HomeMy WebLinkAboutArticle 3 Building Types - 5/17/20241 - ZONE DISTRICTS FORT COLLINS LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE 3 BUILDING TYPES DIVISION 3.1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING TYPES 3.1.1 Mixed-Use 3.1.2 Apartment Building 3.1.3 Cottage Court 3.1.4 Rowhouse 3.1.5 Duplex 3.1.6 Detached House - Urban 3.1.7 Detached House - Suburban 3.1.8 Detached Accessory Structures 3.1.9 Accessory Dwelling Unit 3.1.10 Residential Cluster ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-1 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES SECTION In “mixed-use” buildings, there shall be a combination of retail, office, and/or residential spaces within one or several buildings. Mixed- use buildings are usually in more urban areas and can vary in their size and number of stories. A mixed-use building type can be identified by its approachable and pedestrian friendly look. The buildings may be farther away from the street with wider sidewalk areas, street plantings, or outdoor seating. The following Zone Districts allow Mixed-Use building types: •LMN •MMN •HMN •OT-C •NC •CC •CCN •CCR •D Mixed-Use 3.1.1 ColoProperty.com, IRES MLS Myriad Condominiums, Dohn Construction TMA CHA Architects •CG •CS •CL •HC •E •Overlay Districts ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORTLAND USE CODE - 3-2 BUILDING STANDARDS SECTION 3.1.1 Mixed-Use BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum 4-12 stories max.* Affordable Housing Bonus 1-2 additional stories BUILD-TO LINES Smaller than Arterial 0’min. - 15’ max. On-Street Parking 0’min. - 15’ max. Arterial or larger 10’min. - 25’max. BUILD-TO LINE EXCEPTIONS Plaza, courtyard, patio or garden Landscaping, low walls, fencing or railings, a tree canopy and/ or other similar site improvements are required. Easement As required by the City to continue an established drainage channel or access drive, or other easement. Contextual Build-To A contextual build-to line may fall at any point between the required build-to line and the build-to line that exists on a lot that abuts, and is oriented to, the same street as the subject lot. A A B B C C STR E E T STR E E T *See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-3 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE SECTION FACADE TOP FACADE BASE MASSING Building Bays* - Maximum Width 30' ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES MASSING & ARTICULATION A B C CAll facades shall have a recognizable “base” consisting of (but not limited to): All facades shall have a recognizable “top” consisting of (but not limited to): A B „thicker walls, ledges or sills; „textured materials such as stone or masonry; „integrally colored and patterned materials such as smooth-finished stone or tile; „lighter or darker colored materials; „mullions or panels; and „planters. „cornice treatments, other than just colored “stripes” or “bands,” with integrally textured materials such as stone or other masonry or differently colored materials; „sloping roof with overhangs and brackets; and „stepped parapets. FOUR-SIDED DESIGN Building Materials Consistent with Front of Building D *Standard also applies to rear facade.. D Mixed-Use STR E E T STR E E T 3.1.1 Footprints over ten-thousand (10,000) sf shall incorporate recesses/projections with bays no wider than thirty (30) ft. „change in plane; „change in height; „change in texture or masonry pattern, windows, treillage with vines; and/or „an equivalent element that subdivides the wall into human scale proportions. *Building bay is defined as at least two (2) of the following: ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-4 SITE ACCESS WALKWAYS Primary Function Pedestrian Accommodation Secondary Function Vehicular Movement VEHICULAR ACCESS & PARKING Alley Access***Setback additional 15’ min. from the building wall Off-Street Parking Shall not be located any closer to a public street right-of-way than the principal building is set back from the street. ENTRYWAYS Primary Entrance Features Sheltering Element Required* Primary Entrance Orientation Opens to a Connecting Walkway With Pedestrian Frontage** Awning Width No shorter than Single Storefront A B C *Includes clearly defined and recessed or framed element such as an awning, arcade, or portico to provide shelter. **Buildings with vehicle bays and/or service doors for intermittent/infrequent nonpublic access to equipment, storage or similar rooms (e.g., self-serve car washes and self-serve mini-storage warehouses) are exempt from this standard. C B D A ***Any new access must obtain access from an alley when present, unless proposed alley access is deemed hazardous by the City Engineer. D Mixed-Use STR E E T STR E E T 3.1.1SECTION ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-5 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES SECTION The following Zone Districts allow Apartment building: Apartment Building 3.1.2 An apartment building is a residential building that has three (3) or more housing units. Apartment buildings are typically medium to large in size because the units are placed side- by-side and/or stacked vertically. Apartment buildings have a variety of architectural styles but are usually at least 2 stories tall and have common entries that face the street. Copperleaf Place, Fort Collins •LMN •MMN •HMN •OT-B •OT-C •NC •CC •CCN •CCR •CG •D •HC •CS •CL •E •Overlay Districts ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-6 BUILDING STANDARDS SECTION Roof lines may be either sloped, flat or curved, but must include at least two (2) of the following: „The primary roof line shall be articulated through a variation or terracing in height, detailing and/or change in massing. „Secondary roofs shall transition over entrances, porches, garages, dormers, towers or other architectural projections. „Offsets in roof planes shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in the vertical plane. „Termination at the top of flat roof parapets shall be articulated by design details and/or changes in materials and color. „Rooftop equipment shall be hidden from view by incorporating equipment screens of compatible design and materials. ROOF DESIGN E E E Apartment Building BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum 3 - 12 stories max.* Affordable HousingBonus 1-2 additional stories A B A CONTEXTUAL HEIGHT SETBACK Upper Story Setback** 25’ min. upper story setback above 2 stories **Only properties abutting a zone district with a lower maximum building height shall comply. C C B STREET 3.1.2 *See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-7 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE SECTIONSECTION 3.1.2 PRIMARY ENTRANCES Architectural Feature Primary entrances shall include architectural features such as a porch, landing, portico, similar feature or landscaping. Location Primary entry(ies) shall be located on the street-facing facade. G Apartment Building FACADES & WALLS Building Facade Articulation* Required when 40' or more *Facade articulation can be accomplished by: „Covered doorways, balconies, covered box or bay windows, and/or other similar features; „Offsetting the floor plan; „Recessing or projection of design elements; „Change in materials; and/or „Change in contrasting colors. D VEHICULAR ACCESS & PARKING Alley Access**Setback additional 15’ min. from building wall. Off-Street Parking Shall not be located any closer to a public street right-of-way than the principal building is set back from the street. F **Any new access must obtain access from an alley when present, unless proposed alley access is deemed hazardous by the City Engineer. D F G STREET BUILDING STANDARDS MASSING „Massing, wall plane, and roof design proportions shall be similar to a detached house, so that larger buildings can be integrated into surrounding lower scale neighborhoods. „Projections, recesses, covered doorways, balconies, covered box or bay windows and/or other similar features. „Dividing large facades and walls into human-scaled proportions similar to the adjacent single- or two- family dwellings shall not have repetitive, monotonous undifferentiated wall planes. „Horizontal and/or vertical elements that break up blank walls of forty (40) feet or longer. D ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES D •UE ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-8 SECTION ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES SECTION The following Zone Districts allow cottage court building types: •OT-C •LMN •MMN Cottage Court 3.1.3 Cottage Court complexes are a grouping of residential units that are organized around a shared courtyard accessible to all residents. Some cottages face the street while others face towards the courtyard. The cottages are usually smaller in scale with friendly architectural styles that provide a neighborhood feel, such as porches or stoops for each residential unit. All Photos Courtesy of Ross Chapin Architects DESCRIPTION D •HC •E •D •Overlay Districts Only when part of a Residential Cluster: •UE •RUL •RF B A C D STREET BUILDING STANDARDS SECTION Cottage Court LOT STANDARDS Lot Area - Minimum (Prior to Subdivision) 9000 ft2 min. Lot Area / Unit - Minimum 1400 ft2 min. Lot Width - Minimum (Prior to Subdivision) 100' min. DWELLING UNITS # of Dwelling Units 3 - 12 max. Distance between units 10' min. FLOOR AREA (Maximum) Cottage 1200-1500 sf on average A BUILDING MASS Building Height - Maximum 1.5 - 2.5 stories / 26 - 32’ max.* Eave Height - Maximum 13' - 18' max.* B COMMON COURT Court Width - Minimum 16' min.* Court Area - Minimum 800 ft2 min. *Along frontage line. C D 3.1.3 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-9 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE *See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ALLEY ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-10 SITE ACCESS ACESSS & CIRCULATION Walkways Shared pathways Off-Street Parking - Alley Access Behind street fronting dweilling Off-Street Parking - No-Alley Access 12' max. driveway width, 1 driveway / lot Parking Ratio per number of bedrooms 1 or less br: 1.0 2 br: 1.50 3 br: 2.00 4 br: 2.50 ENTRANCES Primary Entrance Orientation* Toward street or shared court Architectural Features Required Single-Unit Detached 6' deep min. x 8' length min. Single-Unit Attached 4' x 4' min. covered porch or stoop required** **Porch Depth is as measured from the building facade to the posts, railings and spindles. *For new construction on rear area of a lot that consists of frontage on two (2) streets and an alley, frontage shall face street. B C D E A C D B E A STREET Cottage Court SECTION 3.1.3 ALLEY ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES „Off-street parking area shall be prohibited within the court. 3-11 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE BUILDING STANDARDS The following Zone Districts allow Rowhouse building types: •LMN •MMN •HMN •OT-C •NC •D •CC ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPESARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES ZONE DISTRICTS Rowhouse A rowhouse consists of 2-8 residential units that are placed side-by-side and share walls. Rowhouses are typically narrow and 2-3.5 stories tall, with each home having its own entrance that usually faces the street. It is common for homes in rowhouses to have porches and some may have an attached or detached garage behind each unit. BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES Thrive Home Builders CG Architect SECTION 3.1.4 •CCN •CCR •CG •CS •CL •HC •E Only when part of a Residential Cluster: •UE •RUL •RF ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-12 Rowhouse BUILDING STANDARDS LOT STANDARDS Lot Area / Unit 1400 ft2 min. Lot Width - Minimum 15' min. Private Outdoor Space*12' x 18' / unit BUILDING MASS Building Height - Maximum 2-3.5 Stories** # of Rowhouse Groupings 2 - 8 max.*** Building Orientation Front faces street **** A A B B **See Zone Distrcit standards for max. height. ***Maximum is dependent on Zone District standards. **** Narrower side of unit faces the street. ROOF DESIGN Roof lines may be either sloped, flat or curved, but must include at least two (2) of the following elements: „The primary roof line shall be articulated through a variation or terracing in height, detailing and/or change in massing. „Secondary roofs shall transition over entrances, porches, garages, dormers, towers or other architectural projections. „Offsets in roof planes shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in the vertical plane. „Termination at the top of flat roof parapets shall be articulated by design details and/or changes in materials and color. „Rooftop equipment shall be hidden from view by incorporating equipment screens of compatible design and materials. STREET SECTION 3.1.4 *Clearly defined space such as a patio, courtyard or deck. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-13 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPESARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES SITE ACCESS Rowhouse ACESSS & CIRCULATION Off-Street Parking - Alley Access Behind dwelling Off-Street Parking - No-Alley Access 12' max. driveway width A A B STREET SECTION 3.1.4 ENTRANCES Primary Entrance Orientation Toward street or shared court Architectural Features Required Porch Dimensions 6' deep min. x 8' length min. B „For new construction on rear area of a lot that consists of frontage on two (2) streets and an alley, frontage shall face street. „Architectural features include porch, portico or similar feature. „Porch Depth is as measured from the building facade to the posts, railings and spindles „Off Street Parking area shall not be visible from the street or shared court the primary entrance faces. ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-14 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES SECTION The following Zone Districts allow Duplex building types: Duplex •LMN •MMN •OT-B •OT-C •UE •NC •CC 3.1.5 A duplex consists of one building with two (2) side-by-side residential units that both face the street or two (2) units that are stacked vertically. A duplex is commonly 1.5 to 2 stories and usually features porches, stoops, and pitched roofs, so it can look like a medium to large detached house and fit in well with single- unit neighborhoods. Other types of duplexes may not face the street, such as over-the- garage duplexes or basement duplexes. •CCN •CCR •CG •CS •CL •HC •E Only when part of a Residential Cluster: •RUL •RF 3-15 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE BUILDING STANDARDS SECTION Duplex ROOF DESIGN Roof Pitch - Minimum 2:12 Roof Pitch - Maximum 12:12 Roof Pitch - Architectural Features 24:12*** C LOT STANDARDS Lot Size - Minimum 4500 ft2 Lot Width - Minimum 40' min. Floor Area - Maximum 1500 ft2 / unit Private Outdoor Space*12' x 18' / unit A A B D D ***Covered porch may be flat whenever the roof of such a porch is also considered to be the floor of a second-story deck. C 3.1.5 BUILDING MASS Building Height - Maximum 35'** # of Duplex Groupings 3 - 6 max. Building Orientation Front faces street or shared court B . *Clearly defined space such as a patio, courtyard or deck „A second floor shall not overhang the lower front or side exterior walls of a new or existing building. **See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES A B D C ACESSS & CIRCULATION Off-Street Parking - Alley Access Behind dwelling Street-Facing Garage Setback* Recessed 4' behind a porch or front facade Off-Street Parking - No-Alley Access* 12' max. driveway width ENTRANCES Private Entrance for Individual Units Min. of one entry required to orient toward street; may be shared entry for stacked units. Architectural Features Required Shared Front Porch 6' deep min. x 8' length min. Individual Entry Feature 4' x 4' min. covered ground- floor stoop ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-16 D SITE ACCESS A B C Duplex SECTION 3.1.5 „Entrances must be visible from the street or shared court. „Architectural features include porch, portico or similar feature. Covered porch may be flat whenevr the roof of such porch is also considered to be the floor of a second-story deck. „Porch Depth is as measured from the building facade to the posts, railings and spindles. * Allowed only when there is no alley access. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-17 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES Detached House, Urban DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES The following Zone Districts allow Detached House, Urban building: •OT •LMN •MMN •RL •RF •RUL •UE An urban detached house is a small to medium- sized 1-2 story home on a single lot located in established neighborhoods. Most have one main entrance and often attached or detached garages. Urban detached houses are distinct in that they are usually on smaller lots, and within walking distance to key amenities and services. SECTION 3.1.6 •MH •HC •CL •CS •CCR •CCN ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-18 LOT STANDARDS* Lot Size - Minimum 3000 ft2 Lot Width - Minimum 40' min. *Lot standards may vary from dimensions stated here if part of a larger development and consistent with density requirements. BUILDING STANDARDS B A BUILDING MASS Building Height - Maximum 35'**** Building Orientation Front faces street A second floor shall not overhang the lower front or side exterior walls of a new or existing building. C ROOF DESIGN Roof Pitch - Minimum**2:12 Roof Pitch - Maximum 12:12 Roof Pitch - Architectural Features 24:12*** D **Only applies in the OT zone district. ***Covered porch may be flat whenever the roof of such a porch is also considered to be the floor of a second-story deck. Detached House, Urban A B C D FRONT YARD FENCES Opacity 60% min. Height 2.5’ min. - 3’ max. Prohibited Materials Chain Link OFF-STREET PARKING Alley Access Behind dwelling No-Alley Access 12' max. driveway width SECTION 3.1.6 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES ****See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-19 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE B A C OFF-STREET PARKING Alley Access Behind dwelling No-Alley Access 12' max. driveway width ENTRANCES Primary Entrance Orientation Towards front wall of building* Architectural Features Required Porch Dimensions 6' deep min. x 8' length min. SITE ACCESS B A *Unless required for handicap access. Detached House, Urban C SECTION 3.1.6 „Except in RL, the maximum driveway width is 18'. ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-20 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES SECTION Detached House, Suburban The following Zone Districts allow Detached House, Suburban build- ing type: •OT •LMN •MMN •RL •RF •UE •RUL •MH A suburban detached house is a small to medium-sized 1-2 story home on a single lot located in established neighborhoods. Most have one main entrance and often attached or detached garages. Suburban detached houses make up a large portion of Fort Collin's current single-unit residential areas. 3.1.7 •CCN •CCR •CG •CS •CL •HC •E ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-21 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE BUILDING STANDARDS SECTION Detached House, Suburban LOT STANDARDS Lot Area 3000 ft² min.* Lot Width**60’ min. Front Setback**20’ Rear Setback**15’ Rear Setback, Alley- Accessed Garages** 6’ Residential Use - Side Setback** Corner Lot - 15’ min. Interior Lot - 5’ min. BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum 28’ Max.*** *Except in RL, the minimum lot area shall be the equivalent of three (3) times the total floor area of the building but not less than six thousand (6,000) square feet. **Except in OT, the standards in this zone district apply. MASSING A second floor shall not overhang the lower front or side exterior walls of a new or existing building. ROOF DESIGN Roof Pitch - Minimum****2:12 Roof Pitch - Maximum 12:12 B A C D 3.1.7 ****Only applies in the OT zone district. ***See Zone District standards for specific maximum height. ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-22 SITE DESIGN Detached House, Suburban ENTRANCES Primary Entrance Orientation Towards front wall of building* Architectural Features Required by District Porch Dimensions** 6' deep min. x 8' length min. B A *Unless required for handicap access. **When required by zone district. ACESSS & CIRCULATION Off-Street Parking 12' max. driveway width GARAGE LOCATION Street-Facing Garage Setback Recessed 4' behind a porch or front facade C A C SECTION 3.1.7 B ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES „Except in RL, the maximum driveway width is 18'. ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS SECTION Detached Accessory Structure ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-23 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE • Free-standing structure • Does not include a dwelling unit • Unattached to proposed or existing primary dwelling • Does not share a common wall with primary dwelling • New construction or built from existing detached accessory building • Max. square footage • Compliments primary dwelling (architecture, building materials) All Zone Districts that permit single-unit, two-unit uses. SECTION 3.1.8 ACCESSORY BUILDING SETBACKS Setback from Primary Dwelling 5’ min. Side & Rear Setback Per Zone District standards ACCESSORY BUILDING FLOOR AREA OT zone district Any parcel 600 ft² max. All other zone districts Parcels < 20,000 sf 800 ft² max. Parcels > 20,000 sf < 1 acre 1,200 ft² max. Parcels > 1 acre 6% ft² max. ACCESSORY BUILDING HEIGHT (Maximum) Accessory Building 24’ max. Bulk Plane Per Zone District standards BUILDING STANDARDS A DESCRIPTION ZONE DISTRICTS BUILDING TYPE:Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) SECTION 3.1.9 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-24 • Full living amenities • Accessory to a Duplex or Detached House • New construction or built within an existing detached accessory building • Min & Max. square footage • Subordinate to and complements the primary dwelling (architecture, building materials) • ADUs may came come in one of two varieties: - Detached - Attached •OT •CC •CCN •CCR •CG Only Allowed where there is an existing: • detached house; • duplex; triplex; or • non-residential use operating in a detached house. BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES Photo: Troy Thies for Ben Quie & SonsTop Photo: Hammer & Hand, Designed by Polyphon Architecture & Design and Introspecs. Bottom Photo: Studio Shed •CS •CL •LMN •MMN •HMN •NC •D •HC •E •I •RC •LMN Only when part of a Residential Cluster: •RUL •RF BUILDING TYPE: ST R E E T SECTION 3.1.9 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES Detached ADU FLOOR AREA Detached ADU with or without non-habitable space (Rear Lot) New construction Primary Building < 1,335 ft²600 ft² max.* Primary Building > 1,335 ft² 1,000 ft² max. / or 45% of primary dwelling unit. (whichever is less)* Existing accessory structure** 800 ft² max.*** *Max. floor Area includes garage, shed or other accessory space. **Legal structure upon the adoption of the LUC. ***Does not include non-habitable space. Accessory Dwelling Unit, Detached BUILDING STANDARDS: Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), detached Detached ADU SEPARATION and SETBACKS Separation from Primary Dwelling 5’ min. Setback from Front Wall of Primary Dwelling 10’ min. Side & Rear Setback Per Zone District standards Detached ADU HEIGHT (Maximum) ADU Height 1.5 stories /28' max. or per Zone District standard • Free-standing structure • Unattached to proposed or existing primary dwelling • Does not share a common wall or roof with primary dwelling • Behind front wall of primary dwelling • May include garage, shed or other accessory space A B C 3-25 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE BUILDING TYPE EXAMPLES BUILDING TYPE: Attached ADU SETBACKS Side & Rear Setback Per Zone District standards ADU FLOOR AREA Attached ADU Located on a floor level at or above grade 45% of primary dwelling unit located on floor level below grade 100% of the floor level BUILDING STANDARDS: Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), attached Attached ADU HEIGHT (Maximum) ADU Height No taller than the Primary Dwelling Bulk Plane Per Zone District standards • Attached to the existing primary dwelling • Shares at minimum one (1) common wall with primary dwelling Accessory Dwelling Unit, Attached ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES SECTION 3.1.9 A B STREET STREET BACKYARD ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE - 3-26 ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES 3-27 - ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE (A) Street Connectivity and Design. The layout and design of any new streets shall emphasize characteristics and views of the open-landscape. To the maximum extent feasible, streets shall be designed to minimize the amount of site disturbance caused by roadway and associated grading required for their construction by utilizing special street design characteristics such as divided lanes, landscape islands and landscape solutions to drainage instead of standard curb and gutter (so that storm water runoff is directed into open swales and ditches). Local and residential access roads shall be designed without curbs and gutters unless deemed necessary for health and safety by the City Engineer. (B) Fossli Creek Reservoir Resource Management Area. In the Fossil Creek Reservoir Resource Management Area clustering shall be required for residential development. (C) Site Design for Residential Cluster Development. In a cluster development, lot sizes and widths may be reduced in order to group the dwellings together. The precentage of the developement that includes residential uses and the precentage required to be preserved as privately owned open space can be found in the following table. Residential Cluster SECTION 3.1.10 ZONE DISTRICTS The following Zone Districts allow Residential Cluster building type: •UE •RUL •RF Portion of Development Used for Residential Cluster Zone District Cluster Maximum Open Space (Privately Owned) Minimum UE 50%50% RUL 20%80% RF 50%50% DESIGN STANDARDS DESCRIPTION In a residential cluster lot sizes may be reduced in order to cluster the dwellings together on a portion of the property, with the remainder of the property permanently preserved as privately owned open space. A Residential Cluster may include the following other building types Detached House, Duplex, Cottage Court, Rowhouse, or ADU. (1) The private open space of the proposed development shall remain under private ownership, as protected by restrictive covenants for the benefit of the City, and/or by maintaining existing dwellings and any outbuildings, protected by restrictive covenants binding upon either: (a) existing residential owners; (b) the residential homeowners' association if it owns such propert; or (c) a nonprofit organization acceptable to the City, if it owns such property. (2) The development plan shall include such restrictive provisions protected by restrictive covenants for the benefit of the City, proposed uses, and maintenance provisions as necessary to ensure the continuation of the private open space uses intended. The city may also require that the developer commit in the development agreement to maintain the open space. ARTICLE 3 : BUILDING TYPES - FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE -3-28 Setbacks for attached, detached and accessory buildings in a Residential Cluster Building Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Detached 15' min 5' min 15' min 8' min Attached 10' min 0' min 15' min 8' min Detached Accessory Behind primary building 5' min 15' min 8' min (4) Outbuildings relating to agricultural use are allowed to remain and, if included, shall be applied toward the total allowed residential density in the development. (5) Dwelling Units. The maximum number of dwellings are indicated in the following table. Residential Cluster SECTION 3.1.10 (D) The design of the cluster development shall be appropriate for the site, as demonstrated by meeting all of the following criteria: (1) The preservation of significant natural resources, wildlife habitat, natural areas and features such as drainage swales, rock outcroppings and slopes, native vegetation, open lands or agricultural property through maintenance of large, contiguous blocks of land and other techniques. Residual land shall be designed to achieve the maximum amount of contiguous open space possible, while avoiding the creation of small, isolated and unusable areas. (2) The provision of additional amenities such as trails, common areas or access to public recreational areas and open space. Residual lands shall not include any street rights-of-way or parking areas. (3) The protection of adjacent residential development through landscaping, screening, fencing, buffering or similar measures. (4) The layout of lots to conform to terrain and minimize grading and filling, including the preservation of natural features such as drainage swales, rock outcroppings and slopes. (5) The indication of any areas where Farm Animals will be allowed, including any mitigation features needed to buffer these areas from surrounding uses. Units per Acres in a Residential Cluster Zone District Max. Dweiling Units Acres UE 2 1 RUL 1 10 RF 1 1 (3) Setbacks ARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPESARTICLE 3 - BUILDING TYPES