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PROPOSAL DATE: 3:00 p.m. (our clock) January 12, 2004
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from qualified construction contractors to serve as the
General Contractor for the following services:
• Emergency repairs on large diameter water pipelines. The waterlines will generally vary in size from
24 inches to 72 inches in diameter. Pipeline materials are generally ductile or cast iron, tape wrapped
steel, coal tar coated steel, pretensioned concrete, or reinforced concrete. The pipelines could carry
either treated or raw water.
• Emergency repairs on large diameter sanitary sewer or stormsewer lines. Sizes will generally vary from
12 inches to 108 inches in diameter.
• General construction for water, sewer and stormsewer projects and associated improvements.
Emergency response to repairs must be available on a 24/7/365 basis
The selected contractor will be retained on a yearly basis for the next five years based on continued
satisfactory performance.
The City will select a highly qualified pipeline contractor who can provide quick response and quality
service while working as an extension of city staff in a manner characterized by teamwork.
A copy of the Proposal may be obtained as follows:
1. Call the Purchasing Fax-line, 970-416-2033 and follow the verbal instruction to request
document #30898.
2. Download the Proposal/Bid from the Purchasing Webpage, www.fcgov.com/purchasing.
3. Come by Purchasing at 215 North Mason St., 2
floor, Fort Collins, and request a copy of the
Proposals, ten copies (10) copies will be received at the City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division, P. O. Box
580, 215 North Mason St., 2
Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 on or before 3:00 p.m. (our clock),
January 12, 2004. Proposal number P-920. If delivered, proposals shall be addressed to 215 North Mason
St., 2
Floor, Fort Collins, Co. 80524. If mailed, proposals shall be addressed to P.O. Box 580, Fort
Collins, Co 80522-0580.
Selection of the contractor will be based upon the submittal of detailed information required in the proposals,
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among which are data concerning experience, past performance, suitability and availability of key staff and
proposed cost parameters. It is of utmost importance that the requested data be submitted with your
proposal. The selection criteria are detailed in the Request for Proposals. Following review of proposals, the
City anticipates a detailed interview with three or more contractors to determine the selected firm.
Questions regarding proposal submittal or process should be directed to Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer
(970)-221-6778. Firms interested in proposing are encouraged to contact the Utilities Senior Utility
Engineer for information about the scope of the work. Questions should be directed to Owen Randall,
(970) 221-6809.
Sales prohibited/conflict of interest: No officer, employee, or their dependent or person residing in and
sharing the expenses of their household, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or
personal property, equipment, material, supplies, or services. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the
City. This shall not apply to members of any authority, board, committee or commission of the City, other
than the members of the City Council. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kick-
back or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of
Fort Collins is prohibited. Any vendor knowing of this type of activity is encouraged to report in confidence
to the Director of Purchasing and Risk Management, Director of Finance, City Attorney or City Manager so
the matter can be dealt with.
Collusive or sham proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be rejected and
reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures that such proposal is
genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or
James B. O’Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
Vendors: The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division has implemented an on-line vendor registration
system. This system allows vendors to register, view and update their business
information and commodities. In the future, vendors will also be able to receive
Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) through the on-line system. All vendors doing
business with the City of Fort Collins are requested to register.
The vendor registration system is accessible through the City of Fort Collins Purchasing Department
internet webpage at www.fcgov.com/purchasing.
The vendor registration form is located by clicking
Note the printable instruction pages link.
Please enter the applicable Commodity Code when
Class Code: 913-40 Construction, Pipeline
• Enter “pipeline” in the keyword box, then click SEARCH.
• Scroll down until you reach the appropriate category,
placing a check in each category you are interested in
receiving solicitations for.
If you have any difficulty completing the registration process, please call the Purchasing Division at
(970)221-6775 for assistance.
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The Utility will select at least one contractor and possibly two that can provide general construction services
for pipeline and structures for two purposes:
Emergency repairs
• Emergency repairs on large diameter water pipelines. The waterlines will generally vary in size from
24 inch to 72 inch in diameter. Pipe depths are generally defined by 5 feet of cover but many times
lines may be much deeper with difficult subsurface conditions that will exist and have to be dealt
with. Pipeline materials are generally ductile or cast iron, tape wrapped steel, coal tar coated steel,
pretensioned concrete, or reinforced concrete. The pipelines could carry either treated or raw water.
• Emergency repairs on large diameter sanitary sewer or stormsewer lines that must remain in service.
Sizes vary from 12 inch to 108 inch in diameter.
• Emergency repairs on utility infrastructure that is unusually deep and/or complicated
The selected contractor will assist the City of Ft. Collins Utilities Operations Division, Engineering Division,
Water Reclamation or Water Treatment plant staff in the repair of the Utility infrastructure.
System Improvements – general construction of the Utilities infrastructure (water, wastewater, stormwater)
• System improvements would include those that are beyond the general capability or availability of
the manpower and equipment that the Utility has available. Examples could include the replacement
or repair of valves, manholes, concrete structures, pipe fittings, etc.
The work will be paid in one of three methods:
• on a time and material basis based on rates submitted as part of the RFP and negotiated annually
• on a negotiated unit price contract determined before the work is started
• on a lump sum basis determined before the work is started
Costs for the work are not limited nor are they defined at this time. As part of the Work Order negotiations
the complete scope of the work will be determined.
The City may select two contractors depending on the specific qualifications of the submitting contractors.
A critical part of this selection will be the availability and capability to respond in very short notice
24/7/365. Your proposal should demonstrate how your firm can and would respond Demonstrating a
high level of customer service in ALL work efforts is to be expected at all times.
Filling traditional adversarial roles between the owner and contractor is not an acceptable way of
doing business for the City of Fort Collins Utility. The project(s) require working in an atmosphere of
trust with all parties working toward the same goals. You are strongly encouraged to call and discuss
the possible project(s) and to ask questions. Contact the Utilities’ Project Manager, Owen Randall at
(970) 221-6809, to discuss in more detail.
Qualified general contractors interested in the work described in this RFP should submit a minimum of the
following information to the City:
Emergency repair
Provide a sample detailed cost estimate of a theoretical pipeline repair.
• Assume the repair is on a 36 inch, tape coated steel, finished water line.
• Assume six feet of cover, pipe bedded in granular fill, with ground water a factor.
• Break is in a street with asphalt to be repaired.
• Assume a six foot section has to be replaced.
• Address response time, equipment, coordination efforts you would provided, requirements you would
have from the City, experience in repairs as well as in construction of similar waterlines.
• Providing opinions and recommendations on suitable methods and approaches to accomplishing the
System Improvement
For a theoretical project of replacing four and six inch existing waterlines with 3000 feet of 8 inch DI
waterline in old neighborhoods (pre 1950) with residential and commercial buildings. Address how your firm
would approach the following factors in the construction:
• Construction sequences and schedules.
• Value engineering for the most cost effective solutions.
• Input such as cost, ease of installation, delivery schedule, quality and past experience on materials
and products proposed to be used.
• Traffic Control.
• Staffing and equipment.
• Subcontractors you would generally use.
• Impact to the public and landowners
• Partnering
• Equipment resources and availability
Submit how your firm will provide:
• The resources, manpower, ability, and commitment to provide construction services in a timely
and a cost effective manner on an as needed basis. We realize this oncall service is difficult to
plan for. The Utility will work in every way possible to provide as much lead time as possible
for the contractor to prepare for the work. Emergency repair services are usually extremely
critical in nature they must be fixed quickly. Address how you will meet the requirement for
24/7 response.
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Submit the following information:
1. General information.
Name of firm, contact person for this proposal, title, phone number, fax number, street and mailing
addresses, any previous names of firm in last 10 years, and date established. List in detail current projects
under construction and include owner’s name, contract price, percent complete, scheduled completion date
and brief description of the work.
2. Key project staffing.
Submit the management staff that you would propose to be the normal and chief contacts with City staff on
either type of project (emergency and system improvements)
• an organization chart of project management with names
• an organizational chart of all management with names that will be involved in the project(s) including
• job descriptions of key positions (i.e. project manager, project superintendent(s), onsite project
manager, project engineer, cost estimator, others as appropriate)
• detailed resumes of individuals proposed to fill key positions
• define who will negotiate contracts and cost issues
Due to the complexity of possible projects, the commitment of key staff to manage the work is critical to the
City of Ft. Collins Utilities.
3. General company resources.
List of appropriate equipment available for use such as excavator(s), loaders, compaction equipment, pumps
for ground water, trench boxes, dump trucks, etc.
4. Project experience.
Provide brief summary of similar construction project work performed by the firm in the last five (5)
years. The experience highlighted should reflect large scale utility projects both in pipe size as well as
contract size. Highlight participation by key staff proposed for this RFP.
Provide both an owner reference and consulting engineer reference for cited projects.
5. Partnering experience.
Describe any experience by the firm or key staff with similar owner/engineer/contractor teams. Describe the
firm’s experience in Partnering, both formal and informal. Highlight any Partnering experience by key staff
proposed for this project. Provide references for cited experience. Address in this section all projects
completed in the last five years on a negotiated contract basis and give details and references.
6. Safety record.
Provide the firm’s OSHA reportable accident rate and current workman’s compensation insurance multiplier
for the last 3 years. Address your company’s safety program and any additional information that would be
useful in showing your approach to a safe work site. Unsafe conditions to the public, owner, engineer, and
contractor are not an option.
7. Subcontractors.
Based on the description of the work in this request, describe subcontractors that you have working
relationships with that might be used on these projects.
8. Construction cost factors.
Establish in detail the factors which will be used in determining the final prices of work on time and material
projects OR on negotiated guaranteed maximum price construction contracts. These factors shall be
comprehensive in establishing all costs to be applied to direct project labor and materials in determining the
construction cost. Commitments shall include:
Overhead and profit (combined) margin for general office activities on the base bid cost
Overhead and profit (combined) margin for field office activities on the base bid cost if applicable
Markup on subcontractor work by the General Contractor
Materials and equipment markup on base bid cost
Any additional factors applied to project labor or materials to determine the final contract price
Change order markup, including supervision allowance, labor and material markups, and overhead
and profit percentages, as a percent of labor and materials cost for any changes in the work following
contract award
You MUST submit the above requested information. The selection team will consider other methods
of contract negotiations that the firm may have experience with. Firms are encouraged to submit basis
for contract negotiation.
Your firm is expected and required to have a completely open book policy on all pricing of work.
10. Financial statement.
Provide a recent financial statement (audited if possible) including balance sheet and income statement
Current assets
Other assets
Current liabilities
Other liabilities
Fixed assets and equipment
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11. Banking reference.
Provide the name, address and phone number of the firm’s banking reference.
12. Bonding company.
Provide the name, address and phone number of the firm’s bonding agent. Provide a letter from the bonding
agent indicating the firm’s bonding capacity is adequate to undertake this work.
13. Insurance company.
Provide the name, address and phone number of the firm’s insurance agent(s). Provide certificate of
insurance outlining coverage and policy limits. Can this coverage be extended for work on this project? Can
coverage be increased? Can City be listed as an additional insured? Are there any current claims that will
affect coverage limits available to the City for this project?
Construction firms will be evaluated on the following qualification criteria. Criteria will form the basis for
rating of written proposals as well as oral interviews.
Rating scale will be from 1 to 5 (or 10, depending on maximum possible points), with 1 being a poor rating,
and the maximum possible points being an outstanding rating.
10 - 1
Scope of Proposal
Does the proposal show an understanding of the scope
of the project, methodology to be used in the design
and construction phases and the results that are
desired from the project?
10 - 1
Assigned Project
Does the proposed team have the necessary skills and
experience to fulfill the requirements of the project? Is
the key staff available to do the work?
5 - 1
Safety Record
OSHA Illness/Injury Rate, OSHA Lost Work Day
Incidence Rate and Workman’s Comp Experience
Modification Rate Insurance multiplier.
10 - 1
Firm Experience
Has the firm worked on projects similar in scope to this
project? Has partnering been used as a basis in
design and construction of other projects? Was this
work of a high quality in nature?
5 - 1
Design Phase Cost
Are the proposed design cost rates reasonable and
10 - 1
Construction Cost
Do the proposed construction cost factors compare
favorably with industry standards and other firms’
construction cost factors?
10 - 1
Firm Capability
Does the firm have experience, equipment, manpower
and finances to complete the work?
10 - 1
Do the referenced projects reflect favorably in respect
to completion within the contract schedule, cost and
number of change orders and claims?
5 - 1
Has the firm shown an interest in work and a
commitment to the successful completion of the
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The City of Fort Collins will check references for overall performance, timetable, completeness, budget and
job knowledge of selected projects/references. A satisfactory/unsatisfactory rating shall be given to each
reference contacted.
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below, by
and between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation,
hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and __________, hereinafter referred to
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein
expressed, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:
1.1 Work Order Requirements. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work
as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for
which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a
part is generally defined in ___________; a Work Order for a specific
portion of the Work, and incorporating the Notice of Award for that
portion of the Work, may be agreed upon in writing by the parties from
time to time. A blank sample of a Work Order & Notice of Award is
attached hereto as Section 00525, consisting of two (2) pages, and
incorporated herein by this reference. Each signed, executed Work Order &
Notice of Award is incorporated into the Contract Documents by this
1.2. Work to be Performed. Each Work Order shall include a
description and specification of the work to be performed; the location
and time for initiation and performance of the work; the amount of and
procedures for payment, as specified in Article 5 of this Agreement; any
labor, materials, or support to be supplied by the City; and any other
special circumstances relating to the performance of work.
1.3. Work Orders Planned. The Project will include Work in
accordance with __________. However, pursuant to this Agreement and the
Contract Documents, OWNER reserves the right to alter or amend the scope
of work of any specific Work Order as needed.
1.4. Work Order Authorization. The only work authorized under this
Agreement is that which is performed after CONTRACTOR receives Notice to
Proceed from OWNER, pursuant to a signed Work Order. The Notice to
Proceed, Section 00530, shall be incorporated into each executed Work
Order. However, in emergency circumstances, as required to protect the
public health, safety, or welfare, oral work requests may be issued by
OWNER. Oral requests for emergency actions will be confirmed by issuance
of a written Work Order within two (2) working days; however, nothing in
this paragraph may be construed to alter or eliminate CONTRACTOR’s
responsibilities pursuant to paragraph 6.23 of the General Conditions.
1.5. Changes in the Work. OWNER may, at any time during the term
of a particular Work Order and without invalidating the Agreement, make
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changes within the general scope of the particular work assigned and
CONTRACTOR agrees to perform such changed work, pursuant to the provisions
of the Contract Documents. OWNER reserves the right to independently
contract for any services, rather than issuing work to CONTRACTOR pursuant
to this Agreement. Nothing within this Agreement shall obligate OWNER to
have any particular service performed by CONTRACTOR.
1.6. Bonds & Certificates. Pursuant to the Contract Documents and
Article 5 of the General Conditions, each Work Order & Notice of Award
shall specify the requirements for Performance and Payment Bonds.
CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance required pursuant to the Contract
Documents prior to OWNER’s execution of any Work Order, and, as may be
required at the sole option of OWNER, prior to the Work Order Notice to
2.1. ENGINEER. Each portion of the Project to be performed by
CONTRACTOR through the issuance of a Work Order will be designed by a
person, firm, or corporation designated by OWNER and identified in the
Work Order, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all
duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority
assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with
completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
2.2. OWNER’s Representative. Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraph 2.1 above, the OWNER will designate, prior to the commencement
of work on each specific Work Order, the OWNER’s Representative, who shall
make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary and proper
decisions with reference to the work requested. All requests concerning
this Agreement shall be directed to OWNER’s Representative.
3.1. Substantial Completion and Final Payment & Acceptance. Each
Work Order shall define the Contract Times, including the number of days
or dates for the Work of that Work Order to be Substantially Complete, as
provided in the General Conditions, and completed and ready for Final
Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions.
3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time
is of the essence of each Work Order authorized under this Agreement and
that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within
the times specified in each Work Order pursuant to paragraph 3.1. above,
plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the
General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and
difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss
suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly,
instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as
liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay
OWNER the amount set forth in each Work Order.
3.3. Contract Period. This Agreement shall commence upon the date
of execution as shown by the date this Agreement is signed by OWNER, and
shall continue in full force and effect through ___________, ____.
3.4. Early Termination by OWNER / Notices. Notwithstanding the
time periods contained herein or in any Work Order, OWNER may terminate
this Agreement or any Work Order at any time without cause by providing
written notice of termination to CONTRACTOR. Such notice shall be mailed
at least fifteen (15) days prior to the termination date contained in said
notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. All notices
provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage
prepaid and sent to the following address:
With Copy to:
City of Fort Collins,
Water Utilities
City of Fort Collins,
Purchasing Division
Project Manager
Attn: Opal F. Dick,
CPPO, Senior Buyer
P. O. Box 580
P. O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Fort Collins, CO 80522
In the event of early termination by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall be paid
for services rendered to the termination date, subject only to the
satisfactory performance of CONTRACTOR’s obligations under this
Agreement. Such payment shall be CONTRACTOR’s sole right and remedy for
such termination.
4.1. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, OWNER shall pay
CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract
Documents in current funds, as specified in each Work Order, as Contract
Price equal to the Cost of the Work plus a Fixed Fee. The Cost of the
Work shall be as defined or excluded in Article 11, paragraphs 11.4 and
11.5, of the General Conditions, subject to the following:
4.1.1. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, payroll
costs in the Cost of the Work shall be as defined in Article 11.4.1 of the
General Conditions and shall not exceed __________ (___) percent of the
salaries and wages.
4.1.2. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, costs shall
not be allowed for equipment rentals as defined in Article of the
General Conditions, costs of utilities as defined in Article, and
minor expenses as defined in Article
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4.1.3. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, the
Contract Price, exclusive of the cost or credit of any Change Orders or of
Owner-procured equipment or Owner-provided work listed in each Work Order,
is guaranteed by the CONTRACTOR not to exceed a Guaranteed Maximum Price
specified in each Work Order, for all work covered by and included in the
Work Order. The Allowable Cost of the Work shall be defined as the
difference in the Fixed Fee and the Guaranteed Maximum Price. Costs which
would cause the CONTRACTOR to exceed the Allowable Cost of the Work and/or
Guaranteed Maximum Price shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR without
reimbursement by the OWNER.
4.1.4. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, the
CONTRACTOR’s Fixed Fee that may be authorized in the Work Order shall
include all Field Office and General Office overhead, mark-up on all
materials, equipment and subcontract costs, small tools allowance,
equipment fuels, and equipment rentals as defined in Article and
the CONTRACTOR? S profit for the Allowable Cost of the Work. Payment for
additional Field Office and General Office overhead and the CONTRACTOR?S
profit shall not be included in any Change Order unless the total Contract
Price, including all Change Orders, exceeds the Guaranteed Maximum Price.
For any Change Order which increases the total Contract Price above the
Guaranteed Maximum Price, the CONTRACTOR?S fee applied to the net increase
shall, unless otherwise provided in the Work Order, include Field Office
overhead which shall be defined as five (5%) percent of the actual Cost of
the Work, General Office overhead which shall be defined as _____ (_%)
percent of the actual Cost of the Work, and the CONTRACTOR’s profit, which
shall be defined as ____ (_%) percent of the actual Cost of the Work plus
Field Office overhead and General Office overhead.
4.2. Unless otherwise provided in a Work Order, CONTRACTOR shall
participate in any cost savings realized by the OWNER at the completion of
the Work authorized by the Work Order. If the actual Cost of the Work is
less than the Allowable Cost of the Work, the Shared Savings paid to the
CONTRACTOR shall equal one-fourth of the difference between the actual
Cost of the Work and the Allowable Cost of the Work for all work covered
by and included in the Work Order. Shared Savings shall not apply to any
cost or credit of any Change Orders.
CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with
Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be
processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions.
5.1. Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on
account of the Contract Price for each executed Work Order on the basis of
CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each
month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will
be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of
values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the
case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in
accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work.
5.1.1. Retainage. Prior to Substantial Completion of a Work
Order, progress payments will be in the amount equal to the percentage
indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments
previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or
OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General
Conditions. Ninety (90%) percent of the value of Work completed until the
Work has been fifty (50%) percent completed as determined by ENGINEER,
when the retainage equals five (5%) of the Contract Price, and if the
character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and
ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long
as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them,
there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in
which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion
will be in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the Work
completed. Ninety (90%) percent of materials and equipment not
incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied
by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of
the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment.
5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion of a Work Order, payment
will be made in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to
CONTRACTOR to ninety-five (95%) percent of the Contract Price, less such
amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance
with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law.
5.2. Final Payment. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the
Work in a Work Order in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General
Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as
recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13.
In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR
makes the following representations, which CONTRACTOR shall perform for
each proposed Work Order prior to OWNER’s execution of said Work Order:
6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent
of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local
conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost,
progress, performance or furnishing of the Work.
6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations
and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions
which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in
paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions.
6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes
responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such
examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies
(in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above)
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which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to
the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or
furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the
performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the
Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of
the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph
4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations,
investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar
information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such
6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data
shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing
Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes
responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities.
No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports,
studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground
Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and
furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in
accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents,
including specifically the provision of Article 4.3. of the General
6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such
observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with
the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts,
errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents
and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to
7.1 The Contract Documents concerning the Work comprise the entire
Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Covenants or representations not
contained in this Agreement shall not be binding on the parties. The
Contract Documents consist of the General Conditions, the Supplementary
Conditions, those items listed in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions,
each signed and executed Work Order, and such other items as are
referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this
7.2. Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work specified
in any Work Order, and related actions in carrying out the terms of this
Agreement, are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this
reference. Included in Sections 00600 and 00900, these include, but are
not necessarily limited to, the following:
7.2.1. Certificate of Substantial Completion
7.2.2. Certificate of Final Acceptance
7.2.3. Lien Waiver Releases
7.2.4. Consent of Surety
7.2.5. Application for Exemption Certificate
7.2.6. Application for Payment
7.3. Drawings, as specified and identified in each Work Order. The
Contract Drawings for a Work Order shall be stamped "Final for
Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified
and dated.
7.4. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and
other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract
Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions,
including amendments to any Work Order.
7.5. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or
incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents,
including executed Work Orders issued under this Agreement, may only be
amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of
the General Conditions.
8.1. Definitions. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined
in Article 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated
in the General Conditions.
8.2. Assignment. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights
under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another
party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound;
and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due
and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except
to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law),
and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to
an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from
any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document.
8.3. Binding Effect. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its
partners, officers, employees, successors, agents, assigns and legal
representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, officers,
employees, successors, agents, assigns, and legal representatives in
respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the
Contract Documents.
8.4. Independent Contractor. It is agreed that in the performance
of any services hereunder, CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor
responsible to OWNER only as to the results to be obtained in the
particular work assignment and to the extent that the work shall be done
in accordance with the terms, plans and specifications furnished by OWNER.
CONTRACTOR shall neither assign any responsibilities nor delegate any
duties arising under the Agreement without the prior written consent of
5/98 Page 00520-19
8.5. Acceptance Not Waiver. OWNER's approval or acceptance of, or
payment for, any of the Work shall not be construed to operate as a waiver
of any rights under the Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of
the performance of this Agreement.
8.6. Default. Each and every term and condition hereof shall be
deemed to be a material element of this Agreement. In the event either
party should fail or refuse to perform according to the terms of this
agreement, such party may be declared in default thereof.
8.7. Remedies. In the event a party has been declared in default,
such defaulting party shall be allowed a period of ten (10) days within
which to cure said default. In the event the default remains uncorrected,
the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the Agreement and
seek damages; (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific
performance; or (c) avail himself of any other remedy at law or equity.
If the non-defaulting party commences legal or equitable actions against
the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the non-
defaulting party for the non-defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees
and costs incurred because of the default.
8.8. Law / Severability. This Agreement shall be governed in all
respects by the laws of the State of Colorado. In the event any provision
of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.
By:____________________________ By:____________________________________
BY:_____________________________ Name:__________________________________
DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING Title:_________________________________
Date:___________________________ Date:__________________________________
Attest:_________________________ Attest:________________________________
City Clerk
License No. __________
Approved as to Form:
Assistant City Attorney
5/98 Page 00525-1
TO: __________
NOTICE OF AWARD DATE: October 7, 1998
OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as OWNER)
1. WORK. You are hereby notified that your Bid dated
___________________, ____, for the above Work Order has been considered.
Pursuant to your AGREEMENT with OWNER dated _________________, 1998, you
have been awarded a Work Order for this Work Order Description: (a) this
work order shall incorporate all Field Overhead Charges for the annual
term of October 7, 1998 to October 31, 1999and shall be inclusive of all
projects associated with the 1998-1999 Fort Collins Water Treatment Plan
Improvements as defined in the Master Agreement dated September 1998.
The charges and fees are defined in Attachment A, hereby attached and
incorporated as a part of this agreement.
Order is ________________________________. Pursuant to the AGREEMENT and
the Contract Documents, Performance and Payment Bonds and insurance are
3. CONTRACT TIMES. Pursuant to the AGREEMENT and the Contract
Documents, the number of days or the date for Substantial Completion of
this Work Order is ______________________, and, after Substantial
Completion, the number of days or the date for Final Payment and
Acceptance is _____________________.
4. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Pursuant to the AGREEMENT and the Contract
A. Substantial Completion: _________________________ ($___________) for
each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the
_______________ (_______) calendar day period for Substantial
Completion of the Work of this Work Order until the Work is
Substantially Complete.
B. Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, ____________________
($___________) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that
expires after the _______________ (_______) calendar day period for
Final Payment and Acceptance of the Work of this Work Order until
the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance.
5. EXECUTION. Four (4) copies of this proposed Work Order & Notice of
Award, and accompanying amendments or supplements to the Contract
Documents (except any applicable Drawings) incorporated herein, are
provided. Four (4) sets of any applicable Drawings will be delivered
separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must
comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of
the date of this Work Order & Notice of Award, that is, by ______________,
A. You must deliver to OWNER four (4) fully-executed counterparts of
this Work Order, including all amendments or supplements to the
Contract Documents incorporated herein. Each Work Order must bear
your signature as provided.
B. You must deliver with the executed Work Order the Contract Security
(Bonds) and insurance, as specified in the Agreement, this Work
Order, the General Conditions (Article 5.1) and the Supplementary
Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will
entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned and to annul this Work Order
& Notice of Award. Within ten (10) days after you comply with those
conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully-signed counterpart of
this Work Order with any amendments or supplements to the Contract
Documents attached.
CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the services identified above, and in the
attached Contract Documents consisting of ____________ (____) pages, in
accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the
AGREEMENT dated ___________, _____, between the parties. In the event of
a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the AGREEMENT and this
Work Order (included the attached Contract Documents), the AGREEMENT shall
CONTRACTOR: __________
By: __________________________________________ Date:
Name: ______________________________ Title:
This Work Order and the attached Contract Documents are hereby accepted
and incorporated herein by this reference, and the attached Notice to
Proceed is hereby given.
ACCEPTANCE: _____________________________________
Water Utilities Project Manager
By: _______________________________________ Date: _________________
Nov 2003
WORK ORDER TITLE: ______________________________________________
TO: __________
Attn: ___________________________, Project Manager
This notice is to advise you:
That the Work Order and all amendments and supplements to
the Contract Documents covering the above described Work have
been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER.
That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance and Payment
Bonds and insurance have been received by the OWNER.
That the OWNER has approved the said Work Order and
Contract Documents.
Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you
are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ____________
(____) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by
the Work Order and the AGREEMENT.
The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall
be ______________, _____, and ______________, _____,
Dated this _____________ day of ___________, _____.
By: ___________________________________________
Name & Title
Receipt of the above Work Order Notice to Proceed is hereby
acknowledged this _____________ day of ___________, _____.
By: ___________________________________________
Name & Title