HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - 31381 (3)A I u,__1"LIU, Get U� 'JW_'21b,1J/ AdxninistrafiveSeivices CITY FTC PURChA5TNG _ PAGE b1/11t Purchasing Division YMzr1d.TihZ%� Firm Name ­00PIS & 22, 2007 Ref #; 31381 Valve Box Tops, Bottoms, & Risers THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NOT AN ORDER please supply pricing and delivery information, all items to be quoted FOB Fort Collins, Coloraco, as requested below, and respond via FAX or e-mail BY end of business Thursday October 25, 2007 to Ed Sonnette, C.P.M-, CPPB (970) 221-6707 or e-mail to obonnette@fcglov.com Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to Ed Bonnette, Buyer, C P.M„ CPPS (970) 41 6-F 247 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION; 90 each VALVE BOX, 5,25", TOP SECTION ONLY, City of Fort Collins #0512-1363, SCREW TYPE 16" (NO LID) PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING - (THESE ARE OUR APPROVED STANDARDS): CASTINGS INC, 6860 SERIES; EAST JORDAN IRON, 85507016; Or TYLER 144946 $ �¢7,oy Ea. $ 2 i oP.Co Total Mfr 4G,t2- _ Mfr. Delivery t ` Z WP_61F-5 Items being bid meet the above specifications without exception, Yes +-"No _ If not, please list exceptions, specifying parallraph reference number, on a separate cheat ,and attach to your bid 8 covil VALVE. BOX, City of Fort Collins #0512-1376, SCREW TYPE, BOTTOM SECTION, 36" PLEASE. SUBMIT BIDS ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (THESE ARE OUR APPROVED STANDARDS); 215 Korth Mason Street • 2nd Floor • PO Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO $0522 0580 • (970) 221 6775 • FAX (9)U) 1,? TO 39VJ 5dSW 68CT829COC LZ ST LOOZ/ZZ/OT i�i.;:,r.:nGr G5 n7 yrv�[ubrk7r �11Y I-IU PURChA5'NG PAGE O''/I13 CASTINGS INC, 6860 SERIES, EAST JORDAN IRON, 855060,m Or TYLER, SERIES 6860-ITEM CC: $ 41Co.oa Ea $ Co .0a Total 10fr Mfr,# Delivery Items being bid meet the above specifications wnhovt exci'.Ution Yes 4�(o If not, please list exceptions, specifying pai ]graph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to your bid 60 each RISER, City of Fort Collins #0512-0709, ADJUSTABLE SCREW TYPE, FOR 6850/60 SERIES HEIGHT INCRE ASE_ 2-1/2-9" PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS ON ONE OF THE: FOLLOWING (THESE ARE OUR APPROVED STANDARDS): EAST JORDAN IRON, 85508009, Or TYLER, 69 $ 35. C4 pa g 2 \ Cal7. oo Total Mir 'C L t_z _ Mfr Delivery \ — 2 wWc.ir-S Items being bid meet the above specifications without exception, Yes_✓No _ If not, please list exceptions, specifying pai , graph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to your bid. 60 39Vd Sds" EBCT8L9£0E LZ•5T L00616610T lU/cG/Lpro/ J'], 07 9Ib11blbl CITY FTC PURCHASING PAGE 03/0 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS Prices quoted must remain firm for a 30 day penod after the opening date Freight terms F.0 B, destinaton freight prepaid. All freight charges must be included in pncing submitted on proposal and not entered as separate pricing Any discount allowed by Vendor for prompt payment, etc must be rerlected in quoted figure, and not entered as separate pricing The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all quotes Any questions or inquiries regarding this bid should be directed to, Ed Bonnet-e, C P M , CPPB, Buyer (970) 41 G-2247 i^n E K E W AVLA,4r--Ct TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE 1V�yJf-mow►y�As cc� EMAIL COMPANY NAME (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE & FAX NUMBER 8t14i tNolr.u-N&A%GS A\/rE. k5 -- CITY, STATE, ZIP CC). fbc)st" DATE t o-2Z-.o-1 PLEASE GO TO www.fegov oomlat)rchasa mg TO REGISTER IN OUR E-PROCUREFAENT SYSTEM FOR FUTURE BID OPPORTUNITIES! BE SURE TO SELECT ALL APPROPRIATE COMMODITY CODES' 60 39dd SdSW £8£18L9£0£ LZ ST L00Z/ZZ/01