HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFP - 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone PrairieRFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 1 of 21
RFP DUE: 3:00 PM MT (Mountain Time), AUGUST 2, 2023
The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department (FCNAD), in partnership with Colorado Parks
and Wildlife, is seeking a qualified Service Provider/Professional to provide engineering, design,
permitting, and construction oversight services on a stream and wetland habitat restoration project
for Northern Leopard Frogs at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area.
As part of the City’s commitment to sustainability, proposals must be submitted online through
the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (RMEPS) at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-
of-fort-collins. Note: please ensure adequate time to submit proposals through RMEPS. Proposals
not submitted by the designated Opening Date and Time will not be accepted by RMEPS.
A pre-proposal meeting and site visit will be held at 10:00 AM MT on July 19, 2023 at
Soapstone Prairie Natural Area, 22998 Rawhide Flats Road, Wellington, CO 80549.
Interested Service Providers/Professionals will meet with City representatives at the south parking
lot accessed off of Rawhide Flats Road. From there, interested parties will be guided to the
subject area. Please note that visitors are not permitted in the subject area outside of this
meeting, to avoid undue disturbance to the cultural resources and sensitive habitats
present there.
All questions should be submitted, in writing via email, to Beth Diven, Buyer II at
bdiven@fcgov.com, no later than 3:00 PM MT on July 21, 2023. Please format your e-mail to
include: RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone
Prairie in the subject line. Questions received after this deadline may not be answered.
Responses to all questions submitted before the deadline will be addressed in an addendum and
posted on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System webpage.
Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System hosted by BidNet
A copy of the RFP may be obtained at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins.
This RFP has been posted utilizing the following Commodity Code(s):
926-40 Ecological Services
926-41 Ecosystems Development, Management, and Protection Services
926-72 Planning and Advisory Services, Environmental
926-73 Restoration/Reclamation Services of Land and Other Properties
Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination: The City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the
provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-
4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract
entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded
full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
nd Floor
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 2 of 21
The City strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination based on an individual’s gender (regardless of
gender identity or gender expression), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age
40 years or older, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or other
characteristics protected by law. For the purpose of this policy “sexual orientation” means a
person’s actual or perceived orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
The City also strictly prohibits unlawful harassment in the workplace, including sexual
harassment. Further, the City strictly prohibits unlawful retaliation against a person who engages
in protected activity. Protected activity includes an employee complaining that he or she has been
discriminated against in violation of the above policy or participating in an employment
discrimination proceeding.
The City requires its Service Providers/Professionals to comply with the City’s policy for equal
employment opportunity and to prohibit unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This
requirement applies to all third-party Service Providers/Professionals and their
subcontractors/subconsultants at every tier.
Public Viewing Copy: The City is a governmental entity subject to the Colorado Open Records
Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any proposals submitted hereunder are subject to
public disclosure by the City pursuant to CORA and City ordinances. Professionals may submit
one (1) additional complete proposal clearly marked “FOR PUBLIC VIEWING.” In this version of
the proposal, Professionals may redact text and/or data that it deems confidential or proprietary
pursuant to CORA. All pricing will be considered public records subject to disclosure under CORA
and as such pricing cannot be redacted from the “FOR PUBLIC VIEWING” version of the
proposal. Failure to provide a public viewing copy will be considered a waiver of any claim of
confidentiality under CORA without regard to how the applicant’s proposal or certain pages of the
proposal are marked confidential, proprietary, or similar. Such statement does not necessarily
exempt such documentation from public disclosure if required by CORA, by order of a court of
appropriate jurisdiction, or other applicable law. Generally, under CORA, trade secrets,
confidential commercial information and financial data information may not be disclosed by the
City. Proposals may not be marked “Confidential” or ‘Proprietary’ in their entirety. By responding
to this RFP, Professionals hereby waives any and all claims for damages against the City for the
City’s good faith compliance with CORA. All provisions and pricing of any contract resulting
from this request for proposal will be public information.
Service Providers/Professionals Registration: The City requires new Service Providers/
Professionals receiving awards from the City to submit IRS form W-9 and requires all Service
Providers/ Professionals to accept Direct Deposit (Electronic) payment. If needed, the W-9 form
and the Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization Form can be found on the City’s Purchasing website
at www.fcgov.com/purchasing under Vendor Reference Documents. Please do not submit these
documents with your proposal, however, if you take exception to participating in Direct Deposit
(Electronic) payments please clearly note such in your proposal as an exception. The City may
waive the requirement to participate in Direct Deposit (Electronic) payments at its sole discretion.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall
have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment,
material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any
decision-making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to
be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 3 of 21
Collusive or Sham Proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
Utilization of Award by Other Agencies: The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to allow
other state and local governmental agencies, political subdivisions, and/or school districts to
utilize the resulting award under all terms and conditions specified and upon agreement by all
parties. Usage by any other entity shall not have a negative impact on the City of Fort Collins in
the current term or in any future terms.
The selected Service Provider/Professional shall be required to sign the City’s Agreement prior
to commencing services (see sample attached to this document).
Gerry Paul
Purchasing Director
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 4 of 21
A. Objective
The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department (FCNAD), in partnership with Colorado
Parks and Wildlife, is seeking a qualified Service Provider/Professional to provide
engineering, design, permitting, and construction oversight services on a stream and
wetland habitat restoration project for Northern Leopard Frogs at Soapstone Prairie
Natural Area.
B. Background
The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas is working to conserve, protect, and maintain habitat
for the Northern Leopard frog (photo below) at Soapstone Prairie and Meadow Springs
Ranch. The species has experienced precipitous declines in Colorado, where they were
once common. It is now ranked as a Species of Greatest Conservation Concern in the
Colorado Parks and Wildlife, State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). In the recently released
Mountains to Plains Zone Update, Northern Leopard Frogs are identified as a
Conservation Priority and management actions are underway to improve their habitat.
FCNAD is approaching
this project with a learning
and adaptive mindset,
recognizing that it may
take a decade to see a
sustainable population
establish at Brannigan.
The Northern Leopard
frog is ranked as a
Species of Greatest
Conservation Concern in
the Colorado SWAP (Tier
1), and a Conservation
Priority at Soapstone
Prairie. This project builds
off other conservation
actions that have been
taken to protect wetlands
at Brannigan Springs. FCNAD has already installed fencing to exclude cattle from the
Project Area
The project reach is along a small, unnamed tributary to Sand Creek in Soapstone Prairie
referred to as Brannigan Springs. The headwaters of the creek are characterized by a
network of groundwater-fed wetlands and fens that are very rare in prairie areas of Larimer
County. The complex features deep organic soils, perched wetlands, floating mats, and a
small clear streamlet dominated by Nebraska sedge (Carex nebrascensis), Northwest
territory sedge (Carex utriculata), and baltic rush (Juncus articus var. balticus)2.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 5 of 21
Photo of reference reach and breeding and overwintering wetland pools at Spottlewood Creek on Soapstone
Natural Area.
Close-up photo of wetland pools at Spottlewood Creek at Soapstone Natural Area.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 6 of 21
A. Restoration Approach and Goals
FCNAD is seeking a Service Provider/Professional to achieve a process-based approach
to creating Northern Leopard frog habitat at Brannigan Springs. In this context, process-
based restoration can include expanding the space for fluvial processes, using the
stream’s energy to create pools, using materials harvested on site that do not over stabilize
the stream, and allowing the project to have an extended timeframe for recovery with
adaptive management and monitoring3,4. FCNAD staff recognize that restoration goals
must be scaled appropriately given the small size of the stream. The exact timing of
construction is not presently known, as design is dependent on cultural resource work,
outreach with the Native American and Indigenous community, and securing construction
funding. Most likely, construction will occur during the October 2024-March 2025 window.
The success of the project will be determined by the following metrics.
• Participation and collaboration with Native American community members.
• Protection of cultural resources.
• Construction of 1-6 habitat pools with appropriate depth, size, and hydrologic
characteristics to support Northern Leopard Frogs.
• Creation of movement and habitat corridors using native willows and plant
material harvested from the site.
• Documenting completion of life history of Northern Leopard frogs at Brannigan
Springs through the following stages:
− Eggs masses
− Tadpoles
− Meta-morphs
− Adult frogs
• Documenting sustained use of constructed pools by Northern Leopard Frogs.
B. Scope of Work
The project area is along a small, unnamed tributary to Sand Creek located in the
northeast portion of Soapstone Natural Area, approximately 26 miles north of Fort Collins.
This stream and wetland complex at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area is referred to as
Brannigan Springs (see Section VI). The overall goal of this project is to create breeding
and overwintering pools, alongside existing adjacent foraging and movement habitat,
needed for the species to complete its life-history. Breeding and over-wintering pools are
missing features in this small stream system potentially due to habitat alterations from
historic grazing practices. FCNAD’s goal is to create these habitat features and translocate
Northern Leopard Frogs from nearby Spottlewood Creek. This project is the first time
FCNAD has attempted to restore habitat for the species and translocate Northern Leopard
frogs. Due to the project site’s sensitive, high-quality habitat, along with potential cultural
and historic resources, FCNAD, along with the Service Provider/Professional, will partner
with community members, the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, and other partners to
protect sensitive resources discovered at the site.
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The Service Provider/Professional will work with FCNAD staff and partners to design a
series (1-6) pools along the stream channel for breeding and over-wintering using low-
impact approaches and native material where possible. A single pool will likely have
shallow margins used for breeding and tadpole use as well deeper portion used for
overwintering. Leopard frogs prefer breeding in vegetated, semipermanent ponds with
open canopies1. At this time, FCNAD anticipates the pools will be approximately 20 feet
in circumference and 4 feet deep to meet the needs of Northern Leopard Frog habitat.
This specification may shift slightly with input from Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists
and other Northern Leopard Frog experts. Areas may be identified and mapped for willow
Construction of the pools will avoid cultural and historic resources and damage to any rare
species, ecosystem processes, and sensitive ecological features like peat soils and fens.
Hand tools and natural materials is preferred overusing heavy equipment where possible.
A cultural resource survey will be performed prior to completion of design and will inform
the location of the pools.
The project has been divided into following anticipated tasks, which will be authorized by
Work Order (See Section L). Tasks be assigned an individual Work Order or be grouped
• Task 1: Project Management & Coordination
The Service Provider/Professional will perform the following tasks:
1.1 A site visit to Brannigan Springs and Spottlewood Creek with FCNAD staff will
serve as the project kickoff meeting.
1.2 Coordination meetings twice a month will be held with core team members and
Fort Collins staff to ensure effective communication and efficient coordination.
1.3 A meeting with FCNAD GIS Analyst to establish mapping standards.
1.4 Up to three coordination meetings with Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
1.5 Support on approximately four presentations total to FCNAD leadership and the
newly formed Native Nations Community Advisory Panel.
1.6 Monthly invoices.
1.7 Project schedule and milestone tracking.
Deliverables: Power point slides from the above-mentioned presentations. Monthly
invoices. Project schedule in Microsoft Project or similar software to be shared with
City PM.
• Task 2: Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling & Baseline Conditions
2.1 Creation of an existing conditions 2-D flow model for the floodplain and channel.
Model should be of appropriate resolution to investigate the creation of different
pool habitats and wetland alternatives. Survey data collection will be necessary.
Flow rates, or other available data can be used to support the 2D existing
conditions model.
Deliverables: 2-D flow model. PDF map and report of delineated wetlands, along with
shapefiles provided to FCNAD GIS Analyst.
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• Task 3: Design
3.0 Creation of conceptual design (20%) with accompanying short report on
supporting details. and hydrology findings. Design drawings will be provided in
PDF format and shared in Bluebeam or similar with Project Manager.
3.1 Consultation with FCNAD Cultural Resources staff to review results of cultural
3.3 Consultation with Native Nations Community Advisory Panel (led by FCNAD,
supported by Consultant).
3.2 80% design drawings with specifications.
3.3 A final design package with accompanying drawings and technical specifications
that are in PDF format and AutoCAD files.
3.4 An Excel spreadsheet of construction cost estimates.
3.5 One full-size hard copy of drawings with Consultant PE stamp and signature,
and any signatures required by the Owner.
3.6 Estimated schedule for construction.
Deliverables: 20% conceptual design drawings with short report. Final design
drawings and specs. Estimate of construction cost estimates. Paper copy of stamped
design drawings. Construction schedule.
• Task 4: Permitting
This site is not located within a mapped floodplain area and is outside the City of Fort
Collins. Very high-quality wetlands cover the project area. We anticipate doing this
work under a U.S. Army Corps of Engineering Nationwide 27 permit.
4.1 Identify Larimer County, state of Colorado, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
permitting needs.
4.2 Co-lead permitting meetings with City PM and permitting bodies.
4.3 Apply for relevant permits with support from City PM.
Deliverables: Relevant and approved permits with the understanding that there may
be agency delays outside the control of the Consultant and PM.
• Task 5: Construction Oversight & Close-Out
5.1 Daily oversight of construction.
5.2 Daily construction logs including RFIs, shop drawings, and any submittals.
5.2 Weekly construction meetings with look-ahead schedule.
5.3 Track all materials and quantities.
5.4 Photograph construction site progress daily.
5.5 Signed and stamped Record – As-built Drawings in PDF format.
5.6 Operations and Maintenance plan.
5.7 As-built PDF and AutoCAD files as well as any geospatial data created during
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 9 of 21
Deliverables: Daily construction logs and photos deposited in City’s OneDrive
account. Stamped as-built drawings. O&M plan. Required cultural resources
documentation with state of Colorado and City cultural resources staff.
C. Minimum Qualifications
The ideal Service Provider/Professional will have experience using low-tech, low-impact
approaches to stream restoration and wetland creation, and knowledge of working in
sensitive riparian ecosystems.
The ideal Service Provider/Professional shall compose a project team with the following
• Licensed professional civil engineer with expertise designing low-impact, small-
scale wetland and riparian habitat features, conducting hydraulic and hydrologic
analyses, and working in sensitive environments.
• Geomorphologist with experience in fluvial process, sediment transport analysis,
assessing stream conditions, producing basis of design reports.
• Wetland/riparian ecologist with experience working in prairie ecosystems.
• Staff member with experience in relevant federal, state, and county permitting.
This could be covered by any one of the team members listed above if they have
relevant experience.
Service Providers/Professionals may use subconsultants in developing an optimal team
for this project.
D. Anticipated Project Schedule
The project is scheduled to begin in September 2023 and all deliverables will be completed
by Jan 15, 2025. This schedule is subject to change.
Milestone Date
E. Budget
FCNAD has secured $50,000 to fund Consultant work on the design phase of the project.
FCNAD will cover the cost of cultural surveys and baseline Threatened and Endangered
species surveys outside the scope of the Consultant’s budget. Construction funding is not
secured yet for this project, and FCNAD staff will work to secure funding for that phase of
the project through internal and external sources.
F. Subject Matter Citations
1. Werner, E. E., and K. S. Glennemeier. 1999. Influence of forest canopy cover on the
breeding pond distributions of several amphibian species. Copeia 1999:1–12.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 10 of 21
2. Gilligan, L. 2022. Wetland Survey of Brannigan Springs at Soapstone Prairie Natural
Area. 2021 and 2022 data. Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State
3. England, J & Wilkes, M 2018. 'Does river restoration work? Taxonomic and
functional trajectories at two restoration schemes' Science of The Total Environment,
vol 618, pp. 961-970.
4. Ciotti, D. C., et al. (2021). "Design Criteria for Process-Based Restoration of Fluvial
Systems." Bioscience 71(8): 831-845.
G. RFP Schedule
The following represents the City’s target schedule for the RFP. The City reserves the
right to amend the target schedule at any time.
• RFP issuance: June 30, 2023
• Pre-Proposal Meeting: 10:00 AM MT on July 19, 2023
• Question deadline: 3:00 PM MT on July 21, 2023
• Final Addendum Issued: July 26, 2023
• Proposal due date: 3:00 PM MT on August 2, 2023
• Interviews (tentative): End of August 2023
• Award of Contract (tentative): End of August 2023
H. Interviews
In addition to submitting a written proposal, the top-rated Service Providers/Professionals
may be interviewed by the RFP assessment team and asked to participate in an oral
presentation to provide an overview of the company, approach to the project and to
address questions. The evaluation criteria for the oral interviews will be the same as the
criteria for the written evaluations and is included in Section IV.
Instead of traditional in-person interviews for the optional interview session, the City may
opt to use alternate methods including, but not limited to remote interviews through a
platform such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
I. Subcontractors/Subconsultants
Service Provider/Professional will be responsible for identifying any subcontractors and/or
subconsultants in their proposal. Please note that the City will contract solely with the
awarded Service Provider/Professional; therefore, subcontractors and/or subconsultants
will be the responsibility of the Service Provider/Professional.
J. Fees, Licenses, Permits
The successful Service Provider/Professional shall be responsible for obtaining any
necessary licenses, fees or permits without additional expense to the City. All vehicles
and equipment shall be properly licensed and insured, carry the appropriate permits and
be placarded as required by law.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 11 of 21
K. Laws and Regulations
The Service Provider/Professional agrees to comply fully with all applicable local, State of
Colorado and Federal laws and regulations and municipal ordinances to include American
Disabilities Act (ADA).
L. Work Orders
The awarded Service Provider/Professional(s) will be required to sign the City’s Work
Order Type Agreement, a sample of which is attached as Section VI for reference
purposes. In the event that the City has agreements with multiple Service
Providers/Professionals for the Work, the City reserves the right to request proposals for
individual Work Order assignments from the awarded Service Providers/Professionals or
assign Work Orders directly to a Service Provider/Professional at its sole discretion.
Selection for individual Work Orders may be based on, but not limited to, availability,
approach, prior experience, firm capability, and cost.
Individual Work assignments will be requested and agreed to utilizing the City’s Work
Order (included in the Agreement). Each Work Order must include a start and completion
date, total cost and a Scope of Work. Subsequent supporting documentation pages may
include a project schedule, deliverables, hours, cost detail supporting total cost, and
personnel details. Fees outlined in the Work Order will conform with those stated in the
No Work Order over $7,500 will be considered valid until signed, at a minimum, by the
Service Provider/Professional, project manager and Purchasing Department
representative. Depending on the cost and nature of the Work, additional signature
authorization may be required. Any changes to the dates, cost or scope of any Work
Order must be agreed upon in writing utilizing the City’s Change Order (included in the
Agreement) and will not be considered valid until signed, at a minimum, by the Service
Provider/Professional, project manager and Purchasing Department representative.
M. Invoicing and Payment
Invoices should be emailed monthly to invoices@fcgov.com with a copy to the Project
Manager. The cost of the work completed shall be paid to the Service
Provider/Professional each month following the submittal of a correct invoice by the
Service Provider/Professional indicating the project name, Purchase Order number, task
description, hours worked, personnel/work type category, hourly rate for each
employee/work type category, date of the work performed specific to the task, percentage
of that work that has been completed by task, 3rd party supporting documentation with the
same detail and a brief progress report.
Payments will be made using the prices stated in the Work Order and Agreement. In the
event a service is requested which is not stated in the Work Order and/or Agreement, the
Service Provider/Professional and the City will negotiate an appropriate unit price for the
service prior to the Service Provider/Professional initiating such work.
The City pays invoices on Net 30 terms.
Please limit the total length of your proposal to a maximum of fifty (50) 8 ½ x 11” pages
(excluding cover pages, table of contents, dividers and Acknowlegement form). Font shall be
a minimum of 10 Arial and margins are limited to no less than .5” for sides and top/bottom.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 12 of 21
Extended page sizes, such as 11” x 17”, count as a single page and may be used for detailed
pricing. Links to other files or websites shall not be permitted. Proposals that do not conform
to these requirements may be rejected.
Service Providers/Professionals are required to provide detailed written responses to the
following items in the order outlined below. The responses shall be considered technical offers
of what Service Providers/Professionals propose to provide and shall be incorporated in the
contract award as deemed appropriate by the City. A proposal that does not include all the
information required may be deemed non-responsive and subject to rejection.
Responses must include all the items in the order listed below. It is suggested that the Service
Providers/Professionals include each of the City’s questions with their response.
The City of Fort Collins shall not reimburse any firm for costs incurred in the preparation and
presentation of their proposal.
A. Cover Letter / Executive Summary
The Executive Summary should highlight the content of the proposal and features of the
program offered, including a general description of the program and any unique aspects
or benefits provided by your firm.
Indicate your availability to participate in the interviews/demonstrations on the proposed
dates as stated in the Schedule section.
B. Service Provider/Professional Information
1. Describe the Service Provider/Professional’s business and background
2. Number of years in the business
3. Details about ownership
4. An overview of services offered and qualifications
5. Size of the firm
6. Location(s) of offices. If multiple, please identify which will be the primary for our
7. Primary contact information for the company including contact name(s) and title(s),
mailing address(s), phone number(s), and email address(s).
C. Scope of Proposal
1. Provide a detailed narrative of the services proposed if awarded the contract per the
scope above. The narrative should include any options that may be beneficial for the
City to consider.
2. Describe how the project would be managed and who would have primary
responsibility for its timely and professional completion.
3. Briefly describe the approach to execute the scope of work to include the methods and
assumptions used, and any exceptions and/or risks.
4. Describe the methods and timeline of communication your firm will use with the City’s
Project Manager and other parties.
5. Include a description of the software and other analysis tools to be used.
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 13 of 21
6. Identify what portion of work, if any, may be subcontracted or outsourced to
subconsultants. Include all applicable information herein requested for each Service
7. Can the work be completed in the necessary timeframe, with target start and
completion dates met?
8. Are other qualified personnel available to assist in meeting the project schedule if
9. Is the project team available to attend meetings as required by the Scope of Work?
10. Provide an outline of the schedule for completing the defined tasks based on the
Scope of Work.
D. Firm Capability and Assigned Personnel
Provide relevant information regarding previous experience related to this or similar
projects, to include the following:
1. Provide an Organization Chart/Proposed Project Team: An organization chart
containing the names of all key personnel and subconsultants with titles and their
specific task assignment for this Agreement shall be provided in this section.
2. Provide resumes for each professional and technical person to be assigned to the
project, including partners, subconsultants, and subcontractors. Please limit resumes
to one page.
3. A list of qualifications for your firm and qualifications and experience of the specific
staff members proposed to perform the services described above.
4. References. Provide a minimum of three similar projects with public agencies in the
last 5 years that have involved the staff and subcontractors/subconsultants proposed
to work on this project. Include the owner’s name, title of project, beginning price,
ending price, contact name, email and phone number, subconsultants on the team
and a brief description of the work and any change orders. The Service
Provider/Professional authorizes the City to verify any and all information contained
herein and hereby releases all those concerned providing information as a reference
from any liability in connection with any information provided.
5. Provide any information that distinguishes Service Provider/Professional from its
competition and any additional information applicable to this RFP that might be
valuable in assessing Service Provider/Professional’s proposal.
E. Sustainability/TBL Methodology
In concise terms (no more than two pages), please describe your organization’s
commitment to sustainability and supporting values.
Each element of the TBL sustainability criteria will receive equal consideration in
determining the final Sustainability/TBL score.
1. Address how your firm strives to incorporate all three aspects (social,
environmental, and economic) of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) sustainable practices
into the workplace. Provide examples along with any metrics used to measure
success within your firm.
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2. Also provide examples of how your firm has incorporated all three aspects of TBL
sustainable practices in previous similar projects on which your firm has been the
prime Service Provider/Professional.
Some examples are provided below:
a. Environmental – Experience delivering projects / programs focused on
environmental health priorities in the areas of climate resiliency, water quality
and watershed protection, regulatory performance, management systems,
air quality, renewable energy, sustainable building and design, construction
materials management, and solid waste reduction.
b. Economic – Experience working and delivering projects with an emphasis
on strategic financial planning, job creation, business development, asset
management, various project delivery methods, value engineering, regional
partnerships, transparency, stakeholder engagement, strategic investments,
aging infrastructure, repurposing of existing facilities, and competing
financial priorities.
c. Social - Experience working and delivering projects, programs, and/or
initiatives that support Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion throughout your firm’s
workplace, including leadership, and supply chain. Examples of this may be
demonstration of working within cultural and language gaps, development of
diversity programs, diverse project teams, equitable opportunity vendor
supply chain, and how your firm has applied an equity lens to processes
such as recruitment, hiring, purchasing, career pathways, salaries, and staff
F. Cost and Work Hours
In your response to this proposal, please provide the following:
1. Estimated Hours by Task: Provide estimated hours for each proposed task by job title
and employee name, including the time required for meetings, conference calls, etc.
2. Cost by Task: Provide the cost of each task identified in the Scope of Services section.
Provide a total not to exceed cost for the Scope of Proposal. Price all additional
services/deliverables separately.
3. Schedule of Rates: Provide a schedule of billing rates by category of employee and
job title to be used during the term of the Agreement. This fee schedule will be firm for
at least one (1) year from the date of the Agreement. The fee schedule will be used as
a basis for determining fees should additional services be necessary. A fee schedule
for subconsultants/subcontractors, if used, shall be included.
4. All direct costs (i.e., travel, printing, postage, etc.) specifically attributed to the project
and not included in the billing rates must be identified. Reasonable expenses may be
reimbursable as per the current rates found at www.gsa.gov. Service
Provider/Consultant will be required to provide original receipts to the City for all travel
G. Sample Agreement
Included with this request for proposals is a sample Agreement that the City intends to
use for obtaining the services of the Service Provider/Professional. The Service
Provider/Professional is required to review this Agreement and indicate any objections to
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 15 of 21
the terms of the contract. If revisions to the contractual terms are requested, provide
suggested revisions.
H. Acknowledgement
The Acknowledgement form is attached as Section V. Complete the attached form
indicating the Service Provider/Professional hereby acknowledges receipt of the City of
Fort Collins Request for Proposal and acknowledges that the Service
Provider/Professional has read and agrees to be fully bound by all of the terms, conditions
and other provisions set forth in the RFP.
A. Proposal and Interview Criteria
Service Providers/Professionals will be evaluated on the following criteria. This set of
criteria will be the basis for review and assessment of the written proposals and optional
interview session. At the discretion of the City, interviews of the top-rated Service
Providers/Professionals may be conducted.
The rating scale shall be from 1 to 10, a rating of 1 doesn’t meet minimum requirements,
a rating of 5 means the category fulfills the minimum requirements, and 10 exceeds
minimum requirements in that category.
2.0 Scope of Proposal
Does the proposal address all elements of the
RFP? Does the proposal show an
understanding of the project objectives,
methodology to be used and results/outcomes
required by the project? Are there any
exceptions to the specifications, Scope of Work,
or agreement? Can the work be completed in
the necessary time? Can the target start and
completion dates be met? Are other qualified
personnel available to assist in meeting the
project schedule if required? Is the project team
available to attend meetings as required by the
Scope of Work?
3.0 Firm Capability &
Assigned Personnel
Does the firm have the resources, financial
strength, capacity and support capabilities
required to successfully complete the project on-
time and in-budget? Has the firm successfully
completed previous projects of this type and
scope? Do the persons who will be working on
the project have the necessary skills and
qualifications? Are sufficient people of the
requisite skills and qualifications assigned to the
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1.0 Sustainability/TBL
Does the firm demonstrate a commitment to
Sustainability and incorporate Triple Bottom Line
methodology in both their Scope of Work for the
project, and their day-to-day business operating
processes and procedures?
Does the firm demonstrate a commitment to all
three aspects (social, environmental, and
economic) of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
methodology of sustainability for this project and
in their company value system as evidenced by
their day-to-day business operating processes,
practices and procedures?
2.0 Cost & Work Hours
Does the proposal included detailed cost break-
down for each cost element as applicable and
are the line-item costs competitive? Do the
proposed cost and work hours compare
favorably with the Project Manager's estimate?
Are the work hours presented reasonable for the
effort required by each project task or phase?
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 17 of 21
Service Provider/Professional hereby acknowledges receipt of the City of Fort Collins Request
for Proposal and acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be fully bound by all of the
terms, conditions and other provisions set forth in the RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog
Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie and sample Agreement except as
otherwise noted. Additionally, Service Provider/Professional hereby makes the following
representations to City:
a. All of the statements and representations made in this proposal are true to the best of the
Service Provider/Professional’s knowledge and belief.
b. Service Provider/Professional commits that it is able to meet the terms provided in this
c. This proposal is a firm and binding offer, for a period of 90 days from the date hereof.
d. Service Provider/Professional further agrees that the method of award is acceptable.
e. Service Provider/Professional also agrees to complete the proposed Agreement with the
City of Fort Collins within 10 days of notice of award. If contract is not completed and
signed within 10 days, City reserves the right to cancel and award to the next highest rated
f. Service Provider/Professional acknowledges receipt of addenda.
g. Service Provider/Professional acknowledges no conflict of interest.
h. Service Provider/Professional acknowledges that the City is a governmental entity subject
to the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any
proposals submitted hereunder are subject to public disclosure by the City pursuant to
CORA and City ordinances. Professionals may submit one (1) additional complete
proposal clearly marked “FOR PUBLIC VIEWING.” In this version of the proposal,
Professionals may redact text and/or data that it deems confidential or proprietary
pursuant to CORA. All pricing will be considered public records subject to disclosure under
CORA and as such pricing cannot be redacted from the “FOR PUBLIC VIEWING” version
of the proposal. Failure to provide a public viewing copy will be considered a waiver of
any claim of confidentiality under CORA without regard to how the applicant’s proposal or
certain pages of the proposal are marked confidential, proprietary, or similar. Such
statement does not necessarily exempt such documentation from public disclosure if
required by CORA, by order of a court of appropriate jurisdiction, or other applicable
law. Generally, under CORA, trade secrets, confidential commercial information and
financial data information may not be disclosed by the City. Proposals may not be marked
“Confidential” or ‘Proprietary’ in their entirety. By responding to this RFP, Professionals
hereby waives any and all claims for damages against the City for the City’s good faith
compliance with CORA. All provisions and pricing of any contract resulting from
this request for proposal will be public information.
Legal Firm Name:
Physical Address:
Remit to Address:
RFP 9837 Northern Leopard Frog Stream Habitat Restoration Project at Soapstone Prairie Page 18 of 21
Name of Authorized Agent of Firm:
Signature of Authorized Agent:
Primary Contact for Project:
Title: Email Address:
Phone: Cell Phone:
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