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Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses: Updated September 20, 2006
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City is 65 sq.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition will be
gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the Nortel. Vendors
could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various dates).
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a response to
questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be assumed,
based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes.
215 North Mason Street • 2Id Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www.feaov.eon
e) Are you using the current call accounting system to produce the feed to Oracle, or is there
an application between their current CAS and Oracle that produces the file?
Answer: Call accounting software outputs ZI file. Reference Appendix 8.3
f) 3,21.2 references a 16 digit billing code. Is this keyed into the telephone keypad when
calls are being made?
Answer: No
g) Please Clarify what is meant by: "Report of calls made sorted in order of Long Distance
Access (LDA).
Answer: This feature is an error and can be ignored. It is not a requirement
72. Referencing Unified Messaging, do all city offices and components use Groupwise email, and
what is the current version of Groupwise?
Answer: All City offices use Groupwise 6.5.
73. What is the City's chosen network operating system? Also, please specify service pack levels.
Single domain, multiple domain? Multiple OS's?
Answer: ADS foundation with multiple domains.
74. Referencing EOC Section 3.10 (configuration of the EOC emergency phones), there is a
mention of predefined telephone programming including ACD routing. Is the city expecting
ACD functionality as a requirement of the proposed system —Section 3.12 requests
information on call center products as an option? Could the City please clarify?
Answer: Yes, basic ACD functionality is required for the EOC application. For Call
center functionality, reference response #20.
75. Referencing Section 3.14 Paging, what type and brand of paging systems does the city currently have
Answer: Ability to support the existing paging interfaces is required. Type and brand
is not a factor. Reference response #38.
76. Referencing VPN/remote capability, is this being asked for as an option, or does the city require this
equipment to be included in the design and pricing?
Answer: The vendors' proposed softphone client should have VPN capability through
corporate firewalls. Vendors should list all requirements needed to have this VPN
77. Correction Referencing Appendix 8.1 the Cisco switch noted as 6516 is actually a Cisco 6513.
78. Please clarify - (reference section 3.1) "Integration with the City's pending implementation of
Teleworks, an e-commerce suite featuring 311 public information services and outbound dialing
through First Responder."
Answer: please see the answer to question 53.
79. Please clarify - (reference section 3.9 and 3.20) "Ability to change six digit routing entries for new
office codes (NPA-NXX)."
Answer: please refer to the answer to question 60.
80. Please clarify - (reference section 3.9) "RAN trunk support with interface to Interalia digital voice
Answer: RAN trunks are Recorded Announcement trunks which are interfaced from the Nortel
PBX to a digital voice announcer from Interalia and are used in areas such as the municipal
golf course.
81. Please clarify - (reference section 3.20) "Alarm notification to designated internal telephones and
external cell phone(s)."
Answer: The proposed system should have the ability to automatically notify preselected phone
numbers of system alarms in order to assure prompt technical response.
82. Reference Appendix 8.2 -
■ The appendix lists three buildings with Customer Phone profiles, is this to be
used for the base bid pricing for phase 1? Answer: yes.
■ This does include the police department which seems to conflict with
addendum 5 question 65? Answer: Question 65 refers to Appendix 8.1
(City of Fort Collins Physical Network Topology) which shows a "police
district' icon. It is not relevant to this RFP which applies to the new
Police Facility building currently being constructed.
■ Is there additional information detailing the analog devices needing to be
supported at each site? Answer: no.
83. For sizing the connection between the legacy pbx and the new one, what do you estimate for the busy
hour call volume between the two systems? We would need an estimate of calls internal to the city
(between the two systems) and also inbound and outbound call estimates (new system users going
through the legacy pbx only).
Answer: An accounting of current high call volumes is as follows (first number is usage in CCS,
second number is Peg Count): incoming - 1064, 632; outgoing - 711, 551; internal - 347, 364.
84. Section 5.8.7 Please define the acronym CLEP.
Answer: This is a typo and should be CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction), an analog -to -
digital voice coding scheme.
85. In regards to the Teleworks implementation, what is the estimated number of analog lines required or
will these be separate?
Answer: Although trunking could be provided directly to the Teleworks product, we would like
to have the ability to trunk through the IP PBX and would plan for 24 ports with the ability to
scale to 48 ports.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
City of Fort Collins
Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses: Updated September 18, 2006
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City is 65 sq.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition will be
gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the Nortel. Vendors
could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various dates).
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a response to
questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be assumed,
based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes.
215 North Mason Street " 2" Floor • P.O. Box 580 " Fort Collins, CO 80522-0S80 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www.fe¢ov.com
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will these soft
phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or is it the intent to
allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an either/or
10.On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports"? Faxes, modems,
etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem, TDD/TTY, etc.
Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three sites but need to be able to
accommodate given future sites do currently have analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations listed as
one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin —12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin — 23) Total PFA Admin =
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) —12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) —11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) — 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 2-7
PFA 4-8
PFA 5-13
PFA 6-11
PFA 10 —10
PFA 12 —10
PFA 14 —11
Total =162 IP
Analoe = 1 @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports —(Dialogic,
Info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not known at this time.
Total = 51 Analogy
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail system?
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network equipment
in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the intent of the city to
acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17. One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for the life
of the call". How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not TDM or
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.) Standard
call center requirements including call recording for the life of the call, IVR and CTI.
21. Define simultaneous usage of new and legacy systems. Will QSIG (T1) or tie trunk connectivity be
required between the systems?
Answer: Some manner of connectivity to be defined by the vendor will be required
between the legacy PBX and the Vo1P system to allow 4 digit internal calling between
the 2 systems.
22. If so, will Fort Collins provide the required Nortel software and hardware?
Answer: Providing the hardware/software is the vendor's responsibility. The City will
provide 1 Tl port for the demo period if that is the level of integration chosen by the
23. Can you determine the length of the transitional period and if vendors will need to provide 'loaner"
equipment during the transitional period?
Answer: 3-5 years. Vendor will need to provide the equipment, loaner or otherwise.
24. Please describe the proposed migration from the existing Octel Vm to the new IP Messaging Server?
Answer: Vendors are asked to propose a strategy, as a new voice mail system is part of
the proposal and the new voice mail system will replace the Octel. The Octel voice
messaging system will be replaced first before any VolP implementation.
25. Are you looking to have one Voice Mail System integrate to 2 PBX's simultaneously?
Answer: The City intends the new voice mail system to be the only voice mail system
integrating with the legacy PBX and the vendors VoIP system.
26. If this cannot be done, is it OK to network the PBX's via QSIG and use the new IP messaging Server
as a Centralized Messaging Server from Day 1?
Answer: The City has only 1 PBX and the vendor's proposal will specify the
integration methods.
27. Will you consider networking the new IP Messaging Server to the existing Octel?
Answer: The new IP messaging Server will replace the Octel.
28. What software release is the Octel?
Answer: Version 2.05.06-1
29. Does it have a LAN card installed?
Answer: It does have LAN connectivity to a Visual Messaging server. The City does
not know if the LAN connectivity can be used for any other purpose. Vendors will need
to determine compatibility.
30. Referencing Section 1.1, can additional specification be provided regarding the Intrado-ALI product to
determine what software and hardware will be required?
Answer: The vendors VoIP system will need to output the full 10 digit calling number
to the PSTN over PRI trunks or CAMA trunks. Intrado will intercept the E-911 can
perform a database lookup and return to the PSAP the correct location information.
City personnel maintain the location database. Vendor's level of integration to the
legacy PBX must allow the current level of compatibility of the legacy PBX and the
Intrado product. The City did not need to buy any hardware or software to support the
Intrado product.
31. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
32. Referencing Section 2.3 Data Networking, how many phases are anticipated?
Answer: Multiple phases over 3-5 years, based upon customer requirements, budget,
33. Referencing Section 3 - System Design Requirement, is there a Visio detailing trunking at the
locations requiring survivability?
Answer: See response to question #30.
34. Referencing Section 3.1, list of multiple sites with Qwest trunking?
Answer: 300 Laporte Ave currently has 4 PRI's for inbound./outbound trunking.
35. Referencing Section 3.10 EOC, is a standalone system expected or an extension of the central IP
Communication System for the emergency set up of 12-24 IP phones?
Answer: Extension of central IP Communication system.
36. Referencing Section 3.11 E911 Support, provide additional system connectivity and programming
requirements for Intrado integration.
Answer: See response to question #29.
37. Referencing Section 3.12 Call Center, is there a specific agent quantity?
Answer: 21 Agents.
38. Referencing Section 3.14 Overhead Paging, list of locations. (Paging interfaces could differ
depending on the site)
Answer: Paging interfaces by location:
Utilities -
700 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
835 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Water Treatment — 4316 W. Laporte - 2 wire page trunk circuit and auxiliary contacts for night
ringing over speakers
Water Treatment — 3600 E.Drake -- 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with
wink start signaling
PFA Admin — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with immediate start
PFA Fire Stations ( 1-13) — 2 wire page trunk circuit
PFA 14 — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up )
Streets -
4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Traffic OPS — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up)
Transfort — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with Immediate start signaling
215 N. Mason — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start signaling
300 Laporte — PBX recorded announcement trunks that interface to Interalia digital voice
Capability to support dry audio interface
39. Referencing Section 3.15.1 Mobile Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #12.
40. Referencing Section 3.15.2 Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #13
41. Referencing Section 3.21 Call Accounting, provide interface requirements and quantity of call
accounting users.
Answer: The Call Accounting system must interface with the legacy PBX and vendor's
proposed VoIP system. The current legacy PBX interface is a serial connection to a
buffer box that has LAN connectivity to the present call accounting system. All
telephone sets must have call accounting capability.
42. Referencing Appendix 8.2, please provide a list of all locations to be included in this with set type and
quantities and trunking per location.
Answer: See response to questions #11 and #29.
43. Based on the response to Question #30, it appears that 300 Laporte is the main location with a
gateway at the new Police Building. However, the question wasn't answered regarding user locations
and quantities across the referenced 64 sites.
Answer: Gateways are required at both 300 Laporte and the New Police Building.
Only Phase 1 locations (New Police Building, Water Treatment and the PFA sites) need
to be included in the RFP Phase response, with system expandability to 2000 users
across 64 locations in later phases.
44. Are all the addresses listed under paging going to be all of the sites included in phase 1?
Answer: Paging- Phase 1 only includes New Police Building, Water Treatment and the
PFA locations. Paging interfaces would need to be included in the RFP response for
those Phase 1 sites with capability to support the remainder of the existing paging
interfaces at the rest of the sites.
45. Can we get end user count by address to be included in phase 1?
Answer: Appendix 8.2 lists by site the number of sets required in Phase 1. Response to
question #11 details the location requirements for the Poudre Fire Authority. Proposals
must specifically address the Phase 1 sites. The proposed solution must be expandable
to support all 2000 users at 64 locations in later phases.
46. Does the RFP scope only address replacing the one Nortel PBX and the other sites are standalone to
be addressed in subsequent phases? If theremote carriers have local trunking it would be useful to
know so we provision the same level of local trunking unless all trunking will be tandemed via 300
Answer: The Nortel PBX replacement will occur in phases over 3-5 years. All sites are
currently networked to the main site PBX. The remote sites currently have no local
trunking, only the main PBX location currently has inbound/outbound trunking.
47. While the response (#30) advised E911 is to be provided to all locations, we could also assume that
this will be provided via the database information in [the City's] current E911 and not require local
gateway trunking or [proprietary solution] which would associate an IP Phone with a pre -defined co -
located POTS line.
Answer: E911 location information is currently provided for all 64 locations via the
current Intrado database. However in the event of LAN/WAN failure Question #30
stated that backup E911 trunking be provided to all locations. Vendors' need to
provide backup E-911 trunking to the phase 1 sites only in the RFP response.
48. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
survivability. Additional information provided in the response to question #44.
49. Follow up questions: Does the current Nortel support QSIG networking? If not will the current vendor
provide the required hardware and software to make the Nortel QSIG capable?
Answer: Please see Addendum #4 on the City's RFP web page under the Purchasing
Department heading for software version and feature packages on the Nortel PBX. The
Vendor is responsible for determining if the Nortel has the correct hardware/software
to support vendors' proposed integration method.
50. Does the implementation experience required below need to be with a municipality within Colorado?
Can the references for municipalities be for municipalities within the United Sates, but outside of
Answer: Yes.
51. General: For migration strategy from Nortel PBX to VoIP system, to assure scalability of the
[proprietary] offered solution, please specify the number of Nortel extensions that are NOT included in
this RFP.
Answer: —1593
52. Referencing Section 3.1, please explain configuration/definition of 1 FB circuit that would provide
continuity with LAN/WAN failure.
Answer: The 1 FB circuit is for E911 backup.
53. Referencing Section 3.1, please provide specifications for Teleworks and First Responder, and
please state specifically what you expect from the VoIP phone system once interfaced to these
Answer: The Teleworks/First Responder systems require analog line interfaces. The
VoIP system will need to be able to route calls to the Teleworks/First Responder system
and support a hunt group to that system.
54. Referencing Section 3.6, the RFP appears to require Power over Ethernet (POE). Will the existing
network support POE, or does the POE requirement conflict with section 3.4, "Utilization of existing
network infrastructure is the optimal design goal'?
Answer: Power over Ethernet (POE) is an RFP requirement for the phone sets. Of the
three phase 1 sites the Water Treatment Facility has POE capable network equipment.
The PFA sites have some POE capable network equipment. The new Police Building is
currently specified to have Cisco POE network switches installed. It is up to the vendor
to provide a POE solution with "utilization of existing network infrastructure the
optimal design goal". Reference Appendix 8.1
55. Referencing Section 3.15.3, what is required for wireless call handling devices (i.e. received calls
from VolP phone system inside City buildings?, beyond City buildings?)?
Answer: Vendors should show capability to support wireless Vo1P handsets inside City
buildings and the network infrastructure required.
56. Referencing Section 3.15.4, does the City expect the vendor to only specify hardware (i.e. laptop
PCs, routers, etc.) for softphones, or, should the hardware be included on the bid?
Answer: Vendor should supply minimum PC requirements (OS, memory, etc.) to
enable the softphone. Proprietary hardware would have to be specified and bid if
required to make vendor's softphone operational.
57. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require 4-digit dialing between VolP phone system and the
Nortel system?
Answer: Yes.
58. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require line appearance of the Nortel activity on the VolP
phone sets?
Answer: No.
59. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require cell phone voicemail to provide a voicemail waiting
indication on the VolP phone sets?
Answer: No.
60. Referencing Section 3.20, please explain the 6-digit routing entries for new office codes (i.e. NPA-
Answer: Ability to route by NPA, NXX or both NPA and NXX.
61. Referencing Exhibit B, what is the City's proposed payment schedule?
Answer: The City of Ft. Collins generally pays for goods and services after the terms of
delivery, installation, testing and acceptance are complete. Consideration will be given
to other payment schedules submitted by vendors. The City of Fort Collins reserves the
right to negotiate those payment schedules before any final contract approval.
62. Does the city have, and would the city be willing to provide current hardware/software/version
information on network equipment (Cisco, Enterasys, etc.)? Answer: The vendor should submit
their requirements as part of their proposal
63. What is the hardware configuration of the 6500 switch (blades, sup engine, spare slots etc)?
Answer: For the Cisco 6513:
IOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-IPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version
2 Supervisor 720 engines
1 Enhanced FlexWAN controller (4 Serial)(1 HSSI).
5 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
24 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
60 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
4 Serial network interfaces
1 HSSI network interface
1917K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of packet buffer memory.
65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K)
64. What will be the selected vendors role in managing the Opt.81 during the various phases of the VolP
installations, and up until the Opt.81 is decommissioned?
Answer: All hardware, software and programming required to make the Water
Treatment Facility and the PFA sites operational and 4 digit dialing with the remainder
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will these soft
phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or is it the intent to
allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an either/or
10.On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports"? Faxes, modems,
etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem, TDD/TTY, etc.
Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three sites but need to be able to
accommodate given future sites do currently have analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations listed as
one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin —12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin — 23) Total PFA Admin =
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) —12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) — 11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) — 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 2-7
PFA 3-8
PFA 4-8
PFA 5-13
PFA 6 — 11
PFA 7-7
PFA 10 —10
PFA 12 —10
PFA 14—It
Total =162 IP
AnaloE = 1 @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports —(Dialogic,
Info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not known at this time.
Total = 51 Analogy
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail system?
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
of City locations. Vendor will also support the hardware and software required for the
PBX interfaces to the VoIP system until the PBX is decommissioned.
65. Will the Police District #1 site be part of the first phase, and will it require IP phones in the phase one
installation process? The PFA sites shown on the drawing are only 2. Will phone service be
extended to the other stations during phase 1?
Answer: All PFA locations are to be included in Phase 1. Reference Appendix 8.1.
Police District 1 is not included in Phase 1.
66. How many Auto Attendants are required, and what is the number of call trees anticipated within the
first phase and follow on phases?
Answer: Paragraph 3.16 lists current mailbox types on the Octel. Since the voice mail
system is to be replaced prior to Phase 1 the City expects vendors' proposed system at a
minimum support those types and number of mailboxes.
67. In the drawing there are 3Com routers shown. What model and version are these routers, and/or
should it be assumed that these routers are to be replaced as part of this proposal?
Answer: The 3Com router at PFA #7 may have to be replaced based upon vendors'
proposed system. The model is SuperStack II NETBuilder. Vendors should reference
Appendix 8.7 to recommend equipment.
68. Can the Vendor assume that adequate space as well as environmental controls are in place for the
necessary VolP equipment? Or, would potential Vendors be allowed to perform a site walk-through?
Answer: The City has no knowledge of vendor's proposed system space or
environmental requirements. Please specify in your RFP response your system's space
and environment requirements.
69. There is some mention of Irving, TX in the RFP document. Can proposer assume this to mean the
City of Ft. Collins?
Answer: This is an error in Appendix 8.4 and will be corrected.
70. Referencing Section 3.3 Network Design, could the terms Network Infrastructure and telephony
system hardware be more clearly defined.
Answer: Network Infrastructure is defined as data network components of LAN/WAN.
Telephony system is defined as voice components of the proposed system.
We are requesting that you submit any data network upgrades that are required to
support your solution.
71. Call Accounting:
a) How many numbers (users) will be tracked by the call accounting component? All
Telephone numbers and modems? Or only specific users?
Answer: All numbers (users).
b) Is all call accounting currently being tracked from the Opt. 81, or are some call records
coming from remote systems? (Under new configuration --Call records coming from
Opt81, and VoIP system only?)
Answer: Yes, call accounting is currently being tracked from the Option 81. Also
.csv files from various vendors are imported as well. The .csv files will continue to
be imported under the new configuration.
c) Are there any extensions without DID's that must also be tracked by call accounting?
Answer: Yes. All numbers(users) are to be tracked.
d) There is a feature requirement of splitting call costs across billing codes. Is this currently
being done within the call accounting software, in some middleware, or within the City's
financial system?
Answer: Existing call accounting software.
e) Are you using the current call accounting system to produce the feed to Oracle, or is there
an application between their current CAS and Oracle that produces the file?
Answer: Call accounting software outputs ZI file. Reference Appendix 8.3
f) 3.21.2 references a 16 digit billing code. Is this keyed into the telephone keypad when
calls are being made?
Answer: No
g) Please Clarify what is meant by: "Report of calls made sorted in order of Long Distance
Access (LDA).
Answer: This feature is an error and can be ignored. It is not a requirement
72. Referencing Unified Messaging, do all city offices and components use Groupwise email, and
what is the current version of Groupwise?
Answer: All City offices use Groupwise 6.5.
73. What is the City's chosen network operating system? Also, please specify service pack levels.
Single domain, multiple domain? Multiple OS's?
Answer: ADS foundation with multiple domains.
74. Referencing EOC Section 3.10 (configuration of the EOC emergency phones), there is a
mention of predefined telephone programming including ACD routing. Is the city expecting
ACD functionality as a requirement of the proposed system —Section 3.12 requests
information on call center products as an option? Could the City please clarify?
Answer: Yes, basic ACD functionality is required for the EOC application. For Call
center functionality, reference response #20.
75. Referencing Section 3.14 Paging, what type and brand of paging systems does the city currently have
Answer: Ability to support the existing paging interfaces is required. Type and brand
is not a factor. Reference response #38.
76. Referencing VPN/remote capability, is this being asked for as an option, or does the city require this
equipment to be included in the design and pricing?
Answer: The vendors' proposed softphone client should have VPN capability through
corporate firewalls. Vendors should list all requirements needed to have this VPN
77. Correction Referencing Appendix 8.1 the Cisco switch noted as 6516 is actually a Cisco 6513.
78. Please clarify - (reference section 3.1) "Integration with the City's pending implementation of
Teleworks, an e-commerce suite featuring 311 public information services and outbound dialing
through First Responder."
Answer: please see the answer to question 53.
79. Please clarify - (reference section 3.9 and 3.20) "Ability to change six digit routing entries for new
office codes (NPA-NXX)."
Answer: please refer to the answer to question 60.
80. Please clarify - (reference section 3.9) "RAN trunk support with interface to Interalia digital voice
Answer: RAN trunks are Recorded Announcement trunks which are interfaced from the Nortel
PBX to a digital voice announcer from Interalia and are used in areas such as the municipal
golf course.
81. Please clarify - (reference section 3.20) "Alarm notification to designated internal telephones and
external cell phone(s)."
Answer: The proposed system should have the ability to automatically notify preselected phone
numbers of system alarms in order to assure prompt technical response.
82. Reference Appendix 8.2 -
■ The appendix lists three buildings with Customer Phone profiles, is this to be
used for the base bid pricing for phase 1? Answer: yes.
■ This does include the police department which seems to conflict with
addendum 5 question 65? Answer: Question 65 refers to Appendix 8.1
(City of Fort Collins Physical Network Topology) which shows a "police
district" icon. It is not relevant to this RFP which applies to the new
Police Facility building currently being constructed.
■ Is there additional information detailing the analog devices needing to be
supported at each site? Answer: no.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
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Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses: Updated September 14, 2006
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City is 65 sq.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition will be
gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the Nortel. Vendors
could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various dates).
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a response to
questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be assumed,
based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes.
215 North Mason Street • 2" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwAzov.con
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will these soft
phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or is it the intent to
allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an either/or
10. On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports"? Faxes, modems,
etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem, TDD/TTY, etc.
Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three sites but need to be able to
accommodate given future sites do currently have analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations listed as
one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin —12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin — 23) Total PFA Admin =
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) —12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) —11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) — 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 2-7
PFA 3-8
PFA 5-13
PFA 6-11
PFA 10 —10
PFA 12 —10
PFA 14 —11
Total = 162 IP
Analog = I @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports —(Dialogic,
Info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not known at this time.
Total = 51 Analoe
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail system?
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network equipment
in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the intent of the city to
acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17. One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for the life
of the call". How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not TDM or
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.) Standard
call center requirements including call recording for the life of the call, IVR and CTI.
21. Define simultaneous usage of new and legacy systems. Will QSIG J1) or tie trunk connectivity be
required between the systems?
Answer: Some manner of connectivity to be defined by the vendor will be required
between the legacy PBX and the VoIP system to allow 4 digit internal calling between
the 2 systems.
22. If so, will Fort Collins provide the required Nortel software and hardware?
Answer: Providing the hardware/software is the vendor's responsibility. The City will
provide 1 T1 port for the demo period if that is the level of integration chosen by the
23. Can you determine the length of the transitional period and if vendors will need to provide "loaner"
equipment during the transitional period?
Answer: 3-5 years. Vendor will need to provide the equipment, loaner or otherwise.
24. Please describe the proposed migration from the existing Octel Vm to the new IP Messaging Server?
Answer: Vendors are asked to propose a strategy, as a new voice mail system is part of
the proposal and the new voice mail system will replace the Octel. The Octel voice
messaging system will be replaced first before any VolP implementation.
25. Are you looking to have one Voice Mail System integrate to 2 PBX's simultaneously?
Answer: The City intends the new voice mail system to be the only voice mail system
integrating with the legacy PBX and the vendors VoIP system.
26. If this cannot be done, is it OK to network the PBX's via QSIG and use the new IP messaging Server
as a Centralized Messaging Server from Day 1?
Answer: The City has only 1 PBX and the vendor's proposal will specify the
integration methods.
27. Will you consider networking the new IP Messaging Server to the existing Octel?
Answer: The new IP messaging Server will replace the Octel.
28. What software release is the Octel?
Answer: Version 2.05.06-1
29. Does it have a LAN card installed?
Answer: It does have LAN connectivity to a Visual Messaging server. The City does
not know if the LAN connectivity can be used for any other purpose. Vendors will need
to determine compatibility.
30. Referencing Section 1.1, can additional specification be provided regarding the Intrado-ALI product to
determine what software and hardware will be required?
Answer: The vendors VoIP system will need to output the full 10 digit calling number
to the PSTN over PRI trunks or CAMA trunks. Intrado will intercept the E-911 call
perform a database lookup and return to the PSAP the correct location information.
City personnel maintain the location database. Vendor's level of integration to the
legacy PBX must allow the current level of compatibility of the legacy PBX and the
Intrado product. The City did not need to buy any hardware or software to support the
Intrado product.
31. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
32. Referencing Section 2.3 Data Networking, how many phases are anticipated?
Answer: Multiple phases over 3-5 years, based upon customer requirements, budget,
33. Referencing Section 3 - System Design Requirement, is there a Visio detailing trunking at the
locations requiring survivability?
Answer: See response to question #30.
34. Referencing Section 3.1, list of multiple sites with Qwest trunking?
Answer: 300 Laporte Ave currently has 4 PRI's for inboundfoutbound trunking.
35. Referencing Section 3.10 EOC, is a standalone system expected or an extension of the central IP
Communication System for the emergency set up of 12-24 IP phones?
Answer: Extension of central IP Communication system.
36. Referencing Section 3.11 E911 Support, provide additional system connectivity and programming
requirements for Intrado integration.
Answer: See response to question #29.
37. Referencing Section 3.12 Call Center, is there a specific agent quantity?
Answer: 21 Agents.
38. Referencing Section 3.14 Overhead Paging, list of locations. (Paging interfaces could differ
depending on the site)
Answer: Paging interfaces by location:
Utilities —
700 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
835 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Water Treatment — 4316 W. Laporte - 2 wire page trunk circuit and auxiliary contacts for night
ringing over speakers
Water Treatment — 3600 E.Drake - — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with
wink start signaling
PFA Admin — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with immediate start
PFA Fire Stations ( 1-13) — 2 wire page trunk circuit
PFA 14 — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up )
Streets —
4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Traffic OPS — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up)
Transfort — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with Immediate start signaling
215 N. Mason — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start signaling
300 Laporte — PBX recorded announcement trunks that interface to Interalia digital voice
Capability to support dry audio interface
39. Referencing Section 3.15.1 Mobile Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #12.
40. Referencing Section 3.15.2 Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #13
41. Referencing Section 3.21 Call Accounting, provide interface requirements and quantity of call
accounting users.
Answer: The Call Accounting system must interface with the legacy PBX and vendor's
proposed VoIP system. The current legacy PBX interface is a serial connection to a
buffer box that has LAN connectivity to the present call accounting system. All
telephone sets must have call accounting capability.
42. Referencing Appendix 8.2, please provide a list of all locations to be included in this with set type and
quantities and trunking per location.
Answer: See response to questions #11 and #29.
43. Based on the response to Question #30, it appears that 300 Laporte is the main location with a
gateway at the new Police Building. However, the question wasn't answered regarding user locations
and quantities across the referenced 64 sites.
Answer: Gateways are required at both 300 Laporte and the New Police Building.
Only Phase 1 locations (New Police Building, Water Treatment and the PFA sites) need
to be included in the RFP Phase response, with system expandability to 2000 users
across 64 locations in later phases.
44. Are all the addresses listed under paging going to be all of the sites included in phase 1?
Answer: Paging- Phase 1 only includes New Police Building, Water Treatment and the
PFA locations. Paging interfaces would need to be included in the RFP response for
those Phase 1 sites with capability to support the remainder of the existing paging
interfaces at the rest of the sites.
45. Can we get end user count by address to be included in phase 1?
Answer: Appendix 8.2 lists by site the number of sets required in Phase 1. Response to
question #11 details the location requirements for the Poudre Fire Authority. Proposals
must specifically address the Phase 1 sites. The proposed solution must be expandable
to support all 2000 users at 64 locations in later phases.
46. Does the RFP scope only address replacing the one Nortel PBX and the other sites are standalone to
be addressed in subsequent phases? If theremote carriers have local trunking it would be useful to
know so we provision the same level of local trunking unless all trunking will be tandemed via 300
Answer: The Nortel PBX replacement will occur in phases over 3-5 years. All sites are
currently networked to the main site PBX. The remote sites currently have no local
trunking, only the main PBX location currently has inbound/outbound trunking.
47. While the response (#30) advised E911 is to be provided to all locations, we could also assume that
this will be provided via the database information in [the City's] current E911 and not require local
gateway trunking or [proprietary solution] which would associate an IP Phone with a pre -defined co -
located POTs line.
Answer: E911 location information is currently provided for all 64 locations via the
current Intrado database. However in the event of LAN/WAN failure Question #30
stated that backup E911 trunking be provided to all locations. Vendors' need to
provide backup E-911 trunking to the phase 1 sites only in the RFP response.
48. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
survivability. Additional information provided in the response to question #44.
49. Follow up questions: Does the current Norte] support QSIG networking? If not will the current vendor
provide the required hardware and software to make the Nortel QSIG capable?
Answer: Please see Addendum #4 on the City's RFP web page under the Purchasing
Department heading for software version and feature packages on the Nortel PBX. The
Vendor is responsible for determining if the Nortel has the correct hardware/software
to support vendors' proposed integration method.
50. Does the implementation experience required below need to be with a municipality within Colorado?
Can the references for municipalities be for municipalities within the United Sates, but outside of
Answer: Yes.
51. General: For migration strategy from Nortel PBX to VolP system, to assure scalability of the
[proprietary] offered solution, please specify the number of Nortel extensions that are NOT included in
this RFP.
Answer: —1593
52. Referencing Section 3.1, please explain configuration/definition of 1 FB circuit that would provide
continuity with LAN/WAN failure.
Answer: The 1 FB circuit is for E911 backup.
53. Referencing Section 3.1, please provide specifications for Teleworks and First Responder, and
please state specifically what you expect from the VolP phone system once interfaced to these
Answer: The Teleworks/First Responder systems require analog line interfaces. The
VoIP system will need to be able to route calls to the Teleworks/First Responder system
and support a hunt group to that system.
54. Referencing Section 3.6, the RFP appears to require Power over Ethernet (POE). Will the existing
network support POE, or does the POE requirement conflict with section 3.4, "Utilization of existing
network infrastructure is the optimal design goal"?
Answer: Power over Ethernet (POE) is an RFP requirement for the phone sets. Of the
three phase 1 sites the Water Treatment Facility has POE capable network equipment.
The PFA sites have some POE capable network equipment. The new Police Building is
currently specified to have Cisco POE network switches installed. It is up to the vendor
to provide a POE solution with "utilization of existing network infrastructure the
optimal design goal". Reference Appendix 8.1
55. Referencing Section 3.15.3, what is required for wireless call handling devices (i.e. received calls
from VolP phone system inside City buildings?, beyond City buildings?)?
Answer: Vendors should show capability to support wireless VoIP handsets inside City
buildings and the network infrastructure required.
56. Referencing Section 3.15.4, does the City expect the vendor to only specify hardware (i.e. laptop
PCs, routers, etc.) for softphones, or, should the hardware be included on the bid?
Answer: Vendor should supply minimum PC requirements (OS, memory, etc.) to
enable the softphone. Proprietary hardware would have to be specified and bid if
required to make vendor's softphone operational.
57. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require 4-digit dialing between VolP phone system and the
Nortel system?
Answer: Yes.
58. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require line appearance of the Nortel activity on the VoiP
phone sets?
Answer: No.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network equipment
in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the intent of the city to
acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17.One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for the life
of the call". How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not TDM or
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.) Standard
call center requirements including call recording for the life of the call, IVR and CTI.
21. Define simultaneous usage of new and legacy systems. Will QSIG J1) or tie trunk connectivity be
required between the systems?
Answer: Some manner of connectivity to be defined by the vendor will be required
between the legacy PBX and the VoIP system to allow 4 digit internal calling between
the 2 systems.
22. If so, will Fort Collins provide the required Nortel software and hardware?
Answer: Providing the hardware/software is the vendor's responsibility. The City will
provide 1 T1 port for the demo period if that is the level of integration chosen by the
23. Can you determine the length of the transitional period and if vendors will need to provide "loaner"
equipment during the transitional period?
Answer: 3-5 years. Vendor will need to provide the equipment, loaner or otherwise.
24. Please describe the proposed migration from the existing Octel Vm to the new IP Messaging Server?
Answer: Vendors are asked to propose a strategy, as a new voice mail system is part of
the proposal and the new voice mail system will replace the Octet. The Octet voice
messaging system will be replaced first before any VolP implementation.
25. Are you looking to have one Voice Mail System integrate to 2 PBX's simultaneously?
Answer: The City intends the new voice mail system to be the only voice mail system
integrating with the legacy PBX and the vendors VoIP system.
26. If this cannot be done, is it OK to network the PBX's via QSIG and use the new IP messaging Server
as a Centralized Messaging Server from Day 1?
Answer: The City has only 1 PBX and the vendor's proposal will specify the
integration methods.
59. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require cell phone voicemail to provide a voicemail waiting
indication on the VolP phone sets?
Answer: No.
60. Referencing Section 3.20, please explain the 6-digit routing entries for new office codes (i.e. NPA-
Answer: Ability to route by NPA, NXX or both NPA and NXX.
61. Referencing Exhibit B, what is the City's proposed payment schedule?
Answer: The City of Ft. Collins generally pays for goods and services after the terms of
delivery, installation, testing and acceptance are complete. Consideration will be given
to other payment schedules submitted by vendors. The City of Fort Collins reserves the
right to negotiate those payment schedules before any final contract approval.
62. Does the city have, and would the city be willing to provide current hardware/software/version
information on network equipment (Cisco, Enterasys, etc.)? Answer: The vendor should submit
their requirements as part of their proposal
63. What is the hardware configuration of the 6500 switch (blades, sup engine, spare slots etc)?
Answer: For the Cisco 6513:
IOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-IPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version
2 Supervisor 720 engines
1 Enhanced F1exWAN controller (4 Serial)(1 HSSI).
5 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
24 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
60 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
4 Serial network interfaces
1 HSSI network interface
1917K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of packet buffer memory.
65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K)
64. What will be the selected vendors role in managing the Opt.81 during the various phases of the VoiP
installations, and up until the Opt.81 is decommissioned?
Answer: All hardware, software and programming required to make the Water
Treatment Facility and the PFA sites operational and 4 digit dialing with the remainder
of City locations.
Vendor will also support the hardware and software required for the PBX interfaces to
the VoIP system until the PBX is decommissioned.
65. Will the Police District #1 site be part of the first phase, and will it require IP phones in the phase one
installation process? The PFA sites shown on the drawing are only 2. Will phone service be
extended to the other stations during phase 1?
Answer: All PFA locations are to be included in Phase 1. Reference Appendix 8.1.
Police District I is not included in Phase 1.
66. How many Auto Attendants are required, and what is the number of call trees anticipated within the
first phase and follow on phases?
Answer: Paragraph 3.16 lists current mailbox types on the Octel. Since the voice mail
system is to be replaced prior to Phase 1 the City expects vendors' proposed system at a
minimum support those types and number of mailboxes.
67. In the drawing there are 3Com routers shown. What model and version are these routers, and/or
should it be assumed that these routers are to be replaced as part of this proposal?
Answer: The 3Com router at PFA #7 may have to be replaced based upon vendors'
proposed system. The model is SuperStack Il NETBuilder. Vendors should reference
Appendix 8.7 to recommend equipment.
68. Can the Vendor assume that adequate space as well as environmental controls are in place for the
necessary VoIP equipment? Or, would potential Vendors be allowed to perform a site walk-through?
Answer: The City has no knowledge of vendor's proposed system space or
environmental requirements. Please specify in your RFP response your system's space
and environment requirements.
69. There is some mention of Irving, TX in the RFP document. Can proposer assume this to mean the
City of Ft. Collins?
Answer: This is an error in Appendix 8.4 and will be corrected.
70. Referencing Section 3.3 Network Design, could the terms Network Infrastructure and telephony
system hardware be more clearly defined.
Answer: Network Infrastructure is defined as data network components of LAN/WAN.
Telephony system is defined as voice components of the proposed system.
We are requesting that you submit any data network upgrades that are required to
support your solution.
71. Call Accounting:
a) How many numbers (users) will be tracked by the call accounting component? All
Telephone numbers and modems? Or only specific users?
Answer: All numbers (users).
b) Is all call accounting currently being tracked from the Opt. 81, or are some call records
coming from remote systems? (Under new configuration --Call records coming from
Opt81, and VoIP system only?)
Answer: Yes, call accounting is currently being tracked from the Option 81. Also
.csv files from various vendors are imported as well. The .csv files will continue to
be imported under the new configuration.
c) Are there any extensions without DID's that must also be tracked by call accounting?
Answer: Yes. All numbers(users) are to be tracked.
d) There is a feature requirement of splitting call costs across billing codes. Is this currently
being done within the call accounting software, in some middleware, or within the City's
financial system?
Answer: Existing call accounting software.
e) Are you using the current call accounting system to produce the feed to Oracle, or is there
an application between their current CAS and Oracle that produces the file?
Answer: Call accounting software outputs ZI file. Reference Appendix 8.3
f) 3.21.2 references a 16 digit billing code. Is this keyed into the telephone keypad when
calls are being made?
Answer: No
g) Please Clarify what is meant by: "Report of calls made sorted in order of Long Distance
Access (LDA).
Answer: This feature is an error and can be ignored. It is not a requirement
72. Referencing Unified Messaging, do all city offices and components use Groupwise email, and
what is the current version of Groupwise?
Answer: All City offices use Groupwise 6.5.
73. What is the City's chosen network operating system? Also, please specify service pack levels.
Single domain, multiple domain? Multiple OS's?
Answer: ADS foundation with multiple domains.
74. Referencing EOC Section 3.10 (configuration of the EOC emergency phones), there is a
mention of predefined telephone programming including ACD routing. Is the city expecting
ACD functionality as a requirement of the proposed system —Section 3.12 requests
information on call center products as an option? Could the City please clarify?
Answer: Yes, basic ACD functionality is required for the EOC application. For Call
center functionality, reference response #20.
75. Referencing Section 3.14 Paging, what type and brand of paging systems does the city currently have
Answer: Ability to support the existing paging interfaces is required. Type and brand
is not a factor. Reference response #38.
76. Referencing VPN/remote capability, is this being asked for as an option, or does the city require this
equipment to be included in the design and pricing?
Answer: The vendors' proposed softphone client should have VPN capability through
corporate firewalls. Vendors should list all requirements needed to have this VPN
77. Correction Referencing Appendix 8.1 the Cisco switch noted as 6516 is actually a Cisco 6513.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Nortel Software Version and Feature Packages
ISSUE 00 + DepList x210300_cpt
b UE
215 North Mason Street • 2"" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwALov.con
PAGE 001
PAGE 002
SSAU 229
PAGE 003
M911 ENH
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
�'tY s) f (art C°(viz
Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses: Updated September 11, 2006
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City
is 65 sq. miles.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition
will be gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the
Nortel. Vendors could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a
response to questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal
date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be
assumed , based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be
equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes.
215 North Mason Street • 2"" Floor • P.O. Box 590 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwScaov.com
27. Will you consider networking the new IP Messaging Server to the existing Octet?
Answer: The new IP messaging Server will replace the Octel.
28. What software release is the Octet?
Answer: Version 2.05.06-1
29. Does it have a LAN card installed?
Answer: It does have LAN connectivity to a Visual Messaging server. The City does
not know if the LAN connectivity can be used for any other purpose. Vendors will need
to determine compatibility.
30. Referencing Section 1.1, can additional specification be provided regarding the Intrado-ALI product to
determine what software and hardware will be required?
Answer: The vendors VoIP system will need to output the full 10 digit calling number
to the PSTN over PRI trunks or CAMA trunks. Intrado will intercept the E-911 call
perform a database lookup and return to the PSAP the correct location information.
City personnel maintain the location database. Vendor's level of integration to the
legacy PBX must allow the current level of compatibility of the legacy PBX and the
Intrado product. The City did not need to buy any hardware or software to support the
Intrado product.
31. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
32. Referencing Section 2.3 Data Networking, how many phases are anticipated?
Answer: Multiple phases over 3-5 years, based upon customer requirements, budget,
33. Referencing Section 3 - System Design Requirement, is there a Visio detailing trunking at the
locations requiring survivability?
Answer: See response to question #30.
34. Referencing Section 3.1, list of multiple sites with Qwest trunking?
Answer: 300 Laporte Ave currently has 4 PRI's for inbound/outbound trunking.
35. Referencing Section 3.10 EOC, is a standalone system expected or an extension of the central IP
Communication System for the emergency set up of 12-24 IP phones?
Answer: Extension of central IP Communication system.
36. Referencing Section 3.11 E911 Support, provide additional system connectivity and programming
requirements for Intrado integration.
Answer: See response to question #29.
37. Referencing Section 3.12 Call Center, is there a specific agent quantity?
Answer: 21 Agents.
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will
these soft phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or
is it the intent to allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the
same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an
either/or scenario.
10. On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports'? Faxes,
modems, etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem,
TDD/TTY, etc. Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three
sites but need to be able to accommodate given future sites do currently have
analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations
listed as one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin -12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin - 23) Total PFA
Admin = 35
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) -12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) -11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) - 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 2-7
PFA 3-8
PFA 5-13
PFA 6-11
PFA 10 -10
PFA 12 - 10
PFA 14 - 11
Total = 162 IP
Analog = 1 @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports -
(Dialogic, Info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not
known at this time.
Total = 51 Analog
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network
equipment in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the
intent of the city to acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network
manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17.One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for
the life of the call". How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not
TDM or analog?
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.)
Standard call center requirements including call recording for the life of the
call, IVR and CTI.
21. Define simultaneous usage of new and legacy systems. Will QSIG (T1) or tie trunk
connectivity be required between the systems?
Answer: Some manner of connectivity to be defined by the vendor will be
required between the legacy PBX and the VolP system to allow 4 digit internal
calling between the 2 systems.
22. If so, will Fort Collins provide the required Nortel software and hardware?
Answer: Providing the hardware/software is the vendor's responsibility. The
City will provide 1 T1 port for the demo period if that is the level of integration
chosen by the vendor.
23. Can you determine the length of the transitional period and if vendors will need to
provide "loaner" equipment during the transitional period?
Answer: 3-5 years. Vendor will need to provide the equipment, loaner or
24. Please describe the proposed migration from the existing Octel Vm to the new IP
Messaging Server?
Answer: Vendors are asked to propose a strategy, as a new voice mail system
is part of the proposal and the new voice mail system will replace the Octel.
The Octel voice messaging system will be replaced first before any VolP
Are you looking to have one Voice Mail System integrate to 2 PBX's simultaneously?
Answer: The City intends the new voice mail system to be the only voice mail
system integrating with the legacy PBX and the vendors VolP system.
25. If this cannot be done, is it OK to network the PBX's via QSIG and use the new IP
messaging Server as a Centralized Messaging Server from Day 1?
Answer: The City has only 1 PBX and the vendor's proposal will specify the
integration methods.
26. Will you consider networking the new IP Messaging Server to the existing Octel?
Answer: The new IP messaging Server will replace the Octel.
27. What software release is the Octel?
Answer: Not applicable as the Octel will be replaced.
28. Does it have a LAN card installed?
Answer: It does have LAN connectivity to a Visual Messaging server. The City
does not know if the LAN connectivity can be used for any other purpose.
Vendors will need to determine compatibility.
29. Referencing Section 1.1, can additional specification be provided regarding the
Intrado-ALI product to determine what software and hardware will be required?
Answer: The vendors VoIP system will need to output the full 10 digit calling
number to the PSTN over PRI trunks or CAMA trunks. Intrado will intercept the
E-911 call perform a database lookup and return to the PSAP the correct
location information. City personnel maintain the location database. Vendor's
level of integration to the legacy PBX must allow the current level of
compatibility of the legacy PBX and the Intrado product. The City did not need
to buy any hardware or software to support the Intrado product.
30. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the
locations. Specifically, where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where
will the users be located? Appendix 8.2 matrix does not specify # of users per
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location
(300 Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911
backup needs to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to
accomplish site survivability.
31. Referencing Section 2.3 Data Networking, how many phases are anticipated?
Answer: Multiple phases over 3-5 years, based upon customer requirements,
budget, etc.
32. Referencing Section 3 - System Design Requirement, is there a Visio detailing
trunking at the locations requiring survivability?
Answer: See response to question #31.
33. Referencing Section 3.1, list of multiple sites with Qwest trunking?
Answer: 300 Laporte Ave currently has 4 PRI's for inbound/outbound
34. Referencing Section 3.10 EOC, is a standalone system expected or an extension of
the central IP Communication System for the emergency set up of 12-24 IP phones?
Answer: Extension of central IP Communication system.
35. Referencing Section 3.11 E911 Support, provide additional system connectivity and
programming requirements for Intrado integration.
Answer: See response to question #30.
36. Referencing Section 3.12 Call Center, is there a specific agent quantity?
Answer: 21 Agents.
37. Referencing Section 3.14 Overhead Paging, list of locations. (Paging interfaces
could differ depending on the site)
Answer: Paging interfaces by location:
• 700 Wood St: 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms
and E & M signaling
• 835 Wood St.: 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms
and E & M signaling
• Water Treatment: 4316 W. Laporte - 2 wire page trunk circuit and
auxiliary contacts for night ringing over speakers
• Water Treatment: 3600 E.Drake - — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page
voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start signaling
• PFA Admin.: 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms
with immediate start signaling
• PFA Fire Stations ( 1-13 ): 2 wire page trunk circuit
• PFA 14: Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up )
• 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M
Traffic OPS:
• Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up)
• 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with
Immediate start signaling
215 N. Mason:
• 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start
300 Laporte:
• PBX recorded announcement trunks that interface to Interalia digital
voice announcer. Capability to support dry audio interface
38. Referencing Section 3.15.1 Mobile Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #12.
39. Referencing Section 3.15.2 Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #13
40. Referencing Section 3.21 Call Accounting, provide interface requirements and
quantity of call accounting users.
Answer: The Call Accounting system must interface with the legacy PBX and
vendor's proposed VolP system. The current legacy PBX interface is a serial
connection to a buffer box that has LAN connectivity to the present call
accounting system. All telephone sets must have call accounting capability.
41. Referencing Appendix 8.2, please provide a list of all locations to be included in this
with set type and quantities and trunking per location.
Answer: See response to questions #11 and #30.
42. Based on the response to Question #30, it appears that 300 Laporte is the main
location with a gateway at the new Police Building. However, the question wasn't
answered regarding user locations and quantities across the referenced 64 sites.
Answer: Gateways are required at both 300 Laporte and the New Police
Building. Only Phase 1 locations (New Police Building, Water Treatment and
the PFA sites) need to be included in the RFP Phase response, with system
expandability to 2000 users across 64 locations in later phases.
43. Are all the addresses listed under paging going to be all of the sites included in
phase 1?
Answer: Paging- Phase 1 only includes New Police Building, Water Treatment
and the PFA locations. Paging interfaces would need to be included in the
RFP response for those Phase 1 sites with capability to support the remainder
of the existing paging interfaces at the rest of the sites.
44. Can we get end user count by address to be included in phase 1?
Answer: Appendix 8.2 lists by site the number of sets required in Phase 1.
Response to question #11 details the location requirements for the Poudre Fire
Authority. Proposals must specifically address the Phase 1 sites. The
proposed solution must be expandable to support all 2000 users at 64
locations in later phases.
45. Does the RFP scope only address replacing the one Nortel PBX and the other sites
are standalone to be addressed in subsequent phases? If theremote carriers have
local trunking it would be useful to know so we provision the same level of local
trunking unless all trunking will be tandemed via 300 Laporte.
Answer: The Nortel PBX replacement will occur in phases over 3-5 years. All
sites are currently networked to the main site PBX. The remote sites currently
have no local trunking, only the main PBX location currently has
inboundloutbound trunking.
46. While the response (#30) advised E911 is to be provided to all locations, we could
also assume that this will be provided via the database information in [the City's]
current E911 and not require local gateway trunking or [proprietary solution] which
would associate an IP Phone with a pre -defined co -located POTs line.
Answer: E911 location information is currently provided for all 64 locations via
the current Intrado database. However in the event of LAN/WAN failure
Question #30 stated that backup E911 trunking be provided to all locations.
Vendors' need to provide backup E-911 trunking to the phase 1 sites only in
the RFP response.
47. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the
locations. Specifically, where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where
will the users be located? Appendix 8.2 matrix does not specify # of users per
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location
(300 Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911
backup needs to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to
accomplish site survivability. Additional information provided in the response
to question #44.
48. Follow up questions: Does the current Nortel support QSIG networking? If not will
the current vendor provide the required hardware and software to make the Nortel
QSIG capable?
Answer: Please see Addendum #4 on the City's RFP web page under the
Purchasing Department heading for software version and feature packages on
the Nortel PBX. The Vendor is responsible for determining if the Nortel has the
correct hardware/software to support vendors' proposed integration method.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
c.> 7 77
Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses: Updated September 8, 2006
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City
is 65 sq. miles.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition
will be gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the
Nortel. Vendors could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a
response to questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal
date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be
assumed , based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be
equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes:
215 North Mason Street • 2"" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwtrceov.con
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will
these soft phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or
is it the intent to allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the
same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an
either/or scenario.
10. On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports"? Faxes,
modems, etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem,
TDD/TTY, etc. Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three
sites but need to be able to accommodate given future sites do currently have
analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations
listed as one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin -12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin - 23) Total PFA
Admin = 35
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) - 12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) - 11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) - 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 3-8
PFA 4-8
PFA 6-11
PFA 10 - 10
PFA 12 - 10
PFA 14 - 11
Total = 162 IP
Analog = 1 @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports -
(Dialogic, info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not
known at this time.
Total = 51 Analog
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network
equipment in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the
intent of the city to acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network
manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17. One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for
the life of the call". How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not
TDM or analog?
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.)
Standard call center requirements including call recording for the life of the
call, IVR and CTI.
21. Define simultaneous usage of new and legacy systems. Will QSIG (T1) or tie trunk
connectivity be required between the systems?
Answer: Some manner of connectivity to be defined by the vendor will be
required between the legacy PBX and the VoIP system to allow 4 digit internal
calling between the 2 systems.
22. If so, will Fort Collins provide the required Nortel software and hardware?
Answer: Providing the hardware/software is the vendor's responsibility. The
City will provide 1 T1 port for the demo period if that is the level of integration
chosen by the vendor.
23. Can you determine the length of the transitional period and if vendors will need to
provide "loaner" equipment during the transitional period?
Answer: 3-5 years. Vendor will need to provide the equipment, loaner or
24. Please describe the proposed migration from the existing Octel Vm to the new IP
Messaging Server?
Answer: Vendors are asked to propose a strategy, as a new voice mail system
is part of the proposal and the new voice mail system will replace the Octel.
The Octel voice messaging system will be replaced first before any VolP
25. Are you looking to have one Voice Mail System integrate to 2 PBX's simultaneously?
Answer: The City intends the new voice mail system to be the only voice mail
system integrating with the legacy PBX and the vendors VoIP system.
26. If this cannot be done, is it OK to network the PBX's via QSIG and use the new IP
messaging Server as a Centralized Messaging Server from Day 1?
Answer: The City has only 1 PBX and the vendor's proposal will specify the
integration methods.
27. Will you consider networking the new IP Messaging Server to the existing Octel?
Answer: The new IP messaging Server will replace the Octel.
28. What software release is the Octel?
Answer: Not applicable as the Octel will be replaced.
29. Does it have a LAN card installed?
Answer: It does have LAN connectivity to a Visual Messaging server. The City
does not know if the LAN connectivity can be used for any other purpose.
Vendors will need to determine compatibility.
30. Referencing Section 1.1, can additional specification be provided regarding the
Intrado-ALI product to determine what software and hardware will be required?
Answer: The vendors VoIP system will need to output the full 10 digit calling
number to the PSTN over PRI trunks or CAMA trunks. Intrado will intercept the
E-911 call perform a database lookup and return to the PSAP the correct
location information. City personnel maintain the location database. Vendor's
level of integration to the legacy PBX must allow the current level of
compatibility of the legacy PBX and the Intrado product. The City did not need
to buy any hardware or software to support the Intrado product.
31. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the
locations. Specifically, where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where
will the users be located? Appendix 8.2 matrix does not specify # of users per
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location
(300 Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911
backup needs to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to
accomplish site survivability.
32. Referencing Section 2.3 Data Networking, how many phases are anticipated?
Answer: Multiple phases over 3-5 years, based upon customer requirements,
budget, etc.
33. Referencing Section 3 - System Design Requirement, is there a Visio detailing
trunking at the locations requiring survivability?
Answer: See response to question #31.
34. Referencing Section 3.1, list of multiple sites with Qwest trunking?
Answer: 300 Laporte Ave currently has 4 PRI's for inbound/outbound
38. Referencing Section 3.14 Overhead Paging, list of locations. (Paging interfaces could differ
depending on the site)
Answer: Paging interfaces by location:
Utilities —
700 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
835 Wood St - 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Water Treatment — 4316 W. Laporte - 2 wire page trunk circuit and auxiliary contacts for night
ringing over speakers
Water Treatment — 3600 E.Drake - — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with
wink start signaling
PFA Admin — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with immediate start
PFA Fire Stations ( 1-13) — 2 wire page trunk circuit
PFA 14 — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up )
Streets —
4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M signaling
Traffic OPS — Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up)
Transfort — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with Immediate start signaling
215 N. Mason — 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair, at 600 ohms with wink start signaling
300 Laporte — PBX recorded announcement trunks that interface to Interalia digital voice
Capability to support dry audio interface
39. Referencing Section 3.15.1 Mobile Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question 412.
40. Referencing Section 3.15.2 Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #13
41. Referencing Section 3.21 Call Accounting, provide interface requirements and quantity of call
accounting users.
Answer: The Call Accounting system must interface with the legacy PBX and vendor's
proposed VoIP system. The current legacy PBX interface is a serial connection to a
buffer box that has LAN connectivity to the present call accounting system. All
telephone sets must have call accounting capability.
42. Referencing Appendix 8.2, please provide a list of all locations to be included in this with set type and
quantities and trunking per location.
Answer: See response to questions #11 and #29.
35. Referencing Section 3.10 EOC, is a standalone system expected or an extension of
the central IP Communication System for the emergency set up of 12-24 IP phones?
Answer: Extension of central IP Communication system.
36. Referencing Section 3.11 E911 Support, provide additional system connectivity and
programming requirements for Intrado integration.
Answer: See response to question #30.
37. Referencing Section 3.12 Call Center, is there a specific agent quantity?
Answer: 21 Agents.
38. Referencing Section 3.14 Overhead Paging, list of locations. (Paging interfaces
could differ depending on the site)
Answer: Paging interfaces by location:
• 700 Wood St: 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms
and E & M signaling
• 835 Wood St.: 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms
and E & M signaling
• Water Treatment: 4316 W. Laporte - 2 wire page trunk circuit and
auxiliary contacts for night ringing over speakers
• Water Treatment: 3600 E. Drake - — 2 wire page trunk circuit -Page
voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start signaling
• PFA Admin.: 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms
with immediate start signaling
• PFA Fire Stations ( 1-13 ): 2 wire page trunk circuit
• PFA 14: Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up )
• 4 wire page trunk circuit — Page voice pair at 600 ohms and E & M
Traffic OPS:
• Telephone Interface ( Analog port dial up)
• 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with
Immediate start signaling
215 N. Mason:
• 2 wire page trunk circuit - Page voice pair at 600 ohms with wink start
300 Laporte:
• PBX recorded announcement trunks that interface to Interalia digital
voice announcer. Capability to support dry audio interface
39. Referencing Section 3.15.1 Mobile Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #12.
40. Referencing Section 3.15.2 Headsets, specific quantity or just unit pricing?
Answer: See response to question #13
41. Referencing Section 3.21 Call Accounting, provide interface requirements and
quantity of call accounting users.
Answer: The Call Accounting system must interface with the legacy PBX and
vendor's proposed VoIP system. The current legacy PBX interface is a serial
connection to a buffer box that has LAN connectivity to the present call
accounting system. All telephone sets must have call accounting capability.
42. Referencing Appendix 8.2, please provide a list of all locations to be included in this
with set type and quantities and trunking per location.
Answer: See response to questions #11 and #30.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
Description of RFP: P1041 Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System
OPENING DATE: 4:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 22, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Responses:
1. Are we looking for a proposal for a "managed system" similar to Centrex services?
Answer: We'd like to see such a proposal.
2. Does Ft. Collins have fiber to all locations?
Answer: Yes.
3. How much area does the WAN cover?
Answer: Phase 1 is in a campus environment spread throughout the city. City
is 65 sq. miles.
4. Numbers of PDA devices (Blackberrys) in use?
Answer: 185.
5. Is Fort Collins asking specifically for Cisco products?
Answer: No.
6. Would we trade in the Nortel PBX and when?
Answer: We would be interested in discussing trade-in value, but transition
will be gradual so can't really be specific about when we would release the
Nortel. Vendors could provide a value based on trade-in at 3-5 years (various
7. What is the deadline for submission of requests for clarification?
Answer: You are welcome to submit questions up to the proposal due date of
September 22, 2006. However, the City of Fort Collins will not guarantee a
response to questions submitted within 48 hours of the proposal submittal
date and time.
8. On Appendix 8.2, there is a reference to "station side digital ports". Should it be
assumed , based on information elsewhere in the RFP, that these ports are to be
equipped as IP?
Answer: Yes.
9. On Appendix 8.2, a number of soft phones are requested for each location. Will
these soft phones be equipped in addition to the previously listed digital/IP ports, or
215 North Mason Street • 2"" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 W W WAeov.com
is it the intent to allow users to use either the hard phone or the soft phone on the
same desktop?
Answer: Proposed in addition to a hard phone but cost may dictate an
either/or scenario.
10. On Appendix 8.2, what is the application for the "station side analog ports"? Faxes,
modems, etc? How many analog sets are required for these ports, per site?
Answer: At the proposed sites there will be the need for fax, modem,
TDDITTY, etc. Not aware of any analog sets currently in use at these three
sites but need to be able to accommodate given future sites do currently have
analog sets in use.
11. On Appendix 8.2, what is the breakdown, per location, for the numerous locations
listed as one entry under "Poudre Fire Authority"?
PFA Admin -12 (proposed addition adds to PFA Admin - 23) Total PFA
Admin = 35
Fire Prevention (PFA Admin) -12
Training OEM Bldg. A (PFA 13) - 11
Training OEM Bldg. B (PFA 13) - 6.
PFA 1-13
PFA 3-8
PFA 4-8
PFA 6-11
PFA 7-7
PFA 10- 10
PFA 12 -10
PFA 14 -11
Total = 162 IP
Analog = 1 @ each location (fax) + 6 network paging modems + 31 ports -
(Dialogic, Info Line, paging, fire alarm panel). Specific locations are not
known at this time.
Total = 51 Analog
12. How many "Mobile Handsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
13. How many "Headsets" are required per location?
Answer: Unknown. Looking for ability to support.
14. How many ports are required for the new voicemail system?
Answer: Your calculation based on # of voice mail boxes in RFP.
15. How many Unified Messaging clients should be proposed with the new voicemail
Answer: Initially 250 and prices for scaling.
16. Section 1.1 cites one of the Objectives for the City as "Ability to change network
equipment in the future without retooling the IP communications system". Is it the
intent of the city to acquire an IP-based telephony system that is data network
manufacturer agnostic?
Answer: Yes.
17. One of the Baseline Features in Section 3.9 calls for "On -demand call recording for
the life of the call'. How many stations would require this functionality on day one?
Answer: 50 with scalability to 150.
18. Should it be assumed that all stations requiring this functionality will be IP and not
TDM or analog?
Answer: Yes.
19. How many agents should be assumed for the optional Call Center pricing?
Answer: 21.
20. What are the general requirements for the Call Center?
Answer: (Skills Based routing, historical reporting, real-time displays, etc.)
Standard call center requirements including call recording for the life of the
call, IVR and CTI.
Please contact Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6778 with any questions
regarding this Addendum.
43. Based on the response to Question #30, it appears that 300 Laporte is the main location with a
gateway at the new Police Building. However, the question wasn't answered regarding user locations
and quantities across the referenced 64 sites.
Answer: Gateways are required at both 300 Laporte and the New Police Building.
Only Phase 1 locations (New Police Building, Water Treatment and the PFA sites) need
to be included in the RFP Phase response, with system expandability to 2000 users
across 64 locations in later phases.
44. Are all the addresses listed under paging going to be all of the sites included in phase 1?
Answer: Paging- Phase 1 only includes New Police Building, Water Treatment and the
PFA locations. Paging interfaces would need to be included in the RFP response for
those Phase 1 sites with capability to support the remainder of the existing paging
interfaces at the rest of the sites.
45. Can we get end user count by address to be included in phase 1?
Answer: Appendix 8.2 lists by site the number of sets required in Phase 1. Response to
question #11 details the location requirements for the Poudre Fire Authority. Proposals
must specifically address the Phase 1 sites. The proposed solution must be expandable
to support all 2000 users at 64 locations in later phases.
46. Does the RFP scope only address replacing the one Nortel PBX and the other sites are standalone to
be addressed in subsequent phases? If theremote carriers have local trunking it would be useful to
know so we provision the same level of local trunking unless all trunking will be tandemed via 300
Answer: The Nortel PBX replacement will occur in phases over 3-5 years. All sites are
currently networked to the main site PBX. The remote sites currently have no local
trunking, only the main PBX location currently has inbound/outbound trunking.
47. While the response (#30) advised E911 is to be provided to all locations, we could also assume that
this will be provided via the database information in [the City's] current E911 and not require local
gateway trunking or [proprietary solution] which would associate an I Phone with a pre -defined co -
located POTs line.
Answer: E911 location information is currently provided for all 64 locations via the
current Intrado database. However in the event of LAN/WAN failure Question #30
stated that backup E911 trunking be provided to all locations. Vendors' need to
provide backup E-911 trunking to the phase 1 sites only in the RFP response.
48. Referencing Section 2.2 PSTN Trunking Network, is there a Visio detailing the locations. Specifically,
where should PBX gateway equipment be located? Where will the users be located? Appendix 8.2
matrix does not specify # of users per location.
Answer: Inbound/Outbound trunking needs to be at the current PBX location (300
Laporte Ave) and the new Police Building. Outbound trunking for E-911 backup needs
to be provided at all locations. Vendors will propose how to accomplish site
survivability. Additional information provided in the response to question #44.
49. Follow up questions: Does the current Nortel support QSIG networking? If not will the current vendor
provide the required hardware and software to make the Norte] QSIG capable?
Answer: Please see Addendum #4 on the City's RFP web page under the Purchasing
Department heading for software version and feature packages on the Nortel PBX. The
Vendor is responsible for determining if the Nortel has the correct hardware/software
to support vendors' proposed integration method.
50. Does the implementation experience required below need to be with a municipality within Colorado?
Can the references for municipalities be for municipalities within the United Sates, but outside of
Answer: Yes.
51. General: For migration strategy from Nortel PBX to VolP system, to assure scalability of the
[proprietary] offered solution, please specify the number of Nortel extensions that are NOT included in
this RFP.
Answer: —1593
52. Referencing Section 3.1, please explain configuration/definition of 1 FB circuit that would provide
continuity with LAN/WAN failure.
Answer: The 1 FB circuit is for E911 backup.
53. Referencing Section 3.1, please provide specifications for Teleworks and First Responder, and
please state specifically what you expect from the VolP phone system once interfaced to these
Answer: The Teleworks/First Responder systems require analog line interfaces. The
VoIP system will need to be able to route calls to the Teleworks/First Responder system
and support a hunt group to that system.
54. Referencing Section 3.6, the RFP appears to require Power over Ethernet (POE). Will the existing
network support POE, or does the POE requirement conflict with section 3.4, "Utilization of existing
network infrastructure is the optimal design goal'?
Answer: Power over Ethernet (POE) is an RFP requirement for the phone sets. Of the
three phase 1 sites the Water Treatment Facility has POE capable network equipment.
The PFA sites have some POE capable network equipment. The new Police Building is
currently specified to have Cisco POE network switches installed. It is up to the vendor
to provide a POE solution with "utilization of existing network infrastructure the
optimal design goal". Reference Appendix 8.1
55. Referencing Section 3.15.3, what is required for wireless call handling devices (i.e. received calls
from VolP phone system inside City buildings?, beyond City buildings?)?
Answer: Vendors should show capability to support wireless VoIP handsets inside City
buildings and the network infrastructure required.
56. Referencing Section 3.15.4, does the City expect the vendor to only specify hardware (i.e. laptop
PCs, routers, etc.) for softphones, or, should the hardware be included on the bid?
Answer: Vendor should supply minimum PC requirements (OS, memory, etc.) to
enable the softphone. Proprietary hardware would have to be specified and bid if
required to make vendor's softphone operational.
57. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require 4-digit dialing between VolP phone system and the
Nortel system?
Answer: Yes.
58. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require line appearance of the Nortel activity on the VolP
phone sets?
Answer: No.
59. Referencing Section 3.16, does the City require cell phone voicemail to provide a voicemail waiting
indication on the VolP phone sets?
Answer: No.
60. Referencing Section 3.20, please explain the 6-digit routing entries for new office codes (i.e. NPA-
Answer: Ability to route by NPA, NXX or both NPA and NXX.
61. Referencing Exhibit B, what is the City's proposed payment schedule?
Answer: The City of Ft. Collins generally pays for goods and services after the terms of
delivery, installation, testing and acceptance are complete. Consideration will be given
to other payment schedules submitted by vendors. The City of Fort Collins reserves the
right to negotiate those payment schedules before any final contract approval.
62. Does the city have, and would the city be willing to provide current hardwarelsoftware/version
information on network equipment (Cisco, Enterasys, etc.)?
Answer: The vendor should submit their requirements as part of their proposal
63. What is the hardware configuration of the 6500 switch (blades, sup engine, spare slots etc)?
Answer: For the Cisco 6513:
IOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-IPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version
12.2(1.8)SXF, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fel)
2 Supervisor 720 engines
1 Enhanced FlexWAN controller (4 Serial)(1 HSSI).
5 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
24 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
60 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
4 Serial network interfaces
1 HSSI network interface
1917K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of packet buffer memory.
65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K)
64. What will be the selected vendors role in managing the Opt.81 during the various phases of the VolP
installations, and up until the Opt.81 is decommissioned?
Answer: All hardware, software and programming required to make the Water
Treatment Facility and the PFA sites operational and 4 digit dialing with the remainder
of City locations. Vendor will also support the hardware and software required for the
PBX interfaces to the VoIP system until the PBX is decommissioned.
65. Will the Police District #1 site be part of the first phase, and will it require IP phones in the phase one
installation process? The PFA sites shown on the drawing are only 2. Will phone service be
extended to the other stations during phase 1?
Answer: All PFA locations are to be included in Phase 1. Reference Appendix 8.1.
Police District 1 is not included in Phase 1.
66. How many Auto Attendants are required, and what is the number of call trees anticipated within the
first phase and follow on phases?
Answer: Paragraph 3.16 lists current mailbox types on the Octel. Since the voice mail
system is to be replaced prior to Phase 1 the City expects vendors' proposed system at a
minimum support those types and number of mailboxes.
67. In the drawing there are 3Com routers shown. What model and version are these routers, and/or
should it be assumed that these routers are to be replaced as part of this proposal?
Answer: The 3Com router at PFA #7 may have to be replaced based upon vendors'
proposed system. The model is SuperStack II NETBuilder. Vendors should reference
Appendix 8.7 to recommend equipment.
68. Can the Vendor assume that adequate space as well as environmental controls are in place for the
necessary VoIP equipment? Or, would potential Vendors be allowed to perform a site walk-through?
Answer: The City has no knowledge of vendor's proposed system space or
environmental requirements. Please specify in your RFP response your system's space
and environment requirements.
69. There is some mention of Irving, TX in the RFP document. Can proposer assume this to mean the
City of Ft. Collins?
Answer: This is an error in Appendix 8.4 and will be corrected.
70. Referencing Section 3.3 Network Design, could the terms Network Infrastructure and telephony
system hardware be more clearly defined.
Answer: Network Infrastructure is defined as data network components of LAN/WAN.
Telephony system is defined as voice components of the proposed system.
We are requesting that you submit any data network upgrades that are required to
support your solution.
71. Call Accounting:
a) How many numbers (users) will be tracked by the call accounting component? All
Telephone numbers and modems? Or only specific users?
Answer: All numbers (users).
b) Is all call accounting currently being tracked from the Opt. 81, or are some call records
coming from remote systems? (Under new configuration --Call records coming from
Opt81, and VoIP system only?)
Answer: Yes, call accounting is currently being tracked from the Option 81. Also
.csv files from various vendors are imported as well. The .csv files will continue to
be imported under the new configuration.
c) Are there any extensions without DID's that must also be tracked by call accounting?
Answer: Yes. All numbers(users) are to be tracked.
d) There is a feature requirement of splitting call costs across billing codes. Is this currently
being done within the call accounting software, in some middleware, or within the City's
financial system?
Answer: Existing call accounting software.