Citv of rcllt Collins
Description of RFP: P1039 Banking Services
OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 18, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Answers
1) Do we have a list of drop box locations?
Drop boxes are currently serviced by city personnel and will not be part of the
listed armored car services.
2) Are sales tax payments currently processed through a retail or wholesale lockbox? Do
the payments get returned to the Bank with a scannable coupon? If they do not have a
scannable coupon and are processed in a wholesale environment would you prefer to
receive all of the back up in paper format or online as images?
Tax payments are made to a wholesale lockbox. The coupon is not scannable and
the paper document is returned to the city.
3) How many items in the utility lockbox come back as a check only? How many match the
coupon amount? How many have multiple checks per coupon?
Approximately 29 thousand items are processed monthly with approximately 5%
being returned to the city for various reasons (i.e. dollar amt does not match, no
signature, etc.)
4) Are you currently using a true Controlled Disbursement account today? It is listed on
your fee schedule. If not, are you interested in using a remote disbursement point to
issue your Accounts Payable checks?
Yes, we do have controlled disbursement. No, we are not interested in using a
remote disbursement point.
5) How much cash do you deposit on a monthly basis? Do you deposit coin?
Still researching the answer.
6) Do you have the need for change orders? If so, how much cash and coin do you order
per month? How many orders do you have per month?
Approximately 2k per week in various bill and coin denominations.
7) Are you open to having the payroll, accounts payable and insurance accounts set up as
zero balance accounts (zba)?
Yes, this is an option that we may decide to use.
8) Do you prefer a partial or a full account reconciliation with your positive pay on your
disbursement accounts?
Full account reconciliation.
215 North Mason Street • 2" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www.l'ceov.eom
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................5
BACKGROUND INFORMATION...............................................................................................5
INVITATION TO PROPOSE.....................................................................................................5
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO PROPOSE...............................................................................6
PROPOSAL CALENDAR........................................................................................................6
NEWS RELEASE..................................................................................................................7
PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................8
A. Submittal...........................................................................................................................................8
B. Format...............................................................................................................................................8
C. Implied Requirements........................................................................................................................9
D. Required Items...................................................................................................................................9
E. Exceptions to the Prescribed Format.................................................................................................9
F. Proposal Term...................................................................................................................................9
PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION.............................................................................9
A. General Evaluation Guidelines..........................................................................................................9
B. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals.................................................................................................10
C. Performance Standard....................................................................................................................10
D. Acceptance Time.............................................................................................................................11
E. Contract Negotiation........................................................................................................................11
F. Term of Contract..............................................................................................................................11
G. Commencement of Services............................................................................................................12
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS................................................................12
A. Qualifications and Experience.........................................................................................................12
B. Collateralization Provisions.............................................................................................................12
C. Conversion Considerations.............................................................................................................12
D. Banking Supplies and Forms...........................................................................................................13
E. Report Formats................................................................................................................................13
F. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to General Requirements and Specifications: .......
G. Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery ..................................................................................13
A. Overview of Current Banking Services............................................................................................14
B. Accounts and Services....................................................................................................................14
RESPONSE ITEMS FOR ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES.............................................................17
A. Proposal for Accounts and Services................................................................................................17
B. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to Accounts and Services......................................17
C. Performance Indicators...................................................................................................................18
D. Implementation................................................................................................................................18
FUTURE SERVICES AND ENHANCEMENTS...........................................................................19
A. Credit Cards and Procurement Cards.............................................................................................19
B. Additional Services at City Locations...............................................................................................19
C. Short-term Financing.......................................................................................................................19
D. Small Scale Financing.....................................................................................................................19
E. Bond Issues and Lease -Purchase Transactions.............................................................................19
F. Training Programs for City Employees............................................................................................19
G. Technological Advances..................................................................................................................19
H. Other Enhancements.......................................................................................................................19
Attachment A -Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals .....................21
Attachment B-Service Pricing Form................................................................................................22
Attachment C-Proposal Preparation Checklist................................................................................24
Attachment D-Armored Car Courier Service Stops........................................................................25
Attachment E-City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement...................................................26
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from banks qualified under Colorado Revised
Statutes to provide banking services for municipal governments.
Written proposals, seven (7) will be received at the Office of Purchasing & Risk Management, PO
Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Proposals will be received before 3:00 P.M. (our clock),
September 18, 2006, Proposal No. P1039
Questions concerning the scope of the project should be directed to, Chuck Seest Financial
Officer (970) 221-6795 or Harold Hall, Investment Administrator (970) 221-6784.
Questions regarding proposal submittal or process should be directed to James B. O'Neill ll,
CPPO, FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management (970) 221-6775.
A copy of the Proposal may be obtained as follows:
1. Download the Proposal/Bid from the BuySpeed Webpage,
2. Come by Purchasing at 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, and request
a copy of the Bid.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have
a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material,
supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -
making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be
rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
Collusive or sham proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
s B. O Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
of Purchasing & Risk Management
The City of Fort Collins and its Finance Department (hereafter referred to as the City) is seeking
proposals from qualified banks interested in providing banking and direct deposit payroll
processing services to the City and its employees. These services are to meet the City's
banking services needs as described in this Request for Proposal (RFP) and shall include:
Depository Services
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Wire Transfer Services
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Lock Box Service
Direct Deposit Payroll
Controlled Disbursements, Account Reconciliation, and Positive Pay
Information Reporting
Banking -Treasury Workstations
Armored Car Courier
Additional Future Services or Enhancements
This RFP contains the instructions governing the proposals to be submitted, the material to be
included within the RFP, minimum requirements that must be met to be eligible for
consideration, and other requirements.
The City is a municipal corporation organized under Article XX of the Constitution of the State of
Colorado. The City derives its powers from the State Constitution, applicable Colorado Revised
Statues, and the home rule charter.
The City's current banking services are provided by the First National Bank of Fort Collins. First
National (and its predecessors) has provided banking services to the City for over 25 years.
According to a separate agreement and not subject to this RFP, Wells Fargo provides the City
with security safe -keeping services. Also subject to a separate agreement and not subject to
this RFP, the LaSalle Bank of Chicago, Illinois provides purchasing card services for the City.
By this Request for Proposal, the City is contacting prospective banks that have an interest or
are known to meet the "Requirements to Propose" as specified below. All interested institutions
that were not contacted are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the policies,
procedures, and dates set forth herein. NOTE: In the event of a "no proposal," please sign the
RFP, indicate "No Proposal," and return.
The City has no expressed or implied obligation to reimburse responding banks for any
expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.
All material submitted to the City of Fort Collins in response to or regarding this RFP becomes
the property of the City and will be returned to the bank only at the City's option.
The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time and for any reason. The City may
issue any combination of clarifications, modifications, or amendments it may deem appropriate.
The City's minimum requirements for banks responding to this RFP include:
a. A Green VERIBANC, Inc. rating
b. Total assets of at least $2 Billion
c. Approval as an Eligible Public Fund Depository by the Colorado State Banking Board
d. Capital ratios indicating the bank is at least adequately capitalized
The City cannot enter into a contract with a bank that does not meet the minimum criteria
outlined above. Bids from banks that do not meet the minimum criteria may not be considered.
Banks that do not currently meet the minimum criteria but desire to submit a proposal must
include a written Justification for Consideration. A written Justification for Consideration does
not obligate the selection committee to consider the proposal of a bank that does not meet the
minimum criteria. Designation as an eligible public depository by the State Banking Board
cannot be waived.
The following calendar outlines the critical dates for the City of Fort Collins Banking Services
RFP process. The City reserves the right to adjust this timetable as required and will provide
written notice of any changes to all banks that may desire to submit a proposal.
Date Event
August 21 RFP issued
September 8 Written Proposal Inquiries Due by 3:00 p.m.
September 18 Proposals due. Sealed proposals with seven (7) copies.
October 11 Interviews, if necessary.
November 1 Evaluations completed. Contract sent to selected bank
November 6- Implementation
December 31
January 1, 2006 Contract begins
Any questions or clarification regarding this RFP and the subjects contained therein must be
made in writing on or before September 8th. If there is any perceived ambiguity, conflict,
discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP, the Bank should immediately notify the City in
writing and request modification or clarification of the document. Required modifications to the
RFP or responses to all submitted inquiries will be given by written notice to all potential firms
on or before September 12cn
The bank desiring to submit a proposal is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict,
discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP prior to submitting the proposal.
Please direct all written inquiries to: James B. O'Neill, Director of Purchasing
City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80521
By facsimile: (970) 221-6707
Via e-mail: joneill@fcgov.com
Such inquiries will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., September 8, 2006. All inquiries regarding
content or banking services issues received by the Purchasing Department will be forwarded to
the appropriate staff person for review and will receive a response.
Contact with City personnel, other than written inquiries to Jim O'Neill, Chuck Seest, or Harold
Hall regarding this RFP may be grounds for elimination from the selection process.
News releases pertaining to this selection process or any part of the subject shall not be made
without prior written approval by the Financial Officer. Direct all information regarding news
releases to:
Mr. Chuck Seest, Financial Officer
City of Fort Collins Finance Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Facsimile: 970/221-6782
E-mail: cseest@fcgov.com
A. Submittal
The City reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas or
information provided in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected.
Submittal of a proposal indicates acceptance by the bank of the conditions contained in
the RFP unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in
the contract between the City and the Bank.
According to the Colorado Open Records Act, all information submitted in response to
this RFP is a public record. Such information will be available for inspection upon
completion of contract negotiations and award. The bidder should not include as a part
of the response to this RFP any information that the bank believes to be a trade secret
or other privileged or confidential data. If the bank wishes to include such information in
the proposal, then the material must be placed in a separate envelope and labeled with
the proposal number and clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL". The City will endeavor to
keep that information confidential, separate and apart from the proposal, subject to the
provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act (CRS 23-72-201 et.seq.) or order court.
B. Format
All banks should organize their proposals according to the format described below.
Failure to comply with all provisions of this RFP may result in the proposal being
disqualified. Significant deviation from the format prescribed below may also result in
the proposal being disqualified.
Banks must submit proposals that are substantially complete, thorough, and accurate.
Brochures and other similar background material may be attached to the proposal but
will not be used by the City evaluation team in determining the extent to which the
proposal is responsive or complete.
Proposal should be bound and include the following items (in order):
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Responses to the "Minimum Requirements"
5. Responses to the "General Requirements and Specifications"
6. Responses to the Response Items for Accounts and Services
7. Responses to the "Additional or Future Services and Enhancements"
8. Account Analysis Form
9. Signed Copy of the Proposal Certification Form (Attachment A)
10. Completed Service Pricing Schedule
11. Appendices
The City has created a proposal checklist (Attachment C) to guide banks in the proposal
preparation. Failure to include all items listed on the checklist may result in the
disqualification of the proposal.
C. Implied Requirements
Products and services that are not specifically requested in the RFP, but are necessary
to provide the functional capabilities offered by the bank, shall be included in the
D. Required Items
Included in the sealed proposal package, but not bound with the proposal, each bank
must include a Transmittal Letter. This letter should briefly state the bank's
understanding of the work to be accomplished, provide a commitment to perform the
work, and indicate the proposal is firm and irrevocable for the period of the contract. It
should also identify all materials and enclosures included in the response to the RFP.
Each bank must submit copies of its three (3) most recent audited financial statements in
the sealed proposal package, but should not bind the statements with the proposal
E. Exceptions to the Prescribed Format
In prescribing the format for proposals, the City desires to make the responses from the
banks consistent and comparable. The City recognizes that banks may vary in their
approach and processes to providing the required services. Proposals that deviate
significantly to the required format may be rejected. All requested information must be
submitted, or if not, an explanatory statement summarizing the bank's reasons for not
submitting the requested information must be provided.
F. Proposal Term
All proposals must be valid for 180 calendar days from the required submittal date.
A. General Evaluation Guidelines
Opening Time and Date: Purchasing staff will open proposals on September 18, 2006,
at 3:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Savings Time, at the Purchasing Division Officer located
at 215 N. Mason, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Public Record Disclaimer: Under the Colorado Open Records Act, all information in the
proposals is a public record and will be available for inspection upon completion of
contract negotiations and award. Only the names of the banks submitting proposals will
be released prior to the completion of contract negotiations and award.
The City's proposal evaluation team will read and evaluate all proposals submitted. The
evaluation team will include the Director of Purchasing and Risk Management, the
Financial Officer, the Finance Department Investment Administrator, and other City staff
Throughout the evaluation and selection process, the Director of Purchasing and
Financial Officer reserve the right, in the best interest of the City, to request additional
information or clarification from the banks, or allow corrections of errors or omissions. At
the discretion of the City, banks may be requested to make oral presentations as part of
the evaluation process.
After proposals are opened, banks may not amend or clarify submitted proposals unless
the Director of Purchasing and Risk Management requests such information.
B. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals
The evaluation team will use the following criteria to judge and score the written
proposals and, if necessary, for interviews.
The rating scale shall be from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest score, 3 being an average
rating, and 5 being an outstanding rating.
Fees and Compensation The proposal that provides
the banking services at the lowest total cost to the City.
The total cost for the requested banking services will be
determined using the attached Pricing Schedule
Attachment B
Understanding City
Degree to which the proposal and supporting materials
demonstrate that the bank understands the City's
needs and operational requirements. Quality and
scope of the conversion implementation plan.
Financial Strength
Evaluation of key financial ratios and financial position
provided by independent rating services.
Scope of Services
Scope of Banking Services. The availability and quality
of services proposed by the bank. Includes the value
of any new product or service suggestions or other new
ideas and enhancements.
The experience, resources, and qualifications of the
bank and individuals assigned to the City's account.
Relevant experience managing similar relationships
with public sector clients..
At the option of the City, interviews and site visits may be conducted with some or
all of the banks responding to this Request for Proposal. The final selection will be
based on an evaluation of all of the information submitted and the City's
determinations that the proposal will best serve the City's needs.
C. Performance Standard
In their proposals, banks should strive to meet or exceed the standards of performance
provided in this RFP. The evaluation team retains the SOLE responsibility to determine
the extent to which proposals meet or exceed the standards of the City.
D. Acceptance Time
The City intends to make a bid selection for contract negotiations by November 1, 2006.
Award shall be recommended to the respondent whose proposal best meets the needs
of the city, not necessarily to the lowest cost respondent.
E. Contract Negotiation
If necessary, the City shall have the right to negotiate with one or more of the banks that
respond to this RFP or the successful bank. The content of the RFP and the selected
bank, including the scope of services, will become an integral part of the Contract, but
may modified by the Contract.
By responding to this RFP, the bank acknowledges the willingness to include, in the
Contract, any information provided in response to this RFP.
A proposal in response to this RFP is an offer to contract with the City based on the
terms, conditions, scope of work, and specifications contained in the RFP. The City's
Standard Services Agreement is attached as Attachment G. The City expects that both
parties will execute the contract prior to November 6, 2006.
During the period between the award and the completion of the Contract, this RFP, in
conjunction with the accepted proposal, will constitute, unless otherwise negotiated, a
legal binding contract between the City and the selected bank.
According to the Contract, the City may terminate the Contract upon 90 calendar days
written notice.
The selected bank shall waive all rights to security interests and rights to set -offs to City
The City retains the specific power and authority to require the selected bank to furnish,
such information the City may request or demand concerning the portion of deposits
which are issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the amounts of the
bank's capital funds, and the nature, amount, market value, and location of the eligible
collateral maintained or pledged by it to secure City deposits.
F. Term of Contract
The City is seeking a contract for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew four
(4) additional one-year periods. In order to determine the maximum cost of the banking
services contract, the City will evaluate each proposal based on the entire contract cost
over five years. Therefore, specific annual costs must be given for each of the five
years. Please note that Attachment A requires a total dollar cost for each of the five
G. Commencement of Services
The City expects that banking services selected through this RFP process shall
commence on or before January 1, 2007.
A. Qualifications and Experience
• Describe the bank's size and location of primary site and service site, size of
staff, staff designated for the City's account, and staff designated for the
• Identify key measures of the bank's financial strength, for example, capital ratios,
market capitalization, total assets etc.
• Provide ratings for the bank and bank holding company from two of the following
agencies: Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Thomson Bank Watch, or VERIBANC.
• Provide Proof of Compliance with the Colorado Public Depository Act (PDPA).
• Provide contact names and addresses from three other public entities with
service demands similar in size and scope as the City of Fort Collins.
B. Collateralization Provisions
• Copy of PDPA designation and Certificate of Eligible Public Depository
• Explain how funds over $100,000 will be collateralized
C. Conversion Considerations
The Bank is to assist the City with conversion and compensate the City for any and all
costs associated with banking services changes.
■ Describe the Bank's proposal for conversion.
• Provide a detailed description of any assistance the Bank would provide to the
City during the conversion process.
• Banks submitting proposals should describe how they would compensate the
City if the award of this RFP results in a bank change for the City. The
description should be specific in addressing items such as:
-Collection and replacement of all old forms, check stock, deposit slips, bank
bags, endorsements stamps, VISA, MasterCard equipment, etc.
-Coordination of computer and computer system compatibility
-Customer service assistance during the conversion period
-Customer service assistance after the conversion period
-Reimbursement for City staff time or temporary employees required to
convert services to the new bank
-Reprogramming and revisions of the City's financial systems if required
• Itemize all estimated costs associated with the issues immediately above.
Describe how the bank would compensate the City for the cost of conversion if
9) What type of EDI services are you using today?
Positive Pay file and utility lockbox file.
10) Page 6 — Could we receive clarification of the $2 billion total asset requirement? May the
assets of the holding company be included?
Assets of the holding company may be included.
11) Page 6 — The reference indicates the contract would begin January 1,2006, we assume
this should be January 1, 2007
January 1, 2007 is the correct start date.
12) Page 7 —The inquiry response is designated as September 12, 2006. Can this date be
All questions submitted by September 81h will be answered on or before
September 12th
13) Page 9 — Are the Bank call reports acceptable for audited financial statements? If call
reports are not acceptable, will consolidated holding company financials be accepted?
Consolidated holding company financials are acceptable.
14) Page 9 — Do we need a copy of the financials bound separately in each package?
A single set of audited financials is acceptable for the 7 copies of the proposal
15) Page 11 — Section E Contract Negotiation- paragraph 6 third line, word "issued", should
this be "insured"?
16) Page 13 — Disaster Recovery- Most banks are not willing to share this- could this be a
plan reviewed with City staff on a verbal level?
An overview of the plan would be acceptable. Specific details may be requested
from finalists to this RFP. Verbal responses from finalists are acceptable.
17) Page 18 — Performance indicators — This is a very comprehensive report. Are there
particular indicators you are looking for?
A summary of overall performance is acceptable for this requirement. Only
indicators that are relevant to the services in this proposal are necessary.
18) Smart Trips is listed, will this be a permanent stop?
A stop for Smart Trips is currently included although changes to include or delete
stops will be made as necessary.
19) Is a stop needed at the Youth Activity Center?
A stop is not currently included although changes to include or delete stops will
be made as necessary.
20) What size of balances does the City keep in the accounts to offset monthly service fees?
Average balances range from 0 to as much as 2 million depending on the account
and the activity for the month.
21) Could you provide a copy of the most recent "monthly" analysis statement, in order to
provide more specific "monthly volumes", for services?
See attachment for a consolidated account analysis statement for July 2006.
D. Banking Supplies and Forms
The Bank will provide supplies and forms for services used by the City
• Include a List of all supplies and forms to be used to provide the services
• Costs to the City must be itemized and included on the Pricing Schedule
E. Report Formats
All proposing banks must include sample reports.
F. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to General Requirements and
• How will the bank remain aware of and in compliance with federal and state
• List any known or anticipated banking structure changes for the Corporate,
Primary, and Local offices for the next five years.
• List any known or anticipated banking structure changes for the banking industry
in general for the next five years. Please be specific.
• List all recent or anticipated merger, acquisition, or charter change to the Bank
that could affect the City in the next five years. Please be specific.
• Describe the type of insurance policy the bank carries on held funds and funds in
transit. State the name of the insurance provider.
• Please explain how the daily sweep of excess funds are invested. Do you have
an agreement with a Local Government Investment Pool for this purpose?
G. Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery
• Describe the bank's disaster recovery plan in detail; when was the plan last
updated? Tested?
o What is the location of the off -site facilities?
o How quickly can the off -site facilities be activated in case of an emergency?
o Has the emergency services and disaster recovery plan been implemented
for a real disaster? Please provide a narrative describing the situation.
o What is the contingency if the regular disaster back-up site is unavailable and
prevents work from being processed on a same day basis?
• Does the bank compensate in the event of a loss?
A. Overview of Current Banking Services
First National Bank of Fort Collins is the current provider of banking services for the City.
The current banking relationship includes the following accounts and services (detailed
descriptions provided below):
1. Item processing (credits and debits: including cash/ check clearing, Automated
Clearing House deposits — ACHs and Electronic Funds Transfers — EFTs).
2. Receipt/disbursement accounts and safety deposit boxes.
3. Out -going and incoming wire services.
4. Lock -box processing for utility payments and sales and use tax payments.
5. Daily armored car courier service.
6. Daily account sweep and transfers via telephone.
7. Account statements, reports and account analysis.
B. Accounts and Services
1. Item processing
a. Receipts
Deposits are collected from several City locations and taken to the bank where
they are credited to the City's checking account. The bank also credits payments
received from customer utility bills and sales tax receipts through a lock -box
arrangement with the City. The bank collects payments on behalf of the City in
the form of cash, check, account transfer, wire transfer, EFT and ACH.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of items processed: 51,971
b. Disbursements
The City processes its general payroll every two weeks and its pension payroll
monthly. City employees have the option of receiving their payroll in the form of
a physical paycheck or a direct deposit. For direct deposit, the City provides the
bank with a file containing all account information, and the bank handles the
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of physical paychecks: 1,450
Number of direct deposits 3,750
Tax payments (EFT): 8
The City processes its accounts payable checks regularly on Monday and
Thursday of each week.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of checks processed: 2,900
2. Accounts and Safety Deposit Boxes
a. Money market interest account
Primary depository account for utility payment receipts, sales tax receipts and
customer deposits/payments. This account is swept to a zero balance each
morning into a local government investment pool.
b. Payroll account
Disbursement account used for bi-weekly and monthly payroll.
c. Accounts payable account
Disbursement account used for all accounts payable checks, EFT, wires and
ACH withdrawals.
d. Additional special accounts
1. Self insurance account (payment of claims)
2. HOME program account (receipt of federal grant draws)
3. CDBG account (receipt of program income, grant draws, etc.)
4. Check clearing fund (receipts with insufficient funds, closed accounts, are
debited from this account)
5. Utility Funds' mini -checking account (low balance, low transaction account
used by the City's utility funds for misc. payments)
e. Safety deposit boxes
One large (Y by 6" by 12") box is required for use by the City.
3. Wire services
The City uses the fed wire system as a primary form of payment distribution. Both
incoming and outgoing wires are handled by the City's primary banking relationship.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Outgoing wires: 33
Incoming wires: 10
4. Lock box processing
The Lock box must have a Fort Collins postal address.
The City has a lock box arrangement with its current bank. Items are processed
centrally at the primary bank location and credited directly to the City's account.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Utility lock box payments: 37,000
Sales/ Use tax lock box payments: 3,000
5. Armored Car Courier Service
The City's current banking services includes an armored car courier service that
picks up deposits and receipts on a daily basis. The deposits are taken directly to
the bank and credited to the City's account. A duplicate copy of the deposit ticket is
taken to the City's cashiering department.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of City locations requiring service: 22
Number of courier pickups per month: 360
6. On -Line Services
On-line services will include the ability to review balance reporting for all accounts
(prior day, current position, and lockbox availability), view disbursement account
activity and initiate stop -payments, generate wire and ACH and book and drawdown
transfers, and allow the setup of repetitive transfer templates.
7. Account statements, reports, and account analysis
The bank provides:
• Detailed account statements (hardcopy reports and data files) - Monthly
• Detailed account analysis - Monthly
• CD-ROM containing images of cleared checks- Weekly
• Credit card merchant statement - Monthly
• Faxed copies of ACH returns — as needed
The bank calculates all costs for services that are off -set by an earnings credit from
compensating accounting balances. The account analysis statement depicts costs that are
directly related to the number of transactions (for example, lock box processing, credit card
processing, etc.
B. Paycards
300 to 400 per pay period
C. Proposal for Accounts and Services
• Proposals from banks must include a description for providing the City with
accounts and services:
o This should be a detailed technical and narrative response regarding the
ability to provide and availability of the services itemized in Section XI.
o Information provided in this narrative portion of the proposal must in be
the order described in Section XI.
o The narrative should adequately describe how the services proposed by
the bank match the current banking services requirements of the City.
o The narrative should provide a detailed description of the bank's proposal
for the City's account structure, including the number and type of
accounts, the relationship between the accounts, and the ability to
transfer and track account balances.
• Please include a description of all reporting and communication methods and
identify any customer service issues.
• All proposals for accounts and services must provide the minimum level and type
of services described in Section XI. Any variations from the services currently
used by the City must be expressly listed.
• Proposals for accounts and services should be limited to services that provide, or
are directly related to, the services described in Section XI. Any enhancements
to the services described in Section XI must be provided in Section XIII:
Additional or Future Services.
D. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to Accounts and Services
• For each of the services desired by the City, explain how the bank will be
compensated for its services.
• Describe how all charges for services and supplies are to be paid. Include all
itemized costs for services on Attachment 13- Service Pricing Form included with
this RFP.
• Describe the process required for the City or the bank to change or amend
• State the procedure for dating the deposits that are delivered to the bank by
courier. Is there a specific cut-off time for deposits to be credited on the same
day as deposited? Will they be dated as of the calendar day of delivery,
especially on the last working day of the month?
• Describe how deposits will be listed on the bank statements. The City prefers
that the first sort be by date and then by amount on the deposit tape and the
• Please provide a detailed narrative describing your bank's controlled
disbursement process.
• Describe the formats and media the bank's computer system accepts:
- Checks issued and deposits for the month (City providing information to
the bank)
- Paid items and deposits received (bank providing information to the City)
- All exceptions to the above.
• Indicate the provider the bank will use to provide City stock. The City's check
forms require precise specifications. Explain how the provider will be able to
customize to meet the City's needs.
• Describe how the bank will provide check cashing services for City employees
with City checks who do not have an account with the bank.
• Indicate the cost of accounts for new City employees using direct deposit or for
current employees who change to direct deposit.
• Describe how the bank will use Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Funds
Interchange or other technological methods to pay City invoices.
• Describe armored car service to the City according to the schedule provided at
Attachment D. Include all costs and describe how this service would operate. If
unable to provide this service, explicitly describe an alternative arrangement.
• Please address the following daily cash management and investment issues:
- Minimum balance for accounts
- Method used for handling daylight overdrafts
- How and when the bank will notify the City when an account on the direct
deposit tape is closed
- Requirements for notification of cancellation of direct deposits, both
before and after the tape is processed by the City and provided to the
- Describe the time variance between processing the direct deposit tape by
the Bank and the official release date of funds
E. Performance Indicators
The Bank Administration Institute has established quality indicators for services
contemplated in this Request for Proposal. Does your bank measure performance using
these indicators? If so, please indicate the measurements reported for the most recent
Annual BAI survey. If not, please provide other indicators of the quality of services that
your bank would provide to the City.
F. Implementation
• Provide a copy of all documents the bank will require to implement the services that
it would provide to the City.
• Provide a detailed description of the implementation process, including testing, and a
sample implementation schedule.
• What is the average lead time required for implementation? What are the critical
factors that may impact the lead time?
• Describe the training the bank will provide for the implementation, including materials
to be supplied by the bank or required of the City.
The following are examples of areas that a bank could provide service enhancements. The list
is intended to be illustrative, not limiting.
A. Credit Cards and Procurement Cards.
The current bank provides a limited number of credit cards for a limited number of
employees. The City uses LaSalle Bank of Chicago to provide procurement cards to
City employees.
B. Additional Services at City Locations
The City is interested in the bank's ability to provide banking services to specific City
locations that may benefit City customers and employees. For example, a bank may be
willing to set up a limited banking services site at City locations that have high service
demands. Another example would be providing Automated Teller Machines at certain
C. Short-term Financing
From time to time, the City may need to have short-term, emergency financing available.
Please indicate the bank's willingness to have such "on -demand" short-term financing
service. Please explain the minimum and maximum amount and term of the financing.
Please indicate the procedure and time frame to arrange such financing.
D. Small Scale Financing
Occasionally, the City or its component units need to conduct short-term borrowings.
Please indicate the bank's interest in participating in small, short-term borrowings. The
City would like to know how competitive the bank could be in such situations.
E. Bond Issues and Lease -Purchase Transactions
The City is a regular issuer of long-term bonds and lease -purchase transactions. Please
indicate if the bank has the capability, interest, and competitiveness to bid on such
transactions. Does the bank have the experience and capability to provide financial
advisor for competitive sale bond issues?
F. Training Programs for City Employees
Many of the City's employees have an interest in investing, economics, finance, and
banking. Please describe any training or educational programs the bank may provide to
employees of their clients. Please indicate the banks level of interest in partnering with
the City to provide such a program for its employees.
G. Technological Advances
The City is interested in technological advances that the bank has to offer. Please
identify areas of technology in which that the bank is proficient. The City is continuously
seeking methods to use technology to improve productivity and enhance customer
H. Other Enhancements
The City is continuously striving to keep up with advances in the finance and banking
fields. Please indicate any other services or capabilities that your institution believes
would be beneficial to the City of Fort Collins. The Finance Department is always
interested in suggestions to improve the way it conducts its financial procedures and
affairs. Practical suggestions may or may not be considered in the evaluation of the
A. Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
B. Service Pricing Form
C. Proposal Preparation Checklist
D. Armored Car Courier Service Stops
E. City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement
Attachment A -Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
City of Fort Collins
Request for Proposal: P1039 Banking'Services
Proposal Certification
The undersigned hereby affirms that:
He or she is a duly authorized agent of the Bank issuing this proposal and that all
information provided in the proposal is true and accurate;
2. He or she has read the conditions and specifications that have been made available to
the bank in conjunction with this RFP and fully understand and accepts these terms
unless specific variations have been expressly listed in the bank's proposal;
3. The bank will follow and adhere to all terms and conditions and provide, at a minimum,
all services as expressed in the RFP and the bank's proposal responding to the RFP;
4. The bank is qualified as a public depository as required in this RFP or, if not, has
submitted a Justification for Consideration addressing any failure to meet the criteria;
5. The bank's proposal is offered independently of any other proposer and is in full
compliance with the terms specified in the RFP;
6. The bank will accept any awards made to it, contingent on contract negotiation, as a
result of this RFP for a minimum of ninety (90) calendar days following the date and time
of the bid opening; and
7. If awarded a contract, the bank warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract it's
responsibilities without the express prior written permission of the City of Fort Collins.
Signature of Bank Official:
Name of Official (typed):
Name of Bank:
Note: Proposals submitted without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the bank
may be considered non -responsive and ineligible for award.
Attachment B-Service Pricing Form
Annual Number of Items
Cost per item or
Annual Cost of
Type of Service
or Dollars Processed
Monthly Charges
A. Depository Services
Demand Accounts & Activity
Interest -bearing demand accounts
Non -interest bearing demand accts
Balance transfers
Deposits by check (incl. Iockbox)
Payment of vendor checks
Payment of insurance checks
Payment of payroll checks
Check sorting
Stop payments
Returned checks
Banking Supplies
Visa/MasterCard slips
Demand account deposit slips
Currency exchange
Cashier's checks
Traveler's checks
Safe deposit boxes (3)
Coin wrappers
Petty cash requests
Locking money bags
B. Automated Clearing House
Outgoing excl. payroll -see below
C. Wire Transfer Services
Incoming domestic
Outgoing domestic
Incoming international
Outgoing international
D. Electronic Data Interchange
E. Lock Box Service
Utility payments
Sale & Use tax payments
Automated update of payments
F. Direct Deposit
Payroll (ACH)
Remittance of FICA & federal tax
Pa cards
G. Controlled Disbursement,
Account Reconciliation and Positive
Account reconciliation
Positive pay
22) Is it the City's position that a bank that is not offering Lockbox Services will be eliminated
from this bidding process?
Other lockbox services will be considered. However, the City must have a Fort
Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We would prefer the same
for sale tax/use payments but would consider other addresses for these payments
23) What are the City's financial systems?
JD Edwards, Banner
24) What are the balances maintained in the interest bearing accounts?
0 to 2,000,000 depending on account activity
25) What are the balances maintained in the non -interest bearing accounts?
0 to 600,000 depending on account activity
26)The RFP details eight accounts but the pricing form shows 13 accounts. Can you
please explain the purposes of the additional accounts?
Grant and bond accounts
27) Would City of Fort Collins consider using a Denver address for the lockbox items?
The City must have a Fort Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We
would prefer the same for sale tax/use payments but would consider other
addresses for these payments only.
28) Is the city considering the possibility of awarding banking services detailed in the RFP to
more than one banking provider?
29) What computer systems does the City use for accounts receivable. Payroll and accounts
JD Edwards
30) Who is the current provider for armored car services?
Northern Armored and Loomis Fargo
31) Please provide your check specifications.
Included in attachment B section A of the RFP
32) The City receives CD-ROM for cleared checks. On the pricing form there is a line item
for check sorting. Does the City receive the original checks back as well as receiving
The original paper checks are not returned. The images are also available on-line.
33) Please detail the composition of the cash deposited by the City. Also detail currency
and change orders placed by the City.
Change orders range from 1k to 4k to cover petty cash. Bill and coin
denominations vary.
Annual Number of Items
Cost per item or
Annual Cost of
Type of Service
or Dollars Processed
Monthly Charges
H. Information Reporting
Account statements (hardcopy rpt)
Account statements (file)
Cleared checks images (CD-ROM)
Credit card merchant statements
ACH returns (faxed copy)
Account analysis
I. Banking Treasury Workstation
J. Armored Car Courier
Number of City locations
Number of pickups
K. Bank Representatives to Work
with City
Attachment C-Proposal Preparation Checklist
City of Fort Collins Proposal Checklist
Part 1. The Proposal
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Response to Section X
Response to Section XI
Response to Section XII
Response to Section XIII
Account Analysis Form
Samples of Bank Transaction Form, Supplies, and Reports
Executed copy of Attachment A -
Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
Completed copy of Attachment B-
Services Pricing Schedule
Part 2. Additional Items (not bound with the proposal)
Signed Letter of Transmittal
Written Justification for Consideration (only for banks that do not meet the
minimum requirements)
Three (3) most recent Financial Statements
Proprietary or confidential information
Please cross-reference such information to the appropriate section of the
bound proposal
The envelope should be clearly marked "confidential' and include the
RFP Number P
Deliver the seven (7) copies of the Proposal so that it will be received by 3:00 PM (our
Clock) September 18, 2006.
Attachment D-Armored Car Courier Service Stops
City of Fort Collins
Banking Services
Armored Car Courier Service Stops
Street Address
Service Freauency
Day of the Week
City Finance Department
215 N. Mason, 2"d Floor
3 times a week
Customer Information
300 S. College Avenue
10 times a week
Municipal Court Office
201 LaPorte Ave.
5 times a week
Parks & Recreation Office
214 N. Howes
5 times a week
201 Peterson Street
5 times a week
200 Mathews
1 time a week
Mulberry Pool
424 W. Mulber
5 times a week
1801 Riverside Avenue
5 times a week
Lincoln Center
417 W. Magnolia
5 times a week
Senior Center
1200 Raintree
5 times a week
1900 W. Mountain Ave.
1 time a week
Parks Department
S. Bryan
1 time a week
Collindale Golf
1441 E. Horsetooth Road
7 times a week
City Park Nine Golf
411 S. Bryan Street
7 times a week
Southrid e Golf
5750 S. Lemay Street
7 times a week
6570 Portner Road
1 time a week
Parking Office
210 Olive
5 times a week
Parking Garage
102 Remington Street
6 times a week
Smart Trips
235 Mathews
1 time a week
Building Inspection
281 N. College
5 times a week
281 N. College
5 times a week
Various Drop Boxes
Located in the City
5 times a week
Attachment E-City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and
between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as the "City" and hereinafter referred to as
"Service Provider".
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed
by and between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Scope of Services. The Service Provider agrees to provide services in
accordance with the scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of ( )
page[s], and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The Work Schedule. [Optional] The services to be performed pursuant to this
Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the Work Schedule attached hereto as
Exhibit "B", consisting of ( ) page[s], and incorporated herein by this reference.
3. Time of Commencement and Completion of Services. The services to be
performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be initiated within
( ) days
following execution of this Agreement. Services shall be completed no later than
Time is of the essence. Any extensions of the time limit set forth above
must be agreed upon in a writing signed by the parties.
4. Contract Period. [Option 11 This Agreement shall commence upon the date of
execution shown on the signature page of this Agreement and shall continue in full force and
effect for one (1) year, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. In addition, at the option of
the City, the Agreement may be extended for an additional period of one (1) year at the rates
provided with written notice to the Professional mailed no later than ninety (90) days prior to
contract end.
4. Contract Period. [Option 21 This Agreement shall commence 200_,
and shall continue in full force and effect until 200_, unless sooner terminated as
herein provided. In addition, at the option of the City, the Agreement may be extended for
additional one year periods not to exceed _ (_) additional one year periods. Renewals and
pricing changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. The Denver Boulder
Greeley CPIU published by the Colorado State Planning and Budget Office will be used as a
guide. Written notice of renewal shall be provided to the Service Provider and mailed no later
than ninety (90) days prior to contract end.
5. Delay. If either party is prevented in whole or in part from performing its
obligations by unforeseeable causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or
negligence, then the party so prevented shall be excused from whatever performance is
prevented by such cause. To the extent that the performance is actually prevented, the Service
Provider must provide written notice to the City of such condition within fifteen (15) days from
the onset of such condition.
[Early Termination clause here as an option.
6. Early Termination by City/Notice. Notwithstanding the time periods contained
herein, the City may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing written
notice of termination to the Service Provider. Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15)
days prior to the termination date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by
the parties. All notices provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage
prepaid and sent to the following addresses:
Service Provider:
In the event of early termination by the City, the Service Provider shall be paid for services
rendered to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory performance of the Service
Provider's obligations under this Agreement. Such payment shall be the Service Provider's sole
right and remedy for such termination.
7. Contract Sum. The City shall pay the Service provider for the performance of this
Contract, subject to additions and deletions provided herein, the sum of
($ ) [Option Cost Breakdown is attached Exhibit "C"]
8. City Representative. The City will designate, prior to commencement of the
work, its representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary
and proper decisions with reference to the services provided under this agreement. All requests
concerning this agreement shall be directed to the City Representative.
9. Independent Service provider. The services to be performed by Service Provider
are those of an independent service provider and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins.
The City shall not be responsible for withholding any portion of Service Provider's
compensation hereunder for the payment of FICA, Workmen's Compensation or other taxes or
benefits or for any other purpose.
10. Personal Services. It is understood that the City enters into the Agreement
based on the special abilities of the Service Provider and that this Agreement shall be
considered as an agreement for personal services. Accordingly, the Service Provider shall
neither assign any responsibilities nor delegate any duties arising under the Agreement without
the prior written consent of the City.
11. Acceptance Not Waiver. The City's approval or acceptance of, or payment for
any of the services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights or benefits
provided to the City under this Agreement or cause of action arising out of performance of this
12. Warranty.
(a) Service Provider warrants that all work performed hereunder shall be
performed with the highest degree of competence and care in accordance
with accepted standards for work of a similar nature.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, all materials and equipment
incorporated into any work shall be new and, where not specified, of the
most suitable grade of their respective kinds for their intended use, and all
workmanship shall be acceptable to City.
(c) Service Provider warrants all equipment, materials, labor and other work,
provided under this Agreement, except City -furnished materials,
equipment and labor, against defects and nonconformances in design,
materials and workmanship/workwomanship for a period beginning with
the start of the work and ending twelve (12) months from and after final
acceptance under the Agreement, regardless whether the same were
furnished or performed by Service Provider or by any of its subcontractors
of any tier. Upon receipt of written notice from City of any such defect or
nonconformances, the affected item or part thereof shall be redesigned,
repaired or replaced by Service Provider in a manner and at a time
acceptable to City.
13. Default. Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a
material element of this Agreement. In the event either party should fail or refuse to perform
according to the terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default thereof.
14. Remedies. In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting
party shall be allowed a period of ten (10) days within which to cure said default. In the event
the default remains uncorrected, the parry declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the
Agreement and seek damages; (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific
performance; or (c) avail himself of any other remedy at law or equity. If the non -defaulting party
commences legal or equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be
liable to the non -defaulting party for the non -defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and
costs incurred because of the default.
15. Binding Effect. This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the
entire agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers,
employees, agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs,
personal representatives, successors and assigns of said parties.
16. Indemnity/Insurance. a. The Service Provider agrees to indemnify and save
harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions,
suits, claims, demands or liability of any character whatsoever brought or asserted for injuries to
or death of any person or persons, or damages to property arising out of, result from or
occurring in connection with the performance of any service hereunder.
b. The Service Provider shall take all necessary precautions in performing the work
hereunder to prevent injury to persons and property.
c. Without limiting any of the Service Provider's obligations hereunder, the Service
Provider shall provide and maintain insurance coverage naming the City as an additional
insured under this Agreement of the type and with the limits specified within Exhibit —
consisting of (_) pages[s], attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
The Service Provider before commencing services hereunder, shall deliver to the City's Director
of Purchasing and Risk Management, P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 one copy of
a certificate evidencing the insurance coverage required from an insurance company acceptable
to the City.
17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, along with all Exhibits and other documents
incorporated herein, shall constitute the entire Agreement of the parties. Covenants or
representations not contained in this Agreement shall not be binding on the parties.
18. Law/Severability. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction
interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event any provision of this
Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.
19. Special Provisions. [Optional] Special provisions or conditions relating to the
services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit _, consisting of
( ) page[s], attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
City Clerk
Assistant City Attorney
a municipal corporation
James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
[Insert Corporation's name] or
[Insert Partnership name] or
[Insert individual's name]
Doing business as _insert name of business]
ATTEST: (Corporate Seal)
City of Fort Collins
Administrative Services
urc asmg ijivisnn
Description of RFP: P1039 Banking Services
OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 18, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Questions and Answers
1) Do we have a list of drop box locations?
Drop boxes are currently serviced by city personnel and will not be part of the
listed armored car services.
2) Are sales tax payments currently processed through a retail or wholesale lockbox? Do
the payments get returned to the Bank with a scannable coupon? If they do not have a
scannable coupon and are processed in a wholesale environment would you prefer to
receive all of the back up in paper format or online as images?
Tax payments are made to a wholesale lockbox. The coupon is not scannable and
the paper document is returned to the city.
3) How many items in the utility lockbox come back as a check only? How many match the
coupon amount? How many have multiple checks per coupon?
Approximately 29 thousand items are processed monthly with approximately 5%
being returned to the city for various reasons (i.e. dollar amt does not match, no
signature, etc.)
4) Are you currently using a true Controlled Disbursement account today? It is listed on
your fee schedule. If not, are you interested in using a remote disbursement point to
issue your Accounts Payable checks?
Yes, we do have controlled disbursement. No, we are not interested in using a
remote disbursement point.
5) How much cash do you deposit on a monthly basis? Do you deposit coin?
Still researching the answer.
6) Do you have the need for change orders? If so, how much cash and coin do you order
per month? How many orders do you have per month?
Approximately 2k per week in various bill and coin denominations.
7) Are you open to having the payroll, accounts payable and insurance accounts set up as
zero balance accounts (zba)?
Yes, this is an option that we may decide to use.
8) Do you prefer a partial or a full account reconciliation with your positive pay on your
disbursement accounts?
Full account reconciliation.
215 North Mason Street • 2°d Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwAgov.com
9) What type of EDI services are you using today?
Positive Pay file and utility lockbox file.
10) Page 6 — Could we receive clarification of the $2 billion total asset requirement? May the
assets of the holding company be included?
Assets of the holding company may be included.
11) Page 6 — The reference indicates the contract would begin January 1,2006, we assume
this should be January 1, 2007
January 1, 2007 is the correct start date.
12) Page 7 —The inquiry response is designated as September 12, 2006. Can this date be
All questions submitted by September 8t" will be answered on or before
September 12tn
13) Page 9 — Are the Bank call reports acceptable for audited financial statements? If call
reports are not acceptable, will consolidated holding company financials be accepted?
Consolidated holding company financials are acceptable.
14) Page 9 — Do we need a copy of the financials bound separately in each package?
A single set of audited financials is acceptable for the 7 copies of the proposal
15) Page 11 — Section E Contract Negotiation- paragraph 6 third line, word "issued", should
this be "insured"?
16) Page 13 — Disaster Recovery- Most banks are not willing to share this- could this be a
plan reviewed with City staff on a verbal level?
An overview of the plan would be acceptable. Specific details may be requested
from finalists to this RFP. Verbal responses from finalists are acceptable.
17) Page 18 — Performance indicators — This is a very comprehensive report. Are there
particular indicators you are looking for?
A summary of overall performance is acceptable for this requirement. Only
indicators that are relevant to the services in this proposal are necessary.
18) Smart Trips is listed, will this be a permanent stop?
A stop for Smart Trips is currently included although changes to include or delete
stops will be made as necessary.
19) Is a stop needed at the Youth Activity Center?
A stop is not currently included although changes to include or delete stops will
be made as necessary.
20) What size of balances does the City keep in the accounts to offset monthly service fees?
Average balances range from 0 to as much as 2 million depending on the account
and the activity for the month.
21) Could you provide a copy of the most recent "monthly" analysis statement, in order to
provide more specific "monthly volumes", for services?
See attachment for a consolidated account analysis statement for July 2006.
22) Is it the City's position that a bank that is not offering Lockbox Services will be eliminated
from this bidding process?
Other lockbox services will be considered. However, the City must have a Fort
Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We would prefer the same
for sale tax/use payments but would consider other addresses for these payments
23) What are the City's financial systems?
JD Edwards, Banner
24) What are the balances maintained in the interest bearing accounts?
0 to 2,000,000 depending on account activity
25) What are the balances maintained in the non -interest bearing accounts?
0 to 600,000 depending on account activity
26) The RFP details eight accounts but the pricing form shows 13 accounts. Can you
please explain the purposes of the additional accounts?
Grant and bond accounts
27) Would City of Fort Collins consider using a Denver address for the lockbox items?
The City must have a Fort Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We
would prefer the same for sale tax/use payments but would consider other
addresses for these payments only.
28) Is the city considering the possibility of awarding banking services detailed in the RFP to
more than one banking provider?
29) What computer systems does the City use for accounts receivable. Payroll and accounts
JD Edwards
30) Who is the current provider for armored car services?
Northern Armored and Loomis Fargo
31) Please provide your check specifications.
Included in attachment B section A of the RFP
32) The City receives CD-ROM for cleared checks. On the pricing form there is a line item
for check sorting. Does the City receive the original checks back as well as receiving
The original paper checks are not returned. The images are also available on-line.
33) Please detail the composition of the cash deposited by the City. Also detail currency
and change orders placed by the City.
Change orders range from 1k to 4k to cover petty cash. Bill and coin
denominations vary.
34) Page 19 C and D - Please provide examples of C and D
C: To cover a short daily or weekly cash position by the city. This may include
allowing a temporary overdraft position.
D: Typically the city's Treasury Department would handle such a request but
occasionally a situation my dictate that a 3rd party source be used for financing for
a departmental project.
35) Please provide a copy of the City's Investment Policy
Investments are not part of this proposal bid
36) Do you have separate boxes for Utility Payments and Sales and Use Taxes?
37) Are the remittance documents scannable or are they data keyed?
No. The data is keyed.
38) Can you provide samples of your remittance documents and envelopes?
See attached lock box instruction for example of coupon.
39) Are the volumes cyclical?
Utility bills twice a month and sales taxes are due the 20t" of the month
40) Are there peaks in the volumes?
Peaks occur around billing due dates
41) Are there any special sort requirements?
See lockbox instructions attached
42) Can you provide a sample file layout?
File is a customized format that works with the utility department platform.
43) What percentage of the payments received are multiples?
Not Tracked
44) Can we process multiples?
45) What percentage of payments are not balanced - checks paying different amount than
on the remittance coupon?
Included as part of a 5% total return rate; I do not have a specific percentage
46) Can we process payments that are not balanced?
47) What percentage of payments received are returned unprocessed?
48) Will image services be required?
49) What items will be imaged? (checks, documents, correspondence)
50) How long will imaged items be required to be archived on-line?
Currently not using on-line imaging for lockbox
51) Will you require more than 1 transmission per day?
52) Will cash be received in the lockbox?
53) Do you accept credit card payments in the lockbox?
54) Can you provide a copy of your current processing instructions?
See lockbox instructions attached
55) Please clarify what "describe the process requirement for the city or the bank to amend
procedures" means
What is the notification requirement for both the bank and the city for procedure
changes to current services
56) The checklist on page 24 of the RFP lists an "Account Analysis form"... please describe
what the City would like us to provide.
Sample of account analysis form
57) Would the City like to receive a proposal for credit card merchant services?
Credit card processing will be bid under a separate RFP.
58) According to RFP XII-B-4 Lockbox Processing, payment stubs must have
a Ft Collins PO Box. To reduce mail and processing 'float', would the City consider
opening a PO Box in Albuquerque for the receipt of the mail -in utility and sales tax/use
The City must have a Fort Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We
would prefer the same for sale tax/use payments but would consider other
addresses for these payments only.
Please contact James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP at (970) 221-6779 with any questions
regarding this addendum.
FNBFC — City of Fort Collins Utilities
PO Box: Fort Collins PO Box 1580
Customer #2
Lockbox #1580
C nntae.t; Names; Karen Tharp
Phone: (970) 416-2069
Email: "FC Utilities" Distribution list in FNCSC Lockbox Contacts
Received: Daily via Courier at 7:15 a.m.
Deadline: 10:30 a.m.
Deposit: One deposit per 5 batches of 200 checks each, made daily to account
No Deposit: If there is no work received, verify with your supervisor that there is not a
Post Office or Courier issue that needs addressed. Otherwise, manually
email the customer contact with a message stating that there was no
deposit for the day.
Opening: OPEX opening sorted into 4 batches:
Non -Matches
o Credits are processed as non -matches
o If dollar amount is $10.00 or more than the highest printed amount
on the coupon, then the transaction must be returned in its original
envelope to the customer as a reject
Checks -create a Ghost coupon for each check, then run.
➢ Coupons
Checks with no coupon and no account information -Do notprocess-send
back to customer as rejects in original envelope.
Keep stubs for all batches, to be returned to the customer
Note: If the coupon has no OCR line or is a red past due notice, it must be
sent back to the customer in its original envelope as a reject.
Note: Any coupons within any batches that have notes or address changes
written on them should be grouped together to be returned to the customer
after normal processing. See mailing instructions.
Batching: Maximum of 200 checks/batch
Reports: Extract Report transmitted via FTP
Remit Batch Summary Report is sent manually via email to the customer
contact Daily. The total number of deposits that will post to the
customer's checking account, also need to be listed in this email.
Last updated
Page 1 9/11/2006
FNBFC — City of Fort Collins Utilities (continued)
Online Access:
Example of Coupon:
Everything returned daily to customer via Courier bag. Any coupons with
notes or address changes written on them should be bundled together and
returned to the customer on top of their regular daily returns.
90 days
/Make checks payable to Fort Collins Utilities. Return this portion with payment to ensure proper credft10
City o{=sry`.��t,: 488499-12140 501 SPAULDING LN 09-06-05 10.01-05 $31.21
PO BOX 1580
FORT COLLINS CO 80522-1580
FORT COLLINS, CO 80524-18"
II„Lll,,,,ld,,, I,LI„L„III„I„1„I,t„III,,,,�,iLdfJ
t:5004-99881: 488499 1 2 L40010 10000000 112 111,'
Last updated
Page 2 9/11/2006
Open and save all envelopes. During monthly deadline period (201h of each month), mail opener machine
may be used.
Separate statements t om payments (checks) 'looking at due date Vll sta.telllent Whll%h should be the 20th of
current month paying for the previous month. BE SURE CHECKS ARE MADE PAYABLE TO FORT
COLLINS SALES TAX, not another city or Colorado Department of Revenue.
• IF payment is past due (at least 2 postmark dates after due date) staple envelope to back of statement.
• IF $0.00 tax is due, put statement and envelope in separate pile.
• Statements without payments or payments without statements are return items and are placed in a
separate pile.
• IF amount on statement is different than payment amount, cross through amount on statement and write
amount of payment. When there is one check and multiple statements, add statement amounts to balance to
check, then staple tape to top right corner of statements. Add each statement individually when adding
entire batch. When there is one statement and multiple checks, add checks to balance to statement, no need
to attach this tape to anything.
• Put tax paid statements in batches of approx. 50-70. Run a calculator tape on statements and a tape on
payments to balance. Label statement tape with "FCST" and check tape with "CKS FCST". Wrap and
band batch of statements around their stack of envelopes with statement tape on outside of bundle. Band
check tape with checks.
• Make out a deposit slip with "SALES TAX" written at top left, number of statements in each batch and
dollar amount of each batch. If there is more than one batch, run a calculator tape on the dollar totals of
each payment batch and a tape of the amounts on the deposit slip to balance. Band yellow copy of deposit
slip with return items.
• Count all zero statements, then wrap and band all zero statements around their stack of envelopes.
• Record total number of Return, $0.00 Tax Due and Paid items on the daily tally sheet (see subfolder
• Put all batches in red locking zipper bank bag(s) located on bottom shelf of letter opener table. LOCK
BAG(S). Take bag(s) to backroom vault as soon as completed but no later than 2:00pm daily.
• Make copy of original deposit slip then put original with payments, add a blue "CITY" tag on top and take
to bin for pickup to go to the processing center.
File copy of deposit slip in blue file folder labeled "FCST — Fort Collins Sales Tax" located in top drawer of 2-
drawer black file cabinet across from the copier.
Revised 9/11/2006 Page I of 1
9:35:11 AM
Statement Date: 07/31/06 Page 1
Account: F1927246
Phone: 970-482-4861
FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/06 THROUGH 07/31/06
There are 7 accounts in the relationship. They are:
90739 90827 93008 1850648
1925937 1927246 600037931
Average Daily Book Balance .............. 2,903,064.54
Less Average Daily Float 439,647.06
Average Daily Collected Balance......... 2,463,417.48
Less Legal Reserve Requirement 246,341.75
Balance To Support Services ............. 2,217,075.73
Current Period Credit 8,850.0� 2,217,075.73
Current Period Analyzed Charges 36,908.83 9,246,217.40
Analyzed Charges Due after Credit 28,05.8_.76
Balance shortage for the current period --> 1(7,029,141.67)
--------------------------< SERVICE CHARGE DETAIL > ----------------------------
ITEMS DEPOSITED 35,120 .0600 2,107.2 527,885
ARMORED CAR SERVICE 7,618.0 % 1,908,424
SALES AND USE TAX 4,489 .1450 650.91 y 163,063
CREDIT CARD VOUCHERS 22,578.57 C 5,656,272
LOCKBOX UTILITY PAYMENTS 27,270� .1450 3,954.15 (0 990,574
Total Activity Charges ................... 36,908.83 9,246,217
Total Charges Listed Before Credit....... 36,908.83 9,246,217
Analyzed charge subtotal ............... 36,908.83,i/ 9,246,217
$250.52 in collected balance will offset $1.00 of charges.
This factor includes a provision for reserves.
The Earnings Credit Rate for August is 4.83%
34) Page 19 C and D - Please provide examples of C and D
C: To cover a short daily or weekly cash position by the city. This may include
allowing a temporary overdraft position.
D: Typically the city's Treasury Department would handle such a request but
occasionally a situation my dictate that a 3rd party source be used for financing for
a departmental project.
35) Please provide a copy of the City's Investment Policy
Investments are not part of this proposal bid
36) Do you have separate boxes for Utility Payments and Sales and Use Taxes?
37) Are the remittance documents scannable or are they data keyed?
No. The data is keyed.
38) Can you provide samples of your remittance documents and envelopes?
See attached lock box instruction for example of coupon.
39) Are the volumes cyclical?
Utility bills twice a month and sales taxes are due the 201' of the month
40) Are there peaks in the volumes?
Peaks occur around billing due dates
41)Are there any special sort requirements?
See lockbox instructions attached
42) Can you provide a sample file layout?
File is a customized format that works with the utility department platform.
43) What percentage of the payments received are multiples?
Not Tracked
44) Can we process multiples?
45) What percentage of payments are not balanced - checks paying different amount than
on the remittance coupon?
Included as part of a 5% total return rate; I do not have a specific percentage
46) Can we process payments that are not balanced?
47) What percentage of payments received are returned unprocessed?
48) Will image services be required?
49) What items will be imaged? (checks, documents, correspondence)
Administrative Services
urc asing Divison
City of Fort Collins
Description of RFP: P1039 Banking Services
OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) September 18, 2006
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above,
the following changes are hereby made.
Question: In Addendum 1 to the RFP Number P1039, the City provided a copy of a page
from its account analysis statement. There is a category called "merchant card
vouchers". Since this was term was not defined in the RFP, could you kindly tell
us what services or products it is describing
Answer: The FNB account analysis statement attached to Addendum 1 had a line item for
credit cards. This line does not apply to RFP #P1039 as we have a separate
request for proposal P1045 for credit card processing.
Question: Proposal Submittal Instructions: Section B. Format on Page 8 is not exactly like
Attachment C — Proposal Preparation Checklist which should we use.
Answer: Both formats are very similar. You may use which either one as the format of
your proposal.
Please contact James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP at (970) 221-6779 with any questions
regarding this addendum.
215 North Mason Street • 2°" Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 wwwAgov.com
PROPOSAL NO. P1039 Banking Services
PROPOSAL DATE: 3:00 P.M. (our clock) September 18, 2006
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................5
BACKGROUND INFORMATION...............................................................................................5
INVITATION TO PROPOSE.....................................................................................................5
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO PROPOSE...............................................................................6
PROPOSAL CALENDAR........................................................................................................6
NEWS RELEASE..................................................................................................................7
PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................8
A. Submittal...........................................................................................................................................8
B. Format...............................................................................................................................................8
C. Implied Requirements........................................................................................................................9
D. Required Items..................................................................................................................................9
E. Exceptions to the Prescribed Format.................................................................................................9
F. Proposal Term...................................................................................................................................9
PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION.............................................................................9
A. General Evaluation Guidelines..........................................................................................................9
B. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals.................................................................................................10
C. Performance Standard....................................................................................................................10
D. Acceptance Time.............................................................................................................................11
E. Contract Negotiation........................................................................................................................11
F. Term of Contract..............................................................................................................................11
G. Commencement of Services............................................................................................................12
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS................................................................12
A. Qualifications and Experience.........................................................................................................12
B. Collateralization Provisions.............................................................................................................12
C. Conversion Considerations.............................................................................................................12
D. Banking Supplies and Forms...........................................................................................................13
E. Report Formats................................................................................................................................13
F. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to General Requirements and Specifications: .......
G. Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery..................................................................................13
A. Overview of Current Banking Services............................................................................................14
B. Accounts and Services....................................................................................................................14
RESPONSE ITEMS FOR ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES.............................................................17
A. Proposal for Accounts and Services................................................................................................17
B. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to Accounts and Services......................................17
C. Performance Indicators...................................................................................................................18
D. Implementation................................................................................................................................18
FUTURE SERVICES AND ENHANCEMENTS...........................................................................19
A. Credit Cards and Procurement Cards.............................................................................................19
B. Additional Services at City Locations...............................................................................................19
C. Short-term Financing.......................................................................................................................19
D. Small Scale Financing.....................................................................................................................19
E. Bond Issues and Lease -Purchase Transactions.............................................................................19
F. Training Programs for City Employees............................................................................................19
G. Technological Advances..................................................................................................................19
H. Other Enhancements.......................................................................................................................19
Attachment A -Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals .....................21
Attachment B-Service Pricing Form................................................................................................22
Attachment C-Proposal Preparation Checklist................................................................................24
Attachment D-Armored Car Courier Service Stops........................................................................25
Attachment E-City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement...................................................26
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from banks qualified under Colorado Revised
Statutes to provide banking services for municipal governments.
Written proposals, seven (7) will be received at the Office of Purchasing & Risk Management, PO
Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Proposals will be received before 3:00 P.M. (our clock),
September 18, 2006, Proposal No. P1039
Questions concerning the scope of the project should be directed to, Chuck Seest Financial
Officer (970) 221-6795 or Harold Hall, Investment Administrator (970) 221-6784.
Questions regarding proposal submittal or process should be directed to James B. O'Neill II,
CPPO, FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management (970) 221-6775.
A copy of the Proposal may be obtained as follows:
1. Download the Proposal/Bid from the BuySpeed Webpage,
2. Come by Purchasing at 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, and request
a copy of the Bid.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have
a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material,
supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -
making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be
rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
Collusive or sham proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
PROPOSAL NO. P1039 Banking Services
PROPOSAL DATE: 3:00 P.M. (our clock) September 18, 2006
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................5
BACKGROUND INFORMATION...............................................................................................5
INVITATION TO PROPOSE.....................................................................................................5
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO PROPOSE...............................................................................6
PROPOSAL CALENDAR........................................................................................................6
NEWS RELEASE..................................................................................................................7
PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................8
A. Submittal...........................................................................................................................................8
B. Format...............................................................................................................................................8
C. Implied Requirements........................................................................................................................9
D. Required Items..................................................................................................................................9
E. Exceptions to the Prescribed Format.................................................................................................9
F. Proposal Term...................................................................................................................................9
PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION.............................................................................9
A. General Evaluation Guidelines..........................................................................................................9
B. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals.................................................................................................10
C. Performance Standard....................................................................................................................10
D. Acceptance Time.............................................................................................................................11
E. Contract Negotiation........................................................................................................................11
F. Term of Contract..............................................................................................................................11
G. Commencement of Services............................................................................................................12
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS................................................................12
A. Qualifications and Experience.........................................................................................................12
B. Collateralization Provisions.............................................................................................................12
C. Conversion Considerations.............................................................................................................12
D. Banking Supplies and Forms...........................................................................................................13
E. Report Formats................................................................................................................................13
F. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to General Requirements and Specifications: .......
G. Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery..................................................................................13
A. Overview of Current Banking Services............................................................................................14
B. Accounts and Services....................................................................................................................14
RESPONSE ITEMS FOR ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES.............................................................17
A. Proposal for Accounts and Services................................................................................................17
B. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to Accounts and Services......................................17
C. Performance Indicators...................................................................................................................18
D. Implementation................................................................................................................................18
FUTURE SERVICES AND ENHANCEMENTS...........................................................................19
A. Credit Cards and Procurement Cards.............................................................................................19
B. Additional Services at City Locations...............................................................................................19
C. Short-term Financing.......................................................................................................................19
D. Small Scale Financing.....................................................................................................................19
E. Bond Issues and Lease -Purchase Transactions.............................................................................19
F. Training Programs for City Employees............................................................................................19
G. Technological Advances..................................................................................................................19
H. Other Enhancements.......................................................................................................................19
Attachment A -Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals .....................21
Attachment B-Service Pricing Form................................................................................................22
Attachment C-Proposal Preparation Checklist................................................................................24
Attachment D-Armored Car Courier Service Stops........................................................................25
Attachment E-City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement...................................................26
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from banks qualified under Colorado Revised
Statutes to provide banking services for municipal governments.
Written proposals, seven (7) will be received at the Office of Purchasing & Risk Management, PO
Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Proposals will be received before 3:00 P.M. (our clock),
September 18, 2006, Proposal No. P1039
Questions concerning the scope of the project should be directed to, Chuck Seest Financial
Officer (970) 221-6795 or Harold Hall, Investment Administrator (970) 221-6784.
Questions regarding proposal submittal or process should be directed to James B. O'Neill II,
CPPO, FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management (970) 221-6775.
A copy of the Proposal may be obtained as follows:
1. Download the Proposal/Bid from the BuySpeed Webpage,
2. Come by Purchasing at 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, and request
a copy of the Bid.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have
a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material,
supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -
making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be
rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
Collusive or sham proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
The City of Fort Collins and its Finance Department (hereafter referred to as the City) is seeking
proposals from qualified banks interested in providing banking and direct deposit payroll
processing services to the City and its employees. These services are to meet the City's
banking services needs as described in this Request for Proposal (RFP) and shall include:
Depository Services
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Wire Transfer Services
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Lock Box Service
Direct Deposit Payroll
Controlled Disbursements, Account Reconciliation, and Positive Pay
Information Reporting
Banking -Treasury Workstations
Armored Car Courier
Additional Future Services or Enhancements
This RFP contains the instructions governing the proposals to be submitted, the material to be
included within the RFP, minimum requirements that must be met to be eligible for
consideration, and other requirements.
The City is a municipal corporation organized under Article XX of the Constitution of the State of
Colorado. The City derives its powers from the State Constitution, applicable Colorado Revised
Statues, and the home rule charter.
The City's current banking services are provided by the First National Bank of Fort Collins. First
National (and its predecessors) has provided banking services to the City for over 25 years.
According to a separate agreement and not subject to this RFP, Wells Fargo provides the City
with security safe -keeping services. Also subject to a separate agreement and not subject to
this RFP, the LaSalle Bank of Chicago, Illinois provides purchasing card services for the City.
By this Request for Proposal, the City is contacting prospective banks that have an interest or
are known to meet the "Requirements to Propose" as specified below. All interested institutions
that were not contacted are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the policies,
procedures, and dates set forth herein. NOTE: In the event of a "no proposal," please sign the
RFP, indicate "No Proposal," and return.
The City has no expressed or implied obligation to reimburse responding banks for any
expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.
All material submitted to the City of Fort Collins in response to or regarding this RFP becomes
the property of the City and will be returned to the bank only at the City's option.
The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time and for any reason. The City may
issue any combination of clarifications, modifications, or amendments it may deem appropriate.
The City's minimum requirements for banks responding to this RFP include:
a. A Green VERIBANC, Inc. rating
b. Total assets of at least $2 Billion
c. Approval as an Eligible Public Fund Depository by the Colorado State Banking Board
d. Capital ratios indicating the bank is at least adequately capitalized
The City cannot enter into a contract with a bank that does not meet the minimum criteria
outlined above. Bids from banks that do not meet the minimum criteria may not be considered.
Banks that do not currently meet the minimum criteria but desire to submit a proposal must
include a written Justification for Consideration. A written Justification for Consideration does
not obligate the selection committee to consider the proposal of a bank that does not meet the
minimum criteria. Designation as an eligible public depository by the State Banking Board
cannot be waived.
The following calendar outlines the critical dates for the City of Fort Collins Banking Services
RFP process. The City reserves the right to adjust this timetable as required and will provide
written notice of any changes to all banks that may desire to submit a proposal.
August 21
RFP issued
September 8
Written Proposal Inquiries Due by 3:00 p.m.
September 18
Proposals due. Sealed proposals with seven (7) copies.
October 11
Interviews, if necessary.
November 1
Evaluations completed. Contract sent to selected bank
November 6-
December 31
January 1, 2006 Contract begins
Any questions or clarification regarding this RFP and the subjects contained therein must be
made in writing on or before September 8th. If there is any perceived ambiguity, conflict,
discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP, the Bank should immediately notify the City in
writing and request modification or clarification of the document. Required modifications to the
RFP or responses to all submitted inquiries will be given by written notice to all potential firms
on or before September 12`h
The bank desiring to submit a proposal is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict,
discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP prior to submitting the proposal.
Please direct all written inquiries to: James B. O'Neill, Director of Purchasing
City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80521
By facsimile: (970) 221-6707
Via e-mail: joneill@fcgov.com
Such inquiries will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., September 8, 2006. All inquiries regarding
content or banking services issues received by the Purchasing Department will be forwarded to
the appropriate staff person for review and will receive a response.
Contact with City personnel, other than written inquiries to Jim O'Neill, Chuck Seest, or Harold
Hall regarding this RFP may be grounds for elimination from the selection process.
News releases pertaining to this selection process or any part of the subject shall not be made
without prior written approval by the Financial Officer. Direct all information regarding news
releases to:
Mr. Chuck Seest, Financial Officer
City of Fort Collins Finance Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Facsimile: 970/221-6782
E-mail: cseest@fcgov.com
A. Submittal
The City reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas or
information provided in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected.
Submittal of a proposal indicates acceptance by the bank of the conditions contained in
the RFP unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in
the contract between the City and the Bank.
According to the Colorado Open Records Act, all information submitted in response to
this RFP is a public record. Such information will be available for inspection upon
completion of contract negotiations and award. The bidder should not include as a part
of the response to this RFP any information that the bank believes to be a trade secret
or other privileged or confidential data. If the bank wishes to include such information in
the proposal, then the material must be placed in a separate envelope and labeled with
the proposal number and clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL". The City will endeavor to
keep that information confidential, separate and apart from the proposal, subject to the
provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act (CRS 23-72-201 et.seq.) or order court.
B. Format
All banks should organize their proposals according to the format described below.
Failure to comply with all provisions of this RFP may result in the proposal being
disqualified. Significant deviation from the format prescribed below may also result in
the proposal being disqualified.
Banks must submit proposals that are substantially complete, thorough, and accurate.
Brochures and other similar background material may be attached to the proposal but
will not be used by the City evaluation team in determining the extent to which the
proposal is responsive or complete.
Proposal should be bound and include the following items (in order):
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Responses to the "Minimum Requirements"
5. Responses to the "General Requirements and Specifications"
6. Responses to the Response Items for Accounts and Services
7. Responses to the "Additional or Future Services and Enhancements"
8. Account Analysis Form
9. Signed Copy of the Proposal Certification Form (Attachment A)
10. Completed Service Pricing Schedule
11. Appendices
The City has created a proposal checklist (Attachment C) to guide banks in the proposal
preparation. Failure to include all items listed on the checklist may result in the
disqualification of the proposal.
C. Implied Requirements
Products and services that are not specifically requested in the RFP, but are necessary
to provide the functional capabilities offered by the bank, shall be included in the
D. Required Items
Included in the sealed proposal package, but not bound with the proposal, each bank
must include a Transmittal Letter. This letter should briefly state the bank's
understanding of the work to be accomplished, provide a commitment to perform the
work, and indicate the proposal is firm and irrevocable for the period of the contract. It
should also identify all materials and enclosures included in the response to the RFP.
Each bank must submit copies of its three (3) most recent audited financial statements in
the sealed proposal package, but should not bind the statements with the proposal
E. Exceptions to the Prescribed Format
In prescribing the format for proposals, the City desires to make the responses from the
banks consistent and comparable. The City recognizes that banks may vary in their
approach and processes to providing the required services. Proposals that deviate
significantly to the required format may be rejected. All requested information must be
submitted, or if not, an explanatory statement summarizing the bank's reasons for not
submitting the requested information must be provided.
F. Proposal Term
All proposals must be valid for 180 calendar days from the required submittal date.
A. General Evaluation Guidelines
Opening Time and Date: Purchasing staff will open proposals on September 18, 2006,
at 3:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Savings Time, at the Purchasing Division Officer located
at 215 N. Mason, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Public Record Disclaimer: Under the Colorado Open Records Act, all information in the
proposals is a public record and will be available for inspection upon completion of
contract negotiations and award. Only the names of the banks submitting proposals will
be released prior to the completion of contract negotiations and award.
The City's proposal evaluation team will read and evaluate all proposals submitted. The
evaluation team will include the Director of Purchasing and Risk Management, the
Financial Officer, the Finance Department Investment Administrator, and other City staff
Throughout the evaluation and selection process, the Director of Purchasing and
Financial Officer reserve the right, in the best interest of the City, to request additional
information or clarification from the banks, or allow corrections of errors or omissions. At
the discretion of the City, banks may be requested to make oral presentations as part of
the evaluation process.
After proposals are opened, banks may not amend or clarify submitted proposals unless
the Director of Purchasing and Risk Management requests such information.
B. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals
The evaluation team will use the following criteria to judge and score the written
proposals and, if necessary, for interviews.
The rating scale shall be from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest score, 3 being an average
rating, and 5 being an outstanding rating.
Fees and Compensation The proposal that provides
the banking services at the lowest total cost to the City.
The total cost for the requested banking services will be
determined using the attached Pricing Schedule
(Attachment B)
Understanding City
Degree to which the proposal and supporting materials
demonstrate that the bank understands the City's
needs and operational requirements. Quality and
scope of the conversion implementation plan.
Financial Strength
Evaluation of key financial ratios and financial position
provided by independent rating services.
Scope of Services
Scope of Banking Services. The availability and quality
of services proposed by the bank. Includes the value
of any new product or service suggestions or other new
ideas and enhancements.
The experience, resources, and qualifications of the
bank and individuals assigned to the City's account.
Relevant experience managing similar relationships
with public sector clients..
At the option of the City, interviews and site visits may be conducted with some or
all of the banks responding to this Request for Proposal. The final selection will be
based on an evaluation of all of the information submitted and the City's
determinations that the proposal will best serve the City's needs.
C. Performance Standard
In their proposals, banks should strive to meet or exceed the standards of performance
provided in this RFP. The evaluation team retains the SOLE responsibility to determine
the extent to which proposals meet or exceed the standards of the City.
D. Acceptance Time
The City intends to make a bid selection for contract negotiations by November 1, 2006.
Award shall be recommended to the respondent whose proposal best meets the needs
of the city, not necessarily to the lowest cost respondent.
E. Contract Negotiation
If necessary, the City shall have the right to negotiate with one or more of the banks that
respond to this RFP or the successful bank. The content of the RFP and the selected
bank, including the scope of services, will become an integral part of the Contract, but
may modified by the Contract.
By responding to this RFP, the bank acknowledges the willingness to include, in the
Contract, any information provided in response to this RFP.
A proposal in response to this RFP is an offer to contract with the City based on the
terms, conditions, scope of work, and specifications contained in the RFP. The City's
Standard Services Agreement is attached as Attachment G. The City expects that both
parties will execute the contract prior to November 6, 2006.
During the period between the award and the completion of the Contract, this RFP, in
conjunction with the accepted proposal, will constitute, unless otherwise negotiated, a
legal binding contract between the City and the selected bank.
According to the Contract, the City may terminate the Contract upon 90 calendar days
written notice.
The selected bank shall waive all rights to security interests and rights to set -offs to City
The City retains the specific power and authority to require the selected bank to furnish,
such information the City may request or demand concerning the portion of deposits
which are issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the amounts of the
bank's capital funds, and the nature, amount, market value, and location of the eligible
collateral maintained or pledged by it to secure City deposits.
F. Term of Contract
The City is seeking a contract for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew four
(4) additional one-year periods. In order to determine the maximum cost of the banking
services contract, the City will evaluate each proposal based on the entire contract cost
over five years. Therefore, specific annual costs must be given for each of the five
years. Please note that Attachment A requires a total dollar cost for each of the five
G. Commencement of Services
The City expects that banking services selected through this RFP process shall
commence on or before January 1, 2007.
A. Qualifications and Experience
• Describe the bank's size and location of primary site and service site, size of
staff, staff designated for the City's account, and staff designated for the
• Identify key measures of the bank's financial strength, for example, capital ratios,
market capitalization, total assets etc.
• Provide ratings for the bank and bank holding company from two of the following
agencies: Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Thomson Bank Watch, or VERIBANC.
• Provide Proof of Compliance with the Colorado Public Depository Act (PDPA).
• Provide contact names and addresses from three other public entities with
service demands similar in size and scope as the City of Fort Collins.
B. Collateral ization Provisions
• Copy of PDPA designation and Certificate of Eligible Public Depository
• Explain how funds over $100,000 will be collateralized
C. Conversion Considerations
The Bank is to assist the City with conversion and compensate the City for any and all
costs associated with banking services changes.
■ Describe the Bank's proposal for conversion.
■ Provide a detailed description of any assistance the Bank would provide to the
City during the conversion process.
■ Banks submitting proposals should describe how they would compensate the
City if the award of this RFP results in a bank change for the City. The
description should be specific in addressing items such as:
-Collection and replacement of all old forms, check stock, deposit slips, bank
bags, endorsements stamps, VISA, MasterCard equipment, etc.
-Coordination of computer and computer system compatibility
-Customer service assistance during the conversion period
-Customer service assistance after the conversion period
-Reimbursement for City staff time or temporary employees required to
convert services to the new bank
-Reprogramming and revisions of the City's financial systems if required
• Itemize all estimated costs associated with the issues immediately above.
Describe how the bank would compensate the City for the cost of conversion if
D. Banking Supplies and Forms
The Bank will provide supplies and forms for services used by the City
• Include a List of all supplies and forms to be used to provide the services
• Costs to the City must be itemized and included on the Pricing Schedule
E. Report Formats
All proposing banks must include sample reports.
F. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to General Requirements and
• How will the bank remain aware of and in compliance with federal and state
• List any known or anticipated banking structure changes for the Corporate,
Primary, and Local offices for the next five years.
• List any known or anticipated banking structure changes for the banking industry
in general for the next five years. Please be specific.
• List all recent or anticipated merger, acquisition, or charter change to the Bank
that could affect the City in the next five years. Please be specific.
• Describe the type of insurance policy the bank carries on held funds and funds in
transit. State the name of the insurance provider.
• Please explain how the daily sweep of excess funds are invested. Do you have
an agreement with a Local Government Investment Pool for this purpose?
G. Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery
• Describe the bank's disaster recovery plan in detail; when was the plan last
updated? Tested?
o What is the location of the off -site facilities?
o How quickly can the off -site facilities be activated in case of an emergency?
o Has the emergency services and disaster recovery plan been implemented
for a real disaster? Please provide a narrative describing the situation.
o What is the contingency if the regular disaster back-up site is unavailable and
prevents work from being processed on a same day basis?
• Does the bank compensate in the event of a loss?
A. Overview of Current Banking Services
First National Bank of Fort Collins is the current provider of banking services for the City.
The current banking relationship includes the following accounts and services (detailed
descriptions provided below):
1. Item processing (credits and debits: including cash/ check clearing, Automated
Clearing House deposits — ACHs and Electronic Funds Transfers — EFTs).
2. Receipt/disbursement accounts and safety deposit boxes.
3. Out -going and incoming wire services.
4. Lock -box processing for utility payments and sales and use tax payments.
5. Daily armored car courier service.
6. Daily account sweep and transfers via telephone.
7. Account statements, reports and account analysis.
B. Accounts and Services
1. Item processing
a. Receipts
Deposits are collected from several City locations and taken to the bank where
they are credited to the City's checking account. The bank also credits payments
received from customer utility bills and sales tax receipts through a lock -box
arrangement with the City. The bank collects payments on behalf of the City in
the form of cash, check, account transfer, wire transfer, EFT and ACH.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of items processed: 51,971
b. Disbursements
The City processes its general payroll every two weeks and its pension payroll
monthly. City employees have the option of receiving their payroll in the form of
a physical paycheck or a direct deposit. For direct deposit, the City provides the
bank with a file containing all account information, and the bank handles the
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of physical paychecks: 1,450
Number of direct deposits 3,750
Tax payments (EFT): 8
The City processes its accounts payable checks regularly on Monday and
Thursday of each week.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of checks processed: 2,900
2. Accounts and Safety Deposit Boxes
a. Money market interest account
Primary depository account for utility payment receipts, sales tax receipts and
customer deposits/payments. This account is swept to a zero balance each
morning into a local government investment pool.
b. Payroll account
Disbursement account used for bi-weekly and monthly payroll.
c. Accounts payable account
Disbursement account used for all accounts payable checks, EFT, wires and
ACH withdrawals.
d. Additional special accounts
1. Self insurance account (payment of claims)
2. HOME program account (receipt of federal grant draws)
3. CDBG account (receipt of program income, grant draws, etc.)
4. Check clearing fund (receipts with insufficient funds, closed accounts, are
debited from this account)
5. Utility Funds' mini -checking account (low balance, low transaction account
used by the City's utility funds for misc. payments)
e. Safety deposit boxes
One large (Y by 6" by 12") box is required for use by the City.
3. Wire services
The City uses the fed wire system as a primary form of payment distribution. Both
incoming and outgoing wires are handled by the City's primary banking relationship.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Outgoing wires: 33
Incoming wires: 10
4. Lock box processing
The Lock box must have a Fort Collins postal address.
The City has a lock box arrangement with its current bank. Items are processed
centrally at the primary bank location and credited directly to the City's account.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Utility lock box payments: 37,000
Sales/ Use tax lock box payments: 3,000
5. Armored Car Courier Service
The City's current banking services includes an armored car courier service that
picks up deposits and receipts on a daily basis. The deposits are taken directly to
the bank and credited to the City's account. A duplicate copy of the deposit ticket is
taken to the City's cashiering department.
Average monthly transaction detail:
Number of City locations requiring service: 22
Number of courier pickups per month: 360
6. On -Line Services
On-line services will include the ability to review balance reporting for all accounts
(prior day, current position, and lockbox availability), view disbursement account
activity and initiate stop -payments, generate wire and ACH and book and drawdown
transfers, and allow the setup of repetitive transfer templates.
7. Account statements, reports, and account analysis
The bank provides:
• Detailed account statements (hardcopy reports and data files) - Monthly
• Detailed account analysis - Monthly
• CD-ROM containing images of cleared checks- Weekly
• Credit card merchant statement - Monthly
• Faxed copies of ACH returns — as needed
The bank calculates all costs for services that are off -set by an earnings credit from
compensating accounting balances. The account analysis statement depicts costs that are
directly related to the number of transactions (for example, lock box processing, credit card
processing, etc.
8. Paycards
300 to 400 per pay period
C. Proposal for Accounts and Services
• Proposals from banks must include a description for providing the City with
accounts and services:
o This should be a detailed technical and narrative response regarding the
ability to provide and availability of the services itemized in Section XI.
o Information provided in this narrative portion of the proposal must in be
the order described in Section XI.
o The narrative should adequately describe how the services proposed by
the bank match the current banking services requirements of the City.
o The narrative should provide a detailed description of the bank's proposal
for the City's account structure, including the number and type of
accounts, the relationship between the accounts, and the ability to
transfer and track account balances.
• Please include a description of all reporting and communication methods and
identify any customer service issues.
• All proposals for accounts and services must provide the minimum level and type
of services described in Section XI. Any variations from the services currently
used by the City must be expressly listed.
• Proposals for accounts and services should be limited to services that provide, or
are directly related to, the services described in Section XI. Any enhancements
to the services described in Section XI must be provided in Section XIII:
Additional or Future Services.
D. Additional or Specific Response Items Related to Accounts and Services
• For each of the services desired by the City, explain how the bank will be
compensated for its services.
• Describe how all charges for services and supplies are to be paid. Include all
itemized costs for services on Attachment B- Service Pricing Form included with
this RFP.
• Describe the process required for the City or the bank to change or amend
• State the procedure for dating the deposits that are delivered to the bank by
courier. Is there a specific cut-off time for deposits to be credited on the same
day as deposited? Will they be dated as of the calendar day of delivery,
especially on the last working day of the month?
• Describe how deposits will be listed on the bank statements. The City prefers
that the first sort be by date and then by amount on the deposit tape and the
• Please provide a detailed narrative describing your bank's controlled
disbursement process.
• Describe the formats and media the bank's computer system accepts:
Checks issued and deposits for the month (City providing information to
the bank)
Paid items and deposits received (bank providing information to the City)
All exceptions to the above.
• Indicate the provider the bank will use to provide City stock. The City's check
forms require precise specifications. Explain how the provider will be able to
customize to meet the City's needs.
• Describe how the bank will provide check cashing services for City employees
with City checks who do not have an account with the bank.
• Indicate the cost of accounts for new City employees using direct deposit or for
current employees who change to direct deposit.
• Describe how the bank will use Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Funds
Interchange or other technological methods to pay City invoices.
• Describe armored car service to the City according to the schedule provided at
Attachment D. Include all costs and describe how this service would operate. If
unable to provide this service, explicitly describe an alternative arrangement.
• Please address the following daily cash management and investment issues:
- Minimum balance for accounts
- Method used for handling daylight overdrafts
- How and when the bank will notify the City when an account on the direct
deposit tape is closed
- Requirements for notification of cancellation of direct deposits, both
before and after the tape is processed by the City and provided to the
- Describe the time variance between processing the direct deposit tape by
the Bank and the official release date of funds
E. Performance Indicators
The Bank Administration Institute has established quality indicators for services
contemplated in this Request for Proposal. Does your bank measure performance using
these indicators? If so, please indicate the measurements reported for the most recent
Annual BAI survey. If not, please provide other indicators of the quality of services that
your bank would provide to the City.
F. Implementation
• Provide a copy of all documents the bank will require to implement the services that
it would provide to the City.
• Provide a detailed description of the implementation process, including testing, and a
sample implementation schedule.
• What is the average lead time required for implementation? What are the critical
factors that may impact the lead time?
• Describe the training the bank will provide for the implementation, including materials
to be supplied by the bank or required of the City.
The following are examples of areas that a bank could provide service enhancements. The list
is intended to be illustrative, not limiting.
A. Credit Cards and Procurement Cards.
The current bank provides a limited number of credit cards for a limited number of
employees. The City uses LaSalle Bank of Chicago to provide procurement cards to
City employees.
B. Additional Services at City Locations
The City is interested in the bank's ability to provide banking services to specific City
locations that may benefit City customers and employees. For example, a bank may be
willing to set up a limited banking services site at City locations that have high service
demands. Another example would be providing Automated Teller Machines at certain
C. Short-term Financing
From time to time, the City may need to have short-term, emergency financing available.
Please indicate the bank's willingness to have such "on -demand" short-term financing
service. Please explain the minimum and maximum amount and term of the financing.
Please indicate the procedure and time frame to arrange such financing.
D. Small Scale Financing
Occasionally, the City or its component units need to conduct short-term borrowings.
Please indicate the bank's interest in participating in small, short-term borrowings. The
City would like to know how competitive the bank could be in such situations.
E. Bond Issues and Lease -Purchase Transactions
The City is a regular issuer of long-term bonds and lease -purchase transactions. Please
indicate if the bank has the capability, interest, and competitiveness to bid on such
transactions. Does the bank have the experience and capability to provide financial
advisor for competitive sale bond issues?
F. Training Programs for City Employees
Many of the City's employees have an interest in investing, economics, finance, and
banking. Please describe any training or educational programs the bank may provide to
employees of their clients. Please indicate the banks level of interest in partnering with
the City to provide such a program for its employees.
G. Technological Advances
The City is interested in technological advances that the bank has to offer. Please
identify areas of technology in which that the bank is proficient. The City is continuously
seeking methods to use technology to improve productivity and enhance customer
H. Other Enhancements
The City is continuously striving to keep up with advances in the finance and banking
fields. Please indicate any other services or capabilities that your institution believes
would be beneficial to the City of Fort Collins. The Finance Department is always
interested in suggestions to improve the way it conducts its financial procedures and
affairs. Practical suggestions may or may not be considered in the evaluation of the
A. Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
B. Service Pricing Form
C. Proposal Preparation Checklist
D. Armored Car Courier Service Stops
E. City of Fort Collins Standard Services Agreement
Attachment A -Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
City of Fort Collins
Request for Proposal: P1039 Banking Services
Proposal Certification
The undersigned hereby affirms that:
1. He or she is a duly authorized agent of the Bank issuing this proposal and that all
information provided in the proposal is true and accurate;
2. He or she has read the conditions and specifications that have been made available to
the bank in conjunction with this RFP and fully understand and accepts these terms
unless specific variations have been expressly listed in the bank's proposal;
3. The bank will follow and adhere to all terms and conditions and provide, at a minimum,
all services as expressed in the RFP and the bank's proposal responding to the RFP;
4. The bank is qualified as a public depository as required in this RFP or, if not, has
submitted a Justification for Consideration addressing any failure to meet the criteria;
5. The bank's proposal is offered independently of any other proposer and is in full
compliance with the terms specified in the RFP;
6. The bank will accept any awards made to it, contingent on contract negotiation, as a
result of this RFP for a minimum of ninety (90) calendar days following the date and time
of the bid opening; and
7. If awarded a contract, the bank warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract it's
responsibilities without the express prior written permission of the City of Fort Collins.
Signature of Bank Official:
Name of Official (typed): _
Name of Bank:
Note: Proposals submitted without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the bank
may be considered non -responsive and ineligible for award.
Attachment B-Service Pricing Form
IU.ius] 1►[i Yyno111Bill 091
Annual Number of Items
Cost per item or
Annual Cost of
Type of Service
or Dollars Processed
Monthly Charges
A. Depository Services
Demand Accounts & Activity
Interest -bearing demand accounts
Non -interest bearing demand accts
Balance transfers
Deposits by check (incl. lockbox)
Payment of vendor checks
Payment of insurance checks
Payment of payroll checks
Check sorting
Stop payments
Returned checks
Banking SupTlies
Visa/MasterCard slips
Demand account deposit slips
Currency exchange
Cashier's checks
Traveler's checks
Safe deposit boxes (3)
Coin wrappers
Petty cash requests
Locking money bags
B. Automated Clearing House
Outgoing (excl. payroll -see below)
C. Wire Transfer Services
Incoming domestic
Outgoing domestic
Incoming international
Outgoing international
D. Electronic Data Interchange
E. Lock Box Service
Utility payments
Sale & Use tax payments
Automated update of payments
F. Direct Deposit
Payroll (ACH)
Remittance of FICA & federal tax
Pa cards
G. Controlled Disbursement,
Account Reconciliation and Positive
Account reconciliation
Positive pay
Annual Number of Items
Cost per item or
Annual Cost of
Type of Service
or Dollars Processed
Monthly Charges
H. Information Reporting
Account statements (hardcopy rpt)
Account statements (file)
Cleared checks images (CD-ROM)
Credit card merchant statements
ACH returns (faxed copy)
Account analysis
I. Banking Treasury Workstation
J. Armored Car Courier
Number of City locations
Number of pickups
K. Bank Representatives to Work
with City
Attachment C-Proposal Preparation Checklist
City of Fort Collins Proposal Checklist
Part 1. The Proposal
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Response to Section X
Response to Section XI
Response to Section XII
Response to Section XIII
Account Analysis Form
Samples of Bank Transaction Form, Supplies, and Reports
Executed copy of Attachment A -
Certification by Institutions Responding to the Request for Proposals
Completed copy of Attachment B-
Services Pricing Schedule
Part 2. Additional Items (not bound with the proposal)
Signed Letter of Transmittal
Written Justification for Consideration (only for banks that do not meet the
minimum requirements)
Three (3) most recent Financial Statements
Proprietary or confidential information
Please cross-reference such information to the appropriate section of the
bound proposal
The envelope should be clearly marked "confidential" and include the
RFP Number P
Deliver the seven (7) copies of the Proposal so that it will be received by 3:00 PM (our
Clock) September 18, 2006.
Attachment D-Armored Car Courier Service
City of Fort Collins
Banking Services
Armored Car Courier Service Stops
Street Address
Service Frequency
Day of the Week
City Finance Department
215 N. Mason, 2nd Floor
3 times a week
Customer Information
300 S. College Avenue
10 times a week
Municipal Court Office
201 LaPorte Ave.
5 times a week
Parks & Recreation Office
214 N. Howes
5 times a week
201 Peterson Street
5 times a week
200 Mathews
1 time a week
Mulberry Pool
424 W. Mulberry
5 times a week
1801 Riverside Avenue
5 times a week
Lincoln Center
417 W. Magnolia
5 times a week
Senior Center
1200 Raintree
5 times a week
1900 W. Mountain Ave.
1 time a week
Parks Department
S. Bryan
1 time a week
Collindale Golf
1441 E. Horsetooth Road
7 times a week
City Park Nine Golf
411 S. Bryan Street
7 times a week
Southridge Golf
5750 S. Lemay Street
7 times a week
6570 Portner Road
1 time a week
Parking Office
210 Olive
5 times a week
Parking Garage
102 Remington Street
6 times a week
Smart Trips
235 Mathews
1 time a week
Building Inspection
281 N. College
5 times a week
281 N. College
5 times a week
Various Drop Boxes
Located in the City
5 times a week
Attachment E-City of Fort Collins Standard Services Aareement
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and
between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as the "City" and
"Service Provider".
. hereinafter referred to as
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed
by and between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Scope of Services. The Service Provider agrees to provide services in
accordance with the scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of ( )
page[s], and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The Work Schedule. [Optional] The services to be performed pursuant to this
Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the Work Schedule attached hereto as
Exhibit "B", consisting of ( ) page[s], and incorporated herein by this reference.
3. Time of Commencement and Completion of Services. The services to be
performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be initiated within ( ) days
following execution of this Agreement. Services shall be completed no later than
Time is of the essence. Any extensions of the time limit set forth above
must be agreed upon in a writing signed by the parties.
4. Contract Period. [Option 1 ] This Agreement shall commence upon the date of
execution shown on the signature page of this Agreement and shall continue in full force and
effect for one (1) year, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. In addition, at the option of
the City, the Agreement may be extended for an additional period of one (1) year at the rates
provided with written notice to the Professional mailed no later than ninety (90) days prior to
contract end.
4. Contract Period. [Option 2] This Agreement shall commence , 200_,
and shall continue in full force and effect until , 200_, unless sooner terminated as
herein provided. In addition, at the option of the City, the Agreement may be extended for
additional one year periods not to exceed (_) additional one year periods. Renewals and
pricing changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. The Denver Boulder
Greeley CPIU published by the Colorado State Planning and Budget Office will be used as a
guide. Written notice of renewal shall be provided to the Service Provider and mailed no later
than ninety (90) days prior to contract end.
5. Delay. If either party is prevented in whole or in part from performing its
obligations by unforeseeable causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or
negligence, then the party so prevented shall be excused from whatever performance is
prevented by such cause. To the extent that the performance is actually prevented, the Service
Provider must provide written notice to the City of such condition within fifteen (15) days from
the onset of such condition.
[Early Termination clause here as an option.
6. Early Termination by City/Notice. Notwithstanding the time periods contained
herein, the City may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing written
notice of termination to the Service Provider. Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15)
days prior to the termination date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by
the parties. All notices provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage
prepaid and sent to the following addresses:
Service Provider:
In the event of early termination by the City, the Service Provider shall be paid for services
rendered to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory performance of the Service
Provider's obligations under this Agreement. Such payment shall be the Service Provider's sole
right and remedy for such termination.
7. Contract Sum. The City shall pay the Service provider for the performance of this
Contract, subject to additions and deletions provided herein, the sum of Dollars
($ ) [Option Cost Breakdown is attached Exhibit "C"]
8. City Representative. The City will designate, prior to commencement of the
work, its representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary
and proper decisions with reference to the services provided under this agreement. All requests
concerning this agreement shall be directed to the City Representative.
9. Independent Service provider. The services to be performed by Service Provider
are those of an independent service provider and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins.
The City shall not be responsible for withholding any portion of Service Provider's
compensation hereunder for the payment of FICA, Workmen's Compensation or other taxes or
benefits or for any other purpose.
10. Personal Services. It is understood that the City enters into the Agreement
based on the special abilities of the Service Provider and that this Agreement shall be
considered as an agreement for personal services. Accordingly, the Service Provider shall
neither assign any responsibilities nor delegate any duties arising under the Agreement without
the prior written consent of the City.
11. Acceptance Not Waiver. The City's approval or acceptance of, or payment for
any of the services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights or benefits
provided to the City under this Agreement or cause of action arising out of performance of this
12. Warranty.
(a) Service Provider warrants that all work performed hereunder shall be
performed with the highest degree of competence and care in accordance
with accepted standards for work of a similar nature.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, all materials and equipment
incorporated into any work shall be new and, where not specified, of the
most suitable grade of their respective kinds for their intended use, and all
workmanship shall be acceptable to City.
(c) Service Provider warrants all equipment, materials, labor and other work,
provided under this Agreement, except City -furnished materials,
equipment and labor, against defects and nonconformances in design,
materials and workmanship/workwomanship for a period beginning with
the start of the work and ending twelve (12) months from and after final
acceptance under the Agreement, regardless whether the same were
furnished or performed by Service Provider or by any of its subcontractors
of any tier. Upon receipt of written notice from City of any such defect or
nonconformances, the affected item or part thereof shall be redesigned,
repaired or replaced by Service Provider in a manner and at a time
acceptable to City.
13. Default. Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a
material element of this Agreement. In the event either party should fail or refuse to perform
according to the terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default thereof.
14. Remedies. In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting
party shall be allowed a period of ten (10) days within which to cure said default. In the event
the default remains uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the
Agreement and seek damages; (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific
performance; or (c) avail himself of any other remedy at law or equity. If the non -defaulting party
commences legal or equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be
liable to the non -defaulting party for the non -defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and
costs incurred because of the default.
15. Binding Effect. This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the
entire agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers,
employees, agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs,
personal representatives, successors and assigns of said parties.
16. Indemnity/Insurance. a. The Service Provider agrees to indemnify and save
harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions,
suits, claims, demands or liability of any character whatsoever brought or asserted for injuries to
or death of any person or persons, or damages to property arising out of, result from or
occurring in connection with the performance of any service hereunder.
b. The Service Provider shall take all necessary precautions in performing the work
hereunder to prevent injury to persons and property.
c. Without limiting any of the Service Provider's obligations hereunder, the Service
Provider shall provide and maintain insurance coverage naming the City as an additional
insured under this Agreement of the type and with the limits specified within Exhibit ,
consisting of () pages[s], attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
The Service Provider before commencing services hereunder, shall deliver to the City's Director
of Purchasing and Risk Management, P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 one copy of
a certificate evidencing the insurance coverage required from an insurance company acceptable
to the City.
17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, along with all Exhibits and other documents
incorporated herein, shall constitute the entire Agreement of the parties. Covenants or
representations not contained in this Agreement shall not be binding on the parties.
18. Law/Severability. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction
interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event any provision of this
Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.
19. Special Provisions. [Optional] Special provisions or conditions relating to the
services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit , consisting of
( ) page[s], attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
City Clerk
Assistant City Attorney
a municipal corporation
James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
[Insert Corporation's name] or
[Insert Partnership name] or
[Insert individual's name]
Doing business as [insert name of business]
ATTEST: (Corporate Seal)
50) How long will imaged items be required to be archived on-line?
Currently not using on-line imaging for lockbox
51) Will you require more than 1 transmission per day?
52) Will cash be received in the lockbox?
53) Do you accept credit card payments in the lockbox?
54) Can you provide a copy of your current processing instructions?
See lockbox instructions attached
55) Please clarify what "describe the process requirement for the city or the bank to amend
procedures" means
What is the notification requirement for both the bank and the city for procedure
changes to current services
56) The checklist on page 24 of the RFP lists an "Account Analysis form"... please describe
what the City would like us to provide.
Sample of account analysis form
57) Would the City like to receive a proposal for credit card merchant services?
Credit card processing will be bid under a separate RFP.
58) According to RFP XII-B-4 Lockbox Processing, payment stubs must have
a Ft Collins PO Box. To reduce mail and processing 'float', would the City consider
opening a PO Box in Albuquerque for the receipt of the mail -in utility and sales tax/use
The City must have a Fort Collins lock box address for Utility Bill payments. We
would prefer the same for sale tax/use payments but would consider other
addresses for these payments only.
Please contact James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP at (970) 221-6779 with any questions
regarding this addendum.
FNBFC — City of Fort Collins Utilities Customer #2
Lockbox #1580
PO Box: Fort Collins PO Box 1580
Contact: Name: Karen Tharp
Phone: (970) 416-2069
Email: "FC Utilities" Distribution list in FNCSC Lockbox Contacts
Received: Daily via Courier at 7:15 a.m.
Deadline: 10:30 a.m.
Deposit: One deposit per 5 batches of 200 checks each, made daily to account
No Deposit: If there is no work received, verify with your supervisor that there is not a
Post Office or Courier issue that needs addressed. Otherwise, manually
email the customer contact with a message stating that there was no
deposit for the day.
Opening: OPEX opening sorted into 4 batches:
Non -Matches
o Credits are processed as non -matches
o If dollar amount is $10.00 or more than the highest printed amount
on the coupon, then the transaction must be returned in its original
envelope to the customer as a reject
➢ Checks -create a Ghost coupon for each check, then run.
➢ Coupons
Checks with no coupon and no account information -Do not process -send
back to customer as rejects in original envelope.
Keep stubs for all batches, to be returned to the customer
Note: If the coupon has no OCR line or is a red past due notice, it must be
sent back to the customer in its original envelope as a reject.
Note: Any coupons within any batches that have notes or address changes
written on them should be grouped together to be returned to the customer
after normal processing. See mailing instructions.
Batching: Maximum of 200 checksibatch
Reports: Extract Report transmitted via FTP
Remit Batch Summary Report is sent manually via email to the customer
contact Daily. The total number of deposits that will post to the
customer's checking account, also need to be listed in this email.
Last updated
Page 1 9/11/2006
FNBFC — City of Fort Collins Utilities (continued)
Returns: Everything returned daily to customer via Courier bag. Any coupons with
notes or address changes written on them should be bundled together and
returned to the customer on top of their regular daily returns.
Filing/Shredding: None
Online Access: 90 days
CD: Monthly
Example of Coupon:
PO BOX 1560
FORT COLLINS. CO 80624.18"
CS10104-99881: 4881.99i2i400u' , 6000000031also
Last updated
Page 2 9/11/2006
• Open and save all envelopes. During monthly deadline period (201h of each month), mail opener machine
may be used.
= Separate statements from payments (checks) looking at due date on statement which should be the 201h of
current month paying for the previous month. BE SURE CHECKS ARE MADE PAYABLE TO FORT
COLLINS SALES TAX, not another city or Colorado Department of Revenue.
• IF payment is past due (at least 2 postmark dates after due date) staple envelope to back of statement.
• IF $0.00 tax is due, put statement and envelope in separate pile.
• Statements without payments or payments without statements are return items and are placed in a
separate pile.
• IF amount on statement is different than payment amount, cross through amount on statement and write
amount of payment. When there is one check and multiple statements, add statement amounts to balance to
check, then staple tape to top right corner of statements. Add each statement individually when adding
entire batch. When there is one statement and multiple checks, add checks to balance to statement, no need
to attach this tape to anything.
• Put tax paid statements in batches of approx. 50-70. Run a calculator tape on statements and a tape on
payments to balance. Label statement tape with "FCST" and check tape with "CKS FCST". Wrap and
band batch of statements around their stack of envelopes with statement tape on outside of bundle. Band
check tape with checks.
• Make out a deposit slip with "SALES TAX" written at top left, number of statements in each batch and
dollar amount of each batch. If there is more than one batch, run a calculator tape on the dollar totals of
each payment batch and a tape of the amounts on the deposit slip to balance. Band yellow copy of deposit
slip with return items.
• Count all zero statements, then wrap and band all zero statements around their stack of envelopes
• Record total number of Return, $0.00 Tax Due and Paid items on the daily tally sheet (see subfolder
• Put all batches in red locking zipper bank bag(s) located on bottom shelf of letter opener table. LOCK
BAG(S). Take bag(s) to backroom vault as soon as completed but no later than 2:00pm daily.
• Make copy of original deposit slip then put original with payments, add a blue "CITY" tag on top and take
to bin for pickup to go to the processing center.
File copy of deposit slip in blue file folder labeled "FCST — Fort Collins Sales Tax" located in top drawer of 2-
drawer black file cabinet across from the copier.
Revised 9/11/2006 Page 1 of 1
9:35:11 AM
PROPOSAL NO. P1039 Banking Services
PROPOSAL DATE: 3:00 P.M. (our clock) September 18, 2006