HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9201813HTTP://WWW.INSIGHT.COM Page 1 of 2INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR SLED 6820 S HARL AVE TEMPE AZ 85283-4318 Tel: 800-467-4448 SOLD-TO PARTY 10626236 CITY OF FORT COLLINS 215 N MASON ST FORT COLLINS CO 80524-4402 SHIP-TO PARTY CITY OF FORT COLLINS 215 N MASON ST FORT COLLINS CO 80524-4402 We deliver according to the following terms: Payment Terms :Net 30 days Ship Via :Electronic Delivery Terms of Delivery :FOB DESTINATION Currency :USD Quotation Quotation Number :223064786 Document Date PO Number PO Release Sales Rep Email Telephone Sales Rep 2 Email Telephone : 03-DEC-2020 : : : Peter Lonson : PETER.LONSON@INSIGHT.COM : : Maggie Ehrgott : COLORADO@INSIGHT.COM : 8002692523 Coverage Dates: 1/01/2021-10/31/2021 Material Material Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price U4S-00002-ESA3 Microsoft Office 365 (Plan E1) - Subscription license - 1 user - hosted - GOV - EA Subscription, Government Community Cloud - All Languages 375 64.76 24,285.00 CofFC 72711475 10 Mo STATE OF COLORADO NASPO VALUEPOINT SOFTWARE VAR(# ADSPO16-138244/ 20170000000000000105) LICENSE :72711475 AAA-12414-ESA3 Microsoft Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 - Subscription license (1 month) - 1 user CAL - EA Subscription - All Languages 375 16.34 6,127.50 CofFC 72711475 10 Mo STATE OF COLORADO NASPO VALUEPOINT SOFTWARE VAR(# ADSPO16-138244/ 20170000000000000105) LICENSE :72711475 Product Subtotal 30,412.50 TAX 0.00 Total 30,412.50 Thank you for considering Insight. Please contact us with any questions or for additional information about Insight's complete IT solution offering. Sincerely, Peter Lonson PETER.LONSON@INSIGHT.COM Sabrina Clemmensen SABRINA.CLEMMENSEN@INSIGHT.COM Please respond to colorado@insight.com Phone: 800-269-2523 HTTP://WWW.INSIGHT.COM Page 2 of 2 Document Date 03-DEC-2020 Quotation Number 223064786 Insight Global Finance has a wide variety of flexible financing options and technology refresh solutions. Contact your Insight representative for an innovative approach to maximizing your technology and developing a strategy to manage your financial options. This purchase is subject to Insight’s online Terms of Sale unless you have a separate purchase agreement signed by you and Insight, in which case, that separate agreement will govern. Insight’s online Terms of Sale can be found at the “terms-and-policies” link below. Effective Oct. 1, 2018, the U.S. government imposed tariffs on technology-related goods. Technology manufacturers are evaluating the impact on their cost and are providing us with frequent cost updates. For this reason, quote and ecommerce product pricing is subject to change as costs are updated. If you have any questions regarding the impact of the tariff on your pricing, please reach out to your sales team. SOFTWARE AND CLOUD SERVICES PURCHASES: If your purchase contains any software or cloud computing offerings (“Software and Cloud Offerings”), each offering will be subject to the applicable supplier's end user license and use terms ("Supplier Terms") made available by the supplier or which can be found at the “terms-and-policies” link below. By ordering, paying for, receiving or using Software and Cloud Offerings, you agree to be bound by and accept the Supplier Terms unless you and the applicable supplier have a separate agreement which governs. https://www.insight.com/terms-and-policies *:.;,<!:7,=:.5.6<1.,342;<!*0. 7/  #$%!# &#%$% !# %#$!# %&#      !&#$ &%      #$#!%  %#$ $#'$% !&#$       ' # # & $A>/4-?1?A@585F5:3&'/@2A:0?9A?@.11D1/A@105:-//;>0-:/1C5@4@415@EH?!A:5/5<-8;01>@5/81*$A>/4-?5:3-:0 ;:@>-/@5:3-:0@415@EH?$>;/A>191:@$;85/51?$>;/10A>1?!-:A-8$81-?1/;9<81@1@41-@@-/410/41/785?@2;>-88<>;/A>191:@? 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( &KULV0DUWLQH]  12/8/2020 Michelle Johnson Information Technology Michelle Johnson 12-07-2020 Kevin Wilkins Ed Bonnette 12/8/2020 SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for : Search Term : Insight Public Sector Inc* Record Status: Active ENTITY Insight Public Sector, Inc.Status: Active DUNS: 827968483 +4:CAGE Code: 575H6 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: 07/23/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address: 22425 E Appleway Blvd Ste 2 City: Liberty Lake State/Province: WASHINGTON ZIP Code: 99019-8508 Country: UNITED STATES ENTITY INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC.Status: Active DUNS: 159776806 +4:CAGE Code: 06ZC1 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: 07/23/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address: 14520 Avion Pkwy Ste 310 City: Chantilly State/Province: VIRGINIA ZIP Code: 20151-1114 Country: UNITED STATES ENTITY Insight Public Sector, Inc.Status: Active DUNS: 117326289 +4:CAGE Code: 8GD21 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: 07/23/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address: 6820 S HARL AVE City: TEMPE State/Province: ARIZONA ZIP Code: 85283-4318 Country: UNITED STATES ENTITY Insight Public Sector, Inc.Status: Active DUNS: 114719003 +4:CAGE Code: 0ZY83 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: 07/23/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address: 2250 Pinehurst Blvd Ste 200 City: Addison State/Province: ILLINOIS ZIP Code: 60101-6112 Country: UNITED STATES September 11, 2020 4:36 PM https://www.sam.gov Page 1 of 2 ENTITY Insight Public Sector, Inc.Status: Active DUNS: 884347568 +4:CAGE Code: 3DLL3 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: 07/23/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address: 13755 SUNRISE VALLEY DR STE 750 City: HERNDON State/Province: VIRGINIA ZIP Code: 20171-4608 Country: UNITED STATES September 11, 2020 4:36 PM https://www.sam.gov Page 2 of 2