John Stokes
City of Fort Collins
300 West Mountain
Foit Collins. CO 80522
Dear John
This letter transmits my second piogicss icpoit on Pondre River economic study
Puichase Order # 7706349 dated 9-07-07
Dm ing the month of Septcmbci I revised the POUdre Rivei survey several times in
response to comments fiom Rick and fen, as well as Utilities I met with len and Rick at
the Natural Aicas office, and then on the 17°i meet v ith you and fen at your offILe to
review survey revisions
1 reworked survey prior to conducting two focus groups of Fort Collins residents The
two focus groups were conducted on September 18°i and 25"' After each focus group
feedback fiom respondents wcie mcoipoiated into a revised survey that was used at the
next focus group Aftei the second focus group the survey was again revised for the
pretest group Hns involved not only clanfymg questions and woidmg but also tiying
Out different dollar amounts to ask respondents to pay
The pretest wa; conducted on September 27°i We obtained additional suggestions
including use of photos Howevei, many of the participants noted the survey purpose and
wording were cleai and they thought it was seasonable A few paiticrpants thought the
context of the survey needed to be provided to make the survey more balanced
Using the results of the pictest I 'finalized' the survey and graph inscit and provided
those to you Rick Bachand and Jennifer Shanahan by email on Octobei I" for any last
suggestions prior to printing
1 have also purchased the sample names and addresses (which have a good representation
across the City icsidents) We are in the process of putting stamps on envelopes so we are
ready to assembly the survey when it is pirated
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 226-4052 or by
loomis(.(Namai colostate edu