HomeMy WebLinkAboutPREFERRED STRATEGIES - CONTRACT - CONTRACT - LAUNCHER SOLUTION KITFROM :PREFERRED STRATEGIES, LLC FAX NO. Jan. 03 2007 09:54AM P1 LAUNCIIFK SOLUTION KIT LICFNSE AGREEMENT •IMpQWrANT-Rtrad'Mis Cnrufully Before lnstalfing the Sollwaro- ' HIS IS A LEGAL AUREEMUNT HETWIftiN YOU AND PREFERRED 5'1'ItATEG117S, LLC ("PS"). Dr,T01til CONTINUING WITH THE, INSTALLATION OF 'I HE PROORAM, YOU MUST READ, ACKNOWLEDGE, AND ACCUPT Ti M, TIMMS AND CONDITIONS OF 11Ik, SOFTWARE LICENSE A0111:1-WENT THAT FOLLOWS. fl. con Or I ccNs& Ptofcrre- d Strategics, grams you a nonoxclusivo and limited license to use lfic l,tutncher Solution Kit Software accompanying this Limnse Agreement, solely in occordauce with the terms note conditions of this Lioonse Agreement. The Software is licensed, not sold, ro you. 2. INS I'ALI.ATION AND US& You noay install and use the Software only in this configuration and for the ruunbor of licenses ordered by you. in ordor to exercise your rights to the Software under Out; License Agreement you must activate your copy of the Software in the manner described in the liccnsg ,locutnent provided to you. ifraNt-red Strategics may control the number and type of licenses and the nsc of the Software by key codia. You may exercise your rights to the Software undeah this License Agreement alter the License Agreement is signed and submitted to Pmfbrra4 Strategies, This License Ag,r.cmcN can be mailed to 1'r0fcrrrd Strategics, LLC at 2425 Portur Sircot, Suite 20 Soquel, CA 49073 or !axed to (11H) 232.7337, Once this agreement is received by PR, PS will sand you your ll"-IISo: wdo that will be used to activate tie product, Once the Software Is licensed to you, you may modify the contents of the Laulhehor Soitition Kit to fit the needs of your M Edwards Ptit xprisoOne and/or Worts environment. Preferred Strategics is not liable for any modifications made by you to the contents of the Launcher Solution Kit. 3 I,IC:mm TYPI?ti.'flw t.ouneher solution Kit is licensed on an Colarprise basis. Busirim ObjwL3 Crystal Reports and/or r1imimw Objects twerprise liccnsx s are not transferable to PS to he used for the Lamrcher Solution Kit, 3.1 Iivalnalion/Not for Resale License, if you nctluired an Evalualion or Not For Resale license, you may install the software for a podod consis,tont with the license code provided to you by PS, You are acquiring only the limited right to Ilse a single copy of the Software for evaluation purposes. You we not acquiring any rights to the Software itself. You may not rc-sell or otherwise tramfor an Rvalualion or Not for Resale Lic caso. 4. 01111CR RILMAICfIONS. Except as expressly permitted by this Umso Agreement, you hereby acknowledge and a;;roc that: (u) you will Access the Software only iu connection with the protesting said distribution to your emphoyte:s, customers and business pannors of. (i) your data, and (11) any third-pt+dy dda you haven. right to process and distribute; (b) you will not use the. Software, by itself or with other apptiealions, oil a dmashuring basis or to operate a service bureau facility Or service provider busingso for the benefit of third -parties union you first acquire an Application Service Provid.r License from PS; (c) you will not madlfy or translate the Software except he noeasawy to configure the Sollwurc uning the menus, options and toots provided for such purposes and contained in the Software; (d) you will not in any way reverse enginmv, disassemble or decompile the Software or nay portion thereof except to the extant and for the express purposes authorised by appliLablc iaw notwithstanding this limitation; (c) you will provide Access to the Software only as allowed in this Agrccnwnt; (f) you will not sublicense, assign, rent, sell, lease, distribute or otherwise tr,'tnsfer the Software or any of the rights gmntcd by this License Agreement, unless you olituin a se.7matu license from PS fbr such purposes ((br example, you may not embed the Software into onotllot appncntion and Ulan distribute such to third patties or provide ncccus to the Soflwarc in a service provider model without first contacting PS and acquirina an OEM or ASP license from PS); (G) Th(S license agreemont dogs not in itself give you any right to distribute the Software. If you 2007.01.03 08:27:36 GMT -08:00 (888) 232.7337 51892 FROM :PREFERRED STRATEGIES, LLC FAX NO. Jan. 03 2007 09:55AM P3 dtwumenttitiotl; and (IE) for a period of ninety (90) days from delivery the physical media (a.S., diskettes or CD-ROM) road Physical documentation containing the Software will be free fiom dufecis in materials and workmanship. Any implied warranties on the Software and modES are lim11ad to ninety (90) days From delivery, to the extent such waleatnles cannot be disclaimed under Smlion ll(a) below. 'Tic above warranties specifically exclude deloeb reselling from accident, abuse, unaulhorInd rupnir, modifications. or trithuncements, or misapplication, PS does not warrant Ural. toga of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. Delivery of additional topics of, or revisions or upgrades to, the Software, including releases provided under a 11101Mcaanee pmgmin, 911411 not 11411 t or otherwise at%ct the. warranty period. M Your auclusive ratnedy for bmwh of the above -stated limited warranty shall be, 0 PS's option, citla'r: (t) corrvAiott Or relliaueelent of the Software with products) which conform to the above• stated limited warranty; or (if) react of the price paid for the Sollwore and termination of this b.lcanse Agroamanr with respect to those topics not in eotnpllonca. Such remedy shall be provided to you by PS only iryou give PS written notice of any broach of the above -stated Ifinhad warranty, not later than ninety (90) days following year Ir mipt of the Software- (e) EXCEPT AS IJXPREJSSI,Y SF.T FOWI'I( IN THiS SPCTION B, PS AND iTS SUPPLIERS AND DItiTItIAUTORS MAKE NO WARRANT11.5, REPRESBNTATiONS, CONDITIONS, OR (EUARAN11iFS OF ANY KIND, E)TIIER EXPRKSS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR (A1iFRWl317, OPAL OR WRITTEN, W1'r11 RESPI;Cr TO TIIF. SOFTWARE, AND ANY SERVICES FURNi8I11313 IN CONNECTION WiTH TI11S LICENSI-. AORRL'MMT, INC LUVINO Wri'I IOU7' 1dMl'1'A'f10N ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIKS OR CONDITIONS: (i) OF MERCIIANTABIIATY; (11) OF SATISFACTORY OR MERCNANTABL)b QUALITY; (i(l) OF FII'Nf:SS FOR A PARTICUI.Att I'URPOSI;; (iV) OF NONINFRINGIiMENT; OR (V) ARiSINC FROM COURSE OF PIA- FORMANC:F., COURSE, OF DEALING, OR USAGF, OF TRADE. SOME; STATES/JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW 111R EXCLUSiON OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO Till! ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, AND YOU MAY HAVr (Yri IER 1.130A), lib@11'S TIIAT VARY MOM STATF:TO STATE Olt 1)Y JURISDiC1 H)N. 9. 11011TATION OF 1,IABII.ITV. 'f'O TIIR MAXIMUM 5XTENT PERMITIMD BY APPLICABLE (,AW, IN NO EVI'sNT W11I, PS OR ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS, SUPPLIERS Olt AFYIWATES 35 LIABLE FOR: (1) COSTS OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; (11) SPIWIAL, IND1101 I', INCIOL',N'rAL Olt CONSi:QUENTiAi, DAMAGES OF ANY CI IAKACrPlt, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CON'1'RA171' OR TORT, EVEN IF PS HAS BEAN AI)VISlil) OF THE POSSIBILITY ON SUCH DAMAGE'S; (III) ANY CLAIM AGAINST YOU BY ANY 1111RD PARTY; AND (IV) ANY DAMAGES, LOSSES OR iNJURIMS TO YOU, OR THOSE CLAIMING TIIROUG1I YOU, IN Y.XCBSS OF THE rLIsS PAiD BY YOU FOR TIIF, SOFTWARE Olt SMRVICLi.'t DIREC11.Y CAUSING 'f11B LIABlIATY. THrSL LIMITATIONS WiLL APPLY N01'WITUSTANDINO ANY FAILURE OF I; stiN'f(AL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. THE FORPOOING ALLOCATION OF RISK IS RrFI,FCrED IN THE PEGS ('I lAltGED t1N09I1 T111S i.(C ENSE A00PARNT. SOME: STATlVIURiSDIC110NS DO NOT ALLOW TIIF LIMITA'11ON OR P.XCLUSION OF LIAti11dTY FOR INCIDEN'I'AI. OR CONl11:Q( iENTIA 1. DA MAORS, SO THE ADOVP. LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 10. '1 YMMINA'111ON-111ia Liccmm Agreement is effective until terminated under this Section 10, You may tcrniruatu this License Agreement at atly Jima by providing PS With written notice, provided that you have complisd with the romm ondfor doetnletlon policy net forth below. I lowcvcr, you shall reecivo a rofumd oryour license leo only if Otis Lieonsc Agroement is terminated in oompllance with Bowdon 8 hereof. "1'1114 i.ierrige Agreement may he tctminalod by PS if; (I) you fail to pay the liavmsc fees an.l atlrer charges set fordi at Ilia 011e of gout order; or 00 you fail to comply with any of the terns and condition co( ftardr in Oils Licciise Ag mtriont and do not remedy such failure within thirty (30) dnya after nxciving police thercaf Upon any termination of 11rts License Agrccmont, you g3rae to: (i) iemmedialely cease all use of the Software, including iho use Slid distribution of any Cnslom Applications incorlloralinL the Soilwarc; (11) either return the Sonware to I'S or da*troy 2007-01.03 08:27:36 GMT-08:00 (888) 232-7337151892 FROM :PREFERRED STRATEGIES, LLC FAX NO. Jan. 03 2007 09:56AM P5 Invalidity shall not aiAtct [lie vnlWhy of the remaining portions of this License Agrconicnt. This License Agreement oonetllutcs thu entire hgrctnrtcnt butwcen you and PS, and supersedes any prior agrcentcni, ahulilur Nritten or oral, tclating to die subjtxl maticr of (his (.iccnso Alcemcnt, IM License Agrccmoat may not lie tewdirtQd cxeopt by an inslrumant in writing duly signed by an nutboriaed reproso mitivo a anch or cite parties. I r you arc acquiring the Soliwam on belialf of an entity, you represent and wnrraot that you have the ILTal capacity to bind such entity to this License Agreement, All tennis of uny purchase order or other ordering document submitted by you shall be supers dtd by this I dcunse AyrC=Cnt. In the evcnt you rand PS have excgnW a muttwlly agrood upon lattorprise Software License Agreement (' t:S1.A'� and acquired the Software pursuant to such ItSLA, the terms of qto BSI.A shall Sovorn your use of the Software and the ttnms of this License Agreement shalt be supersWod by Ow PS1,A. no product ttamo for the Sotlwarc is a tndemartt or ragistered rndctuark of PS. Should you have questions concerning this License Agreement, please contact a PS oMce, or write to: Pruilund Strategics, LLC, Attn: Ctin"ets Deportment, 2425 Purtur SVW. Suite 70, tinqucl, CA 95073, Please iudicato balpw whether you at"pt, or do not accept, the terms and conditions of this sottwnre licence agreeatanl. ,C PRN.FItititl,D STRATEGIES, ILs-&�Ty- c�c.�4,Shathet'� 5ignntura:, _•_ Sirnatun P.-3 K- Print Nmne:� r r`t L..: tZl.. _ Print Na . ,,, J;e•iss z.r���=1 • Title; r� k d n i5'lX.b! Tit' Thle: w ►)ate;_� ��,R1••--• _ lkitc: �y(df " 2007.01.03 08:27:36 GMT •08:001(888) 232-7337151892