HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 6025 TREE PRUNING AND REMOVALCITY OF FORT COLLINS BID PROPOSAL '' '� �.s../�A.:. 4.a�.:. 1..' �'...� +• j..�A�. Red � fit. '.a i. ..l_'.�"... WE HEREBY ENTER OUR BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINT REQUIREMENTS FOR TREE PRUNING AND) ANAL ANNUAL PER THE BID INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS: The City of Fort C) ims is requesirng bids for community forestry mortenantce work which includes, but not limited to, #ree3 pruning and removal auras of City -owned trees. This bid will be used to award work on a lime r and material base. Gontractors must have the abiilty to comorts the project per standards and Fs in a timely maaww All work will be rued by work orders. The City Forestry Departrnermlt repnoanfotive reserves the right to Issue work orders to the most productive ca*wbr rw*me performs to specification. Owners, or Operallonww Managers, and Field Crow Supervisors of each contracting company must hold current Arborist (Cedillicalion with the International Society of Art)ouicukure QSA) and provide their aertilkm on nurmbrms with the bid. The City of Fat CcaNiins wAl tame the contractor with the laves hourly rafts tossed on a four (4) person crew with equapnernt on most jabs, but reserves the right to award to the top five (5) contractors. This is a one year aggnaernent twit, at the option of the City, time Agreement may be extended for additional one year pmerient not b exceed four (4) adder one yew per• Pricing changes slat be negotieledi byy arad agreed to by bosh pities and may use the Denver - Bouker CPI-U as PmAlished by the Cobmrato State Planning and Budget Olitae as a guide. Wtitlen notice of renewal shallbe provided to tthe Service Provider and nn 1- W ro liter then 90 days prior tocorntractend. Awarded eontracbr murslt sign the attached Service Agreement and provide insurance per Exhibit or. a City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 BID 6025 Tree Prunina and Removal BID SCHEDULE 2007 .IA"J''9 p;4 s c 14 Hourly Rate for a four (4) person crew' with equipment (3) climbers and (1) ground person (1) bucket truck (minimum 55 ft. working height) _ $ Z Z- (1) chipper and truck (must handle at least a 9" diameter log) Hourly Rate for a three (3) person creW3 with equipment (2) climbers and (1) ground person 1 (1) bucket truck (minimum 55 ft. working height) _ $ I ,15 (1) chipper and truck (must handle at least a 9" diameter log) Extra price per hour Tree Climber Ground Worker Chipper & Truck Operator Lift Truck & Operator Log Loader Truck & Operator5 Type: J r en -LGr Stump Grinders & Operator (stump grinder > 50 HP) Stump Grinder & Operator $ 4S _ $ So _ $ I LS _ $ 1ZS _ $ 1 ZC _ $ _ $ ADDITIONALLY: Provide an equipment list with hourly prices including an operator. *Describe the type of log -loader truck included in your bid ISA Certification # 1A 2. 2 3 2- P-on 2,ti& t / A FIRM NAME 4; P- - Ca W ty\S 'T�y^e-e_ 5 co ti-P Are ypq a Corporation, Pagaawhi^R_�.,�!� SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 34D I F DQ, PHONE/FAX#: It"— EMAIL: t`� tie < 2 W 3 iz 1 A four (4) person pruning crew would include 2 to 3 persons working in the trees, either climbing or using a lift truck, with 1 to 2 persons acting as the ground crew to handle brush (2 people based on need). This price would include equipment to support a 4 person crew such as lift truck, log loader truck, chipper & truck etc... 2 Any contractor desiring to provide extra workers, in excess of the four person crew, must receive authorization from City Forestry prior to each job. 3 A three (3) person crew would include 2 persons working in the trees, either climbing or using a lift truck, with 1 person acting as the ground crew to handle brush and clean up. This price shall include the cost of support equipment such as a lift truck, log loader truck, chipper & truck etc... 4 This bid will be provided to all interested City departments to accomplish tree related work on projects. The breakout prices may also be used in the case of storm related, or other emergency events where the City would need to use contractors to help with cleanup operations. 5 A log loader truck refers to any piece of powered equipment that is used for brush clean up or to load logs and debris from pruning or removal work. Examples would be a grapple truck or a small crane truck. b An hourly price for stump grinding is included in this bid as a pricing source for City departments who have need of a stump grinder and operator, such as City Engineering.