Htwlly Rafe fur a l ltortr (Jy p4NOW Clew' wlth equ"*W
(3) dimbws ancf (1) ground person uo
(1) budot buck ((nd *mxn 55 ft. working height)
(1) chipper and ktuck (must hanidle at least a V dverveker log)
Hourly Rate for a *vae (3) person 4ioW wfth equipment
(2) climbers and (1) ground person
(1) budot buck ((rninfrnu n 55 ft. working Wight) = 3 •
(1) dripper and teuck (must handle at 1d a V diaanet er lag)
Extra price per how
Tree Ckrnber
Chipper & Truck Operator
Lift Truck & Operator
Log Loader Truk & Operators Type: Khu Ite •
Stump Grinders & Operator (stltrnp grinder > 50 HP)
FIRM NAME V-" j .t
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1 A film (4) person pruning crew would elude 2 to 3 persons working in the trees, either climbing or using a Tilt
suck, with l to 2 persons acting as the ground oxew to handle brush (2 people based on need). This price would
inchuds equipment to support a 4 person crew such as ]ift truck, log Mader truck, chipper t truck etc...
2 Any contractor destrirng ito provide extra workers, an excess of the four person crew, must receive authorization
fi+on City Forestry prior to each job.
3 A three (3) person crew would include 2 parsons working in the trees, either climbing or using a lift truck, with I
person acting as the granmcd crew to hartile brush and clan up. This price shall include the cost of support
equipment such as a lift truack, Mg loader track, chipper & track etc...
4 This bid will be pmviderd au all interested City departments to accomplish tree rested work on projects. The
breakout prices may also the used in tie lose of storm reiaiod, or otter emergency events wham the City would need
to use croutraaors to help wi tth cleanup operations.
5 A log loader truck refer to any piece of powered equipment dot is used for brush clean up or to Mad logs and
debris flram pruning or remhoval work. Examples would be a grapple truck or a small creme truck.
6 An hourly price for Ou nip grinding is included in this bid as a pricing scarce for City departnients who have need
of a stump grinder and ope nst r, such as City 8agineering.