HomeMy WebLinkAboutADDENDA 1 - RFP - 9795 PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL SERVICE ASSISTANCE FOR JD EDWARDS ENTERPRISE ONE RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 1 of 9 ADDENDUM NO. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of RFP 9795: Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One OPENING DATE: 3:00 PM (Our Clock) April 21, 2023 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes/additions are hereby made and detailed in the following sections of this addendum: Exhibit 1 – Questions and Answers Please contact Ed Bonnette, C.P.M., CPPB, Senior Buyer, at (970) 416-2247 or ebonnette@fcgov.com with any questions regarding this addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE PROPOSAL STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov.com/purchasing RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 2 of 9 1) Do you have a current 'Run Book' or procedure document that your current CNC staff use to perform their day to day activities? We would like to spend time reviewing this run book to make sure we are covering all tasks in our response. Answer: We do not have a run book the City uses an outside vendor to provide CNC support. That being said this vendor has tools installed on the servers that monitor and notify the City and themselves when JDE services go down, etc. 2) We would like to understand your level of customization within the JD Edwards instance. The best way to understand this is to see the number of custom objects in the system. Also, has City of Fort Collins used the JD Edwards Best Practice for customization? (Example, copy vanilla objects to a system code 55-59 object and leaving the vanilla object in its original state?) And finally, which application modules contain the customizations. Answer: The City has not used the JDE best practice of copying JDE objects to 55 -59 and leaving a vanilla state. For 55-59 objects the City has about 110 Applications, 10 Business Functions, 440 UBE's, 185 Business views and 155 templates. Note that not all the UBE's or 55-59 object are currently being used. The City has customized many JDE objects (and has documentation of what exactly these changes are) which includes about: 79 applications, 22 UBE's, 14 templates, 20 business views and 3 business functions. 3) We would request an export of ticket history from My Oracle Support (MOS) for JD Edwards tickets addressed in the last 3 years. If you need instructions for this, we can provide it for you. Answer: See attached CFC Oracle Support List.xlsx 4) Please provide a current list of integrations that are being used with the JDE World product today. Answer: We're using JD EnterpriseOne, not World. See "HR Payroll System Diagram.pdf" as a baseline of integrations. Note, the City has built all of the integrations on the diagram, we are not looking for assistance building/maintaining existing integrations. 5) Though the RFP indicates “software/support services requested,” along with “Computer Software Consulting,” the RFP only calls out the city’s inten t to discontinue JDE Premier Support, and does not explicitly state a request to replace the entirety of the Oracle Maintenance & Support Contract. In addition to CNC services, our assumption is the city is asking for a vendor to also replace Oracle suppor t (L4 Break-Fix) for the items listed on your Oracle invoice i.e. JDE E1, Oracle Database, UPK, etc. Is that correct? I don’t imagine you would drop JDE support but keep Oracle support for Database, which is in sustaining support, so just wanted to make su re. Answer: We are intending to drop JDE Support, and are interested in seeing what support is offered for all current Oracle licensing RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 3 of 9 6) Outside of CNC managed services support, will the City require L2 and L3 managed services support? If so, can you please provide the City’s internal JDE/Oracle database service request history for the past 3 years? Answer: Yes, we expect continued L2 & L3 support, see CFC Oracle Support List.xlsx 7) We understand you need tax, legal and regulatory updates for financials, will you also require the selected vendor to install and manage TLR updates into production? Answer: We need to remain current for HR & Finance by maintaining, installing, and supporting regulatory updates in test and production. 8) Can the City share if it has any existing modifications to EnterpriseOne which the consultant would need to support if a Wo rk Order were created that involved modified EnterpriseOne functionality? Answer: The City has staff to do Customization but would be interested in your hourly rate to do customization to JDE objects, number of staff that you have available to do this wo rk and qualifications of your technical/functional staff. See “HR Payroll System Diagram.pdf” for existing integrations where we may need support. 9) Does the City have a current Managed Services provider who is supporting some or all of the activities on pages 4-5? Answer: Yes, the City does have a vendor that provides CNC support. This vendor has tools installed on the servers that monitor and notify the City and themselves when JDE services go down, etc. 10) On Page-5, Scope of Services it indicates “…hourly rate quoted for services should be inclusive of travel expenses”, but on Page -8D, Travel Expenses it states “Subject to the terms of the applicable Work Order, reasonable expenses may be reimbursable per t he current rates found at www.gsa.gov. Professional will be required to provide original receipts to the city for all travel expenses”. a. Does the City expect the hourly rate for profession al support services to be “all inclusive” of possible travel expenses as indicated in the Scope of Services statement, or does the City expect to reimburse for travel expenses per the applicable Work Order? Answer: Frankly, most if not all of the Services are expected to be rendered remotely, so Travel Expenses are usually not an issue. Should it become necessary for the awarded Professional to come on -site; that is when they will come into play. RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 4 of 9 11) Does the City currently have license to and use an issue t racking system which it would expect the Support Services firm selected under this RFP to use for managing issue/service tickets, documentation, and status? a. If so, which one? Answer: The City uses an internal ticketing system and it is not our intention to force this on our JDE Support vendor. The current IT/HR/Finance members will continue to respond to user questions/support tickets. 12) Does the City have any historical metrics regarding the number of issue/service tickets to support EnterpriseOne (additional breakdown by module or functional area would be helpful)? Answer: See answer to Question 4. The City IT, HR, & Finance departments will field first level support questions. 13) The RFP indicates approximately 3,200 users of JD Edwards and also indicates that it uses self-service modules. We assume that many of the 3,200 users are self-service users. Can the City provide a breakdown of users by module and breakout self -service users vs hands-on application users? Answer: See Users and Role counts.xlsx 14) On page 12 the RFP in the Cost and Work Hours section the RFP asks: “1. Estimated Hours by Task: Provide estimated hours for each proposed task by job title and employee name, including the time required for meetings, conference calls, etc.” “2. Cost by Task: Provide the cost of each task identified in the Scope of Proposal section. Provide a total not to exceed cost for the Scope of Proposal. Price all additional services/deliverables separately.” i. Please clarify which “Scope of Proposal” section to which the City is referring? We see two Scope of Proposal sections, one beginning on page 4 and a second beginning on page 10? 1. If on page 4: a. Is the City referring to the bullet points as “tasks”? b. Most of these bullet points have many variables which would need to be answered to provide reasonable estimate. 2. If on page 11: a. Is the City referring to the 11 questions as tasks? RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 5 of 9 Answer: #1. a: Yes. #1. b: True statement. #2. a: No. 15) On page 11 in the Firm Capability and Assigned Personnel section the opening paragraph says: “Provide relevant information regarding previous experience related to this or similar projects, to include the following:” a. Please confirm that the City is looking for answers to thes e 7 questions on other clients we are serving or have served in the past, and not what we are proposing for the City? Answer: Yes. We want to know what other public agencies similar to ours you have served in the past. 16) Please explain how the “Weighting Factor” in the Proposal and Interview Criteria table on page 14 will be used to calculate a Professional’s score? Answer: Each member of the RFP team will assign you a score between 1 -10 for each of the four categories listed. The Weighting Fa ctor is the percentage of the score assigned to that Category: 20% Scope of Proposal, 30% Firm Capability & Assigned Personnel, 10% Sustainability/TBL Methodology, 20% Cost & Work Hours. We score you relative to how well you fit what we are asking for in the RFP, and also relative to the other proposals we have received. 17) Can you please provide a count of server by environment and server type? For example: a. DV Enterprise: 1 server b. DV Web: 1 server c. PY Enterprise: 1 server d. PY Web: 1 server e. PD Enterprise: 5 servers f. PD Web: 9 servers Answer: Enterprise/database Server (both are on the same server and these severs are physical servers). Production - 1 Non Prod – 1 Deployment server -1 virtual server AIS servers (virtual) Production – 1 PY - 1 Dev – 1 Web servers (virtual) Prod – 2 servers with one E1 HTML/Weblogic Service on each one RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 6 of 9 PY & Dev - 2 servers that have PY and Dev E1 HTML/Weblogic Services on each one Jas servers (virtual) Prod – 1 PY - 1 Dev – 1 18) Do you want pricing included for System Automation and Monitoring (E1 and Database)? Answer: Yes for E1 and database 19) Can you provide a full list of integrations - "etc" is stated in the RFP – are there any that are not listed? Answer: See "HR Payroll System Diagram.pdf" as a baseline of integrations. See response to question 6 above. 20) How do you plan to remain current and compliant with federal and state regulations (EEO reporting, ACA reporting and taxation in AP, Payroll and HR)? Do you have a plan to ensure compliance after ending Oracle Premiere Support? Answer: It is our understanding that there are firms dedicated to support JDE clients without Oracle support, and we're expecting the RFP responders to provide their methodology to ensure the City remains current and compliant with federal and state regulations. (see also, answer to Q7) 21) Can you provide the frequency and amount of hours of each support item that is anticipated (per week/month/quarter/year)? Answer: Functional – approx. 25 hours/month. We expect this to flex up with certain events, Open Enrollment, year end, etc Technical – approx. 10 hours/month 22) When does the City intend to terminate their Oracle Premier Support? Answer: June 30, 2023 23) Do you intend to do an update prior to terminating? Answer: We expect the selected vendor to provide a methodology to bring us code and tools current prior to our support termination date. RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 7 of 9 24) Are you looking for separate consulting estimates for each of the projects presented or would you expect the Project work to be included within the support agreement? Answer: We would expect functional support in addition to p roject work to be included within the support agreement. The list of projects was an example of the functional support we are expecting to receive within this agreement. If there is a time cap on the amount of support, we want to see that cost breakdown . 25) We did not see details about the term in the RFP. Is the city is looking for multi-year term on agreement? Answer: Yes. 26) What are the City’s current integrations with an third-party products or custom applications and EnterpriseOne? a. Assumptions here are called out somewhat too around Vertex, BI Publisher but do they also do manual or automated integrations using any tools to other systems? b. Does the City own any middleware tools or integration tools (e.g., Magic Software, etc.) that could or should be leveraged? Answer: A) See Question 4 answer and “HR Payroll System Diagram.pdf” B) No C) What, if any, monitoring tools / log analyzing tools does the City own currently? These monitoring tools could be at the infrastructure, OS, or the application layer – or all three. Answer: Our infrastructure team has Solar Winds installed to monitor the OS/Server layer, we would be interested in what tools the selected vendor has to monitor our JDE environment. D) Does the City of Fort Collins have a current backlog or list of desired enhancements already and can they share those from a module and feature standpoint? Answer: There are a few change request that HR/Finance would like to have and these will be handled internally by the City’s IT staff. Please also see the list of projects in the RFP where the City could request functional support. Also, see question 23 E) As part of CNC Managed Services, does the City require the selected vendor to add/change/delete users from the system, or will that be handled by the City? If the selected vendor is requested to do this, how many, on average, are performed monthly? RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 8 of 9 Answer: The City handles the add/change/delete for users in the system. Usually the new vendor would be asked to apply the Vertex (tax calculation) updates a few times a year and then make any of the needed EEO reporting, ACA reporting, and taxation in AP, Payroll and HR. We would also ask the vendor to do Full Package builds a few times a year and help maintain any changes needed on the full client machines. We would also expect them to make any needed changes to E1 if future Google Chrome, Edge browser updates break the interaction with JDE. These examples are just that, this is not an exhaustive list. F) Will the City be responsible for maintaining application menus and/or provisioning changes? If the selected vendor is requested to do this, how many, on average, are performed monthly? Answer: The City will maintain application menus changes. G) For the RFP phase, would the City accept a similar vendor sample agreement, in lieu of providing revisions to the provided agreement in the RFP? Our MSA is only 5 pages and there may be many provisions wi thin your MSA that do not apply to the services Our Company provides, so we may be looking at significant redlines. Alternatively, taking our MSA and perhaps adding provisions that the City requires that also apply to our services may be the best path forward, from a timing perspective. If selected, we would be happy to enter into a mutually negotiated agreement. Answer: Yes; you can submit a proposed alternate agreement as part of your submitted proposal. It is true, that sometimes the vendor submits a standard agreement format of theirs that works better for this particular arrangement than one of the City’s proposed standard Agreement templates. The City does reserve the right to request red -lines to your agreement though, same as you do to ours. H) What is your overall current ticket volume ? Answer: See “CFC Oracle Support List.xlsx” I) Can you please give us ticket volume segregated functional lane wise such as functional-Finance, functional- distribution, technical, CNC etc. Answer: see “CFC Oracle Support List.xlsx” J) Can you also provide us with complexity level of each ticket such as low, medium and high complexity? This information may be required for estimation purpose. Answer: See “CFC Oracle Support List.xlsx” RFP 9795 Professional Technical Service Assistance for JD Edwards Enterprise One Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Page 9 of 9 K) Do you have any estimated number of hours segregated by different functions required for support per month ? Answer: See Question 21 L) Can the services be provided from Offshore(India)? Answer: Our preference is that Support Services be based in the United States. M) What would be the hours that the support will be needed? Answer: The City is interested in learning about your support model, including a cost break down for support throughout the business day and after hours. N) How many times do you think you will need our staff to travel onsite ? Answer: Zero for functional support - we will provide remote access to all server environments. We will discuss on site travel as an as needed bases. O) Can we provide our cost excluding travel expenses and travel can be charged at actuals or based on City’s travel policy? Answer: As needed, based on the City’s travel po licy.