THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below, by and between
THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the
"City' and EDAW, Inc hereinafter referred to as "Professional"
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed by and
between the parties hereto as follows
1 Scope of Services The Professional agrees to provide services in accordance with the
scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of eight (8) pages, and Incorporated herein
by this reference
2 The Work Schedule The services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be
performed in accordance with the Work Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B", consisting of one (1)
pages, and incorporated herein by this reference
3 Contract Period This Agreement shall commence upon signing and shall continue in
full force and effect until November 15 2008, unless sooner terminated as herein provided
4 Early Termination by City Notwithstanding the time perrods contained herein, the City
may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing written notice of termination to the
Professional Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the termination date
contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties
All notices provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage prepaid and sent to
the following addresses
With Copy to
City of Fort Collins, Adv Planning
City of Fort Collins,
Attn Tom Keith
Attn Timothy Wilder
240 East Mountain Avenue
281 N College Ave
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Fort Collins Development Forecasts Update EPS will build upon previous development
forecasts generated during other work prepared for the City of Fort Collins, which relies on Ci
and NFRCOG data as benchmarks These regional forecasts will be translated into supportz
retail, office, and industrial space over the forecast penod and provide a foundation for an
estimate of corridor development potentials
Land Use Analysis EDAW and EPS will quantify existing land use and development
conditions in the corridor from land use maps, aenal photography, assessor parcel data, and
existing business inventories We will categorize the redevelopment potential of parcels usin(
evaluation criteria that estimate redevelopment suitability such as parcel size, existing use, tc
value, improvement to land value, and density (FAR)
South College Commercial Development Forecasts EPS will build upon recent retail anc
commercial market analysis conducted in the City and region In particular, the analysis will
build upon the 1-25 and Prospect site, the Bayer Property, and the Mason Corridor protects
refinement of these analyses for the South College corridor will focus on retail and office/sere
uses The protected amount of future development along South College will account for land
availability and locational attributes relative to the demand in the larger commercial corridor
Deliverables Draft Market Feasibility Memo
Task 1 9 — Baseline Planning Summary
To conclude Phase I of the Plan, EDAW and the City will prepare a Baseline Planning Summary
outlining recommendations for the next steps of this planning process, highlighting project givens
and focal issues, and suggested approaches to ensure these are properly addressed The
summary will include a synopsis of conclusions and recommendations of previous plans or
decisions, a catalog of current conditions, including images and summaries of major features, final
market findings, and an outline of the corridor's opportunities and constraints The TAC will review
the draft summary and provide one set of consolidated comments for EDAW to produce a final
summarydocument The City will provide the consultant team with a summary of the planning
history of the area as well as other issue and vision information collected prior to this project The
City will also provide a summary of existing conditions to include in the summary EDAW will provide
market findings, and an outline of the corridor opportunities and constraints
Deliverables Draft and Final Baseline Planning Summary (1 electronic copy)
Task 2 1 — Visioning Workshops Once we have established givens, assessed key opportunities anc
constraints in the area, and analyzed the market feasibility of its current land uses, we can begin
work with the community to establish a vision for the South College Corridor We propose to hold a
round of visioning workshops at a building(s) within the corridor The workshops will be held at an
existing business As proposed, the visioning process would entail up to 3, 2 hourworkshops onthe
same day or consecutive days at convenient times for business owners and residents, such as a
breakfast, lunch, and evening The 3 workshops could focus on 3 sub districts within the corridor
(i e , Harmony Road to Fossil Creek, Fossil Creek to Trilby, Trilby to Carpenter Road) or 3 project
elements (i e , access control, economic development, streetscape design) We recognize that it is
j often difficult for specific segments to participate in meetings, so we can also take the workshops to
them, staging the events at 3 different locations throughout the day if needed The visioning
workshops will provide the public with a forum to directly express how they would like to see this
area in the future This exercise will be directed not only at the property owners there, but also the
general public of Fort Collins, who utilize that area for retail and services
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
The outcome of the visioning workshops will be a shared vision and land use ideas as articulated by
stakeholders that will drive the subsequent land use alternatives
Deliverables Workshop Presentation Materials
Meetings 3 Visioning Workshops (on the same or consecutive days), TAC 4
Task 2 2 — Development of Land Use and Transportation Alternatives
Coinciding with the visioning tasks outlined above, EDAW will employ several sources and tools to
develop three integrated land use and transportation alternatives The land use alternatives will
reflect the findings of the market feasibility analysis and will include a status quo (continuation of
current trends) alternative, as well as two additional alternatives with varying land use patterns
Each alternative will be overlaid by the Short or Long Term Access Control Plan, with minor
modifications if necessary for synchrony FHU will evaluate the trip generation and traffic impacts of
the land use alternatives relative to approved future access locations and types, provide
recommendations for access plan revisions, if necessary Public input to this point will also
significantly influence the development of these scenanos The primary tool to Illustrate the two
land use and transportation alternatives will be GIS mapping GIS mapping also allom us to simply
show the spatial arrangement of different land uses, Including adjacency, connectivity of the
transportation network, and connectivity of natural areas or trails
Deliverables Shared Vision Document, 2 Land Use and Transportation Alternatives (as GIS
maps), 4 Renderings
Subtask 2 2a — Sketch -up Model
Sketch -up allows planners to create 3-D visual representations of the corridor This is an extremely
powerful tool in enabling the public to visualize different streetscape, access control and land use
concepts The model will apply only to the immediate condor (1 building deep) and include the
following steps
• Create 3D model the streetscape and road design for each intersection (road, curb, median,
site walk and street trees in grayscales)
• Apply 3D standards/cross section to other areas of the corridor
• Create 3D model of existing buildings from GIS (building massing, grayscale)
• Add representative budding elevations
• Add missing buildings based on site visit
Based on this result, the community will be able to visual "the givens" which include the proposed
access control plan and road layout
We will also model the preferred alternative with the sketch -up tool to show alternative streetscape,
frontage roads and building concepts (only massing) The model can also be used to illustrate
implementation phases, assist in hand sketches and allowthe team to drape concept plans in 3D
The City may also choose to illustrate the results in Google-Earth which will allow participants to fly -
around the corridor and few the results from different angles
Deliverables Sketch -up model
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Subtask 2 21b —Additional Hand -Sketches and Renderings
EDAW will provide an additional 40 hours of hand -sketches to illustrate key concepts such as
gateways, building facades and cross -sections
Deliverables Hand -sketches
Subtask 2 2c — Site Specific Concept Plans
EDAW will develop general concept plans for 2 key areas along the corridor The concept plans'wlll
include buildings, road layouts, parking areas and other civic amenities The concept plan can be
typical development recommendations or site -specific The plans will be rendered and used In the
report to illustrate desired development concepts
Deliverables 2 Ste -Specific Concept Plan
Task 2 3 — Land Use and Transportation Alternative Evaluation
The Technical Advisory Committee will assist in evaluating the land use and transportation
alternatives based on qualitative and quantitative criterion from the shared vision We advise
against a pure numerical exercise that weights each criterion, and Instead prefer a process that
illustrates the pros and cons of each alternative from the standpoint of established economic,
physical, transportation and environmental considerations Costs are a factor to consider, as
certainly the plan must be financially viable However, instead of performing intensive financial
analyses from the outset, we would prefer to develop overall concepts and ideas for consideration,
and then analyze costs, as there are many ways to implement a concept that can result in greatly
different financial outcomes
Regardless of the criteria, evaluation of the alternatives and selection of the preferred alternative will
be an open, consensus -based process involving City staff, the Planning Commission, and elected
Deliverables Alternatives Evaluation Memo
Task 2 4 — Preferred Framework Plan and Workshops
Following staff feedback on the alternative evaluation, a preliminary preferred framework plan will be
refined for presentation to the public The EDAW Team will take the preliminary preferred framework
plan and draft goals and policies "on the road" for a second round of on -site workshops The
preliminary preferred framework workshops would entail up to 3 workshops on the same day or
consecutive days at convenient times at locations within the corridor Here again, stakeholder
feedback on the preliminary preferred framework plan, as well as on the three previous alternatives
development and evaluation process will be utilized to develop a final product supported by Informed
Upon receiving feedback from stakeholders and the TAC, our team will prepare a preferred land vse
and transportation framework plan, character elements, and budgetary cost estimates for
consideration The preferred framework plan will demonstrate a shared vision of new and existing
commercial developments, open space and trail connectivity, relationship of each to residential
areas, and a future street network that addresses transit options, and bicycle and pedestrian
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Deliverables Preferred Framework Plan (map and illustrated guiding principles, 1 electronic copy)
Meetings 3 Framework Plan Workshops (on the same or consecutive days), TAC 5
Task 2 5 — Develop Goals and Policies
In anticipation of the plan preparation, this task will draft goals and policies that would address
community gateways, corridor image, new land uses, the integration of a future road network,
pedestrian and bicycle modes, conservation priorities, and the preservation of cultural and historic
attributes Goals and policies will further assign responsibility for implementation, similarto the
North College Avenue Plan
Deliverables Draft Goals and Policies Memo
Task 3 1 — Develop Action Plan
In conjunction with the refinement of the preferred framework plan, the EDAW team will develop an
action plan that will detail the steps that the City needs to take to Implement the vision, goals, and
strategies that have been set forth in the preferred framework plan Action items and priorities may
be dependent upon available funding and methods for Implementation, willing property owners, and
other variables so the previous and following tasks may need to be accomplished simultaneously
with this one in order to have an intelligent discussion of choices and trade-offs
Stantec will address the ability of present service providers or others to serve the planning area
based on the preferred alternative This will Include a summary of existing facilities and an
estimation of future facilities required to accommodate future growth, an opinion of the ability of the
existing service providers to meet current and future needs, and a conceptual level opinion of the
capital improvement costs for future facilities
We anticipate that the TAC will be active participants in answering the who, why, when, and how to
implement priority actions, and in reviewing working drafts of the implementation sections
Task 3 2 — Develop Cost / Financing Plan
EPS will work with the City to evaluate and test potential financing approaches for providing capital
and/or operations and maintenance funding for a list of specified public improvements The most
likely funding sources are a local improvement distnct (LID), general improvement district (GID),
business improvement district (BID), and/or corridor impact fees EPS will evaluate applicability,
requirements, and the advantages and disadvantages of each approach In addition, supportable
fees and/or mill levies will be calculated to estimate proceeds for the specified public improvements
Deliverables Action and Cost/Financing Plan
Meetings TAC 6
Task 3 3 — Planning Commission / City Council Joint Work Session
EDAW and staff will lead a joint work session or presentation with the City Council and Planning
Commission in presenting the framework plan, goals and policies, and implementation highlights
City staff will provide EDAW with one copy of consolidated comments from the Planning
Commission and Council
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Task 4 1 — Deliver Corridor Plan Sections
EDAW will compile all previous products into an agreed upon text format for delivery to City staff
who will assist in final editing and formatting EDAW will coordinate with staff to obtain any
remaining, required graphics and mapping information for the Draft Plan Final Images, text, and
formats will be compiled for adoption hearing presentations
Deliverables 1 hardcopy and one electronic plan version Adoption hearing presentation
PowerPoint and/or exhibits
Meetings TAC 7
Task 4 2 — Close-out Event
The EDAW team will hold a close-out event for the local community This event would be held at a
local park or building The event will Include a special thanks to the community, prepare the
community for adoption and focus on next steps The City will be in charge of notification, meeting
arrangements and food EDAW will attend the event
Deliverables Close-out Event
Task 4 3 — Planning Commission Public Heanng
EDAW will assist City staff and the Planning Commission in conducting a Public Hearing to present
the final plan
Task 4 4 — City Council Public Hearing
EDAW will assist City staff and the City Council in holding a Public Hearing for formal adoption of
the final plan
Task 4 5 — Submit Approved Plan Document to City for Final Editing
City staff will provide EDAW with one copy of consolidated comments from the Planning
Commission and City Council public hearings to revise the draft plan into a final, approved plan
EDAW will deliver to the City the final document in a hard copy and electronic format for final
formatting by the City
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
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Confirm Work Program, Schedule Public Involvement
1 1
Pro ram
1 2
K(ck-off Event
1 3
Confirm Givens + Prioritize Issues
Assess Existing Conditions, Plans +Regulations
1 5
Stakeholder Interviews 2 days)
Opportunities + Constraints Analysis
1 7
Corridor Development Potentials
1 8
Baseline Planning Summary
Visioning Workshops series of3workshops)
Development of Land Use + Transportation Alternatives
2 2al
Sketch -up Model
2 2al
Additional Hand Sketches
2 2bl
Concept Plans
I Land Use + Transportation Alternative Evaluation
Preferred Framework Plan + Workshops (series of 3
Develop Goals + Policies
j Subtotal
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32 Develop Cost / Financing Plan
33 Planning Commission / City Council Joint Work Session
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4 1 Deliver Corridor Plan Sections
42 Close-out Event
43 Planning Commission Public Hearing
44 City Council Public Hearing
45 Submit Approved Plan Document to City for Final Editing
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Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
In the event of any such early termination by the City, the Professional shall be paid for services
rendered prior to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory performance of the
Professional's obligations under this Agreement Such payment shall be the Professional's sole Might
and remedy for such termination
5 Design Project Indemnity and Insurance Responsibilit i The Professional shall be
responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and the coordination of all
services rendered by the Professional, including but not limited to designs, plans, reports, specifications,
and drawings and shall, without additional compensation, promptly reimedy and correct any errors,
omissions, or other deficiencies The Professional shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City, its
officers and employees in accordance with Colorado law, from all damages whatsoever claimed by third
parties against the City, and for the City's costs and reasonable attorneys fees, arising directly or
indirectly out of the Professional's performance of any of the services furnished under this Agree( I ent
The Professional shall maintain commercial general liability insurance in the amount of $500,I000
combined single limits and errors and omissions insurance in the amount of$1,000,000
6 Compensation In consideration of the services to be performed pursuant tol this
Agreement, the City agrees to pay Professional a fixed fee in the amount of One Hundred Forty
Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Six Dollars ($145,836 00) Monthly partial payments based upon the
Professional's billings and itemized statements are permissible The amounts of all such partial
paymentspayments shall be based upon the Professional's City -verified progress iin completing the services to be
performed pursuant hereto and upon the City's approval of the Professional's actual reimbursable
expenses Final payment shall be made following acceptance of the work by the City Upon (final
payment, all designs, plans, reports, specifications, drawings, and other services rendered by
Professional shall become the sole property of the City
7 City Representative The City will designate, prior to commencement of work, its prll ject
representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary and proper
decisions with reference to the project All requests for contract interpretations, change orders, and
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
other clarification or instruction shall be directed to the City Representative
8 Proiect Drawings Upon conclusion of the project and before final payment,lthe
Professional shall provide the City with reproducible drawings of the project containing accurate
information on the project as constructed Drawings shall be of archival, prepared on stable ri lar IIIase
material using a non -fading process to provide for long storage and high quality reproduction "I D"
disc of the as -built drawings shall also be submitted to the owner in and AutoCAD version no oldert hen
the established city standard
Monthly Report Commencing thirty (30) days after the date of execution of this
Agreement and every thirty (30) days thereafter, Professional is required to provide the 'City
Representative with a written report of the status of the work with respect to the Scope of Servfl es,
Work Schedule, and other material information Failure to provide any required monthly report may, at
the option of the City, suspend the processing of any partial payment request
10 Independent Contractor The services to be performed by Professional are those of an
independent contractor and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins The City shall not be
responsible for withholding any portion of Professional's compensation hereunder for the payment of
FICA, Workers' Compensation, other taxes or benefits or for any other purpose
11 Personal Services It is understood that the City enters into this Agreement based on the
special abilities of the Professional and that this Agreement shall be considered as an agreement for
personal services Accordingly, the Professional shall neither assign any responsibilities nor delegate
any duties ansing under this Agreement without the pnor written consent of the City
12 Acceptance Not Waiver The City's approval of drawings, designs, plans, specifications,
reports, and incidental work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve the
Professional of responsibility for the quality or technical accuracy of the work The City's approval or
acceptance of, or payment for, any of the services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any
rights or benefits provided to the City under this Agreement
13 Default Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a matlenal
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
element of this Agreement In the event either party should fall or refuse to perform according to the
terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default
14 Remedies In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting party
be allowed a period often (10) days within which to cure said default In the event the default remains
uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the Agreement and seek damages,
(b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific performance, or (c) avail himself of any other
remedy at law or equity If the non -defaulting party commences legal or equitable actions against the
defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the non -defaulting party for the non -defaulting
party's reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred because of the default
15 Binding Effect This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers, employees,
and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs, personal
successors and assigns of said parties
16 Law/Severability The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the con
interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement In the event any provision of
Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement
17 Prohibition Against Emploving Illegal Aliens This paragraph shall apply to all
Contractors whose performance of work under this Agreement does net involve the delivery of a
specific end product other than reports that are merely incidental to the performance of said
Pursuant to Section 8-17 5-101, C R S , et seq , Contractor represents and agrees that
a As of the date of this Agreement
1 Contractor does not knovvrngly employ or contract with an illegal alien,
2 Contractor has participated or attempted to participate in the basic
employment verification program created in Public Law 2 08, 104th Congress, as
amended, and expanded in Public Law 156, 108th Congress, as amended,
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
administered by the United States Department of Homeland Security (the 'Basic
Program") in order to confirm the employment eligibility of all newly hired ern
b Contractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an Illegal alien to perform woi
under this Agreement or knowingly enter Into a contract with a subcontractor that knowingly
employs or contracts with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement
c Contractor shall continue to apply to participate in the Basic Pilot Program and shall
in writing verify same every three (3) calendar months thereafter, until Contractor is acce to
or the public contract for services has been completed, whichever is earlier The
requirements of this section shall not be required or effective if the Basic Pilot Program is
d Contractor is prohibited from using Basic Pilot Program procedures to undertake pr(
employment screening of job applicants while this Agreement is being performed
e If Contractor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under
this Agreement knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien, Contractor shall
Notify such subcontractor and the City within three days that Contractor
actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illege
alien, and
2 Terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three days of
receiving the notice required pursuant to this section the subcontractor does not
cease employing or contracting with the illegal alien, except that Contractor shall
terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during such three days the
subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not
knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien
f Contractor shall comply with any reasonable request by the Colorado Depa
Labor and Employment (the "Department") made in the course of an investigation that
Department undertakes or is undertaking pursuant to the authority established in
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
8-17 5-102 (5), C R S
g If Contractor violates any provision of this Agreement pertaining to the duties
Imposed by Subsection 8-17 5-102, C R S the City may terminate this Agreement If this
Agreement is so terminated, Contractor shall be liable for actual and consequential damages
to the City arising out of Contractor's violation of Subsection 8-17 5-102, C R S
The City will notify the Office of the Secretary of State if Contractor violates this
provision of this Agreement and the City terminates the Agreement for such breach
Director f FYurchasing & Risk Management
By ` /
Title c e
Date 10
I p-i,,- C ti�, (
Corporate Secretary
E/ `()
(Corporate Seal)
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
EDAW will lead in preparing the South College Corridor Plan, providing project management, public
outreach, land use planning, urban and streetscape design, GIS and graphic support, and parks and
open space planning Our team of EPS, FHU, and Stantec will work with the City to complete the
four phases outlined in the RFP, as described in the scope of work The overall approach can be
characterized as one that ma>amizes opportunities for public input and results in a community -driven
Task 1 1 — Confirm Work Program, Schedule, and Public Involvement Plan
The EDAW team will coordinate project initiation, data collection, establish a Public Irnolvement
Plan (PIP), budget and project schedule City staff will refine the membership of a Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC), and assist in compiling e>asting information, including previous public
outreach findings A project kick-off meeting with the project management team and project
manager representatives from the City of Fort Collins will occur to complete the following subtasks
• Finalize the detailed work program pertaining to the EDAW team and staff tasks, budget, and
the project schedule
• Establish document formats, team directory and reporting requirements The EDAW team will
create a team directory, and will utilize e-mail as a primary form of communication amongst team
members and client contacts
• Refine the membership of the Technical Advisory Committee
• The City will provide and maintain a list of business, property owner, and residential
• Obtain any additional background information reports, base maps, GIS data, topography, and
current development plans Available utility mapping will be reviewed, including potable water,
sanitary sewer, storm drainage facilities, natural gas, electricity and telecommunications
Involving affected interests in meaningful, positive ways and demonstrating consensus for and
progress toward a shared vision are absolutely essential in this project The EDAW team will
prepare a comprehensive Public Involvement Plan (PIP) to outline City and EDAW strategies and
responsibilities in public outreach EDAW's public involvement plan will be tailored so that property
owners and nearby residents drive the Plan's vision
It is anticipated that the involvement methods will include stakeholder interviews, two rounds of on -
site workshops, presentations to City Council and Planning Commission, a variety of communication
pieces (press releases, postcards, website, etc ) EDAW assumes the City will arrange for
notification, meeting logistics, scheduling for public outreach events and notification (mailings)
EDAW will assist in the preparation on information The City will provide a project logo and web -
ready graphics as they are produced for postcards, newsletters, and/or a project websrte to be
managed by the City EDAW will also prepare three press releases at project milestones for City
review and distribution
During the kick-off meeting, we will also define communication protocols with the client group We
anticipate that projects of this scale often include coordination calls weekly by the project manager,
and have included meetings every month with the City staff group Conference calls may also occur
between key EDAW Team members and City staff in order to focus on individual items that may
arise during the planning process
Deliverables Public Involvement Plan, Final Budget, Final Project Schedule, Final TAC and
Stakeholder Rosters
Meetings TAC 1
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Task 1 2 — Kick-off Event
The EDAW team will hold a kick-off event for the local community This event would be held at a
local park or building The event will include a meet and greet social events (e g games,
exercises), case studies from other corridors, issue identification exercise and provide information
about existing plans that pertain to the corridor The City will be in charge of notification, meeting
arrangements and food EDAW and Stantec will attend the event
Deliverables Kick-off Event
Task 1 4 — Confirm Givens and Prioritize Issues
Given the area's contentious history associated with annexation, it will be imperative to articulate
previous decisions and applicable regulations early, to both keep the protect focused on a future
vision rather than past decisions In conjunction, the EDAW team will assess and analyze pertinent
issues associated with the project including, but not limited to
Types and quality of land uses
Amount of developable land
Transportation (street connectivity, frontage road locations, multi -modal options, etc )
Benefits of annexation to property owners
Provision of adequate public utilities
Integration of gateway features
Buy -in from property ownerships
Revenue potential of developments
Development and maintenance of public facilities
Connectivity of nearby trails and natural areas
This list of givens and issues will be refined at initial TAC meetings and during early property owner
meetings The City will provide the consultant team with a summary of issues collected prior to this
Deliverables Initial Issue Priority Memo
Task 1 5 —Assess Existing Conditions, Plans, and Regulations
The EDAW team and the City will develop an inventory of information relating to current conditions
The inventory will be based on information provided by staff, utility providers, special distracts, and
via site analysis FHU will summarize to the project team the cntical issues of the existing Access
Control Plan and Intergovernmental Agreement between the City, CDOT and Larimer County
Stantec similarly brings a team of individuals that have worked with the City, County and special
districts servicing the planning area Both FHU and Stantec's knowledge of existing systems,
service districts, and personnel will allow the team to be efficient in the collection of information and
the assessment of their future needs, and move quickly towards the subsequent opportunities and
constraints analysis Subtasks include
Create a base map of the study area using digital imagery provided by the City
Review and update existing inventory of GIS layers, including land use, future land use, zoning,
hydrology, floodplains, and natural resources
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07
Review, inventory and evaluate existing information, relations to existing public master plans or
private development plans, and context of adjoining areas
The City will collect and provide existing utility maps for water transmission and distribution lines,
sanitary sewer interceptor and trunk lines, and storm water interceptor lines in the form of master
plans and/or utility maps from the City, County, and Special Distracts (i e Fort Collins / Loveland
Water District and South Fort Collins Sanitation District) presently serving the area Collection of
information from public utilities (e g Public Service Gas and Electric, Poudre Valley REA, PRPA
EXCEL, City of Fort Collins Light and Power Department) is not anticipated as a part of this
Deliverables Base Maps, Report Format
Meetings TAC 2
Task 1 6 — Stakeholder Interviews
As the final component to our existing conditions assessment and early public outreach, the EE
Team will conduct interviews of key stakeholders, including property owners, developers, traffic
engineers, and elected officials and boards Service providers, in particular, will be interviewed
document their capacity to serve existing and future development as well as to understand futui
plans and potential improvement costs After review of the service master plans are complete,
Stantec will interview the City, the County, and special distracts to ask questions, review appropi
portions of their master plans, and solicit input from the parties as to the appropriateness of the
master plans to their present situations and plans for future growth These interviews will take p
during a two-day stakeholders session coordinated by the City One-on-one interim briefings N
Council members, Planning Commission members, and/or other key stakeholders throughout tl
process will also be necessary to assure open communication and to support consensus buildii
We assume 5 briefings for cost estimating purposes
Deliverables Final Issue Priorities Memo
Meetings Stakeholder Interviews, One -on -One Briefings
Task 1 7 — Opportunities and Constraints Analysis
The primary direction for the opportunity and constraints analysis will be to identify vacant,
developable land and properties that are conducive to redevelopment Our detailed inventory of
existing land use will drive this analysis, as well as site visits, discussions with property owners,
through our early public outreach
j Deliverables Opportunities and Constraints Map
Meetings TAC 3
Task 1 8 — Corridor Development Potentials
In addition to our physical existing conditions inventory, we will provide a market analysis of the
current land use and corridor development potentials along the South College corridor We mus
assert whether or not its current fagade of antiques dealers, auto -related business, and other
commercial activities are fulfilling a market niche in Fort Collins or if the community could be bett
served This fundamental question will lead us to plan for either redevelopment of land uses, on
simply a restructuring of the corridor's layout and design standards EPS will approach this task i
three ways
Standard Professional Services Agreement- rev06/07