HomeMy WebLinkAbout112296 SCHMIDT EARTH BUILDERS INC - CONTRACT - BID - 6061 SOAPSTONE PRAIRIE ACCESS ROAD 31103Wa. Xi EM-al ip r u u u �y »y�T��r��ll E►�i AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Soapstone Prairie Access Road BID NO. 6061 of Fort PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS September 4, 2007 — 3:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) J H R iI fJ C1 LJ I I Jra L" J Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Aovisions -3- REVISION OF SECTION 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Sod Conditioner, and Sodding Subsection 212.06 (c) Add the following to the end of the paragraph When requested by Contractor and Approved by Owner, areas that are too small to be seeded with mechanical chills, seeding will be accomplished by hydraulic type seeders at twice the rate specified in the Contract at no additional cost to the project Subsection 212.013 Remove the entire section and insert the following The accepted quantities of seeding (sterile wheat), seeding (native) and seeding (wetland) will be paid for at the contract unit price for each of the pay items listed below that appear in the bid schedule Payment will be made under Pay Item Pay Unit Seeding (Drilled) (Sterile Wheat) Acre Seeding (Drilled) (Native) Acre Seeding (Drilled) (Wetland) Acre Soil preparation and seed incorporated into the seeding will not be paid for separately but shall be included in the work L U C H h H H H C H 7 a+vamez,--tfxli,-vnndn lislu-mxl-mnlicioua_mischia(: rHrtixFt�nk,_�fle441wa�-deeric-rentru�Erl-Ekmniitiun ereedsiene<L�k�-zni�>rc rwfem-sl�uv.�e;-Hnd-Cir�u4Hticrns: w--mx+-he sryrH�ynire2-F+vilu•-Su�rl,.- - -:,....,,�-�..,�.- � -s: :�a.� r-include-esprn5c,'-irtcurtec!-in -• Ihr-repair �-or replaamentrof nnv-insuredpn�xrn'!includir>_htlLm)t ;�--�-•�•--• - rx-:�--usdreF--and aFCh IICCtti l: .-h-e_. I—E:=.n-.........rdM:Y'yHijWiCfll�•F:1£emmhe�..� oFfll-flnOlhePlOtlibOn-fhFlP WflSftgrCLd40-InK'raing!1V �H+Hi•--[iCEfrt-tl"1ffl1}?k+fH�4Rlc pro�kd fdint -suel?inntcrin!p-nncFa tu; iri H-hav lneen ineFudzi}-il+mr-\{;n!iemier.-iij!�.w- mtntieearmnLraied by-1:-P GI NN-iR tlflc! S,t,t--he-mointainecl-in-alleot -Until -iulakpuvmertt--is nredr--rinks:-.vhzlwisr-�serd-tr-tin- rttin_•-in� 2 `Fsn-=fa:� :..C-1�"•R-Hml-E?�y$vbnR-wiili Ikirt+r-dNvs-wFiuzn-na[+oe-to-rNWt-airier-nr6#it�trtnl ire.,H(ed-x:-ivlxnn-»r�rrtifieute-af�tnuraner-Ills-Fx:en iscxd- ;�.Tr_ .-::hHN-1,u,can,sr-xnd-H,xintnie,-:IwrH4ruikr ufxl-nxfu4»m�.rt'-itiwnrrwz-ar-rxklitiFlnx!y�rEvazrti•-inselatwt sits -may -be -required -by -the. Supnlemenuvn-C'mditiom-nr bnwo--Intel-FL•wlittier+•,-whieh-wiF4-a�eitxF•-ehr-int�resr.:-eC E?U :d}.1.-r-.�i!k3ai-A< l-l-t#:. tiul�tta[fxa<irs-Fi?� 4'�:lstaH; }�:�i}�S.F:{>&il-Pn!'k111RHk.Gi)fiEl-RH4-AFfitf�ja2F: a�RS-H-tnHntK lrkrulCrLd-:-•„-..,r,,.•• NNkmaFlFaw-(-anrHFiovfti-LauF^r-.,_,;,,.-..�--1 irtieemrti-te: #rvrnn-irt�nnbhtirxer �tHrtd-siudlkz-listed-xs nn-imulsStx-xdditiorrxl-iltsuuW- '-&. Aj!-the fryIiv atxr•tirtxkhc,:•eHi{iLHt x' txtxr-.tvi:krwe-thvr ktR-e�<{uir�<!-t.=-hr-{wrarH+er1-.rind mainmux•.ittk01h1'v-Cit-Imnc-cordnncrwith-pnrxernghss,f., rind-* _=�viN +.Emui in-a-prc r isitxrt+r-trnk+rw. nxvtt�hnt-the Covemee-utLordrd-will-MA iv-canml kJ-ol-mmerial!v duutptwl.ur-rwtrwal-rafured-unt d-a#-la:m't-thitvv-dovP=prun- wrinen- noti ee-hHs--been--given-- imd :��>:s=ERA<-i13F-ennl-t..-emdr.riltr-m}Jitetrm!-il nwn-tv K'h(NIl-FI 111!ICfrtl'-1 I IILtiUr11nCC-IWti IhV.11 C:tiUIXI illld-will wmain-waivM:.-provisions-in- uc..cadmu---with o (A,'Nl--R skill na Ix- responsible for purchasing and mainwinin" am property imunmce Lo prol"I Lhr interests of CORCIt1C7OR. 'Subwmrac%xs a others in 1(n•-Lt.�,-: '-ihr�.ktenH+F-net-wcleckwFth!r-ttmaunP-troll-nr- idrnCr Ged-in-the-Supplrnrentnry-Gonditiomr-The ri�rof k+x-withnr,Ht;ts-ickvtufird-dLdtwtikk•-xnraunt-will-!>rlr3rm•. I+�_'i�-it.-a-i�lt-.SUfX�C")rtt(i{ii43rHF at{h4}S'Mfkt(if�ilfw wch-klsh und•if-unv oI them-wis!xs-propenv-insurance a>vrrax-irithir.-Lhr-li mits-oF su<9r-n mlwnts.-inch-mnp pinch& iind maimnimit• at-thc purchawr i; ownexpense. 3:1 Ur-IC-GClNTIc4G1'UF-reyue5ls-in-wriGre-dial-other hfCi:iHi-iAtinfNnF:C-Ik�fti(i!HdC(ItiH�1—lfltilfrtFnfir {e:�ii<iCs-prk+tideti-tltidrx-plHfHelHpkA+(--titer-�'?i%R s•` '., r�,' ."Ntirti1x4u6e-. a b--ms n•ce-m d [lie eo (-hnnw•--(-+ruzr-ar-�4fttten-AmzadmenF—,§+cs--rn li1C:UC GHNI::IGLL i:ONUI'n Ji�i VIn-J 11 `190 Edaan I11 stQ'rY UP PUItT CUL1•IP:i h1Ull11l i;AT16�ti Iltlil'l,^_nVal amniememmi of the-Work-aiAe site-OWNTR.shall-in wri4n-"44,e4''eW-'FPA('=AR-whetitLr-rir-net-loud, thx ifruramrlrus-beew}xcww��ci-tw-t--+11-''.�fi. (aLVtv:il:--rind--i�FYi=!t�i=!1-1I:-wnivr--xl4-iw,!m Kwawexc-:knN-r.4terxl-t;--I.'"R--,;'�tc-that-aril=pnak men vi itnei. .. •-.ram-aa..-I,n-�}h-prtxre is-t„ iHsuraraca-Melfl_f,wL->14NI�!i-xc-it+xtoe-ar �tkaravisz Izsimble-uwenflnv-policv-so issue -!n-mklit+r»!-F1\3'?NH2-v.4 j.-e. -A-tights 01 nq i s-<Gremors-unpinvrrs -mnl-ngrnt5-oV-u m�-of Chant -lilt+ !thYdtY-t(+iklsif 1 ItHCtTttplkllY! m. of uv ex-ta!tu urmryuentad hra-esxrnlms lx.lxtd-direct piwslcd--]cuss-.>r-danulgr-.to f?41-:�h's-txt>txrt�-tom-the--4}exi:--eHuwec!-iw: xrisir��tutt�oh ory rcw Mine-Cron-bra-w-:xlx 1-peed, wn Cher-orwt-tmurerl bv-O�.NL•R; and +.! L�-,-----kms or dannw_z-.to..thrwcxnplztzd Fti�akki><-[YIrF-t112reail;NtlSr1{ vy145l�Kkit-Elf�li rrsultirc-from-hrr or-other-imuml-peril covered ht--tin+yxiytert±-inurntnc�tdmlxirNscl--tea-the EehlTp!Citlti-piE4rdt�t'r'-pxH-t�eM�CN!fti Bunn,--}xrtu;d-uuhafnon-pursunnl-ur parx�aph•l-0:10.-after-Su'ustantiNl--(:ompletiwt pumvint to-txlrNff:mh+la 8.or aliar-imad-pxvmznt pursurHrF"mffl_r.R = ',a44 Hw:-irsHrxHar-fle4it�-HtHimHinecl-k*-E�?�.Fil:--ce`'<r HrnrlW_t�t r-itaxtilYjUefrk}H!-Ii:StiiCfeRCi!-iH-Nl-lilts irl-tht�tY`l nt-Ni f�FK'xiCflt ! .rt--men--•c-u.. �:1a�'r-(?i 6:xY:cF�nerxial-Ic:�thr-innrr�xc-Ki!;--txwe--n<:-rishit--oC F rc'GCv ec-n:ninst-n nv-of-E!9NTIiAGTOR--Subccntmdors: E?: 1'I'zS6EIc-�"u• IE'.?L.L`r.Fla-E<+nsultane<-urx;-tirt�-(+Ctrs: dtreettxti-rvnp{ov'sexyarxt-xsenls-ca(-xn}-c�Fiaenr Receipt and.-IppBettdon of 1tra ranee ProceedG': 5.1-. Any insured loss undo; the policies of insurance required bw parag,aphs S.C+ and 5.7 will be adjusted with OP;'ITR and made pavable to OWNER us fiducian- fee the insureds. as their interests may appear. subject to Ole requirements of any applicable mortgage clautie and of paragraph 5. 13. CAS ER shall deposit in a separate account nne money sn received. and shall distribute it in accordance with such affecment as the parties in interest mayrnmh. if no nine- speeisl agreement is renched the damaged Work shall he re hired or replaced the moneys so recejved applied on accoun: thereof and the Work and the cost thereof covered. M- an appropriate Change OrdaT or Written .Amendment. 5.13. Oh'T?Ti us fiduciary shall have power It, adjust and .settle am Inm with the insurer, unless one of the forties in interest shall object in writing within fificen days after the occurrence of lass to OWNk's eser_vw of this pave, If such objection he made, OWNER as fiduciar* shall make sculument with the insurer:: in accordance with such agreement as the narnes in inmrect ma> reach. If no such anrecment anrorrn uu parties in interest is reached, Ovkn,tR as fiduciary shill! adjur, and settle the lass with the mimics rani744elfuieed-4n-wciune-bye>n+--pore+-4n ina'<ea--iall' ijil, ac-fidrlaalp sha41-give-hand-k?r-Ehe i>r�fur-rkrtAmtauae-afiuchdutias Acceptance of Bon& and lusunturce: Option to Replace.' 5.14, If ctit}r:-ynazf-.-t.1L1=-=z--rt+.-. a>_•F=c;-'=^�^-, ONNf:K has am. objection to the cnvcragc afforded M oil cvher provision', of the Fronds -air insn'oncx required to be. purchased and maintained by the ethe—parry C9,TRACTOR in accordance with Article 5 on us. Iwsc: oC with the t;lontraet Documents, tin objecting.wormy-shall somou!"Y the uthol Fault, will uoli - (O'N h. A(;:'f lk set wr'airu wahm ten tittC, dxvs alter receipt ddiycrp of the certific tes i X-othu-e, tdenee _. roquestad) tn_Q\ArNER as regwred he Ixu:agraph 7. tA14.fiEF-nrai-!Syr.4+�:NYsital-exeiry>rtwtitk-tt�-Ihr other -such -additiomi . infm"nmtion-in-respect-of-insurance provided,xs.-ire•. other, curs-rertscnnabh rrytast:--l(-eiirut paro, does -not- Purchase -or� ntainann ail -of utc-?aid:-end arumnce-requiTodi -cat---such --d,xnty',--I,w-. -the ..._C7ontmet Posunterxs-sash-torah �:'ratfl-n.-the-athe-pxrt;=in wrumu-of-such failure -to purchase -prior -to the start-e!-ate ltiur{feat-o`r ruk�erilm<vc�mrrintxin-prit�_` ah ne,_set tkn-requiter'«sea«erxgr�GiNwut-pertudive-t.-heresyW'raer-ridJat ex-reme(IN-tier other-rxanv-may-Bled-ta otNnin equivulartl Bane{:rur•ircur+ntr« tprotcchsueholnerparty'sintercstrat the eslxnee of parry-who�was requiredro-provide such etwcnw_c- and -trC#atir�{�r(kr�.,-,'.-_,.;�..dq(=tre4just-tin 6ontrucl-Prier rwordirrJr. Journal [ltili.tntion-Propern Insurance: 5.1 i. If OWNTFP. finds it necessany to occupy ex use a portion or portions of the Work prior to SuMtnnoill UCDC' GENEK,U, COND. noNis f 91a-S w tot tianinu w ❑T1' oy t (al r CUtl.l NS TIODIPI CATION: aKh1'+i r'unm Completion of all file Work. such use o: ocelipairm naat' be accomplishr(I in accordance with para_xaph I41.I1)- provided that no such use or uccurnincp sFutll commence befote the insurers prox idim, Use• properu' insurance hive acknowlecLed notice thereof and in writjr>': effected am' changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The IRSurers providim, the property insurance .shall consent bg ence, s, narnt on the polio" or policies, but the propern" insurance shall not be cancelled ur permitted to lapse on account of anc such partial use or o cufsmcw. ARTICLE 6-CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILIT[UN .Supenidna aud.Saperinturdence: 6.1. (:ON'I'KACTC7R shall supervise, insrect and direct the Work c(mrpetentlb, and efficiently. devoting such anernion thereto and applying such skills and C.Kperuse as may he necessary to porfbran the Work in .accordance with the Conrrct I)lcuments. CO\"1 RAC I OR sh:dl he solely resmnsiblc for the means nmduds,. techniques, sequences and procedr ct, of construction. but COIN I'RAC'I OR shall not he resprisiNe for the negligence of otiaers in the design or speciflu-rtion of a specific means, method, icclurique. sequence of procedure of coteetructjon which is shown or indicated in and e-:pre.¢sly required bt the Contract Doluments- CON I kAC'fOP shall be responsible to see that the complard Weil, complies accurately with the Contract I )ncumcnts. 6.2. CO\IRACTOR shall keep on the Wort: m all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written rice to OFI�'JER and fi'NGI:NEf12 cscept under extraordinan cireumstnnols. The superimendenl will he C;OiL-TKAC:fOR's represenwtive at the sitr tmd still have atnissin' to ace on behalf or C0,1, `RACI'OR, All armmw»cnio¢: m the superintendent sh:dl he ar Nodal a:: if given to CO.A'1'T'ACl'OR, Labor, Materials and Equipment: 63. COINTRACTOR shall pros ide armlxlent. suitably qualified personnel to survey., Im out and cores uet .the %Voir ac required by the Contract Documents. CO'. TPWTOR shall at all times maintain gocxl discipline and order at the site. Except as odwrwise required for the safety cr protection of Incrsom of the Work or property al the site or adjacent thereto. and except as otherwise indicate(] in the Coraraut Ftx:uments_ all Work at the site shall be perR>:med during rc__ular working hours and CON -TRACTOR will no permit ayCnnnl2 Won, or the perfomnmue of Work on SaLre(ho". Sunday tx anc legal hoiidar without U%XNEK's written consent Uiven f(et print written notice to E4GPT-.ER. CONTRACTOR shall submit re ty_resu: to the ENGINEFR no Icss than -0A hours in adorns of any Wnrlr to he orformed on SmordaN. Sunday Hohdays ur outside the Recular Worlane Hour. C [11 Aex P H U 0 LJ N L 1 j LII C.A. Unles otherwise specified in the General Requirements, CONTRACTOR shall famish and assume full respomiorn,- for all materials. equipment. Moser. Immpomtion, construction equipment aril machinery. t ools. appliances fuel. power. light. heat. telephone. Winer. sanitary facilities, temporan facilities .and all other facilities and incidentals necessan for the fumishina,. pxfrfbmlunca- tasting Stan -up and contpfelhOn of the IVOd'1 64.1. Purchasire Re.;trictitnts: CON1KAC 0R must compiv with the Citv's nurchasirw rostrietions" A cox of the.resohnions are available fur review in the offices of the Purchasing and Risk klinaeenrcmt Division or the City Clerk's oflec. 6.4, r. e,near Res Cie., of Fgn Collies Resolution "]-1_1 mgwrcs diet wrolicr;;nxl pru;lucers of cement or nroducc; comainitu cement to cenifc that th- vement_ Was made in cement killu draft burl Ivvardous w;9stc as a fuel. it, �. All materials and equipment shall he of good quality and new, except as ofierwise provided in die Contract Ilocuments_ Al warntntiew and eu immea: specifically called for he the Specifications shall cepressly run In the bcnc(it of O\VNF-R. If required by F-NGINMER, CUNT RAC, "I OR shall furnish musfaeton• evidence (including mpOrs of tcqufred lasts) as to the kind and qualm of matzrfais and equipment. All materials and equipment shall he applied installed. connected, erected, used. cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of life applicable Supplier, except is otherwise prow ided in the Cwnracl. Documents. Progreu--Schedule: 6,6. CQKIRAC "I OR shall adhere to the progress schedule established in wecoidancr with rxaeuaph 19 as it m:w he adiusred from time to time as provided below: 6s6 I. COii'TRACPOR shall sutsnil to fiIN INi.i'iR' for acceptance (to the extent indicated in party iph_9) prol rsud aclijustincras in the Pogue-; sclr auh that will not chute the Cfvloam I Imes (or )`4d urnicsf. Such AkIlL1,1111MIS will conr'orm>_enually to the propess; schedule then in effect and acklitiomdly' Will comptc with any provisions of file General Requirements upplicabia thereto. G.6.1. Proposed adjustments in the piopess schedule that will change the Contract Times (or Milestones) shrill be submitted in accordance with the requ fcmemu of paragraph 12.1. Such adjustment:: may Only Ix. made tt a Chance Order or Written Antrndnrent in accorcLmce with Article 11. 6.7. Subaritutevnnd"Or-Equal"!ream:: 6.7.1. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the nsni e of a proprietary' item or the Warne off a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type. function and quality required Unless the specification or description EJi:[Xt OBNIit41t i=Or�`UI'i101.S 19t as (V9" Edtiva 12 vv,`O'r)'OfFiJRT(S)1J-I NS ntopa'IQTTIo;snU:a'.lcuUnt contains or is followed he words readirin that no like, nruivalent of "or -equal' item or no stttmitutiun is permitted. other items of material or equipment ¢ material or equipment OI other Suppliers may I& accepted he 2GLNTER under the followin. circumstances- 6,TLI. "Or-EqusP. It in ENGIN=,R's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CON'1'R4CTOR is functionally equal to Ihal named and sufficiently similar sit that no chmue in related Wort, will Inc required. it mare be considered by F-NG IN HER as no "or -equal" item. in which caw review and approval of the proposed item mac, in HNI INHEi"i sOlr discretion, he accomplished without compliance with some w all or the requirements for acceptance of propaud sulxtitutc itcnu. 6.7.1 2. Subs6luiv "ants: If in ENGI-NEliks sole discretion an from of material Or equipment Inc, powd Iry CONTRACTOR doesnot quahfi us an "or -equal" item under subpnmgraph, it will he considered a proposed suhstiute item. CCiNTRA(;[OR shall suhnit suficiem infbmration as provided below to allow F.NGpcF-F.R to determine that file item of material or equipment prnptscd is css nalle equivalent to thin named and an acceptable Substitute therefor. The procedure for review be the ENG110ER will include the following as supplemented in the General Requirements and as ENGINEER mac decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Ihzlncsts for review of propowd substitute items of material Or equipment will not Inc accepted by F.NGiNF.F.R final :m one other than CONTRACTOR. If C,,YN7PJ+C"TOR wishes to finish or use a substitu e item of material or equipment CONTRACTOR shall first make wrtrcn application in ENC"aLt'MET, for acceptance thucof. scmfi tea_ thin the pfoi l subcutov will Ixrlarnl adequately the functions and achieve the resuh; called for by the ecneral desist. be similar al substance to that syruicd and be soiled to III, :mnu .use sis then specified. The applicaurnl will sore tilt, exienL it an), to which the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will prejudice CONTIL\CTO s achieverneni of Substantial Completion out time. whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Roark will require a change in any of tore Contract i)octanents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNEI, for work out the. Project) to adapt the desiun to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use Of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or rovalt}', All variations of the prappsed substitute from that specified will be identifiedin the application and :,variable maintenance. repair and replacement service will be. indicated. The oppiicatitm will also contain an itemized estimate of all costs or crcditi that will result direed% or indirectiv from acceptance of such substitute. ineludirc Costs of redecten and claims of other contractor; affected C M- the resulting chanec, all of which will be considered b%-EsTG[N--eER in evaluatim, the proposed substitute. ENGENTHER ma, require CONTRACTOR to furnish additional Clara about the proposed substitute. 6.7.1_,. CORM-ICTOR'a Eruense: All (httu to be provided by in support of anc proposed "or-cqusd" or substitute item will be at CONTHAC'I'CT!, expense. 6.7.-. Suba'til ile Cortttnlc'lion Aleahoxf, or Proxzdure.v: If a atrecifrc means, method technique, scuuerc: or proccuure of Construction is shown or indicated in and eaprrssly required M. time Contract Dexumontr, CON'I'RAC-1 OR matt furnish or ulihor a suhstitmc means. method technique. sequence or procedure of construction a®cpmhle to ENrilNEEK. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient ndbrmahan to allow' ENGIii[iHR, in F.NC;INFi:R's vaele discretion, to determine that due substitute prolxrscd is equivalent to that eapresslc called for he the Contract Documents - the procedure for review he FNMNf-.HR will he similar to than provided .m suhparngraph o, 7.1.-. 6.71,.£ngineer's Frnlumion. FNGTN%ER will he allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuam to paragraphs 6:7. L- and 6.7.2'. ENGMEER will be time solo judge of acecptahility. No 'or equal" m suham.ne will he ordered, installed or miliird without FNt7INHFR's prior written acceptance which will no evidenced [w either a Chanec. Order or an apolovod Shop Ihmeinn. O\\"NIH.Ill may require. CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONfRACTOR's expense a special per('ormmnce uuanmtee or other strove with respect to any "or -equal" or subreimte- EN61INTER will record time required by ENG[NLER and ENGINEER:: Concultntz in evnluaturg euhstimnes proposal or submitted by C7i7N l'RAC."fOli pnrsutml io paragrnplu' 6,7,1.'- and e.7._ and. in makirm chances in the Contract I Ull)Crla: (Cl in the illovisions of anc other direct crnflract with OWNER for work on the 1'h'olect) occur opted thcrehe_ Whdhei or not ENCIINHJX1 accopis a substitute item sin proposed or submitted hr CONTRACTOR CON I'RAC7I'OR shill rcimburse- OW'NER fair the charges of EN'GLs'-LE2 and ENGINEE2's Consultant; fur cvaluauno, each such proposed substitute item. 6_8. Concerning Subcontractan, Supplier.., and l/lhen' 6,N 1. CONTRACTOR shill nor employ any Suncontractur. Supplier or, other person or or_anisaion (including, those• amepinble to OWNER and Lr,cGINLER as indicated in pantsrtph 6.S?1 whether initialk u. as a substitute. against whom OWNER or ONGR4EER may have reasurtgale objection. CON FACTOR shill not be required to employ amp Suhcontracor. Supplies or other person or orcammiron to funtisit err perform any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable. objection. t91KGLNEKALCQNLX 110NF I91,La (11Ndr E6ui l) re! 0'IT Of FOR rtXLL.l.I NK MoonlCAT10}S 11C17% 1Ben10l 6A. CONTR'+C7'OR shall perform not Icy than '-G percern _of' the Work with __iu'_men faxes: (the is ++'ithou, subumtractingl The ]tprcent rcquiremrnt shall tx undemtoud to refer to the. Nark the value of which totals nat les the �'n _t1 pcn rm of the Contract price. 65.2. Tf-tie+--Ju ppinmamarv-fiauliticros 'iiddinn Documents requite the -identity of certain Subcontractors. Suppliers or other potions or oruanivnions (including those who are to [tannish the. principal items of materials or equipment) to be sulnnitted to O"!2P.R in-adeanee-o[-the-epeoi reed date prior to the Effective Date of the .Alueement for acceptance he OWNER and F.NGINEIiR-aru=if a?>rFl ri< 4NH--I+as-suhntitttd._N__Fi4- thereto -in uuc;n:4uror-..-wid+--aw -;; a plementer+.. £aucllicns._ OWNi,R or F.NGIIJ b;}?{."s aeceptance (either in wriest_ or be fitilire to make vsittcn objection drercta III. the (fate indicated for acceptance or objection in the bit'ltling (Iwuments or the Contract Documents) of err+w-cock-s.uh'samara:,rar�upplier-cx-atsx+-r}suruants* w. clam. tat ,,r.-n--ic#ewf,a.-"o,--.,r-raw.' sketl-exr-t#tr t>avv. of-seasrmxtak�-abjutian�a v-Adz-i»+�estiertxian: in--whiek--elute=.-,'�.'Af=}:(-Nr-shall--submit-err, tka� n::.;a-,,,e—m;t,ttet-7�cier-wr44--he rrdtu:.rh.--av�he-.iiftis..w:.�-it+.-t�...�-a,�-.,- •�sachuw,d-ice such -substitution -and • an-approp6nte-6hanee-Ordei wi$-}n--is7u..cl-er�i(riNan-AwariM*tent-signe(# will constitute it colidition_of the Col or the ace ni the named sutrcontmctors.sutrnhers n: other persons or organization on the Rork unless once w'riaen all mLn_rJ is obtained Gran OWNER nmd kiNGl?9EY;W. No acnvmns be OWNER or FQG[Nrr'.R of am, such Subcontractor. Supplier or other pxrsan or ol"Imnnjon 5I1111 colvaimte a waiver of am right of OU'N'FR or }iNGINF.ER to raker. d{fcrive Rork. oi.4.1, C:ONTRdCTOW. shall lac fulls responsible to OV?'NZ;R and 1-NGPIIeEii for :dl acts and onueeirnts or the 6uhcrintranom. Suppliers and other Ixauars and orgnniznions perform no o* furnishing nap of doe Rork under a direct or indneci eonuael witty CON RAC7 OR just as CONTR\CI'OR is rtsfronsible for CON'TRACTOR's own acts and omissions. Noinir>`_ in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of anc such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person tit or_aruzavion am' contractual rclauonship between OWNER or ENGINEER rind anc such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or unninaation nor shill it create amp oblitration on the pan of OWNTTR or EdGINT-ER to pre or to see to the payment of any moneys clue anc such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person (IT oreaniuwion weep as matotherwise be required M' Laws anti Re_•ulatioas. OWNER err ENGINEER m• c garnish to any subcontractor, anpplirr at other person n.- organization evidence or amount: parr id to C(A I'.RAC 'I'OR Al accordance whir COD'fRACI OR'S'Applicatiotu Co: Pacmcnt' u F L L' In H, LJ ,,a H F 1 E 6y.2_ CONTRACTOR shall be wlelc rasportsible for uheduliro_ and auardinalire the Work of Subcontractors Suppliers and other persons and organiaaions performing or furnishing any of the. Work under a direct or indirect canuacl with CONTRACTOR_ C OVIRACCI'OR shall require all Subcontractors Supplier and such other persons and orgarusnions pertorntim, or tuntishfre and of lire Work to ocean unicxte with the ENGIISEER through C'ONTKAC'I'OR, 6,I0. Thedivisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of nnv Drawin , shall not control CONTRACTOR in tkcidirc, the Work an,om: Sultcontractors or Suppliers or delinentin_g the Work to be nerformcd bw zinc specific undc. (,) I, .all Work perl'omtal for CONI'R,A(:'1I.)R by n Sulwonn'acior or Supplier will be pursuam to an appropriate agrccmeni henveen CONS I'RACI'OR and the Subcompicaeu or Supplier which specifically hinds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable semis and condidoms of the Contract Docunicir s for the lenef i of O\\'Nl:k and EN( NIHER. WAKnroser-inn-suchtterezm col .•....c. heean.T•r�;r-m-};�,r,lis xdditiarml--insutit psarcwxeph=N%.—or �.', 'Paz—aareztwant—beeween—lodes C-.OR•TRr\GTt)F-and-6ac - Sulxmttnrotar-tor-•Supplier-will eemtrut prce,- N41e e�"Auact or--ot.-Sunphel avaivte.--HI; risehat--aeai,�;,�-.:'.papa—{=ll'.}"+:- tniditionai-iasuracis-inn-all-I are:rK-ancVtlame��-..tassel-ttv; erivu+g-cxn-of-ur-rr^tom-pica-err-of��peri!tin:cavrrrd-! woh-tar+{r esandarw-ot#xvyir�aprwjtinsurancr-apPViemi3le-tor the --Wad.. --If-the-rmsurnrs-tit-ern -such-pnhcrcr.-ragaire sayanrxte-waiver-f<x3urtc*be-sigr+ctif-ly-antes SuHe%rtitruetor-ex '�upTtLier-::=(-Y•rl'I:TAL=S'F?R-wiN <tkaamnilxl:.ma- Patent. Fees and Ra ndriea:' ail^_. CONTRACTOR shell p:n till license fees and rovaltics and essunic all costs incident to the use in the performance. of tie Work or die inror}xtntion in the T\`ark of any invention, destrn p oos:: product of device which v; the subject of patent uvins ce apt riglus held he otters. Ifa particular invention deaim. process, product or device. is specified in the Coraa Documents for use at the perfbrntanceof die Worl, and if to the actual Knowledge. of OWNER or LNGIN=R its use is subject to patent ri,hts m copwngltts callus, for the payment of am license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such ri-Ints shall be disclosed be OWNER in the Contract Documents. Ir, the fullest extent permitted bg Laws and Ree_ulationa CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmhess OWNER ENGINEER EDIGIT l-ERs Consultants and the officers, duccuam employees. agents and other consultants of exeh and and of them from and a uinst all claims, costs. losses and dual arisine Out of or resultinIII Gam any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the us,- in the performancx of the. Work or resulting Gom the incorporation in the Work of tiny invention dcsipa. process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents. 14 nrQK:OE'`FJt.u. [:ONUI"IliJiti IYI RS (19YU athriwn tar care or=rota-rxaua ns ntouu�teano�s rtua•aatmm Permits: 6.13. unless otherwise provided in the Supplementan Conditions. CON?i:.ACTOR shall obmin and pay for all construction permits and licenses. OWNER shall assisl t'ON'fR9S.l UR, when necesssn'. in obtaining such pemtits and licenses. M,7kCTOR shall pity all noverunental charges and hispection leer; necessan' for the prosecution of the Work. which tax upphcable at the time of opening, of Bids. m. it there are no Ei& on the Effective Date of the. agreement. CONI'R.AC'OR shall piny all chames of utility owners for connections to the Work. and OWNER shall pap all charges of such unpin owner for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees 6.14. Laws and Ncrmlatimn<r 6.14 1. CO.N7fKAC'lOR shall give all nce'ices and onmp N with all Laws and Regulations applicable to fumishim, and perfommnca of the Work. Except whore otherwiseexpressly required In, applicable Lriws and Regulations, neither OWNER nor ENiiI :F:fiR shall he re;fronsible for monitoring CON I RAC'IOR's compliance with .zinc Laws or Regulations 6.14.-2. If CONNTRACTOR perfnnns asp Work knowing or having mason to form that it is co aran to Laws or Rceulations. CON I'RAOI OR shall hear all claims, costs, losses and cinmacer caused b}', arisim out of or nestrltinc tncrefromL however, it shall not le CONTR\CTOR's priman resporrabihn' to make o cn, in that the Specifications and Do wings are in acconLancw win) Laws and Rct,ulaUoas, bw this shall no; relieve CONTRACTOR of CO\ i RACCI OR's obligations under parapnph'.i:3. . Times 6.1 CONTRACTOR shall fay ill saes, consumer, UEW and other :similar taxes required to Ix- paid by CONI'RACI'OR it) acnorekill wilt the. Laws slid Rcgullipons of tilt place of the Project Witich are. applicable during the pert rmomee of dae Work- 6 1 �f OWNER is cxentry firm Colorado Store and lo,itl sales and, use taxes on m tend io be penman nth to. -par nod talc the pt >Ie t , vestal atxes shah not be included in the Contract Rice Addrm Colorado Department of Revenue Sate Capital Annex CI 07i Shei man Street C2cnve:, Coloradc.>.Ch6_1 Sales anal fir. Tales for the Suite. of Colorado. 'Rnaonal Tmrtsrxrnmion District QZTD) and ceru'n Colts ado counties are collected by the Smte of Colorado tend! —are included in the Certification of Gsemntion. _---- - -_ All applicable Sale." and Use 'I'axes fincludirt State a9lecied ulxe:;7. on ane items other than construction kind building materials physically imalrrnlrated into the rr,2jwt are to be avid In' CMTRAUJOR and are to b,. included in im arrLow bill items. Use of ttreitunear 6.16. CON 'I'I:A('I OR shall confine construction equgnnent, the soaaee of materials and equilxnenl llod the operaunns o!' workers to the site and land and areas identified in and permitted b, the Contract Documents and other land and areas permined be laws and Regu!ntions, rights-of-u'ay, Ixrnlin; and casements, :and shall no! unremanahly encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or, equipment. CONTRACTOR shall ceuunr tall responsibility for any dunnage to any such land or area, or to the manes or occulWa thereof or of any adiacenl land or areasresulting from to perforkil of the Work. Should amclaim her made be any such owner or occulxrnt because of the perlpnnancc of the Work. CONI'RAM OR Mall pronlpdp sntc with such other party ha nenntlation or Otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or paler disitne resolution pra;ecding or at law. CON'I'RACf OR shall. to the fullest extant peenhiued be Laws and RCCalatiOM, iudcnmifi and hold Imrmlcss Oli^:fiR. G\i; t;`T.)rR_ ENGCSGR'o: Consultant and anyone directly- of indircctle employed In any of then licit and against all claims cans. losses and chal arising oil of or resultin Gom line claim or aelinq l�al or eoyimble, brought kn' ans- such owncr or a:c ;pant sesainn ORS"v`EIL L:NC}iNTiliii or any other pang indemnified hereunder to the extent cmud by or hexed up,ei 4'4C)N RACTOR's Ixdornikkou of the Woll. 6.17, 7hmng tl+� progress oC the Nni k, COiJT1iACTOR. shall keep the premises lice Crone IICCUllhlelaaonA of wakile materials, nebbish and other debris real firan the WOtk. At the completion of the Work CODTILkCTOR shall remove all waste materials. tubbish and debris from and about the premises, as well as all tool& appliunca, contraction equipment and nutchiril and surplus materials. COIJTh.ACTOR shall leave the site clean and renal- for occupancy by OWNER at Subsumeal Coal of file Work. CVNTRACTOR shall restore to orilumil condition all property nor designated lie alteration by the Confirm rmeumens. 6.18 COv 1R.ACTOR shall not land no, permit an, {rin of um' structure an he loaded in any manner that will endar�e the structure, nor shall COINTRACPOR subject any µco of the Work or adjacent property to stresses Or pressures that will encianaer it. Record Daeuntrtmc IiJCpC CiEnEa.1L COnDI Il Or!,. 191 n-5 I0 ea, tidal.,,, +a' O'il' OP FUI<'I' CUil,t NS I.tCID11l C.41'IChnS tRLP n.�u0u1 6.19. CONTIuACTOR shall maintain in a safe place -at the site ane rcrard copy of all Drawinam Specif catiams. Addenda. Written .Amendnwnts. Cham_e Orders. Rork Chance Du ectirca. Field Orders and written irucrprctatiom and clari0earims (issued pursuant to parnemph 041 in good order and minnlated to shnv* all them=es made durim: construction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Dnm'ings will be available to ENGINHEK for reference, Upon completion of the Work_ and prior to release of lintel paymentthese record ek+cument> Samples and Shop Drawings will he daivered to ENGINEER for OWNPR Soferl' and Protection: 6.=O. OOId7RAC1 OR skill be nw}xnnsible for initiating, maintaining rand supervismv all Soren, pmeauuons and prcxsanls in comteGtion wllh the Work, CONTRACTOR shall take all nec>ssary precautinnc for. the safety of and shall procidr tire rvacssan protection to prevent damage injure or Ins: to. 63(r.l. nil persons on the U'ork site Or who mac he liffeciod M. the Work: 6.'0.-, all the Work and maicrinls.and equipment to he incorporated therein whether in storage nn or off' the site, and o?o other property m the site or adjzcont therein, includine traces shrubs. lawns, walks, pavements, rardways, Structures, utilities mid Underground Facilities not desicnatcd for removal. relocatinn or replacement in the course of consuvction. CON i RACI'OR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Re_nimiorn of any public Ixxiv hay ilt_ piwiietion Co; safety' of persons or propene or to protect them from nonage, Iryury or lees; and shall ecct and maintain all necel ry ewfeguurds lip, Such safety aril pmlocklon. CCL:-iRACTOR shall notify owner of adjacent property and of Cindcquetmd Facilities and onlity onmcr:: when pmstroudon of the 1,14ak tmn' nffcm Iran, :cod Shall Cooperate with them in the plotaainn, renewal, ialocation and replacement of their napery. All damage, inlurr ter ss m' loto aproperty referred to in Ixtographs6?0._ or e?O. a;uaad, duemh' err indirectly. in whole or in pm,'m COh?'RACI OR. any $ubezmtrndor. Supplier or any other person " omprutrmion directly or indirectly emploro l by am' of them to perform; or formal am' of the Work or anvorue for whose ucu: any of them turn' be liable. shell he remedied by CO.'KTTZ,ACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Speeillcatiuns or ul the acts tr omissions of OW ?EP or GNGfNEER or ENGLNEER's Consultant or anyone emmloged 'ov any of then; or anyone for whoa- ucis any' of them mar he liable, and not attributai direcily or intilrcctly. in whole or in purl to the fault or negligence of CUis'TRACffOR Or any Subcontractor. Suppler. - other person or orpmizauon directly or indirectly employed by my of them). CONPRAC'K)Rk duties and responsi hi lutes for the sa fen and protection of the Wolf: shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and ENGi NEF.R Ins issued a F r �I L' H H u 7 J I notice to ORNER and C0I,`TT ACTOR in accordance with paragmph 1 S. G t}aa the Worl: is aecepmble (except as otherwise expresslc provided in connection with . tanlia I Completion). 6.21. SafesKgrresemanve: CONTRACTOR. shall des ;grate a crymlifted and experienced safety representative at the site v:ho,e duties and responsibilities shall be the pre cntion of accidents and the maintaininu and supervising of safely preemptions and programs. Haatrd Cevnmunicuriou Programs: 6.22 CON'LRACIOR shall he responsible for ,tourdinating any escharggx o!lnutcrud suety data shads a other heard atmmunication infommtion required to he made available to or excninged howecn or among employers at the site in accordance with Iarvs Cr Regulations. Emit ergenaex. 5,23. In micraencics affecting the safety or promction of persons of the Work of propcm at the site or adjacent thereto. CUM'I'RAM OR. without special imn-action nr authorintion tram M',:ER or ENGrtFEFR is obliemed to act to prevent finemened damage, otiun a lop. CON'I'RAC:'IOR shall give FNGINEF.I: pnimpt written notice if CONTRACT OR believes dim nnc significant chanties in the work or varintiom from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGET-ER determines that a change in the Convaet Documrnu is required because of the action taken he COhTR 1CTCJR in resi"nw to such nn emergcrs+y, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the con.; qucuces of such action 6.24. Sher Drawings and Santplew dA.l_ CIO\I'RACTOR shall submit Shor Drawings to I 1 C iNEXER lot misery and approval in accordance with file auepnd v hadula' t Shop Drew in2ti and Sample suhnunal., tsu paragaph _ 9). All submitiah, will be identified as ENGIIEER may raluine and in the number of copies specified in the General Requiremems. The data shown on the Shop Dom inf:s will be ceniplete with res'pad to qutmtaueS. dimensions, specified perforrttance and descn criteria, materials and sunilar data to snow ENGENEER the materials and equipment COA: f RACTOR proposes Lv provide and to enable. E1�rGGNEEIt to review the information for tic limited purposes retmued by paragraph 6 ^6. 6-24 = CONTRACTOR si all also suhmil Samples to ENGINEER for rn ice, and approval in accordance with said accepted schedule of Shop Drawings and Simple submittals. Each Sample will be ielemificd clearlc as to material. Supplier. pertinent data such as cadge numhss and the use for which intended and other se us ENGINEER mac require to enable E'dfil N}iER to review the submittal for the limited OJCUC'. GENEIl.41. C6hU1'p C[+S 1? I a�S 11 %'IU F.ehtiun lei ern C1I) 01 R40 CiJt.LWZ NIODIFICA'I'Ie.WSrAFV lt2aoe1 purposes required be pamuapit 626. The number^. of.each Sample Finesubmitted v;ili Iens specified in the Specihauiom, 6.25. Submittal Procedures: 6.=*i,l..rlofore submitting each Shop Dmwiry or Sample, COAT"RACTOR shall have deternimoll and verified: 6:2i. I.1. all field measurements quantities. dimensions Specified perfornaimc u6trria. intmllntion requirements, materials, catalog number:; and similar information with respect thereto. I 1 all material:: with respect to intended use. iiabrication. shipping, handling, stnru:c, assembly and imiullanon pan -taming to the perfnrmance of the Work, and all indvnrotion relative to CON-1 KA6'IOK's sale responsibilities in reslacet of means, methods. techniques sequences and procedures of construction and safm precautions and.pingrams incident dlereta. CONTRACTOR shall also nave reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Dmwinps anal Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Commnet Documents. 6.2� - Ench submittal will hoar a stamp or specific wrincu indication that CON`,'TRACTOR his satisfied C0N'TRAC70R's obligitiont, under the Comma fixumentc with respect to C:ONTIiACTOR's cevica and appmral of that submittal. u._i", At the time of each atbmission, COD'IRACTOR shall giver speciir, \mucn nouce of such varnalorts. if um% that the Shop Dirtwi (R Samplesubmitted mry have from the rcquncut untc or the Contract Docuaaenta such notice to he at a written comnundcaiOn ,cfXIM1C Gant the submittal. and, in addition, shall gnawa specific natation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to ENGINEER. for rtCiew and app.oeal of each such variation. 6.26. E'N'GNEER will review and approve Shop Dmwimn and Samples in accordance with the schedule of Shop Drm--our, and Sample submittal, acc:cpted he ENGINEER as required by paragraph=9. ENG[>`=s review and approval will be. onk ur determine irthe items covered by the submittals trill. after imfullation or incorpuramn in the Work conform Io the information uit cn in the Contract Docuntene, and be compatible with The design conenpt of the completed Project as u functionin+_ wholee as indicated by the Contract Documents. ENGIArEER's review and approved will not extend to moms methods, techniques, sequenecs or proecdureS of construction icxc pt where a tninicular menns, method, technique, sequence or procedure of 1 construction is specifically and expressly called for M' the Contract Documents) or to Sufen' pre=16011S Or pnxramS htcident Iharcto, The review and approval of a separate item as such will not intlitsar appmyal of the seSemMv in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR Shall make correction: required by l;NG[rN:hHR. and shall return the required number of tvrrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Sampler, for review and app1ov1L CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing, to revisions other than the corrcmon, sidled for b, pgCi Qc-EER on previous suhmiutds 6.1 i, 13NC11NF.6'R's revi ew and approval or Shop Dmgri or Samples winshall not relieve CONTRACTOR hem responsihilin foram vionra or. from the requirements of the Contract Dncumcnn unlcss CUNI'NACITOR Ins in writirs culled cNUIrIEEK's attention to mch such variation at the time of suhmissain as rcquircd tar ptmezrnuh 6.2j.3 and HNCINEEk kw given wituen approval of each such variation by a specific written wtation thereof incorporated in or ecconhnnming the .Shop Ihnwim or Sample approval: nor will nnv approval ht' F,NCiINF.HK relieve CONTRACTOR from resnonsibilin for eoniphving with the requirements of phmgrtph 6.'_�J. ir?R. What a Shop Drawing or Sample is required In the Conract Docunsents nr the schedule of Shop fir awing, and (ample submission accepted by F.NGPSER as required by pameiaph24. air) related %Bork perforoned prior to EN(ilNEii K'a rceica and apprrnal ortha prtiaent suhmiusl will he at the sine c;:Nnse and resppnsmility of CON IKACI'M, Commuting the Work: 6,3°, CONTRACTOR shall m m on the Work and adhere to the progrms schedule during all dispuw:; or disagreeanrnm with O VNMR. No Work shall he delaved of pmpunetl pruning resolution of anv ehsnutec m disatnremcnts, except as Ivrmiocd by Innacraph li 4 rr as OWNER and CUNTFRAC; TOR nnv othcnvisy brae in uniting, 6.30. ClAVTILICTOR'e Genoal if iarrmrtand Guarmuce: 63u.I.CON RACTOR warrants and eua:amces to OWNER. 13,\GL%EER and ENGIN=R's Consuultanu that all Wart, will be in aceDrdamce with the Contract Docunwnta and will not be ck�(xtive. CONTRACTOR's warranty and guarantee hereunder cxuiudcs tlefecm or damage caused by .. 63U.1.1, above. modif ,Lion or improper miintemmce or np:ration by persons other than CONTRACTOR. Subreonuacturs sir Suppliers: or 6.3o.1.I nomial wear and tear under nomad u -a_lc. 630.'_. CONTRACTOR'% o'nliuttion to perfom and complex the LVork in accormmec with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Pone of the folloaving Will nonsumte an acceptance of Work that ir, not in L CDC ULNHKAL CCINLX I I ON5 I I'N/n &htiml . C'i'i'l, (A Rail COLLINS l,IODII'ICtirl(t;:S ❑IIit'-V^_UatL accordance with the Contract Documents or ri release of CONTRACTOR', obligation to perform the Worl: in accordance with tire Contract Documents 6,At' 1, observations by ENGNEER: 6.30." recommendation of are prow es+ o. final Ixtvnicm by ENIGI! SER:. o31).'.3, the 1SNuance of a osrtif sate of Sttktantial Compimion or am' pavmmrt by MR NQ k to CONTRACTOR under the Contract )ocumemr 630.2.4h usa nr evcupaicv of the Wnrl< or anc Tram thcruof by OWNPik; anv acceptance by OWNH' ar arn- failure to do so, 631n.1,6. any review and approval of a Shop I hawing or trample suhneutil or the iesumice of n notice of acocptalAm by ENGINHEN putsurim to paragraph 13.13: ai3i).l. i. any inspection test or appmyal by others: or 6.30.18. anv conection of dqf tiny Work by OWNER, Ltdetmturmlion: 6.31. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and P,caulationc CONTRACTOR shall indunnifv and hold hanttes, O"7\TCP, EN'C RNEEP, LNG=LR's Consultants and the a£fiaxrs, d1reetnre, employees, agOaes and outer comulants of each and anv of them (roan and against all claims. cov1s losses and damages (including. but not limited to, all fees and chmrea of tneincers. :n;:hitecr- attomrvs and other prolessionnls :aid all cram or arbimrtion au other cliyputC re:moitui m ctvtS) caused hv, art!ao<' Out of au ICRnItInC hunt the performance of the Work, provided that any such chum. uzmt. Inv or danmac'. (i)is arnibuuable to hod, ily iniurv, siekne,c" disease or death or to injury to or tksuuetien o7 tarimble propene (Other than the !Peek itself). including the loy. of use msudtiorg therefrom. and (il) is caused in whole or in pm by any negligent act ar omiasion of CONTRACTOR am Subconvaaor, any Supplier, am' person or organimuon directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or fumish any of the Work or anyone for whew acts any of them msn' ix liable_ roeardless of whether or not caused in part by are nrgli:_ncr or omission of a person or emit)' indemnified hereunder or whether liabilitn' a imposed upon such indemnified party' 'ra Laws and Regulations resardlesc of the nc=licence of any such person or entim. 6.31 In any and all claims agilimt OWNER ar ENGINEER or am of thch respective eemsutunus agent,, offirxvs. diuecturs or empkwces be am cmplopee Im the survivor or personal rcprescnmiivc of such cmplovcci of CONTRACTOR. any Subcontractor. any Suppitet. anp person or orgirove Ium directh' or indirectly employed nc IN LJ Lj j d 1 a C 17 II,'I u I� anv of them to perform or furnish amof the Woik or an7one for who acts an% of them mac he liablc. the indemnification Obiiaatien under paragraph 631 shall not bbe limited in any war he any limitation on the amount o: Hype of drtim cs. antlxisknion or benefll+ payable by a for CONI'RAC'fUR or any such Sulc(ntraaor. Supplier M other person or orguniration under workers com eemsnion acts, disability' benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 633. The indemnification obligations of C01,71lACTOR under lumaaaph o.1 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEFR kind ENGINEER's Consultants, officers, directors, employees or agents caused by the nroCessiunal neelinonce. errors or um usions o!' am. of them. Sumirttt ofObligeurnu.r: 6_,4. All representations, indemnifications, Warranties :awl ewraraces made it, rwuired be Or uivcn in acconhmce wall the Contract Iocuments, as wroll is all amtinuing Obligmions indicates] in the Contract Documents. will survive final payment, completion and acceptance or the work and termination or completion of the Apeement. ARTICLE 1-OTHER \VORK Re&teil If ark err.Site: 7.1., OWNER may peri'orm other wort: related to the Prolccn it the site bl OWNFER's own forces, or lot other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these, or have other work performed by miliw, owners. If fix fuel flat such other work is to be norformed was not linked in the Contract f)ocumcros,. then. (i) w'rinen notice thereof will be given to CONTJ' ACTOR prior In stoning am, such other wort: kind (ii)CONTRACTOR rmap male a claim theretoi as In ('video in chicle I I and t if (i:CNJ'I'IiAC:1-OR iwlieyes Thai such performance will invohe additional experosd to CONTRACTOfe nr re iu ices addiliorml tineand the lartics are unable elk agrecas to the amount of csmni thereof. 7.2, CONI"R-AC'POR shallafford each other contractor who is a pang to swell a direct comma and each utility owner (and OMN-E-lt if OtVNER is prformine the additional work with ONNT�R's employees) proper and safe ricxelO to the site and a reasonable opp(lrtunitp for tile, inuuduction and sturngr of materiah; and c(luipmcnt and the esec'ution or such other work and shall properly connect and tloordinal, the Nod: with theirs. Unle:et otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shell do all cka in_ fitting and poaching of the Work the mac be required to make its several parts come toueiner properly and integrate with such other work. CONTRACTOR shell net endanger km4 work of Others by cutting'. esclwatim_ Or otherwise aheri u� their work and will only cut orkilter their wore. with the written uonscm of FNOP,tER and the others whose cod. will Ix affected, the duties and responsibilities elf' C0N'1'R.A(71 OR un(fer this p ulunalph are bur the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the emem that there me comparable IN tatitkC'C:E;dE1t.LL.COND1'1'IONti IA10.SII•a'au tit4riwn w (]'ll' OFFOItI'CVLLI Mr AtODIPICA IlO,l;l till\' 4,^_aiNN provisions for the benefit of CON4'ILACTOR in said direct contracts between ORNHR and such milli-ow'ncrs and ofner contractor', 7.. If the proper execution or results of am' but of CON'RAC'rOR's Work depends upon work performed by others under [his Article 7, CON7RACTOR shall inspect such otter work and promptly report Io ENGENFER in writimz an delays. defects or deficiencies in such other v:ork dun render it unavuilable or unsuiaiole fell the proper.eseanion and results of CCIN-IRACTOR's fA"ork, CONTRACTOR's failure so to repon will constitute an acceptance of such other wort: as fa and prapxr for alleviation with CONTRACTORS Work esceia for Intent Or nonapparem defects and deficiencies in such other work. 0mn4nation: 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the IxrLamtance of other work on the Pro iect at the site. the follrnrine will he set forth in Supplementan' Conditions: 7.4A, the person, firm or corporation who %rill have authorin' and reslansifelity lox coordination of the activities among lire carious prime contractor, will Ix identified: i 4.:, the specific matters to be covered by such aultorin' and res'pcsisfoility will be heinized and 7.4.3. the isacm of such autheirin' and responsibilities will be provided. - Unless of colvisc provided in the Supplementary Conditions, CAVWFIR shall have sole nutbnrig' and rcyulzsibilin' inreslzct of such coor(Ihtation. ,UMCLE ft-OWNERS RFCPONSIMLITI ES s.1. Esccpt as otherwise pmeided in the" General Conditions, OWNER shall Isms all cnnnnunicatiors m, CCi`cTRIrCi'OR. through ENG INFER. 82 In case of termination of the emplovmem of EN ENTEK C)lVtTR shall appoint an erctuVer aanlost wiwm-f'@\ TR;IC:-TOR-make- no-reas<rcnble-Objection: whose sinus under the Contract Documents shall be. that of the former ENGINEER. S3. O\k-,NER shall fumish the data roouired of OWNER under file Contract Documents promptly and shall make p ivrilent8 to CONTRACTOR promptip when the' are due its provided in pamgnlphs 14.4 ad 14. 13. S'I ObINER's duties in respect of prow iding hinds and easements and providing ereinecrm!_ survevs to esuibiish reference rxmnts tire set forth in pantirmfT64: l and 4.4. Paraeniph a 2 refers to Ot\NER's idrntik ine and making available to C(,I IJ"fRACI'C7R copies of reM1rns of explorations and rests of subsurface conditions at the site and drawings of physical conditions in existing 1 stretures at or con igumm to the sitethat have Ixen utilised by ENGINTER in incparinft, the Contract Documents. o-�—t:n4trt�"-rrsponsit3iFitn-sin-r sp<w;t-eFPasehnsixt and-Latmautiiram--!iabilily�-(rrOreR±-irtmrtattrr en eiit forth-inparagaphs-:S through -lo. Rai. OWNER is obljgmed to execute Chance Orders a; indicated in para_saph 11).4, N,T 011WER's responsihiliq' in res)xet of certain inspections. tests and approvals is set forth in pomcraph 13.4. S.R. In connection with Ol{ iNE.R's nghi to stop Work or sur)'snd Work, scc paragraphs lilt and 1'urunraph 15_ deals with OilF iERy right to terminate services of CON"i RACTC)R .under certain mi cumstances. S.9. The OWNER shall not supcn'ise, direct or have control or authority corer. nor be rrpordible for. CONTRA ,*[OR's means methods, techniques, sequence: or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto. or for any failur of CON1I1 AM Of,' to complywith Laws and ReGnladons applicable to the flloishlno oT perlbrnmance of the Work. OWNER will not iv responsible fir CON -I RACTOR's G)ihne to perform or furnish the Work in ncnardnnce with the Cor rct Document;. -�,.�r-trr•y,E :'s-r Mhihtyin real.-. ofuntinwAosed a espan� =r.:be:x�N4':3ti-}+etr. letrin--Id»vardau.�s::�.r ia+.ik+a(c+vs,-A.4atr:ials-unrt�red-or-rt�(`eaVeeL-at-lire-sitrtis set-f•.,rtJm-iti-parat'Faof) :-`- Y:H---lftnvcir-'aryl rotter.c+A"24ER lifer •meil-+y-fimrish L-•(-?;::=}:n:{t=.f=(-)K-ieasurtairla-ar+i(kutl-that---iirarrarial anam:�ments-have--been-�madr-� ta-stti5f'v_-E11v?�rl":R't <>i.}wuaticros--tends--thy-C=tntb«c4-!�oeunr vxa-�-F>1{yyER=; respxna:ibil ins-imrespxnt-[}Krmf-will-pre-as-sa-I'cnim-tit-ilx• Sit pplan)entnry.P,oad !lions- AR•rl(:l.}. 9-RNGINE}.R'S STATUS T)uRING CONSTRUcriaN 01 ilivER's Represenartive, 9.1. ENGiNTER will be 011T1ZR's repmsantxtivt during the construction pxriol. 7-he duties rind responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENC'rP.dEER as CA NER's representative during uoruwotion ire art forth in the Contract I)ocumrnts and snill not he extended without written eonsem of 011'N T and ENGIDTER. I-➢niu'1n Site 943. ENGf\rEER will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the varinue et:mcs of construction as ENvt\EER deemN nrcess;m' in urckr to nbsenrc as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress IJGllC GE[:Hlla, CONUI'rl JMS L`lpia o Yaa Edirlu) ) .'Oil UI' PUK'1' C ItAI NS M(H)WR A ❑IIN' n(Ly arj a(Ni that has been made and the quality_ of the various estxets of CON?RaCTOR's executed Work, Based cal information obanned duriru, such visits and observations. TtiGfNTER will endcavo. for the henefil of 01tnTR to determine. in central. if the VVorli is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, hNGINFifiR wil! not be required to make exhaustive or continuous or - site inspections; to check the quality or quantity of the line ork. ENGINEER s cfTona will be dtreete6 toward providing for OWNER a greiter drgree of confidence thus the completed Work will conform eencndit, it, the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on - site observmions 111VCfl NEER will keep C'WNkk informed of Lite progress of the Work kind will endcseor to mind pA dER a^_mns tkiteo ire Work. ENGINEER,% visit and on -site observations, arc subject to all fire buaalann on ENGINEEkv authority and reslpnsibjidv set forth in paragraph 9.13, and particularly, hot without limitation durinu, or as a result of EiJGINEEd:i an -site visits or ohsmnations of COK'I'R.AM'OR's Wnrk ENGINEER will not supervise. direct. control or have authority- over or he responsible for CUMI'KACJOR's meansmethods. techniques, sequences nr proeedures of onmtruction. Or the safer' precaution:: and progrnrts incident thereto, nr lbr env failure of CONI-RAC'R)R to comply with laws and Regulations apphcable to the furnishing nr performance of the Work. Project Representative: 9.3. If OWNER and EUGINEER agraro, hNNGINI,,kk will furnish a Resident 13rojeta Renresentative to assist T_NG➢SEER in prnvidjng morn' continuous observation of the }fork. 'I he. res))rOnsbilitfcs and authority and Ijmimdons t}tcreon of ram' such Rcsjdcnt Proicct Representative and astismnis will be as provided in Jxnragraphs_)_3,_ and 9,13 rai(i-ire-kha-Fupntememan- Condition of these General Conditions, 1f OW'NTR de!L roes another representative: or agent to represent OP?n-ER.ut the site who is not ESGfNTER's-orrmhmt. h1r-tti of employee, therest eamblllticr and aothnmv and limitations thereon of such other parson will be as provided in klr-X'uyrymianents�rr-G3rtditr+tu ixuugttph (ri 9.� 1 The Rearesenuilwe's dealings in matters nenairimL it, the on-sttc work will- in General. be with the ENGrN5F:R and CONTRACTOR Rut the Represent tine will ktepIhe_ OIA; r'Cl2 proper!\ ad iced about such mmwni.�Tlw keprcsanatule'g dealings with anneon talon; will only be thrum}t or With the _ninth, approvxlyfthe ON 1'RA(71ORi G ; - Duties and Responsibilities. Rer tar uaive will !t ,- 1. Schedules Rerieu- the proerecs �I Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 216 eSOIL RETENTION COVERING Section 216 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows Subsection 216 02 delete entire Subsection and replace with the following (a) Covering Sod Retention Blanket (Coconut) shall be North American Green C125BN or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacturer The Contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation Soil Retention Blanket (Straw / Coconut) shall be North American Green SC250 or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacturer The Contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation (b) Stakes Stakes for the Sod Retention Blanket (Coconut) shall be North American Green 6-inch hardwood Bio-STAKETM or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacturer The contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation Stakes for the Sod Retention Blanket (Straw / Coconut) shall be North American Green 6-inch biodegradable Eco-STAKETM or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacturer The contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation Subsection 216 05 shall include the following Payment will be made under Pay Item Soil Retention Blanket (Coconut) Soil Retention Blanket (Straw / Coconut) E Pay Unit Square Yard Square Yard rte EI =hedule and other schedules orrrnred hr the C ONfRACtC1R -_and_ consul! withthe ENGTIN•Eh—R concerning acceptability. 93.2'_ Confcruncrs and Meetin^ - .Attend meetute with the C)NI RA(.TOR such as precunstrucuon eonferenlzs pm�es_mzeunas and other iob conferences and prepare and circulate copies,of minute of,mecu nua, 1 Liaison 9_3.13.1- Serve as HNGINHHR'S Iiaison with CONTRACIOR. working, nrincivollc through CONIRAC�RJR'S sunernnvmdent to iiSm the CONITRAC FOR in undcsundine dle (.AlIVBGI j)ocUmCJILY. 9_3 �. _.'_, eiv�ist in obtainin_ From OW.1, fER additional duails or infomtatio% when required for oroper execution of the Work, 93,233 Advisc me ENCil KEER and CONTRACTOR of the commencement of env ll'orl: requiring i Shop Pawns or sanl9_suhniknon if the suhnnsnnn has not ixcn anprov_ed hy, the hNGINFER. o Rgcrea of fork, Rejection.ol'-Defectite 1 t4 orl Intpec,tmns and {: csts 93.24-1. Conduct on -site observations of the Work in proercw to assis! the ENGINcER in detcrnnning that the Work „is prneeedine in aecoi rlJn e with the Cnnunrl Puwumem_ j d C j E j E p 3 -0 3 lccgmrwJn uvun__ Inspectors renae.rmm_ public o: other n_encies havino p¢iulietion over the Prnjeyt, rev prat Ihr result, of then insxcuon, end r5pgg to the ENGINEER. __ —___ nu :� _lnterprecnuoq,.,__of__Comnict Documents. _ Report_ ln, LNG[4-GL•R,_trnrn clnrirlc.uiom, and interpreuaions of the Comntcl Documentl ai rteded and __lmnvnil to C.ON FKACI Oh c.larihcauon and intencuition OF Inc Conuacl Di :uments as issuctl hr the. EN(illAIEFR `.ti. Modifications. Consider xnd evilume COK'IRA(71OR'S stmeestinns for t*JCUC1GENi]tfLL iC'NU 110.1S191a Sil Y"+u E(haiau 21) wr10}'1"OPI{atl'CiJi,LI NS RtDUIil C.4'11GN5 aitEVV,^_Vora malifiemlcei in Dmwulgs or Specifications in rrpon_iheu_ru:gmmendxtions «+ L?�Gllv*GGI2. Aocumteh- transmit to C'ONT- CTOR recisions issued by the ENG PdEER_ 93.2. 7 Records. g.3 2.R _Reports, o �.',F,,„_funush_C�CPSER__jxricxiic n rxpns,_gs reyutrrd,_gl(, the prrnrry al Ihe. Work. and of c.ompliance with thr_paoucss r:chedtdr and ;chrdulc_ of tix+p Dr n+tn •,earl „xantpk• r:uhmin:ak. 9 1.19., Consul; wit{t I"NQINT- R,in advance of schr_duhlt_ major_Ic;ts, inyxoaions or star of imlwna�i}cases of the Work. DmH proposed Change Orders and R�grk nuecuge,_ Charl�rs, _obmin L 1ta91:un nIalcrinl from the COIdTRACTCR2 and recommend to ENGINEER Cmumv Qdcrs Wurk Di cctive C tmv,es and hdd orders q 3._.F.4 Report immediately 10 TNGTNLI I. and CM."ETL thr_oc:cunenceof am accident. 11" 9 pavment Reuuesis Rcview application:: for lxnbmcre with CM i RACI OR for compliance with the esmuiislxd rmtwcdurc for their suhmiwsinn and Forward with recommendation to L ENfGNEER notilue pliolculrlrIv the relnuonshin of the,p.pnlent reyucsled iq. the uheiiulr of \alurs, work completed and�materiais and awe moment delivered at the. site hot not incorporated in the Work. 9.3.2,1g__ Compklion, ..r_lfl 1,„_I3e orl:_ ENC.INMER tssue,_,,. Certificate of Subtantinl Com)lotion sutmtil to CONTRACTOR n list of obuav si items leauirinc correction or comnlelion. 9.3_:IHi^_. Conduct Final ins_txction in the comnanr of the ENGJNIEER CNVNER and COFI'(RAC'IOR and prcmic a_fnal lie of name to be Uoucct5_d or coat Icled, )0. _Olnerve tlxn_ ill ifcrns on the hared list hay< hoer connected or mmplttcd and mnl:t rccommrncLnitms to ENGTIN—HE R concermne accentance, 9 ; ;. Limitation of Authority: 'fhe Renresentative shall not Aumo i> rim du rations from the .___......_ .. .......... ..._. ..e_. Conuact irtx:uments or accent arc suizsumtc matcrials_pn _equipment _unle.4 authomxil_b\_the HNC;INFER; 9332. Escccd limitations of 'r.NGI.NHlR'S mnhcaity as set forth in the Co nract Docmments. 9,33,31. Undertake env of the (csppnsnalincs n Ih� C(11 TRACT0RR', Subcortmoo,t, or f`<7\TR?\:,701 $ �:uperinrndtnt �..=_,_.,,.ldrne_pn,_Cr.atvr do aaion rr„ntivt 1p n' teesome nmtro, ov -r my S mcanc methods. tcchriiguc___ scuucncu:__0!. Innreduas for„_,con>nuuc non uric'• :h_Is rape nhcallv Called for in the Contract Documents. 9..43.5_ Adx sc an or issue dneclians n ce udtngor t •toil control pya dote pre.eautigns_md pro ams i onn•etions with the Work. .._ q Accept _Sinop„ Draw m!s_or vunple submittals frNil anyone. other than die CONTRACTOR 933.7_ Aulhonzc OWNER n, tx:cuP\ thr. Rork in whole or in part. 9.3 3 fi. P uunpale._in speaalimdfield_, or I aMna«ircleus or insneoioa, cunducled he others except _,.a �p7?ecihully� xuthorized_bc,�th5 ENGINEER. Clarifications will lnteprrehntians: `iA. ENGINEER will issue mill reasonable promptness such wrinen clarifications or imerpremtion: of the iWD'! (IENER,U, CJNUrp UNS U t 0.$11 ;"tln Edninu �cl C]lY OI� I�PIt]�COi,LIJ\M1' MOI �IPICAfIVgS n'_L\'�L?uNA requiremrnts of the Conflict Docunents (in the form of Iirawinns or othenvisel as ENCIICER rpm detemune neccssar v. which shall he consistent with the intent of and resoniicio inferable from tic Contract Dtcuments. Such tcriticn ciarifica6unc and inuapielations will be binding on OXVINIk?R and CONTR4C OR. If OWNhR or CONTRACTOR Mieves that a written chciCication is Interpretaticrijustifies an adiusmnent in tit Conn act Price or the Contract Times and the furies are unable to agent to the amount or extent thereof if um. OWNER or CONTRACTOR mac make•a wriuen claim thereto. as provided in .Article 1 I or Article 12. Authorized i imuti ..m in R -ork: 9.5. P..N,G1NE!ik may nuthorili minor variations in the Work fine; the requirements of tat Contract Document., which do rat unvolcr an adiusnnant in the Contract Price or the Conuact Pinto:: and ore compatible wall the design mnccp: of the completed Project as a functionihs whole as indicated be the Contract l itxiunnlmc These may be nrromplishe'd In, n Field Girder and will he binding. nn O1irNF.R and also on CON I RACI'OR who shill per(omt the Work involved promnth'_ I f OIVNER rn COti f R.AC I OR helievcs that a Field Order ustihcs an ndlusmtent in the. Contract Price nr the C:onm.,ci "I'im,� and the panics arc unahleto acree as to fire amount or osier thereof, MVI1 ER or C01\7RACTOR mac make P. w'rinen claim therefor as provided in Article I I or 11. ReIjecurig Defective 11 ark: 9.6. E4i INEF."R will have authority to disapprove or reica P: ork which ENCLNTER i chnn x to he t,L cmy or ihm E74CPvTER believes will nor produce a completed lloicct that conforms to the Conuact I:icwmneotc or that will piejudiee the integrifv of the design concept o,` the completed I'rolcct as it functionlna, whale as indicated br the Contract Documents_ ENGl\TFT rrifl also hacr :mtitnritr 10 azaare s7x+ciol insyection oi testing of the Work .0 mrovi(N in para__rapn 13.9. whcthcr ex no: the Worl: " fubrivaed, installed or completed Shag, Draeings, Change Ordervand Parments 9.7. In connection with EYGI\TER's authority- as to Shop Drawings and Samplea, see par a_raphs e,24 through d.?S inclusive, l.N. In cormeetion with EdGINTER?< auih thor_r as to Charge Urdtrs. set Articles 19. 11. and 1'. In connection with ENGINTER,% authoritc us to Applications fes Payment. see Article 14, Dcnernunatiun.vfnrUnit Price.& 9.19. ENCINLER will dettmlint the tactual uuanutim and clastihc tioms of Unit Thrice Wort, perfomaed 'm COAfRAC'IOR ENCiII?EER \till review with CON I KAC I OR life 'HNCIINTPR,; preinirwn' determinations on such matters More rmderinu a written decision thereon (by recommendntim of an .Application II LEI j ® for P:avmem or othenvisel. ENGINEER's written decision therewt will be feed anci binding upon OMNMR end CONTRACTOR. unless. within ten days titter the date of tmv such decision- either 01,1,NER eI CONMCACTOR delivea to the other and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from F.NG INHI-,Wg decision and: (I) an anneal from ENG IN EER's decision is taken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Exhibit GC -A. 'Dispute Resolution .Ai eement", entered into between OWNER and CUNT RAC' FOR. pursuant to Article I I). or (ii) if no such Dialnne Resolution .Affe iment has been entered imo. a formal ptcooeedirtg is irtanu sal by the. appealing Pam in it forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies LI appe ding bunt ma) have will) respect to PNGIN! FRs decision unless, whcnmsc arced in wramg b} OWNER and CON -I RACI'OR. Such aplxal will nol lx sukficct to dot Procedures of para_mph 9.11. Decis'imrson Divparev: 9.1 L ENG idF:HR will he the initial inerpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judi of the acceptabilaY of the Work thereunder. Claim:disnuies and other masers relating to the acciptahilittor the Work or the interpretation of die requn'enients of the Contract Documents perunning mine performance :rod furnishing of a th • lk'ork and chums undet '1niele s I 1 hid 1 in re..pcet of chances in the Contract Price or Contrat Tunes will be r fcncd mntalh to I NUINHER in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance wnh this paragraph. Written notice of each such clams, disnute or other matter will it alolivoed b, the cla6nam to-ENGIaNEER and die other party to the Anraernent promptly (hut in no even later than tnim' tarsi after sire scan or the occurrence or event giving rise uxre o. and written supporting data will Ix subirawd to }.NGINE-HR and file other parer within sixty day after dx s m of such oc.curren e of event unless lT'GrvEER allows an additional penettl of lime fill the sulinh it ;ion of additioail or more auunno dna in support of acooh claim disputeof other matter. 'Cite. ioppcmng -wim shall submit tm}' response to LV'GINEEIR anvil the ehlimam ,idnin tlum days titter rz:eipt of tireclaimrot hiss submittal lunhws EVt tVrI },R allot " ;adduumll ume). b' VGNTUI.h will render e tonuN dvi.5ion In wilting wilt .un thine days titter receipt of the oppav:ire_ panvk submittal. if any, in acceidrance with this paragraphtENGINLLI s wrnvuvn dcusion tin such claim dispute tit" other antler will he final and hindina upon OUNGR aid CONTRACTOR unless: (I) an appeal turn ' � GE=M's decision 1, taken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in E3:HIBf1' GC -:A, 'Dispute Resolution .Afsmement", entered into between OWNER and M CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 16. or (ii) if no such Dispute Revolution A,nventem has lxcn entered imo. It written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINTER's %erilien decision is delivercd b% 0A4'NrER or CONTRACTOR to the other and to ENGINEER within, thin% days utter the date of such decision and it formal proceeding is Ins ittaod by the eppclltnL j ainy In it forum of conlpcaent JuiIShcC11011 to eserci:K such rights or remedies as the appealing 1I may have with respect to such claim, dispute or othu matter in accordance with applicable Laws .and Regulntiems within sbay dn}s of the date of such __ tDGIX'GBi,ibltrW CONDI'1101151910-%I1991IErhfiva "' 0 ry (a FUt I CALr.I Nv M01MI'ICAI K)Lcl 1IUo',ICi101 Jw decision. unless othern use iagreed in writin_ by OR',iR and CONTRACTOR. 9.1^_. Nhen functioning as interpreter and jueLc under paragraphs9.111 and 9.11. ENGINEER will not Allow Pithimav to 0N'NI:R or CON'1"R.ACI'OR and will not he liable in connection with am, interpretation or derision rendered m ;cad faith in such capacity. The renderit;_ of It decision by ENGINEER pursuant to parspaphv 9.It', or rA I with respect to any such claim, dispute w other matter (ewep;am• which haveliven waived by the making or acceptance of final Iwayatent as provided in pamgmph 14A �) will he a condition precedent to any e-N=Lw by OY\NER or CONTRACTOR of such ruhL or remedies a.: either rim otherwise dlaveunder the Contract laIcurneui. or ht Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or, other ntattu-fainau n io..Article-16, 9.13. limitations an CNGLVL'!T2'.v AuflI and Recpansibiliriev. 9.13.E Neither HNG I NBF.R'.c authority' nr responsibility under this Article 9 or under any other rxnvision of Contract Documents nor one decision made hw F.NG I NEER in mood truth either to CNCmise C1 not asercise such authority at responsibility or the undemking, cecrcisc or pre. kirmance of any authorin err responsiniiiw by ENGINEER shall uutc. inilwsc a give rue to am only owed ht ❑4t,ENMER to CON I R-tr I'OR, any Subcontractor. any Supplier. any other person or organization, o, to any surety for or enlpingce or agent of am . of them. 9.1 =. ENGl-N'HFR will not supervise. direct, control or het c author ity ova or Ix rc 1ponsible lot CO?TRACTOR's mums metltais, techn o es, scqucnces err pa'occdures of construction, or the snfcn, luecauticon. and programs incident thereto, or feu tiny failure of CONTRACTOR at uimph with Lanes aril RegulaII010 apphcable to tile firmslina oa performanaa of the Rork. ENGINEER' will not be responsible for COATRACFOR's failure to perform (5 furnish the Wou. in accordance wnh the Commnet Documents_ 9.19.=. EfGBNTEER will not be responsible for the acts n omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any Suhumt, tyuir, any Supplier, or of tin\- other pefson or c_a n;ianon performing or furnishing tamp of the 11 oak. 9.13A. ENGINEER'S rev hew of the firwl.Application for Pinnrent trod hccompannin• dncumenta Lion and all maintenance and opcmun_ instructions. senedules. guarantees Donds and celldianes of iospeairm. LCStS and approvals and other documentation requited it) be deiwered by ptragaph 141= will only he to determine generalk than their content commits with the requirements oL and in the case of eznihute; of inslxeauimi tests and ImPI'MaIN than the results ceuified indicate compliance with the Contract Liocumems. 911S The limimtinm; upon nuthorin and F responsibility set torah in ties paragraph 9.13 stall also apply to ENGINEER'.s Consultants. Resident Nvaci Rcpresemative and a ssistane;. ARTICLE ln_C;HANGES IN'1'HE WORK I0.1. Without invtdi(Intari_ the A,2reemera and without notice to am' surety, OWNBR mat at any time or from time to time. order additiomu deletion or rcvinion, in the Work_ Such additions, deletions or revisions will h: authored by a Written Anuardmen, a Chatr_•c Order. a it Work Change Directive. lipon receipt of miy such documcnt COMI'RArJOR shall promptly procacd with Cite \Voila imoived which will Ix performed wider die applicable conditimu of the Cnntnmt Doctaincr (czeept its olhem: ise specifmallp provided). Irl'. If OW,\ER and C01uT1ZACTOR are uitiok to scree as In the ement, if am', of an adjustment in the Cone, ct Prig a in adjustment or the Contract iinies that should he allowed a!; a neralt of n U'ork Chance Iiirevrive, a claim may la made therefor as provided in .article I I or Article I'. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an incrv.sc in tine Col aa¢t Price or an e mansion of die Contact Tunes with res!xa to any Worl: performed that is not required by the Conract Documents as amended. modified and suppicmcntcd as provided in parnsrnphs 3.5 and .5.6, cscept. at the care- ofuu emerecucy its provided jn parnrauob 6:23 or in die case of uncorerina Work as nroyided in Ixrmsrapin . 104. OWNER and CON 1 KACCI Olk shall ceccuw appoprime Chance Orden reccminiended Ily ENGINEER. (or Wnuen Amendmenl:C) uwerirlL, IV4.1. Chulnes in IhG Work which sera(i) eadnied br C11?QER pursuant to paragraph 10.1. (a) requited nc•:msr. of acceptance of dutreenre 0.4rk under paragraph I_i.l,i or con'ectina tkdectiicr %Vori'. under pa rwIrph 13.14, or Arai) agreed to by the In 4.1. changes in the Contract Rice or Contract Time; which arc areal to by the pta tia;, and 10.4.3, c➢anees in the Contract Price or Contma Times which emllt%Iv the SUblituaw of ame vmuen .decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant to pnnigomh 4.1 I: provided that, m lieu of esecutirt any such Change Order. an appeal may lit taken from am such ttccision in neeordanca with .the: provisions of the Clorinrct Documents and xnpiicablr Laves and Regulations. but during, any such arq,ral. CONTRACTOR shall cam' on the Work and adhere In the proses: s::hmittiv as provided in Inimaraph ti.?„ri. 10.?. If notice of any Ll1 aRecline die general scups of the Wort: or the provisions of the Contract Documents tLJCD; GLNERAL CJNUI noNS 19111J(11am Ednla) ev! 0!Y JP PC)a'I'tUt.LINS NC)U; fl CA I'IQNS IRON' 11:2001)1 (includilg, but not limited to. (:rmtrncl Rice. or Cannata Times) is required he the provisions of am. Bond io be given to It surety. the airing of any such notice will be C(_)PTR \CTOR's raslsa ibilily. aril the ant of each applicable Bond will be adbu sted accordingly. ARTICLE 11—CHANGE OFC!ON'1'IZACT PRICK; 11,1, The Cnnract Fria coastiuncs the total compensation (suh'lem to nuthnri?ed acliusmients) payable to C6hTL,`tCTC)R lost jvr!brm ine the WreL M dunes, res•rinsibilities and oblicmions assigned to cu underinken he COhi'FRAM 'OR shall M a, CUh I'RACI OR. e>:pens without chance in the Contract Price. 11 The Contract Bice mac nine be chanced by a Chaney Order or by a Written .Amendment Any ciaim for an adlustmrnl in lire Contma Price shall be based on n—'awn notlee delivered by die pant mal.in_ htc claim to t!le other pan, and to ENGINT=ER prompdp (hut in no even liner tram thirty days) alter the stun of the artoummee or ovant eivirte rise to rile claim and statute the aeue;ail orrulw of the clans Non, of the amount of the ciaim with suppcntins data shall be delivered tyithir• si.Xiv dares aticr the start of such occunonc: or .went funia�; 'CIIArEE1i altows additional time for Claimant to submit aciditional or more accuroe ilata in snppon (if III claim) and ;hall be accompanied by elwmant':s written statement dap tire adjtvcrucnt claimed rovers all known amounts to tvrnch the claimant m entitled as a result of said (aourrencc or event. All clauns Its adjustment in the Contract Rice shall be determined he L:UCUNT-LIt. in accordance with pamoraph9.11 if CR'ivER and COi9TRACTUR cannot odrenvise aurcr on the amount invoiced. No claim for an tidjusnnem in the Cantraa Rice trill be valid if not subniiaed in accordance with this paraartaih I I -. 113. The value of Inv Weak covered by it ChanI Order or of any claim fan an adjustment in die Contract Pcioe will be determined as follows: I L3.1. where the tVod: involve[! i:; covered by unit prices contained in the Uinunet 1')ocuments, !n' application of such unit prices to the uuantities of the items Ill (subject to the provisions of 0 paraernphs 1 I u.1 through 11.9.3, inclusive..): >vhere the Work .involved is not arvered be unit prices contained in the Contract Do;:umerm; by it mutually aced .paymeml Lxgns, including lump sum (which may include an ollowim:e for overhead and profit not necessrrih• in accordance with pane_ mph 1 1.C__^): 11.3.3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement Io a lump sum is not reached under pargrnph I I.3 = onthe ixisv: of the Coss of the Work f(Ictermined us provided in paragraphs I LA and 11.5) '1'RAC. plus n CON fOR's fee, fc overhead and pnr6 idcwinarwd ns prom ided in Petrie aph I I,tij. Con of the ri ark: H U r v. E H F I 11 A. The term Cos of the Work means the sum of all Costs mecessmilc intoned ,tad paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of"the Work_ Fxcept as otherwise manbe mrced to it, writing hp OWNER, such costs shall be in amouna no higher than thou prevailing in the loralhy of the Project shall include only' the follou'inc items and shall not include any of the costs itemiycd in paragraph II 774.LYawvll costs for enymbvaes in the direct cnplo. of CONI_RAC FOR in the Isrfonrams of the Work under schedule: of job cltmseficmions a{rrecd upon by OWNER and CON NAMOK, Such emplovecs shall include without limitation superintendents, foremen and other personnel ernploved lull -ham at the site. incroll mats ht elnplcryacs nc employed full-time on the Wink shall he apportioned an the Ixixis of their time spent on the Work. Ravioll costs shall ❑mclude; but -not be knuted ice salaries and wages plus the, rent of irmot bmehts which shall include social s..CUFJJ,r contribution, rmevntpincmrnt, e^seise and prerofl ta.:es, oorl.eri amtpert;atior. health and-retiremem benefits -bonus.: yic l:-3anrr, rmteticn r-ntnldmandrr.ymr applicrblc. thereto Tincxjcnk: of perfonaint. Work utu>i regular working hours on Saturday, Stodm cr fecal holidays shay be included in the abovee to the tXivnt authorized br Uli%IJER. 11.=.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished mad me,-orpooncd in the Work, including cosy; of wanspmation and storage thereof and Suppliers held services required in contraction therewith. All cash diwounts shall accrue•. io (:ONTRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to makepayments in which :cue the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER, All trade dise:ounm. rebates and refunds and returns from sate of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to OWNEK and CON''fR-ACI OR shall make pmviscnS so Carl they mac he obmined. 11A3, I'Tyancnts made h}' C',0N I RACIOR to the Subcontractor' fir Work performed or furnished by tiuhcontractme It required by OA'N'h:R. 24 tJCCK'.GGi.Glt ll. iONUITIOFti i911r8 (19'mV Hhaml my (yip' (JF IRARS (Y11.1..1 Mi pl(1U11l CATIONS 111L;1' 473nUnl CON71"RACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Su'ncanmacton atceptablr to 0l1'NTR and CON7RACTOIt and shall deliver such bids to 011'NLR who will then determine, with the advice of E.NGT\-,^ER which bids. if any. will be accepted. If ar subcontract provides that the Suioontraetor is to be Mid on the basis of Cost of the W+orl: pact it fee. the Subeomnuctor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be detcrinmed in the same manner as COINTRACTOR's Cost of the Work and fee its provided in parmunphs 11.4. 115, 11.6 and 11.7 All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the (,contract..) documents insofar as applicable. 1144 Come of spamal consulumic imciudinr but not limited to engineers, architects, tcmmc lauraturics. surveyors. utiorevs and accountants) employed don services specificalh' related to the Work. I L4,5. Supplemental crnts in;ludirrg du folivwing: 11 4.5.1. 'Die proportion of nc:essary transportation, travel and subsistence exprnses of CONTkAC'I OK's emplovecs incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. I1.4. " Cult, inclucline transportation and maintenance- of all materials. supplies, equipment, machinen% appliances. office and tempornry facilities at the site and hand tools not rnvned by don workers which arc ccrosumcd in the performance of the Work, and cost less nmrket valuc.of such items used but not consumed which remainthe property of CONTRACTOR. 11.4S..i. Rcmals of all consuuction equipmmew and machinery and the nuns thereof whether rented from CON 1"RAC t OR or others in accrdmtca with rental aueun ntv approved by OIt.NER with do ash it e of LNG I:VEER and the cocas of uam7.;utatiort loadingunloading. installanon. dis u'rahrtu and removal thereof —all in accowunice whir- ter!; of odd renal aucenments. 7 he rend of am, such equipment, machinen• m pans shall cease when theuse thereof is no loner necessarx for the Work. I 1 A.>A. Sales. corriumer. use or similar utrces related to the Wort: and for which CONTRACTOR is fiable, imposed by Laws and Rr_ul:uion:. I I,4.i.5. Deposits lost for Cause; othc: than neelia,ence of CONTRACTOR :my Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed ov am, of them ern for whose acts am of therm may be liable, and royalty moments and fees for imermiu; and licenses. 11.4.i.6. Losses and damaues (arid rdmcd expensosj caused by damage to the Work, not ammperenaed by ircunmace or othcrwitt, sustained by Ci)N"I'RAC: fi)R in Connection with the P performance and fumisitut_ of the WWI: (except Icn' .%:ad damages within fine deductible amounts of property insurance established b)" OIPNER in accord More vvith paragraph +',?), pntvidad they have resulted from ewsrs other than the negligence of CON I RACI'OR, ma, Subantrulo:. oT anvone direcdv or indirectly employed by anc of them or for whose act-: any of them man be liable. Such losses shall in, settlements made with the written consent kind approval of OWNETC No such Icsms, damages and expenses still be included in the Cast of tine Wort: for the purpp of determining. C0\7TRACTORs feeif, however, any such kes or entrance requires reconstruction and CO!N•1'RAC'fOR is placed in chage thereof, CUx'7"i2AC"I"OR shall he paid for Man ices a: ice proportionate to that sated in peagrnph I 1 6'_ 114.<_7. ]'he cost of utilities, fuel and Sarinery facilities at the site. 11 A.SX Pdinor expenses such as telegrams. Iona distance telephone calls, telephone w.n ice at the site, expressage and similar potty cash itemTs in connection with the Work, 11 A if+. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of chanties in the Work. I I.5. '1'hc react Cost of the Work shall not ineludr any of tilt ibllowmc: IPayroll costs and other compensation of COIQTPIC'fOR's offici executives, princifals !of partnership and sole proprictorships). general managers, etahwers- arcllaCM, estinmtors. anornevs, auditors, accountants, purchasing and ctmnanim: a_==rats, expe iiw s, ti nekecpers_ clerks and other Nino mcl employ d by ("..O'NTRAM'OR w'ncther at theare or in COI iRACTOR's principal ox a branch office for grnenl ednunicit at ion of the Mork and out sp CcIfi'aliv Included in the aprced upon sohaiulc of lul) chusific•utcnt, nefented to in pnagaph 11.41 a specifically covered by puagrmh I IA4�Ell of which are to he considered ailm inistauve costs coveed by the CO,NTPACTOR's "lee. 11,51 Expenses of CONTP'vCTOR's principal and brunch offices other than CONPPAC:TOL:'s office at the site. 11.i.3. .Any lac of CONTRACTOR, capital expenses. inciuciing Interest on (:U TPACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACT( R for Jennquent. paymenic 115.4. Cast of premiums for all Bonds find for till insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is repaired by the Contract Documents to purehus and maintain the same (except for the cola of premiums covered by subparagraph 11.45.9 Ax)vr1. UUtYU GLNEIIU. COi'U'' 11 ONS 191011 0990 tdai al . CllT Of POR T CYILa NSf.1()PIPI(ATIONN IRD 4Cu0111 I155. Costs due to the ue+lmcnce of C:OXTR.ACTOR mi Subooaracwt. o- anvone direcllc or indirectly emplo•ved he nrnof them or for whose aces an+' of them mac he liable_ including but not limited to. the correction of rkieciive Work - disposal of materials or equipment wronch, supplied and makiru wild um" chamm_e to proprrn'. I LS.e. Other uvenccad or geneal expense costs of ape land and the costs of no, itea out speoifr;dly and espresly included in paragraph I 1 A. 11.6. The CON RACPOR's fee sllowad to CON'TRACTOF'. for overhead and profit shall be determmcd ns follows: 11_6. 1. a Mutually accerriuble Beech fee. or 1 Lc?. if a freed fro is not aarcd open. tften it far haecil on the following percentages of the, various portions of the Cost of the Work: 11.6,2"1. for cexts incurred under rmra mpbC ll A.l and 11.-0.'_. the CON "I'ITAC I OR's fee shall he fifteen perccnr 11.i,._.'_. for costs incurred under paral aph 11.4.3, the CON7RACTOR's Fee shall be kv percent. l l.fi.3 where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the iinsis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no taxed fie is agreed upon. the intent of paagmnhs 11 A.1, 11.4 2, 11 41.3 and 11.G.2 is that titre Suhcuntaetor u'ho acwtdly pedams or furnishes the Work. at whatever tier, will is paid a fee (if fifteen percent of the crests Enrolled lc such Subconmactor under Ixartgaphs 11 a.l am l 11 4 2 and the aw hiMhes tier ubeonaractor and CONTRACTOR will each he (chid a for of iEve-pen'.ertt-of ie-funouta-pad-to theme;«-iowertier :Subcontractor' it, be negoti end in taxi -fa-ah with tine OI\'idEli bin ant to cuacd li pxrtxn of tan. unnout paid to the nest, l )wee net Suhoontrttaor. 11.6.'.4, no fee shall he payable an air Imsi; of costs itemizod Moiler paragraphs 1 L4A, 11.4 and 1 I .S. i 16.-3 the amount of credit it) he allowed; by wN"rR.AC'fok to OW:N1iR for an, chanx which results in a net decrtasv in cost will bo, the amount of Ihe• uctual net dencasC in cost plus it deduction in CONTIZACTOI.'s Gs by an amount equal to five percent of such net decrease'. and 1 I.6.1o. when both addition; and credits are involved at anc one chanen. the adjustment in COD!TC�ACTbR'a (e shall be computed on the basis of the nct charge in accordance whit rxtacaphs 11 611 through 11 6 -. , inclusive. 11.7. Whenever' the cart of am' Wore: is to he n Jl 0 IW'I fl H j C E J detenuiied pursmmt to parn_saphs I Lu and 11.>. CONTRACTOR will es iblish :mil maintain record; thereof in acconlance with _enerally accepted uccountina practices and submit in Corm acceptable to ENGf \TER nit korlli:<d coast breakdown together with s-upponing data. Cas'h.Illawancer: I I.S. It is understood that CONTRACTOR -has included in the Contract price all allowances so awned in the ContractDocuments anti shall (muse Ill,- Well: sn covered to he furoishod and perfornmed Cor such sums as mac be accemablc to OWNER and ENGINF.'FiR. CON-1 R.ACTOR agrees that: ll $1, me allowances include the cast to CON'TRACI'OR (less any upphcable trade tlisnurar) of materials and equipment required by the allrnrances to be dclt,, o "I tit the site. and till applicable t.vcs' and I I.S =. CONT'RACTOR's costs for unloading and handling on the sine, labor. instillation coact, overhead, profit and other eslxmsos co memplaud for the allmtnnces hive been included in the Cataract F ice and not in .the allowances and no demand for additional (laymen on account of am' of the foregoing will he valid. _. Prior to find pamnent, air appropriate Charred Omar will Ix issued to; r¢onlmerided by ENGINEnR to reflect actual amounts due COAT I RAC, I OK on tmccoum of W'orl covered by allowances, and the Contract Rim shall be corr,clxurdinalc adjusted. 11.9. Unit Price 11 ark: 11.9, 1, Where the ('nntrad I)ocurncnts pea I& chum all a pan oftle Work is to be Unit Price WaLL initialh' the Conn act Rice will be deemed to include fir all Unit Prue Work an amount equal to the strm of the csCmb101ed unit prices for each scrolareh identified item of Unit 1'rice Work times the eatimatcd uuantin' Of C.Ch item as indietned in the A wenment. l tie eapmated qu�inaue' or lien,; of Imit Price llbrk are not gu.oanteed Lend file soleh for time purpn e of comparison of luids and clemnnininc ;m initial Contract Price. Fiaenninnuons of the actual quantities said dassi(i atiors of Unit Rim \i'rk performed by CONTRACT OR will be made be E?dGL\R in a mold race with par agraph 9, I h t 11.9.1 Each unit price will Ix deemed to include an amount considered by C(_h'TRACTOP to Iv aelegtnue to cover COnfRACTOR's overhead and profit for ouch saparately identified item. 11.9.-.ORNFR or CONTRACTOR mac make a claim for an adiusmment in the Contract Rice in accordance with Article 1 I if. the quirmity of am item of Unit Prier Work performed by CONI RAC'I'Of,' difict-s malcvialk mid si__rtificantly front the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement k7C:CX:GBNHRAL(*Ni noi'S 1910$(19"0 F'dniml 3U "'CTn 01PR)Rl (Y11.LINS Tm lIUIiICA'I'IUN5 aItJi1'a3ouan and 119.3.2. there is no ccnresptmding adjustment with respect to any other item or WorE and I I J, .9. if CONTKACI'UR believes that CONTRACTOR is entitled to an increase in Contact Pricy as n resat of having imtred additional expense or OWNER believes that OWNER is entitled to a decrease•. in Contract Prise anti the panites are unable to sneer as n, .the. amount of am such increase or decease. 119 3.4. CONTRACTOR aekno wled:ea" that the _O Nl­-',R me, the n_hi to add o delete items in tam f. id m rlvanC quntit tics 1t r)ll' h[R,S sole tlisacuon without of ccurre the Contract Prim of arm remaining item so Iona ns the delcuon or yddtoen lees not exceed twat }_.n e Ixr I of the m�inal total CnnirmIX li'icc. AR'I IC LE I Y—CHANGE Or CON'TRAC'T TI bi FS 1'_.1. "I he Cona xt'Iim�� (or hdileatones) may oniv he changed be a Chtmge Order or a Wyman Amendment. Aw claim for an adiusmem of die Contract Times (or Nlilcstones) shall be has_d on nainen notice delivered by the party mmnking the clahn to the other party and to FNC*INEEK promptly (but in no event late than thins• daysl after the occuactice of the avert eiving rise to the claim and satin the ecneral nature of tfc claim. Notice of the wrens of the claim with suplitining data shall ix delivered within stay days after such occurrence (milers }NGWEkiR allows additional time to esecrlain more :mccurna data in suplwnof the clams) and shall be tccumpanl d by the claimant's wTitten st:aernem that thrt aujusancnt churcd is the entcacqurnmam to which the claimant loss i,aeson to he.lieve it is entitled as a result of tie occurrence of said even. All claims for adjustment in the Contract 'I inies(ol NfiLstone::) shall X. detuminrd by I eG;T,:f;FR in aecardince with putgrnph9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otenvise agree. No claim for an adjustment in the. Contract Tiers (or Adilenona:.) will be valid if nor submined in accordance with the acquirement, of this Isumraph 1' 1. I'.Z All time lama, stated in the Contract Dccmncnr.. are of the essence of the Agreement. I' 31. W7ure. CONTRACTOR is prryented from completing any Part of the Work within the Contract Dimes ((It rrhlestmed title to splay bee ml ihr control of C6?FTRACTOR. the Contract Times (or Miles n es) will he exlended in an amnura equal to time Lost due to such delay if it claim is made thetelor us provided in Izlrrgmnh 1'.I. Dulms bevorld the control of C'O\TRACfTOR shall include, but not be limileal tit. acts or melees by OWNER. acts or ncaleet of utifir, owners of other contractors performing other work as conicmpintcd 'N, Article T fires flomi:L epidemics. abnormal mvearlier canditions or nets of GM, Dclnys anributhle to and 0 tcithin the control of a Subcannictor or Supplier shift Ix decal to lx deiaps tcithin the control of COA7RACTOR. 1'4 Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from Campletinp am' pan of t'he Work within the Contnaci Times for ivfileFlumesl due to detav beyond The control of both OWiNrER and CO'NTRAC,'OR, an extension of the Contract Times for Nfilestones) at in amount coital to the time lost due to such delay shall be CONTILACTOR's sole and eseiusive rented, for such delay. In no event shall OWNTER he liable. it, CON'TTLACT'OR. tintSubcontractor. any Supplier. am' other person or cm_anirsnion o; to anc surety for or employs or agent of an, or them- for damages arismu out of ar resulting from 6) delays caused IV nr within the control of the C:OPI'I"RAC'i'OR. or 00 delnvs nc land the control of hoth panics including, but not limited to, fires floc& epidemics, abnormal weather conditions,acts of God ra acts or rnslect be utibte ..v�rl, (r other aantnactursperlomting adage wort: as contemplated ha 4nirle 7. AR'1'.ICLE 13-TENTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRRCI ION, RKMOVAL OR ACCE17ANCI- OF DEFECTIVr: WORK B.I. ,Police )(Defeo, Romps notice of nil defeorlve %Work of which OWNER or FNtiHNH*EI, have actual knowledge will he civet to COATRACT'CTR. All defective Work ntar be rejected, cnrrconed m accepted as provided in this Anw e 133, Acces'u, Aark: 132 OWNTR- LNOINT?LR. �'GENEIZR's Consultants, other teprescmanvc: and persmmmel of OWTTR, indcperalau testing lahmmmries and govanunenlnl agencies n'ith iul fsdiclkoll merest, trill liar nccorm to th,. %0ork (itrrstmablr- lintrs fo; Their obs rcatiur. inapectiry and traing CONI'RAC:POR shill flint idc Them prope :rod safe Condnionx for such aecuss and advise Timm of COFNTR:ACTOR's ,cite s:dcn prcreclules and pnayra+ra that they may uompk therewith::applicable. Trux euv(1 n.�pecrians 1'-..3. CONTRACTOR shall give P•_QGfbTGR tinnily nodne of taalutew.s Of the W(ak Car all required ins)neetiorm less ¢ npprovala and shall cooprmtr with inpection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspectionnor Test; 13A C1WrgL'R shall employ rand pay for the sen'ices of tin incklxneknt Lesting labormon: it, perform till inspections, 9eds. Ix approvals required b, the. Contract Documents cxapt: 13A.1. Ion inspcclioru, testy or approcwla co,ered b, paracmph 135 below; 1 ;A."_. that vosi,,, incurred in connection with Lesu or inspection conduced pursuant to pam_gntnh 13 n !JCD:'GE!2Ea:U. WNUI'1'I0Ns L"la4'!19!N lidn"In vs(7'IYU PCaK"rCULtINsN 111:1 CA'FIUNS tlUzI11,7uaa) Inlow shall the paid as pnnvidcd h) said paragraph 13.9: and 11-11 its otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. If Laws or Regulations of any public hod,, harinc .till limctian rrquu an, Won, Tor pan thaml) sfrcifiadk tin h, inpectecL tested a: approved blan employ" o: othc representative of such puhlie laxly. C.IONTRAC I OR shall assume full resparsibiM,, fill arranging and obtaining such inspection. tests or apprm'a 1%. pa•' all costs in connection therewithand furnish liNtiINFFR the reunited certificates of inspection. or appro, al. COPTI'R aCI'OR <hall ni-a Ite relsilmnihle to; arriginp and obtaining, and shrill pay all costs in rsmncction with env irsspectinna tests or approvals required fill' OW NIER.'s and hP!GINIiIi:Rs acecntnnce of materials or equipment to be inecnporntrd ill the Work. or of m31CM s, ntix desapn„ or caurpnicm stibmincd fca approval prior m CONTR,ACTOR's purchase thereof fur incorpiration in the Work.. 1 .a. If anc P; ork for the mirk of others) that is to he inspoctel, testad or inpro,Ld is cover cd by CO;ViRACTOR without writrn concurrence ill HNGINBER. it muss, if rcouested he HNGINF.ER, be Ulwon cred for observation 1i7. Unenverm, lV'od: as provided in paragraph 13,b shall Ix at i'(W IRACOR's expense unless CON"I RAC I Of,' has girds ENGINHFR. dnmlc notice of CO\TR4CTOR's intention to cover the same and E CiI?iF'r.R has not acted with reasonable pronrl in resporrW to such entice, tincm'ering (Pork: 135. if :mv Wed: is; covered cuntrnry to the writler, request of i:TGINTF.R it must, if requcacd be t"Ti E"THE , he uncove it for G,NC,Ip[T f fC!'. oowe ation mid replaced at C'UNTRAC.TORs expense. I-, ". ICP:N011141'HR considers it lWCeiican' o+ udviM1nlc t}mf covered Work be obsen cd by F1',10TNEHii car in,cct'ci or nsted by offas. CO, fRACTC)R at FNGl, T I-R's request, sliall uncover, exlxue or othen:ise make available for obwlViaion. inspection or tcsamo, as Las'.GHC-ER n= ruluire. that portion of the Wei- in question. f nnishinp all ne essan' labor, material and equipment If it is faund that suet Work is defective_ C:ONFRACI'OR shall pay all claim& costs, lasso and dsamagca caurxl br, arising out of or n;.xtltim_' from coda unawerirris exposure ohven anion. inspection and testinf_ and of saustaaon' reot:acemeni or recomutiction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or mplracement of work of others): and OWATR shall be entitled to to appropriate decrease in the Contract Rice. andd if the {zanies tare uraable to agree as to the amount thennf ma_, milk, a claim thcrofor as provided in Article 11. IC, however, such W: ask is not hound Ln he defenicr_ CON 'I'RAC 'I'OR shall he allowed rot increase in the Contract Price or an rstension of the Contract Times Car Milestnnes), or Mth, diroctic nurihuutnle to such n J d 0 J I .:I LJ L' C J B. F H H n uncoveringeWID9u'e. observation. inspection- tesjrL. replacement and reconstruction. and, if the parties are unable to ii as to the amount or extent thereof. CONTRACTOR may make relator thctefor as provided m Articles 1 I and 12. OIF ER dfnr Stop rile I191rk. 13.10. If the Work is def crave. or CONTRACTOR fails to supple sufficient skilled workers or suitablematerials ar equipment. or fails to furnish or perform the. Work in such a wax than, the completed Work will conform to the Contract lioaumants, O1NNH( nine' order COPd'[R-A(,, 1'01,' ro stop the Work. or and portion thereof, until the cause for such order ban been climirvtcen hna ve this rarm of OWNER to stop the Wiralk shall no Cat erise to rice dunon the part of Olt Ni R to cscrci. this Licht for the bercht of C XYN'l RAC I Ok or all) surety or other prim_ Car ,Twrr or Relrmral nfDcfecrive It rk: 13.11. Ifrequired by HNG[i4EER, CONITRACI'OR shall pronrplV, al, directed either correct all dglaetre Work, whether or not fnhn„ated, in -milled or completed, or, if the Work Ira ficen rejected by E.NIGI NME,R, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not ckleethee. CCONTRAC:FOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and drimmro; caused be or riia itte from such correction at removal (urclucium but not limited to all casts a relxair or replacement of work of others). 13.12. Correction Fetid.' 1 ',.12.1. If within oeewear two vcars after titdate of Surmmntial Contpl4am or such lbnp_ r peri,id of time as non% be prescribed In Laws or Regulsaions or by t r arms of ring applicaole special guamntec required by the Contract Droument% a by rim specific provision of the Contract Documents, am Work is found it, be d fi erme, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without coat to OFRIIER and in acomdam^.e w'nh (.AQN1R's wrinen instructions: A) correst such d feel r: Work. or. if it hiss been rejected by OA Nfil:, lea rme h hour the snr. •cod replace it wade Oeor6' that a net d fcthm, and (it) :atimclor ill correct or tabor c and r eplacmmt damage to other Work or the work of other:: resulting 1hneGam. If CONTRACTOR dbea not prontpth' etunpk wilt tine terms Of such instructions, or in an emergency tyitere delay would cause serious risk of loss ar damage. MNER rime have the defective Work corrected or the rciected Work. renamed and replaced rand all claim& costs. ldnses and dumages caused bV or rvwultiru:$em such removal and rephlcement :includmit hilt not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will In• paid by CO\`TRACTOR 13.1^_:'. In special circumstances where a particular item of equlpmem is placed in continuous service before Sub::mntiul Completion of all the Work. the corrxticn period for that item mar start to run from an earlier the if so provided in Lite Specification; or try - Written Amendment. 13,12.9, Where drfcctlye Work (and clarinet m other EICIX: GENLR.LL CONUr11ON S 191 a-s (1990 Laham) =T nr(AtY OF FOR CXIMA N5 NJ01MF1CATIONS 0UV 4Au1ua tort: iesultina beiefioni) has been con'eeted, removed or replaced under this paragraph 13.1 the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will the extended for am additional period of i3n ial uvo vear; after such caneetion or removal and replacement has been a risfactoriiy cemtpieted, Acceptance of➢efecrier Work: 13.13. If. instead of repuirinc correction or removal and replacement of defective Work_ OWNER fanti, prior, to ENIGfiecrR's recommendation of end pap'mear, also };:NC,II`:EERI prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRACTOR shell pay all claims, nets, lasses and dnmase,, attnhumbie to ON r-Rs evaluation of .and determination to accept such dkf era e.Work (such casts to br approvci L} L,iVCr1NiF.ih .», to n.taarubknc&sj. It any such acceptance occurs prior to 1-MI NEE169 recommendation of final payment, a Chanue Ortler will be issued incorporating the necescny revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work_. anal OIYNER. shall he, entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, ant, if tire parties arc unable m agree as to the amount thereof. Okit igER mac make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If the acecpance occur: after such recrnmmendatfon an upptopriatu amount will he paid by CON i'KACI'OR to OWNER. pRi\ER Dfni' Cnrrccl LJcfecriee It lark: Lila. l(CON I RAC IOR foils within a re;rmerable time after wrinen notice from ENGINEER to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as rcquhcd by HN6,IN'b1R is sccordnnct with paragraph I3.11, or if y ON'TRAQTOR fails to perform the Work in necoidance with lite Contract Documents o. if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with rice other provision of talc Contract Documum, Otl;\Tli airy, after wren doe wrinen notice to CONTRACTOR. correct and remedy anv such deheiene, In exciciang. the rights arld retire dice under this paragraph OWNER shall proceed expe'ditiousiv In connection with such conclave and remedial action. Otl:n`PJ2 may c:xclnde C ON 1'Ir:1C�1'OR front all or lcrctof tat• site, take jxxlsossiull of all or Nut of tad %Vo'k, and .usperud CO QIh\CTOhs scrviccs related therrto, take pisscs;ion of CON'l-RACIOR's tools applian:-es, amsinusion equtpuncra and maeidt ai the site and incorporate in the Wort: all materials and cxlufpment stored at the site or for which OR/NER has paid C:ON712ACTOR but which are noted elsewhere. CONTRACTOR shall allots OriTTR 01%WERts representatives. meents and employees. Oli'!'d ER's other Cann^actor and ENGLNT:ER and ENGUEER's Consulumu ac:ess to the site It, enable OWNER to decrease the riehts:md rnmedles Under this pzrcatvuph. AI claims costs. lmws and darraucs incurred or sustained b O%V-\MR in exacisine .such rishu; and remedies will be charmed alaitnt CONTRACTOR and it Charge Order will be issued incorporating the nrors!atry revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the. Works and OWNER. shall the entitled to an appropriate dccaeal r in the C:ontr is price and, if the parties arc unable to acres as to the amount thereof- OWA'ER mac make a claim thoei'm as provided it, article 11. Such claim:;, costs, losses and H danlucee will include not not he Invited to atl costs of repair or replaccmcm of work of others destrocr l o: darnaved by correction removal or replacement of C:r)hTRACTOR's defectiy<\Fork. CONTRACTOR shall not be allot+'ed an extension of the Contract Times for Iviileraonos�l because of net' delay in perforntmtce of the Work auribumble to the c.xercisr by OWNER of CAVNTrER's ri.Jn:; and rcmrdies hereunder. ARTICLE IJ--PAPSI GNI'S TO CON rRACTOR AND COMPLETION Schedule of I•niuer. 14.1. I he suhuclulc of I'slow, esrthI shod as prodded in punai-moh 2.9 will serve iu, the taasis fot praaress p:tynnolts and will he incorporated into. a fora of Application for Payment acceptable to ENGINEER. Proves, roymarPa on account of t!nit Price Work will he hnsed no. the nuaher of units completed. : Ippliratfon frrr 11mgmvs Ynl'men:: 14. At ]cast mcnn davrhefore the date astabbiriwd for each progress payment iltm no.! mare often haul once a month;. (7O\TRACTOR slcdl submit to ENGI T—ER tut review :in .Application for Payment filled out and signed by CON I RAC I- )k crwering the Wo-k completed as of the zinc of Lite Application and accompanied by such supporum documentation as is required by the Cataract Documents. If pavnwnt is reciucsted on the basis of mute, iais and equipment not incgrpnrned in the Work, but delivered and suitabh stored at the site or at another loattion agreed to in writing. the Application for !'aymenl slndl also bet accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or oilxl documentation waratu m that OW\rER has T=ived the materials and eclunmacni free and clear A all Lions and evidence that the nalemli:, and equipment are cove;rd In' appropriate property' insurance and other a,-rangemants to ptntect UVVNEI<': Cntetest lhewin, all of which will he s:alAtelocv to OWNER, The mnouni or reuilmlge with Iesivel to pretties pl, ntenl:: will Ix•as supulmed in the Zmemeit. Ara funds (hilt are Ncithheld n. the OV NE•R l not he sublet to substitution he the CONTRACTOR t+ith e, unthe_(ir any, err r=ments cotoivmean e;cane pr custodianship, by eeecuurL_Ihe aPph.atinn_Co: paymen fn•m tie CONTRACTOR expremh' waives ins nght to the 4 neCns of Colorado Revised Statutes, 4euiyn_. .2-191-11-01 • ct tics: COATR-I CTORi. If arrant: o'f.Title: 143. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work. materials and equipment covered Fr link Application fot 'I'nyment, whether incnrlmrated in the Project err not. will Pans to OWNER. no Inver than the time of !xryment Gee and clear of all Liens. Replay of Applicatimas fur Proget.' Pelmtent. 14.4. ENGINEER will. within ten da}s after reccip! of each Application For Payment either indicate in tyrnine a Wi:DC C.ENEK-- . CONUI"11URS t?naJ I !'A) Lthtina m'C1I YOY FOKr C'UANaMODIPICA I IONS 11IFN.1.-Z 011 recommendation of payment and prc,tent the Application to Oi':7'.TR or return the Anniication to CONTRACTOR indiattirm in aTitutg ENGIP EEP's reasons for refusing to recommend ptvntent. In the laun case, CONTRACIOR nom make the necessan corrections kind resubmit the .application Ten da_vv, after presentation of the Amhustion for !"content to OWNER with EiJGNT-ER's recommendation the amount recommended will (suluect to the provisions oC the last sentence of pnrazraph I 7) hewme due and when due wili be }mid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR 145. F:NGINHER's recommendation or sn% pnymem rrqueated in an Application for Payment will constitute a rcin'esrntntinn by ENGIld}%F.R to OWNER- lased pn F. JGI:JF.r:R S tin -site olxcn•uinm. of the csccutcd lkodt a:: an ccpencnoed and qualified desima nroCrseiantal and an I:NCi L'v}?HI:'s review of the Appficnoon for Payment and Inc. alorompanvntz daua tail suiteduaL. titer to the best of !iWW,iEBR's knowilidge, infomiatitm and Mick' 145.1. the Work has progressed to the polar indicated, 14.>' the qualite of the Work is ecmeralh' in accordance with the Contact Dmunents (rotated to an cvalualfon of the Work as a functioning whole pnz to or open: Suhn:mtial Completion., to t{tc rasuits of am, suhscquent tests called for in the Coneact Documents, to a final detcrminatlon o`quantitia and alawfieram s fee Unit i'riee Work under pieaeraph 9-10. and to any other quahfi=ions stated in the recommendation), and 14.i 3, the conditions precedent to CDie TPuh:'-TOR', being entitled to such payment apfcar to have huun ittlliiled insofar as it is. L\GNEER's responsibiiily to obsern'e the Work. ll a to by recorruamding any ,rich papmcnt LSvGL3J ;ER will not de.retw he (freaked to have. repic.wracd that! (i)C:ha:`sule or continuous !II -site neitecnan. have been m is w clack the quality nr tie quaLjafu of the Ward: hCFand the esporimbilitius r:1,eciGcalh nsaigncd to ENGENIIZER in the Contract I)(vutnems or (ii) that there mnv not he Cher matters tx rues hemm, 'the panics that mnlu' entitle COA'LPACTOR to be paid additionally by M\'p.'13R or entitle Cri17l1qLR to withhold pnymant to CONTRACTOR. 14,0. E',XGIiJEER.'s reatmmendation of any payment. aciuditg fire! payment. shall not mean that ENGINEER is reseonsihlc for CONTRACTOR', means, mebod%, techniques. sequences cr procedures of construction or thesinew preattnions and prGumnns incident fhertio, or for an, failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Recu][knoos applicable to the !Lmishina or performance of Work, or for an% failure o!' CONTRACTOR to perfoml or furnish Work in accordance with tier: Coneact Doeumcne;, 14.7. 'r;N(ii f`!P:ER cony refuse hn reennnncnd ale whole or am -part of any- Inkavrnent iC in FINUFNEERS opinion it would to incorrect to make the represenmtions to 29 �I Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 607 FENCES Section 607 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows Subsection 607 02 is hereby revised to including the following Barbed Wire fence shall be four Strands barbed wire with all metal tee or wood post at every fourth post, as directed by the Engineer Wire gate shall be consider as fence and will be measured for as lineal foot of fence installed and accepted Temporary fence shall be three stand barbed wire (evenly spaced) with metal tee posts Temporary fence ( special) shall be single strand smooth 15'/z gauge wire with metal tee posts spaced every 50 feet The wire shall be placed a minimum of 30 inches above the existing ground Plastic orange flagging shall be tied to the smooth wire in between every metal tee post spaced at 25 feet Plastic orange flagging will not be measured and paid for separately Subsection 607 03 is hereby revised to including the following Two galvanized metal stay are required between posts for Barbed Wire fence and Temporary fence Subsection 607 05 shall include the following Payment will be made under Pay Item Pay Unit Fence Barbed Wire Linear Foot Fence Temporary Linear Foot Fence Temporary (Special) Linear Foot Payment for Fence remporary and Fence Temporary (Special) shall be full compensation for furnishing, erecting, maintaining, removing and disposing of all materials required Fence Temporary and Fence Temporary (Special) shall remain the property of the Contractor tg t E N r-, i �.J LJ N d d r1 LI 1 E I U H 0 OWNER rnferted to in paragraph 14-_ ENGNFLER may also refuse It' recommend amsuch pa}mem. or. becauseof subsequtmlly di.woccred evidence or the results of suhsequanl inspoCnOr, ttr tesn;. millif. tar such lxaemhem preciously recommended. to such extent as mu_c be nceesan in 1.N1LTI1`'EF'Rs opinion to protect OWNER from loss because. 14.7.I, the \Yorkis d efecive. or completed Work has been dumm`ed requirmp correction OF rrplacetnem. 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced be Wtiuen Amencinient or Change Order, 14.7OWNER Ins .been required to con'ect rtir{coca Wm or complete Work in accordance with runtgraph li.14,.or 147A, HfiG1,NL-ER has actual knowledge of tits• occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs I I thrtxtah IS'? inclusive. OWNER ntav refuse to make pavnmra of the full amnum recommended by ENGINEER because: 147,i claims have bean muds agairut OL\ NFUZ on account of CONTRA(. MR's perfcmmancc or furnat in_ Of the Work, 14,7.6. Lions have !been filed nh connection with the 1A"ark, weep. where CO\PRAM'OR his delivered n shod Gc Bond snisCnetnp. to OWNHR to secure the satisfaction and discharge ofsuch Liens. 14.T7, there are other itens entitling Ol\'CF.R ton sot Off afmitu, the arnwmt rewmmende'd, a 14C_9. Ot4'NER has actual knouledge of the rs;currenie of env of the eyene', enumeraed in litua riphs 14.7,E through 14.7. or foram, phi I � _.I fluouah I5.=.4 inclusive: but OWNER tons', ao r CON 1 R U 1 d 1n, immediate written nouec (with a Corr to i:nd INrF R) "tame the iotsons for such action and promplh dray C i X-11,ACf R the amunmi so withheld Or anv, adiusimem thereto awed in by OWNER and C61,71ZACCOF when CONT ,.ACTOR umrIDa to OWNER tatislaetion the reasons for such action Sabsranrial C"omnlenon. luX WI CONTFRACTOR considers flit entire Work rcnek for. its intended uu• CONTL ACTOR 4tall nutiR OWNER and ENG 5\EER in writing [Fort the entire Work is substuntiallr complete (rscept for items specifically listed m CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and rcquesi Of FiNGI:�'EE: issue a certificate of Sub;umtial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter. OWRVyR. CONTRACTOR and DT GIFdS.ER shrill make inn intipection of die Well: to deterntinr tide Stators of completion. If ENGINEER does nix consider the ll,ork su'tmantialh. complete. EQCrINFER will notify C0_N9'RACT0R in writine giving the reasons therefor. If F:NGINH6'R i11 UR0C'. CVNHkr1l.C'ONDI'1'IUNti l:+103(19'ao i<4nian W+(SIT OF F010 SYII.LI %5 NUtalnCAlIGNS nU.i\' a .Man considers the Work substantinllY complete. ENGINEER will prepare and deiiver a OWNER a tentative certificate. of 5ulesumtial Completion which shdl fix die date of Z1 'Innlial Completion. There shall Ix attached it, the crnifrane a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final findmem. OW'hI i shall haccseven d avg after receipt of the tentative eenificate durinc which n+ make written obieetion to ENGLN7EER a:: to true provisions of the cenificate or attached list. If, HI cousiderinz Such objections. ENGINEER concludes dint the Work is not subsumtially complete- ENGI NEIiR will within fourteen does after submission of the tennaive certificate to OWNER notify. CONI'RAC: I'OR in writing. smtirtg the reawns therefor. If. after consideration of 01s NHRc ohjectirms, H.?,MlN;F.F.R considers the. Work adacmnti•tl F} complete fNi INf-: ,k will within said ieunccn dim:: esecun• and dalivar to OWNER and (X)* 1TRACTOR i definitive cerimmic of Subnamnil Cumpleaiuu (with it revisal tattatn e list of items to he completed or corrected) rcflceting such changes fmrc. the teratak v e<nificate as ENGINZ R believes justified after consderation of nm Objections from OW'NEI:. At tide time of delivery of die tentative ccnifieme of Substantial Completion ENGR'hER will deliver to OWNER and CON I kAC"IOR a written recommendation as to division of reponsihilitics pending• final paement herveen O\\GQER and C)NI'RAC'IOR with respect to security, Operation, safety, maintemuce, heat utilities, insurance and wurrnnties and auarnntees Lnles' OWNER and CON i KA 1 OR agree otnCnttse in w mini and so inform hNCTIN ER in writing prior to F;NGJNhE1a issuing the dcfmin%c certificate of Sufastantial (completion, FNGINEFR's aforesaid recommendation will be budding nn 0XVN;fR and COP!IRACfOR until final pnylrcm lao. MNER shall have the alga to exclude CONTRACTOR firm the Work after the date of SubIwnial Compktion. Out M"'JER shall allca' C(J'_i 71L•1C'I'O7: reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. Partial I riilizali og: 14.19_ t .w hr OWNER i. OW'NhR•. union of any subst:uttialh completed parr oh the Work_ which', (i) lux speciLadlr been identified in the Contract Documents. of (i{} OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR eglee COMUIU 'd a segagatek funcleamic and usloie part of the Wort: don cap. be usedl by OR1iR to. its intended purjxW vidhput siallficant Intel et crtae with CONTRACTOR'S performance of the remainder of the Work. mug be scvontplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the following: 1410. 1.OWNER at .mv time mar request CONTRACTOR in ttriumt, uo Nnuil Ol\'NER to use anc suci't prat of the Wor.toe'hicn OWNER believe; to I e mad\ for its intended use and subsumtially atmpictr. IICON'I'IiACI'OR a�ens that such pun of the Wor4_ is substamutlk complete CONTICA("TOR will ccrtifo to OWhiER and ENGINEER that such part of the Work is suhseintinlh' compicrc, and ruqucst ^NGIN=R to issue e cvnificar of Suhaanual Completion for that parr, of the Work. d CONTRACTOR inane. time may nradv OIVIN-ZR and T3GINE•ER in writing fmn CONTRACTOR eom;iders any such part of the Work road, for its intended use and suiyarintial1% complete anti request DNCiNEER in issue it certificate of Subsanlial Completion fen den pin of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request. OWp TP- CONTRACTOR and ENGIiJEEl2 shall make an inspection of that inn of the Work to delermme its status of completion. If EMj INFER does not consider that pan of life Work to }r subtantiallc complete. GNGINEGR will notifv OIi -ER and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reason; therein;: If HNGINHIT considers that pan of Coe Rork to be sibsinnuallr complete. Ow provi:eonc of pamcraph:+ 14.8 and 149 will spply with resp, m ccrtifiemion of Suhstamell Completion of feat part of tin' %Vodc anti the dl1'iaian of respotrsibihtc in rU-s}w'cl thercofand access thereto, 14.102 No occupanm'or separate operation offan of the \Gunk will be aaamplish_d price to compfiana with the requirements of Iaraeraph 5.1 � in resp�t of prolxn} insurance. Piaal inspection: 14.11. upon written notice Rom CON1 RACOR that the entire Well. or an agreed portion hereof iscomplete, 177NGFNME will maike a final fnslxcticm with 04i:A"ER and CON R. YOR and will nolift CON 'I RAC'IOR in writhe of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work in Incomplete or de criva. CON-1RAC1 OR stall inmtediatch, take sroh measures as are nett: skin' to complete such wad: on• rernedv such deficiencies. Final /Ip/dicnriun for Pmnaent: 14411 After CONTRACTOR has completed all such tnnealunsio the vni::faetion of IetiGID1T1f°k and ddivcretl in aceordance with the Contract Docnimcna all noun enance raid ,penning innnuctions" schtthle;; uuarantees. Lund;, Catificne or other eridenee of mswancereiltmod br Iarij_mph5�4. eenificales of inspection, oeuked-up record dou"inenc (as ptovtdcd in poaurrph 6.10) and emit documeriv, CONTRACTC'tK mac make tv.,licatiun Rr final payment following mite procedure Inc, pr<mrc.^, payments. The final A plicreinn for 7hzvmeni shall be oocompunie(I (except ors Pit,ioush' delivered) lit. (i)all documenutdon called for in the Contract Documents, induction hill not limited to the evilencc of umxurance requirc(1 by suhpirmrmiph j.-. l3. (il) consent o! the surety. I!` anc. to final paymteni, and (in", complete and fcnalh' effective releases or %%nivers (natisfao[on- to CAYNERI of all Liens xrisimg out of or tiled in amnecdon With the Work to Iran of such releaset, or waivers of Liens and as approved br O VNv^R. CON TRACTOR may famish receipts or releases in full and af7idtn'it of CONTRACTOR that (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, sc,'iue4. material and equipment fcr which a Lien could be tiled and (ii)all pavrolls. .material and equipment bills, and other inekbteirrm connmted with the Wod: for which OWNER or Olt^4HR's prop:rte might tit amway he responsible have preen pzid or otherwise satisfied If any Sufwomrnetor w. Suppltcr Pails t4CUC OENLRAL CUNUI"I ON3 ['l neb' 09u1 L'dhau tat' 0i'1' OFFOICI1,7a01,t to annish such a relersc or receipt in frill. CONTRACTOR mar furnish a Blind o; other collateral smisfahon to OR'NER to bideninif, OR+RER against anc Lien. Release or waiver, of liens and the convent of the surety to finalize tr vment are io be submitted (,it funs confprmine to the format of the OWNHI: S standard forme Ixlund to the Prcjcct manual. Final Pnrment andAcc'eptance. 1=_11 IC on the basis of ENGI EER's ,bean•>¢inn (if the Work durum construction and final inspection. and IiN`61NE'Fk"ri review' of the final Application Rot Pnymcm and amomlanymu dalnr[lennrllgn as rcgntre(I be le Contract Documents. ENGtis'EI:R is satisfied that the Work Ives hate completed and CONT.RA(ICOKs other note 10011; tinder the Cornrael Documents hie e ten fulfilled. I?hiGlNHl:R v:ili, withinten drays niter receipt of flu•. final Applitution for lin•ntnnt fmficAe in W:Itin_ E1sGtIJEIF'.1.'s rceamnu;ndati(n% of lyayrnmi and Ivcsrnt the Application to OWNER for p'atmenl. At the same time I:NCi d,YF.}iK will also -ire %%Tiller. notice to OkiNEK and CONY"RAC`[ OR that the Work is aceeperhlc suhicet to the provisions of pitra!_raph 14.15 Othenwele, E,dip INFER will return the Application to CONTRACTOR, indidrting in writing the rcavati Rm reftlsinn to recommend final mvmrnt, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the uecessan correctiom and resubmit the Application. Thm,x days after presentation to OWNER of the Application and acannprlo'iile documentation. in approlainte foe and suhswnee and with .N(,JNFI,,R's recommendation and notice of aeucpntbihty. the amount teminneoded b; ENGP.�EER will hecontc due slid will he paid he OWNER to CONTRACTOR sulaicct mJaragrmit 17.6._ of' these Gemial Conditions. 1414. If duoue}t no fault of CONTRACTOR final watnletion of the ik rk is sfunificanlh' ldaved and if ]C;fv';1R so confirms, OR1QER shall, upon roa.ipt of CO?TCf:.\:;TORS final Application for Pevmcla and recommendation of H\GIN;CiGR. and without fens immune the -\ewcment, make payment of -tine Ixdanoe due liar that portion of tits 'A`nrk fully compincd and accepted. If the remaining twlnnce to fx bald In- p1VNCR I`or Work not Full, completed is corrected ii, leas than the ietainngc. stipulated in the 1'%greement and if Bonds have been furnished as required in parnJuph S.I. the written consent of the surety to the prvment of the balance due foe that portion of the \God; fulh' completed and acuented shall he submitted by CIORTR,(CTOR to ENGRQEER with the .Application for such Ixtyinera Such payment shall he made und-a the lens and conditions-meming final paymcnl_ zxx cpi Lion it shall not constitute It ivitwer of claims lVativtr of Claims. 14.15, The making trod aceepumcc of Beal payment will constitute: 14.1li_1_a waiver of idl claims ho' 011NHR a_cransr CONTRACTOR except claims arisin_ It om unsetfled Liens, front d?izcime Work oppearing after N L I�1 j ill U L�J I 17 L D I I, final inspections pursuant to paragraph 14.11. from .failure to complywith the Contract DOCninenti nr the terms of any special Luararaces scccifted therein. or frcmn CONTRACTOR:s continuing obli_tuitn; unties the Contact Documents', and 14.1�2.A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR aa_ainst OWRJER other than horse previously trade in writinu and still unsettled. ARTICLE IL-SUSI'E\SIO\ OF \PORT: AND TERMINATION 0U,'ALR Alm' Suspend( 11=orlc 1 �J1 Al an}- time Lind without cause OWNER Rio; sustiend the Work or am' portion thcreof for a period of not more than ninety diva by nodce in writing to (XYNI'RACI'OR and F.Iti(ilNlifi'R which will fin the date on which Work will be sustained, CON fkACl'OK shall resume the Wort: on the date so fixed CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adluttmcnt in the Contract Rice or an extension of the Contract 'f fines, or hoth, directly attributable to nre such susprnsion if CO!d'1'RACI'OR ntnkes an approved eLrim thcrcfnr tut provided in Articles 11 and 1=. 011':Pl'.R ,Ups' Tern ninare 15.'. tipcat theoccurrence of any oneor nacre of the t'al lowing ::vents: 15 2, L if CONTRACTOR Ifenustenth' flails Io perform the- W'ork in accord:uxc with the Contract Duciall its (includine, but no: limited to, failure to ntpplr sufficient skilled Nvcrkers or suitable materials or eyuipmera of failurc to adlocre In the proere s schedule established undei Fo agruph ^_.Y a:: adjusted hoof time to rime punmmnt to pantCRaph o.oj'. 15".1 11, CONTRACTOR duccilaid:; Law, is Relluiatlnns of anc public lxody ha vingPnisdiciion'. if CONTRACTOR disiesardr, die autitotin* of ENGINEER, or . if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in am' substantial pre)' any provisions of the Comma Documents: OWNER .may, after giving C OY.TRACTOrt land the suretyif an,) seven days' written notice anal 10 the e:aenl pemtitted by Laws and Re_ulmioru, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR exclude CONTR-ACTOR fine the site and take possession of the Work trod of all CONTK.ACI'OK's touts. uppli;mces. construction equipment noel machinen' at the site find use the same In the full exlent thc_r could be used be CONTRACTOR (without liability' to CONTR4CfOK for trespass to comer ioin. incorporate in the Work all material, Lind equipmem stored at the site or for which OWNI-;k has Isad EXL)C GENEIIaI. CC1NLN'n CH 3 191 n-S f I'l90 Edliml -- w'C11LIFI'C10Cr)l.l.l NS M11CJUIPIGCI'IOY.ti tlU 1'npikan CONTR.ACT CLR hilt winch are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as UXNER may' deem e.%Ndietn. In sliCh ease CONTRACTOR shall net be entitled to receive an, hathim TuNctient until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Rice exceeds all clauns. costa. losses and damages susuuned by O\C'N'r.K arisine out of ce resulting from ctmnpleting the Work such excess will be paid.in CONTUCACT'OR If such clnaris. costs_ losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance. CONTRACTOR shall pay- the diflerenee to OWNER Such claims. costs, losmsand tlamagcs incurred by OtBN1P,R will be reviewed by ENGID= unto their reasonobleness and when so approved hM- ENGINflER incorporated in it Change Orden Provided that when "mi isire ac} rights or comedies under This pamclnph OWNER shall out be required m obtain the lowest pncc for the Work perfonnul. I5, Where CON 'I'I:ACI'OR's services have fxsn so terminated by OW'NEK. the terfunuition will not affect any rights ¢ remedies nl ('.)C4idi.1,aumn.T, CONTR-ACTOR then evstim_ or which niuy thereafter imcrue. Am retention or payment of froneys due CONTRACT I'OK by OWNER will not release ClONTR..iCTOR from lishilitc. LA Upon s<•vcs days' written notice to CO\'I R--V, VOR and cN(ilNEER, OWNER mac, without cause and without prejudice to ariv nifix right or remedy of OPi]`LR elect to terminate the Agreement. In Tick case. CONTRACTOR shall be lucid (without duplication of any items): 15.4.1. for completed and asepinble Work e\ccuted in accordance with the Contract I'icuments prior tc doe effective date of temoivation, includine liair and reasomtble sums for overhead and profit on such Work4 I � d:' for r.>}x;nv.' urwtined prior io the ellecure date of ternunaiion in Ixrfonnmt sen'ices and furnishine labor, maerial, or equipnaen; as required by the Contract D(WLim IS in connartion with uncompleaed Work, pies fair and ieumviahle stuns 1br overhend;ind profit on such eaxns�� . ti,4.3, for all dawns, costs losses; and c4lmages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts wain Subcontractors- Supplicni and others: and 1i. 4 fm renson:iele expanses directly attributable iDierminfiLion. CONTRACTOR shall no: lie paid on account of loss of uninuffaud of or revenue o; other economic loss arisim_ out of ur resuldnf_ Gore such term inaion CQ,%TIL4CT0It Min Sep 4Pn „ar Terntina e. I i.3. If. through no ua or fault of CONI P-ACTOR the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety du%s be C1W'NER or under an order of noun or other public authorin', or liNCHN1P,ER fails to act on Lim' Applim Lion for l.ryment witl» n shut dugs uftel u is submitted or (alb M1lf3R tack fior thine day I in pay CON 1-R ACTOR any suit finallsdetermined to he due, then CONTRACTOR mav, upon seven navy written notice if, Olh;NTER and ENGIF,tbER. and provided OWNER ur ENGINEER do not real le such suspension or G'lilure within that time. temtinate the Agreemem and recover from CWN`HR n„atment or the same terms ns provided in paragraph I 4, In lieu of lenniratirl3 the Aiareemem and without prejudice to am' other right or rcnredv, if ENGDQEER has faifal m act in an Application for Pa}ment within thin' days after it is submitted cr OF NEK hits failed for shim da,s Is., p;r/ CONTRACI.OR any sum fioalk dacmtined m ix•. due. C,.)NI'RACTOR mav upon seen da}'v' written notice to OWNER and FNGVi PXR stop the WO.If until pnsment of all such amounts; due CONTRACTOR htcludng interest thereon I'hr provision, of this lnnufraph l .s are not intended to prmlude CXY,�' (RECTOR from making claim under ,=Niicles I and t" f¢ in inctcux in Contrct.11iicc or Contract *1 lines or otherwise air efFinscc, or damauc dumtlg attribumbic to CONTRACI'ORs stuppin_ Well: as perolittcd of thhx ixhragrhph, ARTICLE 16—DISPUTE Kt40LU7lON If and in the cetera that OWNER and (-Oi\I'RACI'OR have agreed on the method and pmcodure for resolving disputes henfeen them that may raise under this .Agreement, such dispute resoluticm nletihnd and lrncedurc. any. shall Ix if; set forth in 8xhihit GC-k "Dispute kcsolution Acrecmcnl". to he attached hereto and made a ism hueof. If' no such s2remicnt on the nlcthrxi and Trtrcdun: for tesolvins Tach disputes has been reached, and slahjcet to the proeisiow. of parmraphs 9.10. 9.11 and of L, t:)1l:TTR turd CONTRACTOR mar exercise such rights of rmnadies as either ntav otherwise have under the Contract Documents Ofby Laws o: Raguhnior>< in resof CI ofam, dispute. ARTICLE? 17-011SCELLANEOL'S G'iring:Vnrive: 1':. 1. Whenever any pro,ision of the Contrast Doawrlents requires the Li,irs of written notice. it will be deemed to have been raiidk =icon if delivered in person up the a diyidunl or m a memhe; of the flint or m an Officer of OF: eurponniun far wheal it is intended or if delivered at or ant h, registered of cerlified mail. pis tage prepaid, to the last business address known to tire' give- of the notice. 172. C..nputation afTimc. 17.---.l. When tin, period of tin, is referred to in the Contract Documents kx caps. it will be computed to escludr Ine fing and include the fast din_' of such p_riotl. If the last day of an, such period Hills on u Samrdav o Sunda, of on a liar made a Imml hokliac b, the law of the anTlicahle• jurisdictiun, such de} will Ix omitted'frrnn the. computation. [OCDC OEBI;tt:ll, i JNDI110M 1911-s I t ^YO IWII, q 11r G'i']"01 FORT 4CI1001 17'._..4 caiendar da} of nyento-[our hour;masu rod from FlInhriuhl to the next midni_eht will constitute .I day. Aarice r fClain : 173, Should OWNTER of CONI"RAC:TOR wtTci umun: cr damage u% person or proper' Iecause of am' error, omission ir, out of the other pan, or of any of the other panda employevs or acems or others for whose acts the other pure- is legelk liable, claim will be mad, in Vining to the oaier, Inn, within a reasonable rime of the first obsen,ame of such iniun' o: dammge, The provisions of this paragraph 17,: shall lint Ik connmied as a apinianitre. for or a waiver of the nrorismns of and nppiieable statute Of limdntdals Of h cpn:;t.4.lrmulrttive Remedie's I T4. 'file duties and obi _ aiuns imposed by theta: Gcncral Conditions and ihn rights and rcnu:clics nvnilable heleunder to the parties hereto. andat particular but without limitaticm, the warranties. guarantees and obligatom imlxra:d upon CON RAC'OR h, pnraifraphs 6116J n, 6.30. 631. 63=, 13.L I3_I_, I3.11, 143 and I - and all of the rights and remedies available to ORTER and HN PII —EEP thcrcundcr, arc in addition to and arc not to Ix construed in an, war as a limitation of, anv rights and remedies ocnilahle to any or all of them which are otherwise inhposed or available by Lows or Regulatiom, b, specifil wnrr my of guarantee Of fix ' o8ta Trorisions Of the Compact Dncumems, and the, provisions of this poraernph will be as eflecove as if rclxate.d sp eciflcalh' in the Confiner Doeuntalts in connection w'ifh each particular dune_ o1shention_ right and rcmcctp to which they apply. Pr,j Iffnnal Feee and Court Carts included. 17. f. 14nere,,er reference iv made In "claim•.; cost:. loiu•..x mud damages it shall include in each caw. but nor fx� panned IN, ;ill ides and cteaees of elvinetls, nrcklusts, atafine,s and (,the. orofcsl:mals and all coon a: :nlauohon or other dispute Ies:,iuuon casts. 1 +,G. I'll, law.. of tihe tit us.. of Color Id annh' to this _..._ .. _-— .._. - a_ ecrumi _ 1 clot me it Iwo lnrunenl f olo idf, st rtrno�a sae as fnlirn9s; 176'_. If a claim is filed OR:NE'R I:: reuuir ,l b,. iaw dClLS 3%?6-10711o,ilhhold from all p'riwins to CONTRACTOR sufficient fund, to insuse the Myruent of all claims for labor. materialsram hire. Suaten lure proN i%ion ,prcrvan I-L or toter soil iies used or consumed by CO[v MACYOk or his. ff H ds »' u E 2 H H H 0 H 0 F i:ON61"]'WINS 1911- 0990F,buwl l,' MY OF FOIt"1' (:Oi.l.l M15 AIODIIICA I'10Rti IIiLF 4201u1t E E ( I his PIOC lCfr blank intmijonifiv,) Cl I) OFF( 'K 1 COLLIM; MODIFIC-A F10\N ME\ 1.?W1W N E D R R 11 H H E E u H I H E u I It I (t-%' (I Ttl-Edlioll 30 ,,(I It 0m earl (%)IJ."N; NIODII I(',% nbNti OU: \ acwm 1L'i 1.1 p EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Bet-ween OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUTE RESOLITION AGRPEENILNT O4r;NIR omit CONTR-AM OR hcrebr agree that Article Id of One General Conditions of the Construction Clon[mct hetwcen OWNER and CONI'KA(710P. is amended to include line follo,ving agneement of the parlics; If, i, All claims, disputes and other motto's in question between C1 VMU1 and MUNFRACTUR a.^s1113 our of or relaxing to the Contract Documents or the hreach anerant {excep; fur dams which have hectt waived he the making or acceptance of Final payment as provided h rorvaph 14.15) will be dccidcd be arbitration in accordance with he Construction Industry Arhnrntion Rules of the American Arbitration Assnciator. then obtamirtg, subjeo! to dx limitauiurn ol'Ihc .Anode lo. 'this agreement sit to a:bitraic and env other acrcomem or cnnscnt to arbitrate entered Intl) in acenldaurC IICTeWtth as proaided in this Article 16 ,sill he spur:ificdl,% cnl'orecahle under til,. prevailing law of any court haeina jut is Loden. 16,1 No demand for arnitration of [cot claim. dispute or outer mane: Inaa is required to he roRrred to ENGfivEER athialiv Rrr decision at accordance with paragraph 9.11 rsjll ix nmde until tin earlier of ja% the date on which ENGINE-R has rcndcrcd a written decision or (bj the trim --fire dot after the parlics hm-c pmunted their eriderux to ENC6<EER ira writren decision has not been rcndcrcd In FNUN• 'Fk Ixlixe that date_ No demand lit: arb'arztion of any such clear, dispute is other motto will Iv mode later Ifsan think Jars ufrer rim date tin w'hleh iC` i\FEE has rendeed it written decision in resneci thewof in accordance with lxuaurtph ;'.I I: and the finhue I,, demand arbiumion widen said thine da}�' period will result in 0\011.NLER's decision onne, final and bindam ulwn OWNLR and CONIR-ACl'OR If ENGt.NFU'i3R renders a decision after arbiinuiun omcecd n3 have peen fnuhned. such dresion man, he entered as cl,wer,ce but will not surnsxcie the arbitration pwceedms, except whole the decision is acceptabfc to the rarities concerted. No demand for arbillroOn of an,written decision of E'NGE=k I endered in accoldrulor with parn raph 9.16 will be made later Yarn ten days after the panm t ranking such demand has delivereol nTiuen notice of intention h, appeal as prodded in p:araga-ph 9. I11, 163. Nouee of the den,aud for arbitration will be Filed in writing with the other parr, t, the .Au venom. and with the Antcriratn .Arbitration A:aocurion and a copy will re sent to E]'ClIMFR fcs infommtion. The demand for arbitration will be made widrin the dtirtvdac or ten -tin, period yrccificd in trancrlpi; 16.= as applicable. and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the lamb. dispute os ether natter in queainn hits arisen, and in no event shall an, such demand be made after the date when institution of leeal or equitable pruxedirLs based an such claim, efispme ce. otter matter in quesum n would Is harred M' the applicable statute of limitations. H ICI V (31:NE:P AL CONUI'I Oh'S t!a nos (I A4 2duian xa i`rry or FoR r CUt-1-Cis t„ beta k:ATtONS IRE:%• 4'4t6 )6,4. ixcept as povided in pnra©aph 16,i below n, arhitntion nrisine out of or relatine to the Contract Uoeumens shell include bl' consolidation. Joinder or in till, other manner em� other person on entity (In"-luding ENGINEER. ENGINF.ER's Consultant and ill.- otTrcurs. directorsagents, employees or consultants of any of them) who is not a party to this contract unless: 16A. 1. the inclusion of such other person or cntaN is necessaan' if wmoral: relief is to be afforded rtnong those v:ho ar, . ahead, panics it, one arbitration- anti 164' such other person or meinis suhanntialh invol, cd in a question of late- or fold which is common in thaw' who are alrerdt' part)^_s to the arbitration and which will arise in such proceedings, and 1i:41 the written consent of the other rc son or enhn' sou_ht to be Included and of OWNER and K4'70k ha: been oi2taincd for such inclusion which consent shedl make specific reference to this pnraarnph; but no such concern swill constituteconsent to arhttrali(m of an} dispute not spcciferdiy descitied in such consent or to ititr'ation with any rsrnv not spceifleally identified in such consent. 1 (.•.rnm^_raph 164, if a claim. dispute or other nonce In question between r)%\ NF.k and COsTRACTOP un'olves One V ork of a ; locontraclor. oils; OWNER n: MNl'RACIOR may join such Sun,:ontracmr are pane to tote nrititration between 011'NEN and CON 1l,A(,'! 01, hereunder r'ON I NACI OR shall uulude in all sui entracts required by pasagrlph 6.1I a steccitic provision whercim. the Subcontractor contents to Ixing joined in an arbitration lvmetei Mot TTi and CO_NTR l,CTOR air olvmc the Work of quell Suhe:nnceetnr. Noticing in this raragraph IGS nor in tic provision of such subcoruniel Consorting to joinder shell cTt2ae any claim. riJtt rr cause ol- action in favor of Sutcmntractot and auaing OWNER cNIGINFER of 1 .GIArE1 l sConsultant boat des tin otn n, is-reist. 16.6' The award Inm,iervd ov the arbit:akxs trill be final. ludgnrcnt map be eel .ed until) it in arty court hal rag iurirehell"n Ihzreof. and it will not Ile suiaiert to noxiificalion or appeal. 16.7, c)m9 uR and Co,;'rhLAurc)k m'Jce that Iht% shall rust submit ant and all urrettled claims. counterciainis. disputed and other nnnrs in aucstion lvuvaen than, arising out of or rchain+__ to the Contact DL:rurarns or the breach tha C01 f'disrnnct`L ur mediution p,- Ie American !arbitration -Atievialinn trader he Correction Industry hdeetiatiom ICules of the .-=vneriearl Nbilrilicm Associalinn prior to either of there inniatlne_ nsainst the ot'= It demand for arbitration Pursuant to rxnaL'-u`hr; 16.1 through 16,6. unless dehn• in inrt zang arbitnmon would irrevZluably prejudice one of the parties. 'I he respective• thin, and ten duy urae limits within which to file a demand for arbitration as provided in ranlerapk+ I6.= and 163 above shall he suspended with respect m at diSlutc Submitted to mediation Capin [hose' Cane applicable tittle !units and shall rcurlln suspended until ten dvvs suer the ten ninatinn of the nrediatinn. The mediator, of am dispute surnnitted to mediation under Oils A^_mement ,hill not sense us arbitrator of such dispute unlce: ilia; -wise agreed. u H LJ 0 N CI' d E L� E 0 FJCTICO NF.RAI. CONDITION:; 1911E 0990 E,hh,,,) 6C-AI , CITY Op POTS COLLINS AIODIPfCTTIQA'.S Bf:1'4lkll .J SE SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 611 CATTLE GUARDS Section 611 of the Standard Specifications is hei eby revised for this project as follows Subsection 61101 shall include the following Cattle guard wings will not be required Subsection 611 04 shall include the following Foundation for the cattle guard will not be measured and paid tot separately, but shall be included in the work Subsection 611 05 shall include the following Payment will be made under Pay Item Pay Unit 16 foot Cattle Guai d (CIP) Each 20 foot Cattle Guaid (CIP) Each Payment will be full compensation for all work necessary to complete the work, including but not limited to material, equipment, labor, disposal of materials, excavmg and backfillmg H ^J U IJ U I I y 11 LJ u 11 SEC —ION 00600 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Condit the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 11010-8, 1990 edit City of Fort Collins modifications) and other _provisions of the Contr Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. The following repert(s) of exploration and tests subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: Subsurface Exploration Report Larimer Cuontv Road 15-Stuctures Soapstone Ranch Access Larimer County Colorado EEC Project NO. 1072015A Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nonte data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon completeness of any information in the report. of with cal B. No drawing of physical conditions in or relating tb existing surface or subsurface structures (except Undergroundl Facilities referred to in Paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site have been utilized by the Engineer in preparation of the Contract Documents, except the following: SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the pars numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 7/96 Section 00800 rage 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - 5100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6 The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.97his policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL) _ 7/96 Section 00600 Page 2 L H SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment 1 L' C� L u L' I FI E 1 9/99 SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE:6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost 4.. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.o OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 CC: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing 5/99 Sec -ion 00950 ?age 1 Section 00960 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 OF 4 OWNER: City of Fort Collins PROJECT: APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD BEGINNING: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT NUMBER: CHANGE ORDERS Application is made for Payment as shown below in connection with Contract The present status of the account for this Contract is as NUMBER DATE AMOUNT follows: I 2 Ofiginal Contract Amount: 3 Net Change by Change Order: Current contract Amount: $0.00 Total Completed and Stored to Date: Less Previous Applications: Amount Due this Application - Before Retainage: $0.00 Less Retainage: Net Change by Change Order $0.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION: $0.00 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with the Work have been satisfied as required in Paragraph 14.3. of the General Conditions of the Contract. The above Amount Due This Application is requested by the CONTRACTOR. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is recommended by the ENGINEER. Dale: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application has been reviewed by the OWNER'S Project Manager. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is approved by the OWNER. 9/997/96 Section 00960 Page i APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT AMOUNTS PAYMENT PAGE 2OF4 Work Work Work Completed Completed Completed Stored This Previous To Bid Month Periods Date Materials Total Item This Earned Percent Unit Number Description Quantity Units Price Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. 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Amount Qty. Amount Qty. 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Where there are conflicts between the two. the General Conditions shall control. The following Special Provisions supplement or modify the CDOT Standard Specifications and take precedence over the Standard Specifications and plans. Item Yy Index Pages Notice to Bidders 1 Commencement and Completion of Work 2 Revision of Section 100 - General Provisions 3 Revision of Section 101 - Definitions of Tetras 4 Revision of Section 102 - Project Plans and Other Data 5 Revision of Section 104 - Scope of Work 6 Revision of Section )05 - Control of Work 10 Revision of Section 106 - Control of Material 16 Revision of Section 107 - Environmental Controls 20 Revision of Section 108 - Prosecution and Pro_ress 22 Revision of Section 202 - Removal of Fence 25 Revision of Section 203 - Proof Rolling 26 Revision of'Section 208 - Erosion Control 27 Revision of Section 212 - Seeding. Fertilizer. Soil Conditioner. And Soddine 31 Revision of Section 2) 6 - Soil Retention Covering 34 Revision of Section 625 - Construction Surve_vine, 35 Traffic Control Plan -General 37 Utilities 39 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 614 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Section 614 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows Subsection 614 02 is hereby revised to including the following Sign post and anchor for this project shall be 12 gauge Telespar square post and anchor Post shall be 2' x 2" and anchor shall be 2'/4" x 21/4" x 3' Post length shall be 10 or 12 feet, with 7 feet as the minimum distance from the top of anchor to the bottom of the lowest sign panel Minimum embedment length of post into anchor shall be as recommended by the manufacturer Subsection 614 13 shall include the following Payment will be made under Pay Item Pay Unit Sign Panel (Class I) Square Foot Steel Sign Post (2x2 Inch Tubing) Linear Foot Steel Sign Post (2 25x2 25 Inch Tubing) Linear Foot Payment will be full compensation for all material, labor, equipment and hardware necessary to complete the work n N- 3 H C E Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions NOTICE TO BIDDERS It is recommended that bidders on this project review the work site and plan details with an authorized Cit'v representative. Prospective bidders shall contact the following listed authorized City repesentan, at least 24 hours in advance of the time they wish to go over the project. Project Manager: Tin Wang, P.E. Phone: (970) 221-6605 Engineering Department Fax: (970) 221-6178 City of Fort Collins 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 The above referenced individual is the only representative of the City with authority to provide any information. clarification. or interpretation regarding the plans, specifications, and any other contract documents or requirements. Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORD The Contractor shall commence work under the Contract on or before the 14th day following the date of award unless such time for beginning the work is changed by the City in the 'Notice to Proceed." The Contractor shall complete all work within 105 calendar days in accordance with the 'Notice to Proceed." Salient features to be shown on the Contractor's ProLress Schedule are: • Mobilization • Construction Surveying (By Ohl Forces) Construction Traffic Control • Removals and Adjustments • Roadway Earthwork Structures • Erosion Control • Drainage System • Restoration & Seeding • Signing Section 108 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 108.03 shall include the following: The progress schedule shall consist of a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule prepared using the Microsoft Project software and submitted in hard and electronic formats. The contractor shall be responsible for planning. scheduling. coordinating. and reporting the progress of the work to be completed by City of Fort Collins Forces. The City of Fort Collins Forces shall be considered as subcontractor for thepurposes of scheduling the work. The City wilt comment on the contractors initial schedule submittal for coordination of the completion of their work items. F H �I I I P j 1 Soapelouc Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 100 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 100 of the Standard Specifications is hereby' revised for this project as follows: Subsections 102 and 103 of the Standard Specifications are hereby deleted. See Contract Documents additional information. 3 L Saapstaac Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 REVISION OF SECTION 101 DEFINITION OF TERMS Technical Specifications related to construction materials and methods for the work embraced under this Contract shall consist of the "Colorado Department of Transportation. State of Colorado. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" dated 2005. Certain terms utilized in the Specifications referred to in the paragraph above shall be interpreted to have different meanin_s within the scope of this Contract. A summary of redefinitions follows: Where reference is made in the plans and specifications to Owner. Department. Chief Engineer. Resident Engineer. Project Engineer. Engineer. Erosion Control Supervisor. and Inspection and Testing Agency it is understood to mean the Citv of Fort Collins. Colorado representative. The sections shown on the following pages are revisions to the. Technical Specifications for this project. 4 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions N REVISION OF SECTION 102 PROJECT PLANS AND OTHER DATA Section 102 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 102.05 shall include the following: The following information will be available for review at the City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division. 215 North Mason Street, 2n" Floor. Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 and may be examined omline at: 1. City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: httri://secLije2.iL:zo\.com/bso/l()E-,in.jsc 2. Mercury-LDO Reprographics: www.mercurv-ldo.com Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specifications and Drawing, may be viewed and purchased at the following location until the date set for opening of' bids: 1. Mercury LDO Reprograhies: FORT COLLINS: 422 S. Link Lane, Ft. Collins. CO 80524 Ph: 970-484-1201. Fax: 970-221-0404 ENGLEWOOD: 9632 E. Arapahoe, Englewood. CO 8011 ^_ Ph: 303-790-7169. Fax: 303-792-2936 DENVER: 860 Brvant Street. Denver, CO 80204 Ph: 303-893-8701,Fax: 303-893-0617 COLORADO SPRINGS: 11 E. Las Vegas, Colorado Spring. CO 80903 Ph: 719-231-8121.Fax: 719-633-5710 • LODO: 1660 W vnkoop Ste 130, Denver, CO 80202 Ph: 103-785-2520,Fax: 303-785 2522 BOULDER: 2575 Pearl St. Unite C. Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303-539-1350,Fax: 303-539-1356 2. Builder Exchanee, 223 S. Link Lane. Fort Collins, CO 80524 After the proposals have been opened. the low responsive. responsible bidder may obtain from the City Fort Collins at no cost. 10 sets of plans and special provisions. Additional sets of plans and other available data may be purchased by cash or check from Mercury LC Reprog shies at current reproduction prices. Subcontractors and suppliers ma_v obtain plans and other data from the successful bidder. 5 N Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 -1- REVISION OF SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORK Section 104 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 104.02 shall include: Site Conditions A. General: The Contractor acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions; particularly those bearing upon access to the site; handling. storage, and disposal of materials; availability of water, electricity and roads: uncertainties of weather, river stages, or similar physical conditions at the site: the conformation and conditions of the ground: the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work; and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this Contract. The Contractor further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character. quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing any available records of exploratory work furnished by the Owner or included in these Documents. Failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 3. The Contractor warrants that as a result of his examination and investigation of all the aforesaid data that he can perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner assumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract, and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore is assumed by the Owner. B. Information on Site Conditions: Any information obtained by the Engineer regarding site conditions, subsurface information, groundwater elevations, existing construction of site facilities, and similar data will be available for inspection. as applicable, at the office of the Engineer upon request. Such information is offered as supplementary information only. Neither the Engineer not the Owner assumes any responsibility for the completeness or interpretation of such supplementary information. 1. Differine Subsurface Conditions: a. In the event that the subsurface or latent physical conditions are found materially different from those indicated in these Documents, and differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the character of work covered in these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall promptly. and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Engineer in writing of such changed conditions. v r— :r r iv ® Soapstone Prairie Natural .Area �.` Project Special Provisions August REVISION OF SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORT: b. The Engineer will investiLate such conditions promptly and following this investigation. the Contractor shall proceed with the work. unless otherwise instructs by the Engineer. If the Engineer finds that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of or in the time required for performi the work. the Engineer will recommend to the Owner the amount of adjustment in cost and time he considers reasonable. The Owner will make the final decision on Change Orders to the Contract regarding any adjustment in cost or time for completion. 2. Underground Utilities: Known utilities and structures adjacent to or encountered in the wot are shown on the Drawings. The locations shown are taken from existing records and the best information available from existing utility plans and potholing. However, it is expecte that there may be some discrepancies and omissions in the locations and quantities of utiliti and structures shown. Those shown are for the convenience of the Contractor only, and no responsibility is assumed by either the Owner or the Engineer for their accuracy or completeness. C. Execution: I. Where the Contractor's operations could cause damage or inconvenience to railway. telegraph. telephone. television. oil, gas. electricity, water. sewer. or irrigation systems. the operations shall be suspended until all arrangements necessary for the protection of these utilities and services have been made by the Contractor. 2. Notify all utility offices which are affected by the construction operation at least 48 hours it advance. Under no circumstances expose any utility without first obtaining permission trot the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted. locate, expose. and provide temporary suppon for all existing underground utilities. 3. The Contractor shall protect all utility poles from damage. if interfering power poles, telephone poles. guy wires. or anchors are encountered. notify the Engineer and the it appropriate utility company at least 48 hours in advance of construction operations to permi the necessary arrangements for protection or relocation of the interfering structure. 4. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the owner and operators of such properties for any damage. injury. expense. loss. inconvenience. delay. suits. actions. or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may result from if construction operations under this Contract. 5. Neither the Owner nor its officers or agents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the Contractor's failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. 6. If the Contractor, while performing the Contract, discovers utility facilities not identified in the Drawinfs or Specifications, he shall immediately notify the Owner. utility. and the Engineer in writing. d P Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION;OF SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORK 7. In the event of interruption to domestic water. sewer. storm drain. or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations. promptly notify the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in the restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs of repair. 8. The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, any and all other existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents or ordered by the Engineer. 9. Interfering Structures - The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, aboveground. or underground. An attempt has been made to show major structures on the Drawings. The completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to avoid known possible difficulties. 10. Field Relocation - During the progress of construction. it is expected that minor relocations of the work will be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by direction of the Engineer. If existin,g structures are encountered that prevent the construction. and that are not properly shown on the Drawings, notify the Engineer before continuing with the construction in order that the Engineer may make such field revision as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. If the Contractor shall fail to so notify the Engineer ,when an existing structure is encountered. and shall proceed with the construction despite the interference. he shall do so at his own risk. D. Easements: Where portions of the work are located on public or private property, easements and permits will be obtained by the Owner. Easements will provide for the use of the property for construction purposes to the extent indicated on the easements. Copies of these easements and permits are available upon request to the Owner. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the adequacy of the easement obtained in every case and to abide by all requirements and provisions of the easement. The Contractor shall confine his construction operations to within the easement limits or make special arrangements with the property owners or appropriate public agency for the additional area required. Any damage to property. either inside or outside the limits of the easements provided by the Owner, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as specified herein. The. Contractor shall remove. protect, and replace all fences or other items encountered on public or private property. Before final payment will be authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to furnish the Owner with written releases from property owners or public agencies where side agreements or special easements have been made by the Contractor or where the Contractor's operations. for any reason. have not been kept within the construction right-of-way obtained by the Owner E. Land Monuments: The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any existing Federal. State. Town County, and private land monuments encountered. Private monuments shall be preserved. or replaced by a licensed surveyor at the Contractor's expense. When Government monuments are encountered. the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed construction in order that the Engineer will have ample opportunity to notify the proper authority and reference these monuments for later replacement. Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August E, G E 0 I I 0 H F -4- REVISION OF SECTION 1114 SCOPE OF WORK Subsection 104.05 shall include: Contractors -Use of Premises The Contractor may use the Owner's property designated within the construction limits shown on the Plans for equipment and materials as long as he confines his operations to those permitted by local la, ordinance and permits and meet the following requirements: I. Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment. 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on premise. 3. Move any stored products which interfere with operations of the Owner. 4. Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. Limits of Construction The Contractor must maintain all of his construction activities within the Owner's property and/or construction easements and limits of the project. or other stated areas. unless permits and/or written permission are obtained by the Contractor, from appropriate authorities or private property owners. outside of these areas. Contractor to fence all easements and work areas. The temporary permits must secured and paid for by the. Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner. Any temporary permits secured must be in writing and a copy of same provided to the Engineer. Security The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for the security of his facilities and equipment. The Owner will not take responsibility for missing or damaged equipment. tools, or personal belongings of Contractor. C Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 U i -1- REVISION OF SECTION 105 -CONTROL OF WORK Section 105 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 105.02 shall be replaced with: Submittals A. Requirements: Where required by the Specifications, the Contractor shall submit descriptive information that will enable the Engineer to determine whether the Contractor's proposed materials, equipment, methods of work are in i-,eneral conformance to the design concept and in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. The information submitted may consist of drawings. specifications, descriptive data. certificates. samples, test results. product data. and such other information, all as specifically, required in the Specifications. In some instances, specified submittal information describes some. but not all features of the material, equipment, or method of' work. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in each submittal and shall assure that the material, equipment, or method of work shall be as described in the submittal. The Contractor shall verify that all features of all products conform to the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no conflict with other submittals and notify the Engineer in each case where its submittal may affect the work of another Contractor or the Owner. The Contractor shall ensure coordination of submittals among the related crafts and subcontractors. 3. Submittals will be reviewed for overall design intent and returned to Contractor with action to be indicated by the Engineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to assure that previously accepted documents are destroyed when they are superseded by a resubmittal as such. 4. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that required items are corrected and resubmitted. Any work done before approval shall be at the Contractor's own risk. B. Submittal Procedure: 1. Unless a different number is called for in the individual sections, six (6) copies of each submittal - and sample are required, four (4) of which will be retained by the Engineer. The Contractor shall receive two (2) copies in return. Faxed submittals will not be accepted. 2. Submittals that are related to or affect each other shall be forwarded simultaneously as a package to facilitate, coordinated review. Uncoordinated submittals will be rejected. 3. if the items or system proposed are acceptable but the major pan of the individual drawings or documents are incomplete or require revision. the submittal will be returned with requirements for completion. 4. The right is reserved for the Engineer to require submittals in addition to those called for in individual sections. 10 ATTENDANCE RECORD PREBID CONFERENCE m Project: 80al Soapstone Prairie Access Road Time: 10:00 A.M. Date: August 2i, 2007 N n T E r PRINT FIRMNAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX# E-MAII_ADDRESS p Po Pd1 Mee, J4 11 % aUr� J, 3�3 ' 0 4• c�iiZ '%�p.3'!_1 Gi�r/ Y47 TO W1 F A J 4 PG 2a3s �,o ec-lc Sews C, T-t �t�,J �7Z t.la•Fri.� 1�aN fr �o �zG.-bi2.o {/��� zzt-o�zl t- 1 t(KICI 1"VAfp� �n'�� ¢o. $07. 33�231 l�i' 33� 6SZo 9�,° 3�� 6S'Sd •IuafQ�� �grc�c.LeS+yr i co", C080633 CTq OF 1i i J la7 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 105 _ CONTROL OF WORK Submittals regarding material and equipment shall be submitted directly to the Engineer and wil be accompanied by a transmittal form. A separate form shall he used for each specific item, cla: of material, equipment, and items specified in separate discrete sections for which the submittal required. Submittals for various items shall be made with a single form when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's package or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or review of the group or package as a whole. 6. A unique number, sequentially assigned, shall be noted on the transmittal form accompanying each item submitted. Original submittal numbers shall have the following format. `XXX-Y:" where "XXX" is the originally assigned submittal number and "Y" is a sequential letter assign for resubmittals (i.e.. A, B. or C being the first, second and third resubmittals. respectively). Submittal 25B, for example. is the second resubmittal of Submittal 25. 7. If the Contractor proposes to provide material. equipment. or method of work that deviates from the Contract Documents. it shall indicate so under "deviations" on the transmittal form accompanying the submittal copies. 8. Submittals that do not have all the information required to be submitted, including deviations, not acceptable and will be returned without review. C. Review Procedure: I . Submittals are specified for those features and characteristics of materials. equipment, and methods of operation that can be selected based on the Contractor's judgment of their conformance to the requirements of the Drawing and Specifications. Other features and characteristics are specified in a manner that enables the Contractor to determine acceptable options without submittals. The review procedure is based on the Contractors guarantee that all features and characteristics not requiring submittals conform to the Drawings and Specifications. Review shall not extend to means, methods, techniques. sequences, or procedures of constructiot or to verifying quantities, dimensions. weights or gages. or fabrication processes (except where specifically indicated or required by the Specifications) of separate items. and as such, will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 2. Unless otherwise specified, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of the submittal. the Engineer will review the submittal and return copies. The returned submittal will indicate t of the following actions: a. If the review indicates that the material, equipment. or work method complies with the Specifications, submittal copies will be. marked "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN'. In this event. the Contractor may begin to implement the work method or incorporate the material or eequipment covered by the submittal. b. If the review indicates limited corrections are required, copies will be marked "REVIEWED. COMMENTS AS NOTED`. The Contractor may begin implementim, the work method or incorporating the material and equipment covered by the submittal in accordance with the noted corrections. 1 11 I�g, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2607 Project Special Provisions " _3_ REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK Where submittal information will be incorporated in Operation and Maintenance data, a corrected copy shall be provided. c. If the review indicates that the submittal is insufficient or contains incorrect data. copies will " be marked "REVISE AND RESUBMIT'. Except at its own risk. the Contractor shall not undertake work covered by this submittal until it has been revised. resubmitted and returned marked either "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or `REVIEWED. COMMENTS AS NOTED". .� d. If the review indicates that the material, equipment, or work method do not comply with the Specifications, copies of the submittal will be marked "REJECTED". Submittals with deviations that have not been identified clearly may be rejected. Except at its own risk. the Contractor shall not undertake the work covered by such submittals until a new submittal is made and returned marked either "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or "REVIEWED. u COMMENTS AS NOTED". D. Drawing: 1. The term "shop drawings" includes drawings, diagrams, layouts, schematic, descriptive literature, illustrations schedules performance and test data. and similar materials furnished by Contractor to explain in detail specific portions of the work required by the Contract. 2. Contractor shall coordinate all such drawings, and review them for legibility, accuracy, completeness and compliance with contract requirements and shall indicate this approval thereon .� as evidence of such coordination and review. Shop drawing submitted to the Engineer without evidence of Contractor's approval will be returned for resubmission. 3. Shop drawing shall be clearly identified with the name and project number of this contract. and references to applicable specification paragraphs and contract drawings. When catalog pages are submitted. applicable items shall be clearly identified. 4. Contractor shall stamp his approval on shop drawings prior to submission to the Engineer as indication of his checking and verification.of dimensions and coordination with interrelated items. Stamp shall read: "(Contractor's Name) represents that we have determined and verified all field dimensions and measurements, field construction criteria. materials. catalog numbers and similar data, and that we have checked with the requirements of the Specifications and Drawings, the Contract _ Documents, and General Conditions". Marks on drawings by Contractor shall not be in red. Any marks by Contractor shall be duplicated on all copies submitted. 5. If shop drawings show variations from contract requirements_ Contractor shall describe such variations in writing. separate from the drawings. at time of submission. All such variations must ^ be approved by the Engineer. If Engineer approves anv such variations, he shall issue an appropriate contract modification. except that, if the variation is minor and does not involve a change in price or in time of performance. a modification need not be issued. —� 12 u Soapslane Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions -4- REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK 6. Should the Contractor propose any item on his shop drawings or incorporate an item into the work, and that item should subsequently prove to be defective or otherwise unsatisfactory, (regardless of the Engineers preliminary review), the Contractor shall, at his own expense, replace the item with another item that will perform satisfactorily. Fe E. Certificates: For those items called for in individual sections. furnish six (6) certificates of compliance from manufacturers or suppliers certifying that materials or equipment being furnished under the Conn comply with the requirements of these Specifications. F. Samples: Samples shall be sufficient in size to clearly illustrate functional characteristics and full range of color, texture, and pattern. G. Effect of Review of Contractors Submittals: Review of drawings, data. methods of work, or information regarding materials or equipment the Contractor proposes to provide, shall not relieve the contractor of its responsibility for errors therm and shall not be regarded as an assumption of risks or liability by the Engineer or the Owner, or by any officer or employee thereof, and the Contractor shall have no claim under the Contract on accoi of the failure or partial failure, of the method of work, material, or equipment so reviewed. A mark "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "REVIEWED. COMMENTS AS NOTED" shall mean that the Owner has no objection to the Contractor upon its own responsibility, using the plan or method of work proposed, or providing the materials or equipment proposed. Subsection 105.08 shall be revised as follows: Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following: In case of discrepancy the order of precedence is as follows: (a) General Conditions of the Construction Contract (b) Special Provisions I. Project Special Specifications 2 Standard Special Provisions (c) Plans. j� 1. Detailed Plans ® 2 Standard Plans Calculated dimensions will govern over scaled dimensions. (d) Supplemental Specifications (e) Standard Specifications I, I�'J Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 U -5- REVISION,OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK Subsection 105.09 shall include: Coordination with Property Owners and Tenants The City of Fort Collins iscommittedto maintaining a positive working relationship with the residents in _ the project area. Every effort will be made to maintain pedestrian and bicycle Flow and to accommodate special events and holidays for businesses, pedestrians, parking, and vehicle traffic. The Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate all work activities with private property owners and tenants along the ^ project corridor. Access shall be maintained at.all times. The Contractor shall be responsible for communicating accurate scheduling information to the project team to assure proper notification of u businesses and residents. In particular, any proposed disruption or closure to an existing access must be communicated to the property Owners and tenants with as much notice as possible. The minimum notice ^ that will be allowed for any proposed access change is 48 hours. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate alternate access is in place for vehicles and pedestrians and any property -specific access needs are addressed prior to any change in existing access. The Contractor shall identify his method of maintaining these accesses on the Construction Traffic Control plans (see Traffic Control — General). Coordination with Traffic Engineer The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner's Traffic Engineer for all traffic control activities. This shall include. but not be limited to. installation and timing of temporary traffic detours. and closure of any N partial intersection movements. lane reductions, removal and installation of all traffic signal equipment. removal and installation of all signing and striping. The Contractor is responsible for removal of striping required for traffic control phasing. MW Subsection 105.12 shall include: Surveying Coordination A. The Owner will provide construction surveying for the project. City Survey Crews will perform the surveying required. B. The Contractor must. submit a survey request form to the City Surveyors a minimum of 48 hours prior to needing surveying. W C. If the requested surveying cannot be accomplished in the time frame requested by the Contractor, the survey personnel shall notify the Contractor with the date on which the requested work will be completed. D. Should a sudden change in the Contractor's operations or schedule require the survey personnel to �. work overtime, the Contractor shall pay the additional overtime expense. 14 Soapstone Prairie Nalural Area August Project Special Provisions F REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK E. The Contractor shall protect all survey monuments and construction stakes. If it is unavoidable to remove a survey monument or construction stakes, the Contractor is responsible for notifying the Surveyor and allowing enough time for the monuments or stakes to be relocated. The Contractor e be responsible for the cost of restakin.- construction stakes and for the cost of re-establishing a destroyed monument. F. The�Contractor shall be responsible for transferring the information from the construction staked to any necessary forms and for constructing all pipelines. drainage ways, pavements. inlets. walls. and oth ® structures in accordance with the information on the stakes and grade sheets supplied by the Owner. O F1 D d L U 15 U Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August2007 REVISION OF SECTION 106 CONTROUOF MATERIAL Section 106 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 106.01 shall include: Substitutions and Product Options A. Description: 1. This section describes the procedure required by the Contractor for product substitutions. 2. Requests for Substitution: a. Base all bids on materials, equipment and procedures specified. b. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in specifications by means of trade names and catalog numbers. and/or manufacturer's names. Where this occurs. it is not intended to exclude from consideration such types of equipment and kinds of material bearing other trade names, catalog numbers and/or manufacturer's names, capable of accomplishing purpose of types of equipment or kinds of material specifically indicated. c. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable to the Owner and Engineer. d. Types of equipment, kinds of material and methods of construction, if not specifically indicated must be approved in writing by Engineer and the Owner. 3. Submission of Requests for Substitution: a. After Notice to Proceed, the Owner / Engineer will consider written requests for substitutions of products, materials, systems or other items. b. The Engineer reserves the right to require substitute items to comply color and pattern -wise with base specified items, if necessary to secure `design intent". c. Submit six (6) copies of request for substitution. Include in request: 1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitute with Contract Documents. 2) For products: i. Product identification. including manufacturer's name. ii. Manufacturer's literature, marked to indicate specific model, type, size. and options to be considered: Product description; performance and test data: reference standards; difference in power demand: dimensional differences for specified unit. 16 Soapsunne Prairie Natural Area Augus/ 2 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 106 CONTROL OF MATERIAL iii. Name and address of similar projects on which product was used, date of installati and field performance data. 3) For construction methods: i. Detailed description of proposed method. ii. Drawings illustrating methods. 4) Itemized comparison of proposed substitution with product or method specified. 5) Data relating to changes in construction schedule. 6) Relation to separate contracts. 7) Accurate cost data on proposed substitution in comparison with product or method specified. d. In making request for substitution, or in using an approved substitute item, Supplier / Manufacturer represents: 1) He has personally investigated proposed product or method, and has determined that it equal or superior in all respects to that specified and that it will perform function for which it is intended. 2) He will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product or method specified. 3) He will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into work, to include building modifications if necessarv, making such changes as may be required for work to be complete in all aspects. 4) He waives all claims for additional costs related to substitution which subsequently become apparent. Q4. Substitutions: Request sufficiently in advance to avoid delay in construction. 5. Contractor's Option: a. For products specified only by reference standards, select any product meeting standards by any manufacturer, indicate selected type in submission. b. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any product and manufacturer named. indicate selected type in submission. c. For products specified by naming one or more products, but indicating option of selecting . equivalent products by stating `or equivalent" after specified product. Contractor must subn request. as required for substitution. for any product not specifically named. 17 i Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions _3_ \J REVISION OF SECTION 106 CONTROL,OF MATERIAL 6. Rejection of Substitution or Optional Item: Substitutions and/or options will not be considered if They are indicated or implied on shop drawings, or project data submittals, without formal request submitted in accordance with this section. u Subsection 106.01 shall include: Materials Testing A. Provide such equipment and facilities as are required for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Do not use any materials of equipment represented by samples until tests. if required. have been made and the materials or equipment found to be acceptable. Any product which becomes unfit for use after approval thereof shall not be incorporated into the work. S"% B. Tests shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory selected by the Owner. Except as otherwise .r provided, sampling and testing of all materials and the laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), and the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). C. Where additional or specific information concerning testing methods, sample sizes. etc., is required, such information is included under the applicable sections of the Specifications. Any modification of, or elaboration on, these test procedures which may be included for specific materials under their respective sections in the Specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. D. Owners Responsibilities I. The Owner shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with the following testing: a. Soils compaction tests. �e b. Trench backfill. c. Pipe and structural bedding. _ d. Tests not called. for by the Specifications of materials delivered to the site. e. Concrete tests. f. Surface compaction tests E. Contractors Responsibilities \e u 1. In addition to those inspections and tests called for in the General Conditions. Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing required for the following: 18 Soapstone prairie Natural Area August Project Special provisions , 4- REVISION OF SECTION 906 CONTROL OF MATERIAL a. Concrete materials and mix designs. b. All performance and field-testing specifically called for by the Specifications. c. All retesting for work or materials found defective or unsatisfactory. including tests covere above. F. Transmittal of Test Reports Written reports of tests and engineering data furnished by Contractor for Engineer's review of materials and equipment proposed to be used in the work shall be submitted as specified for Shop Drawings. The testing laboratory retained by the Owner or Engineer will furnish three (3) copies of a written Q report of each test performed by laboratory personnel in the field or laboratory. Two (2) copies of each test report will be transmitted to the Engineer and one (1) copy to the Contractor within seven (7) days after each test is completed. ■H 11 0 19 U, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions lJ REVISION OF SECTION 107 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS Section 107 of the Standard Specifications is hereby modified to include the following: Environmental Controls' The work of this section consists of obtaining permits and providing environmental controls consistent with regulatory permits through the duration of the work required under this project. A. Dust Control Application: 1. The Contractor shall execute work by methods to minimize raisins dust from construction operations. r, 2. The Contractor shall provide and apply dust control at all times, including evenings, holidays and .� weekends, as required to abate dust nuisance on and about the site that is a direct result of construction activities. The use of non -approved chemicals, oil. or similar palliatives will not be allowed. Dust control agents may be used only after prior approval of the Owner. The Contractor shall be required to provide sufficient quantities of equipment and personnel for dust control sufficient to prevent dust nuisance on and about the site. The Owner will have authority to order dust control work whenever in its opinion it is required, rr and there shall be no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall he expected to maintain dust control measures effectively whether the Owner or Engineer specifically orders such Work. B. Preservation of Natural Features: Confine operations as much as possible. Exercise special care to maintain natural surroundings in an undamaged condition. Within the work limits, barricade trees, rock outcroppings, and natural features to be preserved. C. Housekeeping: Keep project neat, orderly, and in a safe condition at all times. Store and use I equipment. tools, and materials in a manner that does not present a hazard. Immediately remove all rubbish. Do not allow rubbish to accumulate. Provide on -site containers for collection of rubbish and dispose of it at frequent intervals during progress of work. D. Disposal 1. Disposal of Waste (Unsuitable) Materials: All material determined by the Engineer to be waste will be disposed of in approved landfill in a manner meeting all regulations. Dispose of waste materials, legally, at public or private dumping areas. Do not bury wastes inside of the limits of construction. All costs for dump fees, permits, etc., to be borne by the Contractor. 2. Disposal of Garbage and Other Construction Materials: Provide sanitary containers/dumpsters and haul away contents such that no overflow exists. 3. Excess excavation shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be legally disposed of by him outside the limits of construction to an approved disposal site. Excess excavated material suitable for backfill shall not be disposed of until all backfill operations are complete. 20 ATTENDANCE RECORD PREBID CONFERENCE m Project: 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road N Time: 10:00 A.M.Date: August 21, 2007 Lncatinn�215 N. Macnn Cnmmnnifv Rnnm N PRINT PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME FIRM NAME 7-oM 3-AcKso,, S7 2aCTu, Sr /nrc 4 IHrr entEss Gj. E 031770-7g7$ 0377a_7Q7 2�0 7�9Gr'So� SirT� Z5O .�`�Y°tG�HYESItC,k �� =yea' tvov0 fo So/", [ferry i�r•+�+mahh �e�s�rf� �sp l3ax /IJa 7 307 G3z BR91 3ar/ 63Z-By72 �I L:1eJrt�, �y �2ce3 �� �zTEG %5i� �37"%- 637 �Z LOHr/�1ZsfZT j�u/© 2- G�ISfr�GT/r911 A� cy hr� G� _ 4,171 R0L . gory/ Go- t1i%(i . BZOD jQtarj SemA 353 5, E�g4t 3- 6z-7 -2d& 64ceaAV40 0. �oTISYULTi�u. ee/►r NAIIALI eo Sewc rl C°aszsyLu�iw< OR aYG ��GOl(2 Cc9wt �a K TO...r .t r- ra w- l r+t aL =i-CI�Gt � Pr IrtfrC�� 4j �f 1 � �d `/•aZ.}•�D f i 4?Pr� �J ('�,,re '}• . S yy t ok�1 mva"` w+tcl J jr2�a"YL. ?t-+e sT.t'�B S ./n� ! ZI 3T (,ifzi CO OQo- `` ' sv-x- 2zS gZD- 37�'�W�O ni+n.N.c'�-✓ia+cig "5=�'�S''�' • CO"+'i /�1yq� Q r�-YLM+O'� ��/tPhl �,iUl(G�CrS 1 `iZo-Qm? 9oYil +(ice r`Grv� wlmasr Co aZD-i6a�to`ti ryi�rtwr � 4z h`� harvtQ, cos+ti �'oSSU m m J m N a Cr nA 2 S.� m N m W Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions REVISION,OF SECTION 107 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS 4. The Contractor is to immediately inform Engineer of any hazardous materials encountered di construction. Dispose of waste materials legally at private or public facilities. E. Burning: No burning of debris will be permitted. F. Water Control: Portions of the project work is located within a natural drainage course and is sub to periodic flooding due to rainfall and snowmelt. ground water flows from saturated soils or other ground water sources. The Contractor is responsible for managing water within the construction sit and protecting property. G. Noise Control: All mechanical equipment shall be equipped with the best available mufflers to reduce noise. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits and shall lira noise to the permitted levels. Noise level monitoring shall be performed by the Contractor as necessary to show that the permitted levels are not being exceeded. Permission from Owner must be obtained prior to the operation of any machinery and/or vehicles between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. H. Erosion and'Sediment Control: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare and obtain an approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan from the Owner. The Contractor shall obtain all applicable permits and performed all work in accordance with all applicable regulatory permits. J. 0 H 1 21 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 4_ REVISION OF SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Section 108 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 108.03 shall include the following: Project Meetings A. Pre -Construction Conference: A Pre -Construction Conference will be held after Notice of Award and before the Notice to Proceed, the date, time and location will be determined after Notice of Award. The conference shall be attended by: 1. Contractor and Contractor's Superintendent 2. Contractor's Subcontractors 3. Engineer 4. Owner 5. Utility Companies 6. Others as requested by the Contractor, Owner, or Engineer. `Unless previously submitted to the Owner, the Contractor shall bring to the conference a tentative schedule of the construction project, include in the schedule shop drawings and other submittals. The purpose of the conference is to designate responsible personnel and establish a working relationship. Matters requiring coordination will he discussed and procedures for handling such matters established. The agenda will include: 1. Contractor's tentative Schedule 2. Permit applications and submittals. including Dewatering Permit. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and Traffic Control Plan 3. Transmittal, review and distribution of Contractor's submittals 4. Processing applications for payment 5. Maintaining record documents 6. Critical work sequencing 7. Field decision and change orders 8. Use of premises, office and storage areas, staging area, security, housekeeping, and Owner's needs 9. Contractor's assignment of safety and first aid B. Construction Progress Meetings: Progress meetings will be conducted weekly or at some other frequency. if approved by the Engineer. These meetings shall be attended by the Owner, the Engineer, the Contractor's representative and any others invited by these people. The Engineer will conduct the meeting and the Engineer will arrange for keeping the minutes and distributing the minutes to all persons in attendance. The agenda of these project meetings will include construction progress, the status of submittal reviews. the status of information requests. critical work sequencing. review of strategies for connections into existing facilities, status of field orders and change orders. and any general business. 22 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions -2- REVISION OF'SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS The Contractor will prepare a "two week look ahead" schedule to facilitate coordination of items. Modifications to Time of Completion in the Approved Schedule The date of beginning and the time for completion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents and the work embraced shall be commenced on a date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to ensure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner that the contract time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into I consideration the climatic and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. Every effort shall be made by the Contractor to complete the project within the "Contract Time" shown the proposal. The "Contract Time" anticipates "Normal" weather and climate conditions in and around the vicinity of the Project site during the times of year that the construction will be carried out. Extensions of time based upon weather conditions shall be granted only if the Contractor demonstrates clearly that such conditions were "unusually severe," would not have been reasonably anticipated, and that such conditions adversely affected the Contractor's work and thus required additional time to complete the work. The following specifies the procedure for the determination of time extensions for unusually severe weather. The listing below defines the anticipated number of calendar days lost to adverse weather for each month and is based upon National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or similar d: for the geographic location of the project. Monthly Anticipated Calendar Days Lost to Adverse Weather Conditions JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC (7) (4) (4) (4) (6) (3) (4) (2) (3) (3) (2) (5) H The above schedule of anticipated adverse weather will constitute the base line for monthly (or portion thereof) weather time evaluations. Upon acknowledgment of the Notice to Proceed and continuing throughout the contract on a monthly basis, actual adverse weather days and the impact of adverse weather days that delay the work will be recorded on a day-to-day basis. It is assumed that the work will be carried out Mondays through Fridays (holidays excepted) unless an approved construction schedule or written authorization from the Owner indicates otherwise. The number of days of delayed work due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then be compared to the monthly adverse weather schedule above. " An actual adverse weather day must prevent work for 50 percent or more of the Contractor's workday, delay work critical to the timely completion of the project, and be documented by the Contractor. The City Representative observing the construction shall determine on a daily basis whether or not work can proceed or if work is delayed due to adverse weather or the effects thereof. The Contractor shall notify the Enaineerin wrtuno of anv disagreement as to whether or not work can proceed on a given date. withi. ,; 1d Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions - -3- u REVISION OF SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 2 calendar days of that date. The Owner will use the above written notification in determining the number of working days for which work was delayed during each month. At the end of each month, if the number of working days for which work was delayed due to adverse weather exceeds that shown in the above schedule, a Change Order will be executed which increases the Contract Time. The number of work days delayed due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then beconverted to Calendar Days based on the contract completion day and date. This conversion assumes a u 5-day work week, Mondays through Fridays, holidays excepted; should the Contractor have authorization to work weekends and/or holidays, then the method of conversion of workdays to calendar days would take this into consideration. The contract time period will then be increased by the number of calendar days calculated above and a new contract completion day and date will be set. r, The Contractor's schedule must reflect the above -anticipated adverse weather delays on all weather - dependent activities. While extensions of time shall be granted for "unusually severe" weather or climate conditions, the Owner shall make no monetary compensation for any costs to the Contractor arising out of such delays. The Contractor shall comply with the portions of the Contract Documents relating to his project schedule and amendments thereto which result from the "unusually severe" weather condition. 'v Breakdowns in equipment or lack of performance by the Contractor will not be considered justification for an extension of time. Liquidated damages will be assessed as delineated elsewhere. The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due to the following, and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the Owner or Engineer. 1. To any preference, priority, or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. u 2. To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to. acts of nature, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of 1 another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and abnormal and unforeseeable weather as ` provided above. 3. To any delays of Subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, above. Subsection 108.04 shall include the following: u Work Hours: Standard work hours are 7 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday. No work shall be permited on weekends or holidays without written approval from the Project Manager. Work activity done at times other than during normal working hours may require reimbursement to the City for the overtime cost to the City. Work requests beyond normal working hours must be submitted to the Project Manager a minimum of (5) working days prior to the request date. 24 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August REVISION OF'SECTION 202 REMOVAL OF FENCE Section 202 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 202.01 shall include the following: This work includes removal and disposal of existing fence within the project limits as shown on the pl or at locations directed by the Engineer. In subsection 202.02 delete the seventh paragraph and replace with the following: The existing fence shall be removed in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the surrounding area. removed fence materials shall become the property of the adjacent landowner. If said adjacent lande rejects the fence material, the Contractor shall take ownership and dispose of outside the project site legally. Subsection 202.11 shall include the following: The removal of the existing fence will be measured by the linear foot of fence removed, and accepted. Subsection 202.12 shall include the following: Payment will be made under: Pay Item Removal of Fence Pay Unit Linear Foot Work shall include all material, equipment, labor, and disposal of materials to complete the work, including excaving and backfillin_. [J 1 25 I, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Prgject'Special Provisions August2007 REVISION OF SECTION 203 PROOF ROLLING Section 203 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 203.13(f) delete and replace with the following: Proof rolling will not he measured but shall be incidental to the work. Subsection 203.14 shall include the following: Proof rolling will not be measure and paid for separately. but shall be included in the work_ 26 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Prqject Special Provisions Q ] REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSIONCONTROL Section 208 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 208.02(i) delete and replace with the following: Erosion Logs.(Special) or Sediment Logs shall be Curlex Sediment Logs or approved equal and shall meet the following requirements and recommendations for material and installation. SPECIFICATION PART I —GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. The sediment log contains excelsior wood fiber for the purpose of slowing water velocity and trapping sediment as described herein. B. This work shall consist of furnishing and installing the sediment log; including fine grading, installing, staking, and miscellaneous related work, in accordance with these standard specifications and at the locations identified on drawings or designated by the owner's representative. This work shall include all necessary materials, labor, supervision, and equipment for installation of a complete system. C. All work of this section shall be performed in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the contract documents. D. The sediment log shall be used to slow water velocity, trap sediment, and enhance revegetation. Based on a project -by -project engineering analysis, the sediment log shall be suitable for the following applications: 1. Channels, Swales, and Ditches 2. Inlet and outlet protections 3. Slope interruption 1.02 Performance Requirements A. Sediment log shall provide temporary, biodegradable channel and slope interruption by slowing water velocity to reduce shear stress and soil erosion while enhancing revegetation. Sediment log performance capabilities shall be determined by large-scale testing deemed acceptable by the design engineer. B. Sediment log performance requirements: Reduces slope erosion by a minimum of 70% of bare soil slopes. Reduces channel erosion by a minimum of 50% of bare soil channels. *Functional Longevity: 12 — 24 months 1.03 Submittals A. Submittals shall include complete design data. Product Netting Information, MSDS. Installation Guidelines. Manufacturing Material Specifications. Manufacturing Certifications. Stakinv Pattern 27 N Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions U _2. v✓ REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL — Guide. CAD details, and a Manufacturing Quality Control Program. In addition, the Manufacturer shall provide a test report providing data showing the performance capabilities of the sediment log, along with reference installations similar in size and scope to that specified for the project. 1.04 Delivery, Storage, and Handling A. Sediment log shall be furnished on pallets or master packs. B. Sediment log shall be of consistent density with fibers distributed evenly over the entire area of the loa. C. Sediment log shall be free of defects and voids that would interfere with proper installation or impair performance. D. Sediment log shall be stored by the Contractor in a manner that protects them from damage by construction activities. PART 11-PRODUCTS 2.01 Sediment Log A. Sediment logs shall be Curlex Sediment Logs, as manufactured by American Excelsior Company, Arlington. TX (800-777-7645). V B. Curlex Sediment Log consist of a specific cut of 100% weed seed free Great Lakes Aspen wood excelsior with 80% of the fiber — 6 inches in length inside a durable, flexible tubular polyester netting with metal clips or knotted ends. Curlex Sediment Log is designed to provide intimate J contact with the soil, which prevents blowouts and undermining. Curlex Sediment log allows water to Flow through the excelsior, minimizing overtopping, slowing high flow water velocities, and intercepting and stopping silt movement. Curlex Sediment Logs may be placed across channel bottoms, on hillslopes, or around inlet structures. 2.02 Stakes U A. Stakes shall be wooden, 1 1/8" wide x 1 1/8" thick x a minimum of 30" long for 6", 9", and 12" r diameter Curlex Sediment Logs and 48" long for 20"diameter Curlex Sediment Logs. B. 6 inch sediment logs may also be anchored with U-shaped. I I gauge wire steel staples that are I _ inch wide by 6 inches long or 2 inch wide by 8 inches long. PART III — EXECUTION 3.411 Sediment Log Supplier Representation u A. Contractor shall coordinate with the log supplier for a qualified representative to be present on the job site at the start of installation to provide technical assistance as needed. Contractor shall remain solely responsiblc for the quality of installation. 28 a Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions C -3- REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL Q 3.02 Site Preparation A. Before placing sediment logs. the Contractor shall certify that the subgrade has been properly compacted, graded smooth, has no depressions, voids, soft or uncompacted areas, is free from obstructions such as tree roots, protruding stones m other foreign matter, and is seeded and fertilized ® according to project specifications where applicable. The Contractor shall not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been remedied. By beginning construction. Contractor signifies that the preceding work is in conformance with this specification. B. Contractor shall fine grade the subgrade by hand dressing where necessary to remove local deviations. C..No vehicular traffic shall be permitted directly on the sediment log. 3.03 Installation A. Sediment log shall be installed as directed by the owner's representative in accordance to manufacturer's Installation Guidelines. Staking Pattern Guide, and CAD details. The extent of sediment logs shall be as shown on the project drawings. B. Sediment log should be installed to intercept water flow and collect sediment on site. They may be placed over bare soil or on top of erosion control blankets. Sediment logs are typically installed laying on flat ground and not trenched. C. They shall be secured to the subgrade by wood stakes or staples (6 inch log only) every two lineal feet across the length of the sediment log. The stakes shall be intertwined with the outer mesh of the sediment log only and driven into the ground a minimum of' 24 inches on the downstream side of the sediment log. D. Sediment log installed in a Swale or channel bottom shall allow the installation to continue up the slopes three feet above the anticipated high water mark and perpendicular to the flow of water. E. Spacing of sediment logs shall be such that the elevation of the bottom of the sediment log upstream will be equal to the elevation of the top of the log downstream. F. Sediment log shall remain in place until fully established vegetation and root systems are present. 3.04 Quality Assurance A. Sediment log shall not be defective or damaged. Damaged or defective materials shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. B. Product shall be manufactured in accordance to a documented Quality Control Program. At a ,pp minimum. the following procedures and documentation shall be provided upon request: if 29 1I 'Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August2007 -4- REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL 1. Manufacturing Quality Control Program Manual 2. Additional inspections for product conformance shall be conducted during the run after the first piece inspection. 3. Moisture content readings recorded for each manufacturing day. 4. Each individual sediment log shall be inspected, weighed, and documented prior to packaging for conformance to manufacturing specifications. 5. Documentation and record retention for at least two vears. 3.05 Clean-up A. At the completion of this scope of work, Contractor shall remove from the job site and properly dispose of all remaining debris. waste materials. excess materials, and equipment required of or created by Contractor. Disposal of waste materials shall be solely the responsibility of Contractor and shall be done in accordance with applicable waste disposal regulations. 3.06 Method of Measurement A. Sediment log shall be measured for payment as individual items and the unit of measure shall be each. 3.07 Basis of Payment A. The accepted quantities of sediment log shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot complete in place. Payment shall be made under: Pav Item Pay Unit EROSION LOG (SPECIAL) Linear Foot 3(l A1P'_ '3Tj,A- .'; fin• _ ATTENDANCE RECORD PREBID CONFERENCE Project: 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road Time:10:00A.M.Date: August21,2007 Location-215 N. Masnn Cnmmirnity Rnnm m m N m N m m PRINT NAME PRINT FIRM NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS pp �`��rY-tl�t'So� n Ccrnc6� 4��sa,CCPS c j t ��^'223��S� `i'IO'223-31gi e�sonQ Gv�vNeddeswi'<es ec).� 9 V D J 9 N N N T N D fit m m w a Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Proiect Special Provisions August -1- REVISION OF SECTION 212 M Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding E W Section 212 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Throughout this section, replace "Engineer" with "Owner." Subsection 212.01 Remove: Description Insert: This work consists of soil preparation. furnishing and drilling seed. Subsection 212.02 (a) 2 Remove: The entire section and insert the following: All seed shall be mixed by a wholesale seed supplier, in proportions necessary to obtain application rate specified. All seed will be subject to the testing by the Owner in accordance the provisions of the Association of Official Seed Analysis. All seed and seed mixes shall be furnished in bags or containers clearly labels to show the na and address of' the supplier, the common, scientific. and variety name(s) of the seed(s). the number, point of origin, net weight, percent of weed content, and the guaranteed percentage purity and germination. These labels shall be submitted to the Owner at the completion of project. 1. Dryland Seed North of Station 261+00 (shown on the design drawings) Sterile wheatgrass 2. Dryland Seed South of Station 261+00 (shown on the design drawings) Western wheat (Pascopvrum smithii) Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hvmenoides) Blue Grama (Boutelouo gracilis) Buffalo grass (Buchloe dacndoides) Prairie junegrass (Koeleria ntacrantha) Needle & thread grass (Hespero.sripa comata) Green needle grass (Nassella viridula) Sterile wheatgrass 31 PLS Seeding Rate (#/acre drilled) 20.0 3.2 2.5 0.6 9.3 0.3 6.1 1.9 20.0 I Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August2007 .2_ REVISION OF SECTION 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding 3. Wetland Seed (only applies in the Wire Draw channel bottom at the proposed bridge) Western wheat (Pascopyrum smithii) 4.4 Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) 0.9 Inland salt grass (Distichlis stricta) 2.0 Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis) 6.3 Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) 2.5 Prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinaia) 4.0 Subsection 212.03 Seeding Seasons. Remove the entire section and insert the following: All seeding must be completed prior to February 28, 2008. Subsection 212.06 (a) Remove the entire section and insert the followinc: (a) Soil Preparation. Slopes flatter than 2:1, in areas that have supported vehicular traffic or which have been otherwise artificially compacted or disturbed shall be ripped and tilled to a depth of twelve (12) inches. All other areas with slopes flatter than 2:1 shall be tilled into an even and loose seed bed six (6) inches deep. The soil shall be worked until no clods of soil greater than two (2) inches remain. Slope 2:1 or steeper shall be left in a roughened condition. All tilling operations on slopes 2:1 or steeper, shall be done in the direction that follows the natural contours of the land. Slopes shall be free of all concrete. Slopes shall be free of all stones in excess of six (6) inches in any dimension. Slopes shall be free of sticks and debris in excess of three (3) inches in any dimension, and brought to the desired line and grade. Any irregularities in the ground surface resulting from soil preparation operations, including but not limited to, ridges, high points, and depressions more than three (3) inches in height or depth shall be corrected and sloped to drain. Subsection 212.06 (b) Remove the entire section and insert the following- (b) Fertilizing and Soil Conditioning. Fertilizers and soil conditioners will not be used in native seeding areas. In compliance with all applicable sections of the specifications, water will be applied as necessary to control dust and maintain moisture necessary to work the soils, 3= Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions _3_ REVISION OF'SECTION 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding Subsection 212.116 (c) Add the following to the end of the paragraph: When requested by Contractor and Approved by Owner, areas that are too small to be seeded with mechanical drills. seeding will be accomplished by hydraulic type seeders at twice the rate specified in the Contract at no additional cost to the project. Subsection 212.08 Remove the entire section and insert the following: The accepted quantities of seeding (sterile wheat), seeding (native) and seeding (wetland) will be pai for at the contract unit price for each of the pay items listed below that appear in the bid schedule. IPayment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Seeding (Drilled) (Sterile Wheat) Acre Seeding (Drilled) (Native) Acre Seeding (Drilled) (Wetland) Acre Soil preparation and seed incorporated into the seeding will not be paid for separately but shall be included in the work. H M LJ S ii I Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 REVISION OF SECTION 216 SOIL RETENTION COVERING Section 216 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 216.02(a) 2 delete and replace with the following: Soil Retention Blanket (Coconut) shall be North American Green C125BN or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacture. The Contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation. Soil Retention Blanket (Straw / Coconut) shall be North American Green SC250 or approved equal and shall meet the requirements and recommendations for material and installation as described by the manufacture. The Contractor shall provide a submittal of the material prior to installation. ;a Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 625 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING Section 625 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 625.01 is hereby revised to include the following: The City of Fort Collins will provide all construction survey staking for the project. All survey staking required for this project shall be requested by the Contractor in writing at leas five (5) working days prior to the staking needs to be placed in the field. This notification period' may be reduced by the Engineer during periods of ongoing construction staking. gThe Contractor shall specify the offsets required for each survey item. This information shall be provided at the pre -construction meeting. All survey staking destroyed by the Contractor, vandalism or by any other reason will be replace at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor's designated representative will be required to authorize any requested re -staking or additional services at the time the services are completed. Services designated as extra will be billed at an hourly rate per the prevailing rate schedule of the surveyor. All existing survey monuments and property corner located outside of the project grading limits as defined on the plans that are damaged or destroyed by the Contractor will be replaced at the Contractor's expense. All existing survey monuments and property corners located within the project grading limits which are intended to remain in place and intact as defined on the plans shall be protected by the e Contractor. Where necessary monuments, property corners, and section corners will be adjusted or replaced by the City for this project. I. Control Location of horizontal and vertical control points will be provided at approximately I000-foot intervals. Monuments will be set outside the limits of construction. g� 2. Easements and Rieht of Wav ® Temporary construction easements (TCE) and those portions of right of way between TCE's will be staked at 100 foot intervals on tangents. PCs. 50 foot intervals on curves, angle points and corner points. 3. Excavation and Embankment a. One set of slope stakes at 50-foot intervals (stations) on each side of the proposed road including intersections. Staking information to include cut/fill for • "limit of cut" or "limit of fill" location • decision point (ditch flowline or grade break) • edge of pavement • roadway centerline 1 35 al! Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Prqjec! Special Provisions 7 REVISION OF SECTION 625 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING b. One set of shoulder and/or curb stakes at 50-foot stations on each side of the road including intersections. c. One set of slope or shoulder stakes for the grading of each driveway and field access. d. Ditch grades shall be defined by the slope staking described above. 4. Storm Draina,e One set of offset stakes for each storm drain pipe. 5. Subzrade and Pavine a. One set of blue top subgrade stakes at 50-foot stations on tangents, PCs and PT's after completion of the subgrade preparation. Stakes to be set at 25-foot stations for horizontal curves with a radius less than 1,000 feet and at all vertical curves. Blue tops will be set on centerline and the edge of pavement on both sides of the roadway. These blue tops will remain in place to be used for the aggregate base course or paving operations. 6. Sims One set of stakes to locate each sign. 7. Property Corners and Section Corners Reset property corners located along the right of way and section corners within the project grading limits. 36 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August Project Special Provisions TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN — GENERAL The key elements of the Contractor's method of handling traffic (MHT) are outlined in subsection 631 The components of the TCP for this project are included in the following: • City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (U.S. Department of Transportation), or applicable statutory requirements i authority having jurisdiction. Fort Collins Handbook takes precedence over Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. • Section 630 of the specifications. • Revision of Sections 100. 104. and 108 of these Project Specifications. • Standard Plan S-630-1, Traffic Controls for Highway Construction. Case and Standard Plan S-630-2. • Signing Plans • Construction Traffic Control Plans Special Traffic Control Plan requirements for this project are as follows: A. The Contractor shall submit his own detailed Traffic Control Plan for the work for approval by the Owner. The submittal shall be made at least two weeks before implementation of any element of the plan. Adjustments to the approved plan may be required by the Owner based on actual traffic operation. B. Closures of County roadways will not be allowed C. The Contractor shall, at all times, provide for emergency vehicle access into and through the construction site. D. Keep traffic areas free of excavated material, construction equipment, pipe, and other materials and equipment. E. Conduct operations in a manner to avoid unnecessary interference with public and private roads and drives. 0 F. Provide and maintain continual temporary access for businesses and residences. jIP�� t 1i: f u H ;7 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August 2007 -I)- TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN — GENERAL G. Roadway Usage Between Operations —At all times when work is not actually in progress, Contractor shall make passable and shall open to traffic such portion s of the project and temporary roadways or portions thereof as may be agreed upon between Contractor and Owner and all authorities having jurisdiction over any properties involved. H. The Contractor shall not have construction equipment or materials in the lanes open to traffic at any time, unless directed. I. The Contractor shall coordinate Traffic Control activities with the City of Fort Collins Traffic Engineering to assure that work activities by those departments are coordinated with the Contractor's activities. At the least 48 hours notice is required. J. The Contractor shall maintain a 10 foot travellaneat all times from Station 101+00 to Station 262+00. K. The Contractor shall provide a flagger for equipment. trucks, or other pertinent construction equipment during certain construction activites. The Engineer shall provide input as to when a flagger is needed or not. 38 a.d Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions August m� B*a N H Id R r r H UTILITIES The following Utilities are known.to be within the project limits: Utility/Agency Contact Electric —PVREA Rod Bledsoe Telephone - Qwest Lindon Spencer Traffic Operations — City of Fort Collins Ward Stanford Phone (970) 226-1234 (970)377-6411 (970) 221-6820 The work described in these plans and specifications will require full coordination between the Contract and the Utility Companies, in accordance with Subsection 105.06 and while performing their respective operations, so the utility work can be completed with minimum delays to all parties concerned. The following utility work shall be performed by the Contractor: The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the adjustment of all utilities on this project and scheduling the work to coincide with construction activities. The Contractor shall keep each utility company advised of any work being done in close proximity to their facilities by the contractor's forces, so that each utility company can coordinate their inspections. Provide written notice to each utility company, with a copy to the Engineer, prior to any work by a utility company that is to be coordinated with project construction. A minimum of three (3) calendar weeks of prior notice is required. Contractor to obtain necessary permits form the City and utility companies prior to starting construction activities. General The Contractor shall comply with Article 1.5 of Title 9, CRS ("Excavation Requirements"), when excavation or grading is planned in the area of underground utility facilities. The Contractor shall notify all affected utilities at least three (3) business days prior to commencing such operations. Contact the Utility Notification Center of Colorado (UNCC) to have locations of UNCC-registered lines marked by member companies. Call 1-800-922-1987 for locate requests outside the Denver Metro area. All other underground facilities shall be located by contacting the respective company. Utility service laterals sha also be located prior to beginning excavation or grading. The location of utility facilities, as shown on the plans and profile sheets and described herein, were obtained from the best available information. All costs incidental to the foregoing requirements will not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the work. 39 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 - STRUCTURES SOAPSTONE RANCH ACCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1072015A fl ACONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00020-1 - 00020-2 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00100-1 - 00100-9 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00400-1 00410 Bid Bond 00410-1 - 00410-2 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00420-1 - 00420-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 1 00520 Agreement Notice to Proceed 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530-1 00530 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release(Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A Supplementary Conditions GC -Al - GC-A2 00800-1 - 00800-2 00800 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT F" j1 H EARTH E_ NNGI® RING CONSULTANTS. INC. April 23, 2007 Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 772 Whalers Way, suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Attn: Mr. Gregg Koch Re: Subsurface Exploration Report a Larimer County Road 15 - Structures Soapstone Ranch Access Latimer County, Colorado EEC Project No. 1072015A Mr. Koch: The subsurface exploration requested for proposed drainage crossings as a part of the Larimer County Road 15 improvements for access to Soapstone Ranch has been completed. The Larimer County Road 15 improvement will be north of LCR 84. The proposed structures associated with the roadway improvements include bridges over Rawhide Creek and Wire Draw and a reinforced box culvert over Wire Draw Tributary. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered at the proposed structure locations include granular soils over highly weathered claystone bedrock. Based on results of the field borings and laboratory testing, we recommend the two (2) bridge structures be supported by drilled pier foundations and the reinforced concrete box by shallow foundations. Recommendations for the outlined foundations are provided in the attached report. Recommendations for the roadway improvements for LCR 15 are provided in a separate report. 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970) 545-3908 FAX (970) 663-0282 Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed report. or if we can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours; Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. Lester L. Litton, P.E. Principal Engineer SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 - STRUCTURES SOAPSTONE RANCH ACCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1072015A April 23, 2007 INTRODUCTION The subsurface exploration for the drainage crossing structures associated with the proposed improvements to L.C.R. 15 access to Soapstone Ranch in Larimer County, Colorado, has been completed. Seven (7) soil borings extending to depths of approximately 15 to 30 feet below present grades were advanced in the proposed structure areas to develop information on existing subsurface conditions. Results of those borings and a diagram indicating the approximate boring locations are provided with this report. Eight (8) additional borings were completed for evaluation selected portions of the roadway and evaluations of a proposed borrow area. The results of the roadway/borrow area borings and recommendations for selected roadway improvements are provided in a separate report. We understand three (3) new structures will be constructed across existing drainageways as a part of the improvements for Larimer County Road 15. Those structures include a multispan bridge at Rawhide Creek; a one or two span bridge at Wire Draw and a reinforced box culvert at the Wire Draw Tributary. The approximate locations of the proposed improvements are indicated on the attached location diagrams. Foundation loads for the bridges are expected to be light to moderate and loads on the box culvert will be light. Small grade changes are expected to develop the structure approaches. The purpose of this report is to describe the subsurface conditions encountered in the test borings; analyze and evaluate the test data and provide geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of foundations for the proposed structures. rh P Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. u EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 2 EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES u The boring locations were established in the field by Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. (EEC) personnel by pacing and estimating angles from identifiable site features. The approximate boring locations are indicated on the attached boring location diagram. Those boring locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to make the field measurements. The borings were performed using a truck mounted, CME 45 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The boreholes were advanced using 4-inch nominal diameter continuous flight augers and samples of the subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1587. Additional samples were obtained using thin walled "Shelby" tube sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1586. In the split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures, standard sampling spoons are driven into the ground by means of a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The ^ number of blows required to advance the split -barrel and California barrel samplers is recorded and is used to estimate the in -situ relative density of cohesionless materials and, to a lesser degree of accuracy, the consistency of cohesive materials and hardness of weathered bedrock. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to the laboratory for u further examination, classification and testing. V Moisture content tests were completed on each of the recovered samples. The unconfined strength of appropriate samples was estimated using a calibrated hand penetrometer. -- Atterberg limits and minus 200 wash tests were completed on representative samples to evaluate the quantity and plasticity of the fines in the subgrades. Swell/consolidation tests were performed on selected samples to evaluate the soils tendency to change volume with variation in moisture content. Results of the outlined tests are indicated on the attached boring logs and summary sheets. u �J C EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 3 Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. As a part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by an engineer and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System, based on the soils texture and plasticity. The estimated group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is indicated on the boring logs and a brief description of that Classification System is included with this report. Classification of bedrock was based on visual and tactual observations of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. Coring and/or petrographic analysis may reveal other rock types. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Soapstone Ranch access will be Larimer County Road 15 as an existing gravel surface roadway extending north from Larimer County Road 84. The roadway crosses several drainage ways including Rawhide Creek, Wire Creek and Wire Creek Tributary with no structures currently in place at those crossings. We understand the new structures over the Rawhide Creek and Wire Creek drainages will be bridges with the Wire Creek Tributary crossing being a reinforced concrete box. The water flows in the drainage ways are intermittent. Based on results of the field borings and laboratory testing, subsurface conditions can be generalized as follows. The overburden soils in the seven (7) borings completed for the proposed structure improvements consisted predominately of essentially granular materials with occasional zones of silty and/or clayey soil. The granular materials were medium dense and extended to depths ranging from approximately 6 to 12 feet. Those materials were underlain by highly weathered to weathered claystone/sandstone bedrock. The claystone/sandstone bedrock became less weathered with depth and was moderately hard. The bedrock extended to the bottom of the borings at depths ranging from approximately 15 to 30 feet below present site grades. H H a K Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 4 The stratification boundaries indicated on the boring logs represent the approximate locations of changes in soil and rock types; in -situ, the transition of materials may be gradual and u indistinct. WATERLEVEL OBSERVATIONS Observations were made while drilling and after completion of the borings to detect the presence and depth to hydrostatic groundwater. Free water was observed in the test borings at depths of approximately 6 to 8 feet at Rawhide Creek at the time of drilling. No free water _ was observed in the borings completed at Wire Draw and Wire Draw Tributary. u Fluctuations in groundwater levels can occur over time depending on variations in hydrologic conditions, the presence of water in the drainage ways and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. Perched and/or trapped water can be encountered in the subgrade soils at varying times through the year. Perched water is commonly encountered in soils immediately overlying less permeable weathered bedrock. The location and amount of perched and/or trapped water can also vary over time depending on variation in hydrologic conditions and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Reinforced Box Culvert Based on the materials observed at the test boring locations; we anticipate the reinforced concrete box would be supported on brown and reddish brown sand and gravel. A zone of organic lean clay was observed in boring B-6 near the location of the box culvert. If those r materials are encountered beneath the base of the box at the time of construction; the organic materials should be removed and replaced with the sands and gravels. Sands and gravels below the box culvert should be compacted to at least 100% of the materials maximum dry u 17 k I ,1 N Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 5 density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, the standard Proctor procedure, prior to placement of the overlying structure. For design of the base of the box culvert, we recommend using a net allowable total load soil bearing pressure not to exceed 3.500 psf for the box culvert supported in natural sands and gravels or newly placed and compacted sand and gravel fill. The sands and gravels could be used to support footing foundations associated with the box culvert and the base of the culvert. Appropriate cutoff walls should be constructed to prevent piping of soils below or adjacent to the structure. The walls of the reinforced concrete box could be designed using a lateral earth pressure of 60 pounds per cubic foot including any additional surcharge loads. That "at -rest" equivalent fluid pressure does not include a factor of safety nor an allowance for hydrostatic loading. Retaining wing walls associated with the reinforced concrete box culvert could also be supported on footing foundations bearing on the natural sands and gravels. Those retaining wing walls could be designed for a maximum toe pressure of 3,000 psf. An angle of internal friction of 35e could be used for footing foundations supported on the granular materials. The retaining walls should be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. That fluid pressure assumes no hydrostatic loading and assumes horizontal backfill. The active fluid pressure also assumes no surcharge loads. The active pressure assumes rotation of the retaining wall with that rotation typically assumed to be 0.5% times 1 the height of the wall. Backfill placed behind the retaining walls and adjacent to the reinforced concrete box should consist of approved; low volume change materials free from organic matter and debris. The site sands and gravels could be used for fill in this area. Those materials should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9-inches thick, adjusted in moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the materials maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, the standard Proctor procedure. Care should be taken when placing fill 1 Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. .� EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 6 and backfill adjacent to the retaining wall and box to prevent placing undue lateral stresses on the below grade wall. Bridge Structures Bridges will be constructed for the crossings at Rawhide Creek and Wire Draw. At those locations, overburden soils extend to depths on the order of 8 to 12 feet and are underlain by highly weathered to weathered claystone bedrock. We recommend the new bridges be supported on drilled pier foundations bearing in the underlying claystone bedrock. Those foundations should extend into the underlying bedrock a minimum of 15 feet with a u minimum pier length of 25 feet. The drill pier foundations could be designed using a total load end bearing pressure of 25 kips per square foot and a friction value of 2500 psf Parameters are provided below for design of the pier foundation using the L- pile design program. TABLE I — L-PILE DESIGN PARAMETERS Sand and Gravel Overburden Claystone Bedrock Wet Unit Weight (pcf) 120 110 Buoyant Unit Weight (pcf) 60 - Cohesion (pcf) (c) I I 8000 Friction Angle 350 Soil Modulus (k) 60 pci 800 pci e5� 0.004 The bridge approaches should be constructed with approved, low volume change material u free from organic matter and debris. The site essentially granular soils or sandy lean clay soils could be used for fill in these areas. Those fill materials should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9-inches thick, adjusted in moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the materials maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, the standard Proctor procedure. The moisture content of the site granular soils should lU �J N Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 7 be adjusted to a workable moisture and the site cohesive soils adjusted to be within � 2% of standard Proctor optimum moisture at the time of placement. The approach soils will exert unbalanced lateral earth pressures on the structure abutments. We recommend using active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot for design of those abutments excluding any surcharge or hydrostatic loads. That equivalent fluid pressure does not include a factor safety. a No unusual problems are anticipated in completing construction of the drill pier foundations. Free water was observed in essentially granular soils at the time of drilling. We anticipate temporary casing of the granular soils we require to prevent influx of soil and water into the open boreholes. At the time of drilling, care should be taken to maintain sufficient head on the concrete to prevent necking down of the drill pier upon pulling the casing. The drilled pier should be reinforced full depth to allow for transfer of uplift forces in the claystone bedrock. GENERAL COMMENTS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information 1 discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to review the plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding the interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. It is further recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained for testing and observations during earthwork and foundation construction phases to help determine that the design requirements are fulfilled. CI Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015 April 23, 2007 Page 8 This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned; the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing by the geotechnical engineer. SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 DRILLING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS: Split Spoon - 13/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PS: Piston Sample ST: Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted WS: Wash Sample R: Ring Barrel Sampler - 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted PA: Power Auger FT: Fish Tail Bit HA: Hand Auger RB: Rock Bit DB: Diamond Bit = 4", N, B BS: Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM: Pressure Meter HS: Hollow Stem Auger WB: Wash Bore Standard "N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O.D. split spoon, except where noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS WL : Water Level WS : While Sampling WCI: Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR: After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of ground water. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground water lev�ls is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D-2488. Coarse Grained Soils have move than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a 4200 sieve; they are described as : clays, if they are plastic, and silts if the), are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in -place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean clay with sand, trace gravel, stiff (CL); silty sand, trace gravel, medium dense (SM). CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Consistency < 500 Very Soft 500 - 1,000 Soft 17001 - 2,000 Medium 2,001 - 4,000 Stiff 4,001 - 8,000 Very Stiff 8,001 - 16.000 Very Hard RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS N-Blows/ft Relative Density 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10-29 Medium Dense 30-49 Dense 50-80 Very Dense 80 + Extremely Dense PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BEDROCK DEGREE OF WEATHERING: Slight Slight decomposition of parent material on joints. May be color change. Moderate Some decomposition and color chance throughout ` High Rock highly decomposed, may be extremeiv broken. HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION Limestone and Dolomite: Hard Difficult to scratch with knife. Moderately Can be scratched easily with knife. Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail. Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. Shale. Siltstone and Cla sue: Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be scratched with fingernail. Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail. Hard Soft Can be easily dented but not molded with fingers. Sandstone and Conglomerate: Well Capable of scratching a knife blade. Cemented Cemented Can be scratched with knife. Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers. Cemented I Lit ly S®°JL, C._.A: SFTTC?1T_I0N SYSTEM Cnleria far Assigning Group Sy'ahgls and Group ngmcs Using Laboratory Tests _ Soil Cfossiricaiion Grout/ Group Nome Symbol Coarse —Grained <0 Grovels more than Clean Grovels Less', Sails more than 50% of coarse than 57 fines Cu>4 and <Cc C3` GW Weh-graded gravel` 50% retained on fraction retained — h'o. 200 sieve on No. 4 sieve Cu<4 and/or 1>CC>3` GP Poorly -graded grovel' Gravels with Fines Rnes ciossiry as 61L or MH GM Silty gravel, G,H more then 12% - fines Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey Gravel''" Sands 50% or Clean Sands Less Cu>6 and I<Cc<3t Sµ, Well —graded sand' more coarse thon 5% fines fraction posses Cu<6 and/or I>Cc>Y SP Poorly -graded sand' No. 4 sieve Sonde with Fines Fines classifyML MH as or SM Silty sandaw more than 127 fires (Ines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey Bond — Fine -Grained Siits and Clays inorganic PI>7 and Plots on or above "A Line' CL Lean cloy"''" Sails 50% or Liquid Limit less more passes the than 50 PI<4 or plots below 'A'Line' ML Silto" No. 200 sieve organic Liquid Limit - oven dried 75 0 Organic clay• "" L Liquid Limit - not dried Oraonic silt s`,o' Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A"Line CH Fat clay Liquid Limit 50 or more PI plots heiow "Aline MH Elastic Silt`" creams Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clov, <075 OH — Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt" Hia'nly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Pea`. "bused on ms motend bossing Ine 3-in. (75- `Cu=D�/0, Cc= M m s15 tv 39iZoius No- 2M add _ `I1s1send' ".itn m) d D x 0 r send'ie .ith grov, whi.h,d, e el It ldde ramblen contained nobw nobles or olecrs, pretlaminanL ar both, add 'wiln cobbles or baulaers, w bath' NI s antoind 2 30bloc No 200 in 'll sou conwi,,c z1sS bond, add'«iln'zbna to c-cabminan[ly sane. boa 's ntly to sroap con—ore grow la .Ile 5 a 12% rines reauired boat ° °ypnhvls: Cw-GM wall graded 9r with sill it i bho ssily as CL-ML use tlual syrnUol ,f uN4, %t sail cenleins 2 3a:. al.. No, 200 prcdo-'ninvnUy gmVcl, cad `g:wdy Ic group SW -CC ndl-grvdeo ° ove; .IN day m or CC_ggl, w SC -Sir. yr rme w �_ addwi[r. orgo� ¢ Lees to °rcofi^. ` om upl$9 .P-GM boon,-gmuedr gravy nlln silt been, antl plats on ar abnw A line. CP-Ga pave, -graded grcM .l;n cloy °Sands MN 5 to 12;. Dress dual group , II b.' cannon, >15^grovel, odrt .iLh grave °pee or plots below -A' Les °PI on or oUu.-_A""me_ require vmbals; q agog n plots aPl pla L^ below 'A line. S-SM ..ell -graded sand with .;It If AttM,, limits b.,a beaded ere4 sou u o SD -SC .ell-ruzantl .i to cloy C -4L dltg day. c3 -SA poorlyy ggrb raded sand silt with So -SC pave, grade[ sand rv0n cloy so a or d_,.om, °wire r��yemC n a Bch f ryoeN r Y ivunlYn .1 'n two Iv e Iv�.t+ it •y�3Si Pr Fig / I m ILL-]11) fswtof'm et v V ..i. VcJe o.. fLL-e Tzi j lG� MH on OH { IML I= OL .i sa50 to ;a Oh 1m 11a LIOUIL UMIT (LL) North Not to Scale BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM NORTH COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT # 1072015 DATE MARCH 2O07 Page 1 of 6 No Text No Text 2 F H d u u CR 15 AT SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER, COLORADO EEC PROJECT No.1072015 a MARCH 2O07 M-c LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-1 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: DG START DATE UW2007 WHILE DRILLING S' AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE O 2007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPIT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV WA 24 HOUR B' SOIL DESCRIPTION D N 0u -m0 OD Aa1mno -20o SWELL TTPE (GEETI (ei-om FTI I PSF) (%1 IPCFI 11{I LL PI PRE99URE %� 6W PBi SILTY CLAY (CL) 0. -2- CS 14 NIA 3.3 1 29 14 1 154 SAND&GRI,VEL Bmxm / R.6I Gray 6 B 9 SS _ 0 27 8000• 10.0 HIGHLY WEATHERED CLAYSTONE GreT _ u 12 tl CS is _ 50I6.5 No Sam le Reccr e 16 I6 1] CS IB 19 501 55 9000• 17.9 112.2 30 _21 27 2; 2i 55 '2fi WA 9000• 21.6 I I _2 _27 20 21 SS 50N.5 3500 30.2 BOTTOM Of BORING DEPTH 25.5' 31 II ]6 -3 ]] 3 J9 1 11 .2 is u es w a IS -.9 _50 61 —a.... ..y,..... „y wasmwnu L 9 LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH E LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO 6 PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-2 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: DG START DATE 3/612007 WHILE DRILLING 5.5' AUGER TYPES 4" CFA FINISH DATE W12007 AFTER DRILLING NIA I SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR 6' SOIL DESCRIPTION D N nU MC op zoo SWELL LLA-Limns PI PRESSURE % W3 PSF TTPE (FEET) (BLo:'I IPSq IMI (PCn rvl SILTY CLAY Brown I p SAND GRAVEL (k I BRed / G,ay mwn 3 WA ].6 I I 5 6 6 SILTY CLAY (CL) Olive Brown -B SS _10 21 NIA 1%. I HIGHLY WEATHERED CIAYSTONE v Grey II I SB 14 50 9000� 21.6 16 1] 10 6 19 SS _p1 50,10 90D0 I 2].0 I I 2'. zi ss �z6 son 9DaD. n.7 26 27_ T 26 29 - 55 _ _ 5015 90Dp 1 17,1 112.7 Cs 1 25 97.6 I b _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 29.5 ]1 i[ _3 ]3 J4 (I _J6 X II ]7 p� ]fi L ]B I b 41 as b 47 49 6 tarth tnaineerina DII511 }An15 LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO L, PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-3 RIG TYPE: CME46 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: DG START DATE 31012007 WHILE GRILLING 6' AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE W812007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR 5" SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 N OU MC 00 AUMRS -t00 SWELL 6 TYPE ("eE IBLOWSI IPSFI ry.) (PCFI LL I PI 11 PRESSURE I °LC WO PSF 1 SILTY CLAY Bmr I SAND 8 GRAVEL Brown / Red I Gray SS a _ 9 WA 1 4.2 6 6 0 HIGHLY Y/EATHERED CIAYSTONE 55 _ 35 1 9000+ 20,0 Grey 10 It 12 I] 6 55 _ SOn.S 900D+ 18 4 16 1E t4 2 17 1B CS _ _ 50I$ I 9000. 1 18.9 110] 451 30 1 936 lD 31 2 21 21 FEB _ 5016 9000• 20.9 1s ]6 2) 28 29 0 _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 29' JI 22 33 ]6 ]fi _3 _ ]a W _C 61 A2 0 64 A5 46 n 4e is art ngmeenng onsu Tanis ,._, �J A LARINIER COUNTY ROAD 16 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARINIER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING 04 RIG TYPE: GME45 SHEET 1 OF-1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: DG START DATE 3MI2007 WHILE DRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE 31312007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPTHAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N aU Mc DD Al ITS .200 SWELL TYPE (FEETI BLOW9IR) IPSF) Pbl IPCF) U. PI (%) PRESSURE I % 0 WO PSF f -z SAND&GRAVEL Brown I Red I Gray 3 F55 _e i< 9000 14.2 1 6 6 6 e HIGHLY WEATHERED CLAYSTONE GRY 9 CS _i 10 50I55 9000• 15.0 117.7 40 17 62.1 11 _114 g€ I] SS NIA 9000. 1 12.3 - BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15' 16 17 1B 19 20 E 21 E 22 23 _2a g 25 26 I 27 I _ 2B 79 !!€ u ]1 32 33 ]a 36 _3 3, 3B 39 eo 41 �z 4 s is -�E .7 -48 49 bl Earth nameenna ConsultantS C1: v` R k 1 F C I u J H AdminO rath e Sen ievti rt1 r 1 SM» n 1.uu ADDENDUM No 1 Ci tX of Fort Collins SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road OPENING DATE 3 00 P M (Our Clock) September 6, 2007 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made The following addendum takes precedence over the contract document and plans Where there are conflicts between the addendum and the contract document and plans, the addendum shall control CHANGES: • Bids opening change to September 6, 2007, 3 00 p in (our clock) • Substantial Completion change to 150 calendar days from Notice to Proceed • Earthwork log is available For electronic copy, contact the Project Manager, Jin Wang, at 970-631-3473 or jwang@fcgov corn • Replace Bid Schedule with the Addendum 1 Bid Schedule attached DRAWINGS • Sheet 1 of 88, Title Sheet — Under water source, Rawhide Power Plant, remove "length to project = 1 2 miles" Contractor shall make their own determination • Sheet 3 of 88 — Under General Note, the "first' note 1, add Water from this source shall not be use for mixing concrete • Sheet 3 of 88 — Under General Note, the "second" note 1, delete and replace with the following Contractor shall maintain all construction activities within 5 to 15 feet, as directed by the Engineer, of the catch point lines shown in the plan and profile sheets This includes topsoil storage and reclamation activities This excludes activities for fence installation • Sheet 3 of 88 — Under General Note, add note 20 Compaction for this project shall be AASHTO T99 • Sheet 3 of 88 — At the bottom of General Notes, under permits & associated fees required to be obtained by the contractor for this project, remove "work in the right-of- way Larimer County — By Contractor' The City will apply and paid for the Larimer County work in the right-of-way permit • Sheet 5 of 88, delete note 1 & 4 under Tabulation of Signs 215 North Mason Street • 2" Floor • P 0 cox 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www iceos corn U L' L, Z Ea, F E R �i L u I"l u hJ I SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: August 14, 2007 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on September 4, 2007, for the Soapstone Prairie Access Road; BID NO. 6061. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2"a Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of Bid 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road: The contract documents includes the construction of 8.39 miles of roadway with aggregate base course surface, a 191 foot three span bridge, a 55 foot single span bridge, and 30 feet of double 12'x5'precast box culvert. The project also includes installation of 814 linear feet of 15 inch RCP and 432 linear feet of 18 inch RCP with end sections, 26 acres of reclamation, removal and installation of fence, and installation of cattle guard and roadway sign. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available August 14, 2007. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m., on August 21, 2007, at 215 N. Mason, in the Community Room in Fort Collins. The Job Walk will follow immediately after the pre -bid meeting. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 1 LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO e PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING HS RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: DG START DATE 31812007 WHILEDRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE 318120D7 AFTER DRILLING NIA € SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR WA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N OU Mc A-1.- SWLL LL PI PRESSURE WO PSF TYPE IFET W SF Pfi) SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL1 1 Glrareous OryaM 15 6000 10.E 09.6 d$ $2 61.2 Cs 3 _ _ i i 59 17 900W 6.5 E_ B I SANDGRAVEL I BrowO Red / Gtry 9 NIA I 4.E 55 f0 12 CLAYGTONE Bromil Olivel Rusl to -1a f ss _ 5 u 9000 1 17.0 1 1 5 _ y BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15' tE 55 1e k 15 k $0 7] 2a [� � II T � $6 p 29 ao i s 4 _ J1 ai $ i ]J x- { i15 J6 J% ]B J9 40 41 4$ 4a _N [ 45 46 € q 1 $tk$ :e p W 61 16, 4 u LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072016 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-6 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF T WATER DEPTH § FOREMAN: DG START DATE 318/2007 WHILE DRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE 3/812007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION ou MC OD A-umrts -2W swELL LL PI PRESSURE 600 P5F ttPE i1 IPSF1 ry.) IPCFI IN) SANDY LFAN CLAY (CL) (:elC2reous Y Organic[ SANDS GRAVEL CS47 36 1Y 28.9 Brown/Red I Grev 6 6 6 e _ _ SANDY CLAY WITH GRAVEL(CL Olive a.. _ SS _ _ 13 9000. 16.0 10 11 CLAYSTONE CS 24 9000. 12.7 116.7 Brown / Olive / Rust t2 = 13 a SS _ =11 900M 9.8 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15' 16 7 10 _19 31 2 22 b 2a 26 I[$ 27 k 20 29 x' 1( ]t J'. E(F t _33 __ N L J6 6 7 J0 ]9 40 u rs 43 d A. es I 42 j 40 19 60� )4t t Sl Larth Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-T RIG TYPECME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN' DG START DATE 31813007 WHILE DRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE 318/2007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N 0u Mc DD A-ure05 -200 SWELL LL PI PRESSBRE %9 WO PSF TV PE 1FEETI IBLOWS/ (PSFf (%I (PLFt IX) SAND 8 GRAVEL Brown / Retl / GrH _Z ] 1 CS _E_ 28 9000 6.3 109.5 28 12 252 L. HIGHLY WEATHERED ONE _ INTERBEDDED SANDSTONE 8 Brown / Olrve / Rua 8 13.3 I i E 1a SIIHeI QD 11' S5 { I"e 6k{ i 5 _ CS �t_ 1 5016 900M ].e 118.E 1 1 16 16 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15' 1B 15 20 2t __ II 2] 21 26 1 -277 28 28 30 _3J _3a 36 36 3] 38 39 4 1 I1 <2 as <a i i is eE 6) 48 _09 '.. 30 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Grey Claystone Sample Location: Boring 2. Sample 6, Depth 29' Liquid Limit: IPlasticity Index: % Passing #200: Beginning Moisture: 15.0% JDry Density: 116.7 pcf JEnding Moisture: 18.7% Swell Pressure: 6000 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 2.9% Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Grey Claystone Sample Location: Boring 3, Sample 4, Depth 19' Liquid Limit: 45 IPlasticity Index: 20 1 % Passing #200: 93.6% Beginning Moisture: 15.6% 1 Dry Density: 113.0 pcf JEnding Moisture: 21.0% Swell Pressure: 9000 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 5.5% J„ Load(TSF) Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 1 i 10 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Olive Brown to Grey Claystone Sample Location: Boring 4, Sample 2, Depth 9' Liquid Limit: 40 JPlasticity Index: 17 1 % Passing #200: 62.1 % Beginning Moisture: 14.2% JDry Density: 116.2 pcf Ending Moisture: 17.1 % Swell Pressure: 3200 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 1.1 % 10 - 8', 4 2 m 0 m 0 � o i— d d i a-4 o O U -8 I 10 0.01 0.1 Load(TSF) Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 1 10 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Sandy Lean Clay Sample Location: Boring 5, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 42 JPlasticity index: 22 1 % Passing #200: 61.2% Beginning Moisture: 10.5% JDry Density: 92.6 pcf JEnding Moisture: 28.0% Swell Pressure: 2100 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 2.5% 10 001 Load (TSF) Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LA.RIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 IMPROVEMENTS SOAPSTONE RANCH ACCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1072015B N ffy 'R4f7AC':., w ..t3nc: EARTH ENGINEERING' . CONSULTANTS, INC. May 14, 2007 Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 172 Whalers TW�ay. Suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Ann: Mr. Gregg Koch. P.E. Re: Subsurface Exploration Report Latimer County Road 15 Improvements Soapstone Ranch Access Larimer County, Colorado EEC Project No. 1072015B " Mr. Koch: The subsurface exploration requested for the proposed grave] roadway improvements to — Larimer County Road 15 as a part of the access to Soapstone Ranch in Larimer County, Colorado, has been completed. The Larimer County Road 15 improvements w311 be north of LCR 84 and extend north approximately eight and one-half (8'/) miles to Lv Soapstone Prairie Road. The proposed roadway improvements include widening the existing roadway, addition of grave] road base, one area of extensive ,grading to reduce roadway slopes and reworking of another area to develop a stable subgrade. J In general; the subsurface conditions encountered within the deep cut portion of the roadway consisted of mudstone/conglomerate over highly weathered claystone bedrock strata. The subsurface conditions encountered within the northern potentially unstable portion of the roadway consist of predominantly fine gained soils over a highly weathered siltstone bedrock strata. Results of the borings completed in the identified areas are included with this report. Results of evaluation of two potential borrow sources for road gravel are also provided with this report. 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 u 0.663-0282 �;, t = u ua,, i'N r t N" a,+z e L = ag � 'R' �' «,*�'... Y v r_ a'-' d. u � a �y .•.. Earth En-ineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015B May 14, 2007 Pa,e 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed report. or if we can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Earth --'Engineering Consultants, Inc. Gary J. Higgins Engineering Geologist Reviewed bv: Lester L. Litton, P.E. Principal Engineer The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined online at: 4 1. City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: https://secure2.fcgov.com/bso/login.jsp 2. Mercury-LDO Reprographics: www.mercury-ldo.com Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specificationsl and Drawings, may be viewed and purchased at: 1. Mercury LDO Reprograhics: • FORT COLLINS: 422 S. Link Lane, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Ph: 970-484-1201, Fax: 970-221-0404 .� • ENGLEWOOD: 9632 E. Arapahoe, Englewood, CO. 80112 7- Ph: 303-790-7169, Fax: 303-792-2936 L • DENVER: 860 Bryant Street, Denver, CO. 80204 Ph: 303-893-8701, Fax: 303-893-0617 • COLORADO SPRINGS:11 E Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, CO. 80903 Ph: 719-231-8121, Fax: 719-633-5710 • LODO: 1660 Wynkoop Ste. 130, Denver, CO. 80202 .—. Ph: 303-785-2520, Fax: 303-785-2522 • BOULDER: 2575 Pearl St. Unit C., Boulder, CO. 80302 Ph: 303-539-1350, Fax: 303-539-1356 2. Builders Exchange, 223 South Link Lane, Fort Collins, Colorado. -, u 1e- U 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 —, u SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 IMPROVEMENTS SOAPSTONE RANCH .ACCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1072015B May 14, 2007 INTRODUCTION The subsurface exploration for the gravel roadway associated with the proposed improvements to L.C.R. 15 access to Soapstone Ranch in Larimer County, Colorado, has been completed, Four (4) soil borings extending to depths of approximately 9 to 25 feet below present grades were advanced in specific roadway improvement areas to develop information on existing subsurface conditions. Results of those borings and a diagram _ indicating the approximate boringlocations are prodded with this report. Four (4) additional borings extending to depths of approximately 25 to 50 feet below present grades and five (5) test pits extending to depths of approximately 17 to 12 feet below present grades were u completed for evaluation of proposed borrov, areas. We understand the existing dirt roadway will be widened, a gravel overlay will be placed and an area of extensive grading to reduce roadway slopes Nzll be completed as a part of the improvements for Latimer County Road 15. Exploration completed along the roadway was �. limited to the deep cut area and to an area of suspected poor subgrade. Bridge and culvert structures are planned for crossing the various draws and recommendations for those structures are provided in a separate report. Small grade changes are expected for most of the roadway. The purpose of this report is to describe the subsurface conditions encountered in the test borings and test pits, analyze and evaluate the test data and provide geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of the roadway subgrade and gravel wearing surface. 1. FI C d E H Earth Engineering Consulmm,-Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015B May 14.2007 Page 2 EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES The boring and test pit locations were established in the field by Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. (EEC) personnel by pacing and estimating angles from identifiable site features. The approximate boring/test pit locations are indicated on the attached boring location diagrams. Those locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to make the field measurements. The borings were performed using a truck mounted, CME 45 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The boreholes were advanced using 4-inch nominal diameter continuous flight augers and samples of the subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1587. In the split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures, standard sampling spoons are driven into the ground by means of a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the split -barrel and California barrel samplers is recorded and is used to estimate the in -situ relative density ofcohesionless materials and, to a a lesser degree of accuracy, the consistency of cohesive materials and hardness of weathered bedrock. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to the laboratory for further examination, classification and testing. Test pits were completed at selected locations using a rubber tired backhoe. Samples of the subgrade materials encountered were obtained from the excavated materials. Moisture content tests were completed on each of the recovered samples. The unconfined strength of appropriate samples was estimated using a calibrated hand penetrometer. Atterberg limits and minus 200 wash tests were completed on representative samples to evaluate the quantity and plasticity of the fines in the subgrades. Swell/consolidation tests were performed on selected samples to evaluate the soils tendency to change volume with variation in moisture content. The proposed road gravel borrow samples were tested for Qgrain size distribution by washed sieve analysis. Los Angles Abrasion tests were also H Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015B May 14, 2007 Page 3 completed to evaluate the abrasion resistance of the granular soils. Results of the outlined _ tests are indicated on the attached boring logs and summary sheets. As a pan of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by an engineer and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System, based on the soils texture and plasticity. The estimated group symbol ^ for the Unified Soil Classification System is indicated on the boring logs and a brief description of that Classification System is included with this report. Classification of bedrock was based on visual and tactual observations of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. Coring and/or petrographic analysis may reveal other rock types. — u SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Soapstone Ranch access will be Larimer County Road 15 as an existing gravel surface roadway extending approximately three (3) miles north from Larimer County Road 84. The remaining five (5) miles of roadwav is an existing, unimproved dirt road which crosses the Wire Creek Tributary drainage way with no structures currently in place at the crossing. The water flows in the drainage ways are intermittent. A steep road gradient is located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 11 North, Range 69 West where substantial cuts are anticipated to reduce the grade. Based on results of the field borings and laboratory testing, subsurface conditions can be generalized as follows. The overburden soils in the four (4) borings completed for the proposed roadway improvements consisted predominately of essentially fine grained L materials with occasional zones of sandy soil. In the deep cut areas, those soils consisted of _ mudstone with conglomerate. In the other evaluation area, the soils consisted of silt with varvine amounts of clay and/or sand. u The fine grained materials were firm to stiff and extended to depths ranging from approximately less than 1 foot to greater than 10 feet. Those materials were underlain by highly weathered to weathered claystone bedrock strata at the deep cut (SE Comer of Section 2, Tl 1 N, R 69W). North of that area, the fine grained materials were underlain by siltstone u u J �I L C I_I n F L1J t A u X J E =i �J Earth Engineering Consultants. Inc. EEC Proiect No. 1071-015B May 14.2007 Page 4 and uncemented sandstone bedrock strata. The claystone/siltstone bedrock became less weathered with depth and was moderately hard. The stratification boundaries indicated on the boring logs represent the approximate locations of changes in soil and rock types: in -situ; the transition of materials may be gradual and indistinct. WATERLEVEL OBSERVATIONS Observations were made while drilling and after completion of the borings to detect the presence and depth to hydrostatic groundwater. No free water was observed in the borings at the time of drilling. Fluctuations in groundwater levels can occur over time depending on variations in hydrologic conditions, the presence of water in the drainage ways and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. Perched and/or trapped water can be encountered in the subgrade soils at varying times through the year. Perched water is commonly encountered in soils immediately overlying less permeable weathered bedrock. The location and amount of perched and/or trapped water can also vary over time depending on variation in hydrologic conditions and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. ANALYSIS AND RECONMENDATIONS In the roadway area starting at the intersection of Soapstone Prairie Road and extending approximately one-half (%) mile south, we recommend removal of at least two (2) feet of the silt/clay subgrade and replacement with aggregate base course to provide a stabile subgrade in this area. At other locations, the.road gravel will be supported on the in -place subgrades on newly placed and compacted fill to develop the subgrade elevations. Earth Engineering Consultants. Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015B May 14, 2007 Paae 5 All existing vegetation and/or topsoil should'be removed from the roadway area. After stripping and completed all cuts and prior to placement of any fill, we recommend the in - place soils be scarified to a minimum of 9 inches, adjusted in moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the material's maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, the standard Proctor procedure. The.moisture content of the scarified soils should be adjusted to be within the range of =2% of standard Proctor optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. Fill required to develop the subgrade should consist of approved soils free from organic matter and debris. In the north undercut areas, the backfill soils should be essentialh granular material. Fill soils should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9-inches thick, adjusted in moisture and compacted to be at least 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density. The moisture of fine grain soils should be adjusted within the range of -2% of V standard Proctor optimum and the moisture of granular soil adjusted to a workable moisture. The roadway should be developed, at a minimum. to the Larimer County Rural Area Road Standards. Those standards require a minimum of four (4) inches of gravel meeting Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Class 5 or 6 Aggregate Base Course " requirements. Based on gradation testing completed on samples obtained from the potential borrow areas during this exploration, it appears the materials sampled conform to CDOT Aggregate Base Course Class 2. Mechanical removal of the larger aggregate sizes in the initial borrow area may attain the requirements of Aggregate Base Course Class 5. which would meet the L specification of the Larimer County Rural Area Road Standards. The secondan, borrow areas meet a Class 5 designation although on the fine side of the Class 5 designation, The aggregate base course should have a Hveem R-value of 72. A loss of 35.4% after 500 revolutions was measured in the L.A. Abrasion testing. The relatively low loss percentage indicates adequate abrasion resistance. Ale believe aggregate from the initial borrow source could be used for road surfacing although screening to remove oversize material may be desirable. C H H at H H H N Earth Engineeruig Consulmnts. Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015B May 14, 2007 Page 6 Positive drainage should be developed across the roadway and away from the roadway edges to avoid wetting of the subgrades. Roadway subgrades allowed to become wetted subsequent to construction can result in unacceptable. subgrade performance. GENER LL COMMENTS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any Variations which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident; it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to review- the plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding the interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. It is further recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained for testing and observations during earthwork and foundation construction phases to help determine that the design requirements are fulfilled. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc./The City of Fort Collins for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No wvarranty, express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed .and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing by the geotechnical engineer. DRILLLNG AND EXPLORATION •J DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: I - SS: Split Spoon - 13/8" I.D..2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PS: Piston Sample ST: Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D.. unless otherwise noted WS: Wash Sample R: Ring Barrel Sampler - 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted I, PA: Power Aueer FT: Fish Tail Bit HA: Hand Aueer RB: Rock Bit DB: Diamond Bit = 4", N, B BS: Bulk Sample I AS: Auger Sample PM: Pressure Meter - HS: Hollow Stem Aueer W'B: Wash Bore Standard "N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O.D. split spoon, except where noted WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WI, : Water Level WS While Sampling h R'Cl: Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCL Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR: After Casting Removal J Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borines at the time indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of ground water. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground water levels is not possible with only short term obsen•ations. I, DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D-2488. Coarse Grained Soils have move than 50%of their dry weight retained on a'1200 sieve: they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a r200 sieve: they are described as : clays, if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in -place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean clay with sand. trace gravel, stiff (CL); silty san& trace gravel, medium dense (SM). PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BEDROCK DEGREE OF WEATHERING: C Slight Slight decomposition of parent material on joints. May be color change. Moderate Some decomposition and color change roughout. High Rock highly decomposed, may be extremely broken. HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION: Limestone and Dolomite: Hard Difficult to scratch with knife. Moderately Cau.be scratched easily with knife. Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail. Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS Shale. Silistone and Claystone: Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be Unconfined Compressive scratched with fingernail. Strength, Qu,.psf Consistent} Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail. Hard < 500 Very Soft Soft Can be easily dented but not molded with 500 - 1,000 Soft fingers. - Medium 2.001 4.000 4;000 Stiff Sandstone and Conglomerate: ,OU]- - Well Capable of scratching knife blade. 4,001 - 8.000 Very Stiff Cemented 8,001 - 16,000 Very Hard Cemented Can be scratched with knife. RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS N-Blows/ft Relative Density 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10-29 Medium Dense 3049 Dense 50-80 Very Dense 80 - Extremely Dense Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers. Cemented 'a h F r7Z rCC v • r [d EI C trit:ric to Asa:anir:y Gm= Synnbals cnd ;..-wp noncs O=g Lceora:ory i=_. CDC'Se-Grained Grovels more tncr Soils mare icon 50% at coarse 50 reieinec on unction retained No. 200 sieve or. No, c sieve G PSI CAI 1` f C' Sands 5= a - more coarse :rac iar. PaSse5 No- L sieve Fina-Grained Sits and Cla;F Soils 50% a: Licaid Limit less more ❑asses the than 50 No. 260 sieve St!is and Cloys Liquid Limit a0 or MO. a Highly oraanla sails 'fiv ae w. the rooted axCt7-- 1r role .x�Ctc me;cage:es c bvuldcv, a both, ode "aittl c.vwamc a- aNICe2, w ac:h" rc.9v.YI P .tm 5 m t:s rn� r_v:,aa_ enal natid� uN-W. +.dl SrCCO cove: .�L, s! [ -GC ntll-graded q.ove:.n„ ,�. gt !F-apcoay-grvtlN yKv.0 nuno ir'P-Cc poenJ-gentled q.a J Mtrl rev °sonCa nla: 5 m 12S tench mire ¢rd spreads: SN-SM nC'—y.,reo :vnd n:1r: l: sw-SC we9-gmaetl sans non ucv 5=-SM paany grcvcd nitb Te 'So -SC pvotly grotlG .. nits c4o1 y u W �ro a SDii Classiiiaaiia.5 Graup Craua Nome Symno! Clean Groveis Less 'non Ste. lines Ca>4 and <r-<3` CW Weil-aradea crave:' Cu« cad; or 1>Cc>--' .•a Poarly-traded a-av Groveis with Fines :'roes cluEdHy es ML a- MH GM Slay gravel, G;H more than 12% fines =Ines dassiiy as CL or CH GC Clayey Grove;'^ Cieon Sands Less Cu>S cnd 1<Cp �` SW Yell -graded sand, than 5 linos Cu_- and/cr IY_o5r SP Foorly-a: oded sonc Scncs with rines Fines tdassity as M_ or MH sm. Silty sand"" more '.non '_,. fines l blcssify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand61u ir.o.osic 2I>7 and plots on a anolt 'A Line' CL Leon clay°=" PI<9 or blocs below *A'Une' ML a-gaa'a Undid Unit - oven dried Organic C!C'— <0.75 OL Liquid Limit - not cried Oroonia silt`="' inoraeaic PI plats on or ccoye 'A+Line CH Fat dov P! p!acs below 'A Line MH Festic Silt Gaanic IjCaid t.LT.ii - ows. dried J:aanic clay,.", <0.75 OH Liquid Limit - ,at dried Orconic silt" Primcn:v arooric rnctt_•, der< r. calcr, and oraa:ti: adcr PT Feet `Cu-Da,/Ot C-= ( s+' s a6 i. cvn:cbc 15 W 297es N.. 20d, cdC vlant.� 1H s.io? 41 -canrvev 2 3a' plus Ne. 200 9! sv3 mntaire ati: cood, add'.im sanC."!e :eaoalnana;: sou., odd ,es,c. ctl r � _ • C CIl pR C-.V,!„ ai d-1.1' SY•SrbCl VI: SC° Caf1:C6L- [ :!VS NC 2!.'g s91-: g--U1, vr'9C-54 a prcdamslvnuy grey_;. cdp ymveJy' lc arayp �r rmn: arr. org,.-ic ,od'.!a: ar,a< nn.� m „nrte d plot, on or oro -A- lira grx= name I! t rnn;otns X_`_:yrove�, ceor'nPa gra.eY ep. < a ? r p:oL^ ono. -A' - �Pi _ tv n - Clntn: ao. n yr'b_ r ..' 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SELECT: Public Planroom:,"GO" Mercury/lDD Colorado �r ,,. 77L-- PlanWell` Digital Document Management &Distributionogin L lnyour.Account .,,m',r^ I .. ": ,:_.m. .,.,. Pobli Monrovia �t user Name � Flnn Paul Pegnets w, � ��g 9" ��— lot Ritlo Fln t: (r{ H B/mdSL2ra—rv�.i3�`'I�Ft �' ` Passwortl - N. Login Rnquneu - 1 Go DNale met 1 as nss..o m I rGuestAceeu _ w de easy se mac' iag. up whoa: a acc,ns ooy^; 4. SELECT: the desired "Project Number" from the list 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 3 B-9 to sc. Not to BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM NORTH COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT #: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2007 Paget of9 EARTH ENGINEERLNG CONSULTANTS II -is U440 North Nat t. Scale TVA A BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM NORTH COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY. COLORADO EEC PROJECT #: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2007 V�gcb off EARTH FNGINFERIRr, CONSULTANTS TP-2 �l No: m Scale j t / BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM NORTH COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY. COLORADO EEC PROJECT #: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2007 pw 7 or7 E&Mf ENGINEERNG -CONSULTANTS C C N N n H A j P, E1 G �1 I' H LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH XIOT LOG OF BORING B-B RIG TYPE: CME45 .SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE 3=007 WHILE DRILLING -,N/A AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE 3W=)7 AFTER DRILLING I NIA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV WA it HOUR I NIA SOIL DESCRIPTON 0 N ou NC RD A.UMRS am 5fYfLL LL i R FRESSMf 'p 695 G6[ YP TE IFEED MLOWSM1TI IPSn 'I%) IFCFI fAI CHAORON FORMSTIDN (PFw) OilFocane MUDSTONE WITH VERY COARSE GRAINED: NGLOMERhi Tanl Brorv0l Res _ _ < CS lb 900w 14 ID6.t 1 E 6 6 .9 23 WA 4.2 1 55 _ 10 .1 t3 13 35 V _ tb 16 Sp WA I 9.5 I PIERRE SHOE (R51 CmtFmous _ _ 1y SILTS7. 0::EI0. YSTONE IP 01— Brown!Y.U. 1f 6O/s WOw SS A= 21 s FT -23 21 5NB I 90IX 1 ta.0 I 1139 !6 SI 1 99 sowI 15.0- 25 BOTTOU.. OF BORING DEPT, X' 2E 3] 28 ]0 ]1 3 ]6 -3 m ]5 W H 41 9 bt Eartn Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072016 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING 8-9 RIG TYPE: CME45 .SHEET I OF 1 WATER DEPTH 'FOREMAN: GH START DATE 1 2007 MILE DRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE 311142007 AFTER DRILLING WA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR .NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N ou Nc ao ( I A5 am I a U. TYPE (FEETI (BLOWBFTI g F1 ml 4F) LL PI CA) VrtE3EURE N(G W]Pbf SILT, SLIGHTLY CLAYEY, SJG�, LY SANOY _ 1 C8 ] 1a 1 90W� 16.6 I ]33 48 19 55.1 120a 20W Tac. Slpn'N MWI SS �_ 14 6 f 6 f0 n BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTh 10 1.^ 1] 11 16 13 1] Ie 1d m 21 .p xi -z¢ ?1 xe zi- ai ii 36 P ]S 4 fz f] 16 f3 f4 s6 31 caran cngmeenng I.OnSUitants i C' H I iI I E E nF C E H LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 C SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING B-10 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET OF i WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE O1WM7 WHILE DRILLING I NIA AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE 3/Wn07 AFTER DRILLING WA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR ( NIA I SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 A nu MC oc- Au E .mo S 11'1E. If"IBL.:.m IP5.rl 1%1 IP<n LL YI I%1 "R Uln Q bW PSF SLT, SUGC LV CLAYEY, SLIG1 LY SANDY 900M tO.B I !,$ i TTL SIWIf,N Nnsl :S 4 500 1z" 71.E m :] 9 .: cWL Npw 6 e o S` _ to t: 1" 1 450U 14.4 I 6peTQN a=B'.%-i1NG-JET.M IC' v 15 IE 15 2'. _22 v $5 _J. ],2 _y Y -3' ]G Sv C s< W Earth Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2007 LOG OF BORING B-I1 ,RIG TYPE: CMM SHEET t OF I _ WATER DEPTH -FOREMAN: GH START DATE WW2007 WHILE DRILLING WA AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE 366mw AFTER DRILLING WA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV WA 2A HOUR WA SOIL DESCRIPTION 6 N 00 •0 00 A.nb,RS dm SWBu TTE (FL ( MLOWSIF'p 'p'n m) IPCF) Ll R NI PREBBVRE % 6WP9F. GILT: GIIGMTLY CLAYEY: GIIGMTLT SANDY CG 1 B L9% t5.9 T9: 43 11 529 No 05% Ten. S6Cn'N ills: b$ , S 1 TO00 tb.] 1 1 1 ti -T 6 T ! WHITE RIVE GROUP Rwq Ofi o I Cs _ z[ BOOM I 22.1 Wnau»roe Tan ID ff 6OTTOM DF BORING DEPTH IC :i ti -tn �ta i i n 20 zt _p 2i 2n 26 _2i _2f .p _3C ]: _3:7 _u- 6 _3 37 •I [2 �a .p 61 caru] cng6neenng corsunants CC w F L i L L I L N L CI L L L L LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONERANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 107201E GATE: MARCH 2O07 LOG OF BORING S-12 RIG TYPE: CME4 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH .START DATE. 31812OD7 WHILE DRILLING NlA AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH DATE 3M 21107 AFTER DRILLING NIA SOT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV WA 24 HOUR WA I SOIL DESCRIPTION D I 'n Du Mc DO, 1 e. T= .mF Swett LL 1 N PRESSURE % 0.O ESF tYP£ IFE IBIOWEIFfI "F M) IkF 1%) Oc:: ::�'.{, =oRM;TiOn no; ugcorc I UNCEMENT<_O SAND& GRAVEL Tanl Brwm/REtl _ _ CS _!_ 33 1 WA f :b I I 6 E E 5 _ 14 1R 9000• I I ]2.l I I 1: :1 It �+e fu I EWO• I tt.f I I I 'E- E Q$ _20 I 11 BODD• 1 ti6 -21 _22 -227 Wri :s 2, m JFF V _Y 9fIGMN <'.18ieY ]4 WHITE RIVER FORt TION,,wr) Ouaome:u _ tl 7UFF4CEOVS SILTBTONE _ti ranremxn _y 6 4i 0 CS l4 if SWE BpOP. t8.` 1U5.0 I I BOTTOM OF BORING DES+! 5D Earth Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: MARCH 2O07 PROJECT NO: 1072016 LOG OF BORING 6.13 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF i WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE &&2007 WHILE DRILLING NIA AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE &&2007 AFTER DRILLING WA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA m HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION I o N ou Mc on worts 4IM I 5W PRE RE I XR 'm RSF ME I IFEED IRlOPB4TI (IAFI ry) IPCF1 LL % f41 O LAA FORMATION (7a: Mmceee UNCEMEN[ED SANG B GRAVEL ] Tm t emwn / Reo Ti 5 6 F NM 1 42 1 1 I Tnm aav Mna°¢ I° n ti v _ itwn I n.n rzs 1 Yi t6 fi tF 5 N' A I 1 A tl :5 26 Y �r a ]i n SF°:rJY GbW�' - t6 V a WMITE RIVER=ORMATION (11 OIN°Carle illFFAGEOVS SP_TSTCNE 43 Tart 5romt a <T _. 49 moo zs.e 1 w_ 6� BOTTOM OF SORING CEI M W H 0 q 0 0 u H H 0 0 0 M u LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 107201E DATE: MARCH2ODT LOG OF BORING B-iA RIG TYPE' CME45 SHEET 1 OF WATER DEPTH FOREMAN'. GH START DATE J/B21X)7 WHILE DRILLING f WA AUGER TYPE: <' CPA FINISH DATE ]I820W AFTER DRILLING WA I SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 2A HOUR MA I SOIL DESCRIPTION D N au MC DD uamaa -td1 s ELL TYPE BEET ( BLOVT/FTI ( IPSF) I%) IPC� LL H I I!ll PPESSURE 'iYp WO PSi OGAL{iY:h FORMATION nD: Mpame 1 UNCEMENTEC eAND6 GRAVE_' -I -1I Roc sTonr& C.5 _ 6 16 �Q e bS 2A WA 16 tt CS V _1a •9' WA 1 t9.D ^v' a6_ 1e u M YDOf :.Y I 1 ID 2 _II b _Z - -a: u rlire,w GAwv a; Ai c a u <i u C$ 50I1 8004 J.1 80TT01,1 DF 80RNG DEPTH 5G' Earth tngmeenng Consultants u S. CLICK: "Most Current Set" to View the list of u 7 documents available ro for the p' - Drder ite.n4; by clit ki rig the Sir art icon: Start Mv' Order I OIdvi i l Ir wserl r '�y Most ,"ent sel oath �^. M t c rren As oRs 4 44 on90 n a r � J �' a.231saLA, Set E +ukerns in 1 S� {{ 4' "r"= C,Cr -r• "R (,C, mr n ire ^r -r rr— r d r^ ^m^ 51 utlYN y. ss e � 71 Sul• �aln DiSU hhtf �/,SiR yUc Uti�e�t rPLr01r Y ^ Pi�kevnri2 Si 1 Sue Set T29/2002 Archi[ ttura 2ii 3o LBW Issue Set 7/29/2002 Amhitenural 24i:36 Revision 2 2/10;20n4 Ar hteaural 34i:36 LBW �A4 Si Issue Set 7/29/2002 MchiteGUral 24x36 LBW i x G A_z5 ... b RPVISIen I 11,/12'2003 Architectural 24X36 LBv++ .. LJ 6. CLICK: Sheet No. to view W 7. CLICK: to add a specific document t your'- "Shopping Cart" L 8. CLICK: staitm%'order to place the order for printing 9. REGISTER -or- LOGIN u 10. SELECT: Process -Media, Output Size and Binding options 11. ENTER: Job Number and PO information then click Next. - 12. REVIEW: Recipient information. 13. ENTER: Quantities 14. CLICK: the down arrow to populate order. 15. SELECT: Delivery options and Due time. ^ 16. ENTER: Your phone number in the special instructions box. 17. CLICK: Next. 18. REVIEW order `J 19. CLICK: SUBMIT ^ Planwell contacts: u Marie Owens 970-484-1201, mowens@mercury-ldo.com David Bacon-720-220-7683, dbacon@mercury-ldo.com 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 4 -- t✓ LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2007 LOG OF BORING B-15 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET t OF 1 WATER DEPTH POREMAW GH START DATE I L 007 WHILE DRILLING I NIA AUGER TYPE. 4" CFA FINISH DATE 0f0R007 AFTER DRILLING NIA SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV WA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION E N pu Mc oo Ai)Mf15 3eE SWELL Ll % PRESBIIRE %" Mpsv TTPE IFEETI MI-0mn, I ("OUN ml IPCFI ml tA:A FORMATION Rol mpt 1 UNCEMENTED SAND B GRAVEL 2 Tan? &Mn 1 Red C$ 6 B C$ 9 I Wh 1 2! I I I I I to I 9 13 tJ CS L _ 1B N/h I 3J 16 15 T tE w CS i0 15 I WA fl9 I I I I I 1 64opW ctF 2: _p w CS b 2e Z) WA 19.6 I 60TOW OF BORING DEPTH 25' _3. ze _25 m ]J V 26 3 S 19 J6 N EI J2 99 V 1 4 9B 0 carol engineering uonswtants C J E LARIMER COUNTY ROAS 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072016 DATE: MAY2007 LOG OF TEST PIT TPA RIG TYPE: BACKHOE SHEET OF WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GM START DATE I SIIMO07 WHILE EXCAVATING a AUGER TYPE: TEST PIT FINISH DATE I SIIQO07 AFTER EXCAVATING I WA SPT HAMMER: NONE SURFACE ELEV I NIA 26 HOUR W SOIL DESCRIPTION u N ou He b0 AylRlfa .mP sw6u LL h PaE:511RE R 1(a P6F TYPE RE IBtA IwJ COARSE AGGREGATE AT SURFACE SAID, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, SLIGHTLY SILTY Ie-brown 2 mmsl c -6- CmaOosita I 1 Sambre 6 6 5 _t0 BOnor. 0' T est Pi:(d I _C 15 16 te_ 15 20 22 23 2< Earth Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAS 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MAY 2007 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-2 RIG TYPE: BACKHOE SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE 51112007 WHILE EXCAVATING I Nona AUGER TYPE: TEST PIT FINISH DATE SHIN07 AFTER EXCAVATING I WA SPT HAMMER: NONE SURFACE ELEV NIA U HOUR I WA SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 N I OV I MC 00 Ai1MR5 — SWELL tYPE f L Cn LL n VREssuNe %a tm VSi COARSE AGGREGATE AT SURFACE SAND, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, SLIGHTLY SILTY rod brown P1ms1 4_ 5 6 6 slignfiy dayey layer Win siltstone fragments M 11 lea! $ 10 ii 12 action o' Test P't Q 1 ; 13 14 15 16 17 15 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 msian mrigmeenng consultants e� K F H H I I LARIMER COUNTY ROAS 15 d@1:SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MAY M07 LOG OF TEST PIT Tp— RIG TYPE. BACKHOE SHEET 1'OF I WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE BRI200T WHILE EXCAVATING Ho04 AUGER TYPE: TEST PIT FINISH DATE 511=07 AFTER EXCAVATING WA SPT HAMMER: NONE SURFACE ELEV WA 24 HOUR WAI SOIL DESCRIPTION P N ( pU AMC ' 00 M1N L LL LL_ PI PNFSSURE I iW PBi TYOE Ir f6LOWS PSFl A:1 PC41 11t1 SPARSE COARSE AGGREGATE. AT SURFACE SAND, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY.SLIGHTLY SILTY IM cram - mois: 5 .".aAWaSRr. i £ e s +c tc Bar=c: Te.. P11(;1 is 1£ li 16 to 20 21 2< 2£ Earth Engineering Consultants LARIMER COUNTY ROAS 96 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT N0: 1072016 GATE: MAY 200'] LOG OF TEST PR TPA RIG TYPE BACKHOE SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE WV20D7 WHILE EXCAVATING I 11' AUGER TYPE: TEST PD FINISH DATE 5(1=7 AFTER EXCAVATINGr NIA SPT'HAMMER: NONE SURFACE ELEV NIA 124 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N Du M: DD Awelt .xDa s u LL PI MMUPE % tM VSF TIE Ef .LOWS IVSFl 1 pC M COARSE AGGREGATE AT SURFACE SAND, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, SLIGHTLY SILTY rDJ ae0w 2 I 6 FAT SANDY CLAY P. 6 mcir. E 9 10 12 ROUNDED COBBLES B010T Of Test Pa L6 1I's 1? 14 15 16 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 2A u Earth Engineering Consultants WF D�. LARIMER COUNTY.ROAS 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: MAY207 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-6 RIG TYPE: aACKHOE SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE 6/172007 WHILE EXCAVATING None! AUGER TYPE: TEST PIT FINISH DATE U112007 AFTER EXCAVATING NIA SPT HAMMER: NONE SURFACE ELEV NIA IN HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION B N ou NC Do A4JMI15 a.s sami" LL P: P.ESSURE %e 190n� TYPE IFEETI I I KI Pon 1 COARSE AGGREGATE. AT SURFACE SAND,. SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, SLIGHTLY SILTY rec omen 2 moist 3 SAND AND GRAVEL schist am gran". m Compo,at on 4 .c .0. to b18Ck 6 SANDY CLAY Ihin san0 looses 6 moil 7 e _y +o tz 13 14 15 16 17 1e ,e 20 22 T> 24 25 Earth Engineering UonsultanM SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Olive Brown Claystone, Silty Sample Location: Boring 8, Sample 5, Depth 24' Liquid Limit: 48 IPlasticity Index: 27 1 % Passing #200: 99.0% Beginning Moisture: 14.0% 1 Dry Density: 119.9 pcf JEnding Moisture: 19.2% Swell Pressure: 9000 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 5.3% Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Tan Silt, Slightly Clayey Sample Location: Boring 9, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 48 JPlasticity Index: 19 1 % Passino #200: 55-1 % Beginning Moisture: 16.8% JDry Density: 75.2 pcf JEnding Moisture: 41.0% Swell Pressure: 500 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 1.9% 10 Load (TSF) Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 Load (TSF) Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material. Description: Tan Silt, Slightly Clayey Sample Location: Boring 10, Sample 2, Depth 4' Liquid Limit: 38 IPlasticity Index: 13 1 % Passing #200: 94.2% Beginning Moisture: 13.6% Dry Density: 71.8 pcf JEncling Moisture: 42.1% Swell Pressure: 0 psf % Swell @:500 psf: none Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Tan Silt. Slightly Clayey Sample Location: Boring 11, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 43 Plasticity Index: 11 1 % Passing #200: 82.9% Beginning Moisture: 15.8% jDry Density: 79.2 pcf jEnding Moisture: 40.6% Swell Pressure: 400 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 0.7% Project: LCR 15 @ Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015 Date: March 2007 ITV � Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real I or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited City of Fort Collins u By l =1 James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP Purchasing/Risk Management Director 1 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 5 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. L ARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 ia, SOAPSTONE RANCH TABLE I - AGGREGATE GRADATIONS 'Slc'cSize Boning No 12 - 'Bortox':Area Test Pit ? Test Pit No. i No::3 ! Bortm'Atw ).Bocrow.Area j .CDOT 1 -Aggregate 'Base Course Class I CDOT 1 Ag„mega:e- 777 Base Course Class `CDOT Aggregatc 1 1, -Base Course Class4 -CDOT Aggregate i Base Course -; Classy CDOT Ag-ue;atc Base Course Clasa6 CDOT -Aggregate 'Base Course 'Class7 i LL 535 .Mass Percen.: Passing Square Mesh Sieges LL 530 N00Men) '100 100 100 'l '100 1 ,.. Ml mm1 100 100 :100 1 ]DO 95-100 - _ (50 mm) 94 97 too stmo0 I f Iw 1 I7C` (37.5 mm) 92 97 100 { {- 90-100 100 1" (25 min) 86 97 1 99 f 95-100 - I00 .84 ! 9s 98 i 50-90 100 j I r?" (12.5mm) 811 93 96 i 3:8` (9.5mm) f T I 90 i 92 .� No (4.75 man) 52 68 69 30-65 j 30-50 30-70 30.65 1 No. 8 (2_36 nun) 32 43 44 j 25-55 20-85 No.16 (Llfi mm) 7 21 � _ - 29 No.30 (600 pm) '14 13 17 No.40 (425 um) 11 ( 10 13 No.50 (3004m) '8 { 8 10 No 100 (ISO M) 4.8 6 5 I No. 200 (75 pm) 9 5 5.0 4.0 3-15 3=15 3-12 j 3=15 3-12 '5-15 Project: LCR IS a Soapstone Ranch Lorimer Caunn, Colorado Project No.: 1072015E Date Mac 2007 E E N LJ dq I� fJ 9 May 15, 2007 Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 772 Whalers Way- Suite 200 Fort Collins; Colorado 80525-3114 Attn: Mr. Gregg Koch RE: Concrete Box Culvert/Structure No. 3 Soapstone Ranch Access Latimer County, Colorado EEC Project No. 1072015A Mr. Koch: EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Our geotechnical exploration report for the referenced project was submitted to your attention on April 23, 2007. In that report, we provided recommendations for support of the box culvert at the Wire Draw Tributary crossing on in -place sands and gravels with an allowable bearing pressure of 3500 psf. A recommended maximum toe pressure of 3000 psf was provided for the adjacent wing walls. The allowable bearing pressure provided for those wing walls should have been 3500 psf. We appreciate the opportunivy to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this report, of if we can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours. Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. Lester L. Litton P.E. Principal Engineer aLLL/slb 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970) 545.3908 FAX (970)663-0282 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. May 15, 2007 Anderson Consultins Engineers, Inc. 772 Whalers Way, Suite 200 Fort Collins. Colorado 80525-3114 Attn: Mr. Gregg Koch RE: Pre -drilled Driven Piling Larimer Countv Road 15 Structures Soapstone Ranch Access Larimer County. Colorado EEC Project No. 1072015A Mr. Koch: Our geotechnical exploration report for the referenced project was submitted to your attention on April 23, 2007. In that report, we provided recommendations for support of the two bridges at the south end of the Soapstone Ranch/Larimer Count}` Road 15 7. extension project on drilled caisson foundations. Those recommendations were provided with shallow claystone bedrock and a concern about the ability to drive H-piling into the bedrock structure. Subsequent to completing that report, we were asked to comment on pre -drilling of pilot holes and use of driven H-piling at those locations to support these structures. Comments regarding that proposal are provided with this report. In our opinion, driven H-piling could be used in the highly weathered claystone bedrock with pre -drilled pilot holes to insure penetration of the H-piling into the weathered bedrock. We recommend the pilot holes be extended to a depth of at least 12 feet to allow the steel H-piling to extend into the bedrock to at least that depth. Driven H-piling should be advanced to practical refusal beyond that depth. — . D- . .-•.• it 1 90 ;Friit ,�'"at;.,is`.�� ., �1'.c:.�:>���'_�C.' :t�.t.,�rt.r�+��h`!. �af�-S£�.�_ �..s `•� ���*=�?.I.�n, H4..�'F'. �_`kTS,�m�. Earth Eneineerine Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015A May 15. 2007 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this report, of if we can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. Lester L. Litton P.E. Principal Engineer LLL/slb SUPPLEMENTAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LARIMER COUNTY ROAD •15 RELOCATED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT STRUCTURE SOAPSTONE RANCH ACCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1072015A E I d as H H M Ll ,luIv 17, 2007 EARTH ENGINEERINC CONSULTANTS, INc. Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 772 Whalers Way, Suite 200 Fort Collins- CO 80525 Attn: Mr. Gregg Koch Re: Supplemental Subsurface Exploration Report Larimer Countv Road 15 — Relocated Concrete Box Culvert Structure Soapstone Ranch Access Larimer County, Colorado EEC Project No. 1072015A Mr. Koch: The supplemental subsurface exploration requested for the relocated drainage crossing as part of the Larimer-County Road (LCR) 15 improvements for access to Soapstone Ranch has been completed. Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc., (EEC) conducted a geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed drainage structures in conjunction with the planned improvements for LCR 15 in April of 2007 and prepared a report detailing our findings. For additional information and recommendation provided, please refer to our " Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report" dated .April 21, 2007, Project No. 1062099. The proposed relocated structure. (i.e., the structure associated with our supplemental boring No. B-7a, and situated south of its initial location) associated with the roadway improvements is planned as a reinforced box culvert over the Wire Draw Tributary. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered at the proposed relocated box culvert structure included a relatively thin laver of a stiff to very stiff, moderately expansive cohesive sandy lean clay soil underlain by coarse granular sand and gravel stratum, which extended to the depth explored, approximately 15Yz feet. Due to the moderately expansive characteristics of the overburden clay soils as well as the results of the supplemental field borings and laboratory testing, we recommend the reinforced concrete box be supported by a shallow foundation system extending into the granular subsoils. Recommendations for the foundations are provided in the attached report. 4396 GREENFFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970)545-3908 FAX (970)663-0282 Earth Engineering Consultants. Inc. EEC Project No. 107201 SA ]uh, 17, 2007 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed report, or if we can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours. Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. David A. Richer. P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Reviewed by: Lester L. Litton. P.E. Principal Engineer SUPPLEMENTAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 15 RELOCATED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT STRUCTURE SOAPSTONE RANCH ASCESS LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO.1072015A July 17, 2007 INTRODUCTION The supplemental subsurface exploration for the re -located drainage crossing structure associated with the proposed improvements to Larimer County Road (LCR) access to Soapstone Ranch in Larimer County. Colorado, has been completed. For this supplemental study, one (1) additional soil boring extending to a depth of approximately 151/2 feet below present grade, was advanced in the revised structure location to develop information on existing subsurface conditions. Results of the field and laboratory exploration boring along with a site diagram indicating the approximate boring location are provided with this report. We understand the proposed relocated structure, (i.e., the structure associated with our supplemental boring No. 13-7a. and situated south of its initial location) as part of the roadway improvements is planned as a reinforced box culvert over the Wire Draw Tributary. Foundation loads for the proposed box culvert are expected to be light. Small grade changes are expected to develop the structure approaches. The purpose of this supplemental report is to describe the subsurface conditions encountered in the test boring, analyze and evaluate the test data and provide geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of foundations for the relocated drainage structure. EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES The boring location for the supplemental field exploration was established in the field by Anderson Consulting Engineers personnel and located by Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. (EEC) personnel by pacing and estimating angles from identifiable site features. The Eanh Engineenng Consultants. Inc. " EEC Project No. 1072015A July 17, 2007 Pale 2 approximate boring location is indicated on the attached boring location diagram. The boring location should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by, the methods used to make the field measurements. The boring was performed using a truck mounted. CME 45 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The borehole was advanced .. using 4-inch nominal diameter continuous flight augers and samples of the subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1587. In the split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures, standard sampling spoons are driven into the ground by means of a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the split -barrel and California barrel samplers is " recorded and is used to estimate the in -situ relative density ofcohesionless materials and, to a lesser degree of accuracy, the consistency of cohesive materials and hardness of weathered bedrock. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to the laboratory for further examination, classification and testing. Moisture content tests were completed on each of the recovered samples. The unconfined strength of appropriate samples was estimated using a calibrated hand penetrometer. Atterberg limits and minus 200 wash tests were completed on representative samples to evaluate the quantity and plasticity of the fines in the subgrades. A swell/consolidation test was performed on a selected cohesive soil sample to evaluate the soils tendency to change volume with variation in moisture content. Results of the outlined tests are indicated on the attached boring log and summary sheets. As a part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by an engineer and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System, based on the soils texture and plasticity. The estimated group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is indicated on the boring log and a brief description of that Classification System is included with this report. u u t Earth Enginccring Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015A July 17, 2007 Pave 3 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Soapstone Ranch access will be Larimer County Road 15 as an existing gravel surface roadway extending north from Larimer County Road 84, The roadway crosses several drainage ways including Rawhide. Creek, Wire Creek and Wire Creek Tributary with no structures currently in place at those crossings. We understand a new structure for the Wire Creek Tributary crossine will be a reinforced concrete box. The water flows in the drainage ways are intermittent. Based on results of the supplemental field exploration and laboratory testing, the subsurface conditions within the revised location can be ueneralized as follows. The overburden soils in the additional soil boring completed for the relocated concrete box culven structure consisted of a relatively thin layer of stiff to very stiff; moderately expansive cohesive sandy lean clay soil underlain by coarse granular. medium dense to dense sand and gravel stratum, which extended to the depth explored, approximately 15-1/2-feet The stratification boundaries indicated on the supplemental boring log represent the approximate locations of changes in soil types; in -situ, the transition of materials may be gradual and indistinct. WATERLEVEL OBSERVATIONS Observations were made while drilling and after completion of the boring to detect the presence and depth to hydrostatic groundwater. No free water was observed in the supplemental test boring to maximum depths of exploration. I5-1/2-f et at the time of drilIinu. Fluctuations in groundwater levels can occur over time depending on variations in hydrologic conditions, the presence of water in the drainage ways and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. °j SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Earlh Engineering Consultants. Inc. ...� EEC Project No. 1072015A July 17_ 2007 Page 4 Perched and/or trapped water can be encountered in the subgrade soils at varying times through the year. Perched water is commonly encountered in soils immediately overlying less permeable weathered bedrock. The location and amount of perched and/or trapped water �- can also vary over time depending on variation in hydrologic conditions and other conditions — not apparent at the time of this report. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Reinforced Box Culvert Based on the materials observed at the supplemental test boring location; we recommend the reinforced concrete box be supported on the medium dense to dense, course granular sand and gravel stratum. The overburden cohesive soils in this area exhibited moderate swell potential; therefore, all foundation elements should be extended to or into the underlying sand and gravel soils. Loose sands and gravels which may become evident during excavation below the box culvert, should be recompacted to at least 100%of the materials maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-69& the standard Proctor procedure, prior to placement of foundation concrete. For design of the base of the box culvert, we recommend using a net allowable total load soil bearing pressure not to exceed 3,500 psf for the box culvert supported in natural sands and gravels or newly placed and compacted sand and gravel fill. The sands and gravels could be used to support footing foundations associated with the box culvert and the base of the culvert. Appropriate cutoff walls should be constructed to prevent piping of soils below or adjacent to the structure. The walls of the reinforced concrete box could be designed using a lateral earth pressure of 60pounds per cubic foot including any additional surcharge loads. That "at -rest' equivalent fluid pressure does not include a factor of safetN nor an allowance for hydrostatic loading. P M J N C C LI E C N !r!r IF= Earth Engineenng Consultants. Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015A July 17, 2007 Page 5 Retaining wine walls associated with the .reinforced concrete box culvert could also be supported on footing foundations bearing on the natural sands and gravels. Those retaining wring walls could be designed for a maximum toe pressure of 3.500 psf An angle of internal friction of 35` could be used for footing foundations supported on the granular materials. The retaining walls should be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. That fluid pressure assumes no hydrostatic loading and assumes horizontal backfill. The active fluid pressure also assumes no surcharge loads. The active pressure assumes rotation of the retaining wall with that rotation typically assumed to be 0.5% times the height of the wall. Backfill placed behind the retaining walls and adjacent to the reinforced concrete box should consist of approved, low volume change materials free from organic matter and debris. The site sands and gravels could be used for fill in this area. Those materials should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9-inches thick, adjusted in moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the materials maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, the standard Proctor procedure. Care should be taken when placing fill and backfill adjacent to the retaining wall and box to prevent placing undue lateral stresses on the below grade wall. GENERAL COMMENTS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to review the plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding the interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. It is further iP Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1072015A July 17, 2007 Page 6 recommended that the eeotechnical engineer be retained for testing and observations during earthwork and foundation construction phases to help determine that the design requirements are fulfilled. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned. the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing by the eeotechnical engineer. DRILLING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING K SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS: Split Spoon - 1319" I.D.. 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PS: Piston Sample ST: Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted WS: Wash Sample R: Ring Barrel Sampler - 2,42" I.D., 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted PA: Power .Auger FT: Fish Tail Bit HA: Hand Auger RB: Rock Bit DB: Diamond Bit = 4"• N, B BS: Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM: Pressure Meter HS: Hollow Stem Auger WB: Wash Bore Standard 'N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140.pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O.D. split spoon. except where noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS WL : Water Level WS : While Sampling WCI: Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCC Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR: After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levelsmeasured in the borings at the time indicated. In pervious soils. the indicated levels may reflect the location of ground water. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground .eater level) is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D-2488. Coarse Grained Soils have move than 50%oftheir dry weight retained on a'1200 sieve; they are described as: boulders. cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a 4200 sieve; they are described as : clays, if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in -place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean clay with sand, trace gravel, stiff (CL): silty sand. trace gravel, medium dense (SM). CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Consistency c 500 Very Soft 500 - 1.000 Soft 1.001 - 2.000 Medium 1001 - 4.000 Stiff 4,001 - 8.000 Ver Stiff 8.001 - 16,000 Very Hard RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS N-Blowslft Relative Density 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10 29 Medium Dense 30-49 Dense 50-80 Very Dense 80 ; Extremely Dense PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BEDROCK DEGREE OF WEATHERING Slight Slight decomposition of parent mate ial on joints. Max be color change. 1hanee Moderate Some decomposition and color throughout. High Rock highly decomposed, may be ex melt' broken. HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION, Limestone and Dolomite: Hard Difficult to scratch with knife. Moderately Can be scratched easily with knife. Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail. Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. Shale. Silrstone and Claystone: Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be scratched with fingernail. Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail. Hard Soft Can be easilv dented but not molded with fingers Sandstone and Com+lomerate: Well Capable of scratching a knife blade. Cemented Cemented Can be scratched with knife. Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers. Cemented i FI?'N 1� • D} S'ODL C.r.fr..` EsK[-JC A.770N YSJMIEI�li Sail Classificaiior I GfauD Group Name Cdten. tar A,vigning Grwp Svrnbds end Gawp nOo da Gsmg Laboratary jests Symbal Coarse -Grained Grovels more thon Clean Grovels Leas Soils more than 507 or coarse than 57. fines CL 4 and <^c53' GW Weli-groded yravei' 507 reioined on Faction, retained _ No. 200 sieve on No. 4 sieve 0,<4 vnd/u, 1>Cc>3t GP Poeriy-groded aravol' Gravels with Fines Pmes classify as ML or MH CM Silty grovel, G.H more than 12'/. fines Fines classify as CL ar CH G,. Cloyey Gravel''c` Sands 50% or Clean Sands Less C11>5 and i<Gc<31 rSy; Well-a:oded sand' more coarse than 5n fires fraction passes Cu<5 and/cr 1>Cc>3t SP Poorly-g" oiled sand' No. 4 sieve Sands wi!n fines Fines classify os ML or MH SM Silty snnd Q1V1 more than '.2n fines Fires classify us CL or CH Sc C!gyey sandr'1B Pee -Grained Sits and Cloys inorganic PI>7 and plats on or aovvc rA' Line' CL Leon cloy''''" Soils 507 or Licuid Limit loan more passes the Ulan 50 PI<4 or plats below 'A'Line' ML 58t".` No. 200 sieve a. gonic Liquid Limit - oven driad Organic cloy"+'" <0 75 OL Liquid Limit - not dried Oroar e: silt r'y1O Silts and Gays Inorganic PI plots an or above 'A`Line CH Fat cloy Liquid Limit 50 or more - PI ploy telov: 'A'Line MH Jostle Silt... ergaric Liquid Limit - over dried Organic clay"'" <0J5 OH Liquid Limit - not dried Oraanic silt" Highly organic sails Primarly orannic matter, dark in color, and organic Deer Pi Peat %.O=d on me rvolmdl pa.-]nq Inc 3-:v (]5- rC bL: No. 20a, Odds c rilzD '•IID snnd' Or'.ItN }awe, wnianc.v u 'If add sm ale eontort,v cWoln m "Gulden, pmdsnhaot. n beta, Odd witb eaahle5 or boulder., or both' 'll 9oi IXrlav 2 3D' Dlus No. 20D tolrq, name 41 ]a] contvins 21S wand, vdlfwim send"b preeominlmay son.. Odd "ammy to C 1., in, 5 to 12S Lae: rewired oval crmp n name wpntidc t prat. 'it ,.1 cant.bO z 30G plus N. 200 CO-u'4 wCl grddetl prd.[I .iu, 1d: C IN> .IdS]- a9 I."L-4� YY dUp 6NnLO prcaaminonfir 9r.wr. add gravely In group Ga-CAI, er organ M-GC .ill -graded growl .11ddY tl frow wgmia, ucd.'wltn argmk anec to ame aP-cc p.any-yrudbd proud nib„do �a14 Or plats an or avom "A" line. CS -GC .1th 5 to grovel wIN .. ,ram n °P;Sp 6s w o dMo "A' roe. °Sane] wIN S td ld fro rcwirema 11 ]oi cwmms TjS:yrdwi, pud:waN gmw'" rPl plots m r Wove "A I:m nyn.M.l onyn 'a group ndmc. °P, pint, pduw 'A firm, 5,-5 will- L WR Berg I'mits plots sodded area, sm n c groded eunrl with cjO R-4L, III' SV-SC wdl-gmod sa.. .iN d'I c S nay, Y'-S4 pO.d, "..ad eland olio 0 SP-SC pearly 9raoetl sontl wily slop 6a� E� r w I' m zd L. U rp ID b ry fp is )l 6C fC 1pC LIQUID LIMIT (LQ rm 4v cad &.Is. al dr-pv a Wr pvrw r°ln ��-- 1 u.w. Pl.G9 ILL-ri rnHo� OH 1 NIL ILL I E I I J(- B-7 B_,, North I Not to Scolo E I ,1 I J B-7A I BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM NORTH COUNTY ROAD 15 @ SOAPSTONE RANCH L AR.IMER COUNTY, COLOR,ADO EEC PROJECT 1072015 DATE: MARCH 2O07 rnv� i on. EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LARIMER COUNTY ROAD 'IS aC SOAPSTONE RANCH LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1072015 DATE: JUNE 2D07 LOG OF BORING B-TA RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: GH START DATE 62291200T WHILE DRILLING ' Nana AUGER TYPE: 4' CFA FINISH DATE SINGOW AFTER DRILLING NA SPT HAMMER' MANUAL SURFACE ELEv NIA 24 HOUR WA SOIL DESCRIPTION TYPE 0 (FE I) A IeLOW9 00 B'8e1 I M[ M) 0C ' (^Lal AiWR6 3W 1%1 BVhI.L U.Vi R11[9911RE 1:Q W]e9f SANDY L&eN CLAY ICLI + BtowT. ]tiff to very ihY. l H - ]0 � 9000• L] I 109.: I Y II ' 98� .6 T,lT SAND& GRAVEL IBM) 25 - ' 5.0 J6 ( 19 B., Red l Gw CB a medmm dense +c dense _ _ � E •tnw^nnmm uepy aim Nnaes wtn demo ) 9 "G 1L 1: 36 la 16 16 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15.6' iT 16 _19 1 w 21 n 2. 2s Earth Engineering Consultants SWELL/ CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay Sample. Location: Boring 7a, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit:.34 IPlasticity Index: 15 % Passing #200: 56:6% Beginning Moisture: 5.4% JDry Density: 117.4 pcf JEndina Moisture: 20.3% Swell Pressure: 6500 psf % Swell @ 500 psf: 7.7% 10 - c 2 c m 0 m wall U a _2 L _1 p .. ........_- _. _... .. _ _.... _. _.. 0.1 1 Load(TSF) Project: LCR 15 at Soapstone Ranch Larimer County, Colorado Project #: 1072015A Date: June 2007 No Text C F di J N�g C--J H SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the P2 Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding ® Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. I3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort 1 12/03 Section 00100 Page 1 Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following " shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the, bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and, within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of, the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous:. contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to'" perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future;l maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of , the contract. u 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would L% impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other'. contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to , familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances; rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or,_. discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. W 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible ^ representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement " of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon _ performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents andl such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and U furnishing of the Work. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 2 U F, eSg I D u M u I 11 11 H I''" CJ I E IF- v LJ F 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed�to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. 1 12/03 Section 00100 Page 3 U Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. I 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment _ described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without; consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is �- indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such . acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS ._i 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of ^ principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to � Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable. objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent J successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers,' other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does `J not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award, will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3.. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, � supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performancel.� of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. - 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which, may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices ^' on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of SUMS. r u 112/03 Section 00100 Page 4 I u L, r� H • Sheet 6 of 88, replace the Tabulation of Clearing & Grubbing with the following TABULATION OF CLEARING & GRUBBING STATION - STATION ACRE REMARKS CLEARING & GRUBBING 101+00 - 105+00 32 RAWHIDE CREEK 111+00 - 124+00 11 140+50 - 141+75 05 WIRE DRAW TOTAL & FOR ESTIMATE 48 1) CLEARING & GRUBBING INVOLVES REMOVING BRUSH AND SMALL TREES (6" AND SMALLER) INSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Sheet 6 of 88, delete note 7, under Tabulation of fence, cattle guards, & metal gates SPECIFICATIONS -PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS- SEE ATTACHED • Remove and replace Revision of Section 202 — Removal of Fence • Remove and replace Revision of Section 212 — Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding • Remove and replace Revision of Section 216 — Soil Retention Covering • Add Revision of Section 607 — Fences • Add Revision of Section 611 — Cattle Guard • Add Revision of Section 614 — Traffic Control Devices PRE -BID ATTENDANCE SHEET- SEE ATTACHED 1 Please contact John D Stephen, CPPO, CPPB, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. '` R! 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. A11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2.. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 1 12/03 Section 00100 Page 5 U 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, or facsimile Bids are invalid and will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under J different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly' executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the " place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. ^ 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the 7 amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made', available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the, Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to L disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if r OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures .J and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the �u Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in u 12/03 Section 00100 Page 6 F I N D L H n H N I I w fl the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (1-5) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. 1 12/03 Section 00100 Page 7 J OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and " equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be., included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and! - Supplementary Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid — assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 " requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. END OF SECTION 12/03 Section 00100 Page B u r j �0 H 0 f, I I I rI l K M ril 'Y CI' n SECTION 00300 BID FORM 0 SECTION 00300 BID FORM PROJECT 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road Place (0 Pt'N4 Date 4-6.2007 1 In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated Uillb, and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint Venture, or Sole Proprietor) authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules 2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned 3. Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond in the sum of S 0/0 -- ($ ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders. 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish 'the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows: TA&...LAt&S _C4S UAIA-_. an\a SWAR-hl Cc-nv&w o_�- AY,,siW _- 5 All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said last 6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents 7 The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. _1 through 1_ 8 BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) 7J96 Section 00300 Page 1 BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) ADDENDUMI REVISED BID SCHEDULE SOAPSTONE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA ACCESS ROAD - ROADWAY BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED ROADWAY QUANTITY UNIT COST ($) SUBTOTAL ($) 201-001 CLEARING & GRUBBING AC 4.8 gl5o. 00 45(o0 , 00 202-001 REMOVAL OF TREE EA 8 500.00 9t.0 p 00 202-002 REMOVAL OF FENCE LF 2450 0.50 0 0 202-003 REMOVAL OF CULVERT EA 14 400,00 S o, 0 0 203-001 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (CIP) CY 46898 9. s s 213,185.90 203-002 BLADING HR 100 nnn, 0 0 207-001 TOPSOIL CY 11660 e 16. Gil.. o 0 207-002 STOCKPILE TOPSOIL CY 11660 I.S -t 490 p0 208-001 EROSION LOG (SPECIAL) LF 1200 3, SO 0 o 210-001 RESET GROUND SIGN EA 2 -1 00 50. 00 210-002 RESET GATE (METAL) EA 2 1(00.00 3-Lo, 00 212-001 SEEDING DRILLED STERILE WHEAT AC 19 220.00 41 180, 00 212-002 SEEDING (DRILLED) (NATIVE) AC 20 (0 0 0 0 11,000.00 212-003 SEEDING (DRILLED) (WETLAND) AC 3 450O° l 3So 00 213-001 MULCH TACKIFIER LB 4200 2.00 8 400 , 0 ° 216-001 SOIL RETENTION BLANKET (COCONUT) SY 18000 Z ,-75 49,Soo.00 216-002 SOIL RETENTION BLANKET (STRAW / COCONUT) SY 13100 5. oZ &S -r b 2, 0 0 304-001 AGGREGATE BASE COARSE (CLASS 5) TONI 22100 Ib,so JL4, (.So. 00 603-001 15 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CIP LF 760 Z4.15 1(3.(310. 00 603-002 18 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CIP LF 432 3 z. -1S 14 00 603-003 18 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE END SECTION (CIP) EA 40 4 5.0 0 l o00, ° 0 603-004 361NCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CIP) LF 100 (09.00 (, gob, 00 603-005 361NCH REINFORCED CONCRETE END SECTION (CIP) EA 4 61 S .0O I'Soo, go 606-001 GUARDRAIL TYPE 3 (6-3 POST SPACING) LF 1200 1-(, 5 o 21 O 00 , 0 0 606-002 END ANCHORAGE TYPE 3D EA 12 100. 0 ° O o 0 606-003 END ANCHORAGE FLARED EA 12 1,55o .° 0 1 p , 00 607-001 FENCE BARBED WIRE LF 24556 35 33 I S 0. 60 607-002 FENCETEMPORARY LF 2430 -LIs 5,'110, 50 607-003 FENCE TEMPORARY (SPECIAL) LF 57170 a5 Z5 2ro, 50 8 BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) ADDENDUMI REVISED BID SCHEDULE 607-004 END POST EA 40 mg. 0u S. DOD. 00 607-005 CORNER & LINE BRACE POST EA 43 1-7 0.00 -I 1 O o0 607-006 12 FOOT RAIL GATE EA 3 2.20 ,so uitol,sll 607-007 10 FOOT RAIL GATE EA 4 2 2 .0 0 9 0 0 .0 0 611-001 16 FOOT CATTLE GUARD (CIP) EA 1 t O oo,00 I o 1 oo 00 611-002 20 FOOT CATTLE GUARD (CIP) EA 4 z 5 09 5 1, 4 00. "o 614-001 ISIGN PANEL (CLASS i) SF 475 14.6 0 -1o 30. 00 614-002 STEEL SIGN POST 2X2 INCH TUBING LF 470 9,slo 3,995,010 614-003 STEEL SIGN POST (2.25X2.25 INCH TUBING) LF 141 I 2s 1, 50(,, 25 620-001 SANITARY FACILITY EA 6 500.00 3 o0 .00 626-001 MOBILIZATION LS LUMP SUM I 5 0 oo .0 0 145 0 0 .0 0 630-001 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES LS LUMP SUM 2 0 0.0 0 2 o o . 0 0 630-002 FLAGGING HR 250 LS .0 0 2 5 D. 00 A) ROADWAY TOTAL ($) 120 g O T Z S SOAPSTONE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA ACCESS ROAD - STRUCTURE BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED ROADWAY QUANTITY UNIT COST ($j SUBTOTAL ($) BRIDGE AT RAWHIDE CREEK 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 960 So 15 gq o,() 420-001 GEOTEXTILE (SEPARATOR) (CLASS A) SY 80 5.,Xs 420.00 503-010 DRILLED CAISSON30" LF 147 i45.00 28 bbS.00 503-020 DRILLED CAISSON 36" LF 123 22 00 00 506-002 RIPRAP (9 INCH) CY 960 50, o 0 o0 oo 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 338 Ya o.=0 i+-5 ,, 00 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 52850 0.60 42 Z 0 00 605-040 41NCH NON -PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 1 6 00 198,00 605-041 41NCH PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 60 29.00 8o,00 606-103 BRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 382 134,00 151, 6 E. 00 618-019 PRESTRESS CONCRETE BOX (30"x 60") SF 2822 Sto.00 IS $ o 32, 0O B) RAWHIDE CREEK TOTAL ($) 539 , 59 g, 00 Lp- � 8 BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) ADDENDUMI REVISED BID SCHEDULE BRIDGE AT WIRE DRAW 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 950 IL, s0 15 viS, 00 420-001 GEOTEXTILE (SEPARATOR) CLASS A) SY 80 5 25 420, oo 503-010 DRILLED CAISSON 30" LF 185 1(. 8. 00 31 060. 00 506-002 RIPRAP 91NCH) CY 310 5S.00 17 050. O0 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 197 430. oo g -110. 00 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 25400 0, 82 10 626.00 605-040 4 INCH NON -PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 6 g 3 00 19 S. OD 605-041 41NCH PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 60 Z ,0 0 1,66o.00 606-103 BRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 110 1 qo, 00 15,400.00 618-019 PRESTRESS CONCRETE BOX (30"x 60") SF 803 Ib t.'ES 49 34t, 35 C) WIREDRAW TOTAL ($) 23 b, 385, 3S DOUBLE PRECAST BOX CULVERT AT WIRE DRAW TRIBUTARY 203-001 MUCK EXCAVATION CY 136 So 2 3 6 D, 0 0 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 330 11.00 10 Stoo.00 506-002 RIPRAP 91NCH) CY 137 55.00 llsss, 0 o 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 40 00 zo o Do, 00 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 4165 1,015 43 603-300 DOUBLE 12X5 FOOT CONCRETE BOX CULVERT PREC LF 30 9 -o 0 35 6so .0 0 606-103 BRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 54 1 b 0, 0 0 1 8, L 4o, 0 o D) WIRE DRAW TRIB. TOTAL ($) g9,338.2S ROADWAY AND STRUCTURE TOTAL (A+B+C+D) ($) �, 0'15, 029. gs D M ,11,,�,,MITTEN TOTAL PROJECT ZSk# CAJ 65/too ;CIF PRINTED NAME �� &T Ice TITLE b0 DA E a 64s & It ra `r!i *.`: fi r � Y� �. wz +rAIZ ': iillillk k1l I a 9 PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc , to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price Mi Sigma a csmn,,,": Title <e License Number (If Applicable) —[b O q Date e"S�a1 - if Bid is by corporation) P Attest -- Address 0 GllAfniAk& C Qoad (A)1MQSun. C) Telephone Coo 9 (,2 9 0 ci l 7/96 Section 00300 Page 4 a BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) ADDENDUMI REVISED BID SCHEDULE SOAPSTONE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA ACCESS ROAD - ROADWAY BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED ROADWAY QUANTITY UNIT COST ($) SUBTOTAL ($) 201-001 CLEARING & GRUBBING AC 48 202-001 REMOVAL OF TREE EA 8 202-002 REMOVAL OF FENCE LF 2450 202-003 IREMOVAL OF CULVERT EA 14 203-001 JUNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (CIP) CY 46898 203-002 IBLADING HR 100 207-001 TOPSOIL CY 11660 207-002 STOCKPILE TOPSOIL CY 11660 208-001 EROSION LOG (SPECIAL) LF 1200 210-001 RESET GROUND SIGN EA 2 210-002 RESET GATE (METAL) EA 2 212-001 SEEDING (DRILLED) (STERILE WHEAT) AC 19 212-002 ISEEDING (DRILLED) (NATIVE) AC 20 212-003 SEEDING (DRILLED) (WETLAND) AC 3 213-001 MULCH TACKIFIER LB 4200 216-001 SOIL RETENTION BLANKET (COCONUT) SY 18000 216-002 SOIL RETENTION BLANKET (STRAW / COCONUT) SY 13100 304-001 AGGREGATE BASE COARSE (CLASS 5) TON 22100 603-001 15 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CIP) LF 760 603-002 18 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CIP) LF 432 603-003 118 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE END SECTION (CIP) EA 40 603-004 136 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CIP) LF 100 603-005 36 INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE END SECTION (CIP) EA 4 606-001 GUARDRAIL TYPE 3 (6-3 POST SPACING) LF 1200 606-002 END ANCHORAGE TYPE 3D EA 12 606-003 END ANCHORAGE (FLARED) EA 12 607-001 FENCE BARBED WIRE LF 24556 607-002 FENCE TEMPORARY LF 2430 607-003 IFENCE TEMPORARY (SPECIAL) LF 57170 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS 00410 Bid Bond 00420 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications 00430 Schedule of Subcontractors SECTION 00410 7196 Section 00410 Page 1 1 N 91D BOND Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc KNOW ALL MEN BY TIM19E PRESENTS, that we, the undersignfid as Pi inca pal , and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound Canto the City _of Fort Collino, Colorado,_ as OWNER, in the sum of ° percent 5% of the total amount of the bid --------------------- - ., Five ( ) -- for tile payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby Jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors, and assigns THE CONDITION of thie obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the Cit�of r1ort Collins` Colorado the accompatnying Bid and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a Construction Agreement fol the construction of Fort Collins Project, 6061 Soapstone Prarrae Acoesta Road NOW THEREFORE;, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or (b) It said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract .in the form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed iri ` accordance with said Bld) and shall furnish a HONK for his faithful Iperformance of said Contract, and for payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials :in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the Agreement created by the accept_auce of said Bid, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder rhall, in no Ievent, oxceed the penal amount of than obligation as herein stated The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligatl=s of said Surety and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or affected by say extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such Rid, and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. Surety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER a O 1 I a Sect,.ar 009J0 Eagt* 1 s a k :.N WITNESS W]IEREnF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto yet their hands: and seals this 6th day oY September , 20_07 and ouch of them ae are rorpordtions have reused their rorporate seals to tie hereto aEfixed and these prrsent s to be e tcliiad by their proper oific er s, Lhe day and yeas f ret set � forth above PRINCIPAL Name, Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc Address, _7250_Greenridge Road Windsor, CC) 80550 By ��`' Tj tie 'AES,� 01 r•( del, 6 a,�// +r•`,���._L�— (SHAL) Ue8i H H ", 7E SURETY Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183_ _ BY • Title Darlene Krmgs,Anomey-m-Fact qV Arlo (SIZAL) hINN�WW'aa`AF+Mp<we_fS�" r„�! 'rariF.4ftt'rcf� ... 4T Ser:ivi, 00410 Page 01 G THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER TRAVELERS POWER OF ATTORNEY Farmington Casually Compam Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc Seaboard Surety Compam St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Attorney -In Fact No 217963 St Paul (.uardian Insnrance Compam St Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surely Company Trawlers Casualty and Surety Company of America United Stites Fidelity and Guaranty Company Certificate No 001393137 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEMIS Iliac Seaboard Surely Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, that St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Arnenca are corporations duly organizod under the laws of the State of Connecticut that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company n a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Stale of Iowa and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc is a corporation duly organized under the lass of the Suite of Wisconsin (huem collectively callod the 'Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Connie K Boston, Donald B Martin, Chris S Richmond, Darlene Krings, William C Banter, Kelly T Urwtller, Russell J Michels, Diane F Clementson, Valerie R Partridge, Penny R Burkard, Anthony P Stimac, Royal R Lovell, and Jennifer Winter of the City of Greeley , State of Colcrad0 , thur titre and lawful Attomey(s)-m-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, n.cognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their(auspiess of�guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required erp� m a ones o�gtpceedmgs allowed by law `r 1 ,his �'�`��1�L� too Ism IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this ins She ldbe Vne hL'a d hg" for orate seals to be hereto affixed, this day of January 2007 V , r Farmington Casualty Cpgxp -' v' `XY St Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty usrlranc pa Y �1i,`) St Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty hasurikince ndcrw crs, Inc Travelers Casualty and Surely Company Seaboard Surely Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company �GNa4Nr` Yrvemny�r�p$a1E)Y 6` O°M IFS49 4Pi 1MF4N9 q.>rr INO° c9(;1P 6�'�.r"^^'..Mra) of 19L% ti '" /=f� i 40PrON5l�.4 t, WWTFORD 9rr I.\SBAL,zcoae 'CF'0`_aYs. '�"N°Ot Opr AMfi State of Connecticut By City of Hartford ss Georg Thompson error free President On this the 18th day of January 2007 before me personally appeared George W Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Semdf Vice President of Faragnigton Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc, SeaboarcI Surety Company,, 8t,yaul Fire end Marine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,'Yrav�lera Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being ,authorizer so to do, a;te4;47klh e--+fung instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer n In Witn&s 4tAwf,eof; I he}euntay get my hand and official seal' _ !� C . V� My Commisslyn �a!' pueS t6e,301h day of June, 2011 c p��p� # Mane C Teveauh Notary Public 58440-8-06 Printed in U S A POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted undo and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters Inc, Seaboard Surety Company St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, whwh resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, .my Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secrolary may appoint Anorneys-m-Pact and Agents to aot for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any nine may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her, and n is FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice ['resident, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation n in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary, and it is FURTHER RESOLVF,D, that any brand, recognizance, contrzei of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, ,any Senior Vice President of any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Companv may be affixed by facsimile to any power of anomey or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-m-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facstmde signature or facsiimle seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached 1, Kon M Johanson, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc, Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul Fire and Marine InmrancX. C,pmpanyi St Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Sur %�c papianen rid United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of t�Pwe o�my�gx r ed bq s�ompanies, which is m full force and effect and has not been revoked Qom, for i? IV IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand sill '{ thPJ SA�s0 s i!1ames thins Pith day of September 20 07 � l.v o .1Y , Kon M Johann Assistant Secretary G"5 Y1t' IiJPfIY '�t11 6`/ QO'!1°es`I 6 a Y r86N0a41® a e,r//W"rarxrr.e ° 4 ,,yy�� e 927 sr 'O�. 9 usa)"A It Oa �e & OfS8xLt° cam 8 6aK e � 1896 • s Wnfn .xcc °'t�, cxss r",` i ./�r AM To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www stpaultravelersbond com Please refer to the Attorney -In -Fact number, the above -named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power Is attached n+ra y11 -Sa ip� lit Le oA°`°J.� I'Irin.ro°aY�t' ` SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive This statement must be notarized If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires 1 Name of Bidder SC�YNld �oxf� IAl'CevS ��Y1L'.•' / 2 Permanent main office address 7250 6reewr;d9 � Wj%dScCfCO 90SS4 3 When organized 111 La 4 If a corporation, where incorporated- (fe 1eorJ 0 (11 b 5 How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name° 3 O 1- Vrs 6. Contracts on hand. (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) Cross $4 t ' Ngwr4avi Z 1r Iev G3(oJC �[t Tn6rr I.v.r C b.uy�4� 14 B Qt_T �:114r sw sK�l,v *14 x r(s., 7 General character of Work performed by your company- 4,b+1e6 Ear}hvJorK 6 Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to your If so, where and why? /1/p 9 Have your ever defaulted on a contract? Ao If so, where and why? 10 Are you debarred by any government agency )Vd If yes list agency name. 7/96 Section 00420 Page 1 11 List the more important pro3ects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, l nr of inn and fvna of rnnct rnrtinn 12 List vour mayor ecrui.nment available for this contract 13 Experience in` S construction` A Work similar in importance to this p]• t W �.. q.xllp\a to 'A 4 6S our Mvac 14 Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers ry f3. 1;e�� rv�Ce 1"4 r x �v.Fe.�evfi Esiw..a+er Gv� e.+,rK Van i^ E M I C5 V CPA 15 Credit available $ /,'S M L ii_� 16. Bank reference: Wesioyc `M S+4�e7 O.`ti - C4rr"y 1'heY' 17 Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR If yes, in what city, county and states What class, license and numbers 90 Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract? If yes, what percent of total contract and to whom? 20 Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this times ►gyp IF yes, DETAIL 7/96 Section 00420 Page 2 e 21 22 F a h What are the limits of your public liability° DETAIL Y,066 000 What company What are your company's bonding la.mitations� Au t, uepo-y SevewN 23 The undersigned corporation to verification of Qualifications hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or furnish any information requested by the OWNER in the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Dated at 1.00 p /fin, this Q4 day of �7LA Ie0%6f--r 20OF 5�ti t c0.Y+c. R,;,laers �..c Name of B d er n By \ �f- � Title State of bp 1 DV-0A 0 JCounty of &V ; v,A- e-Ir' ) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is of Sc(A. IAjJAA.Hi AW2tdaan �, and that (name of organization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct- Subscribed and sworn to before me°1 iday of st z , ChAA;,inn. ILuy►_ N0TARY'e' - Notary Public WhnJ$#1 CO YOSSO My commission expires 01-2l,•11 Section 00420 Page 3 FILE No.510 09i11 '07 05 58 ID Schmidt Earth Blrs. FAX 9709629081 PAGE 2 SEP-10-2007 NON 04.30 PM OFO ENG, FAX NO, 9702210379 P. 02 1"'EC SON 00430 61CIRPOI &I QV HOLICONTUCTORS 7= tat, u1x rAaJQo%ItrtiutorG Eo/ I.lu� worlt JtoMtY 11®L-pd beloW and all aabaontractory perl'onnixaq ovor ,t64 of lhf- vunirant. 1.Tkbf HUDCOAIxRAct'COR //06 ©ealJorl 004d0 PogG 1 SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) ADDENDUMI REVISED BID SCHEDULE 607-004 END POST EA 40 607-005 CORNER & LINE BRACE POST EA 43 607-006 12 FOOT RAIL GATE EA 3 607-007 10 FOOT RAIL GATE EA 4 611-001 16 FOOT CATTLE GUARD (CIP) EA 1 611-002 20 FOOT CATTLE GUARD CIP) EA 4 614-001 ISIGN PANEL (CLASS I) SF 475 614-002 STEEL SIGN POST (2X2 INCH TUBING) LF 470 614-003 STEEL SIGN POST (2 25X2 25 INCH TUBING) LF 141 620-001 SANITARY FACILITY EA 6 626-001 MOBILIZATION LS LUMP SUM 630-001 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES LS LUMP SUM 630-002 FLAGGING HR 250 A) ROADWAY TOTAL ($) SOAPSTONE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA ACCESS ROAD - STRUCTURE BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED ROADWAY QUANTITY UNIT COST ($) SUBTOTAL ($) BRIDGE AT RAWHIDE CREEK 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 960 420-001 GEOTEXTILE (SEPARATOR) (CLASS A) SY 80 503-010 DRILLED CAISSON 30" LF 147 503-020 DRILLED CAISSON 36" LF 123 506-002 RIPRAP (9 INCH) CY 960 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 338 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 52850 605-040 4INCH NON -PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 6 605-041 ' 4INCH PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 60 606-103 BRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 382 618-019 PRESTRESS CONCRETE BOX (30"x 60") SF 2822 B) RAWHIDE CREEK TOTAL ($) lip I SECTION 00510 aDate September 17, 2007 NOTICE OF AWARD TO Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc PROJECT 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road OWNER CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated September 4, 2007 for the above project has been considered You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road, the contract documents includes the construction of 8 39 miles of roadway with aggregate base course surface, a 191 foot three span bridge, a 55 foot single span bridge, and 30 feet of double 12'x5'precast box culvert The project also includes installation of 814 linear feet of 15 inch RCP and 432 linear feet of 18 inch RCP with end sections, 26 acres of reclamation, removal and installation of fence, and installation of cattle guard and roadway sign The Price of your Agreement is Two Million Seventy Five Thousand Twenty Eight Dollars and Eighty Five Cents ($ 2,075,028 85) t Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) GGJJ accompany this Notice of Award Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by October 2, 2007 1 You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5 1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached City of Fort Collins OWNER �1 je By. gJaes B O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP ector of Purchasing & Risk Management 0 9/12/01 Section 00510 Page 1 SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 17`h day of September in the year of 2007 and shall be effective on the date thrs AGREEMENT is signed by the City The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows ARTICLE 1 WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of Bid 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road: The contract documents includes the construction of 8 39 miles of roadway with aggregate base course surface, a 191 foot three span bridge, a 55 foot single span bridge, and 30 feet of double 12'x5'precast box culvert The project also includes installation of 814 linear feet of 15 inch RCP and 432 linear feet of 18 inch RCP with end sections, 26 acres of reclamation, removal and installation of fence, and installation of cattle guard and roadway sign ARTICLE 2 ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc and A V I P C., who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT TIMES e3 1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within 150 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within 164 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run 3 2 Liquidated Damages OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3 1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions 1 Section 00530 Page 1 They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving 1 in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter 1) Substantial Completion Defined as all roadway completed Bridge over Rawhide Creek completed, Bridge over Wire Draw completed Wire Draw Tributary culvert completed. All fence, cattle guards and roadway sign completed All erosion control installation completed All final grading completed Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($2,363) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the One Hundred 1 Fifty (150) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. 2) Final Acceptance After Substantial Completion, Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($2,363) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the fourteen(14) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT PRICE 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows Two Million Seventy Five Thousand Twenty Eight Dollars and Eighty Five Cents ($ 2,075,028.85), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference ARTICLE 5 PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2 6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price work 5 1 1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be in the amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the 7/96 Section 00530 Page 2 H General Conditions 90% of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage equals 5% of the Contract Price, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed 90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14 2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment 5.1.2 Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law 5 2 FINAL PAYMENT Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14 13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14 13 ARTICLE 6 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations. 6 1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work 6 2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4 2 of the General Conditions 6 3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6 2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4 2 of the General Conditions, and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes 7/96 Section 00530 Page 3 6 4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4 3 of the General Conditions 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents p! 6 6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, €63di errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1 10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference II N I 11 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following 7 2.1 Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2 2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2 3 Lien Waiver Releases 7 2.4 Consent of Surety 7.2 5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2 6Application for Payment 0 7111 Section 00530 Page 4 L�l it R f�1 ka k. 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows SHEETINDEX Sheet No Description 1 TITLE SHEET 2 LEGEND 3-7 SUMMARIES 8 TYPICAL SECTIONS 9 INDEX SHEET 10-39 PLAN & PROFILES SHEETS 40 ROADWAY OBLITERATION GRADING PLAN 41 MASS HAUL DIAGRAM 42-44 GUARD RAIL DETAILS FOR RAWHIDE CREEK, WIRE DRAW & WIRE DRAW TRIBUTARY 45-47 SIGN LAYOUTS & SIGN DETAIL SHEETS 48-50 EROSION CONTROL SHEETS 51 RAIL GATE DETIAL SHEETS 52-88 61 - B37 STRUCTURE DETAIL SHEETS CDOT STANDARD DETAIL SHEETS X1 - X147 ROADWAY CROSS SECTION SHEETS The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated 7 4 Addenda Numbers 1 to 1, inclusive 7 5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions 7 6 There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7 The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3 5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS 8 1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions 8 2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound, and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may 7191 Section 00530 Page 5 not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations coAtained in the Contract Document OWNER V OF FORT INS CO By- -� By Darin Atteberry, C anager Pr By. O Ti JAM S B O'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP DIREC R OF PURCHASING & RISK MANAGEMENT Date Attest 16k (�/,PF,�•�j City Cler] r Address for giving P 0 Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Appr City Attorney NTRAC - Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc. inted Name tle 'Vt& areScAA-A-f Date (CORPORATE SEAL)! �' '• CJ �tr +, s Attest Address for giving notices 60 icd CJ G LICENSE NO 7/96 Section 00530 Page 6 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road To Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc This notice is to advise you That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by'the OWNER That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( ) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement Dated this day of , 20_ The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be and , 20, respectively City of Fort Collins OWNER By Title ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of 20_ CONTRACTOR Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc By. Title 7/96 Section 00530 Page 7 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate I SECTION 00610 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No 104945628 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that (Firm) Schmidt Farfh Builders, Inc (Address) 7250 Greenridge Road, Windsor CO 80550 (an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal" and ( Firm) I ravelers Casualty and Suray Company of AmerLLa (Address) One I ower Square, Hartford, C1 06183 hereinafter referred to as ,the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", in the penal sum of $2,075,02885 in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, 3ointly and severally, firmly by these presents THE CONDITIONS OF 'PHIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered 0� into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 17`" day of September 2007, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins pro7ect,6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay 'I and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect 0 7/96 Section 00610 Page 1 I :?'^"` MEW i^-,F_: m .w•,. ?e:.a '.fi a.7 L#e"e} m -z4 ID^x• "q;S..: m pn`a' ... "; SCHEDULE8 BID : • D D REVISED BID SCHEDULE BRIDGE AT WIRE DRAW 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 950 420-001 GEOTEXTILE (SEPARATOR) (CLASS A) SY 80 503-010 DRILLED CAISSON 30" LF 185 506-002 RIPRAP (9 INCH) CY 310 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 197 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 25400 605-040 14INCH NON -PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 1 6 605-041 14INCH PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN LF 60 606-103 IBRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 110 618-019 1 PRESTRESS CONCRETE BOX (30"x 60") SF 803 C) WIREDRAW TOTAL ($) DOUBLE PRECAST BOX CULVERT AT WIRE DRAW TRIBUTARY 203-001 MUCK EXCAVATION CY 136 206-000 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CY 330 506-002 RIPRAP 9INCH) CY 137 601-030 CONCRETE CLASS D (BRIDGE) CY 40 601-040 REINFORCING STEEL LB 4165 603-300 DOUBLE 12X5 FOOT CONCRETE BOX CULVERT PREC LF 30 606-103 BRIDGE RAIL TYPE 3 LF 54 D) WIRE DRAW TRIB. TOTAL ($) ROADWAY AND STRUCTURE TOTAL (A+B+C+D) ($) $Dollars $ TOTAL PROJECT WRITTEN IN WORDS COMPANY NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE r PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the i terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall to any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, thisl9th day of September 2007 IN PRESENCE OF C In (Corporate Seal) lid IN PRESENCE OF Schmidt h.arth Builders, Inc (Title) 7250 Greenrtdge Road, Windsor, CO 80550 (Address) Other Partners By By IN/'$RESENCE OF ",,,,,,•,,, I( . , � Ir Surety I ravelers Casualty and Surety Company, of �G / AI By . f Lv-Fr J lI�JG' 1 d d Attorney-m-I act Witness oD : fiAITJ'4�i� IjSX One 7 ower Square, Hartford, CT 06183 n.. (Address) 3 �•: A � (Surety Seal) �//,,,11, IIIIn Y1119A� NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement. ° ''e" If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. 7/96 Section 00610 Page 2 SECTION 00615 � PAYMENT BOND Bond No 104945628 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that (Firm) Schmidt Earth Builders, Im, (Address) 7250 Grcenridge Road, Windsor, CO 80550 (an individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal" and (Firm) Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (Address) One Tower Square, Hartford, C9 06183 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the 6 City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave , Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a III' (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum of $2,07502885 in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents �I THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 17°" day of September 2007, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such Work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect �I i '7f96 Section 00615 Page 1 4 u PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 19th day of Scptembcr , 20 07 IN ARESENCE OF Princizml Schmidt Earth Builders Inc `" �,7�..':'l; .T ;�• (Corporate Seal) IN PRESENCE OF IN DRESENCE OF: Witness (Surety Seal) 1By ; C•; '1.Z\u.PS +a�i ter; , � .../ r.•.�v� i:'•e (Title) &:. ll.) 4vt 'A £t,r;rf J V) <, 7250GrecnridgeRudd Wmdwr CO 80550,j „ky' l"••, r7' rtL•��;,3q (Address) �1✓C;r,;i �'j ..�. )a�. I �L ,� t11J� �di4,l e,lllli'V �;i'1 1 Other Partners 8 ,,,n�n1! ��/jry�F p� r4ttiro.i Surety Iravelt.rs Casualty and SuretyCompan�`c�.l�lmorl SG�G'ivaS/ By Attorney-m-FaU )BjX Onc Iowcr Suudre, Ilartlord C1 06183e o (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement.''7tl"""';r"„ If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. y" ra✓ 7/96 I i I I 1 I I Section 00615 Page 2 L TRAVELERS POWER OF ATTORNEY Farmington Casualty Company St. Paul Guardian insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company 'travelers Casually and Surely Company of Arc St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Attorney -In Fact No. 217963 Certificate No. 0 0 1 3 9 3 1 4 9 KNOW ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: That Scuhoard Surcly Company is a colp0lation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, that SC Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are colporationS duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, ,ad '1'ravelers Casualty and Surety Company of �Anienca arc corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the Laws of the Stale of Maryland, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. in a corporation duly organized under (he laws at the Stale of Wisconsin therein collectively called the "Companies-), and that the Companies do hereby snake. Constitute and appoint Connie K. Boston, Donald B. Martin, Chris S. Richmond, Darlene Krings, William C. Bensler, Kelly T. Urwiller, Russell J. Michels, Diane F. Clementson, Valerie R. Partridge, Penny R. Burkard, Anthony P. Stimac, Royal R. Lovell, and Jennifer Winter of the City of Greeley State of Colorado , their true and lawful Attorney(,) -in -Fact. each in their separate capacity if more than one is mmrel above, to .sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, iecognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their buflnCsS of guan laccing the 17delily of persons, guaranteeing the performance of colaracts and excelling or guanmteeing hoods and undertakings reyuired o, por matted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. v - � ;v bR, gsy aae �. � 18th IN W FFN tSS WHEREOF, the Comtp have caused this instrument to he signed and then corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this anuary��i'� clay of y, Farmington Casualty Company "bV =,V St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company p, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Compan i y ° St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc Travelers Casualty and Surely Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surely Company of America St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company p r.svaJ` ..ppNTY ^ 5*ry T." 73ry'/9ECe(Lx6' ��o 7.1 WC1DVJPo�R4IIN n'4 �¢� �d^Of �y1e�.;M 927 SEAL �Afi197+� °i0l1 t %z' "S &ORR9qt�ro_3r y` mGsrwo'Nrr.ar��)l5Y •`�.. '\ ,,•p Stine of Connecticut By: City of Rarll(ad ss. GeorgA Tho,npsaa. ysenior tice President 18th January 2007 On this the day of ,before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the -Senior Vice Piesldent of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelily and Guat,mry Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Seabo sad sulen C6nipaeny St [ aid Fire and Marine Insurance Comp am St. Paul Gua, d,an Insw mce Cotnp'ute St. Paul Mercury Insurance Cornp [nv, Travelers Cases Jh and�Sw Uy'Company Trn lets Cavuully and Surety Company of Amenca. and lJnited Slaau Fidelity and Guurnuy Company, and [hat he, as ouch. being authorized -so to do, executed'thelf6re6omo: instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on hchalf of the corpornions by himself as a duly authorized officer fn jl�p.T[T J —' fitness Whueot I herewho +A�nnis hand and off¢ial sc:d- TA7i ommnCioo explrevthe 10th davrof lane, 1011, * AOiIBIA� t !rI y1j0 VIia; lsj O Marie C. Tct cma, lsmup Public u.; 58440-8-06 Printed in INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Undcawrite s. Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surely Company of America, and Failed States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given hint or her: and it is FURPHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more office's or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obUgatory in the nature of a bond recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signet) by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, anv Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasure[ any Assistant Treasurer. the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and scaled with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or do duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of amhorily or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presiders, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys -in -Face I'or purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the name thcratf and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such (ucsimile signature and facsimile seal shall he valid and binding on the Company in the ILture with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. L Kori M. Johanson, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary. of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St, Paul File and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company offAmerica; and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certif that the above and Imcgoin g o y g is a true and correct copy of Power of Attorney -executed by raid Companies, which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. ''0 a s kvy \ xsA ,a#.. w IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Comp19th anies this day of September 07 , 20 a Kori M. Johansc Assistant Secretary 11 A,oYN° inAfi"�rx.t"cma.ww1t.mT'. 8Y 1927 ` no uaxryguc enM SEAL, IMP bto To verify the authenticity of this Power of Altumey. call 1-800-421-3SS0 or contact us at www.stpaulttm,elersbondcom. Please refer to the Attorney -In -Fact number, the above -named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. n, 'Q rftf Ht6:v.axn', SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ECONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance Section 00630 Page 1 Van (IIIdei Insurance Corp r L....w Marianne SeWolt- Marty 2/2 crMFetl1 4� 9/25/20117 08 41 ACC,.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE =510 °"" PRODUCER Van Gilder Insurance Corp 700 Broadway, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 303 837-8500 NSMED Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc 7250 Greenndge Road Windsor, CO 80550 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE ALTER HOLDERTHE HCOVERAGE IS CAFFORDED ATE DOES BY THE POLICIET AMEND, S EXTEND OW INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE IN;IAILIIA Zurich American Insurance Company National Union Fire Ins Co (AIG) _NSIMERIT IWUUPRC Hartford Insurance Group -- INSMFH D INSURER E THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS i F SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS FIS Ent TYPE OF NSUMNCE POLICY NUMBER POLICYNINJUD 'D VA It kFFECT Y QUILTEx UIDONYN DATE MMWDTYY LNgrS A GENERAL LIABILITY GL0375719402 03/01107 03/01/08 FACH OCOURRFFIM $1000000 FILL DAMAGF(Any we Yo) $106000 X CCMMERGIALGFNFRAI IIAHILRY IMF[) FXP(Any one Parson) $10,000 CLAIMS MADE f_X IOCCUH PFRSONAL& AOV IWMY $1,D00,000 GFNFRALAGGREGATE $2,000,000 GFN L AGC.RFGATF LIMIT APPL F S PER MODuc TS COMPbPAGG $2000„000.. POI ICY X F O X IOC A AUTOMOBILE X LUIBRNY ANY AID to SAP375719302 03/01/07 03101108 C(MBINED SINGIE LIMIT (Eia�eM) $1000000 HODLY IµRMY (Pa. M—n) $ ALL OWNFD AUTOS SCHFOIA ED AU TOS X HOMEY INAMY rya. ncum.nl 3 HIRED AMOS NON-0WNF0 AIIIOS X PROPERTY DAMAGF (Pn rcu . ) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - FA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN FA ACC ANY AUTO $ AULOOMY AGG B E%CESS LIABILITY BES286208 03/01/07 03/01/08 FACHOCCURHFNCF 0000,000 AGGREGATE $4,000000 _ ". I OCCUR [ CI AIMNADI $ $ DEDUCT RUE 3 X NFTFNI ON $10 BDB A WORKERS COMPENSAI ION AND WC375719202 03101/07 03101/08 X WC STAIV rL_ EL EACH ACCIUENI $1,000,000 EMPLOYERS LEARILITY E L DISEASF -FA EMPLOYFF $1,000,0010 El DISEASF POI ICY LIMIF $1,000 000 C Or1IER Leased/ 34 JUMAK3867 03101107 03I01I08 $750,000 Umd Rented Equipment $1,000 Deductible ched E w ment S6 112 500 Limrt DESCRIPTION OF OPLRATIONSA.00A ❑ONBNLMCLEWLXCLUSIONS ADDED BY EIVOORSkm[NTISVECIAL PROMIONS Re Soapstone Prairie Access Road Certificate Holder is listed as Additional Insured with respect to General Liability as required by written contract All coverage terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy apply CERTIFICATE HOLDER I i..'RoNAL City of Fort Collins 215 N Mason St, 2nd Floor Fort Collins, CO 80522 SHOULD ANYOF ME ABOVE O ESCRNED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPNAT I N I UAMTHENEOI LHEISSUNGNSMER WR-ENDEAVOR lomA 30—DAYSWRIREN NOIICETOMECLR1WICATE11OLDERNMLEDMTHELEFr BUTFAYURI TODOSOSHALL IMPOSE 40081-IGATION OR LIABILITY OF My MHO UPON THE NSURER,RS AGENTS M RLPRESENTAMES I AUTNORILED REPRESENTAI NE ACORD 25-S (7197)1 of 1 ItS509368/M503937 MKS o ACORD I E" [;,I l'u l C E rr N SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO CITY OF FOPT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROJECT TITLE 6061 Soapstone Prairie . Road PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE OWNER City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc CONTRACT DATE: September 17, 2007 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by auth( representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the proje( specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared substantially completed on the above date ss razed t (or o be A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Complet agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within t indicated 0 CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE and time The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12 01 a.m., on The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Conitract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By OWNER REMARKS 7/96 0 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20 TO Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc Gentlemen You are hereby notified that on the day of 20, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated in conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the follwing date Sincerely, OWNER Ci By, Title ATTEST Title of Fort Collins 7/96 Section 00640 Page 1 tC] SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road 1 The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project 2 In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U S C.A 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against anylfund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same Ihave been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project I 4 The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from the lender, any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims 7191 Section 00650 Page 1 Soapstone Prairie Natural Area August 2007 Project Special Provisions REVISION OF SECTION 202 REMOVAL OF FENCE Section 202 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows Subsection 202 01 shall include the following This work includes removal and disposal of existing fence within the project limits as shown on the plans or at locations directed by the Engineer In subsection 202 02 delete the seventh paragraph and replace with the following The existing fence shall be removed in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the surrounding area All removed fence materials shall become the property of the adjacent landowner If said adjacent landowner e rejects the fence material, the Contractor shall take ownership and dispose of outside the project site legally Subsection 202 11 shall include the following End posts, corner and line post, shall be consider as part of existing fence and will not be measured and paid for separately Gates shall be consider as fence and will be measured for as linear foot of fence The removal of existing fence shall be measured by linear foot of fence removed and accepted Subsection 202 12 shall include the following Payment will be made under Pay Item Pay Unit Removal of Fence Linear Foot Work shall include all material, equipment, jabot, and disposal of materials to complete the work, including excaving and backfilling E Lam' LJ 9 �:, u tti 5 The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set lforth above constitutes and adequate description of the property, and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project Signed this ATTEST Secretary STATE OF COLORADO day of 20_ CONTRACTOR Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc By - Title )ss COUNTY OF LARIMER- ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20_, by Witness my hand and official seal My Commission Expires Notary Public day of 7/96 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR Schmidt Earth Builders, Inc PROJECT 6061 Soapstone Prairie Access Road CONTRACT DATE• September 17, 2007 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of (Surety Company) 0 ATTACH Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact 7/96 Section 00650 3 SECTION 00670 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFI( ORin72 (1208) Cut DpIORA00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE dt)-122c°a°2°, CONTRACTOR APPLICATION ta°HI2e DB FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuantto Statute Section 39-26.114(1 Xa)()aX) nn Nni wP11T IN TMS The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project des of bed below. This exemption does not include or apply tothe purchase or rental of equip me nit supplies, and meerla Is which are purchased, rented, of consumed by the cool actor and which do not become parr of the structure, highway, road, street, or other pub licworks owned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use of the exemption cerunicatewi I I result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalres provided by law. A separate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility, of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (Seereverses)de). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. rgmaWri,... Unr N4 or 1. d--ag dryD &Ud 0170-750 (999) $0.6 89 - I CONT=RACTORMFORMATIION� 1 race nbnel - A. net, yanner w oaponr. name_ Mailing adpreps (city, State. _to)'. comam Person t-M311 a0dress: e0erai mnlOYers leentlncabOn NumOerl Noamount iorvou"comracr' Oa%lu e. ( I Bn61nKZ�PleptpnS NmC•al- ( ) brapO wllryl0l .. aGOunl numo¢r copies; at contract or agreement pages (1)IIdentifying the contracting parties EXEMPTION INFORMATION " ' and (2) containing signatures of contacting parties must be`attached. Name or exempt organcauon(as snowrlon com-acq: Exmmoroamzauo.is numear. 98 - AdCless or exempt organcauon (City, Sw e. Zlpl nnotpal untact at e%•3mpt organization I c'pai contacts Ieapnone numoerl ny;lcal iodation OT p o)eGt9@ (ov, actuai aOoi wren approsu a and Qnes analor ounu aes) where profecl is ocpnaa) SCltellulnE lornn ear B',eIed Ontn Day ear a n, Ion s;atl da"e ,riRion dais. / drodare. under penalty of perjury in the, second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to Lire best Of my knowledge. Signature or owner. partner or corporate onde[ Ile of corporate olncer. Late. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE I Section 00670 Page 1 Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure The Department will no longer issue. individual Certificates of exam ption to subcontractors. Onlv prime contrac- tors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copes of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89# has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for anv applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if VOL] were assigned 89- 12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeed- ing numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. Section 00670 Page 2 I, SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS ld L�J GENERAL, CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT These. GENTPRAL CO',DITIOidS have bean dos eloped by using. the. STANDARD GENERAL CUNT)ITTONS OFTIII? CONSTF.UCTIOnr 70S\7R4CT prepared be the Engineers .Dim Contract Document& Committee, F_ICDC';Se. 1410-& i194o hdi[ionl_:raa hale. Changcsto thnt documem arc shown h<undcrtitonc text that has been added and strikine thrott^_h text that has been deleted F.JCDC CiEN ?RAL, CONDTTIONS 1O10-9 (1990 EDTTION) WITH CI'I'Y OF FORD COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) R 0-1 Article u Prtrialraph Notintrer to *1 it i, TABLE OF CON-ITNTS OF CjT-NF,.RAI,. CONDITIONS Pace Article or paragraph Number 3,rutm NY Je *title DEFTN=()111S- —, — , . — — ... - , , "'. 11 J f I Addenda I Ainoement .. .... I Application for PaNmient, .. ... ... IA Asbestos 1.5 Bid 1 1.5 Bidding DccunlenlS 1,7 I}irknrrg Requirementq.., U Builds, I " Clinvivc0rder. I i W Coortmet, Documents I'll Contract Price I 1.12 Conhact Tunes, -I 113 CONIRACTOR .1 1.14 defeelive IA 1)rtovirns 116 Effective ])are of the ALzirecincirt 1 1.17 ENGENTEEIR J I IF ENGEKEER's Core;u Itanz I 1.14 Field Ortley I 120 General Requireracnts.. L^1 ltrizardou% Waste- , 11 -- 1 1,22.3 Lrvivs and RCE,U[2110ns; Laws -Or Kte�ulrwom .. ..... ... I Licucl 11olidm% 1.23 2 124 Milestone -1 1,25 Notice of Award 3 1 1(, Notice to 1,27 01124Ell 12N Partial lAilization 1-19 1,30 Petroleum - I II Protect 1.3- a Radioactive %Matel a). I VVirkine Houri,, I,-,- 1 34 samples, lla Shop Drawirirs Specitications .. .. .. ....... 137 suicoraraoiol I I's Substantial Completion n I , 'p SuppioraentruvComliiion:- 1.4C) Supplier.._._....._..._....-_. _ .. ......... IAI Underground fiarilaws, 1,42 Unit Price Work 3 1 43 kVin k 1�_�j 1 44 kV ork I I n2c Directive 3 1,4s Written Ameridntr( 3 pact Numhr PRELL,IINARY D,LATTERS I Detwery of Bonds.... .. ........ Copies of Doiavuents . ............ Commencement of Contract Tomes. Notarcro I'toccod 3 14 Starting' the lkorl; 1S27 before :kartin-, Construction, ('0"MCACI OR'a to Reporil Preliminaiv Sclawdiles; I )cliver, of (Ccrrifacitcc of Insurance 3-4 2.),: Preconstruction Conference_,,...._.._4 lichially Scbedulc,, -.4 CaNFfRACT DI-rVIVIENTfs TNTEN7 3.I-3.^_ Intent 4 Reference to SAandrirds and Speci- Gcatioms of Technical Societies, Reporting and R"oh ing, Dis. r�crepancie...................... .... ... -4 Intent of Certain 'I emis or AdIccliver;.... ...... 5 kincriding, Controot Documents 3.6 Supplementing Contract Documents. ,' 3,7 Rcu.,e of Documents,,,.. 5 A% I ', ()F LAND',, S3CBSU'*ACE AND I'll'i SICAL CONDITIONS I2j`,'Fj;j<I7TQ(:,E l r )rNTN' 4,1 Al aiiabflaor Land, 41 Subsurface and Physical Condition., 6 4.21 kcports and Diam ings 4,',7 Lim tied Reliance he CW1 RAC - TOR Authorize& Technical Doila, 433 Notice of Drffcrijig sutsurficc ic Physical Conditions _ 4,'-,4 F\GI',RFR'5 R,n in; - ... ....... 6 4 Possible Cornraci Documents Charatc... -6 4.-',6 Possible Price and Times Ad urrtments,, 4,- 1111%9Icril Conditions--Unjia Li ound Facilities ............ .... .. ... ......... 471.1 Shown or indicated.._._ 7 4.3.2 Not Shown or indicated . .... .... .. .. 7 4A Reference Points ................................ FYI X'M6NIAAL, CONDI I IONIS 19 H, -rZ 4❑19%, E-DI I 1,N) w N Artielc or Paragraph N'UnI L. Title. Page Article or paragraph Nam her Numhor &- Title 49 Asbestos, PCII4a_ Petroleum, a_5 Submittal Proceedures: CON- Glazsndous Waste ur TRACTOR's Review Prior Radioactive Material,, 7-S to Shop Drawing or Sample Suhnuttal 1n S. BONDS AND INSURANCE__............................8 62P Shop larawing & 'Simple Suhmit- S.{-�.= Performance. Puvment and Other tals Revicre by E^:GLNEER 16-17 Bondy -...._ 9 6 ^7 Responsibility tor Variauom 5. Licensnd Sureties and insurers; From Contract Documents ,.-17 ceruficaws of insurance,_.._..._..__.. 8 6'1S Related Work Mform ed Prior SA CON kACTOR's Liability to hk"G]N$HR's Revicnv and (nsurancc_.,...,.,.._..._................ _.....0 ,Apprmal of Requu cd )s OWNER 1-1abllm Irnituance Subinatal, 17 $.d Property lasutanct- _ _`+-It5 6_'S C'.otninuing the 11 o1 k,. __...-17 5.7 Doilel and Machinen or Addi- 630 C0:v7TILACTOIts General ticnal Property Insurance 10 Warrant. and Guarantee-_- 17 S.S Nonce of C',anccllation Rommon 111 63 1-639 Indemnification 17-IA 9 C(T;ti�RtiCTC}R's R esponsibilitr 453-0 Sury ival of Obi igatioos1A for Deductible. Amounts. In 5.1t1 Other Spccial In0ur ncv, _ _ W 7, OTHER \VAtK .-_ -_ -,-_ ., )8 5.11 Waivcr of Rights - 11 7.1-7. Related Work at Site __.._.. _..._'I ' t2->.0 Receipt and folpiication of 7.4 Coordination_., nsui;nnce.Prnccads...,....,.. _........ 1 U-71 14 Acceptance of Roads and lnsa- fL OWNTR'S RRSPONSTBTUTiES _...... _.._..... 15 once; Caption to Replace 11 s 1 Communication, to C:CIN- 5,15 Partial Utilization --Propene TRACTOR 1F insurance. _..._. _...___._. I1 C^_ Replacement of 6NciIN'EER____,,.IS $.9 Furnish Data mndPaa Promptly 6. CON FRAM OR'S RE3PONSl 0l 1,11 lflS .. ..__....1I When I)oe ..., .._._........._...__. In 6,1-62 Supervision and Superltncndoneg_ 11 FA Lands and Easemenn. Rcporo, t?3-(,5 l.ahor, 1v11ta ials and Equipment 11-12 end Icots__ .__. IN-lu ,,)6 Pro_ress- Schedule,-._...._. .__I'_ SS Insurance,_. 6.7 Substitutes and "Or-Equal"Menu_ S.6 Change Ortbrs .......__ 1^ (f ?\`7Ti-AC I OR s Eyxnse. S -1 Ins1 rtwn:;.'Iests alld siub'smule ("olvalucnmt An a of al'1 ........................... t o jV1JthCdl Or PttleedtlreS. OO,8 SIOp nl Sl13pAld Work; E l�v.1AE1d1 s kvaluntion1^-13 7 crminate C'O.IRACTOR's 6.n-6,11 Concerning Subcontractors- Services............__.__._--....__._.t9 Suppliers and Olhers K9 Liajiu nuns on OWNER'S Wilivar ofRl iin _.___-_li-14 Res onsibilhles 1S' 6,1 Patent Fees and Rovaloes-,,,,,,,.,__.-..-Ja SAII Aslwsktos. P^I3s, PetrolutiI b:I3 Permits 14 Hazardous lttasie of 614 Laws and Reculations 14 Radioactive Material t9 o.I> Taxes_._.._-_..........__.._._._.._._. 1--1. 5.11 Evidence of F inancal tt 16 Lye of, PremtSCS 1J .Arran4Cm untS Ill ('A7 Site Cleanliness ................................. 15 (1'18 Site Structural Loading,,,,, I 9. EiJGIl4EER'S STATUS DLTS9G 6.1A R coiJ Docllment5. I -�" CONSTRI:CTION ...... 62p Safety and Protection- 15-16 9.1 OWNEhs kcpresentativc, -. l9 6'1 jaletV. Rcpre5entalfVC-_..._ ._....._IG 9.; DRttS to Site.._ ._._.. __ �. 19 n 72 Hazard C oninnunicritlon Prck ramp 16 9 PrOjeci Represeavi lve, 19- 21 6.77 Imlem'encleS _..-._._ ._.__.. 16 9,4 Clarification and lNerpre- 0,24 Shop Drawings and Samples— _-.,,,_„1C, tntions.__............... '- 95 .Authonzed Variations In %lk 21 ,rFs .(I'r O[Ya FOR' Lt0p7C-b.1ll2l5rlhOi(`NxkIF'CAl TO`kS rRU7Af1) �9N9)1 it Anusc or llara!lranh Page Article or Ilaragiph PaI,e MumIxr & ith. Number Nurnix-,r & 1 itle Nuarther 9,6 RejectingL)cfedive Vvforl. 11 1,, N1- 111. 9 1-Incoveritt: Yk ork at D-NG] - 97-9,1) Shop Drawings Change Orden, ,ZER'sRequest- ,. _ ,'-7-28 and Payton[. ....... .... . ................... . 21 1 ; 10 OWNTER NioN Stop the Work 2k 9 Io I)cterminatiors far Unit Prices 'In, Iq,lI Co"ecom or Removal of 9 11 -9, 1" Daciamis on Disputes. FNGI- I)e , feenve Work .. .. .. .... ....... 28 %EER as Initial Interpreter 12 13. 1 -- Correction Pertoct— , , , , —. .— 2N 11, Univations on ENGENTEER's 13 13, Acceptance IrMefech"', 1,kco-L .. .... . 28 Authorm, and Respon.%ibihites 22-23, 1-,,14 (AVrNTR evlap C orreci Defective CHAN(;FS 11% WORK weak 2R-29 10.1 OWNP ' R's { 7rdc I e d hange '23 i4, PAYMFPe'l N 10 CONA RACf0k AND 10.2 Claim for ALI ustmern COIMPLEDON 29 hi3 Work Noi Required b% connua.1 Documents-1— 2.- I-,J 14 3 Schedolv of Application fox Prou'ress 19 lo 4 Change Ordees-____ payfflenl.-- 24 lf),j Notification of Surety 143, CttiTfl2At i-OR's Uarranty of Title 9 CHAN'il� Or CONTRAM Pk 23 144-14,7 het lem:ri picaunn.q for 11,1-11 11 Contract Price Claim for Pi ogress Porn ents , ,, ... .... ").3o Adiustment, %'aloe of 14 ',)4 9 Sulslanum Completion 3(1 the Work 14,10 Fla,11,11 Utilizatrop, 11 4 Cost of the kkork ... .. .. .24-2, 1411 Final Inspection. _331 IL Fxclusiorcs to Cost )I the Work ... ... 25 14.12 Final Application for Pay"IcIll., .... 31 11,6 CON] KACTOR's Pee ... .... ... .. ` i4 13-14A4 Final Piiwentemd 11.7 C= Records 25-^C, 14.1 i Hivel of Clalma I-32 ILS Cash AIlvwaoQes-, ,�6 1 LY Urai price Worc ... 26 11, tit SPENS'ION OF WORK ,,�,%Tf) I FIKMINcsl JON . ......... .31 CFI!CNGE OF CONTRACT TINES ... ...... 26 13.1 � I CAVXTR-'NJivSu.�j,cwl Work.._ 32 Chaim for Adjustment 2t 1� 1-U4 Ow,�Ii,K Mly I crMinw. 3' Time of the Essence, .... . .. 26 1 CONTRAC-16R Mae Slor 12.3 Dcla, s Be, and CON IRACI UMs 'A off, or -1 CT m male,,,.,,,,, Cantrell, ., , - - — . , , 21,--"7 12.4 DchlYS, Rownd OWNT��R,s and 16 DISM-7F Rj;SCAJMON 17, TEST'S AND INSPECTIONS: CORRECTION. I TI Gih too, REMOVAL OR ACCEPLVxCE OF 17.2 Conloea3tion er] Imes DFFLOTT W4,C)RK 27 17.3 Nonce of Claim 33 I,, I Notice oi Defie= __-,7 174 ,,uniulaiive Remedies 17 Professional Fees and Court U., 'I esu, and inspections Costs I ncluded .33 CON71-RACTOR's Cooperation, 27 17.6 Applicable Slate Laws,,.1..-.— 333-34 13.4 OWNER's Resmmsibililiez: Intentional],% left blank. Independent Testing Lalmraton— ... ^7 13,5 CONTRACTOR s Responsibilities_„_, 27 F-N:HlBfT GC -A, f0puona!) Dispute Resolution Aeraemcnt ___GC -Ai I 1_ti-137 Coycrinr %k ark Prior to Inspec- 161-16,6 Arbitration (;(:-Al lion. Testing or .Approval_,_..._,_,_.,, 17 16 7 Mediation- G(".AI I , 71 E TNDT--,X TO GENERAL CONTXTIONS Cm, of Fort Collins modilicatiorn; to the General Conditions of the Construction Mmiti-fict Fire not shown in this index .Article or Paragraph a NInAttr Acceptance of - Rotain and insurance 3.14 defemve Work 104 1 1, final patincru 9 1" 14 15 insurance, .. . ... .. . .......... . ..... .. 14 other Work, kol CONTELACTOK 71 S Substitutet, . and '(rr*,qua1` Items___,_ 6,7 1 1% ol 4-, f-e- OWNPI, 6 V), 6 '4 Access v, titl- Jmn& OW NPR and(,'O\ I RACIMP resporeabdifics, _ - , , _ _ _4 1 site, related ork.., . . ....... .. . , T' ViarjL ..... . 1' 1 13 14, 149 Avis or Omissions--, Acts end Orn vs:t ons- 6,1t 1 9 1 q,' , HING] Ok�7l,,, ER 0.2Q. 8,9 Addends-6oAmnion of faiso see definition NA 1 10 1.1 Additional Properly Insurances. .... ... - Adjuizimcncs-- Conlowl Pricc or (:ontlaot 7Smcs 1.5, 3 4A. 43 1 4A-. 5-1, 1) 4. C) 5- ](1 1-10 4. 11 11 14.8. 1 ; I laogjess Aarreem cm- d&inaion of 'All -Risk' ln5urawepvliu} fcxm Atlowances, (:aeh, Amending( ontracL Doctm.'Cnls 31 = Amendment. Written - in ocneral 1, 10, 1 A., 5, 10, .5 i 6 6 6 S.'- 0, 10 1, lit II. 1, 11' 14 7 Appeal, OAtNER or (-,0N7R-AC1 OR intent to. .... ... 9, K). 9.11. K) 4, 16.2, 16,5 Application for definition oil FNGIN-tER's Responsibility final payment_.... 9 13 4, 9,13.5- 14,1%14 15 to Leneral___ -- Zl. 5.6.4, 9.10. 15, , 5 1-14.7 revitns of ,14 4-14-7 Aitanxion to 1-16k Asbesto., claims pursuant thereto 4.�,3 deftnitiond— IA �ariicle 01 pillaurriph Number Mi,NHk resoonsihtfity for 45,L SJO Possibic price and rinios change 1- 1 A1,2 Authcrri4ed Variations in Work 3,6. 6.2i. 6 27. f!.5 Aiaiiniiiia, of Lands , 4 L NA AXVaTd. Notice of -defined- I =5 Tiefoic Startim, Construction 5- -1, 9 Ird'-dofinition of I r11, 1 . It) 4, 3 , 2 oA 6 13, 11.4 3, 11 ° I Bidding Documents -definition of I 6(6 E,Zll Bidding Resluiramenls--<IeGnid an of L7 (1,1, 4,2.6 Bonds -- acceptance OF 14 additional bonds Lest Of the X%ork ---..-..___....._..I i.+.4 defmitam of- delwer, of -11, 51 final API liteoron for Palment, 1--14,14 Lenvral ..... ... ..... .... .... 13 913, 11). v. 14 Perlorrrautcc- Nvnteta and Other J,i-i' Ponds and insurance, in g reral DuAlier'-, risk , Ifl-risk, Policy forin -,,.6 Itnivissans, Josumitce 4 11, ".S, 5.1 C,nufn;uac of Substantial Completion 13S. 630.233. 14 K. 14 ]() Certiricauc, of Insi-icclion Pl-44, 13S ],J' Cernriciucs of insurance 7, 53, 5311, 5A, 13. 5,6-11 5,S, )4, SIA3 4, 14 Changcttin Continct Miev- Cish Alhwnrccs claim for price adjustment, 1. 4. 6. 4.5. 5.1 6,&2. 9,4 11,2 t-,Q. I3A3, 13 14, 14.T 19. 1. 15 i COWRACIC)R's feel, .... ...... 11,6 Co.% of the Work "eneral 11,4-11.7 Exclusions ta ...... Coil 1-itcolds", .. ..... in Acnemf 1,19, 1 44, 9.1 i, IQ4,2, 7k4 3- I t Lump Sum Prim1g.- Notification of.Suroty Scope of_..___ ... . .... ...... I u i () 4 Testing and Inspection. Uremenno the \Voik'' EXAV Oi NirtAL CONDI I ION'S 1410-S fl"e EIN 11ON) 14 (In' "A I ORI C01- INS M, iDa:WAtrr1NS I RF-V'4'99) III Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Piovisions -1- e REVISION OF SECTION 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding H H- E l-'1 F1 'J ti IS H L' 1 IJ h' J `y- Lam' Section 212 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows Throughout this section, replace "Engineer" with "Owner " Subsection 212.01 Remove Description Insert This work consists of soil preparation, furnishing and drilling seed Subsection 212.02 (a) 2 Remove The entire section and insert the following August 2007 All seed shall be mixed by a wholesale seed supplier, in proportions necessary to obtain the application rate specified All seed will be subject to the testing by the Owner in accordance with the provisions of the Association of Official Seed Analysis All seed and seed mixes shall be furnished in bags or containers clearly labels to show the name and address of the supplier, the common, scientific, and variety name(s) of the seed(s), the lot number, point of origin, net weight, percent of weed content, and the guaranteed percentage of punty and germination These labels shall be submitted to the Owner at the completion of the project 1. Dryland Seed North of Station 261+00 (shown on the design drawings) Sterile wheatgrass 2. Dryland Seed South of Station 261+00 (shown on the design drawings) Western wheat (Pascopyrum srmthu) Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) Buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides) Prainelunegrass (Koeleria macrantha) Needle & thread grass (Hevperostipa comata) Green needle grass (Naysella viridula) Sterile wheatgrass PLS Seeding Rate (#/acre drilled) M1111 PLS Seeding Rate (#/acre drilled) 32 25 06 93 03 61 19 200 Li A Unit Price Work — — ..1-1 .1— 1 11 .— I � 11.9 .Article or Paragraph Nimilrel Vilue ol"A"ork . ............ ........ ......... . Chance in Coniract I mn-- Claim far tim es %djustment., 41, 42 6, 4, 5. s I.,, 6S.". 9.4. 9.5. 9, 11. 10.1 10.5, I'A, 3 , <), 13,1 11 14, 14.7, 1 1- 1 i� Contractual time limits, - ....... ....... 11 DelaYs fe , wlnd COIN7RACTC)lis control 1:3 I Mrlv-� 1s:vlmd OAMNER's and 1'.4 I'mlificlilion of surep., pl,� Scope of chaniat .... IN-3-10.4 Change Carders -- .Acceptance of I)e ' f!cjwe Work____ Amending Contract DocunllavLs- .... Cash Alinivaricas U'S Chance of Cimzract Pane___._.. Chance of Contract Times., ...12 Chim"ee in the lino rl,- CON r KAC I OR's fee ..... .116 .. .... Cost of the .11,4-11 .7 Cast kecm-& 11,7 dermilion of,. .1.9 emeritericies 623 ENGUNEEICs responsibilnN._ 9A 10A. t 1,', 12 1 execution of 104 Indomnificuon ---61-^, 6,16, 6 3 1 -6 3, Insurance, Ronds and 5, 13, In OWN-IR m-,,\ terminate I S'-15,4 Rcstonsibiltiy_ E,6, 10,4 Ph-vl;ical Undvrgiotmd Facilities-,,,, 4, 3-n Record Documents 619 Scope of Change 1 1 (J'4 Suleitituics 6.71, (,, ff.' Unit Price ikcrk. value of Work, lawered b%, 113 Changes in the Work... ..... 10 Notification ofsurcn jgi,� MandCNER s ICON.-'TACTOKS Right Ivan adjusurent, .. . .... Scope ofehinge 1113-164 Clailln'- amunle CON-1 RAM Ok f, I acamst ENGFNEER, 6-332 against OV,'NFK., Chimer of C.onnrrcl TIT ice 4 11.' Chanirc, ofCcruirict Tunes....._.. .... J 4, 12 1 CONTRACTOR's. 4, 7 1, 9A 9A 9.1 L 10,2, 14.N, 1j,L 15.5. 173 ('701"I"KAC'I ORIs Fee 11 .6 --vticir or Paragraph NumIncr C,04ITRACTORs liability,.,.,,,,,,, 4, 6.1 6,16, e, 31 Cott of the Work 11 4, 11 5 Decisions on I)Isjlutcs 9.) 1, 9,12 Dispute Resolution-.___ 16.1 Dispute Resolution Agrtremem 16:1 - 16.6 ENGINETR as initial interpiretor..., 11 Lump Sum Pricing... . ... .... . Nouce of I73 0 \ r, I R's Q 4, a.5, 11, I 1 11, 2 , 11.9 111. 13.13. 13,14. 173 OWNIV, lieumiat 43 C)P',N'ERmay liefuse t,,,mikepayment ----t47 Proics,ron.J Fect, and Court Costs Included requele for formal decision on, ......... I suriqviule Items 6 7 1 ' Time, Dael`15101`1, _..1'-.1 Time requirements, 9.1 1, 12.1 Unit Price \ktah 11.9 3 Value of 3 Wrnk cr of --on Final Paynient J4,14, 14.1i %% arli Chance I ),rective, I o , a riven noti cc required. , _ - __ _ _ 9, 11. 11_'. 12, 1 Clarifications and Interpretations,.... .,_,.'I. ' 3. 9.4. 9 11 Cleen Site (,17 Codes of "I ethnical Sociciv. Orlcwjsation of -1,,isocrition .... .. .......... 3. Commencement of Contract I micS 2 Comm wricai iont,-- ucricral hazard Copliculwatical o 22 Completion - Fund Application for Pulyincrit farell Inspocttan., 14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance . ... ...... 14A.'-14A4 Partial Utilization lu ','ribsumind Completion, 38 14 X-14,9 NN ruver of Clal ins ............................................14, Li Computation of Times,.._..._ 2 1-17-',^ Conceming Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others Conferences- inillall\ acceptable schcdujec� ... ... pi ecorIxtruction Conflict. Error, ArnhignilY. Discleparicv- COI! I RACI OR to kcpol-t Construction. before sturtini-T b-o I KA(,T0k_ ... _ ... .. . ..... . Construction Machirurr%. Equipment, etc,6.4 Conlinullni the hart-....... 629, 10 4 Contract Docun)ejlts— Au,cndmG_ ...... ............ Bonds P" Cash Allowances._.._._. __....._.. .._...I)S Article or Paragraph Dumber Change. of Contract Price :.................................... I l C'hanee of Contract Times 12 Changcc in the thbrk_....., -, iti 4-1115 check and verif} C..lenlicsnfons anti interpretations .... ..... ... ... ?.13.6-9.4, J. i I definition of _...___ .__..._. __..,._.I-Dl VNUINIIER as initial interpreter of 9,11 ¢INcit * PR as criVNEi�S 1eprose"nun _Q.I Insurance,. Intent minorxariation., in the Rors,-......... ...._.3.6 Ob9NIXR responsilmi ry 10 furnish data,, C.AVNIER's responvihilii} it, make prompt payment .__. _. h3, 14.4, 14..13 prCCCdenC2 __..__. ..._.__ '_I-.'=, Record llwumenta, _ _...._. _._.._.619 Reference to Standards and Spec3tiaations of Icida ical Si ictict ... .... _....... ...__.3. RebatedWork .............................. _............ _..... _ 7- Reporiins and Resoh,mL, Discrepanoies _ - ... Reuse of 3.7 ' Supplem enUn_ a.6 'Termination o1 EN 6DIL:ER's Emploimt en7 -_ _ &,' knit Price LCort:.........................._...__......,._)1-9 variation...... ...,., _._ . ._ .......,._ E t,u3. G.^_7 V su. to Site Contract Price - ad teument of ;.4,1.04,1D.3.11,_-1L, 'hnnee o3 ...__.. _... _.._..,11 I)eciaion 111) Disputes_,,, ,. , , defintion of ....... .__..3.. 11 Coniract'I'Imes-- adjustment of _._ _ 3.?.4.1 9.4. lo, 3, 11 Change of,, (.OnlmenCGmenl of h del'nition of .............. ............... ... ....... 3.1`_' CONTRACTOR -- Acceptance of Insurance . __ _ . N Communications_---_ - 0.2 Continue Wart ____ __6.29- 10.4 coordination and scheduhnt �,,,.-._ defirt"ian of .. ....... .............._ .. ..... 7,13 Llmitod Reliance on Technical I)am Authorized .._. 4._: slipStop Work or Term inure _............. .. _._._._._ I `:5 provide site access to others _____...- 72, 13 ^ Safely and Protection 4-3.1 ', 6.16_ 6_ 18. (1 2i-6.2;, 7.'-. 1_+ � Shop Drawint and Sample Review (Attie« Submittal....._,...._._.__..,..-....._S.Z5 Stop Work requirements._._. 4:5._ CONT72_ACR Q's— Article or Paragraph rvumcer Compensation 1 1 L7-11 Continuing Obligation_._,...... ............. 14J1 Uefeclive I§or: _ .. 't.t5, 13. I{r13. 14 Dote n; correct dejeclrvc Clark,__,....__... _ 13-I1 Dan, to Report-- Chtmges in the Work caused by Emcreenc} _....... _._._..._ 6'_i Delmr in Work of -Others.._....._....... ._. 7.3 Differing eondniores_.._._._ _.4=^ liiscrepancv in Documents ° $. i3? tiJ4:= Undertuound Facilities not indicated. ,. 4. ? 6'_3 Equipment and-Machincrc Rental, Cost of the A'ork, ..........__........ .. .. .. 11.4, t.3 Mee Cost Plus... .__._.__.. 11 r1.>.o. 11.5.7. 11.6 General U`arram anti 6unrantev--...... _J610 Hazard p'ommunlcatlon Programs 6.:2 7ndmnnification 6 12. G 16- 63 1-6. inspection ofthe U011:1 _,,,,,,. ....._,......... 7.3, Cs.4 Iabnr, Mawnalsand Equipmcin.____._.....,..4.3-63 I.aaes and ReR1liadOnr Compliance by 6.1 1 1 Liabilin Insurance ....... ........ _. ...._.5.4 Notice oflntent to Appeal,,,,,_ ......: q. 10. I0.4 obligation to perform and complete the l4ork ._........_ .. _._.._.... _.._ o 3u Patent Fens and Royal I ies, paid for by;,. _............ (.L Performsnce and Other Bonds Permits, obormo l anti paid for b,� 6A Progress Schedule .___.. _... ".6. 1.& 14.0.6. 629, 104 1>-``-1 RCUllesi {JI lot wal decis rion d19pufr!._-_._...__" 1 I Respon"ibil a m,-- (1han_es in the Work____ - Concerning Subcontractors Suppliers andUtLers _._.... ...... _... _...... o.ti{.,TI Continuing the lVork _.._ , ... _..o 3I, 10_4 ('C)NTRAt TOR s ecpcnsc ............_.6,7.7 CONTRACTOR s Genci al tti ai mnte and 6unrantce 6.3P CC)'NCR.ACTOR'; reriow prior to Shop - Drawing or .Sample submittal _-,-,-- 6._5 Coordination of GCiori; _. _. ._. - 6 Q' L'NGINEER.s evro allon. Sulpsuttues or "Or -Equal" Items-_ 6.7 For Acts and Omissions of Others ("9,1-6 ........... 9.1_ 9 13 for deductible am dims-insunusoe„ ? 9 eeneral.............._...................__. 61 72, 73. 99 IIazardou, Communlcmtion Progame, ,- „ 6,= Indemnification--"' ,it FA;I X' GI:t TK A(- CONDI I WN$ 310-N ❑ 990 EDITION) zrl 0rl "3' PORT C011 A l MODIFICA71O�'> IR V &,Y)) 0 a K Labor, Materials and kquipmcm.,, _ .63fi. .Laws and l:eeulations 6.14 Liabilak Insurance..__...__.... -_5.4 _4rticle or Paragraph Numtxr Nonce of varimion'from Contract Documents.._ ... __._......:.... 6._7 Patent Feu; and Rovalues... _._ ._..... _...._.6 [-- Permit., ......._ .... _.__-. 6.t3 Aogesa Schedule ........ _..____ Record Documents related Work performed prior to k N >I:NEE'R's appi m al of required subm ittaka. __. ... -.... -,.,_, _..... __... _._.... n?F safe structural loadmg,-_.,.. _....................: 6,18 5afevc and Protection_-_620,7,3, 13.2' Safcn`Rcprescmautc ____.. F,'1 Scheduline the Work- .............. ......._. . 6_4.3 Shop Ihawim s end Samples ............._.._.... 6.=4 Shop Drat roes and Samples Review be ENGr%EER 6.26 Site Cieunliness...._......_._.............._.... _._(�. 17 Submittal Procedures ................................... 6.'_< Substitute Consvuction Methods and llroredm es 671 Substitutes and "OrrvEqual" Items 6.7.1 q.< Supervision_.__ _. _.._ .............. 61 Survival of Obhgat inns.... _....,. _ _. _ _ _ __...... 6. 34 Talc,' ............... ...._......... . _.......,.._ 6.li 'I eats and In specu nn5 _._.._ I3 To Report____ ..... .... ............ Use of Premises, .. ......... 0.16-6.IS, Review Pnau to Shop Dmwimsor Sample SulnnitteL__.__.. �......__........... _... 6''S Right ;.to adjustment for chanecs'in the V, oil....... K' right to claim.-_-,,,4, 7,1. _0 4, c z.. 9_Il- 10? 11.2, 11.9. 12.1. 13.8- 1 f.. I,i 1. 15 �. 1 T 3 Safety and Protection o Ir 6._2. 7.2. 13.2 Snfety.Iitpresen[rarve-__..-___....6-1 . hap Drawings smd Samples S,ubmitt hS . 6k24-6,28 Special ConSllhant.5 I.. __.,,.,. 11,4,4 Suhstitutc Clowtructfon Methods and Procedures_ 6.7 Substitutes rand "Or -Equal" ltcros. Lxpensc..._ ___... _... 6.7.1. 6.72 Subcontractors. Suppliers and Others, _ _ _ C.S-6.1 1 Supervision and Supeiimondcnce.......... 6 1- 6 2. 6._I Taxes- Payment w,.. - 615 Use of Prem ises 6.16-6.18 R4arranties mid guarantees _- o.�. 6.3o Warranty of Title. _. .._ _._....... i4.3 Written 'Notice Required-- CON'TRe1CTOk stop Work or terminate,,,_... 155 Reports of Diffenng Subsurfine and physical Condmon>;.....,....... _...__.4'.3 Substantial Completion on h C NTRAC,I- RS--other ...._..__..... ._..__7 Contractual Idabilnr Insurance 3.4,10 Contractual Time Limits....._,_1-- ,-rticle or Paragrnph Number Coordination-- C70N I'RAC'1'UR's responsibllitq^_, _.- _.. . - :9.9.' C omes oC Documents_-__ ._...�= Correction Period __._._._. ...... ...........I+. 12 C'.oritcuott Removal or �.cceptonce ofUefecr c Work-- ingeneral ..... ,_.......-........_,1f141 13,10-13.14 -'<cacNarwe o1DekVirre Wolf,* Correction orR'enuaval of DtfecvveAyork_.... _.._..._...... 630.13.11 Correction Period , _ -_13.13 O M-*N May Correct I)eJeerve Work , -_ 13.14 O%X ,SF,R May Stop Work .............. ... B,10 Coen - of Tests and inspections_ .. .-..__13.4 Records 11.7 Cost of Inc Work- Ronds and 'utaurance, additional,,,,,,,,,,,_._, 11.4-1.9 C Ish Discount. ................................ _...... _. _ _ 11 43 CON'I:KAC"IOR's Fee l l.6 Employee ENpensefl....... ............. __.....1 l.4.5. I Fsciusions to .-__....... .... _._..... _.,.,I 1.5 t;enerit)1 4-1I Home office and overhead cxpcnses....................11= Losses and damages , ,__._ ....................11,4 6 Materials and equipment. ,.,., 11.4.? Minor expenses .... .........,-..___. 11.4.5,S Pazroil uut' on changes- ---„- 11.4.1 perfol'ined by SnbeQnlractMS -_._. ,1.1.4:3 Recordsl 1.7 kentatc of comsruction equipment and machincry___... .. _.__.. ..] 1.453 Royalty' payments, permits and Iicensefees ............._ ...._._.......11A:5.5 Site office and temporary facilitir5 .._., 7 Special Consultants, GOi47R.AGTOR's, 11 AA Supplemelmll _.__...._ .............. ._._.11.4.5 'C axes rotated to the %Port: -, _ __ -. l 1 44 Testsand Inspection_..... .._. 13.4 77ade Discounts......._.._ __._. _.. _. _.. _. 11.4? Utilities. fuel and mnaar`.: facildfe,}, 1I a 7 Workafter regular hours ... ............................ 11.4.1 Coeermg LEUCk ... ___ ...13.( 13.7 Cumulative Remedies .,,...._ _ _.,'17.4-17.c Cutting. fttine and patchlmg . �__. 71 Datia, ro he. furnished by OWNER Dav-dcftnition of, Decisions on Disputes_ ............................. -_..PAL M' defective --definition of..__,. _._... L14 dekenv Work-- Acceptance of _.......... .......... 10.4, 1. 1-1. 13 I Y'LX: Q1 N! ]2Al, COMA I IQNS 19 r0-F r 1990 EDI I ICRJ1 a., (IT)'ca- l ORT colt rn's stonirWATfca S rare %9h C'.orrccbon or Removal of _..ltt4. I, 13-I1 Correction Period_,_. ............ .-.... _....13.1_ ....... ...... in merul,___.......____..._.__..__....1 11.7. 1-1.i 1 Article or Parasaph Numlt r Obxenatlon br EN'G1NaEx... ....... ..... .._. . 92 OWNE.K l lay Stop R,ot --_...__..._.- . _..13.U7 Prtmipi Noire, of]hsfects. _......... .. ___..73.1 R'lccting..__._....... _.._ ...._._..,...... 90 1.'ne0\eCing the Worl„_._ _. _...__ -_13 1, 1 ich, crr of lands _. _... . __1.1.11 Deiivor, of certificales of insurance, -__,..., _.".7 Determinations for Unit Prices -_-..9, 19 TJificrin6 Sufr.urfaLz or PhYsic.al Conditions-- Nntice of, _. 4.3.3 F GTNEfii2s Rc,'ice'.......... ....... ...a.'_4 Potznbfe_ ('antra Documents Chance Pa;siMe Price and Times Adjuaimems Discrepancies Reporting aria Resol,mg Dispute Resolution -- Mediation .._. _.... .. .___. _..... 16.6 Dispute Resniuticm Agreement ...... k1. I-1G.6 Dtajracr, Decisions by EN6IN Elt......._-. Documents-- Cories of' _ Record Rcusc of 3.7 D m,intis-deLnrtuln Of Fit.emcnu ..... ....._....._. ..,...._. .. _...4A EI(celit: date of .Ygl t'ceni eon defmition of'.." 1.16 El,,GfXEER-- as initial interpreter on dtspute5___.._. ._._9-11-9 1-, dermition of ._. ____ __......._.. _..._.... 1.17 Lift,itation5 on author ay and rceponsibrl¢iea,-_. F_13 Replacement of. Ree)dcnt Project Representative 4_4 ENGINT,ER's Consultant — defmition of LNtilNibhli S-- authorin- and respunsihni"', limitations Lin ..... __°. C5 Aulhorizcd Variations in the Work .... ...__.........9, Change Orders, iesponsibilat for .,-._..9.7, 1Q. 11, 1-, Clarifications and Interpretations j-�_@_ 9A IIecisnns on Disputes _ .. ^.I 1-0.1, d,yecrice Work. notice of Lvaluaucm of Subi.aitute Item. ;___..._.........___. 6,73 Llabilit}".,.-... ..... ....... ........... .. ..St.3 -9,12 Nnuce Work is Acceptable _.__.._ __.-__14.13 C)t>%drvatinnR...__..,............ ........ _6 iu._, 9— QANHR'x Representative ._.._..__.... 9'1 I "armmnts to the C(9N'I RACE I OR, Recponsibilih tear ..... _..... ... _... _-.._ '.`.>. 14 Recommendation of Frwiena.......____..... 14.4, 14[3 Article o; Paragraph Num F,rr liesponsibifiGes--ham itatians on ,_, 9.77 �l.(3 Ferimr of Lieports an Di7lering Sutsur Lice and Phvrnica! Conditions,„- _... _..... .... �7.�.= Shop Drrovings and Sample9, review rexponsi6ilitl - „(i'_c Simus I)urine Cavan uction-- autherimd variations in the Work e z Cl siGcatians end lntcrpretaaLms_.-,,,, i++? [1c ]`nIC nS Ul1 ).a5pUlCti 9.l I- T)etermutations on CinnPrice _ SIX, hCG11JEF.R ns Initial interpreter,_,_.9.11ALP- Fti,llvi=rl2's Rcx nnsibikiti „4.1-P.l^ Limitations on F9CilNP:RR's Authority and Responsibilitiev.. (Hl' TR's Representra k e . ... _ _.... _._. 9.1 Project Repre;Semvaivc kcluting Utlecbre Work ........,. ..°.6 Shop Drawings. Change Orders anti Payments 9.7-9,11 Visit, x Site 9.2 Unit Yrla U2LCrm tR#tlVnb __. 010 Visits _.._.. e.2 rnten con5em required .... ....... �� 9, 1 Equipment, Ltaxtt, Matcrithc end.._....._._...,.,.,.. 6, Equipment rental Coot o. the tb'orit .,,_. 11.4. 3 LLluivakm fvlawriah anti Itumpment u: or or omissicvts_. l;,•idence of hinanclal Arrangements Fspl,I atI ens oi' physicaI Condit [oil Fee, C(}NTRAI'.'fC)h y-L'osts Plus ......__...-.__..,it6 Field Order-- dc6nition of __.. _......_.. . _ .. ._.., LIP issued bt ENGINEER, -.-, 3,6.1, 9.5 Final Application for Paamcnt,__ Final I nspectioq...... .. ....._._. ..,.......,.:14-11 Final [Immim t- andAoccpnmw. .__....._ __. _..._..1 d.L'--14.14 Prior t4- for cash allonn cgs, ... __.. 11, General PI01 15nmr......__.__.__.__._.......___..[?3-[7.4 General Reyuirements- definition of..........._....................._....,........,.,.1.�i1 principal rCtffencrs to__._... _ 6 6:a_ 6.6-6_7. 6,24 Giving'' oticc..._ - - .. ___._--_ 171 Guarantee of is:ark—hL CONTRACTOR 6.30- 1=4.13 Ha>ard Communication Programs 6 19aaartlous t'I EAC-- delinition of ....... .. ............... ._......,...,....,.... i.'7 ^ Otl-,ti SR's responaibillny for.... _.._.-... _.... _. R.iU F. KIXLaM--AAt, CONI)l rh INS 191V-a 119'+rr bill ORJ W gr}} , a FORT ' 999r If Indemnihcatior,_., til_, 6.16, 6.31-633 Inivalh Acceptable Schedules__ . Inspection- C.ertificates of _.. _ _ _. .. _ _ _....° t3.4. 1 ;. 14. C_ Final ...._....... __..,".14.11 Article. or Paragraph Number Special, required by ENT(ANGER_. ___ _._...__. 9.6 Tests and Approval .......___. 8.7_ l33-i3,4 Insurance- Acceptanceof, byOU'�Nk 3.14 Additional, required by chanLcs III the W.ork_.__. __,_.., _....,IIAS! P•efone starting the Work__ =.7 Bonds and. -in eeneral Cancellation Prot islons._, Ccrtificatcs.of _. _27,5, 3 54 1, 4. 13, .......... ..{i. �, i.h'. 514: 9.1 4,'14.1^ completed operanon•, COI TRACTOR'% Lilhibi _.. ..._ ._._...,...._.'.4 C'.ONTICACTOR's abjciaion to co, er'age ..,__... _.?" 14 C'.ontractual Liabihis ._.-.... _.>.4. io deductible amounts, CON-1 RAGT OWs Final ,Application for Palaii edit_... . _. _ _.. ) 4. 11_ Licens d Insurers_._ ................. .. ............ . 5.3 Notice requirements, material changes ... ... 5X I0.5 option to Replacr._. _. _.__. ._. _. `.14 other special tnsuaan LY, ................... ^ It) O1V2sTR asfiduwart for iisureds._....._.... OWN-Rslaahflitr ....... _... _. >5 OIVNJ Rs Ie:ponsibilrq ...... Partial thihamion. Property Insurance ,...,... _._ _5, 15 is cccipt geld Apnlicatian allnswrmce Spatial Insurance_" 5_III IiIiver of Rights _.. .......-._.. _._.._.. 5. 11 Intent of Contract Documents inl CipfCLat1tH15 and _-. ... __',,63. 9,4 Investigations of physical conditions___ _.._:4 Labor, N atcaials and Equipment_.__. _6 3-6:5 Lands - and Easements S.4 .Ayailabihtr of,__... ._._....... q.l. SA Reports and Tests.,. ....... _...._.... _.?'+4 Laws and Rcguhuions--Laws or Regulations-- 3onds _._......._ ..._...... __...>.l-i _. Chanecs in the Wor6 ....__.__ _...._.....JIt4 Contract Dozumenls 3.1 C01eCVACI Ok!s Responstbll neec Correction Period.defecime Wnrk _..... 13.12 Cost of the Work. taxes .................."._......... 114,S 4 ecneralti..a4 indemnification,,,," s,, mt Insurance i'rcctdcncr.........__. _..... ._.. 3.1, 3.3.3 kefercace to Satery and Protection .. .._....__..__ _..6'U. t3.'_- Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others"_ .Article or Nragraph Number lestsane!inspections .--- ....., _._.1 _11.._1.13,` Use or_premtsn 6.16 Visas to$ac. .. ._._. _. _......_.... .. .... P.2. L.mhiliic Insurance-- Licensed Surciies and lnsurety .,,."."...-._, 5.1 Licns-- Application for Progress Pmnn,,fu ...., _._ 14.3 C ONTRAC I OR's %Veco n[v of 7"itic l4.3 Final Application hat Pavin n definition of .._. _.._. .__.. _......._ _. _._.. 1.'-= Waiver of Claims...____ .. _. ...__... 14A, Limitations on ENGIh➢3GR's authorily and responsibilities _.__._... .__413 Limi[cd Rcliancc he CQiTIlLA(J"fOK Authorized 4.22 Maintenance and Ope ntire, Manuals -- Final Application for Aevmcra _.. . _ .... 14.1 Manuals toC others}-- Preccdencz ...____...,. ... `_3.3.1 Reference to in Contract Imcurnmus "_ .....3 3.1 Marc]itils and equipment -- furnished h%: CON1'kAF1 OR. __. (1.3 not incorporated in Work __..... 14.= i,•lataiala Or cquipm ant--ulul ral�l,_.. _..,. _.6,7 \4edarci) COpunnall _� _...lG_7 hdilcslones--definition of� 1._4 Miscellnneouv-- Computation of'irmes Cumulative RemeJiea 17A Skin,'Notice . ,._.......... ... 17.1 Profe'ti�smnal Fccsnnd Court C:osu hicluded,,,,,,, 17.5 Multi -prime contracts, Not Shoun or Indicated _.,_. ._.. 4.32 Notice of- Acceptability of Project 14.D Award. definition o["-.._ _..__._.. __._._... 1.25 Claim_ ..............._.................,........ _........._,.1'3 DeteclsA 3,1 Difrerm, Subsurface or Phraical Conditions 42 Ci Ring .._.. ._...._.._ ...... _. .._.17.1 Tests and .Inspections..... .._..... 111 Variation Shop Drawing and eumulg",""........... 6 227 Notice to Proceed- Je6nition o(„_.._._...................__.___..,.......... 1_26 giving ol._. ............. .........._ _..23 IJiltJ OF NU XAI, COMH I KINS I v10 S 11990 1 J X I ICINI e'! CT6" OF FORT CC!t:LINS V CJnIFICATI ON'S il':FV 2^Nb Notification to Surety .__. to Ohservatlons. In HNC IN[.I R E,,3a, Occuptmcc o(thr Wuk..._.... I'5. 6.30.2_.1. 14. 10 {hn7ssions or acts b, CONTRACTOR _._. f.9, 9.13 Open Peril policy form, lnsutnnce "-"_- ... .. `.6.2 Option to Rcplacc _.............. .......... ..... .......?.. is Article or paragraph ?dumtw�r ,C)I Equal" ltem, . ..... _.__. ... _.__.. ti.i C)ther work 9 Overtime Work--prohibitim oer__ _.___. _......_._.. 6.3 OWNER -- Acceptance nfddociwe Work _...,.... _. 1,3. 13 uppoint an 1 N611ALEk"-._......, 6.7 us fiduciary ._.._...... "i^-5.13 .vailebilih' of LancS, responaibiliiy,, _.__._. ml.I definition of l37 data, furnish R a Tdny Correct be/zctive Work,.,.,.. _...........,,....13.14 Mm" refuse to make pnvment 14.7 MItc Stop the irfaa swspend Work. T-ermittate &. A. 1L 10. L. 1-154 F'avnwnt,- make prompt .. .......... F 3,. 14,4, NA, ptlformRnce oI other tt'orl:.............................._- -(A permltsond iicenseS requircmentS,___.,." 0.13 purchased. insurance requin rnants, _"_ ��.c-�.1 t? OWNER's-- Acceptance of the Warn..____._ Chantee Or lcrs, obligation to exocut;, S.o, I114 Cotmmurticmiatu $.1 Coordination of the Work .............................. _.... 7A Dniputcs. rtn4uest for decision, lnspcctions, tests attd approre)g 5.7. DA l.tehilirc lnaw:mce __.... 5$ \once of Ddeen, _....._.............__._.. . ti! Rvprp:entat ivv� -17 wring Coeartiction. INMI;d13f:p.'s Status 4.1 Respanxibilities-- Asbnstns. 11Ci3s. Petrtlemn. Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material ...._._.......N. tO ChangeOiders........................._....._.........,,,R.o Changes in the Work _.DI-1 cnmmuniaations .......................................... ..8.1 C.ONI'RACPOR's responsibilitic:;,„ _ S.9 evidence of financial urrannnmants 8..11 inspacticros.,asts :mil xpprasds,,...__.. ............ S7 insurance ........................ _..........................., fi.i (ands and easemewi k 4 prompt pa}mtent bq...... replacement of L-NuR'c.E.R .._.......___..__. reports and teats ., SA stop orauspend lbbrk,_.. _...___.. D. S. I3. 1015_I terminate CONTRACTOR'S selmratc reprcR.rotastive at sitq" _...,........_.__413 testing, independent __..__. _-....._.. .....J;4 uxe nr accupana' ofthe Wodt- ._.. `.15. 6.3(1.2. 4. 14,10 written consent or approval - requirecl...... _. _,_.__9 I. 0. 3. 11.J 61C1'e VFORA6CORI)r 1OINFIC,sn9vo[Um Qt9) tt: r`iT' !">r 6FlRT COIJJ A`.S M1i61?tFlC=\TIGkSlRE l' v:59) I li, I �11� N P E E 77 n F. N fl .Article or paragraph Number written ricaux TeLlUired.,_ ... .......... ,7.1. 9.4. 911, 11 11.9, 14.7. 1 ?. 4 PCBs -- definition of 1.19 petreral 43 respiai5ibilit% for_.. . ....... .. . . 8.10 .. Partial Utilization definitionor, .......... - I Is aencral 6.30 2A. 14.30 Prorscrtv InsI.irance - 11 — 1. 1- � ...... Ritem Fees and kuvaltics-- .6. 1 PaymentBonds._-...-._..._................................. Ri vmem.%, Recommendation of 14 -1-14 7. 14 1 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Completion - Application for 14.1 CONTRACI Ok's Warrann or I itle 143 Final Application for payment ... ...... 14,1-' Final Inspection ... ..... 14,11 Final Pit vrnmat and AcccOltincv 14. 13- 14.14 general ................. . .......... ...... S.3. 1, Partial Ufili2ation ...... ....... 14,10 Retainage .................... Rel Jew of.Appilcations for ProcTess PtIvrvients 14.4-14.7 prompt pa vaicia ................................ $3, SchCLiUlC Of VHiUCS 14.1 Substantial conipleticai--- 14,5-14,9 "kaivel of Claims.. 14. 13 when payrnews clue 14 4, 14.13 withholding pqyrncj)l� .14.7 Performance Frunds I, Permits 6.11 Petioletur definition Or l_;o L'etlelal .... ..................... A� (.)M,fE-R's respon5ibiliIN for . .... ... Physical Conditions- Drivvinu; of. in or rehain, to F.N,-,fNF,FR's review ................ .............. 4. -4 existing structures...-..._......- .............. acricral 4.2 1,2 Notice of Differing Subsurface or, Possible Contract Documents Churvac ............ Possible Price and Times Adjustments,,,,,,,,,,_ 4,2-6 Reports and DiawirigU........ . ..... ............ .......... 4,-',l Subsurface and. ........... 11.1 ...... - Subsurface Conditions 4 "Ll Technical Data, Limited Reliance by (70NTkAC-I OR Authorized 41 2 Underground Faciiaics-- gencral........... .. _ .............. ................. Not Shotwi or Indicied ...... . ...... 43.2 Piorection of..,.,.._--_....... .. .. ............. 43, 6,211 ,ii Article or F`trngriph Number Shown or Indicated 4.3.1 Technical Data- ............ ........ .. 4.2,2 llrcconstjuctiojr Conference 2 9 Prehminari Matters-1-- ..................... Pitimirnin Schedules PTcraisys. Use of 6.16-6,18 Price, Uiminge of Contract .......... ...... ............. 11 Price, Contract --definition of ..... ....... ... ' ' - I it Progres, Payment. Applications for........._-_._......... 14.2 11r,V'ess 11eivnient-retarnige.- 14," MN'l RAM 0K*s ........ -2-6. 2-S, ' 9, I '.u. 0.29. 10.4. 15-2.1 Project —definition of Prot to Represent aline-- EN CGINEE R Z's Status During Construct ion 99 Project Representative. Resident-definitionof .........1.33 prompt payment be OkklJ`FR...................................... Properrr Insurance -- Additional - ' 7 Iti Partial Utilization - �AU. 14,10.2 receipt and applicition 5 1 �-1 13 Protection, Safety. and ..... ...... ...... ......... 6—'0-6.21, 1' ' .' Punch list 11 Radioactive Material— dcfailion or- .......... �enerak,i OWNFXresponsibilit% 10 Recommendation ofPayTilerri ......... ... .... 14.4, 14, 5. 14,13 Record Dumonts. o, 19, 14.1_ Records. proccdurc:; for maintaining 8 Reference Points 4 R Cie; ence I o Sui 11dal & aild Speci it car i I'll S or TeLhilicid Societies lletzulaLions . Laws and for-)... 6,14 Rejecting Defecino Work � ......... ......... 9XI Related Xk'orl:-- tit Site ............ .. ......... _7,1-73 Performed prior In Shoji Drawing% and Samples submittals rcvicw', .................... 419 Remedies. curnulative 17 4, 1 7. 5 Removal or Correction otDeketwe WorL. ....... 13.11 rentul agrccments. OWNEER approval required 11.459 replacement ofENGINEER- by 0WN'H'R._ _.S.- l(cporimV and Resolvint-, RcPmn:-- and 4.2 1 and Tests. CANNa's responsibility;,_„_. _3.4 Resident and Project Kepresenatitive— dernition Or proOsior for L.ICL)C GENIXAt, CONDI IIONS I 11h, -s I 1 -^1 I.DI I JONI wio'rN or Article or Ruagraph Alumr r Resident Superintendent, CONTRACTOR'S,.. _,,,,,_.._ii• Rcsponsihi Iities-- CONTR-ACTOR', in genael................................ ENGINEER's-in general„ ......... Limitations <m _.... ON\7v-GR's-in general....... _............ _........ _..... _..-8 Reminage ....... ___...__... .._.. ..__..14.2 licusc of Documents ......_ _..:.17 Revicnhi, CONR V:1'0R: Shop DIink-I s and Samples Print to Subniu:ll......-.__.. ...... _ _6.=' Reviex of Applications for Progress Papmcnt5._.....-_.._..............._._..,14,4-14.7 Right to an adltirtment _._.. _. W-2 RiehLs of NVay.......-........... ......_._......-._ ............._...9-i Roaaltics, Proem Fees and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Safe Structural Loading......._.... _.....,... _....._.....__e-1F Safely — and Protecticm__.. _......_... ............ 4.3'. 6.16. 6. i S, general...,...._.._......................................3 Representative- CONIRACTOR's,__,,,,,,,,,,,, G.21 Samples-- delinition oC....__.......... ........... ...._.......... ._.._..1. 4 Review hr CQNTRACTOR-_.__.. _...-. _. ... 62f Rwicu' be ERlil.dEER,._........................_9._h. 6._7 related \�ork...._......__.... ..........................._.. t,i.ZS suhmittal of submiuid Procedures,,,-,,.,,,,,_,,,,,, ....__ _6,_5 Sclicdulc of prcK_ress............_.-._..........?.6. =.R-].P1. 6.6. ..... .._... .. ...._ti.'_P, 11IA, 15'A Schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample Submnrlis ' n 2.5-= 9, Schedule of Values _.._......................... -_ti. _.F-_' u, 14.1 Schedules.- Adherenceto- ._....,,......... __....... ..... .. .... ..I .................. ............... Change of Contract Times .............. 16A Initially Acceptable.. ........ .__..._....____...._ =.S--9 Prc lim inarc 3.6 Scope of Changes .... �... .... 10.3-10.4 Subsuriec Conditions ................ Shop Drnvings— and Samples, gencrnl... ..... ...... ..... .... ......... ,6.2»-ri'F Change Of S, Applications for I'mmimm. and .............._. _..._.-........_.....9.7-90 definition of .._._....._........__.__...... ....1 3> ENGINI.I.Wapproval of, ..., .n._ ENGINEER's responsihiln% for roc iew ...................................... 9.7. 6.2-629 teamed\L'ork_.,,,._..._.._........._..._._.__..._.__. e.]R review procedures...,...... ........ 2.8, 6?4-6.=8' Article or Paragraph Numuer submittal required..__ ... .... _.. _............ ..._6,24.1 Submittal Pax:cdures........... ...... ......... ti'i use to approve substitutions .......... ........_ 6.7.3 Shown of Indicated .................__........................ ..r1..i.1 Sae access.__........ ._............_ ..... _... _... , 7.'_ Site Cie mliness ....... _.__......__.. _.... ..... __._... 6.17 Sitc. Hells Ir-- hvECGISESfi... ......... ............ _....9' 1' by nlilea 13.2 "Special causes of loss" polio, form. insurano...........__....._......................... _. _....5, 6._ definition of.. .._ .............__.._.................... 1.36 Specifications-- defmauonof..... ._,..._. _ ............__..,79G of l'echnical Socictics. reference to 3.1 pl ccedencc............................................................. Standards and Specificamonv of Technical Societies._.........._._......_...._. Starting Construction. Before•,... _,..___._.............= `-' � Stanin the \\'or4:,.,.. ............. ._..._.......____"^_.4 Stop or Suspend Nork— h, CONTRACTOR................................._........i,,' he ORi\Eli U. 13.10, li_I Storage of m aterials and equipment._ ............ 4.1. 7.2 Sixuctural Landing. Safety._, ti. 16 Subcontracloi Concerning ................................................ 0.8-6 I I clofinillon of ............ :_............. ...............__......1.3 i del Tts ..... .. _... 1_.3 v:Inver ofn hR;, .......... ........ __........ c.Il Suht:ontractc>rs--in genral„-.-. _... _._._...__....... ci.%-6.1 I Suhconuacts— l aquired pl ut lsions--�.II-6.1 I, 11,1 .3 Sunni ittals— Apphcationre for Pnywcnt..............__....__. _..... 14.2 Mmntenartcr and Oncration Manuals.. .,-._,-„1417 Pro -less Schedules .................. _..... _..... 16. 29 Samples.......__ -..__._. _..... ......... Schedule ofValues. ..................................... ].6, 14.1 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Submissions20. _N2y 6.24-6 2b Sulxauntitd Completion -- certification ol.................. _..{ 10,23. 14.R-149 dtt-miiion of ................................. .......... 13N Substitute Consiruaiun Methods or Procedure> 6,7.' Suhstiwtcs and "Or liaunl" Items ti.7 CONTRACTORS Expense _., ............(.7.!.3 Substitlue Construction Methods xfll EJCIA: U.ZQ;.It ql. (70NUMONS I YI V 4 rl Yni EDITION) a9 (RT1' OF I-OR7 C01_I.INS KtODIFICd11ONS IR!i\' 4"ri) 0 C� n LI CI F H E E Lc LJ !a LJ Article or Paragraph Numhr or Procedures......_......................................6.7 1 Substitute Items 6,T L2 Sutr„urface and Physical Conduaons-- D"rawings o!1 m or rclatng to _..._ ....._.. _.9 -.1? ENGTNTEERs Review_ .............__........_....__. 4.14 eneral_...__.........._.._......_.._.......... _........_ _-._ .. Limited Rdhance by CONTRACTOR Authorized .... ......__ _._......? _,Z Notice of Differing Subsurtac4 or Physical Candilions......... ._,........ ............ ......4,=,9 Pnw7cal Cemditions- _._.... .. .... - 4.11.2 Possible Contract Documents Change 4 2 5 Possible Price andTime.s Adjustments , _. 4.' 6 RcporL9 and Drawings, ...._4 11 Subourface and........V.......................................... 4,' Subsurface Condnionc at the Site.. . Technical Dana ._.... . .... .... ....�-- Supemsian-- CONTL.A._:7 OP.'s rosponsibilin__. ...... .....- ._..., 6.1 OWNER shall not supervise S.9 ENGINEER shall not supervisc-, 9.1. 91 1 Superintendence ........................_... ..__._... ti._ Superintendent. CONTRACTOR's resident_,,.,, _6.2 Supplemental costs ... .-.___.. ......... _....... IA.S Sup plemenlarvConditions-- definition a1. ., ......... .,......... .,..... 1.39 principal ielbrcnccs to ................. 1. 10, 1.18. 2.2,''-.7, 4.'. 4.3, 5.1, 5.3. SA. 5,6-5.9, .5'11 6S. C11.74 S.1 L 9.31 9.10 Supplcrncnun. Contract act Documents - .. _,.....3.6 Sunplrel_ definition of . _ , „ , , , ,Lqh Iniitcipal reference`. to .i 7 l 1 6,a 6,11, t,2s), c 24, ll ,- 14.1 Waives of Ri_hl'..... ....._... ...._..... 6.11 Sur etv-- consent to final pn'ylnera ........-,_ .....,,, 14.IL 14,14 F.NG1N1vFR.hal. on duty to ... .......... ....... ............. 9. 13 Notification of 10.1. ................................... 109. 15.- qualification of _...... _.......__.___........ _. `. 1-5.3 Survival'uf Obli ations_, ....... _... ... _.. _. ti.34 'Suspend'WvTL, OWNER May ... _.................. 13, 10. 15, I Suspension of Work and Termination-_.,,__.. .............15 CONTRACTOR hitp Stop Work or Termmme...... ...... ____...15.9 OWNFR Mm Suspend Wor4. _. _.,.., .._. 15.1 CNWER h1rn Term inure .......... .. 15.?-15A 'lases--Pnemtent he CONTRACTOR _. G.li _.......... Technical i)ala-- Limited Relinnee by CONTRACTOR ....... 4 _: Possible Price and Timer Adiustments........ .._._4.].6 Reports of Diffcrine Subsurface and phi siicul Conditions-_-_._......__ ._.._...,4.23 Xn' 'I cmpnrary construction faciinicq 4.1 Article or Paragraph lum her Termination -- by CONI'RAC;I'OR...... _..__..._..___. _........._ 15.5 hc'OWNER „._.. ..... .... .S.8,15.1-15.4 of ENNGINEER - cmplorwcnl ...___._........... .... _ h.'- Suspension of IS'ork-in general ..... ................ _ I5 Terms and Adiecrives........_.........................._.._....? Tests and Inspection.' Accessto the Work, by others 13.2 C O*.,Fi RAMOR's respoinlblhucq...................... 1;1 cost of 13A covering Work' prior to, _.............. . 13,6-13.7 I au,s and Reuulmiuns (or),, 1 3.5 \once. of Defects,..,..,..,, OWN' Iik A4ep Slop Work 13,In OWNTT'.R':, independent testing...._ ....................13A .special, required In F,NC INI FR _.___. ___.y.6 time1v notice required..._ ..................... ._13.4 Uncovering theWork at ENGINEER's request .............._.. ....,..._._.__... 1;.8-13J Times-- Adiustine......... ............................. ..................... 6.6 Change of Contract_,_..._ . ............ ...___._....1, Computation of, .... ...._. _._.__........_...... 17- Contract Times--dcfmition of _.,._._.........._...._ I. 12 dao ........ _.__.............17."' \Ai lestoncs .. ....... _......... . .... Requirements -- appeals .-. ...._.. ........ 9.1C1. 16 clarifications. claim: and dispute ), 11. 1 L2. 1-1 Conuuenccmem of Contract Times _,. R econetruction Conference ].S sohedulc ......... ... .. . StartinL the Work, 1.4 Title. Warranty of _._14.3 Uncovering Wort:_-..-._ ................ ...... ............ 13. 8-11Il Underground Facilities, PhYsicul Conditions - definition of .................................................... 1.41 Not Shown a Indicated 4.3.2 protection of ....... .... ___ ... ..........._....._.... 4.3, ii 20 Shown or. Indicated_.,_. ... _.. .......__.431 1 Unit Price Work— claims... ._...... ........__.._....... ................_... 1.1 l.3 definition of ..................................................... L4_ Lenerd11.9. 14.1, 14S Unit Prices-- gencral11.3.1 .Determination for 9.10 Use of Premise 6166 IS 630'4 LII IIIYI' OtellerS. , ..,.,. (� I+. 4,20 I 1 7 % 13.^ Utilization. Partial_ 1.28. 5. 15. 6.30.2A, 14. 10 Value of the Work, ....... _._................... ......... ..........I 1.3 Value,. Schedule. of ,..,, .,.,_,?.o2 S'_.b, 14.1 t J lk (1;ruMA1 r (NDIIIJNS 19 1 o %I I'Np 4.OrrI ON) ea Cl T4 Or FORT COLLI NS MODIPICA"n0 2S (REV -)T91 Variations in Work--lvlinor Authorized 6.27. 9S Articlr Or Rvagraph ? valuer Visas to Sitc--bc ENGINEER 9' lYairer of Claims --on Final f ament 14.15 Waiver of Rtnhts b)insured pot ties „.,,,,111. 6.11 Warranll' and Guaiantce. Genrfal--bl C076TIZACTOR 631) 11%arrante of Title. CONTRAACTOR',. _.... _............_ J 4. lk'ork-- Access to 13.= benthars..._..............._..........._................._.__....7 Chungcs in thq__,..._...,...... _.__......___.__ 10 Cnntinuinc the ............................ 24 COA7RAC7'0R 1vlav Stop Rork of Tern; inatr...._._.........................._...__._ 15.5 Coordination, of I'll­117.4 Cost of the"'­ 1.4-11.4 definition oP 1.4.9 neglected br C7C NTIt4CTOR__..... _..._._......... 13.14 otherRork_..._...................._........._..."'.__.........7 Olt1TR 1vLir Stop Rolle _..... __.._..._.._. 13.10 OWNER klac Suspend Worl:...............•... 13.10. 13A Refined. Work at Site., .... ....... ........................ 7.1-7.3 Struling the,..._......R.....__.........__................___? .4 C Slapping by CONTRACTOR ........ _ ..............._ _ 1 5.; Stopping byO�\'NF.R__._....,__,.._........_.. l'i I- 1?.4 Variation and deviation authorized, minor,__..._. +.i1 Work Change Directive-, claim, pursuant to .................._...__..._._....._... 10 definition of 1.44 Principal references ul.__......._..._..' `• .i, lint-10.1 Written Anici— t-- detlnlllOnol...__.... ................. _............_„1,4i principal ref •renew to ........... ..1.1 D, i, i, 5.1 Q 1 `.1=, .. _...__...__......�4.6.1 c; R.3. 6.19, 10.1, 10.4, .... H.', 1' ............... 1, 1;.17.'. 14.7.; Written Clarification, and Intcrptstations............ _..... ......... .__16.1 9.4. 9.11 Written Notice Required — by CONTRACTOR .._...................._, 7. 1, 9,10 9,1.1. 10A. ll.. 12.1 be OIYNF:R ........... 9.I0-9.11_ 10A. 11.3, I114 av' liiCIX'C;LtA'Ii1L+iLCOMII'1lfJtr'S lYlO till Y9U iJJrrlOal u uI 11-%, iP RJItI ON.1.1 NS M(ID] TIC All O\S (KIiV M`1) J Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Project Special Provisions -2- REVISION OF SECTION 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding 3. Wetland Seed (only applies in the Wire Draw channel PLS Seeding Rate bottom at the In oposed bridge) (#/acre dnlled) Western wheat (Pavcopyruin smithu) Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) 44 09 Inland salt grass (Distichlis vtricta) 20 Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis) 63 Swttchgrass (Panicum virgatunn) 25 Prairie cordgrass (Sparnna pecnnata) 40 The formula used for determining the quantity of PLS shall be Bulk Pounds of Seed Species x (%Purity x %Germination) = Pounds of PLS Subsection 212.03 Seeding Seasons. CI E N E Ali E CI Remove the entire section and insert the following All seeding must be completed prior to February 28, 2008 Subsection 212 061 a) Remove the entire section and insert the following August2007 (a) Soil Preparation Slopes flatter than 2 1, in areas that have supported vehicular traffic or which have been otherwise artificially compacted or disturbed shall be npped and tilled to a depth of twelve (12) inches All other areas with slopes flatter than 2 l shall be tilled into an even and loose seed bed six (6) inches deep The coil shall be worked until no clods of soil greater than two (2) inches remain Slope 2 1 or steeper shall be left in a roughened condition All tilling operations on slopes 2 1 or steeper shall be done in the direction that follows the natural contours of the land Slopes shall be free of all concrete Slopes shall be free of all stones in excess of six (6) inches in any dimension Slopes shall be free of sticks and debris in excess of three (3) inches in any dimension, and brought to the desired line and grade Any irregularities in the ground surface resulting from soil preparation operations, including but not hunted to, ridges, high points, and depressions more than three (3) inches in height or depth shall be corrected and sloped to dram Subsection 212 06 (b) Remove the entire section and insert the following (b) Fertilizing and Soil Conditioning Fertilizers and soil conditioners will not be used in native seeding areas In compliance with all applicable sections of the specifications, water will be applied as necessary to control dust and maintain moisture necessary to work the soils, L C 0 0 0 H H 1 H 1 p 0 si H l lus moc loll blank Intent ionallyj EICM70HNL1tALCONDITIONS 1910-SIi990 EMI IION1 .I CI"n' OI' POk'I' COLLIRS AIOt)IF'ICTTiONti (RI:\' Y^!ll 0 =a GENERAL CONDTTIONS ARTICLE 1—PBTLN7TIONS Miercver used in these General Conditions or in the other Contras Documents the following terms hive the meanings indianecl which are applicable to both the sim_ular and plural thamof: 11. Adcknda—Wrinen or graphic instruments issued print to the opening of BicLs which clarify. cones or change, the. Bidding Rcquircmanv< or the Contract I kncumcnts I =. 9gmenie v=l'hc written contact htnve,,n OWNER and CONTRACf(7h covemle the %%olk to IV perfanncd other Contact Documents arc anachcd to the .Agreuncnf and mace a part thereof as provided therein. 13. ApPGvarion tar Paynlrta—The torn accdrtcd b% p.NG INh,EN which is to he used he COIJ'I'RACI'OR in requcstimm prmi—cm or final pavirems and which is to he accompanied by such supporting documentation as i:, required by the Contract Ilneum cats. 1 4, Asb"fu,--:'vrr, material that comauv: more than me percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asacstcxs fibers into the air nhove current action levels established F%. the liaised States Oecurational Safety and Health Admintstrmlon 1.5. Bid —The offer or proposed of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, I o. Bidding Dm-im my —The advertisement at invitation to Bid. instruction to bidders, tltc Bid form, and the proposc(1 Contract Dtoxamants ran fusing ill Addenda issued prig to receipt of tidsj) 17. Bidding Reyuirzmew.I—Tlc ad%eniscment or invitation to 13id, 'instructions, to bidders, and the Bid Corm. 1,9. Bmrda—Pcrfmri and Prwnera honda and other mstrumenis of uxuraY. 1.9_ Change Order —A docmnwa recommended In i:N�1G - -OL which is signet] bitCONTRACTOR and O\'NER and authorizes an addition deictim or recision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Prier or the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Aereemem LIn. Convacr Documents —The .tireemem, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents). CUNT RACTUks Bid (includiau documentation accompanving the. Laid and am post Bill documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit 1, the Agreement, the Notice to I'rocecd, the Bonds. tlmsc General Conditions, the Supplenrcntan ('anditions the Snecifterices and the I ma,m2r, as the L=X:6ENt:flA1 CfONDI r ONS 1910-S 1199n Wti mn m<Cli 1' OP POlfl' CUtd.l \5 h1OUIPIQA'I'IOXS iltlil' L'0001 rune are more sircifically identified in the Agrcenterat togshcr with all `,l`otten Amendments. CIPIMe Orders Work Clianae Directives. Field Orders and ENGINEER's written interpretations anal clarifications issued pursuant to paragraphs:.5. 3.6.1 and 3.G3 on or after the Elfieciicc Date of the Agreement. Shoo Downie su alitmis approved pursuant to panrsaphs o?o and 0.27 and the aborts and drawings refered to in paragraphs 4C.1 and arc not Contrict Documents. 11I. Conimel Price —The moricvs payable. by Otl :i,MP to CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement fsubiect to the provisions of paratrnnh I 1 9 1 in rile aa.w of I!na Price Work I 1,1'. Contract tinges=l'he numbers of days a the dates s_acd in the Anreeniene (i) in achieve Substantial Completion and li(i to compete the %Pork ro that It iv reads for fmal poancnt as evidenced by 13NGINl'.Slk's written recommendation of feud garment in accordant - with paramaph 14.1 1.13. COA"IR.dURVt—'i'he person, Zinn or corporation u•iih wham OWNIik has entered into the .AgrccmcnL 1,14, ekfcm•e—,An adjective which when modifying the word Work terms t Work that is unsrate hctorc, aluln or deficient in that it does not conform to the Contract Documents, a- does not meet the requiremems of anv inspection- reference Standard test Is. approval referred to in the Contract Documents, ar has been damaged prior to ENGINIZERs rum+mmendntion or final Nyracia (unless resporvabilin for the protection thereof has been assumed ba OINN''RR at Substantial Completion in accnrd;moc with rem rigraph 14.8 o: 14, 1? i). ),IS Diaminga--The amwinu: which shoe- the uope- cxarn and character of the ll°ork to he furnished and I,eriivmed be CO\iR1CTOR and xhidi have been mepured o: approved ha I NC II ffiEk and are. rafcrred 10 In, the Cillmad Dactmtents, Shop drawhaa tie not Drawing.. as so defined 1.16, E_R.rtive hate al' foe Agreement -The date indicated in the Agreement on which it licem .: elective, but if no such date is indicated it ntemts the date on which the Agreement is sited and delivered by the last of the two parties to Sim and deliver. 1,17, E.VO1AT:ER—The persona firm or corlwration named us such in the Agreement. Lld. EUGIAPER's Consadtani--.A person. firm or corpmaoon having a contract with ENGINEER to furnish services as ENGENTER's independent professional associate or wrisiltam with respect to the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementan Conditions, 1,19. rind Order —.A written order iswucol be ENGINEn which order; minor changcs in the Worl: in accordance with p iagraph 9.> hilt which dons not involve a charm, in the Canted Rice or the Contras Times. d Er, P P I i E I LJ I Ad 1 1 P 1,20, Oznmul of Division I of the Specifications. I? I. Hamcdoas 11'aste—The-term hazardous Waste shtdl have the meaning provided in Section lout of the Solid \\rare Disposal :Act (4: USC Section 6903i its amended from the to time. 1 __a. Lags anti RGguluriom: Lauw or Regulations --Any and all applicable .laws, rules regulations, ordirnutce:, codes and orders (if amand all governmental bodies, ageneic: authoritiestendcourtshayingiuriaUction. i.11 .h. Le al Hoodava'—Shull be those holl_ckiv} observed by the (:i"- of Fen Collins. iLion -Liens, chttfgea, security interests or cncumhnnses upon real prnprnp or personal proponr. I ?4. Ahiesrone—A principal event spccilicd in the. Contruct Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Sutxtnntial Completion of all the Work_ 1 2- Notice gfAward—A written notice M- OWNER to appar ent trem successful bidder fatting that upon compliance by the .apparent successful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified CANNER will sign and deliver to Aueemem. 1,'6. Notice re Pimeed—A written notice given h% OWNER to COhf RAC :I OR (.with a copy to ENGINhER) fixing fire date on which the. Contract Times will commcncc,to run and on which CON 'FkkC,"I OR shall start an perform CONTRACTOR'S obligation: under the Contract Documents. 1.27. 01FAER—The public bah' or authority, eorpmauun, lueociation, firm or person with whom CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agxesnwni and for whom the Work is to Inc prm ided 12it 1'urthd tiiili[adon—Use by OWNER 4f a sulxrtamialh, completed part of oho R'or'k pi)r the purpose tie- which it is intended for it related purpn>,ei prior to Sutmanual Completicm of all the \bork. 1 29. PCBs —Polychlorinated hiphenvls. 14(), Panolcam—Pcu'olrunh, including crudeoil ar any fracticm thereof which is liquid an standard conditions of temperature and preseaxr 160 deters Fahrenheit and 14.7 penmdls per aquare inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum. fuel oil. oil sludge. oil refuse, gasoline. kerosene and oil mixed with other non-Dar'adious Waste and crude oils. 131, Piquet —The tool eaMaruction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents ina, be the nenole, or a pan as indicated elScwhore in the Contract Documents, 131a Radiuueniv,V0IeI70I—Source, special nudesa. or by iniduct material ns defined by the ,Atomic Energy act of LfXDC GENERAL OONDI'PQNS 1910-9 0-19u FI41hu0 a'/ CITY Dr RAO COIJ I NS 1,10131WAT10Nli rttrl' 4T4N1111 1954 (4=USC Section 2011 ct so(l,) as amended front time to time. 132.h. Regular ffw ing Honor --Regular working, hours are defined as 7110am to 6{00pm unless otherwise specified in the General Requirement:;. 131, Resident Project Representative —The authorized representative of ENGI\TER who maybe assumed to the site or am, pan thereof 134, Samples —Physical eeamples of materials. equipment. or workman^hip that arerepresentative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standardL, by which stch portion of the Work, will he judpcd Strap Drourggs--All dmwinpc diagrams, illusnntians, schedules and other data at infb:mutiun which are q=ifically prepared or assembled by or for CONTR-ACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrme same ponain of the Work. 136. :;pact/icafiorxr=p`hose portions of the Contract I)xunnems consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction sm'stcnm standards and wort:maaxlup as applied to the Work and certain adntinisinak e details applicable thereto. 1.37. ubcrnuacla--An individual. lime at corporation hm-ina a direct contras with CONI RAC; FOR or with am' other Subcontractor for the perfomtance of a fan of the Rork at the file. I _.iS. Siewantial Completion --The Work fox a specified p:tn thereoQ has puogressed to the point where, in the opinion of ENGINEER. as evidenced Joe ENGINEER'S defir tive certificate of Substrmtiul Completion, n is suflicimah. complete m mexdomc e with the-Contmei Documents, so that the Work (or specified }cart) can he wil'ued fol the pmposcs for which it is intended: or if no such certificate is issued, when the SbdxF: is complete and ready lot f_inal pn•nwnt as evidenced hat ENCF(NEF'Iis nutter re,comntcndation of final puynhem in ace.ordance with parru rph 14.l3. The. tames 'sutx:umtialiv complete" and 'substantially completed" ar applkd to all of part of the Weakrefer ae Substantial Completion thereat. 139, .SupplemeMan' Conddiwu—The pxhn of the. Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 1,41), Supplier —A rmmufacturer. fabricator. supplier. distributor maeriahnan or vender ha ving a diirele contract with CONTRACTOR or with an Subcommmor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work br CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor. 141, find:+yrmmd Facilwe,—All pipelines, conduits, duct.; cables, wires. manholes, vaults. tanks. tunneh or other such facilities or attachments. and any ente somms; containing such facilities which hire been installed underground to fuminh any of the following eetvicen or I tnmerlais: electricity, gases, stemu, liquid Ixvoie mt products. telephoneor other communications, cable teic%isiorr wwN^__c and dnrina:,e removal. traffic or other control slstems Ctt water. 1, ". Unir Price Berk —Work to he paid for on the hasis of unit prices. I A3, ff"or*--The entire completed construction or the t'arious snprnately identifiable pans thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing' or furnishinp labor and famishing and inco lromting materials and equipment into the construction. and perfumling or furnishing services and furnishing dnemmems, ail as required by the Contract Uocumcars. 1 44, 11"1)* Change Directive —A written dirctrin C to C01.71 RAC!'C)K issueu on or after the Eflbctivc Barr of the Aercement and signed by OWNER and recommended b, EIvGWEER ordering an addition deletion or revision in the 'Pork, or responding to diflerme or unforeseen physical conditiorn under which the Worl. is to he performed ns provided in pnmmph4= or 4.3 or to emereencies under paregmph 6._3 .A Work Change DireenVe will not chanize the Contract price or the Contract I imes, but is evidence that the panics expect that the damee directed or docmuented by it 'York Change Daoaiwr will be incorporates) to a subsequenth Issued Change Order following negotiatioms by the parties as to as effeei if am', on the Contend Price or Contract Times as pro,ided in pang; aph 1 u.'. 1.4i. t1'77oan Amendmam--A written amendment of the Contract Documents, siened by OA7QFR and CONTRACTOR on or alicr the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the nonengincerine or nontechnical rather than suietly construetioni elated aspects of the Contract Doc:umenua. ARTICLE Deliverof Bonds =I When CCNTRACTOR delis ers the ct.ematil .rgreemrnts to OWNEIC CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER such Bonds as CONTRACTOR mar 1c required to furnish in accordance with paragraph S.I. Copies of Uncamenta:' ORRdER shall furnish to CO\TRACTOR up to ten copies (unless otherwise specified in the Supplementan' Conditions) of the Contract Documents as arc romscmabiy necessary An the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be furnished upon request, at der Cost of reproduction. Conrmencentear rJ Cvnnxicr Times; A'unce to Proceed: rasa The Contract Times will commence In run on the thinieth day after the Effective Time of the Aercement or. IJCPC GHldk'.RAI. CONIJI'ttOna 19o)-s W)9n E&T au vi U J Y OP POKr COLLI Nti \IODIPIC.Kt'IOFS IXL'y J 101411 if a Diouce. to Proceed is;_iven, on the day indimied in the. notice m 1'rococd A N+x ce to Proceed mac be tnN,cn at am' time within Iran, dress after the Effective Darr of the Agreement ar(»m..wcc�ie--run-], j h..,it to siittirkb chi+--after-ihevlxv of Ridopenmp clothe thinieth"dayafieothe�F'ITmtived Jate of earlier: Swning the if -ark: ' 4 CO`dTP ACTOR shall son to perform the Rork on the date when the Contract Times commence to run. but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the daze or, which the Cuntraci Times commence to run. Before Starring Cnnuruction: Gd'or< wndcnaking t,,ch Inn of Inc Wnrl:, CONTRACTOR shall cmefuhy snub and eennpare ]lie Contract lioeumcntc and check and verify pcninent Figures shown thereon and all applicable Geld measurements. CON'NACI'OR shall prompt]}' report in writing to ENGI.NF.ER my conflict. erra. nmbi_uity or discrepancy which CONTRA("l OR may discover sand shall chain a written interpretation or clarifimtkon from LK'G NFER before proceeding with any Wod. affected thereto": however, (ON1 RACI'OR. swat] not he liable to nr F.uG!FFF.R for fitilurc to r pop any conlllct, error. antbieuin' or discrepancy in the Comoro Documents, unless CON I RACTOR knew or reasonarih shnuid have known thereof 3,6 Within ten daps afier the Effective Date of the Aercement (unless otherwise specified in the Ocncral Requirements). (01\7R.ACTOR shall submit to DNGE4TLR lbw review: _6L a preliminan` piogres; schedule utdiaaine the time:: f numbern of days or dates) Ibr sourm_ and complethru the various stages of the Work, including anvAiilcstones specified 'in the Contract Documents', G.^-. a nrel'unutary sc:hoduie. of Shop Donving and Sample aul)nnuais which will list each required subnnt ll and the. times for salnuitting, reviewing and processing such submittal: 16.2 1, inno (.ao;e will o schedule be aucptahlr u_hicn ullovs_loss than 1 cakn(la: dies for each review by L•neineel: -__ - __ '.6.3. A preliminary schedule of values for all of rhr Work which will includequantities anti price: of items antlTel-Nting the Contract Price and will subdivide. thiWork into eemtponew pans in sufficient detail to serve as the basis fo: proarms payments during construction Such prices will include an appropriate amount of averheed and profit applicable to each item of Work.. -.7. Before any Work at the site is sttuted. CONTRAM'OR end-HY4_ 'U},'k shall each deliver to the other OWNTIC with Copies to ea4h-xddit±arwF-iawte.! iiantilard-in-thz-�vrypkmenwrrl;an<lir+ors f:IdCL I ti EN.R. C� L C F C CI u u E I- I I I ij L- J certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance which—rioter-u, ,��,...�.Werial ireuredl ax}' rensxntda}y�—recluesi rcqueLted by (INN MR) which CON R.ACTOR­iuidR acwti til' i k' is required to purchaw and maintain in accordance with Ixamgraphs � 4.= ::>.6 and :5:7. Preconsrructiun Conference: 2.5. Within twenir days after the Contract *Times start to run but before ante Xi ark at thesite is staned, a-comferuu:r. attended by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER and others as appropriate will br held to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the ld ork and to discuss the schedules referred to in faagraph _.ci. procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other subntitmL; processing Applications for Payment and mainatining required records. Initially Accepmhle Scheduler ]:9. [inlets othera-ise provided in the Contract Dmumcrts, aNetis_ ter #ya} refrxc . hamscian-of-thx first vl+pli;,atian-{err-lht+stmt before any work at thesite begins, a conference attended M. CON'IF.ACyI'OR, HNGINHER and others a:: appr ljxiate designated by OW'h$R. will Ix held to review for acceptability to ENIGINIfHK as provided hole", the schedules sohmined in accordance with paagraph o. rind_Diusion_),_Gencral-,Requirements, ('ON'I RAC I OR shall have an additional ten day+to make comecnons and adjuarmcntc and to complete and resubmit the schedules. No progress txrymrcnt shall IV made to CCWTRACTOR until ,the schedules arc submitted to and acecpmhle to F,NGIINEE.R as prm ided below. The program scln:dule will be, acceptable to F.WINF R.. ns providing an orderly progrrsauon of the Work to complcuon within any specified Milestones and the Contract Tinter, but such acceptance will neither impose on LNGENEf R responsthility for the a,quenc.in_ scheduling or progress of the Work, nor interfere with or ie1id+,e coiNfRAC.'FOR Ii(nil COI\PIv.ACT(.)R's full responsibility therefor. CC)!N`fRAC1'OR's schedule of Shop Uraa'htc and Sample subituvoons will be aceepuible to ENGINEER as providing a wcakahle rurrafement for nwicalne and .processing the required suhninah, C'O'ATRaCTOR's schedule N values will be ame}uublr. to ILNGIVEER as to form and substance. .ARTICLE 3--CONTRACT DOCUNILMN: LNT'EfT AN-[EM1'D1NC, REUSE Intent: 3.L The Contract Documents comprise the entire a_neement between 0U7NER and CONTRACTOR conteralag the Work. The Contract Documents are eomplemenuay: whatis called for In one is as h(ndinu as if called] fot by all. The Contras Daunicnts will Ix ::nnstnted in accordance with the law of the place of the. Rdoject. .__. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to taCDCOERett Lc'orvurnons I91a-sn9Wdeli.) wwa (a"IY OF 6O@T d7011,1 N i NIODIPICAllONb M\' Y21ROI describe it f niaional1v complete Ito" ect (a Iran thrreot) to be construcaed in accordance with the Contract Documents. .Any Work. materials or equipment that nun' reasonably he infernal Gom flit Contract Documents or frontprevailing, custom or trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will he furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for 1lrnen words a phrases which have a well-known technical or cumtruction industry or trade meaning are used to drscaibe Nod;, materials or equipment. such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that mcarrim. C'larilimLiom and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall he issued by ENGINEER a:; provided in paaragraph 9.4, 3.3. Reference ro Nnuidardc .and ,4ltrcificafrom. of Technical .Societies: .Reporting and Resolving Ui.cerepanciec .1.i.l. Reference to standards, specification, manuals a codes of any technical society, orailmottion or nssoeiatiort or to the Laws or Regulations of one governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or br implication, shell mean the latest standard specificaton, manual, co:Ic or Laves or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Rids for on the Effective ])air of the Agreement if there were no Rids), cscepi as firm Ix otherwise specifically stated in the Corona Documents. If, durim the 1wrfomranoe of the Work, COivFKACTOR discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or disciclxmcy within the Contact Documents or heracen the Contact Documents and ape provision of any such 1 yaw or Regulation applicable to the perfomtance of die Work or of ant such standard, sfxafifianion, manual or code or of my Instruction of Supplier referred to in paragraph 6.5. CONTRACT Ok shall retort it to ENIIGINEYR in wilting it once, and, C01x7R\CT0R shall not proceed with t1w Wort aftecnsl thclekn' t'escept in an cmcrecntc as uuthorad by paru_•raph until an amendment or ttg+plentenl to the Contact I )c,cummvr, has hean i,ea :d by one of the nu.tbod,, indica¢d in Ixiraergoh33 or 3.6provided however. that C )INTRACTOR shall not he liable. to 0U9gER or EXGR+rEER for faduie to report any such conflict. error. alnDLuib' ter discurcpancy unless CONTRACTOR krxre or reasonably should have known ther of, .. Exerpt us otherwise spaciliailk stated in the Contract Documents or as mat- be provided h, amendment or supplement thereto issued] bhone of the methals indicated in }xuugaph 3.? or 3 6, the provisions of the Contact Documents shall take precederice in resolving an.,. conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contact Documents and: the provisions of any such stanelard specification, manual codee or instruction (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents)t or the provisions of an, such Laws or Rculations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless such an interpretation of the urns isionx of the Contract Documents would result in violation of such Lmv or Regulation. No lirovision of ant' such standard- specification, manual, cxidc• or instruction shall be effective to change the duties and resporermilities of OWNER, CONfRACI'OR or I-LNUINHER nr any of their sulxmntmcrar consultants, naeri or emplrn.ees from those set forth in the Commet Documents, nor shall it be effective to assum to OWNER, hI IGINEER or amof ENGfNFHR'!; Consulumts, agenes OF employees any duty or authority, to supervisc or duet the furnishing or performance of the Work of any dui}nr mithoriiv to undertake resloonsibiho, inconsistent with die .provisions of pamemph 9.1 3 of any other provision of the Contract Documents. A, lthe ievcr in the Contract Documents the tams'as ordered "as direcred", "as required", "err. allrncai"- "as approved" of terms of like effect or import pre aced or the Lidiemives "rtasottabh" "suitable'. "acceptable', "pnopef" or':satisfnuton"' or adjectives of like effect or ingxin are used to describe a requitement, duenion review or Judgment ofENGD7FER as uI the Wufk, it c, intended tea such requirement, direction rm iM of Iudgment will be solely to evaluate- in central. the completed Work for aimpljsnec with the rcyuircm ants of and inforanaticm in the C'ontrtr.; Documents and conformance formance wilt the daagn mncept pf the ennplmed Proioet as a functionmg whole. ux .shown or indicated in tlm Contract Documents (untesr, there is it specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such tern of adiecaive shall not the effective to aK,W, to L'NGINZER any duty or authority to siifervise at dircx, the fumishiriz, or performance of the Woil: or any duly a atnhority to undertake responsibility contmm to the Provisions; of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents, : imenrGng and Supplemening Contract Llocumetus.- ..: The Contract Documents mac be amended to provide fer additions, deletions and recisions in the Work rn to modify the Icons and conditions thereof in one a more of the followine woes: _3.1. a formal Written :amendment. 3,5.2. a Change Order (pursuant to tmra�frrph 10.4). or 19iUC GtiNEK.LL.CJNUI'rOh:J IVin 111"'ai Etatiao cal 0'1'Y DPP{..-ilil (OLt.,r NS nt4R)ItICA'I'1UNS M17N 4 ,�ualn _.:.., a Work Chance DUCCtlre (pursunm to liomef-aph to.]), 3 b. In addition- the requirements of the Contract fhocuments may be supplemented. and minor variations and deviations in the Wnrk rant' be nuthorimcf, in one or more of the followin@ wavy: 3.6.1, A Fitld Order (pursuant to pana^_raph RS). _. 3 0.2. ENTGfNFER'sapp;old of a Shop Drawing or Sample (pursuant to pntazzaphs 6.26 and 627). w 3.63. ENUIN�EER'c written interpretation or cla;ilicatirnm (puruam to paragraph Q 4)- Reuna ?fDacuments.. 3.7. CU\'CKAUfOR, and am' Solvx>nt[octur or Supplier or other Ftrson or orcanimtem perforntmc or fmnishirm any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract With OWNER (il shall not hove or acquire any tide to or ownership rights in any of lmc Drawings: Specificauore, or other documents (or copies of any thcrcoQ prepared by or bearing the soil of ENGI NIHER or F.NmCh4F.FiR's Consultant, and (ii) shall not reuse an}. of such Iirmvines, Specifications, other documents or topics rnt c.Xtensions of the Proicei or mn other project without wrinen consent of OArNtR and ENGINEER and specific cyrinen ycrifi"naion or adaptation by ENGINEER. .ARTICLE-4PATLABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHN'SICAL CONDITIONS; REFER FNCF POI\ rS Arailabi itr ofLanrdvr 4-I. OMN7ER :hall furnish as indicated in theContract !Jccunents. the IancL, upon which the Work in to he performed, nJtta.of-rare and eaumems lhr act", thereto, and such other hands which fire designated fill the uxr of c:Oh 1 f AC'f0R tiprnmannsronxl9e wutteerraquea; tatemerv-oGrzGord-Iaeal-tillawrdIega -description-of-lie lands upon-which-Ihe-Woo-is--to,.be--pertitmmed-uml 6r1dr\L•R's-interest-therein xsrieearsarv-fur-girir-notice of-oi filing -a- meehnmos hell agmin5t a1011-lnrnu-in xcacmraxn.:e--w+th--appliu+i�t�tdxaona. OWNER shall idemiCv anv encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but sFCClGcallc related n, Use of lank, so fumishccl with which CONTRACTOR will have it) comply in lieric=mg the Work. T-wamems for Permanent structures or permanent chan_,es in existing Gacilities will be obtained aral paid for by O11I0FR, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, If CQ,N-fKACi'ON and OWNER are unable to agree on entiticmein to or the amount ur extern of am adjustment; in the Contract Price or the Contract Times as It result of am' ddav in OtVNIXR fumishm these lands, riches -of - win' or cawments. CCIN7F-ACTOR mac make a claim therefor as provided in Articles II and I_ iI [a CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lindke and access thereto that may he required for temp Iran construction facilities or storage of materials and eyuipmom. 42. Suhru;face and Pirl'•tical Con&dnns: 4.2.1. Rvmmnz and Drmaings: Reference is made to the Supplemenuirn Conditions for identification (if 4' i I. .Sabsaface Conkimorm Thane reports of eaplunnions and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents. and 3.1_' 1,;mvical Condition: Those druwal : of phvsieal condirions in or ralming to esiaing surface or subsurface• slmcturre at or contiguous to die site (except tindarcround Facilities) that have been utilized tA ENGINEER in preparing the Compact Documents_ 4.1'. lbnhed Reliance by CON RAC"MR Arriitodred, Technical lima: CO' I"R.ACTOR may rely upon the acneml aueumev of "technical dnul" eonmined in such reports and dmw'inm but such repons and drawings are not Comilla Documents. Such "technical data' is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Except liar such reliance on such "technical data", CONTRACTOR mac not rch open or make nnv claim neninst OWNER. ENGIIJEER or amof ENGINEE'N's Consultants with r"Na to the completeness of such repro and tlrinvings for COh7Ri1CTOR's purpose;, including. but not turned to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be emplcwed b}- COATIT ACTOR and sa lely precautions. and }vtxrams incident thca cto_ a' 4.1 _ 2. other data interpemlions opinions cod information coni:dned insuch reports of tihnwn or mdimted in such dt;m•ings, of 4,=,3_ any CONfRAC.l OR interpretation of or conclusion drawn frmn ari"technical data" a arc such tkuct, interpretations opinion: or information. 425. Aoiiee of Diffeiing Subsurface or Pin•.ncal Cafiliriwre:' If CON'FRAUTOR believes than any subsurface. or phvsacal condition at or contguous tothe cute that is uncovered or revealed either: 42.3.1. is of such a nature as to establish that any .rcchnic l dtua' or. which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as prm•ided in paragaphs: 2.1 and 4.1' is materialy maocumte. or _. is of such a nature as to ruluire• a change in the Comraet Uncumen[s, or 4 2.3,;. differs materially from that shown it 1. HJCIXnULN'LkAl. CONUITON$ 1910.E 1194U$annn, n9 CITY OF FORT C lLIA NS MOD1IIr;A'1'IORS Ckb;1' LJ)nm R indicated in the Contract Documents, or 4.23.4, is of an unusual mature. and differ.; materially from conditions ordinarih encountered and peneralk recoanurcd as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Compact Documents. then CONTRACTOR shall, pFeviplp immedmteh' after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or pnrformm my Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as penniued by ryrrti h 6.':x)_ notifi' OWPdAR and ENGINEER in wntirm about such condition, CUD7 RAC'TOR shall not further disurb such conditions. or periornm any Work: in connection therewith lexccpt as ulbresaidi mail receipt of written order to do se. 4.14. h_:N+C;1AE'1rR'.s Reyiev: LN UN LK will promptly rcyicu' the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of OWNER's obtairum_ additional esplomtian or tests with respect thereto and advise OWNER in writing (with a cook, to CONTRA("IOR) of F.A?C4[NhF:R's findings and conclusion:. 4 2.5, Penvibler Conn'act Ducnanenty Chaigc: If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract f)acumrnts is rcyuired as nrcsult of a condition dim meets one or more of the categoric, un pximpaph 423, a Work Chanec Directive or a Chattee Order will he issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect and document the conscau cnecs of such change. 42.6. Possible Price and limes Jjuvments: An equimhle adusttent in the Contmct Ric, or in the Contract Times, or Will, u all be allowed to the erect Ilan die existence of such uncovered or revealed condition cuuee an umciekise or decrease in CONTRACTOIJs cast of. or time: required for performance of: the, ll'ork: subject. however. to the follouving: 4 2,6.1. such uzmdnion must meet tiny one of morc of the c:acuorlca docrihcd in pangaaphs4.:.3.1 lhTough 4.7.3A, inclusive: a chance in the Contract Document:; pursuam to psuaeraph 4.2.? will not Ir an automatic authorization of not a condition preaKdemt to entitlement to an}' such adjustment. 4 2,6.3. with respect t Work. than ispaid for on it Unit Pricc 3asis. any adjustment. in Contract Price will tic subject in the provisions of rinnturaphs 9.10 and 11.9. and 4 :.6.4. CONTRACTOR snail not he entitled to any n taistmant in the Contract Price. or Time:: if: 4.^_ 6 4. L CONTRACTOR knew of the existence of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR made a final commitment to OUTER in respect of Contract Price and Comma 'Times fn' the j submission of a hid or beeorrum hound under a negotiated contract: tit ?..",.ti=3. the cdsicnce of such condition could reasonably have lien discovered or revealed as a result of am' examination. in, estication. exploration. rest or stud, of tie site and cuntieuous arcyls required) b- the Bidiwm, Requirements or Contract Documents to- be conducted by or for COl\•TRACTOR prior to CObTRACTOR's making such final commimtenr, ee _.(1.3. CONTRACTOR failed a', give the written notice within lire time and as required b>• paragi itph 4.2.1. if OII :NER and CONIRAC'FOR are unable to agree on entitlement In or as it, .the amount or lonmh of am -such equitable adiiisumem in the Contract Price or Conuact Ture_s n claim maw he made therefor as provided in ,Articles 11 and 12. However, 0t4'NM. FMUNIFF.K and ENGH,�HF:R•s Consultants anal) not he liable to CON: I RAC I OR for amclaims, costs, losses or chniaecs sustained bE CONITZA fOR on or in connection with any Other project or anticipated project. 3,3. Phnsienl CoarLrinnc—Undeground Facifities: 31. Minim or lntd'cared. The information and onto shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to exismir, Undenclound Facilities at or cmitinuoas to the site is bated on information and data Furnished to OWNER or `r.NCifNF.ER by the owners of such Undertuourld Facilities or by orhers. Lnless it is Otherwisc expicssly povided in the tiuppnomentan' Conditions: 43.1-1- MWER and EJGIIIMER shall Itol he responsible for the aceuracv ar completeness of any such information or dna, and 4..11.1 1.I'hc COST of all of din lillowim�_ will be included in the Con rno Rice and Cnt:TRAM OR Shull have full MTXMsibilily {or: (i) reviewing rend checking all such mformmion and data, (it) locating all Underground Facilities shown at indicated in the Contra D<xwnenta(ii) coordination of The Work with tire owners of such underground Facilities durinn construaic,, and (iT)Ihe srfav and protection oC all such Underground Fuchities as pros ided in Ir nimanh 6.2O and repairing, am• Jamin_r thereto resultin•_ from the Work. ?.3 ,Vol Shcom or indicmcd. If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or conticuous to the site which was not shown or indicaretl in the Contract Documents. CODFPRACTOR shall. promptly immrciimely after hevomire aware thereof and'teforr further disturbum cerclitions affected thereby or perromunu any Wort: in connection ihcrctvuh {except in an emergence as required by paragraph 6._3). identill- the owner of such lindercround Fhcilin and tsu]oc. GaNhlLll. COYUI'rIONJ I `n as 11 •.'•)o Ldamo ++' 0 al• 01' PORT COUI V, hIOUIVI C:AI'IOtt ; IKtit' 1,2oi on Vve written mice to that owner and to C AV!,T R and E:'GI\TEER. EiQGIMEER will proraNv review the .r Undererourid Facility and determine the e.ytem. if anv, to which a chancel is required in the Contract r, DocurnmLt to reflect and document the comtvquences of the e>:istence of the Underground Facilay. If concludes that it chance in the Contract Documents is required- a l\'ork Chance Dlecdiveo2 a Chance Order trill bc• issued as provided in .Article 1 i) It, redect and document such consequences. Uurin_° such time. CMTR.ACTOR shall be reslrmsibe Ire tire safety and protection of such Underground Pncilin tar. pray ided in pnmgraph 621:. CO?+,7LACTORshrill mar be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an esiension of the Counter I inam or both, to the extent that thew arc attributahle ,.. to theesistence of a+ny Undclgn UndIF CIhty that was not shown tar indicated in the Contract Documents and brat COVTRAC'I'OR did not know of and could ^ not reasonably have hccn c>:pectul to be aware of or to krvr antieifxnted. If 0WNTI R and CO!%TRACI OR .. are unable to nerve on entitlement to or the amount or Icneth of any such adjustment in C7ontract Price or Conrad; 'Times (',ON'fRACI'OY, may mate a claim ^ therefor as provided in articles 11 and I2. Howeycr. OWNTF.R. FrrGI Ke :R and ENC iN F.FR's Ccrsultanc shah nor he liable In CM 1'RAC, I()R for nary claims, casts, lasses or damages incurred at sustained by COIN R ACTOR on or in correction wide any nihur prolect tar amieilrtv:d prniect. v Reference Pointe ?A. OWi\F.R shall provide cneinecrino surveys to ^ establish reference points for construction %,,)rich in HC-GL�'&LCi's Judgment are necessmy to emtble CR)?:I KACTOH to proceed with the Work. CO:off R.ACTOR shall be responsible for laving out the ^ 'Xorl,, shall protect; and preserve the established reference floral., and shall nerdy no change: or relc>ration s without the prior vaitten appro%Id of (W\ER. CONFR\CFOR Shall report to ENTGIivTTR whenever an, reference polo I:, )rnt or destr'oycd tar requires relocation nxaeaw:c of ^ m�tune change, in credo or locations, and shall Ire resj»onsihle foe the accurate replacement or relocation of such icfren:e fxaine: by proleavionally qualified f+ersonnel. 4,5, : t.vbesum. PCBs. Petroleum, Hazardous N ate or leadinacrn-e llnlcrial: '--' 4.z.1, OIVtJER shall he responsible for am' 9slxsuS. laODi PCITOICaam. 11rMIMous Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings of Specifications of identified in the Contract DOatrmena; In he within the scare of the VVC)rk amyl -- which may present a suN;tantial dancer to persons or prolaert3 exposed tlrerctu in contecumi with the Vrark ... at the site Ox),NER still not be reaprnsible for any such materials brow lit to the site to CON [ RACT'fOf,, Subcontractors. Suppliers or anyone else for whom C'ON'fRACTOR is responsible. u 7 E d N I E H .1.-+:3,.-.C{Yi.TIU1C'.TORslraILimmediate}'vr-{i)stop all �ticrk-irtuenrteFtictn-whir:wuh-hlt�unif(+n+cer�iticrn-tad in-tar-xreti-tt$crtad-tkereett±�-ici:e;rpt-in-an-rinertcrtr+ te---r x;�.�.1--�:-� ff0ph -.m- ncF-fir:,-notif'H- p14_y*Gcr. Act such.- m- writfinal:---OPW'NF;R--shAIhpr(mtp[le easels-with-EN60QEEk-ccnccmir�-thr� rxccsity-for C?W�QGli-tc.�rriain ao-qualitiad-exl,en-tit-cenluate-wch ham errrutia��-arise-ii-any: CON'1'}:.46TOR-shnl4nut-br reyuucd to rcwmr-Wurk in-a:t.:a,c.:•� r-�,r-,-:.,.,--'':: �n-a�nrw stwh-xfloclei-urrorwnti;-alter-Eu4?:nirkw+--�tFxAi+xd env-required-permits-relntrd-thereto-mid .delivered -to Wear, FiitCA-iii3kiir-m��"cCrilm: thnt-cuoh�:utdit iwn-and-Arty-nlieased-nr�w.-isAr-hnc++een renda'�-a,a-,' ret�thr-rzsntnf+ttare-�l'exk-ar ±m7 }peuafy aA en1 stxaiuF rwtc6uvnYuruinr-udnohtiuch lYxvl;-meu-be-rewnrac:-ur f<h-Fi--F?lL'?�JFiR-nrxl :=Uh'f-I±:\�_ Fr:>!:-aunt+ut-uern•-rr.:-to-entitleenrni-icy-ur rhr-nrrwau+A �r-r.>iirett-ef-ar+-�adjectratcw-if-Ant-in CamFuck-{4+cK�e?---C-a.Ktuei;Fd-tars-rs+-resuk-c>F-Sttc�r li'nr4;-st:y�}?Aee�ar-Auvk-s+,3eciA� nAnditiux.-unckv-wpleh 1<4x-rc.:unted: cY4lier-Fony-mtn-airrke-A-lK(tt'ided-M -1 m ;' �n:.i:er:tENV1N-H1-fiF3Chl-!ifieGh'1F-wFxicYFiiollae CONT-K AG-TOR-doe!:-not-aerer-to-resume.:uch-work I*v A en reesenable-behi it umaa tl' . 'ke',mot wee to Fesur.a the-tkerkthat-r..-in-e�trrnactien-wiEhsucMfiasrsFdAtn rendition-or-irriurh-afleeted-area-te-be dale i-4rent l(" r •1r-same; a inerns to ernitlemenrto or the nm(wntox-entcm of nn mFwstn+trtttiFarw-fie: 'n.,;m.ct-Rrnren-�ctrw'tw�'�nm air-n-raw4taf-:k�letinb such-{rAa'Hnn.r<ikre�l=evl:-than reiHxr•pacer-mawmukr-a-clAun-shoveler-Ae-prcwkkdtin A.tieles-I-I-are}-4—C?li-'-><+E{i-mttr•#mvr-ueeh-tk{etecl praitet-of-the-WorF:-prrfomwd-1,*-O4l �v'G}k's-.awn fonxo-rnodtrrr,-innccordairr-with flFticlr 7- +>3 fro (ter-fi+Flayt-c+rtaxt-Ixrntittni M=inw:: alai F:e uLanan--rJW Nf h--shall-mdmnifv-atnl-lridd by ndr, Cn 7f�AC_.TOI. Std�x tttrackxs: oETmers:.---.dirasttxs:--empkovers; ---agents:--a[ier (Ainsu heats-and-suhccmrmctora-ol=-are ch-and-any-of them-from-aril-ngximt-al I-cinims-east:.-hisacs-and ..-. ,-nr"'--Pou* lNre; of-pariq ph '.—rmo-+-email` 001 intended if rnllil tyel ; inesrr Was" e-HF-RililteNGkNa-,:i...:Ymi-oflE:�FltiNkl tr-FOFeAI OE}AHh2tAte: L'JCI)C'OLtcCI<ulI. CONUI"i'li)IJg 191 a-S!199+�ENtian "KrrlOF FOR COLUMd MOt IFICAl KrMi HUTVaRfgn .ARTICLE,-IIONI)S AND INSUItkNICE Perfarmmnce. Purmenl and Other Bonds': ?.I. CONTRACTOR .shall Cornish Perfomance and Payment Bond,, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Priceas security' for: the faithful performance and Fremont of all CONTKACfOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. These Lands shall remain in elfeea at least until one mar after the (Lie v:hcn final pavnient becomes due. except as provided otherwise by Lrovs or Regulations m b, the Contract Loc:ument_s. CON'I-RACI'Olt shnll also furnish such other Bonds as arc required by the Supplemenctry Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the farm p7mcibed.11; lue Contract IX cimients euc7x as provided ntherwis by lman or Regulations and shill be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "CornMnics Holding- Certificates of .Authority as ACCeptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as .Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 57n (amended) by the Audit Statl', Bureau of im•emmem Financial Orierntions, U.S. Tressun' Dclxanmcra All Bonds signed by an anent must he accompanied by a certified c c)p,x of such agent?+ authnrin' to act. If lire surety on any Bond furnished by CON'I'KAC:FOK is declared a bankrupt or la:comcs insoivem or its right to do business is terminated in any state where nnv part of the Project is I(a:ated or it ceases to mzei the requirements of pamgmph 51, CONTRACTOR shall teithin ten days Ihcrcaficr substitute another Hand and surety, both of which must Ix acceptable to ORNF.R. 5.3. Licensed Sunrises and lnmirera; Cerrifiurres of Insumncc: 5.3.1. :All Bonds and irrAnsnce required hM- the C'.Ontr"Cl DOCLarwnu to be purchased and maintained M' OWNGk or CONTRACTOR shall Ire obtained lions surety' on innunmct companies that are duly licenxd or:mthorivcd in the junsdiction in which the Pretec is located to issue Ronds or insurance. policies For die limits and c(Vcntges sty required. Such sump• mid insurance companies shall also mein such additional requirements and qualilicatioms as may be provided in the Supplementan' Conditions. =. CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNTUC With aspics to each additional insured identified in the Supplemenurn Conditions. certificates of insurance and other evidence of insurance requested by OW'NGR or nnv other additional insured) which CON(RACTOR is required or purchase and maintain in aa:ordnw with paragaph S4. OWNMR-shall rn�-rr• ,-.rr�rtn drliarr-n--�-�:.�-...' ' .:tH--rt>ptes--k•-tech additicmxi-insured-identified-in-the-Supplrnientun• Gi=rtdititira-certi(tone--o�ire;ueaAae--load --Other t4ltivTH%' �fli-lntitlRfAee-iedtie5h-�il'e�+-fi�--�h (±FRM;'-i�t1i2F-ftdriNieflRtitV.iU(v'Eii--54,hiCFr%t>�=`.'il'ii-'if it'EttlfFlti%-tE�paf4iYYA'-ancxlHMt1}M-Fflift4kK(1Nflka`-waii pnm--E4md-L-7-FiPr1Pf: COAVC2i C:TOR'x babilib In.surcurce.' COINTR4CTOR shall purchas; and maintain such liability and otter, insurance as is appropriate for the Work heist performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth bel(m which may arise out of or result from CONTRACTOR's pysfomiance and furnishing of the Rork and CONTRACTOR's Other oblivnions, under the Contract Documents. whether it is to be performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR any SUI)COulraChN or Supplier. or lq. anyone directk or indneeBy employed by are of then to perform or furnish arc of the Worlt. or by am¢me fur whr acts am' of themr mac he linhlc: SA.1. claim:, under worker.,' cumparsLtion clisability bencfits and other simiiar emplovee henclit acts'. : A._. claims for damaccs because of hodulr injur,, Occupational sickness or disease. or death of CONTRACT OR'Semplo}'eeq, -4. , claims for damages because of hoddv iniur-. siel:nms or disease, Or death of ant person other than CONTRACTOR's employees', ,,4' a,--Blaine:--for--damane inaureti--bc.-customnnr J+care++m#-tho�e+�JiaHi#ity-coax'aeon.�e-sehie�lrnrc-s.,�a,a,c<;: !+�l>`;:rss�-f+z+S..artasa-r«,Kuha�ar..slkak'�et}v-er iadisac-tiv-re}aterV-ttfiuch-person-Fsy` 4.�k:7=R-\t�-U#-er-{i+-kv-xny-cstheFJar*rsar'r-k3r-ara4'. c+thet-frie,u �,43, claims for danages, other than to the Work itselE because of injun to or deswction of tangible property Wherever located, including loss of use resultuug iheretiom. and 5A.6, claims for damages lxatusc of bodily iniun- Or death of am, person or prolxny damage arisirr_ our of the ownership. maintcnance or as. Of any mono: vehicle, The policies or innrrrnce so required by this paragj-aph ;A to hepurchasxJ and maintained s#vdC . 4.7. with respect as unsuotncc required by ptmucaphs 5.43 thruu-lt 5.4.6 inclusive and I_.. 9. include as additional insureds (subiecl to any custnman exclusion in respect of professional liabilitc). OWNER. ENGINEER. ENGt.NEER's Coneailmntc and any other persons m emit its identified in the Supplemcnurn Condutuuns. all of whom shall be listed as additional insureds. ;and include covenag< lot The respective officers trod employees of all such uddilicud inxura#s: 5,4.8. inciudt- the specific coverages and #x Witten lot not Ie_Ss than the #untie: of liabi#inprovided in the Supplemenun Conditions ur required by Laws ex Regulations, whichever r grcatnr, 5,4.9. include completed operntiom unsurancc; EJCLIC. <,SBhR!ItN- i-)Nor11 ONS 1l tog I t99n Edmm ) rrl ❑11' OPI'On7 i'UL.l..l n5 LI011IFI C::I'IU:d51AL\'a QIRlal itf 10. includecontractual hmbi#in' imunmce covering CONTRACTOR's indcmnip' obligations under par a:mIT*is d. L, 6 lei and 6. 3,1 throu_h 6 ',3 5.4.11, contain n provision Or endorsement that the average afforded will not be cancelled materially changed or rencmal refused until at last thim dies' prior written notice has been giver. to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to such other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Ccnelitions to whom s certificate of insurance has been issueul (and the certificmes of insurance famished by the C'ON ERACTOE pursuant to paragraph 5.3 will s) provide): .4.1:, remain in Aleut at least until rinnl paymaa and at sll times thcrtatler when OON'I'.Ip;A("I'CA2 mac the corrcclh>_, removing or repladtrg tddecliye N ork in accordance with paragraph 1, 1'_: and 5.4.13 with re,.Tect to completed operations insurance_ and any' mzOinnoc coverace t4'rltien On a claims -made hasus, remain in efface fin at least TWO venrs after final patmtcnt (and CON I'R.ACTOR shall Furnish OTA NF,R and each other additional insured identified in the Supplemcntan. Conditions to whom a OCT11heau0 Of insutxnsc hraS I)Crn lssucci Mdancc sratisJirctoo to OWNZR and not such additional insured of continuation of such insurance at final pa}marnt and one year thereahe pNTZR's Liahilirp Insuranca.' In addition to insurance required to he provided by CONTRACTOR under pamgmphu 4. OWNER- at t ANNER's Option- ma} purchase and maintain at OMNER's evperre OWNT-R's oven habilin' imuranu- as Will parotid OWNER against claims which Tam arise from openn ior>_a under the. Contra-, Documents. Prope'r?I' Insurance: =.ti-6;niess-mbenviso-provide&triter Supplemunau�� 8oudidxrs;--6rRSIGR--s}udl--purchase-and-.mainterin ..�-imwxnelruj>m `'...`- _ .rHhe-anrtmta o3=7kne._fidl--roplauamrnt-cost-Baeraeaf--Fsubjeut-aO-soli de<lucaib}e._mtrtnmty-- lx...._prov udad-m -, dhe Supplementar--6unditiuns-or-required--bp--Laws- and RequJnticnj: Thisinsurance shalla 5:6 L---irelude.....-.the-.---interests---of-...._OWNER. C=C-1=�?:-4C_-7-F1F;—`r',uHrxsrrermtexi—�rvdl?�'Eir'. E�`:6FvZ-EI:'::�Orasuh»aE et#rer-prrszna�sr entities-iulemilied-io-tirr Supplanxnntn'-Goo;iition:;, each of -whom -is deemed it, havc an insurable interest and shall-kv listed as tininsumd w-ndditiunid insured ..-.._: -tx-written-esn-a-Huilders-Risk=all-risk"--er HPrn-peat:-c:.�t�ia4:nnx�a,.r-#av--rye+lie;.-Lxrwikxt danrsw_r-te-Ehr-\4'esvk-ie*npnrx�buikiirr_+1fd+�werk lux!-`+4t�}-in-t+rsntiit-and-shall-trriun�-aeainti!-ttNrasl the=,el}au-1w�-Jserth'r-8re.—G±�arnin��-ascended