HomeMy WebLinkAboutENVIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT SOUTHWEST - CONTRACT - BID - 6063 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT SOAPSTONE RANCH HOUSE AND WAREHOUSE AT 500 RIVERSIDE 351417 ENVIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT SOUTHWEST PICKLE PLANT ASBESTOS REMOVAL 31876SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Environmental Abatement Southwest, Inc , hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider" WITNESSETH In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows 1 Scope of Services The Service Provider agrees to provide services in accordance with the scope of services for Warehouse and Out -building Structure 500 Riverside Ave Fort Collins attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of thirty four (34) pages and incorporated herein by this reference 2 Contract Period This Agreement shall commence upon signing, and shall continue in full force and effect until December 31, 2007, unless sooner terminated as herein provided 3 Deli If either party is prevented in whole or in part from performing its obligations by unforeseeable causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or negligence, then the party so prevented shall be excused from whatever performance is prevented by such cause To the extent that the performance is actually prevented, the Service Provider must provide written notice to the City of such condition within fifteen (15) days from the onset of such condition 4 Early Termination by City/Notice Notwithstanding the time, periods contained herein, the City may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing written notice of termination to the Service Provider Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the termination date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties All notices provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage prepaid and sent to the following addresses Mr Clifford Hoelscher City of Fort Collura January 13, 2003 Page 2 Once the type of homogeneous material was determined it was then classified as friable or non - friable The U S Environmental Protection Agency (U S EPA) distinguishes between friable and non -friable forms of ACBM Enable materials, when dry can be Crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure, whereas non -friable materials cannot Friable materials are more likely to be released into the air, especially during renovation and demolition activities Therefore, the distinction between friable and non -triable homogeneous materials is important The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and U S EPA have identified two categories of non -friable ACBM CDPIIE and U S EPA policy statements define Category I non-Iiiable ACBM as materials which are not likely to become friable during demolition, whereas Category II non -friable ACBM are materials which are likely to become friable during demolition CDPHE and U S EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations require iemoval of all friable ACBM and Category 11 non - friable ACBM Category I non -friable ACBMs may remain in place during demolition provided demolition methods do not render the material friable The following Bulk Sampling Strategy satisfies CDPHE requirements for sampling for friable and non -friable materials, and was used to detemmne the numbei of samples collected Table 1 Bulk Sampling Strategy Material Homogeneous Units Minimum Area Number of Samples Friable Surfacing Less than 1,000 SF 3 1,000 to 5,000 SF 5 More than 5 000 SF 7 Non -friable Surfacm * - - - SF 3 Friable and Non -triable Thermal System - - - I F/SF/EA 3 Insulation Friable and Non -friable Miscellaneous --- LF/SF/EA 1 Mateiials Si- = Square beet LP = Linear Peet, EA = Each WALSH collected bulk samples of the homogenous materials in a iandom and representative manner, as determined by the inspectors Samples were collected by taking a composite core sample that included all layers within the suspect material Samples from soft friable materials were obtained by removing a small portion using wetting techniques All samples were placed in sealed, labeled containers, and the sample descriptions and locations were recorded on field data sheets The bulk samples were submitted for labotatory analysis to Reservoirs Environmental Services, Inc, a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited laboratory Analysis of the bulk samples was perfor need using Polauzed Light Microscopy (PLM) techniques using procedures developed by the McCtone Research Institute and in compliance with the guidelines established by the U S CPA (EPA-600/M4-82-020, 1982) to dctemnme asbestos type and content 'I he PLM results are repotted as percent asbestos by weight Percent asbestos for Mr Chffoid lloelscher City of Fort Collins January 13, 2003 Page 3 separate layers and total amount for the sample are delineated in the laboratory reports Unused portions of samples are archived for six months unless the client requests special handling At the lime of collection, samples were labeled with an appropriate and unique number This number (along with other information such as sample location, color, texture, and condition) was recorded on Asbestos — Homogeneous Material Sampling forms The samples were shipped along with a completed chain of custody form to the laboratory Upon receipt, the laboratory arranged the samples in numerical order If a discrepancy between the number of samples and the chain of custody form existed, it was noted and initialed on the form Laboratory personnel signed the chain of custody form to acknowledge receipt The laboratory includes the signed original copy of the chain of custody form with the final analytical report for evidentiary purposes Further, the laboratory assigned a unique laboratory identification number to each sample received The laboratory labeled both the analytical report and the sample container with this laboratory number for cross-reference purposes Copies of the chain of custody forms are included in Attachment A of this report ASBESTOS FINDINGS WALSH personnel performed the field inspection and sampling on December 17, 2002 Twenty one (21) samples were collected and a total of twenty one (2 1 ) samples were analyzed using PLM techniques The U S EPA and the State of Colorado define asbestos -containing building material (ACBM) as a material containing more than 1% asbestos or material that is assumed to contain asbestos The WALSH uispection and analytical results for the building identified three (3) materials that coutained greater than 1% asbestos Data summary tables and laboratory test results for asbestos samples are included in Attachment A The following table summanzes the confirmed ACBMs found as a result of the building inspection 'Fable 2 Confirmed ACBMs Present at 500 Riverside Avenue Material Material Material Type Friability Percentage Approximate Description Location and Type of Quantity Asbestos Gray roof Root of Miscellaneous Category 1 15% Chrysonle 15,100 SF sheeting warehouse Non -triable budding Miscellaneous 5 SF Black sealant Root mtciface of Category 1 15°% Chrysonle with fibrous warehouse area Non -triable backing and ottice urea Black semi- Windows of Miscellaneous Category 1 5% Chrysonle 5401 F pliable window warehouse Non -triable caulk u iel) SF= Square Fcet, LF= Lineal feet A graphical figure indicating the location of the confirmed ACBMs is included in Attachment B Photographs of the confirned ACBMs ate included in Attachment C �tN , yyay 3 L,ttU rlt%lt diJti i q, siii, i$il°IJ.`,T iC maj =u:..'"""..,_T,,:�",.r.z........ ....m wa'�i.. �.�; ., 'Gie,.rd�tu PUtl kn- ] vYi "i II[i 0"1'' lill"nI ' 'iP4 Mr Clifford Hoelscher City of Fort Collins January 13, 2003 Page 4 DEMOLITION DEBRIS SAMPLING FOR LEAD METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS One (1) 100-gram composite sample was collected representing the composition of the anticipated demolition debris This sample (5319-010-TCLP-01) consisted of the primary building materials used in the construction of the warehouse and out -building The sample volume of each material was based upon estimated quantities observed in the construction The sample was submitted to Reservoirs Environmental Services, Inc for toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) lead analysis The maximum contaminant concentration (MCC) for lead is 5 0 milligrams per liter (ing/L) or 5 0 parts per million (ppm) All samples which display a MCC greater than or equal to 5 0 mg/L or 5 0 ppm for lead exhibit the toxicity characteristic for this compound and requires management as a hazardous waste "the reported lead concentration for demolition debris sample number 5319-010-TCLP-01 is "below the detection hmif' of 0 25 mg/L Therefore, the anticipated waste generated from the structures demolition does not require management as a hazardous waste Laboratory test results for the demolition debris sample are included in Attachment D RECOMMEDATiONS U S EPA and Stale of Colorado regulations do not require the removal of the Category I non - friable matenals (gray roof sheeting, black sealant with fibrous backing, and black window caulk) prior to initiation of demolition activities In addition, the disposal of these materials can follow standard construction waste guidelines However, the demolition contractor/personnel should be made aware of the presence of these materials prior to beginning demolition activities to comply with all current OSHA regulations and regulatory requirements for demolishing a structure with Category I non -friable materials Therefore, WALSH recommends that the City of Fort Collins provide demolition contractor/personnel with hazard communication information about the types of Category I non -friable matenals remaining in the building and current regulations regarding the demolition of buildings with such materials In addition, WALSH recommends that OSHA compliance (ambient personal) air monitoring be performed on select demolition personnel during the active building demolition and material loading phase of the project Other hazardous materials were identified in these buildings that likely require appropriate management poor to demolition of the structures These items include elemental mercury thermostat switches smoke detectors, fluorescent light bulbs and potenual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) containing ballasts, and various typical household/over the counter chemicals During the building inspection phase of the project, WALSH representatives observed two flush - mount groundwater monitoring wells present on the south side of the warehouse building These wells weie apparently installed as part of a historic leaking underground storage tank Investigation on the property The water level in these wells was gauged on January, 6, 2003 and determined to b� appioxunately 14 feet below ground surface It these well are no longer intended for use and the possibility exists that the covers might be damaged during the demolition and grading activities, WALSH recommends that the wells be plugged, sealed, and abandoned in accordance with applicable State of Colorado - Standards for Plugging and Sealing Wells and Borcholes (2 CCR 402-2, effective tune 1, 2000) P r,� TL 2 1 F' -2 0,r. kwT„R^,ins :2_uut7t:`0.;"3'i"u�a�R•5iw;�;'_F9d:°ui6va"a«<`.-„�,ic.,_.._.�'.'a..�.»."`Pa,.__,w��...�,,,,,,,, '��i",� 4—"T w q,... r �� oio �i erri.d= ham�u�ut c i� om s Mr Cl fford Hoelscher City of Fort Collin January 13, 2003 Page 5 LIMITATIONS WALSH performed these services in a manner consistent with the level of care and expertise exercised by members of the asbestos and lead inspection and assessment profession WALSH does not imply or guarantee that every potential asbestos -containing matenal on or in the building has been identified or sampled Historically, asbestos has been added as a component to over 3,000 materials and products produced in the United States The inspection was intended to identify those accessible matenals that were reasonably suspect and that were most likely to contain asbestos in quantities subject to regulation, based on existing industry and regulatory standards If you have any questions or comments regarding information presented in this report, please contact us at (970) 223-5655 Respectfully submitted, WALSH ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS AND E,NGiNEERS, LLC Michael P Castell Environmental Scientist Attachments Troy C Sanders, P G District Manager .Ai'I )n 1"V"IJ I-illtsi „V I,I (}*'+ If t J,pl— ".uelTYAI910h i 1.: ZM,:m�—u. _.�.�.? E ' .,, .a o,tl+r gs =iris.>iieiiim(Ta idi 1, ATTACHMENT A BULK SAMPLING INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS A, dsh J, J, ml , nano i mol 11 ,, i), 500 Riverside Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado Bulk Sam ltu lit rmadon and Analytical Results Date Sample Number Suspect Material Sampling Location Analytcal Result Percent and Type of Asbestos) 12-17-02 BBA-01-01 Tan pliable baseboard NW office SE corner, "'of door frame NAD adhesive 12-17-02 CA-01-01 Yellow carpet adhesive SW office, along N wall, 3 5' from cast NAD 12-17-02 CDW-01-01 '/z drywall with paper and Out building, E wall 4' high, 4' from N NAD mud 12-17-02 CDW-02-01 %' drywall with paper and SW office, NE comer of closet, 4' high NAD mud 12-17-02 CDW-02-02 drywall with paper and NW office, S wall, 3' high, 2' fiom E NAD mud 12-17-02 CDW-02-03 ''/z' drywall with paper and Hallway, between doors to offices, 4' high NAD mud 12-17-02 DS-01-01 Medium olange peal drywall Hallway, W wall 3 high, 5 from N NAD texture 12-17-02 DS-01-02 Medium orange peal drywall SW office, E wall, 5' high, F S of door NAD texture 12-17-02 DS-01-03 IvIedmm olange veal dtvwall NW office 2 h1gh 2' fiom W NAD textuie 12_1'1_rn LiP_l11 — \A]h.62'`:fl' wiling vle..`. NllfofficP 1 from S, 2 Pmm\a7 NA-D medium i andom fissures and medium dots 12-17-02 LIP-01-02 White, 2'x4 ceiling the with East packaging room, 4' from S, 1 5 from W NAD medium random fissures and medium dots 12-17-02 LIP-01-03 White 2 x4' ceiling tile with SW office, 9' from S, 2' from W NAD medium random fissures and medium dots 12-17-02 LIP-02-01 White 2'x4 ceiling the with Hallway, 12' fiom S, 1' from E NAD large vertical fissures and medium dots 12-17-02 MS-01-01 Black concrete sealant Out building, 3' from S, base of E wall NAD 12-17-02 MS-01-02 Black concrete sealant Exterior, base of east wall, 2 5' from S NAD 12-17-02 RSG-01-01 Light brown and tan asphalt Roof of offices, top center NAD shingle 12-17-02 RSH-01-01 Gray roof she ting NW corner of warehouse 2' above roof on parapet wall 15% Chrvsotile Page 1 500 Riverside Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado Bulk Sam iling Information and Analytical Results Sample Number Suspect Material Sampling Location Analytical Result (Percent and Type of Ashes 12-17-02 RSL-Ol-01 Black tat like root sealant, Roof of offices, center at vent penetration NAD hard and brittle 12-17-02 RSL-02-01 Black sealant with fibrous Intersection of warehouse and office sections of main building, 6' 15% Chrysohle backing from E 12-17-02 S VF-01-01 Mottled gay tan, and white Doorway between hall and packaging room, center at damage NAD ebblc attem sheet flooring 12-17-02 WC-01-01 Black semi -pliable window Warehouse, 76' trom W, S wall, tight side of window 5% Chrysoule caulk All samples have a sample prefix of "5319-010" NAD =No Asbestos Detected Page 2 ,'055 Bryant St i>Mn+ur CO 80211 Ohl) <PW 19666 C2k(3N) 4774275 -011 Fl m CM,h zESI N4 Once wr r 11, 26, ht3Gh h.F Y: 9t;PiCnt R] {= ! 2,71) ."edwar'l aQ 9uttr 7"O Ft roU.a., 'z MT'C Mt raval.., Pcc}a-� llvuarap;ldo RkR @95g G-t S31 F-6:0 <atef ;oa a..,ess,na -eqe r-oll,, :R"CY"a 0^td , rpe xa3 c"_t —d bulk we m at �dnjlas of 2 ler'z,< r W .F14;'CM-Y QLM) for .shes,cs contunc as per :,or r.,nosi m + -,"m is ,ae vIin- o—U t, _ ... _ o„ty v e, to "rain^h lie *ul', mamr,ais .n mve apce w. quid"Imea _stebl,shfa o< xr� k5 _+{ {F's1, v,t ,.�-'d Si., ;i.. ?pil(LLCM -mW t A a e Xaaanr ed , , ' ml RES 89656-1 U ne "an strobe, as, ;as, to this Pgmv .Pia Lejort is nvxmd� eo ,aah'y ` &e snncz<_ ma .he sole prormll a 1. uvto=,e- resrxueus F s ronm,,tu,, ,., uAl r.. In -vs tit cart at ;his .Ude w-: yaIser%QI at3e, ,t. cf _ tl..mn The % act4 d, n_a" & _ t,a xonxt ml^a pp,y to At, ,..eplos amly u -omrl„ mail 1? Qvo wd It . t _.,,cs d,ys sN , , `to,; 1 xz;;as-'d TO OS., SEA quiae.ane „aamelopa= f aa:ree rs A&M -i,�_M- � mrrcomly s ,0 '^o aq,t_tiana, ara:ses cor ,.on-tn_,b _ m&tca,u�s s.rh m rin r _dob nss,n r_rs r.. Or,%.., In._ _accomen,a Wit 10Lal andly'c.„ ..0 ca�fx .m v'g,, .._ PSG' r.-s IL. as .1vc.. t.lca W @ .noe_- m, - r,.t . -td to cieiae MAOI9c;r M of oraauA ,r 3ha'0 , -erfil I = Mhn „ atp mema 14 ) c 4: Nr 'WN Z. , mVt IM0 Any gace.lon. ac,Ir ,r' r>i,ora"ba `t" [-ne to .01 nee a. hi-_.., WAN IQ,, _ r S'aaL e ..,-pa _.. .n h,r•z,r Rae in3 RESERVOIRS ENVIRON MENIAL, INC. Faye 2 of 3 %,'f 10046 IT' iI I , vnhcd LakxiasL=m N 30'O Pp TABLE] YL;4I If ULK AIPY U )(SIS, Pk 13CEiYPAGE COM1IPOSITION 61 VOI.U:i,II: RCS ,,,b NU111tiLl I&S Msts-i f'13u•t "A a{Sii I inu ou naeuLai - t I' C } - uecat l u;er� {ie npi,elt C OK1500 Rners de 0afC S,liL131,-'1fZUNL,, Dis Pwfur 1&2002 e4 MIZIS i spc MI Short Itepart, Bwk Sttnaroolui 24 3feua,,,,i„� ik it hem'von- ;tD;titi MI G 'x. ?setstoc' F�hrt�,os �i4,tmt.te I l'Yarriher � �t ph,smat p3ttb iiii4 � i�mors Gniponeat5 it iti Descrip'Jo11 t�U� ALnrrat J coffipollentsMI r— i57t9-OIU-BBA-01-01 i it _s�`-A t A 13ruuul,N.;w 100 D U" iQ8 Sa"19-Et1 t)-(,:�-i=I=ill RNI ;13;r7 1 k Mow tCAVw �clltle plasier 100 IND Tk IOU 53194MCMA-791.61 j 1 73371fi I 9 !:r.x} p.::.It 2 P What plaster tt C JIM as will 6 9: E ND ND 0 7 4 too bJ jSSEfr-+.�tu-t-U�-t)�_pl et1 143719 li A It,baelalaswrNo %hits penal 50 Yt) 9 1v0 9 I3 Whitedr ,W II 10 „D 15 t3 1530_01ti-cDW-02-113 At 4,710 A Ahoptc510tKaAtpwat 5 'ND 0 1U0 ft 4Whup dguwI1 g� ND A A i`'319-010-i_t}Sit-62,o , 3N C ��� sG3"St � i rIle v G t,tz,. wot ut vtdEr�'�fli tiiI 4., Ii R'hiie p1dS.et A .011i, }Bata, -10 ND 00 v, R1llt-t�Z .t t} 77 ND iJ bJ S?lri-tliv-(1i-137.C71 "ti 74:17�2 A itWN,III -'Icc 100 NO Ui 10i 153I9.01U-U4-tl9z ifV r -0z A AhILLJAISel 1Qf ND a 100 43,791010-DS-01-03 i ENI 74+784 1 VVlluepiastet ,N 2u0 SD I 100 I) - M1A ae Uencma R- I = V1 rise- 1, a -,tr Teem-Act=Tremo;4e-Annoble Cot jlxtx (l i RESER A I) IRS FINNI RONaIVIIA-f AL, AC . vvLtPr�tmT3m&a L,bmtiwry tr S1106 1[a1i LcegT.,O i.++bora,.nrv, 7+�t3 {h LhB1 r I PLM HULK AIALYMi PERt M %GE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME ohs kb 0+a x, RL48965u-1 ..imutt Ve'llsh Ent ir znmem al - (F C.) `. EtCmlt ptfliLC?i`+Uedtk:YtP tit S�E�-{4itt COFC`MlRn0mde Joe 5 " , 14 R" m,T.a D,c. nAmr 18. Za02 r,tt-T+„s; 7r}.a P3,4i;zhurttEepnt�.i3xr(k lTabru sm, 24 Horst Clitml�_ _"1Ld —L� aatti,aEe �FU"�u�a�er` f� Su'o '.Niranl�er }` �'he�lcai Port ! t l TJC3Ct1()i mn k�.S 24�LS5 L .3 9 LM - a3 788 E , 1 -,4'i90 rt,6 -A3%71 tIFM "42"92 `.vt 43M C-01-ol li'`t :Y 7Qe 319410_t-tP-l1241(lxtzaSarmplO EM a4-;-1,6 A V fut IXV -ShUg Etic 1 C,haeuca ceiling the A 1"laltUun culaue Hie _i fffar pant } f31tu I- t ,k Eirnwtt t13mg1e A f;fack tat B Blackroafaa; A. Hla;-k i n` A Xhn' (ibrce,� wc.v.0 riaterial tc; }alac6 tat A YOWgtcm 13 %,ha: JWMA;'atti Blacx 1Cbvl A ;'dluarr'grey (xiling the '- =: o., Gewctaa R - T= w < I T, t =& h aT„ I, Trem-Act = Tremoltte.Acanallte rat ;nmyst m=t iv hors e'Vfii➢ ,-',4(1cato; I-IbILUS Fibers Crampollentz �r>uaf Compeneuts t`�r"� fe f l07 too) ra DI Tpq 100 ND3� 0� 190 ND ?5 Is 0 V NU 'S N6 5 95 Lq ND r titt 3C -0 1 95 NI b5 ?: Bata QA City: Service Provider. City of Fort Collins Environmental Abatement Southwest, Inc Attn Purchasing Attn Richard Budd PO Box 580 5615 Industrial Place Fort Collins, CO 80522 Colorado Springs, CO 80916 In the event of early termination by the City, the Service Provider shall be paid for services rendered to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory performance of the Service Provider's obligations under this Agreement Such payment shall be the Service Provider's sole right and remedy for such termination 5 Contract Sum In consideration of the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Professional a fixed fee in the amount of Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500) 6 City Representative The City will designate, prior to commencement of the work, its representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary and proper decisions with reference to the services provided under this agreement All requests concerning this agreement shall be directed to the City Representative 7 Independent Service provider The services to be performed by Service Provider are those of an independent service provider and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins The City shall not be responsible for withholding any portion of Service Provider's compensation hereunder for the payment of FICA, Workmen's Compensation or other taxes or benefits or for any other purpose 8 Personal Services It is understood that the City enters into the Agreement based on the special abilities of the Service Provider and that this Agreement shall be considered as an agreement for personal services Accordingly, the Service Provider shall neither assign any responsibilities nor delegate any duties arising under the Agreement without the prior written consent of the City 9 Acceptance Not Waiver The City's approval or acceptance of, or payment for any of the services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights or benefits provided to the City under this Agreement or cause of action arising out of performance of this Agreement w5rwrnemel S-csi i,tn and I ngtivers _Sr1'z'xS �S�Sng!':nwti.IDut�tnU V ANALYSIS REQU EST and CHAIN OF CUSTODY 5Att1'L};y St,R�i II IEU IIti. i hl3tiftA1'ORY'+T �t34t1 rTt'I79{7 (wther/ IN, OICL 10. K4t'01 I.rnt vile"110 ScSc,ESSC% uxr rng,rem, LI f RtiacSr o,rs. Araritet �nt) (Page f0) Is DA'I E OF SAAIPLP, COLI U 110" ; 2 7 0Z PROdF.QTt( ANr (OFUC I)u Rnerstde IIROJIC'1 4. �1�9010 CON'7ACI. Mtkc Carrell P€3owr,97U)VI-5643 FSA,nd M2 5'7 C FtI (97o) eo'-,arts ANNIAIICALINSIIOCIIORS fondetequesrLdse,ues/ ASBFSTOS bt LK 4NAl YSLS (, ie hod} PLhi I i W SNM (0:&r) hSKSTt 7S Attt ANALYBIa +hodl PCM-40C4 PCIA04tM 1UNI roxh'o III, TA�_S aKniYbCS {v[izaft lm .-pI /metnad7 Alllarm_ 11F,roac, ICU, tt,ca ofte tr,,tta-Aax irhmtr3lE MRtnSg ro/ WACPY t,rshf{) 5Oli q;l) WISI ;r +r<r,Jut CHIP r;oir eu>tJ ________ry__-____.__ __ __ _ ___.._�._._�.._.._.._ _____________._. 0 MLR AN a I YSIS tsper �t,,a `�'"F's,- 1-7, L-'°' I[`RNAROtP?FDIMl I 2hnUIRlNI nlSeurS :'hotos/; Q5t3ay� 5cr: daSc _ �__.._- DL,U%E"RY nF RCStl1. -II AX (S;S,7"?i 5' �j��.. Ffrttfi `• CXIA f9.-J-56- 3W' 1,LPCTR0NIC tr> I'texu 1. d'4'.mjJo lid uwa a onud. w9L F.0I n1 R."a AR0lHVL bAAPL° ,l StmLwd6111"r is yspurfi kwgr•'x4"lvr) Rewl)Snm{Tca'c Cticct^ COMMI tYls y� �/PI�� 7n+tN> RcLntD Fcat2---_- . FCK YZ-i.P &C-AD CI TI NI SAMPI F llilviirlks. DESCRIPTION� vu»n,le;i PR(N.M,I LAR NT, 5){o-6li�-F3tt 4-v(Si7 7a�Plizbe mSPaw+e 5314q�10-(* 01-0t Yellow ✓Ih:"ie ------- ------ __ _ _ _ _,..... _._ _____ ----- _ ._ s 5'ii9,nit-CtYth'&t_p; dry^tall, IP' tans and m'ul d °?j J,a;tiy"O41`{!„ r1__. Y"dnvo, uPh wdp aadmud 5;1°-{AtCF)t� P2tt2 dl'}'411 v tt;t tape nimud.-- d[yhal(-pia td------a- - +'vflit-9);. CI-0I '✓Intc Ch,dal letiu,re S `3lsn,{_t9SPi..P Ahttc'hai"y,ettti� a--- ________.....____ ___.._ � I S3:*td:I1 a SP-{,I-0L Ptr•`U ,,nlrcng,+ __ - 1,. St1`,_pk i i 1111,-0Pr I'Ll, U4 JI w"9tte 4ell`Slg IYC 1, 1, 1"1451 tct-pl, I'tm'Oe i' �1 �y,I t-ItSH-'Is7i ("A' T, of shraia•og t- iil�)I•t�r S251-GI-0' B;c:, to-'s a;rv, "_ _ V" s'I 161I7 RSL-D'i E��nl` sr. ira tl1S ibmn 'uri<rS euas'+(s"- t!3e'r,.rr ,..a ss ttii+ roa bId.,t v �r 'aa_r.+°,at •t tattJ.e ,.,. _ __ rs"ura, rtt� IRA +IER Ob ('USIIIB'r I ROW o'l le ._._------ _...._.��-------- in�iro�roenral a`^a ,xiscs arnI Ulgm=4. ( I( Z624 Rcdnv;ng Mari 5 we ; J) q t of[ ( r.n,as, t OIGMIJo Q {Y 10) «;-5p7� ANALYSIS REQtEST and cu.! INN oF %us7`oi)y i'1iY7iEt C,t LiE �L t UAIEffi S1�1PI &Cgt,i,i,f%iC):r (IFF SI SA,IiPi.6 ;r (,1t6FitS UESC 1{IYlliTt ((nt $dt .nlum,=ji2r r;n 1,wrfrleo PROGSBT 1,MlViE 21 a,, O O A%-014,1 i31'4a Vt,40N g�dOJg 2'_ . 5i1`1.IN,JCIP-01 Ite�nz�a wsn�dens sba,a dens —___ z 34 lr A is ti .s 't _._-__ _ __---- VMp „MZ'N HESERVOMS E-NVIRONNIEENTAI_, INC ".> 3906 — } 3059 CSryanl `,I t}onvur ('U ESUTI E fIESi Job t true Dare �'}; .� }�i�0✓, 1t'1 Pfxioe (-vM)§5454a+i Par t]o4}4YT-427S WAIS A fttSAt eN(13> 43681 thusTime PlrIrR 013CAtI Pay,v,.wat,, uvsiabM>ttatr Akwruie Paey fq tyt£M 305 J18F PC MIAI4e• SMi-�(Ai If It kK)URSU5F ON1 Y) ' Aftps IifltmStWetkend CRARCC_ A a—uni 5 _ �_— _ Aatborued by Mkkhcn3t trees.{4AY for ,ek._, and r.A.iays for an -rtad y5,^. bj > Sample;, wA he analyrpd rtuno j normal hitr talo,y hoarts unkr S :r{horwr„4 afrztrxxer3 nr>d .(vrut�L•ti ran the t h<an oP cvx.tudy (urn a»xuu4 n f,ukvle'c t to 1,13y3ratgry veturac* ,'iw wtFl bet nobLed d 1ktlays are .yrc[tkel AS3CSXOSLAL3()RAIOttYNCJUIIS Weekdays 7am-7pnr PCMfpt M yz un,., xusn TCM _6 tree ""t1; _24a.. —_}y wfv.ktlaYs --PrN MA, e"EQ01111 D 1. if M f Ho,:e+3pIA4 METALSLABOIFIArORYMAMS Wt-rkdaY4e Pam. Spore _. AA SPf ctla Rt}x It Q4 Rcvrr }6 ik y MRA6—_SilCIA1RU°H —�y71,, --toD" TGLF ,,,,,,_`d•R[At%e 1"IH �f`4D" 10 P', Prgr Madpn3t}t53Ri fYPx :Fif IM 5U m[!AM1 Ri [lA f[r IC";P RtJ�A an)!lI_P iWF<1N Ftti'-14i 311"T....... rl4) Sped If InII' iciians--�-- #^ ANALYTICAL MF-MOO tiles PCM74WA rAt'O QYIA — IIIAAH%PtA tSO ares3Aas t40 Hu>,[�if§+>rs Cbett,,m _} ..........._ii:AA6 Gwi i<tat. Ytn_apxabie� (3i tl k PLrA tt"a:r IFM .t � 14 ..wn�-qunfrl RA.ICF —_j� __MpitiJ-fiE".(ipp Pawn_ >cd 6hat tiPya'K* 6r.,,jr% �tt,t,-t {h4 F61 f vt9, Pf nrva>f r.prYiii+h j WAIf R !CM Ln,,... j-- n,xvrner a, ray R.'rgA d 011-1111 w _ sm'sy_ - i_�LL_�_�✓_t1__� V�- -__ __ __________ .Zf Z_ 72�_ ----------- — „ l� Tdutrt�v Od a1'[pJ'n't£t '[:t"Y \ G' r^"f _v {ff+t ) ai,trzy ti.M[xX131 SC4'LLY ef4 rN, Laj ;VCSif`6Irx,+'x.}"t.d^11, Hnthrt.,ylxerz„>a.i}ret(I,,IA ltY""MWtyAv[3lj .r iytXH1 "+I5)A'4 dh [d IAFrytbk(hrzxd✓)a agtme,j wyA unp ut>]t'T !tl `I r[Flr tf+'S!'rAf J4`Ifv,nr ,..nY+¢+'RSaf,Sxn<d,('uka[nXK u$Liklryj trNn.li+a,q<'S tNi yn, ?anpr[,1,6Rt YutY�1n Ie)"I'll ",I m e.AtvY 6h,Tr'4[Yr¢u6+pit}r6G[]IINb (:aGt pear e`O,f lrn nxrtnv,d trzyN"gLLL vIII'd,n,rnRf Pu[w rerul Re+r.,y{,e_t,ea FSY " i iatc t� me'c "----- _ - - - --- a},t„f;.�.. - - - - -.__-- - - - - S.. __ _y_f_______ m._,.___ .. _ __ _ _ ..,.._. __.. / __—_.. _ ..— _ ____(_/_ tku-P.v _S ttP _ l.arw+ —y ,( L{ _ !_ _ �f ewhtum ,Y'Fv.µ+.n.prJ^r.[ try _, ,::...........I HF-0.it 75 t 41349t t f°.Mjt3 t Pxxx' F,ex 3 [m,i UPS+. flITa' 6utgv„ wLt15: A01"l,aw,n bpl rlrste t_vb £k :u.itfr'4, Ufet'.i3itcis itKr v*`s Y Rn,dy9Kdt DA tfu.PfurnwrrvrcT lmrar� It ip Rr ` RIV011IS FNVI( ONIVIC-NTAI_, {hC( 99656 :iOS3 €l.yarg SI Ocnvc r CO kxY?7 E Fi EiSi Jut! c:. __ ._ ._ _ -- 01Datef Jp1! 112ty iZ}1 (JeJ rc� el,' 9541406 F—J)til-f:TS WATSPB RF94NY(Zii 4IfAt L)-1'M' -A'Xd� PACPP ONC'AI L P•rr n kxr3va,IlkdaaiEMl AReFft IxPe r-tY WTEMuH};toFf'CW1ae eaii56h XNl9 (nl it It EIrplub vst (SNl rt SATdPL£S SUF1MPi ItU tiY � ��� �� _--- IhIV01CC TU[ (if PNFPE HFNF�—��—�_�_ Asfkt ¢Y' .Yi-1_—t-Y (.f.2_{Ly Cs2Cf.7Y1�'J--'T-�— --.� _—__ -- __ Cpnga t_ (.tx ru• G F a-. -<'SJ µ C.).• CENrt lrt—i'F+X'vl F,Zx [Il3 a'F Adtn95 Yecyvt CMmv.lv'ns+SoYCEr ��jt�aLTIL�-- _________ -___ Pe ¢T (k,: v:r rYSaalr•n �•. � "'-- - -____ ___ _ .—_. _. -.._ -_ � __— - AtECY Eltn.e xJYVevkenr}CtiAHGk Murunt$—_,,, _. AutLan>rv9 Cly . Ad'Thoxkti fees aP{EY Corr -(fret tMJlxs nrxf [roh<fayg IUe aN arutyc+s to{a^. S xrgatcs wlll tie anlryzed c}Inxifl Prunal Ia4orawry bC+41rs urlKss oirieavh^� aerexru� d axxl m{�t Ifx=i tm thl, rfiwan of cusio.3y Tu+staratrtul ra srAe�.T to Ldx�r^eq °Y Yc'knnn Ytw wln to nonLc�T rt dcteps sutr MKI VOS LABOSATCIF{Yt OMIS Weekdays'vTam-7pm M — 7 tunE3uFii atwaa 35 wmkdnys 6lf.:ur FI2)11i 8l mm�-^y5rrh Mdays ! ihlee 14EptRFtE6 icx 1 LM ¢ 1 bm PUv# TA[.51AFSOITA1OSYtE(flTt3S WCs'Y.4.tgt; Bam-Stem _5'f<VACAW,H „__.4 Hmot _ IsOx, FICHA 6 'A't CIAk t VO4 _ s r," --_ Ui O, ICU, _'aPT CEAI l,1)�lE-11yi0" kuD" JIS.x N tlf Rl-ol fic V P» SP5 c At E111 ,11 N 13C QAlt rcl r, eCCIiA, 1TCLC ST f gIMi RU6Nn 3 Oxy 7wry com,d Specea4 pmtnaci;niEsc 6iktiilv�z3[3TU$C.Nu p$XT AI_Y TILAL WrIH TfD iLPCM ie oA "WC (Ymd SCN nl't-AA t'-,rin T-W ISO eri -.dAps I50 ,l'i Ctlo''e ch'e')w AA flt i' __ _ — _ Mt6N H,FiA 6 __ {tuil N irif iit'_(� eb L,k s ELN FJa ri iey�nR to+rri t-Yu.i FVUR CC+xmt — ir" el Q�}.atrl rRve4 tt�r3t'i h>fN-P—. f2)--_ t3-10 1RE ins r u c l r3a ,,rn,�x n w•t. v s aY 3 i i it Sl,sslr M YPubr MrYnF a(GFL1 t{ ikod' � VlxN� WaMr lit fi ________-_._._ G10 _b—zi._l I 3Y t3 ._ t bJ[i L4»nf ^.drt:J4a ura rvnd ✓ (C'*/ ei �>`@}+ilili .l x41„+S nu.'t({'}i Nuir 4, l.rhan i�lryyl• x+f ."a 4'I<k•<t en,m •;+,. 1_r,rc,rey Mt l"A xunty_U rx �s �^m•<.�^Lx rxi a SRSlx ryinpr• mr+9 miltxys .. w+l+t iiEKik t! a n '2't^1Ji r« -.m Bra SI. KX�S t'4It,,.prm i.M V.'Isrn)IMm.b ♦yatn rfl4Nyr k_xa •`%�p48•drb len ra4xvuiittms 3' f r�i!sr'i,t vy/i C+tx wt)[QYI SKra�ivY n9I N�+t irytY inrrvv Sd�.eiy14 't'1 ,N"Yu.A�n x!}MY"i4tC•'teazf Eteeln<;,.Gsacd uY " 7 tb{t_ i _rL p _X�,s 7t_r ?Lt �.t.-'��' _ _ ri *.�1•� . _ _ _ t U , Only -------_ R athn� �r.� J.. Gb'aS ST !� L✓_ l{wihYrrl.M -- j y- Rttkaag.nvSN rix `a•.at �'jwern v0.v --�s� (t �. t_rs„};!_ .•_-_-_ t i3t"`;iIti.'- — Gaff 'rt Va'#-x hlKn'ru Ian [ m,yd U Str 5('UPS� A'W'AA' dMvl fr}/ItrnF _,__-...___ _ _____.-.. —• 1 th {if'i}CPv i.�cnm#t2tlt'. IS HeY iurl{E2 -__ TW.w G per' �1 rT O 's .lCERTIRCAIJON _ r TAB' > Colorado Department of Public }icalth and Environment Air Pollntion,,C"ontrnI [ilb`i5tpn � Laid. = This certlfics that Troy Sanders C ertification No. 9346 has met Tile requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and .'fir Quality Control Commission ftegglation No, 8, fart B, and+is hereby eertified,by,the state of Colorado in the following discipline- �n 4C ^y t �., Building Inspector* : ; Issued: 0711312002 § 1, xpirem 07/1312003 t,p :ia g\1 t�'+�ry�w (a�'e efii3t�n f �t�+aiR✓f��G*"- �`=�„�t'i�r'r. �'d�... '' p4'y���at zin 1ViLlIOk�IlVj ti �'t �}�.Pj}ii5f'1�i3$f4P ^.�} • a { t t 4}a W _T'kt-`-�� ��jt;lk`dfiYj.LtFte{tii'/(dt%DtTlV 8Y1I tJt1 �lO5trt'1J&iflt U�rl6`P)(j(j %��, %{,f t'P1'1F�ft�ltRi1YY :)t �''� " the difr',jYi,nt= gyp, etped ahov,. r^fir �`i3ii,a"' }', iea "'twr.'` ;Pv •t;':': �'�/' Y>k%t' ',�t, rv�e�3i ,f➢S�L,'tit.h t`rr a'Y t'jt'4: t, e'ti'+i¢v'tixY�`� "',t.°,'t r3i3yi4''�• •.l'Y�'.°'iii txr i^� '.''YrY'ii'i';'x4't+;.' ^fLL°'d¢)pe.�ga,rseq ^ir>4tyi..a' 'epp'4+iy§t;Pik'`{.,:rrt*ttnf tlk aara i�yt b-0Y4ytzyei' ., .,i, ����di�evip la(tt6kit'j xtiV �'���Pt�i%kV,bj:gi�,�lt'i�%iti�i��•yti tyt Ply^�+l/1j,�Yva requirements of nviron ental rainin COnsulting 2761 West Oxford Awnue 47 i,ntletizood,CO 80110 (10-))781-0499 Cf--,K I'1FIr,S I'lIAI TROY C. SAN DERS — - ; as succ:;ftti;ucompleted the t:J'A-ArPROvrn Ai- EIVt ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE for INSPECTOR and passed the required examination to that discipline Nis course r5 FPA-approved under Section 206 of the 'Foxtc. Substance Course Date 92104 t2 No of houis — -- C,'Qmfi ate No DR 124}402 - 06AI Expires I21,04/01 Authorized Srenaturc Act (TSCA) ��"f� t_m.. _ �i Y`i .'t ._....5`.i.K. Sy�^`r'e.r�"i.��hx. .ff-..E !p�`r`"ar � E-�t. '+Vf•�a ,.b,. .. !r � � �l L• a Zs7yry t9a u;e`�a tYa.�.a _ `""S � tf ,a � Fir'.-'�.<.x _$,�," m- �+,ir a't _ ^i _., lh_-_; >k...�y+FhFi "th{r .'."2�° 3"::, x`. iq''"' `��• l�z :�F b.. j 2.` Y• .i� f/ uti ` << GOBBELL HAYE PARTNER ' 5 5'r'"m�i xi c a 4'% h• f�,� 10500 East 54th A%enue, Suite.] Denier, CO 80239 Ph, (303) 574-0082 .,, If sty (303) 574-0061 CERTIFIES FHAT llas,mcc:essllvlly co plcut d "t Hie P PA -APPROVED AIIERA ASBESTOS COURSE for Building Inspector Refresher s4-R Ti II, COOL: e iM Fl A appro ul Linda Su tion 206 Laf the Toxic Sri Contof A(,t (T S(7A ) �'t s""Ar, meet, the r>ryt#utirilt;ni7 lii C,olOt ado 12e�ltlatoti 1 0, 8, It Clobbcll ll ay,, Partners Inc ml,rchased MCA 1-imotmrenta]_ hic and ct�nr�e at)rrowal can z`� ] Be Juun,l;n the fl'1 diiectory under MCA Euktronnlental Inc listed as tratntna, firo,xier 4931 f EPw i" i %am Ow, t 2i Vv�ig y- - _ °�R•4n t*`aY`_ If _ Ad i201131pul1tala 13 17 o2 r 4r" f V i Peter 1), C appul - Directoi -- ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION STATT n n ^ � N t ORADO Colorado, Depattinent of Public Health and Environment t` fir 1"ollutia 'Cc%otrol I3I Ision` , --This �&rtiiies, that-, ich*� 1--phillip,castell Certification No. 4210 hiks met the' requiremen#s',of 25-7-507, C.R.S.'and Air r =n Quality'. Control Commission Regelation-No. 9, Part,B, and is hereby,mrtified by the stride of Colorado in the following ��;cipline; Building"ispectofi; ; Issued: 01102/2002 Expires: 01102/2 3 RUhlso}zus-rii.S"i:1 Rep ewill'ifine 1 $ I hIs eertUlcste It etdid only w4h the posxesswn of carreru �FR A csritJeatwer In the dit cWine specked abom SEAL .' '�?�'*��ui srf,?!+i� �iX yiiJ%i�iid�};Cit;, `i tiii'.,fiu5;}{!; _��'},�a �i^.�i 4 iir�i*�a �nut��i•�.�?� :wig �u:�G ('�1..1t e —*;pl� `i�`�jq,t�,�,"';}�� �5°•,s,g.a`r`�' �i�t e�k�3�;.,`,%� �';.,�� 'n�'[. fii:.�o k t %btf �il ryM'��; J'e�Y.�'[6x§l k%it;� � SMtitr'[ia f'i' �J It ii'p tk4} §`kYb�4yfR p i t%y 40 2�i 1ti.u°sKki 24:.'a'1:i,A �I�x�$64F i�� w,9Fyat}C"I "f U4F` �a dytr 6.§.k a%r✓ � Rn•xp a[n'-.i�'%,3 }+[�` ov- + t 0 requirements of AQC:C Reg.#8 CF101FIES THAT MICHAEL P. CASTELL has successfully completed the UPA-Ai�PRON ED AHEWk .'ANNUAL REFRESHER CouRsE for INSPECTOR and passed the required examination in that discipline This course is EPA-appro,.ed under Section 206 of the Toxic Substance C owse Date No of hours certificate No Expires DR 120402 - 02Ai 1 2/04✓03 (TSCA) wthc tt'atsdcowl ATTACHMENT B FIGURES 10 Warranty (a) Service Provider warrants that all work performed hereunder shall be performed with the highest degree of competence and care in accordance with accepted standards for work of a similar nature (b) Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, all materials and equipment incorporated into any work shall be new and, where not specified, of the most suitable grade of their respective kinds for their intended use, and all workmanship shall be acceptable to City (c) Service Provider warrants all equipment, materials, labor and other work, provided under this Agreement, except City -furnished materials, equipment and labor, against defects and nonconformances in design, materials and workmanship/workwomanship for a period beginning with the start of the work and ending twelve (12) months from and after final acceptance under the Agreement, regardless whether the same were furnished or performed by Service Provider or by any of its subcontractors of any tier Upon receipt of written notice from City of any such defect or nonconformances, the affected item or part thereof shall be redesigned, repaired or replaced by Service Provider in a manner and at a time acceptable to City 11 Default Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a material element of this Agreement In the event either party should fail or refuse to perform according to the terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default thereof 12 Remedies In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting party shall be allowed a period often (10) days within which to cure said default In the event the default remains uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the Agreement and seek damages, (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific performance, or (c) avail himself of any other remedy at law or equity If the non -defaulting party commences legal or equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the non - defaulting party for the non -defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred because of the default 13 Binding Effect This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers, employees, agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of said parties Warehouse Out -building Office LEGEND = RSH-01 Gray Roof Sealant ®Walls11. RSL-02 Black Roof Sealant (Fibrous) 35 Feet Enmonmental scientists �a Engineers, uc 500 RIVERSIDE AVENUE WC-01 Window Caulk Approximate Scale FORT COLLINS, COLORADO ® Monitoring Well CONFIRMED MATERIAL LOCATIONS Job: 5319-010 Date:01/03 Frgure: 1 ATTACHMENT C PHOTOGRAPHS OF CONFIRMED ACBMS Main Building RSL-02 Photographs of Site and Confirmed Materials 500 Riverside Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado ��.-.^ _�. Out -budding Photographs of RSH-01 and WC-01 are not available due to equipment malfunction Page I off ATTACHMENT D DEMOLITION DEBRIS SAMPLING ANALYTICAL RESULTS 11 Y it.r �rif Sd xt � � �� r•�,, �,e,. 4t 7059 Bryant St D Inver, CO NOt 1 3 (309) 964-1986 Fnx (301) 277 4275 TcAl HF-St ENV .Jam-at-y 3, ?CO3 Walsh Fnvir�r.nsntzl 2629 R: dwr ng Rn H,t1 L"" 280 Pt col l in. `0 9 Dear Va Lued Ctlsta Me! , Reservoirs Er rtrrxi,nenl al dcrvt es, Inc ;t S, uric ha; i-malyzed zelo jaml-le- 'z 37t,g rnttt �bscrption r1t l a,d.:c: t=ze_t�,' Coupled Pia,r«a ,IC'P) n=-L )/cur Lc-qu,—,L, ''Lie has been <.rulG4letsd zn c tn�lzarr& wlCh C?Q 1ppropriaLe retllor9oloq� an ;� 3crc' �n `table S Penults ;save born to ce RES nab 9' ` r }:InbeCn nss.gescd trlis 111-tS a�r- st i5 c<>nSidered hirihly. .J` �oI - °s _n er i�r (,I vdat;>h inc .v, t L 'ic, at di SUL 7.4 �il rr "JtAi, of :.;71'-3 rtiSdV i:,T-h UC9Y SC YInfv )_ -ther i;hcn I`it7°'N o, t.l'- C1 6i'Sli The vesults dense b-ci t"hi$ t-nrrt c,nI ly v , L' -,zimple's analvz.ed, ti- d3-3pE)£Sed ;7r afcc— ..., 1. (n1gGC Sto-rasp' lea 1:'c,-UE?atf-_Cai i.: yc'i .-J, 4uujd ee to .rat 1 m� ,c- r6 1 19p ,.,,,tine otrsr cs )rr Tj-,:e n-I Y�'pYt tit{ ,PI �f N, +ob.mi (.rtu ut u.'S �rx., rA i'r,tu h A,,I es RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. NVLAP AmrcditLA Laboratory #101890 AMA Ccrtificale of Aarmhd,moni-180 LAB 11) 101533 TABLE ANALYSIS: LFA 1) VIA rct P FXTRACTION RfsS Job Number Client Chant Project Number / 11 0 Cheer Prow Description Date Samples Rcceived Amk,sis Tpe I urmiromid Date Sampics Analy-zxd RFS 8906-2 (Ec) 5319-010 COW500 Roeerside December 18, 2002 USEPA SW846 1311 13010A / AA (7420) 5 Dav Januari 2, 2003 Client Lib Detection LEAD ID Number TO Nambel Limit CONCENI RATION (M!1I) (MWI) 5319-010-1'CLP-01 F-M 743797 () 25 BDL llagi o, I Data Qa k, mo.:v tteaw7ng tcoaa, Suit¢ eau R Colorado ANALYSIS REQUEST and CHAIN OF CUSTODY SA'+IPLP;Y Str@M11 LE,D BY 'Na{sh Enrormnmrrmd sa'uenti,ts a.>Sd Fmgtnecs, t L.0 LABOR.tTORY SE3RltITTEU TO ietticrvays tether) INL 07f E TO. fg diertrrj t (page LoK--- ) o 70) 223-5e55 DA.9`F: 4F SA,'sIPLP(tIId.6E„T EON PROJECT I CLIENT, COFt'.i 500 Rlventde PROJECT d a36A-0�9 CONTACT Mike Castoll PHh:7E (9i{si 22t-5654 FAX (97b1223-8517 CELL (97€) 567-;M iLNALYTICAL INSTRUCTIONS. (drede requested sen"Mil) ASLd1STOh BECK ANALYSIS � (method)Pi.h4 PLt,€ 56M +a15tN ASnES 8 DS AIRANAL t SIS (mc.hod) I10M7460k P("AORM 'TM brmrr) MCI iLS 4N5LYSYS (me Pea) AAFlirne AoFur,W 17}{a ofsampla. ho.c reported) 1 AIR(mgorr') WArPR(mgfl) SOILf awerght) tVIPE: (T.'gjd'} D l5l i, "erghg (HIP 0711ER ANALYSIS (sprcef}) _-' e� I UR4AROUAD i iSSE 12 hour RI ASH b hours 2d hour>-5 day~; Srmdsrtl - OLLi4 FRY OF RE.St74 TS a tFAY(9-0223-8577) MAIL CELL (97P-5673SD1) �°LFCT OAK, r0 pkaea reod,, comr,&ni Lhm, ac."4, »imP uLob Repo" ARCH,VL SAMPLES �__...._ Standarc3 b months (Srea)y ranger duronon)_ Rrtun Ssreples be Chem`+ (C)M*tE'NTS Nd'a 'lain.(AycrQ iti F p Mt TvCtx 412p t a Fc+z T; Lp 4--AD CLIENT SAMPLE NUMBERS, � DESCRIPTION; -� �flnchuia vrowrcfer air slomme cj � PROF, SET LAB t SF� 1 qa 19-03C 6fiA-0S.tti Tan pliable adh4.ivs e '319 ill 0-t"Aril-01 3 iit9-0IR-Ctb N-(}I-bl 14' drywall x to tape and m,x! 4 ;314-f710.t DW,U2-01 -_ 'h"dryo4woh4tpeandn'ed S i111-OF,A-C'EU°,62.t72 n 5419-4I1)CDh-tf2-Q3 = dryvaft wtt't¢ape ar, maA 4Lbrtc chalice ic,eum 3 531°w'od)S�t'1t2 vVhre chalk,, tbxwe 0 53i9-€girl-DS t't-d» � Ks�tu vlaaiiv tccure 46 s314-0h7 LW-0:-bl wnue wLog blr 11 5314 9 h-LIPU1 42 It"tray re9hr� '*le _ .._ __— _ 12 �31h 19gd_LPW a9 "Viute ceiling the ; „ n3IJ-00l AP-{-M! --� Able, tew—nle Hsc0.waiao ;D •'14d1€i,-4SGd',-C=I Tt*ht n�ovm mid tan a�p't^'t ePongle mo,"alrut ask ac.JW,n" 4, ltb.om ad rng 20 +319.n7t iVi'utd'( ,liart3rd gaa f.m n illie ixbufv slat Slut, irg ISP fi`.I Sa�1ei'1 Fy ane'rsa s., rs c�,>r,rrrs,n. ,tv fr.ru. ae7u rnrr s'oeds (. ¢rld•�i_<�r.;rrr�r ir,esurv7 txgnat„rr ,et ['12-i,'SFPrR OF 4„L;5 CC?t3 i'FTS%.OAgt, idn/,r}rt,,,,,) (vi;nit,r}e co, MANSSPE�R OF(€'ST'C)T7 10I r .%r ✓-��r_`Ytt7 t '9 "07 and lmgtneerx, I Y}Iq fF;t.T, CLIENT CLIENT SAMYLF hl MBI RS 2k i3S 4-diG iVC-U.�ii 2i 24 26 7 W 28 21i IV-59 (page Z of7`") c C'nleca,{=�'�`26 G i`33p1223.5659 ANALYSIS REQUEST and CLIAIN OF CUSTODY A1F 4F SAtit Pi R fflLf.F C T['( ti) _ s IJESt"R7P170R. (Include wlpmalor air sa�nptas! PROQ ';FT LAD tSF, U1a'k N ladpw giawng Rwreatntame der Damn dtSm l i # tES�RVC?If3S FNVIf'iONMFNTAL, INN. „`a' 81*56 � n,vW _� 20 0 OryWA St , MOW." CO M)2 41 RES4 Job a; DMO-N I�''-( ]_1�cgazl6{o�), t sj� f.»a7 v�M+ens xnv lain) ar�..ovs 'FJATS �_eus 4LQ31 rNY {na asaa� Duo €ifnA PAGER ORCALL PAgc; Av bw ?vada U lab At;erexs§o Pr}ea PS WTCIa StlTx 18J F+tJCNAwais SpA 2P'M (h FYFR H4VRS USf Uali t� ArkStcerr l tees a{.Tlty Oar aftz hxaws .met t",dgys Icr aR woly%m types_ SarfyTlCs wrA tx Analysed t¢mntJ nrnrnal k;twratary hours uNe,s..y 4 attferAa`..e art'uxi1."i and sperzAM on the chaur at arStody Turr;arrnrtx! ro SubiecX Io tatxratary voU++1c Ypa w,a t}Et rwat�d et cteNays are eXpoCted- ASBESTOS LABORATORY LIMBS Weekdays- Tarn-i(>mANALYTICAL MEdiit>pm�_._..._______.-___..._�__....._ AIR PCM A JOSHA q ICU MACNA Lwoi7ao 2 14d} PC7A1F'i �YNow RUf.N _, ibrz+u _a8wetkCays P;oaths M01ro11ert Pwps p*oMrw AA J tCP ,-,_. lApr.y nCRA a TEM _ SH.Su t; 24btt 35weekdays 11as1 TtA itc-pr,ade PtW t;gbcx ACt:UREOSor tE�h}{pLL yyr;pSH � } RUt K W er "stx+t,eywn tans :,pon tarn Gcx+rc "' 1 MFTALS LABORATORY#iCR1RS: W"kdayz: NAm -Sptri TE&r ar, qr m t-em;K}v ua [7� AA I ICP _ fApial _ to D AA--SPr£IAt AL61, __ 04 Nun aS OU, fla" frA, 0v11 wqa, NAP 12. IMOUt I'l ru,Tnrn,,o wree• abNt RCRAa SPECIAL, n;;s14 _5Oay _10 Uap WAI FR ykmc,m*'a waste waver T�LP __.`'PEGUIL R4JSH CYar F_ 1DOAY (`'� E'r,rrkxq 4Y v: tp 4V.ttet Sv,a ftotac REQVt5iE6 frx 55'FGAL pUbN hA ACIIA n. TCA P OiitrR 1 3 _ (UJJRA AAC TGA.P ST•TC.IAt RUS>i k a Uny Tueuranxt fretii.aQrflafe_Pium3eeT i Volume ElA_S tdrjT(ttN4!p.w4.My fiaS 65sV,an'dSt>1KLeiYh'd,4-ytL.rcfi+lH do Gv.#M1Y SP.k;ctff{50.+°�:mO avvE4nLTai(3Y �ii'R.,Mj'r lYW tty+F,y Hfxl «Ji m.H(.Y Itr rufq xSrt;FS C, a`RY, ,+,pn daenptx,.v«x,prv�.Y mltr H^rsE'any ASS. 4ESi�a;t eeap[r*:.tW kr�r ,.x pna swe,Yfry cJk,dnum u•subvq kav,. ke ma.�,+sty oP,>ry,.,N ,L,tt Fu,ao'cnxF tu+x�5a�e bawd ,&€a fence Ui ,t+9{N ^Y 4 Yoxaaep C,,e t mwarory L.-�urGre. of s.}nprybx gw.rmH<vtd vt grmt ora a� w,a FL,Gpgrx;shc9 By t atxw atoey i4=.e (?nty» -!tp� �'q�^" GA00? ;_,z,_�' xJe �iC �+ L.. !.Lv�Nn,+3.Nyu.4 AYE Nvt�yCdi nf*•ri'u`I<;n ,�IxLR-C l.n"- • _ ,t -, ftL I}L TS_ Cr 1 P'nge t'ha Pae E naar! (Ime f w,ti 1" I,;ts :FtJTS A4a1wna Vex, Hydllaar _.- 7 r,e� IIrra hti"Den! 5hi+a±is 6?a ;rur,9 tl Rm>Iy9K:H CdcSn�,7flurtp,;rGwv3 ima: [lqc_ �^. cr ttt, Pte rdts Of,x+- do-r#iS CA.rf RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC_ ° 89656 � 20'9 Bryant St, txe t-r co twi t "ES1 J4 b *-----""_ Due Darn p'_L_t!.1 wv -12-1 $4. C30diMai 13 Fsa Dx lf477.1y WA IS, i-&Cb-R£StrWY tF'J7 tM91 Due THY ._ FAGVt ()WALL Pw.pr»w.ahxr AvaQQ at Lsb ARavetalef`rj aPl.WEY SPY39611'CWlinuls:M"^M!A (Ak"yFR 110tMS W4 fXmv) Ha ,r Woekend CHARGE: Am WltS Fu EfFUfy RdrvsY' __—.--- --- . Authorizedby, fc arty f,x after h,>a s and hoklays tot all analysts types Sarnoes wo be anatyzc l Wrrrr9 rxxmj hbrx aory hca'm unksss Aaan{Jed and sgov,resd on the chain of C,r,Io iy. ivalarowxd s suaiQd to tsMMralayy v0ome_ You WW be to 14"-d d dWays are ANALYTICAL ME11100 ""•_____.,.__.._. _� A56rt=STt};>t AE?OlYA3 QRY tiOUHSc Wee•kdaya Tarn-Zpm Alf I FC)a 74WA 7-MB QWA i'CM!€'1. &3 RUSlt Aaax I {,M MirpA 1.1e" ✓ w f::O Ana-JAps !SlTtn�a�ayr� fha �2F,pa ��zS _bS wee4a5ys rEFA caw.yulsev �Ar,a,r _—as ,.�ua�yn (xra rm,�t F3esrmaa� Fac�+nA,nc� RECXAFfi4 i} ux rerA ee. frn.x au :rt _ _ �,,C� BULK ( i�`..3 F,.xa 51me.cyw,t tm,q r�fret Wd�ntGw ME TALS LABORATORY HOURS Wcnkdays^ &arn-arxn }rt.'�Lf1-_j71 AA venx-gV AA 1,CP �, ,t+..�xas AA _SPECtAG FRAJI �24I4a'. -„1N0" _ Pant[ .7.M [ha, W*r rtCRA$ `^r'CCtAL Ntr-,et _ so:y tP[axv wArER rf a+ls,++,w..} wa•,evau. ICt_P =aaY _yPOxy kvh y Ylas,eW.,rr _}£QfitRVi1 uew yu ern ftF0U6,E6 yxSF>CC,nL RVF+i SA, Pftyq q<T[n 9FH£fi F--1 SriCgiai NL$[yVCtrgnS] ram_ __--- ______--- ^k✓i WrW sarr4+•,eroaeJ ���______ ifbea >n `nmr,�cw,Kv,y?v+s its oer�Img} t1C]i£ aA�"'Pui.dt�'t,n!..e1m�SW.a�.51mh4 �SSmr.w �.v Hai wxKVYy vd,a trtr&rn aiK*wy:ry+,�x:NDp-:_,m�,,r�a sM n•,yy.az fiE ,'r ++T a„+ik, axiarrnrnp yierpk�_L.,v.n iiK✓a�/uaIX]M1vrx, et+�ainea �', R}}}p ..,rtK:{n5 ,3L YlK Mfit (n-nVbb ka 1, txY LM'�!m'u..+16+1('a�.-�L+1.M.N�51fl_WCvn��pie+i�v}ny.s.�ir• (alp vy ti 4ltd S nYtd,V,X*1 InY1CY VI INiG-d v(r+r, hm; cd f x nQt Lb.Y,1, Yw, ,e+ry L'iR t atnnatrNy i+x n,q 2>n' aA •.nn, ppk/5 <pata n+w N„ m =W W ,urhtuyixd Domq'.Sxhee Ry ��_Cti.{.e�aJ�'-r3. �i `lt .`"7+,7 `:Z S ---_ --_.._.._"*•. ie+,.jm.. __ ._.—_ Lteroraxvey U:=Q ,1,ap - rn><pw,tilnr zit7._E,y'_..-� _.. . _ �_'rn:ny f�.""g_t_d-.`�_�•)=.---_ tip _:._ti - -- - itGo,f[[Y%d,>.nmYSn+[y i(b Px, rr*a9* F'_ ` �-�•• IlE":1A r`r %M,:xi P,zye f'Mnw� fex Eynad D-ge !'erne 3r.dnfs #ITS. A{,IfMn.a,&NS Slwuls Reu;"md D y_ __ R,r ,y{nt,ai tWy(hc•-f/4 r,rnascurnt 3 x,+v D.e,a vn>r Fk, ^, drs rxx•. Ho., drs I 14 Indemnity/Insurance a The Service Provider agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions, suits, claims, demands or liability of any character whatsoever brought or asserted for injuries to or death of any person or persons, or damages to property arising out of, result from or occurring in connection with the performance of any service hereunder b The Service Provider shall take all necessary precautions in performing the work hereunder to prevent injury to persons and property c Without limiting any of the Service Provider's obligations hereunder, the Service Provider shall provide and maintain insurance coverage naming the City as an additional insured under this Agreement of the type and with the limits specified within Exhibit C, consisting of one (1) page, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference The Service Provider before commencing services hereunder, shall deliver to the City's Director of Purchasing and Risk Management, P O Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 one copy of a certificate evidencing the insurance coverage required from an insurance company acceptable to the City 15 Entire Agreement This Agreement, along with all Exhibits and other documents incorporated herein, shall constitute the entire Agreement of the parties Covenants or representations not contained in this Agreement shall not be binding on the parties 16 Law/Severability The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement 17 Prohibition Against Employing Illegal Aliens This paragraph shall apply to all Contractors whose performance of work under this Agreement does not involve the delivery of a specific end product other than reports that are merely incidental to the performance of said work a t4n a ,ts $1 , n ; off,*satin i Aidu tf 13QCIS9 iLgi '4lti sgPn'e, IN, " Pursuant to Section 8-17 5-101, C R S , et seq , Contractor represents and agrees that a As of the date of this Agreement 1 Contractor does not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien, and 2 Contractor has participated or attempted to participate in the basic pilot employment verification program created in Public Law 208, 104th Congress, as amended, and expanded in Public Law 156, 108th Congress, as amended, administered by the United States Department of Homeland Security (the "Basic Pilot Program") in order to confirm the employment eligibility of all newly hired employees b Contractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement or knowingly enter into a contract with a subcontractor that knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement c Contractor shall continue to apply to participate in the Basic Pilot Program and shall in writing verify same every three (3) calendar months thereafter, until Contractor is accepted or the public contract for services has been completed, whichever is earlier The requirements of this section shall not be required or effective if the Basic Pilot Program is discontinued d Contractor is prohibited from using Basic Pilot Program procedures to undertake pre -employment screening of job applicants while this Agreement is being performed e If Contractor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Agreement knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien, Contractor shall 1 Notify such subcontractor and the City within three days that Contractor has actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien, and 2 Terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three days of receiving the notice required pursuant to this section the subcontractor does not cease employing or contracting with the illegal alien, except that Contractor shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during such three days the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien f Contractor shall comply with any reasonable request by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (the "Department") made in the course of an investigation that the Department undertakes or is undertaking pursuant to the authority established in Subsection 8-17 5-102 (5), C R S g If Contractor violates any provision of this Agreement pertaining to the duties imposed by Subsection 8-17 5-102, C R S the City may terminate this Agreement If this Agreement is so terminated, Contractor shall be liable for actual and consequential damages to the City arising out of Contractor's violation of Subsection 8-17 5-102, C R S h The City will notify the Office of the Secretary of State if Contractor violates this provision of this Agreement and the City terminates the Agreement for such breach CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO a municipal corporation By Jam B O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP Dildtor of Purchasing and Risk Management Date 41-7-6) Bwironm� Environment ent Sout/6c PRINT NAME CO ATTEST , CORPORATE SEC ETARY— ri x•• . No VICE PRESIDENT inspection for Asbestos -Containing Building ,Materials and Demolition Debris Sampling for Lead Warehonse and (hut -building Structure 500 Riverside Avenue Fart Collins, Colorado 80524 41 ALSf [ Proj et t N umbel . 5319.0 iQ '011n1 srN 13, 20113 !.�_ 'gill � �~� i � ... t,,�� ''• �4.�„ � �3( j{ I'll`, 41Ct%Yii t>~iiiR{j ;it_�, C7 CStil =` `°�ltl � 77�!_i (}ca't �,�•� I $� INSPECTION FOR ASBESTOS -CONTAINING BUILDING MATERIALS AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS SAMPLING FOR LEAD Warehouse and Out -building Structure 500 Riverside Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 January 13, 2003 Prepared foe Mr Clifford Hoelscher City of Fort Collins Utilities Department 3036 East Diake Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80525-9761 Prepared by Michael P Castell, Environmental Scientist AHERA Accredited and State of Coloi ado Certified Building Inspector Reviewed by Troy C Sandei s, P G , Disti let Manager AHERA Acciedited and State of Colorado Certified Building Inspector Submitted by WALSH ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, LLC 2629 Redwing Road, Suite 280 Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 (970) 223-5655 WAI S11 Ptolwt Numbel 5119-010 1 p in lsmere; (Sasiiu�.rc uvt i rzi. .i�, i.i i' -,., G7?!1tl ��,tt�" .. : rr-;e;-�®--•.,,�.«`t..2Er�"i,w.�Mt.;,w',.,�;esa:.:, a�ywidl.L;�'h �t'� -� � � eaniut" and o'Vi viamoai con-1 am January 13, 2003 Mr Clifford Hoelscher City of Fort Collins Utilities Department 3036 East Diake Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80525-9761 Subject Building Inspection for ACM and Demolition Debris Sampling for Lead Warehouse and Out -building Structure 500 Riverside Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 WALSH Prolect Na . 5319-010 INTRODUCTION The City of Fort Collins contracted Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers, LLC (WALSH) to conduct a budding inspection for asbestos -containing building materials (ACBMs) and perform demolition debits sampling for lead at the warehouse and out -building located at 500 Riverside Avenue in Fort Collins, Coloado The field work was conducted on December 17, 2002 The scope of the inspection consisted of a visual assessment and collecting bulk samples of suspected ACBMs and demolition debris sampling for lead in anticipation of the structures demolition ASBESTOS SAMPLING METHODOLOGY Me collection of bulk samples was performed by Asbestos Hazard and Emeigency Response Act (AHERA) and Stale of Colorado accredited inspectors A homogeneous area (material) is defined as an area containing a material that appears similar throughout with regard to color, texture, and date of application Each homogeneous material is classified into one of three available types of homogeneous material descriptions Surfacing Material refers to a wide range of trowel or spray -applied materials typically used for acoustical, decorative, or fiieproofing purposes Examples include spiay-applied fireproofing and acoustical texture ceilings Thermal System Insulation (TSI) refers to insulation that is applied to hcatng or mechanical system components Examples include pipe, tank, and boiler insulation Miscellaneous Materials refeis to all other materals that do not fall into one of the above mentioned categories Examples include floor tile, adhesives, and ceiling tiles ]'d ^RL YJuJw"C t&t2 ^g4"9M `n'minPE CaPWn1.1.P4 i,, 9„19T S,P YP TIV X — , i. ti_p3 q(4 t}S.� <i„T Id^udnq halo �oV�,. ^lof dine,. bq"k,•,__,-.. ,•Ph",_B, [ ��� vPi� .t.„E'e<�Y ta.t t`n,(+ ,� �� In4 •ll� e hx { toe 4' 0,i,J 4.