 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS Prices quoted must remain firm for a 30 day period after the opening date Freight terms F 0.13 destination freight prepaid All freight charges must be included in pricing submitted on proposal and not entered as separate pricing Any discount allowed by Vendor for prompt payment, etc must be reflected in quoted figure, and not entered as separate pricing The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and 0 quotes Any questions or inqumes regarding this bid should be directed to Opal F Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer (970) 221-6778 SIGNATURE AND TITLE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE u/UFY Coo EMAIL COMPANY NAME (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE & FAX NUMBER 100 Jm.yIQ y 6,r glen Kn 3>6o/ 12W-07 ADDRESS. STREET, CITY, STATE. ZIP DATE PLEASE GO TO www.fcgov.com/purchasing TO REGISTER IN OUR E- PROCUREMENT SYSTEM FOR FUTURE BID OPPORTUNITIESI BE SURE TO SELECT ALL APPROPRIATE COMMODITY CODEI