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J.w • SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Civic; Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs 215 BID NO. 6064 City of Fort Collins .w w PURCHASING DIVISION TH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS ptember 19, 2007 — 2:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) �i aC If the membrane indicates any of the defects above, supply labor and material to repair all defective areas Warranty to include all costs associated with removing and reinstalling overburden above waterproofing membrane, such as, but not limited to, concrete, filter fabric, synthetic drainage layer, protection board, insulation, etc "Joint D The Warranty shall be and Several" in which the Installer and Manufacturer will jointly and severally warrant and provide at no Q charge to the Owner materials and labor needed to properly repair or replace the product within the term of the Warranty In the event of either party's non-performance, the full burden and responsibility for any Warranty repair shall fall upon the remaining party Perform any repair under this warranty at no cost to the Owner aE 1.10 Warranty Duration A The bid price shall include a five (5) year Warranty for cold -applied membranes commencing with the date of project acceptance in accordance with Section 00700, General Conditions, and Section 01700, Project Closeout and Warranties B Although completed areas of the facility may be reopened to traffic and parking, the commencement of the Warranty period will not occur prior to acceptance of the entire project C A single Warranty commencement date will apply to all waterproofing aD Warranty shall include a transfer clause that allows the Warranty to be transferred to a new Owner upon sale of the property within the Warranty period 1.11 Basis of Payment A Membrane waterproofing preparation and application is incidental to Concrete/Concrete Slab Repair Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form B All sheet overlaps, crack and joint detailing and reinforcing, and all vertical surfaces shall be incidental to work C Drainage system and protection board is incidental to Concrete/Concrete Slab Repair Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form aPART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 1 Cold Fluid Applied Membrane Waterproofing 9 r N Hi p j I J d Article or I'arnoanh N.Romr arniten notim ¢wired 7A. of 9,11, PCB,.. d,finunn, of19 general 5 Moddaffiilit' . ...... ........ 5.10 Palt.1 Utiii=Ll.F-- drIliailion o(_ .... ........ pmFOdI6.30-11 14.1f, I-n=� R lnsurxacc. hmna, :_ ,zA;,.d Ramin . ........ ................. ...... 6.12 Pa"n..1 Pry,,c.m R=avo.ndloai. of Nronalt. to CONTRACTOR and Ccanneidn- Applicau.n fb, P,or�sN.vlu,nt . . ........ .... .... 14 CUX9-RA(TOR'S W,, rav of Tnk 14.3 Final Appfican. W Pammi ......................... 14�12 Win.] losmi'm 14,11 rinal %Mert and Atsc'wal: IaA 1- 14J4 o,o,ral ........... .. .... - ......... ................. P,ruol U4tilim . . ...... , .— 1-1— . - 1 14,10 Rmov, of Ambcadda., For Pronr,.,�,Ta�nm 14.4-147 vrompt px.rd .. ......... ... ...... ............ ...... SwFouor of V.i. summa'.] Cdrnpierf. 14 8-119 'Nairn .1 (71 .. . . ........ ........... - ...... 14.6 . ka Vooa,na., d . . ..... 1G.J. iJ:p ,vtmhoiding M=.t., .......... ......... P,,iurrn.nu, Bonds ..... .. Pt.im ........ .......... ............. ....... ....... 6-! Pmoi,caal-- doamiu.n gcndr.1 .................... ...................... ........ J. QW`Nl:—Rs a,,dasfialm Ph"ical c.ocau.- DIFIIH14la UL in B ICICRIDC LO - FIKGINFR., 4.14 1XIMIna Itlo,na,,-, gcnaroj N.ti.c of URITerma S iaff.dc ^:3 ll.mie C .t,uLi Doc. c,Charon, 4.-'.> Paffi,W, PmI.v and i1mtSAdljd,arna. . ..... ....... 4,, Rcwm. and Dro'Fi.p Subsurface and, ............ ............. �4 'A TFdRn.1 Dal.. Liflliklld Rlli.Ho, ill CDN MRA(TM Aulanrl7en 4" Urdo[gI.ord F.IiiilLl 6.1 ................. .................. Na Sho,,� d, m6=cd prommo, of.........--........._ - .............. 43, ,:0 Arn.Jc or. I`arawpa Nurarwa Borneo.or i.diad.c 4 -,,1 Tcdfai.,l nano...._....... . . ....... 4.' ..................... rrrai,ram.g%khcclui- P,Frni�-. U1,, .!. � -- ...... -.11-- .......... .. 1,6.18 Pvicc. Chun.r ol,�'onoa,.- 11 RRu. rono.d-dcfiralio. 01 ............ ... -- .... 1.1 I PIMI� P.MroL A,phdamn, for ... ...... ... Frozr. Pannenl cumiaF ......... ..... P',w. acn.duje "it, 24 19, - ..... 1--- .......... .. ".., 6.6. 6.211. WA 15-'-1 ytqecl-d.finiliun f .... _ .................... . .............. ... L'i Rai ReW..Mll, ENTGV'=.,TrS'.R. D.xd6C..,aru.Zi.r 93. lPrc1cm kcprR ntavivc Kama cra-- firatjm of 1 U pr anpr p.,m.nt Ira OIVKFP . ................. ....... ........... Rme y I . . . rux- Addil...1 � ....... ............ .......... .......... . ....... llxrtufl Thihantio, ....... . . . .. In, 14. 1 0�: ,ac,ant and a.pl.cuon of prod..,_, , 1:, 1- Proadca'an, Wzy and- .... -- ....... ....... I 3,-' Pdroh hs, .. .. ......................... .. 14,11 ........ . ................... uenunl .......... ...... ....... ....... �. lu R,F000und.dat.nn o'I'a . . . . ........... 1. J. i -' 9, 14 13 R.d C . . On L, ........... .... .... ...... .. ...... 6,19 14 i RccorcL ,.dura da ..irRatmng ..... .... _ .. .... . ...... RFf,Tc O, pa.a, ............. . ....... ......... ................ Rrincacc [o Standardsand Sp=(trations Ui Txho,oul Socl,Ia,n kmwm.., L."., and (crj 14 Rca.mi),am,Work Y,6 RLi.L.i Work - at SAC 7.1 .7._ PF,fl.mnd prier Lo Shop onwings :,.d 1a111nIL5 Ylbm.in rCV ICM1Y j; 22 Remedlim ctuouiatzvc- ..... 4. 17 F lzernoFal " Co.u. elNrz,ave Wnri. 11 r..] .,ronnFou. OWNRI ..nr,ol ,ai,Ld I ,FrdadF.. ofENUINHUL ld, OWNER S.' Rmoan,m and Rc.,,,ng .......... ...... ...... 14 14,por, ............... and lF,.. '...Raflity P,-,adora and 11,,on,a k,p,,draia..... . . ., - nou. of : P'.,ux, to, ��TV FORT ColAININ MOMFICATON3 I ArriCio or NrIiT. mr N.Mmr .R-n,vucnt Supcnnl4mdem. CON7R u7C)R's ............ _6 R,,,spomkijikiI,I- CONMkC'70R's-in gomnl............................. LNGUZEK.,I. 6rnmr.l ... .... .. .. ..... __ .... __. 9 L:r,,Wt.r . . . ....... ............. ........ _ ..... OWNER',.i. sI,,m.1 -- ........ . .. . .... ........ R=irrap ........ . _ ... . ..... .... �. , �,,. .,T)(.Y.LInorm ......... ... ....... -------- ... RoviI, ry C(3�— RAC MR, Shop .d S.W.Frr. W show_ ___6.25 kin,wu of PrIu-,..Pb)mnu 14-1-4,7 R*MwWq_____jl RrmnitscsP.rom Face no....................._.............._6.1' S.fe Stma=lloading._ IN SI&ktv- ..d ............. t3_1 6.16. 6, 1 S. Izon.l . .... ..... ... _ ....... ..... ........ Rniav bi CO -M7RACTPR, 6,25 Rz,,rx III KMTTWKFR ..... . . .. ........... ...... 1:6,6.-7 Work t3-28 _YN: 6.-'5 Amok 4 31" D."g and A.PiI, S"b.,Urk . ............ - ....... M2XIA1.11 Sumul- Atm,cmi, to 66 C^hanec.ai Co.""I T 14. 1 ....... ilh �,rabi� . _ ... ... . .... ... .. . . ............. ... .. ..... . .... ................ ... . . .... .. ..... ..... mmIr;ri ................. .............. riN..t N ClIrr,qx Oww, 3 Appl=wr, for .. ........... 07-09 d�fi . ... . .. .... ..... ................... -- ........... 1.35 ir.NMNEER', mPrrm.j ........... ........ !&NON relined ltimk ..... .. .. ...... ..... -6-'S rmmm pkrolrrs.... ....... PtI,,I .. ph NoIbI,, ,.a.m.1 624 1 .............. ... . ..... ............ ..Ppm". I Maur,., . ..... Sh.n ... trortwd, _ .......... ........... ..... _ ... t3J Siw jkLz............... .. .. -- - .... . . .... .. .... ., 7.'-. Sim (:i ... um..__ ......... .......... ...... ...... .. 6,17 SiW, vi:,as U- i'v a!:UixEER . .... ................. inmhos.._.__.. ... ...... . ........ . ........... _13,2 im.I I . .... ............ .6.2 ...1.6 ... . .... ... ... ... . J.Y, Star.'as and SpecimmI,,m of Twhn,,,.J 31, SI.ItIrtg C.Lr.mon- :kh'. 5-18 SI.mirg or Work .4 Li.v or $.,,mm VVIrrk- im................_......................,IS vn nlk'N'�.R ............ ................. .. S 9- i Jb, 14 1 $roriIIIV 0fMHWriUISIlm ccuipmcm 4.i- 7,2 SU.m.1 L.Lli,g. 6JS SIImo.WmI,I,- Cor.,,Ing .............. .. .... ................. ...... p so, 11 awbuu.of ..................._......__._..,..,............. 137 aorqS 14114 fru= 164.11 I- It SW.m6- ApInnorm., Coz, Nv.Ini_ ... ................... 14.- V.ritommand Op.u. Xhrv.r11_._ 14 1: hue<dw. ....... ......... ...... ... .. ........ .. 6.-', ................ .... 2.6. -9 6 216,28 Shodui, ofV.i . . ... .... ........ 14 1 Amok .1 Shv D ... vo,i anJ Samples .... .............. 16. Shm Elsming,i _ . . ..... --- SU'MWI-LMI Cam picLiM-- Mwa its WS S,,=nuw Con,,;,mum Method, Jr pro du= ri.7.- $o.atm,,.d 'Or H'oh 0,7 CaITMACTOR, . ....... ................. P.N(HUF�F.R, E,,h.uon ......... ..... . ..... .. AM.W C."W. XMIM Yal Ejc] 0:1[IL`L C0NUrrlQl`S III . II• LnlroM Wr = CiF FORT: LIIQ� N100111CAMNS IRCV V,Yb F, 0 El rf, 2 B j Anwl, u Ntimmr M rrrsiVluCS...................................__...... (I. LN'(jlNT-ER:i Rc6 . . ........ .. ...... ........... bf D,ff•,ina S..,ffi« 3h\^JICaI I. . . ... ..... -.J.2 ... ........ ?MiDiP, i. md-, ima Adjmmmm ..... .. ..... ........... S.f.,fa« and 1,IM.ana«!'nndiviuns al zh, sne 4.Z.i I .... .. .. ..4. CaVFRACTI OXs.. ........... I Supennte. . . .... ......... .. .... 5.permt.drnt, CONTILACTOk, _ � ... 6.Z Lvstc........... ... -- ............ --_ ........ ....................... prineipar ............ .. . 1, 1 o. I IS. 12, 7. 4 ', .- ' �. 1, 5.-,. i4,5 n-5,S�, 5.i i. z.%. 6.13�. 7A S.1 [. 9.3. 9.10 C,ml= ...... ....... .............. principal ret7enoS.,p 7.6,5. 9-6,116.21J, .. . . .... . .... . C..nE I.o nimi nlmenl ................. 14.14 ENGINFERnv na dun Oi3 Nmift.u. Of- lu, l(1 Stlrei,.] ofCbfi..U.s Suspend %V.ric- OWNER M., Susp.s�. SWrk ad T'.i.=.- 15 CC\'TkAC,TOR )M, Sip WP k OWNER M." Suspend W'k OWNER M., Te.m inatc if—ff'4 ' nett' -Nauman h, CONI RAMOR ............. 6A Tchni:all Dow Li..rcd M,.L, V, CONT P qC73 OR,,,__,._. ... 4. 1 ol, P, mu Ti. cs Aj.m,mcm:. 4.'.o ra, %.ir.I. 1.c ."d Ph,.J Condition ... .. .............. ............. ...... ... .............................. S4 J 5-1-134 of HN M JI)SEP, s empluymrnt, ............... . .. . . " N._ f5 . ... ..... . ......... Torms and Adj=i,e.,, Tests nd A. i. the W�k. h, plhcr ...... ... . WSI VI 3 4 .mcnnq W ... k prier a,-,.-. ........ ... .... ... 13 —!,,7 L,w'. ..d R,-ulmiw. f. ...... D., ........ . .............. . Olk,*N]'R M. Sm W.M._ ............... 13111 CVINIFRndunmd= 1�.IlTng .......................... 13 4 .�..�al, rw.,d in' ENGINEER .... ....... Gnwvern the w'xkt -NGTNT-7R, Iaqu� . ...... . .. . ......... C'ntra.l .'. . , . .. .... .......... . ....... 17 .................. .. ... ............. . .................... . ....... ...... .............. R.Iuucmcro.-- ..... ... .. . .. ... nP Cmu.a 13, Canlc . .. . ........................... .. 3 S,mc 'hl 7itla 14.3 Gnwecrmg wu'c__ ........ . ..... Uwe g.,.d Fauhl,G. dCfinm.�.d ,Jor Sh.,n .. . .... ..... 4.3" .......... �.20 Shown ., inbttad 4. 11 . . ............... ........... 1 i 11.3.1 U' of *"'. i . ......... auul 'In,, . .......... iA J. 6,20. 7. 1 uuli.u.. Parum . . ... ...... . 1,�S- ill . 631) --- 4. 14,11) Val. . the WWk I � -3 V.i., ....... .. .... 14 WNi wl GF FOR-C �U=l WDISCAMOM, .�-' N'N1 I in 'iUthtlrllSd.. .......... Jumxr V,m . Stw—bv ENGPNTER. ..... .......................... _ Q,-- W,,�� f clm.,� , r"I Nm= ...... ............ _j-, !j wmmdmpu wi I W==Ly arid (3wrmtec. Genuai-m Ca�rrR,v7QR_ . .................. .... . .. ...... . . 6,31, \Vaa,wly d 7ill, CCr,7rZ4C7I'OR', 3, m..... ....... ..... -- ..... . .. ... __ .......... .................... ...... .............. _ ...... 7 cl.ng'j m tf .............. .. .............................. .. , it) C.mmmu thc ....... ... _ ..... .... ................ _. 29 CQNTRACTORMStp•Wurk ........... ....... - .................. Cmrdinauwlmf .......... .... 7-' Ca,Cthc .......... ..... .................... .......... avinm.n of. .......... .. .. 14- 2 hy CONITOCTOR _ ... ......... t3-1-' otherlv.,k ............................................................ 7 OWNT.R aMn-SIq+,W'orl:_ . ...... , _ ........... E." li, OWNER Nbv Snd ......... 13.10. ]�.I RcImd IV,,,L aL .................... .S,,n,ng the St,,* by COMFIL�CTOR Smlpping'm'OWMFS............_._. ........ 1::. 1-1 S dm.uon W.rkChange M,,=, ............... ........... ......... i112 dainition ot ... ..... ... ...... .. . .... .. ........ . principal referenvcs to,.,,,_„.._........ 3.5.3, .... ..... ......................... ........ .... pnnnnni fm.. t . ....... 3.�. so, wz 104, IN"tw. Cl.,fi.t,.n, and !nmrnmintiula� ................ . .. . ... Wntwrt Notice. ReUllrrd- by COM 9,10.011. 10A 11.2. Ill Cxd : ItiNULdl. UONUIIVJNs 191o1M 119.1 M UUM 1�1 1.� OF MILT COI-XNSMODIMA�M.l (RM`M�� LEI R .,lihix pecctzh,bfnnA.Inuxnimal7; p'.4'pC UZ—NLliAL l Qlol rill" 111 li-.O l SICI'IUNI we TY5`Q: ifIF'CCOIL?3YA1401PIC,AIliT.1ti (HP.4'9/44I I a GENERAL CONDITIONS AKric .0 1-DrFuNin0NS R'harever w^xd roux Gmaw Cem m"m or in th, oth^r ;ontna Do.,,he, tv followiw terms Iwve hm nitnet >as mtiie:uedwhen me eWisuuila to both t r Smgolt'.'ed 'him thaeoC', .id n;in-:h rMin, a Innnhic-IrLRnlmC6a i'suM ho r lc the Oq rmr,, of 3id: whch cI.Ofi. cane, :v cnwee the Binding kequircmems or the (;"mini D.R,cn6. AIT mznr-Them i. d. Work Inu,,, pmonom nine. CJwTnim lm 2 aneanp na4York n+h, neriwntca: nine, Rettw t PR 7"tm .f th, pots I tinnuenhLt in'thc :i;rccmrnr and mvcie A}>fut thereof as pmaiued therein. V3 duph"t ", ;nr Pavmeru-'I'Fm furr acccntai ov F.e'l+v! '.h, mn. or,'r x c.. ixCOX 1 K-' C'OR in ra ..nn moh. or final I'ncrt+imts and mh¢h is w e, accwnneimw he such eunnanum, dowmcmnunn xN Ismqurced by the Cor vend Ihncumenis. 14,. 3nimara. "ry mmerml timt catmtru mo+n rhtn'rr i".vo mit. mi nano :s.Gmblc or is rckast. asixxtcn fihcn Rw the mr ainv nn o, nai. II ciiiohsneitil the. Ummd Stems Oemtx+tional 4fil= and If"oldt uLmmsmtion. . LS Ai—TI.. otla or nnyw.al ar thcinddar sabm'ucd en the :rracrihN Corm sxtwx foefin u. once, Cw If. "'4ori: I 'ne port"; med l d. l3idR4rg Doc+onerus-The idvonoamenl M mvaanan I. F'd nm"O',anc to indders. the :aid firm. aid thrrprorro3 c'rw.+c. D.Inn ' !mditioog nil atd6:m3n ssuednrior to rccupt aCT.didsl. 1,7 Bldani• he amanisement ar mvmu xau f3w. ir+srumum It, n G s. end rite id+d form LS. n"mt<i1-Prrtvm'ao.-end Payment 'nemd, and other mixianenw.f., Ioe' f;iaurz_e `Owl A tie cvmern rccommendrd i �v Ct R which is 'inhere 'w ':: )N A(70R and i511�NEn.andan Idim.anaddiumt ticicruverr lire IL in tic Wod er an ndiustmrnt l`.hr. i.Lftlu ID,a a the ,rrtma Times.3a5vrdan Deana the Sdecuvr Uatr of ilhr kscemrnt I it)- farnrne! fkwvmena-ihn AcreunenL Addma+ 1 hxh pevein n' RI r'nnt.-act Guuvmcntll. _. )N.MACTC(Ys aid Cn+i'I R; g down ential n ...MIminu in, Bhi and nin 'Rt ,if ocRI..enunion .hied "nor un u,e Valcco1oi.d"I witcnaaaamd ere an Orhhu m the Alton nt. the ,`toll. M BrnaaaL :he Bo. th:ac +}enetai CondlUtten, the 3unplementap Catxiu. the SpeciGmurn+s and the Omw'Rtt'as the GJC'UC[O£$EILLL, CDNOI'tt0`s 1111ng gYYo E+6tiuc +vACtT OFIOH'r(7.)LUNY M(A)MCAliOAS tRk3'.I P+Wm ,acne ere mnu. vneofi.11,. iJRnimect in the Aerarmcm_ towthcr with al! Wdneo �cndhh, a Chmmc Otdas_ Won, C:wm:e Giractives.. Firld thutts arx111GeeQE2R's written emerpr cations and einnuaniona mmai mimuanuo Iwram:+tdss 7:=. Itel and3:c:3: on Railer -the ctLccm,c Cae of the n.aw fitnnsnnis scomued wrRonit to'FaraSanhs ri._fi. tho e._-7 and toe 2txr4 mtd ara,,R <, relerved In m. mmy Sin, 4�, and , , nR,not Cwvact Dwum ws. I.I1, Cm".' 'nm-The moneys p... bic. , OWNER 'U,CO\77-F.-tell OR.Cor aanoietion ui the 14m in n.o.ne, with the (,,.m L'OOR m. a+ used In the Acreemmu mole. L. the psvv+aaw of p.mepni1.<,+. i In tM. of Unit fior %v'rskt. ISl CUnhu¢ 'fimea-Cw cambers of fires w the mtes suvmd in the. Al ent it in,acpI 5uimemhai Compicoon anu ii6[o umtplak tia i14,176 till OatIt'u roado 1i, Cmtl naenI m. nv ,dascd b}' HlK INElrR'S wriutn recomaRtRaim of Gmri pavmcn: in acuwdanee wath �m.Rmm+: 14-1=. c 47Ti.JG'RM_ "'Ix haste, Cmn or aca7o.'on wtm irhn++ OWNER Sas tmxed In. the Tennrn� I.i- +f=!z:tn r_,>n a.lmaivc emch shxn maiiI Inc word Wrn4:, rcrca to W,rf ahm is waaushwnrp. fautW m denncnt-m that I dog no, .'.farm m the Comraet Daa.mc= or a. not Intel Am r.4.uenent. of any msn iwimt_. refmTce :Ynitiara to nr anr)rnt'nl ref `rred in ie the Contra¢ DO.. u or ih. O,,n damaIgIRI m, in wt9yti3.'x&ls 'axmwcnamo. of aoe,i pevm.. fnneeav- resnomiI frn tle- m R,nRRnahezcnl'has'owraxvumed Ix _'V'W_R ut 3uhsunuai Comnittion macctxcixn¢ with ".ft aph 141 W" 1.15. Dw+ti;Cy.'-Thr dretvirs; which xer:nv It, s cRc dent and ctsmmtet of the tlior. ho be umashed and Nd4zmai I,, _==ACTOR end tvhicn have been yrrlama In t)mcnvnd m t "611i t R and ire onenal to r the ;_tnlwei Documents. Shop tirimr= it, not @rnm.ol'se',euRea I_ic; t CT cm e Lune 1 'he Jprrzinell ext dam it no in [he :Aereemont an whim is deuma en ttive. but A no slrh'4rctc i iiit[ ene'i le maed du the on of icn the .Nnemem n ssgned-and ticliveted In the lay of ilk, wo evan+es tusirm xndceiiva. IA', C4'i:.V=-rhr ner:znt firm . o=,,, vu= camel as wen In the_9aemtmt. LM L+cCMdNT .2'F ConsnL'nm-A caroa 0nn s mrponuon Im4'tlN a o Hr!i; weir enii T m o,nah x.xms as .dent u,in indenendem Frofc�lIm, .mneum ormm:ui in me Sut+piememsy Ca+tuna:n. ideld Omer -A can ,,h of i.tel In e'MNei5R ',md, onlc s minor zn.. In the Wakin a.w'tln c-ivim txiraun ° < ihut.vhtch t+xs n,., alvr. a <iurtue in dye r_onuaet P[iceorus C'ttnnhn Fin+c,. L' I."U. Canvrnl Raqu/of Dnr..,.l of 1A^4 i4^_ USC in¢im 3011 a ral.) as mnernlu lean the Specifiruiom. U., m time. I�1.-+nznlo(u't6a re k'xerm }7aavUw .SS'vu. Pri 1 4C6 Ra¢eu r R',non, lio (r-Rewiar l.nkin, hours rare them nn, pm txud in ,`Ito. IDn4 L.hv Suud nal in-"tk1m,Xh +Haa faa¢al Aa _ IIJC Seaton Still as amended szcil U .n me Gmeml Reao vemrn¢. ifctn S1tnt WluttC. L.?. li mnn Trine tRepwe wwN¢ "hr audrorized .. a.v .ur /. fagrJur oar'u sar Ragniatrons-.W rwcw'Im[I orv.vul3LLR-,no ma}ha ani=cU.the mrl all a}rohwbi. Imr rut ,,W4U no. cnnnn,,o ate IT 411pItt I) .erooC nixie v U ontem: ofoi)N aml ; II .a cmmrntai ii bo9. ' agaoctcs. vuJxmtie:: anU mutts hrinRJurtwiiuiun 1.34, SnnW.-Phvsnuh zxamNo ui muterialti. eouipmen[ ¢ •xtxl:manmtp that rzty reprevnnrarivc bf .O 1 4Q! /fUrlW1 3n .I IK in,,Y lolla9y6 nhSeNIXI 6an1[ Pion. of the Work Nnd hion hWbnon in, in the Ina wr Crll na mmd+trd.' he mhieh ru rt I.I. n(. the Wb will I¢ lu'Ig. I.� n Lars cparpcs, mot' mkrcSs w mccmhrnnrxa Upon real prapmy orp¢wrval prnpmS'. .4Ann Umranga-All I, WoiI ims. illustn nr turn ol in, shandl, _4. (u.,,nA pnrntp : rno scx.coned nl ohc anon Ba.wrenu mtermemut mmpl tInu, tomdurum rm,noa t:ror whsh re s'OR I llv '.ummW,or aC,01,7R. pv or'for COhT$gCiOR and vubnntleJ 6, C411'itaCIO&. to ,, o -S b'n n date or nmeaiar¢ Sul>ttannm Cannxuon n%all the In, i0a+a'tte clmepnrtianoffhe Wnek. ,A'vvA I ri. Sneriitaureons-Thnsn Ivmiorre of tnt fcnunn 1.�5 ;F"ona+ of dwmz4-<\ ,Ratan nndm M' ;aSUNER..In Jcarmenta calmanng af-uritt>:n tomnuml desenpetnoa In the mnsrrem vuca:v;iW nuloe- etui fluit UN, onmpliancc nnawntair. em pnitm. con:=41un nyurma, aandri., and to nm vlparcvt mine tul hid.,, Rrh In, concuwma ti m m rma p na aopbt d to the Wtxk and mt[mn prcn,oknl Im.wd dam In, within n uni tinoliwd. adm&na[rtnvv, I. Inwmpllcxolethuc[o. OWNER willm g.. nl mGver thc_\¢croen.. 3-;, Subcn..ftr .. _An inct" dal. firm +x caronrntiUn zi-AM.,, nonne n 7)U nin-.t,in r OM12'RACI OL: orr'iilrrIna m C R,uCro I,IACI GIIN ,h a m tarty f-N};pSt' oIt anit,S,dorm[manna ahv J yrrnttaccor. iortN.. Rcrtbnnancc uP e lxv: of the d,cingti'F me ante an ,tl tau. o, wnu,h una. utll tiotiat nc,exe. S .iny ill, i'%Aaet mmm m run anti cm men CCiohl, I )R nail. v4tt r Ixnntm Ob1TR \t ORS snligmpom morkr the L.r mletlort-The lurk (pr n 1 3fi. Ltv Contrux lkacumm�n. o,to, 6:m'urogrn...i I. I. ipmt whzrc th,,d oan d, in it m dre wmimr of tlr6Waldenmd M' 1 72 OIIrSrZ t;x yrubt LaaaS x vu[nori¢ .OLVE'Rv demon a vliuuiuue of Subonnual w,M,xtm m rs imnmt,, Itrm ,r pcuat wth wilt. C,ntmonehon It t uflfwnml omrieu, m me tr tmac with o CpN R ACfOP Izos nn I d nm in, \ynunmt .,w 'ar till Clvuna L'rwum me o ilea th. Vaal, 11 skidoo whom 4w rHork is to l" Imo, mod. Ftm) am oc utdiud is the purpe,.ee for which I Vs skaded: or if no such :ernfitnu is isu<d when the 1.33. .+n 6riti auwr z n` 00. ZR of a 0.'U Is omnlele aW read, for fame pavmznt s : ulx:o.xoumin iompiax.d our oi I.'ti: I. to Ih' Imr!*n c viacrw.0 In "V :i3:F Ry um recnmm oWanon td' I,, un vlr It , Im,ndod r limed p v/nscl prux Ic fimel M man in i..,unn,, vah pinittia, 14,13 Tlx - Shb,lonnwl C xnpittim,odl the Work trams umostnully vomnlme, raw urmtnnh lb cUmolerod a .twnicd ro ail or rvtt ar Um d cxk turn to 1=9. C'CBx-Polychlanmaral h.nyk Juosnmuul (;mnpletiarr therwL I Fer lelvn-Flmdcum inclubuv iud. oil ar it, 1 39. Smplewenrnn t,(mdwo'u-The pm of one hat. hich I., hwitt ax nan.rti tontnt.s of CUni IUCVmentS "h.n itatmi' w YVppl Tlients Ific, kt,m.l. .uw pre,i IS l tie.. Foivam a and Gt.1 vnuiiiom. 447onun. per wumr, larn ahsofulei.. vuen as on, xv,x.unr, fnel m1 oil mlulYk. W, d.i .,,,i 1rC I,it.n, 140" Suvolin'—A IptmJftiatul, ivbrI In.. Snap .. and c i u:rU t .1, othc hem 3u'rurdat Sl na. Ind 'rude JIM ciao mua tnermnnun u , nn nn t o, I .urea.; naraa with L RACTOR iv Ivoh any Sunctmtmcmr [o =f Inmiah mu 'toil dr =Ionwern to hr o.rpi,,aid in an, l:_ I. 1 rvraw-Tire total onsuuui ue ,hart In, 0.'xtrc \SCrck i,r tixRAC,TU u any .,ucwmr4nvr. to be prwidu'I tmda the ren i Dt, u. m'. ram be the _ unole_ a: it pan i, indi.wd clxwirere 'tn the CUnlract I dL Unde ,,nrl Pam/hi¢m-Ali pmotinea. mna.., ✓o^umaom Uuv m, nhl¢ vlrcs. mannol x olu. unit, twmei- v xalmr <um tan mien nr uti nmems :tra m, ua-rvements 319 R dnu.,uty ;I f(/gY1 UYre[, 'p.:i i IlY !.�W UntdWM 1VGIr InmIIiii Ivincli hi L 1 annulled t't'Tx1WICL TnILrl:tl .iG tleltn d l thC-\((t1111C n _ ;,. nl nno,,M nna In mnn41 rR l me Li fi., g S Iva. or +w LlT1' OF 1-pKT (:L)LI.:Iv9 b11ORlf.il]QfJ51N(t1eRIMT CI ,InIw , elttmenylinuiti petroleum T.i. , e:leptnnne ar other atenmvty moons, uvhl, tei'u. sewed and dmmau rmnoval mtlGe o other control svwems ar •"nu, 1 42. llnir Pnce BW.,,-W.nrk +n'i>z, r ml fix an the hasnt of tau, prices. 1VInk-rh, :nW mnoiad ¢,InLncticm mr Ne vuriotc. mtvualdi nlatttirabie µens dr-reui mawxd tube w,nishw nnrkr fh, -'muam W,k inchrsle. ands thc: r suit af.paturmitm n iumishm. labor anu lurnwim, n,3 mcortmrauns.mnrtrnis and: YurI.m. iron fhe am'uucnon a Ic perlarnun, . imnwuvgxniees and ftvrushntn Motma , all z seywmsi :m tiw Camncr D, timrnrs 1.Aa, ikord t2tmngu Divcnbe-A rvdnan dimm", In C:7NMAC I'CAL ivnual n . afic[ the L'L'eeuve D.W ,i thcs\ .,,;a and l.wd i>`.- OkV iF.i2 nnd'.r.urmmenrYd E^iuINER order: a I ndi m deicuon .v -clw. t in nit 'AorS. or rmsmmmnn, m ditw= ar. tnvwl aeon nh}w+cd condid.re III., which In, W,K Is w he r»rfarmcf as prrn;idal in nmmnntnhl_ or m anergencics nndm paraenph A Vitxie Change DirenOvc w(l4hotchana. dmftl n Pace J= t`at ihn 'E7mu but w rv(cen:d .n tiv gamma .A.,l that Ne i;anee dircud ar tvmem.v . c li'a Cv utd Gucvtve. will be i[awpurned nt a athxetntntlt sawed i,huut If'In, ntnl ne nmouutions i19w'7m2+eru to its affcec i(. am- n the tltmmwt Hce or (:ontmc[ T imel. m prmnd iin pernemph-ttC. L;S. IYnUar :J,n"a ewm-A •.,tu,n f tnu Canvan LbmmcmL,. signed i y OR'tQFR. nd (7.,')\-R k-Y0R'+n or nu,,t :h, FRW"c sink, of Nr Aen.,= and ntrn,.0, dealNg with Ne nnrcngimm� 3 ut nn+nen•'ttGunl ,,dm drun suictly wnsuurtias-related min,ctanl iM t;ammn Dconmentc AMCLE:-rREL NMNAR"i YLITFERS D,fi, rfBnnrh Winn CONTRU'TyR delivers In, rs.^euad Fvueemmfs uv r,.P; Elm lOi`r-:rONM siui'c dzl'nw +a OWNER x.m f nos' r -"w :\CO€R may be rraluimd w furztish inawurekmoe wiN Fxrn_rz-aph -.1. Cn/rin' nl. (3neum erzrs. tOWK-ER stub in,,. w CD`iTjL1GTOR up to ten wFtcs (unless a;h,,. xzcimt in the Svpniemenvvy (; anlititmsl m: Ne Con;rnet Documemn nn all n,,l.noiv necesmt' lnr t , ,ecuuun W the U'tni_. Addiiiumi coin- :vilibc fmvvslmd upon :ryunt uti Ncssoiacrn.dtwwtt- ru n,.i, roue nj Cunvum: iiron: N.uivem Proceert Tie ContruInn. gill cnn,nll Lc run on Nc thin ah dm Aber ll e ale Dmt al the A3raemanc nr, UCUCuk.Nb1011. C4NDI'pVlrg }YAKS tl`Jn� Nr4nm! mr(]T1't3r1'Oti'1 CJLLL-:VS iiG]tFt (i:TiIULInIRt:4 .IQ4�Xn d a Nmu to Pmana m gicy, c, No dvt' mdiu-nun in :he Nmir, in I§tzed. A,Nntice m P.uncaa ntnv i, given m unc Inn, v,u in dIn, an, uie t!u Effective Daw w the Lrcrm rot:--4n-+x=-•went-utilV-Hw-r=..wmxxt-`>tirrtu J.,�.,tiwh-:un•.dieHne1. n, >f-nid "nenme or um+tiinmm xvattershe-F-Lituive F�+e ui-.thr,i=.reemmtrvitirmm+ertintrreuriic. .uamrtg rhult rnic =1, CDM-&ACTOR-mall saw.w mriom+ the War4 un No daft u,n Jt :Cnnttaet Tme:: commcru:e: «t nut tut no rlarl: smll'tz aave it siteµ m w tree du[e vn whlcit 1h. Cattcuct T'..., mcxe ;a rent t3efnrc.Slartlng Cnasmaiors.- Heforc vmlmvkinc en. pnr.. of U. W, is .C;NMIACTOR =a :.aUL5 sway no xnuxnc. tha '.onmmt Un:.vmcnes acd check and my NnInm[ f nn.S. ;hmrn aI mnn ..I ut1 nnr vMc inn matwrcmutr (I v<T :AGI ob...ma prnminty t pm in wriung t '4t ! stir'7F rn aetflicc rna rob uuin' w diwena a vmrn CY>N ddt, F[)F_ Mul n',-" and ,hail '.In -I wham Iotemrerannn or c.."In©non iron 3CL:'F.as. I�twc nr.wwg "nh any ,,tk Wiln.d thcdm w.-'a"OIZIKI:-Tok 'mit o-:hc lmly+.m Ol?%?vY.R J FiGIVF"R-W, Geiiure w 1,,R tv contlin .or. mnbltvin or d nI%In,- In rtw r,=nc D,x.nun,t u6= C)\'FKAI7 OK farm, or+easorehh- ^;mtultl'hm'tkmtttn NrcaC 2'. U-rthin tut aft, aftrr h, HtLlcu,, Date of dx tammcnt rvvlese o[hcrvnac .m.Snd m Nc (Peneml Reouirmnn¢)_ COkiRACOR ,full nnnnn to f?iCutit s-.`; tarcviaa-: ;n.L a Frolmnnwc mov,cA schaaul, mmmtn, Nc hmcs cwnnf rs+il dacs nr dnas, Is aar!+m� and i»mplaxing the snnous vagea of -the U;xlc minding nr 4ldesanea spxiherim3tc Camm= D cuntmm: v preluuuv, si.wuia n 3hyv Dmvving atui ampto sn.,Imn, +chid+ rviil I'm evch agwrcd wbn,mti ,1111111, time fnr.wbtmtung: recicnvm mid t+nce::sinc such to nvIL -.. in rn x oil!__ v�ululr_rc n ep;nnlc-xEIX Allow.. lex.. tivn 't au+vttin enoh+zt M T'ne:+eer_ d_> 4 Rrciimuwn_' schutWe oC enluc: for nll oC In, W'sW: which udl I " Pru,' mtu;n i prices of items ueauwm .Is" ricr ruui wilt moaii Ithe 4FB mm cnmocmcra :messm w+Smem datuii x;ra ue ';he haeis. Cw nn Ptul paymcnn .Who-_ comtru¢rm. Surf oncar xMmdudr . npprottia+e tunnunt-aCuvcnexd and pr.ucappiic-e'olc mau-h hem al'l4orlc 12 Plan, ane Wad: It the she is caned E;O':ifRAC"I' T nraz)WhT snnll men deliver m +he '41m Olf'A;ER with spin w wm,n d iaentitiea-[nil+e-tiep(aimfenww-c.;ar+sitiaas e c f... "r%R. A u x It. tw ri iasurntsa Iend.othw cv J'o.c of-inaucmcc mr«uenlr—retwtw rxeuat.-{,bv. OliR� vrhich C(iN R\C"CR-:erct-i,Ylt".tie�. E-rasr;Mkweu•wre g reyuircJ to ;wtahasc Hnd mainmin is ucwrdanx with iaranrnpha5.-t;-s:ireeul 7. Prearsururtiort C.mJ'crenrx: o,, lR ooeo,'Wdays1 the id r::ontrtet. ancssmn tv auR 1. ej'terae 9nv 4�'ytt TOAftmrtne 6S pY>titrAL .n l'.oihl oe aumded 'ov C ill ti,iCh is c"s, iG.iNinlim i sNhers u nnpmpriatc will he held m toh ttr wrtui to H _ taxluowt tf. rnnorrg fin 6vr d n'r fv :[m \Arad_ wu1 to tht a, iouiwi reierrei m s r ;d it _ tt. rxnccdura to, iwmdlin¢ Shop IJmn�nca and durit: augrtinhLs pruc."v�ircCw P. :inptiwtitve aymcm vn maimaininc rcwircdreavrd. tninalft:.�r grmbte ScheRulzr� 1 nl6 o0rmvia 1m,Wd d m the (6>nrm+n 17xum�xs. - _ _ - _ _ _. ..n, _ _b0oo, vtryvort, m M it hevmc a mnfmatcc doctored Ir,�os`i�R:ti'rr�R, s!;ry hilt and oth. as apptommw do iwm i In OWNER will w held to rmmio for .0 N..un io EN(i NI:EIR a< procidcil Izdmv dz achcaulcs submfaai 'o acvadivu wild pua_ernph 6 .nal„st tamo_j'Fencnl_Reryptrrmeyps, C!JNTPWCI QlE shrill hnvt aoatldttromP tat do";o make aanaalm,atvf diu ,o=.: and'm wnrnlce otid urnnit the xhvduics do prnm"•_=s paymcm smil r. mart. m 'n\7R ,`I OR ..il Lite-Biwa art vbrin d to nxi accTra'Mc m �rvAl?i HiiR as proaidcd l law. "fhc imAu. .hctivt, will la :tuxpathte to ENGTNTuR :vs provi<Lne ordrrh- prrsrasion 4the Watk tov cwnpimmfl witlnn any slwYied 60.➢ca'atcs and tM Cantrnu Time, bur'.auch au;o, 1h, will oc m, iw= vn E''iGtcgi rci iln, Work fo�, tnr <tquancrill, zdimduti.. ex ixemt,ks of tin: Wort: ricer unction TO or relieve C,;gNI [L1CP0'R. Ircun -17R.Af:70 . ds full SloopDrito, h.d S. CF3NTRV_'rwid sbtdWe of Situp C>mwina and Sam ii evhmustcns will he aroep to iE,vi tg oi.ns pnwiding a wonkahlc nrtnrs,ihiiwi k nvicwi, and pr .it,g tln. required suhvritu it, C6NCR.%7r , toforntaulc of vatvey will br acccryablc to EaGIISERas ro form mxi sYbwmc. ARTICIX, 3-d;ON ZACT DOCUM]ENTS: LUCENT . MLNDLVC, REUSE lnrmt >.l. The Cumrnct L>ncsmr+nx LI n,rax thv. -Mk »,s.,ancrt thnIk L lhs ;,rid='C..,t'roP. :nsxunvy ds t0., i Thr Comma L'ocmnvrrs a c Jlw or W whatisevilai'Corm unr.nav bind%,,I] ,- celled ti4 'ry all The Cwmact LJt It,,, loL .vill b. con>vtmd m-arcordanrz with the iaAv ni rM plan of the Prorc t. .�._. his Uu mmm N' the Conmtn Document to �cuerrxv, c:evwnos`;. oil, n tcoa eamut� a-nnvrtnuuee vruoo-acemrva ixevanoms R d lbc a fowi.11, rhniea dar put mcrrol) m he consvuemd a eeuurcbtnm mi, to, Comma, Dexumrnts. ..my Wce mmaivia or. na.itioM thao-meP ravrubit 4: intimsl from th,' Gantt Dczamcn¢. �s ticmt:pr,ailim:cw[am ur=L ,. ,.:.s bemg rrytdrul to pmducn ihr mtmded rewli will on luoiif and aria prrfwtncd haim, or riot apoaF¢allr calla ion �Vnm words or nhmsm which have dwell-i:nnwn tecimictl :x wmtn+aion irtdusnry em tmdr mcanire_ are .,".d ut &.x be IVerl:.. ro arms or. uluipmct>L oo-b ward• cv pinaas .droll be inwg13ed to acwrcianet with aml mtatwe.. CLssivaucvts amd inurpre:vtioa;.:v arc C;n mxt Docam ozz rhall'oc ¢sm:d4n'. EiaGiN'r:Y'i, as provlrie in I18C1^j6Pn (I i. 3.3. Relarence to 5rnnrlmm and Specifimnnnr nJ 7evhnicai � Sxeietirr. kvpnrting nn4 Resohirz,^, 1)isuenurcdec :,l. Rcicnrncc a t000kow, axcificthort.. nrnnual. < mWk, of anv technical satin.. m_nnim4on a :umciazirn am tlrc.Iaws m Rcnuimrrns of am' pvemmemal amtiimv, twrtha mch rc;cmm:c be mmiiic x , nnplun,ium attsll mevn the i.r smtdard, snotm..om manual, critic a taus s Rsulatiff uteffec_nt thotimeofn18.mi of5c tiro, an rht 6.,T co 'Jam cf the Agrxmrnt n «x.rc wxrc x Ei.t inapt ct oo 'x odu:rw sf+ecihcally cmtn{ inrht Contrnct Documevs fL darns :he Imnorio. of tnt 'Pori;. COfVfRACIOR ,iixm m o,' contti2 rear. imtirar'uv a Jmre�ruv eviwn the Cwrmc: Liacvmchcs a hiivvv`al thcCon[ma ikxumcnro �d nw pravvtror. nl' dap suvit Law a Rvaahtio, applicoao w tfK IKaimtranrz of to, ltiod: or ui am• suchsmuo of ny ,iivpht : , urs[wai or weirs oh to, s vuuicr: aL `supplierram I wiaosae;ravhfit. C*,>TR:ACT)R roll amn u w C-isLN1T.:R in vvotbg m ., ..W, Cb"O\2R kCTCR shall na proctcd wnh. sot WA atitar t zl.w (cmcnt man rmecnea_' va. vuihorimd ov ratm:r M 4.'_i) until an mnendmem or !.pp=c t ro the C:ontrau DQaln,mN tars lmns Lsucc env onr of tln. mothoe indicra:d In patagir.1:5 a 1,, pmvtdri hoovKr, d.I CONTRICTOR :i o l ., 6e iinblo to C T412 a G>>,INUSR for 'ailare to t,w, am mat concha taor. umhigwty a QiaTggmcl, woes CONTRACTA icm:w .n rcvxon-nbly tiuwid have tmotrmherrot Except asotho,,'.:p oillalh sated in. thu Connact uowmenes a us may he vrovidvd In mnend[nent <n':aurplemenr dmrcro issud b, ont of: the meliuxis mriiutexi n mtiarasiah 3.> rn i.6. the proriscmc of the C<mtrnd G«:wmcnm stwIt take nrm:eirnu: m resnivnb !mq rvnflioi ,am, amhieuav or disvrcpancv bcnvu:n'thr txpvisicros of rho Contract 6ommranx:rod: the pnois,. a doer. ::w.din . s �iot, aricn. manwl. eneic♦orainstntlwn iwhenc�r es [nt scecificalb mcrroevarcJ by rcrerem:e: it, to, (mmrnn liatvmmcsi: or C In, r isions of nny won ls" Or Pvnintions uTmliuthie to the diamanm.oi the U%uri;. i.im. ,Lmn on inwn,' Lion of the hh,,ln ra w the Contrart f?ocum<ms '.1d wwlt inw,ownan. o(s cfi L n,or I4'yulndatl. 00.T:FI.i1:. \b.prnviAon. of on, such Aandva. spu:if icavnn.. manual.. .v:r rs muvction*::hnil. be <l5ecnvo'to dame the iimt and Festxmsim'hties 'If OWVR.K' rnv RA(":1'OR or h_ArhNU, F.R ,, any of It., oiioat".,m etmsuJno P, aaenns pfo,"' fain tl iv m +brut n drc <ConnPct I kxumcnu nar shall '.t x UTcwtc to avc+un. to )Wrghk, E!v ➢,r,FR.0 nnv nC,^,.9:=iNt:rR:s Camwmnm'gene, or an'tn"= w. dog err auMmw m vupan=ise nr di= lh< i."amm, to }xrfrnma se oP the Work. ur wry' dmv-rn nummin to. tnxmvtke raAxmsihiiin• ntmnsisnnnt +vim hie prnviAam. of paracmnh 9 or my othcrprc anon of the cont "m Dowmen¢ 34 W-hmrv:r To-theConnect Lrmumeus th:rrxtn,"h. sdered'. "as brPar di. 'as: reaune 'as nllnwcdr, "as ap7xov:d" is terms of likeelPen or nnpon era used or the adja " "r:awtixhic" "swtnblc ",tcapmbk". "rope:" nr "ummfnc%' r ' m adwPuv" of like --ftooc x imp n errs used to r4A.-ib, a [muvenmt dfr h,m rcvi:w cis itnimnmt ofENCTIN ER Masan the Work if iv intended hit wut requvemera, dir..-tion rev ifs ,v judemrnt si1S be m(aip to cvuivatz. in. arrmi. ar c n piia aorl; 16 wmpiianee xith the rcluvemsty of atvl infurm.u. in the Comma Dt wmtaas oruf conformance snh ihx da:ign mmept of dm coinpwwd. Priers nu a luncnwin6 wi+ulr .. sham nt rb..0 ni -c! ilocumarcs Lnlet; inor is a s,=, aauon m Mdivmne athersisci. The we of anv eachaenn or'.mgcenve ,,mi not ue edtx'.tiveto nssiun ro ONCU^THLR envdrc m-uu@mnnmsmrznas tmm.ttnc J1.1"hmg <s paftmnarc: oC the Wank m wn' dtnv a antlxmu to undcnalm onio.uhihw :-ontMy to tha parrision: q' pam2rnpn£'J i lac ate=other rmmision of the Convert+ Uacumtm�s. .4 tombs, tad SunpieuPru.,.Cumma D.,n.. 15. Tlx Corm' Dtxummtr m v lx nna oo' w proof. or o'ki wn" Cw ie un. antina-r isms in dhc wo-1, err w modih Ifi tfon n :and contusions I}tnrcut m erns A more of the iuilowme whys: i..JWntum s.t ,innm Change U"Lr i}Tasuant ro 4mtumntnt 1(ll, or rJ: uc'c;1:'.t3t.W :: u:amnt>.^-ti 1 atu,:t rI>vri _ytiun rvt (S"fYAnt'p1('I C]l.'il! W nt60aaCh1rD3rFttiLTJ3pnn _ - a Work Chang, T)irmdvc (pwwant ro Iemmrmn IUA). d-o. In addition. the rerluiremcvc of the C nunct D,.n.mo mu}' he sufgh .,,L. and. mimr ...uora and. devmtinta :n mh Wom no" h,, in mr or 'nwr cv ure follmv'u+r taavx 3.dS. A Fidd Clm:r 11,n not to prt.oh'9 `' d ) tiG@ZZ's approval of at Shm, Cvat-i" SamRklpursu:uu to noh 3-Pia e._6 . u-7). or 3,1 LNGINELRn w.Lfof unu ihucm w elartfloemn (pu.no m paragnpn 9-+j. Never n(Dnemncvrrs 3.7 ",ON, RAC - shu nny Sulxomnwta of 9n"Ph", or other Tx n m. organGvtnr P".Pn, tv fornuitine am of Inc Worm: unucr a dirw x indvee: ammsm anh dW" (ER 6)_sk11, mn nm,c err acquire In, file ur or nnw— h'p rights in am nl` d4. -J�uicnnrm nr a", d menra in, nn i In, thcreob Tttenved !>) ar'oea'ng .he smf of { T N ,k err F?.GNEli&:: C.Qftat; and till mrili nnl reuse on, oC Arch Dra ♦'inet. `Jncaiicnx=ma, otitis <keumcnrs.I ccryi� on =axaam. if Lh, F+oiw or mirynnhcr Pninct w111=1 w tren CIXL l of OWTu"'T nd E. GINZER and v-if" writron'rficrdoo orudnPututm 6y$NGLN1,15-i. ARTICLE+-AVAfLOMFCY OF LANDS; bT11350RF,%CE :bND 11HYSI(.:2L CONDITIONS; I rudabfun r f Lund, 4A )W'\ZR slall. hnnnia an]vdlannl nth:- ntoa i- eels the imd, upon wnich the Were is to 'o, pdiw.cd. aghma(-sap mid crsewm' for 'troy drerato. and auch other i=I,, whi& or, dcsmnnwll for this um ofCn sr^'OP !txmarrtsoiriWa+vnnnomtmest; OWNER :mall identity on =.natb..c v ren m.no MN aLcrncfhi upnk.hon.'hm s[zcfuenlh--etinted m use of Ia. , furrdcnar( nigh 6.m O NTC ACTOR .rill Iurve m ctmtpic m performing ;h, t4'nrh. ..rsements fer ,00n.Cnt !11C4 ttflli or Itnot-anent _hale. In v^t1SYm^- f cdnms:+vill ha ubminvzi ar¢I rmtd uvr lx dtVaF72 amiss otbutvisc pnwided in the C2=oict D.',nL' If i3O\PI2 CF{JR not I)W Lli arc mabic to outs on muli,.nm to n th,. vmauru m retmtpf amp odtmmenu,. in ane Contrnct _°rice a -'heconana ':imm no a V.h of any dalay in OWNp-K" furh ping tn. I n., 7wot"f- wnv s cascmail5 C'CITMACTOR mnv. n.l a daBn Neret'ar it, pr.dt,. in Arvaiu 11 scam :=. L A One or two component, high solids, urethane or asphalt modified urethane cold fluid applied membrane waterproofing containing no coal tar and conforming to ASTM C 836 Standard Specification for High Solids Content, Cold Liquid -Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane for Use With Separate Wearing Course B Membrane shall be applied in one (1) coat at 60 dry mils total thickness Vertical applications shall be applied in one (1) coat and horizontal applications in two (2) coats C Approved cold fluid applied membrane waterproofing systems are 1 CCW-525 or CCW-703, Carlisle Corp, Wylie, TX 2 Sonnoshield HLM 5000, Sonneborn Building Products, Div of Chemrex Inc, Shakopee, MN, 3 Tremco Tremproof 60, Tremco Inc, Cleveland, OH 4 Vulkem 101 /102 or 201 /222, Tremco, Inc, Cleveland, OH 2.2 Protection Board A Heavy duty, rubberized asphalt protection course with synthetic fiber reinforcement, 1 /8" thick B Approved protection boards are 1 Hydroflex 30, American Hydrofech, Inc , Chicago, IL 2 PQ 2550 Protection Board, American Permaquik Inc Williamsville, NY 3 Ram Protection Course, Barrett Company, Wilmington, DE 4 CCW Protection Board-HS, Carlisle Corp, Wylie, TX 5 Protection Course II, Sonneborn Building Products, Div of Chemrex Inc, Shakopee, MN 6 Bitufhene Asphaltic Hardboard, W R Grace & Co, Cambridge, MA 7 PC-2 Standard Duty, W R Meadows, Elgin, IL 2 3 Synthetic Drainage Layer A High -strength synthetic drainage layer consisting of three-dimensional, high -impact polystyrene core, and a woven filter fabric bonded to core B Approved 7/16" thick synthetic drainage layers are 1 HydroDrain 7000, American Hydrofech, Inc , Chicago, IL 2 Amerdrain 650, American Wick Drain Corp, Matthews, NC 3 CCW Miradrain Carlisle Corp, Wylie, TX V1 N COivTI'RACLOR ll.nnido. for all m6lional-Iaomrowl nccsa thereon Am mac be ini uircd fur amporwn onnov w faciihias or a n.' c of manorial,, and <cluipmunt. f= S.&.'fnce andPily ni Lf gml tidnnc: J _,'. Ravoor xidLmwings: Reterma is.made to tm, S, lcn=my CAmiitioru for idmnioi anion of L! 1Those rcplma of c:=Io@nOm, ml IGSM AI YL'n$nrw'G Crm iti.n, m'o, .nnncunms to are Eae umt'hive %'m Wilinfm m' EINGDE R in prclmma,.hc Conw.d f;.imw..: and Pln:o 'n nr'f IM TFwse dnwirtcs oC physic-! unmdinim .. nimine to csising smtac or.sticaurialli trolmrw m il.l MULL w Ncaae 'icwsrt (,dmgrnrmd in ik5A mat hart mint Doomm.by Y�x `UWE'e"' in. mcmrine-the Carsrxt Uncumae-, J.C:=. limircd Reirar. Rp:"lRdCiY7R Amimnkrd' ''r.lmr ai Darn: CJNNACTO), it raiv urcm im glmorli a... m nc, "tempi m1 anm• comninoe in :urn ren n mm dolling, honsrcn rcpors and aao,, . are mn. G'annnait,mool ncv. uniolrshnirxil dam .i9 idcraitl i, on .Ihc Snpplemeta:vyCundinom�. LYccrot for nucrmliace on such "it; noom.l M1 R',.'K mnp par rcfv'uy of iiNG no c'vimaamma Clt1h ,a IvEhR. a. my of EV1:71+EFi.'s.u:oremitanc: uirh rcpaa w' J _ _:I. Al ammnin,ni a of such rep. and drawings Ear C0h7RACTOR'a puA., im,imlmy+ oA rA rail i., ens ion aspof the cans, mcilimi, tcciwwucs scgotn+ccs and Imneeuures of mom rueuim to b, employ'd by .:)Iv'TR47CR imi safety nrvntmions and provwrs m.idcnt rlrermo, is Jmir, :late, inteiPrClali(A6 'Tint. mld iniono YWh V,mta And m an repon` or Ao n nr inuicriad in xulni drawion. .a 4 W woe'IM94ACTOR mivnran+irm If or c.LmL41J11 At"' l n(m) ll m'tour lt.11 innf :o any own unit. .1.7exmtnrm apirrors or Awni 2n(ln. Ali Vortt. if DlJ7a'nng Suusvriacr or Plmsica( Carrmnrxu- tl COW ILACRJR bdievs thin mr, min,miacn ar priv:.il modition n1 or imnu of to the xioc. tlmn ei mia*:ercd or mrealcd dthu: ! m of ouch', attire as w =W tin .or, lwhmoml Aw, on wlucn f7JPITRACTOR is ernided A n iv ma provided it LiAmaphsJ_,1 mid __.= 1, lumerti llc mnccvratc.. m E :if such it mturc its to re4vire a amine in Irv,, Cmirun Documcnm or 4 1?3 w 0n,... materially Sm As snou•na x:f:IT1'ill: !L<i'C(1LLIRS Ml111111.1111K1.t - K "Im,ALai in in, ("onmct 1)I...' or 4_:', 4. it, of ensunwvai mna innu tR&n ro merinll}' from a wiums UAirul }' mwmm.d armi gorrunn) Incocmzal a, iMcrent m work of tre. &...r nrnvidea Ar in the Connote. Dolmra Cnt .1 CON-MACTOR ximf, !zamella Immvdrawly anar Lxcomac a""' dlvbnl cut b mn, Us. U. omit wmiinoms aQearxl A.'r, or perfurmm WcA in 'Anmalcm therewith m an avtmgcncy as xrmrind by ;mmyrmpih c_i1 ;wnfi OWNHR and riGl`IEER in ,H nnS n'ew4t sun condition. ON i'. kA(70K mml nor hrrr v m.irm, nuch memin. or poomm any W om m cnrmcctlnn uhcrnvhh aco id) unui recapt of wriucn or= toaow, promptly mvicw the �, mcnt wnomiri anemone An romwp• of OWWER's obtmmnn. mmWn ui cmiaration or res¢ with rotiec, ;heron m+d-adlise OUWIn R.in "'Ime Wah a tX)rtt' w C7tWIRACTOR�If RNONFHR's ammgs aml Wn1:".r,.. L.�. Poo K, c7unuvct Dxivnen6 17hange.' I£ l :f:;t+lEiffF aaaA &S Am emz>;e in the Cma:'nct on, mi iofri. cdE �nmltoftint'. tiun,L morel one �x mEA=,h or t (+hw c O.w, iph J:_-?, o :York 4hange Oirxlive or a Chninoe ont ,will o Qoued uE Fooiacd in Artidc lu to rellcet and dnwmerit the cnnsemunees of mein rii.al, 4,;.6. Pnmh4 Frio V. Times :iWimrnants' An ,,morns ammumenr in the I.. N. s In the Connect Simet or E.uty will he allowed tom' avmn timt Al, cxismime nl' ,.,,.rt .meoverw a ":iAJ '."lion qusa w hoCorml a daerariu in C.ON iT 4CSOk's catt w. a Limnrnp.,om !Br performance oL Ihn lVonc:vhiao:. Lmvavec, 1nAl talkmumog, J.: 01 ti.,. W'mli U, .= mCCt N11' Unt, :Y mice of the C3lcft,, ie5 tY:GrinP.d in mnre"'n J.::vJ Arraign 4._9.4.1no...... i ohtinec m to, Cnntrvut D.lm mte ronom n w pmymaph 41S will not Fc m vilno m" :l lahni-ldnaTl U[ nor m amani. ,R'l"R•tlent W CntlhCTlnt 1. lip! aLL41 vdI.LintrIL 4. With ory.. w !Soak tit. ir'md fm cal a _nit Price Basa.um_-mimm m m.<:mumv,, }'riu will he sa'uicn to the. ploririam. of w.,.pic 9AD and 1 LP : mil i_.n1- CODITRAUOR vmll mr. W cntiticu to any mllustmem In the Conuam Frsc or Tuna if. J364.1. (-"- ITRhCMR k.. of the reisana if sucn ',ommims L Ilar - nine WIRAC`OR made a final mmlil to OWV11.71 in rcvcd of Cormil Y lit, arm C(mvact'I' imaa in. irl II mbmsssion of a '.vd ,ss bncominc boned under a n�v[m[cd canvass nr 26.5.'. the etcoi c. of mc:t wntiiotm awW rcownubleen y Istvc b divamcredrnr invaded as a rem,[oil um' CCnlnmBnCh IrIV6LY_cWoo. tN'}IPMfIPR lcsl or studs of the sue and „nhu'uous ;veal rrtiuired b, the Biddin_ R"oiicaomts:erc' Comma. G'oeumenle to be cohotwicd:'w or (cr --, iIN RAC70R, prim tc C'JhTR,+K'F:7R; mai:ine`sucn feral echo man.: to 4:C6:4O_ CTN—RACIOR (Piled to deaths woam-ncaw within -the none and as rwujcd I, pit a mpir _. Ll OL; ivl:ft aml (1)A'TPLAC::'OR ere wwok luraa.a rudcmcm to or. to the ameunt .11 I.M in ant.'men muimlhk u4',itmen1. in din Con= Ft:= or Contract I imc„ a Chun, ma.. he mask tractor a:: p,mtded io ,4rr.f. 11'and y vtier UVONBR, 6UNFEF:nd r: J:,RuLLH's Coo,,oll. shrill nrn he lms m Gmione : h, CO far C clmm: P in IRvcc im oho m :'lv"r r dhv:C:Oinumm ', OF vt ar incnmscn n wiih am' nthe; pmi:ra.,tr Pntictimmdantiact 4.1 Plrr'i.t C'.&iinmz—f ndmroum7.'9nu/itirs` 3. , L .Shown o, Inrdwre<t 'rhe iwormaunn and drill .', or indicuci 1n tla:. Co..,,t I'.ncumcnu with mspxt m ronug Gnddgrounit FOoilihc'. a u orntticunns o the anc is bawd o. Iniinn¢dwami darn turniaholto C)\lNr-N or ENCi13I--R-hv.rha!rumen. of aucn:lina,,W hie Sacilitia or hv. al.m U1,01':it is othcmcae cq Inch' provided m its $ulyilemenmg 4. I'I fM-NER and ENCLVG-;R.:,mil. nor 1x- rocn l sihk for h Ua . itou ee nplaenc:. ,n am -aucEl micmrmicrntrcJata. and 43.!—, 7hrcem cf all ot. 6m iblbwinc-will: he mclodwl to the,-rin« aria MYi R'ALioR sin ll noon full. resxrnsibilinfor tij mvien•ing and cnxA-vg oll sum vvormnuonmd ti:aa in) larumg allilnaerjr uitu E.;hu, ehewn,aam5oucci mJbc Contmcr Du,:rm.enxisiC) aroi-,h acm of hr Wit k with the otnwrs of loci Undcr_coulxl Y4tcihlni rhtrmg ammun,linn. end ,,).in, sofa; and prou;cticn. of all such C'ndagromal'Faciliva a prcoun,! in hanigr nhw'_tl oral r,,iortng inn' demaac thete:n mvltme hom un, ixus'k_ slut Snrwror inaicv.eri: If : ndcr.¢ound Eneilnc-u uncovmed or r,wealwl vt Pr cohuw. to tho site .rkcir was ,,.i shown a iruheatal in t'he Conm<ct. Do cumen¢. r:`ON21L>CTOR- chill, .mooml. immeeiialeiv arty heeomi. awam Ot"cof low izieue tenon ;i,.,N in5 condiuons atTu:h ,,on w Itoto mg any,'veal: inrntirvil na'tharcvith lempl N o < enema as .yu be carawxphd'" ienri& the mama of auto Cndemrwnd.-F'voil{ry end J:rUC:GLN[h.L, CtiF4`ITIC?S tlrloS f 1`YNI ENlmr w L'Tr OK 6GR".-0019.ti1Y MGOtFICill0:5 UI:p1".dCPI,Jt tier wnuen tunim .o tharowrmr anei m OH+bIFTi' a'oo ?NGINEEER rENGiNEER will pornply review the '- u ,sound `rvcility um ietcnn(nn intc KIint- If am'. to »ideirn cmange is ®vumid .'Oh, .. Ctmmmt Nao.e'ri taaeiledutai dcewacn[ thestmveyuenecs of the -xisw ce of the :Ir,demr,nnd handow If _qCUNTE<. usnclades •riot a dm=cl to he CUnlntcl t.=,ntauaiu rwufxert v Won< Chance Directiveor o Chanac Orda will o, i%wui pm-iiu.,d in Artidc 1U w ie:!ecr..' dacvntca such corneuurrrcxa Dean. suer lane. CONTRACTOR aha0 w res[xn hble Lei the 'suuy and pouchon of loch Cirviermound eacilim uc p ""W in onrtmagnr 2u, C IN RACI'O'R .h mavbc aaPwcd on: notes o e. th the Cnntrac[ %ce' or . exemtem of tie (lcnrraa Tim¢ or n<uh_. to the c.Rtnm that mct'. arcnttti ..^.blc to ilrmbtichuy that wm 'mi she,vnv ndicucd 'm. the Conuaa Dneumcnea .od UmLCCPM-RAG.C]'VR. dill :uximow ol'vrvl-uwkt nor rcr hchiy hove been W.rcctad.in he-auam oFrn whii, v=icimtcd VOWNERawjCONTRACTOR oro timhl, m aafae on mutimeorin er tl:n amount s Iormm )( ni ' mcir hot ",mt m Cnmmcu f^tcc or i]P nnc, ! Imes Cf]NT U'.T9R inn inns' a. Jntm mercincos-providcu tndmciee 11 =d 12 Hmvever. OR'N77L. 1GI'.vZR oral C i;NFT.R'a Qansaltchm tt allnot he nnnln to (% NI F>CIY)R by and can t. L", loawe o, damages rrctrrcd at sosminahhy CON 1LkcTOR on a m cameaaw wi dvanpmlwr proim or'arulc=.cl projca Rihio-.cs.Praxm J3. rJRrdkh..dnll prwPde c+renmcinn xurvcvs m cvahlinh racrcocc noun Inr cm:.wcnon which In iNCIN1TR's jodgmcm Ptc tu::csery is cx.ablc C(JY1KACI'Ok m po..d with the Work CZlt7GR. cinP z rcr.ns.hk far layix_+ twt'the Wtak..<mnll prntuel: anti prewn.o the atanlis`ncc: mteranw yxtmrs and:sirall.ma4mno uvrt6ra ct rck.nnn, "i twl tU, p tnv wrin nrmroa'N t OWNEi C ^ ! YA(TI212 shall rsp. u: -NGP. E''R u.t , c in, refacticc }trio! k lest or dzxmwo w rectos reloaotieo beCrusr. of nccco n' chmraos in made: -x laanats.. and ;hall bo ins osibkInn Il< aeeurP¢ roph".cv or rclocuoo.o, ;utrl mZsemz pone hr I,emfesuunalh' auaiilled )zrwnnci. ds4esms,NCJs.Teaa+teune. liu:wnbas:4'unear l7aaierc+rrioe.ilmzrtal: OMWER soul) be rcaaeutote fw a ny A5h<al�. I'Clic i'etmicum_ I3aaxrdom' \4 tau ,a Raamauill \dwmfalnn11 des PrImicalcdutxlu'ahr whmn ',vac nor mmvn.,n iris of n DnnU,hu w 5txeifte='w <u ii. thew in One Contract nmm' ct b. wnhm .he .vztoe PGrhe ucir ;vbicho- Fa<scnt a auhdan ..ito r ro Inc.paIx ,..I41 th, 5n , OW dtetm it cPmuelwn .,b therton, w, tcdtd, arimll is 6e regwnsble for arty sacs malerivls ivavgiv m the site In, tACTOR.. Suiwrotrztacmrs tunliicrs W unrom ciao L. who. CCb1TP %CTOR a "Monsihie. Ll u M I q o� p ri l� I° 1 p --=3n=Glv1a OlbcirulhimmwLulels:.-;il nlnry ell -WNEwxaA-lrv-}Rxo'!renn:. .. to. Hj iN+rwi �N--ei.-.f F>ker�-.anJ-�erl+n3H i LLI lxHe�C--in -Wfllm_. t;1lL'��hi."511g1{ IAnIn1A1Y mreu{t-W illy4GIN'ceR-a+ncerm ml-!hrneccvily lix .. ._.R.-10- remaw-yuaiifxd�npert-:o-emivare-awh iumwlws-owdi[i --im--owo ,li h mlklx..... ualwr�unxiL'w6 yl-�wY w.a-H4ketal'-n.ofi-ivw-LLF4amcu 9n V-rIXNMed-p[[Inl[5-felfllM-lllirLln-H��JehVMtd-In tn)apecit ilre--end slxeml eomiiurrc andr+�nwn wch t� __ _ _ _ _ _ _ P_ _ L pygµ-�!ibU�F-•••:<yNiAer� U.xi'aB{ ...... u hSFboYJ-..wlwnt e+tnkY-wted Ami.T.n.-., �Mrni v«. ;wwi:lnl:n -1Rikx i�-uwl�Fmm ..- .-4 - -- (-OY'�1'?,rR-JJLh nm-.wee-a-Ecwxr -suer waA L wen-.m-+eaxvwnlr-erxr_-rt-u-amatr. er-Jeer-rlet w�uwe-tie.»•-:i<wk-wtJas-swi+-wnauiM uxditinre-:hen=:1L::5F.-mxv-W x-muh-p`m icm-.3i agn.cus..rmutkrnnl.urol-llle wlnww.crt- 7tml.o(nn in+a ethel{em=mny-Ilwke-x-.,iuun-tlxrenx-us;xa+ilkJ�r yrtrcra--erxl . nXY-mrc-wtxnMen`U pxurn H-Jte 1L xd FuraemxJ-Iry t4'cps-.rwn Aas,x .xlme-m .uewhl n:e wnh Mine , -. o-!hc-iu{kse-n:reu-«eemiNe2+-. �uWe-nnu R.reuknons-:LtiJt3{--sMll.-imiamni�%_rmu--IRdd hmnl.A.o-—.;n:,.TR \("�-ORS- SuiuARmctnn d lams.--:ivaaan—emdo.ee s—:leenLs,-- :W Iror umsak{slnw-end-wtiwrmt'acfwc..of-<xan-xrd-nm'-cH Than-(eum-xrdeetirnk-all-cinimx-ccws.lm`a -anti VIA tef-- I2"Ni11P wl N MuM�a", , hman. e-w.v:Fc7h vx nls-.A-umm�Le n ntuiwmnx LL vvl tv-tniury: .swkrtevv-:iixwre.rwivath-wryer-Iniu�u.cr-alcmwlixn �'ruk`11Mc-prcr�lH,-taFHet-wwi-JR-�dH�-iktid{t Imauwlm-the-Ors-ai-ue-tesuhine-mercmm-ami (n+nweurc-in-Ihm xlaourc_rynhoa- . -Broil-ot.- OA'VG2i a-ixkmnii an'-;rcmnn x mil':mm�nnd tlCtlwY-A1ea'�aWRYM:Y�H-MWYN MnH's uvhltcgii�rctx:c; --:�`xc[Iw�iaidmyxl-finnwnryMvs»':=-rwd-'-, iue law-ime.neea-rn-nlw`i�u:-zeFrm^a-✓elmkem mseveweawhne-ale• �ilC6GdkBAL:X;NU1TlOF6 4b�R 11wx1 EJyml wl ($T1'.OF 1�(1RT r�L11 [�S M()milGTlOK.i IRI:\'.I /31FUi ARTICLES WNDS AND INSHRLN(;E Yer7"ernumee. Pulmenrnmt Olher )irmAs': CONIRACfOR :flail Cunene .nerf=,,t c ami Payment 3onds =h m- o nmaum :n ial "Dual to Jte C..0 srctmt ler tl, lvtiuul acfoottwtm.ard Inrvnc¢.d II. O?•TI LC OR Wii^yl under itx C.m .vt vmrnts T•x.r 3rnds :flull rC ..o todl= n.icxn until rnc.y.w mir the dal wnm tmal puymmi iv.ottms due. a Tx . provided when by i.nws or R.W.woo or in- the C:mraa I:Watmenc: COI,71'RACT OR sinll flr, nmadl w . minr Hmu a :Acn:yu ied by the S.,Lmcnlar, Cord . ell Hmav :null be h dx fain ptc.utucd m' dlc C..ct I,\. = exanr.:u oo",dcd omemvix'. o, IauR, R."Immm and =If be avecwcai'bv sw;.h aPnie:: a art maned in ;hc wrrem lia of '(.. mni. Hddim ('enii¢mns of Awtlmnv as Acceomblc Jureua an: cucnl Bon= u:d as AemTmlh Reinsuring smmniv,' m purtimmd in Chmiar YHl lummdedl.'n Ih Audd 1LIi. Harm of Onvernmem pinanWui - ()pemriomc TS.arusuv Uuryot,o,m All Hants .timed br' ml uvcm mtta he alx.=wd by a tred wp� .>I'vteh age¢'.: nudtmi t to C. 5_ If dte :wren` ort am• 3ohd Cumtshcd or CQP''fILiClbk is del. ou o Ixnkrupe ar Itun ot, insah'unt or is P o le:do businacs is to dl iC in tiny wax rvhcrc amv Inn of of ltaiec is l s1. C or 1RcACet R rota :tx rcyuuuncnn of .1w, ph b_I. Ov o, lI .R toll a, tin d,sh In = tvnci�•n mmmr ?md and slyef, onto hi whim mus:'Ix nLccrynvirk. to OWiVtir. 53. Li,m.d Wrreti. d Inrurmn: (:enifwer rg IR]yTR<C. - i i. All 3anmv .1 utott. c ra:umd is the !Cow.xl CKwvmrarts to 'ot Iwtrr»nsed and mntnuuned In OWNER or Cu'JTRACTOR smdl be tb%. d from Buren' or insurance wmmlers tfpt :ur dulr Ii s d or nurhor - the iunaiiction to wnwh the Pnx(v 1.1to . Uonlss a w o noica fa thc.t,nnm and c .Lr.¢rrcouned Surh sent, Imd immumn c ,4,ao, ; tir,1I aiw mc! vach uiutuuml a:quvemems umi quetii(irntirnls us m:n be provided to tis Supplememnre CemJ;ueu ` CONTRACTOR .cull :e6vv w OL1h.:t7i xvh wpic to each adfiuonul :read idemiGed in tax ,C.lie i'va (:ttnditims.::ew arcals ul cnwd cc (and odic evilicuc of Iluturmc redueuxd In CON-- R a am' cnhcl mkiitIt. nsurerli Which CON RLC OR is prom. to purtw..c and mainmin P wxti n¢ Wvm Fnmat{n k1W iroallke miJtuaraV-naumi-!uemiiied-n- tir-Somt,n,m." �i6wxn erti.'gwceFimucnrwaa :+:=d::.-�Tt=1a weiilrenro.t;-,-Imureei?- whicim:;?lY-'�{e'tR-e {Booms tiww==hercn6 C::J COATIN CT OR'e.L:abilhr ln.n.. COk TiL'.cTOR :ivdlpurdu¢:and tmtinuim rock iiabiiity vml ulne imvrvruc as u.nuonttv,thlt' e ots mine ztiarmed :ronnld iinnisind and as mill pmvitie ,,f . ian from curios vet IMfi beicw: +vnpc nv atim and pl w :cvl! :iem vm. ..-ICTOI :: pACTOW. hr nnii.hrc of se Win: urui C`Ji W, 'i.Lhn ut 1. .hiirsfnntvnirndse nmt ':-m rONT CONTRACTOR sto tc ...n rd w lurrisned by f::)�Y .-- ai ict am' min,ht . w Supplier, or h.+ , t t directly w inciirof Ln umnlo7cd by tiny of tnent u+ pwiwm.lx ;ilRxal wn' of .the ir vvhwc.w:ls am' u[>hrnt may heiinhle t _ AL cluvns un<kr veer-cre wmr mtib . ucvoiiitt' mnctic :and artier similar. •mployW n' cm acts, i'1'. calms -tar damagm brctua w'":udily inryn, CONT A♦C ai:s anp w disrssc. w dcadt al CON I"R.Yt ��Uil.:: CIIIP.ICveC' W.w Lit es ixeavrn n hMiic injun'. sicl.ness -vivatt w.=,n of tiny pa :niax. tfnn CONTRA(:TOR:: unpim act: .t.:._�la:m.._f+x-.amxee-irtvurcd-�--mwvnury F�ersme3-Ines.•-iixi:iiny.xree - - iiiJN.un•:yurwuFn+e-reatil-.v-en-.HimY.ti mares•[ha-raixtedut.tltacm{ekwmem-af-svatn.perstr+.kva: 5.45- claims Ear dome¢ whey :hen m the W'ori: StralC bau um al' Igiurr_m w dkw = vtf ttmgibie prapwg' witercv.r In©tad, mdvxiing lass of uac tcsultinc thcrcirum, and 5 46 cdms fnr damages ic©usc of'adily irlmn' or alrnh of ampecan., pn"ny oamag< vrwt aut of the ;..m nip. maimmata:c w use .f :un' mates renicle. The policie. of bsvurincc x+rcauin:l by tius pamguph: In be N,dmsed aral mairuained simll: S,a 9. wish rrmna to mctmna required b}' p:uxMplis d:a.= tltruucn i.i.o itntmt arW _ d_S it (hnxul'[nnutss and 'r _.f m tm uA.ana<c.inr1 u( Iwbiln). OWNER ::INEE:.ENGINEER. a,.',otr<smuic,id-mified' in the Suppicmcmruv C'.onditiura all of wilwn'shallim lisled:rs addm..l n.., anu. mciu.ie «tvrrngc its A respcetive all., and <mvioyees of all .men :uilitional mwrcte. M& ux:iuue 0... he mvertges row be +swtrn ibr noLics J�m the limns ai iiiaiin pro ided in the Su�kmcmvn' C.nliwns or mq.v,d by Lawc. w Rqulmmns: nfnichcvor v pater. c40 ncivde ermpierxd opemum.twrnnrc WCIxmL`t tLroNul'nem V1lJNUEdi4tun w(=OI'1OHT Q➢•LIM MWIFIC Uott::IM' _-, 10. include ..Minl iiabiiity instuartee eosins CCN'RAC7OR•s induman' obiicuuwn undo narag.*; 09=. o:in vnu 6 31 Imnunn 6:3: mntmn a pro,"inn er e.a nnenl 1}pl tnf a+vemx 'ff=vd mil nw a cancdleti matenall}• ehona:xl w renewni re..I d .nub at Faasi. tin" chid pow vvnttrn nwi:s in. bo:n uw.xl to C AWER. oral OONT!C\CfOR= In cacti alto aLit iu.1 itnwd itimificdin in, Suppiammnuay Cundiuw 1. "noni a anifl-W of imunmr. has '.xe^ I d (rmd.11t mr<incamr. a innunnm vmvnt,d Ix the CON 'MAMR.p..t m Iruamapn i.3: will fsccidd, remain..cITccl. at 1¢ .mil :ircri:.vvm mt all tjmca Jnrca[tcr .vrm CODYLRACI'ClR mm• he eon tirg, mma•utg w rcpinenn} :rlae:nr Wasik in-accwsdancc+viih Pwny :. ph li. L^ Arid i wish ncgtrs- m campitted apemli— I..naRY,'. and al:5 :rminmCC aq Cr:ilC wnlwn.. datmsmnue hnsic: r n. effect tar m lnno Fcr-s 2tTcr Gml paym m innd CONTRA(' I'OH::a:nll nunisn OW1Frt and hm other ad'bumli insured wmaifid in the Sunoianwnrn.' C.mdninnx, to venom a u:nifluu of irmanmc hus bccn ua cuts': mtisfacton' m OR\uR and env wch adcuuaai innm:d ai mntinvatmn of s.h IreuI.ncc at lirol pnymatnnd onpycarthn nficrt" O1154&i4 Liabi(n, iasnraaor iS In undid. to inurrmtcc aquas la he provided nv CONui_-\CMR..ties. ptm.mph OWXi. - m OWNER, aptin.,. may purchase and nv:inwn A CWNut'a: y+eree CANER', unm iituiiin' imvrana. os veil) p 11Wa l CM NER.aM..q claims when mxv trice Irtm .naauans arid. Jv Comraw Gas..-= 1'rvlKrrl' Inuurancc :ik:--LdnlcceHhervwe� prm'xkdnrdiu.Sul*+kmxrtwry 4exxhtxan:-...0W7:ER--timll-.-.p�rcmre_-atti-mainmm rx-inr-fu 0-teweemen-uva-liee.a=(atbjen-+o-wun :kduuiMe-xmtntnts-ln-mxy—iu_ prtwidal-,tn-_ Suppiemeramy-. r:.taistium-nr...rcauvzd- ny-'�swn...and 'Regulatwml-4'Hi+ueunmc>tirnll! --imdude—tiro—:ntcrevs—af=i\L'2:eic. �:�'vy=e: �?;NMuvntn mean:--.•+-..,7?::mPe emuixx. xientiiivd-in-rite-`;,tryriemenmry-::.:r:ditmm. eeclra+f-wnsmisrieemed'te imrc untinsutavk:imercst am4titallhniiaedax:�rvmsural+x adniuvrmbmwrart ..3.--1v �wlttmr�-n-3uiWds-yni;-enll-rm.':a-w rstxtlwv-xmx-maiume xsxunrvx-fetryH w.xal-ks;-i httmw_rre.(Ix-V:(nt-ta+fmrnrr-ituik{imy-1nFsenvark - nee-ttt-ias tx=ialkw�rr«Y—�wniF-irr�-�iarmnt¢,—e.x i Y mr P N LJ cc�mlen;-theli;-x.... Ws -mul.-x -hwlws--miv.:nieli --iwaemeN-�F{,�x"-�witi<cgulatims wurer�rm�xrd--eau»-.atwt-+rerik-erx--nrrw-:m �r:i--ineiwx-n:oemn-irKurteJ n- �tx-ttmrir-r [<pltwdman�uGom 'mlred;mi�lwrvwwluuire-:Uan[ limier—:K anti-:imlea�girreas-wnl xr�lular:lvl: :.-W:—aµeFlMxb:MH4tlPFhvPol�rx�sN< tY-91NrrmHCf-i(%911QtUlx1-WflVMISh'O-tM1ln wTlliR IW Sn-InY6L kiiP.o-ural ilna -.wrc uFinen-nunsefn-awH-wilier-w+ddrxmwi csle� --'WW'tiYh'-JMdi (W OP RMWWIIISR I fFff -'Weh-h81121' LLS�raImlw dYSunr>femrnNiF (.axaLuulRYF �l`IF-1+H�-tit: •-w-i�+rtz••� :li{Mrr+.iT.m"'dt�r>�lN'fIF ,tit:4«.»nR.'sFaea.lfnncsarxerw xHxr-+xw±ns.x-antiau ana.... dar-xddi.ianl-inauxu -abectw .m.+�-✓<'.J)n-lawuW�xe.4-xr«1 mmm�rvud-IwJ-Jw'�'EZ to Ni:ccrowwY�wnffryrnxfT(+hs�i aW.xnge xll .6ei-will aaba rmv.�lkd ar m lerixily vmex�ed. r +erarwxi-rahewi umil a!<ne� thin Jxve:'-prirx wrinen--ru�ti+-r-hxr--lmn--_i)•nr__+u._:_.4i:ly`eA--wxl •_=.31�=r:?{�xmi-fc-m�-H�-xddtt:+3rmi-irenreA-k+ warn-x NTfdle-al-imwwn� ima--been-�:wai-mrd-will .z.mnm afw-r--�rrtwsxm¢--:m--auardmrco- wuh mn+ev,Pha+-- +3) OWNER s it nw M rtgzmnblr. R, pu =.g ]vxl anmwinme :xf�' pm, imumrcc to PrWcc: Ilic immxvs of CChtTR\Cl'OP� Sumimnuras w mhas nr iJrntifial-)n-i1x�5uvplenrn+er.�-rdarxlil me--2iw-rx�-al' lus:within-wuenirixr+txivF.Jrsivaiirlm+mnur+t-rsiRh.+.rmre such-«ra-xnd-.i-«m-oF-tiwn+-wvs-.-propena-vwumrrs urxllwumu a>vcrnec-wifRc-limiu-ni mcn-nmunma.-ten-mm_ puruwrx in +t-x1-the-nxrcMeeir. swn a�epenx. rliR-:Nuevti^m..wntrrg-ilm\-.Fl Ik1Nxn.3-4Fuaxle4i-YnrlK-WrNEtnrPru= O-ar-->-:-c:a:-asi; r1w14:-+1-1a3v+rhk im�lwrxen nm+mnee- nrJ ehr• Nnw r l 711 L':000r"'.[]JmJ t: h'I>ITIONS I'JIN R+I4w+L.M+m! +vi (lTl:i)F GnMT IYll.LLalY All%)IrICA'ROMi rNfi\'�Inq�n mmnrerxnman.oRhc Warsnl.tlwsilc. '?tV`71v1i-vWl;in is l l-1 r- aAp4E -.pJ ng7yTR4E?TOR-in imrlitmrA l Iwliciesiwrai+nearnl-uccortinfxr-wttli{a+n+em��s-�.: iulwrrwGsn"-'---niJ(iuJEEi:-_._.-_J(iSsticEi's �' MPkiM adrxi�' -1B inxurcu -s�ndlilinrssi-inwrtvc-in-q i+-l+niiuc-arid _ iAP+MA rinl—' -1iI in the each til�-plrmrnE-a my'-?oso-m-.iumn��e-ule -M:. d,.+:m:the' '....- -: ! _ x'w di p.V.bk-..Ipr Nn1' {+tihC,Vin�iiNdd' F..�.NMrb -,• �. franirm cry; n:. c.\�OR— ,ulax+nm+uara 7m N olT +s Jux-+.,r;,-ampiov -c: rd-neems-.\f �- u1 them ta. !--Fmntir+e-tN�io2-iun d-ux-tt-ahn-axe�:uuerxru;-Inx+-avvsrdine Inv Fal dnxr a +uel-.icas-ar hnrue.--+o fniune�aw.ut-arveratltmv fr mr-tnatrrvamnr-+aeN: wiulr+rr ar-mo-feuvradhvL,RK�'EZ-nml —A V.-,iI1nN+✓�e--ib-iix-<txllpleixd res+dliri-roan-u�-uJle-imwe.l peril-aoaereti Nrx�-Ixucerw-i OF ea 41 ffentx+rrc+;Z= dart.e—iwalui�—miliannn—pwscrm—++r arrcenrn i::1fi: -niter-4lislantiui-SmnNe+ilx+ putcmnt,to-rvrm _rnnH-1- Ra)r :Nieriirvli-mymenl ae tlm'-i(MJti.-aumxge-ur Yeirnn{tiiSSie{CHIU-Ntin-ilXS pNlfl�mnff tY±-:�-tifMlitY'NHBMip{�W'19r[1r19iM{x4<ltdH{Mt uenaeti:ars-tlo—mxussrs-wiL:mae-no-aeats�t d ram«.rv-,u:�-xtm.,u:-(o-'O:a-Fi:,V(�G4R-.:uhcummmtvs 1lrceinr und: lvplirvnnn nj inaumnce f'mcreru: aC. Anp m t,d lusr.under the pplicia of insuvancc =tarsi 1w Ix,.=nphs_.t and S,' will. be on_ivaed mun OIINLZi uW m:uk unvhk. to OWNER as uiiutuaty fw the uwucus_ u> Uxv nnacss m upmm;. subw w the rcpuirememx. ol. xm' upFliiu'tNa mwu;xec clause and of fxtmgmnh 5.13, UNRiER mall dcocna in n ::gmmtc :u:.num nn, nnrnc m rcmn•ed 'nu xtmll diaribute it in llecpn2111Le'n•iltl-suL.vLRlvnvit as th, naltirv"'in. immr mat j.,in If rin.mw w,,nl'Ue m.i ceaclen : e, dam:ic:Iii %Vo vlxil''x t w.d w.repiiccd the M.,., sn '.i•ed appbed'onuceomm,UlereoC:md'.thc wi,& unu the t'na thI=f covens m• nn::xpnrplmarr Chmmc 11-6 nr %Winen:•�ncnumcm. R as ildmoary snail havc power m. nditut inlMINE d rthle n,, in. with the In ,nm iml_a one of the lmnksin interest vmll alhepoi r... n . widen iilb,,,iI klvs .I. do rxxuma.-. In lc.:in OWNER'-. M, pane.'r. II mdin .nin,.0 n iw madt, OWNER s fimmimn :;r.11 mnkc aawrn m min me inwmrs inacmrdmmc: wash such w, 'm Ines m inm:ca mn, mach. tfmn .n ng ment innnirij Uu pi us ,, in. v rem.rs4 OkkNM n udue an .,null as mt aW . ule the loss ,ith tra insurac arx�--It-w�emr a-m-wr+ule. rw-{�xr�ln wrxesc---)Y-whf.- as e!m, na-vnll- t <-+rmA. klr�t+e -t ccefnance. nf1anIII 1.ev (J.rmon m rtcpnca nWnsR InIi, am ani.w. rm nu, unungc tyin'kd by m aher prmiwc,m of the Dinds..r InwIn. ,e !wea w 1' purchased anti mxiirc:uneu n- Inc •th�rymv .OAT RM701Z in u: rndnnu-'slih M.,Iw > In the .,n FuniN Uuli:uriun-Propem•insurvn¢: 1.15. If OWNER 6.1,1 it t„ xcwl• w tuc x M' e n n, t.mrtnas ni 9 Wprk pnnr to s.nannnni LN.bC<tLN9C.11. P*No a', I'm p9`Hl Y.hliun a.(]Tl't1F "r'OICI C'OWNR n1tInnc omauly IPWl` Completion. pf:,ll the Wnm such 1pnmaIn- be acmmpfIhW in auvrtiancc wiihwpn,.Iaxnh 1111). orovidui Ihm no:svpn ux w..,¢upnMv .hall .olnmence wmn, the irlYnrc:s. lxm'iui. in, IR111e:I\'11LY11(nnaC :lace :c.;r "Icuunl nnti. h:mi m.i in "itirr; cfrcv.a; 'm cnmss ;n c emee net'aalnled.thereir. 'fbe i!mlrcrz p,m•iuitc the pn,pern' iraumnee slmll ttmr.1 IR' mdorsentcm on :IV, pnfiq• a a,iieic. inn the properm ieuuran::e-::roil:nw Q smell d w a.•mihcd In 1.. on ...I, of :uq' oncn mntlai um ,U21'IC1.E !.-COS'fR;CCTOR'ti x�tit�NSlwurlts Suiun•iaon and Svpoisrendence b;l. CC)NT'AC.:OR shall surnrvim ircanc aW uver, tIr. %V.Ik competently and ctTiacn!h'. air mirii, =h nmm,n, thcrnc and nppM. such skills and �[x-rti:c ax mac Ix :rs em+n. m pt,n. the Work in ..,lams wish the Cwima Uncumerm:. CONTRA( , OR anti nc snick' rennnty ible In,- the means mvinds ICQirlipp aNnLMCI arld nnI'ci,inii I amancinn but (XWMAC-1'OR ;hall nm be rapanihk Cc, dw lht Jcnn, ,r tl li -nion of =.if. rn ar .ocumi !ennivue uyl cote ra prx •sure o1 aKrtYCiM um it ¢ sf men lr IlWllpl`d :n and -rxesh rm irm h the CnvMt Iuxumems. CON-1 AC (R hall nm olc m ccc rm �m wml let d Las.!;' umlpu .u. v nu.lt .vith tht. L1 Dccvmc mt G._ CON%RA(.'fOR rill i:cm +m tin Wo,x. nt all sums :lure. lm RnS` x almlx;u:m t.,LnL nupmiriwwm who shall nnt be rcplatxd -abw xrinen ncnm In OWNM aW u1(:fNE:R c:repl uWc �ordimn--cirtvmamw. 'I,e sup..-immdm; a'ul x CONi1v1CTi;R'e renremwire ,it!, sae aW smll n:n'c authzin' m ua rn , Imif of CO2?RA(`OR All mmmunvc,ticu %, ilic vtwrulmmknt.mill be as binding ass if eivrn tp COhTR.biIFOR. L„uv..Nnrerfnln und Eauirynmr 0:3. C()NiT'\{:TOR. ::hall txocWe gtmrnle}n. sw•abh• puxlihd ptrs I In ry. u)' wt und .nIaIvo it. \t',rK I, munw ' dlc [..ti: GM,.,ims. C>NTfWC1 OR. k6hdl. at all umc'maintam .4.iplinc'and ,rdR a1 the S w. GlJmt l; ahencme requirul for the mime w pnluvu.n of ix'rmms w the WorL pr p,ppmy m Ile stc a' atiiaam Ilwclo. and <ccot :m uthentas muie,rW In ihx CmriIi. DMlanme. all Wm x! :hc rile .imll ne paiurtned.Junne•rcviw w,xi:irtg talus :Inu C0-k-MA(70R will Mt ixmmu ,mask e•on:ur the pafmnlaree. 4 Wn,k ,n Smindag. d Smnv :c mry Ieval huildav widnut')W'NiRIi wnrmn mrmmt uv.'nfG prior x'num va¢:.. w ENOIN=.. L Cy�7j�A(i'OR=jm11 ;np.h Sayuca m th5,y'RIGI_IFrC m Icv.umn 18 hnu'. m advnncc of nm' IA'.xk m he grtirzintrl_.m 5xhvdae Surma- Hwiuuyuir uumitic O, Re^_uiar Wcni:mn Nnum. F d do l u fia P fa. L P E IB f,.a. Ltd. atMnvhs, shecdd to the Gehohil Roan emmis CON7RAC-OR rail fitmuhand aiwme full rauirnlauia fw lirl atilt( s eanhai al%x. nnmtaTtonen, conANLtwn Cavian enl and machinC,l', weis pphmar.es fucL p. i, c Innis. hrnL tdcahon, n>.ta. mmmn fi ailitan lempe nit- fan,in es had all other facilities end n.:,l nwle neceaartfur the fumuinita: perimnantee. tesune san-up and compleurm of the Work. I pahmanamh t 1 >re t C.NTLA(70 urns 4JIItL11 _N�Ifl inIn s nllrCnnLtI, "tnimano 4 con.' a! the ,q.wijonslane avatiabiv_.Lt ncu It; oftcs d in, Nremsitic •Ina In& %ninnoeneat Disiaion ar the City Clal,'oIEa. 6 fin, Ccratcnt fivnaiona: Cnn of Fn. Collins Resole on nl -1 _l hananes Ihm asmliiem mad entdurm. of 1-mam rr mnmscmr team na comcn':o em"', that the ode t'Joi t Inin b hanrdcusw ea,,: a fuel 6:5, All msawrials and ealuinment shall he all anal italiti and new. =,spt as hthnvisc pmvidod in the Csmaact Damamem:. All um.a. arat etmmrnees s,oaf callv.cdku. for by the Shoettitauth, shall �Igseah' wit tnlhcfhme6t ofO\r/Ni7i. 11'rcgditud.1r• :aIGTK7FR, 20N 132 -V:fOR .shall hannsh htisraRrn' cvdhrco iinditahm ha ii of rvtd nd imai) as no LLc kind and inadin of mmaiais mhc aryrprnmt All manci and wwnnmt. niall 1. applied irtmllnl cona.Lsl. tooted. used clamed ani c:.ndiffi ned in nmoati nes w'lt h i ffiumraas din, appiicaule Sunf+iier,.= cent as ahrnviv ph iced. in fix, Cvsma D mcns. Pro,"..L9radala:' a,ti. CONTRA(SOR. callabase in us,- plotless schedule. emiDlished. in aasrxdmla %.vile pm"inal _'ryas a maw ne aupoid fivm time to time as "ovitual h i., ut.l. CONr-,kC OR shill tabnt to loiQGIN1TR fir a.00puasc' (It+ the exim, i lies d m puragraoit'97 pmpased mijuitial s va use pro,ress scn.ch ie thttgill Ent dnanife the Comma The. irr MiIc thaoi) Such olio-mm<ms will confirm Laxtcralh to Ilse phauezz:aancriic then in.ol.i .a d ukliticin ll, will wmply with am' provisions: of arc Ocmml Requirements appiianblc. ahercai. h ,-- Propamd adalotivents in tihe prletc.', whakik thin will amncs the Contract Timo fa'Mioach s) snit fie avbmmm In au,wt6rs:e w an.he rccinhan na of "itiv pn l_1. S.i h auiusamana mnv amp' " mwle In'.a anamue Order a iGntlaa Aniondmenl in arscti vitas Ai L". (. i. .Suhmmm' and '(JrfgaW" Teems: 6.7.L Uhme.a an item of ou to al oronarma rnt is shcrifled_a deseiral in ac Comrna Draewnems a' .2 the lame of a' proanti item w the name of a ptmcular Suppfi r In,-sra:cm t. a dcaiptidn is t dal to csvb!Wn the wP,> Lntcum ari gamiitr rerntveu, _:n. at snuificatim ar aesrrhniin kx-ct �Y�I.LL CONt9nUM 1910s 1 t'Nn Laiam� 12 it r,lI OF1010'COLL1Ni MiRail('All ONStntiV 1•'nlnai aannins, at u folliwW a, worm rctdinn dvt no G4. wiisvien ur 'ax-aural' iwm.nr nit mlasnativia is ponal other items of mmatl or eannomm x Mwerni x enarment if ail" siamfi n'1 ash w at,vi J b EQGINGTi an is wc fL4iuwirg caona:santes: d,7.l.L ")r-Equal" If in nM1311''R's mle ' lli an a. of uatcriul or eauimvalt pL ed Ir C JN t vC I'OR u inisalonally ,alwd w.lhvl. rmmc i ni safbetend, saran. .,[hot an daasie in roan J Wirt, will be hooins, it an, he crnadered.ix' ENGINEER m, an'o--onin' iron. in tincil wsc nmdcw' milaaWivai of the pram stern map• is (NGINF.Ei's wle disereann he aCmnaitslled m umnah.otannli. nnh same rx all of the reutuntai fax aarp n. of pron.d suhaiwc items. 63A.1 S'aosfimtrllena: ICul1iNGLNG%12'aole d1!Qe9rya an pens of ..i or sailpmml pmnrtai CON—RACTOR. J. nw 9ualiiv as an "or -anti imn under suni,hanaaph 6 T1.1, it oall he oeatideM a Ixnpnu:d sammune itmn. (:OiMAC-IOR shall summit mtfiian minianadLm as irovaod 'nciow as allow ENGINEER to detarm'me that the Iwin of ran .. 1 of .quipmcs pngsrecd i esseemi ecafi av m that namd aawon o-- ihli, : ' afai, .herci'a, The procahne tot rci lit' the. MlGlNi L -R will hiciuuc the fl iawing its suonitnwntd in the General Reouiraterrs nrta at ENGINEER may dociac is apnmfrimc nose me arcansana Rani for mva tiv ui.pripow:d ubsiwtx ncros at mautrtl ur equipment •,Nall hat.hc. halt.aad la� 'tT7GR7.'cR finnm nvanne who- thin rOiaTiL%QOR_ if CON MACfOR was e.. so famish is a suhmai. hem df nai id n u ipatent CO17r07"Dlz ilw!I fire make "Tana .ash .ann to-ENIMNmE for ae6namS then. f. cerhf'.ing hint:hepleni samtirm will nna-unfu :adwuaml) in, : esoinm m l a.wi the results ratld'fix in' the crncral uesigi- c annular in .uisnrwe to that spaclid and be wad to the same use as in,, :;,o6nod The appiielum will ,onto the c,uom i!' am:. m wka the cmivmam anal '.phi M the pmtssed auasinaw will neiudu, =XTRCTOli uchicvenacm of Suumlaual Completion ran um'. wneNer n not a.evin. of. the subs itae fir uu. in in, Work tell panne s Lhi. as any in Ih. Cintrar:. Lawmen. ;ru in the prmaiora Mae, .r d dims i�=a want OWNER for ,on. on dnc Apj«I) to aria;% the desum in Ill, prume d wlhait. teal whedaer in Iw Mang ututaa ax use if the awagatiae in call¢... wmh the Work '. iw m pavmen of 'am' Iieerce fee or'mya it,, .% lunation. of the nnmaner!-annalwm imm fhn sLEcifacd wdlin itiora l a in th, appliwian and :...ii..k maaaemuwc. reasn vrui rear.hat; s -ki will be inlllvledi The appliomtion will alsca Uhnndn nn.iwntied n'L nfle ui A cwts.1 crdie, oat well it dihoi a micron" frail, accpwrcs of Sara, ammo. alcmdUg 1XIMs of redaslgn and drives of nma mnmetors.,T.. In the rnsultmg thin,, .0 "I mo, will Ix+ convurrai in Zl4GL*''- in ani,aniru_ thr propusru wVAOUL, -445774E f may muse CONTRACTOR 0, fumivn,tidditinnnl.. tiara Mint tic prrmmad aatbaumc. C(V\7X4LTQR(rE:wnae: .-VI.aatt in'x. pro,,(IW b,"LO;4T&ACTOR m support Oi Imy psm, di 'or wual' w :,,uhunnic item will he at CON T LkCfONS comx. 6.7.1 ,uhu ., Comunaton Weat"', or Prxadums: d a meciuc mnan,. method teehttiwe. .once err pr.uma, Or "-m tion is aria. 'Or +naicared. in.nnd e,pne,, requnan m the Canmaet 3lrmumatu, CONTRaUTOR mar fumtm w utlfin, a 'Wb,,at < mmr6 mdf l w"i iWlc aL.rn U xom. Of romlmdwn ac ok in [NGINEHR, CON'CR ACTOR ,b.11 wO mit auii.ml munnintiva w alltac ENi.INFt3R,.tn ENGIIJkifkt�•ek di:vnrtnn, m dtO.ine.that'the:at6[i[uue MOVIt d is rwitalmnin :hit vrmrc w..mlled Inn M' in, Cnntnt, Dmumms. Tix Ianad." Ow tti m, S) F.NGINEFR all Ix: .amilnr m tharpmmau insvirlxlrannpit ti. i.l =. 6.73- Erem&+,_Etnh..m:-NGh—TR will Ix allrvwa rmsnnahl, tm, within which O,"awate amfi Pmptml w stbmivai made Pat... in pataQrapiss4i:l.' ami d.'._. ^4Gl2N.R till be the sole judGc of accnubiiitp. NO 'W+cun' tun suimtnte will ba OrdcrR, in%MW ur utili,d unninut 1_'NfN1dMZ''s pnor ,tut aceumtmtcc avhnn wO] 0, widenuti:i�� other a Clan, Grdc Oran aptxmcd Jhon !'.r n. MkNFR mar n:auirc CM,7RACT0R m funnra, m (7017R.\CTdRts l\r1p1C a 'Pain =rOtn.. QlNIN3wY or Gann errCn' w:Vi-.I raper. :O :tn1' ''.l(iIINAI" 'N YINftINn'. fG ')•-u. will rrcwd tune r,gnO d iw ,NCIIaEER and ENGrNlTiit':: (:onsulunta in ,,mivaline ,Manta= prop o, mwha wd Ov CONrRHGTOR puranmt to O:.pks 6.7. LO and and in makirtu cnanaar ut :ix, Corama �cewtmrs.(w 0, the wrnniats o1 am aher dircer .ma with O\YNcit rw wOrk an tin, Praicd) .i,,vtmd annO,'. R''Iniar Or rca.�tiCl.\1::1t CQITe Ta wfrettuteCON Ix + AC7GR. shall mtacuthinnattt., OM Oarile nmrgto af `aER ncd N_GBNTErR;'Cu. w c:uivaus_ Proptrvi substitute aina, n 68. CcOz.inp Sabcwttuaons. S.,Litrr and Urhrrr' 6.8.1, CONTRAC'OR fiall :mu cmpiop any mun,nrm::aIpink to Ore UDR act. riruuditt� IaI wd a,N to O\lrj7,R. and r3J(RNPPltas wbatnO in pa[alalpn d.S:O), whether TtmG v err as :t svbw:wc. - ,, wlrom. OWNER a _4GC4GR may ante rararaubie objemon. CO2TIt'.., R mull ant im.tcuuircd :o cmPinm nn' SuhcnnOina, SuPn 't, rnhr.canon or Orsamanin ai ivntisit Vf. PerlNm 'en, Ol.lim Wwl:. a n i tthum (::)i'It:>Ci OR itm Tasnmole rntmtnn. :JL'xctlLlelL::o::ulnn�q lym3 rlT+i EtYunr: xa Q':':'.OFFIJHI'(AILfiY hIWIPIGtnJ':SIH4Ji H_!ngi CONTRAC V loll Ocftmn tan lert 'hnn ?0 iosmt�l Ihc.,_rVcrl: mth Its awn rtrc (tiwt iy aviim O nwriln{n1ai reL. in hit t =3n tYvattie Of e'mfl lx nuaratnal ¢t r rr in Ihr lVwn n. ,a'u:c Of ,M.9, totals nob lea Omn'_0 ncnan of the (Onatct Once n _3idgn)_ iiuPlltlrnu reOn. un, idlTOh' Of «ndm Juuctmmctai-Stippims w Od= ni v Or organ isutm: iirmludim thaae WOO are in famish an pn.;nail items-:Of"nnow,ials Or ovai{me:ttl. to hn _ :. _. .ueh.wiwiiuttitm-and-un nt.:x<mrtate.(71rerlKe.-'$urn will commaw-a aorMRIOn of tan CL a act rtauirmc the ____._ T.__.. tt±e of tre nOmc. wboomndarc ,:moose .x Olhcr rctscat .r otw i nuan nn the Wort, an. mtx avri avnm.'m is ridamcd ;iron, OWNER EN iIN'c=R. No auntanc a, Oil Nt k <r Fil pINGFR at ane'aucit 3uimnt , -tor. Suppiut rx ,n txrxt v nnnnnivatlan skdl .i tn, , ."i Of an' nek or OWNFR in FINGINS.H.R to nO.a dgf,c:iw Wark, 69.1.. CONTRACTOR::mil in, rally :csawivlr' in OW ZR m d nM—,1l R.for ill am and Orn.iana Of the Sutmomrnnnn. `:up.Jicn and Olia i man land orgrim91Itans P[tranr NL lr to nnfin, an, ad" Work On. :: dirca or inmtraO cvntnet wuh C01,77:4CTOR jnm a, COhTRACCOR tcsrymsti>ie On CONTAACSORt tmn :mu. Onu mcsiom. Vnthity in: Inv. Cmmct tJawmwaiutil wrvtn Ear the httmtht Of in, svay Subcentnaa. Junpiic Or ,M. p Iat al org,autation :tot' amunwul retuuorninn, Inwccn OWNER ur E4Gfl,=, .mri On, :ouch Suhcurunnux, Sanwic. tr other pcaun Or tvOwtuatunn, atx alvll 'I .z any abinti On the pOn nt ()\V]4GR nr C GLNELR to or tO sty: to in, "nit err. ran' moons due an, aau Suftcmm".aor. Suppiid rn Oiler Pcutn tr alumunuuon cuxpt as mar othenvim otr:ewimd'by C,awsttttd Regvlvurnts U\VNEIi <s I1J t;[NE R m:, iurni _.to nm moruntmuur=m) id w ahr,,. xstin r a_wppn.um ea idt. ot :Imiaaam mOia. to r-owl 4CFiilt is ncarthnm wlh r_OATI', TOR'S "9whn+=:w POvmmt" E CI I- L- rI u� 1 °.,. E He P d Id L�I *Y k I I 6RI COIVfR C-70R stall he "id'. n tomuCok air .vicduhrg a'au anachntourn the Wm. of Suocomraam. Snpplicr and otha pm'aras and trgummuons ncnarming or furnisher mof the ty,nk unua a ducal o uviinct umn : wiJr EOD!TRACI'UR. CONTRACTOR doll ra)ufrc all Subwtwaatrc. Supplmos and wen other. perwrs and onc.. Inns. C'f.'= or furonitlrc am of Ina m arrmuni an, with the �-NCDJMIC. Ihrnuuh CON FRAC'I'OP- th1 The at"Onsn of a sa:tDnn of 'hc moll itc. cn and the iTRACcmOR ul tone N ii :roll not caning CCNTItACTOR th ,. orlrg au Nark imams .SWJCamnanf3lr, Sutniien'nr. aeiirxanng the 1kon:'tn,ix perfrnrgal'by no, lavafin tnJc. 6:i�i. All tkMa per{mmrd for C ONTRA(7OR to, a Suia;anvuutr or Supnian will are pursuant to an annetq+na¢ nercemmt iKtwtwo CONTRACTOR and Jx Suhmlaracw ar Suppiier which sneciitcalh• biruis the Sui>conmava rr Suppner to the aniinlhie Terms and a.dltlnm N the C.nnc Dc e , for in, narnfn of ,.)?VNLK and.i:Vta1N1',.R t - aei+n_veenaerx e;-aiw-.r-::uhennancxar-e><-P.urtt»ref-wilt Jixed�ec-nn rxlJiuexref-irtwred-arrNr "P 'I'V irtwmlxt-Ixowredin of -the Salmon . a 4ucplier wi11 evrenrn�>..,rr,,.�P,.hereo-r-dre=mleerra e4"'6 wmve�aR-tiw1<r-+>Yaias-=.�r?:FR—:ti? e i:-X;14i1'ak we• a ro" WR-F-=;�nsulmnmAe.an -al{-athts oil" e8 wcMp�awiesarMxnv+ether-prcmewu-imun+lsuz ahpl+7iwlbkvo O tt ,rk,--if-taw-ntsur<wa war 6'-. roan-pulwlvu:tta' rt Purenr.F err nerd Rutvdtinr: CONTRACTOR snail Ta' an liacrn, Iona ano oovttltias.and nswme all camas inaiurm to to, us a, the 1,nn.otor.= of the tv.% or tlm irlcorivo tiun art the won, of any inyenticat,'wash. pmm., prodm:r nr deface which -�c cite suhjcc: of ratan ognm n cat riehm held h_ ahtnt, if a pmtaaur imemiln. de,aL pnrcaa. prows l W davirc is s ponied in the C.mU c D.tehu, for no as the perfonnarxr of the \kink and if to th,,xctu tl krcm•kngooi OW:VGfi or I-NIGll4T[R itsuse is wbiccl to nvtm:. r. Zi or corynalas allin t an, the pnmcmof an, in. fx r roaaln to aha the-xmertcof ace nuns Mall he disdusai b,OWNER into, Caranau D...h: To Jae valiant = t o,non au t on Law.a and Rt_ iamnru. CONTRACTOR atoll utdchnil'v arcs Inld I.nmlra OW: T P, ENGINQitt GNG[hTiR'a C.11antc and the a(5a drtect..'mole .v ms and atha uuuimnu J.h and.nt of Iham cam and room all canons. anx lama hint dmnag'a arisen out of or natflung I :my trunn sacra of Fatmt nzira Ic caay'nvlu madcn to tin1.. in Ihc. nerkanant ax of Jar Norsk ne remitirc Gtrn the inrtrnh u. in Ja Work of any im'cvum. a i(a:. pacau, praaduct or :iovrcc hat ncmind at fin, (:.Mn. D..atta. 13 tLCDCpLPIPA.iL (:GNUt21UNS IYIn�S 11.1W &harvii ,c OTT OF PORT COIAIM%10Dl:1'XOO %IaLv.lrywroa Pmnus 6.11. Enlm mhawtax mar. mai.'ut it. Suvplemeamt" Ctnuitono CONTRACTOR Sn.11 Matto arut pap far nil mnsuuuton rxrmits anJ Int., nW^:ry-R thall amag CONTRACTOR. whm na narr,.. in Lannon. man permits utd H.. CO%'TI2.vC70R i.0 par all _ovanmemaI char= and mspeaion lms amecsan for at, =,o.uuon o['Vir Worh who. a,c aoali=o-.at the mne of earn.. f Bi L a u Jain -.are no D,nit. an the fCran Darr oftin,Alsaxmeh CGN7R CTOR mall pm all CWMe u:..Lility aroma to arvacJ. tear. W xi: and OW'NFR: mallply ail taw, of such uttlm' w ra,. Wr cvpini carts ntiand Banat. sad v plant tnvcmnenf lea:. bA4. ✓YMaand RrtnLaz . e3:.L CCiv TRACITOR wall •,give all nmeo urea mmph• seid, .11 Law, and Remlahnnn applicable at famisfdry vrw paturmatsc of the lxm Excarn whce mthenase c•n t,s enquire' us irnlieinle la and Rcaunli alR rather CW'NC-.R nor siall b. aoarnabic Ir ortnow,nag '-ONI"RA(TOR'a compitatxc wnh now lava e Rcguiaaiac. 6.14 1 if CONTRACTOR palon s. arv' Kirk ltnowme "t'Imitrc fawn as knon''tong a i m ' , m law. or Frgmlationi COdfRACIURshall area all aimms cost lace and darnaees eao-o 'ny, arsons ohnt: or remltia+¢'uwiaen; havicec, n.vlal( na bo COXM%C OR primary rstnna'bility .. tnnl.e cenain ahar the Spmf si ons and i `nwnt care in acxadtn. with laws.and Ra.Wnuas, tut vats 'hall tux 'Ix" CONTRACTOR m (TWTKACl'OR'a Iinlicauman under puagryta :31 T. 6.: i. COMRAC:,OR call pay all rile; aanwtrc. use nevi odxr 'amour ta, s :WuveJ to be paid r, "O^ ';%L70R th aacnianu with the Laws anu Reguiauatc of the Iona- of the proiact which :arc applicimic Jarring the rvfamam:u ol'the ?Ynri:. 6_75. i_01?_3[R is "gLN iiam CulmJo Smm arlci anal ,alien and un, jaL e:: on nonartak to -be P• nwtncarponud toth.;nojt Sadnaaa vvll .%1 'oahojkdmthc..antou:I Jjv I h,�C I OR mlua rpph ..'cr afro E-i 5..._2 ('mum u nl .. Ga anpturn turn to, C nitruda Dn 'urn t of kcrcwr tax cvnsuocon storm''to be mn7olly rtaopntauni na tYx_pg+Jm- 'hit "-nwa mum of _ <'maton Pm_"tds In1 the C )NTR ?( TOR sh ll r nha r,anit ovine to na itIS Sunni end U. (ova on 1hpna otniduan anct a+'.fauna aatarL rhv;adlc :rw-snxntcd unto In" ono eel. Ca{hvJo Dalatm,in ofRvvcnuc Sala ('ammo ahrc•: 1::7� SheramnSl'eth ucm e: gionto, 50^_0.I Saie. and lire Tries for me Slane of 'Cni.d. 13e_ionalTraromt wn Dnlwi (RTTn turd ccnam Coln ode counuc one aollee. by ,he Stme of Co tondo nu am ra the Cavu,-:nliu_n W i:r:an to ion. - till tambc ble Side, lux] Use ' • YS lj m'uwhs Slam u?II„eten;Wyepl, �m am veme olhrr th.m nst----------- w nn .tpd su tere It tatRri sie�lli_-i!I�.r1 OR n.317to arctn he mid n'' COP:,,^R:\t1Tt]K and me rn he'heoeaed in umrmriam re. hens Use �f Phern. a.ki. (,0STRACC`OR .volt aannne ethernaerion wuireheot, to atuage of arnuen.n, and cuugmteat and the mmn. no.s of workers to the at. and Iand oral urea idcuiGcl in mtd permiuLd by the Canunc: Do:umnu and finer In. and-innut Feernand the :au's and Re_eumuhno ignu.uf-x letmirs arm _,Lrnntte. lard +fall no, unrae'mabiv encumber the nremiex'enh enrmntmlan eOWrtment M nthcer rhaWnallt of =U[=TL CJ�'vTR14TDR dull eeunhe hull len,eha ditc for am• dineur, to am. nun land nr arc., oar no the mvne ce 'eculun hn-reef or of ttrn adivecm-land or :vest.1ume Bova the perfrantmrs of the Won:. Shuldd um' ch. ie made In• am suet owree:' or uccmxm: both. of the ncromrhnm of the R'one; (XK1 R:4(`,'f JR.:htll n.TAh' rule with shot other harm ll' am.. or ..havviee oohs the emim tw arharrow or :tic disoant ar olutiolrt hhaa=li. tt cr x lm, tA)NTRAc r,.me cfutfl. to the I'ullent ex=ten ocrmitu•d Fs,. f;an's ano Rctuiutron:. indunnim and hold 1.1, OWNTL CaC,iN'L^iP G^IGULT:1Ys !alreldu rn arsi anvme'diremly a mdiruly cmn.,eell In. my ut':hem Sam and ae.rut all claims u¢vs. inv c. and tctmagcs arne't" trot a er renhihm Into xrn' ::Ulna n emom I'pal or ela le, IuotCht by rem .0, .'Her o etmgewe n,n ON :NEIL ENGI.N:EL•R' a :mv .rlet. p:uty fid indemniheextent nahuh to the :tuxti ,tt, ur ousel ulwn CON'TRiCTOR3 pentrmnnee afthe 6.17. Outrun tM.lrocrc� of the &"mk CD\Tzi.-1CSOR sahll :eeo the pnem. iree Gum acumuluuent .1 haute rwterit is rubbish and nic dews rmiung San the Work �V the mmnielorn th the Won: 'CON'R\CT.OR droll .n v all waste materials. vbbim .rod Bemis' Gum and aoenn 'he premiss as. well aF all not, 'pphtrnm: he mructiun eranirmmt :rod macmren' :mu :turnlua muteidu. COM RACTOK simlliavc the vte clean mvd muh' kr ;xatmncr br Upgo ?lit m Sonaanual Ccvnplcdaa of the Wort CONTRACTOR Binh loom to eng'.1 Bern iltm all propure nes desv_mtteu fn.:dtena an w the Comas Doeumeotc p.iS CONT7RAL7ORL.;iehllomio..d .•mr penroLer' roar at unv sructure w Lc iowdeo I. r Ihrt mtll nitre, %ire stuuaurc. rxr swll COI:TR,,—rOR elabiwt an'' ,Tw, ut the WUw or :ldvoter: pore. w 5i,' W pt'L VnCti:na[ n'dl ntlamcr,at R"'em Qncumevrr ;'Ira C'OH'fRAf.,TOK del{. moinmio-an a o:fc pinoe, m. theate one reeved enot of A D oircs Soenftcwi. Adiien iu R'itteh .drolnrurneo.. Chsmec Univx Who Clutnec Directives, Field Onkr.. and a:nten ovenaetauur¢ madeWritieniem ii.ed lneoenn ut Inmmppn 441 in enotd me, no annmmed tm seem' ail charm' s made uumm atmgonti tr Theac reeuni denoer>L lco"dw rvrth.all apornvd S'hu ee and a munhercmn a all anprovd Shop Cr. ar+'inu '.vill m'oilx ablc to E19GINLER'ner referehe, Upon wm{nene. oll the 'wort epllw nr t9 ulumf l;, Limt,yavmen_ these rew davmcnts Stimptes and Shon Dramirtge will he atinvered :Dl \'(i111)IaR: fix O.INER. 'S J/ rp.uu t l rev don.' 6._0. CUNTiL1G"OK :call Ix r.iolc fc imuati%, tnairra nIM and mp"1.11 c ail aien' prcwuuuns and pav_rmhts in:wmcu:iun .xit: the Wurk. H(N''LRA4'I'Oft 3u11 uk>=All ncccsvrr, no.nall rev for thcsafen tC arcl melt providethe neee ry pratstion to prcvmt drmhave tpiun. nr lox m'. tit Ni; I. apt pe.athahe Ware are w+vlao m:n• he nffecmd is the i0cw. 6.'q].:dl :ie Wrein.and rove. iLs and eau, mell m he ineoxptruted:de'ein vanaf : in vuaac unto IT th<sire. end p'(I.. other p:nnenyme. me ane n aliaeent therm. ineiudinc var. mru., 1 Halls. pmmernrx_a 'tuuinarrs svutttues utoahe, and 7;w r ourhd ;cadlidce oat dcsiemtedfor rcmmal, rclnnuen ter nrytivicentom in de course oficonmmcahn CON fR.4O'fOR Sall atmpn with all apniiv--tale Ian's and Rrgulauom of any 4tbix boo' l"'um iudvdim. for eafet' of pennret nr rah pun, x it, protect them tram donatsa, injure tr to a: and -mall rovh aM mninone all xeeestn' de•_u:mi, fer wtit s k' and ptorcuon. CON 2>CTOR Brill mLife owaxs ul udi. prnpem' .nd of I rtdemrourne Faciiiucs told until, ownea wren 1rm.:vmrt of the Work ntap affect them, and dmli ceeaoem with than ,, din prote,6on, removal. mlocuwn and rep6e.ern of then rntpene. Ali damage. miupy tr iw}' w. ony' propeo refereed w in mtneraphsuJl.7 a n.:0: quad, dveedv or inehrecli." to wktie nr in "m m• C:0STILSC70R. any :iuuaheahmou. Sunnier w an oher per., ar egomania. dtecue v Indtreuu' emplovedi . "r of t"an ie"jinn ur'.'irrhon am' of the Wok ersnore fbr.. nee mn' of than may he liable, umll be nmcditzl.'rn, CONTRACT VR (cmepLdam.tee,: loss. atuioumbie w the fawn of ILan'htes.o Snaeiiicetiore Horn the uctr¢ <mtvmum ui Olir4yR or EIGLN.ri:E Rw GJ.dTNLT]R's Corearna xur arose unproved a' env of fl een or nrnttc for a'nne" neW am of them.mav le lent" and hot athneuudde, daeclh-ar indirectly. r ".de r in Itaa. to the fault or ocelt ieeme of (7ONCR.aC'fOK or any Suiteon nneco. Supplier 'r oher h,.v. n o hnotU niet dircols' or utducalr ent"ioo:d yr any of ;hnn J. pOteTILACI'OR'rduuae an<i rnsnrmnihnc: nee tncUfele and omteetiom tlf to Work shrnit continuo until such time ai ail the Want rscmmnieted and HNGINFER lens ixuut a WtVC4YVCx,LL i:ONDIi]ONi 191u %t!'/)tl tthaun I- wriTfYO�SCrtT WLWr:9 ni(1Iln9C:.I1GDlti 11<(tiaCll'xJl 2.4 Filter Fabric A Approved woven polypropylene geotextile filter fabrics 1 Mirafi 140N, Mirafi, Chicago, IL 2 or Approved Equivalent B Approved non -woven polypropylene geotektile filter fabrics 1 HP Mat, Carlisle Corp, Wylie, TX 2 or Approved Equivalent 2.5 Drainage Layer Adhesive A Approved Adhesives 1 CCW Drainn Grip Adhesive, (-S, -R), Carlisle Corp,, Wylie, TX 2 or Approved Equivalent 2.6 Tapes A Approved 6" by 1/ 16" tapes are 1 #828 Tape, Polyken, Boston, MA 2 Elastomeric Membrane Gusset Tape, W R Meadows, Elgin, IL 3 or Approved Equivalent 2.7 Joint Sealant A The cured sealant must withstand exposure to membrane primer and membrane B Approved sealants for cracks greater than 1 /32" (30 mils) are 1 CCW-304 or CCW-201, Carlisle Corp, Wylie, TX 2 Tremproof 60 V, Tremco, Inc, Cleveland, OH 3 Vulkem 102T or 201 T, Tremco, Inc, Cleveland, OH 4 Sonnolasfic NP1 or NP2, Sonneborn Building Products, Div of Chemrex Inc, Shakopee, MN H C M Ul P N M �I 7 U F not,,e I,, OWN'a and CONTRACTOR In ncccoatacc with panwmph ia.l pvhm the W11, it. ucamahle'=Iox u otherwise = aiv pmvitkd 'm :.cuon with Suiv.mi.ilCm i,ttantmi. 6-21 CONTRACTOR snail devinnle a puauitW and ,,,i,metd saftty rcp.wuve at the cite whom. uun., and n.t.r utni ua Snll by tie pscvaawn of occidaua and in, mumntirtine and sum,,mm_x of anw, prn:luttom ami pnsram. Huard C.n unwarron. n _ s comTR.ACfOR smil he n o a(siMe for x=.Lt. inn" a no= oimvtmn vUtn' dew -shuts m aoa lazvd cammuneatim inimm:mon rafuimd'mhe made uvvilabie to ar ,:unnamed 'ocw'een ur amarP .pioycm m the do, m zc-m ,. wish Laws m R=oan.. /ineiF .ode: n._4 Io uJv %ki rk , rinint:, at .pmrccri. of t�va C the RAM ar mane.' a1 Ti:tie.:att a-tition m there. CO front Olt mrhatt speeal insnuamn tv tat, xint on fmm Oo tiwn l EYGIpt,. R istililor I., CI' PCTO threaewc itCiNe. I pramoutI, a hem. na. If (1TOTRAC7 niv< .ii,. thR pal :amifi n matte if n in, ACTOR tni,iun :hm am' :imiocmt Dmon..C.n m the Work or red t1i i Ore (nilEIM. Datirni. mvc botanan titan thadtw. lI T-ItGotuan. -I, i.to,d x tmt n m hat in the CanCO fbmmcn n rcquucd netanx of iltwacti . ,- a ' by CO\ = CTORDi=nvc or Chu Io wan an cmaucT..' ; adA't 'Jom onnt rativv <r (eumnt Urdur will 17t• isutd m dmummt that ovnswuanrs of such undo. 626. A,,p.D,,a n smdStI b._i.!. CONTR.ACrOR vial suhnt Shm Dmwinp m LNGIMER fa review and app.-al in accordance with the au¢epta xa.du!e of Shnp Drawn, .md Smnpk arix ant, It, Italgrant, =?;. ,VI :nhnI ,ill le idanifia .c MGr Ea, mm regwm ti d In no, tmmtel of cameI' inin de Gaeral R.tao ,cntt Tht don thtmm as IM Shop Drnwilc_•s .,ill oc : anpkic wish apvn to 4wnuuus. nn .i.. sna. fitd p<etomunte and d,Ign aum. m.icnint, and tnonlar data to maw LNGINCDR Ina .natal., au wipmcrt (W\i RAC.'OR plWma'a to pryvl(Y ana to t]ILme ENCIiiWER to ra11C\\ Lht, infammion fai he fonn,,l p.,l. x tWairW by pa'agmph 616. d. 14 (r.)y-(Pa CTOR mail nix .whmit 91mpla 10 LT tr MM fnr rn in Ton appn I i .Iw<xduru.t min to iI.meo 'Iodine at Shop Dnuvnam vnd ::am Pie =Ir6vmi,I Gut Sint niu be idrnlifed cicartp I. to nutot.L Sappiim xninatm dam auto as ,,at.kv no.=.:and me use fa, o,lo. in ... wa mvl o(Ilaavisc to, -VG111= ma!' r.,n, to cmtbiIt MTiGINF :R In rnurn not, aimntwl fn tie [.Ito X. GEVNMI CQNDITIO!819n S41"1 LJUm) Ili wrtSAOF] R.IT IGaan purpoa,s recwimd -m' pnngm.6.26, The num!ert of eaeh$xmpie m be dubmmed.willb 'm apaiud in the Smeifrcawm 6.25. SuGnind IYu¢dura': 6.251. Before ..in= each Shoo Drawire ur 'Samok CONIRI(':'OR shall have detammeuand vcriieu: i.:.1.1, au udid mearemenos annoruas uimertsiwe: sncuileu perforan". aiicria. msmlLau. :Icnantmenn, mntmnLs Mto, numb. and aimit., iniurmvum ailh resveet into., :III materials avilh. IOTItal am mtmcicu mac tohricmmt mniipm hsnuting• ono,- usmbh' and iavllaum patarnng to I- nenixmance of the Wolf, :nit 6_'S,1 all infcnnn. rdntive to CO^'CRx:-' OR:v wig rvwunaialitic in•rvn7rt of ni., mmII Imn.,,, reatn,o., no r t.oant,,'af cormrucuan and nvfom• prcnlninru and mI%. ncidtm th-n o,. CON'TRA(7,,OR thiil aLw halt rctmvvul oral uwrtunmed etch Shop Dmairte at Swnnie oath other Shop Dmwirca and :iamnic and with he retwiremmrs at :he Won: and the Cauma Ixeumrna a: _. It i suhmioal wail hcu n ramp oI spctic . tan tithe: u. tint CON RBtaOR has ar,t6:d CONTRACTOR' amfptr. alder tk Camraet D.umms with ru-q= to CONTRACTOR', ra, too, and upmavnl of Ilat mlanival. t,:5.i. A, the time pi -In wbmntion• '(:O\7R.ACTOR shall pve 'aGlti ER spnaiia •.vnttm once of sL-h vanmitvc, if wl}. tint ax Shop Dnnving Ir S:wtple eubmined inn}' have nont the. rcuuncmone of the Conana iloOumami rued Intl e to b, In a aTNm =nnonnonnon ".aaw rmm the avian val: amt. h addition deli cmx a Inomfm noon. to is made o. tarn .Slurp D mvh1L w.I Sample sa n inuti to :NGI\LER Inu review nml apmvral of tech suds variation 626: CvGDvT:7S( affl review and nnnwe Situp Doors i>:: at 5.6. In uemtiunce with tht:c!nriule of Shen 1hnoriII anti Sample Iu.i am ncnTaal. in' 2CGI\4iZ. as rcuuircd. Iw panoua hi -' 0 D- MU=, Ievirn• and apprtnml ,ill bcrily m dete:mmc if the item., mvernl b' 6e •mbmitmh will. :tfta intuailau. m in.tI n in inc �� ,� . tYlof. to in, Im(anlmian _,,,o in in, Cuntnmt llmoont a nd be zonInatiblt, otim Iht deazo cattsot nl Ih[ txunvu to :'ruled as a furletionvc would ns. indiand u' the Convect Docunimm. ENOLKEEKa mica' :md.w Ill ,,ill not 'amid o-, .rani, mdinam, ICcmuwlS ClwaLL:G, ix proccoiwa of .ovuarucdal t..n where a Inrucuin means not.. tunnt amueme or proasmre of I uvmtnramr. oL =cifraliv rim opnsiy wlkd fm t„ ifi, Connot,o Cmwmrntsl or ro-mr m preanniran or P(pguamn indent thereto, The taint And APpmval. of 'A xntnaw A. no :arch Al notindiwm ant rrmni. of the A.emmhip m wnidt tls. item f.wtun. 003\7R,. CTCR small makc uirrecrmv rwuired'.nv. NGFAF.'dR•. xnd'm211 aam An, reuuimi nwnhcr of eo .Iw copiu of Sow Dmtvirv_:x And amnit z rcquir a naw.Sampl. dot rtvietr and opprm•ul. CON-1 R.ACI OR,sirall ducot :mccific aucnum in uciurg to rovisiors M. "no. u. wnecuma u11.J fct m• LtiGEvFER cm lnm'iwssuhnnuxu. ti3Z EiSGINdEEn's mvinv And npnmvnl of Shin Ummnen or Samples •mall nor rcGcvc CONTRACTOR Imm resp(mmminp kr.1 cnnmmn IMAM M, mqurcanenw nr int Co. D.MI. unt. CCXM RAQ(M h.,in %mixim caltcd ' iNUINEcR'o aa.u, n in cacn LAon variation at Mc time of alamitvint av rcnairtd In' paruunph 0.2-41 tmd. RN(ii'EHR im given omttcn aprmval of or, .on ... i nnn m, n mccif. t. nucn noun.. therenf:incnrpnmuuin s no:comptm•irg the ShrP Dmntrw cr Sampk, apnron•nl; nor will rim' xpnrrn•al by EJGINEi72 rotizr COS rR A(7'OR fmm. A, a AMlim inraxnpivme umh the repmranems ni lumanph n._�:1. R'lwrr a. Sh.-Dormtrw ;r Snmpic'in riLutumd lx the Conma. Doarmenn or me sdcaWr, of Snip Lma'ine and Samnk sinnnixn. umunu:dhf tiC'rINF_FR a arp:ired Im, pmmumoA311, rim relalod Work Peufmn. ptvar to ENGINEER', mvinc Aril aprrot:al of rho p•.:.in.n aMninal •.eill in, Pt me mie'cgrnne :aui ,sFom In Lr: of CuwnuinR Me Wr) -. Cv-. COiV7RPQOR shall crm' an in, Work and :uthoro to the onT. mhoduto ,ltvine all dimmer n diwirwmen� wah Ow4\LR, No work anall Lz ddnvcd . jAr.roned T.nuing ruuatuuon <i in, donates (r Jimgrcnmerus ,=rn . Pennmai Iry pamgrapn IL. or as OWNER rod COtd1`RACTOR may <,uwnm. araw in w:itun:. _ 63U. (7OATRIC70R:'s Geonu1 IDarrunq and C nrmnea 6,30.1. CONTRACTOR wnrmmx urnt ennrtnwc. to O' 40Z- EIiCLN-EER':mu EDFG MTitiR's CP(6ulmmn Jw ALL \York will he in x-..ran ncc with,th C.=,Ac Davmaus and will rut Ls JajAr:m e. CO7RAC70Kn w. :utw ani eoar:nlw naetuxlc excludes :icl'cc¢.or. drmuec :atrial bs-. Q0A,1, AMnc rmxiiuwtiun or iroviow maihmmtuc <r oncmdem he nmxms tuner Jun -' O\?' \CTOR.5uu:uun.cvAs o: Suopiiem. 630.1.'_. normal v., end tear urui¢r normal era_ c.30._. COM'RACTOR's Mii.u. to pcnorm and ovmptate the Wore In. Aewrmnec wtrh no Corn. D.-InoLm shAll;lz absmwe. Mono of me Caunu•uty vill xnawm :m Aa notrwe d, %V.:Mr ry not in acardan with the C ntma DPcamvmn v A roi.. ,if :CON7RACTOR's onfi+tan. to naform me work ur':woordaneo with. the Comnna Docummto: 6.311.11, uouvnucm by i iNGIN=R: fowl payment L, ENC13 Ro,: 630,13. the isv.r of A arta;wA, of SUM:a AMI CtmlPknmt <e ;in' pnymmt iq OWNER to CON-rRAC—OR An. in, C: a net Cmarmentc 6-31, eve octmnzmoy. nrLine wMv ar am• partUvcoEhc (A\ rIHK: iiil)]:5, am•: acccpratur by OWNER. ur any vwure N Jn sa Umnvine nr hmnle irn rnrice of zar`xaniiin m E JGI, ELFHK ptusvam An pnmurngn Iai:S: 6-1017. Am. imArmian, Icm.. aMmnal Iry .hors, cr nAm wrr=im of d f Gina Work by OkVNER Inemni�ioxuur.' 63 i. F. the 1'alleu torn ,, n nitwd in" I.nws m, Rc-Wwk)n; COh; TC\.^.TOR :hall muornnin' and hoiu Mnml¢n owT;—R. GdGNIs:R, EVGNEc2's C..1tants rzndplu utfans, dirocrnrs anm,,,N.ayuntA and alre:.mrnvlrarns of r7ch rt.d a of tlman firm And Aunt, rill claims. omc 1'. AM! :immvgc fin.::vuire• bm not limped ter. lilt Im and unaw, of en£lnmr., axnm, rs. atwncys and-.hc, Imrfe: i nais and all nwrt a Aruitrniw .,ether dispute -muni n, costs: wtaed M. cwwc out of cr rmiang fmm the Iwrtormmwa of in, Work. nr.•idcd that any ,on claim. emt. mr, or dwnnye: (i)to aurihutAMr to t dih' won. vc@ncu, disc=:, . death or to njarv, k a dLo.aicm of mtcihle pine a, (ObW dun me WITk iazlll. irtdudiPC me loa of ase rc9rlurry morel=. and in) is waved In wooleor m .mitt Iw amr nceuccu xa^. a um.ion of CJN1R -AC FOR. am' SuKurnrtrvmr. am SA,iia, a ran ur .pmticnion dmmh or induced, emploval In, nnv of :hem to nrfomt . AgniL;JI An% of d1: Wak Ur anVwI At Wfi. 'A=aril' ai Jnm mm'n iinhia re._=dkss ni wiunner nr nat ; a au f in o"arr Lr, Am Mglipno, oruni.vnn af:t onoun cr cnuly mdomnilicd hcreundar err wnnno, lutintin' :s imotvJ A. AU:, sidzin.f a on, t, '—"..and roAtdowoo rcndlcc: of tie nc_li"rna+nf :mo•.ad: nor'. ur onto. 5�2. Lt mu' Ana all duns auatmr OAVtNIUZ or EIdCP4E A A:M, orninM,of inelt:(esnm A en¢:uitnrnx a�en¢ a,,vo ore..I arMLAn ai m' nm' empioyec ior: of CONTF nr =casual rrprssnmtiec Pita, Sump not ni CChi73i01OR w(v Swim., :rid, vets SuopA,, ;nn- p .n Q arcanimnom dirsdc:x :nuirm[k empimedM' ..a'x'Gl%8"lL UNUITUh.l9las t IAral EAUnn f i x: (ST" UE=UHT (AIAl\S AIUUIfI::iTiUF:i (NIR' ICnmt u fl M4� H N 1J E I , u 'an. ,I them io nrrfonn a firma,.am• of Ine Wral, s o"Woe for whta aas an, .1 .them mar the liable. the arelmmiOrnmi maia.on a= pram_gmnh o.31 mull -not m limited i➢'„nv R•nC nC'am' iimnunion''in the'amtnmr. nr tvp; ofdamugea wntz I. are b.ch¢pa,.bk. U or inrCO\'I'i;1CTJii tr rare %wh Suhee,marr.. Sunpiar.a other pawn orvrgaruialianurda' wo,km' ,momrsition acts: ilisnbiuty or,,efC nets a aver, anplova ise,eur tuas The ndcnmu tiara mid-rd. of OATRAtSOR radar pamarrom 6.31 alw,l nn , card I. it. InIhfut9 of ENGNEER and ENGUNEER'e Comulmms. wLsr :urecuut emnln,xa. ar' n:ss,e oetual on In, a eirnimral mtiicenr_. art. or stele a,c uf..n of if., Sunind, fOblgnoa.r 1. All rvnrscnnrion< i,demnitlationt, warnnnnes and gwrantccs orioe i.'..I'd li oa.'Inr in roes mncte •.si,h the Comma IinWmen¢. ae chi a all earonuine obiipricans inrivsad in the Cmma Dowuncn. rill strr,wt final mvmentcontraction .arch nccepnnee of if,, ,iRTICLE 7-01fflFR WORK keduad WaA tit Sue O1VNFr may nerlrnn rnhe work rnlawd m::he PnBtet ,,'Joe- Im h' 01%NER's own fare., a Ietother dirm eenanta thacfrr widen shall ..in G".I Cordiiiorc; similar to diav:, nr have whcr wmk perIanned In, utility' owners. If the. fact nor sah ora doA' is w". pe-o n ,a . nix mado in dr- Conuact Dacvmama, thin ii) n,mlen mush. ucrux will hr _vivo to CO\ R OR. ta t ramie, Ira aces r xand xhtoix mCON7Rnr70R anny n kc a ii.un dimfor a that Iu m Rarr. ! umf 1 n CUN_i ionaCR Iziictec that ate. ,7TOR ,, re will u ldnio :l tarn, ul craw, n C:Oti7ibi, TOR ter ;apices a ...t ,,t rune and ;co ptrtia arc unadi- to n§rce ato the amount n e�um thaWl. '" CON7R,\CfOR.sand] u1lwd e.Ich other Wmmatr eta e a'n, to soon It duea ux .. and eurn unilin <n,mer farad OWNER if 0INNER is pafarmny the additiamsl ,ark xith Ol\'`iUM'a eer.i,ree) Iaone, told ,en, nucecs in the oa and a rnunnank opponunrnr I'or the inwduction. anti twerre,of mnteiaia and epuipin m and des. in. .1 such atria •.voti: nil ah:dl hooch, camu:d and ,,nadutu, the- Word: xith ihein. Cniac,, otnmviu onnked uI he rain" D- muntents CONTRACTOR sell it, all ,.late haad:md pucinre of the War, tkal ram' to I aoided to rank,- itsxtaut y.M- orit, tc a.ner Im,mri, anal mite me nN ash Hhu ,mk, CCNI RAC TOR Shaul not Inob. tin' "'Ilk of wars bI .tax, �Cl:JtntnG a a11Y(xix ade,,. their "Ink .and will wile Wr e. xltcr dreu Svork vvilh the wain cWaae n of INGINEiR tail 4hc others\.nose wad: ,ill be aQeated. * hC nuns am Impearrobrittic ,T CON 'RAC! OR. matter sit ptravraye, are we the bm.fit of Shur wet' omen and suer mntraam- to Ina er. Iran tnere I, asmmmna (JCGCrao lFR ;rONI)MOM in 1 u y t 111 Gone is .. o'n• or e.11111 ot.uns MOpW IHi1. Itite"111.1.11 ptnvisrm% fa' the reenehii of CONrfRACT'OR in acid :ivee: Wnunosbenvecn OWNER. and Stites vulnyv hoe. and aide'Contra, mo y '._ If the or.ocra<ccuLt. or results of arty fwn. of MNTRA(70R's Wert devends ontm'mnn; nefemai by nine. under via Anal, 7. CONrMACTOR sell ampere raicn other mi. and acrupdv renon m NGIN - k to "num tin• ddays del ar a wneiena. an..aen whet. rwk'. dlut renOer it ,uw aiiam or tin d imble fm if. aorta e,erau. tend result - c If C J\ t RACTOM; Work: CONTRACTOR, laiiam x to reps, "ill mrmn.e an ar ,.. of ace awe ,earl; a it. and Irap=r for intca:aicn "ith COA'TR4C70Rs Work eeeeni lift hrem R nompparem. deI oM and defiwenac in.. note ^-.& ( ,rairaxa.. 74. If OWNER am=m Ivrth ashen for the perfwmanm of aide xork oa the--.?roic at ;he sne- Late tdllnnvioc a,iil ix et fern m Suppiaaenars t.enditinns' inet , m,nrc romomdm'.v10 :edl:rave aathornc and rtim."ibifty icr cC—dinnion off -the naivuie-I.ann"ol; th , tenths l¢unr etmvannrs -MIl Ix identified •' the .rack -a ttwn, III he awemd it, such tinhorn, u d raperosibiiitp willbe ae rr.xd.:'toil ,.4.3 in, .,art of arch aumrnn_ and mspmisiailines will is pmvidcd. Gnleea arhmvise prrmided in the Sunfilemrn,arr Candid., Ot,1,71R amil rove aoie aithwrig and res7xan,hibo. m resfeei ei sued awrdiamr AR'CICLE (f—OW _NER-S R4SPONSIMUTiF.S 3,I. Ereent as othmvise pmnded u, these Gereml Condruon 6WN'F.R stall i= all cwnmumannu to COl7R-\CT06 rnacuenl v f\CciL u.', in I. oC terniumuan of the enpioyment of QG[NTSfi JW JER shall :tnia m.an ,W.rme.og hW whcan."_EN,R_A,7T'R-mnicl-m.-.aivantcre-,Ioeu n. . awms nod, an, Cornnml Documatsshall be that ui if. 10mc, a:'(31", 7C 83. OWNER shall fumLdt the are, required. of O\VNER wrier the cmut t Dortnno,u p,ompdy and scdl mdna fc,ymna w cDN7R1C7OR. ptanndh. xtitei Ihcy a ea prs,ided in ...Dr. 1 and 14. 6,4, OV,1106 dirrie,I In n.el of Inds and ...era ara: a."di I, en,aree"r w ,ns Iu ortrmltin reference noida are vrl.funn in nalnLlaP'ti _. and t Pwai:rmh 1: rcfae In ub\'1 ER:, identifying and ma.ini ax,miame to 6OWRA(T(lh ami� of ,,% o Cp(wan®,S-Law teire U-eum .Wrlwaan5 rat the an .r, anvv,n6 al jtrys cal ecroarn.re In GtvsiN ,Trent 6 a nlWlYtphf,, 1. uwC wo 11'a rW: , hi. nullZcd 6y GMCiiJL-ER m papanne fne Contma D.cumnns. .C-::�'=1t:+.uF:.v'remwwi't»iiti.e.'!»+... �+.•o-.+H+ur(vl;rsvr! JH•i-nMmNNNinC-hNBkAY-tlPFi-MHHENa-aHftlrnN(l'-Nra�YJl i.nhin nmr+ernnln-i:'4itrrut¢it-3-tu. 8b- CWIVLR..i., oblicated to_exeave Cma ac Ordas as mdiodedin txtmtmeoh IGA 83. Okl'VER's rem neiiiilin, in :e:}teel d cmain iasiactiona Icsts :md npnnnIM is wt fonh in parme mn 3. In nonne.tim senh OWNER-, octet to son W. Or ".ind Worc.. eco vntm. n.I to ant 15,I. PvmrlapnP_ denl ,Ilith(CW'NI.R"s igltt to term.W xsvtc� ni Q,2N I*RACi OR under=ann cnc.maa. 1:9. Fln, OWNER shall not wlx.. isr direct'¢ hnvc tvmroi or attimnn' me:. nor be re heible hot. CONTRACTOR'.. mean,mehms teenntqu¢ sa{uenrxs n'IxasdumsN oostmam,t.r. the salary prxmai... pmunmc :nods throe.. s far nny fininm .f C_ONTRACI'OR m canniv ,,th !aas :md Rccutmi.¢s ,pph.hk to the wn-ttgtitte'of ]xnorman o n the Work. OWNER vill mt h mtnawnlc for COA .RAC.COR's &,I.. to tx f. :u fumitit.th. 'W..i at auwnkvu ninn dw Camnut Don tens .C-'.11—=11L%-L'feF�iCPW151PNNi-In�"F�'eet-a4-:114]LtiGnstd s«.x :unuwaments-hwe...'nr r._mtdr-;<...vxtsii•.-:JLt`J R's and-•rtF �«—�aNmc�+«.vmcmx=:ti�Ik'. reslxxtcimlirv-in respert.thsvi-wil4 ix.«n set-i:�nh-ur-;rc 9upnlematuupq';otilit mntx ARTICLE 9-ENCINFFR'S SMXTTS DURING CO!NSTR15MION ul;I%ERS-Itmreu Wn, a I. -4G N7L R rvill be OA`+ TRN =rce nf.tivc avrirtc the ee =,, utm nenod, 'Chc oft.. and emcmriniitiu and the limihni.m of whhit, of "V GL�EER :u Ol\i\2it's Ie nx rtutiveduring wrovuco(m.:uc w. Rxth in line Cvntmn D:cvmcnts and shall ntn h_ mm.d without written comxlc o-oktNER ami sac RvEER. : wa to Site ?'. ENGW-,ZR 4,ill make ew. t. the ::ihe.aI inun�.m eppropriareto the. vnrtnus Sit, 2 it cnnnmaion a. �JGL^iE�:.dmns nc^man' ht anicr to otacrvc a an emmeno-a n.d uunninim..iram nmicst«cai the,nr . c that hnsh n madcand thequality of thernriow.agwcte Of C:Ir<MUC.TOR's csrcutcd ki?m 1.1 on'miammi.n ttuuned durng ,o h vistu: and oirm nti."r E�GEvEER wili-ondi{or the h dh..f OWNER to dctermhc. in �M.I. if the Wm is prw:cUvte in hoennotnse :m[h.:hr(:,honn. Ccemnenv, 4NGNERR will.m: ue rcuunmt to make e,ien wi or :.mtinuou' on, um.trmtecttotn to- cried( te'timay Or uuanun' of the At"k GDIGMEER's cllum: will be daccmd tawnnl prorv,.w fa -OWNER a senu duce oe tumuiencr that the aanpietrti Wtvk .,iil .,Lt. _ennrnih to the Cnhvva D.ohu. Omthc'oasis of autn cidin and s'. .,he nesnminmu EUGNERR will hucn OWiJHR m1URR OWNER p,.,= amfiu WOrCarld 1Y;Il conk �WlU m,"N OtWF.R aattna siecmr WM. "NGIVEF.R: vier :md tm-vine ..n ,aoon me s.hi= to all the hm....m :m ENGINEL`R! :authorta and a honwbiiiiy. Y: Innh in pamam.n 9:12. LIII !%nnNino, .,. oinn to limiutum aurute or ;a nxreultor &1'GL='yEEfs .mite vtnu,. n otaavavmz of C0KIRAcTORS U/ork E*` GLs:u7t wtl nm dtrc. mn.W v huvc nuthain, nva or he'rcmxehne fa CONTRA(:, OR,., moms merhoda, =,ten of c oo mo tr nr Odures of eonaruavm or the ant'. tsacamitma :ntd pmernme innuent:.heroo-or f anvLmowc of OORTRACTOR m eompic : ith t arev ut. Rm.laci.hn nppliathle 1. the 'fiton'nny v.yc-i :m:ancc fikc t4nrk. Pnyea Repruenm wr 97 If OWNER and' GJNE',,R tine NCANHER will ntonen a Rcsii f ojca R.rnvw.o,i m-asvm EJGfINEERin pro,nlite moa•. cOmonto,ee.b -.non Of the Won;, 'i oc remominifinto, and autitmtc and Iimtea[im thn'am :v any such Rrntdem Tat¢t Ra, t cmmnre .d ..am, all he :n atn'ided m Iznrmranm 9::i and G!l. --" :e;-Jitew Somiam. Of •heu Gcnasd CouoltiotmIf OWNER dm,,nn, s an.tner mvnc mauve or nxm 10 reprexm QMV cR nt ;he air :aw o tent u�'GP.�'L`cR's Coremiu m. agent w ompinvm In, and atulx+nund Iimiutuau M.. .f .urn od, p . :viil a to =.dam he RLLT nmuvvs :ieulilgs in matte* r, ninitx uo the mt-.um w.rl, .rill to v.al o:: v:hh the ZEAL, EER artd CO\:FC4CTr'.R 3v', irK ..powdm.nvz will Lwp Che,-iiW 7Lk _nppenp ,Otm w •.run !, kho,mtdtt .4i ill .nlr o hrouait to 'Ot dtc mOvtulup a:Wpgmowh of Ih5 .1+?N'I'RAC'I'i JI:. Rormali{a,_R jresenuo_e rv_I, u Scnedvies kermw the nor_ . E JC(1LNIMLU, CGNDMcm,%! f o0. I:Y'll Lida. !A .+t.1 l' UP IiOttT Ml.l.lte; MVDI1lGZ10H:: nu,R dQI�Wn u C d fl R i if I{ KI 1 I1 L .,dvduk :nul alwr �h d.i. nncn c by the P'7&Ak QR nr _�mtvq_nn the '�:Ti.M4I!4'4W16Lcccppoi({y. —. : l:cs aml �la:llm - m(elne vith '.with the ('(iF:TR-(:TOR rar_h n ns asonsvu-[K n unle-e1tt:.:,_Sr ,c .,eecimd and oeimr pb conteremex And vrea'Ire and -1 L to wtna re mmutes ui mccures, ......... a`x ixm 'r 91 S", a F.'J(i1NF.EKti lmi m xilh ffOFI'24C I'OR, Ivprk:im alnciwlh' hrouch (YJNTRACI'OR'9. atwtmmaem to y uaa the CONI"Rrv(S()R in urnacandim Nc ronlma:-DcalmlrnLs. -lm st n p'trt: mun: tiom f>N'*!eR alididaml riails Inia.1 th n ly`pri:I. rcuwrnL Corztmrrcvmwion o([hc . IJ iw In :N61t:F!7P :md OJN'iltA('T(1B c: Ihe. mmmcrumml ni alm'._W. Mu rcylnrm___, Sh�u+,_IJnry_mc rn s nn'rmhn i^ nn if the suhmi:ccion ivz not n -AL W"k. !=CCU=and 'I'vvc - 3 1C'nrl Wa.-1(ItC ornmT[IOna of ttv ly'o:k m prG de;-7cGCiC'R In actrmimrlc uut the W�ac is _ncccyme_in n -•+rd xv91 Jte ('onc �n D<4vmvrlLt Acvomw, vlsmrm impw.i, remcrntm2 mimic pr rnlx+vaenuies Issryi lq tunmtaum Nc Finaje r U iM_rcultc pC th �slxniu(u �mr rctl(m_Lc_14; f. 1 n:f FR c.": IrncirngLiucrL_oi. C,i,: vClc7 Dceumrnts. IIWI to IIR �Gmcn In tG mm and m vrelin(n ol I t the Ciuiwd [i(41mcTILY II< R'd[d_ IMI t 'cir il- Ip d ,he. Clmuvet kuumenU :u lvw<d nv the N�rIt^ ER 1 n. VI r.Lhp i In MLmder wtJ IunIF i�R..I .I ON' mevea um i6r LI("JCti£:upULL S:fNU1T10NS I`JNfiIIYYn E�YIIIYI �r: (TT'.OF F'OK? (•JIlIAS NWIII('.iTOK't IKIl"n RlA�ii moditicmial in Drnwmn,nr Srcciiicnia¢ m�J reptm IINcz rccpmmerlwtl9m a ":tGiN-G�R. �.�nlsL ��ia w 4A2Rt?.�i5?E lirTwwa nw�'ov the L?tf N'�R =.i. Rcc.r-U, n•}mt:,_ roll1 ii the at r pI the t4 d,.__.,and w dx _ I ON'TR V(TOR'_S um(!l alz., nh I`�PdC:s `ti'w'Oulc ampt, xneuui; pf._:mP�Unxmg c vhntlgs�ig _Wlm d myc d an liuiilti mll Igtt nnnttciam ur antt of Imanmm aelus of tlx ik G1R '.N:? f Y rwancd bucc r)rd vs anU van. C1lrccllr (n,lrgc IaxurmS 'zlGpuP m Im I tr m t.K ()N C Ih.hi OrecmnmLnU Ip [:iv(.1 J17i Clam e fiNcrs Wolk DireCire :.]m mu '.md Rrld ^X� inen ednloiv to r JI;NL.7t tl O(��il'�'I�.h.' pCC1IIr�T0. U( :L11'nG'UiJCm. ammlihC Re npl Ihiicmg it mmcrn rtn()'NTRA(:T(>1: Ire nncc lilh Um urhvgec�xu.rUute�_ds_U vmmlwon nnU to nrd \ynh r nlnmmtlaunnm Efi1G1NIiiT... nutlet_ mnmulslc !t relminmirt, of Inrymrnt_rcqu�tcd !t ,hr xcnel6+c_yf value; +`-o�941Cdcsd xndyne{cpvi3_d. �uu1S?!!FN (!CIIYCrtO.N :IY: SIIC UUI n@ InLIXn(Ri11W m IK 4l'cTk. ]:: U. Cumnleuon. °CI0,1, tun �uIN k.It slws e r'nifmme ut sweeennoj i:,anmleumr wCmil Ile C(i'vTi..4tTi OR a hm of obsavea hems __._....._.__.......___._._._._.....__._—...._...._. t�u�ne �__!rrav'{Icn ter:+._ul_puLctl�. =i+i; _. Cnrrduc: NF iCisnccuun m :Idd " mmpanv rn nx nMilti ErZ ,.)\41Ji�3: m: t (_OAr�'ILU_'fOR and 7cprc a firLl Im ai ilvns:o Ire :xncnai cr mmnictcd. -7u3 ote:erve tnul ull items m In 4im1 IL, cd m mm lat d-mq C—_. _ MA, tccommm+iuliwls. to E`r"GI!uER cnncemine a¢xnlirlcr J.i;. I.imimtinn nF Authrntn- Tte Renrt<e .,e d l! u I. Aid. am' lima: nos From_:he .'nMr:6i :)UC:+(rl yll:: +Y 'ACC TI Ima' y,mume mmerml>,_a_e4u:p:nmSC+nic+s_nuthgnzed M�IhF EVUINeER. 1'3_3.= °scccd limimunns of EVCiINFFR'S �gt}lorit•::n.ualgrtll u1 the Ccmmwt Gocun,Lnu Lnderlakc my N the rswrssibiiglc: u1 the ^•'+v K: \•-C`k. :Suivmtmntr.-. +x- .O\ jR \(;[.,JR. > upennun<kn. lv.4h .c orLof.A: \A!r ti1rW'.ron5_KlUtiv< to pr_.'mwlno_ccmv u : '- an np•ax. a(, the mumts mmhoos ehtu,u�� InxeWru` _� anwualo0,-.`ml v ¢Icn _I} spxuu-tih�all ur n)hc rgnr :x+m+me:u= imv!u +x+ ur Ixwc directlanr. re,riL, -ur. Asa+m< ulmml vtery pmtumcml:!pu pticpan s m.�:vnncauay_unitt.Ihc tV'ant, ,i I1111 -_Shop_-iJr'the' T__ . wi+mitmis fmm ::m•orc othc� man ux 7AItIh0rT.W OAVT;rt W :JM the Wulk-.n =Lwhole m m met L1 111rM u m 1 .tied ur m lxtmmn' IG,u; av :rn¢norts nmmuclyd or All ."I As r Ihwlh :mlhunrcu m „_ine �N(iA'EER. - Cfurifcmimu wALneq+xmnorrs.- E.NGIN�k will issue +Yith reuumioic nru nw wch wnum atunim:nirns .lr mtememutnc ei me L1('U(16I:::P�OLL. GCNLN [1C\51J I nR I l:rvl Eduan m CITYAir I'OI('r COLLIhS M1R(N]IPI<a910^i�.11LL:V AP_ Wxrl rrlplimmms ar the C."m Gnwmarm (m Ih, form c7 6ruwmu Ir. tunerwise: m T!GINEiu. nip' telxamine re.,-.,m t,nwh Jla11'IlelnR5i1 m wim -me in m UI j M1.tWN+nly woxame frm IA•. ('untme:.l) Muni::. Su= ,rilLrn+:lar111Cdt o. Yw irw. lreLiu. wil!'!Y. Gmlmli` Un OWNER mtd C.ONTR:AC'MR. If OWNeR or CON7RAC I OR 'beiin•c that a .mncn daniinli:m ¢ mternrnan(+II'IUSIdjl an atimmuent In Ii. CmunG [-+1'I•S lx treed r.Kt':Tirr . nett.me IR1M. arc ur:d Ole'w uure" m thr u.n,,= ur c- rre :here dam'. OWNU, ur CC 71 ACTOR my ma::c a Written dnve the are ns pnnided'r;ur tx i I m Ar:icie 'C. Laharisn:: ininnau in %Vnr1:' 9.5, ENGINEHR met• authnvm mitwr cnriniarts in the Wark ". :h, re,urrerr•r.:: rN !t:e CJrtlrm:t [kcmnenn wnich•ain not Ihrolrc an adl.r*ert m trlc Cmmaet.Ih':ee ur the C'wwnet 'Cimea:md urc.eomryt!b!e with thmdmi_an corcept of the-:.amnlcral I'rntcer as a funedtnilg• vhuie us iutiic. tc b, the Cat = IJn•:tlmencx "them mi:'neam riiisned' Lm':u heid Order and +vill fr hinting nn OW''Ildl and :im Im (w1\TICaGI'c.h.' r, :droll f<.^,:vm the kvre :mohrd pmnrxlc, If (;L\NP:R a CUtiTR;1C'I Oftmciia,xthet a the Oln iusi.. a d ire !,mtcnl m tha t"n i,m. gre, :tt the 6anlme, i im sand [he parie^.:arc tmihk.ln oerer as to dre Imuwt c�:n unrroi. C)ll'N'rR :n CONZRc1liC'R.mnv Imce a nrinrn da+m therei'x us provldnd'in �lnide li or 7=. Hrjemnk Dyran•cl�ork Q o. w,il liar, suthm,, w diamm�vc +x mez- %V k wmul-NCNc.:R M'evc to In.i7•crnr. +u lhat.Sl INN R relicv¢ will mn ccntpiewd Irlvj+:u llru. confilmrsla dw (?muai,a kcw:rnlx-ar 1 r' will pewdi+.,e me inlc_ an' r, :he. dr- ¢ .n m of the mmnieted Pmien e n !arc. roruru' wnoic asurldiclmd I.•' Pm Co m,et L+xumerns. F\GCNFZF ,R nL 1 imvc nulhrsip• ln. aqulrr. stxclal 'sm. or Ks m, of thr R'a2 ;u pmek'd in onr==nh 13A +metmt s v me lVilri;::s iabcl Wtea. mtullal Q emtntmed. Uuge Demg, Chmlge flab. and Pmmanu: clssmanm+wtm C'li'GPdEER's euitwriw nx w Shop C?mwirms and'Sumnlrs. sec pnmgrunh: i 3A I}neuL_tn o.=c+.rcimivc 4.5, In e..tiun wish ,G2C3LR'a authodr}'.us-w Grange Orzk+:«mrwas lll.: L taut :=. fit ,.Li. with Di .GNEER':: xUthora, as to �Y� liemwls Cw Rrymwtry eAnkle t Deaernnnmiaa.v jar be,, Pricer °7U. ENGINEER will tcemtinr ate ,, ^1 uuunuua .': cimxiiiedti. of C:vl Ain' ''Aw- prrf.edi :n' CONCR+'aCTM ENC'M= o'ill rC1'ICm with r:m4CRACI1' R m, ENGINEER'S prciimm" deteTrri=iom un SWat mwierj CCfote,.ue... u a Ri ctcn aueision'Inermn (Ir' mctmlmer+dxtim. of un .inpl icntion ! for Povmem. or otivrwixl. LVG (iiiF:'s v nual dtcisinn d.,oa- no!. Enlerv= greed in wrEw. m UEVNER Iheram will no fc¢I old birldint, uTan ONNTn tmd ami CONfRA(TOR. CWT'R.\CTOR Let. within tm out, late, the: ota, or ony on urunea either OWNER u C )NTRAL?OR 7.1= Nhtm funaiming c Imar"zmanujutyo unLLr dcuver .o.tln other 'an :a, nutim of mmeralms lU arid O.H.ENUNM wdl non of mhemlmEtonpllclPfilml MuI n.'l.,toga m+aM:(fito !anlaim Io )U'NIaTi.a(O.4TRA41 O6 tW-tell,h ere eI'rod front CNGP,9GLR'sdt-,:;,a is[nien with. an, time liabkin.cunrleeliun with any vnerproiltion' or deuivibn iimin.:md in aecadvux wtth a, a a edurc. tel: Earth in renderW in gwl iaiiih in alai mp:w:w. Tie endo-Em, of c`mibll GC "Dil ow h olonaion zs- t one , yt d n do aion m f N N-MR ala^ din E, PurulaamR 9.10 to � uuo'dcn[x OWNER Ed CONTRIC.:! )li pa6ntelra m 9.11 with co eu a Eny n .ainn. Lww dr A. lrticl li or(hd if no of Dsuue Reultai0n.iermireat mnun,(.cpt an-.vhu:n ha.e aeon o'ed by Ihemaidig; r. be, enered-ima it !onnvlp.aii c is intimated le, or viceeome,, of Cmvl payment as plovided In fhc.nppariing porn. in a 16. of oempnen, lureaicd0n to lamgmph era: 19 will rc a condition rniowlatt lU am exen:uC want eani ur nal its he Ipp .win .pony may c era. m OV. VCR .r t ONTILACTOR of.aun agirl s new, with Ien to PNGTNR, osvrn, onics dthenatst ilsoneed I. wru., In C 1ANHR and remedlesl olio mac vnern ne Mee Eindiun, CIrrowet D... or'n. !.a,vs elr R ma .. le, 'ia rcv)crL rn din' So&. appeal will: nut ne bioato me rich obire. deorio a rr rnk( nw tncy wrsuvm to- ,ntdle-lei. plpadmos of pnmcrtpn M 1. 9.'v. limuariuna rm E\''GiA'£::R's :luthnrin- and a Deci[imu'nit Maeare -,I.L CNGLNF.Ek rail) he the Udell iner aver of the Rcmnnnbilli¢. ^.13:1. Norther F,IVGNEFXe nuthmn' re .term. alai pi th C. Doonaente nd ludec of the re[lltmsnmlity unlit. this i iek 9 ur ut da W, other nC.Ylnab tin w"the lVoa, thereunder. C mar. ti oti mid pre din )flheiC01 trot. Ib•almentwnur_ demaian ovee, mnr[CS RLtnne, to one, itecon 1n111tY of the Wools or mast It, ENGINEFF to lo(W h:nal ra,JarW-C%QCi. Ent, ' ntetrlR M1nmt of on, rCr+ll+r allCn6 01 de Contra.a ne no, n achx ejeh nuu+ortn o',00 men,. n inr dr me Documem. p=irliM W d1C ptino mare nit IniTl llmg OI to aCanKong , GUTCIY Ur Mlntm'uloo nl'Im ember,",, de;W al. and diLor,, Eviler ].loch I 1 rld I in r veal o(' l, rtwlumvhlit: h[ FNI IVFP.R :toll v t -oni ea=is m the Conine pro a Crnv,a imes .,It Ix or ,ry ni, to am sun owed by —1- L w�R in refetmd mnially'to CNGINCF,R in wrilmg wM a .coves COI'II'.RA(TOR any Suinnmmnot, dint Sorldicr. nor-.l:Immnl�oeoiam1 In a.CmrEirC[ will, the(. T+rnCmnn .tr+t' woo pC'.. a apse nor. or to NV WRXy'1@ WrItKT ncue . t! ,ch 4+Cn laim, dimum or mite mart. m eantrame, or tucm of am of there will. dellwered'by tk antrinea m. ziG1lq= mw' in ,ter port\ to ia, 'Ia cetera pramplb (hue in.'..,TI !). FV( !'. b:^.R will ra Wpet<ISc oaooC t Inter fleno thin., N'Y91 .if,, the ilea dl dA nCCnR e, 1A oarrol or hni ainihorm, we, a t'A' ocapon51nk' for evenl:,n,a, ri ,anion , aml wait, wpinrnllg;riam will CONTAC-, OR's menu Inean di. Icchnipac, he slimmed W :=.N(!INEF.R and Ili ilia. ;ny within :trim,.". procewree of utmvuulem, or the:aierc ,aoty an ofte: J.'xo r of weh trcane E T event onlea T grim to l ld programs Iii oast Elo . for net' r N� .INMZR ilEw,,n In ids land lwla n of time 1¢ the fvnure OT CDNTR \rfOA.Io aa:nn+ with LE s lad 1Onlls9an of 4laitiolNl a Wort anon,,, "not In onnoln Rcin! itlnre anoh C.l k W It. fen rang x N sudi won. ai:pnr or other miner. . he omwiilfr from "'Ibrrueme of the \Mork. CI'XI"IELM will not iw vtall :mbmit am' nsperoc m E IG1NT..R d a+w w :sodium r.,bie for CONMACTOR,E 'solute It, o-:a n with. ihdrt Ua S 16-- aoi,lo If Me Jtentim Itl9 or NImSn: dl[ A'dll, in ocnWdi. want Ile Conla= oltmtiml Ionic 1i.VCPvt,7.R ,Il. tduninll nole) Docannoa,. 11 (a�rf.r h. 'fir der i mnl dc,i,,onni writing within thin, an' tic e4:IM IL it. dpj.M Nino,"Inn tool If J IJ ENGINEER will KV no-in,iinr for thL Ear, In dCmnlaroo, i,+th rhls Tlm�npn Cti.t�-u2's le¢ ,s mnisiurt of lO*+:i�[CI'OR cc of an)' wriELI dcatsi0oon:,v.n onna. notion, or other m:ala w,ll samaninua0 net' Suppiief. En of:my other person ur be timdaid bitiinn_ En. Otk'NER.and CONTRAr'OR omentimutn perfermme or f."nine am' of Lt. .I.: ftl on nLipCll. f". p'Y+(tl'`U.R[ IW . :Mk. [U lit. within the Ilme line .Md m 0.tnadMC [aN the :a..du a, ie't forth m i{jPvy t (, t 'L([�Duw 9.13.1, yi ! UIEH,A. ttt ICN Uf ere rail 1ptm nllllan f(lolitiM l'lV TeN ,. mooed in. iF:fue Glt-n[��!L.�R..,I fur lineatiro tires noor elml}rr d.xu11111infien it CONIMACTOR por.1 to .Arml, IU. er t+ll+f it. ]lien Al mannenvlM' NI i UnC.ati21 manao. ndieduic D,osun, RIWILILATI J CmCa itil been UIE .red aa0. :I JI n cat. El)nd[ wid1 enlfh4 e5 of r^IKECdra- to Eo a "Ines non,,4 U. IntcnUOn to nnrlefd I(Om—EN=T..Ri cannerdocien. Is deu... d T O1vr LR or and.wrovaN End dLa"i'tom TWdW (udYed mere aea er 1 M' MingralI it art, 'x to CONTT,ACTOR to Me mhcr in, h` 'N' NEMZ a'idun o tmnm . celnlmlh I., -heir omaa, .hmP++'a vvan thirty dnvs vier the ,alto of such deUiau lnld a formal ine myuuunalu.u!, mEd in in, I. o! mndialc of EnCend1+LL_` 6lrl4iwl41 'rT' J. UirmiLling easy in a fdrum of ul5pttitiom. tots and autalwilk into :hr atooie comnnen inor ction W rei. sucn n1a or remedies muted iraiicaw '.vm.I.. w'idi de Groove. :u the m(aal ing. lam may IA r 4nd1 .erne t In [veil ^.'atom. ).Laert, Q ,L=W or later ,dine, s aevonam,, with evpuublc EEm .old t(C^ Milo , wnwn om.on, r,I the on of .on `) I- file imam C: anon t anown' one �:u[:ai](AL i%.`NUfT10NJ I')In.Y In'•'rl F;tlllml W' rlll'.OI*1'<lNT COLLf R'1 M<lUl4'1 C.iT10Ki I ICFV I Eileen C I+ rcunnsibiiitv,., fanh m thjs pnrngm!tia.9.1,lull: auo appi! m E fGP.J=', Ctalmlwm:: Rrslinnt. prnjca Remesmtativc anti ussisutnu AR'1'ICItR IU-,'fH:WCF_\ LV'fHl:; WORK Ill.!. Wimmt muimtiltur: U¢ ?`:cnnmt mul wit!mw rexjce la nm mrar. OV"II ma;_:a am dmc. ur'+fnnn :ime to -time ;tier iddii.... de=.i or: rcvisiun:::mthe %yore S. nddain detzumrs .r ro'mmm will be autlwrixd'In' a 4l'ritrm+lmmtYnmL. v'i;InlrmIf i)ru::..ar a LUrni; ChnCO Uiremivn .11 recn:pt of. nm' <uch docu%km m,,I Ld (7 (h ,ill nnmpdr pmxcd sviN urc hc.Nt im'alvell- m MI, will x xrfarmeu 'wuk: Nc aonlicsrhlcco Mli .Ilu nf.Ne C!altmcc ).xommm larco pta :nticrwtsz svcciitaillr pnrviudl. 10._. if OR'VER and CONTACTOR ll c wmb!, w narcz Is m the C. I. if am'. of an adj.1 m In the C1:nmw: N. Ixan adiaummo a'tlee C:mtnc "f.ims Ihu QmkG.,, aIk,w as a: m Ii af.a War; Cll,,. Gjrcc:,, acimm mm'Iw maric'macfnr as prrnadcd m Arnolc ILn lwdc 11 71).3. F.O?i9RA.`1TORrhaO imrlx cnddcdm:willclaau N the Cmtraa 7rjcc or:m m=I,,xl oft z; = =. Times wlN. rsp:a m am lVwl: !mrimncd mat ¢ :m mumdnt'In' Ne Ganlrna fiaeumcnrs as amrwai m:Wilied arld mppl men Ofas {+rovlaai in pvmcranhs3.5 .and:.... a I:cpl ill till cur of.an N F¢:Iv_aaph G._r a ir. nc a of wcaea:r:c 1t'ork as provival m pamantpnr3s. in:. Ol4;JER ad CON w,(7'OR suit axucatc c,,, \Vn ., .=i Orders raantmrn:kd tn' EvGGti R (or q'nuatAmendmcros)mvsm_ to a.I. '.dyne,: tin the Urork vImuc vc Iii urdncd by OW ViM Iwn;tuu:l to pamemnh 1111.. (if reuujr ,i hz©use of uecemancc ,I dekcrnre Wart Irrnw pamuaryl ! .I.i .r mrtcalrc zkcm. V.'clm wda p ..grip, 13.1 d, or Cid)nermd w la :!c pnnjee: !ll 40 :}.w.. tit 11C..IG p!I.. C.(m[', imC, avnial M1le:n`ICC{f la h\' d1e n:Ir :and Ild a.3. .jy nee m the C.ntr:c Ries m.:rnlm:a Ti.. 'xh:ch emtrtxlt' tlr 1u6A:ma of Am' 3TIIrn dmisxm rarcicrrti a 'HINUlNELN w.a. w pa.,z,ao v II', OrOVIIKd Iktt. m lieu of euxaurc en, such Lk:rme Gnia. nn ap:x:al env}' ire taken fmin vmp ::o;I dccuim m xec:xdxnac ,Im in, prnvlswe: ui !k'. e;tmlroc: Lkmumrw. .d app14 bf, L.,w vj TICLUrallUlp mt; WrI. ,IlI, ..h aplzaL CON'FRA(70R siwll' :m)' an U. Iff ru :end adhere m me pnvuss scjndw, :a provjd,i jn iurugraon C• f, 10_1 If notice of ano cnmlgc elfzallm Negmmaf xulx Drill,, `A'uri' n .ne prrt. ccloln of the (3rmm. I;mmmmn ucvc' c!:uo<,w cownl nc�n t v I us n rr� eaunn +cr: wevxrcrot.u;.a'ntarrncnons mn' �nixw: (j:u-.ludiltg. !an.m i mnai Ill. C,>nrmtt::rmr. ur Contrun Timni u temurcu''In' the txmtivmm of vm' L'ond w be givm.lo:a s t,c. lile:gfring:of em such xld¢ will :x CONTRACTOR', rcslxmxfmiin'. and. dx mnount of a. app.Ub!c 13und"ill ,ilil cu xcmrdirr;iv. ARTICU 11- :K6 NGK OF CO\ TRA(R YRICF i i.I_ 'fx Ccmrec I'ns mnainncc dv :nui 6nn ONTTitm ITCR &. t➢:mt!xrl iIx IICimtmcrlL i All dtxk !e rc!. P \CT nd fur-Furlivmim ;hc 'J:orl, :W Jmics. r.'•amluibiliue: and ooiismuors .xsiem:c w a •amkmazn b•i:.i)N �L4CR)R•snll lxarcO� T":v{c'o29 cmmse ;vltluwt. chmngc in the Hmvm:.:I4'lu. 112 :Chc Canrmc: f*im may ,., a: ch..,,d a' a I'unnau Orda err is .1 Wntwn : mendmml, hnv cia:m lir an adjIIvaum in des Caxwnc RdUe mall h t ,.l tin rvnncmma:ee mi:l,. Isden forte :nah:rq mz ceum m me uthc nlm :mn w.ENG, :;R pralnatiy (bn m na .em Im, then thirty 'XII", aft, mu van oI me uevrtarm a-. a•,r, nvllra nsebo t!m;van and amine tile. xm ...1 mmIr w die-clmm. Vonm .If the uzl vm ui Inc dwm wen svorxmu= mm mall ix xiivercd:viihm =v Ilene wto me nun of .=h ul:artence cx eemt I'm. 7a3ddiu.1 unm lix ;:nmlml to wlnIt addit,Icdlndl :t, mtm': aca.Imm ,:nla m wrpp:m uGlilc. cL�mri unds'tie ucaanpmlltn M• clwmuvt's a'nnm '..nu; men iht vdiusanmt des I. covers alTi:nuun It ,1 : Id Wmm a <II(:vmI Io UIIIIIeU a v lI1= Ol l:nd occuamce o: event. :{I! ;:nme Cor ad116INt.m Nr. C:nv-u: Pncc cull Ix Ikrmnined a' �JillNliiiR :n vc'txdanc: wish Irtrxg.mrn9,II if IMNEEcR and Ct)-Vfli 1C iQP, .Irma udlawise agree tin the umwm invoivrd No ;slim (err an adiasunmt N::hc Hunouol ?nx 6il'vr valid if m ili llmm m aawlerlvz wjdl uru rmrllmmh I ! :. 11:3. i he. value Ili ano XkWk mvenxi m, . "'Imm" Orti r a; o, am' :wen I. an adm.,, : in Ite i:omnlC Pncn svjll, b, uetmnmod as iolicnv;: I!.S!. where 9m ll:urc ineoircd a :ove:ed by will pnrza �ammllmd :n Inc (:mlroa 1)acurrlm, lw ap I.Llun ,f La, umt pncx ao the q'aandiies of ux :ams mvoived ism. m at, pmenlms of dal Cal C1 ko Ie N t F. N [J l•t l h� , H pahighphs I LQ.1 Ihrau_h 1 I5_. arjusam i _ where the Wnrc im timi hill cavveu b.' umr•tntc cmwmcu to tx t ah .t. rheum,.. h\ a mwuufly m_mail p him Oat' ituuuuu lump amt Itcnta him"-inelum an ailmsnn¢. tm ovemcau and prowl nut n cOsanlc in accotdancwith p mutph I ].. whc¢WcWort, m oh•cd"not .vv"hdl,, t {Ir S wmavad in the C,\mram Quutmrntl am agrsmmt to a lump sum is nm mOsahw unuer mmaranh 11.� m rt< u, the (York (d;u-nn»ai cs-.. thamided in. paramtphs 11.4 anal 11,3) pih:.a CC1NTItAC"fOit's lee fw avemetd atuiprahl lictcmmed as provided in pammvph 11.6i CuAafrltr If k 114 The tcnh Cast of.thc W'nrk' lamas the sum rn:xll ,w,..,it, :nctrrcd.iml maid aw r"\rv!RACTOR in die pntpc pef(mnstnm "F that Warn_ P'aTm as arl"Isa nac m aErmdsn. 1. "TIhrlg a, OWNFR ',Oath cash shall he .n amrnmn tm hiam, than thou pnwfll,c In th,. loniin' of Jtc ;talcs: snail tmlu mw ate wilinwint, item, ape fall na. include am• of thu casts Ioarmd in p rophipn 1.1.5: I!=_1.Payroll cnsts Ea plaw. to the dvut .vkw of CONTRAtTUR h the Plrgomtanm of the R4c4 uh'W vhduter of lOn alloshu:auau s naed was Ix Ol'JhRH Ohd CONTiLACTIOK. So= anpiow' . mall irclwie without hulatum humnntrndems. fnremrn and otter pe:ammel orhokwd fW}.umc al me thus. Pavmi! msa tar employ. note aopitw.d atllaime an tic Work shill Its app mascot m tls insis of shear time sp:m us the Work Payroll cents shall uhlodn blu na be i'unaed tux umnes and wauu. plus the avc ti friuec bmcfits win. h shill mewls xinl cantsatnitnuanc at.plm'ment etct.u. am pavruli mst s w.ukers .ha aatiwc ncalih. hnd ,houh,sm bchuns=onnusrr. slew iearcracwumnetc4fr.+iiww.,m* afl,boacit thorm, 71. ,.'Wasoo of penbrmma W'rk :.w maoia Kier'ira=ucm 1SS"gt1't#matiMhWYC vltall ue imhded in Itr aixn< to me sham vurhunmd rn• OWlv'LR. !141 Cos: of all matcnau errs: muitmcm fuani=u and I."T.tcd in this Wahl:. mciudim, cw:u of tnmspanation and :"snag, ihermf. ami.5uppiiore field xerxu:as reuuiral in Ihcmwith All aim disamnts shall a. In CONDCACiOR. old.xs OWs"ER deptvits furls with CON—, FACT OR with Kitrt to mak, prymemi in winet crux IF, -.-am diaeaums siatll xtcnte is OWNER. All tmue th.a'uhtn, rcvucs and refahals and rcrwn:: from taleof aupita maunnvis end e(tuinmem :null awntc to OWIIIc1t mst COIN MAC',! OR Shall 111.1 lohoaum at that ;tell may be obmvtd. 11 4 Cavmath m oa bs ':0M1 AC.R)R Ea the S Om,zucto. to Won' pcdanaul x futnisicd bl• Suhcmaaem.. If :eyulreat t ()WN. KiL iJC7.7.-O 1091 IXIL. 111611.a311'Y>'I Edw.n .a:(�^i()i'iJNT(:itLLl\Y NCDIFlG'nOK ll(lLl'1Rlxnx CON RACI'OR shall uhmm mmmumc has than $dw_traaawrs acuplxbie m ONVN ( and CON RACTOR omd mall deliver ;wit Sias w OWNER •ter mill then houumim. withtm mice of ITtn. g which hid: if his will bo nu OtaL if n suxtartwc-..provides'Itim the Is m b, laid onthe basis of Cosof the Wort: pluses far. the Sutxomtactar' Can of has 0.'ork atd lee shad here tic cmmml m tim er na. us C NT1LACTORS C'Y of htc Wak xd f« s p cv&'t In j.aa'.nm i I _. 1 I +. 11,6 Ime 1 ... All suhwtmaus mall ix.ubia. to tha• Ot 'protisicm: of In' c ntma Daeummus, umfnr m appiictitk. 11.4 J. CO. a1"specal mmatimms iinclatalm but rent limitd m mmmcrs. arcnicccv tasirtc !ahorawriu ai mtahra s and avaun aims) ctt•.nlsvcd .far sereice snuvtaliv heated to Ise W'(ak, 1. 3 Sttpaiemcnwl oats tmiudina .he tollowvb'. 11"45.1. Tls pnhMnm of memp• Tm'T-mitt", navel arxt na.la { eahf ss al CON-1 L'd701!'s emdtw. inewrd I. madetrgc of dubs mnnmtd with h. %vosk.. Il....5.:. I., itwluartg ussupa adon :and maun... of all mtneruis. stpphi ,,.h.=, gacivazv. appiianc¢ affix and tempmm - Laeilitles a, the sim inn hind uOA rot owned hr Inc. K•arkcrs winners vrc etaaumud'm the p fonh: wo of dir Wan- and us I. maiva valttc of wrh =.s uud hw nm aancumd which remain the pmp-m'.1 COh'rRACft)R 11=ii. Amok of all wma .Oh aptipmcm :hid mncltimn• anal : pm, thereof whistler foam CO `l RAC OR. c then at it.Onw ,an rmml agr«lwihs atohh,<d Iry OWNER wtth the.mvice of ENGINEER..md me mats of rmsmnhaw, loahi u..hh . awltifalioa dimantfitr atxi romoLal thcicof-all in aurroamt• with terms d :mid remni 4T mCraS _1 tthod Of a a Ousupussa. ma limn' sr Inns *.,If ' rsc when It. sac. .hermi is no ioaea fa'the wore. I i._.:.: Saic oaswna. use �� svniinr asy rcued m the t« ;hid for wto'll C01,7RACTOR is luthk. Impousi Sy Lit. and ,c�ulmwm. Dq'olm loll tic wuxs olha Batt mcicerrx of COtiTR\CTOR 'am SUlx:SapaatF or :mv(me di'utahor munnecly cmpiovcd hp ans' OI''ihatt c Ito wham•. all. am' Of than ma} h,. Iwhle. utd nnnity pnanaus n%J fen for mutt sal licctvcs I1.:.56. Lax: and daul. tuna mimd w.. a) hansd b' aamnec to me Wan;. mi umoctamd'm hauraaar or vu},mix. sasuI as )ti is R'\M*OR I. mmecnrn wtm the rnrfmmnn,x ind :umimlin, of the Wort (o<ccpl IosYc' :mu-lilma. ,rithni the :ku noibic :unruns of =mm :nsumnc,. swbiisrn l a• 01iNER in nlzardnncr. with p ingn irm d,9) pmuidcd Ihey Ital rnuhd a. vises Mier than tile. Jinu+a CONTRA(:','Oi Suucumranor. or i., dveeth' or intiirec'N' empinved blanN' Vr In tnl'. U lor'Mo. 111CM nm' of (Mxn may bE liahie. '.So& la:•urs hell ireiud, xWcmms mad, N,ith tle lvmlcn cmecm and apprwnl ai Ok%N,R N,, am 1. nmot. .> cvpc=, slmll be included in thn'.Can of ihe. W,nn :or (le ptupaa: of delermitnnr COl7R.4QUR"s f«. !L howmcc :nv such 1. �x damnee. 'e ri act:m. Ina s _ON7RACfOR rs.l pineed in cimnlE therwC !CON1R:\C:I'JR sin ll no pad. for :arm ''. C. ! r.,ni :niotnu:'o tixtr.. m pnmc_rilm,. 1.02. 34 y,;. 'nc� conof uulNm, fad: andmnin'm incdilic.1 in, cite Il 4N;S, mn,' "'non-" such as :Elearnms. I.mS wvii. lelaphane.-IL romhore snvrc:xt. the site ,r?Imn.¢c and similar ixnn'.clul t¢msin- e mnCCjm with tm Wan;, 11.ASS, . Coa of-lm iune: furuddi[i.mal Bon6. md'tmumnce twuvcd b=. of chmnra in Jw Work. I'ha term Cot 't the Work :bell rot indudr anV' of JX fallowing: I IS.!, T"'Toll car, mxi other ..aon:aeinn of CUNTIL\[_ZOhs otravr,., E:a, vines. (win pin, inr pxrmcrship aw.u,k mnrn'Icurnehl, ;,.da . :l, nwc tlu, ,r+mcnaar Wr d .d n for :I.,ml o nolotera. nmI)MgRAs, inks atul other p leo r in annlnv.v tn' C'ONTRiC7i3R nhetna' err the me .x m (L"s'TLnin ni.1 prim:pil a a .I nio o(Ticc for il numuvaJ io ' of Ihc. w.i arai nor �xsifrcallp u:dudud In the 'Id t un gnimlc of job Edlvtiiuui.xs re.lcrrm in in pl-S Iiif' Is socifi:-116' Lw'emd iw :xva_mpb i Z,i-:dl of which nre to k N,70Red numuuzvatn e. carts covered F,' Jle. ;'ghTR4C70R':: lee I!...:. ll,. s w CON1Tt\CCrORk prutcm:d.md bmnen .offices Hiner than CO.T--iCTORti of . m tnK olo 3. .vn' can al CO`-RACTOR's 'os,uni c'mcnur:. ncindno mu21c1 on IONTR4CCORS .omi 'niviaveu iiv im %kork ini• citar_c. ucmmt CON' IR:\C"OR ion Ibimu.mt pivmane. I' i... (.:an of 'i,nnnma for all Born. and for all inslrarn:c '''Mod., lu no: CUN'.r'AcTOk 'IS rcuutnxl In, :he :=.coma'. lhxw ..:u vn:ml w i mvimnin ItK.om,, (,=m for tine Uw n( premmma.'noii'hv autuellayraoht 1 a.>SI alxwu. Caas ouc to llry muiieema of CUh-RAC-.OR an, Joircwxq¢. ur :nn¢ mtecdv err, inivectiv'alpw of b.•. any of. Ncm or for wnn.c a= any of then mev ne [iiime. iidudine 'nin .it limi[d tla th, onrzn000tt of rr'z&oftry 'Ao,l, tvaxvmi of mntmak nr uavinnim vans, :.'colic. .mi lnnlnn$ in nrVpM" I Lno Otnur ovubeau or erne'.[ ..m.'n.c i,.L of ._..... _ um' kmi and plc elms pi..m' itan.nlu-wcciiiuttc nul caneaic nuuued in pmauapn 11 . I he (!f)NI'RAul"c s fu allowed in CONTRACTOR frn t omoid :vui raetit siu0 be daterminm asfnlinus: I15a.a mutuully uc:-snwoleii w ic,: or 1L6,_. it -a C,ud i«'! .1 weed uoua then a'f i, nri.0 < nhc folicwi" nor oiiwii's. of the various poniom: of Jle Cast of in, Work lis -.].1, far emu incur'd anlier lamempm 71 4'1 and 11 a::, the CONTR ACiOR's fee svali he hirecil ryxmar: I gni, tOf CG) AC701 LLntY: be &e l,th I1.i.3, Ihc O'AtTn`A('T0R':: lac YiLl11 be uvaperwnC I l.d_3. 'snore arc :r mare tion of subumnravv' arc'ln the bnsis of C. or rn, u;nrk plw a 1': no no iivod ;'ce . av_r:a1 ucwn the na= of jouomnnns i I a 1. Lla_ 11A-- and I i, 6,2 is thar tic Stioammatnr ,vn,, ..]I, no"onns.s fumi I'm me Wb k, ,, wnatr:a t.i- Nadt R lnld a C« of fillets pa«m of the anew u=ncd o,. suet Su==ictor Iwxf rxinae .pis i i.. a.l and il,i? ;mu in. my nw, I., Suboanunaq-md C2hTRAC-MR will acb he mid. Ca-al-tiv...nelcen. tontoi n'. iiiwj nKf'�nOCURQnna!: :111X nC^�4llICd m „mo,lnah Iv¢n the 7ii fFR 9y[ Inn to z c, ec live I nou om iho aml um'ond to Jx nufit lowor ucr.;uncu,tmdca, ; -' i m> fees Hall be pnabie on oiX h,s,m of cams itrmived onurt mmgmpbs.i.1.4 11,4.5 and l l_: th,amount of aid" io be'unwed -CON "IIRAC IUK Lo OWNER tar um"chunk whit. rsdL%.m a tun-dcce:ls w in um'.vill x :h, nnolaa of Js amlui ".. uccmlu in e1111 pi. a ooi im.n m COh'LR4C`OR's Ise M on amrnn, cuu.l nr 61N.M. aJ.il m'�...'ano 1; '.vncn ban .u:iiuum .nd rcuic mC inol'ud m un- one jinni. in, Ar.tmmn in C'=ACTOR':: I'ac a ill'be. mmpwed on the ,. s of the Ix: _iar=c in acvrua'u: with rsamynnhv 1 i.n C.I in.* 71 irciustvc IL'. Whenever rm sst of inv Woda is it, he C1C•UC:wNLILW UONIII I1019ll II,R 119W EJllian-': fr: C'.P.' JP.FIIµ � i:al.l�bl hl(H)11:11 _YilO.`.:i IMF:' :,^_IXXn I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 General A Inspect surfaces to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer as required in the General Conditions any deficiencies in the surface, which render it unsuitable for proper execution of this work Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner in accordance with Engineer B Coordinate and verify that related work meets the following requirements, 1 Concrete surfaces are finished, cleaned and prepped, and have completed the required curing period 2 Previous surface treatments have been removed or are compatible with the systems to be installed 3 Systems selected for use are compatible with each other 4 All concrete repairs are completed C Perform all work in strict accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions and specifications and as indicated on the Drawings D All new and temporary construction including materials, equipment and accessories shall be secured against wind 3.2 Preparation A All surface preparation must be complete and accepted by the Manufacturer's Representative and Engineer prior to beginning membrane operations B Remove all oil, grease, debris, existing membranes, and other contaminates, in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations C For horizontal applications to receive membrane waterproofing, all concrete surfaces are to be either shotblasted or waterblasted according to the following requirements 1 Equipment shall be capable of traveling at a constant speed to provide uniform profile The speed and the size of the equipment and the size of the steel shot shall be selected to provide desired Q W l Iv LJ R �y I.y RIJ 1 I1 C dmomiitcd pursuant m Ivnlerom, 11:A and I:..?. CONTRACTOR trill ,at n ian :md 'maintain records ma.m. and mhmll. in form aeeenumlc to ENGINTM an. itan'.. wtbralKdmvn ttnadlcr vvitF. aupponing law. Cnrh.i(ltmn . in it Ian:muof. all OU h. oOI ?tad' indd<d ut the Continua onPna all ll anccs rumw in ue toonuaa.Doeumanu n u stmli Ilse in, Work a a, - to he .taniihcd.und pentmnal (w mch auma.a.:mav he ac;eaahkm011'NF�2.nM:E?iGIN[Tsl:. C'.ONI'Ii;dCl'OR apses that. 11—S .. dtc nllo.ncts includ the cmt to CONTCRACTOR ik— am'.apoualoicvmk:di%aniuoi m.matciai andcampmcm uuircd Fn'.tha unaj. and to 6c ucvmmd vCilu mtc and all apphubie v)za: S !I.S_.COITR CIOR's mts for unlcadirg and fandtirlc:on,tilcsite. Iniva. irtvnllnrital�las wmhead. print anS otter enry_'nw:a aaucmpCiaa 1nr the allnvmoi I. halo iu!. In (an d.,. ?'nor and na in tin allnmanccs and no drna-q for ,,ill, -.fid tmt mt al If any of the tnrgom€ will Fc ralid. Rtor In final paymar.. an appra note C ansa.Ords will a ietuwl 1nI .Ono Un .d ny cTK'JlNfi.Ex to must. I.Oal mnomr. due COINTXYu.fOR.aO:tc =Of Wook..,c ny all..m am aw C. Ittre ll s:rrutwnd..I, odlusmd. 119. F v.Pn a1l:Iric 7 I � :. NOmre. the Clntmaalku:umemS Ixrnddutlut aiI ih Iztrl oi�lhc'+York. a [o,r !:nu Ritz lm—end 1. all the CF ma om. will a , ,,.1 It m udn, IQ all l a 'th. itaIa r, amlwnt I,h to ne d of the it. ''sited umr { W (w tan a Iol=ay Idcntilied Of , u [:ttit Price w'o :imin in,, t r n,n vumThe Of nnu ncn as is 01 I<d , the ,'yenncv The not ..: yw,,d an of inns ly i1, Ram lh'nrk arc not nonnmmed and are Hain{)' for Oa pun a of mmcunum u(13i1t:mJ dnnmwnean ouni nI, ad Pna. ^nrnniatdw)s of o, Woriz unanmt, :uld aivsaificuuam of Knit Prim 11°ors pertbmtni by f_'ON'I'RACTOR '.via ac .,,it-m' LVGi'tI:IiA m accmana uTtit p;muraph?.111, 11,92..5mi unit pri0. mill Ix damad to inlet, un not,aivrinOt- tl llv CONTkAc-raR In'm aw:watn to , 'a CON RACPOR's wcilud ami plot fa cwn aaaunneh' Idemiiied Item. ?I_":i (7cl'NEt Or COEa7RAM)R min, mac,It wo. Ill: :m :uptian,,ru to I?n tCwlhnG ?Iola in ucctmimlce x'ith.irude Il i!'; or u..Z, of env inna Of Unit Prig \Nod; Ixricumxl in' (:ON? RACrOIf Llnfl ,.. mvmriilh' 'ard mvtiCiauvly' Gan. the eatia... WI. wmtdn of men item . nal m the -g anieln �t iJCJ(aiL`.F]L4,CC'uLYtl0lfi l'Jn�a II'N')Ednmi w'CiT'.OFF9NT CJLLNti T10tItNGTOIiti tHI:V-I2iwKo ond 11.9., l n crc Ih-ls. no lalrrc'Wn Jim adim.1 T uvtrt•s L,, nm othar.a. of WorK, and I 1 —11:3. if tCONTRACI'OR beliavrn nai CONTRACTOR . notiflod to w I. m Comm: Price :ss i read'. of ?Hahn` imiumd vdSilitsul xnm¢ o OcaNGR hlievu that ll ♦L?tsoi.. tt a Obk toc..n o: I. I Price vno thr f.. l dn.. f d agec as to dte amount of any sucniwreasro w.JeucaY. 11 'I. i J. MKT)tLACTOR nonan ialvo drat ne Ili iJE6 ms M1er2n n dA oeJ m. rrmam onir. uuanpu m ont uPR' ,olc .0 u O anc It li.f the ( I a :bier of •umn n n 1 n, to, ddemm a ' dd k ,. --ni ^ .-1 i nn rmL¢md Canna !'-im ARTICLE L'--CLieU'VGIi OF CO.NTRACP Tlili Bti 1=:1.. ry, ComnIIt (or Mkiaoncvi mm' tmlyx ;.iarun.d On a Cnatc O : or a Written Alaldilnan In, ch n to On. udiaslmmt of thnma time is V Iv:a ne i vrall he lxis nt writi n nonce dcio,acd n. the xlm' mnkim the Loth to the abet rym' and in L''JG(Niiiik uramntk that in on a'cm ktter'tivn min, 'b", n� .M .nm a a In,uvwt u rtO r1Y tothu clatm On. alatim the tncn.l mturc.nf rht, claun.Notica v the men: If .he.ctan ' en mppontne Ian rtralli be :L-.liviced uTtlno- uetn dos nour seen annrma iunluv ENGINEER nlloms addition l time to a.m.", more a .Im dau, m mppot oC :fe carol and ::all x :an.mmrw. m unt, am:mont nnev aatcmmi that me aajusml m inn d 's Ih. Oatin, adiusunnt: to u'luul fit, d.,Inam hi. rmson to a Is' nttithxl as It rcwlt a .he oeatrrma of :aid evcrc. AIL_hims Co: adittsunmt in the Cemnta i imo fo 4danto, .i[ nndl be detenniov OWNER i in and TRACT �OR O pmngmnniA l n. OUIM11. 2 if No ettint For an udiueeIf u ,a Inc Canton, T'vnas. , \f:icauevi lwill 'oc imlid i( n:nominalcm in urdana with 1 G I . IL _. Ail uio . Boom saki in the Ctaarnct Lkwmma arcof im c: lat,c of tie A sacmem. gnno CO\'.RAuT0R ¢ prerentui fnm mmuicwtc I, wit of V)c Wok widlin tle Conn't nra io, % ilaaanen tine m Oak, 'nevorvd Iha amtmi. of CONTRGICTOR. the COO.,. ?'ones lw k ilcstonat will nc emended nn :m :inuunt auual I. nmc inv due In men xi. if a alnico is nude thadur :m pwidid in pamennui i Uciava levund thv ,anuol of c:O\7RAC7OR:nvil 'm.uti, pnI not he iimital.to. ac ar ncuica'nv.0WhciC mom' Or ttreim of udiltr..ot or :nlmr".ota. pcnommg olh, wm ae.caiwlaramd I, Atticic 7. E., tloouc mucnic, nonon.w rvcadr. ..di,i. o acts of Goo F.Ill, nnnnut nle :n and whivn hO r 1.1 o! a SuFxlmtrnuor nr Sutmi., :roll Ix dccmr<I to b-. «clays within dw 111 01 CO1,7RACfOR. 1-4 Pine CONTRACTOR s po,.,.t d limn ctin,leuic nnc ,it I the aI Om within tln Comma -I.. tm Miie�wni 1. aue-ln Jdar bevnfv the msrol oC Min OATIGR and CONTRACTOR an ettetsion ci the cnnaam T.:rr 1 (0.- Ma aafeel in :m vnnim, qunl to the tini l<i Jo,, to suehdel v shall In C0N:IL4CT(:Rv ol, mad e[clmtva tClllcdv Ior soul Jeiay. it, no ciOnv ell OWN n- bc.11abic to U)NTRACTOR anti Snit ntmact. anp Si anti nut r htn Ur am;mi:nlivn w: to vnv st m :or or ammim'. or nucnt of amof thaw. mr unmw:c ansm.Om afar iauidrt'_ frtun (; dcivys Otlncd m• a 'within -tile crnmnI nt the < �1\'Tn.a(':'t71:, cr rill JCIaCS ixvanddx conttol oFb➢ 1, mnia in➢luamr..lint rnRhnrued.tu. h. moat. mit,n i;a abnormal Iruni. avrinuonc acm ai Sad to asu a:'i by silk Darman ar other. afumaws u:iulmitc olhorlli) is us uentmtnimci ,IRTICLF. 13-1(FNI'S AND INSPEC71ON3 CORRFTTION. REMOV:iii. OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEi 2CT/t1 WORK 13.1. Fmi¢ nCDeiear. Promry noum al ad. defective 4Vorh or which OU'NER-m ENGINEiR hrivc acn i iznlavlcder trill So it. in CON R-V=ii All deiee.'ive w:u;: .•n:m I,- aic,,ii W'.m dcrstceenmd I.,m idta.m rhis 'YlnIC 13, 1t,I.I,n aOA I`:-lGlNEZR.. E.NGEvZER's C.xovl'nnts. ansr rcrncx-tlauva and persrnmd n( O1VNeR- ntnnoni I,trme Obointoricsnnd mveamcmnfaghhc= avnA iuriuliwmvll u�teresm w.iil hi O, s m in, WO.i i : resumi^ir_+.inla :w Inca oi>_sereazinn m>ixrim; and u,n=. ' JN,R%(70R sr i proriac them ,x :tad mfe cnouiunns 1, such nccc-, and ndvsc :Acm oI MIN I-P.V7, 01t, ,,, s:,[I, plixxdwcs ami ,,gan w Ihat Ihev tsn' wmpiv Ihnrttvilh:c: anpiicaidc. Te.and;nm.,,.s. OOFFIRACI'OR rlidl we cuCLNEER tni notice aL-cniinca; of the iii for all rwuired inrq miims. IC}a: Or nPprt1V:11::. and .mull JJVPCntll' \vlm.11_ ocioo :mlt swung Persumlc.i. to fadiiln¢ r,nnn'I i impiainrvm teas. 1i a. OWNER tri ari atul wte fhv the xremes nC an indrnmdcnt Isamu IN.Iftlm io acfcrm till Ingx:an:m:. tcu:, m nnPrnnus rnyuaed 'm' he rimtmcl DcI,urtini i tlinl' 1L.=.I. tar ittsrcerians mus a approvals rrnereJ n, pa"L=nh Ci.i coui 13.J_. dru cuaa umsrcd in cumcctiutr with tests m mac crniucrui pui to pnIOItti r, I-,." Won- Intil . pnid a nri hied in sand parngirnit G:P:main OIL -%,is � ilieilly pan iae:: in Ili C mkaa'.:.4mummlx. Uli T_awswann Ik Ftor l.ri thiicbndviravitc tonxiietie➢:een¢e an)' A':rri: fa Ian mm i>yra:W Or w.hc invua'd h>tcd it aPMovrd 'a' ::n mPio�•cr a clhv rrl.no!uu,tdlwolic irc f.0 onti,:7Od oot,i :I.vsum- full im mnbiiin im nrato, Al :aul irirvihing wch truant iol4. less f=.hmzi::mN' a:l costs in alhncuan therav9tt anti tumn:h 'rhiG1Nlp the MN-i'R -li ste u( iruu:ctivt ix innin i. IndMN -an rnI him itil rc� in c ftn nm with :mnnhmimrlg and shall ztv ill can. in cenrxalon with uny insPecriurv--: tc✓s v aPFuavnL: ttauvui :br J14'NER'e and IJ..,iI'iR'.v ncrmvxc nt muamL ar coal 0 :n Ire irc_m.nnai ut :ftc h.4'ork of ircrads. Info aruuto or muimnent summmW im anraaval nnnr 'm COIti7R:1CTOR's pm. thin.f li r m orpamuior, in tie Whin. 1;=i:; IF amlBnrk (ar :Mwnrh. of arherscrMl'ingn he in,it i Iiti ar nPhr wocl x: cd he t,,)N-L A.\t-OR withhta wrttwri cvinurmtee oC FNrI f:li3192, a i it reou:ztrn he FrMNFF7Z. he unracacd f":bv ,Ioon' - ill.?. UnowInre\Vork: as.nrnvided' in mntcr.Iph I3,6 small ix at (7),NIRACT(WO , cp:na oni ra (:Od CRACTOR hu wm ENGINE"R ri mdcc y,t ?TZiCi OR'a uticmion to in,a sore nd Er"MINFER icas nr im wial'.;cawamthlc Pramlxtxss. in .si m moll I,I. llncrrvering l6mk: i= F If am, tk i s ::rwc:nl comtma• 0. the wrilien n•.wra of ENGSvc::R It ri if re➢ttvw<d a, T:G INLTT.. hr unmaerN t :. IiN<iIIJeR`: axxrvainrt .md rcnsccd nu.101 it RACTOR".e ceneme. It nCr::iin! nd,inihnlf into i,wind Wrtk be ahvmvtd -ne LVGiiaiLTa. s irnvwm ar ImW by odrea; C0471L4C 0R m EvGCrvt_.4's rent shag unu ,r c:apw:c or mheuise make avmi:rbic for :inser::nior., utmecuon in lamas u UNULNEER m ay.z, :hm ronuni of Imt WorA in outii<m htmisoin_ all nacrrza' mire. maternl :mJ ncur m if it 5'Co➢nd'th:tt sudl A'or' Ii :irlacm'r. COP; i:Aal�OR slnll pny L11 cwtm1 wsi i '' urld ...... Mused " ii inin_ oat Of , rat dirt. in. such un:uvetire ::.nnv¢ ob ieabwi .,;o Onan mid IeaaR :mu d-vursi:tanry cctaccmwt Or <csmnaamn. fincivairrv_ but mlt limn d nr all cusv,f rcpau a ant,IiI am of wank ni olhcna::vld O\i\TR mill in. :TUIILIJ :o an :Nn[npi nCCreJ% In tK Cantrn'.::4in, .a U tho i,unnO nR Wa Hl t0. 11 L. In the tinciu l I}Inrcoi mm' mnBe a claim 'hesmm ns rrnvuka In .4rticlI I I. If. 'hO otcr, sore A'uc:.I . fo i in be ivlea:az. C'ONTR.>Q'OR siull h.: allmaed nI in. in !ne l_,,nI nC'. PIICe Grim Cllr iur !ll' III Conn, CI Vise$ Ina Niirannc(I. u• both, directly anrihumMn m :atch IJc'UC CLND66. ( _7 .. ;:r. uron:'-_ n,ur nr<xnleano�:':rnsr:cxw E 0 H 0 "0 t�' Vw 4f, fR �p I'_1 II H R I I �[t r 'I tmawanty, wri... cisas:nion. uvspcaion. realm,. mpiers-ment tarn, rd:onstruetiun: , ui. if the 'it'. art .We to ogee as to the wroum e, c,toot tho ct!f. CONTRACTOR mav: make n countiherefrr m I ii in Art¢ia I:I.ard IL 0117VFR.IIa)Star me ID'nrk. lion If In-, Work is nl cdtti or CO\ RALT'OR fair to s.,n suttreimaL,11W ark..; vmtw ntrrer. wuinin cralabs, tar tot min a I cru m In-- Wmt: tnwrh n ,stay arm tine wmpide: Work will mnf.,w the Corset Dwvmencn OWN Pk may aria (:ON' YROC'OR to :xop the Wert- or anv mnmmtht n4 Inn If ate wuae fir'such tnrle mi. I. Jimtmreu: however. this r. , ofOWNER to xmSrjtc ltind:simll twit awe riu.to nth 3tm' on nor inn df Ui NER. to e . this right Ion the hen.ut of M;NiRACPOR ,.vw otrcryoro[hcrinrtr_ Gn tot mFinamW n%D l con. Pv-r- prammly, as t joho d error � or :ill :ie)ieutr 1if in, nittttrr..,r not iMnmleat rrtxallai m mmp'Ided, or. if the Were has heel rcicacd in' HNiiI NFiFiR, rcmoc'c it ixmn the mar and repbee, It with Work tom is not ufm,, tiull mat II .:;aims, tarts lanes anti rFnmag" .mud ho oe r,.Iuoq from such mraction a rem, al (el,dhtr not no, hat rai tv all cans of reptur rr fenuteato tv of vok it "then t). 13.t_. Cmnonen 11,nriod' 1 SAC.I. If within .me-pdrr, tuo_mrs afmr the cane. of Suimnntml Compiadnn tr vcn fanjet pntd of tame a may h,• Imr.:riiKrl M- Laws:m Rea=uons or In' the town., of am aThedble T.1.1 autmn¢c rcyuircd In' the Conine: r'.mlments a'M' aT' soeeilie nml•IAwt of the Cortriot fincvm tat Ior, Il'erk -a (Dune to : a.j rn '.GNMLAC 0R'etail pnmah without ewr in OW V E :rod in mmrrinnw •.vnh GW' EW., wnnan irstrxaiura, if, wrrW, watt a¢f eavv V;ark. e, if it now teen.ryu2d by pF' IEi. Imvove it from the vre and repine, it anh Wrrk and v not :kfrmr. and iii) sturhteorit ant. rcmp canci t, u m ;;.moue in 1,11wr W ai tar tfw wa$z .1 rttea rcwl rrd Ihaehrmt. L CONTT,IC-, per.pil, wmpn: with dtr. loran, ul s.eh Imriltetia6 or :n :m emera_or , when tciar +vailc mtac raiws risk of I. a, tiara... 04i IFR min' ).we the Gala i o W vl eorreeted er Ih retecad Wod runt t I :ind repined and rill ciaim wad loses amJ wmmx., ...o r or ao.fivat 5. �cn remrnal ant, rem.w. v (meiudint, nth 'tot lotted it, ail aeeaa of ,emir a ngrin.:unenl of nark of andd) will he Iaurl by COISfRACTO&. I I In :tree;.] uwamx^n,,.= caner, .r nnniwlm item of wutpmm . placed in nman,ei a .x:rvicc btfore SuFaamnd �_unanluoo of all lire Wom an, S$R{alar'rrmwd tar drat Item II m 9ar1 w run :tam nn cariie date if •o ow iwd to the Speeitietaium tar Ip' Whcrc ti ieemr Wore inns aD. in atner MJCh r:E; IF]4tL XIMMOt41111�non EJrtuit urfSSl'01; FORT MW NS bnAll III; ON:: n(E^,b]rxnl Work rrnthing oterctrnmi no Inen trnteeeeL rew,weu m rrniarciunder tills pam neet 19.1'. dine emre lha parsed a c�rn iw.•nmdcrwith Tweet ;o SUC11VbrL will te,[ for.an azldirirvrxl petit d of an•-Vmu ❑,,, -� vita :ash ctmccumt tr notowed anj renncemmr.mstterr:ansmannl}� cmnpittW. :lay.,mm�cc nlDefecrtta Itirk: ' = If maeau J,eeturveyu teot tan :removal. mod nomaament et ueieetw, Rant OVOZ-R int.l aim n+ M,GA,-R', rcwnmcnantim ,, two! Tayment. alw HMANEER) prefers m nccem is (avNER map in w. C_STRACFO'R shall pit)' nilmaims coax loss,, and :iamvcm anriwmme ro O%V\ ER's erdluatim of and duamrtanon W acatnttu,it:ferernre Wrn wen onan, to be nD.,ed In ENGINEER u, if arty such atxemmtac omtna prim to i?NGIN:MHR, woorammnallon affi.i Izyracnt. o Clain, Order »ii! is tsmrd memfwmung the note ,rry re, islona in Iha Coramet DocoweaG with respect'to the W.xk: no (-)WNER :.roll n, muted m an nppmprime deem. in the Corm:te. Price, andif the Iaraa :aw amble long. . In the mnrnrrn rhdem: (",WN.J they make. dnim itwowr as aneecu to Amcic 11, If the :meermtncc accmvafar auto rsnmm •. ation mtamm{xiau :roan will he paid he l EiNi R> TOR in v)WN* R. OwA£R afar GnreaD far •c li'nra. 6.1-1 If [ON'TRiCCOR. thun within a ren.oe tame micr+mhcn nude in, f"Niti INE81Y. 1d cmrm ugwwc Work ev .remove aril malace m t d kk e,!, to,mvuued In ENGINFER to aczavance.Mdt :ar moil 13] 1.:tr if CONTRACTOR Fails to perw ito h-, tA'Irk in =,rranoae .,in Iha' Contra. D.ourrenut..., if COI,7R V.'i OR [.if, to mmnly LL. anv ittu+ prrnrnivim of it. Ctnmmt DavmaRs Cl" T!R nmv. afa wen ch, w luen nonce u ( 1 Rt \(TO c mnmt ..d ar, n ruins + n -x.sctmtb Ill rims :tad rood .doll: tints ptry.eph OR:RiA tall pro«ed _ wlitwtwh. In rormeeucm with sue'n eome,ti, :mu remedial action. Cftk7, ,( now e,,eawo CO.VrM%C-T0R tiom all nr par. of the ate, talc t woeoion of nil .r tan nl' arc R4xk. anJ start.] RA(70RI a.niee: rchtleai thwdo. ;ace pna,¢ o of CON RKTOM to It 'ippliiioee: eurtatrunwo Notes n, ard.maehiuen. of the .x¢ anti Incamornlc to the Work all wrimau will euuinment ,00w w the site or for +. hich OWNER ha inid (-J\7rRAC7OI but tun ml .tie u)red eltonmere. COi+fLRACTOR =11 if OµmrM CkWilRo .a,o,aauty it ent, oval emote, cd: CANER' tthr ennmtmcia and E WN ER at.! ?I( I*iF.CR'a ConaLdeerim ti"eaa to in, W to CrlaUle Otty VER l0 . des. the nenu nnl rcmeJia urtuer In, laantm:tph All iuurs tin_ .mta ear..'retared .rw O0.'tvt R in i rc :i. acn nLnt tml m ill a cmrue l ittwvvt (::,NTf AC I OL aria (Jreaa O rk rill or ."oil maniAvuunc an, nrxavm tat the C..: Docwenu, with rwrett to line fork: and Ol4\cR ,full Ix emided to tan apptvnriate Jeamsc in the on, =er nt fta and, OlVi panrns:arc tmcitic m ag m as er arc .mutant .taco(. OW1N Sawn c make n aiamt liner.e r. prrn�tdm to Attlee I I .�]tcn cintmt taut Irmo ana I .Lunn, %will neWde au not be iimuol to .11 .tans of rtpvh or hp... of +vork of omaa dearmrod or domaevd hp oorrcctitm rcmovaf w .1inwmcm or CON'CiL\CTOR'.v a whhw W.m CONMACTOR :.11 not ue: ullowvi . _a. -noon of Line (-".a 'rime or Nileawtesi'i>eenuu of he delac m re forrire of the l4"wkmuibumme 4+ deceercix'm• OATIut, uCJIFNRR's nzitu:ub rrmedia hercurair. ARTTCLE I1 PA11fLti CSTOCONTRACTOR:\ND COMPLETION - .Sd�edu!<n(t:doer 14. The sehcaulc of •"i.. artaooheo an r ovnied in ptruun noh will svr:c::s tle on. for:,resat. luv':nenu who will re ireorinnncd into a form of 1, piiernan for Rnmtent hccitablc to ENC?NfEE". Propcss pavmanu m nccnimr of Unit d-..'Wok •.vol im boredm me numhx oc hnin,.ngdetea AfTne,nonn im f'rnrrrss pervnnenr 14_- At Ima nvertr. Ens owa the one cmrndimed fa u en rrum. tstvmc¢. cnt nm mo,e nrzen tMn a ln� u month), P„ONi24C—:0R sh.li homit :o HNCR cam• 2 Re, mnew an drn>liwdon to I'n•mnr lillcd out ondmmud la' COWR:1CfOR mrerim; me tvelr.- ceanpletcd as of the dam of :he ipph=nw; inn armmrmmed inwen vumwtinc dccumematioo its is-reunvcd m• tho CnnIIOCI Ixuurl.rar If i.yment u rulu.-wed on the limas of matnmir nrld equipirt of of iR'w{mra4v in ux WoOK inn ,not.... and vrtabiv nand m the one of L another I.00,l'.'W.e to in mrinl'• oc 'nnicunm lie R oYihm tt ,moil in. be ;..horn ed lry n'oul of sai, imoiee n orhu de armmmtial wnmmim Ihl OTi'VER an rctmived me matermiv ho eympm,m itec, and J= of n0 Lichn nod eridenee 0u11 he mewriak+md cynnxamtm, mvemd Lit' an0f M.te :lrtxnet} u=otnc and oil. L-.mR '.W to pram OoWOi'.: eveea ;ierem ill of woo will he .i w, 014aSc. T'nc omrnrnt of retanni with mcr to dnvnstrwrl,eni vill Ir a wrpuhnu I m the Aereemeri -lnv fu,r,�,Nan an Vuhn,id'av tie OA"\eR sMu nrn le ao ec_to ,nmmuuun he he _ O\ l(1TOR Stu::m noun o' tit+ anntrmmt. ;m pi ne .m , c u}yx tor. he u !3v c.vmt ^� me appiicltnm Cat inn " in tixm the. COhT2.�CTnl:.nnremmiv n-tide. hwri¢ti; to mite oencdit ul t oi.,lo'av nee+ Suvu �reayon,ji�nlhll;l C(h1T24L:ORY.rL'vmnn• u(Ti(Ir o :i 70A'Tl\CiJR tied of and ^_ mumee: ;hu. title to ail Wont matariak and eouiom twor bred bw anp \ppiierilat 1¢ IJ ,,to WNTER ;ncartx thon m the [4nctt w.nu. will ;v>} to O\i'�iGR. nn.4umr Chun the time of M ent rn no, no Gar of:ill .L'. Iininv n/:Ipnlicvriorrrjo, Prr.Qror Pq rsenr: la; ENU1,,TMR wilt +within tut da}a after rceuot of n. Appiiemmr. for PRI}mem timer nal. a in wr.i o reeommvutntwn of pmmrmt and tx.mrl-le :Wpii.lion In OW'NGR, o, nonm the Apoiictdan t l OO\TR C:TOR indiuhtue in writme JGP cR'n reascmc for wfusine w reumintmod .lzi,. Inthelaver=ve.CC)N7ILU'TOR may mums to necesan• :otrum""' and rovinin the Appiiu-mm. 'Ten days fl, pr aemamm of the Apiiiartiom for Paement to OANEt win ONGIN=in recontmendntion :Ie mnaunl recummnmu 'sill (eubieet to he txovuitxu, ofthe. last Sntn.of raraamn 1=.T; tecmne-clue man wirem Line will LI pua by'-WN.ER. to CO\TlAC:TOR 143, RiJGiNF}R's :euemmendmion of on, rovmal n4u stem. in an .A'deatiun for N latent will .vrtxiwte a m rnnuon M• RNGINliY.1Z w OAvV'IS32. hr. A on F'\GINF:RR's.rn.cue ,olerrotione. of the eu=a *.York un vmrimwdmud uwiiued uem, proiesieotni don RNGINIPHR'sr ,cw of no, Aral=o,on foe Cnemc i, anti dte.aav:n.nyirr:' own, and .clou;ic:. nml to tle b of ENi31YEEK's Amovalrgc<. imarmauon and 4ei'ei! 1419..I. tht Work Inns pmm- "',d ro the romt od c. md. 145.1 me ovality of the Won, ie wee Line ;n octwrda= with th.: C(mtmt Guuments form= to m,. n'n.o. of the A'oit as a runcionirg whole r un-x+w u"tri sah¢tmml C:xnpic:um. to um r ,.m of to, sv'ueyurnt i,= called for in the Cwnrmt PM wtenm m a Ctnal &nermmou m of,,o.ou.l.d .;:y5n11©IICRS IaY l.nn Pn W. l,.er lmmemih 9: ill, and to .,ny oma .maiiil.tL. nod m dencvmmwuimwn), �.und :lit um diuons oo:wedcm to CON77A,-, 70R'.v h,irm <ml i n, . ich .admen .tom. 'n 'rove !ec� fulfilled ;.".n s it n _dGL ZET's rcmtmsfbWn to Wsc •e ae Work. Hnw,th, by rccpmmuminvg anc weir {nwnmv 1:WINLpdiwill nee zhel h, bt deemed in hmv resumed Unit: (i)eduusd+�c •w cwwuuw .1fle mnc+tetho have ban mad, m :.hmz :m "mdn ,e the gwmin of the ltiark hc,nnd the rcmon iniiitic z,eeifiealhv .'w m i'NGI\ZUR in thn '.;.mmmt r.,ou or''.i lion, (Pere man hot he orta•: maners w made" between tie mma th't wcLt cntrdc '1M TRACTOR it, he maid onthuwnlly 'n, CARTER m enddde OWNU- ,, to widinodd nn�aem to c'YN I RAMDR. 146 CINCINTEER', -ecwm,mdnlion a: no, pni inclunn" final payment scull not min dun NUINEEK n rmwontihl, for CON-RAC^'OR':: mcanc menhocm Ic::ltniuucz uauclnCi s W[M,:UVIC.i of :oogr Ktion u the safety pmcmuum. and p,21% s ;ncnien: Iharetu w to, on, fl iium oC C'—NTIGACTOR tn'_wnih' with ' .vt aml (t.zuia:iexe: unpi.ne to the lumumm_ w oe,farmanw of Worm: or for any Niiur, of ('ON'Pfv\CTOR w perform a Col.. W'ok m ncconiwm with thrC.muam Ducomcnls Iw7. F'N(a NERR mi"htma:o mcm:mmdthe,-.when, ¢rind put ofee Io, o if.,n th, it Wit e: upitdmv is wnuld rc ;ncnmmt s mm, Litt rmre,enntim: :n IJCVC[ntT191o1L CG!:DInONi tltu3 q9^b![+4tim; �? ,,: am ur =car cn:.uns xnxnncmaa::uuz� ar.;xro. n E 0 LJ ii HK P 11 i,,4 H IF1 R ]II OWyER rcnaW io::n FoImgmph l4", ENGErF,1R moo Ilia, Idloen m reamlmcnd .I, wnh mavme lt.U. bteema of sdmaluendv 31srovercd el•v"Mce m the ,colts of slims<rynt m[ecti. or loss, wlldv tee wch muymcnt prevlvwry tr'ummend d to sum LFttemt..a mac w rccs•In—n ENGINEi' '., mi.. to pol OWNIW2 &ent 1. bem .: 13,7a, The. W'urA is.:frkenne, or.emnvleted 0.'vri: nax deer umnuged �ruuving tree mc:iun ur rcuiucemna. I?.7=. me Camrae:t iai'w hsu hen rulurol hy' WrItwo AmCne ll or Ono., .le )WNFR oin hsn notmeed In Lnrme. x*',o Work or eompi,n. Work n:.:mcmdantt with P.;rmh 13:14.. ur 1:1 -A -_ IANEHR dens eual Im. edge of the oceunemec .1 my of me "Cols enoml,md in caea,.r.lo,1 1 trough L_.a. incitcive O\t,+ER mar rdoll, to make laymtm-or:hc full umounl recmnmeottmi by i�N�i0JR4iR Ixennvr: 14.7:5. ciauns imvc horn made ainmola 0\i'47R on acsoum or :.JNTIm.:LTCRk NniumarocIII nnomm, o, the W.L. )4:7.6. Licre Jtave htm oiled m came;:[ion wish in, Wore. exoamt whore "ONTRAC1'OR. has dem,e,eIf n srwo lic Bond amif.." ra OW9JFR to ...re the s ume ion and Jissklnm ot'su::h Linn. )n7.'. tlum:nc lydla nans���tling Ol\N!i3.wnxa- oiCagoias[ the anent nvmm.:rulcd, w I J. (WITM, ore act.nI uxwhuuc of me ::.cuntma. ,I urn t( the nvmt enumms,d m pmpnnm l4.7.I droucn 1 %.i tt rormutphs l` _.I ;hrmyn b._a meluuva bw OW'YUC. max :uvc C.IOD'T-Ac7OR mill won.+• nal¢ iwim n xpr to-V.li\riR) ,sore the net. fn wen nenm xl m aryl, .1 rc)N7p-\, III, -.m teL a ,6thhett_ III rInV Menus) ry ther to aamu m In Ct NO, mud 1701A7R1a"'OP Ien. C0',7R\LTfOR :a-eev, to OP:rvZR`.: nittsutn Ion the rrnnrt: for suem newm' sabmandnl Cnnrpleruel. IeN %hen CONTRAC'OR wnsidas the. enom Nord: twd, III, IL owmied um (.'O`vTR",CTOR ,hull notify' CANNER :md u<Gr-1:EER to v,Tnmz, that it. enter, Way; n 'aamumd amnnrct t x I cor den vmahnilc I'mled bee ( TXACl )h , s m Mee l i amd r goes, mu ILNGI\L R sec n wnlneste ai Stlmmmlul Cumnktioo- ll,'fi n rble mole filer. OttNER- COhTRACTCRcaswlaand -ENGu,=-- vull make m, imvstion of me W ln: w ueterminc m, Aol,o of oemnlenan. If loot NI I R done not mideI me Won, mnsamlalK amtomtc 'WGINE=-, ill onif CO\TnACTOR v: "'mils giving the .'ms memos If "NGINHER 31, IJCDc'4C!.f]LLL, :'C!eUtilGNi Wile-III-1 t,Wul, w: 17.1 In: .,III COLI1[v. MOI)II'l C.i"MONS ll(L1.:1111I11 mnsiam:.it. Work wonmmnll•: complete. EIGWIUR1 wilPprcpam And difwa to Cl\'ITT( a Tentative mniueute. M. Sutmami i Cmmedm ,mom sivll &I tte :im of Y.mmntl Connininli. Thele, mull he alam.cto the Lxrtifint temutive. Imt oI ,ems to o. evemolilea III m,lifte)nmm'f If •'I'lenw OWNHR:dwllhive semen :tyvaaCta rcciot of me immto ceniheue :hnitm which to mnkc tof th eetstial to nmlehoo In m [ro am' Wondiwts of the ceniunu• a aneciaxi im. L", alter wmilkntr_I:awI v emualn ENGIDIL•r:.wlaludcs (hill the l\ fel m mt om,s after cumniae. ?,f me wo will within , III Tn NE note, alO.N*J on of me ,mauve 'wma 1E (O ()t{'. ee t}' (ANI":L\CI-t)R In'MAtmof staiN me ineenc , DNG IL adur m,-ts me W of emnal Rsni))emlwtc a4CCINIElINFHFJ� .nlszIK ll the ,Von: I'ONTe d..Tc execute vrvl .I neon to OWNER and CO ontl CfOk a s[ininvt neon. of items to M, Cummle ei ,(with ,ld, �ed nt= o z of items to 'he vanmlmcd nrcarrcmcdl rcrlcninc wcncmttrn imm the teeedur lion cater- ttSGLIts Torn OW iumiiiedslier co , ;,I d'iw m. mn abe msmrm nnm en. oF.R. Al the dime nl'.IL-liv1, tl"Fir., wnvcccrtir to of SlCtswomid C C.NTRA h R INFp'F will deliver m r,ol Jde end tS3\TkACT'OK anvmycn mcrtnmmxklurn us ro drcidlm of ropersiMiitio deeding rani Izt}mlcnt nt.. OWNER end C,T R.A /JR ,d, nemm , s neorT- or )n c luy. ma'lu.nm m., lost m 1'ta_ our ee and w-... will mammon. jrllm OW'NTZ and CO?: I'H=>CTOK'.=,I, : U, x,. in,wrnmc :md m mhmn ENGlNR'1,,R in nTtima, prior w ENGTNHER'n, irmlme me dennidve e,.iiinre of Suiaaanuel cen,"en.m, ENGLN `Rs nforstud .nnmdlu. will h- bmding cn OWNER.alld CON 1 RAO'CR =I[ m.1 paynlmL i Jo, OWNER sim] lurvt the vigtn to cxmuir CONi'RACiOR from dm W,rk aftet ux Jnm of Siftememe! Comainien. an OWNER shall all"+' CCN'rL%CTC R ,lee mao,l ,I,, to ampler, tr ocmec. Iems m the trnmllve list pemml. Cffiluruunl h.lu [ z vs OkW,JIR t i\V :n milNof am' vihqurltmllv eompiend or, In ee Alan, m.. I) ims rcmiluli been .lt rmfiell In rn :omrenl Dovum ti or p:i OW a- CrCT ,=- - Z new COITr VC -OR acme ,m ,note a ulstmtcip fumeiamon and usioie dorm of ate Work mat can be uxd a• Ut%NTR Cur ils immued P.. wimum .nglliiicam mtenarcncc with CONTKACTOR's perfulonmen of the rttnmtler of the \Yon;, mar be .smmviusd pow w :iuosnmhll Commcumv of all the Wars suh,cm ill the Inilllllm ' 14.14i-OWNER on :mv ume more reyuG C'Oh IwCTOR in ,nti, la person 01"ET, I, — .ms .cm -on of fn Work nlnn')tkn13T7R mI o to he udc for its amid arc und wtmumultlM oe'nolele, If COi TR.ti COli :,roc Uut. -t yvin of tor. LVlri: n;:womnunihcomniete.::I:RACTOR will Ixnii:• to OWIF.R oral Ei<(ifiJEER Ihsn such mn )r ho k%not: ixwhammnilt' comnhtc'md-�umx =V(IN= In ileuc e cmlficell of Suv"ll"1 (. .mien. for tint pan x the Won:. CChYT1:AC; I'C)R m am' lima mar .1w, OCv'-,aER and 'c.NGAu:r�•2.in.vnunc'tivtr R 0R:ton;idm wy ruch pat af.lhe Worn: aendp Lb, iu inte.,nd use and:tuimtunwk mmpicie moon reawst r.NGINEER':n 'sm a-carufi' tw of:Suicuntul Ccmpitiun fae ❑rat inn. of the Wan:. Wiihtn r. reamamtntt time alter enhm such reauva, OWNER. CODITPAI-TOP< and GM , =ii :nakt m :mgxit.:aa if, that pan o: the: Wad; to La,,m.. m Halos of comcietion If E.NGDtHEi8usaamt co.wei wat p,.. oNa,W,,k as be :wienanatfi,.:nmoletc='\G[h1-iiR +.ill noun, OWNER.:mi—,tTR.ACTOR In rcnung ;wing the rensno tbaafrn. If ENGINPER..,i_-s rant ran at the W1,,k 11 Am suiastminR} :Iompine doe proviiim, of pamempns I-S am Ia ..toil arow oath rem. I•aa. cclificazial. of-Sura l Camnlctior•.a into par•. of tfs Work no line cliv:von of raFatnt inuity tta'.T t ;nucofatld accrssthcrctn. Nnac.-umncy.mal "ean=uonoflnn of he Work u•ilf he uccomni.naftxior to c.nii.. with Lot min=ph S.AS in oopmr of pro c Itmtmv. gnat In,,,.tsm: =.11, Conn. ai ittm anti e min CJIiCRACTORR= the mum lbbrk or ;un lumd .MI. thercof s mmniuc, r_'`iCATL1:. .,iU make . dital inxtalon with 'ltZR. and COKfRACTOR and .vih mtun• CONI'RAQOR in vmhrt_ of all ltni.L,,.. to nnien inns antpenion ravens thin the Wlxi: Ismenmpiea m won, CON I'P.ACIOR snll immcuiutcn' elk- such m ours a c Ire .". m smple,c su. h .vork or roomy s. defita -:oats Fi W.Wp(im6.... j,Anenelm. 2,11 :Arta CON R,k_IOR has canpleted all such a-atim:s to the smsmetlon of ENGrhaxR oral. dt!iveoai m arra+l.iana• .vrth hu Qnnntct 7ceu'a NI awtmnm¢ 9aatG stiuetts or uthe: cvii:.sa:e ac a.m. ttiwcd by par �mph:.9. atnutcmra of 1115[Wna 1n, mal Y...d tne, vlanionI•nL`. (:L': jA0\ILLCd n rnts, uan. 191 .trod wac 11.1 vo , m:m mnkr. :l feocutitm y m, pavmrnt fol!nr,I Ix pta;er!re I. .1i I.[e�lxirvmrn¢ :he im' Appllclliun for Ravmem sictll-.ie vc:nm., (.:ecru :e. ioe in uthe Jciktrval) a'; !i)all ea:urocu:nit :ailed fed in the Canmm'. L7czumenau mcfodue nut mu n=rr is din (n.ma:e of f ;ne. .retuned M' .vi+tslmraaph and luicntntpl of Ile staml'. u :etc. to flrN wrmcm: vml nil camplmc and ietai!y eLGvirc miv�rc• ¢ m:ivjn o ritotaoo itin Ethfall I:nli tomatonh ea ailed m-wmacc.1 nveh-the War:. In lieu ol.:ato CAVI'R er CONTIof )R tr. ann e"I m.. by GI to null CONTIL\CI OR .moat iumisn mmin¢ or mkasc:. m full and Wlitiaci otid !'TRAC'fUR mac iu dtc de .root :md I. %e a illci. Lien !aaxL. or "le mnlrmli old rw'nefla I. •.vnildl a Lieu. cnnt i, clan tmd iui atl ractinlx eonnovl and in, tkmcnt ailL and NiiR It(MI dnev w.o,'w Il auh Ihr +.¢an;. for vvn:cn C]lYh., [ (SlVNI'il::x pmvprnv mienrut m..vay iz rauaavibit Ivvc brio paid a mhenmu :armed. loam 5ui:comrac:w .0 Surmiier fain, :XU(: nip't]S.W WNlNi1CK lYln.%119"n LNlmt c'^.. P'. nt:'r'011' (VhLLNS htOD119<Li110R5Uttl'J.I to urrl:Lsh welt oelc.r. ar raeip, in !fill. C.:aTRACTOR an, �ium!m a Olmd.o, utner mlLneral :atmezt.n_' to C NWER w indemnil" 04;^JER : m.: L amLian. 3elauarr vmic;:rs of lieac andlnc <mncnr o! the write la fmaiim re n:em am o Sr :um uul on forms crntfnrn+me ua Ihcinnnarpr :nel1U'•$R,C mndnm k•-'m_ix.nt m Ip.,Pnnea mmpxi, FmN Parmertr wr(Acctyrarcc 1=_9_ V. an.11. last% of +itw+rret[on. of the 'l'6'1: dan-i , GIILtILR10n and :Imtl ;r6 cana. am F,NGINKER'srevim of the firm;\noiwi itm !tat!a.,t :md ncoatmanvi. woo mcnu:tinn as required !n the r:atmaet !Y.¢mntnrs iLd6hdEHR Is mnmitd :hot the 14ri: itvr been mmrdemd wu.•:=JNTRdCTUK:a are, nnhgatitms under ft. Contra. Dacvmema Suve 'ccvm m ffilea..;gNci1N RV vill- wihnn.tcn. ch'sahcr moclrm.1 he mil .9Rpl.tio. fca'Pavmcrt inw ulr in w.um PNOINRF.,� raonnientiation of ry}mcnt ami prat the:%Wiiartien. to' OWNER tar teoment. :V in, mine rla, FHNGI p'hRnvill alw eve wnnen :+.tine to Ol J!VEK .and CON-,:FA(:I'()R. dn. ur: AVM a.av^nahic wmct to the provt- m mp paraeh li...1: Oin"'se, FNIIiNE'ER will mum the Anplicno. to CO\7.RACi.OR. indictor:¢ in u'.itim the rcato., nix -cfnnm to rccommau final mvmeli. in vvhic: cnsr "^T'I'2.�OR::i:a7l make :hc ncmmrv' cam<uulr. oral resaberudnn Anpiieatiat Thute dayc ohs prexnnnorrto MVNER .1 the Arnaii.tiao and senxnn:myiog h eomtmon. In noVAYnoa¢ ;oon oral ==nas Arad ,in mmmmn%i'mo :me nano or awptnbiirp. the a r.M o,.ran' .Cd ix' EVGR4'_R It become me and ail; he "to he i)l\^3EK m CONTRACTOR :tunicc: an larasnai• g• _ at Inuw Jen-nl �.anditiym. le 1a. IL thruueh . fmli of CON-2A+:TOR anal ran+plew,n of Ihr War, Ia stmtimm, deiavea nmi if Gc C INEER ao ectmi m OR�NFR coal! upon rea ati of CChRi�YTpli! (rani npp6ntlon fa- : vvmmt mN to 4\6ie' umiw of -'G➢eL anti rviano' "e aowlina the : ItelaStnL; it naaf+)'Ina'apa: the. root uu dolt fOI oath Ixam+ur ni I. 4inrk. iI.v eid tat() and z I& "¢ . If the wil'. iml ameancc to h•-hud m' OWNu'i ix t4'od:: mx full?' le,, I tla a carmted Is 4-_ von the rc:atstee m -.tale i the i . parett. nmi it ittvldn hate been .fOh, 1:) I1. lreti n yne._fn c.!. the. +tT in, LWXm m the of In In Lb,.nifiv ,I he bounce ulx .Au that ,moat of talc Wlui' R a sa'R to amf acceo =ill fm rulnniv i he'C:i Hi2ACf C:R ;n ?1G .'.=+vita the inadr moan C¢ :ui ct.m<nv Such au o,, siu!f l i matlC IRW[: NC aRmS and 3n[11I nest t,Ya v.. blWl ..rent ;:'s<p.'timt it zball tttx wmutotr. a aaiv<r of ua:mc IG.i":NCainrc: !q:15. 'flu mukulp and :.Icccuwncr of tool pa5mm: +vill v-cnvimtc: N.I'. La .van or ni all dnmtx itt' (M-NF.h` .coin -Ol"rRACTOR '—'¢ claims anti_• titan trtneuen'. f.iIm umn l4:. appe. ratio LJ e P L' .a P E M hr !'� !I.] isSan purswm w nem�I:oh In_II. from flluur<.tn s.Do, :vitll..11l<-c-noHC_ D<cummis •(l.: d' tUmS 01 an fpeCiai nYamnte3 ::ossiiisd. llltton ar fame C07R0CTOti amtnwim abitanumsunder the CaI Dawmems, and 1-:I>:_.A waiver of all daunt, bt' CONTRATOR anmrat OXWER caner: tkian mose toeviousiv mule in unurs and still utantled ARTICLE 1, SUSPEIISION OF WORK A:N'D 'cERnvnsnorc O I I SYI!1 t :I J a r 5ugxu d t � o rk.' 1SA At net' time cad withmt u.. OWNER may sngtrn tthe \Vailty a ,,.p b, Ihndaperirm not mutt Qum ninety ufi o nwatc m u-i n's to an w winch watch uill It. arc d:ttif rs ummn Wes oval lx -cos so. C:l\. N k (smll i annl the 1Varl:.tm vusnntlm field .:,8 ikac, ar R skdl Its allot m. adirvmnml in ml'Cnmrtc 9!rm nr an humn u1 lie Cannon is n ur ntnh ,ii-l0R inak.man i am.' such un inerm if -^+.. dCi UR makes n 1-'. chiun ihuefix as pmviiicd in :'nun 'I :ud !:. 0111NE2 IJ." r" nfnme' 1:.7. Upan-du occvrraa¢ a(' arm at, s Ina¢ of Ins fnllo..ag'Inns: if. Work, ti �'ONTird' OR n ft Cnh' fails Io p-.tunn ;Ise ttdv ' iIIm'ws done;: wNr ilo , I"-'onns. 11�ammlr that ... but nrn lumtzm In. inibm to sttppiyvuffiuenl fio.ne ailh: 'mole gm, aL lc=bls Ir r7 t n to mfltph ,W A pdmslcd -ro. o wblisim, ones p:trlenonso ns auiumld 'ram tim< to ume ourstwuuLparua:oh dhj: 1`21 if CON .RA(:TOR dsssgram, Lanni nr Ca.Eul f vl'cti mI fuL' aiv 1= Is<ut�jun:iliato¢ I a._ •, _if(7 \iRAGOR. asaamuds urc nutiuvity of 29,O NTP.t ar 1 - it CONTRACTOR atha-w,sa rsoatas n, I'm• sunumttxl uay n,- pn"unans of the Conuur. Lasonwna. OWN'6R mxs. adm pi. CO.=P <TOR (mad dw Salslm if an)') :Lich d:n•{ :vnllen mace and fLL 11¢ asmio ocrmttted by !.a. and i<cuimiom t.-wsuue mr am'i. of CONiBAC1'Oft ceciute CUNT R,k(: OR fnml Ncsnr aml tuie pasvrssion of = Wan. and of all CON�I'ICACIOR•o lads uaptia:rcla sostrucum aluimnmt .ad .,wass ' as (i. an, 'd nd use aw ::Blue to dt< full cwntlttw, cauld Its used 'm' "'ONTRACTOR (wnlraut hnoilit}' to ( I I 'CM 'ar tr s[n" ar .ww<•stan .,noa. JI dsc Work eL Inaterixu a u soutpmem. 0nt she II, o. wrxkcn )WNhR'tnsi to 'A' to (,ill'.OI'ri)MT WLLIh1•'ktl)a 14l CATION �II(EC.1RIxxtt J;`TRtlC7OR tun which arc .stnrcd <axs ncm, and unisn'li, Work as Ov'N[R Inw'. tivn clK ucra. In vrc, sass CO%7R-ACTOR :, al! tmI Is, I unasiito rcreirc. an, furibar Meta nv omii or Wtrkis linisiu.d Llaw avnrnid asionss tl ife Claeau lkio, Issas' j uxv. ante loaes.•rmi aamauev asamrlal M• O4SNRt nnsinn our of ar msuius Gom saaminine titr"Nrsss such nv:.r_a :will oc. µaid to CONTR. (71 OR it such clninr:..:o•,u laI aM dur.. csaxd suta unions! 'iris a,. CO!,7-R ACT'OR swill pa)' utc to OWNlik "mh siauns.. ants. ,.sacs and dansgxs meurred by OW NER •'ill his oa mved In E*tOINIHMN as ui their rcsunramcss :uti whin o nppawed by E:NGIN7EERmcawo m st ,, a Chnrsus Ormr_ Ia'nd that whcn''sszoisirn utn• rivets a aaac. Imler. finis ISuaeman OWNER skull . x :esoirss In .'s this loner, rinu for.ure Won, xtiarn i Li}. When CONTRACTOR',:rn Tees have mean sn uswitvl<d I7. 0W'N[:P—sn, tamtnau. wl net atri,,i agmt ar rcmafic of OkINEk ...It C0N'CP_4CT0R U. mimic or uxwch met nssa4cr ac:.'rle Ana r<ti can ar Fin mrm a] mm)fs no,, CMIT MOR ny OWNER will not -6. from dirt' iin'_ !iron wn•rn d.& rmusn nulls to 4 Jti1'RAC7Ok sad liNCHNEFIL OW'VFIt met'. wiuwtu ..w.<c' rid wilhoul prsiudis titans rnns . igin:)r nanost of Ot 'ER eieu o ccnvwte Ilrc valrntem. in sutit .x CONTIiT(TOk .hull he paid Iwtmuta am11csoon. any Ittm5r I 4.I. fir camolacd and:ux:euable W'ark c.,.tcd in scntrdanee with the Corltmau Jnmrmvm tutor In de chums d¢ at mmmasom tnclamim. far and ruwrublc sums far waiocad aril ,rout m srsm AWrt far •.•.pens' atilu:d jsiwr'1. th Ifac•ive da¢ ot t nnimsma m rerfmntrs Iua and fun' Iu) Rom mntrnats ,, eowronem as rcyuiI. In,, dK Ltrm(aC D.anoNS In 11r1rICsuan "im uncompined W"arl:, pn,,ot am r...k sum,. f0r nvahand mW prolh �m such cxp:me:; I � = a for I'll sl..& caw I.; arti daman<c mwaw in rnd<mtsu of uamnowd svtvnm ,von Sunconlmcam. Suppiiumarxf Inhas,. and 114 s, fir r<aso abie <:.petses oirx.P amiimmoir uucrminal C UINTId.aCi'OR sivtll not br it on acatum of Ins of anucipated pofus ar rcvemc. ,y cater :'artwnic hies} nrIsuit,..... al I,, ICL111= VOm:anal isrmmnlmR r'O,N'7T,ICTOR.tIm,Sim kink.' V snunc: IS._. If timm¢h.' uu n ..It of+:Jlvi'P-%0'OR the Won: is susnlnuea fot s period oLmsuc than nimn' I.. In, OWNER rn under nn 'Td. of sun w ,Lhc ,none .".rf)onn a, I Nt INHr k fl.f, to as an sl^, Arpdarocn .at Pavm n wAisin Baru .11 aftc it s uolnittd ¢ OW'Ni k fn k for mini tuns m tom' (::I\ R ACTOR atn' wm futnll, de,,nniAd ,, h.:.d W. thm CQNTRACTOR may. anon seven in,' wntw.:mu. uI OW-IfER and and on,,l ed Ol IZ: x ENG N= do nu remedy wen suglertsim or fniiuru %minin tktt ume, urmiruw the awecnum and rccovtr fmm ORNM :ream m±.m theaamc turns:sa prnviceri m :nngni !_.4 in lieu oC:crmnnnlirv: 'h: ;•aeemer., and •,rithrw meiuuiuc lU nnc "the "Unt an min'on', a-ENCCNEd Io. bl ied In .1 it I, sMnlntc,L v C\liJ'EK I.'IaucJ. fur Ihnv do s s p:, COKa R-ACLOR :min smlI fintile cictrnnlncd In h due. 'J?fiR.-1CTOR mav ilv.^,opium notice lu 01VNER aul'EitiESIiJF_.l` lion in, 1Vcrk umil pi l c( ail wit aln.0 due <OE7RACTCR nap LbL imcrcv M. '!'he Inl,,I ns w Ihis mmgmpn 15 m hat Intl to mu:udI CONTRAC.70R tmm mnklnc c!vm Ill 111 =d 1 CTu un'inac.Iz: in.;::onuau ?ace nr C:cnvac: 'f!i- nr rnn.rwisc !n: c$ncnvZ 11M1macc dirmtil^utuib=bI,, to CON I'ItACI:OR':vs=vii , V ak lu pi,nn'. hp mks mi ... _ :1KTICI.F. IC-11SPUTER SOM CIOR If and In ehc :'= IK t (ANIN" and C a i R4CTOR !vn'c :cmcJ on I. mIIIrd. ImdprMcdurc fur rtR>ill= dimotcx 'b,,IW en than that nt.. arise under Ihis Aciee.'ner¢ inch disptae.=I1.6m Ii :thud and preorf, are, if :me. skll! 's nc w. forth in EmlhitGC-4 'Don= i,.,miam .4arc<mrnC„o he as 'ncd hcrem and :nauc a Gm !uxeoC. f no suuh :nlucmlent on the mu1 ethod W tamxa::rc fer •remlelrc inch disruus ha. hoon rueic :Inc nuop:r.:n .hc Iravcsalm at: mlatlapi:s:' ill. 9.:1 :nld 9,1:, O`lk NT.R. and CONTRACTOR. mar cYca:sc^ such ngtnl: s remcdia :n ,ime.mac llunlr.'I have luck tho Conrt:lct ioalmrno.nr vF Laws. or nepllilim In re . ol':mv 4tiSnutu .UMCLL 17-MISCELL OTOCS 17J. R?len;•ver anv provision of !hr. C:minct DMummu-evuvcl :hc Zvi. of wrtwn hobo. it ,.ill fx dlzmed to :nnc bern vu"udlp 1lvei it dcifvcreJ m xram to the in<ikiduxl or to'a memivx of me ium. Ir loan olbm of Me 11N, InitlUlil6 wn. it 1:: MinLicV. or If IIChI'wtSl II! to ernt rn'Iec ".1 <r ccniilrA moil: 1*mmc" p n naid. to inc !Last busman adw= known l0 6rc tm n of titrnoticc, I--'. Cnnmurmlorn Jf Ti nC; 1 -'_' 1Fnec= period of u., is z:W rw to in In, I:...: C.I,nu no w" It "III IF 0.11n WtCd fill Caclme in. lieu anti ilAiulu, th !IIW in' Lai such ,non If ale 'us.um"of.:mv surd ocriud tills on a Still' er Sunnr , m It .im.• nalun, i.ml hniiaav o': the im, of ute noniknbic im isuininn sw:b.dac v'ill ix omnmd frmn'the cunpmnuan. 4 aninlrtouLyaf nnu lour harts IVJLI I 1Cmm miunnht'.w ur, rcn mimti:nr will armitwe a ilac Nnaee 17�. Should CANER or CChrrlCV""CR,wffu t>_w , sun." in X.. ,, tacoens' bi.. of nm' I•nar. unit." s-Il of Into otheI It, W of uW o:' U. othc: mnl's.c:np,,,e- , aurnu u other -.for whose I. th 'im,rpam " Ic,_wily aiabie. clrint Will'6c mnJe in wnlirl_ m. Ulc nrher mne W thin a rnsorinhle lime of 'se Ill vimrvurlc of s.. irliun-:a dunn . TM-prucis. III Ihrs pnnar¢pn 17_":.ila1l in. x oo, s ec as n wivmmte for w n rvnecr oI dhlof In, ¢pniiecMc miuuc Of InniW tine; ar:ntom.Cunnvianrc Rmreaia- 17.d. Ti. Jwia 'md obht.ttYols nnocaeJ Ln' thac Gmsml Coniiilinrtc and fine acne rano.isaaaiiaai< hureurmc to the lama .harm aryl in pmictim nut wnhw !innmion, the aantmmic, mnnnmcs and abliliMiams imIXI'd upon COAICIiAGTOR. Iry mngmpirh 1 _. G 14'5.dn, 6:'11, 631 13.1, i."A- and 1 _,::Ind ill of the non% Ind.remaviesnv:viahk w 011-N-ER and :'sWt7t TFFR i wnonndrt', arc in I Ithn. m.'ni Inn, mrm In., dumped in anC wain a:: i limlrztion of. any rlehas mini rmmdi. aaiianre m um' or all of tMm which aro ollrenvim irno d a nvnJ1111, in' ? ,fill a Ncuciatilxls in sna-:ul Wmrnml 111 uuu:vltcc or n' M, pr.'+vipen; of thiCanune n'tiumm. ani int, prm,ivnti, ar thin ntnernpn avUl n, as a!&rnvc :V, it ,,iinI cnik in I i. Cw:Inii nn wncnls urcurv:caionmrth Leh 1zlnicula nun', aMig¢rinn. right aro remedy ;o :•mien the" appiy. Pmf ivwl-i'in and(.vu C/an')netudrd 175 Rhenevv retcmooc " made. III "=ims, cos., I, _..�urvl x'nnig" :1 irmll !Irchui¢ m cn Lau bur aw IF itmllG i.. uR w WSJ e141riz. ,f1 CnnIMCF...'arcnuoe atlorrn and wnc :rofeannmai 'an, all u-Iw x In,al:vlon cr orlra awwe r.+wlin""i nsm. id,@.....,. nc hnvs Jf-ItW_Smt hphm.i onI n ihls ayrzccll W ._ weie•ue,1(_I� . !!Cal fI ,AUIUmUt� 5U'llntC I R : Cnonui9_jtc'� $unlucs„ (f'RS, ..I j-lulj IC1 LLIR' 1141D Cdln['ndL+ InMu be W9ukNnt Ul M(1(Hm in, i alrlU Inf_yYt<n Ilnl Imo: IILrn .SII 11ci='T of Im n .he zv_,enm .miles l unm r,I siwll i mini I'll, 1 t'mIr "mnio�x I [ .UIIYUt . I'll, '"m `VIA _:I W I(IC�C11tIClII !Imo nnc Ul_ UIalit :ll IM if v gv'vrn,,.l l : lf' .I %L WL"Zlnll[{. t rt.(1 chin-. szd. use. reunion , r,x, '"ti = IC' Linn, v lii L (M NER is <wnuW b I:}u',. CI'S 396-107) a wnllnoul (rani II pnvmggx ip I.Its c_nnulc 4o ,amen Lai all ,Dims lir Innni mmrna k. tmm :arc. ulstrnana_. gmmx'iii irzoycnuee a: uthq_:,uveiiea used r consumed N.' i wcw! IdACI'C& ns ucucu.rJz,w cwmina<n am x u:m' [dluvl 37 :inc. �ar =on; cnum�nlouwranozslnitc;rum LJ v r� N�i M fli D F R U=�JX (`M4 XINUON� I' I I. "I 1�1 �, 34 ."71 Olo1 MI "MUNI H H H � 3 UUDo;LXUL� �NDMO.N M I llc(IWiEdlwt) iw= of I oltrC,jut.m m0owlo-m0m,;1RlS preparation without causing unnecessary damage to the concrete surface 2 Equipment shall vacuum up, or otherwise retain all dirt, dust, and debris from the blasting operation 3 Equipment used during floor slab preparation cleaning shall not exceed the weight limitation of 30 PSF 4 Areas inaccessible to shotblaster (i e vertical surfaces, against walls, columns, stairways, etc ) are to be abrasive blasted to the same performance 5 Shotblasted surface must be clean with a profile in which a Q minimum 1/16 inch of the existing concrete surface is removed Fine aggregates must be exposed, however, coarse aggregate must not be exposed All laitance must be removed Surface profile to match ICRI CSP5 in accordance with ICRI Guideline No 03732, Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays 6 Remove debris immediately after the surface preparation Debris includes, but is not limited to, shot, aggregate and dust Debris shall be placed in a covered dumpster or a covered area where it will not be rebroadcast by wind or weather 7 Water Blasting Requirements (Alternate) a Pressure and flow rate 18,000 psi at minimum 20 gpm b Nozzle Orifice no less than 0 047 inches producing fan no more than total of 30 degrees c Procedure 1) Nozzle shall be held within 12 inches of surface 2) Angle of gun from vertical shall not exceed 50 degrees 3) Speed of nozzle shall not exceed two feet per second 4) Surfaces shall be passed over two times (50 percent overlap) 5) Remove all loosened dirt and standing water from cleaned surfaces D Rout and seal cracks greater than 1 /32 inch (32 mils) or as required by the Manufacturer Cracks, coves, terminations and all unusual situations shall be detailed per the Manufacturer's recommendations E The Installer shall be responsible for repair or replacement of all materials damaged by surface preparation operations Ci E 0 2 0 I E Cnnumo .j1j rx- GLINtR�,l, .s I I. x,Iy.,E.., x::CMQFFf)RT"LUNN M NI1'ICLTION41REV Inil— F L EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Berween OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUM RESOLUMON AGREEMONT OW,TR :,w CON'R,%C GR ham :IL^IX allot Anicic to of LiV G..i >uniilions of 'nr:dgnsmcion C,,a .'- II voVI Mk N'ER and MNTRAME m atama,d lo. utLlutk the followirc a aremlmr of the panic: I6.1. All .:dims aistrta Inc.other canvas m uecuion 6cnvav OW.MiR and CONYR4GICOR arrirc .w: Il . rnamn, I, tie Contmc iJ .xms +r the'cacn lhmeac "i.I t lI,. daams wmi h have. hecn.wurved. In' the mnc:rc_ or ncceexnnec. in imal par'mern as nmvided ir•' pangmMl 14-1�i will x dec=d nv ormtratun In nrsrlmc wide IV r:.m.==In lr , Amimatlan Ruda of the A.On Ion-Amin,onm ;.mciatian Than . wusnnut sutijm to 9u !imrmtiartv uP Jrr.4rttci: 16. ihio :,1.Ti , 1n I-onaw am ]n\dK' :tC .,na S camnvr to amilrate emend into m acmrAance.IxrewnM1 r pnnind J m inns 4nmie to ,,It he m ficait. mla'ccnblc row+- IV prcc:uiim: 'uw. of any xvt Irving:iIn is toton n._ do dcmnnd fm nft'ra an M M. dramai n= a alu:r mm¢r tar: is required In Ira refered In ?;GEMER wtiilly for dcueon It :readmec wah Ixlmgnlnh 9,11 will I V mrnlc umil.:he cadicr <d' fan the tint' tm w'oloh ENGINHnR has rcra., d :. written Jeeision +u fbl' the Ihinx :inn -Lb% afar IV =ill iavo. arm-med tti.r cvid. to ENGE'TtR. if n wrinu:+ieeelsr.hss na iron Icnsiacd he tiNUhiF.F,k leiorc ;I., L o No demand Iilr :unilrntwn of :nv w.I cLlmt, duou. a whc non will u' mars lava tarn Jum aays liner ;no mate. on "n II .NGWEER hw rn i:.c a \vriuen dsslnn in rcenea thereof nr accordnrtm wid\ Izlmmann I.If: -Ina ee III.,, .o danand arbiratinn wiritm said ddnv it.,., *". will Iesun m L1GC7:7R's kc:tim 'xmt luuai and bini u +uxm OWNELR ain GJh I'IiACi OR If LDIGRIUs[2 :cade:s'a d:csial ate anninalien hive iven :muated wen'a c von III, oc.clmr d vs n':ascc'hut +rill wP:Iurelsc¢IL Inc arbruariun prwu:din•_: c<ma w'herc the decision (IT nR2nn'rfOto:Innaeccmroern1l. INodemand miarmimt oof am� xaitVo tts dtidm of 13�i;A:icR raairnd in dw,!v Aar ir,?.n:vakim lb will lie made law, than cancia\^:one: Inc p wou.Iirs :arch aienlcndhns siircrai wnnen mail: of intention In appcti as pmvidcd :n ISIr.I_ �m 9.IU 163 Naicc. of Jn...Id fcr .vniamus .till Ix hire: in'w'rtim •.viol lit_. other =no I. use nlccmenf and \vlth Lae :won. Aronmuar.. Aascrlau.r, one a wax rill 'm Luau io EdGLiEcR Car Inlmmatio t 'Phe tlmmml a ainitrmto" wit!'bc muck w:Jtm um rlunt.iar nr to ' pcnoo Vcition m nargvann Id 2 xa."Pticatii-and in III Ion, ..-.;. lhllar rso:wn.nI, tame avwrih, ci'aaa. diaNlS a other Cant .m gnation nx: an,Vn. and io nn evm mall Ica\"wul uornnml ix mad:: aIt<. rhv call \:non imtiloo. of �i'nrl llr enLLl mvia prO1.CV I. bi d on SLLpI eIOUT. USfane nr Iola meter In au+stioa unakd Ix named at, Inc :moiiahtc sumac of limimums 1`711 GINC111"lotncW' Plan_\(IYID C¢uan n'I QT1'OF YOa'FCOLI.INJ mobwcd'rlms'km- 9Iv91 16A 2"ITt u'lmovidcd Gt nxaelaph !G3 hdow, no xI ..loon aotnM nut of a':eimne w du. Cumrne, Dccrmlmu sirll .6... ix s 6141 ilm iturvkr or in am' tan, manna nM' other mrson or cnlip Iinctator_ ervGL\EEL LNGI iEER's Coi.amnt. and 've offi., cutlnnrs. :revs. Iva i !,es or-cmvimnm m aa%r or:hem- i woo Isnot a Irm'm that amumc: unica: - lo=a. IiI, ncitrsiun IPsucn inner pmstn ar cat}' is msar: if anngiac owl w to m aRcroal xmmx IhtkC iv n(1 aro :I ,.rr' it, uI, wri a um Into in; _. wch ax msrm ar entm' is aruvammll•- avoivat in a. aucriu. of haw ur. flan which iscanrtlon to ll M vhn are alrecav P.M. to the aminntimt and ,,It. wIl :mso at =h nranxdine, ow 'm..3. Inc mun e..nt of the other IV rx anua' .= to ix .n i d il and of OWNER 'aw hcao na wd for arras ixluslxl. :vnlot',omen[ vmu Mulct imciuc rcfaetra to :his mmg^.apw Ira m+'mch anon[ shall. canon, a .a to anivIn.-.a an, :umu¢ Inn.mooricrily t-,ni" na act zans'.rr ,a- m immntan. wan am• flan'-nct smciticdlc IJcnnflcd.in wen conxr.. Ie.>. LJnm-reaandirlg mmgmph Ina, it a loam. .ruspute or'Aber :nvtte' II uuessiva hctw'an CAVINER and c3N7RIt: OR nvolvcs thr. Wok n: a Subcommotar. --Naar OWNER a CU- IRAM OR n:av join am iuircCONT .r a:: annn_r :o :iw a}i+IPannll nmsem i k .11 Ind PYJN �LilA It'47R .atM uler. J bV ladACSOR 11 a aVcna In ail albnvarItm IVuval by pcoor C. rdJl o ssota, n'd Ill wnorebe dm Suhcaly O eNMR 6 Ixme lamed m sn a:hnrmion Ie 1m Ol1TT;R and 3iaV uazct.nii Inn m tic to ph 1 n met, Sun,, l...: 4ahing Ie. mis,mrau:q:h o tea in rill ZI,I"aI o: wch sn"I r:wl ", of ny to joixda Mall u:uo any one nghl a cams of ncllon m fount qC Sunurntrncur are a®irva Olt1LK="vi''!F.:Zt a E�G[Nf-ci'a t;rmsulmne that titcr:ru: atlrvu'ise «m. 16,6 The sward falaered'iw the arbnmtvs wit[ be final aoiemcm mm- ix stored upon a In an, ;,-xcrinvlrtg J.'..imon dzevca' Ind it +,ill (cal Ill mgiem m malaful1'. nr appeul, m i. OWN=- :Ind MT7FACTORssee Ihat Ihc.- .it tarot "Irma on, and all tmuithd ohtims. anmer.laun . dism uo Ind an, manes. 1 oUII be,,, t them :u1i. out of or raottinS to'Ihe Cane^. Ueeummrs or the ixcach thereof ("uiswrte.'1. m II, umian M me ivaaicm Aminnuoa .4ssrintitn undo Nc. C:umrucliaf Luiuvrc ! 'd uan Rwits ot.:lx Alncroon vonaaal ♦11Zllci:lll(m WIP. It eauoa of them Imualma' L:nnaL :ne Uthc: I l,oati ld fair mnlnal1. nnrSUall lU w:am'nlxls Iria Ihrxmn}I Inc. nNea Ikiuv In Imttaun^_ vaantial Maria incvwauiv preiuwcc'em oaf f the yniez The rnrx+evve than-:nIJ ten. Jay ' nme,hanto within wince ro file a demxnei liar arbitmtimr as aovided.in mmsmnm to._ Ind 163 iwvc sir it:. msunJai rilh :I \iisnly sunn"t." to mahanm 'unman :base asmc vputicvnk boil la tat and :3 d] ... smlxndod tainj Io, mvs one :he nmmmmlon of the nocimu. 1'le meiula p:3n\'dLAfU[L SLRarreeC I. madtlmnYMYtnII I all not:.zee:u+urnlmauu of soli di.puae. uniea nthcrwlx coca d. UC-ill P s E L FJ 1a,i L d I H C C JCPU V£NE:LLL CUNUI nJN%rM I ,v C".TV OFFORT ry.LINS MODIiIG:%lON\ MHC9ivnl Ui SECT=ON 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY COND-7=ONS 9 SL=70N 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of `he Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions cr Ze Cors�ruc n Cor__rac- (E-: Gznzra_ C r_di- cps :0 8, 9G or wi- City __ Fort Collins mcd:Li--aL_ons) and ot_e: nrovislons cL the Contra._-_ Documents as indicated below. SC-5.3.8 Limits of Liabil___ A. Add the=cilow_nc "lancuaae at t_ end cf paragraph 5.4.8. e im_•__ _ llab_l__v _Or the insur-ance reuu_--ed by the caragraon e numbers of Z e General Conditions listed below are as follows: t 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverace A - ..-_orator✓ _imits Cove_age E - $100,000/5100,000/$500,000 -.4.3 and 2.4.5 Commercial General Liabi_y pclicv will have :imit _ts c- S1,000,000 combined s_rc_e limits (CSL). This pclicv will Mnclude cove_aae for Exblosion, Co1iapse, and Undertirouna coverage =ss waivzd by the -Owner. 5.4.c'The - Comprehensive Au-_omobil= LabilityInsurance policy w1'1 avz lim,- si,G00,000 concinec single limits (CSL) S.4.9This oclicv will incl:.de dompi=_rzd enerations =el e/product -liability ccverace wig_ Limits o- 51,003,000 combined single _imit_ (CSL) . t L SECTION 00900 ADDEND._, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950Contra= Chance Order 00960ADDlication rcr Pavment 9/99 SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT 777_E: CONTRACTOR: PROj'ECT NUMBER: DESCR=PTION: 1. Reason_ for chance: 2. Descriptior_ of Change: 3. Chance in Contract Cost i 4. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST S .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL, C.O.% OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all chance orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Tile APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 CC: City Clerk Contractor Prcject File Architect Engineer Purchasing 91cc Secticn OOS50 Pace 1 sect:ion 00960 APPLICA LION FOR PAYMEIVT PAGE 1 OF 4 OWNER: City of Fort Collins PROJEC C APPLICA I ION NUMBER: APPLICATION DAI E. PERIOD BEGINNING ENGINEER: CON FRACI OR: PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT NUMBER: CHANGE ORDERS Application is made fur Payment as shown below in connection with Contract The present stalus of (he account fur this Contract is as. NUMBER DALE AMOUNT follows: I 2 Original Contract Anwunt 3 Net Change by Change Order: " Conent contract Amount: $0.00 Total Completed and Stored to Dale: Less Pievious Applications. _ Amount Due (his Application - Before Relainage: $0.00 Less Relainage: Nel Change by Change Order $0.00 AMOUNT DUE 1"1 IIS APPLICATION: $0.00 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with the Woih have been satisfied as required in Paragi aph 14.3. of the General Conditions of the Contract. The above Amount Due This Application is lequested by the CONTRACTOR. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due "I -his Application is recommended by the ENGINEER. Date: By. Payment of the above Amount Due I his Application has been reviewed by the OWNER'S Project Manager. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is approved by the OWNER. Date: By: 9/997/96 Ser_tior) 00960 Page 1 C] E I[ I[ I[ 1[ I I I I I I[ 1 C -I [ I I[ I[ I I[ I[ I C 1 APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT AMOUNTS PAYMENT PAGE 2OF4 Work Work Work Completed Completed Completed Stored This Previous To Bid Month Periods Dale Materials Total Ilern This Earned Percent Unit Number Description Quantity Units Price Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Oty. Amount Period To Date Billed $0.()0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $().00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $aoo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.()0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.()0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00. $0.00 TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7/96 Section 00960 Page 2 CHANGE ORDERS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAGE 3 OF 4 Work Work Work Completed Completed Completed Stored This Previous To Bid Month Periods Date Materials Total Item This Earned Percent Unit To Number Descd Ilion Quantity Units Price Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Period Date Billed $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS CI IANGE ORDERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PROJECT TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 'I/96 Secir-Lon 00960 Page 3 C 1 C I C 1 [ 1 d I I 1- 'e _1 C 1 C J C I C l 1 1 1 -1 ( 1 [ I [ 1 I I I 1 1 F Surfaces shall be air blown with sufficient pressure to remove excess dirt, dust, and debris, and to assure that concrete pores are open G After surface preparation and prior to the first coat of membrane waterproofing, the pitting, bug holes, popouts, and shallow scaling shall be prepared in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations All deep scale damage shall be repaired as scale repair in accordance with the Drawings and Section 03370, Concrete Repair, or 03300, Cast -In -Place Concrete H Preparation for Joint Sealants Grind joint edges smooth and straight prior to installation 2 All surfaces that are to receive joint sealant shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned of all loose particles, existing joint sealant, laitance, dirt, dust, oil, grease, or other foreign matter 3 Check preparation of substrate to ensure adhesion of joint sealant 4 Correct unsatisfactory conditions in a manner acceptable to the Manufacturer and Engineer before installation of joint sealant system S Rout cracks with a grinding tool to produce the profile indicated on the Drawings The crack must be centered in the routed notch 3.3 Membrane Installation/Application A General 1 Do not apply joint sealants or membrane waterproofing materials until the concrete has been air dried at temperatures at or above 40 degrees F for at least 28 days after the curing period specified in Section 03370, Concrete Repair or Section 03300, Cast -In -Place Concrete, or as otherwise approved by Manufacturer 2 Concrete shall be dry prior to applicalion of membrane waterproofing materials Installer shall perform slab moisture testing in accordance with ASTM D 4263 Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method e Testing must be performed in at least 1 location for every 10,000 SF of coating The use of heat lamps for performing tests may be required in areas not exposed to sunlight STORED MATERIALS SUMMARY On Hand Received Installed Item Invoice Previous This I his Number Number Description Application Period Period PAGE 4OF4 On Eland phis Application $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $a00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7/96 Sect -Inn 00960 Page 4 DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Project Description 01025 Measurement and Payment 01200 Project Meetings 01300 Submittals 01410 Testing Laboratory 01500 Construction Facilities and Temporary Services 01530 Barriers and Enclosures 01540 Protection of Occuoied Space 01560 Construction Cleaning 01570 Traffic Control and Signage 01630 Substitutions 01700 Project Closeout and Warranties 01730 Operating and Maintenance Data DIVISION 2 SITEWORK 02050 Demolition 02055 Noise Control Section Name DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 03100 Concrete Formwork 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 03370 Concrete Repair DIVISION 4 MASONRY 04100 Mortar 04212 Brick Unit Masonry 04500 Masonry Restoration and Cleaning DIVISION 5-6 NOT USED DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07570 Traffic -Bearing Membranes 07900 Joint Sealants 07910 Expansion Joint Sealant Systems DIVISION 8 NOT USED DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09900 Painting 09920 Pavement Marking DIVISION 10-16 NOT USED SECTION 01010 - PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. The scope of the project will be in general accordance with the following, but not limited to: 1. Repair of concrete delaminations and spalls in slabs, beams, curbs, and columns at Levels. 2. Rout and seal cracks. 3. Replace failed sealants at construction, control and cove joints. 4. Replace and Install vertical sealants. Replace an expansion joint. 6. Brick veneer repairs 7. Reccat protective coating on bridge steel 8. Restripe paint on the traffic coating. END OF SECTION 01010-1 SECTION 01025 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division I of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Project Pricing A. Bidder shall complete Section 00300, Bid Form, including all requested information. B. Project pricing is a combination of lump sum work items and unit price work items. Refer to below and Section 00300. t 1.3 Unit Prices A. Bidders shall submit unit prices for each unit price item listed in Section 00300, Bid Forms. The amount of each unit price shall be stipulated in the space provided in the Bid Form, 1.4 Lump Sum Prices A. Bidder shall submit lump sum prices for each lump sum item listed in Section 00300. Bid Form. The amount of each lump sum price shall be stipulated in the space provided in the Bid Form. 1.5 Alternate Work Prices A. Refer to Section 01030, 1.6 Unit Price Quantity Measurement A. The Owner reserves the right to reject the Contractor's measurement of work -in -place that involves use of established unit prices, and to have this Work measured by an independent surveyor acceptable to the Contractor at the Owner's expense. B. Contractor shall maintain plan drawing locating all unit price repairs performed. Location and size of patches, overlays, etc. must be located on clean sepias. Separate sepia shall be maintained for each level and ceiling plan. Contractor shall submit copy of sepia identifying current quantities with each payment request. Work being invoiced must be properly identified. These sepias shall be incorporated into "Record Drawings" set required per Division 1. C. Quantity measurements shall be performed as described in Specification or shown on Drawings. 01025-1 het 7 1.7 Schedule of Values A. The Contractor shall prepare a Schedule of Values for his Work as required by Article 9.2 of the General Conditions. B. Submit the Schedule of Values to the Engineer at the earliest feasible date, but in no case later than seven (7) days before the date scheduled for submittal of the initial Application for Payments. C. Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values when change orders result in a change in the Contract Sum. eD. Use the project Bid Form. Section 00300, as a guide to establish the format for the Schedule of Values. 1.8 Application for .'Payment A. The form of Application for Payment shall be notarized AIA Document G702. "Application and Certification' for Payment," supported by AIA Document G703, Continuation Sheet. 11 D B. Complete every entry on the form, Including notarization and execution by person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the Owner. Incomplete applications will be returned without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions have been made. 2. Include amount of change orders issued prior to the last day of construction period covered by the application. C. Submit three (3) executed copies of each Application for Payment to the Engineer. One copy shall be complete, including waivers of lien and similar attachments, when required. D. Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors 2. List of principal suppliers and fabricators 3. Schedule of Values 4. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary, 5. Schedule of principal products 6. Submittal Schedule (preliminary, if not final) 7. List of Contractor's staff assignments 8. List of Contractor's principal consultants 9. Copies of permits 10. Copies of authorizations and licenses from performance of the Work 11. Initial progress report if not final) goveminc authorities for 1 01025-2 12. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies 13. Performance and payment bonds (if required) 14. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance E. Administrative actions and submittals which must precede or coincide with submittal of the final payment Application for Payment include the following: 1. Completion of Project closeout requirements 2. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion 3. Assurance that unsettled claims will be settled 4. Assurance that Work not complete and accepted will be completed without undue delay 5. Transmittal of required Project construction records to Owner 6. Proof that taxes, fees and similar obligations have been paid 7. Removal of temporary facilities and services S. Removal of surplus materials. rubbish and similar elements 9. Warranties 1.9 Waivers of Mechanics Lien A. With each Application for Payment submit waivers of mechanics liens from subcontractors or sub -subcontractors and suppliers for the construction period covered by the previous application. B. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested, prior to deduction for retainage, on each item. C. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers. D. The Owner reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. E. Submit waivers of lien on forms, and executed in a manner acceptable to the Owner PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Not used. END OF SECTION 01025-3 { SECTION 01200 - PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Meetings A. Pre -construction Meeting: Scheduled within 21 days after contract award or notice to proceed, whichever is earlier. 1. Place and Time: A central site and time, convenient to all parties, as designated by the Engineer. 2. Attendance: Contractor's project manager, Contractor's field superintendent, major subcontractors, Owner's representatives. and Engineer's representatives. 3. Suggested Agenda a. Project coordination b. Use of site C. Submittal and administrative procedures d. Schedules for construction e. Application for payment f. Record documents g. Construction facilities In. Aids and controls I. Security j. Complex structure requirements k. Insurance certificates I. Bonds m. Permits n. Contractor's log o. and other job -related subjects. B. Progress Meetings: Periodic meetings as agreed to by Owner, Engineer, and Contractor and supplementary progress meetings specially called by Owner, Engineer, or Contractor. 1. Place: Project field office of Contractor. 2. Times: Established at pre -construction conference and subsequent meetings as required for progress of the work, at least once per week during construction period. Engineer may decrees the frequency depending on the operational tempo of construction. 1 01200-1 3. Attendance: Same as for pre -construction conference, as appropriate for the circumstances. 4. Suggested Agenda a. Review, approval of minutes of previous meetings b. Review of work progress since previous meeting C. Field observations, problems, conflicts d. Problems that impede Construction Schedule e. Review of off -site fabrication, delivery schedules f. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule g. Revisions to Construction Schedule h. Coordination of schedules i.- I Review of submittal schedules; expedite as required j. Review proposed changes for: 1) Effect on Construction Schedule and on completion date 2) Effect on other contracts of the Project k. And other business. C. Work phase specific meetings refer to individual sections of the Specifications. 1.3 Procedures A. The Engineer will act as chairman of the Pre -construction meetings; will prepare the minutes of each meeting, including names of participants, significant proceedings and decisions: and will distribute conies of minutes to the Contractor and the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for distributing copies to appropriate subcontractors and suppliers. B. The Contractor's project manager will act as chairman of the progress meetings: will prepare the minutes of each meeting, Including names of participants, significant proceedings and decisions: and will distribute copies of minutes to the Engineer and the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for distributing copies to appropriate subcontractors and suppliers. C. Representatives of the Contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers attending the meeting shall be qualified, familiar with pertinent details of the work, and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. D. When attendance is required by the Owner or Engineer, Contractor and Sub - Contractors who's subject matter is in the agenda, attendance shall be mandatory. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not Used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Not Used. END OF SECTION 01200-2 M 1.1 �i Jd a E SECTION 01300 - SUBMI-17ALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of the Specifications apply to the Work of this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. This Section specifies procedural requirements for submittals for review and approval including schedules, products, materials, samples, shop drawings, and other work - related submittals. B. Submittals required for informational purposes, record and project closeout (normally two copies) are specified elsewhere and are not a part of this Section- C. Submittals not requested from the Contractor will be returned stamped"No Architect/ Engineer's Action Required." 1.3 Engineer Responsibilities A. The Engineer shall review and approve Contractor submittals such as schedules, products, materials, samples, and shop drawings for the limited purpose of con- formance with the design concept and the information expressed in the Contract Documents. B. The Engineer shall not be responsible for any deviations from the Contract Documents not brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing by the Contractor. C. The Engineer shall not be required to review partial submittals or those for which submissions or correlated items have not been received. However, review of a specific item shall not indicate that the Engineer has reviewed the entire assembly of which the item is a component. D. The "actions taken" appearing on the Engineer's Approval Stamp shall be defined as follows: 1. "Approved" - Fabrication and/or installation may be undertaken. Approval does not authorize changes to the Contract Sum or Contract Time unless stated in separate letter or Change Order. 2. "Furnish as Corrected" - Fabrication and/or installation may be undertaken. Exceptions as noted are. to be incorporated. Approval does not authorize changes to the Contract Sum or Contract Time unless stated in separate letter or Change Order. US 01300-1 3. "Revise and Resubmit" - Fabrication and/or installation MAY NOT be undertaken until exceptions as noted are incorporated and resubmitted for approval. Revision does not authorize changes to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. 4. "Rejected" — Fabrication and/or installation MAY NOT be undertaken. Submittal is too incomplete or does not meet Contract Documents. Resubmit for approval. Rejection does not authorize changes to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. 5. "No Architect/Engineer's Action Required" — Submittal not requested from the r Contractor and was not reviewed. 1.4 Contractor Responsibilities The submittals are not to be considered a part of the Contract Documents. A. Submittals shall demonstrate that the Contractor understands and has interpreted the intent of the design as detailed and specified in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall check and approve submittals for accuracy or completeness of details. such as quantities. dimensions, weights or gauges. fabrication processes, construction means or methods, coordination of the work with other trades, construction safety precautions and verification of field dimensions or conditions. The Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by Engineer's review of submittals. B. All submittals to the Engineer shall be routed through the Contractor and bear the Contractor's Approval Stamp certifying they have been checked. All submittals to the Engineer that are without this stamp of approval or that contain obvious errors or have not been checked or have been checked superficially will be returned unchecked and unstamped by the Engineer for resubmission by the Contractor. C. The Contractor will begin no work which requires submittals until submittals bear the Contractor's and Engineer's stamp along with an "Issued For Construction For Field Use" notation by the supplier. 1.5 General Submittal Procedures A. All submittals shall be received in an orderly sequence and sufficiently in advance of construction requirements to allow time for checking, resubmitting and rechecking. 1. The Engineer's review shall be conducted with reasonable promptness while allowing ten (10) working days for processing. L� I— 2. The Engineer will advise the Contractor and/or Engineer when it is determined y that a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination with other submittals. — 3. No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractor's failure to transmit submittals to the Engineer sufficiently in advance of the work. 01300-2 R 3 Provide appropriate enclosures and necessary heating for application Air temperatures directly below and above the slab being coated must be maintained at a minimum of 50 degrees F up to 48 hours prior to coating and at 60 degrees F for a minimum (!� of 72 hours after coating, or as required for full curing of material �j Provide high/ low thermometers within work area As a minimum, provide two thermometers directly below slab and two directly above slab being coated 4 Sealants shall be allowed to cure a minimum of twenty-four hours at 50 degrees F prior to application of primer, detail coats, or membrane 5 Cease installation of sealants or membrane waterproofing under adverse weather conditions, or when temperatures are below or above Manufacturer's recommended limitations B Joint Sealants 1 Install bond breaker or backer rod 2 Prime all joints 3 Completely fill the joint without sagging or smearing onto adjacent surfaces 4 Protect joint sealant as required until sealant is fully cured C Cold Fluid Applied Membrane Waterproofing 1 All detailing shall be performed prior to applying membrane waterproofing system, Allow all detail coats a minimum of 12 hours cure time prior to full membrane installation 2 At all cracks, construction joints, and control joints apply a detail coat consisting of 60 wet mils of membrane 6 inches wide 3 At all horizontal to vertical surfaces, apply a detail coat over the Q cove sealant consisting of 60 wet mils of membrane with 8" extension on the vertical surface and 6" extension on the horizontal surface 4 Apply primer per Manufacturer's recommendations 5 Apply 60 wet mils of membrane over total surface using spray or roller application techniques Use appropriate grade of material for horizontal or vertical applications B. Coordinate the submittal of different units of interrelated work so that one submittal will not be delayed by the Engineer's need to review a related submittal. The Engineer reserves the right to withhold action on any submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. C. Submittal Review Label. 1. Mark each submittal with a permanent label for identification. In the case of products, materials and samples, use the enclosed Submittal Review Label. D. Packace each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal from the Contractor to the Engineer, and to other destinations as indicated, by use of a transmittal form. Submittals received from sources other than the Contractor will be returned to the Sender "without action." 1.6 Specific Submittal Procedures A. Submit 4 copies of each submittal and sample. B. Schedules 1. Construction Progress Schedule: a. Within 10 days after execution of the Contract, submit for record five (5) OR copies of an estimated Construction Progress Schedule in Critical Path Method (CPM) (or bar chart) form. b. Scheduling shall include provisions for materials cure time, adverse weather, and materials procurement. C. Schedules for restoration work shall indicate the areas to be closed during each phase of construction and shall Indicate the proposed traffic flow for each phase. (Restoration) 2. Shop Drawing Schedule a. Submit for record the Shop Drawing Submissions Schedule. ® 3. After the Initial review, submit revised and updated copies of schedules as may be required by current or projected status of the project on a monthly basis. C. Products and Materials: 1. Submit for record copies of Manufacturer's Specifications and Product Data Sheets, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and recommended installation procedures. 2. Collect required product data into a single submittal for each unit of work or system. 3. Mark each copy to identify pertinent materials, products or models. 1 01300-3 4. Show dimensions and clearances. 5. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to project. ^ 6. Supplement standard information to provide additional information applicable to project. D. Samples 1. Submit physical samples for review and approval of kind, color, pattern and ^ texture of ,the work. Samples are also to be submitted for quality control comparison between the final sample submittal and the actual work as it is delivered and installed. 2. Provide samples that are physically identical with the proposed material or product to be incorporated in the work. Provide fully fabricated samples cured and finished in the manner specified. Where variations in color, pattern or texture are inherent in the material or product represented by the sample, submit multiple units of the sample (not less than three (3) units) which show the approximate limits of variations. Mount, display or package samples in a manner to facilitate the review of indicated qualities. E. Shop Drawings _ 1. Submit shop drawings for review and approval, include dimensions, identification of specific products and materials which.are included in the work, compliance with specific standards and notations of coordination requirements with other work. Provide special notation of dimensions that have been established by field measurement. Highlight with notation, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents on the shop drawings. u a. Preparation: Submit shop drawings on sheets not less than 8-1/2" by 11 the maximum sheet size shall not exceed 30" by 42". ^ b. Reproducing Contract Documents or copying standard printed information as the basis for shop drawings is not permitted. c. Submit for Engineer's review. One (1) print will be retained by each party involved in the approval process for use in making comments. Each party will transfer comments to the other copies and forward it to the next party involved in the approval process. F. Test Reports Promptly submit a written report of each test and inspection for record required of the Contractor. Each report shall include: a. Date issued b. Proiect title and number 01300-4 M 44 I C. Testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number d. Name and signature of laboratory inspector e. Date and time of sampling or inspection f. Record of temperature and weather conditions g. Date of test h. Identification of product and Specification Section i. Location of sample or test in the Project j. Type of inspection or test k. Results of tests and compliance with Contract Documents I. Interpretation of test results, when requested by the Engineer 1.7 General Resubmission, Requirements A. Initial submittals shall be revised as required and resubmitted as specified for the initial submittal: Clearly indicate all changes which have been made. by clouding and use of revision number in a triangular symbol. B. Review of resubmittals by the Engineer shall be limited to required corrections only, and the Contractor by resubmitting shall represent that the resubmittals contain no other alterations, additions or deletions. If additional changes have been made, same Qshall be specifically noted and described on the resubmittal. 1.8 Submittal Distribution A. Contractor shall be responsible for distribution of "Field Use" drawings to the following: 1 copy - Owner 1 copy - Resident Engineer 1 copy — Engineer 1 reviewed copy - Contractor B. Contractor shall provide "Issued for Construction for Field Use' drawings as required for all field construction activities including distribution to subcontractors and material suppliers. e PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION e3.1 Not Used 1 END OF SECTION H 1 01300-5 Saar® CARL WALKER, INC CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL REVIEW LABEL Project: Project No: Contractor: Subcontractor Supplier: Manufacturer: Date: Revision Date: Submitted Product: Specification Section: ASTM NO or Federal Spec Specified Material?: Yes / No Product Use: Ref Drwg # and Detail Date Submittal Received by Carl Walker, Inc.: Carl Walker, Inc. Comments: Contractor Comments: Contractor's Approval Stamp ❑ Approved Q Furnish as Correctea ❑ Rejected ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ No Architect/Engineer's Action Required This review is only for general conformance with.therdesign conceptof the project and the. information given in the Construction Documents. Corrections or comments madeontheshopdrawings during this review do not relieve the -contractor from compliance wit tire requirementsof the drawings and specifications. Approval of a specific item-snall not include approval of an assembly of winch the: item is a component. The contractor is responsible for: dimensions to be confirmed and correlated atthe lobsite: information that pertains soleryto the fabrication processes or: to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction: coordination of the Work with that of allother tradesand performing all Work marine and satisfactory manner. By: Date: - CARL WALKER. INC. 01300-6 H LM I I n LJ LJ E IJ a SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work of this Section. B. All testing of concrete will conform to the requirements of ACI 301-99. Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete and ACI 311.5R-97, Guide for Concrete Plant Inspection and Field Testing of Ready -Mixed Concrete. Specific project requirements or modifications are specified herein. 1.2 Work Included A. The Contractor shall pay the cost for all re -tests and related engineering services which indicate that initial tested items are not in accordance with the Contract Documents, and for additional tests that are for the convenience of the Contractor. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 2. Concrete Repair Section 03370 3. Mortar Section 04100 4, Brick Unit Masonry Section 04212 5. Thermal and Moisture Protection Division 7 6. Finishes Division 9 1.4 Quality Control (ACI 301 1.6) Additional requirements are as follows: A. The Laboratory will meet the requirements of ASTM C1077. B. The Laboratory will have been inspected by an independent agency such as the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory CCRL or AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory AMRL. C. The Laboratory will meet 'Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualification." published by American Council of Independent Laboratories. D. The Laboratory will be authorized to operate in the state in which the Project is located. E. An ACI certified Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Grade II will be responsible for concrete testing services. F. An ACI certified Concrete Construction Inspector will be responsible for concrete inspection services. 01410-1 G. An ACI certified Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I will be responsible for field testing services. H. Technical performing field tests will have available to them a copy of the ACI SP-15. Field Reference Manual: Specifications for Structural Concrete for Building with Selected ACI and ASTM References. I. Weld Inspectors will be AWS Certified Welding Inspector per AWS QCI. Inspectors performing nondestructive testing of welds other than visual will be NDT Level II per American Society for Nondestructive Testing Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A. J. Employment of the Laboratory will in no way relieve Contractor's obligations to perform the Work of the Contract.. 1.5 Laboratory Responsibilities (ACI 301 1.6.4) Additional requirements are as follows: A. Laboratory will cooperate with the Engineer, Contractor, and Subcontractors in order to provide qualified personnel upon due notice. B. All testing will be performed in a timely manner to prevent installation (or to allow for the removal) of non -conforming material. C. All tests will be reported in writing to the Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier, Installer, etc., Engineer, and Owner. Written reports of test results will be delivered to the above parties within 48 hours of testing or by FAX if immediately requested. Each report will include, as a minimum, the following: 1. Report number 2. Date issued 3. Project title and number 4. Name of Contractor and Subcontractor if applicable 5. Supplier 6. Testing Laboratory name, address. and telephone number 7. Name and signature of Laboratory Field Technician 8. Date and time of sampling or inspection 9. Record of temperature and weather conditions 10. Date of test 11, Identification of product and Specification Section 12. Location of sample or 'test in the Project 13. Type of inspection or test 14.Results of tests and compliance with Contract Documents 15. Interpretation of test results when requested by the Engineer 01410-2 u M11 1.6 Submittals A. Submit upon request for review and approval certification and qualifications of Laboratory and Laboratory field Technicians. B. Submit upon request for record testing procedures and apparatus. 1.7 Specific Tests, Inspections and Methods Required A. Grout Testing a 1. The grout mix will, be tested by making one set of 2 inch cubes for each day during which augered cast -in -place piles are placed. A set of cubes will consist of 2 cubes to be tested at 7 days, 2 cubes to be tested at 28 days, and 2 cubes retained in reserve for later testing, if required. 2. Test cubes will be made and tested in accordance with ASTM C109, with exception that the grout should be restrained from expansion by a top plate. B. Cast -In -Place Concrete (ACI 301 1.6.4 and ACI 311.5R-3 2.4): Comply also with testing requirements established in the governing building codes. Additional requirements are specified as follows: 1. Concrete Compression ASTM C39. a. The Laboratory will have a compression machine capable of breaking 6" X 12" cylinders of 10,000 psi or be prepared to test 4" X 8" cylinders in accordance with ASTM standards. b. Take a minimum of six cylinders for each 50 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of each mix design of concrete placed in any one day (8 cylinders for post -tensioned concrete). C. Compression test sample size will be 6" x 12" cylinders except that 4" x 8" cylinders may be used for silica fume concrete. d. Compression tests (1) Test 2 cylinders at 2 or 3 days for post -tensioned concrete only. (2) Test 2 cylinders at 7 days. (3) Test 2 cylinders at 28 days. (4) Hold 2 cylinders in reserve for use as the Engineer directs. e. After 56 days, unless notified by the Engineer to the contrary, reserve cylinders may be discarded without being tested for specimens meeting 28 day strength requirements. 2. Slump Test a. Conduct one slump test per batch at the point of placement ASTM C143. (1) When water reducing admixtures or high range water reducing admixtures are added at the job site, test concrete slump prior to the addition of admixtures. 3. Air Content Testing (Zone 2.3) i 1 01410-3 a a. Sample and test each batch of air entrained concrete delivered to the project ASTM C173 or ASTM C231 and ASTM C138. b. Sample and test following placement and screeding at the rate of one per every 10 batches of air -entrained concrete delivered to the project. C. Core and test the hardened concrete slab for air content per ASTM C457 at the rate of one core per 15,000 square feet of supported slab. (1) If concrete consistently meets the requirements of this specification and the mix design and placement procedures remain unchanged, the Engineer may reduce the frequency or waive the requirements for testing hardened concrete. (2) If concrete consistently fails to meet the requirements of this specification and the mix design and placement procedures remain unchanged, the. Engineer may require additional testing of hardened concrete for air content per ASTM C457. (3) Should the additional tested hardened concrete meet these specifications, the Owner will pay for coring, testing, and patching. Should the tested hardened concrete not meet these specifications, the Contractor will pay for the coring, testing and patching of the hardened concrete. Ambient Air Temperature and Composite Concrete Sample Temperature. a. Record temperatures for each batch of concrete ASTM C1064. 5. Unit Weight G 7 a. Conduct unit weight test ASTM C138. Water Content Testing a. The water content of freshly mixed concrete will be tested on a random basis during placement in accordance with AASHTO TP 23. Proposed Standard Method of Test for Water Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete Using Microwave Oven Drying. This test shall be run each time test cylinders are molded or whenever directed by the Engineer. Submit for record field test reports including the following information ACI 311.5R-3 2.5: Project information as specified herein Design mix number Design strength Cement content Water content Coarse aggregate Ibs/yd Fine aggregate Ibs/yd Admixtures Truck number and/or ticket number Drum rotation revolution Cubic yards W/C ratio Batch time 01410-4 I n. Discharge start time o. Empty time p. Sample time q. Slump r. Air content Air temperature and concrete temperature Location of placement and location of sample batch 8. Submit for record laboratory test results including the following information in addition to information cited under field tests. a. Cylinder identification 0 b. Date tested, concrete age C. Total load d. Compressive strength e. Type of fracture f. Method of curing g. Weight of cylinder C. Site -Batched Concrete - Additional Requirements 1. For each day Contractor site batches concrete, obtain from Contractor one sample each of coarse and fine aggregate and proceed to measure moisture content. Contractor to adjust mix accordingly. 1.8 Concrete Reinforcement A. Prior to placing concrete: 1. Verify the tie wire. chair, and support systems (location, spacing, material). 2. Verify epoxy coating for conventional reinforcement is free of damage and damaged coating is repaired in conformance with the contract documents. 3. Verify conventional steel is correctly placed, including proper number, location. cover, supports, and splices. B. During concrete placement 1. Verify forms are clean, free of cut bars, tie wire, saw dust, debris, etc. before pour. 2. Verify inserts, sleeves. and blockouts for mechanical, electrical, and precast concrete work are installed at proper location and sizes. 3. Verify expansion joint blockouts at proper location and size. 4. Verify concrete placement does not displace position of reinforcement. 5. Verify concrete is properly consolidated, especially in, areas of reinforcement congestion to eliminate voids and honeycombing. 6. Verify water is not added to the concrete trucks at the job site without prior approval of. the Engineer. 7. Verify concrete placement and finishing procedures are in compliance with the Contract Documents and as agreed during the prepour meeting. 8. Verify cold weather and hot weather concreting practices are followed as specified. 9. Verify finishing and jointing procedures are followed as specified. 10. Verify wet cure practices are followed as specified. 01410-5 J 11. Observe flood tests of concrete slabs per Division 7 and indicate on marked up floor plans crack locations in slabs and areas of inadequate drainage to be repaired by the Contractor. 1.9 Reinforcing Steel Electrical Continuity A. Continuity Checks 1. Ensure that all exposed embedded reinforcing steel is electrically continuous. Continuity tests of all embedded reinforcing steel will be made as often as necessary to confidently predict reinforcing continuity. Additional tests must be made if unbonded steel is encountered. Large areas of electrically discontinuous reinforcing steel will be reported immediately to the Engineer. 1.10 Masonry Inspection A. Sample and test mortar before and during construction (for each 5000 sq. ft. of masonry) in accordance with ASTM C780. I B. Sample and test grout before and during construction (for each 5000 sq. ft. of grouted masonry) in accordance with ASTM C1019. �. C. Provide continuous inspection of the masonry work including the following: 1. Mortar preparation and handling. 2. Protection of masonry materials. 3. Cold weather procedures. 4. Conformity of masonry construction with the specifications. D. Provide continuous inspection of the grouted masonry work including the following: 1. Alignment of cores, absence of foreign material and grout droppings. 2. Reinforcement position and spacing. 3. Vibration of grout. 4. Conformity of grouting operations with the specifications. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Not used. END OF SECTION 01410-6 u u b Install protection board immediately after membrane has cured, or a maximum of 72 hours 3.4 Synthetic Drainage Layer Installation A Install synthetic drainage layer by taping seams or adhering and overlapping filter fabric B Lap sections of synthetic drainage layer on slope substrate so that the section of synthetic drainage layer at the higher elevation is on top of the section at the lower elevation to properly shed draining water END OF SECTION L 0 SECTION 01500 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY SERVICES l PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Temporary Services General A. Maintain strict supervision of use of temporary services. Enforce conformance with applic- able standards. Enforce safe practices. Prevent abuse of services and systems. Prevent damage to finishes. 1.3 Temporary Electric A. Electrical service is available at no charge to the Contractor from the parking areas if available and functioning. Contractor may obtain temporary powerfor construction from this source, or may use own generator or the Contractor shall provide temporary electrical service. B. Any damages to the electrical system shall be repaired by the Contractor. C. Any equipment triggering circuit breakers of blowing fuses shall not be connected to Owners electrical service- D. Temporary power service shall comply with OSHA Standards. The Contractor shall maintain these temporary services In good order throughout the project until Work is complete. All extension cords shall be provided by the Contractor or Subcontractor requiring the power. 1.4 Temporary Lighting A. The Contractor shall provide all supplemental temporary lighting for the Project. 1. Provide adequate illumination for Work being performed. 2. Provide adequate illumination for safe movement .of authorized persons through Project. 3. Provide adequate illumination for public safety and special warning lighting for hazardous conditions. 4. Provide adequate illumination required to protect the Project site from unauthorized entry. 1.5 Temporary Telephone Service A. No telephones will be provided by Owner. B. Contractor to provide telephone service as required. 01500-1 1.6 Temporary Water A. Sources of water are available at the site. The Owner will pay for reasonable amounts of water used for construction purposes. B. The Contractor shall provide, at the earliest possible date, temporary connections to the " water supply sources and maintain adequate distribution for all construction requirements. The Contractor shall protect sources against contamination and damage. C. Methods of conveying this water shall be approved by the Engineer and shall not interfere with the Owner's operations. D. Prevent wasteful use of water. Protect system from freezing. 1.7 Temporary Sanitary Facilities A. Contractor shall not use Owner's sanitary facilities. B. Contractor shall provide, pay for, and maintain sufficient and approved toilets with weather -Proof enclosures all satisfactory to the local board of health and the Owner. Keep clean and sanitary at all times. Location shall be approved by Owner. 1.8 Existing and Temporary Fire Protection A. Contractor shall provide adequate fire protection and fire prevention for the Project and in no case less than that required by applicable City, County, State, and Federal Laws. B. The existing fire protection sprinkler system is to remain operational for the duration of ^ the Contract. J C. Protect existing system from damage. Provide secure shoring where existing hangers are damaged or undermined. D. Damage to sprinkler system caused by the Contractor's failure to provide adequate, shoring or protection will be repaired by the Owner. Contractor will be backcharged for all related repair expenses. 1.9 First Aid A. Contractor shall provide a first aid kit with adequate provisions for the materials being used on site. Contractor shall maintain an envelope to hang above the first aid kit which will contain all of the Health and Safety Data Sheets for materials being used on this Project. _ 1.10 Use of Parking Areas A. The Contractor shall not provide parking for their employees and subcontractors on the ^ premises outside their work areas without paying for the spaces. 01500-2 L�J rn L 1.11 Barricades A. Refer to Section 01530. 1.12 Security A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of his work area and equipment. B. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the job site. 1.13 Dust and Fume Control A. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep dust confined in the present work area. B. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to vehicles due to the construction. C. Contractor shall submit to the Owner, for approval, proposed methods used to contain dust and fumes in work area. D. Prevent hazardous accumulations of dusts, fumes, mists, vapors or gases in areas occupied during construction. Provide local exhaust ventilation to prevent harmful dispersal of hazardous substances into atmosphere of occupied areas. Dispose in manner that will not result in harmful exposure to persons. Ventilate storage spaces containing hazardous or volatile materials. 1.14 Debris Control A. Contractor shall remove all debris from areas exposed to public view on a weekly basis or more often as required to maintain a neat, clean site and dispose of same at authorized dump sites. 1.15 Construction Loads A. Maximum construction loads of 30 pounds per square foot will be allowed on the parking ramp during construction. 1.16 Noise Control A. Contractor shall review with the Owner the types of equipment which he proposes to use during normal business hours and obtain Owner's approval for such use. 1.17 Jobsite Documents A. The Contractor shall be provided with one set of the original drawings referenced in Section 00500 and three sets of construction Drawings and Specifications. Additional sets will be provided upon request at cost. 01500-3 B. The Contractor shall keep in the field office at all times, in addition to above, the following items: 1. The most recent revision of the Drawings and specifications, including all changes made by addenda, sketches, bulletins, and change orders. 2. Applicable American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standards, including: a. ACI 301 - Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings _ b. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete c.ACI 305 - Hot Weather Concreting d. ACI 306 - .Cold Weather Concreting e. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete f. ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete g. ACI 3.47 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork h. ACI 318 - Building Codes Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 3. Health and Safety Data Sheets 4. The most recent issue of approved submittals. Obsolete or unapproved Submittals and Health and Safety Data Sheets shall not be kept at the jobsite. 5. All material evaluation reports. 1.18 Elevators A. Contractor's personnel and subcontractor shall not use parking structure elevators for transportation of materials or equipment. 1.19 Thermometer A. Install an official project thermometer in a conveniently readable location, which will give reasonably accurate readings of the actual temperatures, and which can be reached easily for resetting. Instrument: Resettable type indicating daily maximum and minimum temperatures. Keep a permanent daily log of those readings; provide copy of this log in daily report. B. Install maximum/minimum thermometers in each work area. Keep a permanent daily log of readings, provide copy of log in daily report. 1.20 Video Tape Existing Conditions A. Prior to beginning work, Contractor shall produce a video record of existing conditions in work areas, with emphasis on the commercial space. Provide three copies of video to the Owner on CD or DVD disc. Coordinate walk-through production with Owner and Engineer. END OF SECTION 01500-4 lv�rl I SECTION 01530 - BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES PART 1 - PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Barricades A. Provide and maintain suitable barricades as required to prevent public entry, and to protect the Work, existing facilities, trees and plants from construction operations: remove when no longer needed, or at completion of Work. Barricades shall conform to city and state laws, ordinances, permit requirements. B. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary barricades for safe conduct of his work, or as required by federal, state or local laws or ordinances and in accordance with OSHA requirements and other requirements of this Specification. C. Provide and maintain suitable barricades as required for protection of open excavations and post with warning lights. 1.3 Enclosures A. Contractor is responsible to determine if enclosures are needed to protect work from the elements and patrons, or if enclosures are needed to protect patrons, vehicles, and occupied space from injury, damage, stains, or undue soiling. B. Provide adequate ventilation and protection to provide construction personnel with safe working environment. C. Prevent hazardous accumulations of dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases in areas occupied during construction. Provide local exhaust ventilation to prevent harmful dispersal of hazardous substances into atmosphere of occupied areas. Dispose in manner that will not result in harmful exposure to person. Ventilate storage spaces containing hazardous or .� volatile materials. D. Contractor shall submit to the Owner, for approval, proposed methods used to contain dust Qand fumes in work area. E. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to vehicles due to the construction. 1.4 Construction/Maintenance A. Contractor shall be responsible for design, construction and maintenance of all barricades and enclosures. N 01530-1 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials may be new or used, suitable for intended purpose. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A. Install barricades and enclosures of a neat and reasonable uniform appearance, struc- turally adequate for the required purposes. B. Maintain barricades and enclosures during entire construction period. Relocate barricades and enclosures as required with progress of construction. t 3.2 Removal A. Completely remove barricades and enclosures when construction has progressed to the point that they are no longer needed. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation of barricades and enclosures. END OF SECTION 01530-2 I SECTION 01540 - PROTECTION OF OCCUPIED SPACE PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. e1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include protection of occupied space such that Owner activities are not ,interrupted during normal business hours. Contractor may work within occupied area during hours stated within this Specification. At all other times, Contractor must remove all evidence of construction within occupied area. 1.3 Related Work A. Refer to Section 01530 — Barriers and Enclosures. 1.4 Design/Maintenance eA. Contractor shall be responsible for design, construction and maintenance of all protection. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials will be clean and free from oils. grease, paints, and other substances that will leave stains or debris. Materials may be new or used, suitable for intended purpose. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1.1 General A. Provide and maintain suitable protection as required to protect the Work and existing e facilities; remove protection materials when no longer needed, or at completion of Work. Protection shall conform to city and state laws, ordinances, permit requirements. S. Maintain all necessary temporary protection for safe conduct of the Work, or as required by federal, state or local laws or ordinances and in accordance with OSHA requirements and other requirements of this Specification. C. Provide adequate ventilation and protection to provide construction personnel with safe working environment. D. Work over occupied space shall be limited to the time of 5:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, or from 8:00 a.m. to Midnight during the weekends. 1 01540-1 1.2 Installation A. Coordinate all activities with Owner. B. Contractor to systematically remove and reinstall ceiling for inspection prior to beginning u repairs. C. Contractor to report to Engineer inaccessible slab areas requiring repairs. D. Provide canvas tarps beneath work area and adjacent 10 feet perimeter, minimum. Tarps to cover all floor and counter areas. E. Provide vertical partitions at work perimeters for containment. As a minimum, containment partitions shall consist of wood frames with sheet plastic. Partitions shall extend from floor to ceiling tiles. All space between top of partitions and ceiling tile shall be sealed. t .-. F. Remove and protect ceiling tiles in area to be repaired. Remove sufficient ceiling area to allow work to proceed in efficient manner. 1. Add additional ceiling frame support as required prior to demolition. 2. Protect ceiling tiles, lights, framework, and other materials/equipment to remain. 3. Coordinate electrical disconnect of lights with Owner. G. Support plastic sheet directly below formwork to collect water that may leak from above. Plastic sheet to be above ceiling grid. Contractor to. inspect plastic and supports daily and drain collected water as required. 1. Reinstall ceiling tiles. _ 2. Complete demolition from above (and below as required). 3. Prepare reinforcement steel after formwork is in place. Close openings in formwork �- with foam rod. H. Clean-up debris in work area (broom clean); remove enclosures and. projection. 3.3 Removal A. Completely remove barricades when construction has progressed to the point that they are no longer needed. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation of barricades. END OF SECTION 01540-2 y9 a SECTION 01560 - CONSTRUCTION CLEANING PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. Facilities, equipment and labor for cleaning and waste disposal during construction and for final cleaning. 1.3 Responsibilities A. Contractorrand each subcontractor and installer is responsible for specific cleaning operations of his work to the extent specified in the appropriate Specification Sections. eB. Employ workmen or professional cleaners experienced in the specific cleaning operations. 1.4 Cleanup e A. Conduct clean up and disposal operations to comply with applicable anti -pollution laws and local ordinances. 1. Burning or burying of waste materials on the project site is not permitted. 2. Disposal of volatile fluids and wastes in storm or sanitary sewers, or into streams or waterways, is not permitted. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Cleaning Materials A. Use cleaning materials for surfaces as recommended by Manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Cleanup A. At the time each work task is completed, clean the area involved to a condition suitable for occupancy and restore minor or superficial damage. Replace units and elements which are damaged beyond successful repair. B. Oversee cleaning and ensure that building, grounds, and public properties are maintained free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish. C. Take measures to prevent spread of trash, debris. cartons, packaging or other waste materials on or off the project site by wind. 1 01560-1 D. Sprinkle dusty debris with water. E. At reasonable intervals during progress of work, clean up site and access and dispose of waste materials, rubbish and debris. F. Clean adjacent and nearby streets of dirt occasioned by construction operations: frequency and methods as required by governing authority. G. Clean all surfaces of concrete paste. 3.2 Disposal A. Each Contractor or Subcontractor, in addition to the responsibilities set forth in the General Conditions, shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by the Work or his employees. B. Establish and enforce a daily system for collecting and disposing of waste materials from construction areas and elsewhere at the project site. Provide suitable trash containers at a central collection point on the site. Provide chutes or other suitable means for removing trash safely and cleanly from elevated portions of the work. C. Contractor and each Subcontractor and Installer is responsible for cleaning and removal of his trash and debris to the collection point. " D. Do not hold collected materials at the site for periods of more than seven days. Handle hazardous, dangerous or unsanitary wastes separately from other waste materials, by containerizing properly. Dispose of each category of waste material in a lawful manner. Comply with federal, state, and local regulations for removal of combustible waste material and debris. E. Concrete debris shall be removed from the site and legally disposed of by concrete installer. 3.3 Project Closeout A. At the completion of the Project. the Contractor shall restore or replace all property u damaged by his Work. B. Final cleaning shall include, as a minimum: 1. Remove grease, paint, dust, soil, stains, labels, fingerprints, writing, and other foreign materials from sight -exposed interior and exterior finished surfaces. 2. Clean all hardware. 3. Clean all plumbing fixtures. 4. Clean all lighting fixtures. 5. Repair, patch and touch up marred surfaces to specified finish to match adjacent surfaces. 6. Water blast floor surfaces at all areas of Work performed. END OF SECTION 01560-2 C CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00020-1 - 00020-2 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00100-1 - 00100-9 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00400-1 00410 Bid Bond 00410-1 - 00410-2 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00420-1 - 00420-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 00520 Agreement 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530 Notice to Proceed 00530-1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release(Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00800-1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS r E E aSECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SIGNAGE PART1- GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division I of these specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Traffic Control A. Within 15 days after execution. of the Contract, determine the vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow and the signage for each phase of construction to maintain the traffic flow throughout the parking structure. e B. Provide and maintain all drive lanes, entrances, exits, and safeguards required or necessary to the progress of the Work, and effectively control such traffic in a manner to provide minimum hazard to the Work and all persons. C. Route all construction equipment, trucks, and similar vehicles via existing public streets to and from the structure as approved by the governing authorities and the Owner. D. Maintain constant access for police, fire, and ambulance service. E. Provide and maintain for proper control of traffic and safety of all concerned. including all necessary barricades, suitable and sufficient lights, reflectors and danger signals, warning and closure signs and directional signs. F. Indicate by day and by night all restricted and dangerous conditions existing on or adjacent to the structure. Illuminate at night all barricades and danger signals. warning signs and obstructions. Keep all lights burning from sunset until sunrise. G. Vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow inside and outside of the structure shall be maintained to provide easy entry and exit from the structure and to all parking areas. 1.3 Signage A. Provide and maintain traffic signs through the duration of the Project to assist in traffic direction. B. Provide signs necessary to inform visitors and employees of closings and traffic flow modifications, both inside and outside of the structure. Sign wording, appearance and placement shall be approved by Owner. C. Work will not be permitted to proceed until required signage is in place. 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference standard: except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein: 0 1570-1 1.5 Federal Highway Administration. A. Part VI Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and Incident Management Operations. Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (MUTCD). PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Frames may be new or used. wood or metal, in sound condition and structurally adequate. 2.2 Signs shall be a minimum of half -inch exterior grade plywood. 2.3 Lettering shall be a minimum height of four inches and stenciled. 2.4 Paint shall be exterior quality and the color of the lettering shall be black on a highway orange background. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Install at a height of optimum visibility, on frames or attached to structural surfaces. 3.2 Relocate support signs as required by progress of the Work. 3.3 Maintain signs and supports in a neat, clean condition; repair damages to support or sign. 3.4 Remove signs, framing and supports at completion of Project. END -OF SECTION 01570-2 r� d SECTION 01630 - SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 General A. Whenever the proposal of substitute material, equipment. or process is permitted by the Specifications, the proposed substitute material, equipment, or process shall be submitted in accordance with the General Conditions, and subject to the following. B. Materials or products specified by name of manufacturer, brand, trade name, or catalog reference shall be the basis of bid and are given only to establish quality, design, color, or workmanship. Where two or more materials are named, choice of these shall be optional with Contractor. Where any of the terms "or equivalent," "or approved," "as approved," etc., appear in the specifications or drawings, alternate materials, products, or procedures may be used provided substitution is accomplished by one of the following: ® 1. Request for Change Before Bid Submission: Bidder or Supplier may submit a proposed change to Engineer for approval prior to ten (10) days before bid Submission. Approval or rejection of each proposed substitution or other change shall be at discretion of Engineer. If proposed change is approved, Engineer will issue written statement certifying same. 2. Request for Change at Time of Bid Submission by Voluntary Alternate: Bidder may submit Voluntary Alternates for materials, products, or procedures forwhich he also submits bona fide Base Bid proposals. Voluntary Alternates shall be submitted in list form, naming each proposed substitute and difference, if any, which will be made in the Contract price for each alternate, should it be accepted. Owner may acceptor reject each individual Voluntary Alternative. 3. As specified under Requirements. O1.3 Requirements A. After the start of construction, the proposal of substitute material, equipment or process will be considered only for one of the following reasons: 1. The manufacture or production of the specified material. equipment, or process has been discontinued. 2. The specified material, equipment. or process is not available in sufficient quantity or quantities to complete the Work. Failure of the Contractor to award subcontracts insufficient time, or failure of the Contractor and/or the Sub- 1 01630-1 contractor involved to place orders for material, equipment, or process so as to insure delivery or execution without delaying the Work shall not establish cause for approval of substitutions. 3. Delays beyond the control of the Contractor such as, but not limited to, strikes, lockouts, storms, fires or earthquakes, which preclude the procurement and delivery of material or equipment for the Project as included in Contractor's proposal. 4. Advancement of the delivery date,.provided this advances the overall progress of the Work. 5. Improvement in quality or function of the material, equipment or process. B. If, after the start of construction, the Contractor proposes a substitute to the project, the Contractor must submit a separate request for each material, equipment or process supported with complete data with drawings and samples as appropriate, including: 1. Comparison of the qualities of the proposed substitution with that specified 2. Changes required in other elements of the.work because of substitution. 3. Effect on the construction schedule. 4. Cost data comparing the proposed substitution with the product specified. 5. Any required license fees or royalties. 6. Availability of maintenance service and source of replacement materials. C. After the start of the construction, any proposed substitute material, equipment or process shall be subject to the following conditions: Submittal of the proposed substitute per the Generai Conditions. 2. Submittal of the request for a substitution early enough to allow ample lead time for the Engineer's review, preparation of the submittals, fabrication and delivery, without delaying the Work. 3. Approval of substitutions by the Engineer and the Owner. D. The Engineer shall be the judge of the acceptability of the proposed substitute. E. A request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor has investigated the proposed substitute and determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified. END OF SECTION 01630-2 9 SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT AND WARRANTIES PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division I of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Cleaning and Closeout A. Refer to Section 01560 Construction Cleaning for inal cleaning of jobsite. S. A punch list discussing locations of unacceptable items and an attached explanation of the nature of the unacceptable work shall be delivered to the Contractor after substantial completion of the Project. C. The Contractor shall submit "Record Drawings" after substantial completion of the project. The "Record Drawings" shall include, but not be limited to, the copies of the Drawings incorporating all changes and bulletins (enclosed in clouds), all shop drawings incorporating all changes (enclosed in clouds), and all approved submittals. Any dimensions beyond the tolerances of those established by nationally recognized standards for the specific CSI division or section applicable shall be included on the as-builts. D. Record Drawings shall also include location and size/length by scale of all concrete patches and lengths of cracks. E. Closeout submittals include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Project record documents 2. Operation and maintenance data 3. Maintenance manuals 4. Certificate of Inspection 5. Warranties F. Evidence of payments and release of liens: 1. Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. 2. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens: AIA G706A, with: a. Consent of Surety to Final Payment: AIA G707 b. Contractor's release of waivers of lien for subcontractors, suppliers and others with lien rights against property of Owner, together with list of those parties. 1.3 Project Record Documents A. Maintain at Project site, one copy of: 0 1. Contract Drawings 20 01700-1 2. Project Manual, including agenda 3. Approved Shop Drawings 4. Change Orders and Field Change Authorization 5. Other modifications to Contract 6. Field test records B. Store documents in temporary field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. C. Maintain documents in clean, dry, legible conditions, do not use record documents for construction purposes. D. Make documents available at all times for inspection by Engineer and Owner. E. Contract Drawings: Legibly mark using a red pencil for all graphic work and red ink for all written work to record actual construction: .1. Field changes of dimension and detail. 2. Changes not made by change order and field change authorization. 3. Details not on original Contract Drawings. F. Specifications and Addenda: markup each Section to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Change made by change order, field change authorization and notice of clarification. 3. Other matters not originally specified. G. Shop Drawings: Maintain as record documents; legibly annotate Shop Drawings to record changes made after approval. H. At completion of Project, deliver Record Documents to Engineer. 1.4 Warranties and Bonds A. The act of the Contractor in executing the Agreement for this Work shall be considered as his acceptance of the following guarantee covering the Project: 1. Any materials, workmanship or equipment furnished as a part of this Project which prove defective or fail to operate properly, within one (1) year, or as otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, of the date of acceptance of the Work required under this (or substantial completion of the) Project (damage by wear and tear, violence or casualty not the fault of the Contractor excepted), shall be repaired and replaced by the Contractor promptly upon notification from the Owner and without cost to the Owner. 2. This guarantee provision shall apply regardless of whether or not such defective workmanship, materials or equipment are listed in the final punch list. Date of acceptance (or substantial completion) will be established by the Owner and 01700-2 Engineer upon finding all items of this Project substantially complete as to quality of workmanship and materials. Also see Division 7 for additional guarantees. 3. Contractor shall provide warranty commencing on the date of Project acceptance. Completion of various Project phases shall not initiate commencement of warranty in these specific areas. A single Project warranty date, at Project acceptance, will constitute commencement of warranty, NOTE: Some areas of Project maybe open to vehicular traffic and subject to wear (i.e. coatings, sealants, expansion joints) prior to commencement of warranty. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not used. 'PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Not used. END OF SECTION 01700-3 SECTION 01730 - OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART1- GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these specifications apply to the work in this Section. 1. Compile product data and related information appropriate for the Owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished under the Contract. Prepare operating and maintenance data as specified In this Section and as referenced in other pertinent Sections of the Specifications. 2. Instruct the Owner's personnel in the maintenance of products. 3. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual for use by the Owner's personnel. 1.2 Content of the Manual A. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in a systematic order 1. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. 2. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to the content of the volume. 3. List with each product the name, address and telephone number of: a. Subcontractor or installer b. Maintenance contractor, as appropriate c.Identify the area of responsibility of each d. Local source of supply for parts and replacement 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. B. Product Data 1. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify the specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify the data applicable to the installation. c.Deiete references to inapplicable information. C. Drawings 1. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary. 2. Do not use Project Record Documents as maintenance drawings. D. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation. 1. Organize in a consistent format under separate headings for different procedures 2. Provide a logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. E. Copy of each warranty, bond. and service contract issued. 01730-1 j� I I 1. Provide information sheet for the Owner's personnel and give: a. Proper procedures in the event of failure. b. Instances which might affect the validity of warranties or bonds. 1.3 Manual for Materials and Finishes A. Submit three (3) copies of complete manual in final form. B. Content for architectural products, applied materials and finishes. 1. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products. 2. Instructions for care and maintenance. C. Provide complete information for products as specified in each respective Section. 1.4 Instruction of the Owner's Personnel A. Prior to final inspection or acceptance, fully instruct the Owner's designated operating and maintenance personnel in the operation, adjustment and maintenance of all products, equipment and systems. B. Operating and maintenance manual shall constitute the basis of instruction. 1. Review contents of manual with personnel in full detail to explain all aspects of operations and maintenance. END OF SECTION I rl 01730-2 SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to demolish, haul, and dispose of concrete in accordance with the Drawings and as specified herein. t 1 . Concrete delaminations to the depth as indicated on the Drawings. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Construction Facilities and Temporary Services Section 01 500 3. Barriers and Enclosures Section 01 530 4. Noise Control Section 02055 5. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 6. Concrete Repair Section 03370 1.4 Quality Control A. After demolition is complete but prior to final cleaning, the cavities and all exposed reinforcement (including tendons) shall be reviewed by the Engineer. The review shall include sounding the exposed concrete to determine completeness of delamination removals, examination of dressed edges to verify depth and vertical edge of cut, and uniformity of excavation to insure compliance with minimum limits specified. B. The Engineer shall review all reinforcement exposed within the cavities for corrosion or damage resulting from Contractor's removal operations. Replacement of defective or damaged reinforcement bars shall be performed in accordance with Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement. 1.5 Safety A. Locate electrical conduits prior to concrete demolition or sawcutting. Contractor 02050-1 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 shall repair, at no cost to the Owner, all damage caused by his work. S. Contractor shall verify if the concrete slab has embedded electrical conduit. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to the conduit. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner to shut off power if repairs are located near conduit. 1.6 Submittals A. Submit for review and approval prior to beginning Work a copy of the proposed restoration sequencing plan. B. Submit for record types of equipment proposed for use. 1.7 Basis of payment A. Demolition cost to be included in repair costs, unless otherwise noted. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Examine areas and conditions under which the Work is to occur. Notify the Engineer immediately in writing as required in the General Conditions of any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of this Work. 3.2 General A. Contractor shall review with the Owner and Engineer the types of equipment proposed for use. B. Conduct demolition operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks or other occupied or used facilities without permission from authorities having jurisdiction. C. Protect Owner's property which is to remain including; facades, signs, windows, doors, plantings, parking equipment, electrical and mechanical lines and fixtures. 02050-2 u D. Protect adjoining properties, public thoroughfares, sidewalks and utilities from u damage due to this operation. ,u E. Take adequate precautions and provide protection as required to prevent damage to remaining existing elements of the parking structure and all adjoining building elements, and all cars using the facility. `; F. At no cost to the Owner, promptly repair damage to adjacent facilities resulting from demolition operations. G. Clean adjacent facilities of dust, dirt and debris resulting from demolition operations. H. Authority, for performing necessary work on public and private property adjoining Owner's property shall be obtained by the Contractor. I. Remove all temporary protection and devices when no longer needed and when directed by the Owner. 3.3 Delaminated Concrete Surface Preparation A. Location and Marking of Work Areas 1 . Locate floor slab delaminations by sounding the surface with a hammer or rod, or dragging a chain. The Contractor shall sound all floor slabs. Delaminated areas once located by the Contractor will be further sounded to define their limits. These limits or "boundaries" shall be marked with chalk or paint. 3. Prior to concrete removal locate reinforcing bars (tendons, anchorages, and electrical conduits), in the vicinity of the repairs. (Take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to tendons, anchorages, and electrical conduits.) B. Concrete Removal and Surface Preparation 1 . Delaminated, spalled and unsound concrete shall have their marked boundar- ies sawcut to a depth as Indicated on the Drawings. All edges shall be straight and patch areas polygon shaped. A diamond blade saw or grinder with abrasive disk suitable for cutting concrete is acceptable for performing this work. The edge cut at the delamination boundary shall be dressed perpendicular to the member face. It shall also be of uniform depth for the entire length of the cut. 2. All concrete shall be removed from within the marked boundary to a minimum depth as indicated on the Drawings using 15 to 30 pound chipping hammers equipped with chisel point bits. Larger chipping hammers with a 02050-3 I I maximum stroke of 4 inches shall not be used without approval from the Engineer. If delaminations exist beyond the minimum removal depth, then chipping shall continue until all unsound and delaminated concrete has been removed from the cavity. 3. Where reinforcing bars (and tendons) are exposed by concrete removal, extra caution shall be exercised to avoid damaging them during removal of additional unsound concrete. The minimum depth of concrete removal around and beyond the perimeter of the bar for the entire exposed length shall be as indicated on the Drawings. 4. If cross -sectional area loss is present on reinforcing bars where they enter sound concrete, then additional removal of concrete along the reinforcement is required. Such additional removal shall continue until adequate reinforcement is exposed. If corrosion persists beyond the removal limits, the Engineer shall be advised and will direct further removals. C. Preparation of. Concrete Bonding Surface 1 . Abrasive blast or high pressure waterblast all exposed surfaces to remove laitance and any foreign material that may impair bonding prior to concrete placement. D. Cleaning and Securing of Reinforcing 1 . Refer to Section "Concrete Repair." Existing reinforcing and miscellaneous metals shall be cleaned of rust and laitance to near white metal. E. Final Preparation 1 . Airblasting is required as a final step to remove dust and debris. 3.5 Disposal A. Remove and properly dispose of concrete and debris from areas exposed to public view on a daily basis. END OF SECTION 02050-4 I SECTION 02055 - NOISE CONTROL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include material, delivery, labor, equipment, and supervision to install noise control elements and procedures to be compliant with local and State of Colorado ordinances. B. The Contractor shall make every effort to keep the noise level created by the demolition and construction work to a minimum. 1.3 Related Work A. The following work is related to this section: 1 . Submittals Section 01300 2. Demolition Section 02050 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 General A. If noise levels generated by work exceed limits of Maximum Allowable Noise or limits established by local and State of Colorado ordinances, then Contractor shall implement noise control measures. END OF SECTION 02055-1 I M I SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. B. ACI 301-99, "Standard Specification for Structural Concrete" and ACI 117-90 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials are hereby a part of this Section. Specific project requirements or modifications are specified herein. C. A copy of'ACI SP-15 (99) Field Reference Manual; Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 301-99 with selected ACI and ASTM references shall be kept in the Contractor's field office. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include design, material, delivery, labor, equipment, and supervision to install formwork and shoring systems for cast -in - place concrete as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Formwork installation items furnished by others include miscellaneous items required to be embedded in the concrete, but not including reinforcing steel. 1.3 Related Work A. Related Work specified elsewhere: 1 . Submittals Section 01300 2. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 3. Concrete Repair Section 03700 1.4 Design (ACI 301, 2.2.2) Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Design of formwork and shoring shall be under direct supervision of a registered Professional Engineer fully experienced in the design of formwork and shoring. B. Design formwork to be readily removable without impact, shock, or damage to cast -in -place concrete surfaces, the structure, or adjacent materials. C. Formwork design shall include bracing to prevent displacement under vibration or sagging between supports. 03100-1 I D. Shoring shall be of a size and spacing as required to support the weight of the forms, concrete or facades and construction live load. Shoring shall be secured against horizontal movement by bracing in both longitudinal and transverse directions. Shoring shall be braced at intermediate levels when more than twelve (12) feet high. H. Provide shoring so that loads from construction above will transfer directly. Space shoring in such a manner that no floor or member will be excessively loaded or will induce tensile stress in concrete members where no reinforcing steel is provided. 1.5 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference standards, except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein: 1 . American Concrete Institute editions as indicated in Section 03300, Cast -In - Place Concrete and as follows: a. ACI 347R-94, Guide to Formwork for Concrete. b. SP-4 (95), 6th Edition, Formwork for Concrete. 2. American Welding Society a. AWS D1.1-00, Structural Welding Code - Steel. 3. American Iron and Steel Institute a. Cold -Formed Steel Design Manual. 4. OSHA safety standards latest revisions. 1.6 Quality Control A. Formwork materials and installation work may be reviewed by the Engineer at any time during the progress of the Work. Allow free access to facilities for this purpose. 1.7 Submittals (ACI 301 2.1.2) A. Submit for record formwork product data including facing materials. B. Submit for record formwork release agent product data. 1.8 Transportation and Handling 03100-2 A. Store: all formwork materials clear of ground, protected, so as to preclude damage. 1.9 Basis of Payment A. Formwork and shoring are to be included in the cost of concrete placement and demolition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Formwork Materials (ACI 301 2.2.1 ) A. Formwork for exposed finish concrete to provide smooth form finish. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, construct with plywood, metal, metal -framed plywood faced, or other acceptable panel -type materials, to provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints and to conform to joint system indicated on Drawings. Provide formwork material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly -placed concrete without bow or deflection. S. Formwork for unexposed finish concrete to provide rough form finish. 1. Construct with plywood, lumber, metal, and other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. 2.3 Form Release Agent (ACI 301 Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Form release agent shall be non -toxic, VOC compliant, environmentally safe compatible with formwork material and shall not dust, contribute to bug holes nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and shall not impair subsequent treatment of concrete surface. 2.4 Shores A. Shores shall consist of wood or steel posts. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection 03100-3 A. Inspect area to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer, as required in the General Conditions, any unacceptable conditions. 3.2 Formwork Fabrication and Manufacture (ACI 3C1 2.2.3) Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling and assure ease of removal. B. Chamfer all exposed corners, unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, using wood, metal, PVC, or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce smooth form lines and tight edge joints. Bevel retentrant corners or edges of formed joints as indicated on the Drawings. 3.3 Formwork Construction and Erection (ACI 301 2.3.1 ) Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Do not thin form release agent. B. If steel forms are used, form release agent shall be non -staining rust preventative. 3.4 Tolerances (ACI 301 Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Construct formwork to provide completed concrete surfaces complying with the tolerances specified in ACI 117, Sections 3 and 4. B. Make whatever corrections or adjustments to the formwork that may be required to correct any deviation which exceed specified tolerances. C. Check formwork during concrete placement to ensure that forms, shores, falsework, ties, and other features have not been disturbed by concrete placement methods or equipment. E. The offset between adjacent formwork facing material shall not exceed ACI 1 1 7 Class A 1/8 inch. 3.5 Installation of Reinforcement A. Refer to Section 03200, Concrete Reinforcement. 3.6 Removal of Formwork (ACI 301 2.3.2) Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. In no case shall formwork and shoring removal from horizontal members be before 03100-4 concrete strength is at least 70 percent of the specified design_ strength or approved by the Engineer. 3.8 Re -Use of Forms A. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be re -used. Remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close joints. Align and secure joint to avoid offsets. Split, frayed, delaminated or otherwise damaged form facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. B. Apply new form -release agent as specified. C. Do riot use "patched" forms for exposed concrete surfaces, unless approved by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 031.00-5 SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART-1 GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. B. ACI 301-96 A Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete and ACI 1 1 7-90 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials are hereby a part of this Section. Specific project requirements or modifications are specified herein. C. A copy of ACI SP-1 5 (95) Field Reference Manual; Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 301-96 with selected ACI and ASTM references shall be kept in the Contractor's field office. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include the materials, fabrication, delivery, and installation of reinforcing steel for cast -in -place concrete. B. Field epoxy coating of exposed reinforcing steel in concrete cavities. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Testing Laboratory Section 01410 3. Concrete Formwork Section 03100 4. Concrete Repair Section 03370 S. Masonry Division 4 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference standards, except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. 1 . American Concrete Institute editions as indicated in Section 03300, Cast -In - Place Concrete. 2. American Welding Society 03200-1 , ,,� ��i� d 6tkR ik,I4FEi�; nb,46�4 Ft �I ADDENDUM No 1 MICE, Citvol folt(offira:; =Mzt=-=9=M=V1v==M SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs OPENING DATE 2 00 P M (Our Clock) September 19, 2007 To all prospective: bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made CHANGE: Changes in the Bid Documents which are outlined below are referenced to a page or drawing in which they appear conspicuously The Bidder is to take note in its review of the documents and include these changes as they affect work or details in other areas not specifically referenced here PERTAINING TO SPECIFICATIONS Item # 1 Specification Section 00300 - BID FORM • ADDENDUM 1 Bid Schedule attached Delete the work item "Concrete/Metal Deck Repair' and replace it with "Concrete/Concrete Slab Repair" referencing detail 11/S3 1, measured in Square Feet for a quantity of 110 square feet Delete the work item "Lintel Replacement Repair" and replace it with "Repoint Masonry (With Weep Holes)" referencing detail 7/S3 1, measured in Linear Feet for a quantity of 38 LF Item # 2 Specification Section 09900 - PAINTING The following paragraphs were modified as shown in bold Work Included A Work of this Section shall include furnishing all permits, labor, materials, equipment, and services to prepare and paint and/or stain as indicated (but not limited to) on the Architectural Room Finish Schedule Refer also to Structural Drawings 1 Lintel steel, refer to "Steel Coating System" 2 Steel Bridge metal components, refer to "Steel Paint System " Components to be painted include columns, plates, beams, foists, girders, handrails, wire fabrics, slab sheet metal bottoms Area to be painted is the bridge from the garage to the neighboring building Paint components from grade level up to the tube -steel braces approximately 7' above the bridge slab, this excludes the braces and roof components 215 North Mason Street • 2"" Floor • P 0 Be, 580 • Iro, i Collins, CO 90522-0W • (970) 221-6775 • Pas (970) 221-6707 woo fe¢os i om F E H H l �1 E F H Nv I 1 f SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: August 24, 2007 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 2:00 P.M., our clock, on September 19, 2007, for the 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs; BID NO. 6064. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2i° Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. 0. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of Bid 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available August 24, 2007. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at 1:00 P.M., on August 29, 2007, at 120 N. Mason Civic Center Parking structure TOP FLOOR, Fort Collins. Contractor shall have not less than five (5) years experience in parking structure restoration with at least three (3) projects involving concrete repairs. Superintendent for project shall have a minimum of five (5) years of supervisory experience on similar projects including at least 2 projects with a construction budget of at least $200,000. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 1 11 0 a. AWS D1 .492 Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel. 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute a. Placing Reinforcing Bars, Seventh Edition, 1997 b. Reinforcement Anchorages and Splices, Fourth Edition, 1997 C. Fabrication of Epoxy -Coated Rebar d. Field Handling Techniques for Epoxy -Coated Rebar at the Job Site e. Manual of Standard Practice, 26 Edition, 1997 4. Wire Reinforcement Institute a. Manual of Standard Practice - Structural Welded Wire Fabric, 1992 b. - Structural Detailing Manual, 1994 5. American Society for Testing and Materials a. As specified herein. 1.5 Quality Control A. Refer to Section 01410 Testing Laboratory for inspection requirements of concrete reinforcement. B. Epoxy coated shall be certified under the CRSI Epoxy Coating Plant Certification Program. C. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the bars cross -sectional area loss is greater than 10 percent, or two bars in the same area loss is greater the Contractor shall splice as directed by the Engineer. Minimal splice lap shall be as indicated on the Drawings. 1.6 Submittals (ACI 301 3.1.1) Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Submit for review and approval shop drawings. Comply with ACI SP-66 (88) Detailing Manual. B. Submit for record upon request reinforcing materials certification signed by the Manufacturer and the Contractor, certifying that components used as concrete reinforcement meet or exceed specified requirements. C. Submit for record, Health and Safety Data Sheets and Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets for field -applied epoxy coating and cold galvanizing compound. 03200-2 In E. Submit for record certification that epoxy coating meets CRSI-Epoxy Coating Plant Certification Program. 1.7 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all reinforcement to the project site bundled, tagged and marked. Tags shall indicate bar sizes, lengths and other information corresponding to markings indicated on placement diagrams. Handle and store materials to prevent damage, rust, or contamination. Store reinforcing steel on supports above ground level. Protect from weather. Deliver and store welding electrodes in accordance with AWS D1.4. B. Epoxy -coated reinforcement 1 . Comply with requirements of ASTM D3963/D3963M-96 Fabrication and Jobsite Handling of Epoxy -Coated Reinforcing Steel Bars and CRSI Field Handling Techniques for Epoxy -Coated Rebar at the Job Site. 2. Provide adequately padded contact areas on all systems used for handling epoxy coated bars. 3. Use protective nylon slings and power lift all bundles at multiple pick-up points to prevent sags and bar -to -bar abrasion. 4. Do not drop or drag bars or bundles. 5. Adequately support bars or bundles during transit to prevent damage to the coating. 6. Store bars on wooden cribbing. 7. Cover bars with opaque polyethylene sheeting, properly secured if left open to the elements. Do not store bars at the job site unprotected over the winter. 1.8 Basis of Payment A. Reinforcing steel is incidental to cost of concrete demolition and placement. B. Provide ten (20) additional pounds of placed mild steel reinforcement, 10 pounds of which will be epoxy coated, for inclusion in the project as the Engineer directs. 03200-3 K PART - 2 PRODUCTS (ACI 301 .3.2) 2.1 Reinforcing A. Reinforcing Bars 1. ANSI/ASTM A61 5, grade 60, unless noted. B. Reinforcing bars to be welded. 1. ASTM A706, Grade 60. C. Epoxy -Coated Reinforcing Bars 1. ASTM A775. D. Welded Wire Reinforcement Sheets (rolls shall not be accepted) 1. ASTM A185, welded plain wire reinforcement. 2. ASTM A497, welded deformed wire reinforcement. 3. ASTM A384, epoxy -coated welded wire reinforcement. 2.2 Wire Reinforcement Supports (ACI 301 Additional requirements are specified as follows: A. Provide CRSI Class 1 plastic -protected wire bar supports for reinforcement in contact with formwork, including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars in place. (Zone 1, 2, 3) B. Provide CRSI Class 1-A epoxy, vinyl, or plastic -coated bright basic wire bar supports for epoxy reinforcement in contact with formwork, including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars in place. 2.3 Tie Wire A. Tie wire shall be plastic or vinyl coated for all epoxy coated reinforcement, and post -tensioning tendons. 2.4 Epoxy -Coating for Mild Reinforcing A. Location of epoxy -coated reinforcing is described in the General Notes. B. Brown or red coatings are not permitted. C. Fabrication of epoxy -coated reinforcement shall conform to ASTM D3963/D3963M-96 and CRSI Fabrication of Epoxy -Coated Repair. D. Acceptable shop -applied fusion -bonded epoxy coatings are: 1 . Scotchkote 413, The 3M Company 1 03200-4 2. Flintflex 531-6086, E.I. DuPont DeNemours Company, Inc. 3. NAP-GARD 7-2709 Rebar, O'Brien Powder Products Inc., Houston, TX 4. or Approved Equivalent. 2.5 Epoxy Patch Compound A. Use patching compounds recommended by the epoxy powder Manufacturer, compatible with the shop applied epoxy coating and inert in concrete. B. Acceptable patching compounds are: 1. Scotchkote 413PC, The 3M Company 2. NAP-GARD Rebar Repair Material 7-2727, O'Brien Powder Products Inc., Houston, TX 2.6 Field -Applied Epoxy Coating A. Field applied epoxy coating for existing steel reinforcement and miscellaneous metals embedded in concrete. B. Acceptable field -applied epoxy coatings are: 1. Sikagard 62 with Tan, Grey, Yellow or Green Pigment, Sika Chemical Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ 2. Scotchkote 306, 312, The 3M Co. 3. Epogrip, Sonneborn Building Products, Division Chemrex, Shakopee, MN 4. or Approved Equivalent. 2.7 Reinforcing Steel Chemical Anchorages A. Provide sizes and types of anchorages as indicated on the Drawings. B. Acceptable embedded anchor systems are: 1. HILTI HIT Fastening System, HILTI, Inc. Fastening Systems. 2. HILTI HVA Adhesive Anchors, HILTI, Inc. Fastening Systems. 3. Foil Fast, Rawlplug Co. 4. Chem Stud, Rawlplug Co. 5. or Approved Equivalent. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Inspect area to. receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer, as required in the General Conditions, any unacceptable conditions. 0 3 200- 5 II I 3.2 Fabrication A. Fabrication tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117 2.1. 3.3 Placing Reinforcement (ACI 301 3.3) Additional requirements as specified herein. A. Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars, for details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports, and as herein specified. B. Place reinforcement to obtain at least minimum coverages for concrete protection as Indicated on the Drawings. Reinforcement placement tolerances shall be. in accordance with ACI 117 2.2. C. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces so that concrete cover for tie wire matches cover for reinforcement. D. Install welded wire fabric in lengths as long as practical. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. r E. Supports for welded wire fabric shall be placed at 2'-0" maximum spacing. Supports for bars shall be placed at 4'-0" maximum spacing. Supports shall be placed a maximum of 6 inches from ends of the reinforcement. 3.4 Splices A. Welded splices approved by the Engineer may be used provided the following conditions are met: Welders shall have passed the AWS standard qualification tests. 2. Welded splices to be performed according to AWS D1.4. 3. The General Contractor shall bear the expense of hiring an independent testing agency lapproved by the Engineer) to inspect and verify quality of field welds. 3.5 Existing Reinforcement I 03200-6 A. Existing reinforcing and miscellaneous metal to remain shall be cleaned of rust and laitance to Near White Metal and field epoxy coated in accordance with ^ epoxy coating manufacturer recommendations. B. Loose reinforcing bars shall be secured by either tying loose reinforcement to bonded reinforcement or drilling supplemental anchors and installing tie downs. Lead anchors are not permitted. Securing loose reinforcement is incidental to surface preparation and no extras will be allowed for this work. ^ C. Field -applied epoxy cure time must be extended as directed by the Engineer during cold weather application. u D. Field -applied epoxy must be properly cured in a non "tacky" condition prior to concrete placement, ^ E. Remove epoxy spillage from adjacent concrete surfaces. 3.6 Epoxy Coating Inspection and Repair A. Uncoated ends of bars must be coated at the job site. B. Repair is required of all visible damaged areas, if one percent or less of the surface area of the coating in any three (3) foot length of bar is damaged. If more than one percent of the surface area is damaged, the bar shall be replaced. C. Repair damaged epoxy coating as Engineer directs. Repair shall be performed a minimum of 24 hours prior to concrete placement, unless Contractor submits Manufacturer's data indicating lesser curing time. D. Repair of epoxy coating shall not be carried out when the temperature of the bars or ambient air is 5 degrees C. or below, or when moisture is present on ^. the steel. E. Inspection and acceptance of epoxy coated reinforcement will be per CRSI Guidelines for Inspection and Acceptance of Epoxy -Coated Reinforcing Bars at the Job site. END OF SECTION 03200-7 u U I a SECTION 03370 - CONCRETE REPAIR PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The `Mork of thisfSection shall include providing and installing concrete patching materials, as indicated on the Drawings and as herein specified. 1.3 Related Work A. The following work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Testing Laboratory Section 0141.0 3. Demolition Section 02050 4. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 7. Traffic Bearing Membranes Section 07570 8. Joint Sealants Section 07900 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference Standards; except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein: 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI) a. ACI 117-90 Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials. b. ACI 201 .2R-92 Guide to Durable Concrete. C. ACI 222R-89 Corrosion of Metals in Concrete. d. ACI-301-96 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. e. ACI-302.1 R-89 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. f. ACI 304R-89 Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete. g. ACI 305R-91 Hot Weather Concreting. h. ACI 306R-88 Cold Weather Concreting. 1. ACI 306.1-90 Standard Specification for CoVd Weather Concreting. ACI 318-95 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. 03370-1 I k. ACI 347R-94 Guide to Formwork for Concrete. 1.5 Quality Control A. The patched areas shall be sounded with a hammer 7 days after placement. Repair all detected hollowness by removing and replacing the patch or affected area at no extra cost to the Owner. B. If shrinkage cracks appear in the repair material within 72 hours after placement, the repairs shall be considered defective, and shall be removed and replaced at no extra cost to the Owner. C. Patched areas shall be tested for bond by a Testing Laboratory as directed by the Engineer, Refer to Section 01410, Testing Laboratory. D. Plan drawing sepias shall be maintained locating all repairs performed under this Section. Location and size of patches, overlays, etc. must be located on clean sepias. Separate sepia shall be maintained for each Level and Ceiling plan. E. The Contractor, or Restoration Subcontractors, shall have not less than two (2) years experience in the field of structural concrete restoration work. 1.6 Environmental Requirements A. Cold weather concreting: In accordance with ACI 306.1 or as specified herein. B. Hot weather concreting: In accordance with ACI 305 or as specified herein. C. Inclement Weather: 1 . Unless adequate protection is provided, concrete shall not be placed during rain, sleet or snow. 2. Rain water shall not be allowed to increase the mixing water nor to damage the surface finish. 1.7 Submittals A. Submit for record the Manufacturer's Spec "Data Sheets" and "Health and Safety Data Sheets". B. Submit for record upon request, a written description of the Contractor's concrete repair ability, including equipment, facilities, personnel, and a list of similar completed projects. 03370-2 1.8 Transportation and Handling A. Store materials on platforms off ground, protected from the elements. B. Handle and store aggregates in a manner to prevent intrusion of foreign material. Protect all material until used. C. Material which has deteriorated or which has been damaged shall not be used. 1.9 Basis of Payment A. All patching quantities shall be measured on a unit cost basis. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Forms. B. Depth of patches are as indicated on the Drawings. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 Horizontal Repair Mortar A. Repair mortar to be traffic bearing polymer modified cementious, type and thickness to meet conditions as indicated on the Drawings. B. For deeper patches add aggregate per Manufacturer's recommendations. C. Acceptable repair mortars for patching (Note: depths indicated as follows in parenthesis without aggregate) horizontal surfaces are: 1 . Sto Trowel, Grade Mortar CR701 ('/4"to 2") or Sto Flowable Mortar CR730 ('/2" to 2"), Sto Concrete Restoration Div., Atlanta, GA. 2. Concrete Coat ('/23" to 2"), The Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH. 3. SikaRepair 222 with SikaLatex (R) (1 /8" to 1 "), Sika Chemical Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ. 4. EMACO T430 (1/23" to 1 ") or SD2 Repair Mortar, BASF, Shakopee, MN. 5. Or Approved Equivalent. 2.2 Horizontal Repair Mortar (Rapid Set) A. Repair mortar to be traffic bearing, rapid setting, polymer modified cementious, type and thickness to meet conditions as indicated on the Drawings. B. For deeper patches add aggregate per Manufacturer's recommendations. C. Acceptable rapid setting repair mortar for patching (Note: depth indicated in parenthesis without aggregate) horizontal surfaces is: 03370-3 1. EMACO T415 ('/2" to 1"), Master Builders, Cleveland, OH. 2.3 Horizontal Repair Mortar (Corrosion Inhibitor) A. Repair mortar to be traffic bearing, polymer modified with corrosion inhibitor, cementious, type and thickness to meet conditions as indicated on the Drawings. B. For deeper patches add aggregate per Manufacturer's recommendation. C. Acceptable repair mortar with corrosion inhibitor for patching horizontal surfaces is: 1. , Sikatop 121 Plus or 122 Plus, Sika Chemical Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ. 2.4 Surface Applied Corrosion Inhibitor A. Surface applied corrosion inhibitor for slab patch perimeters after final patch cavity preparation. B. Acceptable surface applied corrosion inhibitors are: 1. Postrite, W.R. Grace and Co. 2. Sika FerroGard 903, Sika Chemical Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ. 3. Or Approved Equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Before commencing work, examine all adjoining work on which this work is dependent and report in writing to the Engineer any condition which prevents Contractor from performing the work. Starting work constitutes acceptance of adjoining work. 3.2 Surface Preparation, Refer to Section 02050, Demolition 3.3 Surface Applied Corrosion Inhibitor A. Prior to placement of slab patch concrete, apply surface applied corrosion inhibitor evenly to the lean and dry patch perimeter surface using three applications. Each application shall be at a rate of 125 SF per gallon in accordance with Manufacturer's written procedures. B. Allow surface applied corrosion inhibitor to fully cure, and then remove any 03370-4 The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined online at: 1. City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: https://secure2.fcgov.com/bso/login.js 2. Mercury-LDO Reprographics: www,mercury-ldo.com Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specifications — and Drawings, may be viewed and purchased at: 1. Mercury LDO Reprograhics: • FORT COLLINS: 422 S. Link Lane, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Ph: 970-484-1201, Fax: 970-221-0404 • ENGLEWOOD: 9632 E. Arapahoe, Englewood, CO. 80112 Ph: 303-790-7169, Fax: 303-792-2936 • DENVER: 860 Bryant Street, Denver, CO. 80204 — Ph: 303-893-8701, Fax: 303-893-0617 • COLORADO SPRINGS:11 E Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, CO. 80903 — Ph: 719-231-8121, Fax: 719-633-5710 • LODO: 1660 Wynkoop Ste. 130, Denver, CO. 80202 —. Ph: 303-785-2520, Fax: 303-785-2522 • BOULDER: 2575 Pearl St. Unit C., Boulder, CO. 80302 Ph: 303-539-1350, Fax: 303-539-1356 2. Builders Exchange, 223 South Link Lane, Fort Collins, Colorado. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 u residual potentially bond -breaking inhibitor from the surface, prior to applying repair mortar, waterproof membrane, etc. 3.4 Existing Reinforcement, Refer to Section 03200, Concrete Reinforcement 3.5 Placing Concrete Patching Materials A. The mixing and installing of the concrete patching materials and the priming of the existing concrete surface shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. B. Concrete patching materials shall be cured according to the Manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION 03370-5 SECTION 04100 - MORTAR PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and supervision to install mortar and grout for masonry walls. t 1.3 Related Work A. Related Work specified elsewhere: 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Testing Laboratory Section 01410 3. Brick Unit Masonry Section 04212 4. Masonry Restoration and Cleaning Section 04500 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference standards except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings: 1. American Concrete Institute a. ACI 530-95/ASCE 5-95/TMS 402-95, Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Specification for Mansonry Structures and Related Commentaries. 2. National Concrete Masonry Association a. NCMA, Specifications for the Design and Construction of Load -Bearing Concrete Masonry 3. Brick Institute of America a. BIA, Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry 4. American National Standards Institute, Inc. 04100-1 a. ANSI A41 .2, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Masonry 5. Portland Cement Association a. Concrete Masonry Handbook 6. ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials a. As specified herein 1.5 Quality Control A. Refer to Section 01410, Testing Laboratory for testing of mortar and grout. 1.6 Submittals A. Submit for review and approval product data and design mixes for mortar and grout. B. Submit upon request, for review and approval grouting procedures including lift heights, and method of consolidation. 1.7 Samples A. Submit upon request for review and approval samples. 1.8 Transportation, Storage, and Handling A. Store materials off the ground, under cover, and in a dry place. B. Protect packaged materials from freezing. Basis of Payment A. Refer to Section "Masonry Restoration and Cleaning." PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 Mortar A. Mortar for masonry units - ASTM C270, non -staining, Type S, compressive strength as indicated on the Drawings. 04100-2 B. Colored Mortar Pigments shall be proportioned to achieve the same mortar color as existing mortar, but not to exceed the Manufacturer's recommended pigment to mortar ratio. C. Aggregates for masonry mortar - ASTM C140. 2.2 Grout A. Masonry Grout - ASTM C 476, strength as indicated on the Drawings. B. Aggregates for masonry grout ASTM C404. 2.3 Cement A. Portland Cement - ASTM C 150, Type I B. Masonry Cement - ASTM C 91 C. Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes - ASTM C 207, Type S 2.4 Aggregate A. Aggregate for mortar - ASTM C 144 B. Aggregate for masonry grout - ASTM C 404 2.5 Water A. Mixing water shall be potable - clean and free from oil, acids, alkali, or organic matter. 2.6 Admixtures A. Compounds to lower the freezing point of mortar, accelerators, and other admixtures are prohibited unless approved in writing by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Inspect area to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer, as required in the General Conditions, any unacceptable conditions. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Commencement of work implies acceptance of related work. 04100-3 3.2 Mixing A. Mortar - ASTM C270 1 . Mix all cementitious materials and sand in a mechanical batch mixer for 5 minutes minimum. 2. Adjust the consistency of the mortar for workability. 3. Use all mortar within 2-1/2 hours of the initial mixing. Do not retemper mortar by adding water after it has begun to set or beyond the 2-1/2 hour time limit. B. Grout - ASTM C476, ACI 530.1 1 . Adjust consistency of grout for workability. 2. Use fine grout in grout spaces with less than 2 inches in horizontal direction, unless otherwise noted. 3. Use coarse grout in grout spaces 2 inches or more in least horizontal dimension, unless otherwise noted. 4. Use grout within 1-1/2 hours of initial mixing. Do not retemper grout -by adding water after the 1-1 /2 hour time period has passed or it has begun to set. END OF SECTION. 04100-4 SECTION 04212 - BRICK UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to install brick unit masonry including all reinforcement, and anchors. B. Work shall include installation devices and equipment specified elsewhere. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Mortar Section 04100 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the following reference standards except where more stringent requirements are shown on.the Drawings: 1 . American Concrete Institute a. ACI 530-92/ASCE 5-92/TMS 402-92, "Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures" b. ACI 530.1-92/ASCE 692/TMS 602-92, "Specifications for Masonry Structures" 2. Brick Institute of America (BIA) a. BIA, "Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry" b. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 3. ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials a. As specified herein 1.5 Quality Assurance A. Single Source Responsibility for Brick Units: Obtain exposed brick units of uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within ranges accepted for these characteristics, from one manufacturer. 0421 2-1 I a B. Brick worth: for this project is subject to continuous inspection by an independent inspection agency provided by the Contractor, agreed to by the Owner and Engineer. C C. Field Samples: Prepare field samples for Engineer's review and to establish requirements for ratings and finish texture. 1.6 Submittals A. Submit for review and approval product data including manufacturer's specifications and technical data for each different brick unit indicated. 1.7 Samples A. Brick samples: Submit for review and approval not less than three individual brick, showing variations in color and texture to closely match existing bricks. 1.8 Transportation. and Handling A. Packing and Shipping: Deliver materials in undamaged condition. B. Storage and Protection: Store masonry units off ground, under cover, and in a dry location to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, and other causes. If units, become wet, do not place until units are in an air-dried condition. 1. Store cementitious materials off ground, under cover, and in a dry location. 2. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. 3. Store accessories including metal items to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil 1.9 Basis of Payment A. Refer to Section "Masonry Restoration and Cleaning." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Clay Masonry Materials A. Clay masonry materials shall be modular dimensioned. Provide special shapes indicated on the Drawings or required for complete installation. 0421 2-2 91 1 . Provide units with unit compressive strengths required to produce clay masonry construction with compressive strengths matching existing units. B. Face Brick W 1. Classification: ASTM C216, Grade SW, Type FBS 2. Size: 7-5/8" x 3-5/8" x 2-1/4" set in running bond with concave joints, except where noted otherwise. 3. Shapes: Provide custom shapes and sizes as indicated or required. 2.2 Accessories A. See Section "Masonry Restoration and Cleaning." �. s PART 3 - INSPECTION 3.1 Inspection u A. Inspect area to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer/ Architect, as required in the General Conditions, any unacceptable conditions. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Commencement of work implies acceptance of related work. 3.2 General A. Verify initial absorption rate of brick is within acceptable limits. If excessive, reduce initial absorption rate of face brick which exceeds 0.025 ounce per square inch per minute by thoroughly wetting bricks with clean water 24 hours before installing. B. Protect sills, ledges, and offsets from mortar droppings, or other damage during construction. Remove misplaced mortar or grout immediately. Protect face materials from staining. C. Protection of Masonry: During erection, cover top of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. 1 . Extend cover not less than 24 inches down both sides and hold securely in place. D. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Remove immediately any grout, mortar, and soil that comes in contact with such masonry. 1. Protect base of walls from rain -splashed mud and mortar splatter by means of coverings spread on ground and over wall surface. 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. _ 0421 2-3 u u A r 3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes from mortar droppings and splatter. 3.3 iLaying Masonry Walls A. Comply with referenced unit masonry standard and other requirements applicable to each type of installation included in Project. B. Install brick unit masonry in accordance with BIA recommendations. 1 . Install units plumb, true to line, and with level courses. 2. Install face brick'with full mortar joints at end, bed, and head joints. 3. Make masonry courses uniform in height. 4. Make vertical and horizontal joints of equal thickness. 14i C. Lay out vvalls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint widths and for accurate locating of openings, movement type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid use of less than half sized units at corners, jambs, and where possible elsewhere. M D. At spandrel parge brick to cast -in -place concrete. Butter back of brick prior to placement. Do not slush concrete into cavity. E. Discard mortar not used within 2-1/2 hours after initial mixing. Mortar which has_ stiffened due to evaporation within 2-1/2 hour period may be retempered to restore workability by. remixing and addition of water. F. Rake mortar joints back 3/4 inch at hollow metal frames, structural steel, joints to receive sealants, and other areas as indicated. G. At cavity wall construction strike joints facing cavity flush. Keep cavity clean of mortar droppings. Place wood strip (with wire pulls attached) in cavity on top of ties. Remove and clean wood strips before moving to each succeeding row of ties. H. Do not shift or tap masonry after mortar has been initial set. Where adjustment must be made, remove mortar and install fresh mortar. I. Install facie brick from exposed side. J. Install brick that will be concealed in completed construction in full mortar bed and cut joint flush with face of wall. K. Keep face of brick clean and free of mortar droppings and smears. L. Rock closures into place with head joints thrown against two adjacent bricks in 0421 2-4 M place. Do not pound corners or jambs to fit stretcher units after setting in place. Where adjustment to corners or jambs must be made after mortar has started to set, remove mortar and install fresh mortar. M. Do not install cracked, broken, or chipped bricks. N. Build chases and recesses as indicated or required by trades. 0. Install louvers, grilles, and other equipment furnished by others to be built into masonry. P. Do not enclose mechanical, electrical, or Work specified under other Sections until such Work has been inspected and approved by proper code authorities having jurisdiction and by Architect. Q. Install loose lintels, anchors, bolts, dowels, angles, plates, and similar items required for anchorage of other work. R. Stopping and Resuming Work: Stop horizontal runs by racking back in each course; toothing is not permitted. When joining fresh masonry to set or partially set masonry, remove loose units and remove mortar interfering with fresh mortar bed. 3.4 Mortar Bedding and Jointing A. Install face brick in running bond unless otherwise indicated. B. Maintain uniform 3/8 inch thick mortar joints. C. At cavity walls, install brick with beveled bed joints as described in BIA Technical Note No. 13. D. Mortar Joint Finishing E. Tool joints when mortar is thumb -print hard, using jointing tool of proper shape and size. 1 . Tool exterior face of joints located below grade to a smooth, dense, concave surface. 2. Tool exposed joints to a smooth, dense, surface as indicated. 3. Flush cut joints not indicated to be tooled. 3.5 Cold Weather Masonry A. When the air temperature falls below 40 degrees F temperature or the temperature of masonry units falls below 40 degrees F, institute cold weather practices as 0421 2-5 Construction Document Ordering Instructions (Download a complete P1anWell 4.0 Ordering Guide from www.planwell.com) 1. GO TO: www.mercury-ldo.com 2. SELECT: Denver Links: "Plan Well" N dfWell ...Evw - --=-tdl 3. SELECT: Public Planroom: "GO" Mcr'cury/LDO Colorado PlanWell`�+ Digital Document Management 8 Distribution^• � >{"�3 Vser Name rue` PUW¢ ponces ror emamo hare. Pas eea a ra ^ NO Loth, RaguaW IGO Inr�nt a�arvuasswnr.l? -;-._ e'vGuastN f . lN...a ,' V w..r 9...... fu[M1prlcuU ACG...'JrIM; I a�,welt radny5 san amin. c:n'-i w_3 2 ns aurae �:):JiP InWIII1Q[k.?rJ>id ', maae e�y 4. SELECT: the desired "Project Number" from the list 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 3 I defined in ACI 530.1 B. Protect masonry against freezing for at least 24 hours after laying. C. Do not lay units that are wet or frozen. D. Do not build upon frozen or ice -covered materials. E. Remove masonry damaged by freezing conditions. 3.6 Tolerances A. Comply with requirements of referenced unit masonry standard. 3.7 Pointing and Cleaning A. Cut out defective mortar joints in exposed masonry and repoint these and other holes in joints with mortar matching that used in installing masonry. B. Thoroughly clean equipment used in mixing, transporting, and installing mortar, at end of each working day. C. Dry brush masonry surface after mortar has set at end of each day's work. Dry brush pointed masonry. Clean exposed unglazed masonry with stiff brush and clear water. If Q cleaning by water does not produce satisfactory results, apply cleaning agent to a 20 square foot sample area as selected. Do not proceed with cleaning until sample area is acceptable. Protect other materials from damage by cleaning operations. Leave work and surrounding surfaces clean and free of mortar spots, droppings, and broken masonry. D. At a time near completion of work, clean exposed masonry surfaces and mortar joints. 1. Remove excess mortar, mortar stains, efflorescence, etc., to provide uniform appearing job. 2. Materials and methods of cleaning: As recommended by BIA and masonry material manufacturer, and as specified herein. 3. Protect Other Work: Take special care to protect aluminum products to prevent staining and damage. END OF SECTION 0421 2-6 11 SECTION 04500 - MASONRY RESTORATION AND CLEANING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include providing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to rebuild and to clean, repair, and repoint the masonry walls as indicated on the Drawings. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals 1.4 Quality Control Section 01300 A. All masonry work shall be performed by a mason experienced in the class of required work. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality. 1.5 Submittals A. Submit for record Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets and Health and Safety Data Sheets for each product indicated including recommendations for their application and use. Include test reports and certifications substantiating that products comply with local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations. B.. Submit for record written program of procedures to be used in complying with this specification, including written description of cleaning methods, working pressures, materials, and equipment proposed. C. Submit for record disposal plan including location of acceptable disposal site; and detailed description of methods to be employed to control pollution. 1.6 Samples A. Submit upon request for review and approval; samples of masonry units, ties, or anchors. 04500-1 a V 1.7 Transportation and Handling A. Store masonry units on wood skids or pallets. Distribute weight of masonry units evenly to prevent breakage or cracking. Protect stored masonry units from weather with waterproof, non -staining covers or enclosures, but allowing for circulation of air. B. Protect mortar materials and masonry accessories from weather, moisture and contamination with earth and other foreign materials. 1.1 Basis of Payment A. Repoint, Brick Replacement, and Lintel Replacement: are to be lump sum or unit price cost. B. All other work to achieve Work Included and Related Work outlined in this section is incidental. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 Masonry A. Reuse existing brick units, which have been removed from the walls due to construction operations. B. Whenever masonry units are not sufficient, either in supply or quality, Contractor shall furnish new masonry units matching existing. 2.2 Mortar and Grout A. Mortar for masonry units, ASTM C270, non -staining and non -air entrained. B. Material shall match existing color of mortar and grout. Color to be modified in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. 2.3 Ties A. Acceptable materials are: 1. At concrete back-up, Dur-O-Wall Repair Anchor #5005554. At CMU back-up, Dur-O-Wall Repair Anchor #5005554. 2. AA900 Retro Tie by AA Wire Products Company. 3. or Approved Equivalent. 04500-2 { IR 2.4 Cleaning Materials A. Cleaning compounds shall not contain acids, nor cause scratching of surface, or staining. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Inspect area to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer, as required in the General Conditions, any unacceptable conditions. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Commencement of work implies acceptance of related work. 3.2 Preparation A. Protect persons, motor vehicles, surrounding surfaces of building whose masonry surfaces are being restored, building site and surrounding buildings from injury resulting from masonry restoration work. B. Erect additional temporary protection as required over pedestrian walkways and at points of entrance and exit for persons and vehicles which must remain in operation during course of masonry restoration work. Refer to Section 01 530 Barriers and Enclosures. C. Remove all loose and unsound mortar and loose masonry units from existing walls. 3.3 Installation A. Handle masonry units in a manner to prevent chipping, breakage, soiling or other damage. Do not use pinch or wrecking bars without protecting edges of masonry with wood or other rigid materials. B. Install ties at 16 inches maximum on center each way. :J Mll C. Cut all masonry units to provide accurate fit and to lie within plane of existing masonry. Material shall be full uniform thickness. Provide uniform distribution of size and shape of masonry units to match existing surface. r D. All masonry shall be set in full bed of mortar. If not thoroughly wet at a time of setting, drench or sponge masonry. Provide plastic setting buttons as required to , prevent extrusion of mortar. Do not set additional courses until mortar in courses below is set sufficiently to maintain alignment and prevent extrusion. 04500-3 1 i O E. The space; between masonry and back-up shall be completely filled with mortar. F. Rod the mortar and tap face of masonry to eliminate voids. fool joints to match existing joints. 3.4 Repainting Existing Masonry A. Joint Raking 1 . Rake out mortar from joints to depths equal to their widths but not less than 1 inch nor less than that required to expose sound, unweathered mortar. Rake out the entire width of the joint. 2. Remove mortar from masonry surfaces within raked -out joints to provide reveals _ with square backs and to expose masonry for contact with pointing mortar. Brush, vacuum or flush joints to remove dirt and loose debris. B. Joint Pointing 1 . Rinse joint surfaces with water to remove any dust and mortar particles. Time application of rinsing so that, at time of pointing, excess water has evaporated or run off, and joint surfaces are damp but free of standing water. 2. Apply first layer of pointing mortar to areas where existing mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas. Apply in layers not greater than 3/8 inch until a uniform depth is formed. Compact each layer thoroughly and allow to become thumbprint -hard before applying next layer. 3. After joints have been filled to a uniform depth, place regaining pointing mortar in j� 3 layers with each of first and second layers filling approximately 2/5 of joint depth and third layer the remaining 1 /5. Fully compact: each layer and allow to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. 4. When mortar is thumbprint hard, tool joints to match original appearance of joints, unless otherwise indicated. Remove excess mortar from edge of joint by brushing. 0 5. Cure mortar by maintaining in a damp condition for not less than 72 hours. 6. Where repointing work precedes cleaning of existing field stone walls allow mortar to harden not less than 30 days before beginning cleaning work. 3.5 Cold Weather Protection A. Remove ,any ice or snow formed on masonry bed by carefully applying heat until 04500-4 top surface is dry to touch B. Remove masonry units determined to be damaged by freezing conditions. C. Perform the following construction procedures while work is progressing: .s 1. . When air temperature is from 40 deg. F. to 32 deg. F., heat sand or mixing water to produce mortar temperatures between 40 deg. F. and 120 deg. F. (— v 2. When air temperature is from 32 deg. F. to 25 deg. F., heat sand or water to produce mortar temperatures between 40 deg. F. and 120 deg. F.; maintain _ temperature of mortar on boards above freezing. 3. When air, temperature is from 25 deg. F. to 20 deg. F heat sand and mixing water to produce mortar temperatures between 40 deg. F. and 120 deg. F.; u maintain temperature of mortar on boards above freezing; use other heat sources on both sides of walls under construction; use wind breaks when wind is in excess of 15 mph. 4. When air temperature is 20 deg. F. and below, heat sand and mixing water to produce mortar temperatures between 40 deg. F. and 120 deg. F.; provide enclosures and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature above 32 deg. F.; do not lay units which have a surface temperature of 20 deg. F. y D. Protect partially completed masonry not being worked on and completed masonry as follows: 1. When mean daily air temperature is from 40 deg. F. to 32 deg. F., protect masonry work from rain or snow for at least 24 hours by covering with weather - resistive membrane. 2. When mean daily temperature is from 32 deg. F. to 25 deg. F., completely cover masonry work with weather -resistance membrane for at least 24 hours. 3. When mean daily air temperature is from 25 deg. F. to 20 deg. F., completely cover masonry work with insulating blankets or similar protection for at least 24 hours. When mean daily temperature is 20 deg. F. and below, maintain masonry temperature above 32 deg. F. for 24 hours using enclosures and supplementary heat, electric heating blankets, infrared lamps, or other acceptable methods. E. Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not use salt to thaw ice in anchor holes or slots. Do not lower the freezing point of mortar by use of admixtures or antifreeze agents, and do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. �r a-- 04500-5 tii I I 3.6 Protection A. During all seasons, protect partially completed stonework against weather when work is not in progress. Cover top of walls with strong waterproof, non -staining membrane extending at least 2 feet down both sides of walls and anchor securely in place. 3.7 Cleaning A. Clean all rnasonry of stains, mortar, dirt, etc. Tools and cleaning material used shall not cause scratching of surface or staining. Cleaning compounds used shall not damage plantings. B. Exposed surface of wall and mortar shall be cleaned by waterblasting. C. Prevent chemical cleaning solutions from coming into contact with pedestrians, motor vehicles, landscaping, buildings and other surfaces which could be injured by such contract. D. Do not clean masonry during winds of sufficient force to spread cleaning solutions to unprotected surfaces. ii E. Dispose of run-off from cleaning operations by legal means and in a manner which prevent soil erosion, undermining of paving foundations, damage to landscaping, and water penetration into building interiors. END OF SECTION. W 04500-6 I SECTION 07570 - TRAFFIC -BEARING MEMBRANES (DECK COATING) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and supervision to recoat the deck coating system, including surface preparation and crack and joint detailing, in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. B. Deck coating Installer shall be specifically responsible for providing all the preparation work and the joint sealants specified in Section 07900, Joint Sealants. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Concrete Repair Section 03370 3. Joint Sealants Section 07900 4. Pavement Markings Section 09920 1.4 Quality Control A. General 1. The deck coating Installer shall be approved by the deck coating Manufacturer. 2. Installer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in application of one of the approved deck coating systems and have experience for a project in size of 10,000 SF or greater. 3. Installer and Manufacturer shall review the slope of the slabs and the condition of the surfaces prior to bidding. 4. The Manufacturer shall make available a qualified Manufacturer's Representative to assist the Installer and Engineer as specified herein. The Representative shall be experienced in the placement of deck coating 07570-1 M systems. As a minimum, the Representative shall be on site to review the following procedures: a. First area of surface preparation and membrane installation. b. The installation of the deck coating from primer to top coat for the first phase. 5. A preconstruction/preapplication meeting shall be held to discuss detailing, surface preparation, application techniques and procedures, phasing and scheduling. The foreman and lead laborer for the Installer will be required to attend the meeting along with the Contractor, Manufacturer's Representative and Engineer. B. Testing Requirements 1 . Installer shall check deck coating, wet film thickness and record test results by taking five wet film readings within a 1 SF area. Wet film thickness _ testing shall be completed a minimum of once per every 5,000 SF of membrane placed or per individual section placed per day. The average film thickness shall be at or above the wet film thickness equivalent of the [� specified dry film thickness. P1 2. Manufacturer's Representative shall perform dry film thickness tests and record test results for the base coat and total system. For each 25,000_SF area, three readings shall be taken in a single 100 SF area. The average dry film thickness shall be at or above the Manufacturer's calculated average dry film thickness for the total system based on the specified dry film thickness plus aggregate. 3. Manufacturer and Installer in the presence of the Engineer shall perform adhesive pull -off strength testing on the base membrane and the completed system in accordance with ASTM D 4541 Standard Test Method for Pull -Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers. Testing is to be performed every 50,000 SF. For each 50,000 SF area, three tests shall be taken in a single 100 SF area. This testing can be performed in conjunction with the dry film thickness testing. All test results shall be greater than 100 psi. 4. If thickness and pull -off strength testing do not meet the above requirements, corrective action will be required and more frequent testing will be required on the remainder of the project as directed by the Engineer. 5. Test damage is to be repaired by Installer per Manufacturer's recommendations. 07570-2 1.5 Submittals A. Submit for record certification that the deck coating system is compatible with all of the products in Divisions 3 and 7 to which it will come in contact. B. Submit for review and approval a complete description of the deck coating system proposed, including the materials, surface preparation, and cure times, including repair materials for pitting, bug holes, popouts, and shallow scaling, and cure times and including aggregates. C. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets of each product to be used. t D. Submit fo[ record Material Safety Data Sheets of each product, solvent, or related chemicals to be used and certification that the materials conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations. E. Submit for review and approval standard color chart. u F. Submit for record ASTM C 957 Standard Specification for High Solids Content, " Cold Liquid -Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane with Integral Wearing Surface test results for thin deck coatings. G. Submit sample Warranty prior to application. H. Upon request, submit for review and approval qualifications of the Manufacturer's Representative. I. Submit for record results of slab moisture testing completed in accordance with ASTM D 4263 Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the �- Plastic Sheet Method. J. Submit for record dry and wet film thickness test results and adhesive testing results. Include date, weather, and other pertinent information. K. Submit for record Manufacturer's "Snow Removal Guideline" stating the procedures the Owner is to follow during snow removal from the deck coated slabs. u L. Upon request, submit for record written certification that the system Installer is approved by the Manufacturer. M. Upon request, submit for record qualification statement of the Installer stating projects, size, location, owner and contact, engineer/architect and contact for projects that the deck coating system has been applied. 07570-3 u �u 5. CLICK: "Most Current Set" to View the list of documents available for u the project :)rder item: By dicking the FceM icon: Start Mr Grtle: •-+ item Browser •,. ,� L]I,1 rt1i. � [�Most Current Set Si Path' B Most Current Se[As of 12112'200514'.49 OOMounta'r I [sueseti "(�kevsan1 ✓ m iee Nn �r .FNuotF! is}uv UaLL Oisuylmcj S.,ixeg }'IyP 1A vipL ait,-F pp, Issue ez 7/29/2002 Grchneau al 4±'36 LBW --. �4-- i✓ Issue et 7 9 00- G.rd'teau al 4Y.+6 LBW a � i V Revisw v 210/2004 Architectural 4X36 LBW ✓ ip ! sueSet 712912002 Architeaural 24A36 LBVI tt im� Revision 1 drenitenwal �4)36— ll 6. CLICK: Sheet No. to view ,.. 7. CLICK: to add a specific document to your "Shopp ng Cart" 8. CLICK: Start M;r Order to place the order for printing 9. REGISTER -or- LOGIN 10. SELECT: Process -Media, Output Size and Binding options 11. ENTER: Job Number and PO information then click Next. .� 12. REVIEW: Recipient information. — 13. ENTER: Quantities 14. CLICK: the down arrow to populate order. ` 15. SELECT: Delivery options and Due time. — 16. ENTER: Your phone number in the special instructions box. 17. CLICK: Next. u 18. REVIEW order —' 19. CLICK: SUBMIT Planwell contacts: Jon West 970-691-2201, jwest@mercury-ldo.com " David Bacon-720-220-7683, dbaconCmercury-ldo.com Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. ., The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section " 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 4 U i N. Submit for record Manufacturer's written approval of surface preparation. 0. Submit for record Manufacturer's certification of project review and that deck coating installation is in accordance with written recommendations. P. Submit for record written certification that the recoat system is compatible with the existing system. 1.6 Samples y; A. Submit for review and approval, 12 inch square samples representative of color, !! thickness, and surface texture. Samples may also be requested for chemical analysis. 1.7 Environmental Requirements A. Manufacturer and Installer are required to confirm that all deck coating materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and workers' safety laws and regulations. 1. VOC content of materials shall not exceed the limits per Environmental 'Protection Agency Natural Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings (40CFR59). B. The Installer is solely responsible for fume control and shall take all necessary precautions against injury to personnel or adjacent building occupants during application. As a minimum, Installer shall take the following precautions: 1. Provide and maintain barricades. 2. Locate and protect building air intakes during application. 3. Follow all state, federal, and local safety regulations. 4. Follow all Manufacturer's safety requirements. 5. Dispose empty containers immediately and properly. 6. Use protective equipment. 7. Ensure work area is well vented to the outside. 1.8 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all materials to site in original information: 1. Name of product 2. Name of Manufacturer 3. Date of Manufacturer 4. Lot or batch number 5. UL Labels ■o unopened containers, bearing the following 07570-4 B. Store materials under cover, protected from the weather, within the Manufacturer's recommended temperatures ranges. C. Replace containers or materials showing any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to the Owner. D". At no time shall the weight of stored material placed on a slab area exceed 30 PSF or 2,000 lbs. over 20 square inches. ^ 1.9 Warranty ` A. Provide to the Owner a "Joint and Several" Warranty by the Installer and Manu- facturer that the�deck coating system will be free of defects, water penetration, _ and chemical damage related to system design, workmanship or material deficiency, consisting of, but not limited to: 1. Surface crazing of other weathering deficiency (including ultraviolet light exposure). 2. Abrasion or tear failure resulting from normal traffic use. 3. Tear failure resulting fromnew or existing cracks in substrate not exceeding 1 /16 inch in width. 4. Debonding from the substrate or delaminating between layers. 5. Defective installation. 6. Debonding or damage of repair material used for filling in pitting, bug holes, popouts, and shallow scaling with the concrete or deck coating material. v B. The Warranty shall be "Joint and Several" in which the Installer and Manufacturer will jointly and severally warrant and provide at no charge to the Owner materials and labor needed to properly repair or replace the product and replace parking stripes within the duration of the Warranty. In the event of either party's non- performance, the full burden and responsibility for any Warranty repair shall fall upon the remaining party. C. Vandalism, abrasive maintenance equipment, and construction traffic are not normal traffic use and are exempt from the Warranty. u D. Normal traffic is considered to include snow removal equipment with rubber tipped blades as described in the National Parking Association publication, "Parking Garage Maintenance Manual". .� E. Recoat systems are applied over existing systems. Installer shall provide system suitable for such application. Warranty shall cover entire system including existing system and recoat system. 1.10 Warranty Duration 07570-5 I M A. The bid price shall include a five (5) year Warranty commencing with the date of project acceptance in accordance with Section 00700, General Conditions, and Section 01700, Project Closeout and Warranties. B. Although completed areas of the facility may be reopened to traffic and parking, the commencement of the Warranty period will not occur prior to acceptance of the entire project. C. A single Warranty commencement date will apply to all waterproofing. D. Warranty shall include a transfer clause that allows the warranty to be transferred to a new Owner upon sale of the property within the Warranty period. 1.11 Basis of Payment A. Deck coating preparation and application will be paid on a unit price basis. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form. B. Detail coats over cracks, construction joints, cove joints, etc., and crack and joint sealing beneath the membrane are to be incidental to deck coating cost. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Deck Coating - General A. The deck coating system shall be a fluid applied, waterproof, traffic bearing elastomeric membrane capable of preventing penetration of the concrete by water, gasoline, oils, greases, salts, deicer chemicals, battery acids and radiator coolants. B. Color of deck coating shall be gray with the Owner selecting the shade of gray from the standard color chart submittal. C. The material to fill in the pitting, bug holes, popouts, and shallow scaling shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's written recommendations. D. Same Manufacturer's deck coating system shall be used throughout. E. The deck coating thicknesses specified herein are minimum dry film thicknesses and do not include the aggregate. The specified thicknesses may vary from Manufacturer's literature. A coat may have to be installed in more than one layer to achieve the minimum thickness or on ramps a slope grade version of deck coating material shall be used. Install each coat in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommended yield for the required thickness. F. Thinner or solvent shall not be added to deck coating materials. 07570-6 I G. All deck coating exposed to sunlight, including areas at perimeter of structure on lower levels, shall utilize a UV stable topcoat. 2.2 Recoat System (Solvent System) A. Provide a heavy duty recoat system as indicated on the Drawings. B. Approved heavy duty solvent recoat systems are: 1 . ]so -Flex 750U-HL HVT, LymTal International, Inc., Orion, MI. Grit coat at 25 mils and topcoat at 12 mils. 2. Scotch -Clad Deck Coating System HDV 100, 3M Company, St. Paul, MN. Grit coat at 25 mils and top coat at 12 mils. 3. Auto_ -Gard II Double Texture, Neogard Corporation, Dallas, TX. 2 grit coats at a total of 25 mils and top coat at 1.2 mils. 4. Sonoshield Sonoguard Recoat System, Sonneborn Building Products, Division of Chem Rex, Inc. Shakopee, MN. Grit coat at 25 mils and top coat at 12 mils. 5. CCW5123-HD, Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, Wylie, TX. Primer, 2 grit coats at 25 mils, top coat at 12 mils. 2.5 Deck Coating Aggregate A. The approved aggregates for medium and heavy duty deck coating systems -are: 1. #10 Granusil, Unimin, Ottawa, MN. 2. 1 6-30 Fracsand, Oglebay Norton Industrial Sands, Inc., Brady, TX. 3. T16/30, Badger Mining Corporation, Berlin, WI. 4. or Approved Equivalent. B. The approved aggregates for the extra heavy duty deck coating systems are basalt aggregate (traprock) as follows: 1. 3M Company, St. Paul, MN. 2. Emeri-Crete, Portsmouth, NH. 3. Or Approved Equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 General A. Inspect surfaces to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engi- neer as required in the General Conditions any deficiencies in the surface which render it unsuitable for proper execution of this work. Do not proceed with work L_ 07570-7 U �u I ,I us, until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner in accordance with Engineer. B. Coordinate and verify that related work meets the following requirements: 1 . Concrete surfaces are finished, cleaned and prepped, and have completed the required curing period. - 2. Previous surface treatments have been removed or are compatible with the systems to be installed. 3. Systems selected for use are compatible with each other. 4. Allconcrete repairs are completed. j 5. Installer to repair damaged or defective sealants prior to deck coating installation. 3.2 Preparation A. Remove all oil, grease spots, and contaminates in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations . B. Remove all existing striping in the area of application . C. Shotblast all concrete surfaces to receive deck coating. Shotblast equipment performance requirements are as follows: 1. Equipment shall be capable of traveling at a constant speed to provide uniform profile. The speed and the size of the equipment and the size of the steel shot shall be selected to provide desired preparation without causing unnecessary damage to the concrete surface. 2. Equipment shall vacuum up, or otherwise retain all dirt, dust, and debris from the blasting operation. 3. Equipment used during floor slab preparation cleaning shall not exceed the weight limitation of 30 PSF. 4. Areas inaccessible to shotblaster (i.e. vertical surfaces, against walls, columns, stairways, etc.) are to be abrasive blasted or abraded to the same performance. 5. Remove debris immediately after the surface preparation. Debris includes, but is not limited to, shot, aggregate and dust. Debris shall be placed in a 07570-8 F covered dumpster or a covered area where it will not be rebroadcast by wind or weather. D. Metal surfaces that are to be deck coated shall be abrasive blasted to near white metal, SSPC SP10 in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council Painting Manual. Rust inhibitive primer shall be installed in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations within 8 hours of abrasive blasting. E. Rout and seal cracks greater than 1 /32 inch (32 mils) in accordance with Section 07900, Joint Sealants or as required by the Manufacturer. Cracks, coves, terminations and all unusual situations shall be detailed per the Manufacturer's recommendations. F. The Installer shall be responsible for repair or replacement of all materials damaged by surface preparation operations. G. Acid shall not be used as a surface preparation method prior to installation of deck coating. H. Surfaces shall be air blown with sufficient pressure to remove excess dirt, dust and debris, and to assure that concrete is clean prior to application of deck coating. I. After shotblasting and abrasive blasting and prior to the first coat of deck coating, the pitting, bug holes, popouts, and shallow scaling shall be prepared in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. As a minimum, a thin epoxy mortar shall be used to fill voids. J. No vehicles which would track in road salts shall be allowed on the structure until. the deck coating is installed and cured. 3.3 Additional Preparation Requirements - Recoat System A. Prepare existing coating system in accordance with Manufacturer's written recom- mendations. As a minimum: 1 . Remove existing coating that is debonded or damaged. 2. Identify and repair all concrete damage prior to installation. 3. Remove and replace failed crack and construction joint sealants prior to installation. 07570-9 I i� 4. Clean existing coating by power washing with Manufacturer's approved detergent, using stiff brooms to clean surface, and removing grease with Manufacturer's approved chemical cleaner. 5. Shotblast the existing coating system. 6. Remove any additional damaged or debonded existing coating after shotblasting. 7. Sensitize existing coating in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.4 Installation /Application A. Do all work in strict accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions and specifications and as indicated. B. Do not apply deck coating materials until the concrete has been air dried at temperatures at or above 40 degrees F. for at least 28 days after curing period specified in Section 03370, Concrete Repair, or as otherwise approved by Manufacturer. C. Concrete shall be dry prior to application of deck coating. Installer shall perform slab moisture testing in accordance with ASTM D 4263 Standard Test Method -for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method. Testing must be performed in at least 1 location for every 10,000SF of coating. The use of heat lamps for performing tests may be required in areas not exposed to sunlight. D. Provide appropriate enclosures and necessary heating for application. Air temperatures directly below and above the slab being coated must be maintained at a minimum of 50 degrees F up to 48 hours prior to coating and at 60 degrees F for a minimum of 72hours after coating, or as required for full curing of material. Provide high/low thermometers within work area. As a minimum, provide two thermometers directly below slab and two directly above slab being coated. E. All deck coating shall maintain straight edges at terminations. F. Surfaces to be deck coated shall be divided into areas in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommended yield for the specified thickness and for the specific container size of material. The area is to be divided by keel marks, or another Engineer approved method. G. All sealants to be provided adequate cure time, minimum 8 hours, to be tack free prior to deck coating. All construction joints, control joints, joints at perimeter of patches, cold joints and cracks (sealed and unsealed) shall receive a detail coat, 07570-10 �i@ minimum of 4 inches wide. Detail coat shall be the same thickness as base coat unless Manufacturer's requirements are more strict. Detail coat shall cure a minimum of 12 hours prior to base coating. H. Extend deck coating up vertical surfaces as indicated on the Drawings. I. Incorporate aggregate until refusal. Aggregate until refusal will result in a surface that is tan in color. Additional aggregate may have to be added after the first pass. J. Complete all work under this Section before painting line stripes. K. If larger containers than 10 gallon pails and/or pumps are used, the following items shall be performed. y 1. Submit three weeks before start of construction, plans and calculations indicating how system will be installed. 2. No containers larger than 55 gallon drums. 3. All containers numbered consecutively with numbering unique to each container. 4. Maximum of one pump and two power rollers/sprayers. 5. Deck coating installed in one grid at a time. Quantity of material to determine one grid size shall be 27.5 gallons (1/2 maximum drum size). 6. Develop method of measuring the material in the container or drum as it is being used, as approved by the Engineer. 7. If work is phased and Manufacturer's yield is not met in accordance with this specification, then the use of pumps will be immediately discontinued, and the maximum application grid size will be readjusted to correspond to 10 gallon pails. 8. If after the initial phase the Manufacturer's yield is consistently and uniformly met, then one more pump and two more power rollers/sprayers may be used with the Engineer's approval. Each pump shall have its own operator and be used for separate grids. 3.5 Additional Installation Requirements — Recoat Systems A. Where base concrete is exposed provide primer and base coat. B. Use primer over entire area as required by Manufacturer. C. Apply recoat system over all areas as specified. 07570-1 1 3.6 Damage and Repairs A. Any necessary repairs for deck coating resulting from dry film testing are to be repaired by Installer. B. Pinholing of the membrane will be cause for rejection. Installer shall repair and take the necessary steps to prevent pinholing to occur at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.7 Cleanup A. Remove all excess primer, sealant, deck coating, and masking materials from the structure. END OF SECTION 07570-12 SECTION 07900 - JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to install joint sealants, including surface preparation, in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. B. Work included by the joint sealant Installer shall include deck coatings specified in Section 07570, Traffic -Bearing Membranes. 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Concrete Repair Section 03370 3. Traffic -Bearing Membranes Section 07570 4. Expansion Joint Sealant Systems Section 07910 5. Pavement Marking Section 09920 1.4 Quality Control A. General 1. The joint sealant Installer shall be approved by the joint sealant Manufacturer. 2. The joint sealant Installer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in application of one of the approved joint sealant systems and have experience for a project in size of 5,000 LF or greater. 3. The Manufacturer shall make available a qualified Representative to assist the Installer and Engineer as specified herein. The Representative shall be experienced in the placement of the sealant material. B. Testing Requirements 1 . Installer to perform adhesion test in presence of Engineer at the rate of one test per 1 ,000 lineal feet of joint. Adhesion test to be performed a minimum of 7 days after installation. Procedure per Manufacturer's standard or as follows: 07 900-1 .N The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 59. of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City S� Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited City of Fort Collins BY James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP Purchasing & Risk Management Director H P p 1 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 5 H I fit+ a. Make a knife cut from one side of the joint to the other. b. Make two cuts approximately two inches long at the sides of the joint, meeting the first cut at the top of the two-inch cuts. C. Grasp the two-inch piece of joint sealant and try to pull the uncut sealant out of the joint. d. If adhesion is adequate, the joint sealant should tear cohesively in itself or be very difficult to adhesively remove from the surface. e. Joint sealant shall be replaced by applying more sealant in the same manner it was originally installed. 2. If test results are unsatisfactory, more frequent testing will be required until satisfactory 'results are consistently obtained. 3. Replace all joint sealant which proves defective: per above test at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Flood test areas of sealant application by a constant application of water for 20 minutes. Inclement weather of rain or snow may substitute flood test by Engineers approval. All defects detected shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 1.5 Submittals A. Submit with overall project schedule the sequence of placement of sealants within the structure. The sealant installation shall be coordinated to allow required minimum concrete cure times. B. Submit for record certification that the joint sealant system is compatible with all of the products in Divisions 3, 7, and 9 to which it will come in contact. C. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets of each product to be used. D. Submit for record Material Safety Data Sheets of each product, solvent, or related chemicals to be used and certification that the materials conform to local, state and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations. E. Upon request submit for review and approval qualifications of Manufacturer's representative. F. Upon request, submit for record qualification statement of the installer stating projects, size and location. G. Submit for review and approval a complete description of the joint sealant system including primer, sealant material, and backer rods or bond breakers. Also indicate 07900-2 placement and installation procedures along with material working requirements, shelf life and performance data. H. Submit sample Warranty prior to commencing sealant work. 1.6 Samples A. Submit for review and approval, samples of joint sealants. Samples may also be requested for chemical analysis. 1.7 Environmental Requirements A. Manufacturer and Installer are required to confirm that all materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and workers' safety laws and regulations. 1. VOC content of materials shall not exceed the limits per Environmental Protection Agency National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings (40CFR59). 1.8 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all materials to site in original, unopened containers, bearing the following information: 1 . Name of product 2. Name of Manufacturer 3. Date of manufacture 4. Lot or batch number 5. UL labels B. Store materials under cover and protected from the weather, within the Manufacturer's recommended temperature ranges. C. Replace packages or materials showing any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to the Owner. D. At not time shall the weight of the stored material placed on a slab area exceed 30 PSF or 2,000 lbs. over 20 square inches. 1.9 Warranty A. Provide to the Owner a "Joint and Several" Warranty by the Installer and Manu- facturer that the joint sealant system will be free of defects, water penetration, and chemical damage related to design, workmanship, or material deficiency, consisting of, but not limited to: 1. Surface crazing or other weathering deficiency. U 07900-3 u F 2. Abrasion or tear failure resulting from normal traffic use. Q 3. Tear failure resulting from anticipated movement. 4. Debonding from the substrate or delaminating between layers. 5. Defective installation. B. The Warranty shall be "Joint and Several" in which the Installer and Manufacturer will jointly and severally warrant and provide at no charge to the Owner materials and labor needed to property repair or replace the product and replace parking stripes within the duration of the Warranty. In the event of either party's non- performance, the full burden and responsibility for any. Warranty repair shall fall upon the remaining party. C. Vandalism, abrasive maintenance equipment, and construction traffic are not normal traffic use and are exempt from the Warranty. D. Normal traffic is considered to include snow removal equipment with rubber tipped blades as described in the National Parking Association publication, Parking Garage Maintenance Manual. 1.10 Warranty Duration A. The bid price shall include a five (5) year Warranty commencing with the date of project acceptance in accordance with Section 00700, General Conditions and Section 01700, Project Closeout and Warranties. B. Although completed areas of the facility may be opened to traffic and parking, the commencement of the Warranty period will not occur prior to acceptance of the entire project. C. A single Warranty commencement date will apply to all waterproofing. D. Warranty shall include a transfer clause that allows the Warranty to be transferred to a new Owner upon sale of the property within the Warranty period. 1.11 Basis of Payment A. Cove sealants and construction joint sealants are to be included in lump sum or unit price cost of traffic bearing membrane. All other sealants, including routing and sealing of random cracks will be paid on a unit price basis. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form. B. Joint widening or other necessary modifications and preparation shall be incidental a to system cost. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 07900-4 2.1 Joint Sealant System - Polyurethane A. Horizontal Joint Sealant (except cove joints) 1. Traffic -bearing, multi -component, self -leveling or non -sag unmodified poly- urethane sealant, gray in color unless otherwise noted, containing no coal tar, asphalt, or other adulterants and conforming to ASTM C 920, Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants, Type M, Grade P or INS, Class 25, use T and Federal Specification TT-S-00227, Type I or II, Class A. 2. On slopes greater than 2%, slope grade versions of specified self -leveling sealants or non -sag sealants, as specified for vertical and cove joint sealants, are to be used per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Approved Horizontal Joint Sealants are: a. Iso-Flex 880GB or 881, LymTal International, Inc., Orion, MI. b. Urexpan NR-200 or Dynatred, Pecora Corp., Harleysville, PA. C. Sikaflex - 2c NS/SL, Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ. d. Sonolastic SL2, Sonneborn Building Products, Div of Chem Rex Inc., Shakopee, MN. , e. - THC 900 or THC 901, Tremco Inc., Cleveland, OH. f. Vulkem 245, Tremco Inc., Cleveland, OH. B. Vertical and Cove Joint Sealants 1. Multi -component, non -sag unmodified polyurethane sealant, gray in color unless otherwise noted, containing no coal tar, asphalt, or other adulterants and conforming to ASTM C 920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25, use NT and Federal Specification TT-S-00227E , Type II, Class A. 2. Approved Vertical and Cove Joint Sealants are: a. ISO -FLEX 881, LymTal International, Inc., Orion, MI. b. Dynatrol II, Pecora Corp., Harleysville, PA. C. Sikaflex - 2c INS, Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ. d. Sonolastic NP2, Sonneborn Building Products, Division of Chem Rex Inc., Shakopee, MN. e. Dymeric 240 or Dymeric 511, Tremco Inc., Cleveland, OH. f. Vulkem 922, Tremco, Inc., Cleveland, OH. 2.2 Backer Rod u A. Backer rod diameter shall be as recommended by Manufacturer for joint sizes " indicated on Drawings. 07900-5 v 0 0 r �<.. ,Vi z'1 It u �'�, �,,IIf L+ R 11 El B. Backer rod shall be extruded round, closed cell or bi-cellular, low -density polyethylene or polyolefin foam material with a skin -like outer texture. C. Approved closed cell backer rods are: 1. Mile High Foam Backer Rod, Backer Rod Manufacturing, Inc., Denver, CO. 2. ITP Standard Backer Rod Insulation, Industrial Thermo Polymers Limited, Buffalo, NY. 3. HBR, Nomaco, Inc., Zebulon, NC. 4. Sonolastic Closed -Cell Backer -Rod, Sonneborn Building Products, Div, of ChemRex, Inc., Shakopee, MN. D. Approved bi-cellular backer rods are: 1.. ITP Soft -Type Backer Rod, Industrial Thermo Polymers Limited, Buffalo, NY. 2. SOF Rod, Nomaco, Inc., Zebulon, NC. 3. Sonolastic Soft Backer -Rod, Sonneborn Building Products, Division of ChemRex, Inc., Shakopee, MN. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection A. Inspect surfaces to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer as required in the General Conditions any deficiencies in the surface which render it unsuitable for proper execution of this work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Commencement of ,work implies acceptance of related work. 3.2 General A. Coordinate and verify that related work meets the following requirements. 1. Concrete surfaces are finished, cleaned and prepped, as specified by the Manufacturer for the system to be installed. 2. Curing compounds used on concrete surfaces are.compatible with the work to be installed. 3. Systems selected for use are compatible with each other. B. Installer shall take necessary precautions against injury to personnel or adjacent building occupants during installation of joint sealants. Installer personnel shall use protective equipment and area shall be well vented to the outside. 3.3 Preparation 07900-6 u No A. Grind joint edges smooth and straight prior to installation. B. All surfaces that are to receive joint sealant shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned by mechanical means of all loose particles, existing joint sealant, laitance, dirt, dust, oil, grease or other foreign matter. Mechanical methods, such as grinding or sandblasting, shall be used to clean joint surfaces to sound, virgin concrete. C. Check preparation of substrate to ensure adhesion of joint sealant. D. Correct unsatisfactory conditions in a manner acceptable to the Manufacturer and Engineer before installation of joint sealant system. E. Rout crack s with a grinding tool to produce the profile indicated on the drawings. The crack must be centered in the routed notch. 3.4 Installation/Application A. Do all work in strict accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions and specifications and as indicated on the Drawings. B. Do not apply joint sealant system until the concrete has been air dried at tempera- tures at or above 40 degrees F. for at least 28 days after the curing period specified in Section 03300, Cast -In -Place Concrete, Section 03370, Concrete Repair, or as otherwise approved by Manufacturer. C. Install bond breaker or backer rod according to Drawings. D. Prime all joints. E. Completely fill the joint without sagging or smearing onto adjacent surfaces. F. In areas not receiving deck coating, fill horizontal joints until slightly recessed to avoid direct contact with wheel traffic. G. Cease installation of sealants under adverse weather conditions, or when tempera- tures are below 40 degrees F or below or above Manufacturer's recommended limitations. H. Protect joint sealant as required until sealant is fully cured. . 3.5 Cleanup A. Remove all excess primer, sealant, and masking materials from the structure. 07900-7 END OF SECTION ;�tro A e�l SECTION 07910 - EXPANSION JOINT SEALANT SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to install expansion joint systems in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section 1. Submittals Section 01300 2. Concrete Repair Section 03370 3. Traffic Bearing Membrane Section 07570 4. Joint Sealants Section 07900 1.4 Quality Control A. General 1. The expansion joint system Installer shall be approved by the expansion joint Manufacturer. The Installer shall be a licensed Installer, factory trained and certified in the proper installation of the specified expansion joint system. 2. Installer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in the application of one of the approved expansion joint systems and have experience for a project in size of 600 LF or greater. 3. The Manufacturer shall make available a qualified Manufacturer's Representative to assist the Installer and Engineer as specified herein., The Representative shall be experienced in the installation of their system. As a minimum, the Representative shall be on site to review the following: a. Preparation and expansion joint installation. B. The Installer and Manufacturer shall review the size and quality of the expansion joint blockouts during concrete construction. The Contractor shall be promptly notified of any noted deficiencies and shall correct prior to expansion joint installation. 07910-1 H 1i e� 96 fij �I, iJ ill l�, M C. A preconstruction/preinstallation meeting shall be held to discuss blockout detailing, gap widths, application techniques and procedures, phasing, and scheduling. The foreman and lead laborer for the Installer will be required to attend the meeting along with the Contractor, Concrete Subcontractor, Manufacturer's Representative and Engineer. This meeting shall be held prior to any concrete placement at expansion joint blockouts. 1.5 Submittals A. Submit for record certification that the expansion joint system is compatible with all of the products in Divisions 3 and 7 to which it will come in contact. B. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets of each product to be used. C. Submit for record Material Safety Data Sheets of each product, solvent, or related chemicals to be used, and certification that the materials conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations. D. Upon request, submit for review and approval qualifications of the Manufacturer's Representative. E. Submit for record complete description of the expansion joint sealant system along with pertinent test and design data. F. Submit for review and approval shop drawings of the joint system general layout, required dimensions (including blockout) and tolerances for installation and details indicating end conditions and procedures around columns, up curbs, and any other unusual situations. G. Submit for record temperature vs. joint width installation chart for each system specified. H. Submit for record. Manufacturer's written certification of expansion joint trial area acceptance. I. Submit a preventive maintenance guideline for parking structure expansion joints. J. Submit for record "Snow Removal Guidelines" stating the procedures the Owner is to follow during snow removal over the expansion joint. K. Submit sample Warranty prior to installation. 1.6 Samples A. Submit for review and approval samples of expansion joint systems and color options if any. 07910-2 u 1.7 Environmental Requirements A. Manufacturer and Installer are required to confirm that all materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and workers' safety laws and regulations. 1.8 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all materials to site in original, unopened containers, bearing the following information: B. Name of product 1. Name of.Manufacturer 2. Date of manufacture 3. Lot or batch number 4. UL labels u C. Store materials under cover and protected from the weather, within the Manufacturer's recommended temperature ranges, as a minimum above 40 degrees F. D. Replace packages or materials indicating any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to the Owner. E. At no time shall the weight of the stored material placed on a slab area exceed 30 psf or 2,000 lbs. over 20 square inches. u 1.9 Warranty A. Provide to the Owner a "Joint and Several" Warranty from the Installer and Manufacturer that the expansion joint system will be free of leaks and defects related to design, workmanship, or material deficiency for the duration of the Warranty. B. The Warranty shall be "Joint and Several" in which the Installer and Manufacturer will _ jointly and severally warrant and provide at no charge to the Owner materials and labor needed to properly repair or replace the product within the duration of the Warranty. In the event of either party's non-performance, the full burden and responsibility for any Warranty repair shall fall upon the remaining party. C. Repair concrete for expansion joint blockouts are also to be warranted for the duration of the expansion joint Warranty. (Restoration) D. Vandalism, abrasive maintenance equipment, and construction traffic are not normal traffic use and are exempt from the Warranty. 07910-3 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS i 0 E. Normal traffic is considered to include snow removal equipment with rubber -tipped blades as described in the National Parking Association publication, "Parking Garage Maintenance Manual." 1.10 Warranty Duration A. The bid price shall include a five (5) year Warranty commencing with the date of project acceptance in accordance with Section 00700, General Conditions, and Section 01700, Project Closeout and Warranties. B. Although completed areas of the facility may be opened to traffic and parking, the commencement of the Warranty period will not occur prior to acceptance of the entire project. C. A single Warranty commencement date will apply to all waterproofing. D. Warranty shall include a transfer clause that allows the Warranty to be transferred to a new Owner upon sale of the property within the Warranty period. 1.11 Basis of Payment A. Expansion joint preparation and installation will be paid on a unit price basis. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Form. B. Joint widening; filler material or other necessary modifications to joint cavity and joint material shall be incidental to system cost. PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.1 Expansion Joints — General A. All expansion joint systems and glands shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines to accept pedestrian traffic. B. For each type of expansion joint, the same Manufacturer's system shall be used .throughout. C. Design of expansion joint system shall be for a maximum ambient temperature range of 20OF to + 1200F. 2.2 Expansion Joint System for Pedestrian Traffic - Neoprene A. The Expansion Joint System shall be capable of bearing pedestrian. traffic while maintaining a watertight seal. The expansion joint seal shall be capable of the cyclic movement expected at the joint without overstress in the gland or nosing material. 07910-4 r U u 2.3 Approved Neoprene Multicell Glands with Adhesive Expansion Joint Systems for Pedestrian Traffic are: A. JC Series Expansion Joint Sealing System (Model JC), Conspec Systems, Inc., Muncy, PA. B. Iso-Flex Pressure Lok Joint System with Profile Type Q Gland, LymTal International Inc., Orion, MI. C. Jeene Expansion Joint System with Profile Type FW Gland (Model FW), Watson Bowman Acme Corp;, Amherst, NY. u PART 3 - EXECUTION , 3.1 General A. Inspect surfaces to receive the work and report immediately in writing to the Engineer as required in the General Conditions any deficiencies in the surface which render it unsuitable for proper execution of this work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Commence- ment of work implies acceptance of related work. B. Verify the following requirements. 1. Concrete surfaces are finished, cleaned, and prepared, as specified by the Manufacturer. 2. Curing compounds used are compatible or have been removed. 3. Concrete surfaces have completed the proper curing period. 4. Systems are compatible with each other. C. Installer shall take necessary precautions to protect building occupants during installa- tion. D. Installer personnel shall use protective equipment and area shall be well vented to the outside. 3.2 Preparation A. The Contractor shall provide a properly formed, solid, straight, parallel concrete blockout per the Manufacturer's requirements and as indicated on the Drawings. B. Grind joint edges smooth and straight prior to installation. C. Abrasive blast expansion joint blockout to receive bonded nosing material. Remove all contaminates, including laitance. Expose fine aggregate, however, do not expose coarse aggregate. 07910-5 u L U i N M el P Ill D. All surfaces shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned of all loose particles, laitance, dirt, dust, oil, grease, or other foreign matter. E. New expansion joint blockouts requiring widening or other necessary modifications shall be incidental to system cost. F. Actual field conditions of existing expansion joint blockouts may be deeper and wider than the proposed new expansion joint system as detailed on the Drawings. Blockout size may not be reduced by patching, shimming, etc. When existing blockout is larger additional nosing material shall be used. When blockout size is smaller it shall be made larger by sawcutting. 3.3 Installation A. Do all work in strict accordance with Manufacturer's . written instructions and specifications and as indicated on the Drawings. B. Do not install expansion joint systems until the concrete has been air dried at temperatures at or above 45 degrees F. for at least 28 days after the curing period specified in Section 03370, Concrete Repair, or as otherwise acceptable by Manufacturer. Blockouts requiring the use of patching compounds must be cured for seventy-two hours prior to installation. C. Cease installation of expansion joints under adverse weather conditions, or when temperatures are below or above Manufacturer's recommended limitations for installation. D. Mask adjacent concrete and gland surfaces to provide neat, workmanlike appearance. E. The membrane seal or gland shall be unpacked and laid in a relaxed position to relieve any temporary coiling from shipment prior to installation. F. Ambient temperatures shall not be lower than 40 degrees F during installation. G. All terminations of joints shall have a minimum upturn of six inches. 3.4 Additional Installation Requirements — Neoprene Systems A. Remove all foreign materials completely from the gap. Clean edges of gap with disc grinding or sand blasting and vacuum or air blow gap faces clean. B. Remove and repair any unsound concrete on the joint gap edges per Manufacturer's recommendations. C. Install joint system in strict accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. 07910-6 f. 3.5 Cleanup A. Remove all excess primer, nosing material, and masking materials, and dispose of in a proper manner. END OF SECTION n 07910-7 T' E I ;II rr4� I SECTION 09900 - PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this Section shall include furnishing all permits, labor, materials, equipment, and services to prepare and paint and/or stain as indicated (but not limited to) on the Architectural Room Finish Schedule. Refer also to Structural Drawings. 1 . Lintel steel, refer to "Steel Coating System" 2. Steel Bridge metal components, refer to "Steel Paint System" 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01300 1.4 Reference Standards A. Comply with the requirements of the current edition of the specifications or standard listed, except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein: 1. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC), Volume I, Good Painting Practices and Volume ll, Systems and Specifications 2. Local, state, or federal laws and regulations governing Volatile Organic Com— pounds (VOC) in paint or paint products. 3. Standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), as cited herein. 1.5 Quality Control A. Samples for testing shall be supplied not less than 30 days before work on the job is started. Samples of all coatings to be used under these specifications shall have received approval from the Engineer. Failure of the Contractor to obtain prior approval shall not reflect upon any proposed product, nor shall such failure be used in order to obtain an extension of time for completion of the work. 09 900-1 P B. Provide coating systems produced by the same Manufacturer. C. Membrane wet film thickness sha// be checked by making a test consisting of five wet film readings within a one square foot area. The average film thickness shall be within 10 percent minus or 30 percent plus of the Manufacturer's recommended average wet film thickness. No individual reading shall be more than 50 percent plus or minus of the manufacturer's recommended wet film thickness. The number of wet film thickness tests for each coat shall be as follows: 1 . Steel: Two tests for every 500 sf 1.6 If thickness check fails the above requirements, more frequent testing will be required as directed by the engineer. A. All coating systems applied on miscellaneous metals shall, after drying, be measured by a magnetic thickness gauge, such as the Elcometer, or as approved by the Engineer. The thickness of the prime, intermediate and finish coatings shall be .� not less than specified. A minimum of two checks shall be made on each item. B. All coating systems to be applied over an existing paint system shall be tested for adhesion using a cross hatch adhesion test in accordance with ASTM D3359, _ Method B, not less than a 4B rating or Elcometer adhesion testing in accordance with ASTM D4541 not less than 1000 psi pull, average of three tests. 1.7 Submittals u A. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's "Spec Data Sheets for paint systems; including primer, intermediate, and final coats. B. Submit for record "Material Safety Data Sheets" for all materials used. C. Submit for record complete preparation and painting procedure to be followed. As a minimum, the following items must be included: ^ 1 . Surface preparation 2. Paint mixing and application 3. Inspection criteria 4. Paint characteristics 5. Dust and fume control 6. Storage and handling r 7. Repair to paint system B. Paint curing 9. Compatibility of all components 09900-2 a D. Submit for record certification of compliance with local and federal guidelines governing paint application. E. Submit for record verification that proper permits have been obtained for contemplated work. F. Submit for record test results of actual measured wet and dry film thicknesses and certification that the preparation and application of surfaces is in compliance with this specification and the Manufacturer's specification. Indicate location, date, weather and other pertinent information. G. Submit for record results of adhesion tests. _ H. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's standard color chart. Ni H1 N kG; a 1-11.1 El 1.8 Samples A. Submit sample color chips for each *topcoat color. Samples are to measure 1 2" x 1 2", are to be on hardboard, and to have a texture to simulate actual conditions. 1.9 Environmental Requirements A. Manufacturer and Contractor are required to confirm that all materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and workers' safety laws and regulations. B. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide any and all necessary containment to protect on site and adjoining property from damage during cleaning and coating operations. C. It shall also be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to meet all regulations regarding air quality emission standards, OSHA, NFPA, EPA and other governing law set by local, state and federal agencies. To include the debris from paint removal, and the new paint products. 1.10 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all materials to site in original, unopened containers designated by the Contractor. B. Store materials under cover and protected from the weather. Replace packages of materials showing any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to Owner. C. Mix and prepare coatings only in areas designated by the Contractor for that purpose. 09900-3 D. Provide clean cans and buckets required for mixing coatings and for receiving rags and other waste materials associated with painting. Clean buckets regularly. At the close of each day's work remove used rags and other waste materials associated with painting. E. Take precautions to prevent fire in or around coatings materials. Provide and maintain f hand fire extinguisher near storage and mixing area. 1.11 Basis of Payment A. Pay unit cost for painting is 1. Lintel steel, refer to "Steel Coating System," is incidental to work item "Replace " Lintel." 2. Steel Bridge metal components, refer to "Steel Paint System" is lump sum. The ^ lump sum price shall include all costs associated with painting, including but not limited to preparation, disposal, etc. Refer to Section 00300, "Bid Forms". PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 Steel Coating System A. Provide paint system consisting of zinc prime coat, epoxy intermediate coat 3-5 mils ^ dry film thickness and urethane finish coat 2-3 mils dry film thickness all in accordance' with Manufacturer's recommendations. B. Prime coat, intermediate coat, and finish coat shall be from same Manufacturer. Color of each paint coat shall be different. _ C. All surfaces to be coated must be abrasive cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP6, " Commercial Blast Cleaning -blast cleaning until at least two-thirds of each square inch is free of all visible residues. D. Provide zinc prime coat 2-3.5 mils dry film thickness in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. E. Acceptable primers are 1. Carbo Zinc II, Carboline Company 2. Dimetcote 9, Ameron Company 3. 97-673, 97-674-Metalhide 1001 Inorganic Zinc Rich, PPG Industries, Inc. 4. 513F108 Moisture Cure Urethane Zinc Rich, The Valspar Corp. 5. Or approved equivalent `J F. Approved epoxy intermediate and urethane finish coat systems are: TS 0 fl I E L �I M E r„ K F al, W 1. Carboline 893, Carboline 134 HS, Carboline Company 2. Amercoat 385, Ameron Amershield, Ameron Protective Coatings Group 3. 97-130, 97-139-HiBuild Semi -Gloss Epoxy, 97-800 Series, Pitthane Acrylic Urethane, PPG Industries, Inc. 4. V89 Series Val Chem Hi -Build Epoxy, V40 Series Urethane Enamel, The Valspar Corp. 5. Or Approved Equivalent G. Mask surfaces to be field welded and at bolt holes in faying surfaces of friction connections. Field welds shall be painted after cleaning H. Field Touch Up: As soon as possible after being bolted up, all welds, abrasions, bolts, washers, nuts, etc. shall be painted with same material as used for shop coat. No painting shall be done in freezing weather. I. Handle steel so as not to damage primer or paint system. 2.2 Steel Paint System A. Provide paint system consisting of zinc prime coat, epoxy intermediate coat, and urethane finish coat. B. Prime coat, intermediate coat, and finish coat shall be from same Manufacturer. Color of each paint coat shall be different. C. Approved paint systems are as follows: D. Tnemec Paint System by Tnemec, Kansas City, MO a. Prime Coat: "Tnemec 90-97 Tnemec-Zinc." One coat to a dry mil thickness of 3 to 4 mils. b. Intermediate Coat: "Series 66 HI -BUILD Epoxoline." One coat to a dry mil thickness of 4 to 6 mils. C. Finish Coat: "Series 70 ENDURA-SHIELD." One coat at a dry mil thickness of 1.5 to 2 mils. E. Carboline Paint System 1 . Prime Coat: "Carbo Zinc II." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 2-3.5 mils. 2. Intermediate Coat: "Carboline 893." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness.of 3-5 mils. 3. Finish Coat: "Carboline 1 34HS." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. 09900-5 u u F. Ameron Paint System 1 . Primer Coat: "Dimetcote 9." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 2-3.5 mils. 2. Intermediate Coat: "Amercoat 385." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. 3. Finish Coat: "Ameron Amershield." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. G. PPG Paint System 1 . Prime Coat: "97-100 Series -Pitt -Guard DTR Primer." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 2-3.5 mils. 2. Intermediate Coat: -97-1 30, 97-1 39-Hi-Build Epoxy." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. 3. Finish -Cgat: "97-800 Series - Pitthane Acrylic Urethane." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3 - 5 mils. 1 H. Valspar Paint System 1. Prime Coat: "513F108 Moisture Cure Urethane Zinc Rich." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 2-3.5 mils. 2. Intermediate Coat: "V89 Series Val Chem Hi Build Epoxy." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. s 3. Finish Coat: "V40 Series Urethane Enamel." One coat to a minimum dry mil thickness of 3-5 mils. I. Or Approved Equivalent PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 General A. Inspect surfaces to which paint will be applied and report immediately in writing to the Engineer as required in the General Conditions any conditions detrimental to the proper execution of this work. B. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are acceptably remedied. Commence- ment of work implies acceptance of related work. C. No coating system shall be applied without the approval of the Engineer as to the proposed method of the surface preparation. D. Before commencing work, make certain that the surface is in proper condition to receive coating system, that surfaces are clean, dry, smooth, and at proper temperature as recommended by Manufacturer. NO0 uI SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of .the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990.ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). �j 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS f®a11 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort 12/03 Sect -ion 00100 Page 1 1I1 T E. Provide adequate ventilation to remove fumes to a safe location and to confine and control fumes so that life or property is not endangered. F. Protect all adjacent surfaces, vehicles and equipment from overspray. 3.2 Preparation A. Mask all boundaries to provide straight edges. B. Do not intermix materials of different character or different Manufacturer. C. Do not thin material except as recommended by Manufacturer. D. Preparation of metal surfaces: 1 . Steel as indicated on the Drawings shall be abrasive blast cleaned in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council surface preparation specification SSPC SP6, Commercial Blast Clean; except that preparation for 3 coat paint system shall be cleaned to SSPG SP10 - White Metal. Provide a blast profile as recommended by the paint manufacturer. The Contractor shall measure the blast profile using Testex Replica Tape. 2. After blasting and before painting, the surface shall be brushed with clean brushes made of fiber or bristle, or cleaned by vacuum, removing all traces of blast products from the surface as well as corners and pockets. 3. The blast cleaning operations shall be done in such a manner that no damage is done to partially or entirely completed portions of the work. ® 4. Dry blast cleaning operations shall not be conducted on surfaces that will be wet 1® after blasting and before painting or when the surfaces are less than 5 degrees F. above the dew point, or when the relative humidity of the air is greater than 85 percent, unless a water -tolerating inhibitive treatment or coating will be applied before rusting occurs. 5. Apply primer within 8 hours of surface preparation. 3.3 Application A. Work shall be done by skilled craftsmen who are qualified to perform the required work and shall be done in a manner comparable to the best standards of practice found in that trade. All material shall be evenly applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls, wrinkles, holidays, or any other application defects. All brushed coats 09900-7 shall be of the proper consistency and properly brushed out so as to show the minimum of brush marks. When finished and dried, brush strokes shall appear in the vertical direction only, and there shall be no curved brush marks showing. All coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied. B. In applying coatings by spray gun, the material shall be applied in a wet coating that remains glossy wet for at least twenty seconds after application. Spraying shall be done in the crisscross lap method of spraying, striking first in one direction and shortly thereafter spraying across this same section at right angles to the first set of passes, so as to provide a continuous wet film of the finish coat. C. Coating systems shall be applied in accordance with the Manufacturer's printed instructions for that particular coating. I D. Where more than two coats are specified, each subsequent coat shall be of sufficient color difference that holidays, skips, thin spots, etc. can be easily be seen in contrast with the preceding coat. E. The base coating shall be applied within eight hours after the final abrasive blasting. 3.4 Repair A. Paint damage is to be repaired by the re -application of the paint system in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. B. Apply additional coats if the coating does not completely hide the undercoat. END OF SECTION u V K R M SECTION 09920 - PAVEMENT MARKING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents A. The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section. 1.2 Work Included A. The Work of this.Section includes furnishing all material, labor, equipment, and services to paint on the floor, the following items of the types, patterns, sizes and colors same as existing through out the structure. 1. Parking stripes 2. Traffic arrows 3. Walkway stripes 4. Text 5. ADA accessible space logo 1.3 Related Work A. The following Work is related to this Section: 1. Submittals Section 01 300 2. Concrete Repair Section 03370 3. Traffic -Bearing Membranes Section 07570 1.4 Submittals A. Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets of each product - to be used. B. Submit for record Material Safety Data Sheets of each product, solvent, or related chemicals to be used, and certification that the materials conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations. C. Submit for record standard color chip of each color used. D. Submit for record color chip with glass beads for each color used with glass beads. E. Submit for review and approval shop drawings indicating stall size, spacing, etc. 1.5 Environmental Requirements 09920-1 I A. Manufacturer and Installer are required to confirm that all materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and workers' safety laws and regulations. 1. VOC content of materials shall not exceed the limits per Environmental Protection Agency National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings (40CFR59). B. The Installer is solely responsible for fume control and shall take all necessary pre- cautions against injury to personnel or adjacent building occupants during application. As a minimum, Installer shall take the following precautions: 1. Provide and maintain barricades. 2. Locate and protect building air intakes during application. 3. Follow all state, federal, and local safety regulations. 4. Follow all Manufacturer's safety requirements. 5. Dispose empty containers immediately and properly. 6. Use protective equipment. 7. Ensure work area is well vented to the exterior. 1.6 Transportation and Handling A. Deliver all materials to site in original, unopened containers bearing the following information: 1. Name of Product 2. Name of Manufacturer 3. Date of Manufacture 4. Lot or Batch Number B. Store materials under cover and protected from the weather. C. Replace containers showing any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to Owner. D. Mix and prepare coatings only in areas designated by the Contractor for that purpose. E. Take precautions to prevent fire in or around coatings materials. Provide and maintain hand fire extinguisher near storage and mixing area. F. At no time shall the weight of the stored material placed on a slab area exceed 30 PSF or 2,000 lbs. over 20 square inches. 1.7 Basis of Payment 09920-2 u IJ V A. Pavement marking preparation and application will be paid on a lump sum basis. Refer to Section 00300, Bid Forms. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Pavement Markings — Acrylic Waterborne A. All materials shall meet Federal Specification TT-P-1952B. B. Provide same pavement markings as existing. C., Approved acrylic waterborne pavement markings are: 1. SetFast Acrylic Waterborne Traffic Marking Paint, The Sherwin Williams Company, Cleveland, Ohio. a. :TM226 White b. TM227 Lead -Free Yellow C. Handicap Blue Use TM226 as base and tint 2. Water Reducible Acrylic Traffic Paint, ICI Dulux Paints, Cleveland, Ohio. a. 25524/22683 White b. 20087/20088 Lead -Free Yellow C. 26563/26564 Red d. 26565/26566 Black e. 20089/20090 Handicap Blue 3. Or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection } A. Inspect surfaces to which paint will be applied and report immediately in writing to the Engineer as required in the General Conditions any conditions detrimental to the proper execution of this work. B. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are acceptably remedied. Commencement of work implies acceptance of related work. 3.2 Preparation A. Before work by others that removes existing striping, take digital photographs of existing paint striping and record dimensions. Submit this for the record. B. Before commencing work, make certain that surfaces are clean, dry, and in sound condition. 09920-3 C. Any existing paint stripes shall be removed by grinding or scarifying so that no visible paint stripe remains. D. Do not paint any surface which is wet or damp. E. Remove all oil, dust, grease, dirt, and other foreign material to ensure adequate adhesion. F. Lay out all striping on each level, using dimensions from submittal record as discussed previously. Report any discrepancies, interferences or changes in striping due to field conditions to the Engineer prior to painting. Paint Contractor shall be required to remove paint, repair surface and repaint stripes not applied in strict. accordance with the Drawings. G. Verify compatibility with concrete sealer, joint sealant, traffic bearing membrane, and all, other surface treatments as specified in Division 7. 3.3 Mixing A. Do not intermix different types of materials or materials from different Manufacturers. B. Do not thin material except as recommended by Manufacturer for spray application. C. Mix paint thoroughly by boxing, stirring or power agitation before use. 3.4 Application A. Apply painting and finishing materials in accordance with the Manufacturer's directions. Use techniques best .suited for the material and surfaces to which applied. Apply at 15 mils wet thickness. B. Do not apply paint when the air and/or surface temperature is below 50 degrees F, when relative humidity exceeds 85%, when rain is threatening or late in the evening when dew might form before drying. C. Allow manufacturer recommended curing periods for concrete repairs and any waterproofing materials. D. Parking space striping dimensions indicated on the Drawings are nominal dimensions. Tolerances shall be as follows: 1. Parking space length shall equal indicated length ± 2 inches. 09920-4 2. Parking space width (or base line dimension) shall equal indicated width ± 2 inches. 3. Striping shall extend to within not more than 3 inches from walls or other vertical surfaces. 4. A string of parking spaces shall equal indicated dimension ± 2 inches per run. 5. Stripe width shall equal 4 inches ± 1 /2 inch. 3.5 Cleaning A. Immediately upon completion of work, clean up all paint spots, remove excess materials and equipment, and repair all paint damage to other finishes. u END OF SECTION 09920-5 u GENERAL NOTES DMSION 1 - GMAT I 1 AL DESCN STALL BE IN ACCORDANCE MTHI THE FOLLOWING A CITY OF FORT COONS CODES AND ORDINANCES, ACIDIFIED 199E B UNIFORM BULCNG COTE, 1R97 EDITION (UBC 1997 ) C FOR ADDTIGNAL INFORMATION ON STING STRUCTURE. REFER TO CRIGINAL OESGN DRAWINGS AVAILABLE AT CITY OF R CD11NS 13 CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM (ZONE 13) A THE CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM 15 BASED ON CRITERIA PRESENTED N AC 362'R-92 GLIDE FOR THE )DUCHI OF DURABLE PARKING STRUCURES. TABLE 13. ZONES It UP AS SPECS® HEREIN I CONCRETE ACCESSORIES M BE EPDXY COATED 13 AB6REMAMONS HK NOCK AR ABRASIVE RI -AST (RESTORATION) HKS HOOKS AOO'L ADOFTONAL F INSIDE FACE AFF = ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR N INCH AL' TD A THREAD NFO INF(RIAATON ALT • ALTERNAIE IP = INFLECTTON POINT ARCH = ARCHITECT JT - JOINT OFF = BELOW FINISHED FLOOR Ks' - KIPS PER SOUAFE FOOT BOT = BOTTOM KS IP5 PER SQUARE INCH ERG BEARING LDS POUNDS CC = CENTER TO CENTER LT MALL UGHT WALL CC CENTER OF GRAVITY MAS MASONRY CGS CENTER U GRAVITY OF STRANDS MFR = MANUFACTURER CP - CAT -IN -PLACE CINCMTE MN MINIMUM CJ - CONSTRUCTION OR CGNTROL JOINT MPH = MIUES PER HDR GR _ GEAR HERE • NON -SHRINK NON-3TAN CNTRT) = CENTERED NTS - NOT TO GOALS COL = CO.AN OC ON CENTER CONIC - CONCRETE OF OUTSIDE FACE COMM CONNECTION OH = OPIFOSTE HAND CONT CONTINUOUS P/C PRECAST CONCRETE up BAR OAHETER P/C MIT = PRECAST CONCRETE USA = DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR MANUFACTURER ]SLAM DIDAMNATON (FESTORATON) iC - POST'ENIONED OR CIRECTON ` OR • GRAN RISER PS!, - POUNDS P SQUARE F007 071 - DETAIL PSI PONDS PER SQUARE NCH EA ;AGN ROO - REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM EC = Z' XY COATED RE - REF-- TO ZI EXPANSICN JOINT RDHF - RBNFORCNG EL/ELV - ELEVATION REOi) - REWIRED EO EOJP ROF . RANDOM JFIENim FIBER DUST - EXISTING SECT - SECTION RUNS = FOUNDATONS am - SOLAR FO - FLOOR DRAIN BOG SLAB ON GRADE Fc - EFFECTIVE STRESSING FORCE SP - STAND -IPE FF - FINISHED FLOOR SPEC . SP IOREATON FIN - FINISHED SR - STEEL FUR - FLOOR i/ = iW OF No - FOUNDATION d[ B . i0P AND BOTTOM = FOOT TEMP TEMPEIATIRE RC - FOOTING TW - TYPICAL FIGS = FOOTINGS UNO INUESS NOTED OTHEHMSZ GA = GAUGE MF - VERIFY N FIELD CALV CALAAN® W/ WTH BE GRADE BEAM WP = MORK POINT GO GENERAL OONTRACTER WPFG = WATERPROOFING GOES = GROUND GRAMILATEC WWF = WELDED MIRE FABRIC BLAST -FURNACE SAG ERG = ZINC RICH MATING HAS = HEADED ANCHOR STUD 14 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CHPLOY DINE OR MORE SPECIAL INSPECTORS MD SHALL RROMDE HISPECTONS ]URNG CONST, LION OF TE PG,0M1W TYPES OF WORK AS LISTED N ACOORDANCE WTH UK 9T MCI" IX01 5 STRUCTURAL INSPECTIONS. CONCRETE. BOLTS INS TRUED N CDNCF IE WNFOACNG STEL AND PRESTRESSING STEP TENDGNE STRUCTURAL W Nrc INCH-SIHENCTH BOLTING E)PANSION/EPDX ANCHORS. DFA m 3 CA,Srr N- CONCRETE ... ALL DESIGN AND CCNSTRUCTICM SIAL BE N ACCOFRDANCE MTH AC 3H8-05 AND AO GUIDE MZlR-97 REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SECTON 03300 :DST-N-P,ACE CONCRE-L FOR INFORNATON N07 LISTED HERREN 32 CONCRETE A READY NCEp , BATCHED CONCRETE REPAIR MATERIAL yAX I[C AVERAGE AIR OFy'RIPTIGN MIX RAi1M. ENT SI1D PATCH 4500 L X-F CAD o-I/ZR NOTES (1) LTX DESIGNATES A LATEX MODIFIED) CONCRETE CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF 35 GALLONS OF IATIX (50 PERCENT SOLIDS) PER 94/TDS OF CEMENT !RESTORATION) (2) SUFFIX - C DESIGNATES A CONCRETE MIX DESIGN WITH FIBER REINFORCEMENT 0) AVERAGE AIR -ENTRAINED VALUES ARE FOR IN -PLACE CON - E TOLRA ICE ON TOTAL AIR CONFRONT IS T /Z% PER ACL (4) ALL NORMAL INSIGHT CONCRETE TO HI A DENSITY OF VFFROXIMI 145 FCF UNLSS NOTED (5) ALL AN ENTRAINED CONCRETE SHALL INCLUDE %A LEE OF CDAENTITOUS MATERIAL WNIMDM PER CUBIC 'ARD OF CONCRETE THE WEIGR OF R' ASH AND SUCA FUME ADMIXTURES MAY NOT RE INCLUDED WTH THE WEUGHT OF CEMENT Or VISION 4 URT MALmNRY 4 ALL DESIGN AND CONSIRVCTION SIAL SE IN ACCORDANCE ATH AC 530 AND AD SM I REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SECTION ONZOO CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY FOR NFORMATON NOT LISTED HEREIN 42 CONCRETE LNI'T MASONRY A HOLLOW AND SOUO LOAD -BEARING LINTS ASTN C9Q GRADE N TYPE I B NET AREA CDAPRESSV£ STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 2300 RS, C ASSUMED NET AREA COMPMSSTE STRENGTH OF MASONRY P'M - 2000 PS. D REFER TO NNCTIGNAVARCHFIECTURAL ORAMNGS MR FIRE RATING 43 MORTAR A MORTAR ASTM C2T0 TYPE S WHIMUM CUNRREESVE STRENGTH IB00 PS 44 =wT A GROUT ASTM C476 FIE - 2000 PS 45 MJNFORONG STEEL A REFER TO 3ECIION 04150 FOR FO NFORONG 511 46 MASONRY ACCESSOREE A JOINT REINFORCEMENT ASTM Al2 - }GAGE GALVANIZED LADDER TYPE AT 16' OC B ANCHORS AND TES SLOTS - W GAGE GALVAWEEO 2 ANCHORS - 3/16' DIAMETER WRE TIE WTH 12 GAGE DOVETAIL C CONTROL JOINTS SOLID RUBBER OR Fw STRIPS D BOND SPEAKER 15 LB ROOFING FELT MEMBRANE FLASHING 20 ML PVC 47 GENERAL - MASONRY A MASONRY CONTRA JOINTS STALL BE SPACED AS FOLLOWS ON AS EJUSRNG JOINTS 1 24 ON CENTER 6 JNTELS SHALL HAVE A MINI SEARING OF 6 INCHES DIVISION % YIE(FLANEg19 METHS x I DESIGN AND-ON"1MICTGN STANDARD - AIAERIGAN NSIITNE OF STEEL CON5TRUcnON MANKI OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION AL.DWABLE STRESS DESIGN 9TH ]%TON REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 05990 415CELLANEOUS METALE' FOR INFORMATION NOT LISTED 4ERBN 5O2 STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES PLATES AND RARE ASTM A36 EXCEPT WHERE OTHER TYPE STIFF IS INDICATED SIC., ALL W3DING Si ALL BE MADE MTH EJOXX LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES AND SHALL OUNFORN TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AJ ERICAN WELDING SOC I SPECIFICATIONS ALL KILOS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED WEWER CERTIFICATION SHI LL BE APPROPRIATE -OR THE MELDING METHOD AND POSITION 5C • BOLTED CONNIECTIIXNS NAY BE "BE USING ASTIJ A325 HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SIR ASTM A302 GRADE A CARBON STEEL SOTS SCE ANCHOR BOLTS (GALVANIZED) ASTM A36 SCE SPuaNG OF MEMBERS IS NOT PERMITTED 110,11310111 T TIpIM/L AND MDISRIRE PROTECTIQN 71 UDNT SEALANTS A AT PATCHES. ALL JONTS BETWEEN THE STRUCTURAL (AND ARCI-ITECTURAL) MEMBERS STALL BE PROPERLY PREFARED AND Fp-P=,P WITH JONT SEALANT UNLESS NOTED OTHk'AWSE ALL JOMi EDGES INCWONG TOP AND BOOM SURFACES AND VERTICAL ANO HORIZONTAL AIRFACES SHALL BE FORMED OR FUELED AS REQUIRED JOINT SEALANT SHALL SE APPIJED OIL" TO THE TOP VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES UNLESS WTED OTHERWSE ON THE DRAWINGS. B JONTS TO BE PREPARED AND FILED WTH .DIM SEALANT SHAL NCLUOC, BUT ARE M07 UNITED TO CONSTRUCTION JONTS CONTROL .TOMS ISOLATKKH JDNIS AID ALL IHTEE6ACE JOINTS BETWEBI SIMLAR AND NSSMLAR M6ANERS 72 TRAFFIC -BEARING MEMBRANE (DECK COATING) A -TRAFFIC-BEARING MEMBRANE SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY AND APIFIJED WHERE SHOWN IN PUNS AND EXTENDED UP VERTICAL SURFAC_ FOUR (A) INCHES. NCLUDHG MI 'ANES C.RUMNS, GJRBS RIFFS ETC AS INDICATED ON THE ORAWNCS ]3 CONTRACTOR SHALL FLOOD NET THE AREAS OF ALL WATERPROOFING SYSTEM REPAIR ALL DEFECTS CETECTE➢ SIALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENOINER REFER TO SPECIFCATONS 4 CXPANUON JOINTS TURN UP EXPANSION JDNT ENDS 6' (INCHES) M ERE GAP ALLOWS CAP UP RRNED ENDS E �iffaml 1 PRIOR TO SEGNMNG WORK EACH MOW AREA S TO SE COMFIETI" ENCLOSED CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AOECUATE VIDTH"YON FUME AND DUST CONTROL PURER TO SECTION 01530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES L LOCAL NOSE ORDINANCE WLL GOVERI4 OPERATIONS (HAMMERING SXOTBLASTNG TC) 3 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM W57 BE MAINTAINED IN THE STRUCTURE AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT IN WORK AREAS FIRE HOSES MUST SE INSTALLED MTHN THE WORK AREA PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION I 4 TAKE EXTREME CAUTION N07 TO DAMAGE IN ANY WAY THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICC TI COMMUNICATION UNES COMPUTER LINES e C LOCATE AMID MARK ALL SERVICE LINES 5 ALL TEMPORARY SIGNS TO RE IS m ON ) REFER TO SECTION 01570 'TRAFFIC CONTROL AND S RIACE 6 PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTIONXPREPARE EISTNG CONDITIONS MOEO PETER TO SECTOR 01500 'CONSTRUCTION FAC TTES AND TEMPORARY SERMCES WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATED FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES,THEY ARE APPROXIMATE AND FOR REFERENCE OIL" THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY N FIELD (MF) ALL DOODESONS AND EIEVATIOHS FROM TO GONSTRUGTW ANY VARIATIONS BETTNESN EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS AND THE PLANS SHAI BE RRCMP%. REPORTED TO THE ENGNEER IS ALL ONSSIONS OR CONFLICTS BETY/EEH 'HE AARIOUS ELEI.ENTS OF THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTON OF THE ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH MY MARK 9 DO MOT SCAL DRAWINGS 10 THE EXISTING CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH MAY BE CONTAINED IN ORIGINAL DESIGN DRAWINGS 11 MSTS TO THE .GIB SEIE BY THE ENGINEER TO OBSERVE THE CONSTRUCTOR GO NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN GUARANTEE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S WORK NOR RESPONSBLITY FOR COORDINATION SUPERNSCN NOR SAFETY AT THE JOB SITE 12 THE CONTRACTOR Is TO POWER WASH ALL CONCRETE EXPOSED M 'USuG VEW PRIOR TO FINAL COMPLETION AND WHERE APPUCA81[ PRIOR TO PAINING 13 SHOW MTHIN CONSTRUCTION AREA SHALL SE PTEO IN SNOW STORAGE AREA NEAR SHOOING IDENTFlED BY OWNER AEIC 7 X SHOW SHALL NOT EXCEED HEIGHT OF SPANDREL (APROAMATEI 3-6' ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) B CONSTRUCTION PHASNG I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORONATON OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTNTT AND SHALL COOPERATE FULLY MTH THE OWNER OR ALL CIXVSTPUCTON PHASING CGMXNATE PARKING REASSGVAENT WITH OWNER CONTRACTOR SHALL MANTAIN TRAFFIC ROW TO ALL IEVE3 OF THE STRUCTURE 4 W)RK OVER OCCUPIED SPACE SHALL BE P ORMED DURING HOURS INDICATES B' OWNER AT THE PRE SD MEETING 5 COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER MOVING FURNITURE SUPPLIES, AND MATERIALS IN ROOMS AS REQUIRED TO PERFORM REPAIRS 6 AREAS OF PARKING ABOVE AND AROUND SHORING SHALL BE CLOSED TO PARHRG PRIOR TO REPAIRS AND SNORING i CONTRACTOR SALL OCORCNAT THE LOCATON OF THE STAGING AREA AFH THE OWNER 8 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTEC- PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC THROUGHOUT THE STRUCTURE AND ON SITEWAI.KS AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE 9 IT MILL BE NECESSARY TO SCHMUL CONTRACTOR DELIVERIES AMC WASTE HAUUNG TO MINIMIZE INTERFERENCE NT(H THE BJLDINTS OPERATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WTH GINNER 10 PARKING MU. NOT BE ALLOWED ON LEVELS WTH SIDING 11 ONE STAR TOWER MUST REMAIN OPEN AT ALL TIMES 12 ACCESS TO THE ELEVATOR TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES EXCSTON MLL BE DURING DECK COATING C PCRMWDU( AND SHORING DRAWINGS 00 NGT NCWN THE NECESSAR' COMPONENTS FOR FINE SAS OF THE 9ULDINC OR EWTIMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION TIE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE' FOR ALL WORK RELATING TO CCN5TRUC7ON ERECTION METHODS BRACING SHORING RIGGNG GUTS, SCAHTOWNG FCRM IVR*L AND OTHER AORK A105 REQUIRED TO SAFE Y PERFORM THE WWM NOICATEDi CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING APPROPRIATE SHORING ROPER TO SECTION 031W 'CONCRETE FORMWORK' 3 THE LOAD FROM THE PRECAST FEES I -EDGER BEAMS SPANDRIL BEAMS ETG IS CARP® TO AND FIRM SFSRREO THROUGH TEE SUPPORTING HENRI AT SEARING =GNTS -ON �PE. THE TEE STEMS ARE BEARING ON LEDGER BEAM'_ TEE L GER BEAMS ARE SEARING ON COLUMN HAUNCHES THE SPANDREL BEAMS ARE BEARNG ON COWMN HAUNCHES OR THERE MEMBERS ARE SUPPORTED ON WALLS IF CONCRETE REMOVAL S ANTCPATED FROM THE BEARING AREA PROM EFUNER THE SUPPORTING MEMBER OR THE SUPPORTED MEMBER OHOMNG OF THE SUPPORTED MEMBER MUST BE PROVOED PRIOR TO DEN0.ITION TINS SHORING RUST BE ADEOUAIELY DESGNED AND PLACED TO PREVENT VERTCAL OR LATERAL DSPLACENENi OF THE MEMBER CURING CEMC.'TICN OR REPAIR D CONCRETE DELAMNATION REPAIR (RESTORATION) 5MND ALL AREAS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND MAW PUDMETEF OF AREAS, 2 SAWCJT AND CHP AT PERIMETER OF DELANINATED AREAS AS INDICATED N DES.AILS 1 k 2 3 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE BEYOND DCAMINATON TO SONIC CONCRETE AS NDIGATl IN DETALS x2 1 REMGVE EXISTING CONCRETE BEYOND OE.AMINATON EXPOSING [RISING REINFORCEMENT ST - 'ElOME R AS INDICATED IN NAILS Y 2 5 PROVIDE UNIFORM HORIZONTAL SURFACE BETTTE:]N ADJACENT SAPS OR MINES MHEN CANTY ENCOMPASSES MORE THAN ONE BAR OR WM 6 C (ANC COAT) ALL -OPOSEO REINFORCEMENT STEEL AND OTHER OIB©OED 37TE1 AS INDICATED IN THE REPAIR TABLE ] APPLY CORROSION INHISFOR TO EXCAVATED CAMTY SURFACE AMC ; POSED RCNPORCENENT AS 1NUCATEO IN THE REPAIR TABLE IS. PROVIDE SIII OR BRUSH APPLEO BONDING GROUT TO EXCAVATED CAVITY SURFACE (NOT RECDMNC CORROSION INHBITOR) AS INDICATED N TIE REPAIR TABLE 9 FFI PATCH MATERIAL AS INDICATED 'N REPAIR TABLE. ICI STE_ TRONF-L FINISH OF UNFORMED CONOiE-E PATCH SURFACES TO MATCH ADJACENT AREAS 11 INHERE APPLICABLE CHANFER CORNERS TO MATCH ADJACENT AREAS. T2 CONCRETE PATCH SURFACES '0 BE PAINTED TO MATICi ACJACEMT AREAS 13 NOMINAL SEES OF MEMBERS ARE NOICATED ON THE DETAILS ACTUAL 9ZE5 MAY VAR' 14 NOMINAL PATCH DEPTHS ARE NDICATES) ON THE JETAILS ACTUAL ]EPTH MAY VAR" '5. PAY BASIS SHALL BE AS INDICATED N OETARS AMC BD FORM_ C CONCRETE RAIN REPAIR (RESTORATON) REMOVE DUSTING CONCRETE BEYOND SCALE TO SOUND CONCRETE AS INDICATED IN DETALS k' PROMOS PATCH MATERIAL AS INXCATED IN THR SPECIFICATIONS PHAyNC CONTRACTOR *HJ HAVE THE EOUIV£LANT NUMBER OF STALLS FOR ONE FULL SEE LEVEL PER PHASE - Cain PRItIBI "IMMI6@B"' PW n bM Engir"I Restaretlon Carl Walker, In¢ 2460 W. 25th Avemse Suite 5D0-C Darner, CO 80211 PhEm/ge(g303) 894-6800 FaK(303)894-6033 www carlwalker.eom CIVIC CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Cad Walker, Inc and are not to be reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker Inc -RD.ECT MGR DESIGN ENG DEAR BRIT DRAWN BY TSE �I vei�no TATe 9Esc... 0. 1 1 TI 823107 BODICE) SM DRAWING TF LE GENERAL NOTES PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWING NO G1.0 so I i I i ii I I I r I I I i I -- DCCUPI 'D S?ACC GROUND TIER PLAN %J SEALANT REPAIR CONSTRUCTION/CONTROL EKISTNC DECK MATNO JOMT RE -COAT EKISTMG DECK COATMG -S COVE SEALANT RCIJM k SEAS CRACK TOR OF V 7 REPAR SEALANT OM FLOOR DRAIN RE cl: SPALLED BRICK G RED NTMG TOPPING REPAR AT o DEG WATER REPOINT CRACKED MORTAR JOINT t- AIMI C.a-mirl Parking VVmm0lomr wemmng firgnrearing ReaNretlon -i1 Carl Walker, Inc. 2460 W 26th Avenue Suite 500-C 40 Denver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 894-BBM Fax (303)8948033 www cartwalker corn CIVIC CENTER el PARKING m STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the oroDenv of Cad Walker, Inc ano are nor to Be reuses or reoroduceo without written permission from Cad Walker Inc DEW PROJEC-1- MGR DESIGN ENG DEN DRAWN BY TSE ss ISSUU I DATE 'JESLkePOM1 1 1 823AT 1 BID/CD SEi DRAWN NG TIT- E GROUND 71ER PLAN PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWING NO S2.1 Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following " shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to _ perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and - within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and u (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would,. impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall contract with the City monies due to the City. be in default on the performance of any other, or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to " familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may �- in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible ^ representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement `J of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and — furnishing of the work. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 2 OO O O O O n 8 10 11 s P WT 12 13 Pwiling �C�+ r®�, ®®CST 393 15—B J6 _p' 36 —0 36-0 Sfi—B J6—p' Je—p" 36—d 3fi—p 36—C / II d III 0 11 I I II I II II 1 ll R Y II tl I II I II I R I —� II 1 1 II II I II tl d I V I q l I Il I d 1 1 II I II R 1 II I ll tl 1 'I I II II I II d 8 1 9 I q II I II d tl N l II I I II d I I I II l tl I I 1 R I II I l l fl II I II I I II 1 R 1 1 II I II II q II R d l l I 1 II 1 II I I d I II tl V II II II tl d 11 II d II II tl II O 'I d l d II I R 11 I II ! 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BECK COATING :J I REPAIR COXS,xuCIIKRi/uu+Irvu JOINT IGNT RE —COAT E%ISTNG XE CO/.TNIG CS COPE x ANT /V ROUTE R SEAL CRACK (TOP OF SLAB) �' VERT REPAR SEALANT OM FLIXV BRAIN REPACK SPALIM 31?IX k REPOINTNG PO TOPPING REPW AT KMDED WATER REPCINT CRACKED NCtTAR JOINT Penning P1191neerlrl6 ReeMOM Carl WaOcer, Ina _ D 2480 W 28th Avenue �` _S11Re 500-C Darner, CO 80211 —`� Phone (303) 894.8800 Fax (303) 894-M www I ed"ker.com CIVIC 0 CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, c Colorado The Drawings are the property of Sad Walker Inc and are not to be reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker Inc P RCJE�T MGR ❑EIN DESIGN ENG DEIN DRAWN By TSE sues DiR1 No °A� , � 823A7 � BID/CD S� D RAVN IN TITLE SECOND TIER PLAN PRCjECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWNG NO S2.2 O O O O O (D O ' O O 10 11 S 13 Parking iMmIlveir �� u < E—S" � 36—L' 36-0' 36—C" 36-0 aft—C" 38—f 36-0 36-0 36-0 � 3i—P V d 1 II tl II I N II 19 II II k! 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T REPAIR CONSTRUnW/CONTROL JOWT I ; ; RE —COAT E%ISTWG DECK COATWG DOVE SEALANT N ROUTE & Se CRACK y 7 REPAR SEALANT Ono FLOOR ORNN Sfi RE' M SPA J BRICK & REPOINTMG oO:) TOPWNG REPAR AT PONDS➢ WATER -S RJPOINT CRACKED NORTAR MW Pl W&V Engtr"rb g ReMili Wn Carl Walker, Ina A 2460 W.261h Avenue suAe 500-C Deriver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 894-88M Fax (303) 894-8033 www cwhNalker.com GIVIC CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawmes are the property oTCarl Walker Inc and are not to be reused or reproduced without written permission from Carl Walker Inc P RCJELTMGR DEW DESIGN ENC BPT DROWN BY TSE 'ssuen OATe oescraPnon Rev Nc amBID/CDSET I DRAWING TIT_ THIRD TIER PLAN PRCJEDT NC R3-2007-037 DRAVviNG NC S2.3 Cl) J O n t / / l 8 l9 / 10 „ 12 13 I I I I , 393 —O I I I I t 36-0" Cb-0" }b-0" 36 —0 36-0' 36-0 91-8 74 all tl p tld 1 II V I tl rTG I d II V U II I Y I I II a II I 9 II I I 0 1 II II I tl II I Y II V II 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 II 9 l 1 1 II d p II I II Y I d V B V N II I II d I tl R II A II d II 'I II R d Y Y Y I 'I p II I 9 I 1 1 R II 1 II Y l d d 1 1 II Y V II V I I I It I II II tl II d d tl I II `I I I II 1 1 Y I II V II tl I II Y I V Y II A 1 r N II Y II a II tl ll R I I I 1 II II 11 II I I I 1 II I II E II II I I R I II I R II 1 II Y I I I II I 1 it 1 1 A 9 A II 1 1 I n R I Ii l N II I r I a Il tl II / II II II N R I II ; 1 I II N Y tl l Il tl Il a i ll 1 1 Il p II II 1 u tl I II I R 1 II a II p d ll I n 1 1 Il p Il i\ II Y I I I II II II 1 1 II I I A II Il a N II 1 11 R I 1 1 'i a I 11 a ll N B N r II A 1 II tl ll Il tl r Y II I 1 11 n l N w a 0 a r N II 1 1 1 1 II n II II II R 1 1 II Y II I II II fl l i t II tl II I II II 1 1 1 II II II I a II 1 1 1 11 Il p tl ll tl II d l 1 11 II 1 1 II 1 11 1 I V d II R fl II 1 II R Y p 1 II fl I II tl p N i U p tl R II I I I d Ipn 1 II 1 II I tl 1 U II d II II l ! 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COATING SYSTEM" SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS PER SPEC(RCATION MJOG SLBMITALS' 9 MASONRY LINTEL SCHEDULE EXIST CIAO UOR P a a c CONBACKUP BAo I REMOVE EXIST MORTAR CLEAN �N 1 CUT CAVITY APPLY MORTAR W/ yLE —REPLACE E%EST COLOR TO MATCH -.MST SPAT BRICK 7 BRICK REPLACEMENT DETAIL _, -0 EXIST TIE — EXIST BRICK P OF PREPS OFSURFACE ICE -PREPARATION Parking MR ON Planning Engineering Restoration GOADING L VE SEALANT ER TO DE- ,•/SDI -DECK CORING NOTE PROVIDE STRAIGHT TERMINATION UNES 4 DECK COATING DETAIL :MST CONCRETE aC OR CMU BACK UP MAX 10-0' V�� 7 SPACING V� da REMOVE AND REINSTALL/REPUCE BOTTOM BRICK COURSE REPLACE UNTL ANGLE w/ UNTEL FROM SCHEDULE RE OETAIL 9/S3, NOTE ANY SHORING NECESSARY TO PREVENT BRICK FACADE DAMAGE DURING REPAIR IS INCJDENTAL $ REPLACE LINTEL DETAIL ' Carl Walker Inc 2460 W 26th Avenue Suite 500-C Denver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 394-8800 Fax (303) 894-8033 www c nwalker coin CIVIC CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado VERTCAL TO HOPE CONOITION REPLACE SPALLED CONCRETE l corvOWE� nPPRN151 'OED ARo i The Drawings are the proper v of Can � DED NEOPRENE TOOL OR GRIND EDGE / Walker Inc and are not to be reused or E%FANEION JONT G O >e , ADHESIVE reproduced witnout written pennissior o� Prom Carl Walker Inc $ IGR 1 Y msa DEW I `r 1—^ c \— PRCJECT MGR 9PT METAL DECK DESIGN =NG J I PRAWN BY TSE NO ES SLAB IS SUB DINTO DIFFERENT ARCH FINISHES NOTE RED ,A,NTS BOROFREC BY ARMORED IssuED, DATEOEscRlPnox JOINTi') IS DEPENDENT ON TEMPERATURE FISTINGMILL GAP WOTN AND C, FlNISHES BE SIMILAR i0 EXISTING Rsv NO SHOULDBE BE REVIEWED B' MANUFACTURER FOR BID SELECT JOINT FOR =' CAP C _PO%v COAT AL' METAL AND REINF w/ IN E%CAVATON w/ :Jf" MOVEMENT 1 I 823/07 I BID/CD SFi REPLACE EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL CONCRETE / METAL DECK REPAIR O s � 1 -a' No SCALE I I I AT WORK ITEMS SAW CUT AT ]h' SEALPNT X" BOND BREAKER %tELO i SEALANT 1 VERT SEALANT REPAIR CENTER OF ITT��I'' Y. RI / ' TAT COPING NORIZ k V4RT DRAWING TITLE CRACK OR SEALANT Y. TOOL OR (HIXRIZ CONTROL \ GMNO EDGE \V /-SEALANT ,—GRIND EDGE RESTORATION DINT DETAILS , ID BOND _ CRACK OR JOINT BREAKER CONTROL JOINT BACKER R00 1 2 SEALANT REPAIR 3 ROUTE & SEAL CRACKS 14 COVE SEALANT REPAIR PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 BACKER ROD DRAWING NO VERTICAL SEALANT REDAIR 15 , _,• _ S3. 1 GENERAL NOTES DIVISION 1 — GENIMAL 1 I ALL DESIGN SHALL Be M ACCORDANCE WTH TE FOLLOWING A CRT" OF FORT COLLINS .-LOOTS AND ORDINANC< ADOPTED 199E A UNIFORM FURLONG CODE, 1997 EDDION (DEC 1997) G FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON EMETTNC STRUCTURE. REFER TO ORIGINAL DESIGN DRAWINGS AVA SA E A. Cn`" OF e- COLLNS D CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM (ZONE :3) A THE CORROSION MOTECTN)N SYSTEM IS BASED ON CRITERIA PRESENTED IN AG S621R-97 'CJD£ FOR T1Z DESIGN OF DIRARI.E PARKING STRUCTURES TA&i 3Z ZONE It OR AS SPEORED HEREIN I I CONCRETE ACCESSGEES TO F'F EPDXY COATED 13 ABBREVIATIONS HK • HOCK AB - ABRASVE BLAST (RESTCRATON) WE • HOOKS ADO'. = AWMDNA IF • INSIDE FACE AFT - ABOVE FINISHED `LOOP IN • INCH ALL THE - All THREAC INFO = INFORMATION AL7 ALTERNATE IP - INRUECTION PONT ARCH = ARCHITEC` JT - MINT I SFE • BELOW FINISHED FLOOR AGE = KIPS PER .WARE FOOT BOT - BOTTOM KS KIPS PER `SUARE NCH BRO BEARING LOS • POUNDS GC = CENIEP TO CENTER LT WALL .LGHT WAIL CK CENTEF CE GRAMTY NAS MASOM I ' CEMe OF GRAWTY OF STRANDS MR = MANUFACT)REF GP = GAST-I�LACE CONCRETE MIN MINIMUM = CONSTRUCTION OR CONTROL JOINT MPH = MILS PEFI HOUR M • CLEAR NSNS = NON -SHRINK NON -STAIN CI„7 D _ CENTERED NITS = NOT TO S ALL COL _ COLUMN OC ON CENIET CONC CONCRETE OF = OUTSIDE F'ST CONN = CONNECTION OH • OPPOSITE ,NAND COAT = CONTINUOUS P/C = PRECA57 CONCRETE ID BAR GAMETER P/C RED - FECAST ONCRETE DBA DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR MANUFACTJWR DEAN DELANINATION (RESTORATION) P/T POST TENFIONED OR _ ERECTION PC = PILE CAP ' DR MAIN RISER PS, POUNDS PT SQUARE FOOT DTL OCTAL PSI • POUNDS PR SQUARE INCH EA = EACH RCF • REINFORCED CONCRETE REAM EC EPDXY COATED HE • KEEP TGi ' = EXPANSION JOINT RSNF - RENFORGIIG EL/ELEV • M EVATIDN won - MOLIFT) I EC - EGUAL MY - RANDOM CRIENTED FIBER EXIST EXISTING SECT - SECTOR I FOND - FOUNDATIONS SM - SIMILAR FD = FLOOR DRAIN SOG = STAB ON AADE IE = EFFECTVE CEDING FORCE SP = STAND PPE FF = FINISHED FLOOR SPEC SPECIRCA.TON FIN = FINISHED STD = STEEL FLR FLOOR T/ TOP OF I FIND FOUNDATION T & B TOP AND 30TTM = FOOT TEMP = TEMPERATJRE FTG = FOOTING TYP = iYPIDA f FIGS - FOOTINGS LINO UNLESS NOTED OTHERW6E GA - GAUGE V6 `HAFT IN FIELD GALV - GALVANIZED W/ WTH I D6 • GRADE BEAM w WORK PONT W - GENERAL CONTRACTOR Y.PFG = WATERPRCOFINC GGBS = GROUND GRANULATED WW • WELDED W,RE FABRIC BLAST -FURNACE SAG ZINC - LNG RK? MATING HAS = HEADED ANCHOR STK • SPEGAL INSPECTIONS A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY ONE OF MORE SPECIAL INSPECTORS WNC SHILL PROMDE INSPECTK)NS DURING CWSIRUCTION OF THE FOLLOWNG TYPES OF WORK AS L'STED IN ACCORDANCE MI UBC 97 SECTION .NI 5 i STRUCTURAL INSPECTIONS CONCRETE BOLTS INSTALLS IN CONCREIL PE]WI RCNC STEEL ARE PRESTRESSING S FT ED TENDONS STRUCTURAL WELDING RICH-ST13:NGTH BOLTING EE PANNON�PF ANCHORS CHI 3 CISI-� L=RPLArF OMI 1XY I _ ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SIALL SE N ACCORDANCE WITH AC 318-05 ANL AC GUIDE 36Z IR-97 R G TO SPECIFICATIONS SECTOR 0330U CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE FOR INFORMI NOT USM HEREIN 32 CONCRETE A READY MIXEDABTE BATCHED CONCRETE REPAIR MATERIAL F. IR MAT' W/P ANFRAGF ADP DfSGRIEETON MID RATIO umAINED FS- SLAB PATCH 45D) LTX-F 0 10 /2R NOTES (� LTK DESIGNATES A LATEX MODIFIED CONCRETE CONTAINING A MMKUV OF J5 GALLONS ON LATEX (50 PERCENT SOLIDS) PER 94/LBS OF CEMENT (RESTORATION) (2) SUFTTX - F DESIGNATES A CONCRETE MIX DESIGN MTh FIBER RENFORCEM£NT (3) AVERAGE AR -ENTRAINED VALUES ARE FOR IINP ACE CONCRETE TOLE -RANGE ON TOIL AIR CONTENT. IS D-1/w PER AO (4) ALL NORMAL INSIGHT CONCRETE TO HAVE A DENSITY OF APPROXIMATELY IA5 PCF UNLESS NOTED (5) ALL AIR ENTRAINED CONCRETES SHALL INCLII6_ 564 LBS OF CEMElTTOIIS MATERIAL MNNIUV PER CUBIC "AND OF CONCRE7= 114E WRIGHT OF'LY ASF AND SILICA FUME ADMIXTURES MAY NOT BE INCLUDED WTH THE WEIGHT OF CEMENT a1'mCN T TH EAM& AND MOIBPlRE PRJTEMON T 1 .MINT SEALANTS A AT PATCHES ALL JOINTS BETWEEN THE 5TRUCTURAL (AND ARCHITECTURAL) MEMBERS SHALL BE PROPERLY PREPARED AND FULLED WITH JOINT SEALANT UNLESS NOTED OTERWISE ALL JOINT EDGES INCLUDING TOP AND BOTTOM SLFEACES AND NERTCAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES SHALL RE FORMED OR MI AS REOUIRm JOINT SEALWi SHALL SE APPLES ONLY TO THE TOP VERTCAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES JNLSS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWNGP B. JOINTS TO BE PREPARED ARE FILLED WT4 DINT SEALANT SHALL INCLUDE RL'T ARE NOT UNITED TO CONSTRUCTION JONTS CONTROL JONS. ISOLATION .MINTS AND ALL INTERFACE JOINTS BETWEEN SIMILAR ARE DISSIMILAR MEMBERS 72 CONTRACTOR SHAD ROOD TEST THE AREAS OF AL WATERPROOFING SYSTEM REPAIR ALL DOI DETECTED SHALL. BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENONE2R. REFF'A RI SPECIFICATIONS A GENERAL 1 MI(F TO BEGINNING WOK EACH WORK AREA L TO BE SMPI£TLI Y ENCLOSED CONTRACTOR TO HE RESPORSBLE FOR ADEOVATE VENTE.AMON FUME AND OUST CONTRG- BEER TO SECTION 015M 'BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES. 2 LOCAL NOISE ORDNANCE W1. GOA£RN OPERATORS (HAMMERING SMOTE:ASTNG ETC) 3 FORT SUPPRESSION SYSTEM MUST as MMNTNNED IN THE STRUCTURE AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT IN WORK AREAS FIRE HOSES MUST BE INSTALLED WTHN THE WORK AREA PRIOR TIC BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION 4 TAKE EXTREME CAUTION NOT TO DAMAGE N ANY WAY THE EXISTING 3ECIPICAL SEPVKE TELECWMUNICATON ONES COMPUTER DINES ETC LOCATE AMID MARK ALL SERVICE LINES 5 ALL TEMPORARY SANS TO BE (E eT WIN 1 RE—P TO SECTDN 01570 'TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SIGNAGE' 6 PRIOR TD BEGINNING CONSTRUCTH)N PRE -ARE EXISTING CONDITIONS NDEO MEET TO SECTION DIEGO 'CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY SERVICE' J WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE NDICAIID FOR CASTING STRUCTURES THE' ARE APPROXIMATE AND FOR REFERENCE OLL" THE CPVRUCTOR 91AL l£RFY N FIELD (VHF) ALL DIMENSIONS AND MENATGNS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTON ANY VARIATIONS BETWEEN E'JSTNG DIMEN9D6 AND ELEVATIONS AMC THE PLANS SHALL 9E PROMPTLY REPORTED TO THE D=Nr'-R E. ALL OMISSIONS OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE DRAWNCS AND/OR SPEC19CATONS SHALL SE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENIION OF THE ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEDURE WTH PINT WCVM 9 DO NOT SCALE DRAWNGS 10 THE EXISTIN.. CONCRETE CESGN STRENGTH MAY BE CONTAINED IN ORICNAL DESIGN DRAWINGS tI NSTS TO THE JOB SIRE BY THE ENGINEER TO OBSERVE THE CONSTRUCTION DO NOT N ANY WAY MEAN GUARANIS OF THE CONTRACTOR'S VrdRI( NOR REESPONSIBNTY FOR COOENNATICN SUPERMSON NOR SAFETY AT 71E JOB SITE 12 THE CONTRACTOR IS TO POWER WASH ALL CONCRETE EXPOSED TO PUBLIC VIEW PRIOR TO FINAL COMPLETION AND WERE APPUCABIE PRIOR TO PXNTNC 13 SNOW WTHN CONSTRUCTION AREA SHALL RE PILED IN SNOW STCRAG_ AREA NEAR BUILDING IDENTIFIED BY OWNER HEIGHT OF SHOW SHALL HOT EXCEED HEIGHT OF SPANDRL (APROXINATELY T-6' ABOVE UNISHED FLOOR) B CONSTRUCTION PHASING I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE TRESPIONDI FOR TE COORDINATION OF ALL GONSRRUCTIOv ACTIWTY AND SHALL COOPERATE FULL" WITH THE OWNER FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION PHASING C. COORDINATE PARKING REASSIGNMENT. WEH OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHAL MAINTAIN TRAFFIC FLOW TO ALL LEVIES 0: THE STRUCTURE 4 WORK OVER OCCUPIED SPACE SHALL BE PERFORMED DURING HOURS NDICATED BY WINNER AT TIE PRE OC MEETING 5, COORDINATE WTH TRE OWNER MI FURNITURE SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL IN ROOMS AS REQUIRED TO PERFORM REPAI 6 AREAS OF PARKING ABOVE AND AROUND SHORINC SHALL SE CLOSED TO PARKING PRIOR TO REPAIRS ANC SHORING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATION OF THE STAGING AREA WITH THE OWNER S. CDNTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC THROUGHOUT THE STRUCTURE AND ON SIDEWALKS AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE 9 IT WLL BE NECESSARY TO SCHEOULE CONTRACTOR DLLIVERIES AND WASTE HAULING TO MINNAZE INTERFERENCE WTH TIE SULDINGS OPERATONS CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WT' OWNER 10 PARKNG WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON CEVE'5 WITH SHORING 11 ONE STAIR T WER MUST RENNIN OPEN AT ALL TINES .2 AD= TO THE ELEVATOR TO BE MNNTAINED AT AL TIMES CXCEPTON WILL EE DURING DECK COATING C FORMWORK ARE SHORING DRAWINGS DO N07 INCLUDE THE NECESSARY COMPONENTS 'OR THE SAFE Y OF THE BUDDING OR EQUIPMENT DURING CONSTRUCTIOk THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION ERECTION METHODS BRAONG SHORING ROMIG GUYS SCAF=OLONG FORMWORK, AND OTHER WORK ALOE REWIRED TO SASE_" PERFORM THE MORN NOI:ATT 2 CONTRACTOR IS RESPCNS F 'OR PROVDINC APPROPRWTE SHORING REFER TO SECTION 031M 'CONCRETE _JRMWORK 3 THE LOAD FROM THE PRECAST TEES LEDGER SEAMS GRAMME- BEAMS ETC E CARRIEC TO AND TRANSFERRED TRWDF TIE SUPPORTING MEMBERS AT NEARING PUNTS FOR EXAMPLE- THE TEE STEMS ARE BEARING ON LEDGEF BEAMS THE LEDGER BEAMS AM BEARING ON COLUMN HAUNCHES THE SPANDREL DIANE ARE BEARINC ON COLUMN HAUNCHES OF THESE MEMBERS ARE SUPPORTED ON WALLS F CDNCEhTF REMOVAL IS ANTICIPATED FROM THE BEARING AREA FROM EITHER THE sLF 'IRTNG MERCER OR THE SU'P,ORTED MEMBE9 SHORNG OF THE SUPPORTED MEMBER MUST BE PRDNDED PRIOR TO DEMOUTION TITS SHORING MNIST BE ADEQUATELY DESIGNED AND PLACED TO PREVENT WRTCAL OR LATERAL DISPLACEMENT OF 7K MEMBER DURING DEMOLITION OR REP MR D CONCRETE DE:AMNATION REPAIR (RESTORATION) BOUND ALL AREAS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND MARK PERIMETER OF AREAS. c SAWCUi AND MR AT PERIMETER OF OELAMINATED AREAS AS INDICATED IN DETAILS 1 & Z 3 REMOVE EMTING CONCRE L BEYOND DGAMIHATION TO SOUND CONCRETE AS INDICATED N DETAIS &2 4 FEMONE EXLSDNG CONCRETE BEYOND DE_AMINATON EXPOSING EXISTING REINFORCEMENT BTCME PERIMETER AS INDICATED IN RiAIL & 2 S FROMDE UNIFORM HORIZONTA SURFACE BETWEEN ADJACENT BAR$ OR WINES WHEN CANTY ENCOMPASSES MORE MAN ONE BAR OR WINE 6 CLEAN (AND COAP ALL EXPOSED REINFDRGEMEHT SIEZL AND OTHER EMBEDDED STEEL AS IMACM1lEO IN THE REPAIR TABLE J APPLY CCRR090N INHIBITOR 70 EXCAVATED SU`TTY SURFACE AHD EXPOSED RENFORCEMENT AS INDICATED IN THE REPAIR TABLE 8 PROWDE SPRAY OR BRUSH APPLIED SONONC GROUT. TO EXCAVATED GYRE SURFACE (NOT RECGI NC CORROSION I.8T0R) AS INDICATED IN THE REPAIR TABLE 9 FROMM PATCH NAlEMAL AS INDICATED IN REPAIR TABLE 10 STEI TROWEL FNtS OF UNFORMED CONCETE PATTY SURFACES TO MATCH ADJACENT AREAS t1 WHERE AMUCASLE CHAIN ER CORNERS TO MATCH ADJACENT AREAS 12 CONCRETE PATCH SURFACES TO BE PANTED M MAtt ADJACENT AREAS 13 NOMINAL SEES OF READERS ARE INDICATED ON THE DETAILS ACTUAL SIZES MAY VARY 14 NOMINAL PATCH DEPTHS ARE INDICATED ON THE OE7ALS ACTUAL DEPTH MAY VARY 15 PAY BASF_ SHALL BE AS INOCATTD IN DETAIL AND I D FORMS E COMM= SCALE REPAIR (RESTORATION) REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SEYONO SCALE TO SOUND CONCRETE AS INDICATED IN DETAILS I & 2 FRONDS -Any MATERIAL AS INDICATED IN SPECIFICATIONS PHASING CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE THE EOUIIMANT NUMBER OF 57ALL3 FOR ONE FULL SEE LEVEL FOR PHAS2 sae-® Parkins 4mlictakf PW—V V EngNT9aL'Ng ReaWradon Cad Waker, Inc 2460 W 26th Avenue SUMe 500-C Deriver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 8944800 Fax (303) 894-8033 www cadwalker.com OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Carl Walker, Inc and are not to he reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker tnc -RCJECT MGR DEW DESIGN ENG BPT DRAWN SY TSE IssVEp EAT pE5C9PTpry REl HJ I 823,07 BIMCD Sc DRAWING TIT_= GENERAL NOTES F'RCJECT NC R3-2007-037 DRAWING IN G1.0 C � `. I wIc Ei Ixe-I'TA ri m n n r n n� 9) ,D 16'—" IS-0' 11—C^ 3D-0 29'-0 }0'-0' 29'-0' 30'-0^ �1�'-0" �B-0" 16-2 mil Ig �ry „���----III--- - I• PD I I I I I o I �I �I - I - I I•va I I ELEc� I I I (Q 7I PARKING I a0%ES 0 S O G n I I I I I I I I I I G I I I I STUR I a ATOR/ iTAR iv o V -o m w POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY BUILDING 0 �g _D• _ 30'—D 29-9" g0 —0` RE I NGTON ST J� OELAMNATION (TOP O YAB) REDAIR N ROUT k E&LL CRACKS (TOP OF SLN3) ®FO FLOCR DRAIN REPLACE CWTROL MNT SEAIANT NEW V T MNT FALNIT GROUND TIER PLAN -o- C., a -Mr® Parking VVaullictmer planning Ergmeeirin RaMrsaon Cart Waller, Inc 2460 W. 25th Avenue state 500-C Denver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 891 Fax(303)894-8033 www carhYalker Corn OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Cad Walker Inc and are not to be reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker Inc PRCJECTMGR DEW DESIGN SING BPT DRAWNDY TEE �uVEO' oAn OEsc.RTary e a 71 t I 823107 1 BIDICD SE - DRAWING TITLE GROUND TIER PLAN PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWNG NO S2.1 a mar® Parking VVa®1C4ftr Pbuw" Ecquteettrto Rew atlon Carl Walker, Inc 2460 W 26th Avenue Suge 500C Denver, CO 80211 Phone (303)894-6800 FaK (303) 894-SM www.carlwalker.com OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Cad Walker Inc and are nor to be reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker Inc PRCJECT MGR DEN DESIGN ENC BPT DRAWN a" TEE LEGEND SECOND TIER PLAN oescwonon �1 6 SLAB DE,AAtlNAmON (i0P OF 4AB) REPNft /16'el-0" aenc once 1 tt23w BIDICC)SET N ROUTh SrAE CRACKS (iP' OF S1A91 ®M "LOOR DRMN REP ACE CONTRD. JOINT 5EA T VS NEW = JOINT SEA ANT 0 RAWING TITLE SECOND 7ER PLAN PRCJE--T NC R3-2007-037 DRAWNG NO S2.2 C I E E C lII 2 21 �j 131 lu/ 9 5 6 61 l7) (5/ 8 9 10 TT T T le,-^ ta'-o- rt-o'1 I f , ;1 j, t ng I;; if f � j o 1 } I AT Wr ll� C1 eal SIN7 o '� �— - - - -- - - I(/) m o � FLdoR STAR Ata � " °__ I m ill"1 it I ______________ If -o R II dVA II � ry II II II II II - IL 0 I REWNGTON 67. E LEGEND S-AS OELAMINATION (TO OF S_AB1 REPAIR ROUT k SEAL CRACKS ITW OF SLAaI ®M FLOOR DRAIN REFUGE CWTROL .UIRi SEAUNT NEW V JOINT SEALANT 5 51 (J \J Ux E TOP TIER PLAN Carl Perking Pra MV EnaMeeMO Realoremun Cad Walker, tna 2460 W. 26th Avenue sub 600-C Deriver, CO 80211 Phone (303) 8944=0 Fax (303) 894-M33 wwwxadwalker oom OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Cad Walker Inc and are not to as reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker, Inc PRCJE^ MGR DEW DESIGN ENC BPT DRAWN BY TEE rssuea oATs I DESCMPnON asp nc 1 8M,07 BIDIMSET D RAVdNG TITLE TOP TIER PLAN PRCJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWNG NO S2.4 r� 1 IE E ECC II` V�ey4TW n z n2 6)n n 66, n nn (n 1 --• 1 _o• _D t i (1 -a -2' '9 -0" 7 -0' 30-0, 29 -0" 30 -0, 29'-0" 30 -0' 11 -0" 18'-0' 16 -Z" .I ATCR b AUJNG I N wnu � � I o I I I 11 J 11 11 I� N N I 1 11 1 1 — t m I 0 pArCM , STAIN —� N O a£VATCR/ J W $idP M N 29 -0' 30 -0' 29 -0" 90 -0 REMNGTON ST. l ` l 1 _ QAa pE AANATIGN (TOF OF QAR) REPAIR ROUT k SEAL CRACKS (T01' W SUB) ®Fp FWW ORAIN ' REPV.OE CONTROL JOINT SEALANT NEW Mt- JOINT SEALANT 5 S) V (7) 9 t? THIRD TIER PLAN Padarig VW4M11k401r Planntrp ErgIneetfng Restoratlon Carl Walker, Ina. 2450 W 28th Avenue SWhe 500-C Darner, CO 802t 1 Phone (303) 894-8800 FeK (313) 89441033 www carlwalker.rbm OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the propertv of Can Walker Inc and are not to ce reused or reproduced without written permission from Cad Walker Inc PROJECT MGR DEW DESIGN ENG BPT DRAWN BY TSE rIl onTc oescwFnoN 1 B23A7 BID/CDSET D RA WING TITLE THIRD LEVEL FRAMING PLAN PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWING NO S2.3 R 7 FiI N,J E N JP$ LJ u u to 4r Y ' 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be banding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect., 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 3 1 m NEW 'OIXID JT AND a—mIp o < WST RONF COAT SEALANT r CUT AT yJ'—ANT : EPDXY PAINT—ftFAIOVE MST CONC BE"glD CENTER OF o Parking MST CANT' DElAAM TO SWNO CIXIC CRACK OR — SEALANT N �iY IXiIgNAL SURFACE% a6o+ PANEW TCH TOPPING ` J/ OPSING�C JOINT /��IND X GRIND �J X Planning Engineering Restoration �m �¢ WST CA SURFACE SURFACE CONTR0. V V� j\\ OGE X �� Cad Walker Inc — �—X _X_ � X i 2460W 26th Avenue Wsr ca+c Suite 500-G REMOW MST 11" YIN CtP_Af/ E R CONC 1/A' MIN �_I \ LEDGE PREPARATON7Denver, CO 8021 eSn$¢ `9ETgN0 DELPM BETtA 10 DEW/. WSt P/C TEc FlN1GE VIF 41 TO Or -au0_ TO SOUND CIXIC �-pnR FOAM R00/ BONG CRACK OR XIINT \ NOT IF CORD TOPING IS DMCNOED OR WWF S CONC DAM BREAKER) CONTROL uWNT JdNT `BACKER ROD Phone (303) 894-8800 EXPOSED PRONDE FULL DEPTH REPAIRS PER Or I/SZ' ROUTE & Fax (303) 894-8033 EDGE PREPARATION DETAIL 2 TOPPING REPAIR DETAIL SEALANT REPAIR SEAL CRACK DETAIL 1 No scA E NO scAuE DELAMINATION -ARMAL DEPTH) RFLSD 3 www Ca walker COED SEAL 5 VERTICAL JOINT DETAIL OLD TOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Fort Collins, Colorado The Drawings are the property of Can Walker Inc ano are not to De reused or reproduced without written permission Trom Cad Walker Inc PROJECT MGR DEW DESIGN END aPT DRAWN By TSEE Ir0.EV NO OPTE OE9ITIIXJ ' 1 1 823/07 aIDiCROD SEr DRAWING TITLE RESTORATION DETAILS PROJECT NO R3-2007-037 DRAWING NO S3.1 9.0 .SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment " described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without ^ consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective, date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the work. Refer to, Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of''. Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the,. contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, — other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award`'" will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable " objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of,� sums. 12/03 Section 00100 Page c 1 u lil Item # 3 See Attached New Section Specification Section 07112 * WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE PERTAINING TO DRAWINGS Item #D1 Civic Center Drawing No S3 1, Delete Detail 8 The work item is no longer applicable Item #D2 Civic Center Drawing No S3 1, Restoration Details, Detail 11 Delete words "METAL DECK" and replace it with "CONCRETE SLAB" Add Note 1 OWNER APPROVED ARCH CONCRETE FINISH IS A SINGLE COLOR CONCRETE MIX WITH A BROOM FINISH NO EXPOSED AGGREGATES IN FINISH IS REQUIRED 2 CUT AND REMOVE EXISTING ARMORED JOINT PLATES WITHIN EXCAVATION AREAS 3 COLD -APPLIED WATERPROOFING IS INCIDENTAL " MY 2 Please contact John D Stephen, CPPO, CPPB, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED M I 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Did Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. 1 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or as required in other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in .a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the 1 time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, or facsimile Bids are invalid and 12/03 Section 00100 Pace 5 will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. ` 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of " Bids. 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for, the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud,, publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made — available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the" Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and. return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any u and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to' disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such, alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 6 L M M H E Sn E l"J s• 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 7 OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and " equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be , included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Did — assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is u not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- — addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. END OF SECTION 12/03 Section 00100 Page 8 u 0 I R J E 2 lJ R R, Fil SECTION 00300 BID FORM X SECTION 00300 BID FORM PROJECT 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs Date September 19, 2007 1 In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated September 19, 2007 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint Venture, or Sole Proprietor) authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules. 2 The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned 3 Accompanying Bid 5% ($ 5 % Instructions this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard bond in the sum of ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and to Bidders 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows _Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, 6060 S Willow Drive, Greenwood village, CO 80111 5 All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said list 6 Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents 7 The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No 1_through_1- F.! ADDENDUM 1 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages Maintenance and Repairs 8 BASE BID WORK ITEM TABLE UNIT BID Description n Refr Units PRICE QTy PRICE Civic Center Parking Garage Luma Sum Items Project Mobilization 00300 1 1 F 5 a L S 1 $ 1,92000 Project General Requirements 00300 1 1 F 5 b L S 1 $ 2,000 00 Paint Steel 00300 1 1 F 5 c L S l $27,060 00 Paint Floor - Traffic Markings 00300 1 1 F 5 d L S 1 $ 40000 Performance & Labor and Material Bond 00300 1 1 F 5 e L,S 1 $ 1,635 00 Note Traffic markings pricing is for restoration Summation of Lump Sum of markings on new coating area only Steel Subtotal $33,015 00 Contract Prices painting prep to remove all visible surface rust to bare metal using hand and power tools Division 3 Repairs (SSPC-SP3 specification) in heu of blasting Paint materials per attached data sheets Topping Repair 2/S3 1 S F 1 $ 41 92 50 $ 2,096 00 Concrete/Concrete Slab Repair I 11/S3 1 I SF $110 10 110 1$12,1os o Division d Rennirs Repoint Masonry (Brick) 7/S3 1 L F $ 55 15 120 $ 6,618 00 Brick Replacement Repair 7/S31 EA $16545 40 $6,61800 Repaint Masonry (With Weep 7/S3 1 L F $116 10 38 $ a,a12 00 Holes) Division 7 Repairs Sealant Repair 12/S3 1 L F $ 4 07 T 360 $ 1,46600 Rout & Seal Cracks 13/S3 1 L F $ 3 75 200 $ 75000 Cove Sealant Repair 14/S3 1 L F $ 3 08 360 $ 1,111 00 Vertical Sealant Repair 15/S3 1 L F $ 25 56 120 $ 3,070 00 Coping Sealant Repair 15/S3 1 L F $ 30 25 150 $ 4,538 00 Re -Coat Existing Deck Coating 3/S3 1 S F $ 5 95 1,200 $ 7,145 00 Replace Expansion Joints 10/S3 1 L F $ 79 21 120 $ 9,505 00 Summation of Unit Price Items, Subtotal $ss,a38 00 Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Civic Center Subtotal $92 453 00 Old Town Parking Garage ADDENDUM 1 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages Maintenance and Repairs LumD Sum Items Prolecf Mobilization 00300 1 1 F 5 a L S 1 $ 1,920 00 Project General Requirements 00300 1 1 F 5 b L S 1 $ 2,000 00 Performance & Labor and 00300 1 1 F 5 e L S 1 $ 40000 Material Bond Summation of Lump Sum Contract Prices Subtotal $ 4,320 00 Topping Repair 2/S2 1 S F $ 39 16 300 $11.749 00 Division 7 Renairs Sealant Repair 3/S2 1 L F $ 4 07 525 $ 2,137 00 Rout & Seal Cracks 4/S2 1 L F $ 3 75 450 $ 1,688 00 Seal Vertical Joint 5/S2 1 L F $ 28 38 100 $ 2,383 00 Summation of Unit Price Items, Subtotal $ 17,912 00 Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Old Town Subtotal $ 22 232 00 Project Summary Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Old Town Subtotal $ 22,232 00 Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Civic Center Subtotal $ 92,453 00 Note Bid does not include heated enclosures or protection from the elements PROJECT ��JII TOTAL $114,68500 One hundred fourteen thousand six hundred and eighty-five $Dollars TOTAL COST IN WORDS WeatherSure Systems, Inc COMPANY NAME M rP'1 �J 9 PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: WeatherSure Systems, Inc. CONTRACTOR BY: Dan Seifert PRINTED NAME Signature Date Project Manager RRO Title License Number (If Applicable) (Seal - if ad is co oration) Attest: Address 2350 S. Jason St. 3w CORPORATE SEAL 7/96 Telephone Denver, CO 80223 303-781-5454 dans@weathersure.net Section 00300 Page 5 SECTION 00410 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that we, the undersigned WeatherSure Systems. Inc as Principal, and Travelers Casual and Surety Company of AmenQ� as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, Colorado,_ as OWNER, in the sum of $ 5% for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors, and assigns THE CONDITION of this obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City of Fort Collins, Colored o the accompanying Bid and hereby made a part hereof to enter. into a Construction Agreement for the construction of Fort Collins Pro? eet , Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garage 2007 Restoration and Repairs as per Protect No 6064 NOW THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract in the form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a BOND for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the Agreement created by the acceptance of said Bid, ® then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the same shall remain in fill force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation its herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. Surety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER. 0 7/96 Section 00410 Page 2 J F ADDENDUM 1 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages Maintenance and Repairs 8 BASE BID WORK ITEM TABLE UNIT BID Description Refr Units PRICE QTy PRICE Civic Center Parking Garage Lumo Sum Items Prolect Mobilization 00300 1 1 F 5 a L S 1 Project General Requirements 00300 1 1 F 5 b L S 1 Paint Steel 00300 1 1 F 5 c L S 1 Paint Floor - Traffic Markings 00300 1 1 F 5 d L S 1 Performance & Labor and Material Bond 00300 1 1 F 5 e L S 1 Summation of Lump Sum Contract Prices Subtotal Division 3 Repairs Topping Repair 2/S3 1 S F 50 Concrete/Concrete Slab Repair Ill 1 S F 110 Division 4 Reaairs Repoint Masonry (Brick) 7/S3 1 L F 120 Brick Replacement Repair 7/S3 1 EA 40 Repoint Masonry (With Weep 7/S3 i L F 38 Holes Division 7 Reoaus Sealant Repair 12/S3 1 L F L F 360 200 Rout & Seal Cracks 13/S3 1 Cove Sealant Repau 14/S3 1 L F L F 360 120 Vertical Sealant Repair 15/S3 1 Coping Sealant Repair 15/S3 1 L F S F L F 150 1,200 120 Re -Coat Existing Dec k Coating 3/S3 1 Replace Expansion Joints 10/S3 1 Summation of Unit Pnce Items, Summation of Unit Prces Lump Sum Items, Civic Center Old Town Parking Garage Subtotal Subtotal 01 IN WT_TNSSS NHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals this 19th day of Se ember 2007 , and such of theRl as are coxporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set forth above aPRINCIPAL SURETY Name: Wea-herSurq Systems. Inc Travelers Casualty and Sure�CoMay of America laddress: 3333 So Platte River Dr 6060 dl ire-__ Englewood CO 80110-2140 r Greenwood Village, CO B0111 By, _- By: QTitle: __.. Title:VeraT Kalba_ Attornek-in-Fact ATTEST �f���C/� BY: , `r _ v_ Q �"o9� ✓Aj . �e �pr�,�,'r' •� 33 ^�.n ram\ � „e,��,' �'; hqus,r A III, b�,r ��G °r��'-r ru•� ,�,r4i` i; f SA,��II111111�� ed I H d 1 7/96 Section 00410 Page 3 ODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, SUITE EDO LL DENVER, COLORADO 80209-3804 PHONE 003) 824-6600 THIS POWER OP ATTORNEY IS RED BORDER STPAUL POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company St Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St Paul Merwry Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America e St Paul Fit and Marine maul ance Company Untied States Frdehty and Guaranty Company Attorney -In Fact No 21$267 Certificate No 001018427 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, that St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St Paul Mercury Insurance. Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surely Company, and Trawler, Casualty and Surety Company of America are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of die State of Maryland that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duty organized under the laws of the Statc of Jova, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Evan E Moody, Brad Moody, Vera T Kalba, D N Broyles, Dan Flnholm, Karen A Feggestad, and Scott J Howard of the City of Denver , State of C010rad0 , their true and lawful Attomey(s)-m-Fact each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in then naphess ofI ranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings require i �� �tas owceedmgs allowed by law AA iiii1111 ��'� 1`l}'' 12th IN day WITNESS S WREREOF, the Companies have caused this r�r v to'be SdAnA8$d }tpl�cyr orate seals to be hereto affixed, this y l �}w - a y Farmington Casually CQ 0 �p g` Fidelity and Guaranty ran `cW pa t� Fidelity and Guaranty nsu a nderw rs, Inc Seaboard Surety Company St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company :-tap.a St Paul Guardian Insurance Compatif . a St Paul Mercury Insbia'nce Company,; I,Alco Travelers Casualty.pad'gurety Company z`> Travelers Casualt�µ' d:Snrety Cordp#T y QiAtmacri y United States Fide h niitl iivaramt ,6masmv,e-i�._-1h p.r1.s841t �••{�� 'an�FtY 6,M&A!' y,�Yi/},O�y �191I2 1.92%£1977 * o' State of Connecticut By City of Hartford as Glorge VlAqompson, Seny r Vic President On this the 1 2th day of duly 2009efore me personally appeared George W Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice president of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc , Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer p,TFT _��� � p� In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal Tarr \ w env C . �� My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2011 #e p�Ip * Mane C Tenesult, Notary Public �s 58440-6-06 Printed In U S A RED WARNING THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER Tlus Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity -and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc, Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of 'Amenca, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the president, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice'President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-m-Pact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recogmzances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authonty to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any hood, recognizance, contract of mdenmtty, or writing obligatory to the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed tunder seal, if required) by one or more Amimeys-m-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, env Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any cemficate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-m-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate beating such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and cemfied by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached I, Kon M Johanson, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insut ance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc, Seaboard Surety Company, St Pau] Fire and Marine Insurancg Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surpj;dmparA" men d United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Powe '-tom g,$gx d by sompames, which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand an _ thgsff s o s41 antes this 19 th ,lay of September 20 07 '4r i MMans Assistant Secretary d,"- a f C�ftl�*'��i Jff lMiYg1 ®R00. 't11951 1927 kayo o�O5Oavcc AIN To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www stpaultravelersbond cam Please refer to the Atomey-In-Pact number, the above -named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached Ed SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive This statement must be notarized If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires WeatherSure Systems, Inc 1 Name of Bidder 2 Permanent main office address _3333 S Platte River Dr , Sheridan, CO 3 When organized November 1994 4 If a corporation, where incorporated - Colorado-5 How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? 13 a 6 Contracts on hand (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion ) ( Park Lane Condominiums, $399,326 00, 12/14/07 Grand Hyatt Denver, $272,480 00,11/23/07 Littleton Housing Authority, Amity Plaza, $69,811 00 Waterford Condominiums $33 038 00 11/�2/07 7 General character of Work performed by your company _Roofing, waterproofing 6 Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to your No If so, where and why? 9 Have your ever defaulted on a contract? -No If so, where and why? 10 Are you debarred by any government agency _No_ If yes list agency name. I I 9 7/96 r Section 00420 Page 1 M C 11 List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type of construction Empire Park Parking Structure, $94,000 00, 2004, 1355 S Colorado Blvd Paso County Judicial South Tower, $119,504 00, 1 8 07, 270 S Tejon QE1 ' The Hermitage, $32,770 06, 7 25/07, 6001 S Yosemite, all listed jobs are waterproofing 12 List your major equipment available for this contract Not applicable, hand tools utilized for this contract 13 Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project Extensive roofing and waterproofing experience, approximately 50-100 large waterproofing jobs annually 14. Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers See attached resumes a15. Credit available $ 100,000 00 s 16. Bank reference Wells Fargo Bank, Shawn McGof f, 303-980-7614 17 Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER? Yes Q 18 I Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR? If yes, in what city, county and stateO class, license and numbers No What 19. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract' Yes If yes, what percent of total contracts 39% and to whom Preferred Painting; The Brickman, Inc. 20 Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? —No IF yes, DETAIL 7/96 Section 00420 Page 2 Mil 21 What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL General liability $2,000,000 with $10,000,000 excess liability What company 22 What are your company's bonding limitations' See attached letter from_ bonding company 23 The undersigned hereby authorizes and request, any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications Dated at this 19th day of September 2007 WeatherSure Systems, Inc Name of Bidder By Dan Seifert Title Waterproofing Sales/Project Manager State of —Colorado County of Arapahoe all �� �Q,v' � being duly swo n deposes and says that he is r ✓of tow.2t�/t L1b,Ji ,� Oi�d that (name of rganization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct Subscribed and sworn to befo e me this day of,e 20 67 Notary Public My commission expires 7/96 Section 00420 Page 3 SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 15% of the contract ITEM SUBCONTRACTOR Paint 7/96 Preferred Painting The Brickman, Inc Section 00430 Page 1 D DAN SEIFERT 3333 S. Platte River Dr., Englewood, CO 80110 — 303.781.5454 — dans@weathersure net PERSONAL PROFILE • Six years experience Project Management & Roof Consultant (RRO) and 10 years architectural design • Twenty-five years construction expertenc,e sales, manager, foreman, estimator, tradesman and troubleshooter • Skilled carpenter residential and commercial, wood and steel framing, finish, roofing, siding, drywall, plastic laminate, cabinetry, concrete, ceramic and quarry tile • Seventeen years experience in pioperty management MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AND SALES SKILLS Q Successful at selling projects, project management and handling complex multiple tasks Skilled at identifying and implementing procedures that increase profits Ability to increase business and satisfy customers while conforming to standards COMPUTER SKILLS AutoCAD Roof management software Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and MS Project EMPLOYMENT HISTORY WeatherSure Systems Inc — Sales Associate and Project Manager (January 2006 - Present) Waterproofing division Sales Associate and Project Manager, marketing, client contact, acquire client expectations, prepare project scope, schedule, and fee, for parking structures, curtain walls and exterior envelope water infiltration repairs Shive-Hattery Architects and Engineers — Project Manager and Roof Consultant III, RRO (April 1999 — January 2006) Project Manager, marketing, client contact, acquire client expectations, prepare project scope, schedule, fee, organize project personnel, deliver final product on time and within budget, exterior envelope water infiltration investigations and reports, reports of opinion on insurance claims for hail and wind damage, site verification, design work, specification writer, construction observer, and CAD drafting KNV Architects -Planners, Inc — Draftsman (August 1998 - April 1999) CAD drafting, site verification and design work Seifert Construction —Owner and Operator (1986 - 1999) General contractor of new homes, remodeling, and subcontractor of interior finish ® Excellent skills in marketing, designing and organizing projects, scheduling work, purchasing and accounting Hillsboro West Apartments — Property Manager of 40 apartments (August 1986 - April 1996) Colonial Terrace Apartments — Property Manager of 32 apartments (April 1994 - April 1996) Managed and maintained 72 apartments Responsibilities included marketing, ttnant selection, collecting rents, bookkeeping, advertising, identifying and supervising construction projects and maintenance repairs McComas-Lacma Construction - Foreman & Carpenter (1983 - 1986) Self -Employed — Carpenter, Auto Body Repair & Painting (1981 - 1983) Iowa Local #4 Carpenters Union — Foreman, Supervisor, Estimator & Carpenter (1976 - 1981) EDUCATION Kirkwood Community College, Associate of Applied Science Specialization Architectural Technology -- Received Outstanding Achievement Award H l eSelected Experience - Health Care Facilities: • University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, Iowa - 40,000 square foot Center of Excellence addition to the Pomerantz Pavilion Designed new innovative temporary and final modified bitumen roofing systems pn� meeting FM 1-90 requirements When the roofing iiffl systems are removed they do not leave holes in the concrete deck from mechanical fasteners or residue on the deck that is incompatible with interior floor covering adhesives • University of Iowa Health Cate, Iowa City, Iowa — The John Papajohn Pavilion 7`h Floor Curtain Wall Modifications Project involved removal and reinstallation of approximately 300 LF of glazed curtain wall to reduce water infiltration into the building The existing curtain wall was raised, a new through -wall flashing with end dams installed, and new glazing gaskets and seals were installed • University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, Iowa - The Alleyway Drainage Project involved the investigation and design of a waterproofing system in a mechanical area between three buildings which corrected a thirty -year -old unsolved water infiltration problem • Mercy Hospital Rooftop Garden, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Researched rooftop surface material, as well as retrofitting handicap access to the rooftop connected to the obstetrics floor of the new hospital addition Changed the use of the new EPDM roofing system to a patient accessible decorative plaza deck with planters e• University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, Iowa - Written report on observations of field investigation and recommended solutions to water infiltration and icing issues of glass roofs and glass enclosures • University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, Iowa - Designed new roofing system and developed construction documents to replace existing roofs on selected roof levels of Boyd Tower Professional Memberships Roof Consultants Institute Registered Roof Observer (RRO) DAN SEIFERT Project Manager & Roof Consultant Qualifications: Dan brings 25 years of experience in the construction industry to Shive- Hattery He was the owner of a general contracting company where he gained experience in all phases of construction with expertise in water infiltration problems His work with Shive-Hattery includes serving as a Project Manager, Roof Consultant and Designer for new buildings, building renovations and additions He is instrumental in managing numerous projects of various types • Health Care facilities • Industrial facilities • Government agencies • Educational facilities • Investigation serves for identifying and solving construction problems for clients, insurance companies and attorneys Education Kirkwood Community College — A A S Architectural Technology r. ' e, fl • University of Iowa Health Care, Carver Pavilion Patio Deck Roof Replacements, Iowa City, Iowa - Replaced two patio roofs of approximately 4,000 square feet each with a durable PVC waterproofing system and aesthetically pleasing concrete paver system Modification to adjacent doors, patio lighting, safety rails, and lightning rod systems were incorporated to address all possibilities of water entry into the building An exterior sound system was also incorporated on one of the patios This project was teatured on the cover of RCI Interface magazine in February 2003 (see photo) Selected Experience - Educational Facilities: • Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa — Managed roof projects and designed a variety of roofing systems (metal, shingles, modified bitumen, EPDM), developed construction documents and provided construction observation for roof improvements from 1999 to present • Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Designed roof for the new Viola Gibson Elementary School • Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Designed the roofs for seven high school additions in 2002 for Jefferson, Kennedy and Washington High Schools • Iowa City Community School District, Iowa City, Iowa - Designed 1999 and 2000 ICCSD Roof Improvements • Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Roof consultant for all buildings suffering hail damage Many required repairs, some eroofs needed to be replaced • Harding Middle School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Provided construction observation for portions of the DAN SEIFERT Page 2 ADDENDUM 1 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages Maintenance and Repairs Lumn Sum Items Project Mobilization 00300 1 1 F 5 a L S 1 Project General Requirements 00300 1 1 F 5 b L S 1 Performance & Labor and 00300 1 1 F 5 e L S 1 Material Bond Summation of Lump Sum Contract Prices Subtotal Division 3 Repairs Topping Repair I 2/S2 1 1 S F 1 300 Division 7 Reaairs Sealant Repair 3/S2 1 L F 525 Rout & Seal Cracks 4/S2 1 L F 450 Seal Vertical Joint 5/S2 1 L F 100 Summation of Unit Price Items, Subtotal Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Old Town Subtotal Project Summary Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Old Town Subtotal Summation of Unit Prices Lump Sum Items, Civic Center Subtotal PROJECT TOTAL Dollars TOTAL COST IN WORDS COMPANY NAME 1 exterior masonry walls reconstruction Wall construction included installation of through -wall flashing with weep ropes, replacements of wall cavity ridged insulation and replacement of interior concrete block masonry brick back-up • City High School, Iowa City, Iowa - Developed construction documents for repairs to deteriorating exterior masonry and the addition of expansion joints as 1 well as the reconstruction of an upper parapet wall An original design for lateral support of masonry through - wall expansion joints was implemented r F, L�J Hv L� IN 4.� C �1 • Eastern Iowa Career Assistance, Davenport, Iowa - Provided construction observation and orchestrated solutions to construction issues for installation of a new roofing system and repair of the building's exterior masonry • Frances Willard School, Rock Island, Illinois - Designed new roof system Selected Experience - Commercial Facilities: • The Mark of the Quad Cities, Moline, Illinois - Designed new roof system, developed construction documents and provided construction observation of the Plaza Deck that consisted of a bitumen vapor retarder, new insulation, a modified roofing membrane, drainage mat and concrete toping with a decorative scoring pattern • Quad Cities Times in Davenport, Iowa - Provided construction observation for roof repairs and installation of protective roof coating • The Eastern Iowa Airport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Provided design of new roof system as well as construction observation • Von Maur, Eden Prairie, Minnesota - Designed new roof system and developed construction documents for new addition and reroof of existing store space DAN SEIFERT Page 3 3; L' • Von Maur, Fort Wayne, Indiana - Designed new roof system and developed construction documents for new store • Von Maur, Wichita, Kansas - Designed new tool system and developed construction documents for new addition and reroof of existing stole space • GAB Robins Insurance, Dubuque, Iowa - Written report on probable cause of reported roof damage Also included a recommendation based on observations and product investigation of imitation slate shingles • Condo Maintenance Association - Provided design recommendations and construction observation to improve attic ventilation, reduce ice damming and water infiltration issues, and coordinate correction of settlement issues eSelected Experience — Governmental Facilities: u L E k 1 I; • City of Cedar Rapids Building Repair Projects — Provided multidiscipline project management, roofing design and construction documents for three city facilities consisting of The Paramount Theater selected masonry repairs and root replacements The Public Works Facility selected roof replacements, replacement of siding and exterior envelope improvements Veterans Memorial and City Hall selected roof replacements • City of Cedar Rapids Public Works Main Roof #15 Replacement project — Provided project management and design for new roofing system and modifications to and adjacent window wall to meet the city's expectations and limited budget Selected Experience - Expert Witness: • Provided investigation and recommendations regarding water infiltration, condensation, installation, design issues, and reviewed construction documents on selected buildings for various attorneys and legal firms DAN SEIFERT Page 4 6166 Colorow Drive Phone 303-697-5897 Morrison, CO Fax 303-980-7130 Craig R. Carey Work experience 1997 — Present WeatherSure Systems, Inc Englewood, CO President • Owner of roofing company with all responsibilities for all aspects of small business administration and sales 1994-1997Garey Maintenance Systems, Inc Denver, CO President • Owner of roofing company with all responsibilities for all aspects of small ® business administration and sales ®! 1992-1996 Bryant Universal Inc Los Angeles, CA Regional Manager • Responsibilities for management of sales, production and administration of $20 million annual revenues of commercial roofing projects Emphasis on negotiated retrofit projects in lieu of public bid or new construction sales 1979-1984 Garay Roofing Inc St Joseph, MI Vice President • Family owned roofing company with responsibilities small business administration and sales for all aspects of Education 1973 - 1977 University of Michigan 31 GPA 1970 —1973 St Joseph High School 3 4 GPA Trade Education 1994 BOMA CFC Management Certification Course 1991 Terry Paulson Sales Seminar 1989 R Karas Negotiating Skill Seminar Q1986 RIEI Seminar— Roof Maintenance 1983 RIEI Seminar— Single Ply Roofing 1980 RIEI Seminar— Built Up Roofing Basics v; CI' u N �I R e'd U I N"s: 1 Ifs Featurese. q�,l',;'�,., General Properties&M:'".y�7 • Self -priming • High build • Exceptional adhesion • Apply over tightly adhering rust • Good flexibility • Good impact resistance • Good wetting properties • Reduced undercutting at damaged areas • Reduced number of coats required • High solids • Low VOC content • Reduced pinhohng • No lifting of conventional coatings • Immersion in fresh or salt water • Interior or exterior application • High traffic floors • Bulk storage tanks • Dairies • Structural and support steel • Bottling plants • Off -shore rigs • Power generating plants • Roof decks • Food processing • Bar joists • Hospitals • Piping • Schools • Catwalks • Performs well as an • Water and waste treatment plants encapsulating coating This two -component high build epoxy is self -priming and has exceptional adhesion even over tightly adhering rust It also has good flexibility and impact resistance, plus good wetting properties, almost eliminating undercutting at damaged areas The high solids provide exceptional coverage and the low solvent reduces pinholes and lifting of conventional coatings May be used as a high build primer, an intermediate coat or single coat interior applications Minimum two coats for exterior applications For immersion use in fresh or saltwater iLimitatione:'i'" • Not for immersion in low pH liquids • Not for Immersion in strong solvents • Not for application on high abuse floors • Tendency to yellow on exterior surfaces • Limited low temperature cure • Limited gloss retention on exterior surfaces Mixing Instructions. This two -component product is mixed as a 1 to 1 ratio by volume of components 'A' to "B ' First, mix each component separately until uniform, then combine components 'A' & 'B' and mix thoroughly (5 minutes) or until homogeneous For best results, use a spiral mixing blade in a variable speed (400-600 rpm) electric drill Place the spiral mixing blade at the bottom of the container before turning on the mixer This will help avoid inducting air into the material Inducted air will cause ' bubbles' in the coating when applied Gently move the mixer head up to the surface while running Do not remove the head while it is still spinning Allow the combined components to sit for an induction time of 30 minutes, then lightly stir again to ensure uniformity This product has a workable pot life of 6 hours at 70d F Applying the material immediately after the 30 minute's induction time will provide best results Note Higher air and mixture temperatures will decrease the pot Irfe and working time Colors: ALL MUST BE MIXED WITH M46.94 CATALYST —Tint Bases: M45-90 Tintable White M45-91 Deep Base M45-92 Clear Base —Special Colors: Contact your Benjamin Moore & Co Representative Certification: Master Painters Institute MPI #108 Formulated without lead, mercury, or chromates Does not contain any ozone -depleting substances, either Class I or Class II Technical Data Tintable White Generic Type Amido Amine Epoxy Pigment Type Titanium Dioxide & Corrosion Inhibitors Volume Solids (mixed as recommended) 78% Theoretical Coverage 315 Sq Ft ® 4 Mils Film Thickness- Wet 3 8 - 10 mils -Dry 3-5 mils Dry Time 0 70' F - To Touch 4 Hours -To Recoat 8 Hours Dries By Chemical Cure Dry Heat Resistance - Intermittent 350' F Viscosity 0 70' F (mixed as recommended) 90 t 5 KU Flash Point (Seta) 102' F 60' Specular Gloss -Semi-Gloss 30%- 50% Surface Temperature At Application - Min 40' F - Max 90' F Surface must be dry and at least S above the dew point Reducer M95 Reduction - Brush 5% - Roller 5% Clean Up Thinner M95 Mixing Ratio (by volume) 1 1 Induction Time ® 7W F 30 Minutes Pot Life ® 70' F 6 Hours Weight Per Gallon (mixed as recommended) 12 8 Ids Storage Temperature - Min 40'F - Max 90' F Analysis: Volatile Organic Compounds (Ill (tyw(al— Pigi •ddc y.dmw •••. Tibnium Di -We d•,x .midd•mm. EP..y R..id .•. "Unthmned Grams/Liter may vary by color) ioMam. Piym.ni. ]o ix sdiv.ni.••addN.. m.m Piym.di. .i rx 1•000% Lbs /Gal 1 66 "ConfadBwpmmMwm&Co foracNalleids which may& myolbe subsenoallyless than soled Ely �J I H H la l r �m r� A I R H I • Ferrous Metal A,4 °Masonry Walls ; . I : tr L. BlocktWalls''d,_y, • Pnmert,P�roduc[ Cood r r `�Genencd7,y..pterborne e .F.4 _ �. , W5 Polyamide Epoxy Epoxy Block Filler ti Plgment-7ype p ' • .Organic Fibers �Volumer SolidsY.k�ffl.3 .&g.r�,.k �Theorencrit',�Coverage Recommended FIImxTYiickness li., yyFilm Thi�kness�Wet •-A �F�I ®® Dr Time'' o h +cam. �,�„,SToiRecToucoat �P�� y Dries_By • ��m�ur. �� :_y_VISCOSI[Y;�Yr�G�i��iCA> �� 'gG0' Speculai�Gloss�t;µgt- i.?'r�r. r r' 0"SurtacebTempera[ure 'Min i6c'licanon ,, �`-EEMax -".. •r. PS fc must oe ary nna�sp;r � +L- ' �f a[ le sl 5 x0ove Ne Oew po Cp�.Ff.AG^ r. Redu�cnon� -fr I'I� a Roller f PuzY� S ra 6 r "• `�Clean Up Thinner r sr r.x. ®�, ua fgMixinTR^aM.jlvo"7W �' Weight Pers�Galtonj�tvu g� t' .®. p Storage'Temperature tiMin • r' l Max •r' r' �� r' Note For additional information regarding primer selection — reference the primer selection chart in the product manual or in the product catalog Primer Information M45 / M46 Self -Priming CM36-00 / M37-84 Can also be used for penetrating concrete floors, wood, and wood floors Accepts a wide variety of high performance finish coats M31 / M32 Provides the bonding properties needed to support any two component product when used on high abuse surfaces, high moisture areas or below grade applications Excellent for areas subjected to repeated cleaning with high pressure water Protects surfaces In food processing plants, water & waste treatment plants, pulp and paper plants, dairies, bottling plants, and a host of others I L« I Epoxy Mastic Coating (M45/M46) Cont'd Surface Preparation Bare Steel All surfaces shall be free of loose rust, millscale, and contaminants such as oil, grease, dirt, and salts Before any surface preparation is attempted, oil and grease must be removed by employing SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning For large areas, use Oil & Grease Emulsifier (M83) For Mild Exposures Use Commercial Blast Cleaning to SSPC-SP6 to remove millscale, rust, and other contaminants and leave a roughened surface Use Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal SSPC-SP11 to remove millscale, rust and other contaminants and leave a roughened surface For Severe Exposures Use Near -White Blast Cleaning to SSPC-SP10 to remove millscale, rust, and other contaminants and leave a roughened surface WARNINGI If you scrape, sand or remove old paint, you may release lead dust LEAD 15 TOXIC EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator to control lead exposure Carefully clean up with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your family by contacting the National Lead Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to vvv✓w ega,govAead Application Information Due to the rapid dry of this coating, only small areas may be coated by brush, applicator pad, or roller Generally, this paint is best applied by spray Care must be taken to achieve the specified wet and dry film thicknesses Uniform, even coats must be obtained Application Equipment Conventional or airless spray, brush or roller Certain colors may require two coats depending on method of application and color of the primer or intermediate coat Conventional Spray Equipment Recommendations Binks Model 62 Spray Gun or equivalent Fluid Nozzle Air Nozzle Atomizing Air Pressure Fluid Pressure (Measured at gun inlet) 66 (070) 66 SK 60 PSI 40 PSI Notes Airless atomization strongly recommended Do not exceed pot life Low temperatures or longer hoses require higher pot pressure Proper atomization is necessary to obtain a smooth finish Airless Spray Equipment Recommendations Binks Airless 1 Spray Gun or equivalent Airless Tip Orifice Fluid Pressure Binks Tip No 018' — 026" 2,500 — 3,000 PSI 9 — 1860/9 — 2680 Notes Do not exceed pot life Requires higher pressure pump CAUTION Use 100 mesh manifold filter and gun with 100 mesh tip strainer Use appropriate tip and atomizing pressure for equipment, applicator technique and weather conditions Roller Use a i/a" nap synthetic cover Do not use medium or long nap roller covers Clean Up Instructions Clean all equipment immediately after use with Epoxy Thinner (M95) At the same time, flush out all fluid lines and carefully clean pressure pots Use clean solvent only It is also good practice to periodically clean the spray tip or the fluid tip/air cap combination during the course of the working day or shift I I n H r E Performance Standards All test results are for Safety White unless otherwise noted � - 5 Y y.0 1 ^y ad r• N b. I � i ASTM D 3359 Cross Cut Tape Test Elcometer Adhesion 5B 400 P S I - ASTM D 4060 C17 Wheels 1000 gm Load, 1000 c des 85 m /1000 C des ASTM D 2794 Gardner Impact 7 Da Au Dr at 77 F Duect 20 mch ounds, reverse 4 mch ounds ASTM D 522 Conical Mandrel Apparatus 14% - - 5% NaOH No Effect „h 5%HnSo, No Effect "{ '4 r 100% Xylene No Effect - t 100% Mineral Spirits No Effect ASTM D3363 Penal Hardness 7 Da Cure 6H r ASTM G53 Accelerated aging via exposure to fluorescent, ultraviolet and condensation Yellows ASTM B117 500 Hours - No effect, 800 Hours - M#6 Blisters Ambient 1500 Hours - No effect e, r Resistance Crayon Good Litter Good Lipstick Good Marker Good Ink Pen Poor Shoe Polish Good 180 F 1500 Hours - No effect Environmental, Health & Safety Information WARNINGI COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPORI HARMFUL IF INHALED OR SWALLOWED Contains xylene (xylop, n-butyl alcohol, tetraethylenepentamine, epoxy resin and crystalline silica HARMFUL IF INHALED MAY AFFECT THE BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM CAUSING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE, OR NAUSEA MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN, NOSE, AND THROAT IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION IMPORTANT Designed to be mixed with other components Mixture will have hazards of both components Before opening packages, read all warn- ing labels Follow all precautions NOTICE Repeated and prolonged exposure to solvents may lead to permanent brain and nervous system damage Eye watering, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and loss of coordination are signs that solvent levels are too high Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents a may be harmful or fatal Cancer Hazard contains crystalline silica which can cause cancer when in respirable form Keep away from heat and flame Close container after each use Use only with adequate ventilation Do not breathe vapors, spray mist, or sanding dust Do not get in eyes or on skin WEAR A PROPERLY FITTED VAPOR/PARTICULATE RESPIRATOR APPROVED BY NOSH for use with paints, eye protection, gloves, and protective clothing during application (or sanding) and until all vapors and spray mist are exhausted In confined spaces or in situations where continuous spray operations are typical, or if proper respirator fit is not possible, wear a positive -pressure, supplied au respirator In all cases, follow respirator manufacturer's direc- tions Do not permit anyone without protection in the painting area FIRST AID If affected by inhalation of vapors or spray mist, remove to fresh air In case of eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and call a physician For skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water In case of ingestion DO NOT induce vomiting Get medical help a Immediately IN CASE OF FIRE —Use foam, COi, dry chemical, or water fog SPILL — Absorb with Inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations DISPOSAL Use completely or dispose of properly This product contains organic solvents which may cause adverse effects to the environ- ment if handled improperly Disposal of waste containing either organic solvents or free -liquids in landfills is prohibited Dry, empty con- tainers may be recycled in a can recycling program Local disposal requirements vary, consult your sanitation department or state - designated environmental agency on disposal options R 1 r FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet available from your retailer for further safety and handling information Warranty & Limitation of Sellers Liability All statements made on any product label, product manual, product data sheets, technical data charts or specification charts contained herein, are accurate to the best of our knowledge The products and information are intended for use by persons having skill and know-how in the industry at their own discretion and risk Benjamin Moore & Co warrants only that its coatings represented herein meet the formulation standards of Benjamin Moore & Co NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY THE SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OR LAW, OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Workmanship, weather, construction equipment, quality of other materials and other variables affecting the results are beyond our control No agent, employee or representative of seller has any authority to bind seller to any affirmation, representation or warranty except as stated above 11 I fi e Nil L A u' H K I Performance Standards All test results are for Tmtable White unless otherwise noted - ASTM D 3359 Cross Cut Tape Test 5B - ASTM D 4060 C17 Wheels 1000 m Load, 1000 cycles 44 m - ASTM D 2794 Gardner Impact, 7 Day Au Dry at 77 F Direct 75 inch pounds Reverse 25 inch pounds EFL ASTM D 522 Conical Mandrel Apparatus 28% 5% NaOH No Effect 5% H2S01 No Effect P 100% X lene No Effect sa 100°/u Mineral Spirits No Effect • r ASTM D 3363 Penal Hardness 7 Day Cure 4H " • °^ r "., ASTM G53 Accelerated aging via exposure to fluorescent, ultraviolet, and condensation 1000 Hours - No effect, 1300 Hours - DE 1 6 ASTM B117 400 Hours — No effect not recommended not recommended ` • {^` j e Crayon Excellent Litter Excellent Lipstick Excellent Marker Excellent Ink Pen Excellent Shoe Polish Excellent Environmental, Health & Safety Information DANGERI FLAMMABLE[ VAPOR AND SPRAY MIST HARMFUL Contains aliphatic polyisocyanate, hexamethylene and dnsocyanate OVEREXPOSURE MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN AND RESPIRATORY REACTION EFFECTS MAY BE PERMANENT MAY AFFECT THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM CAUSING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE, OR NAUSEA CAUSES EYE, SKIN, NOSE, AND THROAT IRRITATION IMPORTANT Designed to be mixed with other components Mixture will have hazards of both components Before opening packages, read all warning labels Follow all precautions NOTICE Repeated and prolonged exposure to solvents may lead to permanent brain and nervous system damage Eye watering, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and loss of coordination are signs that solvent levels are too high Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal INDIVIDUALS WITH LUNG OR BREATHING PROBLEMS OR PRIOR REACTION TO ISOCYANATES MUST NOT BE EXPOSED TO VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST Do not breathe vapor or spray mist A POSITIVE -PRESSURE, SUPPLIED -AIR RESPIRATOR IS RECOMMENDED with eye protection, gloves, and protective clothing during application A vapor/particulate respirator may be appropriate where airborne monitoring demonstrates vapor levels below ten times the applicable exposure limits In all cases, follow respirator manufacturer's directions Do not permit anyone without protection in the painting area Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame VAPORS MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE Close container after each use Use only with adequate ventilation Do not breathe vapors, spray mist, or sanding dust Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing Wash thoroughly after handling FIRST AID If affected by inhalation of vapors or spray mist, remove to fresh au If breathing difficulty persists or occurs later, consult a physician and have label infor- mation available In case of eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and call a physician For skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water In case of ingestion, DO NOT induce vomiting Get medical help immediately IN CASE OF FIRE — Use foam, COz, dry chemical, or water fog SPILL —Absorb with Inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations DISPOSAL Empty container with product residue may still be flammable, follow all hazard statements until it has been disposed of Contains organic sol- vents which may cause adverse effects on the environment if disposed of improperly Consult your sanitation department for more information on disposal of empty containers Disposal of wastes containing either organic solvents or free -liquids in landfills is prohibited Contact your state -designated environ- mental agency for information concerning re -use, recycling, or disposal of solvent -borne paint FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet available from your retailer for further safety and handling information Warranty & Limitation of Sellers Liability All statements made on any product label, product manual, product data sheets, technical data charts or specification charts contained herein, are accurate to the best of our knowledge The products and information are intended for use by persons having skill and know-how in the industry at their own discretion and risk Benjamin Moore & Co warrants only that its coatings represented herein meet the formulation standards of Benjamin Moore & Co NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY THE SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OR LAW, OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Workmanship, weather, construction equipment, quality of other materials and other variables affecting the results are beyond our control No agent, employee or representative of seller has any authority to bind seller to any affirmation, representation or warranty except as stated above , I 1 E H C C LJ fry r F Ili} V '' • Excellent chemical resistance • Equals the results of the best • Excellent abrasion resistance baked finishes • Excellent gloss retention • Interior or exterior application • Excellent color retention • High traffic floors • Wide unlimited color selection • Cures at lower temperatures and non -yellowing clear • Contains UV absorber -• F _ sa 4 -R ISM • Buildings • Cement trucks, airplanes • Equipment • Waste treatment plants • Machinery • Food processing plants • Rolling stock • Chemical plants • Construction equipment • Pulp and paper mills • Highway and mining equipment • Fertilizer plants • Lockers • Breweries • Storage tanks • Power generating plants • Bridges • Oil field equipment • Towers • Bottling plants This two component acrylic urethane provides excellent chemical & abrasion resistance, plus color and gloss retention The cured coating equals the results of the best baking finishes This coating performs well on high trafficked floors where color and gloss are desired Resists continuous clean with strong cleaning compounds Resists the strong solvents used in graffiti removal Curing time may be accelerated or retarded as necessary by the addition of M77 Urethane Accelerator or M92 Urethane Retarder' • Use tie coat, or mist coat, when applying over porous zinc coatings (i a inorganic zinc rich primers) • Contains strong solvents that could lift conventional coatings • Coated surfaces may discolor under tires due to the plasticizer migration • Not for continuous immersion DANGER VAPORS AND SPRAY MIST ARE HARMFUL IF INHALED REFERENCE SAFETY SECTION OF THIS BROCHURE Labor Saving Benefits • This coating provides excellent chemical and abrasion resistance for wider choice of uses • This coating provides excellent color & gloss retention for longer coating life is The performance qualities of this cured coating equal the best baked finishes • Available in wide color range to satisfy the most demanding color need • Available in non -yellowing clear for complete graffiti removal* • Performs well on high trafficked or display floors where color and high gloss are desired Colors: All must be mixed with M75-85 Aliphatic Urethane Gloss Hardener —Standard: CM74-00 Cleart M74-15 Safety Yellow M74-21 Safety Red M74-35 Safety Blue M74-65 Safety Orange M74-82 Safety Black —Tint Bases: M74-90 Tintable White M74-91 Deep Base M74-92 Clear Base —Special Colors, Contact your Benjamin Moore & Co Representative Certification: Formulated without lead, mercury, or chromates Formulated with non-photochemically reactive solvents t for Clear Sealer Finish reference Product Data Sheet M73 M7480 'see Application Information for use of accelerators and retarders Technical Data Tintable White Generic Type Aliphatic Acrylic Urethane Pigment Type Titanium Dioxide Volume Solids (mixed) 52% Theoretical Coverage 420 sq ft /gal @ 2 0 Mils Film Thickness -Wet 2 9 - 4 8 MIS -Dry 1 5 - 2 5 Mils Dry Time ® 70° F - To Touch 2 Hours' - To Recoat 4 - 8 Hours' Dries By Chemical Cure Dry Heat Resistance 350' F Viscosity (Mixed) 75 t 5 KU Flash Point (Seta) 86' F 60' Specular Gloss 90% Minimum Surface Temperature At Application - Min 40' F - Max 95' F Surface must be dry and at least 5' above the dew point Reduction - Brush - Roller - Spray Do not thin Do not thin Do not thin Clean Up Thinner M93 Mixing Ratio 4 1 by Volume Induction Time 30 Minutes Pot Life ® 70' F 6 - 8 Hours Weight Per Gallon (Mixed) 10 0 Ibs Storage Temperature - Min 40' F Analysis: M,..^.•. ,,,,..d.ad wva.dr I vmu• ra Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) ox (typoal— 1".mumOl•ado e9ax .crynoLoth•^•Rosin aorx Catalyzed,Unthinned GramsAiter 446•` may vary by color) ^•n •bmmt. oex san•m. me.adlfl . _41.1 too ox 10.0% Lbs /Gal 372 -Confad Benjamin Moore&Cc fo(actuallawas which mayormaynot besubstanballyless than slated I n H C i Irk' I i� t^! i Ia It E Primer Selection Hot or Cold Epoxyy Poured, Cast Concrete -Antler Technical Information Rolled Steel Zmc-R ch Primer or Brick or Lt Weight inl timer. f;rodu[t,Code �-' ��®® .. Epoxy Polyamide Epoxy Polyamide Epoxy Waterborne EpoxyBlock �D2necaTypePolyamide Filler w>rarowr ra;�. Pigment TypevDioxide m !.rand - Organic Fibers %ti'js k Sr"3 Select Inerts NON -KAUl and Select Inerts . VolumieTSSolidsW rt -vws:nw -ta na,-zrcw.• ThebreticalCoverageia[w Qp;, y Re[ommended Filrr4l ckness r M Wkd"Fe�:'htki-j, y tsFilm,Thickness •^}'�lih Dr L'mNNe�^To TouchWif- Po q ��` — t—kroa RS i.t_Moct%;,- aD es ® e {.��'•.. a Dry HeatResistancetteiv� Flash.POlnt jSe[ai�'„�hf+�,� r' ar. Gloss� `�GO ,Specular, 'S 2 Tempe attire ;Mine 'r 'Al Application y-Max.• r QnS�—dac n si Oeay 'FtleasLS Do elM1e aew pond, w*,za+wr'P Reduct; n sh ` not thin do not thin do not th:n -Brudo ��pRollerdo rz'Y.do r t thin do not thin do not th n irptil not thin do not thin do not thin a Clee mp Thinner,,, y%, s ..���� Mixing Ratio Iby•bol� m I��'�'*t:�:,�' ���� "Mu5M.1h�r p t i' uPot MZLife.@ 70 �FMW,��'r�., y cwrvr-r^xt+.v .n Weight ger Gallo a+�S ���� ys +vsxrxrri aana.i ,M-.cr*T" I Storage Temperature -,Min r r' r' r' r' Note For additional information regarding primer selection — Primer Information reference the primer selection chart in the product manual or in the product catalog M33 / M34 Excellent corrosion resistance, chemical resistance and superior adhesion qualities make It a perfect choice for all ferrous and non-ferrous metals both Interior and exterior Supports epoxy and urethane topcoats for ultimate protection in the most aggressive environments CM1811C M19 Two component epoxy zinc rich with metallic zinc dust In the dry film providing optimal galvanic protection for steel Protects steel substrates In the most aggressive chemical and Industrial environments High performance topcoats can be easily applied with excellent adhesion guaranteed CM3fi-Oo 1 M37-84 Can also be used for penetrating concrete floors, wood, and wood floors Accepts a wide variety of high performance finish coats M31 / M32 Provides the bonding properties needed to support any two component product when used on high abuse surfaces, high moisture areas or below grade applications Excellent for areas subjected to repeated cleaning with high pressure water Protects surfaces in food processing plants, water & waste treatment plants, pulp and paper plants, dairies, bottling plants, and a host of others I I SECTION 07112 - MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING 0 PART 1 - GENERAL 1 1.1 Related Documents 'J Ik 9 u N N H R u I#' t A The Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the General Requirements of Division 1 of these Specifications apply to the Work in this Section 1.2 Work Included A The Work of this Section shall include furnishing al! labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to install the appropriate membrane waterproofing system, including surface preparation, in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and Specifications Provide membrane waterproofing on all plazas and supported levels as indicated on the Drawings a Provide protection board, aggregate or synthetic drainage layer, insulation board, and filter fabric as indicated on the Drawings b Provide crack, construction joint, perietration, and floor drain detailing as indicated on the Drawings The Work of this Section shall include removal of existing membrane system as described in the General Notes in the Drawings. Related Work The following Work is related to this Section Submittals Demolition Concrete Repair Joint Sealants Quality Control General Section 01300 Section 02050 Section 03370 Section 07900 The waterproofing membrane Installer shall be approved by the waterproofing membrane Manufacturer pa M74/M75 Aliphatic Acrylic Urethane Gloss Cont'd H M C C 3h V�I In t Surface Preparation Previously Painted or Primed Surfaces Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and free from oil, grease, dirt, salts, and any other contaminants All blistered and loose paint must be removed All bare areas must be primed Glossy surfaces should be roughened before recoating Bare Steel All surfaces shall be free of loose rust, mrllscale, and contaminants such as oil, grease, dirt, and salts Before any surface preparation is attempted, oil and grease must be removed by employing SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning For large areas, use M83 Oil & Grease Emulsifier Use Commercial Blast Cleaning to SSPC-SP6 to remove millscale, rust, and other contaminants and leave a roughened surface Concrete and Masonry Remove all loose particles, laitance, oil, grease, form release agents, and any other contaminants New concrete and masonry must be allowed to cure for a minimum of 28 days Before painting, roughen the surface by abrasive blasting, acid etching, or scarifying WARNINGI If you scrape, sand or remove old paint, you may release lead dust LEAD IS TOXIC EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator to control lead exposure Carefully clean up with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your family by contacting the National Lead Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to www.enaa govAead Application Information Generally, this paint is best applied by spray Due to the rapid dry of this coating, only small areas may be coated by brush, applicator pad, or roller Care must be taken to achieve the specified wet and dry film thicknesses Uniform, even coats must be obtained Large horizontal surfaces should be spray applied, however, roller application can be performed Use of M92 Urethane Retarder will aid brush or roller application Dry time may be decreased or increased by the addition of M77 Urethane Accelerator or M92 Urethane Retarder See relevant product data sheets for details Either product should be added after the A and B components have been mixed and allowed to sit for an induction period of 30 minutes The addition of 2 0 fl oz of M77 Urethane Accelerator per gallon reduces dry -to -touch time from 2 hours to 1 hour and dry-to- recoat time from 6 hours to 3 hours, while increasing VOC level by 7 gmA The addition of 8 0 fl oz of M92 Urethane Retarder per gallon increases pot life by 2 —4 hours and dry time by 1 — 2 hours, while increasing VOC level by 15 gmA Application Equipment Conventional or airless spray, brush, or roller Certain colors may require two coats depending on method of application and color of the prime or intermediate coat Conventional Spray Equipment Recommendations Blinks Model 62 Spray Gun or equal Fluid Nozzle Air Nozzle Atomizing Air Pressure Fluid Pressure (Measured at gun inlet) 63B ( 040") 63 PB 45 PSI 25 PSI Low temperatures or longer hoses require higher pot pressure Proper atomization is necessary to obtain a smooth finish Airless Spray Equipment Recommendations Blinks Airless 1 Spray Gun or equal Airless Tip Orifice Fluid Pressure 015"- 021" PSI Blinks Tip No 9-1560/9-21 CAUTION Use 100 mesh manifold filter and gun with 100 mesh tip strainer Use appropriate tip and atomizing pressure for equipment, applicator technique and weather conditions Roller Use a'/4' nap synthetic cover Do not use medium or long nap roller covers Clean Up Instructions Clean all equipment immediately after use with M93 Aliphatic Urethane Thinner At the same time, flush out all fluid lines and carefully clean pressure pots Use clean solvent only It is also good practice to periodically clean the spray tip or the fluid tip/air cap combination during the course of the working day or shift r'I SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed lS SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD Date October 11, 2007 TO WeatherSure Systems, Inc 1 PROJECT 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs OWNER CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated September 19, 2007 for the above project has been considered You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs. The Price of your Agreement minus the Paint Steel is Eighty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Nine Dollars and Eighty Five cents ($87,279 85) $114,685 Total Base Bid $ 27,060 Paint Steel Civic Center - $ 1,635 Bonds $ 85,990 Revised SubTotal + $ 1,289 85 (Revised Bond %l 5 X $85,990) $87,279 85 Agreement Total Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award that is by October 26, 2007 1 You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of e the Agreement including all the Contract Documents Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page 2 You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5 1) and Supplementary Conditions Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached 1 9/12/01 City of Fort Collins O ' J mes B O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP rector of Purchasing & Risk Management Section 00510 Page 1 I9 SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 11th day of October in the year of 2007 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and WeatherSure Systems, Inc (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, 2n consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR sha1L complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 6064 Civic a Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs and is generally descri-bed in Section 01010 ARTICLE 2 ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Carl Walker, Inc , who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT TIMES 3 1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete by December 28, 2007 as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions by January 15, 2008 3 2 Liquidated Damages OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3 1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter 1) Substantial Completion One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after December 28, 2007 the date for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete 9/12/01 Section 00520 Page 1 2) Final Acceptance After- Substantial each calendar day 15, 2008 the date is ready for Final ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT PRICE Completion, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for or fraction thereof that expires after January for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work Payment and Acceptance 4 1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows Eighty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Nine Dollars and Eighty Five cents ($87,279 85) in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2 6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work 5.1 1 Prior to Substantial Completion, progress amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, payments will in each case, be in less the the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the General Conditions 90% of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage equals 5% of the Contract PrLCe, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retarnage on account of Work completed in wh_Lch case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed 90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14 2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment 5 1 2 Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the General Conditions or as provided by 9/12/01 Section 00520 Page 2 N 0 law 5 2 FINAL PAYMENT Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14 13 ARTICLE 6, CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 6 2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4 2 of the General Conditions, 6.3 CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6 2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions, and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6 4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4 3 of the General Conditions 6 5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents 6.6 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, 9/12/01 Section 00520 Page 3 errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and p �657$ the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR ARTICLE 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7 1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article L 10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced Ln this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference 7 2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: a t H s H If f E P 1] 7.2 1-Certificate of Substantial Completion 7 2 2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3 Lien Waiver Releases 7 2 4 Consent of Surety 7.2 5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2.6Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows. Civic Center Parking Gara G1 0 - General Notes 52.1 - Ground Tier Plan S2 2 - Second Tier Plan S2 3 - Third Tier Plan S2 4 - Fourth Tier Plan 52.5 - Top Tier Plan S3 1 - Restoration Details Old Town Parking Garage G1 0 - General Notes 52.1 - Ground Tier Plan S2 2 - Second Tier Plan S2 3 - Third Tier Plan S2 4 - Top Tier Plan S3 1 - Restoration Details The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated 7 4 Addenda Numbers 1 to 1, inclusive. 7 5 The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents L4 9/12/O1 Section 00520 Page 4 i Il i It A hl 11 44 s Yi Nh MW rld Fi pursuant to paragraphs 3 5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions. 7 6 There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7, The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3 5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS 8 1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. 0 9/12/01 Section 00520 Page 5 OWNER CITY OF FORT COLLINS By, �� JAMES B. O'NEIJ II, CPPO, FNIGP ECTOR OF PURCHASING AND RISK MANAGEMENT Date. u_I �—LO Attest - City Clerk •• p C��ORA�o• Address for giving notice P 0. Box 580 Fort Collins, CC) 80522 Approve as Assis nt i ttorney CONTRACTOR -W a ?rSure Systems, Inc By G¢QA�I, lic�re,� Title `Q.G>�Ot NT• Date U C.-T (CORPORATE SE�L�� CORPORATE RATE ttest Address for giving notice "'S�" 3333 S. P\a •rt-e. P_.veA- 'Das,, e 6,r\L,\e..-4o0 CO 801\O LICENSE NO 9/12/01 Section 00520 Page 6 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoraticn and Repairs To WeatherSure Systems, Inc This notice is to advise you That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER That the required CONTRACTOR'S Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( _) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement Dated this day of , 20_ The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20_ and 20, respectively City of Fort Collins OWNER By Title ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of 20_ CONTRACTOR Weather -Sure Systems, Inc By Title 7/96 Section 00530 Page 1 V 2 Installer and Foreman shall have a minimum of five (2) years experience in application of one of the approved membrane Q waterproofing systems and have experience for a project in size of 5,000 SF or greater The Foreman shall not change without approval of the Owner/Engineer and shall be on site at all times during waterproofing installation , 3 A preconstruction/preapplication meeting shall be held concurrently during a progress meeting to discuss detailing, surface preparation, application techniques and procedures, phasing and scheduling The foreman and lead laborer for the Installer will be required along with the Contractor, to attend the meeting a4. Perform work in accordance with NRCA Waterproofing Manual B Testing Requirements j Installer shall check membrane wet film thickness and record test results by taking five wet film readings within a 1 SF area Wet film thickness testing shall be completed a minimum of once per individual section The average film thickness shall be at or above the specified average wet film thickness No individual reading shall be less than 75 percent of the specified average wet film thickness 1.4 Submittals j A Submit for record certification that the waterproofing system is �( compatible with all of the products in Divisions 3 and 7 to which it will come in contact II D71 j B Submit for review and approval Manufacturer's Spec Data Sheets of each product to be used C Submit for record Material Safety Data Sheets of each product, solvent, or related chemicals to be used and certification that the materials conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations D Upon request submit for review and approval the qualifications of the Manufacturer's Representative E Submit for record qualification statement of the Installer and Foreman stating projects, size, location, owner and contact, engineer/architect and contact for projects that the membrane waterproofing system has been applied SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate A 3�CTTU�t,, BEAPORMAIII KNOW ALL MEN By (Addre`ss) 3333'5 �a the •Principal",) (Firm) Travelet- (AddreselrnFn s sum of the,Un bind b copy of"which'- The City of Garages 2007 A NOW, TiiaRsFom :H1 HONl), Bond No. 104822678 referred to as l firmly bound 'unto Colorado 80522 a 3WNm" , 4n the penal „ in lawful money of truly to be made, we illy, firmly by these the,pr,incipal entered ajF'ofr0d►:aber;a 2007;`; Cos `ttia;"Perf ormance;i,ol'- and Old Town parking CaiLhtully perform its dutieb;"`all t)ia; uilde taxin4stii'a,cove«antsf, .F,te=s',*-conUitions and agreements of said Agreement; during!;,t:hur or`�gina ytornuj�heieot; aina�;sny exrenaionp thprpgf which may b(a grantbd'; )iyyx,theN OWNER -,l wlth 0iY,wi'th6ut, Notice to the - Surety- and during the iLl•;gf;;i:kieQt�eranty period;,:ariA,i`hrha)pY,irietpal shall satisfy all claims and demands; iiscuired�undmry'sucHFsA9reeinenl ;.,r,aiiii� shall fully indemnify and save ha:mlen�ryt s;'nsvNatt,„ErCIO a-kl;`cosC;aiitCl;damnge�:wriicri it may suffer by reason of Ea) lure`d``,I,ur, la i���,:. �ndawiha'l i, reimutu ao'; and`„)spay the OWNER all outlay and eXflAtl�@ wYiict „tha,,�1�vNFft. mayw'11i�U?r`,int making ggCci(auY default then thIrt obligation shall b©.boidr )1tne.,rwi,ge,lo remain 1n,Eul1 force and affect. k Ughty Seven Chousand- Two "undyed Seventy Ytne 35/LOO Dollars ,1' I ,I � PROVSDLll, PURR9IE14, that the said surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no chango, oxtonslon of time, alteration or addition to the I Lorme of the A,gzaement Of to the► Work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bonds and It dueo hFr,eby waive notice of any Ruch change, extension of time, alteration or. addition to rhllt ►:arms of the kgreement or to the Work or to the Suacifications. PROVID$U, F-Uwvrilvm, I-har. no final settlement between the UWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge Lhe right. of any benefiaiary hereunder, whose claim In'y ,, r,•" , r.•''',y, n,. •, PROVIDEd;, FMRTHMI., that the surety, Company must be authorised to transact businesa,in the state of Colorado aiid be acceptable I.o the owmEn. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed t,n three (3) couaterparLs, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 22 day of 0 ob r , 30QL' IN PREP 01.R SYST CORPORATE SEAL (Corpor a eal) IN PRE8 CC LORA�O IN PRESENC)i Or% ar,l.noi al WeatherSure Systems, Inc, 33'So'gtYe�River Or. Englewood,• CQ 80110 other Partners Byl Travelers Casualy and- Sure ty,'Comnanv of,`,America T V T. ,W16a Attorn-1 �j�g, i 7 1 nw Dr. _ EngleEnglewl C.R Mueller (Address)Witness (Surety Seal) NOTE, Cate of Bond must not be prior to date oe Agreemenh. re CobMRACTOR is eartaerahly, all partners ahoold o3ieoute 9ond. MEMBER MOODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 3773 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, SUITE 800 DENVER, COLORADO 80209-3804 ",--- p,...,,. PHONE (303) 824-6600 I-, 0 :- tKTION 00615 PAYMENT BONII KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS.. that (trtrm) WeatherSure Systems, Inc. (Address), 3333 So. Platte River Dr. Englewood, CO 801 }) (W-va*tnee-Aajp+, (a Corpor'at on) , the •Principal• and (Firm) Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (Address)6060 S. Willow Dr. Englewood, CO 80111 tterainafter referred to ae "the Surety', are meld ex referred to as " n suet of * ;zl,tfy United Statas, for ttre paymcnr, oC which sum well aad triil7fI ourselvelzt, Fjuccessors , and assigns, jointly and sever"A11- presents, 1 Xj •:,yY : � �'? TBH,CONDLTLdN$ Og,'1Ht8+QBLZOATSOM,are such that wherea,tl irilQ7 Aj''iaortelh}>I Alliesit with' tliQ; fOWNETl; c9atod then 1 ';day copy"oE'dwhi"d)1 iai lioreto aCtachod and made, A'p'srt hn9-6Cdi The City of Fort Collins pr'oJe<'t, 6064 Civio CenterNtrar. C4arageej 2007 Itestoration and Repairs, -4� NOW, 'fU1:R®RUPL* it the Principal shall make payment Ed subcontrnatore, and corporations furnishing materials for in the prosecution of the worts: provided for in ells) authorized extension or modification thereof, includiii& materials, lubricants, Tepol ty oa mathinury, equipment; rented or used in Conyiection with tho construction of insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labdr, pe, whether by subcautraetor or otherwise, then Lhis obliyr otherwise to remain in Cull Force and affect. HohB; Nbi , 104822678 :er(;ref•erred'. t:o.,'aa,, nly.' bound l: unto = themeSo 2 �Tce ��+fd �,in`f F,�-nanat5 * Eighty Seven Thousand- Two Hundred Seventy Nine 85/100 Dollars on3%+,`` Nirms rmi.ng �.18bo r. 105; 'anti �''• any fiae-",fox - .•4 consumed, k,,,"and, al' t,'such z Worl T' ba• void rROVIDbtD, FuRT;DS;l, that the said blurety, for value received, hereby ettpulates and agreed that. no change, extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specif4.cations accoTdpanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on thin bond; and it does hereby wa ),ve notice of any such change, extension of time, altorat,ion or addition to the terms of the Agreem.ont: or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, . FUR'PHER, that no final settlement `botween the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary herelander, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PRC;NID;3A, PURTlIza, that the Surety Company must be a'uthorixed to transact business in the state of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWMM. IN wiTwESS WHERvOR, this instrumOnt is executed in three (3) countcrparrs, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this P2 Jay of OcrOb X , 200x• IN PRESENCR (IF: Priaaipal Weathe� Systems, Inc. (Title) p� ..,3'i11 Sn. Platte 34.ua"r Dr- Fngl a..,nnd _ rn (Address) 80110 (Corporate SOAl) IN PRESENCE OF: Cithes partners 1 r IN PRESENCE OF: C. Mueller Witness (3urpry teal) Ifurety Travelers Kl- Ilty andr'Su'rety*ICOmpa o-G= .>: -- Vera T. Kalba Att Ely: 6060 S, Willaw Dr (Address) NOTs+ Date o8 send rRa9t n;0 b• pries to Bats o! ngreament. 7-"%W it CONTRACTOR Is P;rtnarsht.p, all partners should axeoute MOODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 3773 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, SUITE 800 DENVER, COLORADO 80209-3804 PHONE (303) 824 6600 TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY - FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY • Hartford, Connecticut 06183-9062 s. POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(S)-IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having their principal offices in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint: Evan E. Moody, Brad Moody, Jody Anderson, Vera T. Kalba, D. N. Broyles, Dan Finholm, of Denver, Colorado, their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact,,with full power and,authority hereby, conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following instryrnent(s): by his/her sole signature and act, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the` nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking and any and all consents incident thereto and to bind the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attomey(s)-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made under and,by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are now in full force and effect: ,.: y. 114. ; �;• VOTED: That the Chairman, the President; any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her. VOTED: That the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate,all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary. VOTED: That any bond, recognizance; contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any. Assistant Secretary and duly attested. and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority. This Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile, (mechanical or printed) under and by authority of the following Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA„ TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VOTED: That the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the. Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certilcate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or the seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Companyin the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. G NRevised (0 1 -03) Star dud r-, n IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY have caused this instrument to be signed by their Senior Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 81h day of July, 2005. SI XIT OF CONNECI'ICUf )SS. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD � HARTFefl0. fit m MARTfeflD, < = 19 ti 2 O • F TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY By George W.:Thompson Senior Vice President On'this 8th day of July, 2005 before me personally came GEORGE W. THOMPSON to me known, who, being by meduly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she is Senior Vice President of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY'COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, the corporations described in'and which executed the above instrument; that he/she knows the sealss of said corporations; that the seals r, affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; and that he/she executed the said instrument on behalf of the corporations by authority of his/her office under the Standing Resolutions thereof. . My commission expires June 30, 2006 NotaryPublic Marie C. Tetreault I CERTIFICATE r� I, the undersigned, Vice President,, Bond of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND .SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, stock corporations of the State of Connecticut; DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney and Certificate:of Authority remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Standing Resolutions of the Boards of Directors, as set forth in the Certificate of Authority, are now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this day of 20 ^ .. •3���f rY� ' J,,,IY aN0 tlL CC �N�' w HN�• �� n �..�. ....n •-e- .war �.r�-�._� + _t o G D tLv'" By Richard C. SchtNtz -Vice President, Bond G=; •k�,ti y� -¢sue. YL�.T�'ss�':7vT= < ..... v ::t`C•..CRnr� -�n-.fe-�s—sr.•-.cS be a SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 1 CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance E H 1 l "I H H C 1 7/96 Section 00630 Page 1 rw M ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10 16/2007 PRODUCER (303)824-6600, Pax(303)370-0118 Moody Insurance Agency, Inc. 3773 Cherry Creek North Drive Suite 800 Denver CO 802093804 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED WeatherSure Systems, Inc. 3333 S Platte River Drive Englewood CO 601102140 INSURERA Continental Western Group wsuRERB Pinnacol Assurance INSURER HELFER D INSURERE THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES kTE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAF INSR ADD L POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MM/DDNY DATE MMIDONY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY CWP2577625 07/01/2007 07/01/2008 EACHOCCURRENCE S 11000, 000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE [K]CCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES .occurrence S 100, 000 MED EXP (Anyono arson $ 5, 000 PERAL SA VIN Y $ 11000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN LAGGREGATE _ LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS COMP)OPAGQ$ 2,000,000 POLICY EKJECT LOC A AUTOMOBILE X LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS CWP2577625 07/01/2007 07/01/2008 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident)E 1, 000, 000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) S X BODILY INJURY (Per accident) S HIRED AUTOS NON-0WNEDAUTOS X X PROPERTY DAMAGE (Par accumi S $1,000 Comp Ded X $1,000 Coll Ded GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ $ AUTO ONLY AGG EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY CU2581677 07/01/2007 07/01/2008 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000 X1 OCCUR CI -AIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ 10, 000, 000 S S A DEDUCTIBLE S x RETENTION S 10 000 B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 3471401 07/01/2007 07/01/2008 OTH y I WCSTATUTS US ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOMPARTNEWEXECUTIVE EL EACH ACCIDENT $ 11000,000 EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYE S 11000,000 C OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? NYea describe under AL PRPRO ISIOSIONS below SPECIAL OTHER Inland Marine MZ198475064 07/Ol/2007 07/01/2008 EL DISEASE POLICY OMIT It 11000,000 $100,000 Installation/On Site $150,000 Leased/Rented Equip $1,000 Deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNE4IICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS Re 6064 Civic Center E Old Town Parking Garage City of Fort Collins is named as Additional Insured as regards General Liability per attached form CG2033 07/04 By Colorado state law, 10-day notice of cancellation applies for non-payment of premium U --City of Fort Collins Attn: James B. O'Neill II, 215 N Mason St, 2nd Floor P. O Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 811522-0580 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL CPPO FNIGP 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO 00 50 SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE ACORD 25 (2001108) 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Penn 1 nl> IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s) If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s) DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon ACORD 25 (2001108) INS025 (aloe) oea Pepe 2 of 2 F Submit for review and approval a complete description of the waterproofing membrane materials, surface preparation, surface conditioner (primer), application procedures, rates, and cure times G Submit for record dry and wet film thickness test results Include date, weather, and other pertinent information H Submit for review and approval shop drawings including, the following 1 Limn of waterproofing 2 Details of cracks, construction joints, expansion joints, details at curbs, walls, columns, etc 3 Complete system details including, but not limited to, waterproofing membrane, insulation, protection board, drainage layer, filter fabric, etc I Submit sample Warranty prior to installation J Submit for review and approval a complete description of the drainage system, including the protection board, drainage layer, and filter fabric 1.6 Samples A Submit for review and approval 12-inch-square samples of entire system, including membrane waterproofing, insulation, protection board, drainage layer, filter fabric, miscellaneous reinforcement, etc 1 7 Environmental Requirements A Manufacturer and Installer are required to confum that all materials used in accordance with this Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations 1 VOC content of materials shall not exceed the limits per Environmental Protection Agency National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings (40CFR59) B The Installer is solely responsible for fume control and shall take all necessary precautions against injury to personnel or adjacent building occupants during application As a minimum, Installer must take the following precautions 1 Provide and maintain barricades 2 Locate and protect building air intakes during application SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROJECT TITLE 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE - OWNER City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: WeatherSure Systems, Inc CONTRACT DATE October 11, 2007 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project (or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. BY CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full pOSSeSSLOn of the project or specified area of the project at 12 01 a m , on The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By OWNER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE REMARKS 7/96 Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20 TO WeatherSure Systems, Inc Gentlemen You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated , 20_ In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date 1 20 Sincerely, OWNER C7 By. Title. ATTEST Title 7/96 of Fort Collins Section 00640 Page 1 LJ N eSECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM WeatherSure Systems, Inc (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs 1 The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project 2 In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U S.0 A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond 1 rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project 3 The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns aarising out of the project 4 The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the Section 00650 Page 1 D OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims 5 The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project Signed this ATTEST Secretary STATE OF COLORADO day of CONTRACTOR WeatherSure Systems, Inc By Title )ss COUNTY OF LARIME:R ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20_, by Witness my hand and official seal My COmm15SLon Expires Notary Public 7/96 day of 20 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR. WeatherSure Systems, Inc PROJECT 6064 Civic Center and Old Town Parking Garages 2007 Restoration and Repairs CONTRACT DATE. In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOF, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of (Surety Company) L IN ATTACH Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in- Fact 7/96 Section 00660 Page 1 SECTION 00670 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE OR 0172 (125e) C COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE V DEN(03)232 CO 0000261 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE PursuanttoStatute Sedan 39-26114(1) (a) (XIX) 00 NOT WRI iE IN THIS SPACE The exemption certificate [of which you area pplying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing constructIon and building materials for the exempt project described below This exemption does not Include or apply tot he purchase or rental of equipment, supplies and materials which are purchased rented or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure highway road street, or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law A separate certificate is required for each contract Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors (Seereverseslde) FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED ¢Nara ccourt o ,w assigned by 89 • «ad 0170-75� 999 ���� ( I N q f COI�TRQ"'CTOR IN'FORIIIIAtIOIJIg rt QI P nos 4' ,tali .Ert�r`e vpp 3tl�irfi �' qsi � sf„�m tier R ¢ie 1v a1 1 �+ ,F i tlg` { ;-It" " y E «ap se.xmssf "rr«�"�n --11N �'Lru...cr... bfnv. .„(.9f Qaoo. lae g �ik:Uy�,{.§�MkL a,. ' ah�ra.;a,i�G €11117L. �`11, Inedre name/DBAer Danner «caryonte name Mailing address (City StateZip) Con ac arson E-Mail a ress Federal Employers bem ii ca bon Number amoun or your conir act -aXennber Business teteplbone mrrbef ofa .... o .rg a aaoum mum a gBk"lea oteco it cOogreementrpages,(1l)Ildentifyin'g, the contracting,parties0NINFOMATION geraturMPR,lge)otcan actgpartlesmusttieettaiHetl,llm',1E"g'j;e iEXEI Name o axamp organize ion ass own on convect) xemp organiza on s number 98 - Address of exempt organrzabon (City Stalelip) Principal contact at exempt organize bon Pumapal contact's telephone number PIFYsdSl oca Or' 01 prolec ste give alUal address vr applicabiean es an r out les w ale PTO)ec is )Cale suladmea Modh Day OIr Estimated om av ear eo shun on dart d9e wmpielion data e1u & i{ +�;:�'/rj'tW t�`pyfjtf�� �'F'�•(7rH `e rf t G r r' 4 a".YaryaY�`a S. •.[+al p,�clyrl su^ p r '.pi pCMM'.�r f "' (�� iF � I e€a�� �� a e a r,t r�a'k �f 7�t �':'(i ^L a1y[�r ynfeej :g e _ ar E: p Z Ca�?y9pi"t!�lrl�`: )t aMi, yr r'�` P�i� 3 P��d , nPi'J,iu)'lr�lEQ'd7l a,IBu1G89`,{ 6°+�' i�tdlf�'r` r1� It. Nei fi �k�r vPl, Nvl I, IatV4`q,'„r.r'(>-15rNI°aJ,�a',ua`h+t%4'�i�b4'��eua � I���°1Pvfi11i�`d;4r�'tlt4 y i� �inlrl Nai ra�1v �9�'1�% I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge Signature of owner partner or corporate OffiCOF Ti 10-70 Foorpora To f fi car Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Section 00670 Page I IJ aSpecial Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors Only pnme contrac- tors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it eThe original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor Copies of all Certificates that the { prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit M L9 I H I�1 t� Once an 89p has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects This should be your permanent number For instance, if you were assigned 89- 12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application The succeed- ing numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application Section 00670 Page 2 i7 N I 11 '1 F `I A w, s H C LJ C' E w '6P' �lN P k SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS Section 00670 Page 3 Ji SECTION 00700 u GENERAL CONDITIONS E R F E u 1 0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Thnx- GGNGRAI. C(X TDITIOD!S havr tk, dma9vt7 -d h, :a+ine the M ANDAI ❑ GDNTERAL f DNDITION$ OT TITE COIgNTP.RrTION C1Tr,'fRACT pi rynmrcl b, the F,pnco, 7niN ?'unuam fk,umcnly Commiurc, HIGI :yu. 1911--%(19% Edition). asa Mvc CMneca to tkn dceumcnt a c shovrn by undud fining tc:t that I::. 1c,v added and urikmc thrt+ueh last thw hteaxeu Jeleled. F.IC1)C GENI?RAI.. coNDrrlONs I910-8 (1990 EDITION) Wl I H CI I-Y OF F010 COLAANS IVIODIPICA.1-IONS (REV 9/99) K 3 Follow all state, federal, and local safety regulations 4 Follow all Manufacturer's safety requirements 5 Dispose of empty containers immediately and properly b Installer personnel shall use protective equipment 7 Ensure work area is well vented to the outside 1.8 Transportation and Handling I A Deliver all materials to site in original, unopened containers bearing the following information 1 Name of product 2 Name of Manufacturer 3 Date of preparation 4 Lot or batch number 5 UL labels B Store materials under cover and protect from the weather within the Manufacturer's recommended temperature ranges C Replace containers or materials showing any signs of damage with new material at no additional cost to the Owner D At no time shall the weight of the stored material placed on a slab area exceed 30 psf or 2000 Ibs over 20 square inches 1.9 Warranty A Provide to the Owner a "Joint and Several" Warranty by the Installer and Manufacturer that the membrane waterproofing system will be free of defects, water penetration, and chemical damage related to e system design, workmanship, or component deficiency, consisting of, but not limited to 1 Adhesive or cohesive failures 2 Tear failure 3 Defective installation B Warranty shall include the following components e 1 Waterproofing membrane 2 Protection board 3 Aggregate and/or synthetic drainage layer 4 Filter fabric `I` Lt L411 x'I 1 et d II I IIT 11 :miclo-nr I+rtagrnph Numnor &'I'.nIc TA131.1 Oi' CONTM.NITS OF GENERAL. CONDITIONS I,nsa Artiele or Nn,mnph Numher Numhcr & 'I'llc DETT'1TION "...... ........__. . 1.1 1.1 Addend:. ._.......__ ... _..._I " A.,cvu I 7 ......1 1.3 Applicm:nn I, Poem rot. L. Bid __ ................................._._.._.... IL Nddinp Dwumartn,..._..... ........ .........1 IJ lfi lling It 1 1.S Fhnd. 7 ...1 lA (h ,c (hA .... 7.1U Cuntruat Uncumrnu„ ,, ,_,.-„ F LII Qonuaa }'rice I ...................................... LIC fnntma 7m � ....1 1.11 ('O>TR.AC'TOR .,.. .. .1 1.14 t ftcfr.': , ... l.if .. .......I 1.16 El(cctive Unle of the Aarccmem ___....1 ENCINCER- LIF ENGINEEIc Conadcmt 1 1.19 1:0d Or la .._...._. _. I 7'0 Gerrard Rcdlal-en" ts...._............. 1.21 llazardnuv \Anste IxI va vnrJ k Lul uona; iv,,,I R,geIarIN1 ,,,,. .. - 1._1 Liens.......... ................... ........ .... _..... .2 1.3J kdi lm5... ... .................... _....... ... . 1 =5 Notice of Au'ud ...... 1.]( Nm e,loln.,d ...... '7 Uw ER L_6 f)xrtial LIlqi'.'mioq,. I,Cti PC13s _.. ..........._ __....- _._......_.......... I_1 ...._. 1 i I .'_.h kegulnr kknrkine Hnurx 7 1, kcsidrm itojkt Rcpmmmmiec......... 1 ii 5amplcti „_, shop Dlnvlt _... - 196 Sneeificxw ............... . .- 1.37 Suicnnu:wto......................... ............. ._ 13IF 4uLtnnt 'l r'mnlennn �, .............. _.., _.. 1.35 Canditilm 1._ 1A0 Supplies _ 1.41 l nJ rJ ll 11 Itllltlr:.. ., 142 Unit Bice N'nd :.............................. ..q 1.A3 Work......_..........................................3 1.� work C:hnnge lirteetiv:, ,,,,__,.? Ihcr Nnn,m, PRBLIb1P.SSJiY NtMERS. ......... 1.— '_.I rklivrrr orbondx,,,,,,,,,,,, Oaryncti of l hCu:IIenLY.__...................; 2S Cnmmencemeni at Cmurnct 'I Imes. \mice I." Yrcrccd. ..... .....! 3A Snuting'the Work ..................._._...3 "_.7 iblol, 5larmp C-nsllea ; COKMAC1-OR's R.ponsibilitc w Report I'l 1..inary SrhnLlcs: Ilclicur. nf(er[incncs of ^ % -. he"nslructilxt Cunicrxncc .............. a h iUvllr 4�.cpmbl ahMulrs_,,,,_.. J CY)nTRACT fCKUAIVrI S. INTCNT, 4%[HNI ANI Mal '.SFi. .... ......................... 4 3.1-3.7 Intent _ ......... ..._......... _._....._.... .._ Rcfcrrnw to $I nd ,,L' Ind St ei- Iic: uem orl eeitn enl SS et ex: Rep(nlnl and k oh i I:- m epanele,........_....................... i-` Intent N Certain Terms Or Adjcctivu.__..... ............ .9 15 Ammndmg Conn.ml Decmtet q ...... Suppinn.,min�Cnmrxm Documerttlt _._...._..._.. _...... _.._ 3.7 A4'NI AHII111'OF I_ M)S, SUB:C SURF Y :CND Fil SIC:'U. CUNUI I'IUNS REI LTU7.iCC POP TS' a._ Stdruducr and llnvsie ld Cnndilml _ b 431 Rupons and D ..l,q, ,., ,_G 4.=.' Limited Reliance he CON "I'RAC- 1'UR Amhnriud, 7 emni.l Wt ... ........ o 4 ^ 3 ml e nl'Ddlau" Sul9urt e ar Pi d (uFlinnl rs................... it 4._4 ENGINAF.R', J.'_S Ynesihle i,'anvnpt lkxannmus Chn nSC........................ _.......... 4'.6 R able Pr and Tlm.w Admwnnttt. _. _...... ....._. �;-7 4.? I'hyatcel ConJliuns—lbldcrnmm�d Fnci1 itirs_....................._........... _ 4,i1 Shrn n nr l dmatcd.,. ., ...__? 4.1. ^ N ! Siunm ]nJ ucJ„ _..7 �- hrt Inec Point . ._ ....... [A31C1piM](.LLC'b3D kl)rlI i ne Clll' C1I' I�CaTC(LI#WIT)RCAJN'S ItF\1 tl! Ntttt'eT L Ink Nunilwr 45 A,b,nt, K'R, C. W)NOS AND CadSIIIRAN('h N Eia¢l. .. ... .......... 3.3 Lw",, ... I SImws ttnfl h....... I CM-1 RAM OW, 1.11hilit., 3,7 1.ii, a,,d Mt6timI,, t Addi- 5Y Nmtc, of (:nnccllaum hrnixion In 5.9 COT.KrRAM OR!, R,,p ..... hility Im llakxt,bl, A,nt.m, III 5. 10 Oln,t 61t,a.l I ...... ... . ..... .. i'l I I,,, of Right ............... Appli'Im., of 5J., i Kt,'W' ... . ... Intiluun. . .. . ... ..... ...... .......... ... II t nJ Sur tmt,ndm . ..... 11 f. 5 L.N,r, M ... i.1, and 1iquipmm 11-1: 6,6 6,7 SLiMtit.Ll;ItIll' CEqw)" III,trI, CONERACI Oho ligxmnr: fiuhslilutr. Construction 6,N-o, I I in,a ol 11-14 61, PIt',,tj i", and R",;,l'i" 4, )4 UlaIthtt"Ill ..... . I 6, 1 L U'� ul premtsu 15 rt.I7 Sv' clnnit ... 11 ti_IN !-,.I, sulIew'21 L"o'.z ........ ....... 15 11, R,,,W Ewt,n,,ni, 15 11,20 find I (L 6 ri, rgI,n,.i s to 1; '4 sti'llp Dinwing, wid ti n,l'I's_ 1,; A11,11, ,, hl;%,Pr.ph Numhcr I'tt, Number NIIb Illal ( OK- TRACI OR',, R,t,, hmr I" sh.], F" nwm'• of Sample i,�20 %,p D, q,n' pk, S.hml- 11NUINELF, R-17 6 27 P,sp.n,,bilhtv I vli,m, 17nml ( I9 tl.I.I DllaLtn,m, ,, _ 1-1 6 IN k'La'd Work performed P't" I,, HN6INKHR , Kc,I,w and oI ii'q.i'Id ....... .................. 1 20 C.ItIrt.t., 1h, _ - .- ..... ;7 6_50 CONTRACI OR', GcnI,rttl lk, ...... 1, 111,] Guar 6331-6 3 Indcmni0cminn lilk Is 7. OTIMR AVOPK_ IN R'ha'd 17'n I: xt Si II, ....................... I 74 It, ........................ CON - II _AC ACTOR_._ IN S, klttr t,m rENCANEF.k It, F.'j"M' Data PImril, IVIII,n I '.I, ....... .. .. . ... . ......... lF La ... 1, nnll Ri,p .. I,, ,.d -1 ,t, 1!:-19 Gump'O"Ls., ........... 19 N 7 In>pCn ... na. 1 ,1 . .... I X Slop x Suspend \b'ork. 1,4 Inam I'M I RACI OR 19 Z-10 A,I,.. IIChsPvoI,.,, H;,,,IIIjo,, t% II,i, )r Amlm_em ant.. .......... 19 S-t ATUS DI CONSTM f7rlul, 19 9 1 M 147.W., k,pr,,,tt, )y VC . . . V"'t, lo!'a' ............. 19. a.'I ........ .. %'j: 21 LJ IN u'. %LKTl. LZ41I)l ICINS 19Ha 114911111111',"' (7l tK F)HTCCILMNY MODIVICATICNS (REVU ✓+, �II E, H I 'I E LI u Article nr Paragraph P.1ec Aniclr nr N,.vaph �umh S'iuk Numar kumMr S. litlr 9.6 Risin_1.l rivH'vrk ..... 9.b1"9 Snap fhanmEs Chang,( rrn :md 1- ,mum .........................__,,....... 9,H) Ucmrmmnhma trc Imo I'rlccc, ]I _' 9.11-9.12 lucisinr+x nn lii,puas: RNGI- NEL- K., Imunl 1ntarpm9 , _........'-- 9.13 limit. oo +GNGNMER> Autne+nn ena Ropons+bihncx..,..1^ -- CHANGESIN "1111* WORV. _-_..._.. _... _...__._. L+.I OWNER', O,&mud 0.gg _..___. Itl._ Claim fa A I nmcnt . _ In OWarkNot RWmru h} C+mtra.4 I(14 ChanpcCrtdcrs.................___. _....... 2i l o,> Notifint luretp, 3 CHANGE OF ('ONI RAM I RICK 71,1-11.3 Commc+A'icc. Clxim fm Adpwncnl: Vulur. ,I th,lPnd. �- - IlA Cm nfth H)IA 4_ IL$ .aNlusinr,t Cn.t of tn. Wlr1, , I1 it 'XWNAC'i'ORs Fee_ __............ ...... =' 117 C,atl@ccrJs„.................... .......... =?=h 11 \ Cash AIl<n,-a11cC>...............................'(i 1.9 P n Pia'd`a)k....... _..... _.. _.....'6 CHANGE OlCONTRAM TIMES..........................6 :'_.1 C.Inim trc Athos,, ._,,.._.'.6 I_ ^ Time of the Lsanea.......................... .6 ._. W- ,, B ,e ,J C'OM—RACTOR', 1]? h+cla)s Renmtl O\).`rvT:R's and CONTRA(70R's Comm] + T,5TS ANT) INSPECTION', r ORJd CTIUN Rl,MOb AL OR ACCHKI ANCH OF orrr:Cn , wc)r.F:.. 7 13,1 Nome of D't...... : _ sto th 1Y d _ 7 13.: 1 e�ant Inap mons'� C01v i RAC COI ,Gaup rvt rni 27 lea OWNER, ko.,,,mih Mica. Indepandem 1 esting U,Iv,mon,,_7 1� N (f?Ii'f RACTOR', 1 i.G 13 7 C n,mn Hart. Prins to Inq c I,p Numhcr .9 1:. .crin l tvk atENGl 13,I0 OWNER A-L+} Stop th( H' +k. _ 'S 1".I1 ( , Rcmm;al nl' i)2l"My \l rck _.........................� I7 I_ Cmrenion Per of _S Itl: Au. pt.mcr of]r 1 rice Al rk - .'S lily OWNER h-Iny Cmmlkkcrnr H' arlr ..... _ _ _ _.......................... =S- 29 I- I'A).XI N I'S'l 0 COM'kAC I'ORAND COMP LI ION ..._ � 14,' AnP{icatinn f¢ R(grcss 14.3 CON 1 RAC I OI , 1A nnam of Title.. .. ..... ..... 29 7 Ii4-1. km,le at Appli.6., fo. Ymemvs Pawnrnts........ ..... ._ 29-ul 14, 5- 4.9 Subntantivl Compl<6:n _. 311 I. PI f t al l.lul zat m (111 14,11 Fi+ d incp,, t ql CI 14, 11 FimJl Apnliw.n,,rl IVI f'N\`I ll I 31 14.13�14.14 Final P+\T, ent and Accepmnce it I4.li \'rawer of Claimx.._._.......__._3b>= IS S1.ISPEN'SIO.'v OF W'OR}: .ANT) 1SI OAr.RTEIi Mac Suslund Wark,,._,,,3_ 15.5 CONTRACTOR Mac Stop la ork or Tcnninntc___........._ J2-33 io DISPITGRFS0I.1711UN........ _......_....... ..........3 I7. MM I I A. 1 Wf .. 3 17 1 6i,mc Not 3 IT' Cunputut n of f+m\..... .. _.. -3 I73 Nntica nl Clun+ 17.4 s ...................... 33 17._ hof xai,n lF and Co t nn In luaad 17-6 APPlim+hle sut ..", .. Intcmicaally lefi plank 1 111311'(( A, (Upt'nimli D+apm k wImton AEr I+ n _ -C-AI 16.1-Iv( . hitraun _�.GC-Al I6.7 Meuixti\n . ................._UC.AI u ix :zmutm ou rlloNslm wvre al>nxna �n:»-voar �I nns nlxnncnn c: \xec v-'rr� u FNDI--,X TO GENERAL COMMONS Cm. of f2t," C Il I I" . j, hcvurnlc to the G ...... J C,,J,dJ,mJtf, of the C,,Inw.m., Ca = ftf-, not shown JJI dh,f. index Ankk N'J"J!" B,t,d, and I ... ...... 1IF11111', Unrl. , .. ... 104 1, I-,. 3, 11 15 final P."m ......... 14,15 .............. ---5. 14 ,,fit,, kk,,k, b, CONTRACIOP -1 S.b'nmw, and "Ot-liyuul" It my 7.I 1,. MNER ... 6,30. 6-',4 Access It, the-. 4A site, t,W�d %V,k, 7.' XV,,,k, U, 1., 14, 14 1- AI,v; or CW A.1, and COMRACIOR v, 9 1, Q, I, Gilt IINF.1 , N I Addt,rtd;J--,kfiJJ of (all, 1JI1 d'FifIni ..n f ... (1 6, 1, 10. 6, 19).1 Additional I't,,,,n) III .... Adi..'tJ Comi-act hire ., Contract 'I - - 4 L 4 1 2. "'v", .................. ...................... ........... 'All-RIa' Iruranca Po6. form . ..... ... Alhlnl,cu. CtIsfi� � ._ ,, . . , I. I . AtIJ%I.d!IJ1 C.tI.,1 N-U.J1.111 3,5 A IAtawn.. _....I.I I J, 1 4 11 1 ii, 6191111. PJ4. 11' 1'.1, 1,-, 14 mtenuo II'l, 0 lj. In.S. J,', 1,5 Appitcawn F, N,T,,,J d'I"ImL"I 4-11.11 - . 1 .1 . 11 1 1 ..". 1.11 1 1 11.1 ... I L.-, IINONFE FIf I IJ I" 0 ........ ....... ... .. 9-9 mal J ........ 11 4, 1 z 1-, 1 --14 6 m _,n 9,10, 11.1 r ... III of J4 A,hm,II.Jr, -16 1, pJtr,,.JIn, tham r:()NTRA,--1 OR autow I I,, "Ik, 4 -.2 dI,17 .. itJ,,J, If I � . . .. .. ..... ...... ... . . .. . .. ...... 1 4 Arpcic or Paragraph N'JIttivT MINER Jr,,,Jf-,ifiw hr 4 X It IJ pnJJ, and tim sclaitg( , , , ,,, 4.,,- AtIIh.rJ,.,d Parintions in Wo,k 3.6, 6,25, J.,,7. A,r,jJIJhjfiJ,..fLund. , A,ud, Nm,,t of--d,bftvj ..... ....... ... .......... I F,cf.r, St.,, mg C Jxim. J on., � ....... __ ............. . . h.d--d,ffi;tJtm,, of,_-__„______ 1.i ii, 1, 1,10. ]3. 4 2 6 4, o !3 , 11 4,3 11 9, 1:, Bidding, of ki S') JtJJd1n-,' RIIltJ1TcniJ,n4-IIeIJrmiJIJ of1.111 11 1-1-111.111 .......... M,d- 3 -14 addaw.J1 b"JI& I 1111 .5 -I. ofth, W.1, .......... ........... .. 11.5 4 ddrfik inn of_.. .. ... .. final Appkmtc,n is 11IJtt,m, - 14 i'.14 JA ........... 1, In. 5 , -.,. ,. .1 J.'. 13. 110. 14 7,� ....... . ... NIJ jind in,,uutncr--in ,,,nertil B,tild. , ri,l: 'Ifl-, Ju I ... I,,, form 6': CJ.,, 114,,,,,1 Prcv, ,, Jt. I it.,afIcI, 5411,5 X I ' , ................._................_.............I I,x C,nifi,,.tJ, J,' S,,b,Jt.nu,Il Cort,ku,,Jt 1 3s. 2._, Ccnilicalca of . ......... .. C m i it .1,,, ollnaurana 5 11 4 1 �A,l 1.9.134, 141? C.fth Ail -JIn,, I I F 11111111 JI)T PTWI CO—, 9 9A 1, W I I2, i-1,9, 13 13, 1 14 14 7, 1 1- 1 , ;5 CWTFRAMOR, I I I 1w of the II. ...... 114-11.7 . ... .. ... .. ... I -� C,w 11 7 1.19. 1,44, IM I. It 4 11 P1 L n. .... . ... ... I,: sc,r, ........... ....... .. . ....... TJ,,ta, JJJIJ If,, Wo,,_ V.101 U;ILKAJ, 11114IIIIQ11 1911 -111110 1 11 ROW P I J, N m N FI-11 r�l k; F 11 L IF, U.n P'i. lkwk_ .. . .. .. . .... ..... . - . I 1 1) Article or AJnlgraPh V;fl.' d WMI: Change in Cmlract'Iima- Ohmi to, ...... 41,4,2o, 45. S,15, 9,11. 11).:'Ins 1: 1, com'.m.l tsm' fi.ilti. 122 .. .nd (70\TRACTOR control... ... ..... .... .. ............. ........ ........ Dcl1d OV. NF R', and :.UIN m_,kcrol,, 124 9l 10 i dchx.p . . ..... . .... .... . ..... . o3.1 44 cln.ng< C!d"' .1 P"N=v' W.'k ....... 3. 1 Cn!:h All.,mnce . ....... ('h.n,,, of Cm,.o h icq_ . .............. ........ I .......... . . .. . ..... � I_, th, M'O_ W '.'()N I RAC I UK, I L6 cm v Lha Walk ..................... - ....... 11.4.11,7 ....... rmerE . ....... ....... ............. . ...... EMG I', EER, mpm,ibilily .. ... 98. 104. 11,2. I-J d D14 ..... ...... ... ......... . hm,,ds .nd_ ......... ........... cAkNER..t w.i.mc ...... ............ ... OWNER, 8.6. lit_ Co ... jao"_ Sum., 'u' x.d 4.2 unclap xln I F'ohtw . ........ .......... ........... R,.dIlmum cols Swop cf Change ... .... jf'0.1u4 ., 6 71. c"Sllnn Rice. Mwk....... ........ ... .. ................. ... I I Q anluc orkV.1k, .,.c,d I . . ....... ...... 113 ,, th, V..P_ ... ....... CAVNDR, nd Co_\-rutcToiz' 'e!;P'n'mflitw' ............. ." ... r", 1,114 jktt;hi to tn !'dwm'm 42 .Cain.v (X).Nl RAMOK ....... ... E. To vgamsl ENOMNT.EK, .... 64' qmow 31 Chnn", tf C.m nm I- r. _2 I . ............... ICI CONT]W7,M, .4. 7, 1. y4, 90 11 10 '. I 1.�. I L9. 12 1, 13.9. 14A COM RAMON, Fa I I b CO\-rFAr,TCtF'.Ii.NIm 54.61-,6.16,631 ........... M [h, Wxk 11,4, 11,j 11'9U2 ..... .. ........... ................ •16 ...... It,.l Dispw, Ag�.:,t .... 1- 16 6 EN6IN771171Z ,,initi.1 911 IA1m11 3u111 P ... ing, 113: Nm,, d 173 OWNER 9 4, 9,5. 911, 11Q, 11.2 11.9 i I li9. 1113. I , 17.3 OWNER', IiAilil,� �5 s (AAWEIR may refuse to.�.k, pk,ltnt 14.7 Coun Cost, &ck'm tt)_. S.bltnuw 7'Ll Tim[ ExiCn.mn I' I Time r,q.a,mtm ....................._....._.___`r.11 12,1 . . ... . .. .. ..... .... . 1�931 V,fl., C 11.3 ltnmcr of F... it Nrym.t_ _14.14, 14,1l awn ."d. 'tqui ... 1, 12 1 Clurir'.Iwn ..d . ........... it 4, t" 11 Cl= S,t, - .......................... .... ....................... . 6. 17 Cnnmcncemcnt of Cont,at,t I ...... . ..... .......... cedar..... ....... J"" 6.9.1 S, I ... . .... .... . (Inn piction-- Fm.1 Apph=.� for N,mm ........... ___ ...... 14.1' Final M"=' . 1411 Pi.Aant 14,13,-14,14 flomm] (Jiflizm,.n 14 W S,,mlamwl C.pl,u . . ..... I ' E. 14 E- 14.9 W.,,c I ........... .. ................. ... ... _14A - ; ofm", ri 17,11 -17.2.2 Cm""'mg .nd Chh,,a ..... ................ .. .. .S-I ........66. I Inm'flh a4"Pu�hj' 0"U"l .. .. .... .... pt"'o'i"mwn - .1 1 11.1 ......... I Cwflic.. E,ro,, A.biumlY, Di.wrefain ty CONj RAMOR 1. Repave C")w"tutt' 1"f"" 'Wflnc 0, COKI KACI OR C.,mcu.n 1,4.6ina,. Fwuip.em. ac.6 ... 4 C"m.ar, ...... . ...... ... ......... ........ IIJ7W(l;NLk.N. CONDI I ICIVI, I Y111,N 119"P UA I ION) .' '11� 0'W1KTCC4.1AJ4S K(')OtFFCATICNS,x t'91'/ ' Cali, LF Anid, as cln,nv, of c"'il, lic,l 14 t, .................................... 17 C),,tim of Cmln.l I ._ _ ... ... _.. _ , , , _ ct"')P,,, lu chrcR and ..... . ..... . imerpmlvlirmx 1 9 4. `.l. I I damn ion of 10 ENGINFFIR lis ... i".1 11 HNONFFI( as OWM^W, rep. ...... Im", .. ... minor cmnti sin lh¢ W.rk ........... .... . . OWKEIV, respmaihiiily m t..;,h d.,tn ........... E, OWN7R, P",.Pl plimm S 14,4, 14 I . ............................... 1, 331, ......... . ........... .. . kafcraraar Ntarlot"d, R6.i,d 7.2 ......... .. .. C, of ENGINE, c K-' .......... ................. 119 vanat "'r . . .... ... ............ ... 36 27 Vi,tl I. Site c".1'am I. 94. 10.3. I I.'- 1 1. CI lac "I 9 11 dzfi... noil ....... I i S:l,mut Time.-.adiustmrnl .. ...... .. .... 15. 4,1. Il-. 111,3. Cfiw,i,e w ..... .... ..... ddul,ucln CON ')K— co..11iii=wri� ........ . ........... .. . . C(�ntjnuc �%crL '9. 1 (l 4 ,,,,dmaiior. MI h,hdin� ....... Limited Reliance m Tuhmcd A.th,t,,d .............. ...... Nhl St, W ... 1, , T..,m.l, "fm, And llow411. ............ 41 12. U 16, 6, 1 i,. 6.21-6.23, 7', i�.' Sh"', E'll ...... � all,, 'i; ...... 1, 1 ..... l." ,, Subm lmJ........._._......._......._.__...h'--' 3,.F, Wo,k rcouvcmemx , I - . .1 .1 S I COM kAC710W, Amd, or P ,ag,,mli C,,.,,n,atim . . .. Cmtmwmg Obliplio., 11 c. 13.1-, 13 14 Dal ,, K"'n.- chw,gC, in In, 1%o'k caumd be immInc, Wc,,t ot Oth" ....... ....... 33 IM!" i'm z ........ ....... 4. + 33 --, (; 14 Uiid,,P,),,nd I vulilica Il,,i i,lJ,i,mlv .... .. 4 E... e".ws .f the 1% al . ... ... .. .. 11 4 ! u Cast Plus 11 I 1AI . 11 %V,iri.w, and 01u .... 1,r .. . ...... ...... 63,1 Ilnrnrd com.",mwwti . ..................... 6. Indun ri i f". , L, .1 d.31-C133 7 ", I ' 3 '1 I I! III , 11111W I i.11 and Fq . ..... ... _6 ��6,, I ..... And k,ffl,".ri" fllxliph.,�� Ill ............ 14 1 Liill,flii, W. 11 - 4 ohlicvtion 1" P,,rmn, and cnroPletr th, jkr.j ...................... ........... 631, F... and pid k., h .. . ... .. ..... 6,1 Pr [1111. an 11 and I A hel Bonds„ ticrmi". ohwiric6 vnd paid fx i,, i W4. 9 P'lli bilat, Chang. in mWWI: 1"'I 60 A II Cmul,ng in, W,,k 6.V. 104 .... ........... T I ,t"d CVKTFJIC TOfa:,,rill 11,11r to Still lirmrmg,r S..P1, ............ —6.'; of ill ...... .... ENG 1',•EEP Sutmmn,-, F,,4 Am ,)t OAh", 2, 9 1 f ......... ............... 6. 7,-'. 9 1l 6 " fild11fl1Ht.V.W)1 .......... 431,33 H IT lll� Pf I; I 4 111 v A rl I 1: F I lvniw,mlt,and F..qaam . . ....... Laws and XcLuiations - I ..... � � .. �. . 1, 14 U.bilit, I .... nrn,u . .. ........... ..... _ x4 Anii,), or Ntag,iiph \tnnlvr Nmce a'.nmi.n I'.., Cont,acl I ".,at . . ........................... R,I,al Fr,, and R,,fluc p 13 ....... ___66 k,.,d Inx.ra.m....... ...... .. ........ .. 6 19 "I"wd A i, p,no.. a,,u . ..... . al. L'NGfNL.LI,. vpfrc.. I ofrngwl.! ,.I.illid, a .IF, w.ut.id Inadia" . .......... CAN S,& . I .. ... ....... . S,i,,didiap th, Wk_ _6 9.2 Ship Dna.in-. and S rapl,, 6-4 Sh,,p D ...Gin, and S"rn 'I" I .. i" t ENGINEER _6 26 Sit, Cl.non"w ... ........ .......... . S.Inritu'l ).,,d.as .... .............. . .. ...... SliblUMI C.111DW11111 M01111,11 and 1, 7 Stflb,6L.w, uad "Ca-I:,.nl' I . ......... I S,ip,m�icn, 61 if ONWaLulal ........ ........ ............ .. U iJ ............. ... ........ ... . ........ ... . ... .... _ , T,,kepon................. -, ... ... , , __ _ , 2.5 k:,, of`Frc.k........... ........ 6. 1<w6j& 6,30,2 4 R,,ww N--, o, oShq,fna,,n sf: ple Wanittal... Rioil loodammm for gmnvs in the,York;,,, 10,' ,,phL , __-4, 71, 44. 91, 9 11. M,'A 11, lllI. 14's. I1. It 111.3 Sttfciy .nIjl N.wct I . ....... .... . . 6.21lu 22. 7.2, 13.2 Rept,sm4m,, Shop F)nn,in--,,nnd S..Id,,36nwufl, S,t,i;d C.n,itlnini . ........ . 1144 Snhaic i<C'n't.4m") Method, and I alures 67 S6"iuwwe I c ",j,-Eq.tjjw.'. .__ ......... .. .............. 6.7.1. 6.7.' S,.Mnd,=ta,,. S,,m,b�r!.and Odhe,,. , _6 X-6 I I Sup vmr ... a ul ul ... wnd,n� . ... ..... 6 1, . -'. 6 6_'1 I wx, NY.m 1, 6 1 � Lh,e .' ... .... .... u jt,(,AF artmdw, tind LT,un.jtt,S 6.5. 6.30 Wqnr�n,- of 1 0, 14Z COTRACTOR atj, 'X.rk at 1.ta..al . ,...I Report l fI)ififlIinI2 And 1111.11C.] CllIlLhII;Ml .. ........ ... ......... 4,11 Completion,....._..........._....... COMRAC-IORS--aflhc Cnntraclual Li.bilit'. fn.,.raac,- 5A 14) cmw ."..I Tiai, Uaw . . . . ........ . ........ I-',' Alit.1, n, lltla_ id,h Mqala, ......... ... ("Lnw, id 2 (:,,, co i,,a P,,iM .... . .. ....... 13,1' Cw,,choa. Rmnlal or Acc,,Pnattu• Wnr.k- U) 4,1, 1A 111.13 14 A,apwnc, ollkfrcnrr W.il. .... .. 13.11 Cor ...it n , Rlluaal or D4'..", Wn'k. ...........................cap. 13. No'd I-^, I ...17.0 ONNM'k XI'v ik.,k CAVNITR I,by Star tv i: .............. ............ 13,10 Cm-- ,,fTrots .,d Ii,t;,,,uoa,, 13,4 Recw I L7 C,xa .1 the kk k-- bonds and in.%uraTwc, odd nIt)aal 1 1 4,, 9 CON I RA("l ()K'a F,e .... ....... I I ........... . ............ Ge1,1111 11,4-1 Li Hc,a,Ic ofand ovc,,hud I .... ... I L,aa,,s_ 11 416 Maicrial, and I 1.4 Miat,, I 1 4.5 Yvcrall cot, on chances ...... ...... 11-1 part,.,cl M- Std,,,nuact . . ............ . ... .. 11 443 Rc n,,:; 1 E7 RxnIfds X condru'um "I'tipwat ,and ranchincr% 11 4,%.3 Rn,,Ily p ..meat, p,-,rain cad j ]Acj Slll Office and LMjI01;I1 11ll:llnlel 1 1 4,5.' CO!M7RACTOR 11.4 J SL,pplm,nml .. . _.- - -.. , . , .... .... ... .... I 1.4,s 1 w th, WM, 11 4,> 4 Tesc and in5PCCLiWl . ..... ....... ..... 13-4 Truck Diu unls 11.4.2 Imim", f,1O ,ad !�nwvo 11 4.5 7 lvnrI; ,dfigI. 1 .. . . .............. 11 4.1 CoMina Work ....... . 1 -, 6- 13,7 Cxnatd.w, l dm, 17-17.3 C.tLj,,&,. fitfint, .,il pntzhjng 7.' Dm.. to IV lmm"Ih. J he MkNIN Dit'--cLintann, d- rl,MI on Dtspw._ � .......... .......... . Q 11,91 - ZW,C'n, WLA- A,,vt,pwnx t,, ......... ............... ......... _1041. 1 (XINIJ111111 I vn I' -F 11 a•a. LIA lghl ,In (11 '"ll OU'l '11991 u Corr,,ilm m Removal of .1.11 .... ... ..... 10 4.1, 1 C."een., P,:,lm ... .. .. .. . 1. .1.1 ..... 13,1 1 it ,:coral. .. ... ...... ... -- i.;. 14.7. 14, 11 Article o, N . It . . It Ph N.,bel ...... .. ... .. .... 9.2 OWNER N111 SLI Rork_ ..... UAO P',lo,p:Nom"'MOI,cis, _ __ _ ... ........ .. Re"t,lonw . ...... .............. ..... . .. . ...... . ..... Uliuo,,riq th, _ .. .... I 1.6niti . . ....................... ............. ................. 4 1, 629, U Every of Lte,ld .. ............ I"Clo" of e. .......... 17 lmernioaioh> for Unit ....... ) W 'Atf,lmg Suiudau Pl,,,i,,l C.diuon— ...................... 4 4 P.mmb, ( mr.,t !Mclooi,n,: Chloe, Rlasible!'riu•aod Timm Ad,illOom,, ling i,od 3 1 Arhura[inn... .. . ... .... ...... . 16 1-4) It, picJixrlm ............ .. . ........ 16,6 D,,,ot, Rrsnlubon ispmrm ew , . ., _ -) C, 1; D,,p.l. 3,i.1,o1I1 I), FNILWIFFN ....... .. ... . 12 ....... ... C'p", of___ ... ............... 6. R,,. of - 7 h;... me —ad ... t",o 0: [ mama ..... .... ............ .. ...... . ..... ............ Ell,niw dow of irapielit derinitioli 4i ........ 16 miu.1 tol",ew, tin th'pi,ws _9 I I i"l, ,K ... I o ol . ....... - - -- A 17 Liniatimos Ixi authot ig mId Re pim,r,Im ....... Rellam, M."t MHGINLER,Cco,hk,m EKG IN , - SR,-- ;IuEn.,n, tod r ...... n,imi, 1, 1 ol I MUoIll 91 Chlog. Order,, roi- 5,,7, ),). 11, 1' CiarilLnuun% and Interpret .-itims..._ _.3ti ., t) 4 Drcniull, aI Di,1,.t,, h*,o, ll rt, reli,,ol .............. b, A Wa[I ho of it ut, hem, Uab,hi, .111.11 -, ..................... ... .. . 9 i-1 Now, IVo,k I, Aecqu,btq .14 1', .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. . .. 31) OWN1,R', Repr,seIa.n,,. ., , . - 1. .1 99 1 to the COM MAC1011- 9,lk 14 Rsommcndaton or 11t,.1vot 14- IA 13 Article or Ni.,haph Numier Ruspon,,ibimie, Limitationson_„_.,_„__. ill] OU R,,,,, of Iiq,on'm Diten.,; S,ft.,,Iu,,e and C eoda,,es . .. .... . .. . .... ... 4,' 4 sh"j, Dta,,ti., nod Samplca re, ,.Poo,ofiln 0 26 stio., loti-me Cero'u.cli", Lh. l.ted ...... u',I" 1,, the W. k -9,5 iot"','Imion, ................. il 4 Decision:: m Dit,tiw"_ _ ........ _.....,y.I I-S'. Del . ..... at .... .. Pi, , .- 1.9.70 :N"IN1.1Y . .. e, . , 9 11-9A^ ENGIN6T.W1, Rc,P.otlbd Ili . .. . .. .... ... 919 1- Ltrvin.o.o, on nod Rea l"'I"milm" 13 Oli?TR , Rq .......... Visit, to Sir. ... .. ........... ........ .. ......... 9.: Lhoi ltit;, ...... . W"U'll 11.1e"I 111(tlIted., Equipo,o!. Dimi, nod ........... ...... -.0 ",quirh—, rental. (:mj of the t\ ih-j. I I . 4.5, "Matenols and Luhipth,hl . ........ . .... .... ""Idamo . ... ..... . ...... derotih of .. .. ........... ........ 1,19 ed -K ',6 Final Appl,,,m ... n of llm,,ot ..14 11 Final t 14 11 Final 14.11-14 14 G,,oe'.j 174 Geoaal R,,.IIeo ... I, -- der ... It oI ........ ......... pr,,,,h,M refero,,,, 1,, . 6. 6 6 1; 7. 6,2a N.II,, ......................... 7A Gtwanu<d11'w I .-hy CONr RA'- I OR 631). 14 1' 1"'II'7 i:aoo, ....ic t n Proarnmy .... . .... ...2' defion'"i of�__ 1.21 4, OWNER', or ILI-, A IT 11,111, �Jl A k, I 6,1:, 6,16. -6 lnm� .1. Inn'.1 1, Ycnmulca Rfn,,otx W ............ - Inn"aim- . and Proleulm - - SnIIt. - d (;ffi=, . .. .... Su'ocolt"Clum. Sop""Irs 0. 6 9-611 ... ........ .....111 NuNumbuf m= 06 no IMP<OIO- 16 s A -NGNT ......... q.: -kpproVPI, Nim. to San ------- I ionhq, 1-Itulcove - 514 M-,mNbR Acccnranccci, Addiu--ol. .......... ... ...... . in o,,, tV.k_ ...... ... .... ... . 7 Lx,n. d............. [,,f,tn'tiInA LhI, WIIII` -- 1-1.1 . , A l.w, ...... f, 14 3 Bonus:ond-'n 6�"'l .... ............ .. Cuncellauun 7 A 4j 1 4 is Finni %pplintum For Nymn�, .... ....... %4 )41' .14, 9.1 - damaim -1.1 ....... 34.0 Co. nind T�Inon� - 4 IC'. � .. ....... . o r, M, It, Ln .......... .. ..... •..... . LiMsEtItionn. to oj�=�l ... - _ACT(jRl� obj -Ion 4 it". , N, MAO )v Iza �I�n,on,00i , lmn, n1, "ono1w ....: ........... Nianon -nd (�Llll" 141. Ic . ..... ... 14 1- �.: ppi', In` . ... ... .. A , Trinoi ��,Pplicution or oo,"n,nl .....is- . ..... I d lnS=l •i %' no,16 (of Lh-t(I- I.x' pTeccden . ...... "no, In In 1, -3. 3.1 cl ... on 1. RI,Ptoll- it, tlJlv'rond 'Mnj nlUI*III"-1 R,, dctxo.0 -o,InoI,d C'wrILM-'TOR- ... OP .7ER nI 'tot,o 'Irnvo,116 ....... 5,5 o ,.... 6 " MVN14111Itibly -.,,d not nc ,� ojv.ieclt o prov�Y "j, ulil�onlion- ntinnIon (OpIl(n") ..... 1.,4 Fm1'Ioly ............... Rt,oIllt 11-d Alpllnntil'o of nI.I.nCL o Mi.4113 on`I`I 11" '7n,tP.Moon - -f 1 .. .. ..... . C,onolLill Rtt-�to- (a,,ng NcnlVc ......... L m3. 9 1Ion roo,' c,nn, Cmuiun, P,.ItnI.lL.nw ... 3-65 Mw"-p"Inil cI.Ll'to - -holl l M Not,C I-- _13 &nnown "L Alniliniit`III... ......... R,111 Ind .R, 'I'a0a lu.. rime .... ..... loon4- Ch..5n, 1,w.11 rost,of to Wort .cncrnifi.14 6 ",1 -6 D Dm.mI; no UmvK-- Nozx, to . ...... �at ... I. oi- ... ...... ,mn-a al.-) 1 ITIUW ..... . . 0 Su. , . - . ".. . . I 1 11 .1 . I 1 .10.5 0=.P- .fth¢ 14.10 o-11 11'CUN7PLAC.TOR,- o9 9,. 13 Onen:Pcril.poiin'.`.6." Omw,, to fz,.m11S �.Jj dmcic or Nta.rapr, Vumbcr kJ, Fpoal' [wro, Pih,. ,mf:7 O,mm, Wok—pmh,ii,,ticn oj ... .. . .... .. . UAVNHR— .. ...... ddejemvtt W.,k_ om..w a., ENGINEER .,5dumm ... .... .......... Armiabilitv of Lonw. rcSpanuilaiiiw d�maim 01 .......... ......... i.27 .dam. ftomm ...................... . M. C.rt�t r-,�rm,,Il tk mk . . . ...... 1 4 Ma, rdfumto matte p1m,ott %1.,, Sim the I.Vo,-k Nlo, Suspend work;. Tt'Mmto,, 88, 13,11). 1: i-15A ..UC jlm-Pt ........ 5.3, 14 4, 1a. 13 I,Tfwmonu,ofmhrr v,ork... 7A PCmm .,d hcCom ..... polC.,.tt,td inS+ ..4 w.u.,ot.... ....... ......... OWNER— AcC,Plwlto,, ctf the, V.K ch.ntoc Orda, ......... Cumin .......... L,�dmatm f tC* W,,1K ......................... 7,4 D; . ..... 1 3A L=�Jtt, ........ ........ Xoncc oC Ddet,", .............. .... . ...... Reps , "nWille—DWI., Con"It.U.I. FNGINPE Stat. .......... 9.1 Rttdil='.'vl 'IIILI.IUI ......... Ouutioe ............................................ cIldcn¢ of 5=,ow r,,Pmtloroe. Tc,m and clolll.lal . ........ Insurance ...... _.8,7 .......... - ..... ............... — ...... i.nds .1,0 ..... . ............. - .. ... ... ... . ...... pr=pL oom=CnE M pc DNGTKEzr , __., ..Y retorts and "u . lnJCrtd W[rl , S 1 3 11 1 . 1, 11 1 . 51 +CMtow w the \VMICo cMMTII ur approval rl,'Mlled —, —_ — _ __ 9- L 6. 3, i 1 4