HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - RFP - P872 PFA GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR FIRE STATION (2)August 15, 2005 John Stephen, CPPO, Senior Buyer City of Fort Collins Re: Station 5 Addition and Remodel Dear John: The following is the final proposal for the Station 5 Addition and Remodel project. This proposal includes all materials, labor, quipment, tools and supplies as required and necessary to completely execute the work as provided in the contract documents as issued by Vaught*Frye Architects, Bid/Permit set dated July 22, 2005. The base bid pricing does include the door #113 alternate. This proposal is a base bid to be contracted as a total, however we are providing the following breakdown of costs for your information: Surveying & Layout $ 5,260 Traffic & Pedestrian Control $ 1,026 Erosion Control $ 2,656 Demolition $ 27,134 Earthwork & Utilities $ 35,767 Asphalt Paving & Striping $ 23,263 Misc. Site Improvements $ 3,961 Landscape & Irrigation $ 16,325 Concrete - Building & Site $ 48,127 Masonry $ 27,700 Steel, Metals '$ 34,700 Carpentry $ 27,031 Interior Finish Carpentry $ 1,760 Dammproofing, Insulation $ 5,865 Stucco $ 3,300 Roofing & Sheet Metal $ 17,590 Caulking $ 3,062 Doors & Hardware $ 5,409 Overhead Sectional Doors $ 18,631 Aluminum Windows & Storefront $ 9,500 Vinyl Windows $ 1,700 Drywall & Metal Framing $ 9,351 Flooring $ 8,838 Acoustical Ceilings $ 2,381 Painting $ 6,830 FRP $ 1,800 Toilet Accessories $ 242 Casework & Countertops $ 690 (see continuation) THE TEAM OF BUILDING PROFESSIONALS General Contractors 0 Construction Management • Commercial & Industrial 4557 Denrose Court 4 P.O. Box 1969 0 Fort Collins, CO 80522 * (970) 493-1770 4 Fax (970) 482- 4537 ( asGIN VLRIFY Di NOTE, rT &, EXIST, TREE L[R U, ITY LASEftNr_FAAK10J& wagg MOTE, C.C. SHALL FIELD i 1 VERIFY ALL. LMAT134S 9F r EXISTING U G. UTITILTIES NW, 90. Il T. TRtE FI O E CAN D) 104S ---i — iTE; REPLACE/REPA-IR SQ) D IRRIGAIZON SYSTEM DISTURBED E� PERM OF NEW PARKING AREA ADDITONS 4i P Y f CY L..Bg El EXIST, aENERATOR t� €XI$T. LILC, GEAq r �^ Z, kEy,a'T YPEE T.J a CHAIN 4 s lV3 lofA REMOVE ALL TMT, TRIES & LANSG'AF';;'G 14I114Y HEw St'E1cH A TO RZKIvED 3 EXISt j iT.�" ASPHALT PAVED E„ y." { � r PAVING- 19 .. I' E � y F ( P ASP"PAL` ~CURS I aFALVAGED & .tsJ LOU 'r'"fi'�f 4JMir n-.•ERFSi, MASiI"Y S'.4.L 1r B tkp e 5 m"C',T..«ARSN114 �.�i9Y4'dH�r+�3Y��.x � � e AkL u. " jai .ter - NER DISCHARW uG, BRAIN i NC ✓t CX.C. 7 LflrE TRC�C� RE S+AVER_l ._! t .1. i "° ;q "•^ya n ,,y ExiST. PL+NTI #E.. ' . hF...... cr!n"5 ,rig. I �, A f;: r xv",t+%7o-`,;"'L. E'zE .""a.0 & II 5= •-=�._..�; ! s $ "EN t"k" 'dF"K. j ,._ I hATICA SYSTEM ,� �,-' . 7 itP a `IM1 .a NEW PAR ITY iC3PE''Ts ,f C aFvn^i3 `r p"`Ei`, .VE S#rnia'PS '�` EiH INC ' EFoi3F. e4SF�t E. '�• k EF 6C£ COW CCRB a 1"IST E€r,=,Tsv cr FEW 7 CNISY FL.nCaPCLE Y f v I i y,"" ; .. f iT F'. mm August 8, 2005 Vaught Frye Architects 401 West Mountain Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Attention: Mr. Gary Dennison Subject: Exploratory Pit Observation Fire Station #5 Fort Collins, Colorado Project No. F003533-145 CTI_ ) Thompson was requested to observe the soils in an exploratory pit to better determine the depth of fill present below proposed additions to the fire station. Our Mr. John Boulden visited the site on August 3, 2005 to observe conditions in the pit. The pit had been excavated to a depth of 9 feet In the parking lot at the front of the living area of the existing fire station. The pit was located about 30 feet west of boring TH-1. The following soils were observed In the test pit: 6 inches of asphaltic concrete and 4 inches of aggregate base coarse material over 1 to 1.5 feet of dark sandy clay fill over 6 feet of sandy clays with layers of silty to clean sands (less than 3 inches thick) underlain by weathered claystone in the bottom of the excavation. In our report (FC03533-125 dated July 7,2005) we suggested three options for the building floor slab subgrade. Those options included placing the slab on the fill, removing 2 feet of the existing fill to be replaced as engineered fill, and complete removal and replacement of all existing fill. Our boring (TH-1), with the greatest depth of unknown fill, was located in the vicinity of a water line. It Is likely that the unknown fill in this boring is trench backfill. Our other boring (TH-2) and the exploratory pit indicate 1 to 3 feet of unknown fill. Based upon this new information and our observation that the existing pavements are performing well in the area of the proposed addition, we believe floor slab movement on the existing fill will be more tolerable. Considering economy and performance, the slab may be placed on grade in accordance with the first option in our report. At a minimum, the subgrade should be scarified, moisture treated, and recompacted after clearing and removal of existing pavements. Areas that will be subject to truck traffic and parking within the building should at a minimum be prepared and constructed using a pavement and base coarse section at least as thick as currently exists at the site. We can provide a pavement design if desired upon request. The above recommendations are based upon our understanding of the soils existing at the site and the proposed construction. Variations in the subsurface conditions not indicated by our borings and the exploratory pit are possible. This work was prepared to the standard of care exercised by other engineers practicing in the area at this time. No warranty is expressed or implied. if we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact US. Very truly yours, CTL I THOMPSOM INC John J Bouiden, EIT Staff Engineer Reviewed By: Howard Perko, Ph.D, PE Division Manager JJB:HAP:bly VAUGHT FRYE ARCHITECTS 2 FIRE STATION #5 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO GTL I T PROJECT NO. FC03653.146 Blinds & Shades $ 1,210 Fire Protection $ 20,995 Plumbing $ 17,074 HVAC $ 18,540 Electrical $ 67,750 General Conditions $ 68,750 Weather Protection/Temp. Heat $ 3,098 Builder's Risk Insurance $ 512 State Sales Tax Exempt Permits & Fees BY OWNER Bonds - Labor, Mat. & Performance $ 8,217 SBI Fee - Per Contract $ 22,242 BASE BID TOTAL $ 578,287 The following are the costs to add the fire protection system alternate to sprinkler the remainder of the building. This alternate pricing does not include any costs for structural improvements to support the system. Drywall Repair $ 450 Painting $ 1,815 Fire Protection $ 13,400 Bonds, Insurance $ 314 SBI Fee, per contract $ 640 ALTERNATE $ 16,619 add to base bid The following is the alternate pricing to delete the FRP in the Captain's Garage and replace with the Fiberon Wall System Delete FRP <$ 1,800> Add Fiberon $ 8,252 Bond, Insurance $ 129 SBI Fee, per contract $ 264 TOTAL $ 6,845 add to base bid Schedule: This project is intended to start with SBI mobilizing to site to begin work Monday, August 29, substantial completion on or about February 17th, 2006 and final completion (including punchlist, etc.) by March 3, 2006. Please review and advise of any question or comments. Sincerely, S' ett P ers, Inc. nett Vice President, Project Manager john@sinnettbuilders.com cc: file, Scott Steel THE TEAM OF BUILDING PROFESSIONALS General Contractors 0 Construction Management 0 Commercial & Industrial 4557 Denrose Court • P.O. Box 1969 • Fort Collins, CO 80522 • (970) 493-1770 • Fax (970) 482- 4537 FIRE STATION #5 ADDITION ADDENDUM I August 9, 2005 1. Existing overhead doors on the Apparatus Bay are to be removed, salvaged & delivered to the Owner at 3400 Vine Drive, Ft. Collins. 2. Re: Civil drawing C-4 Grading & Utility Plan. New water service is shown coming into the SW corner of the Apparatus Bay Addition. This is incorrect. It is to come into the SW corner of the Office/Bedroom Addition. The sprinkler valve is located in the SW corner of the Garage in the Office/Bedroom Addition. See attached sketch 1 of 1 Revised Water And Fire Lines 3. Re: Al.1 Room Finish Schedule: North and South walls of the Apparatus Bay are noted to be painted. This refers only to the new (addition) portion of the apparatus bay walls. The existing Apparatus Bay walls do not need to be re- painted. 4. Re: Al.1 Alternates: Eliminate Alternate #3 (concrete filled steel piles). On -site investigation of soil conditions has revealed that the spread footings, as shown on the Structural drawings, are acceptable. See attached letter dated August 8, 2005 from CTL Thompson re Exploratory Pit Excavation (FC03533-145). 5. Overecavation & Fill below slabs on grade: Re: Systems Notes Floor Slabs F1 & 172: Remove the requirement to "scarify & recompact 18" below slab or below vapor barrier." Replace with "Remove existing man -placed fill below slabs and replace with compacted structural fill as directed by Soils Engineer". For bidding purposes, assume that the depth of the man -placed fill and therefore the required excavation and structural fill is 12" below the bottom surface of each slab. (Note that slab F1 is 4" thick and F2 is 6" thick.) Provide unit costs for additional excavation and structural fill beyond that depth. See attached letter dated August 8, 2005 from CTL Thompson re Exploratory Pit Excavation (FC03533-145). 6. Re: Re: Systems Notes Exterior CMU walls W2 & W2A: Add the following: Fill all ungrouted cells with pourable masonry insulation (Perlite or approved substitution). 7. Re: Sht. A7.2 detail 6 PVC Window Head Detail and detail 2 Exterior Door/Window W/ Aluminum Frame in Stud Wall (Head). The soldier course and projected rowlock courses shown above the window and door frames is incorrect. Brick above the doors and windows will be flush running bond as shown on the Elevations Sht. A2.1. 8. Add Sht. A01. Fire Separation/Sprinkler Scope Plan with plans 1: Base Bid — Building Partially Sprinklered - Fire Separation/Sprinkler Scope Plan and 2: Alternate #2 — Building Fully Sprinklered - Fire Separation/Sprinkler Scope Plan. See attached drawings. Note that the scope of new fire sprinkler coverage under the Base Bid includes all of the Office/Bedroom Addition and extends into the eastern portion of existing building where new ceilings are being installed as part of the addition. Note that this extent of coverage is shown incorrectly on the Fire Suppression Plan on sht. FP1 of the Mechanical/Plumbing Drawings, because it does not indicate this area to be sprinklered as part of the Base Bid. $ Note that under the Base Bid a 1 hr. rated wall, door and frame are added to separate the existing west wing from the rest of the building and thereby separate the building into Fire Containment Areas that are less than 5,000 s.f. See Addendum item 9 below. 9. Re: attached 1/Al.1 Partial Floor Plan & A7.1 Revised Door Schedule. Add new 1 hr. rated wall and Door & Frame 113 to separate the existing west wing from the rest of the building. Note that this wall, door & frame are only required -under the Base Bid, and are not to be included under Alternate #2 (Fully Sprinklered Building). 10. Re: Attached A7.1 Revised Door Schedule. Add door type 5 (1 hr. rated flush door w/ narrow clear wire glass light). Change door 107 to type 5. 11. The project will be constructed in two phases under two separate permits: Phase 1: Apparatus Bay Addition and all Sitework Phase 2: Office/Bedroom Addition 12. See sketches A and B attached with this addendum to clarify trees that are to be removed, and new trees added to the landscape plan. 13. See sketch B for location of drain line, this includes heat tape by electrical contractor. Landscape contractor to include irrigation and landscape repair for the installation of this new line to the existing irrigation ditch on the north end of the property. 14. The overhead doors are to be similar to the units existing. Pricing should also include the stop/go light system when door are clear for trucks to leave. Provide a specification / literature on the OH door unit you are proposing. Units at minimal are insulated with light kits, and all are obviously electrically operated. 15. The asphalt paving section for the new parking lot is as follows: drive section is (1) lift of grade S at 2" thick over (2) lifts grade SG at 3" thick each lift - total full depth of the section is 8". The parking areas are to be (1) lift of grade S at 2" thick over (1) lift of grade SG at 4" thick - total full depth of the section is 6". This is similar to the paving section from Station 14. 16. Acoustical ceiling tiles are to be matched (if possible or as similar as possible) to existing. 17. The fire sprinkler system must include dry or glycol anti -freeze systems in the attics. The existing roof structure for the apparatus bay (base bid) and remaining existing building (alternate) may not be able to support the additional weight of the sprinkler piping system. Contractors are to bid running these lines on the walls exposed, with side spray heads, or your best method to get the coverage not being able to hang from the roof / ceiling structure. 18. For bidding purposes, painting contractors shall figure 470 feet of sprinkler pipe to paint under the base bid (new living quarters area will be above ceiling) and 550 feet for the alternate, sizes vary between 1" and 3" in diameter. No Text No Text 17. 1 Partial Floor Plan TOILETS LAUNDRY HALL 5HOWERS NOTE: TNIS NEW I W RATEDFRAME ARE 11 T""ER5 BASE BID. ELIMINATE UNDE TOILETS ALIERJATE 4 (WELT EXIST. CM! W4 L- INR RATED OCCUPANCY: MEGH/ELEG. R9 1 WALL. EXIST. 3/4 MR RATED NM ow EXIST. I NR CM OCG. SEP." A7.1 Revised Door Schedule DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR DOOR mum PM Dumb M DOOR 0 1 w X N X T 1 WAT6ML PAWN TYPE MATERIAL P9l11 TYPE RAT60 HEAD w M EEL R@kVjm 101 12'-0' X 14'-0' Sim PREEN 4 - - - 4/A7.2 SIM 4/A7.2 NA POWER OPERATED SECIIONAL OVERHEAD DOOOR 102 Ir-0' X ic_w Sim PREEN 4 _ _ _ /A7.2 SM 4/A1.2 NA POWER OPERATED SECMONAL OVERHEAD OOOOR 103 Ir-0' X 14'-0' Sim PROM 4 - - - /A7.2 ON 4/A1.2 NA POWER OPERATED SECRONAL OVERHEAD DOOOR 104 3'-0' % r-O' X 1 3/4' NN PANT 2 HM PAINT HM2 /A1.2 SM 3/A73 TH PAW HARDWARE 105 3'-0' X 7'-0' X 1 3/4' ALIM PREM 3 ALMA PREM Al A7.2 2/0.2 TN PANIC HARDWARE 106 10'-0' X E-o' STEEL PREEN - - - /A7.2 SIM 5/A7.2 MA POWER OPERATED SE07IONAL OV064M DOOOR 107 3'-O' % 7'-O' X 1 3/4' HM PANT 5 HI (CALV. PAINT HMI 60 MN /A7.2 SM 6/A1.2 - FIRE RATED DOOR ! FRAME. CLOSER. NOTE WALL THICKNESS 9/16' RIOER UNDER ALWINAVE PI THAN LNOER BASE M. 106 3'-0' X 7--0' X 1 3/4' WD SaC 1 HIM PAINT NMI 1/A7.2 SM 1/A1.2 - 109 PR- S-0' X r-0' X 1 3/4' WD SAC 1 w PANT HMI 1/A7.2 SM 1/A7.2 - 110 3-0' % r-D' X 1 3/4' WD SAC 1 HM PAINT NMI 1/A1.2 SM 1/A1.2 - III Y-O' X 7'-D' X 1 3/4- WD SAC 1 HM PANT NMI 1/A1.2 SM 1/A7.2 - 11 SM7 1 HM PAINT /A1.2 SM 1/A7.2 - 113 S-O' X 7'-0' X 1 3/4' WD S6C 6 HM PLAIT MI 60 MN 1/0.2 SIM 1/A7.2 FIRE RATED DOOR ! FRAME M 050 NOTE TM DOOR ONLY RE" UNDER BABE M. ELIMINATE tMER ALTERNATE PL 41YL—.Y11'WKR ABBF;�VIATi0N6 PI■#I— FI■+rWP� Wt IYAlAW Y■fAL WIC — RAN CllIR 114R11 4^V.—OALVAe N AVAWM7 TMRTMR0.D NO 90.ID MINE WQ I Q WOMEN DOOR TYPES VINYL WINDOW TYPES 1■fSMD n1R r NKX_4LAPR L -L&L wwrwL K DT.Hc WI w■oEWNxW HIGHS vRn'L NMI■ fJM■6 WIE011 1Waw■ ae.Plvo WWH66Hnn 6yM101) aua■nRH WMHPNO TXPR! § 1D!■HD R ML f �6�RY1�i9DT YAe w IRHWCRLRIWMmANDOM M� DO M TYPE 1 V40M TYPE 2 M M 3 DOOR TYPE B W l be=91i1 �M RHawc M.LWmW ID na■Hr AMR1N EIpM Aue■4R4 DOow M HALFLever W' a 1!■■gg, CM AZM W MARROW LXMR M HWL PA11110 0P1HeA O, m; Tcr AAL m NKIN O PINMV PAFK WIRpO AMOPMO DOOR TYPE 4 IM AW SM MIMWMY. OANGIMU w Kw Mr r1W1MIs� GF■wat"ReWe■aaLTKcm N1IRL HAU L EXISTING THIS WATER AREA METER )GATE `� - ADDITION POLE AND 'ING — WALK HAUL AND — ,RETE Project: PFA: 02/05 Scale: 1"-20' Designed By: a PROPOSED 12x6 TAPPING TEE W/ TB, 6" GATE VALVE W _ W 5020- , FO F0, REMOVE EXIST. CURB, GUTTER AND WALK UP TO EDGE OF RAMP. W W 02 a NEW CURB, GUTTER J AND 6.5' WALK ° REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT CURB --,,_-,_..,;,,PROPOSED ._104 LF OF i COPPER WATER SERVICE 60LF' OF 6" PVC FIRELI�E 90' BEND W/ TB 10 'LF OF 6" PVC FIRELINE r 20 0 20 40 60 Feet ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY STATION NO. 5 REVISED WATER AND FIRE LINES J G of CIVIL ENGINEERS4L*1;;o 1435 West 29th Street. Lovebnd, Colomdo, 60536 Phone: (970)461-2661, Fas: (970)461-2665 www.dmweivilengineem.com 1 Sheet 1 Sheete