BID OPENING: 3:00 PM MT (our clock), January 11, 2024
The City of Fort Collins is requesting bids for the UV disinfection equipment as identified herein.
As part of the City’s commitment to Sustainable Purchasing, electronic bid submission is
preferred. Bids shall be submitted online through the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing
System (RMEPS) at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins. Please note:
submitting bids through RMEPS may need additional time for completion. Bids not submitted by
the designated Opening Date and Time will not be accepted by the system.
The City encourages all disadvantaged business enterprises to submit bid in response to all
invitations to bid. No individual or business will be discriminated against on the grounds of race,
color, sex, or national origin. It is the City’s policy to create a level playing field on which DBEs
can compete fairly and to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of all
Questions: All questions should be submitted, in writing via email, to Pat Johnson, CPPB, Senior
Buyer at pjohnson@fcgov.com no later than 3:00 PM MST (our clock) on January 3, 2024. Please
format your e-mail to include: Bid 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System in the
subject line. Questions received after this deadline may not be answered. Responses to all
questions submitted before the deadline will be addressed in an addendum and emailed to all
Public Bid Opening: The bid opening will be conducted by video conference on January 11,
2024, at 3:00 pm MT. Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud.
To access the public Bid opening, please follow the link to join the Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 3848 8841
Passcode: 811413
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Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System hosted by BidNet:
A copy of the Bid may be obtained at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins.
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
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Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination: The City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the
provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-
4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract
entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded
full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The City strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination based on an individual’s gender (regardless of
gender identity or gender expression), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age
40 years or older, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or other
characteristics protected by law. For the purpose of this policy “sexual orientation” means a
person’s actual or perceived orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
The City also strictly prohibits unlawful harassment in the workplace, including sexual
harassment. Further, the City strictly prohibits unlawful retaliation against a person who engages
in protected activity. Protected activity includes an employee complaining that he or she has been
discriminated against in violation of the above policy or participating in an employment
discrimination proceeding.
The City requires its Vendors to comply with the City’s policy for equal employment opportunity
and to prohibit unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This requirement applies to
all third-party Vendor and their subcontractors/subconsultants at every tier.
Colorado Open Records Act: The City is a governmental entity subject to the Colorado Open
Records Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any bid submitted hereunder is subject
to public disclosure by the City pursuant to CORA and City ordinances. All submitted bids, Bid
Forms, and the awarded contract will be considered public records subject to disclosure
under CORA. By responding to this Bid, Contractor hereby waives any and all claims for
damages against the City for the City’s good faith compliance with CORA.
Special Instructions:
All bids must be properly signed by an authorized representative of the company with the legal
capacity to bind the company to the CONTRACT. Bids may be withdrawn up to the date and hour
set for closing. Once bids have been accepted by the City and closing has occurred, failure to
enter into contract or honor the purchase order will be cause for removal of supplier's name from
the City of Fort Collins' bidders list for a period of twelve months from the date of the opening.
The City may also pursue any remedies available at law or in equity. Bid prices must be held firm
for a period of ninety (90) days after bid openings.
Submission of a bid is deemed as acceptance of all terms, conditions and specifications contained
in the City's specifications initially provided to the Vendor. Any proposed modification must be
accepted in writing by the City prior to award of the bid.
Only bids properly received by the Purchasing Office will be accepted. All bids should be
clearly identified by the bid number and bid name contained in the bid.
No bid will be accepted from, or any purchase order awarded, to any person, firm or corporation
in default on any obligation to the City.
Bids must be furnished exclusive of any federal excise tax, wherever applicable.
Vendors must be properly licensed and secure necessary permits wherever applicable.
The City may elect where applicable, to award bids on an individual item/group basis or on a total
bid basis, whichever is most beneficial to the City. The City reserves the right to accept or reject
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any and all bids, and to waive any irregularities or informalities.
Sales Prohibited/ Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall
have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment,
material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any
decision-making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to
be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity, favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
Freight Terms: Unless otherwise noted, all freight is F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaid. All
freight charges must be included in prices submitted on Bid.
Collusive or Sham Bids: Any bid deemed to be collusive or a sham bid will be rejected and
reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this bid assures that such bid is
genuine and is not a collusive or sham bid.
Utilization of Award by Other Agencies: The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to allow
other state and local governmental agencies, political subdivisions, and/or school districts to
utilize the resulting award under all terms and conditions specified and upon agreement by all
parties. Usage by any other entity shall not have a negative impact on the City of Fort Collins in
the current term or in any future terms.
Vendor Registration: The City requires a new Vendor receiving awards from the City to submit
IRS form W-9 and requires all Vendors to accept Direct Deposit (Electronic) payment. If needed,
the W-9 form and the Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization Form can be found on the City’s
Purchasing website at www.fcgov.com/purchasing under Vendor Reference Documents. Please
do not submit these documents with your Bid, however, if you take exception to participating
in Direct Deposit (Electronic) payments please clearly note such in your Bid as an exception. The
City may waive the requirement to participate in Direct Deposit (Electronic) payments at its sole
Bid results are posted online at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins.
Gerry Paul
Purchasing Director
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The City of Fort Collins (OWNER) is currently designing upgrades to its ultraviolet (UV) disinfection
system at the Mulberry Wastewater Recovery Facility (MWRF). At this time, the City intends to purchase
new UV disinfection equipment that will be installed later by others under a subsequent construction
CONTRACT. The City of Fort Collins is requesting bids for the UV disinfection equipment as identified
Prequalified SUPPLIERS listed below that are interested in furnishing the UV disinfection equipment
must submit Bids. Bid requirements are contained in this document. The equipment and services to be
furnished under this Project consist of the following:
1. A low pressure, high intensity, gravity flow open channel UV system including but not limited to
UV modules, lamps, ballasts, power distribution centers (PDC), main control panel (MCP),
channel reducing baffles, instrumentation and control systems, cables for power and control,
isolation influent slide gates, effluent level control gates; and all other UV system appurtenances
necessary to meet the overall requirements and performance guarantees specified herein.
2. System warranties and guarantees as specified herein.
3. Services for assistance with installation, field testing, start-up and training of furnished
equipment as specified herein.
4. Provision of replacement parts and /or equipment at specified prices for a period of 20 years
after the UV system final acceptance date.
All equipment shall be new and unused.
The following SUPPLIERS have been evaluated and determined to be qualified to submit Bids for this
Project, in addition to Engineer approved equals. The UV systems that were considered were required
to have open channel, low pressure high intensity, horizontal UV designs that could meet the
performance guarantee listed in Section 46 66 53.
• TrojanUV 3000 Plus®
A. Bid Schedule
The following represents the City’s target schedule for the bid. The City reserves the right to amend the
target schedule at any time.
• Bid issuance: December 21, 2023
• Question deadline: 3:00 PM MT on January 3, 2024
• Final Addendum: January 5, 2024
• Bid Opening Date: 3:00 MT (our clock) on January 11, 2024
• Award of Contract (tentative): January 22, 2024
B. Method of Award
Award of this bid will be based primarily on lowest evaluated bid price. An evaluation of the life cycle of
the asset will be used for cost comparison. Bidders must fully complete the Bid Price spreadsheets
inputting both capital and life cycle costs for evaluation. Please note fixed price requirements outlined in
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Section 46 66 53. The lowest cost of the analyzed 20-year life-cycle cost will be awarded the work.
Delivery lead times and exceptions taken will also be considered.
C. Subcontractors/Subconsultants
Manufacturers will be responsible for identifying any subcontractors and/or subconsultants in their Bid.
Please note that the City will contract solely with the awarded Manufacturer; therefore, subcontractors
and/or subconsultants will be the responsibility of the Manufacturer.
The awarded Manufacturer will receive a Purchase Order from the City authorizing work under this
CONTRACT. Manufacturer should not begin any Work prior to receipt of the Purchase Order.
The awarded Manufacturer is also expected to sign the City’s CONTRACT, a sample of which is attached.
The CONTRACT will be effective for a period of one year. At the option of the City, the CONTRACT may
be extended for up to an additional two (2) one-year periods.
E. Financial Qualifications
The Manufacturer selected as finalist may be required to submit a banking reference and the most recent
financial statement (audited preferred) including balance sheet and income statement, as well as a
statement of cash flows (the “Financial Information”).
F. Invoices & Payments
Invoices should be emailed monthly or after a shipment to invoices@fcgov.com with a copy to the Project
Manager. The cost of the item(s) delivered shall be paid to the Manufacturer each month following the
submittal of a correct invoice. Manufacturer should include Purchase Order Number and a detailed
description of item(s) on each invoice submitted. The City pays invoices on Net 30 terms.
Payments will be made using the prices and payment terms as stated in the CONTRACT. The City pays
invoices on Net 30 terms.
G. Fees, Licenses, Permits
The successful Manufacturer shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses, fees or permits
without additional expense to the City. All equipment shall be properly licensed and insured, carry the
appropriate permits and be placarded as required by law.
H. Insurance
Manufacturer is responsible for providing the City with insurance as required in the attached CONTRACT.
The shipment of all deliverables hereunder shall be insured for full replacement value.
I. Warranty
Manufacturer warrants all equipment, materials, labor and other work, provided under this CONTRACT,
except City-furnished materials, equipment and labor, against defects and nonconformances in design,
materials and workmanship/workwomanship for a period beginning with delivery and ending twenty-four
(24) months from and after final acceptance under the CONTRACT, regardless whether the same were
furnished or performed by Manufacturer or by any of its subcontractors of any tier. Upon receipt of written
notice from City of any such defect or nonconformances, the affected item or part thereof shall be
redesigned, repaired or replaced by Manufacturer in a manner and at a time acceptable to City.
J. Delivery
Delivery of all items shall be to:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 5 of 267
Mulberry Water Reclamation Facility
918 E. Mulberry
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Freight terms: F.O.B. destination freight prepaid. All freight charges must be included in pricing submitted
on the Bid Schedule, and not entered as separate pricing. Any surcharges or additional costs shall be
noted & included in proposed pricing.
K. Travel & Expenses
Pre-approved expenses during training & testing may be reimbursable per the current rates found at
www.gsa.gov. Manufacturers are to provide a list of fees for reimbursable expenses. Manufacturer will
be required to provide original receipts to the City for all travel expenses.
L. Training
Training of City’s personnel on equipment provided by the Manufacturer will be the responsibility of the
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Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders have the following meanings assigned to them. The
term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to City (OWNER), as distinct from a sub-bidder,
who submits a Bid to Bidder. The term "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified,
responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as
hereinafter provided) makes an award. The Successful Bidder becomes the CONTRACTOR
once awarded and the CONTRACT is fully executed. The term "Bidding Documents" includes
the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed
CONTRACT Documents (including all Addenda issued before receipt of Bids).
2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid.
No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations
identified in the Invitation to Bid.
2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER
nor ENGINEER assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from
the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents.
2.3 The submitted Bid shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, 00430 and
Acknowledgement fully executed.
2.4. Owner and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above
terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a
license or grant for any other use.
3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time
of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications provided in Section 00420. As
applicable, Bidder must possess all required state and local licenses.
3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins in determining
whether a bidder is responsible, the following shall be considered: (1) The ability,
capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required,
(2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and
within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity,
reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the
bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing
compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6)
the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract
or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and
services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future
maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other
circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract.
3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that any Work previously performed by the Bidder
has no claims pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is
engaged on any other Work which would impair their ability to perform or finance this
3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the OWNER
or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the OWNER.
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4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the
Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) ask questions to familiarize itself with local
conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c)
familiarize itself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that
may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and
carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify
ENGINEER of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Bid and Contract Documents.
4.2. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that
Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the
Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract
Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of
construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the
Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey
understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work.
5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted
in writing to the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in
response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Only questions answered by
formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will
be without legal effect.
5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project and submittal of bids should be
directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division.
5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by
5.4. Responses to all questions submitted before the deadline will be addressed in an
addendum and posted on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System webpage.
6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in an amount no less than five (5) percent
of the Bid. If a SURETY does not issue electronic Bid Bonds, a scanned copy of the Bid
Bond must be submitted electronically through Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System at
the time of bidding, and the hard copy Bid Bond must be mailed to the Purchasing
Department at PO Box 580, Fort Collins CO 80522 and received by OWNER prior to
contract execution.
6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed
the CONTRACT and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security
will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the CONTRACT and
furnish the required contract security within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Award,
OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be
forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable
chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh
day after the effective date of the CONTRACT or ninety days (90) after the Bid Opening,
whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned.
The Manufacturer shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount at least
equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all of
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 8 of 267
Manufacturer’s obligations under the Contract Documents. When the awarded Manufacturer
delivers the executed CONTRACT to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required
bonds. The cost of the bonds shall be included in the lump sum bid price.
The bond shall comply with Colorado law and shall be executed on the forms provided, copies
of which are attached hereto, executed by a qualified corporate surety authorized to do
business in the State of Colorado and acceptable as surety to the Owner. Copies of "Power of
Attorney" certified to include the date of the bond, shall be filed with the bond. Failure to execute
and return the Bonds within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the Bidder is notified that
the Bid has been accepted may constitute forfeiture of the Bid Guarantee and the award would
then go to the second lowest, and if necessary, the third lowest responsible Bidder.
The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be completed and ready
for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the CONTRACT.
Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in Section 00520.
The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described on the
Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or
equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a
substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by
CONTRACTOR if acceptable to ENGINEER, application for such acceptance will not be
considered by ENGINEER until after the "effective date of the CONTRACT". The procedure for
submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by ENGINEER is set
forth in the Technical Specifications.
11.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of principal subcontractors
proposed for use in the Work. Refer to Section 00430 contained within the Contract
Documents. The Bidder may only utilize the subcontractors stated in Section 00430
except in the event that the OWNER requires a change in accordance with Section 10.2
below. Should the Bidder request a change to the subcontractor list, OWNER approval
shall be required. Proposed subcontractor/supplier qualifications and references may be
requested to be submitted within three (3) business days after bid opening.
Subcontractor/supplier responsibility will be determined in accordance with Section 8-
160 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins.
11.2. If OWNER or ENGINEER after due investigation has reasonable objection to any
proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the
apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid
price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may
award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes
to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, other persons or
organization listed and to whom OWNER or ENGINEER does not make written objection
prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and
ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the
12.1. A copy of the Bid Form will be posted at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 9 of 267
12.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices on the form must be
stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices
shall govern over extensions of sums. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any
column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct
sum. In the event that there are unit price items in a bid schedule and the "extended
amount" indicated for a unit price of a bid item does not equal the product of the unit
price and quantity listed, the unit price shall govern, and the extended amount will be
corrected accordingly. If there is more than one bid item in a bid schedule, and the total
indicated for the schedule does not agree with the sum of prices of the individual bid
items, the prices bid on the individual items shall govern and the total for the schedule
will be corrected accordingly. The Contractor will be bound by said corrections.
12.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-
president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and
the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant
secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the
corporate name.
12.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner,
the title must appear under signature and the official address of the partnership must be
shown below the signature.
12.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an
authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company
interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form.
12.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of
which must be filled in on the Bid Form).
12.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or
otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the
Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed.
Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule.
14.1. Bids shall be submitted prior to the time and date stated in the Bid Documents or any
extension thereof made by addendum, electronically using Rocky Mountain E-
Purchasing System at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and
accompanied by the documents identified as required in Sections 00300 & 00400. Bids
received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will not be accepted. Bidder shall
assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids.
14.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, physically mailed or delivered or facsimile Bids are invalid
and will not receive consideration.
14.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be
accepted from one firm or association.
15.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn at any time prior to the opening of Bids on RMEPS.
15.2. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids
provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders.
16.1 Technical information and data requested in each section of the Specification shall be
submitted with the Manufacturer's Bid. Any design calculations and preliminary
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 10 of 267
drawings required by this Specification shall be submitted as part of the base Bid and
each alternate. Unless all prices, technical data, performance curves, exceptions to the
Specification, etc., are submitted to the OWNER, Bidder's Bid will be considered
incomplete and may be rejected as not responsive.
16.2 Bidders shall provide all items in Bid Schedule. If unable to do so, insert "No Bid" with
reason (i.e., do not manufacture, etc).
16.3 Additional technical data furnished by a Bidder, but not required by the Contract
Documents, may, at the OWNER's option, be considered a part of the Bid to the extent
that it is supplementary to and is consistent with the Contract Documents.
16.4 When materials, methods, labor or equipment are described in words which have well
known or technical trade meaning, these descriptions are intended and shall be held to
refer to such meanings. It is further intended that the Contract Documents supplement
each other but not necessarily duplicate each other and what is called for by one of them
shall be as binding as if called for by all. It is understood and agreed that the work shall
be performed according to the true intent of the Contract Documents and that the
Contract Price includes everything necessary for the proper performance of the
Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. A Bid Tally of
the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available on RMEPS
after the opening of Bids.
All Bids shall remain open for ninety (90) days after the day of the Bid Opening, but OWNER
may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid prior to that date.
19.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities
not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the
Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive,
unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any
Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make
an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive, or the Bidder is
unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or
criteria established by OWNER.
19.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not
the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and
other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award.
19.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers,
and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to
which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is
submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs,
maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of
materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is
required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award.
19.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the
evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial
ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and
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organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's
satisfaction within the prescribed time.
19.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and
responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award
will be in the best interest of the OWNER. The basis for award shall be as noted in
Section 00300. Only one contract will be awarded.
19.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of
Award within ninety (90) days after the date of the Bid opening, or a mutually agreed
upon date.
When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the awarded CONTRACTOR it will be accompanied
by the CONTRACT with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days
thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the CONTRACT and attached documents to
OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver the
21.0 TAXES
OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Tax as applicable. Said taxes shall not
be included in the Contract Price.
Subject to OWNER’s reasonable advance notice to Manufacturer, OWNER and OWNER’S
Consultant may observe, inspect and/or test all goods at any time or place, including the
Manufacturer’s premises. The initial visit will be at the expense of the OWNER. Re-inspections
will be as per the Technical Specifications.
Manufacturer is responsible for providing the OWNER with insurance as required in the attached
CONTRACT. The shipment of all deliverables hereunder shall be insured for full replacement
The Manufacturer agrees to comply fully with all applicable local, State of Colorado, and Federal
laws and regulations, OSHA and municipal ordinances to include American Disabilities Act (ADA).
In performing the Services required hereunder, the Manufacturer agrees to meet all the
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and all applicable rules and
regulations (the 'ADA'), which are imposed directly on the Manufacturer, or which would be
imposed on the OWNER as a public entity. The Manufacturer agrees to be responsible for
knowing all applicable requirements of the ADA and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the
OWNER, its officials, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, suits
or proceedings of any kind brought against said parties as a result of any acts or omissions of the
Manufacturer or its agents in violation of the ADA.
Bid results will be posted at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins.
Below is a list of documents attached for use in preparation of Bid. These documents include:
• Instrumentation Drawing
• MWRF UV Combined Preprocure Specs
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 12 of 267
PROJECT: BID 9919 Pre-Procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System
Manufacturer’s Name:
1. In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated , 20 and subject to all conditions
thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint
Venture, or Sole Proprietor) authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes
to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the
construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules.
2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this Bid is made in good faith,
without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work,
and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Contract
Documents pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the
3. Accompanying this Bid is a Bid Bond in the sum of
($ ) in accordance with the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders.
4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the CONTRACT and a Performance Bond and a
Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the
date when the written Notice of Award is delivered to the address given on this Bid. The name
and address of the corporate SURETY with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified
Performance and Payment Bonds is as follows:
5. All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs
and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto,
are to be performed by the Manufacturer under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule,
irrespective of whether it is named in said list.
6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule(s) subject to
change(s) as provided in the Contract Documents.
7. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. through .
The undersigned Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER is a governmental entity subject to the
Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any bids submitted
hereunder is subject to public disclosure by the OWNER pursuant to CORA and City
ordinances. All submitted bids, Bid Forms, and the awarded contract will be considered public
records subject to disclosure under CORA. By responding to this Bid, Manufacturer hereby
waives any and all claims for damages against the OWNER for the OWNER’s good faith
compliance with CORA.
9. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges the documents listed below are required
elements of the Bid and must be submitted with the Bid. The OWNER may reject any
incomplete Bids as non-responsive.
Bid Form (this Section 00300)
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 13 of 267
Electronic Bid Bond (Item 3 above and Section 00410) for five percent (5%) of the base Bid
Acknowledgement of Bid Addenda (Item 7 above)
Statement of Bidder's Qualifications (Section 00420)
Schedule of Subcontractors (Section 00430)
Additional documents may be submitted in Word format
Provide an estimated schedule for the manufacturing process, from Notice of Award through
shipment and receipt of equipment in Fort Collins. Identify the number of days for completion.
. Include significant milestones in the schedule such as submittals sent to OWNER,
OWNER approval of submittals, testing, shipping time, etc.
Bid Schedule spreadsheet (The Excel spreadsheet is separate in BidNet and MUST be returned
in Excel format.) Failure to submit in the format requested may cause the submittal to be
deemed incomplete and may be subject to rejection.
At the OWNER’s option the basis of award is the low responsive and responsible Bidder based
on the total price for the lowest cost of the analyzed 20-year life-cycle cost plus selected
alternates. Delivery lead times and exceptions taken will also be considered.
Pricing is to be FOB Destination to Fort Collins, CO.
The submitted prices shall include, but is not limited to, all labor, materials, transportation,
overhead, profit, insurance, travel, on-site installation support, factory acceptance and on-site
Final Acceptance testing, etc. to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called
A. TOTAL BASE BID: In writing for 20 year life cycle cost:
Numerical value: $
1) Five (5) year warranty: in writing
Numerical value: $
2) Line-item cost for including 316SS channel reducing baffles between existing channel
walls and UV modules: in writing
Numerical value: $
Substituting 304SS in lieu of 316SS for all panels and enclosures outside of the UV
channels, or otherwise not in contact with secondary effluent. In writing
Numerical value: $
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 14 of 267
Legal Firm Name:
Physical Address:
Remit to Address:
Name of Authorized Agent of Firm:
Signature of Authorized Agent:
Primary Contact for Project:
Title: Email Address:
Phone: Cell Phone:
(Seal - if Bid is by corporation)
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 15 of 267
00410 Bid Bond
00420 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications
00430 Schedule of Subcontractors
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 16 of 267
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that we, the undersigned
as Principal, and , as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound
unto the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, as OWNER, in the sum of $
for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind
ourselves, successors, and assigns.
THE CONDITION of this obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City
of Fort Collins, Colorado the accompanying Bid and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a
Construction CONTRACT for the construction of Fort Collins Project, 9919 Pre-procurement of
Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment
(a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or
(b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract in the
form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and
shall furnish a BOND for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for payment of all
persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all
other respects perform the CONTRACT created by the acceptance of said Bid, then this
obligation shall be void; otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect, it being
expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims
hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein
The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety
and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which
the OWNER may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such
Surety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of
Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals
this day of , 20[Year], and such of them as are corporations have
caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 17 of 267
proper officers, the day and year first set forth above.
By: By:
Title: Title:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 18 of 267
All questions must be answered, and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must
be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may
submit any additional information desired.
1. Name of Bidder:
2. Permanent main office address:
3. When was Bidder’s firm organized?
4. If your firm is a corporation, where was it incorporated?
5. How many years has the firm been engaged in business under the present firm or trade name?
6. Does your firm anticipate change in ownership or major policy during the period of the proposed
work? If such change is anticipated, the scope and effect thereof shall be defined.
7. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate
anticipated dates of completion.)
8. What is the general character of Work performed by your company?
9. Have you or a firm for which you were a principal ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you?
If so, where and what happened?
10. Has the firm ever defaulted on a contract?
If so, where and why?
11. Does your firm have any pending claims regarding the quality of performance of work?
12. Are you debarred by any government agency?
If yes, list agency name.
13. Provide the background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 19 of 267
14. Provide background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers:
15. What is the amount of Credit available for the firm? $
16. Provide your Bank Reference:
17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that
may be required by the OWNER?
18. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract?
If yes, what percent of total contract?
And to whom?
19. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time?
If yes, please provide detail
20. The OWNER requires Commercial General coverage no less than $1,000,000 combined single limits
for each occurrence. Can you meet this requirement?
21. Who is the company’s insurance carrier?
22. How will the UV equipment be shipped to us? What freight company firm will you use? The freight
company will be expected to have Commercial General and Vehicle Liability coverage no less than
$2,000,000 combined single limits for each and occurrence.
23. Provide the location of your company’s closest maintenance and support facility.
24. Does your closest maintenance and support facility have all of the O&M parts required for
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 20 of 267
the proposed equipment? Provide a list of parts for the proposed equipment that are stocked at
the closest facility.
25. Does the closest facility support service technicians that can respond to requests within 24
26. Are spare parts for the proposed system available only through the local representative, or can parts
also be purchased directly from the SUPPLIER?
27. Where is the production facility for the proposed UV system located?
28. Will all required tests be performed at the facility in which the equipment is to be manufactured?
29. Does your company have any objections to the draft contract attached to this Bid?
If revisions to the contract terms are requested, provide suggested revisions.
30. Provide your maintenance and support program(s), complete with pricing.
The undersigned Bidder shall provide three (3) completed or under construction project references of
similar scope and price from the past three (3) years. It is preferred that references are from three
separate owners and shall include a brief project description, owner contact information (name, title,
email, and phone number), and total contract value. References may be checked by the OWNER and
bids that do not include the required and satisfactory references may be deemed non-responsive. The
OWNER reserves the right to request additional project references at their sole discretion.
Project Name:
Project Type:
Contract Amount: $
Contact Name: Title:
Phone: Email:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 21 of 267
Start Date: Completion Date:
Was the Project completed on time? Yes No
If no, please describe:
Was the Project completed within the original budget? Yes No
If no, please describe:
Additional information:
Project Name:
Project Type:
Contract Amount: $
Contact Name: Title:
Phone: Email:
Start Date: Completion Date:
Was the Project completed on time? Yes No
If no, please describe:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 22 of 267
Was the Project completed within the original budget? Yes No
If no, please describe:
Additional information:
Project Name:
Project Type:
Contract Amount: $
Contact Name: Title:
Phone: Email:
Start Date: Completion Date:
Was the Project completed on time? Yes No
If no, please describe:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 23 of 267
Was the Project completed within the original budget? Yes No
If no, please describe:
Additional information:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 24 of 267
The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to
furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital
comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications.
By signing below, the Contractor agrees that the answers to the foregoing questions
and all statements therein contained are true and correct.
By: Printed:
State of ____________________
County of ____________________
Signed before me on _______________________, 20____
by __________________________________ (name(s) of individual(s) making statement).
____________________________________ [SEAL]
(Notary’s official signature)
(Title of office)
(Commission Expiration)
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 25 of 267
Please list all subcontractors and their corresponding Work items in the space below. If not
applicable, please note “N/A”.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 26 of 267
Manufacturer hereby acknowledges receipt of the City of Fort Collins Bid and acknowledges that it
has read and agrees to be fully bound by all of the terms, conditions and other provisions set forth
in 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System except as otherwise noted.
Additionally, Manufacturer hereby makes the following representations to OWNER:
a. All of the statements and representations made in this Bid are true to the best of the
Manufacturer’s knowledge and belief.
b. Manufacturer commits that it is able to meet the terms provided in this Bid.
c. This Bid is a firm and binding offer, for a period of 90 days from the date hereof.
d. Manufacturer further agrees that the method of award is acceptable.
e. Manufacturer also agrees to complete the proposed Notice of Award (NOA) with the City of Fort
Collins within 10 days of notice of award. If NOA is not completed and signed within 10 days,
OWNER reserves the right to cancel and award to the next highest rated firm.
f. Manufacturer acknowledges receipt of addenda.
g. Manufacturer acknowledges no conflict of interest.
h. Manufacturer acknowledges that the City is a governmental entity subject to the Colorado Open
Records Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any bid submitted hereunder is subject
to public disclosure by the City pursuant to CORA and City ordinances. All submitted bids,
Bid Forms, and the awarded contract will be considered public records subject to
disclosure under CORA. By responding to this Bid, Manufacturer hereby waives any and all
claims for damages against the City for the City’s good faith compliance with CORA.
Legal Firm Name:
Physical Address:
Remit to Address:
Name of Authorized Agent of Firm:
Signature of Authorized Agent:
Primary Contact for Project:
Title: Email Address:
Phone: Cell Phone:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 27 of 267
THIS CONTRACT made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and between THE
CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as
the "OWNER" and MANUFACTURER, hereinafter referred to as "MANUFACTURER".
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed by and
between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Contract Documents. The MANUFACTURER agrees to design, fabricate and deliver equipment
in accordance with the contract documents (“Contract Documents”), as detailed in and
attached hereto as Exhibit , consisting of pages ( ) pages and incorporated
herein by this reference. Irrespective of references in Exhibit A to certain named third parties,
MANUFACTURER shall be solely responsible for performance of all duties hereunder.
The OWNER may, at any time during manufacturing and without invalidating the CONTRACT,
make changes to the scope. Such changes shall be agreed upon in writing by the parties by
Change Order, a sample of which is attached hereto as Exhibit , consisting of
( ) pages, and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The Work Schedule. The services to be performed pursuant to this CONTRACT shall be
performed as follows:
a. MANUFACTURER to submit drawings within weeks after receipt of the Purchase
b. Submittals of all items are expected to be complete within weeks form the written
acknowledgement of the approved purchase order.
c. OWNER comments will be reviewed, edited or accepted and submitted back to OWNER
within weeks after receipt, based on the number of comments submitted.
d. Equipment is to be manufactured and ready to ship within weeks after approved
submittal documents.
e. MANUFACTURER representative will complete on-site visits for equipment upon successful
completion of installation, startup and commissioning of equipment. Final Acceptance shall
be deemed upon successful commissioning of equipment.
3. Time of Commencement and Completion of Services. This CONTRACT shall commence [Date]
and shall continue in full force and effect until [Date], unless sooner terminated as herein
provided. In addition, at the option of the OWNER, the CONTRACT may be extended for
additional one year periods not to exceed two (2) additional one year periods. Renewals and
pricing changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. Written notice of renewal
shall be provided to the Provider and mailed no later than thirty (30) days prior to contract end.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 28 of 267
Delivery of the equipment shall be delivered to the OWNER, F.O.B. destination no later than
• Submittal provided to OWNER weeks from execution of contract
• All submittals complete weeks from execution of contract
• Manufacturing complete and acceptance given weeks from OWNER approval of
• Equipment shipped within days from OWNER factory acceptance
• Installation and Final Acceptance within days from arrival at destination
4. Delay. If either party is prevented in whole or in part from performing its obligations by
unforeseeable causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or negligence, then the
party so prevented shall be excused from whatever performance is prevented by such cause. To
the extent that the performance is actually prevented, Provider must provide written notice to the
OWNER of such condition within fifteen (15) days from the onset of such condition.
The OWNER reserves the right to order the MANUFACTURER to hold, delay, or reschedule
shipment of equipment and materials herein contracted. Such order must be by Change Order. If
the equipment is not ready for shipment at the time the delay is ordered, the OWNER will pay
actual costs incurred to the date the delay is ordered. These charges will be treated as an
advance payment and shall be invoiced no earlier than the original shipping date. If the equipment
is ready for shipment at the time the delay is ordered, the OWNER will pay 90% of the Contract
Price upon receipt of invoice if all testing has been successfully completed and the required test
reports have been submitted. In such event, the OWNER will also pay actual extra charges
incurred by the MANUFACTURER as a result of the delay. Such extra charges may include
storage charges, handling charges, insurance, interest on remaining Contract amount, and
transportation to the storage facility. In any event, no payment will be made for disruption of
production schedules or claimed loss of business.
5. Early Termination by OWNER. Notwithstanding the time periods contained herein, the OWNER
may terminate this CONTRACT at any time without cause by providing written notice of
termination to the Provider. Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
termination date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. In the
event of early termination by the OWNER, the Provider shall be paid only for undamaged goods
provided or services rendered to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory
performance of the Provider’s obligations under this CONTRACT. Such payment shall be the
Provider's sole right and remedy for such termination.
6. Notice. All notices provided under this CONTRACT shall be effective when mailed, postage
prepaid and sent to the following addresses:
Email Address
City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Email Address
City of Fort Collins
Attn: Purchasing Dept.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 29 of 267
7. Compensation. The OWNER shall pay make payments to the MANUFACTURER for the
performance of this Contract, subject to additions and deletions provided herein, as detailed
below. Shipping terms are FOB Destination.
20% Upon MANUFACTURER’s written acknowledgement of PO receipt
20% OWNER Approval of Submittals
20% Factory Acceptance Testing & Data Submittal
20% Shipment
20% Final Payment upon successful completion of installation, startup and Final Acceptance
Invoices shall be emailed to invoices@fcgov.com with a copy to the OWNER‘s Project Manager.
The cost of the work completed shall be paid to the MANUFACTURER following the submittal of
a correct itemized invoice by the MANUFACTURER. The OWNER is exempt from sales and use
tax. The OWNER’s Certificate of Exemption license number is 09804502. A copy of the license
is available upon written request.
The OWNER pays invoices on Net 30 days from the date of the invoice.
8. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and MANUFACTURER recognize that time is of the essence
and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified
above, plus any extensions thereof allowed. They also recognize the delays, expenses and
difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the
Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and
MANUFACTURER agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty)
MANUFACTURER shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter.
a. Substantial Completion. Written Dollar Amount ($Numerical Dollar Amount) for each
calendar day or fraction thereof after the Substantial Completion date established in Section
00530 Notice to Proceed until the work is Substantially Complete.
b. Final Payment and Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, Written Dollar Amount
($Numerical Dollar Amount) for each calendar day or fraction thereof after XX number of
calendar days until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance.
9. Appropriation. To the extent this CONTRACT or any provision in it constitutes a multiple fiscal
year debt or financial obligation of the OWNER, it shall be subject to annual appropriation by
City Council as required in Article V, Section 8(b) of the City Charter, City Code Section 8-186,
and Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution. The OWNER shall have no obligation to
continue this CONTRACT in any fiscal year for which no such supporting appropriation has
been made.
10. Subcontractors. The MANUFACTURER may not subcontract any of the Work set forth in
Exhibit A, Statement of Work without the prior written consent of the OWNER, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld. In the event any of the Work is subcontracted hereunder, then the
following provisions shall apply: (a) the subcontractor must be a reputable, qualified firm with an
established record of successful performance in its respective trade performing identical or
substantially similar work, (b) the subcontractor will be required to comply with all applicable
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 30 of 267
terms of this CONTRACT, (c) the subcontract will not create any contractual relationship
between any such subcontractor and the OWNER, nor will it obligate the OWNER to pay or see
to the payment of any subcontractor, and (d) the work of the subcontractor will be subject to
inspection by the OWNER to the same extent as the work of the MANUFACTURER.
The MANUFACTURER shall require all subcontractors/subconsultants performing Work
hereunder to maintain insurance coverage naming the OWNER as an additional insured under
this CONTRACT of the type and with the limits specified within Exhibit attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain a copy of each
subcontract’s certificate evidencing the required insurance. Upon request, the MANUFACTURER
shall promptly provide the OWNER with a copy of such certificate(s).
11. City Project Manager. The OWNER will designate, prior to commencement of the work, its
representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary and proper
decisions with reference to the services provided under this CONTRACT. All requests for
contract interpretations, change order, and other clarification or instruction shall be directed to
the OWNER’s Project Manager.
The initial OWNER’s Project Manager for this CONTRACT is [Enter Name] and can be reached
at [Enter Email] or [Enter Phone]. The Project Manager is subject to change by the OWNER.
12. Independent Provider. The Provider is independent contractor and not an employee of the City
of Fort Collins. The OWNER shall not be responsible for withholding any portion of the
Provider's compensation hereunder for the payment of FICA, Workmen's Compensation or other
taxes or benefits or for any other purpose.
13. Personal Services. It is understood that the OWNER enters into the CONTRACT based on the
special abilities of the Provider. Accordingly, the Provider shall neither assign any
responsibilities nor delegate any duties arising under the CONTRACT without the prior written
consent of the OWNER.
14. Acceptance Not Waiver. Neither the inspection by the OWNER, its officials, employees, or
agents, nor any payment for, or acceptance of, the whole or any part of the work by the
OWNER, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the OWNER or its employees,
shall operate as a waiver of any provision of this Contract, or of any power herein reserved to
the OWNER, or any right to damages herein provided, nor shall any waiver of any breach in this
Contract be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.
15. Warranty.
a. The MANUFACTURER warrants that all goods delivered and work performed,
hereunder shall be provided with the highest degree of competence and care in
accordance with accepted standards for work of a similar nature.
b. Unless otherwise provided in the CONTRACT, all materials and equipment shall be
new and, where not specified, of the most suitable grade of their respective kinds for
their intended use.
c. The MANUFACTURER warrants all equipment, materials, labor and other work
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 31 of 267
provided under this CONTRACT, against defects and nonconformances in design,
materials and workmanship in accordance with product technical specifications and/or
the original MANUFACTURER’s warranty from date of delivery upon receipt of written
notice from OWNER of any such defect or nonconformances, the affected item or part
thereof shall be repaired or replaced by the Provider in a manner and at a time
acceptable to OWNER.
16. Default. Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a material element of
this CONTRACT. In the event either party should fail or refuse to perform according to the
terms of this CONTRACT, such party may be declared in default thereof.
17. Remedies. In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting party shall be
allowed a period of ten (10) days within which to cure said default. In the event the default
remains uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the CONTRACT and
seek damages; (b) treat the CONTRACT as continuing and require specific performance; or (c)
avail themself of any other remedy at law or equity. If the non-defaulting party commences legal
or equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the non-
defaulting party for the non-defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred
because of the default.
18. Entire Agreement; Binding Effect; Order of Precedence; Authority to Execute. This CONTRACT,
along with all Exhibits and other documents incorporated herein, shall constitute the entire
CONTRACT of the parties regarding this transaction and shall be binding upon said parties,
their officers, employees, agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective
survivors, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of said parties. Covenants
or representations not contained in this CONTRACT shall not be binding on the parties. In the
event of a conflict between terms of the CONTRACT and any exhibit or attachment, the terms of
the CONTRACT shall prevail. Each person executing this CONTRACT affirms that they have
the necessary authority to sign on behalf of their respective party and to bind such party to the
terms of this CONTRACT.
19. Indemnification.
a. The MANUFACTURER shall indemnify defend, and hold harmless the OWNER and its
officers and employees, to the maximum extent permitted under Colorado law, against and
from any and all actions, suits, claims, demands or liability of any character whatsoever
claimed by third parties against the OWNER to the extent caused by, arising out of or related
to MANUFACTURER’s negligent acts, errors or omissions in performance of services under
this CONTRACT. This obligation extends to reimbursement of the OWNER's costs and
b. The MANUFACTURER shall take all necessary precautions in performing the Work
hereunder to prevent injury to persons and property.
20. Insurance. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain insurance in accordance with Exhibit E,
consisting of ( ) page, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
21. Law/Severability. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction, interpretation,
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 32 of 267
execution, and enforcement of this CONTRACT. The Parties further agree that Larimer County
District Court is the proper venue for all disputes. If the OWNER subsequently agrees in writing
that the matter may be heard in federal court, venue will be in Denver District Court. In the
event any provision of this CONTRACT shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other
provision of this CONTRACT.
22. Prohibition Against Unlawful Discrimination. The OWNER, in accordance with the provisions of
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the
Regulations, affirmatively ensures that for all contracts entered into with the OWNER,
disadvantaged business enterprises are afforded a full and fair opportunity to bid on the contract
and are not to be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in
consideration for an award.
The OWNER strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination based on an individual’s gender (regardless
of gender identity or gender expression), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age
40 years or older, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or other
characteristics protected by law. For the purpose of this policy “sexual orientation” means a
person’s actual or perceived orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
The OWNER also strictly prohibits unlawful harassment in the workplace, including sexual
harassment. Further, the OWNER strictly prohibits unlawful retaliation against a person who
engages in protected activity. Protected activity includes an employee complaining that he or she
has been discriminated against in violation of the above policy or participating in an employment
discrimination proceeding.
The OWNER requires its vendors to comply with the OWNER’s policy for equal employment
opportunity and to prohibit unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This requirement
applies to all third-party vendors and their subcontractors at every tier.
23. Project Status Report. A project status report is required to accompany all invoices and shall be
submitted to the OWNER’s Project Manager. The progress status report shall contain a written
report of the status of the Service(s) with respect to the Scope of Services, project schedule,
previous invoices, outstanding balance, percent billed and other material information. Failure to
provide any required report may, at the option of the OWNER, suspend the processing of any
payment request.
24. Governmental Immunity Act. No term or condition of this CONTRACT shall be construed or
interpreted as a waiver, express or implied, of any of the notices, requirements, immunities,
rights, benefits, protections, limitations of liability, and other provisions of the Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. § 24-10-101 et seq. and under any other applicable law.
25. Owner’s Right to Inspect.
a. Subject to OWNER’s reasonable advance notice to MANUFACTURER, OWNER may
observe, inspect and/or test all goods at any time or place, including the
MANUFACTURER’s premises and the MANUFACTURER’s supplier’s premises.
MANUFACTURER shall furnish, without additional charge, all reasonable facilities,
equipment and assistance required for safe and convenient observation, inspection and/or
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 33 of 267
test of MANUFACTURER’s premises.
b. If OWNER deems goods as not in conformance with the CONTRACT, the
MANUFACTURER shall take prompt action to correct such non-conformance. At the
OWNER’s discretion, the cost of all subsequent inspections by the OWNER shall be
deducted from the Price.
c. OWNER’s inspection, or witness of, or participation in any tests (or the failure of OWNER to
inspect or test) shall not relieve MANUFACTURER of its obligations to assure goods
conform to all requirements.
d. Unless otherwise stated in CONTRACT, Final Acceptance of the goods by the OWNER shall
take place upon the successful start-up and operation of the goods on the OWNER’s
e. Payment or Final Acceptance shall not relieve the MANUFACTURER from its obligation to
meet all requirements and shall not impair OWNER’s right to reject or revoke acceptance of
non-conforming goods or to avail itself of any other remedies to which it may be entitled
notwithstanding knowledge of the nonconformity, its substantiality, or the ease of its
26. Utilization by Other Agencies. The OWNER reserves the right to allow other state and local
governmental agencies, political subdivisions, and/or school districts to utilize the resulting
award under all terms and conditions specified and upon agreement by all parties. Usage by any
other entity shall not have a negative impact on the OWNER in the current term or in any future
terms. Nothing herein shall be deemed to authorize or empower the Agency to act as an agent
for the OWNER in connection with the exercise of any rights hereunder, and neither party shall
have any right or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the
other. The other Agency shall be solely responsible for any debts, liabilities, damages, claims or
expenses incurred in connection with any agreement established between them and the
MANUFACTURER. The OWNER’s concurrence hereunder is subject to the
MANUFACTURER’s commitment that this authorization shall not have a negative impact on the
work to be completed for the OWNER.
27. Colorado Open Records Act. The OWNER is subject to Sec. 24-72-201 et seq. of the Colorado
Revised Statute (CORA). This CONTRACT is subject to public disclosure in whole pursuant to
28. Force Majeure. No Party hereto shall be considered in default in the performance of an
obligation hereunder to the extent that performance of such obligation is delayed, hindered, or
prevented by force majeure. Force majeure shall be any cause beyond the control of the
defaulting Party which could not reasonably have been foreseen and guarded against. Force
majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fires, riots, pandemics, incendiarism,
interference by civil or military authorities, compliance with regulations or orders of military
authorities, and acts of war (declared or undeclared), provided such cause could not have been
reasonably foreseen and guarded against by the defaulting Party. Force majeure shall not
include increases in labor, commodity, utility, material, supply, fuel, or energy costs, or
compliance with regulations or orders of civil authorities. To the extent that the performance is
actually prevented, the MANUFACTURER must provide written notice to the OWNER of such
condition within ten (10) days from the onset of such condition.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 34 of 267
29. Default by Supplier.
a. The OWNER may, subject to the provisions of paragraph 32, by written notice of default to
the MANUFACTURER and his surety, terminate the whole or any part of this Contract in any
one of the following circumstances:
i. Notwithstanding paragraph 8 above, if the MANUFACTURER fails to make delivery
of the equipment or to perform the obligations hereunder within the time specified
herein or any extension thereof; or
ii. If the MANUFACTURER fails to perform any of the other provisions of this
Contract, or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance of this
Contract in accordance with its terms, and
iii. in either of these two circumstances does not cure such failure within a period of
ten (10) days (or such longer period as the OWNER may authorize in writing after
receipt of notice specifying such failure.
b. In the event the OWNER terminates this Contract in whole or in part as provided in this
paragraph 30, the OWNER may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the
OWNER may deem appropriate, equipment or services similar to those so terminated, and
the MANUFACTURER and his surety shall be liable to the OWNER for any excess costs for
such similar equipment or services; provided, that the MANUFACTURER shall continue the
performance of this Contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this
c. If OWNER terminates this CONTRACT as provided in this Section, the OWNER, in addition
to any other rights provided in this clause, may require the MANUFACTURER to transfer title
and deliver to the OWNER (i) any completed equipment, and (ii) such partially completed
supplies and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, plans, drawings, information, and
Contract rights (hereinafter called "manufacturing materials") as the MANUFACTURER has
specifically produced or specifically acquired for the performance of such part of this
Contract as has been terminated; and the MANUFACTURER shall protect and preserve
property in possession of the MANUFACTURER in which the OWNER has an interest.
Payment for completed equipment delivered to and accepted by the OWNER will be at the
Contract Price. Payment for manufacturing materials delivered to and accepted by the
OWNER and for protection and preservation of property shall be in an amount equitable to
d. Any termination for default which shall be determined to be improper or unwarranted in any
respect shall be deemed to be a termination for convenience as provided below.
The OWNER shall have the absolute right to terminate the entire CONTRACT upon payment
to the MANUFACTURER for all disbursements or expenses which the MANUFACTURER had
incurred or became obligated for prior to the date of the notice of termination, less the
reasonable resale value of materials, equipment, and apparatus which shall have been
obtained or ordered to become an integral part of the work.
e. The rights and remedies of the OWNER provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and
are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Contract.
30. Contract Documents and Contract Defined. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire
CONTRACT between OWNER and MANUFACTURER concerning the Work consist of the Bid
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 35 of 267
Document, Technical Specifications and such other items as are referenced below, all of which
are incorporated herein by this reference.
Forms for use by MANUFACTURER in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out
the terms of this CONTRACT are deemed Contract Documents and included in the list below.
This Contract incorporates the terms and conditions of the following documents, attached as
exhibits hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Should there be a conflict among the
documents, their terms and conditions shall prevail in the following order:
a. Certificate of Final Acceptance
b. Approval of Factory Acceptance and authorization to ship
c. Certificate of Factory Acceptance
d. Change Orders to the CONTRACT
e. CONTRACT dated , consisting of pages
f. Clarifications to Bid Response consisting of number of pages , included as
g. Addenda Numbers numbered, and page numbers , inclusive
h. Invitation to Bid, issued , consisting of
i. Bid Response dated , consisting of forty-six pages
j. PO Terms & Conditions
31. Special Provisions. Special provisions or conditions relating to the services to be performed
pursuant to this CONTRACT are set forth in Exhibit D - Confidentiality, consisting of three (3)
pages, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
[Signature Page Follows]
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 36 of 267
Gerry Paul
Purchasing Director
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 37 of 267
1. Reason for Change: Why is the change required?
2. Description of Change: Provide description of the changes to the Work
3. Change in Price:
4. Change in Time:
By: Date:
Name: Title:
City PM Name, Title
Name, Buyer or Senior Buyer
Name, Title
Gerry Paul, Purchasing Director
(if greater than $60,000)
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 38 of 267
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 39 of 267
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 40 of 267
The MANUFACTURER will provide, from insurance companies acceptable to the OWNER, the
insurance coverage designated hereinafter and pay all costs. Before commencing work under
this bid, the MANUFACTURER shall furnish the OWNER with certificates of insurance showing
the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates and date of expiration of policies.
In case of the breach of any provision of the Insurance Requirements, the OWNER, at its
option, may take out and maintain, at the expense of the MANUFACTURER, such insurance as
the OWNER may deem proper and may deduct the cost of such insurance from any monies
which may be due or become due the MANUFACTURER under this CONTRACT.
Insurance certificates should show the certificate holder as follows:
City of Fort Collins
Purchasing Division
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
The OWNER, its officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds on the
MANUFACTURER's general liability and automobile liability insurance policies by marking the
appropriate box or adding a statement to this effect on the certificate, for any claims
arising out of work performed under this CONTRACT.
Insurance coverages shall be as follows:
A. Workers' Compensation & Employer's Liability. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain
during the life of this CONTRACT for all of the MANUFACTURER’s employees engaged
in work performed under this CONTRACT. Workers' Compensation & Employer’s
Liability insurance shall conform with statutory limits of $100,000 per accident, $500,000
disease aggregate, and $100,000 disease each employee, or as required by Colorado
B. General Liability. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain during the life of this
CONTRACT such General Liability as will provide coverage for damage claims of
personal injury, including accidental death, as well as for claims for property damage,
which may arise directly or indirectly from the performance of work under this
CONTRACT. Coverage for property damage shall be on a "broad form" basis. The
amount of insurance for General Liability, shall not be less than $1,000,000 combined
single limits for bodily injury and property damage.
C. Automobile Liability. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain during the life of this
CONTRACT such Automobile Liability insurance as will provide coverage for damage
claims of personal injury, including accidental death, as well as for claims for property
damage, which may arise directly or indirectly from the performance of work under this
CONTRACT. Coverage for property damage shall be on a "broad form" basis. The
amount of insurance for Automobile Liability, shall not be less than $1,000,000 combined
single limits for bodily injury and property damage.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 41 of 267
D. Errors & Omissions. The MANUFACTURER shall maintain errors and omissions
insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.
E. Subcontractors. In the event any work is performed by a subcontractor, the
MANUFACTURER shall be responsible for any liability directly or indirectly arising out of
the work performed under this CONTRACT by a subcontractor, which liability is not
covered by the subcontractor's insurance.
F. Primary Coverage. For any claims related to the CONTRACT, MANUFACTURER’s
insurance shall be primary coverage, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by
the OWNER, its officers, agents and employees shall be in excess of the
MANUFACTURER’s insurance and shall not contribute with it.
G. Waiver of Subrogation. MANUFACTURER will grant to the OWNER a waiver of any right
of subrogation which any insurer of MANUFACTURER may acquire against the OWNER
by virtue of any payment of any loss. MANUFACTURER agrees to obtain any
endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this
provision applies regardless of whether or not the OWNER has received a waiver of
subrogation endorsement from the insurer.
H. Transportation. This insurance shall be of the "all risk" type and shall protect the
MANUFACTURER and the OWNER from all insurable risks of physical loss or damage
to equipment and materials in transit to the job site and until the OWNER receives the
equipment and materials at the job site. The coverage amount shall be not less than the
full amount of the materials and equipment in transit. Transportation insurance shall
provide for losses to be payable to the MANUFACTURER and OWNER as their interests
may appear.
I. Deductibles. MANUFACTURER shall be responsible for payment of deductibles under
all policies required herein to the extent MANUFACTURER causes the loss.
In the event any work is performed by a subcontractor, the MANUFACTURER shall be
responsible for any liability directly or indirectly arising out of the work performed under this
CONTRACT by a subcontractor, which liability is not covered by the subcontractor's insurance.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 42 of 267
CONTRACT, the parties agree to comply with reasonable policies and procedures with regard to
the exchange and handling of confidential information and other sensitive materials between the
parties, as set forth below.
1. Definitions.
For purposes of this CONTRACT, the party who owns the confidential information and is
disclosing same shall be referenced as the “Disclosing Party.” The party receiving the
Disclosing Party’s confidential information shall be referenced as the “Receiving Party.”
2. Confidential Information.
Confidential Information controlled by this CONTRACT refers to information which is not public
and/or is proprietary and includes by way of example, but without limitation, City customer
information, utility data, service billing records, customer equipment information, location
information, network security system, business plans, formulae, processes, intellectual
property, trade secrets, designs, photographs, plans, drawings, schematics, methods,
specifications, samples, reports, mechanical and electronic design drawings, customer lists,
financial information, studies, findings, inventions, and ideas.
To the extent practical, Confidential Information shall be marked “Confidential” or
“Proprietary.” Nevertheless, MANUFACTURER shall treat as Confidential Information all
customer identifiable information in any form, whether or not bearing a mark of confidentiality
or otherwise requested by the OWNER, including but not limited to account, address, billing,
consumption, contact and other customer data. In the case of disclosure in non-documentary
form of non-customer identifiable information, made orally or by visual inspection, the
Disclosing Party shall have the right, or, if requested by the Receiving Party, the obligation to
confirm in writing the fact and general nature of each disclosure within a reasonable time after
it is made in order that it is treated as Confidential Information. Any information disclosed to
the other party prior to the execution of this CONTRACT and related to the services for which
MANUFACTURER has been engaged shall be considered in the same manner and be subject
to the same treatment as the information disclosed after the execution of this CONTRACT
with regard to protecting it as Confidential Information.
3. Use of Confidential Information.
Receiving Party hereby agrees that it shall use the Confidential Information solely for the
purpose of performing its obligations under this CONTRACT and not in any way detrimental
to Disclosing Party. Receiving Party agrees to use the same degree of care Receiving Party
uses with respect to its own proprietary or confidential information, which in any event shall
result in a reasonable standard of care to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of the
Confidential Information. Except as otherwise provided herein, Receiving Party shall keep
confidential and not disclose the Confidential Information. The OWNER and
MANUFACTURER shall cause each of their directors, officers, employees, agents,
representatives, and subcontractors to become familiar with, and abide by, the terms of this
section, which shall survive this CONTRACT as an on-going obligation of the Parties.
MANUFACTURER shall not use such information to obtain any economic or other benefit for
itself, or any third party, other than in the performance of obligations under this CONTRACT.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 43 of 267
4. Exclusions from Definition.
The term “Confidential Information” as used herein does not include any data or information
which is already known to the Receiving Party or which before being divulged by the
Disclosing Party (1) was generally known to the public through no wrongful act of the
Receiving Party; (2) has been rightfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party
without restriction on disclosure and without, to the knowledge of the Receiving Party, a
breach of an obligation of confidentiality; (3) has been approved for release by a written
authorization by the other party hereto; or (4) has been disclosed pursuant to a requirement
of a governmental agency or by operation of law.
5. Required Disclosure.
If the Receiving Party is required (by interrogatories, requests for information or documents,
subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process, or by federal, state, or local law,
including without limitation, the Colorado Open Records Act) to disclose any Confidential
Information, the Parties agree the Receiving Party will provide the Disclosing Party with
prompt notice of such request, so the Disclosing Party may seek an appropriate protective
order or waive the Receiving Party’s compliance with this CONTRACT.
The Receiving Party shall furnish a copy of this CONTRACT with any disclosure.
6. Notwithstanding paragraph 5, MANUFACTURER shall not disclose Confidential Information
to any person, directly or indirectly, nor use it in any way, except as required or authorized in
writing by the OWNER.
7. Red Flags Rules.
MANUFACTURER must implement reasonable policies and procedures to detect, prevent
and mitigate the risk of identity theft in compliance with the Identity Theft Red Flags Rules
found at 16 Code of Federal Regulations part 681. Further, MANUFACTURER must take
appropriate steps to mitigate identity theft if it occurs with one or more of the OWNER’s
covered accounts and must as expeditiously as possible notify the OWNER in writing of
significant breeches of security or Red Flags to the OWNER.
8. Data Protection and Data Security.
In addition to the requirements of paragraph 7, MANUFACTURER shall have in place
information security safeguards designed to conform to or exceed industry best practices
regarding the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of utility and customer
information and shall have written agreements requiring any subcontractor to meet those
standards. These information security safeguards (the “Information Security Program”) shall
be materially consistent with, or more stringent than, the safeguards described in this Exhibit.
a) MANUFACTURER’s information security safeguards shall address the following
• Data Storage, Backups and Disposal
• Logical Access Control (e.g., Role-Based)
• Information Classification and Handling
• Secure Data Transfer (SFTP and Data Transfer Specification)
• Secure Web Communications
• Network and Security Monitoring
• Application Development Security
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 44 of 267
• Application Security Controls and Procedures (User Authentication, Security
Controls, and Security Procedures, Policies and Logging)
• Incident Response
• Vulnerability Assessments
• Hosted Services
• Personnel Security
b) Subcontractors. MANUFACTURER may use subcontractors, though such activity shall
not release or absolve MANUFACTURER from the obligation to satisfy all conditions of
this CONTRACT, including the data security measures described in this Exhibit, and to
require a substantially similar level of data security, appropriate to the types of services
provided and Customer Data received, for any subcontractor MANUFACTURER may use.
Accordingly, any release of data, confidential information, or failure to protect information
under this CONTRACT by a subcontractor or affiliated party shall be attributed to
MANUFACTURER and may be considered to be a material breach of this CONTRACT.
9. Confidential Information is not to be stored on any local workstation, laptop, or media such
as CD/DVD, USB drives, external hard drives or other similar portable devices unless the
MANUFACTURER can ensure security for the Confidential Information so stored. Work
stations or laptops to be used in the Work will be required to have personal firewalls on
each, as well as have current, active anti-virus definitions.
10. The CONTRACT not to disclose Confidential Information as set forth in this Exhibit shall
apply during the term of the Work and at any time thereafter unless specifically authorized
by the OWNER in writing.
11. If MANUFACTURER breaches this CONTRACT, in the OWNER’s sole discretion, the
OWNER may immediately terminate this CONTRACT and withdraw MANUFACTURER’s
right to access Confidential Information.
12. Notwithstanding any other provision of this CONTRACT, all material, i.e., various physical
forms of media in which Confidential Information is contained, including but not limited to
writings, drawings, tapes, diskettes, prototypes or products, shall remain the sole property of
the Disclosing Party and, upon request, shall be promptly returned, together with all copies
thereof to the Disclosing Party. Upon such return of physical records, all digital and
electronic data shall also be deleted in a non-restorable way by which it is no longer
available to the Receiving Party. Written verification of the deletion (including date of
deletion) is to be provided to the Disclosing Party within ten (10) days after completion of
engagement, whether it be via termination, completion or otherwise.
13. MANUFACTURER acknowledges that the OWNER may, based upon the representations
made in this CONTRACT, disclose security information that is critical to the continued
success of the OWNER’s business. Accordingly, MANUFACTURER agrees that the
OWNER does not have an adequate remedy at law for breach of this CONTRACT and
therefore, the OWNER shall be entitled, as a non-exclusive remedy, and in addition to an
action for damages, to seek and obtain an injunction or decree of specific performance or
any other remedy, from a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin or remedy any violation of
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 45 of 267
00610 Performance Bond
00615 Payment Bond
00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion
00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance
00660 Consent of SURETY
00670 Application for Exemption Certificate
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 46 of 267
Bond No.
(an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation) (a Limited Liability Company), hereinafter
referred to as the "PRINCIPAL" and
hereinafter referred to as "the SURETY", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins, 300
Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522, a home rule municipality, hereinafter referred to as
the "OWNER", in the penal sum of ($ ) in lawful money of the United States, for the
payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the PRINCIPAL entered into
a certain CONTRACT with the OWNER, dated the [Day] day of [Month] in the year of 20[Year],
a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of the City of
Fort Collins Project, 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment.
NOW, THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the
undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said CONTRACT during the
original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or
without any notice to the SURETY and during the life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal
shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such CONTRACT, and shall fully indemnify
and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of
failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the
OWNER may incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to
remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said SURETY, for value received, hereby stipulates and
agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the CONTRACT
or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in
any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,
extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the CONTRACT or to the Work or to the
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the PRINCIPAL shall
abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the SURETY Company must be authorized to transact business in
the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 47 of 267
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed this _____ day of _____ ____, 20__.
(Title) (Title)
(Corporate Seal)
_____________________________ By:
_____________________________ By:
_____________________________ By:_____________________________________
NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of CONTRACT. If MANUFACTURER is
Partnership, all partners should execute Bond.
Attach to form when submitted: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 48 of 267
Bond No.
(an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation) (a Limited Liability Company), hereinafter
referred to as the "PRINCIPAL" and
hereinafter referred to as "the SURETY", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins,
300 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 , a home rule municipality, a home rule
municipality, hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum of ($ ) in
lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we
bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the PRINCIPAL entered into
a certain CONTRACT with the OWNER, dated the [Day] day of [Month] in the year of 20[Year],
a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of the City of
Fort Collins Project, 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment.
NOW, THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall make payment to all persons, firms,
subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution
of the Work provided for in such CONTRACT and any authorized extension or modification
thereof, including but not limited to, all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on
machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction
of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such
Work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to
remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said SURETY, for value received, hereby stipulates and
agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the CONTRACT
or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in
any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,
extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the CONTRACT or to the Work or to the
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the PRINCIPAL shall
abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the SURETY Company must be authorized to transact business in
the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER.
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 49 of 267
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed this day of , 20__.
(Title) (Title)
(Corporate Seal)
_____________________________ By:
_____________________________ By:
_____________________________ By:_____________________________________
NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of CONTRACT. If MANUFACTURER is
Partnership, all partners should execute Bond.
Attach to form when submitted: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 50 of 267
procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection
OWNER: City of Fort Collins
MANUFACTURER: [Manufacturer]
The Work performed under this CONTRACT has been inspected by authorized representatives
of the OWNER and MANUFACTURER, and the Project or specified part of the Project, as
indicated above is hereby declared to have achieved Substantial Completion on the above date.
Pursuant to the Contract Documents, MANUFACTURER has provided the following items,
where applicable:
Record Drawings (ie. final as-builts)
Operations & Maintenance Manuals
All applicable training
Third Party Warranties
Owner’s Extra Stock & Parts
A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be
exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the
MANUFACTURER to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
The MANUFACTURER accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to
complete and correct the items on the tentative list on or before the Final Acceptance and
Completion date of , 20 .
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 51 of 267
The OWNER accepts the Project or specified area of the Project as substantially complete and
will assume full possession of the Project or specified area of the Project at 12:01 a.m.,
on , 20 .
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 52 of 267
Month, day , 20
You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20__, the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by [MANUFACTURER] for the City of
Fort Collins Project, BID 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment.
Pursuant to the Contract Documents, MANUFACTURER has provided the following items:
A. All documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including without limitation
certified payrolls as required for state or federally funded projects;
B. Consent of the SURETY, if any, to final payment;
C. Satisfactory evidence that all title issues have been resolved such that title to all
Work, materials, and equipment has passed to OWNER free and clear of any Liens
or other title defects or will so pass upon final payment.
D. A list of all disputes that MANUFACTURER believes are unsettled; and
E. Complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to OWNER) of all
Lien rights arising out of the Work, and of Liens filed in connection with the Work.
Your continuing obligations and guarantees for the Project will be as provided in the Contract
OWNER: City of Fort Collins
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 53 of 267
TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER")
PROJECT: BID 9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment
In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the
as indicated above, for .
on bond numbers
hereby approves of the Final Payment to the MANUFACTURER and agrees that Final Payment
to the MANUFACTURER shall not relieve the SURETY of any of its obligations to the OWNER,
as set forth in the said SURETY's Bonds.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SURETY has hereunto set its hand this date day of
month , 20 .
ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact.
State of
County of ____________________
This record was acknowledged before me on _________________________, 20 _____
by _________________________ as (type of authority, such as officer or trustee) of
(name of party/entity on behalf of whom record was executed).
(name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation acknowledging)
a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation.
(Notary’s official signature)
(Title of office)
(Commission Expiration)
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9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 57 of 267
CONTRACTOR: Company Name
1. Reason for Change: Why is the change required?
2. Description of Change: Provide details of the changes to the Work
3. Change in Price:
4. Change in Time:
Name, Title
Name, Project Manager
Name, Buyer II or Senior Buyer
Gerry Paul, Purchasing Director
(if greater than $60,000)
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 58 of 267
NO 1
NO 2
24"-SE (DI02)
24"-FE (DI02)
24"-FE (DI02)
480VAC 480VAC
412 411 411 411 411 413 413 413 412 412 412 414 414 414 411 415 412 416 412
412 412 412 412
412 412 412 412 412
411 411 411 411
411 411 411 411 411
414 414 414 414
414 414 414 414 414
413 413 413 413
413 413 413 413 413
415 415 415 415
415 415 415 415 415
416 416 416 416
416 416 416 416 416
Project No.:
Drawing No.
Not for permits, pricing or other official
purposes. This document has not been
completed or checked and is for
general information or comment only.
File Name: 181301623_XXI-601
1 2 3 4 5
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9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 60 of 267
City of Ft. Collins PAGE - 2
City of Fort Collins – UV Disinfection Replacement Pre-Procurement
01 33 00
01 33 17
Submittal Procedures
Structural Design, Support, and Anchorage
01 64 00 Owner-Furnished Products
01 73 00 Operation and Maintenance Data
01 79 00 Owner Staff Training
26 00 00 Electrical Work, General
26 05 15 Industrial Control Panels
26 05 19 Wire and Cabling
26 05 53 Electric Identification
26 12 16 General Purpose Dry Type Transformers
26 35 26 Active Harmonic Filters
26 43 00 Surge Protection Devises (SPD)
40 91 00 Process Control and Instrumentation Systems
40 91 06 Level Measuring Systems
40 91 07 Level Detection Switches
40 92 00 Control Panels
40 95 10 PLC-Based Control Systems Hardware
43 30 12 Valve and Gate Actuators
43 30 56 Hydraulic Gates, General
43 30 62 Slide-stop gates
46 01 00 Equipment General Provisions
46 66 53 Open Channel UV Disinfection Equipment
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 33 00-1
A. Wherever submittals are required in the Technical Specifications, SUPPLIER shall
submit them to the ENGINEER and OWNER.
B. Refer to SECTION 40 91 00 for additional requirements for process control and
instrumentation system submittals.
A. Wherever called for in the Contract Documents or where required by the ENGINEER,
the SUPPLIER shall furnish one (1) electronic copy of each Shop Drawing submittal in
PDF and .dwg format. Shop Drawings may include detail design calculations, shop-
prepared drawings, fabrication and installation drawings, erection drawings, lists, graphs,
catalog sheets, data sheets, and similar items. Whenever the SUPPLIER is required to
submit design calculations as part of a submittal, such calculations shall bear the
signature and seal of an engineer registered in the appropriate branch and in the state
wherein the project is located, unless otherwise indicated.
1. On the transmittal form, index the components of the submittal and insert tabs in
the submittal to match the components. Relate the submittal components to
specification paragraph and subparagraph, drawing number, detail number,
schedule title, room number, or building name, as applicable.
2. Unless indicated otherwise, terminology and equipment names and numbers used
in submittals shall match those used in the Contract Documents.
1. Where product data from a manufacturer is submitted, clearly mark which model is
proposed, with complete pertinent data capacities, dimensions, clearances,
diagrams, controls, connections, anchorage, and supports. Sufficient level of detail
shall be presented for assessment of compliance with the Contract Documents.
D. Disorganized submittals that do not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents
will be returned without review.
E. Except as may otherwise be indicated, the ENGINEER will return PDFs of each
submittal to the SUPPLIER with comments noted thereon, within 14 Days following
receipt by the ENGINEER. It is considered reasonable that the SUPPLIER will make a
complete and acceptable submittal to the ENGINEER by the first resubmittal on an item.
The OWNER reserves the right to withhold monies due to the SUPPLIER to cover
additional costs of the ENGINEER's review beyond the first resubmittal. The
ENGINEER'S maximum review period for each submittal or resubmittal will be 21 Days.
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F. If a submittal is returned to the SUPPLIER marked "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN,” formal
revision and resubmission will not be required.
G. If a submittal is returned marked "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED,” SUPPLIER shall
make the corrections on the submittal and resubmit the required number of copies.
H. If a submittal is returned marked "REVISE AND RESUBMIT,” the SUPPLIER shall revise
it and shall resubmit the required number of copies. Resubmittal of portions of multi-
page or multi-drawing submittals will not be allowed. For example, if a Shop Drawing
submittal consisting of 10 drawings contains one drawing noted as "AMEND -
RESUBMIT,” the submittal as a whole is deemed "AMEND - RESUBMIT,” and 10
drawings are required to be resubmitted.
I. If a submittal is returned marked "REJECTED-RESUBMIT,” it shall mean either that the
proposed material or product does not satisfy the specification, the submittal is so
incomplete that it cannot be reviewed.
J. Resubmittal of rejected portions of a previous submittal will not be allowed. Every
change from a submittal to a resubmittal or from a resubmittal to a subsequent
resubmittal shall be identified and flagged on the resubmittal.
K. Fabrication of an item may commence only after the ENGINEER has reviewed the
pertinent submittals and returned copies to the SUPPLIER marked either "NO
submittals shall be considered as changes necessary to meet the requirements of the
Contract Documents and shall not be taken as changes to the contract requirements.
L. The review of Shop Drawings in no way changes the SUPPLIER’s obligation to meet the
specifications and contract documents.
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A. The Contractor shall provide calculations and details for structural and non-structural
components, supports, and anchorages as required by the Contract Documents and
the 2021 IBC. The Contractor shall furnish and install all such structural and non-
structural components, supports, and anchorages in accordance with the calculations
and details.
B. The Contractor shall provide calculations and details for structures and non-building
structures, supports, and anchorages as required by the Contract Documents and the
2021 IBC. The Contractor shall furnish and install all such structures and non-building
structures, supports, and anchorages in accordance with the calculations and details.
C. Where a conflict exists between the requirements of the Contract Documents and the
2021 IBC, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
D. Design parameters used to determine Seismic and Wind design forces shall be as
indicated in the Design Criteria on Contract Drawing S-001.
A. Manufacturer: Where Manufacturer is referred to in this Section, it refers to the person,
firm, or corporation retained by the OWNER to provide products purchased by the
OWNER. Such party may be referred to as the CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, or
MANUFACTURER for OWNER-furnished products or OWNER-furnished equipment.
B. Constructor: Any persons performing work in a separate agreement onsite to install
OWNER-furnished equipment.
A. Reference Specifications
01 33 00 Submittal Procedures
03 60 00 Grouting
05 05 19 Post Installed Concrete Anchors
B. The edition of the standards applicable to the Work shall be those editions referenced
by the 2021 International Building Code (IBC). If the standard is not referenced by the
IBC, nor an IBC-referenced standard listed below, the edition of the standard
applicable to the Work shall be the edition in effect on the date of signing and sealing
of the contract specifications.
IBC 2021 International Building Code
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
ASCE 7 -16 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 64 of 267
City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 33 17- 2
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (2019 edition)
ACI 350.3 Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and
Commentary (2006 Edition)
The Masonry Society (TMS)
TMS 402 Building Code for Masonry Structures (2016 edition)
TMS 602 Specification for Masonry Structures (2016 edition)
1.05 Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
A. Calculations and Details
B. Calculations and details are considered a Deferred Submittal as defined in the IBC.
C. Calculations and details shall be complete, accurate, and in accordance with the
requirements of the IBC and ASCE 7 and shall be signed and sealed by a Professional
Engineer registered in the State of Colorado.
D. Calculations shall be clear and concise and show equipment and other non-structural
component anchorage forces and the capacities of the anchorage elements proposed
by the Contractor. The calculations shall substantiate a complete load path from the
component or equipment being anchored into the supporting structure or foundation.
E. The calculations and details shall demonstrate a complete lateral and vertical load
path and shall clearly indicate all forces imposed on the supporting structure.
F. Calculations and details are required for all Non-Structural components, supports,
anchorages, and attachments.
1. Non-Structural components shall include all architectural, mechanical, and
electrical components, equipment, piping, ductwork, and all other similar or related
appurtenances necessary to produce the complete architectural, mechanical, and
electrical systems.
G. When the Contract Documents require the Contractor to design structures or structural
components, calculations and details for those structures and structural components,
and their supports, anchorages, and attachments, are required.
H. When computer generated calculations and analyses are included as part (or as the
whole) of the calculations, the calculations shall include, but not be limited to, the
following: derivations of all input parameters; clear indication of the applicable load
combinations and building code equations; diagrams of all members, geometry, loads,
forces, reactions and deflections, for all components and connections; and output
results demonstrating all stress, force, deflection and other Contract Document and
building code requirements have been satisfied.
I. All calculations associated with anchorage into concrete or masonry shall be done
using Strength Level forces and shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions
of ACI 318 and TMS 402, respectively.
J. Refer to Part 2 below for additional requirements.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 33 17- 3
A. Design parameters used to determine Seismic design forces shall be as indicated in
the Design Criteria on Contract Drawing S-001.
A. Design parameters used to determine Wind design forces shall be as indicated in the
Design Criteria on Contract Drawing S-001
2.02 Non-Structural Component Supports and Anchors
A. Unless otherwise indicated, non-structural component supports, anchors, and
restrainers shall be adequately designed for all applicable static, dynamic, operational,
seismic and wind loads.
1. Wall-mounted equipment weighing more than 250 pounds or which is within 18-
inches of the floor shall be provided with fabricated steel supports. Pedestals shall
be of welded steel or engineered framing support systems. If the supported
equipment is a panel or cabinet or is enclosed with removable sides, the pedestal
shall match the supported equipment in appearance and dimensions.
2. All equipment and all other non-structural components shall be supported and
anchored in place by methods that satisfy the building code and the Contract
3. All equipment and all other non-structural components shall be supported and
anchored in place by methods that satisfy the manufacturer’s applicable seismic
certification requirements.
B. Component attachments shall be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened
without consideration of frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity.
C. Non-Building Structures
1. Non-Building Structures shall be designed in accordance with ASCE 7 Chapter 15.
2. Non-Building Structures, foundations, supports, anchors, and restrainers shall be
adequately designed for all applicable static, dynamic, operational, seismic and
wind loads.
D. Anchors – General
1. Anchor bolts shall be cast-in-place unless otherwise noted or approved by the
2. Anchor bolts shall be in accordance with Section 05 50 00 – Metal Fabrication.
3.Adhesives and epoxies for post-installed anchors in concrete or masonry shall be
in accordance with Section 05 05 19 - Post Installed Concrete Anchors.
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4. Grouts for anchor bolts shall be in accordance with Section 03 60 00 - Grouting.
5. The Contractor shall determine the size, type, capacity, location, and other
placement requirements of anchorage elements. Anchoring methods and leveling
criteria in the manufacturer’s literature shall be followed. Submit methods and
criteria with the calculations and details.
6. Anchor bolt calculations shall clearly show that the capacity of the anchor and the
capacity of the concrete that the anchor is embedded in are adequate to resist all
applicable load combinations, including seismic and wind loads.
a. The design of anchors resisting seismic forces shall satisfy the ductility
requirements stated in the IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318, and TMS 402.
7. Reduction factors associated with edge distance, embed length, grout and base
plate thickness, and bolt spacing shall all be considered and based on the actual
dimensions of the concrete or masonry that resists the anchorage forces.
8. Where anchorage is required into or through equipment pads, the following
requirements shall apply unless otherwise approved by the Engineer:
a. For tensile forces, the embed length and associated concrete failure zone shall
be provided entirely within the structural slab. No portion of the equipment pad
may be considered as effective in resisting tensile forces.
b. For shear forces, the edge distance and associated concrete failure zone shall
be provided entirely within the equipment pad. No portion of the structural slab
may be considered as effective in resisting shear forces.
9. Anchor bolt details shall include required bolt diameter, embed, spacing, and edge
10. Where additional reinforcement is required to satisfy anchorage requirements,
such reinforcement shall be included in the anchorage details, and shall be
furnished and installed by the Contractor.
E. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Foundations
1. Equipment foundations are indicated on Drawings. The Contractor shall verify the
size and weight of the equipment foundation to ensure compatibility with
equipment during construction in concert with the CONSTRUCTOR.
2. Equipment foundation dimensions shall be coordinated with the equipment base
geometry and the edge distance and embed requirements of the equipment
anchorage calculations.
F. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment (Housekeeping) Pads
1. General
a. Equipment, tanks, control cabinets, enclosures, and related equipment shall
be mounted on concrete equipment pads, unless otherwise indicated. The top
surface of the equipment pads shall be level, unless otherwise indicated, or
otherwise required by the equipment manufacturer.
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b. Equipment pads shall be sized to accommodate the bearing and anchorage
requirements of the equipment, subject to the constraints listed below.
c. Final geometry of the equipment pads shall not result in a condition that
violates applicable building code provisions, including but not limited to the
provisions of the National Electric Code.
2. Mechanical Equipment Pads
a. Mechanical equipment pad heights shall be coordinated with process
equipment and piping elevation requirements. Where no such elevation
constraints exist, the equipment pad height shall be as shown on the drawings,
or as indicated below when no specific height is provided.
1) Equipment pads for mechanical equipment shall be 3.5 inches tall
(maximum) at the front of the equipment.
b. Mechanical equipment pads shall extend not more than 2 inches beyond the
front, back, and sides of the equipment, except as indicated below, unless
otherwise shown on the drawings.
1) Where necessary to meet seismic or wind anchorage requirements, the
pads may be extended beyond the 2 inch limit indicated above. The pads
shall extend not more than 6 inches beyond the front, back, and sides of
the equipment.
3. Electrical Equipment Pads
a. Electrical equipment pads shall be 3.5 inches tall (maximum) at the front of the
b. Electrical equipment pads shall extend not more than 2 inches beyond the
front, back, and sides of the equipment, except as indicated below, unless
otherwise shown on the drawings.
c. Where necessary to meet seismic anchorage requirements, the pads may be
extended beyond the 2 inch limit indicated above. The pads shall extend not
more than 6 inches beyond the front, back, and sides of the equipment.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 64 00-1
A. Section includes general requirements, products, and execution for OWNER-furnished
A. Manufacturer: Where Manufacturer is referred to in this Section, it refers to the person,
firm, or corporation retained by the OWNER to provide products purchased by the
OWNER. Such party may be referred to as the CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, or
MANUFACTURER for OWNER-furnished products or OWNER-furnished equipment.
B. Constructor: Any persons performing work in a separate agreement onsite to install
OWNER-furnished equipment.
C. Products: UV Equipment, valves, fittings, and other components furnished by the
D. Transfer:
1. Transfer of OWNER-furnished products to the CONTRACTOR refers to the times
when the following have occurred:
a. Manufacturer’s instructions for loading, unloading, handling, storage,
protection, and installation received by the OWNER.
b. Products delivered to the OWNER’S Facility – 918 E Mulberry St., Fort
Collins, CO 80524.
c. The OWNER determined the products as ready for loading, unloading,
storage, protection, and installation by the CONSTRUCTOR.
A. CONTRACTOR's Responsibility for Complete System:
1. Storing, handling, installing, adjusting, and maintaining of OWNER-furnished
products. Assist the Manufacturer with the pre-startup lubricating and operational
startup of OWNER-furnished products. Provide and coordinate the construction of
interconnecting structures, products, piping, and appurtenances to achieve
installation and operation of the OWNER-furnished products to provide a complete
and functional system in accordance with the Contract Documents.
2. Coordinate the electrical and instrumentation Work as necessary to achieve
installation and operation of OWNER-furnished products in accordance with the
Contract Documents to provide a complete and functional system.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 64 00-2
3. Conduct field tests as specified herein and correct issues related to installation.
B. ENGINEER’s Responsibility for Information:
1. The ENGINEER will make the following information available for the
a. Shop Drawings of OWNER-furnished products, including revisions as they
affect the installation Work.
b. Manufacturer’s storage, installation, O&M instructions for OWNER-furnished
A. Provide products required to complete the Work in this Section, except where specified
as OWNER-furnished. Such products include, but are not limited to, concrete bases,
piping, gaskets and accessories, specialties, and expendable materials, as necessary to
provide a complete and properly functioning system.
B. Verify availability of OWNER-furnished products by contacting the ENGINEER before
making final arrangements for, or committing resources to, handling, storage, protection,
or installation of such products.
1. OWNER-furnished products will be available for the CONTRACTOR at MWRF,
918 E Mulberry St., Fort Collins, CO 80524.
2. OWNER-furnished product will be made available on the date determined by the
A. Upon Notice to Proceed, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ownership,
delivery, and care of pre-selected products.
B. Certificate of Acceptable Receipt, Delivery, Unloading, and Storage as approved by the
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Detailed Drawings that indicate the layout, location, and identification of products
and materials provided by the CONTRACTOR:
a. Include pipes, fittings, valves, hangers, supports, products, and required
b. Electrical and instrumentation diagrams to indicate connecting and
interconnecting electrical and control Work.
2. Plans to repair or replace products that become damaged or lost after transfer to
the CONTRACTOR for storage and protection.
D. Supplements listed in this Section.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 64 00-3
A. General:
1. Furnish the tools, supplies, materials, products, and labor necessary for the
installation, testing, and placing into operation of products and appurtenances,
complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents.
2. The provisions of this Section shall apply to the products specified, except where
otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents.
B. Contractor's Responsibility for Complete System:
1. Conduct field tests as specified in this Section and SECTION 46 66 53; correct
issues related to installation.
C. Manufacturer's Responsibility for Products:
1. The Manufacturer of the OWNER-furnished products shall be responsible for
providing the following:
a. Factory testing and certification of test results.
b. O&M manual, including installation and storage instructions.
c. Inspection and acceptance of the CONTRACTOR’s product installations.
d. Certificate of proper installation.
e. Field services, to include inspection and certification of proper installation,
startup, and testing assistance.
f. Training of the OWNER's personnel.
2. After completion, the Manufacturer shall furnish written guarantees to the
ENGINEER that products will operate as required.
D. Manufacturer’s Service Representative: Installation, testing, and startup assistance
specified in the Manufacturer’s purchase contract.
E. Engineer’s Responsibility for Information: The ENGINEER will make the following
information available for the CONTRACTOR’s use: Shop Drawings of OWNER-furnished
products, including revisions as they affect the installation Work.
A. Necessary storing, handling, installing, adjusting, and maintaining of OWNER-furnished
products shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility. Assist the Manufacturer with the
pre-startup and operational startup of OWNER-prepurchased products.
B. Storage and Protection:
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1. Following the transfer of OWNER-furnished products and until final acceptance of
the completed Work, protect and maintain products to prevent damage.
2. Damage to or loss of products after the date of their transfer to the CONTRACTOR
shall be repaired to the original condition or replaced with new identical products,
as reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER.
3. The Manufacturer shall inspect the OWNER-furnished products for signs of potting,
rust, decay, or other deleterious effects of improper storage just before installation,
and shall notify the ENGINEER of the results of the inspection.
A. General: Provide products required to complete Work under this Section, except where
specified as OWNER-furnished.
B. Products: OWNER-furnished products shall consist of the products described in this
Section and appended in the Contract Documents.
C. Miscellaneous Products: Furnish incidental products for the proper operation of
products installed in this Section. Products for the intended service shall be in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
A. Installation Work shall conform to the Manufacturer's recommended procedures,
instructions, and Shop Drawings as reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER.
B. Maintain a complete inventory on OWNER-furnished products after the product’s
transfer to the CONTRACTOR.
C. Coordinate electrical connections with the OWNER for the proper operation of products.
D. Perform installation of OWNER-furnished products.
E. The setting of the product bases by the CONTRACTOR shall be acceptable to the
OWNER and the Manufacturer.
F. Install piping, valves, and miscellaneous fittings in accordance with the Manufacturer's
instructions and the Contract Documents.
G. Perform electrical connections in accordance with the Contract Documents.
A. Installation: Consult the Manufacturer for installation instructions.
B. Inspection of Products:
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 72 of 267
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1. Before the transfer of OWNER-furnished products to the CONTRACTOR, the
CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER shall jointly inspect the condition of each
2. Record, in writing, the products transferred to the CONTRACTOR. Complete the
form included at the end of this Section.
3. Damage to or loss of products and materials shall be immediately reported to the
4. Damage or loss of products and materials after the date of transfer to the
CONTRACTOR shall be repaired or replaced at the CONTRACTOR’s expense,
and as directed by the ENGINEER.
A. Maintenance:
1. Immediately after installation, apply pre-startup lubricants in accordance with the
Manufacturer's instructions.
2. Follow the Manufacturer's instructions for maintenance during storage, after
installation but prior to testing and startup, and after startup but prior to the
OWNER's acceptance.
B. The product installation Work shall include the installation of OWNER-prepurchased
products as shown on the Drawings. Work associated with the product installation shall
be performed by the CONTRACTOR. The field quality control work including the
recording of field measurements, assistance with product startup, and conducting the
functional and performance testing shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR.
C. Install products in accordance with approved procedures submitted with the
Manufacturer's printed instructions.
D. Provide supervision, labor, tools, construction product, incidental materials, and
necessary services required to install OWNER-furnished products.
A. Following the transfer of OWNER-furnished products and until final acceptance of the
completed Work, protect and maintain products to prevent damage.
B. Damage to or loss of products after the date of the product’s transfer to the
CONTRACTOR shall be repaired to the original condition or replaced with new, identical
products as reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER.
C. The Manufacturer shall inspect the products for signs of pitting, rust decay, or other
deleterious effects of improper storage just before installation, and shall notify the
ENGINEER of the inspection results.
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A. Give full access to Work by, and cooperate with, the Manufacturer during testing to
enable the gathering of data and information necessary to evaluate performance and
develop recommendations for acceptable O&M instructions.
B. Inspection of Products:
1. Complete the Certification of Acceptable Delivery, Unloading, and Storage form
included at the end of this Section.
2. Damage to or loss of products and materials shall be immediately reported to the
3. Damage to or loss of products and materials after the date of transfer to the
CONTRACTOR shall be repaired or replaced at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.
A. Coordinate the requirements listed in SECTION 46 66 53 regarding commissioning and
startup unless otherwise specified.
A. Supplement A – Certificate of Acceptable Receipt, Delivery, Unloading, and Storage
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 74 of 267
The undersigned representing , hereinafter called the
CONTRACTOR, certifies that the (name product)
was delivered, unloaded, stored, and maintained in accordance with the recommended procedures and precautions
and accepts the transfer of the above product with observed defects noted as follows (if any):
Signed this day of , 20 .
OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 75 of 267
The undersigned representing , hereinafter called the
CONTRACTOR, certifies that the (name product)
was delivered, unloaded, stored, and maintained in accordance with the recommended procedures and precautions
and accepts the transfer of the above product with observed defects noted as follows (if any):
Signed this day of , 20 .
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 73 00 - 1
A. Detailed information for the preparation, submission, and ENGINEER’s review of
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Data, as required by individual Specification
A. Prepare preliminary and final data in the form of an instructional manual. Prepare final
data in data compilation format and on electronic media.
B. Instructional Manual Format:
1. Binder: Commercial quality, permanent, three-ring or three-post binders with
durable plastic cover.
2. Size: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, minimum.
3. Cover: Identify manual with typed or printed title “OPERATION AND
a. Project title.
b. Designate applicable system, equipment, material, or finish.
c. Identity of separate structure as applicable.
d. Identify volume number if more than one volume.
e. Identity of general subject matter covered in manual. Identify equipment
number and Specification section.
4. Spine:
a. Project title.
b. Identify volume number if more than one volume.
5. Title Page:
a. SUPPLIER name, address, and telephone number.
1) Provide name and telephone number of local source of supply for
parts and replacement.
6. Table of Contents:
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 01 73 00 - 2
a. Neatly typewritten and arranged in systematic order with consecutive page
b. Identify each product by product name and other identifying numbers,
equipment tags, or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents.
7. Paper: 20-pound minimum, white for typed pages.
8. Text: Manufacturer’s printed data, or neatly typewritten.
9. Three-hole punch data for binding and composition; arrange printing so that
punched holes do not obliterate data.
10. Material shall be suitable for reproduction, with quality equal to original.
Photocopying of material will be acceptable, except for material containing
C. Data Compilation Format:
1. Compile ENGINEER-accepted preliminary O&M data into a hard-copy, hard-
bound set. Provide four (4) hard copies of the O&M data in addition to a digital
2. Each set shall consist of the following:
a. Binder: Commercial quality, permanent, three-ring or three-post binders
with durable plastic cover.
b. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title “OPERATION AND
MAINTENANCE DATA, VOLUME NO. ___ OF ___”, and list:
1) Project title.
2) If entire volume covers equipment or system provided by one
Supplier include the following:
a) Identity of general subject matter covered in manual.
b) Identity of equipment number and Specification section.
c. Provide each volume with title page and typed table of contents with
consecutive page numbers. Place contents of entire set, identified by
volume number, in each binder.
d. Table of contents neatly typewritten, arranged in a systematic order:
1) Include list of each product, indexed to content of each volume.
2) Designate system or equipment for which it is intended.
3) Identify each product by product name and other identifying numbers
or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents.
e. Section Dividers:
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1) Heavy, 80-pound cover weight, tabbed with numbered plastic index
2) Fly-Leaf:
a) For each separate product, or each piece of operating
equipment, with typed description of product and major
component parts of equipment.
b) List with Each Product:
(1) Name, address, and telephone number of Supplier,
installer, and maintenance contractor, as appropriate.
(2) Identify area of responsibility of each.
(3) Provide local source of supply for parts and replacement.
c) Identity of separate structure as applicable.
f. Assemble and bind material, as much as possible, in same order as
specified in Contract Documents.
D. Electronic Media Format:
1. Portable Document Format (PDF):
a. After preliminary data has been found to be acceptable to ENGINEER,
submit Operation and Maintenance data in PDF format.
b. Files to be exact duplicates of ENGINEER-accepted preliminary data.
Arrange by specification number and name.
c. Files to be fully functional and viewable in most recent version of Adobe
Acrobat or Bluebeam.
d. Sections shall be bookmarked and all text shall be searchable.
A. Content for Each Unit (or Common Units) and System:
1. Product Data:
a. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to specific product.
b. Clearly annotate each sheet to:
1) Identify specific product or part installed.
2) Identify data applicable to installation.
3) Delete references to inapplicable information.
c. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.
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d. Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and tests.
e. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts.
f. Original manufacturer’s parts list, illustrations, detailed assembly drawings
showing each part with part numbers and sequentially numbered parts list,
and diagrams required for maintenance.
g. Spare parts ordering instructions including locations of spare parts.
h. Where applicable, identify installed spares and other provisions for future
work (e.g., reserved panel space, unused components, wiring, terminals).
2. As-installed, color-coded piping diagrams.
3. Charts of valve tag numbers, with the location and function of each valve.
4. Drawings: Supplement product data with Drawings as necessary to clearly
a. Format:
1) Provide reinforced, punched, binder tab; bind in with text.
2) Reduced to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, or 11 inches by 17 inches
folded to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches.
3) Where reduction is impractical, fold and place in 8-1/2-inch by
11-inch envelopes bound in text.
4) Identify Specification section and product on Drawings and
b. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems.
c. Control and flow diagrams.
d. Coordinate drawings with Project record documents to assure correct
illustration of completed installation.
5. Instructions and Procedures: Within text, as required to supplement product data.
a. Format:
1) Organize in consistent format under separate heading for each
different procedure.
2) Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure.
3) Provide information sheet for OWNER’s personnel, including:
a) Proper procedures in event of failure.
b) Instances that might affect validity of guarantee or Bond.
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b. Installation Instructions: Including alignment, adjusting, calibrating, and
c. Operating Procedures:
1) Startup, break-in, routine, and normal operating instructions.
2) Test procedures and results of factory tests where required.
3) Regulation, control, stopping, and emergency instructions.
4) Description of operation sequence by control manufacturer.
5) Shutdown instructions for both short and extended duration.
6) Summer and winter operating instructions, as applicable.
7) Safety precautions.
8) Special operating instructions.
d. Maintenance and Overhaul Procedures:
1) Routine maintenance.
2) Guide to troubleshooting.
3) Disassembly, removal, repair, reinstallation, and re-assembly.
6. Guarantee, Bond, and Service Agreement: In accordance with Division 00.
B. Parts List
1. Parts List: A complete parts list shall be furnished, including a generic description
and manufacturer's identification number for each part. Addresses and telephone
numbers of the nearest supplier and parts warehouse shall be included.
C. Content for Each Electric or Electronic Item or System:
1. Description of Unit and Component Parts:
a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.
b. Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and tests.
c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts.
d. Interconnection wiring diagrams, including control and lighting systems.
2. Circuit Directories of Panelboards.
3. Electrical service.
4. Control requirements and interfaces.
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5. Communication requirements and interfaces.
6. List of electrical relay settings, and control and alarm contact settings.
7. Electrical interconnection wiring diagram, including as applicable, single-line,
three-line, schematic and internal wiring, and external interconnection wiring.
8. As-installed control diagrams by control manufacturer.
9. Operating Procedures:
a. Routine and normal operating instructions.
b. Startup and shutdown sequences, normal and emergency.
c. Safety precautions.
d. Special operating instructions.
10. Maintenance Procedures:
a. Routine maintenance.
b. Guide to troubleshooting.
c. Adjustment and checking.
d. List of relay settings, control and alarm contact settings.
11. Manufacturer’s printed operating and maintenance instructions.
12. List of original manufacturer’s spare parts, manufacturer’s current prices, and
recommended quantities to be maintained in storage.
D. Spare Parts List
1. The SUPPLIER shall furnish to the ENGINEER 3 identical sets (one per O&M
Manual) of spare parts information for mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation
equipment. The spare parts list shall include those spare parts that each
manufacturer recommends be maintained by the OWNER in inventory.
2. Sources and Pricing: The spare parts list shall include a current list price of each
spare part. Each manufacturer or supplier shall indicate the name, address, and
telephone number of its nearest outlet of spare parts to assist the OWNER in
3. Format: The SUPPLIER shall cross-reference spare parts lists to the equipment
numbers designated in the Contract Documents.
E. Data for Materials and Finishes
1. Manufacturer’s data, giving full information on products:
a. Catalog number, size, and composition.
b. Color and texture designations.
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c. Information required for reordering special-manufactured products.
2. Instructions for Care and Maintenance:
a. Manufacturer’s recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods.
b. Cautions against cleaning agents and methods that are detrimental to
c. Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance.
F. Content for Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products
G. Manufacturer’s data, giving full information on products:
a. Applicable standards.
b. Chemical composition.
c. Details of installation.
3. Instructions for inspection, maintenance, and repair.
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A. Manufacturer: Where Manufacturer is referred to in this Section, it refers to the person,
firm, or corporation retained by the OWNER to provide products purchased by the
OWNER. Such party may be referred to as the CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, or
MANUFACTURER for OWNER-furnished products or OWNER-furnished equipment.
B. Constructor: Any persons performing work in a separate agreement onsite to install
OWNER-furnished equipment.
A. Section Includes:
1. Training of OWNER’s personnel on equipment provided by SUPLIER. Independent
training sessions are required prior to start-up activities.
2. UV System MANUFACTURER will provide startup services for the UV Disinfection
System along with the related equipment supplied by the UV system
MANUFACTURER. The CONSTRUCTOR shall coordinate with the
MANUFACTURER, the ENGINEER, and the OWNER for timing of training for
equipment and shall be responsible for scheduling training and videotaping the
B. SUPPLIER in coordination with CONSTRUCTOR shall furnish all labor, materials,
equipment, and incidentals necessary to train OWNER’s personnel on the equipment,
products, and systems furnished under this Contract. OWNER training is a prerequisite to
satisfactory completion of the Contract requirements and shall be completed within the
Contract Time.
C. The minimum onsite training requirements for various plant components are described in
various sections of the specifications.
D. Where required by the detailed specifications, provide training sessions and field
demonstrations for OWNER’s personnel.
E. The cost of training will be included in the Contract Price and no separate payment will be
made. Compensation for OWNER’s personnel (salaries) will be borne by the OWNER.
F. CONSTRUCTOR will designate and provide one or more persons as the Training
Coordinator. The Training Coordinator will coordinate the training periods with OWNER’s
personnel and MANUFACTURER’s representatives and will be present at all training
coordination meetings with the OWNER’s Technical Training Specialist.
A. Submittals: The following information will be submitted to the ENGINEER:
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1. At least 90 days prior to startup of equipment, meet with ENGINEER and OWNER’s
Technical Training Specialist to develop a list of personnel to be trained and to
establish expected training outcomes and objectives.
2. Not less than 60 days prior to initial training, submit a schedule of training classes and
training plan.
3. Coordinate training sessions to prevent overlapping sessions. Arrange sessions so
that individual operators and maintenance technicians are available.
4. Provide O&M Manual(s) for specific pieces of equipment or systems 30 calendar days
prior to training session for that piece of equipment or system.
5. 30 calendar days prior to first training session, submit for OWNER’s review and
approval a detailed course outline including subject matter, length of classes,
scheduling models to accommodate multiple shifts, names, contact information and
qualifications (bio) of instructors and other pertinent information. Base classroom
instruction on audience needs.
6. Provide handouts and all presentation materials for review and approval by OWNER’s
Technical Training Specialist 30 calendar days prior to first training session.
B. Each training class shall consist of a classroom portion and a field tour portion. Each
training class shall include:
1. Safety Overview.
2. Training on each item of equipment within the UV system, conducted by the
Equipment MANUFACTURER’s representative.
3. Training on the mechanical piping system within the startup system, conducted by the
CONSTRUCTOR’S mechanical superintendent.
4. Training on the power distribution system within the startup system, conducted by the
CONSTRUCTOR’S electrical superintendent.
5. Training on the instrumentation and control systems within the startup system,
conducted by the CONSTRUCTORR’S I&C System Supplier and by ENGINEER.
6. Training on the SCADA control system within the startup system, conducted by the
C. Within ten (10) days after the completion of each training session, the GENERAL
CONSTRUCTOR shall submit the following:
1. A sign-in sheet of all personnel that attended the training session.
2. A copy of the training materials utilized during the lesson with all notes, diagrams, and
3. Electronic files containing the above information and a video of the training.
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A. Instructors shall be completely knowledgeable in the products and systems for which they
are providing training and shall be experienced in conducting classes. Sales
representatives are not considered qualified instructors unless they possess the detailed
operating and maintenance knowledge required for proper class instruction.
B. Instructor shall have at least two years of experience in providing training certified by the
C. If, in the opinion of the OWNER, the Instructor did not provide the scheduled training for
equipment provided by the CONTRACTOR, such training shall be rescheduled and
repeated with a suitable instructor at CONTRACTOR’S expense.
representative shall conduct training sessions for the OWNER’s personnel to instruct the
staff on the proper operation, care, and maintenance of the equipment and systems
installed under this Contract.
A. Each instructor is encouraged to use audio-visual devices, P&IDs, models, charts, or other
means to effectively increase the transfer of knowledge. The instructor conducting the
training shall furnish all such equipment (computers, televisions, projectors, screens
easels, etc.), models, and charts for each class. It shall be the responsibility of the
instructor to confirm in advance that the classroom will be appropriate for the types of
audio-visual equipment to be employed.
A. All training will be conducted at either the Drake or Mulberry Water Reclamation Facility,
at a location designated by the OWNER.
A. Each training session shall be comprised of time spent both in the classroom and at the
specific location of the subject equipment or system. As a minimum, training session shall
cover the following subjects for each item of equipment or system:
1. Familiarization
a. Review catalog, parts lists, drawings, etc., which have been previously provided
for the OWNER’s files and operation and maintenance manuals.
b. Inspection on how the equipment has been installed. Demonstrate the operation
of the unit and describe how all parts of the equipment meet the requirement of
the Specifications.
c. Answer questions.
2. Safety
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a. Using material previously provided, review safety features of the equipment.
b. Discuss proper precautions when working around equipment.
3. Operation
a. Using material previously provided, review reference literature.
b. Explain all modes of operation (including emergency).
c. Check out OWNER's personnel on proper use of the equipment.
4. Preventive Maintenance
a. Using material previously provided, review preventive maintenance (PM) lists
1) Reference material.
2) Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual PM activities.
b. Demonstrate how to perform Preventive Maintenance procedures.
c. Demonstrate to the OWNER's personnel what to look for as indicators of potential
equipment problems.
5. Corrective Maintenance
a. Identify possible problems.
b. Demonstrate how to perform repairs. Point out special problems.
c. Open up equipment and demonstrate O&M procedures, where practical.
6. Parts
a. Demonstrate the use of previously provided parts list and order parts.
b. Check over spare parts on hand. Make recommendations regarding additional
parts that should be available.
7. Local Representatives
a. Identify local vendors where to order parts: name, address, telephone.
b. Service problems:
1) Identify contacts local contacts.
2) Identify emergency contacts.
8. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
a. Review any other material submitted.
b. Update material, as required.
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B. Use approved Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual(s) as the basis for instruction.
Review contents of manuals with personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation
and maintenance. Prepare and insert additional data in O&M Manuals when need for
such data becomes apparent during instruction. Promotional information will not be
accepted. Power Point, handouts and hands-on instruction are encouraged. Simply
reading from the O&M manual is not an acceptable training method.
A. The objective of the training included under this Section shall be to convey the knowledge
to maintain, and repair the equipment and systems furnished under this CONTRACT.
B. OWNER personnel who will participate in this training have existing full-time work
assignments and this training is an additional assigned work task. OWNER’s staff work
schedules regularly shift, as the plant is operated on an around-the-clock basis.
C. Training shall be tailored to suit the skills and job classifications of the personnel attending
the classes e.g., plant manager, plant operator, maintenance technical, electrician, etc.
D. Minimum onsite training requirements for plant components are described in various
sections of the Specifications. For the purpose of the times given in individual Specification
sections, a workday is defined as an eight (8) hour day at the site, excluding travel time.
E. Training shall be scheduled as a separate trip from equipment inspection, startup, and
field adjustment. Training shall not be done until the manufacturer certifies that the
equipment is operable as specified.
F. Utilize manufacturer’s qualified, experienced, factory-trained representatives who are
knowledgeable of the products, equipment, and systems applicable to OWNER’s facilities
to conduct training sessions. OWNER may require alternate instructors should those
provided lack adequate knowledge or instruction and demonstration skills.
G. Satisfactorily complete functional testing before beginning any training sessions. Training
will be conducted prior to process startup of associated systems or equipment.
H. Specific Training Objectives: The training shall include a review of the equipment and
drives, including internal parts, as prepared at the factory. The training shall include safety,
removal, inspection, cleaning, operation and maintenance of the equipment such as
startup, normal operation and shutdown procedures, step-by-step troubleshooting
procedures with all necessary test equipment, and emergency or abnormal operation
procedures. Training shall include preventive maintenance and long-term maintenance
procedures, special tools necessary, and a discussion of recommended spare parts.
A. All training will meet established training outcomes and objectives. The OWNER’s
personnel will be thoroughly trained to perform all operation, maintenance and
troubleshooting covered in the instruction manuals, including operations, control,
adjustment, assembly and disassembly of all equipment items and normal and abnormal
operations, startup, and shutdown.
B. Number of Classes on Each Subject: A minimum of two (2) classes on identical subject
matter shall be conducted, unless otherwise indicated. The purpose of having two (2)
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classes on each subject is to accommodate the attendance of as many OWNER personnel
working different shifts as possible and to capture the operations and maintenance teams.
Multiple classes may be scheduled if the class duration is longer than two (2) hours. Times
shall be scheduled at the discretion of the OWNER.
C. Number of Students: It is estimated that five (5) to twenty (20) persons will attend each
training class. The OWNER will determine the actual number of students. CONTRACTOR
shall arrange to provide training materials for all attendees.
D. Cancellation of Classes: If a class must be canceled because the equipment is not ready
for operation, etc. the SUPPLIER and notify the CONSTRUCTOR at least one (1) week in
advance. CONSTRUCTOR shall coordinate with the OWNER to reschedule the training.
A. Training Aids: Each instructor is encouraged to use audio-visual devices, P&IDs, models,
charts, etc. to increase the transfer of knowledge. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all
such equipment (televisions, videocassette recorder/player, projectors, screens, easels,
models, charts, etc.) for each class. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to
confirm in advance that the training room set-up will be appropriate for the types of
audiovisual equipment to be employed.
B. Classroom Documentation: If training is being completed on equipment, systems, or
products for which a Technical Manual is required, the draft Technical Manual shall have
been returned by the ENGINEER with a status of “No Exceptions Taken” or “Make
Corrections Noted” before the training class is scheduled. The approved Technical
Manual shall be used during the classroom instruction. Supplemental documentation
handouts shall be provided by the organization conducting the training as required to the
support instruction.
A. The CONSTRUCTOR will video all training sessions and provide a copy for the OWNER.
Video materials must be produced by a qualified, professional video production company,
unless CONSTRUCTOR demonstrates satisfactory skill as acceptable to ENGINEER and
OWNER’s Technical Training Specialist. CONSTRUCTOR must furnish two complete
sets of video materials in electronic format fully indexed and cataloged with printed labels
stating session content and dates recorded.
B. The following services shall be provided for each item of equipment or system as required
in individual specification sections. Additional services shall be provided, where
specifically required in individual specification sections.
1. As a minimum, classroom equipment training for operations personnel will include:
a. Identify and discuss safety items and procedures.
b. Using slides and drawings, discuss the equipment's specific location in the plant
and an operational overview.
c. Purpose and plant function of the equipment.
d. A working knowledge of the operating theory of the equipment.
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e. Start-up, shutdown, normal operation, and emergency operating procedures,
including a discussion on system integration and electrical interlocks, if any.
f. Routine preventative maintenance, including specific details on lubrication and
maintenance of corrosion protection of the equipment and ancillary components.
g. Operator detection, without test instruments, of specific equipment trouble
h. Required equipment exercise procedures and intervals.
i. Routine disassembly and assembly of equipment if applicable (as judged by the
OWNER on a case-by-case basis) for purposes such as operator inspection of
2. As a minimum, hands-on equipment training for operations personnel will include:
a. Identify and review safety items and perform safety procedures.
b. Identify location of equipment and review the purpose.
c. Identifying piping and flow options.
d. Identifying valves and their purpose.
e. Identifying instrumentation:
f. Location of primary element.
g. Location of instrument readout.
h. Discuss purpose, basic operation, calibration, maintenance, troubleshooting,
repair, and information interpretation.
i. Discuss, demonstrate, and perform standard operating procedures and round
j. Discuss and perform the preventative maintenance activities.
k. Discuss and perform start-up and shutdown procedures.
l. Perform the required equipment exercise procedures.
m. Perform routine disassembly and assembly of equipment if applicable.
3. Classroom equipment training for the maintenance and repair personnel will include:
a. Safety procedures.
b. Description and function of equipment.
c. Start-up and shutdown procedures.
d. Normal and major repair procedures.
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e. Equipment inspection and troubleshooting procedures including the use of
applicable test instruments and the "pass" and "no pass" test instrument
f. Routine and long-term calibration procedures.
g. Preventative maintenance such as lubrication; normal maintenance such as belt,
seal, and bearing replacement; and up to major repairs such as replacement of
major equipment part(s) with the use of special tools, bridge cranes, welding jigs,
h. Hands-on equipment training for maintenance and repair personnel shall include:
1) Locate and identify equipment components.
2) Review the equipment function and theory of operation.
3) Review normal repair procedures.
4) Perform start-up and shutdown procedures.
5) Review and perform the safety procedures.
6) Perform OWNER-approved practice maintenance and repair job(s),
including mechanical and electrical adjustments and calibration and
troubleshooting equipment problems.
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A. Provide the electrical WORK, complete and operable, as indicated in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
B. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all Sections in Division 26, except as otherwise
C. The WORK of this Section is required for operation of electrically-driven equipment
provided under Specifications in other Divisions.
D. The SUPPLIER'S attention is directed to the requirement for proper coordination of the
WORK of this Section with the WORK of equipment Specifications, and the WORK of
instrumentation Sections.
E. Equipment supports and foundations shall be in conformance with the requirements of
Section 46 01 00 – Equipment General Provisions.
NEC (NFPA 70) National Electrical Code: 2020 Edition
NETA International Electrical Testing Association
NEMA 250 Enclosure for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)
A. Electrical equipment shall be listed by and shall bear the label of Underwriters'
Laboratories, Inc. (UL) or an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the local code
enforcement agency having jurisdiction.
B. Installation of electrical equipment and materials shall comply with OSHA Safety and
Health Standards (29 CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926, as applicable), state building
standards, and applicable local codes and regulations.
C. Where the requirements of the specifications conflict with UL, NEMA, NFPA, or other
applicable standards, the more stringent requirements shall govern.
A. ELEMENTARY OR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: A schematic (elementary) diagram shows,
by means of graphic symbols, the electrical connections and functions of a specific circuit
arrangement. The schematic diagram facilitates tracing the circuit and its functions
without regard to the actual physical size, shape, or location of the component devices or
B. ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: A one-line diagram shows by means of single lines and graphical
symbols the course of an electrical circuit or system of circuits and the components,
devices or parts used therein. Physical relationships are usually disregarded.
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C. BLOCK DIAGRAM: A block diagram is a diagram of a system, instrument, computer, or
program in which selected portions are represented by annotated boxes and
interconnecting lines.
D. WIRING DIAGRAM OR CONNECTION SYSTEM: A wiring or connection diagram
includes all of the devices in a system and shows their physical relationship to each other
including terminals and interconnecting wiring in an assembly. This diagram shall be a
panel layout diagram showing the physical location of devices plus the elementary
E. INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM: Interconnection diagrams shall show all external
connections between terminals of equipment and outside points, such as UV Banks,
transformers, VCPs, PDCs, motors and auxiliary devices. References shall be shown to
all connection diagrams which interface to the interconnection diagrams.
Interconnection diagrams shall be of the continuous line type. Bundled wires shall be
shown as a single line with the direction of entry/exit of the individual wires clearly shown.
Wireless diagrams and wire lists are not acceptable. Each wire identification as actually
installed shall be shown.
1. The wire identification for each end of the same wire shall be identical. All devices
and equipment shall be identified. Terminal blocks shall be shown as actually
installed and identified in the equipment complete with individual terminal
2. All jumpers, shielding and grounding termination details not shown on the equipment
connection diagrams shall be shown on the interconnection diagrams. Wires or
jumpers shown on the equipment connection diagrams shall not be shown again on
the interconnection diagram. Signal and DC circuit polarities and wire pairs shall be
shown. Spare wires and cables shall be shown.
outline drawing is one which shows the physical space and mounting requirements of a
piece of equipment. It may also indicate ventilation requirements and space provided for
connections or the location to which connections are to be made.
A. Identification
1. Provide danger, caution, and warning signs and equipment identification markings in
accordance with applicable federal, state, OSHA, and NEC requirements.
B. Local Disconnect Switches
1. Legibly mark each local disconnect switch for motors and equipment in order to
indicate its purpose, unless the purpose is indicated by the location and arrangement.
C. Warning Signs
1. 600 Volts Nominal, or Less
a. Mark entrances to rooms and other guarded locations that contain live parts with
conspicuous signs prohibiting unqualified persons from entering.
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D. Isolating Switches
1. Provide isolating switches not interlocked with an approved circuit-interrupting device
with a sign warning against opening them under load.
A. General
1. Furnish submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 –
Submittals and 46 66 53 - Open Channel UV Disinfection Equipment.
2. Custom-prepare Shop Drawings.
3. Drawings or data indicating "optional" or "as required" equipment will not be accepted.
4. Cross out options not proposed or delete from the Shop Drawings.
B. Shop Drawings: Include the following:
1. Complete material lists stating manufacturer and brand name of each item or class of
2. Shop Drawings for grounding WORK not specifically indicated
3. Front, side, rear elevations, and top views with dimensional data
4. Location of conduit entrances and access plates
5. Component data
6. Connection diagrams, terminal numbers, internal wiring diagrams, conductor size,
and cable numbers
7. Method of anchoring, seismic requirements, weight
8. Types of materials and finish
9. Nameplates
10. Temperature limitations, as applicable
11. Voltage requirement, phase, and current, as applicable
12. Front and rear access requirements
13. Test reports
14. Grounding requirements
C. Catalog Cuts
1. Submit catalog cuts or photocopies of applicable pages of bulletins or brochures for
mass produced, non-custom manufactured material.
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2. Stamp the catalog data sheets in order to indicate the Project name, applicable
Specifications Section and Paragraph, model number, and options.
3. Catalog cuts of equipment, devices, and materials requested by the individual
specification sections. Catalog information shall include technical specifications and
application information, including ratings, range, weight, accuracy, etc. Catalog cuts
shall be edited to show only the items, model numbers, and information which apply.
4. Catalog cuts shall be assembled in a folder or three ring binder. Each folder shall
contain a cover sheet, indexed by item, and cross-referenced to the appropriate
specification paragraph.
5. Interconnection diagrams--The Contractor shall prepare interconnection diagrams
depicting all cable requirements together with their actual terminations as specified in
paragraph 26-00-0-1.3 E.
6. A copy of this specification, with addendum updates included, and all referenced and
applicable sections with addendum updates included, with each paragraph check-
marked to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested
deviations from specification requirements. Check marks shall denote full compliance
with a paragraph as a whole. If deviations from the specifications are indicated and,
therefore requested by the Contractor, each deviation shall be underlined and
denoted by a number in the margin to the right of the identified paragraph. The
remaining portions of the paragraph not underlined will signify compliance on the part
of the Contractor with the specifications. The submittal shall be accompanied by a
detailed, written justification for each deviation. Failure to include a copy of the
marked-up specification sections, along with justification(s) for any requested
deviations to the specification requirements, with the submittal shall be sufficient
cause for rejection of the entire submittal with no further consideration.
D. Materials and Equipment Schedules
1. Within 30 Days of the commencement date in the Notice to Proceed, deliver to the
ENGINEER a complete list of materials, equipment, apparatus, and fixtures that are
proposed for use.
2. Include in the list the type, size, name of manufacturers, catalog number, and such
other information as required to identify the item.
E. O&M Manuals
1. Submit complete information in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 73
00 – Operation and Maintenance Data and 46 66 53 - Open Channel UV Disinfection
2. As-Built Drawings
a. Prepare as-built drawings, showing invert and top elevations and routing of duct
banks and concealed below-grade electrical installations.
b. Furnish the drawings to the ENGINEER in accordance with the requirements of
Section 01 33 00 – Submittals.
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A. General
1. Designations for electrical WORK specifically indicated in other Sections shall comply
with the requirements of those Sections unless indicated otherwise.
2. Designations for other electrical WORK not included in the above Paragraphs shall
be as follows:
1 3R 4X 9 12 Notes
UV Disinfection X
3. Designations for electrical WORK not included in the above Paragraphs shall be
B. Material Requirements
1. Construct NEMA 4X enclosures of Type 316 stainless steel.
2. Do not coat NEMA 4X enclosures.
3. Construct NEMA 1, 3R, and 12 enclosures of steel, and prime and coat with ANSI 61
light grey paint.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for factory and field tests indicated in Division
26, as required by the ENGINEER, and as required by other authorities having jurisdiction.
B. Furnish necessary testing equipment.
C. Pay the costs of the tests, including replacement parts and labor, due to damage resulting
from damaged equipment or from testing and correction of a faulty installation.
D. Reporting
1. Where test reporting is indicated, submit proof-of-design test reports for mass-
produced equipment with the Shop Drawings.
2. Submit factory performance test reports for custom-manufactured equipment for
approval prior to shipment.
3. Submit field test reports for review prior to Substantial Completion.
E. Remove and replace equipment or material that fails a test, or, if the ENGINEER approves,
repair and retested for compliance.
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F. Corrections to equipment or materials with a factory warranty shall be as recommended
by the manufacturer and shall be performed in a manner that does not void the warranty.
A. General
1. Because the continuance of plant operation during the expansion process is critical,
the CONTRACTOR shall carefully examine the WORK to be provided in, on, or
adjacent to existing equipment.
2. Schedule the WORK, subject to OWNER's approval, to minimize required shutdown
3. Submit a written sequencing request, including the sequence and duration of activities
to be performed for system start-up.
4. Switching, safety tagging, and the like, as required for plant shutdown or to isolate
existing equipment, shall be performed by the OWNER.
5. In no case shall the CONTRACTOR begin any WORK in, on, or adjacent to existing
equipment without written authorization from the ENGINEER.
B. Installation of Temporary Equipment
1. To facilitate the continuous operation of existing equipment, provide the temporary
equipment if required for system testing.
2. Submit installation and connection details for review and acceptance by the
3. Costs associated with these temporary installations shall be included as part of the
4. Temporary wiring and equipment shall remain the property of the CONTRACTOR
unless indicated otherwise.
A. Provide equipment and materials that are new and are the products of experienced and
reputable manufacturers in the industry.
B. Provide equipment and materials listed by UL and bearing the UL label, where UL
requirements apply.
C. Provide similar items in the WORK as products of the same manufacturer.
D. Provide equipment and materials of industrial grade standard of construction.
E. On devices indicated to display dates, display the year as 4 digits.
F. Temperature Ratings of Equipment Terminations
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1. Provide terminations and lugs rated for use with 75-degree C conductors.
2. Wire sizes in the Contract Documents are based on NEC ampacity tables using the
75-degree C ratings.
See Section 26 05 53 - Electrical Identification for specifications.
A. Nameplates
1. Fabricate nameplates from white-letter, cobalt (blue)-face laminated plastic engraving
stock, such as Formica Type ES-1 or equal.
2. Securely fasten each nameplate, using fasteners constructed of brass, cadmium-
plated steel, or stainless steel, and screwed into inserts or tapped holes as required
and as applicable for NEMA rating of enclosure. Nameplates with adhesive backing
shall be used for NEMA 4X enclosures.
3. Provide engraved characters of the block style, with no characters smaller than 1/8
inch top to bottom.
4. For interior mounted instruments, components, devices and equipment, provide
machine embossed metallic adhesive labels with identifying tag number.
B. Conductor and Equipment Identification
1. Provide imprinted plastic-coated cloth marking devices, such as manufactured by
Brady, Thomas & Betts, or equal.
A. Concrete housekeeping pads will be provided for free-standing electrical equipment.
B. Extend housekeeping pads for equipment, including future units, 3-1/2 inches above the
surrounding finished floor or grade, and 2 inches larger in both dimensions than the
equipment, unless otherwise indicated.
A. Floor-supported equipment shall be anchored in place by methods that will meet seismic
requirements in the area where the Project is located. Refer to Section 01 33 17 –
Structural Design, Support and Anchorage for support and anchorage requirements.
B. Wall-mounted panels that weigh more than 500 pounds or that are within 18 inches of the
floor shall be fabricated with steel support pedestals.
C. If the supported equipment is a panel or cabinet enclosed within removable side plates,
match supported equipment in physical appearance and dimensions.
D. Provide leveling channels anchored to the concrete pad for MCC’s, switchgear and other
free-standing electrical equipment mounted on housekeeping pads.
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E. Manufacturer's Recommendations
1. Anchoring methods and leveling criteria in the printed recommendations of the
equipment manufacturers are a part of the WORK of this Contract.
2. Submit such recommendations as Shop Drawings as indicated.
A. Provide nameplates for transformers, control and instrumentation panels, UV banks,
switches, and pushbutton stations.
B. In addition to nameplates, equip control devices with standard collar-type legend plates.
C. Identify control devices within enclosures as indicated and similar to the subparagraph
D. Use equipment descriptions without abbreviation and tag numbers on engraved
E. Terminal Blocks
1. Label termination points on terminal blocks by identifiers on the blocks.
2. Provide identifiers that have been preprinted by the terminal manufacturer or custom-
3. Hand-lettered markers will not be accepted.
F. The CONSTRUCTOR will provide arc-flash labels for all distribution equipment, stand-
alone disconnects, starters, and VFDs, fill in all values as required by NFPA 70E, and as
calculated as part of the Protective Device Study. Verify that all settings as prescribed by
the approved Protective Device Study have been implemented in the field.
A. Before final acceptance, thoroughly clean the electrical WORK.
B. Remove temporary tags, markings, stickers, and the like.
C. Apply touch-up paint to scratches on panels and cabinets.
D. Vacuum clean electrical cabinets and enclosures. Do not use compressed air to clean
E. Properly dispose cleaning debris and refuse off-site.
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A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide complete industrial control panels and/or local control
stations as indicated herein, in other Sections of the Specifications, or as indicated in
Section 46 66 53 - Open Channel UV Disinfection Equipment.
B. This section also specifies miscellaneous electrical devices used throughout this project.
These devices are not limited to use within industrial control panels or local control
A. Industrial control panels and/or local control stations shall comply with the requirements
of NEC (including Article 409), NEMA, and UL.
A. Furnish Shop Drawings in accordance with Sections 01 33 00 – Submittals and 26 00 00
– Electrical Work, General.
B. Ladder diagrams and written descriptions explaining ladder diagram operation and system
C. Include catalog cuts of control equipment including enclosures, overcurrent devices,
relays, pilot devices, terminations, and wire troughs.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the equipment, panels and stations to satisfy the
functional requirements in the relevant mechanical equipment and Instrumentation and
Control specifications and the Electrical Elementary Schematics. Each panel and station
shall be fabricated with UL labeled components. Equipment not specifically indicated as
being WORK of other Sections shall be provided under this Section. All equipment, panels
and stations shall be wired under this Section.
B. The controls shall be 120 V maximum. Where the electrical power supply is 240 V, single
phase or 480 V, 3 phase, the station shall be provided with a fused control power
transformer. Control conductors shall be provided in accordance with Section 26 05 19 –
Wire and Cabling.
C. Each panel and/or station shall be provided with identified terminal strips for the
connection of external conductors. The CONSTRUCTOR shall provide sufficient terminal
blocks to connect 25 percent additional conductors for future use. Termination points shall
be identified in accordance with Shop Drawings. The panels and/or stations shall be the
source of power for all 120 VAC solenoid valves interconnected with the panels and/or
stations. Equipment associated with the panels and/or stations shall be ready for service
after connection of conductors to equipment, controls, panels and/or stations.
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D. Wiring to door-mounted devices shall be extra flexible and anchored to doors using wire
anchors cemented in place. Exposed terminals of door-mounted devices shall be guarded
to prevent accidental personnel contact with energized terminals.
A. In finished rooms, enclosures shall be NEMA 12 steel enclosures painted with ANSI 61
exterior and white interior.
B. In all other non-hazardous areas, enclosures shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel with
brushed finish. Where possible, penetrations shall be made in such a manner to maintain
the NEMA 4X rating. If this is not possible, the penetrations shall be made in such a
manner to minimize entry of foreign materials into the enclosure, subject to approval by
C. Enclosures shall be freestanding, pedestal-mounted, or equipment skid-mounted. Internal
control components shall be mounted on a removable mounting pan. Mounting pan shall
be finished white.
D. Cabinets less than 60 inches high shall be provided with floor stands to raise the top of
the panel to 60 inches above the floor or work platform or, if panel weighs less than 100
pounds and wall space is available, wall mounting may be used in lieu of a floor stand.
E. Control panels shall be provided with full height, front-opening, hinged doors and interior
fixed back mounting panels. Panels shall be constructed of 1/8-inch minimum thickness
sheet steel and shall be provided with an interior formed steel frame to provide a rigid
structure. Hinges shall be of the full-length piano-type. Doors shall be provided with key-
locking handle and three-point latching mechanism. Panel finish shall be enamel over a
rust-resistant primer unless otherwise noted. Panel finish color shall be manufacturer's
standard. Each control panel door shall be furnished with a 12 inch by 12 inch by 1 inch
data pocket.
F. Equipment control panels housing 480-volt AC power distribution or motor control
equipment shall be provided with integral circuit breaker type short circuit protection with
an external operating mechanism which shall function to disconnect power to the
equipment control panel. The circuit breaker operating mechanism shall be mechanically
interlocked with the enclosure door to prevent opening the door when the circuit breaker
is in the ON position and shall have an auxiliary contact which shall open when the circuit
breaker is opened and shall function to disconnect all foreign control voltage sources. The
interlock shall be defeatable with a screwdriver. All external sources of 120-volt AC power
within equipment control panels shall be provided with backpanel mounted circuit breakers
to serve as disconnecting means.
G. Distribution within the enclosure shall be achieved with the use of power distribution
H. Wiring channel fill shall not exceed 40 percent.
I. Follow manufacturer guidelines when making multiple terminations on a device terminal.
J. Outdoor mounted enclosures shall be provided with thermostatically-controlled heaters.
Heaters shall be operated at ½ rated voltage (240 volt heaters shall be sized and operated
at 120 volts).
K. Provide screened weep holes for draining condensation.
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L. Grounding:
1. A separate ground conductor shall be run in each power conduit to the PDC. The
conductor shall be sized in accordance with NEC Table 250-122. The conductor shall
be bonded to the inside of the device junction box.
2. Each PDC shall be equipped with a 1/4-inch by 1-inch copper ground bus running the
length of the panel, with the steel structure connected to the bus so as to effectively
ground the entire structure. A compression fitting shall be provided at each end of
the ground bus for accepting plant ground connections.
3. Surge protectors and separately derived AC power supplies shall be bonded to the
frame ground bar.
4. A second (signal) ground bar shall be mounted on insulated stand-offs and shall be
bonded to the frame ground bar at one point only. Signal circuits, signal cable shields,
and low-voltage DC power supply commons shall be bonded to the signal ground bar.
M. Identification of panel-mounted devices, conductors, and electrical components shall be
in accordance with Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General.
N. Panel-mounted devices shall be mounted a minimum of 3-feet above finished floor
elevation, but not higher than 6’-6” above finished floor, unless noted otherwise.
A. Heavy duty, fusible, single throw switches or heavy duty switches of the molded case
circuit breaker type shall be rated not less than 65 KA at 480 VAC
1. Horsepower rated
2. UL listed
3. Padlockable in "Off" position and door interlock
4. Enclosure per area classification in Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General
5. 480 V, 3-phase, 3-pole, or 480 V, 3-phase, 4-pole (as required)
6. Auxiliary control contact as applicable and where indicated
7. As manufactured by Eaton, Schneider Electric, or equal
A. Pushbuttons, selector switches, and pilot lights shall be the heavy-duty, oil-tight type, sized
to 30-mm. Miniature style devices are not acceptable. Devices shall be as manufactured
by Eaton, Schneider Electric, or equal.
1. Lens colors shall be green for "run," "open," or "on"; red for "stopped," "closed," or
"off"; and amber for alarm.
2. Pilot lights shall be full voltage, push-to-test, LED cluster type.
B. Control Relays
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1. LOAD-SWITCHING CONTROL RELAYS: Control relays used for switching loads
(solenoids, actuators, contactors, motor starter coils, etc.) shall be heavy-duty
machine tool type.
a. Contacts shall, as a minimum, be 4-pole and be field interchangeable to either
normally open or normally closed. Relay shall be capable of accepting a 4-pole
b. AC relays shall have NEMA A600 contact ratings and electrical clearances for
up to 600 volts. DC relays shall have NEMA P300 contact ratings and electrical
clearances of up to 250 volts.
c. Relays shall be Allen-Bradley, Bulletin 700; Square D Co., Class 8501; or
2. LOGIC LEVEL SWITCHING CONTROL RELAYS: Control relays used for switching
solid-state logic and signal circuits shall hermetically sealed, plug-in tube base type
with pin terminals. Relays shall have a minimum of two Form C, DPDT, gold-flashed,
fine silver contacts rated 3 amps resistive at 120V AC or 28V DC.
a. Logic level switching control relays shall be solid state as manfuctured by
Phoenix Contact, Potter & Brumfield, Type KHS, or equal.
C. Elapsed time meters shall be non-resettable type, read to a maximum of 99999.9 hours
and shall be as manufactured by Eaton, or equal.
D. Magnetic starters shall be:
1. NEMA rated, Size 1 minimum. IEC or dual NEMA/IEC rated type are not acceptable.
2. FVNR type unless indicated otherwise.
3. Combination starters with magnetic only instantaneous trip circuit breakers such as
Eaton HMCP, Schneider Electric or equal. Breakers shall be rated 65 KA minimum.
4. Control transformers shall be provided with primary and secondary fuses, 120 V
maximum control voltage. VA rating of transformer shall be based on devices on the
control schematic.
E. Transient Surge Suppressor:
1. A transient surge suppressor shall be provided for each contactor or starter coil.
Suppressor shall be encapsulated in a small module suitable for mounting directly to
the starter coil. Additional panel space for suppressor shall not be required.
Suppressors shall be rated 120V AC.
1. Contactors shall be equipped with auxiliary contacts, rated 10 amperes at 120 volts
AC. Unless otherwise specified, each contactor shall be equipped with two normally
open and two normally closed electrically isolated auxiliary contacts (minimum).
Auxiliary contacts shall be wired out to terminal blocks.
G. Overload Relay:
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1. Motor overload protection shall be a self-powered solid-state relay designed to protect
the motor from overcurrent and phase loss. Relay trip class shall be Class 20 with
an adjustable trip setting across a 3.2:1 range. Typical trip time for phase loss
protection shall be less than 2 seconds. Relay shall have selectable
manual/automatic reset modes. Relay shall be factory set for manual reset.
2. Overload relay shall have a visible trip indicator, one normally open contact for remote
monitoring, and one normally closed electrically isolated control circuit trip contact.
Overload relay shall be manually reset from a pushbutton located on the starter unit
door. Solid state overload relays shall be Allen-Bradley, SMP-1 series or equal.
H. Terminal strips shall be provided for every panel and shall be the flanged fork or ring lug
type suitable for No. 12 AWG stranded wire minimum. Provide 25 percent spare terminals
in each panel.
I. Time delay relays shall be combination on delay and off delay (selectable) with adjustable
timing ranges. Provide socket with screw terminal connections and retaining strap. Time
delay relays shall be Schneider Electric, ATC, Eaton, or equal.
J. Terminal Blocks:
1. Terminal blocks shall be rated 600 volts AC, with minimum current rating to match
largest conductor connected to the assembly. Terminals shall be provided with
integral marking strips which shall be permanently identified with a unique number for
each terminal.. Numbers shall be machine printed and 1/8 inch high (minimum).
Terminal block assemblies shall be provided with mounting channels, barriers, and
end clamps. Terminal blocks shall be constructed of nylon.
2. Terminal blocks for power circuits and grounding shall be solderless box lug type.
3. Wire connectors shall be locking fork or ring tongue insulated crimp type terminals.
4. No more than two connections shall be made to one terminal.
5. All field connections shall be made to separate terminal blocks. Field terminal blocks
shall be located adjacent to where the field cables enter the panel.
6. Control circuits shall be fused. 120-volt AC control fuses shall be 1/4 x 1-1/4-inch
ceramic tube type rated for the load served with 25,000 ampere interrupting capacity
at 125 volts. Fuses for 24-volt DC control circuits shall be fast-acting glass tube type
rated for the load served. Fuse holders shall be drawout type and molded from
melamine plastic.
7. Terminal blocks for control and signal circuits shall be captive screw with pressure
plate type rated 600 volts AC and suitable for DIN rail mounting. Terminal block type
and application shall be as specified in the following table. Terminal blocks shall be
ABB Entrelec or equal. Terminal block assemblies shall be complete including end
caps, markers, insertion bridges, mounting hardware, etc.
Description Type Application
9919 Pre-procurement of Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 104 of 267
City of Ft. Collins PAGE 26 05 15 - 6
Fused terminal block w/blown fuse
LED indicator
Power supply for panels
Terminal block Neutral and control wiring
Grounding terminal block Equipment ground conductor
Disconnect terminal block Foreign voltage disconnect
Description Type Application
Current loop to voltage conversion
terminal block
Convert 4-20 mADC
input signal to 1-5 VDC
Current loop output terminal block 4-20 mADC output current signal
Terminal block Control signal
Fused terminal block Power to field devices
A. Each panel/station shall be factory assembled and witness tested for sequence of
operation prior to delivery.
A. Provide a minimum of 10 percent spare lamps (minimum 2) and one spare lens for each
color pilot lamp in each panel.
B. Provide Manufacturer’s recommendation for spare parts.
A. Panels/stations shall be installed in accordance with in Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work,
General and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Panels/stations shall be protected at the site from loss, damage, and the effects of
weather. Panels/stations shall be stored in an indoor, dry location. Heating shall be
provided in areas subject to corrosion and humidity.
C. Panels/station interiors and exteriors shall be cleaned, and coatings shall be touched up
to match original finish upon completion of the WORK.
D. Conduit, conductors, and terminations shall be installed in accordance with Section 26 00
00 – Electrical Work, General.
A. Each panel/station shall be tested again for functional operation in the field after the
connection of external conductors and prior to equipment startup.
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A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide wire and cable, complete and operable, in accordance
with the Contract Documents.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings in accordance with Sections 01 33 00 –
Submittals and 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General. Submit cable test results in
accordance with this Section as well as Section 26 01 26 – Electrical Tests.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all cables from damage at all times.
B. Cable ends shall be protected from water entry in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommended procedures. Cable ends shall not be left open in manholes or other
locations subject to submergence. If the cable ends become submerged prior to splicing
or termination, the cables shall be replaced in their entirety.
C. Cables shall be pulled into raceways in accordance with UV Disinfection SUPPLIER’s
and/or the manufacturer’s requirements. Under no circumstances shall cable pulling
tensions exceed the manufacturer’s written instructions.
D. Pulling tensions on raceway cables shall be within the limits recommended by the cable
manufacturer. Wire pulling lubricant, where needed, shall be UL approved.
A. Conductors, include grounding conductors, shall be stranded copper. Aluminum
conductor and/or solid conductor wire and cable will not be permitted. Insulation shall
bear the UL label, the manufacturer's trademark, and identify the type, voltage, and
conductor size. Conductors except flexible cords and cables, fixture wires, and
conductors that form an integral part of equipment such as motors and controllers shall
conform to the requirements of Article 310 of the National Electric Code, latest edition, for
current carrying capacity. Flexible cords and cables shall conform to Article 400, and
fixture wires shall conform to Article 402. Wiring shall have wire markers at each end.
B. Low Voltage Power and Lighting Wire
1. Wire rated for 600 volts in duct or conduit for power and lighting circuits shall be single
conductor, Class B Type XHHW or XHHW-2 cross-linked polyethylene conforming to
UL-44 - UL Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables. THHN/THWN wire
shall not be permitted to be used for any power or control wiring in this project, except
as specifically permitted within control panels per Section 40 92 00 – Control Panels.
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2. Conductors for feeders as defined in Article 100 of the NEC shall be sized to prevent
a voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, and
lighting loads, or combinations of such loads, and where the maximum total voltage
drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not
exceed 5 percent.
3. Conductors for branch circuits as defined in Article 100 of the NEC shall be sized to
prevent voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest connected load or
combinations of such loads and where the maximum total voltage drop on both
feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not exceed 5 percent.
4. Wiring for 600 volt class power and lighting shall be as manufactured by Okonite,
General Cable, Southwire, or equal.
5. Dual rated MTW/THHN/THWN wiring is not acceptable.
C. Low Voltage Control Wire
1. Low voltage control wire in duct or conduit shall be the same type as power and
lighting wire indicated above.
2. Control wiring shall be No.16 AWG.
3. Dual rated MTW/THHN/THWN wiring is not acceptable.
4. Control wires inside panels and cabinets shall be machine tool grade type MTW, UL
approved, rated for 90 degrees C at dry locations, and be as manufactured by
American, General Cable, or equal.
D. Instrumentation Cable
1. Instrumentation cable shall be rated at 300 volts, minimum.
2. Individual conductors shall be No. 18 AWG stranded, tinned copper. Insulation shall
be color coded polyethylene: black-clear for 2 conductor cable and black-red-clear
for 3 conductor cable.
3. Instrumentation cables shall be composed of the individual conductors, an aluminum
polyester foil shield, a No. 18 or larger AWG stranded, tinned copper drain wire, and
a PVC outer jacket with a thickness of 0.047-inches.
4. Single pair, No. 18 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 8760,
similar by General Cable, or equal.
5. Single triad, No. 18 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 8770,
similar by General Cable, or equal.
E. Low Voltage Power and Control, Multi-Conductor/Tray Cable
1. Multi-conductor tray cable shall be rated 600 volts, listed by UL as Type TC cable per
Article 336 of the NEC. The individual conductors shall be UL listed as Type XHHW
or XHHW-2, with a sunlight-resistant PVC overall jacket.
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2. Minimum conductor sizes shall be the same as for power and lighting wire and control
wire as specified above.
3. Control conductor color coding shall be manufacturer’s standard with the exception
that all status and alarm signal circuits that will be interfaced with the external process
control system shall be yellow to indicate the presence of a foreign control system.
4. Multiple conductor power cables include the following:
Size (AWG)
Ground Wire
Size (AWG)
No. of
(not incl.
12 12 2
10 10 2
8 10 3
6 8 3
4 6 3
2 6 3
1/0 6 3
2/0 4 3
4/0 4 3
5. Multi-conductor control cables include the following:
Size (AWG)
No. of
(Including 1#14
AWG Ground)
14 3
14 4
14 5
14 7
14 9
14 12
14 19
14 37
F. Cable Terminations
1. Where cable lugs are required for power cable terminations, utilize compression lugs
– 3M Scotchlok 30000 and 31100 Series, Penn Union HBBLU and BLU, Burndy
Hylug, or equal. Utilize compression tools as recommended by the manufacturer.
Pressure type, twist-on connectors (wire nuts) will not be acceptable.
2. Pre-insulated locking fork or ring tongue insultated crimp type terminals shall be
Thomas & Betts, Burndy, or equal.
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3. General purpose insulating tape shall be Scotch No. 33, Plymouth Slip-knot, or
equal. High temperature tape shall be polyvinyl as manufactured by Plymouth, 3M,
or equal.
4. Labels for coding 600 volt wiring shall be computer printable or pre-printed, self-
laminating, self-sticking, as manufactured by W.H. Brady, 3M, or equal.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide, terminate and test all power, control, and
instrumentation conductors.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum, provide the number of control wires listed in the
conduit schedule or on the Contract Drawings. Excess wires shall be treated as spares
for future use.
C. Conductors shall not be pulled into any raceway until raceway has been cleared of
moisture and debris.
D. Instrumentation wire shall not be run in the same raceway with power and control wiring
except where specifically indicated.
E. Wire in panels, cabinets, and wireways shall be neatly grouped using nylon tie straps, and
shall be neatly fanned out to terminals.
F. Single conductor cable in cable trays shall be No. 1/0 or larger and shall be of a type listed
and marked for use in cable trays. Tray cable smaller than 1/0 shall be multi-conductor,
with outer jacket.
A. General
1. Wire taps and splices shall be properly taped and insulated according to their
respective classes.
2. Stranded conductors shall be terminated directly on equipment box lugs making sure
that conductor strands are confined within lug. Use forked-tongue lugs where
equipment box lugs have not been provided.
3. Excess control and instrumentation wires shall be long enough to terminate at any
terminal block in the enclosure, be properly taped, be identified with origin, and be
neatly coiled.
B. Control Wire and Cable
1. Control conductors shall be spliced or terminated only at the locations indicated and
only on terminal strips or terminal lugs of vendor furnished equipment.
2. In control panels, control wire and spare wire shall be terminated to terminal strips.
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3. The CONTRACTOR shall provide as a minimum the number of control wires listed in
the conduit schedule or as indicated in the Contract Documents. Excess wires shall
be treated as spares.
C. Instrumentation Wire and Cable
1. Shielded instrumentation cables shall be grounded at one end only, preferably the
receiving end on a 4 - 20 mA system.
2. Two and 3 conductor shielded cables installed in conduit runs which exceed available
standard cable lengths may be spliced in pullboxes with the prior approval of the
ENGINEER. Such cable runs shall have only one splice per conductor.
D. Power Wire and Cable
1. 120/208-volt, 120/240-volt, and 480/277-volt branch circuit conductors may be spliced
in suitable fittings at locations determined by the CONTRACTOR.
2. Splices to motor leads in motor terminal boxes shall be wrapped with mastic material
to form a mold and then shall be taped with a minimum of 2 layers of varnished
cambric tape overtaped with a minimum of 2 layers of high temperature tape.
E. Cable Identification - See also Section 26 05 53 – Electrical Identification
1. General: Wire and cable shall be identified for proper control of circuits and
equipment and to reduce maintenance effort. Identification shall be installed at every
termination point.
2. Identification Numbers: The CONTRACTOR shall assign to each control and
instrumentation wire and cable a unique identification number. Numbers shall be
assigned to conductors having common terminals and shall be shown on "as built"
drawings. Identification numbers shall appear within 3-inches of conductor terminals.
"Control and Instrumentation Conductors" shall be defined as any conductor used for
control, interlock, alarm, annunciator, or signal purposes.
a. Multiconductor cable shall be assigned a number which shall be attached to the
cable at intermediate pull boxes and at stub-up locations beneath free-standing
equipment. It is expected that the cable number shall form a part of the individual
wire number. Individual control conductors and instrumentation cable shall be
identified at pull points as described above. The instrumentation cable numbers
shall incorporate the loop numbers assigned in the Contract Documents.
b. 120/208-volt system feeder cables and branch circuit conductors shall be color
coded as follows: Phase A - black, Phase B - red, Phase C - blue, and Neutral
- white. The 120/240-volt system conductors shall be color coded as follows:
Line 1 - Black, Line 2 - Red, and Neutral - White. The 480/277-volt system
conductors shall be color coded as follows: Phase A - Brown, Phase B - Orange,
Phase C - Yellow, and Neutral - Gray. Branch circuit switch shall be yellow.
Insulated ground wire shall be green, and neutral shall be gray. Color coding
and phasing shall be consistent throughout the Site, but bars at panelboards,
switchboards, and motor control centers shall be connected Phase A-B-C, top
to bottom, or left to right, facing connecting lugs. Color coding tape shall be used
where colored insulation is not available. Colored identification tape may be
used on conductors between the local disconnect and the load, where permitted
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by the NEC. Any phase changes necessary for proper rotation shall be made
at the driven equipment where colored insulation is used. Phase changes may
be made on the load side of the local disconnect, where phase colors are
identified using tape.
c. General purpose AC control cable shall be red. General purpose DC control
cable shall be blue.
d. Spare cable shall be terminated on terminal screws and shall be identified with a
unique number as well as with destination.
e. Terminal strips shall be identified by computer printable, cloth, self-sticking
marker strips attached under the terminal strip.
A. Cable Assembly and Testing: Cable assembly and testing shall comply with applicable
requirements of ICEA Publication No. S-95-658/NEMA WC70 - Ethylene-Propylene-
Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical
Energy. Factory test results shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 –
Contractor Submittals, prior to shipment of cable. The following field tests (in addition to
the tests specified in Section 26 01 26 – Electrical Tests shall be the minimum
1. Insulation resistance testing, using a DC megohmeter, shall be performed on cables
operating at more than 2,000 volts to ground. Time-resistance readings shall be taken
and recorded at intervals of 30 seconds and one minute. Time-resistance voltage
levels shall be per the cable manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Power cable rated at 600 volts shall be tested for insulation resistance between
phases and from each phase to a ground using a megohmeter.
3. Field testing shall be done after cable is installed in the raceways.
4. Field tests shall be performed by a NETA-certified test organization. Test results shall
be submitted to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance.
5. Cables failing the tests shall be replaced with a new cable or be repaired. Repair
methods shall be as recommended by the cable manufacturer and shall be performed
by persons certified by the industry.
B. Continuity Test: Control and instrumentation cable shall be tested for continuity, polarity,
undesirable ground, and origination. Such tests shall be performed after installation and
prior to placing cable in service.
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A. Scope:
1. CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as
shown, specified and required to furnish and install wire labels, wire color coding,
terminal block labels, conduit identification, legend plates, nameplates and other
identification for electrical apparatus.
B. Coordination:
1. Review installation procedures under other Sections and coordinate the installation of
items that must be installed with wire labels, wire color coding, terminal block labels,
conduit identification, legend plates, nameplates and other identification for electrical
C. Related Sections.
1. Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General.
A. Shop Drawings: Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 – Submittals.
1. Include with each submittal a copy of this this specification section, with addenda
updates included, and all referenced and applicable sections, with each paragraph
check-marked to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested
deviations from specification requirements. Check marks (√) shall denote full
compliance with a paragraph as a whole. If deviations from the specifications are
indicated, and therefore requested by the CONTRACTOR, each deviation shall be
underlined and denoted by a number in the margin to the right of the identified
paragraph, referenced to a detailed written explanation of the reasons for requesting
the deviation. The ENGINEER shall be the final authority for determining
acceptability of requested deviations. The remaining portions of the paragraph not
underlined will signify compliance on the part of the CONTRACTOR with the
specifications. Failure to include a copy of the marked-up specification sections,
along with justification(s) for any requested deviations to the specification
requirements, with the submittal shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the entire
submittal with no further consideration.
2. Comply with the requirements below. Submit for approval of the following:
a. The complete description and enumeration of proposed electrical identification
devices shall be shown on the Shop Drawings for the associated equipment or
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B. Product Data:
1. Manufacturer’s cut sheet, specifications, dimensions and technical data for all
products proposed to be furnished under this Section.
2. Any deviation shall be explicitly noted.
C. Samples:
1. Nameplates: Samples of nameplates shall be submitted and shall include both
applied and unapplied wire and cable label samples. These samples shall be used as
quality standards for the wire and cable labeling required by this Section. These
samples shall be of material specified in this Section and shall include wire and cable
designators meeting the requirements of this Section.
D. Wiring diagrams annotated with wire numbers and terminal numbers shall be submitted
prior to commissioning of associated equipment or systems.
A. Nameplates:
1. Nameplates shall be made from laminated phenolic plastic.
2. The nominal size of the nameplates shall be 3/4-inch-high by 2 inches long.
3. Nameplates for equipment identification shall have Cobalt (blue) backgrounds
with 3/16-inch white letters, minimum.
4. Nameplate engraving shall minimally identify the equipment or equipment served
by the labeled device and shall be in complete English terminology as indicated
on the Drawings.
5. Nameplates for cautionary identification shall have red backgrounds with 3/16-
inch white letters.
6. Descriptions given on the one-line diagrams and panel schedules shall be used
as the basis for nameplate engraving. In addition to the English description, each
nameplate shall also indicate the equipment or device tag number. Additional
engraving legend requirements shall be as defined below.
7. If abbreviations are required because of space limitations, abbreviations shall be
submitted to the Construction Manager prior to manufacture. Nameplates shall
be fastened to the associate equipment with epoxy-based adhesive.
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8. Nameplates shall be provided for the following equipment. Additional engraving
requirements shall be as indicated in parenthesis for each equipment type.
a. Panelboards, electrical cabinets, and enclosures
b. Control panels
c. Control stations (indicating equipment controlled)
d. Power transfer equipment
e. Transformers (indicating power source and equipment served)
f. Disconnect and bypass switches (indicating power source and equipment
g. Specialty equipment
9. Nameplates one inch or less in height shall have one mounting hole at each end.
Nameplates greater than one inch in height shall have mounting holes in all four
corners. NEMA 4X type enclosures shall have nameplates with adhesive backs.
B. Custom Labels:
1. Shall have black lettering on yellow background
2. Shall not contain abbreviations in legend
3. Shall be custom printed on continuous tape with permanent adhesive using thermal
printer specified below.
C. Wire Identification:
1. Wiring shall be tagged at terminations with machine printed plastic sleeves. Wire
numbers shall include terminal number.
2. Wire and terminal numbers shall directly correspond to the final as-constructed wiring
3. Wire identification numbers shall consist of three parts. Conductor shall be identified
with identical numbers at both ends. Conductor tag numbers shall consist of the
equipment number followed by a dash followed by the conductor number specified on
the control diagram.
Tag number = 11-310-L1
11-310 = cable number
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L1 = conductor number
Conductors which are in parallel or in series between equipment shall have the same
conductor number. Neutral conductors shall have the same conductor number.
Wherever possible, the conductor number shall be the same as the terminal to which
it connects.
When factory-wired equipment had terminal numbers different that the conductors
numbers shown on the control diagrams, both shall be shown on the interconnection
diagrams and a copy of the interconnection diagram shall be fastened to the inside of
the equipment cabinet.
a. The prefix of the wire number shall be the instrument loop number. If an
instrument loop number is not available, the lowest mechanical equipment
number of the final drives in the circuit shall be used. Following the prefix shall be
a code letter. Code letters and wire colors are given in the following tables:
Code Description
120V AC Wire
L Power Black
LU Power (UPS)Black w/ red tracer
C Control Red
N Neutral White
PG Ground Green
Code Description
24V DC Wire
SP Power supply Blue
SPU Power (UPS)Blue w/ white tracer
C Control Violet
S Signal (pos)Black
SG Signal ground White
SC Signal common (UPS)White w/ blue tracer
PG Equipment ground Green
4. Wire Marking: Each power, control, and signal conductor with the exception of
lighting and receptacle power conductors shall be identified at each terminal to which
it is connected. Roadway lighting circuits shall be tagged identifying the panelboard
and circuit from which it is served. All conductors, including spares, shall be
identified in accordance with paragraph 16000-1.07 B. Conductors size No. 10 AWG
or smaller shall have slip-on PVC heat shrinkable cable marker sleeves. Conductors
shall be identified in accordance with paragraph 16000-1.07B. The letters and
numbers that identify each wire shall be machine printed on cable marker sleeves
with permanent black ink. The figures shall be 1/8 inch high. Cable marker sleeves
shall be white, sized to fit the conductor insulation. Cable marker sleeves shall be
Brady Permasleeve Slip-on PVC cable markers, or equal. Adhesive wraparound type
labels, Brady PTL-32-427, or equal are acceptable at wire pull-points that are not
practical to use the PVC heat
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shrinkable sleeve type labels. Labels shall be designed to laminate the legend
printed on the label with a film overwrap. Conductors No. 8 AWG or larger shall be
machine printed, adhesive, self-laminating labels. Labels shall be designed to
laminate the legend printed on the label with a film overwrap. The figures shall be a
minimum of 1/8 inch high. Labels shall be suitable for indoor and outdoor
applications. Label material shall be polyvinyl fluoride film. Self-laminating labels
shall be Brady PTL-32-427, or equal.
5. Where wire numbers change, the appropriate drawings shall include both wire
numbers, clearly indicated, at the point of transition. Drawings shall also identify the
insulation color for all wiring.
6. All terminals and terminal strips and posts shall be identified with terminal block
7. All panel wires and field wires shall be color-coded and have an alphanumeric
identification tag at each point of termination.
8. Wire within conduits accessible by removing covers of conduit bodies, junction boxes
and other devices in the conduit system shall be labeled.
9. All wire labels shall be clearly visible and not hidden by wire duct or other
components in the enclosures.
10. PLC panel wire tag format and content shall be provided by the OWNER.
A. Engraved Identification Devices (Nameplates and Legend Plates):
1. All nameplate text shall remain preliminary and subject to change pending final
review and acceptance OF THE NOMENCLATURE BY THE OWNER after
commissioning. Temporary tags consisting of removable tape or other accepted
material with the preliminary nomenclature legibly hand lettered shall be affixed to
enclosures and cover plates to identify the enclosures and mounted components as
required during assembly, factory testing, and start-up. Laminated plastic nameplates
shall not be engraved until after commissioning of the associated system and release
of final engraving information by the OWNER.
A. CONTRACTOR shall examine the conditions under which the work is to be installed and
notify the ENGINEER in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely
completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have
been corrected.
A. Electrical identification shall be provided as shown, specified or required.
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B. Engraved Identification Devices (Nameplates and Legend Plates):
1. Temporary tags shall be provided at all locations until after start-up and release of
final engraving information by OWNER.
2. Unless otherwise specified, permanent nameplates shall be attached with a
permanent adhesive and with stainless steel machine screws into drilled and tapped
holes without voiding the NEMA enclosure rating.
3. A nameplate with 1-1/2 inch letters shall be provided to identify each console,
cabinet, panel, or enclosure as shown or specified.
4. Nameplates shall be provided for field-mounted motor starters, disconnect switches,
manual starter switches, pushbutton stations, and similar equipment operating
components and shall describe the motor or equipment function and the circuit
5. Nameplates with ½ inch letters shall be provided to identify each junction and
terminal box as shown or specified.
C. Power and Control Panels:
1. A nameplate with 1-inch letters shall be provided giving industrial control panel
designation, feeder and loads fed.
D. Except conduit, all other electrical appurtenances including but not limited to lighting
panels, convenience outlets, fixtures and lighting switches, shall be provided nameplates
indicating the appropriate circuit breaker number(s).
E. Safety Sign and Voltage Markers:
1. Safety signs and voltage markers shall be provided on and around electrical
equipment as specified and where shown.
2. Rigid safety signs shall be installed using stainless steel fasteners.
3. Surfaces shall be cleaned before application of pressure sensitive signs and markers.
4. Low voltage safety signs shall be mounted on all equipment doors providing access
to uninsulated 480-volt conductors (including terminal devices).
5. Low voltage markers shall be installed on each terminal box, safety disconnect switch
and panelboard installed, modified or relocated and containing 120/208-volt
F. Wire and Cable Identification:
1. Color-coding of insulated conductors and identification shall comply with Section 26
05 19 – Wires and Cables.
2. Wire and Cable Labels shall be provided as follows:
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a. New, rerouted, or revised wire or cable shall be labeled.
b. All insulated conductors shall be labeled.
c. Bare (non-insulated) conductors shall not be labeled unless otherwise shown or
d. Wire and cable terminations shall be labeled.
3. Wire labels shall be applied between ½ and 1 inch of the completed termination.
4. Cable labels shall be applied between ½ and 1 inch of cable breakout into individual
a. Individual conductors in a cable shall be labeled after the breakout as specified
for wires
5. Wire or cable exiting cabinets, consoles, panels, terminal boxes and enclosures shall
be labeled.
a. Wires or cables shall be labeled within two inches of the entrance to the conduit.
6. Wire or cable in junction boxes and pull boxes shall be labeled.
a. Wires or cables shall be labeled within two inches of the entrance to the conduit.
7. Wire and cable installed in cable tray shall be labeled.
a. Wire and cable shall have labels applied at 20-foot maximum intervals.
8. Wire and cable installed without termination in electrical manholes shall be labeled.
a. Each cable in a manhole shall have cable markers strapped to the cable using
non-metallic cable ties, and the lettering shall be oriented so that it is readable at
the manhole cover. Provide new cable markers for all new cables, and all cables
with numbers modified under this Contract.
9. Wire and cable labels shall be installed when the wire or cable is pulled and prior to
termination of the conductors. Installation of wire and cable labels after the
conductors are terminated is not permitted.
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A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide general purpose dry-type transformers, complete and
operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents.
B. Single Manufacturer: Like products shall be the end product of one manufacturer in order
to achieve standardization of appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts, and
manufacturer’s services.
A. General: Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Contractor Submittals
and Section 26 00 00 - Electrical Work, General.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Transformers
a. Dimension drawings
b. Technical certification sheets
c. Drawing of conduit entry/exit locations
d. Transformer ratings, including:
1) Voltage
2) Continuous current
3) Basic impulse level for equipment over 600 volts
4) KVA
e. Descriptive bulletins
f. Product sheets
A. Transformers
1. The transformers shall be dry-type, designed, manufactured, and tested in
accordance with the latest applicable standards of ANSI and NEMA.
2. Transformers shall be UL-listed and bear the UL label.
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A. Energy Efficiency: Standard dry-type transformers shall meet the energy efficiency
requirements of NEMA TP-1 and the Department of Energy Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR PART 431).
B. Ratings
1. KVA and voltage ratings shall be as indicated.
2. Transformers shall be designed for continuous operation at rated kVA, for 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year operation, with normal life expectancy as defined in ANSI
C57.96 - Guide for Loading Dry Type Distribution and Power Transformers
3. Transformer sound levels shall not exceed the following ANSI and NEMA levels for
self-cooled ratings:
Up to 9 kVA 40 db
10to50 kVA 45 db
51to150 kVA 50 db
C. Construction
1. Insulation Systems
a. Transformers shall be insulated as follows:
1) 2 kVA and smaller: 150 deg C insulation system based upon 80 deg C
2) 3 to 15 kVA: 185 deg C insulation system based upon 115 deg C rise.
3) 15 kVA and larger: 220 deg C insulation system based upon 150 deg C
b. Required performance shall be obtained without exceeding the above indicated
temperature rise in a 40 deg C maximum ambient.
c. Insulation materials shall be flame-retardant and shall not support combustion as
defined in ASTM D 635 - Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and
Time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position.
2. Transformer windings shall be copper.
3. Transformers shall have four 2-1/2 percent taps, 2 above and 2 below 480 volts.
D. Manufacturers: Transformers shall be floor or wall-mounted type by General Electric,
Eaton Electrical, Square D, or equal.
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A. WORK of this Section shall be installed as indicated in Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work,
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A. The SUPPLIER shall provide active harmonic filters, complete and operable, in
accordance with the Contract Documents. It is the intent of this Section to require
complete, fully tested active harmonic filters for unattended operation.
B. This Section defines the electrical and mechanical requirements for power correction
systems in order to meet total demand distortion, total harmonic voltage distortion, and
specific displacement power factor levels at selected points within the electrical system.
C. Power correction units shall be defined as a power electronic device consisting of power
semiconductors that switch into the AC lines to modulate its output to cancel detrimental
harmonic and/or reactive currents. A DC bus shall store power for power semiconductor
switching. A microprocessor shall control the operation of the power converter.
D. Coordination: Equipment shall be sized to coordinate with the quantity and ratings of non-
linear loads fed from the 480 volt distribution bus to be monitored by the Active Harmonic
IEEE 519 Harmonic limits
IEEE C62.41 Surge Withstand Capacity
IP20 (NEMA 1) Type of Enclosure
UL 508C UL Requirements for Power Conversion Equipment
A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittals.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Equipment information
a. Name of manufacturer
b. Technical brochure detailing the standard and optional features of the power
correction system
c. Type and model
d. Size and weights of shipping units to be handled by installer. Dimensional
drawings with installed weight and heat dissipation for each size provided
e. Assembly drawing and nomenclature
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f. Maximum heat dissipation capacity in kW
g. Information related to relays, timers, pilot devices, control transformer VA, and
fuse sizes. Include catalog cuts.
2. Conduit entrance provisions.
3. Detailed installation drawings including terminal locations and remote CTs
4. Detailed layouts of customer power and control connections. Detailed installation
drawings including terminal locations
5. System interconnection diagrams. The interconnection diagram shall include
a. System configuration in a single line diagram
b. Remote devices and control settings for matching CT ratios and system voltage
c. Factory test data certifying compliance of similar equipment from the same
manufacturer with requirements of this Section.
C. Technical Manual: Include the following documentation:
1. Manufacturer's 2 year warranty.
2. Programming procedure and program settings.
3. Manuals shall include a functional description of equipment with block diagrams,
safety precautions, installation instructions, start-up instructions, and troubleshooting
D. Spare Parts List: Information for parts required by this Section plus any other spare parts
recommended by the harmonic filter manufacturer.
A. The power correction system manufacturer shall warrant products against defects in
material and workmanship for a period of 2 years from date of installation.
A. Voltage: 480 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire plus ground.
B. Output Load Capacity: Rated capacity shall be 300 A, 480 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire.
C. Current Transducers: Split core type current transducers shall be furnished for installation
by CONTRACTOR to monitor the current on 2 phases of the incoming feeds to the
distribution switchgear or MCC for which the active harmonic filter is to provide harmonic
1. Two current transducers per power correction system location shall be mounted on
phases A & B.
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2. Current ratings of the current transducers shall be 1600/5, corresponding to full load
current of the feed to the switchboard or MCC.
3. Current transducers rated for 400 Hertz shall be used.
A. The power correction system shall be designed to electronically inject harmonic current to
cancel load-produced harmonic current in the feeds to the power distribution switchgear
monitored by the harmonic filter.
B. Displacement power factor correction shall be activated via a digital keypad/display
mounted on the door of the enclosure. When reactive current compensation is activated,
the power correction system shall first perform harmonic current correction and then use
the remaining capacity to inject reactive current compensation to attain the level set forth
C. Each unit shall be designed with a current limiting function to protect the semiconductors.
When this level is attained, a message shall be displayed indicating the output capacity is
at-maximum capacity and actuate the at-maximum capacity relay. Operation shall
continue indefinitely at this level without trip off or destruction of the power correction unit.
D. Each unit shall incorporate an over-temperature output roll back that reduces the total
output current in order to maintain maximum current correction within the electrical
E. Two distinct levels of faults shall be employed. Non-critical level faults shall provide
automatic restart and a return to normal operation upon automatic fault clearance. Critical
level faults shall stop the function of the unit and await operator action.
1. Faults such as AC line over-voltage, AC line under-voltage, AC line power loss, and
AC line phase imbalance shall be automatically restarted. Upon removal of these
fault conditions, the power correction system shall restart without user action.
Automatic restart shall not occur if 5 faults have occurred in less than 5 minutes.
During the fault condition, except line loss, the display shall state the type of fault and
indicate that automatic restart will occur. The run relay and run LED shall be disabled.
The fault relay shall not be enabled unless time-out occurs. Upon AC line loss, the
power-on relay shall be disabled, and no display shall be provided.
2. Other types of faults shall be considered critical and shall stop the power correction
system. The display shall indicate the fault condition and “stop.” The run LED and
relay shall be disabled, and the fault relay shall be enabled. User shall be required to
initiate a power reset (turn power off and on) to restart the power correction system.
F. The logic of the power correction system shall monitor the load current by utilizing 2 current
transducers (CTs) mounted on phases A and B to direct the function of the power
electronic converter. The ratio of the CTs shall be entered into the logic via the digital
keypad/display to calibrate the operation of the power correction system. The output of
the current transducers shall be 5 amperes.
G. Up to 5 power correction units may be installed in parallel to inject current according to
the information received from one set of CTs. The units shall function independently. If
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one unit is stopped or faulted, the remaining units shall adjust accordingly to maintain
optimum harmonic cancellation levels up to the capacity of the remaining units.
A. Input Power
Voltage Automatically adapted to 480 V, 3 phase, 4W plus
Voltage Tolerance Plus and minus 10 percent of nominal
Frequency 60 Hz, plus and minus 5 percent
Surge Withstand Capability
IEEE C62.41
Without damage
Input Fuses Rated at 200,000 AIC amp interrupting capacity,
Class T
B. Output Performance: Performance of the power correction system shall be independent
of the impedance of the power source. Performance levels shall be attained whether on
the utility service lines, backup generator, or output of UPS.
1. Harmonic Correction
a. Limit the 2nd through 50th order harmonic current to less than 5 percent TDD at
each installed location. Harmonic levels for individual harmonic orders shall
comply with respective levels established in IEEE 519, Table 10.3.
b. Limit the THD(V) added to the electrical system immediately upstream of the
power correction system location(s) to less than or equal to 5 percent. The
power correction system shall not correct for utility-supplied voltage distortion
c. Reactive Current Compensation: Achieve 0.95 lagging displacement power
factor. A leading power factor is not permitted.
C. Current Transducers
1. Current transducers shall be rated for 1600 A or higher, corresponding to the total
rated rms current of the total load at each installed location.
2. Two current transducers, mounted on phases A and B, shall be provided for each of
2 harmonic filters.
3. Each current transducer shall have a current output of 5 A. Current capacity of each
current transducer shall be as indicated for the electrical system where installed.
4. Each current transducer shall be rated for 400 Hertz.
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A. The power correction system shall be able to withstand the following environmental
conditions without damage or degradation of operating characteristics or shortening of
useful life.
Operating Ambient Temperature 0 to 40 deg C (32 to 104 deg F)
Storage Temperature -40 to 65 deg C (-40 to 149 deg F
Relative Humidity 0 to 95 percent, non-condensing
Altitude Operating to 2000-m (6500-ft). Derated for
higher elevations
Audible Noise Generated by power correction system not to
exceed 65 dbA measured 1-meter from surface
of unit
Vibration Seismic Zone B
A. Units shall include a digital interface module (DIM) that includes an alphanumeric display
consisting of 2 lines with 20 characters per line. Readout shall be in English. Display shall
be easily viewed under lighting conditions, including sunlight, as found inside buildings.
B. Operators shall include run, stop, setup, enter, and up/down scroll.
C. The display shall provide operating data while functioning. Standard operating parameters
available for display shall be AC line voltage, total rms load current, harmonic current of
load, reactive current of load, output harmonic, and reactive current of power correction
system. When the output of the power correction unit is at full-rated capacity, the display
shall indicate at-maximum capacity and actuate an at-maximum capacity relay.
D. Fault conditions shall be displayed as they occur. Diagnostic information shall be
presented in English, clearly indicating the nature of the fault
E. The Run pushbutton shall include a green LED that is lighted when unit is operating.
F. Contacts shall be provided for operator information for power on, run, fault, and at-
maximum capacity conditions. Each contact shall be rated for 1 ampere at 120/240 volts.
One form C contact shall be provided for each relay.
G. An RS 485 serial communication port shall be provided for remote control and diagnostic
A. Prior to shipment, the manufacturer shall fully test the performance at full current and
voltage while functioning as a harmonic correction device to assure compliance with
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equipment specifications herein. A certified report shall be furnished to demonstrate
successful completion of performance tests.
A. Furnish the spare parts listed below, suitably packaged and labeled with the
corresponding equipment number. At any time prior to Substantial Completion, the
SUPPLIER shall notify the ENGINEER in writing about any manufacturer's modification of
spare part numbers, interchangeabilities, or model changes. If the ENGINEER
determines that the modified parts no longer apply to the equipment provided, SUPPLIER
shall furnish other applicable parts as part of the WORK. The following spare parts shall
be furnished:
1. Ten spare control and power fuses of each type and rating.
2. Two dozen pilot lamps for replaceable incandescent lamps, as applicable.
3. One of each type of circuit board or modular assembly:
a. Control board
b. Power board
c. Diode bridge
d. Transistor/thyristor module
A.AccuSine PCS by Schneider Electric
C.General Electric
A. Each power correction unit shall be provided in NEMA 4X rated enclosure. Enclosures
shall meet seismic requirements when installed according to manufacturer's requirements.
B. Units shall be either freestanding mounted to the floor with cable entry though the top or
as part of a switchgear lineup as indicated.
C. Freestanding units shall include a door-interlocked disconnect that interrupts power when
the door is opened. Disconnect shall be lockable in the power-off position. Wall mount
units shall be disconnected from the power source by a disconnect device or circuit
breaker contained in the power distribution center as required by codes for branch circuit
D. Freestanding units shall include lifting provisions by forklift truck and lifting lugs. Wall
mount units weighing more than 80 pounds shall have lifting lugs.
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E. Units shall be provided with a grounding lug. Grounding by CONTRACTOR shall be
according to local and national standards.
F. The paint shall be light grey - ANSI 61.
G. The authorized service representative of the manufacturer shall perform programming of
parameters required for proper coordination with the operation of the VFDs deriving their
operating power from the bus current and voltage monitored by the harmonic filter. Submit
records of programming data in the Technical Manual, including setup and protective
A. Inspections and Tests: SUPPLER shall arrange for the following services to be performed
by factory-trained field service personnel. An authorized service representative of the
manufacturer shall be present at the Site for 2 days for each harmonic filter, to furnish the
services listed below. For the purpose of this paragraph, a Day is defined as an 8 hour
period excluding travel time
1. Visual Inspection
a. Inspect equipment for signs of damage.
b. Verify installation per drawings.
c. Verify ground conductors are properly sized and configured.
d. Verify current transducer orientation and wiring to power correction system.
e. Verify logic setup corresponds to performance specifications defined herein.
2. Mechanical Inspection
a. Check control wiring connections for tightness.
b. Check power wiring connections for tightness.
c. Check terminal screws, nuts, and/or spade lugs for tightness.
3. Electrical Inspection
a. Check fuses for continuity
b. Confirm input voltage and verify unit match.
c. Check current transducers for proper phasing, location and orientation.
B. Startup and Field Adjustment: The authorized service representative shall supervise the
following and certify the equipment and controls have been properly installed, aligned, and
readied for operation.
1. Startup and field testing for proper operation
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2. Performing field adjustments such that the equipment installation and operation
comply with requirements.
C. The manufacturer shall provide field test personnel to initialize all equipment. A 3 phase
harmonic analyzer shall be used to measure TDD and THD(V) levels to verify performance
to requirements. Test reports shall be prepared for each point of test. Test reports shall
be documented, signed, and dated, and be submitted to the ENGINEER.
D. Instruction of OWNER's Personnel: The authorized representative shall instruct the
OWNER's personnel in the operation and maintenance of the equipment, including step
by step troubleshooting with test equipment. Instruction shall be specific to the harmonic
filter model provided. Training shall be scheduled a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of
the first session. Training shall include individual sessions for each shift of plant
personnel. Proposed training materials shall be submitted for review, and comments shall
be incorporated. Training materials shall remain with the trainees. The OWNER may
videotape the training for later use with the OWNER's personnel.
A. Testing, checkout, and energization of the harmonic filter equipment in the field shall be
performed under the technical direction of the manufacturer's service engineer. Under no
circumstances shall any portion of the system be energized without authorization from the
manufacturer's representative. Equipment related to pump operation, specifically VFD’s,
shall not be energized or de-energized except by authorized plant personnel.
B. The representative of the manufacturer shall test the completed installation for actual
harmonic distortion at the point of common coupling. Harmonic analysis shall be
performed in accordance with IEEE 519 at unit full load using a harmonic analyzer by
Hewlett Packard, or equal.
C. Tests shall demonstrate that the harmonic voltage distortion at the 480 volt distribution
bus of the switchgear serving the VFD’s is limited to a magnitude of 5 percent of the
fundamental with the maximum number of drives, as permitted by the process, in
operation and in conformance with the applicable requirements of IEEE 519. The report
shall include the following:
1. Expected harmonic voltage (THD) through the 35th harmonic, calculated with
isolation transformers
2. Actual RMS value and measured percentage of the THD in the field.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 26 43 00 - 1
A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals as shown, specified, and required
to furnish and install surge protective devices (SPD) as applicable to 43 66 53 - Open
Channel UV Disinfection Equipment.
B. SPDs furnished under this Section shall be ANSI/UL 1449 Type 2 integrating both surge
suppression and high-frequency noise filtering suitable for use on low-voltage distribution
C. The requirements of Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General, apply to the WORK of
this Section
A. Reference Standards:
1. ANSI/UL 1449, Fourth Edition, Safety Surge Protective Devices
2. IEEE C62.41.1, Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000V and Less)
AC Power Circuits
3. IEEE C62.45, Recommended Practice on Surge Testing for Equipment Connect to
Low-Voltage (1000V and Less) AC Power Circuits
4. UL 1283, Safety Electromagnetic Interference Filters
5. NFPA 70, National Electric Code
A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 26 00 00 – Electrical Work, General.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. Electrical and mechanical drawings for each type of unit, showing electrical ratings,
dimensions, mounting provisions, connection details, and layout diagrams.
C. Product Data:
1. Manufacturer’s technical information, including catalog information.
2. Manufacturer's technical specifications with assembly and component ratings.
D. Certifications: Certification that SPD devices comply with standards referenced in this
A. Qualifications:
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 26 43 00 - 2
1. Manufacturer: Shall have at least five (5) years of experience manufacturing and
servicing products substantially similar to those required and shall be able to submit
documentation of at least 5 installations in satisfactory operation for at least five (5)
years each.
B. Component Supply and Compatibility:
1. Obtain all products included in this Section regardless of component manufacturer
from a single SPD manufacturer.
2. SPD manufacturer shall review and approve or prepare all Shop Drawings and other
submittals for all components furnished under this Section.
3. Components shall be suitable for the specified service conditions and shall be
integrated into overall assembly by SPD manufacturer.
A. SPD shall be modular, high-energy, parallel design with fast-acting transient voltage
suppression using metal oxide varistors. Equipment shall provide noise attenuation with
electromagnetic interference filter.
B. SPD shall be suitable for operation under the following environmental conditions:
1. Relative Humidity: Zero to 95%, non-condensing
2. Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz
3. Temperature: Zero to 149°F
4. SPD operating voltage shall be suitable for the associated SPD location(s).
5. SPD shall be suitable for internal and external mounting. SPD shall be factory-
mounted and integrated into power distribution equipment specified in 46 66 53 -
Open Channel UV Disinfection Equipment.
C. SPD shall include a surge suppression path for each mode as required for the system
configuration. Each mode shall be individually fused and equipped with thermal cutouts.
SPD short-circuit current rating shall be 200 kA. Protection modes shall include, to the
extent applicable, the following:
1. Line-to-line
2. Line-to-neutral
3. Line-to-ground
4. Neutral-to-ground
D. SPD shall include electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI)
noise rejection filter with attenuation up to 30 dB from 10 kHz to 100 MHz.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 26 43 00 - 3
E. SPDs and components in the operating path shall have maximum continuous operating
voltage greater than 115% of nominal system operating voltage.
F. ANSI/UL 1449 minimum withstand rating shall be 20 kA per pole, and ANSI/UL 1449
voltage protection rating for SPD shall not exceed the following:
Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277
L-N,L-G, N-G 800 1200
L-L 1200 2000
G. SPD surge capacity based upon IEEE C62.41 location category shall, as a minimum, be
the following:
H. Provide SPD equipped with the following accessories:
1. Surge counter with display for indicating the number of surges detected.
2. LED indicators for monitoring device status.
3. Audible alarm and silence switch for indicating an inoperative condition.
4. Dry contacts, “form C”, for remote annunciation of unit status.
I. Source Quality Control: Perform manufacturer’s standard factory tests on equipment.
Tests shall be in accordance with ANSI/UL 1449.
J. Manufacturers: Eaton, Schneider Electric, or equal.
A. Install SPD in accordance with equipment manufacturer’s written recommendations and
instructions and the Contract Documents.
B. Where an SPD cannot be installed integral with the equipment to which it is connected,
conductor length between suppressor and connection point shall be as short and as
straight as possible.
Category Application Per Phase Per Mode
C Service entrance 240 kA 120 kA
B High exposure locations
(distribution equipment)
160 kA 80 kA
A Branch locations 120 kA 60 kA
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A. The SUPPLIER shall furnish, configure, program, pre-commission and startup the entire
UV System, complete and operable, as defined herein.
B. The CONSTRUCTOR shall install, integrate, assist in pre-commission and startup of the
entire UV System, complete and operable, as defined herein.
C. The work is located at the existing Mulberry plant in Fort Collins, CO. The planned UV
system will be capable of treating approximately 6 MGD at peak day flows.
1. The Owner in these Bid Documents is the City of Fort Collins.
2. The Supplier, also referred to as the Vendor, is the vendor/manufacturer who
prepares and submits a bid and related information as a Bidder in accordance with
these Bidding Documents. The Supplier is responsible for final inspection and
startup of the furnished packages.
3. The SUPPLIER will coordinate with the CONSTRUCTOR. The CONSTRUCTOR will
ensure that the Vendor package control components are in compliance with the
hardware and software supply requirements specified and/or referenced herein to
ensure the use of common hardware and software across the facility. The Owner
will be responsible for coordination of any inter-PLC IO messaging requirements with
the Vendors (i.e. Vendor-to-Vendor or Vendor-to-Plant) as necessary to
accommodate the control programming and system integration requirements. The
CONTRACTOR will also ensure that Vendor developed operator interface screens
comply with the project standards including tagging as shown on the P&IDs. The
CONTRACTOR shall be required to coordinate the effort of the Owner with the
D. The CONSTRUCTOR will supply the components listed below as “free-issued” to the
SUPPLIER (as applicable per package). While the CONSTRUCTOR will be responsible
for field assembly, installation, field testing and commissioning, the VENDOR will be
responsible for factory configuration and witness testing prior to shipment to site for field
installation, final field inspection and startup of the Vendor package. The CONSTRUCTOR
shall also make available during the commissioning phase, qualified controls personnel,
capable of supervising system startup. CONTRACTOR free-issued components, as
shown on the contract drawings and listed in the equipment and instrument schedules,
shall include the following:
1. Mechanical components, manual valves, assorted pipe fittings and
2. Refer to the contract instrument list, valve lists and equipment lists for supply and
install responsibility definition.
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E. In support of the above implementation requirements, the CONTRACTOR shall strictly
coordinate the Work with the Supplier by means of regularly scheduled work coordination
meetings (provisionally, on a bi-weekly basis). The work coordination meetings shall be
attended by representatives of the CONTRACTOR, the System Integrator, the Supplier,
the Engineer and any representative the Owner required to be in attendance. Meeting
minutes shall be collected and distributed by the CONTRACTOR in electronic form within
one working day of each meeting adjournment.
F. The facility shall include the following vendor process packages (as detailed in the P&ID
1. Per spec Section 46 66 53 – Open Channel Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment:
a. Open Channel UV System
b. Motorized isolation gates
c. Effluent level control gates
d. Supporting instrumentation
e. Dedicated PLC-based System VCP with integral OIT
A.General: Submittals shall be furnished in accordance with Section 01 33 00 –Submittal
Procedures and the following:
1. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate the instrumentation work so that the complete
instrumentation and control system will be provided and will be supported by
accurate shop drawings and record drawings.
2. Exchange of Technical Information: During the period of preparation of these
submittals, the CONTRACTOR shall authorize a direct, informal liaison with the
ENGINEER for exchange of technical information. As a result of this liaison, certain
minor refinements and revisions in the systems as indicated may be authorized
informally by the ENGINEER, but will not alter the scope of work or cause increase
or decrease in the Contract Price. During this informal exchange, no oral statement
by the ENGINEER shall be construed to give approval of any component or method,
nor shall any statement be construed to grant exception to or variation from these
Contract Documents.
3. Symbology and Nomenclature: In these Contract Documents, all systems, all
meters, all instruments, and all other elements are represented schematically, and
are designated by symbology as derived from Instrument Society of America
Standard ANSI/ISA S5.1-Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. The
nomenclature and numbers designated herein and on the Drawings shall be
employed exclusively throughout shop drawings, and similar materials. No other
symbols, designations, or nomenclature unique to the manufacturer’s standard
methods shall replace those prescribed above, used herein, or on the Drawings.
B.Pre-Submittal Conference:
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1. The CONSRUCTOR shall arrange and conduct a Pre-Submittal Conference within
45 days after award of the construction contract. The purpose of the Pre-Submittal
Conference is to review and approve the manner in which the CONSTRUCTOR
intends to carry out its responsibilities for shop drawing submittal on the WORK to
be provided under this Section and any coordination required with the
CONTRACTOR. The CONSTRUCTOR, the System Integrator, OWNER’s
representative(s) and the ENGINEER shall attend. Both the CONSTRUCTOR and
the ENGINEER may invite additional parties at their discretion.
2. The CONTRACTOR shall supply the CONSTRUCTOR the following for discussion
at the Conference.
a. A list of equipment and materials understood to be required for the PCIS with
supply responsibility identified, proposed installation schedule and any
installation/testing work concerns noted for discussion. For each proposed
item, the make and model number shall also be provided.
b. A list of proposed clarifications to the contract documents along with a brief
explanation of each. Resolution shall be subject to a separate formal submittal
and review by the ENGINEER.
c. An exact one-to-one sample of each type of submittal specified herein.
d. A detailed description of plans to coordinate integration of each vendor control
package into the plant control system.
e. Sample control screens which depict the quality of graphics and overall
presentation of the HMI interface to be developed for this project.
f. A bar-chart type schedule for all system related activities from the Pre-
Construction Conference through commissioning and training. Dates of
submittals, design, fabrication, programming, factory testing, deliveries,
installation, field testing, and training shall be shown. The schedule shall be
subdivided to show activities relative to each major item or group of items when
C. Pre-Submittal Conference Software
1. The Contractor shall facilitate a pre-submittal meeting to establish the requirements
and expectations of the submittal process. Prior to the meeting, the contractor shall
provide pre-submittal examples of contractor submittal information for the purposes
of discussion (this could be an example from another project or preliminary
information for this project). Meeting attendees shall include the person responsible
for preparing the manufacturer’s submittal, the person responsible for programming
the manufacture’s PLC, the person responsible for programming the manufacturer’s
HMI, and a representative from the Programming Consultant. Topics to be discussed
include the following:
a. Submittal requirements
b. Control narrative
c. OIT screen shots
d. Communications to plant PLC
e. Providing PLC and OIT programs in native format, and any NDA requirements
to do so.
f. Ethernet Switch requirements and configuration
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g. IP Addressing
h. Clock Management
i. Communications networks/gateways
D.Shop Drawings:
1. General:
a. Preparation of shop drawings shall not commence until adjournment of the Pre-
submittal Conference.
b. All shop drawings shall include the letter head or title block of the
CONTRACTOR. The title block shall include, as a minimum, the
CONTRACTOR’S registered business name and address, project name,
drawing name, revision level, and personnel responsible for the content of the
drawing. The quantity of submittal sets shall be as indicated in the General
c. Organization of the shop drawing submittals shall be compatible with eventual
submittals for later inclusion in the Owner’s Manual. Submittals not so
organized and incomplete submittals for any given loop or site will not be
d. Shop drawing information shall be bound in standard size, 3-ring, loose-leaf,
vinyl plastic, hard cover binders suitable for bookshelf storage. Binder ring size
shall not exceed 3 inches.
e. Interfaces between any new or existing instruments, motor starters, VFD units,
actuators, flow meters and other equipment related to the PCIS shall be
included in the shop drawing submittal.
2. Hardware Submittal: For Vendor furnished equipment, the Vendor shall be
responsible for managing hardware submittals associated with all vendor furnished
equipment (skid mounted or shipped loose) as detailed herein, with submittal dates
as dictated by the CONTRACTOR to meet the project submittal and overall
Construction Schedule. For CONTRACTOR furnished equipment, the
CONTRACTOR shall submit a hardware submittal as a complete bound package at
one time within 45 calendar days after the commencement date stated in the Notice
to Proceed including:
a. A complete index which lists each device by tag number, type, and
Manufacturer. A separate technical brochure or bulletin shall be included with
each instrument data sheet. The data sheets shall be indexed in the submittal
by systems or loops, as a separate group for each system or loop. If, within a
single system or loop, a single instrument is employed more than once, one
data sheet with one brochure or bulletin may cover all identical uses of that
instrument in that system. Each brochure or bulletin shall include a list of tag
numbers for which it applies. System groups shall be separated by labeled
b. Flow meter-sizing calculations: Calculations shall be submitted on the
Instrument Manufacturer letterhead and shall include the following:
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 91 00-5
1) Proposed meter size based on indicated minimum, maximum and
average flow rates.
2) Guaranteed meter accuracy based on the upstream and downstream
straight runs associated with the location of each meter.
3) Permanent head loss associated with each meter.
4) Flow vs. differential pressure curves for all head-type devices. For
compressible fluids, curves shall be pressure and temperature
5) References to ASME and/or ISA standard equations used.
6) Values used for all parameters used in calculations.
c. Priced list of all spare parts for all devices.
d. Instrument installation, mounting, and anchoring details shall be submitted in
an electronically generated (AutoCAD) hard copy format. Each instrument shall
have a dedicated 8½-inch × 11-inch detail, which only pertains to the specific
instrument by tag number. Each detail shall be certified by the instrument
manufacturer that the proposed installation is in accordance with the
instrument manufacturer’s recommendations and is fully warrantable. These
certifications shall be embedded in the CAD files and shall also appear as a
stamp on the hard copies. As a minimum, each detail shall have the following
1) Show all necessary sections and elevation views required to define
instrument location by referencing tank, building or equipment names and
numbers, and geographical qualities such as north, south, east, west,
basement, first floor, etc.
2) Ambient temperature and humidity of the environment that the instrument
is to be installed in.
3) Corrosive qualities of the environment that the instrument is to be
installed in.
4) Hazardous rating of the environment that the instrument is to be installed
5) Process line pipe or tank size, service and material.
6) Process tap elevation and location.
7) Upstream and downstream straight pipe lengths between instrument
installation and pipe fittings and valves.
8) Routing of tubing and identification of supports.
9) Mounting brackets, stands, and anchoring devices.
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10) Conduit entry size, number, location, and delineation between power and
11) NEMA ratings of enclosures and all components.
12) Clearances required for instrument servicing.
13) List itemizing all manufacturer makes, model numbers, quantities,
lengths required, and materials of each item required to support the
implementation of the detail.
NOTE: Contract instrument installation detail drawings may also be
directly referenced with exceptions or additions as necessary to effect
proper installation per the manufacturer’s requirements and as required
to support the application. Submittals lacking an installation detail
reference shall be considered incomplete and therefore unacceptable.
3. Vendor Loop Drawing Submittal (for each vendor package system only): The Vendor
shall furnish a Vendor Package Loop Drawing Submittal (VPLDS) which completely
defines and documents the contents of each monitoring, alarming and interlock
control loop associated with the package equipment provided – skid mounted and
shipped loose. For each package, the VPLDS shall be a singular complete bound
package electronically drafted in AutoCAD
4. The VPLDS packages shall be submitted within 120 days after contract award, and
shall include the following:
a. A complete index in the front of each bound volume. The loop drawings shall
be indexed by system or process areas. All loops shall be tagged in a manner
consistent with the Contract Documents (reference the contract I/O list for
complete tag numbers). Loop drawings shall be submitted for every analog and
discrete monitoring and control loop.
b. For clarity, the PLDS and VLDS drawings are intended to be wiring diagrams
which illustrate the complete wiring arrangement of every analogue, discrete
and field-networked instrument. The diagrams shall show and identify each
component of each instrument loop – from the PLC I/O address through to the
instrument sensor and remote display – using legend and symbols from
ANSI/ISA S5.4 – Instrument Loop Drawings, with format as shown on Drawing
GI-04 and GI-05. Each loop diagram shall be drawn on a separate drawing
sheet with no more than 10 loops per drawings. The loop drawings shall also
indicate any software modules and linkages. In addition, the loop diagrams
shall also show the following details:
1) Functional name of each loop.
2) Reference name, drawing, and loop diagram numbers for any signal
continuing off the loop diagram sheet.
3) Panel and breaker numbers for all power feeds to the loops and
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4) Designation, and if appropriate, terminal assignments associated with
every pullbox, junction box and panel through which the loop circuits
5) Vendor panel, instrument panel, junction boxes, equipment and PLC
terminations, termination identification wire numbers and colors, power
circuits, and ground identifications.
6) Installation and wiring of instrument, I/O surge protection devices,
isolators and intrinsically safe barriers.
c. Itemized instrument summary: The Contract instrument summary schedule
(inclusive of Contract Document represented vendor system designs) shall be
as furnished by the ENGINEER as part of the Contract Documents for use by
the CONTRACTOR, System Integrator and Vendors. Non-vendor furnished
instruments (including actuated valves) shall have the listed schedule fields
pre-populated as appropriate. Vendor furnished instruments (including
actuated valves) shall have the listed schedule fields partially pre-populated
with “ENGINEER populated data for vendor instruments” as indicated in the
listing below. The remaining open fields of the summary schedule for a given
instrument shall be completed by the CONTRACTOR (as appropriate) upon
ENGINEER approval of submitted instrument datasheets for procurement.
Updated, revision-controlled instrument schedules shall be electronically
forwarded by the CONTRACTOR to the ENGINEER with each major update
resulting from receipt of complete certified Vendor data package. The
instrument summary schedule, prepared in Microsoft Excel, shall list key
attributes of each instrument provided under this Contract. As a minimum,
attributes shall include:
1) Tag number. (ENGINEER populated)
2) P&ID drawing number. (ENGINEER populated)
3) Service description. (ENGINEER populated)
4) Installation detail reference. (ENGINEER populated)
5) I/O type. (ENGINEER populated)
6) Power supply requirements.
7) Status.
8) Location. (ENGINEER populated)
9) Location drawing number. (ENGINEER populated)
10) Instrument type. (ENGINEER populated)
11) Instrument type Description. (ENGINEER populated)
12) System.
13) Equipment.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 91 00-8
14) Manufacturer.
15) Model number.
16) JB drawing number.
17) Loop drawing number.
18) Block/Baseplate ID.
19) Port/Channel No.
20) Electrical Details.
21) Mounting detail reference.
22) Package number.
23) Misc. comments field.
5. Test Procedure Submittals:
a. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the proposed procedures to be followed
during tests of the PCIS and its components to OWNER and the ENGINEER.
b. Preliminary Submittal: Outlines of the specific proposed tests and examples of
proposed forms and checklists.
c. Detailed Submittal: After approval of the Preliminary Submittal by OWNER and
the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the proposed detailed test
procedures, forms, and checklists. This submittal shall include a statement of
test objectives with the test procedures.
d. Vendor package control system test procedures, as submitted by the Vendor,
shall be subject to the factory and field testing requirements detailed herein
and Section 40 95 10 – PLC-Based Control Systems Hardware.
6. Training Submittals: Subsequent to the receipt of OWNER's and ENGINEER's inputs
made at the Pre-submittal Conference, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a training
plan that includes:
a. A re-submittal of the training plan overview from the Pre-submittal Conference
with incorporation of all modifications agreed upon at that meeting.
b. Schedule of training courses including dates, duration, and location of each
c. Resumes of the instructors who will actually implement the plan.
E.Owner’s Manual (Vendor submittal):
1. General: Information in the Owner’s Manual shall be based upon the approved shop
drawing submittals as modified for conditions encountered in the field during the
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2. The Owner’s Manual shall have the following organization for each process:
a. Section A – Process and Instrumentation Diagrams.
b. Section B – Loop Descriptions.
c. Section C – Loop Drawings.
d. Section D – Detailed Electrical Control Schematics.
e. Section E – Site Equipment Layouts.
f. Section D – Instrument Summary.
g. Section E – Instrument Data Sheets (with factory calibration data).
h. Section F – Sizing Calculations.
i. Section G – Instrument Installation Details.
j. Section H – Test Results.
k. Fully commented copy of each PLC program (to be inserted after successful
completion of the Performance Test).
l. Section J – HMI Graphic Control Screens (to be inserted after successful
completion of the Performance Test).
3. Signed results from Site Inspection/Loop Testing, Pre-commissioning, and
Performance Testing shall be included in Section H.
4. Section J shall include all of the following:
a. A list of the control and trend screens with the display names and description.
It shall also provide a summary of possible commands and operator inputs to
these screens including setpoints. Descriptions of all control actions shall be
b. A complete control system diagram (including all control, operator interface
and network components) with names and locations of major components.
c. A letter sized, color copy of all vendor package control and trend screens
developed or modified under this contract.
5. Following the ENGINEER’s and OWNER’s review, one set will be returned to the
CONTRACTOR and/or associated Vendor with compiled comments. The Manuals
shall be revised and amended as required and the final Manuals shall be submitted
15 days prior to start-up of plant systems.
F.Record Drawings: The CONTRACTOR shall keep current a set of complete loop and
schematic diagrams which shall include all field and panel wiring, piping and tubing runs,
routing, mounting details, point-to-point diagrams with cable, wire, tube and termination
numbers. These drawings shall include all instruments and instrument elements. Record
documents shall be submitted in 11x17 hardcopy format and in electronic format (native
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AutoCad with Adobe pdf copy) on CD or USB flash-drive media – two copies each. Record
drawings shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for review after completion of all Pre-
commissioning tasks but prior to Performance Testing. Sections of the work (inclusive of
the entire package) deemed to be unacceptable by the reviewing ENGINEER shall be
returned to the CONTRACTOR for correction/completion.
A.Extended Period for Correction of Defects: The CONTRACTOR shall be required to
correct all defects in the PCIS, upon notification from OWNER, over the course of the
entire construction period plus an additional two year period from the date of project Final
Acceptance. Problems that halt the operation of critical systems and equipment or restrict
primary design functions shall be responded to within four hours of initial notification by a
qualified control system technician or certified manufacturer representative and corrected
within (3) calendar days after notification. The critical systems include the following:
1. UV Disinfection System VCP Failure
2. Any PLC or RIO problem that cannot be corrected by replacing an I/O card.
3. Any network, fiber optic, switch, modem or transceiver problem that inhibits server,
workstation, field network or PLC communication.
B. All other problems including instrument and equipment failure shall be responded to within
two days by sending a manufacturer qualified technician to the site to correct the problem.
C. The CONTRACTOR shall pay all air freight, equipment and labor costs, as well as any
other costs necessary to expedite the correction of the problem(s).
A.Code and Regulatory Compliance: PCIS WORK shall conform to or exceed the
applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code.
B.Current Technology: Meters, instruments, and other components shall be the most
recent field-proven models marketed by their manufacturers at the time of submittal of the
shop drawings unless otherwise required to match existing equipment.
C.Hardware Commonality: Instruments which utilize a common measurement principle (for
example, d/p cells, pressure transmitters, level transmitters which monitor hydrostatic
head) shall be furnished by a single Manufacturer. All panel mounted instruments shall
have matching style and general appearance. Instruments performing similar functions
shall be of the same type, model, or class, and shall be from a single Manufacturer.
D.Loop Accuracy: The accuracy of each instrumentation system or loop shall be
determined as a probable maximum error; this shall be the square-root of the sum of the
squares of certified “accuracies” of the designated components in each system, expressed
as a percentage of the actual span or value of the measured variable. Each individual
instrument shall have a minimum accuracy of plus and minus 0.5 percent of full scale and
a minimum repeatability of plus and minus 0.25 percent of full scale unless otherwise
indicated. Instruments which do not conform to or improve upon these criteria are not
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E.Instrument and Loop Power: Power requirements and input/output connections for all
components shall be verified. Power for transmitted signals shall, in general, originate in
and be supplied by the control panel devices. The use of smart “2-wire” HART compatible
transmitters is preferred. Use of “4-wire” transmitters shall be minimized; however, if
required, 24Vdc is the preferred supply approach with 120Vac only used where no
alternative exists. Individual loop or redundant power supplies shall be provided as
required by the Manufacturer’s instrument load characteristics to ensure sufficient power
to each loop component. Power supplies shall be mounted within control panels; power
supplies field installed at the point of application shall only be used where specifically
authorized in writing by the ENGINEER.
F.Loop Isolators and Converters: Signal isolators shall be provided as required to ensure
adjacent component impedance match where feedback paths may be generated, or to
maintain loop integrity during the removal of a loop component. Dropping precision
wirewound resistors shall be installed at all field side terminations in the control panels to
ensure loop integrity. Signal conditioners and converters shall be provided where required
to resolve any signal level incompatibilities or provide required functions.
G.Environmental Suitability: All indoor and outdoor control panels and instrument
enclosures shall be suitable for operation in the ambient conditions associated with the
locations designated in the Contract Documents. Heating, cooling, and dehumidifying
devices shall be provided in order to maintain all instrumentation devices within 20% of
the minimums and maximums of their rated environmental operating ranges. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide all power wiring for these devices. Enclosures suitable for
the environment shall be furnished. All instrumentation in hazardous areas shall be
suitable for use in the particular hazardous or classified location in which it is to be
installed. Instruments exposed to direct sunlight shall be supplied with manufacturer
approved sunshields.
H.Signal Levels: Analog measurements and control signals shall be as indicated herein,
and unless otherwise indicated, shall vary in direct linear proportion to the measured
variable. Electrical signals outside control panels shall be 4 to 20mAdc except as
indicated. Signals within enclosures may be 1 to 5 volts dc. Electric signals shall be
electrically or optically isolated from other signals. Pneumatic signals shall be 3 to 15 psig
with 3 psig equal to 0% and 15 psig equal to 100%.
I.Control Panel Power Supplies: Unless specifically indicated otherwise, control panels
shall be provided with redundant power supplies which are configured in a fault-tolerant
manner to prevent interruption of service upon failure and interruption of service
necessitated by the replacement of a power supply. Each power supply shall be sized to
accommodate the full load indicated plus have an excess rated capacity of 40 percent.
The failure of a power supply shall be annunciated at the control panel and repeated to
the main control room via the associated control system communication network.
J.Alternative Equipment and Methods: Equipment or methods requiring redesign of any
project details are not acceptable without prior written approval of the ENGINEER through
the “or equal” process of the Contract General Conditions and Section 01 33 00 –
Submittal Procedures. Any proposal for approval of alternative equipment or methods
shall include evidence of improved performance, operational advantage and maintenance
enhancement over the equipment or method indicated, or shall include evidence that an
indicated component is not available.
K.Lightning and Surge Arrestors:
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1. A lightning and surge arrestor (LSA) shall be provided to protect the electronic
instrumentation system from induced surges propagating along the analog and
discrete signal and power supply lines. The protection systems shall be such that
the protective level shall not interfere with normal operation, but shall be lower than
the instrument surge withstand level, and be maintenance-free and self-restoring.
The LSA shall be housed in a suitable metallic case, properly grounded. Ground
wires for all surge protectors shall be connected to a good earth ground and where
practical, each ground wire run individually and insulated from each other.
2. Protection of field analog, discrete, digital and telemetered signal lines shall be
provided as required. LSA devices shall be installed as close to the instrument being
protected as possible. The units shall be manufactured by Emerson (EDCO)
Incorporated of Florida, Ocala, Florida or equal.
3. Where signal lines enter or leave control rooms, buildings, etc., through an interface
cabinet, the protection devices shall be mounted in the interface cabinet. Protection
shall be with the combined use of gas tube surge arrestor and Zener diode
protectors, MOV’s and capacitors. The LSA shall be modular and plug-in type with
an indicator to show LSA status. The LSA shall be compatible with the terminal
blocks. The terminal block surge arrestors shall be as manufactured by Emerson
(EDCO), WAGO, Phoenix Contact or equal.
A. The UV system shall be designed and constructed for satisfactory operation and long, low
maintenance service under the following conditions:
1. Environment – Water Reclamation Facility
2. Temperature Range – 0 through 42 degrees C.
3. Thermal Shock – 1 degree C per minute, max.
4. Relative Humidity – 20 through 95 percent, non-condensing.
A. The SUPPLIER shall provide a list of recommended spare parts for the control panel and
PDCs in addition to the spare parts listed in 46 66 53 - Open Channel Ultraviolet
Disinfection Equipment
B. Additional special tools as recommended by the Vendors.
C. All furnished special tools and spare parts shall be submitted before startup commences,
suitably wrapped and identified.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall arrange for the various Vendors and the System Integrator to
allow the ENGINEER to inspect and witness the testing of the supplied equipment at the
site of fabrication. Equipment shall include the control cabinets, control system network
communication systems, special control systems, and other pertinent systems and
devices. Reference Section 40 95 10 Paragraph 3.2 – PLC-Based Control Systems
Hardware for factory test scheduling, setup, execution and documentation requirements.
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A minimum of fifteen working days notification shall be provided to the ENGINEER prior
to testing. No shipments to the Work site shall be made prior to the Factory Test without
the ENGINEER’S written approval. Refer to Section 46 66 53 for additional information.
A.Shipping Precautions: After completion of shop assembly, factory test, and approval, all
equipment, cabinets, panels, and consoles shall be packed in protective crates and
enclosed in heavy duty polyethylene envelopes or secured sheeting to provide complete
protection from damage, dust, and moisture. Dehumidifiers shall be placed inside the
polyethylene coverings. The equipment shall then be skid-mounted for final transport.
Lifting rings shall be provided for moving without removing protective covering. Boxed
weight shall be shown on shipping tags together with instructions for unloading,
transporting, storing, and handling at the job site.
B.Special Instructions: Special instructions for proper field handling, storage, and
installation required by the Manufacturer shall be securely attached to each piece of
equipment prior to packaging and shipment.
C.Tagging: Each component shall be tagged to identify its location, instrument tag number,
and function in the system. A permanent stainless steel or other non-corrosive material
tag firmly attached and permanently and indelibly marked with the instrument tag number,
as given in the I/O tabulation, shall be provided on each piece of equipment in the PCIS.
Identification shall be prominently displayed on the outside of the package.
D.Storage: Equipment shall not be stored outdoors. Equipment shall be stored in dry air-
conditioned storage, including in-line equipment, and shall be adequately protected
against mechanical injury. If any apparatus has been damaged, such damage shall be
repaired by the CONTRACTOR at no additional cost to OWNER. If any electronic
equipment has been subject to possible water damage, it shall be replaced as directed by
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the following Manufacturer’s services for the
instrumentation and control modules listed below:
1. Perform bench calibration
2. Oversee installation
3. Verify installation of installed instrument
4. Certify installation and reconfirm Manufacturer's accuracy statement
5. Oversee loop testing, prepare loop validation sheets, and certify loop testing
6. Oversee pre-commissioning, prepare pre-commissioning validation sheets, and
certify pre-commissioning
7. Train OWNER's personnel
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B. Manufacturer’s services: In addition to requirements detailed in other sections, for each
listing below, manufacturer onsite field services shall be reserved (at no additional cost)
for the time periods indicated or, where no time period is specified, to complete the
services described.
1. Magmeters and coriolis flow meters in process streams which relate to process
control, mass balance calculations and billing of customers – 3 days.
2. All level detection and measurement systems (Ultrasonic, radar, capacitance,
conductance, vibronic and differential pressure) – 3 days.
3. All process analyzers – confirmation of proper installation and calibration verification
(witnessed by the ENGINEER). Manufacturer field inspection and test reports shall
be submitted to the ENGINEER upon task completion.
4. Modicon M340 PLC (hardware and programming software installation, configuration
and integration per design requirements) – 5 days.
5. Prior to performance testing, the CONTRACTOR shall arrange the services of
authorized (and currently certified) Cisco field technicians to conduct an independent
review of the final network installation configuration for correctness of
installation/configuration and adherence to all requirements of the contract
documents. The technician’s final inspection report shall be submitted to the
6. Prior to performance testing, the CONTRACTOR shall arrange for the final network
domain and server OS configurations to be independently reviewed by a currently
certified MSCE for correctness of installation/configuration and adherence to all
requirements of the contract documents. The MSCE’s final inspection report shall be
submitted to the ENGINEER and OWNER.
1. Instrumentation, including instrumentation furnished under other Divisions, shall be
installed under Division 40 per the manufacturers’ instructions.
2. Equipment Locations: The monitoring and control system configurations indicated
are diagrammatic. The locations of equipment are approximate. The exact locations
and routing of wiring and cables shall be governed by structural conditions and
physical interferences and by the location of electrical terminations on equipment.
Equipment shall be located and installed so that it will be readily accessible for
operation and maintenance. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in
approximated locations and arrangements, or when OWNER exercises the right to
require changes in location of equipment which do not impact material quantities or
cause material rework, the CONTRACTOR shall make such changes without
additional cost to OWNER.
B.Conduit, Cables, and Field Wiring:
1. All conduit shall be provided under Division 26 without delay to the WORK of Division
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2. All 4-20 mA signal circuits, process equipment control wiring, signal wiring to field
instruments, PLC input and output wiring and other field wiring and cables shall be
provided under Division 26.
3. All PLC equipment cables, fiber optic cables, network cables and communication
cables (Profibus DP, Ethernet Cat5e/6 UTP and Industrial RS-232/485 cables) shall
be provided under Division 40.
4. All terminations and wire identification at PCIS equipment furnished under this or
any other Division shall be provided under Division 40.
5. All wires from field instruments and power supplies shall be under Division 26. All
other terminations shall be under Division 40.
C.Instrumentation Tie-Downs: All instruments, control panels, and equipment shall be
anchored by methods which comply with high wind, tornado and/or hazardous weather
requirements which apply to the site.
D.Ancillary Devices: The Contract Documents show all necessary conduit and instruments
required to make a complete instrumentation system. The CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for providing any additional or different type connections as required by the
instruments and specific installation requirements at no additional cost to OWNER. All
such additions and all such changes, including the proposed method of installation, shall
be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval prior to commencing the work. Such changes
shall not be a basis of claims for extra work or delay.
E.Installation Criteria and Validation: Field-mounted components and assemblies shall
be installed and connected according to the requirements below:
1. Installation personnel have been instructed on installation requirements of the
Contract Documents.
2. Technical assistance is available to installation personnel at least by telephone.
3. Installation personnel have at least one copy of the approved shop drawings and
4. Instrument process sensing lines shall be installed in conduit under Section 26 05
00 – Common Results for Electrical. Individual tubes shall run parallel and near the
surfaces from which they are supported. Supports shall be used at intervals of not
more than 3 feet of rigid tubing.
5. Bends shall be formed to uniform radii with the proper tool without deforming or
thinning the walls of the tubing. Plastic clips shall be used to hold individual plastic
tubes parallel. Ends of tubing shall be square-cut and cleaned before being inserted
in the fittings. Bulkhead fittings shall be provided at all panels requiring pipe or tubing
6. Differential pressure elements shall have three valve manifolds.
7. Flexible cables and capillary tubing shall be installed in flexible conduits. The lengths
shall be sufficient to withdraw the element for periodic maintenance.
8. Power and signal wires shall be terminated with crimped type lugs.
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9. Connectors shall be, as a minimum, watertight.
10. Wires shall be mounted clearly with an identification tag that is of a permanent and
reusable nature.
11. Wire and cable shall be arranged in a neat manner and securely supported in cable
groups and connected from terminal to terminal without splices unless specifically
approved by the ENGINEER. All wiring shall be protected from sharp edges and
corners. Wires within cabinets shall be neatly bundled and routed in covered
12. Care is taken to avoid crossing power and signal wires at the field termination point.
13. Mounting stands and bracket materials and workmanship shall comply with
requirements of the Contract Documents.
14. Verify the correctness of each installation, including polarity of electric power and
signal connections and making sure all process connections are free of leaks. The
CONTRACTOR shall certify in writing that for each loop or system checked out, all
discrepancies have been corrected.
15. OWNER will not be responsible for any additional cost of rework attributable to
actions of the CONTRACTOR.
A.General: All devices provided under Division 40 shall be calibrated according to the
manufacturer’s recommended procedures to verify operational readiness and ability to
meet the indicated functional and tolerance requirements.
B.Calibration Points: Each instrument shall be calibrated at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of span
using test instruments to simulate inputs. The test instruments shall have accuracies
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Testing.
C.Bench Calibration: Instruments which have been bench-calibrated shall be examined in
the field to determine whether any of the calibrations are in need of adjustment. Such
adjustments, if required, shall be made only after consultation with the ENGINEER.
D.Field Calibration: Instruments which were not bench-calibrated shall be calibrated in the
field to insure proper operation in accordance with the instrument loop diagrams or
specification data sheets.
E.Analyzer Calibration: Each analyzer system shall be calibrated and tested as a workable
system after installation. Testing procedures shall be directed by the manufacturers’
technical representatives. Samples and sample gases shall be furnished by the
F.Calibration Sheets: Instrument calibration data shall be recorded on calibration forms
furnished by the CONTRACTOR. Each instrument calibration form shall require (as a
minimum) input of the following information and a space for sign-off on individual items
and on the completed unit:
1. Project name.
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2. Loop number.
3. Tag number.
4. Manufacturer.
5. Model number.
6. Serial number.
7. Calibration range.
8. Calibration data: Input, output, and error at 0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75
percent and 100 percent of span.
9. Switch setting, contact action, and deadband for discrete elements.
10. Sensing tube leak detection test result (performed at maximum process pressure).
11. Space for comments.
12. Space for sign-off by CONTRACTOR/Vendor and date.
13. Test equipment used and associated serial numbers.
G.Calibration Tags: A calibration and testing tag shall be attached to each piece of
equipment or system at a location determined by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR
shall sign the tag when calibration is complete and the calibration and testing has been
A.General: The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER of scheduled tests a minimum
of 30 days prior to the estimated completion date of installation and wiring of the PCIS.
The CONTRACTOR and/or Vendor shall submit a factory updated version of the wiring
diagrams for ENGINEER review and approval prior to loop testing commencement. After
the ENGINEER’S review of the submitted loop diagrams for correctness and compliance
with the specifications, loop testing of the associated systems shall proceed. The loop
checks shall be witnessed by the ENGINEER.
B.Control Valve Tests: All control valves, cylinders, drives and connecting linkages shall
be stroked from the operator interface units as well as local control devices and adjusted
to verify proper control action, hand switch action, limit switch settings, torque settings,
remote control actions, and remote feedback of valve status and position. Control valve
actions and position settings shall be checked with the valves in place to insure that no
changes have occurred since the bench calibration.
C.Interlocks: All hardware and software interlocks between the instrumentation and the
motor control circuits, control circuits of variable-speed controllers and packaged
equipment controls shall be checked to the maximum extent possible.
D.Instrument and Instrument Component Validation: Each instrument shall be field
tested, inspected, and adjusted to its indicated performance requirement in accordance
with its Manufacturer’s specifications and instructions. Any instrument which fails to meet
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any Contract requirement, or, in the absence of a Contract requirement, any published
manufacturer performance specification for functional and operational parameters, shall
be repaired or replaced, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.
E.Loop Validation: Controllers and electronic function modules shall be field tested and
exercised to demonstrate correct operation. All control loops shall be checked under
simulated operating conditions by impressing input signals at the primary control elements
and observing appropriate responses of the respective control and monitoring elements,
final control elements, and the graphic displays associated with the control system. Actual
signals shall be used wherever available. Following any necessary corrections, the loops
shall be retested. Accuracy tolerances for each analog network are defined as the root-
mean-square (RMS) summation of individual component accuracy requirements.
Individual component accuracy requirements shall be as indicated by Contract
requirements or by published manufacturer accuracy specifications whenever Contract
accuracy requirements are not indicated. Each analog network (i.e., each 4-20mA or field
network instrument) shall be tested by applying simulated analog or discrete inputs to the
first element of an analog network. For networks which incorporate analog elements,
simulated sensor inputs corresponding to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of span shall be applied,
and the resulting element outputs monitored to verify compliance with the calculated RMS
summation accuracy tolerance requirements. Continuously variable analog inputs shall be
applied to verify the proper operation and setting of discrete devices. Provisional settings
shall be made on controllers and alarms during analog loop tests. Analog loop test data
shall be recorded on test forms to be provided by the CONTRACTOR.
F.Loop Validation Sheets: The CONTRACTOR shall prepare loop confirmation sheets for
each loop covering each active instrument and control device except simple hand switches
and lights. Loop confirmation sheets shall form the basis for operational tests and
documentation. Each loop validation sheet shall require (as a minimum) input of the
following information and shall provide spaces for sign-off on individual items and on the
complete loop by the CONTRACTOR:
1. Project name.
2. Loop number.
3. Tag number, description, manufacturer and model number for each element.
4. Installation bulletin number.
5. Specification sheet number.
6. Loop description number.
7. Adjustment check.
8. Verification of proper surge arrestor installation, intrinsically safe barrier installation
and grounding as applicable.
9. Space for comments.
10. Space for loop sign-off by CONTRACTOR and date.
11. Space for ENGINEER witness signature and date.
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G.Loop Certifications: When installation tests have been successfully completed for all
individual instruments and all separate analog control networks, a certified copy of all test
forms signed by the CONTRACTOR as a witness, with test data entered, shall be
submitted to the ENGINEER together with a clear and unequivocal statement that all
instrumentation has been successfully calibrated, inspected, and tested.
A.General: Pre-commissioning shall commence after acceptance of all wire tests,
calibration tests and loop tests, and all inspections have demonstrated that the
instrumentation and control system complies with all Contract requirements. Pre-
commissioning shall demonstrate proper operation of all systems with process equipment
operating over full operating ranges under conditions as closely resembling actual
operating conditions as possible.
B.Pre-commissioning Procedures and Documentation: Pre-commissioning and test
activities shall follow detailed test procedures and check lists accepted by the ENGINEER.
Test data shall be acquired using equipment as required and shall be recorded on test
forms accepted by the ENGINEER, which include calculated tolerance limits for each step.
Completion of system pre-commissioning and test activities shall be documented by a
certified report, including all test forms with test data entered, delivered to the ENGINEER
with a clear and unequivocal statement that all system pre-commissioning and test
requirements have been satisfied.
C.Operational Validation: Where feasible, system pre-commissioning activities shall
include the use of water to establish service conditions that simulate, to the greatest extent
possible, normal final control element operating conditions in terms of applied process
loads, operating ranges, and environmental conditions. Final control elements, control
panels, and ancillary equipment shall be tested under start-up and steady-state operating
conditions to verify that proper and stable control is achieved using motor control center
and local field mounted control circuits. Hardwired and software control circuit interlocks
and alarms shall be operational. The control of final control elements and ancillary
equipment shall be tested using both manual and automatic (where provided) control
circuits. The stable steady-state operation of final control elements running under the
control of field mounted automatic analog controllers or software based controllers shall
be assured by adjusting the controllers as required to eliminate oscillatory final control
element operation. The transient stability of final control elements operating under the
control of field mounted, and software based automatic analog controllers shall be verified
by applying control signal disturbances, monitoring the amplitude and decay rate of control
parameter oscillations (if any) and making necessary controller adjustments as required
to eliminate excessive oscillatory amplitudes and decay rates.
D.Loop Tuning: Electronic control stations incorporating proportional, integral or differential
control circuits shall be optimally tuned, experimentally, by applying control signal
disturbances and adjusting the gain, reset, or rate settings as required to achieve a proper
response. Measured final control element variable position/speed setpoint settings shall
be compared to measured final control element position/speed values at 0, 25, 50, 75 and
100% of span and the results checked against indicated accuracy tolerances.
E.Pre-commissioning Validation Sheets: Pre-commissioning shall be documented on
one of two types of test forms as follows:
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1. For functions which can be demonstrated on a loop-by-loop basis, the form shall
a. Project name.
b. Loop number.
c. Loop description.
d. Tag number, description, manufacturer, and data sheet number for each
e. Space for sign-off and date by both the CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER.
2. For functions that cannot be demonstrated on a loop-by-loop basis, the test form
shall be a listing of the specific tests to be conducted. With each test description the
following information shall be included:
a. Specification page and paragraph of function demonstrated.
b. Description of function.
c. Space for sign-off and date by both the CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER.
F.Pre-commissioning Certification: The CONTRACTOR shall submit an instrumentation
and control system pre-commissioning completion report which shall state that all Contract
requirements have been met and shall include a listing of all instrumentation and control
system maintenance and repair activities conducted during the pre-commissioning testing.
The report shall include as a minimum:
1. Cover sheet for ENGINEER sign-off/date and space for listing of exceptions.
2. Confirmation of delivery/acceptance of all submittals (hardware and software).
3. Completed and signed loop check sheets.
4. Completed and signed instrument calibration sheet.
5. Completed and signed certificates of proper installation of instruments/equipment.
6. Completed and signed wire continuity test sheets (if recorded separately).
7. Completed and signed fiber optic cable attenuation test sheets.
8. Completed and signed functional test sheets.
9. Confirmation of rendered manufacturer services (as detailed in article 3.2).
10. Signed confirmation of spare parts delivery.
11. Confirmation of delivery of draft O&M.
G. Acceptance of the instrumentation and control system pre-commissioning testing must be
provided in writing by the ENGINEER before the performance testing may begin.
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Exceptions to the above listing to allow performance testing to proceed must be issued by
the ENGINEER in writing and fully described on the pre-commissioning report cover sheet.
Final acceptance of the control system shall be based upon plant completion as stated in
the General Conditions.
A.General: The CONTRACTOR shall train OWNER's personnel on the maintenance,
calibration and repair of all equipment provided under this Contract.
B.Instructions: The training shall be performed by qualified representatives of the
equipment manufacturers and shall be specific to each piece of equipment or package
system. Training classes shall be as described in Specification Section 40 95 10 – PLC-
Based Control System Hardware, Paragraph 3.4 and shall cover, as a minimum,
operational theory, maintenance, troubleshooting/repair, and calibration of supplied
C.Schedule: Training shall be performed during the pre-commissioning phase of the project.
The training sessions shall be scheduled a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of when the
courses are to be initiated. The ENGINEER will review the course outline for suitability
and provide comments that shall be incorporated.
D.Agenda: The training shall include operation and maintenance procedures,
troubleshooting with necessary test equipment, and changing set points, and calibration
for that specific piece of equipment.
E.Documentation: The CONTRACTOR shall confirm completion of each training session.
Within 10 working days after the completion of each training session, the CONTRACTOR
shall submit the following to the ENGINEER and OWNER:
1. A list of all personnel that attended the session
2. A copy of the training materials utilized during the lesson with all notes, diagrams,
and comments.
F. Reference Section 40 95 10 – PLC-Based Control System Hardware, Paragraph 3.4 for
training specifics.
A. For the purpose of this Section, the following conditions shall be fulfilled before the Work
is considered complete for Final Acceptance:
1. Submittals have been completed and approved by the ENGINEER.
2. The PCIS hardware (inclusive of all Vendor packages) has been calibrated, loop
tested and pre-commissioned with all check sheets and certifications dated and
signed as required.
3. OWNER personnel training has been performed.
4. The performance test has been successfully completed.
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5. All required spare parts and expendable supplies and test equipment have been
delivered to OWNER.
6. Punch-list items have been addressed to the ENGINEER’S satisfaction.
7. Final CONTRACTOR developed record drawings in both hard copy and electronic
format have been submitted.
8. Revisions to the Owner’s Manuals that may have resulted from the field tests have
been reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER and submitted as final.
9. Debris associated with the installation and/or modification of field instrumentation,
control panels and other field equipment has been removed.
10. Probes, elements, sample lines, transmitters, tubing, and enclosures (for new and
newly wired existing instruments and equipment) have been cleaned and are in like-
new condition.
11. Final PLC ladder logic and HMI screens are backed-up as required.
12. Viewpoint server software and remote client access all functioning per the
manufacturer’s specification and project requirements.
13. SCADA I/O servers linked to the Master Historian with data populated per contract
requirements and report generation functioning as per the contract Report Meeting
14. LED wall display confirmed to functioning correctly.
15. Security functions associated with the Windows Domain Controllers (Primary and
Backup), network routers, switches and firewall appliance RAS have been properly
configured and are active. All unused Ethernet switch ports have been secured.
16. All Network hardware is configured and working and the performance of the control
system communication system meets or exceeds the requirements of the contract
documents and the manufacturer’s specifications.
17. Control room and server room consoles are properly aligned and leveled in
accordance with the manufacturer installation requirements. Consoles cleaned (with
scuff marks removed) to like-new condition. Non-functioning light sources replaced
and internal wiring routed and secured within the console wireways.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 91 06 - 1
A.General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide liquid level measuring systems, complete and
operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents.
B. The requirements of Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems
apply to this Section.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 40 91 00 –
Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: The accuracy of each instrumentation system or loop shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Manufacturers representative services shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Product handling shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 91 00 –
Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Guarantees shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process
Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A. Where non-contact radar types are indicated (excluding sonic), time-of-flight radar level
measuring systems shall consist of an electronic controller-transmitter, a non-contact
signal rod-antenna, interconnecting cables and remote level indicator (as shown on the
contract drawings). The controller-transmitter shall generate the radar impulse, detect the
return echo and convert the elapsed time to a level or volume. The measurement shall not
be affected by changing media, temperature changes, gas blankets or steam. The
transmitter shall include functions to suppress interference echoes that may be produced
by edges or weld seams and shall support K-band and/or C-band frequencies. The
antenna performance shall not be affected by condensation build-up. The controller-
transmitter shall have the following features: solid state design, integral level indicator (w
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here indicated on the contract drawings), 2-wire loop power, 4-20 mA output signal linearly
proportional to the calculated level or volume and HART protocol compatibility. Measuring
error shall be no greater than 0.1 percent of measuring range with a resolution of 0.03%
of measuring range. Upon detection of sensor failure the transmitter shall be configured
to immediately reduce output to 3.8mA. The radar level measurement assembly, including
transmitter, antenna and antenna horn, shall be constructed of corrosion resistant material
suitable for use in the enviroment as noted on the drawings.
B. Radar level measuring systems shall be as manufactured by:
1.Endress & Hauser Micropilot M FMR2XX Series with FHX 40 Nema 4X remote display.
2.Or Engineer Approved Equal.
C. Instrument shall be furnished with manufacturer recommended 316L SS mounting
bracket. Note: where used to measure level of an aerated surface, the transmitter shall
include the advanced dynamics option (or Rosemount equivalent) to ensure
measurement accuracy and repeatability within manufacturer published specification.
3.1 GENERAL: Electrical interface and code compliance shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.2 CALIBRATION: The calibration of all devices shall conform to the requirements of Section
40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.3 INSTALLATION: The installation of all devices shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.4 LOOP TESTING: The loop testing of all devices shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.5 PRECOMMISSIONING: The precommissioning of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.6 ON-SITE SUPERVISION: The on-site supervision of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.7 PERFORMANCE TESTING: The performance testing of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.8 RECORD DRAWINGS: Record Drawings shall conform to the requirements of Section 40
91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.9 TRAINING: Training for all equipment and software shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.10 ACCEPTANCE: All acceptance testing shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 91
00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 91 07 - 1
A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide level detection switches, complete and
operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents.
B. The requirements of Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems
apply to this Section.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 40 91 00.
A. General: The accuracy of each instrumentation system or loop shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Manufacturers representative services shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Product handling shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 91 00 –
Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Guarantees shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process
Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A. The level switch shall operate on the frequency shift tuning fork principle using a two-tine
fork assembly and a bi-morph piezoelectric system. The presence of a liquid or slurry
shall shift the resonant frequency of the fork assembly below a fixed set point triggering a
state change in the switch output. The switch shall introduce no electrical energy into the
process being measured. The fork assembly shall be 1.5 inches in length, mounted on
an extension from 6 to 115 inches in length, and shall be capable of being mounted
vertically or horizontally. The level switch shall be of an integral field mountable self-
contained design and shall not have any calibration controls or calibration requirements.
Switch point accuracy shall be within 0.004-inches. Gas bubbles, foam, dielectric
changes, conductivity changes shall not compromise the ability of the level switch to
reliably indicate liquid and slurry levels. The switch shall reliably indicate liquid and slurry
levels with viscosity's ranging from 0 to 10000cP and density variations from 0.5 to 1.7
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SGU. The switch shall reliably operate with hard build-up equivalent to 0.15 inches of
calcium carbonate.
B. All wetted parts, including the fork assembly and extension shall be constructed of 316L
SS and mounted into the process via a one inch NPT threaded boss. The switch shall
provide continuous self-monitoring of its sensing components and indicate when a failure
or fork corrosion has been detected (where indicated on the drawings). The switch shall
operate with process temperatures ranging from -40 to 300 degrees F and pressures
ranging from vacuum to 930 psi. The switch shall have a NEMA 4X dual-compartment
housing rated for Class I Division II installation where indicated. The electronics housing
shall be epoxy coated aluminum. Cable entries will be through NPT conduit fittings.
C. The level switch shall have all electronics in the form of module inserts that can be field
installed or interchanged without effect on switch performance or need to recalibrate, and
without removing the sensor from the process. Electronics will have an LED indicating
switch state, as well as a power LED indicator. An on-board toggle switch will allow field
selection of max or min detection. A pressure tight feed-through from the sensor to the
electronics housing will be available to provide a 2nd line of defense in the case of sensor
D. The level switch shall be as manufactured by
1.Endress+Hauser Liquiphant M FTL 50 Series
3.1 GENERAL: Electrical interface and code compliance shall conform to the requirements
of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.2 CALIBRATION: The calibration of all devices shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.3 INSTALLATION: The installation of all devices shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.4 LOOP TESTING: The loop testing of all devices shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.5 PRECOMMISSIONING: The pre-commissioning of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.6 ON-SITE SUPERVISION: The on-site supervision of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.7 PERFORMANCE TESTING: The performance testing of all devices shall conform to the
requirements of Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.8 RECORD DRAWINGS: Record Drawings shall conform to the requirements of Section
40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
3.9 TRAINING: Training for all equipment and software shall conform to the requirements of
Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 91 07 - 3
3.10 ACCEPTANCE: All acceptance testing shall conform to the requirements of Section 40
91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
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City of Ft. Collins PAGE 40 92 00 - 1
A.General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide control panels, complete and operable, in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
B. The requirements of Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems
apply to this Section.
C. The provisions of this Section apply to local panels provided in equipment systems
specified in other sections unless indicated otherwise in those sections.
D. The requirements of Division 26 specifications shall apply to this section.
A.General: Submittals shall be furnished in accordance with Section 01 33 00 -
B.Control Panel Engineering Submittal: The CONTRACTOR shall submit a control
panel engineering submittal (CPES) for each control panel furnished. The CPES shall
completely define and document the construction, finish, layout, power circuits, signal
and safety grounding circuits, fuses, circuit breakers, signal circuits, internally mounted
instrumentation and SCADA system components, face plate mounted instrumentation
components, internal panel arrangements, and external panel arrangements. All panel
drawings shall, as a minimum, be "B" size with all data sheets and manufacturer
specification sheets being "A" size. The submittal shall be in conformance with ISA-S20 -
Standard Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements
and Control Valves, shall be submitted as a singular complete bound volume or multi-
volume package within 120 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, and shall have the
following contents:
1. A complete index shall appear in the front of each bound volume. Drawings and
data sheets associated with a panel shall be grouped together with the panels being
indexed by systems or process areas. Panel tagging and nameplate nomenclature
shall be consistent with the requirements of the contract requirements.
2. Scale construction drawings which define and quantify the type and gauge of steel
to be used for panel fabrication, the ASTM grade to be used for structural shapes
and straps, panel door locks and hinge mechanisms, type of bolts and bolt locations
for section joining and anchoring, details and proposed locations for "UNISTRUT"
members, stiffener materials and locations, electrical terminal box and outlet
locations, electrical access locations, print pocket locations, writing board locations,
and lifting lug material and locations.
3. Scaled physical arrangement drawings drawn to scale which define and quantify the
physical groupings comprising control panel sections, auxiliary panels, subpanels,
and racks. Cutout locations with nameplate identifications shall be shown.
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4. Front of panel layouts for all control panels.
5. Schematic/elementary diagrams shall depict all control devices and circuits and their
6. Wiring/connection diagrams shall locate and identify electrical devices, terminals,
and interconnecting wiring. These diagrams shall show interconnecting wiring by
lines, designate terminal assignments, and show the physical location of all
electrical and control devices.
7. Interconnection diagrams shall locate and identify all external connections between
the control panel/control panel devices and associated equipment. These diagrams
shall show interconnecting wiring by lines, designate terminal assignments, and
show the physical location of all panel ingress and egress points.
8. Control sequence diagrams to portray the contact positions or connections required
to be made for each successive step of the control action. Written descriptions
explaining the control sequence diagrams and system operation shall be furnished.
9. Completed ISA S20 data sheets for all instrumentation devices associated with each
control panel supplemented with manufacturer specification sheets which verify
conformance to the requirements of the Contract Documents
10. A bill of materials which enumerates all devices associated with the control panel.
11. A priced listing of analog spare parts in conformance with Section 40 91 00 -
Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A.Environmental Suitability: Indoor and outdoor control panels and instrument
enclosures shall be suitable for operation in the ambient conditions associated with the
locations designated by the CONTRACTOR. Heating, cooling, and dehumidifying
devices shall be provided in order to maintain all instrumentation devices 20 percent
within the minimums and maximums of their rated environmental operating ranges. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide all power wiring for these devices. Enclosures suitable for
the environment shall be provided. Instrumentation in hazardous areas shall be suitable
for use in the particular hazardous or classified location in which it is to be installed.
B. The control panel controls shall be 120 VAC. Where the electrical power supply to the
control panel is 240 VAC single phase or 480 VAC 3-phase, the control panel shall be
provided with a control panel transformer. Control conductors shall be provided in
accordance with the indicated requirements.
C. The control panel shall be the source of power for any 120 VAC solenoid valves
interconnected with the control panel. Equipment associated with the control panel shall
be ready for service after connection of conductors to equipment, controls, and control
D. The main feeder disconnect shall have a door-mounted handle unless otherwise
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E. Unless indicated otherwise, control panels shall be housed in NEMA rated enclosures.
Control panels shall be either freestanding, pedestal-mounted or equipment skid-
mounted, as indicated. Internal control components shall be mounted on an internal
back-panel or side-panel as required.
F. Each source of foreign voltage shall be isolated by providing disconnecting or pull-apart
terminal blocks or a disconnect operable from the control panel front. Each control panel
shall be provided with identified terminal strips for the connection of all external
conductors. The CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient terminal blocks to connect 25
percent additional conductors for future use.
G. Motor starters, where required, shall be furnished, installed and configured by others.
Each motor starter shall be provided with contact closures for motor overload, local
indication, and remote alarm. Electrical components shall be of standard American
H. Discrete outputs from the control panel shall be provided by electrically isolated contacts
rated for 5 amps at 120 VAC. Analog inputs and outputs shall be isolated 4-20 mA, 2-
wire signals with power supply.
I. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) may be supplied in lieu of relays, provided the
programmable logic controllers match the PLCs provided under Section 40 95 10 - PLC-
Based Control Systems Hardware.
J. Control panel mounted devices shall be mounted a minimum of 42-inches above
finished floor elevation.
K.Painting: Steel control panels shall be thoroughly cleaned and sand blasted per Society
for Protective Coatings SP 6 (Commercial Blast) after which surfaces shall receive a
prime coat of Amercoat 185H or equal, 3-mils DFT, for a total thickness of the prime
plus finish system of 6 mils. The finished color of the outside surfaces shall be selected
by the Engineer, unless otherwise indicated. Interior of the control panel, back-panel,
and side panels shall have a white finish coat.
L. Panels shall be assembled in accordance with published UL-508A standards and shall
prominently bear the UL-508A label as well as the applicable Nema rating label after
final assembly.
A. Materials
1. Panel section faces shall be No. 12 gauge minimum thickness for free standing
panels and No. 14 gauge minimum thickness for wall mounted or pedestal mounted
panels. Materials shall be selected for levelness and smoothness.
2. Relay rack high density type panels shall utilize standard relay racks with No. 14
gauge steel frame and supports.
3. Structural shapes and strap steel shall comply with ASTM A 283 - Low and
Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates, Grade C.
a. Bolting Material: Commercial quality carbon steel bolts, nuts, and washers
shall be 1/2-inch diameter with UNC threads. Carriage bolts shall be used for
attaching end plates. All other bolts shall be hex end machine bolts. Nuts shall
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be hot pressed hex, American Standard, heavy. Standard wrought washers
shall be used for foundation bolts and attachments to building structures. Other
bolted joints shall have SAE standard lock washers.
4. Construction: Dimensions shall be in accordance with vendor's requirements.
Elevations and horizontal spacing shall be subject to Engineer's approval.
B. Fabrication
1. End plates, top plates, and top closure panels (to hung ceiling) shall be provided
when required by the material requisition. End plates, top plates, and top closure
panels shall be removable with countersunk bolts to match panels. Top closure
panels shall be furnished in lengths which match the widths of standard panels,
except that one top closure panel may extend across two 4-foot 6-inch wide or five
2-foot wide standard panels. The vertical joints of these panels shall align with the
vertical joints of the standard panels.
2. End closure or rear closure doors shall be provided where required. Such doors
shall be flush fitting, gasketed, and be of the hinged lift-off type with lockable door
handles. A common key shall be provided for all doors on one panel assembly.
Removable access panels shall be provided with dished handle fasteners. Screw
driver 1/4 turn or Dzus type fasteners are not acceptable.
a. The flanged edges of all panels shall be straight and smooth. Corners shall be
welded and ground smooth.
b. The face of the panel shall be true and level after flanging.
c. All panel cutouts and holes may be cut or drilled by any standard method that
does not cause deformation. Burrs shall be ground smooth.
d. Adjacent panels shall assemble with faces flush. Gaps or cracks shall not be
visible from the front of the assembled instrument board.
e. Stiffeners shall be welded to the back of panels, as required to prevent panel
deformation due to the weight of face mounted instruments.
f. Panels shall be self-supporting as defined below.
C. Framework and Supports
1. The rear of each panel section shall have a steel framework assembled to it for
supporting conduit, wireways, switches, piping, and instrument accessory items
such as relay or terminal enclosures, transducers, pressure switches, valves, and
air relays. The main frame work shall be constructed of standard structural shapes.
Special shapes such as "Unistrut" may be used for secondary supports.
Framework must neither interfere with instrument connections nor interfere with
access needed for maintenance or adjustments.
2. Steel framework shall extend 2-feet 4-inches back from the panel face or as
indicated in the material requisition. Where indicated, individual adjustable leg
supports shall be provided at the back of the framework so that the entire panel is
D. Preparation of Panel Surface
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1. The following requirements apply to the front and rear face of the panel, both sides
and the edges of all flanges, and the periphery of all holes or cutouts.
a. High spots, burrs, and rough spots shall be ground smooth.
b. The surfaces shall be sanded or sandblasted to a smooth, clean, bright finish.
c. All traces of oil shall be removed with a solvent.
d. The first coat of primer shall be applied immediately.
E. Panel Finishing
1. A Thin coat primer surface shall be applied over the entire panel surface.
2. Wet sand, dry, then quick glaze spot putty on the front of the panel only. Dry, then
wet sand again and dry
3. A primer surface shall be applied on the front of the panel only.
4. Wet sand to smooth clear finish, then dry.
5. At least 2 coats of air-dry, satin finish lacquer enamel shall be applied over the
entire surface. Color to be as approved by Engineer.
6. CONTRACTOR shall supply 2 one-pint containers of air drying, matching paint for
field touch-up of the panel face.
F.Instrument Finishing: The final coats applied to painted surface of instrument cases,
doors, or bezels which are visible from the front of panels shall be manufacturer's
standard unless otherwise indicated. Black japan or "crinkle" finishes on instrument
cases are not acceptable.
G. Mounting of Instruments
1. The panel vendor shall provide cutouts, and shall mount all instrument items
indicated to be panel mounted, including any instruments indicated to be furnished
by other vendors but installed in the panel.
2. The panel vendor shall also mount behind the panels other instrument accessory
items as required for functionality as indicated.
3. Equipment mounted at the rear of panel shall be installed to allow for commissioning
adjustments, servicing requirements, and cover removal.
4. Spare space shall be kept clear of wiring, etc., to give maximum space for future
H. Electrical Requirements
1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide conduit, wireways, switches, wire, and electrical
fittings for 120 volt circuits to instruments and other electrical devices as required for
a complete and operable installation.
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2. Conduit, wireways, junction boxes and fittings shall be provided for signal wire,
thermocouple, or resistance thermometer lead wire. Conduit or wireway runs shall
include those required between temperature sensors and temperature transmitters
and between the thermocouple wireway or junction box and instruments.
3. Each terminal connection shall have a plastic plate with a terminal and instrument
tag number. Wiring shall be identified with stamped tubular wire end markers.
4. Freestanding panels shall be provided with switched LED back-of-panel lights. One
light shall be provided for every 4-feet of panel width and shall be mounted inside
and in the top of the back-of-panel area.
5. Freestanding panels shall be provided with a 15 amp, 120 volt, service outlet circuit
within the back-of-panel area. The circuit shall be provided with 3 wire, 120 volt, 15
ampere, duplex receptacles, one for every 4-feet of panel width (one minimum per
panel), spaced evenly along the back-of-panel area.
6. Wall mounted or pedestal mounted panels shall be so sized as to adequately
dissipate heat generated by equipment mounted in or on the panel.
7. Wall mounted or pedestal mounted panels mounted outside or in unshaded areas
shall be provided with thermostatically controlled heaters that maintain inside
temperature above 40 degrees F.
8. Provide a hand switch controlled LED light and a breaker protected 120 volt, 15 amp
duplex receptacle within each wall mounted or pedestal mounted panel larger than 4
cubic feet volume.
9. Wiring Methods: Wiring methods and materials for all panels shall be in accordance
with the NEC requirements for General Purpose (no open wiring) unless otherwise
10. Signal and Control Circuit Wiring
a. Wire type and sizes: Conductor shall be flexible stranded copper machine tool
wire, UL listed Type MTW, and shall be rated 600 volts. Wires for instrument
signal circuits and alarm input circuits shall be No. 16 AWG. All other wires,
including shielded cables, shall be No. 18 AWG minimum. MTW/THWN/THNN
wire not acceptable.
b. Wire Insulation Colors: Conductors supplying 120 VAC power on the line side
of a disconnecting switch shall have a black insulation for the ungrounded
conductor. Grounded circuit conductors shall have white insulation. Insulation
for ungrounded 120V AC control circuit conductors shall be red. Wires
energized by a voltage source external to the control panel shall have yellow
insulation. Insulation for DC conductors shall be blue.
c. Wire Marking: Wire numbers shall be marked using white numbered wire
markers made from plastic-coated cloth, Brady Type B-500 or equal, or shall
be heat shrink plastic.
d. Flexible conduit is not acceptable except when specifically approved by the
Engineer in writing.
e. Conduit fittings shall be Crouse Hinds cast fittings or equal.
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f. For case grounding, panels shall be provided with a 1/4-inch by 1-inch copper
ground bus complete with solderless connector for one No. 4 AWG bare
stranded copper cable. The copper cable shall be provided by the
CONTRACTOR and shall be connected to a system ground loop.
11. Electrical Locations
a. When the Contract Documents call for thermocouple actuated instruments, the
thermocouple lead wire shall be installed without junction by the
CONTRACTOR. The panel vendor shall provide dedicated empty conduits or
wireways running from the instrument(s) to the top or bottom of the panel as
called for in the material specifications or as otherwise required. Sizing of the
conduit or wireway shall be in accordance with the capacity of the
b. Single case (no remote logic) annunciator units shall be installed at the top of
panel and may be considered as a terminal box when top of panel wire entry is
indicated. If bottom of panel entry is indicated, a terminal box shall be provided
at the bottom of the panel and be wired to the annunciator unit. Terminals shall
be identified with plastic marker strips.
c. Terminal boxes for incoming and outgoing signal leads shall be located at the
top or bottom of the panel as indicated in the material specification, or as
otherwise required.
12. Power Supply Wiring
a. Unless otherwise indicated, instruments, alarm systems, and motor controls
shall operate on 120 volt, 60 Hz circuits.
b. At a location near the top of the panel (or bottom), the panel fabricator shall
provide terminal box connections for the main power supply entry.
c. Power supply switches for alarm units shall be 3 pole type, arranged to open
both power circuits and alarm circuits. Each annunciator unit shall be equipped
with a separate switch.
d. Instruments located on the same panel section and serving the same process
unit may be connected to a common branch circuit from the power supply. The
number of circuits depends on the circuit load as noted herein. A 15 amp,
single pole circuit breaker shall be provided in each branch circuit. The circuit
load shall not exceed 10 amp. Different panel sections or different process
units must not use common branch circuits. When instruments do not come
equipped with integral fuses, provide fuses as required for the protection of
individual instruments against fault currents. Fuses shall be dinrail-mounted on
the panel backplane in a fuse terminal block with each fuse identified by a
service name tag. Fuses shall be as manufactured by Weidmuller SAK Series
KDKS or equal.
e. Each potentiometer type instrument, electronic transducer, controller, or
analyzer shall have an individual disconnect switch. Disconnect switches shall
have metal or plastic tags indicating instrument tag numbers. Individual plug
and cord set power supply connections may be used without switches when
indicated in the material specification.
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f. Where alarm units are single unit types, one switch may be used to disconnect
not more than 6 alarm units located on the same or adjacent panels.
13. Alarm Wiring: The panel vendor shall install and wire alarms including light
cabinets, audible signal units, test and acknowledge switches, and remote logic
units as indicated. Interconnecting wiring to panel mounted initiating devices shall
also be wired by the panel vendor. The wiring from external initiating devices shall
be provided by the CONTRACTOR. Where plug and cord sets are provided for
component interconnection, the panel vendor shall harness and support the cables
in neat and orderly fashion. Where separate wire is required, panel vendor shall
install No. 16 AWG with THWN or THHN insulation between all components.
14. Signal Wiring
a. Signal Wire - Non Computer Use
1) Signal wire shall be twisted pair or triads in conduit or troughs. Cable
shall be constructed of No. 16 AWG copper signal wires with THWN or
THHN insulation.
2) Color code for instrument signal wiring shall be as follows:
Positive (+) – Black
Negative (-) - White
3) Multiconductor cables where indicated shall consist of No. 18 AWG
copper signal wires twisted in pairs, with 90-C, 600 V fault insulation. A
copper drain wire shall be provided for the bundle with a wrap of
aluminum polyester shield. The overall bundle jacket shall be PVC.
b. Signal Wire - Computer Use
1) Signal wires shall be similar to those for non-computer use but each pair
shall be triplexed with a copper drain wire and aluminum polyester tape
shall be applied over the triplexed group. Cable shields, including
thermocouple extension leads shall be terminated in the central control
room at the computer system grounding bus. Continuity of the shield
shall be maintained throughout the cable runs.
c. Multi-conductor cables, wireways and conduit shall be sized to allow for 10
percent spare signal wire.
I.Labor and Workmanship: Panels shall be fabricated, piped, and wired by fully
qualified workmen who are properly trained, experienced, and supervised.
A. Each SCADA system PLC and remote I/O system and corresponding housing, I/O
modules, power supply modules, communication interface devices, and peripheral
equipment shall be mounted inside a 316 stainless steel NEMA 4X enclosure complete
with 3-point latching handle (Hoffman Powerglide), heating strip, interior lighting kit,
corrosion inhibitor and recirculation fans (strategically located to cool critical
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B. All PLC and remote IO cabinets shall also include the following components, wired to the
panel I/O for control system monitoring:
1. Panel interior high temperature alarm switch
2. Panel intrusion switch (one for each door)
3. 24Vdc primary and secondary power supply status monitoring (as detailed in
specification 40 91 00).
4. Controller webpage monitoring (as applicable)
C. For all panels, I/O wiring from the field to the remote I/O system shall be terminated on
terminal blocks in the lower portion of the enclosure. Sufficient terminal blocks shall be
provided to accommodate the full I/O compliment of the furnished I/O racks. A
nameplate shall be mounted on the outside of the door of the enclosure and be
engraved with "PLC-X" or "RIO-X" where "X" is the number or description as shown on
the contract drawings. (Nameplates shall be as detailed in specification 26 05 53:
Electrical Identification.)
D. Dimensions shown on the contract panel elevation drawings are provided as reference
only. Final enclosure dimensions shall be as established by the CONTRACTOR to
accommodate all components required plus spare. Enclosures shall be as
manufactured by Hoffman, or equal.
E. All panels furnished shall adhere to the requirements of NEC article 409 (SCCR).
A. In Control panel spare parts selected by the ENGINEER and special tools shall be
furnished in accordance with Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation
A. Preparation for Shipment and Shipping
1. Panels shall be crated for shipment using a heavy framework and skids. Panel
sections shall be cushioned to protect the finish of the instruments and panel during
shipment. Instruments which are shipped with the panel shall further have suitable
shipping stops and cushioning material installed to protect parts which could be
damaged due to mechanical shock. Each separate panel unit shall be provided with
removable lifting lugs to facilitate handling.
2. Shipments shall be by air ride van unless otherwise indicated.
3. Control panel testing and inspection shall be performed prior to shipping.
4. Control panels shall be installed in accordance with Section 40 91 00 - Process
Control and Instrumentation Systems.
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A.Wiring Installation: Wires shall be run in plastic wireways except (1) field wiring, (2)
wiring between mating blocks in adjacent sections, (3) wiring from components on a
swing out panel to components on a part of the fixed structure, and (4) wiring to panel
mounted components. Wiring run from components on a swing out panel to other
components on a fixed panel shall be made up in tied bundles. These bundles shall be
tied with nylon wire ties and shall be secured to panels at both sides of the "hinge loop"
so that conductors are not strained at the terminals.
B. Wiring run to control devices on the front panels shall be tied together at short intervals
with nylon wire ties and be secured to the inside face of the panel using adhesive
C. Wiring to rear terminals on panel-mount instruments shall be in plastic wireways secured
to horizontal brackets above or below the instruments in about the same plane as the
rear of the instruments.
D. Shop Drawings shall show conformance to the above wiring installation requirements.
E.Wire Marking: Each signal, control, alarm, and indicating circuit conductor connected to
a given electrical point shall be designated by a single unique number which shall be
shown on Shop Drawings. These numbers shall be marked on conductors at every
terminal. Wire labels shall be generated by a portable label printer with self-adhesive
labels. Label printer shall be as manufactured by Brady, BMP41 Model or equal.
A.General: Calibration, testing, and instruction shall be performed in accordance with
Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
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Stantec PLC Based Control System Hardware
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A. The Supplier shall furnish, supervise installation, assemble, and configure, program, and
place into service the Vendor PLC-based Control System (VPLCS) specified under this
Section. All work shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents. The Supplier shall also reference the Appendices I/O lists.
B.Vendor Package Supplier: It is the intent of these specifications to have the Vendor
Package Supplier of each package system to be singularly responsible for selecting,
configuring, and verifying correct operation of compatible hardware and software to
provide a functional Vendor VPLCS. In order to preserve this focused responsibility, the
Vendor Package Supplier shall be the integrator of the furnished vendor hardware,
database, data acquisition systems, control functions, operator displays and all other
system software. Additionally, the Vendor Package Supplier shall be responsible for the
application programming of the furnished VPLCS and GUI software per the Vendor
submitted / Engineer approved Control Strategies, applicable general and process
specific sections of Section 46 66 53 and other sections of the contract specifications.
C. Vendor VPLCS Configuration: The VPLCS shall consist of PLC’s and all required
equipment and peripherals as shown on the Network Block Diagrams and as described in
these specifications, and as required to meet the functional intent of the specifications.
Substitutions for Engineer approved and/or specified VPLCS functions are not permitted.
D. The VPLCS shall be in conformance with the following key system criteria.
1. All VPLCS shall be of the same manufacturer.
2. Unless noted otherwise, peer to peer networks shall conform to IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
protocols to preserve a nonproprietary system infrastructure.
3. All database structures shall strictly adhere to SQL and promote an open interface
with third party software applications.
E. Hereinafter, the term UV Supplier shall be used to represent the party responsible to the
CONTRACTOR for the Work of this division.
F.Scope of Work: The Supplier shall furnish and supervise installation of the Vendor
VPLCS as specified within the Contract Documents. The Supplier shall be responsible
for all equipment selection and supply, hardware and software submittal preparation,
system integration, programming, graphics generation, supervision of installation, testing,
training, start-up, and other implementation activities for the Vendor VPLCS as detailed in
the contract documents. The PLC hardware and software shall be standardized so as to
utilize off-the-shelf, commercially available configurations of hardware and software
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A. PLC-based control systems-hardware reference specifications, codes, and standards
shall be provided in accordance with Specification Section 40 91 00 - Process Control
and Instrumentation Systems.
A.General: Unless specifically noted otherwise, submittal requirements of sub-section 1.3
apply to the individual Vendor package VPLCS submittals and shall be in accordance with
section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
B.Shop Drawings: VPLCS submittals shall be in accordance with the applicable
requirements of Specification Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation
Systems. VPLCS submittals shall, however, be made separately from other process
control and instrumentation system submittals.
C.Hardware Submittals: The VPLCS hardware submittal shall be a singular all-inclusive
submittal which shall include but not be limited to:
1. A complete index appearing in the front of each bound submittal volume. System
groups shall be separated by labeled tags.
2. Complete grounding requirements for the entire VPLCS including any requirements
for VPLCS communication networks and control room equipment.
3. Requirements for physical separation between VPLCS components and 120-volt,
480-volt power sources.
4. Data sheets shall be included for each VPLCS component together with a technical
product brochure or bulletin. These data sheets shall show the component name as
used within the Contract Documents, the manufacturer's model number or other
identifying product designation, the project tag number, the project system of which
it is a part, the project site to which it applies, the input and output characteristics,
the requirements for electric power, the ambient operating condition requirements,
and details on materials of construction.
5. Complete and detailed bills of materials: A bill of material list, including quantity,
description, manufacturer, and part number, shall be submitted for each component
of the VPLCS system. Bills of material shall include all items within an enclosure.
6. Site-specific (and Vendor skid) arrangement and construction drawings for all
equipment cabinets, and/or consoles including dimensions, identification of all
components, preparation and finish data, nameplates, and the like. Drawings shall
be scaled and show the position of the equipment at its intended installation
location. Drawings must show a scaled representation of the placement of all
equipment and its spatial relationship to all other equipment located in the abutting
and adjoining areas. All required access and clearances associated with the
equipment must be shown with a statement of compliance to manufacturer's
recommendations, NEC, and other applicable codes.
4. Complete PLC System calculations to include, but not be limited to:
a. PLC memory calculations to demonstrate that the specified processor and
memory allocation will meet all present and future memory requirements as
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specified herein including required support for redundant processor
configuration as applicable.
b. PLC card calculations to demonstrate that the specified number of installed
I/O cards meets present and 20% spare requirements.
c. PLC I/O chassis sizing and quantity to accommodate I/O and communication
cards for present, future and 20% spare requirements.
d. PLC power supply requirements for each PLC and RIO rack.
5. Calibration, adjustment, and test details for all VPLCS components.
D.OWNER’s Manuals: General requirements for OWNER’s Manuals are as described in
Specification Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems. The
following items shall also be included in the software manual:
1. A documented PLC program listing including the I/O list and housing configuration
for each PLC, a memory usage report for each PLC, and a register layout list for
each PLC.
2. A documented configuration listing for each workstation, server, Ethernet switch,
firewall appliance and router.
3. Operation and maintenance manuals for the VPLCS, servers, workstations, printers,
routers, Ethernet switches and all other VPLCS hardware specified herein and
shown on the contract drawings.
E.VPLCS Test Procedures
1. Procedures shall be prepared for each Vendor package system by the Vendor
Package Supplier. The procedures shall be in narrative form and shall describe
sequentially the operational steps to be followed in verifying the correct operation of the
package system including all features described in the Engineer approved Vendor
control strategies and any additional control requirement described in Specification
Section 46 66 53. All Vendor package equipment, including the PLC system and its
field terminal displays, which function together to form a complete package system
shall be tested together, including interlocks between devices performed by the
F.Factory Test Procedure:
1. Each Vendor Package Supplier shall prepare and submit a factory test procedure
which incorporates test sequences, test forms, samples of database lists, a VPLCS
testing block diagram and an estimated test duration which comply with the
requirements of the factory test specified herein.
A. Refer to Specification Section 40 91 00 for additional Manufacturer’s services required.
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A. All equipment and materials delivered to the job site shall be stored in a location which
shall not interfere with the operations of the plant’s personnel or interfere with
construction. Storage and handling shall be performed in a manner which shall afford
maximum protection to the equipment and materials. It is the CONTRACTOR
responsibility to assure proper handling and on-site storage.
A. Special warranty requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Specification Section 40 91 00 and shall be coordinated by the CONTRACTOR. The
following additional warranty requirements apply to the entire VPLCS (inclusive of the
VPLCS of all Vendor packages listed in Section 40 91 00):
B. Equipment, software, and materials which do not achieve design requirements after
installation shall be replaced or modified by the CONTRACTOR to attain compliance. All
associated costs shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Following
replacement or modification, the CONTRACTOR shall retest the system and perform any
additional procedures needed to place the complete VPLCS in satisfactory operation and
attain design compliance approval from the Engineer.
C. The CONTRACTOR warrants the materials and workmanship used for the VPLCS
control system and further guarantees the materials and workmanship used for any
equipment and materials produced and furnished hereunder as a part of the Work to be
as herein specified and agreed upon, free from injurious defects, and in all respects
satisfactory for the service required.
D. The CONTRACTOR warrants/guarantees the satisfactory performance of the equipment
and materials under operating conditions for a period of two years after the date of
acceptance of certificate of completion (i.e., completion of all contractual items including a
successful system performance test as specified in Part 3 of this section). In the event
that tests and inspections disclose latent defects or failure to meet the specified
requirements, the CONTRACTOR upon notification by the Engineer shall proceed at
once to correct or repair any such defects or non-conformance or to furnish, at the
delivery point named in the Contract Documents, such new equipment or parts as may be
necessary for conformity to the specified requirements, and shall receive no additional
compensation therefore. In the case of any required repairs or other corrective or
remedial work covered under warranty, the warranties on all such corrections, repairs,
new equipment, or parts shall be extended for an additional 24 months from the date of
final acceptance or 12 months from the date of completion of any such corrections,
repairs, new equipment, or parts, whichever date is later. The CONTRACTOR shall
reimburse the Owner for all costs incurred in the removal of the defective material and
installation of the replacement.
A. The requirements of Specification Section 40 91 00 apply to this Section.
B. All materials and all VPLCS equipment furnished under this Contract shall be new, free
from defects, of first quality, and produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in the
manufacture of these products.
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C.Hardware Commonality: Where there is more than one item of similar equipment being
furnished all such similar equipment shall be the product of a singular manufacturer.
D. VPLCS Growth Provisions:
1. In addition to satisfying the functional requirements of these specifications, all
VPLCS equipment and resources including PLC memory requirements GUI
software, etc., shall be provided to accommodate a 20 percent expansion in the
number of I/O points shown on the drawings and/or listed in the appendix.
2. All equipment and resources, including PLC I/O cards and implementation
services, shall be provided such that at least 20 percent project growth (beyond
listed future points) can be implemented into the VPLCS without any additional
cost to the Owner. The I/O points included in the 20 percent project growth
requirement shall be termed “implemented spare I/O”. The 20 percent
implemented spare I/O is 20 percent of the total project I/O listed in the appendix
and may be implemented in any one or more I/O racks at the direction of the
Engineer at any time during the project up to the start of factory testing.
Subsequent to factory testing the unused implemented I/O, if any, shall be
delivered to the Owner as spare I/O.
3. The VPLCS being furnished shall be capable of being modularly expanded to
accommodate a twofold increase in process reporting/display requirements and
manual input requirements.
4. All equipment and resources shall be able to modularly accept this anticipated
future expansion without the need to replace or retire any PLC component or
A. Each PLC and its corresponding I/O modules, power supply module(s), communication
interface device(s), and peripheral equipment, shall be mounted inside suitable
enclosures. All I/O wiring from the field to the I/O modules shall be routed within
wireways and terminated on terminal blocks in the enclosure. Fiber optic cabling shall be
routed within panel wireways and all fibers (active and spare) terminated within the
specified fiber cross connect box. Fiber jumper cables shall be labeled and routed within
B. VPLCS enclosures shall be provided in accordance with Specification Section 40 92 00 -
Control Panels.
A.Programmable Logic Controller:
1. Construction: Each PLC central processing unit (CPU) shall be of solid-state design.
All CPU operating logic shall be contained on plug-in modules for quick
replacement. Chassis wired logic is not acceptable. The controller shall be capable
of operating in a hostile industrial environment (i.e., subject to heat, electrical
transients, RFI, vibration, etc.) without fans, air conditioning, or electrical filtering
(from 0 to 60 C at 95 percent humidity, non-condensing).
2. Components-General: Each PLC shall have all of the facilities required to implement
the control schemes and database shown and specified in the Contract Docum
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ents. PLC’s shall all have floating point math and PID controller modulating
capability. Each CPU shall provide internal fault analysis with a fail-safe mode and
a dry contact output for remote location alarming, and a local indicator on the PLC
frame in the event of a fault in the PLC.
3. Central Processors: Each central processor shall contain all the relays, timers,
counters, number storage registers, shift registers, sequences, arithmetic capability,
and comparators necessary to perform the specified control functions. It shall be
capable of interfacing sufficient discrete inputs, analog inputs, discrete outputs, and
analog outputs to meet the specified requirements plus at least 100 percent excess
capacity. All VPLCS shall be provided to support and implement closed loop
floating and PID control which is directly integrated into the PLC control program.
The power supply shall contain capacitors to provide for orderly shutdown in the
event that incoming power does not meet specifications. If this occurs, the
processor will cease operation, forcing all outputs off. The processor shall have a
key type memory protect switch to prevent unauthorized program changes. The
processor shall include floating point hardware.
4. Memory: Each programmable controller shall be supported by CMOS
semiconductor memory with battery backup. (The CMOS user programming
memory shall be as defined under paragraph 2.3.A-8.) The unit shall also be
equipped with nonvolatile flash memory of sufficient capacity to store the fully
commented control program, tag data, and unit operating system with room for 50%
growth. An indicator shall show the status of the batteries and a reference shall be
available through the discrete outputs, to alert the Operator that the batteries should
be changed. Each controller shall be supplied with an internal lithium battery which
shall retain the program during power outages for up to one year.
5. Each unit shall be supplied with sufficient memory to implement the specified control
functions plus a reserve capacity of 20 percent of the total provided. This reserve
capacity shall be totally free from any system use. The memory shall be
programmed in a multi-mode configuration with multiple series or parallel contacts,
counters, timers, and arithmetic functions.
6. Controllers: Each programmable controller shall be capable of being programmed
with an IEC61131-3 compliant software using simple "ladder diagram" language,
and Sequential Functional Blocks. It shall be easily reprogrammed locally with a
portable laptop computer or from a remote location via the control system network.
Where indicated, the controller shall support hot-standby CPU redundancy. Control
may be switched from the primary to the secondary processor (and vice versa),
automatically or manually, without interruption of plant control. Redundant
processors shall be capable of being automatically or manually synchronized i.e. a
program change in one processor shall be automatically reflected in the second
processor. In manual mode, auto synchronization is suspended until the
programmer releases the changes for update.
7. Data Communication: Each programmable logic controller shall be equipped with, or
have access via linked backplane to, the following communication options as
required (and in the quantities indicated) on the Network Block Diagrams:
a. Single copper port (RJ45) Ethernet card
b. One RS-232-C serial programming port.
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c. One USB Port (minimum)
8. CPU: The 32-bit CPU shall support floating-point math and PID functions.
ControlLogix processors shall be web-enabled and shall support 478K of I/O
memory, 4 MB of user addressable memory (lithium battery-backed), 64 MB of non-
volatile memory. CompactLogix processors shall support 1.5MB of user addressable
and I/O memory (lithium battery-backed) and 64MB of non-volatile memory
(removable Flash card). A fully commented copy of the active program and I/O tag
set shall be stored on the Flash card.
9. Manufacturer: The programmable logic controllers shall be as manufactured by
Schneider Electric, no equal. Where indicated on the Network Block Diagram,
processors shall be Modicon M340 with and redundant power supplies (as required
by the contract drawings).
B. PLC Power Supply
1. The PLC shall operate in compliance with an electrical service of either 120 VAC,
single phase, in the frequency range from 47 to 63 Hz, or 24 VDC. The power
supply shall be mounted in the PLC housing and be sized to power all modules
mounted in that housing and an "average module load" for any empty housing slots
plus 25 percent above that total. Power supply shall be by the same manufacturer
as the PLC and shall be of the same product line. A single main power supply
shall have the capability of supplying power to the CPU and local input/output
modules. Auxiliary power supplies shall provide power to remotely located racks.
Redundant “hot-standby” power supplies shall be furnished where indicated on
the Network Block Diagrams for both processor and RIO chassis. The power
supplies shall be BMX CPS 2000 or 35000. Reference the Network Block
Diagrams for quantities and distribution.
2. The power supply shall automatically shut down the PLC system whenever its
output current is detected as exceeding 125 percent of its rated current. The
power supply shall monitor the incoming AC line voltage for proper levels. When
the power supply is wired to utilize 120 VAC power, the system shall function
properly within the range of 97 to 132 VAC. If the voltage level is detected as
being out of range for more than one-half line cycle, the power supply shall
automatically shut down the system and remain disabled until the proper voltage
level returns. In addition, the power supply shall provide surge protection,
isolation, and outage carry-over up to 2 cycles of the AC line. In cases where the
AC line is especially unstable or subject to unusual variations it shall be possible
to install a constant voltage transformer having a sinusoidal output waveform.
3. Design features of the PLC power supply shall include diagnostic indicators
mounted in a position to be easily viewed by the user. These indicators shall
provide the operator with the status of the DC power applied. In addition, a
means of disabling power to the CPU shall be possible from a power disconnect
switch mounted in a position easily accessible by the operator.
4. At the time of power-up, the power supply shall inhibit operation of the processor
and I/O modules until the DC voltages are within specifications.
5. The power supply shall offer fuse protection.
C.PLC Input/Output (I/O) Modules: All I/O housings and modules shall be suitable for
hostile industrial environments as described in Paragraph 2.3.A.1 above. All I/O modul
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es shall be isolated and conform to IEEE Surge Withstand Standards and NEMA Noise
Immunity Standards. The I/Os shall be 4-20 mA DC for all analog inputs and outputs and
shall be 24 VDC for discrete inputs and dry relay contacts for safe discrete outputs.
Modules shall be removable without having to disconnect wiring from the module's
terminals by means of a swing-arm or plug-in wiring connector.
D. Each PLC location shall contain the I/O modules required to provide all of the I/O points
contained in the I/O Lists plus available capacity to accommodate all future points. As a
minimum, each PLC location shall contain an installed spare capacity of 20 percent of
each type of I/O used at that location. Circuit components for both remote input and
output shall be mounted on plug-in passive backplanes and keyed to prevent incorrect
module insertion. Furnished I/O modules and housing chassis shall be as manufactured
by Schneider Electric.
1. Discrete Input Modules: Defined as contact closure inputs from devices external to
the programmable controller module. Individual inputs shall be optically isolated
from low energy common mode transients to 1500 volts peak from users wiring or
other I/O Modules. The modules shall have LED's to indicate status of each
discrete input. Input signal level shall be 24 VDC. The input module shall have a
maximum of 16 points each. The PLC system shall also offer discrete input
hardware consisting of the following types:
a. AC/DC input for devices which operate at 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
b. Isolated AC input which provides isolation of 120 VAC.
2. Discrete Output Modules: Defined as contact closure outputs for ON/OFF operation
of devices external to the programmable controller module. The output modules
shall be optically isolated from inductively generated, normal mode and low energy,
common mode transients to 1500 volts peak. All output modules shall have LED's
to indicate status of each output point. Output contact rating shall be 2A minimum,
24V AC. Each output point shall be individually isolated, fused and connected to
buffer relays. Buffer relays shall have contact ratings for the attached loads. The
PLC system shall also offer discrete output hardware consisting of the following
a. AC output for devices which operate at 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
b. AC output for devices which operate at 24 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
3. Analog Input Modules: Defined as 4 to 20 mA DC signals, where an analog to digital
conversion is performed with a minimum of 16-bit precision and the digital result is
entered into the processor. The analog to digital conversion shall be updated with
each scan of the processor. Analog input modules shall have eight differential
inputs each. Input modules shall be source or sink to handle 2-wire or 4-wire
transmitters respectively. The CONTRACTOR (or Vendor package Supplier) shall
provide current loop isolators as required to break ground loops.
4. Analog Output Modules: Defined as 4 to 20 mA DC output signals where each
output circuit performs a digital to analog conversion (minimum 12-bit precision) with
each scan of the processor. Each analog output module shall have four isolated
output points which shall be rated for loads of up to 1200 ohms. The
CONTRACTOR (or Vendor package Supplier) shall provide current loop isolators as
required to break ground loops.
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5. Remote I/O Adapter Module: Any PLC location which requires more than one
housing to mount all of the I/O modules shall be supplied with an appropriate remote
I/O adapter module for each secondary housing. The adapter module shall support
all of the types of I/O modules required. The remote I/O in the secondary housing(s)
shall be mounted in the same enclosure housing the PLC.
E.PLC Housing: The PLC, power supply, and I/O modules shall be mounted in a suitable
standard housing. Individual housing slots shall be mechanically configurable to prevent
insertion of incorrect modules. Each PLC location shall have a minimum of 3 empty I/O
module slots, each fitted with a manufacturer issued protective cover.
A. Supplier furnished compact, din-rail mounted RJ-45 patch panels (Cat5e or Cat6) and
Fiber patch panels shall be as manufactured by Belden, MIPP Model.
B. Supplier supplied Cat5e UTP Ethernet plenum cables and patch-cords shall be as
manufactured by Anixter Corp. (CommScope Uniprise) DataPipe 5E55 or Belden
7928A Cat5e DataTuff with installation and performance adhering to the requirements of
A. Field Terminals: Where indicated on the Network Block Diagram, the Vendor Package
Supplier shall install an Intel processor based, panel-mounted, UL-listed operator
interface unit suitable for browser-based applications and terminal server client access
using the Windows CE operating system. The NEMA 4X, 24Vdc panel-mounted unit shall
be equipped with:
1. 15-inch XGA (1024x768, 18-bit color) integrated, analog resistive touchscreen.
2. Membrane keypad.
3. System Memory: 512MB of Flash Memory and 512MB of storage
4. User Memory: 80MB of nonvolatile memory
5. One RS-232 port.
6. Two USB 2.0 ports.
7. One Secure Digital (SD) card slot
8. Two 10/100-BaseT RJ-45 Ethernet port.
Unit shall be designed to operate in 0 to 55 degree C temperature range at up to 95%
humidity, non-condensing. Each panel-mounted operator interface unit shall be as
manufactured by Schneider Electric, Harmony GTO series including HMI software
with one licensed copy of Windows CE 6.0 installed.
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A.General: All PLC programming, communication, and data gathering software shall be in
accordance with this section and 46 66 53.
B. Vendor shall make available all IO to the plant control system.
C. Structured text programming is not acceptable.
A. PLC system spare parts shall be provided in accordance with Specification Section 40 91
00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize personnel to accomplish, or supervise the physical
installation of all elements, components, accessories, or assemblies which it furnishes.
The CONTRACTOR shall employ installers who are skilled and experienced in the
installation and connection of all elements, components, accessories, and assemblies it
B. All components of the VPLCS including all communication cabling shall be the installation
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR unless specifically noted otherwise. The installation
of the communication network (inclusive of the Vendor package systems) shall be the
complete installation responsibility of the CONTRACTOR including all cables, connectors,
transceivers, and any required electrical grounds. Grounding shall be shown on submittal
drawings and/or the approved Vendor submittal drawings. After installation of the VPLCS
is completed, the installation shall be inspected jointly by the CONTRACTOR and the
package Vendor representative. Any problems shall be corrected, and when both are
satisfied with the installation, a written certification of the installation shall be delivered to
the Engineer. The certification shall state that all PLC communications, I/O modules,
system grounds, communication networks, field terminals, and all other components of
the VPLCS System have been inspected and are installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's guidelines, the Vendor requirements, and the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
A.General: Prior to the delivery and installation of the VPLCS at the job site, but after the
procurement, assembly, and configuration/programming of all components, the
CONTRACTOR shall conduct a factory test. In identical fashion, each in-contract primary
package Vendor shall also be required to conduct a factory test of the associated
package VPLCS. Tests shall be witnessed by representatives of the Owner and the
Engineer. Each factory test is intended to be a complete VPLCS. Factory testing shall
demonstrate the functionality and performance of specified features of the VPLCS. Each
test shall include (as applicable) verification of all VPLCS, field terminals and remote I/O
systems I/O points along with their respective and/or control displays. Each display shall
be checked. A complete system checklist shall be available during the test for recording
results of selected points. The UV SUPPLIER shall also be responsible for coordinating
witnessed factory testing of the Vendor packages as detailed herein.
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B.Test Setup: The complete VPLCS system shall be assembled and interconnected on the
Supplier’s factory floor. The interconnections shall include all communication cable
segments for the individual node LANs and the workstation networks to simulate as
closely as possible the eventual job site installation. (Exceptions to this arrangement must
be detailed in the CONTRACTOR’s submitted FAT plan and approved by the Engineer
prior to FAT execution.) The PLC’s, PLC programming terminals, field terminals, and
communication devices shall be loaded with their applicable software packages and
configuration programming. PLC input and output modules shall be installed in their
assigned housings and wired to field termination points in the enclosures. The UV
SUPPLIER shall have a complete and current set of wiring diagrams, a PLC register list,
and a listing of displays for review throughout the test.
Vendor package VPLCS testing shall be conducted by the associated Vendor at the
Vendor facility and subject to identical test setup and coordination requirements.
C. The UV SUPPLIER shall schedule factory testing after receiving approval of the factory
test procedures submittal. The scheduling effort shall include coordination of the Vendor
factory tests to avoid scheduling conflict and ensure consistency in planning and
execution. A written factory test coordination plan shall be submitted by the
CONTRACTOR to the Engineer for review and approval at least 6 weeks prior to the start
of the first test. The coordination plan shall include a complete schedule of factory tests
with the test host contact name/number, location, start date, expected duration and
schedule contingency. To support this segregated testing approach, the UV SUPPLIER
shall manage the following exchanges between all concerned parties at least 30 days
prior to a scheduled FAT test:
1. Ship of typical drive and/or starter module to each Vendor package supplier as
configuration reference and to support communication testing.
2. Shared I/O addressing or messaging block arrangements to support sharing of data
between the Vendor and the Plant Integrator control programs. The factory test host
will be expected to provide a test PLC or mimic application to support simulation of
shared I/O necessary to allow full logic verification and scenario testing.
3. Share of control screen development standards, navigation schemes, system
access control, handling of web-enabled devices and control-mode coordination (as
established during the Graphics Meetings) to ensure that the Vendor package
control screens seamlessly integrate into the Plant Integrator developed HMI
4. Note: control mode coordination is specifically intended to address management of
Vendor package control between the Vendor OIT and the Plant HMI.
5. Share of Ethernet switch configuration requirements and network addressing
schemes (as established during the Network Coordination Meeting) to ensure
seamless integration of Vendor network equipment and nodes into the plant control
system network.
6. Share of each Vendor I/O list, alarm list and native screen inventory with the Plant
D.Test Procedure: Each factory test shall be conducted in accordance with the previously
submitted and approved test procedures. Test procedures shall include written
descriptions of how individual tests shall be performed and shall incorporate testing the
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wing features as a minimum (as applicable to supplied equipment). All testing shall be
completed in one continuous factory test which may extend over several continuous days
as necessary. The witnessing Engineer reserves the right to more closely examine any
system, component, or logic structure as necessary to confirm conformance with the
contract requirements.
1. Communication: Verify all network components are able to communicate over the
control system network using the contract required protocols and mediums.
2. Power Failure: Redundant power supply testing
3. Software Applications: The primary software applications of each field terminal, as
listed in this specification section shall be reviewed for proper installation and
configuration and all link and software integration points confirmed through use of
proxy machines (furnished temporarily by the FAT host – CONTRACTOR or
package Vendor - to facilitate testing as necessary) and/or introduction of mimic test
data. If applicable, the ability to upload and download files to the DLR network
PanelView operator interface from the network will be tested with active I/O.
Database templates shall also be reviewed to confirm adherence to contract
4. I/O Verification: All I/O terminal point wiring shall be verified for all PLC’s. The FAT
host –package Vendor - shall provide a means of easily introducing a discrete or
variable analog signal to all I/O points. In addition, a means of establishing
communications with any field network device, using the contract required protocol,
shall be demonstrated. Signals shall be verified at the associated PLC register and
the operator interface.
5. Control Displays: The ability to enter new setpoints, vary control modes, and adjust
control parameters shall be demonstrated. The lack of ability to change these items
without the correct security level or control mode selection (as applicable to
management of Vendor package controls) shall also be demonstrated.
Confirmation of changes shall be obtained by checking appropriate PLC registers.
Typical PID, VFD, actuator and motor-starter control faceplates shall also be tested.
Custom interfaces and control logic for system processes shall also be reviewed in
detail making use of tools employed under the I/O verification testing to observe
PLC logic and control screen responses with respect to the Specification Section 46
66 53 descriptions and/or Engineer approved Vendor control narratives.
6. Display Screens: Incorporation of all approved submittal displays shall be confirmed.
Overall quality and accuracy of the control screens shall be reviewed (based on the
Graphics’ Meeting minutes). Verification of all points on each display screen, and
the ability to call up displays via point and click targets or function keys. The ability
to print out a display screen shall also be tested. Test web-based displays (links to
plc web cards) OIT web access shall be configured to be disabled.
7. Alarm handling: Verification of alarm logging, summary display, outputs to
horn/beacons and the ability to disable alarms. Silencing and acknowledging of
alarms shall also be tested. Refer to the specification section 40 93 00 for any
additional specified features.
8. Trend Displays: Pre-configured displays shall be checked for functionally including
both historical and real time data and trend printing. A demonstration of the
generation of a custom configured trend with all variables shall be performed.
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9. All components shall be individually inspected to confirm adherence with contract
specification documents. Panel and panel equipment shall be inspected for
appropriate installation, spacing, power, surge protection, grounding, cooling and
10. Ethernet switch configuration
E.Test Report: The FAT host –Package Vendor - shall record the results of all factory
testing on pre-approved test forms which the Engineer’s representatives shall sign. A
copy of the completed test forms and a report certifying the results shall be provided to
the Engineer by the CONTRACTOR within 10 days of completing the test.
F.Rework and Retest: If the VPLCS does not operate as required, the FAT host –package
Vendor - shall make whatever corrections are necessary, and the failed portion of the test
shall be repeated. If, in the opinion of the Engineer’s representative, the changes made
by the FAT host - CONTRACTOR or package Vendor - to effect such a correction are
sufficient in kind or scope to effect parts of system operation already tested, then the
effected parts shall be re-tested also. If a reliable determination of the effect of changes
made by the FAT host - CONTRACTOR or package Vendor - cannot be made, then the
Engineer's representative may require that all operations be re-tested. The UV
SUPPLIER shall bear all of its own costs for the factory test, including any required re-
G. All of the Engineer’s and Owner’s travel and per diem costs for factory re-testing
(inclusive of package Vendor re-testing) shall be borne by the UV SUPPLIER.
A.Calibration: All analog inputs and outputs of the PLC shall have their calibration checked
at a minimum of 4 points to verify consistency with the balance of the analog loop. This
calibration check shall be done in conjunction with the analog loop tests specified in
Specification Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems.
Workstation / field terminal displays and PLC registers shall both be verified for
B.Testing: After the PLC installation has been certified and the analog points have been
calibrated, the PLC shall be tested to verify that all discrete inputs and outputs of both the
PLC system and the workstation are correct. All points shall be checked "end to end.”
For example, valve status inputs shall be checked by stroking the valve and a pump start
output shall be checked by using it to start the pump. Simulated testing shall be allowed
only when no practical alternative exists. Workstation / field terminal displays shall be
verified for correctness simultaneously. An I/O checklist shall be used to record test
results and a copy provided to the Engineer upon completion.
C.System Testing: When the PLC installation has been certified and analog loop
calibration and discrete I/O testing have been completed, system testing shall be
performed in accordance with the approved test procedures. System testing shall
operate the various systems of the facility to verify compliance with all functional
requirements specified, including the automatic control modes and PLC interlocks
described in the control strategies contained in Specification Section 40 93 00 of this
Section. Tests which fail to demonstrate the required operation shall be repeated in their
entirety or continued after corrective action has been completed at the discretion of the
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D. Each field terminal display including trend screens, reports, control screens, and alarm
summaries and logs shall be verified for correctness during the system testing phase of
this project. During system tests, the UV SUPPLIER and package Vendor (as applicable)
shall have a representative on site continuously who is capable of troubleshooting and
modifying the PLC system configuration programming.
E. The UV SUPPLIER shall submit to the Engineer a system testing completion report when
each process system, Vendor package and all aspects of the configuration software have
been successfully tested as described herein. The report shall note any problems
encountered and what action was required to correct them. It shall include a clear and
unequivocal statement that the control systems have been thoroughly tested and are
complete and functional in accordance with all specification requirements.
F.Start-Up Test: The support detailed below shall be provided as part of the Work.
1. Vendor Package: For each Vendor package system, the UV SUPPLIER shall be
responsible for organizing start-up support to include the package Vendor start-up
personnel, electrical and mechanical support personnel, the Engineer and/or the
Owner’s representatives – all as required during the start-up period to produce a
fully operational system.
2. Refer to Specification Section 40 91 00 - Process Control and Instrumentation
Systems Part 3 for additional details.
A. Refer to Specification Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and Instrumentation Systems
Part 3 for additional details.
A. All PLC ladder logic shall be fully annotated by providing a descriptive label for all relays
and function blocks and functional description of each rung.
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A. The UV disinfection system supplier (defined herein as “SUPPLIER”) shall select, size,
and furnish gate and gate actuators and appurtenances, complete and operable, as
indicated in accordance with the Proposal Documents.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, services, and temporary test equipment
required to support installation testing, commissioning, and startup of the complete
fabricated actuator. The CONTRACTOR shall also furnish equipment, materials,
appurtenances and specialty items not provided by the SUPPLIER but required for a
complete and operable system.
C. The MANUFACTURER shall be responsible for the proper operation, functionality and
performance of the fabricated actuator – inclusive of all safety systems – in accordance
with the contract documents and the MANUFACTURER’S published/submitted individual
equipment and overall system performance specifications. System testing and
commissioning shall be executed in a manner which demonstrates, without ambiguity,
system compliance with these requirements.
D. The SUPPLIER shall select all components of the system to assure compatibility, ease
of construction and efficient maintenance. The MANUFACTURER shall coordinate
selection and design of all system components such that all system equipment furnished
is compatible and operates properly to achieve the performance requirements specified.
Sales agents, representatives, or distributors who are not a direct component of the
manufacturing corporation will not be acceptable as a substitute for the
MANUFACTURER’S corporation in meeting this requirement.
E. In the evaluation of scope of work/services, equipment supply and overall responsibility,
the CONTRACTOR, MANUFACTURER and any associated subcontractor / fabricator
shall be responsible for review of all relevant contract documents referenced herein.
Failure to execute a complete and thorough review shall not excuse the responsible
party from the contract requirements.
F. Where 2 or more valve or gate actuators of the same type or size are required, the
actuators shall be produced by the same manufacturer.
G. The requirements of Section 43 30 56 – Hydraulic Gates, General apply to this Section.
H. The requirements of Section 43 30 62 – Slide/Stop Gates apply to this Section.
A. Furnish submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 – Submittal
Procedures and Section 43 30 62 – Slide/Stop Gates.
B. Submit Shop Drawing information for actuators with the valve and gate submittals as a
complete package.
C. Submit calculations showing dynamic seating and unseating torques versus the output
torque of the actuator.
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D. Submit wiring diagrams showing electrical and control connections to motor.
E. Submit cutsheets for all components.
F. O&M Manuals: Prior to start-up, furnish in electronic Adobe PDF format complete
operations and maintenance manuals in accordance with Section 01 73 00 – Operation
and Maintenance Data. Instructions relating to proper maintenance, including lubrication,
and parts lists indicating the various parts by name, equipment tag number, and diagram
where necessary, shall be included. Instructions for field procedures for erection,
adjustments, inspection, and testing shall be provided prior to installation of equipment.
G. The MANUFACTURER’S O&M manuals shall be the basis for the training sessions.
1. At a minimum, the instruction shall include:
a. Safety precautions
b. Start-up
c. Operation
d. Shutdown
e. Troubleshooting
f. Maintenance procedures
g. Calibration
h. Navigation of all menu-driven functions
2. Other items recommended by the MANUFACTURER.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a MANUFACTURER warranty to the OWNER against
defects in workmanship and materials, including parts and labor for a period of 2 years
commencing following successful completion of all on-site testing and receipt of written
acceptance from OWNER
A. Unless otherwise indicated, provide shut-off and throttling valves and externally actuated
valves and gates with manual or power actuators.
B. Provide actuators complete and operable with mounting hardware, motors, gears,
controls, wiring, solenoids, hand wheels, levers, chains, and extensions, as applicable.
C. Provide actuators with torque ratings equal to or greater than required for valve seating
and dynamic torques, whichever is greater, and capable of holding the valve in any
intermediate position between fully-open and fully-closed without creeping or fluttering.
D. Identify wires of motor-driven actuators by unique numbers.
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E. Manufacturers
1. Where indicated, certain valves and gates may be provided with actuators
manufactured by the valve or gate manufacturer.
2. Where actuators are furnished by different manufacturers, coordinate the selection
to result in the fewest number of manufacturers possible.
F. Materials
1. Provide actuators of current models, of the best commercial quality materials, and
liberally sized for the required torque.
2. Provide materials suitable for the environment in which the valve or gate is to be
G. Actuator Mounting and Position Indicators
1. Securely mount actuators by means of brackets or hardware specially designed and
sized for this purpose and of ample strength.
2. Cast the word "OPEN" on each valve or actuator, with an arrow indicating the
direction to open in the counter-clockwise direction.
3. Equip gear and power actuators with position indicators.
4. Where possible, locate manual actuators between 48 and 60 inches above the floor
or the permanent working platform.
H. Standards
1. Unless otherwise indicated and where applicable, provide actuators in accordance
with AWWA C 542 - Electric Motor Actuators for Valves and Slide Gates.
I. Functionality
1. Coordinate electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuators with the power requirements
and instrumentation equipment as defined by the Contract Documents.
J. Manual Worm Gear Actuator
1. Provide an actuator consisting of a single- or double-reduction gear unit contained in
a weatherproof cast iron or steel body with cover, and a minimum 12-inch diameter
2. Provide the actuator to be capable of a 90-degree rotation and equip the actuator
with travel stops capable of limiting the valve opening and closing.
3. Provide the actuator with spur or helical gears and worm gearing.
4. Provide a self-locking gear ratio in order to prevent "back-driving."
5. Construct the spur or helical gears of hardened alloy steel, and the worm gear of
alloy bronze.
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6. Construct the worm gear shaft and the hand wheel shaft from 17-4 PH or similar
stainless steel.
7. Accurately cut gearing with hobbing machines.
8. Use ball or roller bearings throughout.
9. Provide the output shaft end with a spline in order to allow adjustable alignment.
10. Actuator output gear changes shall be mechanically possible by simply changing the
exposed or helical gearset ratio without further disassembly of the actuator.
11. Design gearing for a 100 percent overload.
12. The entire gear assembly shall be sealed weatherproof.
K. Design and rate buried gear actuators for buried service, provide with a stainless steel
input shaft, and double-seal on shaft and top cap.
L. Traveling-Nut Actuator
1. Provide the actuator with a traveling-nut and screw (Scotch yoke), contained in a
weatherproof cast iron or steel housing with a spur gear and a minimum 12-inch
diameter hand wheel.
2. The screw shall run in 2 end bearings and provide a self-locking actuator in order to
maintain the valve position under any flow condition.
3. Construct the screw and gear from hardened alloy steel or stainless steel, and the
construct the nut and bushings from alloy bronze.
4. The bearings and gear shall be grease-lubricated by means of nipples.
5. Design gearing for a 100 percent overload.
A. General
1. Equipment Requirements
a. Where electric motor actuators are indicated, attach an electric motor-actuated
valve control unit to the actuating mechanism housing by means of a flanged
motor adapter piece.
2. Gearing
a. Provide the motor actuator with the motor, reduction gearing, reversing starter,
torque switches, and limit switches in a weather-proof NEMA 4X assembly.
b. Provide a single- or double-reduction unit, consisting of spur or helical gears
and worm gearing.
c. Construct the spur or helical gears of hardened alloy steel, and the worm gear
of alloy bronze.
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d. Accurately cut gearing with hobbing machines.
e. Power gearing shall be grease- or oil-lubricated in a sealed housing.
f. Use ball or roller bearings throughout.
g. Actuator output speed changes shall be mechanically possible by simply
removing the motor and changing the exposed or helical gearset ratio without
further disassembly of the actuator.
3. Starting Device
a. Except for modulating valves, design the unit such that a hammer blow is
imparted to the stem nut when opening a closed valve or closing an open
b. The device shall allow free movement at the stem nut before imparting the
hammer blow.
c. The actuator motor shall attain full speed before the stem load is encountered.
4. Switches
a. Electronic-Type Switches
1) Limit switches or valve position shall be sensed by a 15-bit, optical,
absolute position encoder.
2) The open and closed positions shall be stored in a permanent, non-
volatile memory.
3) The encoder shall measure valve position continuously, including both
motor and hand wheel operation, with or without use of battery.
4) Provide an electronic torque sensor.
5) Provide an adjustable torque limit, from 40 to 100 percent of rating in one-
percent increments.
6) The motor shall be de-energized if the torque limit is exceeded.
7) Provide a boost function in order to prevent torque-trip during initial valve
unseating, and a “jammed valve” protection feature with automatic retry
sequence in order to de-energize the motor if no movement occurs.
8) Provide valve actuators with electronic type switches as manufactured by
Rotork, Inc.
b. The actuator shall be wired in accordance with the schematic diagram.
c. Connect wiring for external connections to marked terminals.
d. Provide one 1-inch and one 1-1/4 inch conduit connection in the enclosing
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e. Mount a calibration tag near each switch, correlating the dial setting to the unit
output torque.
f. Switches shall not be subject to breakage or slippages due to over-travel.
g. Do not use traveling-nuts, cams, or microswitch tripping mechanisms.
h. Provide limit switches of the heavy-duty, open contact type, with rotary wiping
5. Handwheel Operation
a. Provide a permanently attached handwheel for emergency manual operation.
The handwheel drive shall be mechanically independent of the motor drive,
and any gearing shall be such as to permit emergency manual operation in a
reasonable time.
b. The handwheel shall not rotate during electrical operation.
c. The maximum torque required on the handwheel under the most adverse
conditions shall not exceed 60 lb-ft, and the maximum force required on the rim
of the handwheel shall not exceed 60 lb.
d. Cast or permanently affix an arrow and either the word "OPEN" or "CLOSE" on
the handwheel in order to indicate the appropriate direction to turn the
e. Provide a clutch lever to put the actuator into handwheel operation.
f. Provide chain activator handwheels for valves with electric motor actuators
having stems more than 7 feet above the floor.
g. Provide the clutch lever with a cable secured to the chain in order to allow
disengagement for manual operation.
6. Motor
a. Provide a motor of the totally enclosed, non-ventilated, high-starting torque,
low-starting current type, for full-voltage starting.
b. The motor shall be suitable for operation on 480 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz current,
with Class F insulation and a motor frame with dimensions in accordance with
the latest revised NEMA MG Standards.
c. The observed temperature rise by thermometer shall not exceed 55 degrees C
above an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C, when operating continuously
for 15 minutes under full-rated load.
d. With a line voltage ranging between 10 percent above to 10 percent below the
rated voltage, the motor shall develop full-rated torque continuously for 15
minutes without causing the thermal contact protective devices imbedded in
the motor windings to trip or the starter overloads to drop out.
e. Provide bearings of the ball type and provide thrust bearings where necessary.
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f. Provide the bearings with suitable seals in order to confine the lubricant and to
prevent the entrance of dirt and dust.
g. Provide watertight motor conduit connections.
h. Motor construction shall incorporate the use of stator and rotor as independent
components from the valve operation such that the failure of either item shall
not require actuator disassembly or gearing replacement.
i. Provide two Class B thermal contacts or solid-state thermistors embedded
within the motor windings in order to protect against over-temperature damage.
j. Provide the motor with a space heater suitable for operation on a 120-volt,
single-phase, 60-Hz circuit, unless the entire actuator is of a hermetically
sealed, non-breathing design with a separately sealed terminal compartment
which prevents moisture intrusion.
k. Provide each electric motor actuator with a local disconnect switch or circuit
breaker in order to isolate power from the motor and controller during
maintenance activities.
l. Diagnostics Facilities – the actuator shall include a diagnostic data logger
software function which shall store and enable download of historical actuator
data logger information to permit analysis in actuator or valve performance. It
shall be possible for the customer to set up, calibrate and access actuator data
via non-intrusive means via setting Tool, Laptop or PDA. Appropriate
diagnostic software shall be provided by the actuator MANUFACTURER to
allow configuration and diagnostic information to be reviewed, analyzed and
7. Controls
a. Valve actuator shall support 4-20mA communications used for both controlling
the valve and monitoring the valve.
b. Each valve shall have local control switches that allow the valve to be
controlled directly from the actuator.
c. Transfer the data to and from the field units by a PLC as indicated in Division
40 – Instrumentation and Control for Process Systems.
d. Provide the hardware and software required to interface the valve network with
the PLC in accordance with the respective actuator manufacturer's
e. Refer to the Instrumentation Drawings for the number of networks required and
for valve assignments.
8. Battery / Absolute Encoder
a. Valve actuators shall be provided with a battery to provide backup power to the
actuator controls on loss of main power to the actuator. All other actuators shall
be provided with an absolute encoder.
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b. While settings, position of actuator and data log are saved to EEPROM
memory, a battery or absolute encoder is required to:
1) Allow set-up of actuator, access to settings, and diagnostics when main
power is not available.
2) Allow position indication and alarms to be provided back to SCADA when
main power is not available.
9. Open/Close Operating Speed
a. Unless otherwise indicated, electric actuators for slide gates and gate valves
shall provide a normal open/close operating speed of 12 inches per minute.
B. Electric Motor Actuators (AC Open/Close, Reversing Control Type)
1. General
a. Where indicated, electric motor actuators shall be the AC reversing type
complete with local control station with OPEN/CLOSE and LOCAL/OFF
/REMOTE selector switches.
a. Where indicated, open/close electric motor actuators shall be of the AC
reversing type with local control station with OPEN/CLOSE and
LOCAL/ASTOP/REMOTE selector control knobs.
2. Actuator Appurtenances
a. Provide the actuator for each valve with: OPEN and CLOSE status lights;
OPEN, CLOSE, and LOCKOUT/STOP push buttons; and, other indicated
3. Starter
a. Provide a suitably sized amperage-rated reversing starter with its coils rated for
operation on 480-volt, 3-phase, 60-Hz current.
b. Provide a control power transformer in order to provide a 120-volt source,
unless otherwise indicated.
c. Equip the starter with 3 overload relays of the automatic reset type and wire
the control circuit as indicated.
d. Provide a local power disconnect switch and a close-coupled, padlockable
switch with each actuator.
4. Electric Motor Actuators (AC Reversing Control Type) Manufacturer, or Approved
a. Effluent Level Control Gates
1) Rotork Model IQM – Multi-turn Modulating
b. Influent Isolation Gates
1) Rotork Model IQ – Multi-turn
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C. Performance and Test Certificates
1. General
a. Each actuator must be factory performance tested in accordance with AWWA
C542, except as modified herein. Individual test certificates shall be supplied
free of charge. The test equipment should simulate a typical valve load, and
the following parameters should be recorded:
1) Current at maximum torque setting
2) Torque at max torque setting
3) Flash test voltage
4) Actuator output speed or operating time
b. In addition, the test certificate should record details of specification such as
gear ratios for both manual and automatic and second stage gearing if
provided, drive closing direction, wiring diagram number.
A. Field Adjustments
1. The adjustment of actuator controls and limit switches in the field for the required
function shall be performed by field representatives of the manufacturers of valves
or gates with pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric actuators.
A. Install valve and gate actuators and accessories in accordance with the requirements of
Section 43 30 56 – Hydraulic Gates, General and Section 43 30 00 – Valves, General.
B. Locate the actuators to be readily accessible for operation and maintenance without
obstructing walkways.
C. Do not mount actuators where shock or vibrations will impair their operation, and do not
attach the support systems to handrails, process piping, or mechanical equipment.
A. Provide the services of a factory trained and field experienced MANUFACTURER’S
Representative to conduct group training in the operation of the furnished equipment.
1. Two separate training sessions of four (4) hours each shall be provided, scheduled
so that day and swing-shift personnel can both receive training. Include instruction
covering operating principles and adjustments, routine maintenance and repair, and
"hands on" operation.
2. The text for this training shall be the O&M Manuals for the equipment described
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A. Setting tool:
1. Provide a hand-held setting tool capable of non-intrusive calibration and
interrogation of the actuator.
a. Furnish 1 setting tool for every 10 actuators (provide minimum of one).
b. Capable of communicating with PC-based configuration software, and
transferring the following in either direction between the computer and
programmer and setting tool, and between the setting tool and actuator:
c. Actuator configurations:
1) Capable of storing up to 10 different configurations.
d. Diagnostic data:
B. Capable of storing 4 complete sets of diagnostic data.
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A. The UV disinfection system supplier (defined herein as “SUPPLIER”) shall provide
hydraulic gates with appurtenances, complete and operable, in accordance with the
Proposal Documents.
B. The provisions of this Section shall apply to flap gates, slide gates, stop gates, cast iron
slide gates, and shear gates, except where otherwise indicated in the Proposal
C. The requirements of Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures, apply to this Section.
D. The requirements of Section 43 30 12 – Valve and Gate Actuators apply to this Section.
E. The requirements of Section 43 30 62 – Slide-stop Gates apply to this Section.
1. The SUPPLIER shall assign to a single MANUFACTURER responsibility for the
furnishing and functional operation of the hydraulic gates, including operators and
2. The designated single MANUFACTURER, however, need not manufacture more
than one part of the units, but shall coordinate the design, assembly, testing, and
installation of the units.
AWWA C560 Cast Iron Slide Gates
AWWA C561 Stainless Steel Slide Gates
AWWA C562 Aluminum Slide Gates
AWWA C563 Composite Slide Gates
AWWA C513 Open Channel Fabricated Metal Slide Gates
ASTM A 276 Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
ASTM B 21 Naval Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes
ASTM B 584 Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications
A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
B. Shop Drawings
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1. Submit Shop Drawings of hydraulic gates as indicated in their respective Section.
C. Technical Manuals
1. Submit complete technical manuals, including printed instructions for proper
maintenance, lubrication, and complete parts list indicating the various parts by
name, equipment tag number, and exploded view where necessary per the
requirements of Specification 01 73 33 – Operation and Maintenance Data.
2. A list of recommended spare parts for the OWNER to store at the facility shall be
D. Certification
1. The SUPPLIER shall obtain written certification from the designated single
MANUFACTURER, addressed to the OWNER, stating that the equipment will
efficiently and thoroughly perform the required functions in accordance with these
Proposal Documents, and that the designated single MANUFACTURER accepts the
SUPPLIERS's assignment of responsibility for coordination of gate equipment,
including operators, controls, and services required for proper installation and
E. Field Procedures
1. Prior to installation of the gates, provide instructions for field procedures for
installation, adjustments, inspection, and testing.
A. Equipment Field Testing
1. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the coordination of the tests of each
hydraulic gate in the presence of the MANUFACTURER's factory service
2. Excessive leaks shall be corrected and the equipment retested until found to be
A. Installation and Startup Assistance
1. Service and testing assistance by the MANUFACTURER's engineering
representative for each gate and valve shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR
during installation and startup.
B. Instruction of OWNER's Personnel
1. The CONTRACTOR shall arrange for the services of a factory service
representative to instruct the OWNER's personnel in the operation and maintenance
of the equipment.
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A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the MANUFACTURER's written guarantee that the
hydraulic gates comply with the indicated requirements.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a MANUFACTURER warranty to the OWNER against
defects in workmanship and materials, including parts and labor for a period of 2 years
commencing from the date of Substantial Completion.
A. Equipment provided under this Section shall be new, of current manufacture, and shall
be the products of reputable MANUFACTURERS specializing in the manufacture of
such products and which have had previous experience in such manufacture.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall, upon request, furnish the names of not less than 5 successful
installations of the MANUFACTURER's equipment of comparable nature to that offered
under the Contract.
C. Combinations of manufactured equipment which are provided under these Specifications
shall be entirely compatible, and the CONTRACTOR and the MANUFACTURER shall
be responsible for the compatible and successful operation of the various components of
the units.
D. Indicated and necessary mountings and appurtenances shall be included.
A. Materials employed in the manufacture and installation of the hydraulic gates and
operators shall be suitable for the intended application. Material not specifically called
for shall be high-grade, standard commercial quality, free from defects and imperfection
that might affect the serviceability of the product for the purpose for which it is intended.
A. Bolts and nuts shall be 316 Stainless Steel.
A. Tools
1. Furnish special tools that are necessary for maintenance and repair of the gates.
2. Such tools shall be suitably stored in metal toolboxes and identified with the
equipment number by means of stainless steel or solid plastic nametags attached to
the box.
B. Spare Parts
a. Provide list of recommended spare parts.
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A. Slide and shear gates shall be installed in strict accordance with the
MANUFACTURER's printed recommendations and the indicated requirements.
B. Operators shall be located as to avoid interference with handrails and structural
C. Adjust wedges or other parts of the gate to the point where it will not be possible to insert
a 0.004-inch feeler gauge between the gate slide and the gate frame at any point.
Securely lock wedges into position after adjustment.
D. Adjust limit switches in electric and hydraulic operators in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
E. Surface-mounted gates: Where wall thimbles are not provided, mount gate to wall with
anchor bolts and a 1-inch grout pad in accordance with manufacturer’s
F. Damage to surface coatings incurred during shipment or installation shall be repaired.
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A. The UV disinfection system supplier (defined herein as “SUPPLIER”) shall select, size,
and furnish slide gates, including actuators (manual and electro-mechanical), pedestals,
stem guides, support brackets and appurtenances, complete and operable, in
accordance with the UV Disinfection System Proposal Documents. Gates shall have
ultra-high molecular-weight (UHMW) polyethylene bearing surfaces and UHMW
polyethylene sealing surfaces as required to meet performance requirements.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, services, and temporary test equipment
required to support installation testing, commissioning, and startup of the complete
fabricated stainless steel slide gates. The CONTRACTOR shall also furnish equipment,
materials, appurtenances and specialty items not provided by the SUPPLIER but
required for a complete and operable system.
C. The MANUFACTURER shall be responsible for the proper operation, functionality and
performance of the fabricated stainless steel slide gates – inclusive of all safety systems
– in accordance with the contract documents and the MANUFACTURER’S
published/submitted individual equipment and overall system performance
specifications. System testing and commissioning shall be executed in a manner which
demonstrates, without ambiguity, system compliance with these requirements.
D. The SUPPLIER shall select all components of the system to assure compatibility, ease
of construction and efficient maintenance. The MANUFACTURER shall coordinate
selection and design of all system components such that all system equipment furnished
is compatible and operates properly to achieve the performance requirements specified.
Sales agents, representatives, or distributors who are not a direct component of the
manufacturing corporation will not be acceptable as a substitute for the
MANUFACTURER’S corporation in meeting this requirement.
E. In the evaluation of scope of work/services, equipment supply and overall responsibility,
the CONTRACTOR, MANUFACTURER and any associated subcontractor / fabricator
shall be responsible for review of all relevant contract documents referenced herein.
Failure to execute a complete and thorough review shall not excuse the responsible
party from the contract requirements.
F. The requirements of Section 43 30 12 – Valves and Gate Actuators apply to this Section.
G. The requirements of Section 43 30 56 – Hydraulic Gates General, apply to this Section.
A. A notarized certificate of unit responsibility shall be provided by the MANUFACTURER.
A single manufacturer shall produce the principal components of the specified fabricated
stainless steel slide gates. No proposals will be considered from separate sales,
distribution or supply companies.
B. Complete fabrication, assembly, foundation, and installation drawings, and operation,
maintenance and storage instructions, together with detailed specifications and data
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covering materials used, power drive assembly, parts, devices and other accessories
forming a part of the equipment furnished, shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for
review in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01 33 00
– Submittal Procedures and 01 73 00 – Operation and Maintenance Data. All
engineering calculations required for submittal shall be signed by a Registered
Professional Engineer at the MANUFACTURER’S expense.
C. Shop Drawings
1. Submit the following:
a. Drawings of gates, frames, slides, and actuators, pedestals, support brackets
and stem guides. For electrically actuated gates, provide wiring and control
circuit diagrams. Provide all relevant MANUFACTURER’S literature,
illustrations, specifications and engineering data, including materials of
construction, finish/treatment data, equipment/material weights and loading
b. Stem guide, frame, and sealing system details
c. Design load calculations for slide/yoke deflection at the design head
d. Calculations for the lifting force generated by 40 pounds (18 kg) effort on the
handwheel or crank in order to operate the gate
e. Submit manual or electric actuators with the slide gate equipment as one
f. Provide a copy of this specification section, with each paragraph check-marked
to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested deviations
from specification requirements.
g. Schedule of installed Slide Gates containing sizes, location, gate type, actuator
details and part number.
h. Actuator information shall be submitted with the gate shop drawings as a
complete package clearly indicating the output forces of the actuator versus
the required opening and closing forces under the design seating and
unseating heads.
i. Design load calculations for slide and frame deflection at the maximum
expected head.
j. Lubricant specification.
k. Stem buckling design calculations shall be submitted indicating the proper
sizing of the stem in accordance with the applicable standards.
l. Submit for record purposes the weight of each gate and expected opening and
closing thrust loads on the supporting structure.
m. Anchorage calculations shall address seismic conditions and shall be sealed
by an ENGINEER currently registered in the State of Colorado. Refer to
Structural Contract Drawings for seismic loading criteria.
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D. Operation and Maintenance Data:
1. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals for each gate in accordance with the
requirements of Section 01 73 00 – Operation and Maintenance Data.
2. Catalog Cut-Sheets for gates, actuators and appurtenances.
3. Installation Instructions and Maintenance Manuals.
4. Materials of Construction Data.
5. Equipment/Material Weight/Loading Data.
6. Wiring and control circuit diagrams.
E. Quality Control Submittals:
1. Welding and finishing procedure: Furnish MANUFACTURER’S welding and finishing
procedure in accordance with procedures detailed in paragraph 2.4.B and C prior to
start of fabrication.
2. Ferroxyl testing: Test results from the ferroxyl tests as required by paragraph 2.4.C
of this section shall be submitted prior to shipment of the gates.
3. Field installation report: Furnish a MANUFACTURER'S service report after
inspection of the gates for proper installation with the following:
a. List of deficiencies in the gate installation and the recommended corrective
b. Statement certifying that gates are properly installed and fully operational
except for deficiencies noted.
4. Reports of Factory and Field performance and leakage tests per AWWA C561 and
paragraph 1.6.C.
5. Report of Seal performance test per paragraph 1.6.D.
6. Warranty Certificate.
A. Slide gate is a device used for controlling the flow of water consisting of a welded,
simple, vertically traveling stainless steel slide within a fixed frame using plastic or
rubber seals to accomplish sealing on four sides with a manual and/or power actuated
lifting mechanism.
B. Weir type slide gates are specifically designed for approximate measurement of flow or
to maintain a constant water level upstream by controlling the depth of flow over the top
of the gate. The gate is downward opening. Dual lifting stems are required whenever the
gate’s width is twice its height.
C. Design head (seating or unseating) is the maximum differential head that will actually be
applied to the gate under worst-case conditions.
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D. Descaling of stainless steel is the removal of heavy, tightly adherent oxide films resulting
for hot-forming, heat treatment, welding, and other high-temperature operations.
Descaling can be accomplished by mechanical or chemical methods, or a combination
of the two.
1. Mechanical descaling includes the descaling through the use of abrasive blasting,
power brushing, sanding, grinding, and chipping per ASTM A380.
2. Chemical descaling (pickling) is the process of descaling of stainless steel with
aqueous solutions as described in Annex A1, Table A1.1 of ASTM A380.
E. Passivation is the restoration of the protective passive film on the surface of the stainless
steel using chemical treatment after descaling and cleaning have been completed. The
objective of the pickling and passivation processes is to produce a uniform white pickled
A. Slide gates shall be designed to seal the end of a pipe or a wall opening with seals on
four sides and shall follow the design criteria of AWWA C561 except as modified herein.
1. Design head (seating and unseating) as design by UV Manufacturer.
2. Self-contained (SC) gates shall be utilized.
a. Self-contained (SC) gates shall utilize a yoke mounted operator.
3. Rising stems (RS) shall be provided as specified in paragraph 2.2.E.
4. Downward closing (DC) gates shall be provided for the influent gates.
5. Downward opening (DO) gates shall be provided for effluent gates.
6. UHMW polyethylene side and top seals and a neoprene or EPDM flush-bottom
7. Flange back frames for mounting directly to the wall (CW).
B. Electric motor actuators shall follow the design criteria of AWWA C542 except as
modified herein. Electric actuators on level control gates shall be intended for modulating
A.Leakage: Allowable leakage shall not exceed 0.05 gpm/ft. (0.62 L/min/m) of seating
perimeter under the design seating head conditions and 0.10 gpm/ft. (1.24 L/min/m) of
seating perimeter under design unseating head conditions.
B. All welds shall be performed by welders with AWS D1.6 certification. Certificates shall be
included in the shop drawing submittal.
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A. Gates and appurtenances included in this specification shall be the end products of one
Manufacturer to achieve standardization for maintenance, spare parts, operation and
Manufacturer’s service.
B. All equipment furnished under this Section shall be new and unused and shall be
standard products of a single Manufacturer having a successful record of manufacturing
and servicing the equipment and systems specified herein for a minimum of fifteen (15)
years and having satisfactorily provided the same type of equipment in at least 50
installations. Slide gate installations used to meet this experience requirement shall be of
the same design and material, be similar in size, be designed for similar hydrostatic
conditions and have the same mechanical features as the gates specified in this Section.
C. The fully assembled gates shall be shop inspected, tested for operation and leakage,
and adjusted before shipping. There shall be no assembling or adjusting on the job sites
other than for the lifting mechanism.
D. Factory Testing
1. Slide gates shall be assembled and tested for operation and leakage in the factory
prior to shipment in accordance with AWWA C561 section
2. Test reports for each gate shall be submitted for approval prior to shipment.
3. Factory leakage test results shall be confirmed by the field leakage test.
E.Seal Performance Test: The sealing system of each gate type specified should have
been tested through a cycle test in an abrasive environment and should show that the
leakage requirements are still obtained after 25,000 cycles with a minimum deterioration.
Test reports shall be submitted for approval prior to shipment.
F.Warranty: The MANUFACTURER equipment warranty for all gates, thimbles, actuators,
and appurtenances shall conform with requirements of Section 46 01 00 – Equipment,
General Provisions. The warranty shall be furnished for 2 years and commence following
successful completion of all on-site testing and receipt of written acceptance from
A. Gates shall comply with the following Standards:
1. AWWA C513 (unless indicated otherwise) Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal
Slide Gates and Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal Weir Gates
2. AWWA C561 Stainless Steel Slide Gates
3. AWWA C562 Aluminum Slide Gates
4. AWWA C563 Composite Slide Gates
B. Gates shall be new and of current manufacture, adequately braced in order to prevent
warpage and bending under the intended use.
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C. Gate actuators shall be sized, selected, and furnished by the gate MANUFACTURER.
D. Mounting Requirements
1. Where indicated in the drawings, frames for self-contained gates shall be terminated
below finished deck level and pedestal shall be mounted on frame.
2. Guide frames shall be extended 3 feet, 6 inches above the walkway in order to
match the height of the handrail.
3. Where a gate is mounted in an opening between 2 sections of handrail, additional
horizontal members shall be added to the gate frame to match the handrail,
guardrail, and kickplate spacing of the adjacent railing. The additional members
shall be welded to the gate frame and meet the following requirements:
a. The members shall be able to uphold a 200 pound (0.89 kN) concentrated load
applied to any point in any direction, and a 50 pound (0.22 kN) per linear foot
loading applied perpendicular to the top rail.
b. The allowable working stress shall be 60 percent of the material yield stress for
materials that are more than 3-inches (75 mm) from a weld and 40 percent of
the yield stress for all materials within 3-inches (75 mm) of any weld.
c. Kickplates shall be extruded (match gate frame material) not less than 4 inches
(100 mm) in height.
d. The spacing of the members shall have no open space larger than 21-inches as
required by IBC.
4. Horizontal members shall be arranged such that the railing will not interfere with
operation of the actuator.
A. Manufacturers:
1.H. Fontaine Ltd. / Rodney Hunt Company
2.Whipps, Inc.
3.RW Gate Company
B. Construction
1. Unless otherwise indicated, materials of construction shall be in accordance with
AWWA C561 suitable for the service. All structural parts of the gate assembly shall
have a minimum thickness of 1/4-inch.
2. After fabrication, all weld burn and weld slag shall be removed by mechanical
passivation in accordance with ASTM A380.
3. The seal system shall be durable and shall be designed to accommodate high
velocities and frequent cycling without loosening or suffering damage.
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4. Materials used in the fabrication of the slide gates shall conform to the requirements
of the standards designated for each material as indicated below:
Description Material Standards
Frame, slide, wall bracket, yoke Type 316/316L Stainless Steel, ASTM A240
Stem, stem coupling, stem
Type 316/316L Stainless Steel, ASTM A276
Side and top (DC) / bottom (DO)
seal, stem guide liner
UHMW Polyethylene, ASTM D4020
Invert (DC) / top (DO) seal Neoprene, ASTM D2000, Grade 2 BC 510
Compression cord Nitrile, ASTM D2000, M6BG 708, A14, B14, E014, E034
Gasket (between frame and wall)EPDM, ASTM 1056
Fasteners Type 316 Stainless Steel, ASTM A276
Stem Cover Cellulose Acetate Butyrate, ASTM D707; Clear PVC, ASTM
D1784; or Polycarbonate, ASTM D3935
Lift nut, coupling Manganese Bronze, ASTM B584 UNS C86500
Pedestal, handwheel, crank Tenzaloy Aluminum, Alloy ZC81 A; or Type 316L Stainless
Steel, ASTM A276
Torque tube, bracket Type 316L Stainless Steel, ASTM A276
A. Gate Frame:
1. Frames shall be stainless steel, formed or welded to form a rigid one- piece frame to
prevent distortion during shipment, installation, or under any operating condition of
2. Frames shall be self-contained.
3. Frames shall be of a continuous, integral flange back design to provide a rigid and
flat mating surface suitable for the mounting type.
4. A mechanical stop shall be incorporated in the gate frame to limit opening travel.
5. The frame configuration shall be of the flush-bottom type and shall allow the
replacement of the top and side seals without removing the gate frame from the wall
or wall thimble.
B. Slide:
1. Slide shall be stainless steel plate, minimum 1/4-inch thick (6 mm), reinforced with
stainless steel structural or formed members welded to the plate to produce a one-
piece rigid unit.
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2. Deflection of the slide shall not exceed 1/720 of the gate's span under the design
operating head.
3. Stem connection shall be designed to withstand the thrust developed by the
actuators with a safety factor of 5, based on the ultimate tensile, compressive and
shear strength of the material. The stem connection shall have either:
a. Structural members welded to the slide and a bolt to act as a pivot pin;
b. Threaded and bolted (or keyed) block welded to the slide; or
c. Threaded and bolted (or keyed) thrust nut supported in a welded pocket.
C. Seals:
1. All side and top seals used in the gate shall be self-lubricating ultra-high molecular-
weight-polyethylene (UHMWPE) with a friction coefficient of 0.2 or less. Seals shall
be of the self-adjusting type and shall ensure contact between the guide and the
gate in all positions. Reclaimed rubber shall not be used. J-bulb seals are not
2. Side and top seals shall act as bearing surfaces and seals. The side seals shall
contact the upstream and downstream faces of the slide to prevent metal to metal
contact and reduce leakage. The top seal shall be mounted to the top frame
member. A continuous compression cord shall ensure contact between the
UHMWPE guide and the gate in all positions.
3. The flush-bottom invert seal shall be made of resilient neoprene or EPDM
mechanically fastened in the frame invert along the bottom of the frame.
4. The seals shall be mounted so as to maintain efficient sealing in any position of the
slide and allow the water to flow only below the slide plate.
D. Guide Rails and Yoke:
1. Guide rails shall be stainless steel plate and structural angles.
2. Guide rails and yokes shall be welded or bolted to the frame to provide a one-piece
rigid frame.
3. Guide rails shall be designed to withstand the design head with a safety factor of 4,
based on the ultimate tensile, compressive and shear strength of the material.
4. The yoke shall be designed to withstand the thrust developed from the manual
actuator when an 80-lb. (180 N) effort is placed on the handwheel or handcrank with
a safety factor of 5, based on the ultimate tensile, compressive and shear strength
of the material.
5. Guide rails shall be of sufficient length to support 2/3 of the slide when in the fully
open position.
6. Guides of self-contained frame gates extending above the operating floor shall be
sufficiently strong so further reinforcing is not required.
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7. Yoke of self-contained gates shall support lifting mechanism. Yoke shall be
fabricated from wrought stainless steel. The maximum deflection of the yoke shall
not exceed 1/360 of the gate’s width or a maximum ¼”, whichever is less at
maximum operating load.
8. Yoke shall be designed to allow stem and slide removal without removing the yoke
or without damage to any gate component.
9. For gates with electric motor actuators, the yoke and guide rails shall be withstand
the output thrust of the motor actuator in the stalled-motor condition without
exceeding 75 percent of the yield stress of the material.
E. Stems and Stem Couplings:
1. Rising stems (RS) shall be provided.
2. Stems shall be stainless steel attached to the slide with a stainless steel connector.
Stem and attaching bolts and nuts shall be stainless steel.
3. The operating stem shall be designed to withstand a manual actuator tension load
due to the application of 40 lb. effort on the handwheel/handcrank or 50 ft-lb (70 N-
m) on the wrench nut without exceeding one fifth of the ultimate tensile strength of
the stem material. The operating stem shall be a critical buckling compression load
assuming an 40 lb. (55 N) effort on the handwheel/handcrank of 50 ft-lb (70 N-m) on
the wrench nut with a safety factor of 2. The critical buckling load shall be
determined using the Euler column formula where C=2. Where electric motor
actuators are used, the stem design force shall not be less than 1.5 times the output
thrust of the unit in the stalled-motor condition. The stem shall have a slenderness
ratio (L/r) less than 200.
4. Threaded portion of the stem shall have machine rolled threads of the American
Standard General-Purpose Acme or Stub Acme type.
5. For stems in more than one piece, the stem sections shall be joined together by
solid stainless-steel couplings. The couplings shall be of greater strength than the
6. Slide gates shall be provided with a field-adjustable bronze stop collar to set
downward travel setting and prevent over-closing of the gate.
7. Rising stem gates shall be provided with a clear PVC or Butyrate stem cover. The
stem cover shall have a cap and condensation vents and a clear Mylar position
indicating tape. The tape shall be field applied to the stem cover after the gate has
been installed and positioned.
8. All gates having a width greater than two times their height shall be provided with
multiple operating stems.
F. Stem Guides:
1. Guides shall be placed at sufficient intervals to adequately support the stem in
accordance with the MANUFACTURER’S recommendation for each stem size. The
length/radius of the gyration ratio for the unsupported part of the stem shall not
exceed 200. The inside diameter of the guide shall not be greater than 1/8 inch (3
mm) larger than the outside diameter of the stem.
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2. Guides shall be adjustable relative to the bracket and the bracket shall be adjustable
relative to the wall to provide proper concentric alignment with the stem and shall be
designed so that alignment will be maintained after adjustment.
3. For gate-mounted guides, bracket and housing shall be the same material as the
4. For wall- or ceiling-mounted stem guides, bracket and guide housing shall be
stainless steel. Brackets shall be attached to the wall by anchor bolts sufficient to
prevent twisting or sagging under load.
5. Stem guides shall be lined with a UHMW polyethylene or bronze lining and shall
have provisions to hold lining in place.
G. Bolts, Nuts and Studs:
1. Embedded in Concrete:
a. Provide Type 316 stainless steel anchor bolts for stem guides, floorstands, and
all equipment or appurtenances which must be secured to concrete walls or
2. All Others: Comply with ASTM A307, Grade B; or ASTM A354.
3. Provide hexagon heads and nuts.
4. Refer to seismic requirements listed on Drawings and requirements listed in Section
46 01 00 – Equipment, General Provisions.
2.3 Lifting Devices
A. Provide lifting devices complete with stem, lifting nut, intermediate supports with steady
bushings, interconnecting shafts with flexible couplings and stainless steel hardware,
stem cover, indicator, and gear reducer, hand wheel, crank, electric or hydraulic cylinder,
where indicated.
B. Each gate shall be manually operable by a removable handwheel or handcrank mounted
on an operating nut. The manual lift mechanism shall have either a direct drive
handwheel without reduction gearing or shall be crank-actuated with either single- or
double-reduction gearing, as necessary, to meet the required lifting capacity.
C. The manual lift mechanism shall be sized to permit slide operation with an effort of not
more than 40 lb. (180 N) pull on the handwheel/handcrank or 50 ft-lb (70 N-m) on the lift
nut or input shaft, depending on the lift type. All components of the lift mechanism shall
be designed to withstand these input loads or torques with a minimum safety factor of 5
with regard to tensile, compressive, and shear forces.
D. The lift mechanism shall have a bronze lift nut threaded to fit the operating stem.
Tapered roller or ball thrust bearings shall be provided above and below the flange on
the lift nut to take the thrust developed during gate operation. All bearings and gears
shall be enclosed in a cast iron or cast aluminum housing with oil seals and O-rings or
mechanical seals used to seal the unit, exclude moisture and dirt, and prevent leakage
of lubricant from the unit. Fittings shall be provided so that all bearings and gears can be
periodically lubricated.
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E. The lift mechanism shall be supplied with a pedestal, torque tube, or baseplate
machined and drilled for mounting the lift housing and ready for bolting to the operating
floor, top wall mounting bracket, side wall or gate yoke, as required.
F. Gear-reduced lifts shall have steel drive gears, accurately machined, with cut teeth to
provide smooth and proper operation. Input shafts shall be stainless steel and supported
by tapered rollers or other roller-type bearings designed to withstand the radial and
thrust loads generated during operation.
G. All manual lifting mechanisms shall be suitable for operation by use of a portable motor
apparatus after the removal of the handwheel or handcrank. This shall include, but is not
limited to, any bracket required for mounting of the electric-drill or gasoline- powered
portable operators to the lifting mechanism.
H. The direction of wheel or crank rotation shall be indicated on the lift mechanism. Single-
speed actuators shall open counterclockwise. Two-speed actuators shall open
counterclockwise for low mechanical-advantage gear ratio and open clockwise for high
mechanical-advantage gear ratio.
I. The direction of wheel or crank rotation shall be indicated on the lift mechanism. Single-
speed actuators shall open counterclockwise. Two-speed actuators shall open
counterclockwise for low mechanical-advantage gear ratio and open clockwise for high
mechanical-advantage gear ratio.
J. Handwheel/Handcrank:
1. Handwheels and handcranks shall be cast iron or cast aluminum.
2. Minimum handwheel diameter is 15 inches (450 mm). Maximum handwheel
diameter is 30 inches (760 mm).
3. Minimum handcrank radius is 12 inches (300 mm). Maximum handcrank radius is
15 inches (380 mm)
4. Handcranks shall be fitted with a corrosion-resistant rotating handle.
5. The centerline of the handwheel and handcrank shall be between 42 inches and 48
inches above the operating floor.
6. The unit shall be designed for a 40–pound maximum effort on the crank to operate
the gate.
7. The “open” direction shall be provided on the operator assembly. Clockwise
movement of the crank shall close the gate.
8. A 2-inch square nut shall be mounted to each input shaft. The operating crank shall
be easily removable to facilitate the use of a portable power operator.
K. Remote Actuator Drives
1. Remote actuator drive shall be provided when the centerline of the handwheel and
handcrank exceeds 48 inches above the operating floor.
2. Remote actuator drive shall be of the chain and sprocket type, with a stainless steel
chain guard.
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3. The centerline of the remote handwheel and handcrank shall be 42 to 48 inches
above the operating floor.
L. Slide gate hoist heads shall be constructed of type 304 or 316L stainless steel.
1. Power lifting devices shall be in accordance with Section 43 30 12 – Valve and Gate
2. Slide gate hoist heads shall be constructed of cast iron, ductile iron or cast
3. The operating nut shall be constructed of solid bronze, in accordance with ASTM B
4. Gearboxes shall have stainless steel input shafts. The input shafts shall be
supported by ball thrust or roller bearings. Mechanical seals shall be provided.
5. Parts shall be provided with an alternative lubrication system.
6. Stems shall be designed to withstand at least twice the maximum output of the gate
actuator in a stalled condition. The stem shall have a slenderness ratio (L/R) less
than 200.
M. Dual actuators: All gates 48 inches or wider and having a width greater than two times
their height shall be provided with two lifting mechanisms connected by a stainless steel
tandem shaft for simultaneous operation. Flexible couplings shall be provided at each
end of the cross shaft.
A. Workmanship:
1. The gate slide and frame shall be fabricated to within 1/8 inch (3 mm) squareness,
flatness and dimensional tolerance with respect to gate opening.
2. All attaching bolt holes shall be accurately located to mounting patterns indicated on
the drawings and shall be drilled or punched and free of all burrs and defects.
3. All machines parts, especially the lift mechanism and stem, shall be accurately
machined with interchangeable parts, so that replacement parts can be furnished at
any time and replaced in the field with minimum effort.
4. All parts shall conform to the design dimensions and shall be free from defects in
material and workmanship. Castings shall be clean, sound, and without defects that
could impair their function.
5. Equipment used in welding preparation shall be covered or faced to prevent mild
steel contamination of stainless steel. Items shall be marked "STAINLESS STEEL”
and shall be used for no other purpose.
B. Welding:
1. Gates shall be welded using the welding process described in ANSI/AWS D1.6.
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2. Weld-joint area and surrounding metal for several inches back from the joint, on
both faces of the weld, shall be cleaned immediately before starting to weld by
brushing with a clean stainless steel brush or scrubbing with a clean, lint-free cloth
moistened with solvent, or both.
3. Welding processes and welders shall be qualified and maintained as required by
ANSI/AWS D1.6, Section 5.
4. All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.6, Section 6.
5. Field welding is prohibited unless approved by the ENGINEER.
C. Finish:
1. Gates and appurtenances shall be free of all weld slag, spatter, grease, dirt, mill
scale, or other substances that could interfere with gate operation or performance,
or greatly detract from its appearance.
2. Precleaning: After assembly, all grease, oil, paint, soil, grit, and other gross
contaminants shall be removed from gate assemblies prior to descaling.
3. Descaling: After pre-cleaning, gate assemblies shall be descaled per ASTM A380,
paragraph 5. Chemical descaling shall be used whenever possible. Where size of
gate prohibits chemical descaling, mechanical descaling will be permitted. Spot
chemical descaling with pickling paste shall be conducted for areas that cannot be
mechanically descaled or immersed in chemical descaling solution. The resulting
surfaces shall be free of oil, grease, rust, scale, and other foreign matter. The
descaling process shall produce only a modest etch while removing all oxidation
and ferrous contamination from the stainless-steel surface.
4. Cleaning: Surface contaminants not removed by the descaling process shall be
removed by one of the cleaning processes detailed by ASTM A380, paragraph 6.2
prior to passivation.
5. Passivation: Following descaling, removal of all descaling agents, and cleaning of all
surfaces, all stainless-steel gate components shall be shop passivated using an
aqueous solution of one of the following:
a. Nitric acid (20 to 45% by volume). Parts shall be immersed for minimum of 30
minutes at a temperature in the range from 70 to 90 degrees F.
b. Nitric acid (20 to 25 % by volume). Parts shall be immersed for minimum of 20
minutes at a temperature in the range from 120 to 140 degrees F.
c. Proprietary passivation media. Proprietary media shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval before it is used for passivation of gate assemblies.
Any proprietary media used shall produce a finish similar to that achieved by
alternatives a. and b. above.
6. All residues of passivation shall be completely removed from the gate assemblies.
After passivation, the gate assemblies shall exhibit a uniform white pickled finish.
Etching, pitting, or frosting resulting from the passivation procedures shall not be
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7. Testing: Ferroxyl test of the gate assemblies shall be conducted per ASTM A380,
paragraph 7.3.4 following passivation. Results of testing shall be submitted prior to
shipping gate assemblies.
D. Shop Finishing:
1. Do not shop paint stainless steel gate members or actuator housings
2. Shop paint all ferrous metal surfaces of gates and accessories
E. Spare Parts:
1. Furnish spare parts list in accordance with the requirements of Section 43 30 56 –
Hydraulic Gates, General.
A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the complete installation of the
equipment including all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and structural
connections, interconnecting piping, utility connections, foundations, platforms, conduits,
and all other features, accessories and appurtenances required for the successful
installation and operation of the fabricated slide gates. Installation of the equipment shall
be in strict accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's written instructions
and Shop Drawings.
B. Installation shall be by mechanics/millwrights skilled in this work, in direct employ or
under contract to the CONTRACTOR. The installation work shall proceed under the
supervision of a MANUFACTURER employed service technician
C. Final electrical connections shall be made by qualified electricians in direct employ or
under contract to the CONTRACTOR. All electrical work shall be performed in
compliance with the general requirements of Division 26.
D. The CONTRACTOR shall provide instrumentation and control field support personnel as
to support execution activities.
E. The installed equipment shall be checked, aligned, tested, and placed into operation in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
F. The slide/stop gates shall be installed in strict accordance with the requirements of
Section 43 30 56 – Hydraulic Gates, General.
A. Field Leakage Test:
1. A field leakage test shall be performed after installation of the slide gate. The
MANUFACTURER shall be notified of the test to allow sufficient time for a
representative of the MANUFACTURER to be present at the test site.
2. After all adjustments have been made and the mechanisms properly lubricated,
each gate shall be operated through one complete cycle as a final check on proper
operation before starting the leakage test.
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3. Seating and unseating heads shall be measured from the top surface of the water to
the center of the gate.
4. Allowable leakage shall not exceed 0.05 gpm/ft. (0.62 L/min/m) of seating perimeter
under seating head and 0.10 gpm/ft. (1.24 L/min/m) of seating perimeter under
unseating head.
B. Electric Actuator Commissioning and Performance Testing:
1. Each actuator/gate shall be performance tested as an assembly. The assembly
shall be supplied by the gate MANUFACTURER and be seal performance tested
and operational tested per AWWA C542. Actuator test documentation must be
provided, if requested, indicating the following:
a. Torque sensing tripping points in both the open and closed directions of travel
b. Current at the maximum torque tripping point
c. Actuator output speed
d. High voltage test
e. I/O verification to confirm remote inputs and outputs operate as required
C. MANUFACTURER’S Field Service:
1. Retain a qualified factory trained representative of the MANUFACTURER for a
minimum of 8 hours, or more as necessary, to perform the following services:
a. Check installation of all equipment and accessories specified herein.
b. Inspect each installation and note deficiencies.
c. Assist CONTRACTOR during operation, adjusting, and field testing of each
2. Prepare installation report and submit immediately after completion of field testing;
report to include
a. Description of installation deficiencies not resolved and recommended
corrective action.
b. Statement certifying that gates and appurtenances are properly installed in
accordance with MANUFACTURER’S requirements and recommendation
except for deficiencies noted above.
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A. The UV Supplier (SUPPLIER) shall provide equipment and appurtenant WORK, complete
and operable, in accordance with the Proposal Documents.
B. The provisions of this Section shall apply to equipment throughout the Contract except
where otherwise indicated.
C. All component and support systems of the equipment shall be designed and manufactured
to withstand all forces such as internal or external, static, wind, dynamic and seismic loads
(wind and seismic in accordance with Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design, Support and
Anchorage) in order for the equipment to last throughout its expected life without
premature failure. If the project is located in a seismically active zone as specified in
Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design, Support and Anchorage and Drawing S-001, the
manufacturer shall submit a certification signed and stamped by a registered engineer
stating that the equipment was designed and manufactured to withstand all the loads
specified in this paragraph. Submit a copy of that analysis for review by the ENGINEER.
D. Equipment Arrangement: Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the arrangement of
equipment indicated is based upon information available from manufacturers at the time
of design and is not intended to show exact dimensions particular to a specific
manufacturer. Some aspects of the Drawings are diagrammatic and some features of the
illustrated equipment arrangement may require revision by the CONTRACTOR to meet
the actual equipment requirements proposed by the CONTRACTOR. Structural supports,
foundations, piping and valve connections, and electrical and instrumentation connections
indicated may have to be altered by the CONTRACTOR to accommodate the equipment
provided. No additional payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR for such revisions
and alterations. Substantiating calculations and drawings shall be submitted prior to
beginning the fabrication of equipment.
A. Equipment shall be in accordance with the following standards, as applicable and as
indicated in each equipment specification:
1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
4. American Water Works Association (AWWA).
5. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
6. American Welding Society (AWS).
7. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
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8. Federal Specifications (FS).
9. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).
10. Manufacturer's published recommendations and specifications.
11. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
12. Hydraulic Institute (HI)
B. The following standards are referenced in this Section:
ASME B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250, and
ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Steel, Nickel Alloy and other Special
ASME B46.1 Surface Texture
ANSI S12.6 Method for the Measurement of the Real-Ear Attenuation of Hearing
ASME B1.20.1 General Purpose Pipe Threads (Inch)
ASME B31.1 Power Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
AWWA C206 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe
AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service - Sizes 4 In. Through 144 In.
(100 mm through 3,600 mm)
AWWA D100 Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage
ASTM A 48 Gray Iron Castings
ASTM A 108 Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality
A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
B. Shop Drawings: Furnish complete drawings and technical information for equipment,
piping, valves, controls and equipment tags. Where indicated or required by the
ENGINEER, Shop Drawings shall include clear, concise calculations showing equipment
anchorage forces and the capacities of the anchorage elements proposed by the
C. Spare Parts List: The CONTRACTOR shall obtain from the manufacturer and submit as
part of Shop Drawings a list of suggested spare parts for each piece of equipment.
CONTRACTOR shall also furnish the name, address, and telephone number of the
nearest distributor for each piece of equipment.
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A. Costs: Responsibility shall be the CONTRACTOR'S for performing and paying the costs
of inspection, startup, testing, adjustment, and instruction services performed by factory
representatives. The OWNER will pay for costs of power and water. If available, the
OWNER'S operating personnel will provide assistance in the field testing.
B. Inspection: The CONTRACTOR shall inform the local authorities, such as building and
plumbing inspectors, fire marshal, OSHA inspectors, and others, to witness required tests
for piping, plumbing, fire protection systems, pressure vessels, safety systems, cranes,
and related items to obtain required permits and certificates, and shall pay inspection fees.
C. Quality and Tolerances: Tolerances and clearances shall be as shown on the Shop
Drawings and shall be closely adhered to.
1. Machine WORK shall be of high-grade workmanship and finish, with due
consideration to the special nature or function of the parts. Members without
machined or milled ends and which are to be framed to other steel parts of the
structure may have a variation in the detailed length of not greater than 1/16-inch for
members 30-feet or less in length, and not greater than 1/8-inch for members over
30-feet in length.
2. Castings shall be homogeneous and free from non-metallic inclusions and defects.
Surfaces of castings which are not machined shall be cleaned to remove foundry
irregularities. Casting defects not exceeding 12.5 percent of the total thickness and
where defects will not affect the strength and serviceability of the casting may be
repaired by approved welding procedures. The ENGINEER shall be notified of larger
defects. No repair welding of such defects shall be carried out without the
ENGINEER’S written approval. If the removal of metal for repair reduces the stress
resisting cross-section of the casting by more than 25 percent or to such an extent
that the computed stress in the remaining metal exceeds the allowable stress by more
than 25 percent, then the casting may be rejected. Costs of casting new material shall
be the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility as part of the WORK.
3. Materials shall meet the physical and mechanical properties in accordance with the
reference standards.
D. Machine Finish: The type of finish shall be the most suitable for the application as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer in micro-inches in accordance with ANSI
B46.1. In the absence of manufacturer’s recommendations, the following surface finishes
shall be used:
1. Surface roughness not greater than 63 micro-inches shall be required for surfaces in
sliding contact.
2. Surface roughness not greater than 250 micro-inches shall be required for surfaces
in contact where a tight joint is not required.
3. Rough finish not greater than 500 micro-inches shall be required for other machined
4. Contact surfaces of shafts and stems which pass through stuffing boxes and contact
surfaces of bearings shall be finished to not greater than 32 micro-inches.
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E. Manufacturer's Experience: Equipment manufacturer shall have a record of proven
experience of at least 5 years of successful, troublefree operation in similar applications
and size equal or larger than the equipment in this Contract. Where indicated in each
individual equipment specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall submit this experience
record to the ENGINEER for approval.
A. Noise Level: When the equipment is in operation, no single piece of equipment shall
exceed the OSHA noise level requirement of 105 dBA for one hour exposure per day.
B. High Noise Level Location: The CONTRACTOR shall provide one personal hearing
protection station at each location defined as follows:
1. Outdoor Location: Any single equipment item or any group of equipment items that
produce noise exceeding OSHA noise level requirements for a 2 hour exposure.
Where such equipment is separated by a distance of more than 20-feet, measured
between edges of footings, the area for each group of equipment shall be provided
with a separate hearing protection station.
2. Indoor Location
a. Any single equipment item or any group of equipment items located within a
single room not normally occupied, that produces noise exceeding OSHA noise
level requirements for a 2 hour exposure.
b. Any single equipment item or any group of equipment items located within a
single room normally occupied by workers that produces noise exceeding OSHA
noise level requirements for an 8 hour exposure.
C. Personal Hearing Protection: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish 3 pairs of high attenuation
hearing protectors in the original unopened packaging. The ear protectors shall be capable
of meeting the requirements of ANSI S12.6 and shall produce a noise level reduction of
25 dBA at a frequency of 500 Hz. The hearing protectors shall have fluid filled ear cushions
and an adjustable, padded headband. The protectors shall be stored in a weatherproof,
labeled, steel cabinet, provided at an approved location near the noise producing
D. Drive Trains and Service Factors: Service factors shall be applied in the selection or
design of mechanical power transmission components. Components of drive train
assemblies between the prime mover and the driven equipment shall be designed and
rated to deliver the maximum peak or starting torque (whichever is the greatest), speed,
and horsepower. Applicable service factors shall be considered, such as mechanical (type
of prime mover), load class, start frequency, ventilation, ambient temperature, and fan
factors. Drive train components include couplings, shafts, gears and gear drives, drive
chains, sprockets, and V-belt drives. Unless otherwise indicated, the following load
classifications shall apply in determining service factors:
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Type of Equipment Service Factor Load Classification
Centrifugal Fans 1.0 Uniform
centrifugal or rotary
progressing cavity
Moderate Shock
Cranes or Hoists 1.25 Moderate Shock
E. Mechanical Service Factors
Mechanical Service Factors
Electric Motor Internal Combustion
Uniform 1.25 1.50
Moderate Shock 1.50 1.75
Heavy Shock 2.00 2.25
F. For thermal rating adjustments such as start frequency, ambient temperature, and hourly
duty cycle factor, ventilation factor, and fan factor, refer to gear manufacturer sizing
G. Where load classifications are not indicated, the equipment manufacturer’s
recommendations for service factors shall be utilized.
H. Welding: Unless otherwise indicated, welding shall conform to the following:
1. Latest revision of AWWA D100.
2. Latest revision of AWWA C206.
3. Composite fabricated steel assemblies that are to be erected or installed inside a
hydraulic structure, including any fixed or movable structural components of
mechanical equipment, shall have continuous seal welds to prevent corrosion of hard-
to-coat metallic surfaces.
4. Welding shall be by the metal-arc method or gas-shielded arc method as described
in the American Welding Society's "Welding Handbook" as supplemented by other
pertinent standards of the AWS. Qualification of welders shall be in accordance with
the AWS Standards.
5. In assembly and during welding, the component parts shall be adequately clamped,
supported, and restrained to minimize distortion and for control of dimensions. Weld
reinforcement shall be as specified by the AWS code. Upon completion of welding,
weld splatter, flux, slag, and burrs left by attachments shall be removed. Welds shall
be repaired to produce a workmanlike appearance with uniform weld contours and
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dimensions. Sharp corners of material that are to be painted or coated shall be ground
to a minimum of 1/32-inch on the flat.
I. Protective Coating: Equipment shall be painted or coated unless otherwise indicated.
Non-ferrous metal and corrosion-resisting steel surfaces shall be coated with grease or
lubricating oil. Coated surfaces shall be protected from abrasion or other damage during
handling, testing, storing, assembly, and shipping.
J. Potable Water Contact: Materials immersed in or exposed to potable water shall be made
of materials or coated compliant with NSF Standard 61. Bronze alloy materials in contact
with potable water shall be constructed of zero-lead materials or materials whose lead
content do not exceed the weighted average criteria as required by the Lead Reduction
Act. Equipment manufacturer shall submit to the ENGINEER a certification of compliance
with the requirement of NSF Standard 61 and the Lead Reduction Act.
K. Protection of Equipment: Machined and coated surfaces shall be protected by rust inhibitor
material prior to shipment. Equipment shall be boxed, crated, or otherwise protected from
damage and moisture during shipment, handling, and storage. Equipment shall be
protected from exposure to corrosive fumes and shall be kept thoroughly dry. Equipment
with anti-friction bearings or sleeve bearings shall be protected from being damaged due
to jarring motion during shipment. Pumps, motors, drives, electrical equipment, and other
equipment having anti-friction or sleeve bearings shall be stored in weathertight storage
facilities prior to installation. For extended storage periods, plastic equipment wrappers
should be avoided to prevent accumulation of condensate in gears and bearings. In
addition, motor space heaters shall be energized and shafts shall be rotated per
manufacturer’s recommendation. Equipment delivered to the Site with rust or corroded
parts shall be rejected. If equipment develops defects during storage, it shall be
disassembled, cleaned, recoated, or otherwise corrected to restore it to original condition.
L. Identification of Equipment Items
1. At the time of shipping, each item of equipment shall have a legible identifying mark
corresponding to the equipment number for the particular item.
2. After installation, each item of equipment shall be given permanent identification.
a. Pumps, compressors, and blowers of 150 horsepower or less shall receive
acrylic plastic nametags.
b. Pumps, compressors, and blowers larger than 150 horsepower shall receive
stainless steel plate nametags.
M. Vibration Isolators: Air compressors, blowers, engines, inline fans shall be provided with
restrained spring-type vibration isolators or pads per manufacturer's written
recommendations. Vibration isolations shall be provided with seismic restraint.
N. Equipment Maximum Allowable Vibration Level: Unless otherwise indicated, maximum
allowable vibration level shall be in accordance with the acceptance criteria recommended
by the reference Standard for that particular type of equipment
O. Shop Fabrication: Shop fabrication shall be performed in accordance with the Contract
Documents and the Shop Drawings.
P. Controls: Equipment and system controls shall be in accordance with Division 40 –
Process Integration.
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A. Equipment Supports: Equipment components and supports, anchors, and seismic
restrainers shall be adequately designed for static, dynamic, wind, and seismic loads. The
design horizontal seismic force shall be the greatest of the following design criteria:
1. Design Criteria noted in Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design, Support and
2. Drawing S-001 – General Notes and Design Criteria
B. Submit design calculations for equipment supports, anchors, and seismic restrainers
signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the State wherein the project is to be built.
Calculations shall account for forces and distribution of forces on supporting structures
resulting from normal operation, normal operation plus seismic loadings, and normal
operation plus wind loadings in accordance with Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design,
Support and Anchorage.
1. Wall-mounted equipment weighing more than 250 pounds or which is within 18-
inches above the floor shall be provided with fabricated steel supports. Pedestals
shall be of welded steel. If the supported equipment is a panel or cabinet or is
enclosed with removable sides, the pedestal shall match the supported equipment in
appearance and dimensions.
2. Seismic requirements: Freestanding and wall-hung equipment shall be anchored in
place by methods that satisfy Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design, Support and
Anchorage. Calculations shall be performed and signed and stamped for equipment
weighing more that 400 pounds. Calculations shall analyze lateral and overturning
forces and shall include a factor of safety against overturning equal to 1.5.
Calculations shall include the distribution of forces imposed on the supporting
structure and anchors, verifying that each anchor can develop the required resistance
3. Wind requirements: Exterior freestanding equipment shall be anchored in place by
methods that satisfy Section 01 33 17 – Structural Design, Support and Anchorage.
Calculations shall be performed and signed and stamped, analyzing lateral and
overturning forces and shall include a factor of safety against overturning equal to 1.5.
Calculations shall include the distribution of forces imposed on the supporting
structure and anchors, verifying that each anchor can develop the required resistance
4. Anchors: Anchor bolts shall be 316 stainless steel. CONTRACTOR shall determine
the size, type, capacity, location, and other placement requirements of anchorage
elements. Anchoring methods and leveling criteria in the manufacturer's literature
shall be followed. Submit methods and criteria with the Shop Drawings.
5. Equipment Foundations: Unless otherwise indicated, mechanical equipment, tanks,
control cabinets, enclosures, and related equipment shall be mounted on minimum
3.5-inch high concrete bases. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, pumps,
blowers, compressors and engine driven equipment shall be provided with a concrete
foundation with a total weight equal to at least five times the weight of the equipment.
Concrete foundations shall be isolated from the building floor in order to prevent
transfer of vibration from the equipment to the building structure. The CONTRACTOR
through the equipment manufacturer shall verify the size and weight of equipment
foundation to insure compatibility with equipment.
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6. Equipment Grout: Mechanical equipment installed on top of concrete foundations or
bases shall be provided with non-shrink concrete or epoxy grout. Grout shall be
applied between the base plate and the concrete foundation or base in accordance
with the grout manufacturer’s recommendation. Grout shall be free of void space.
A. Mechanical couplings shall be provided between the driver and the driven equipment.
Flexible couplings shall be provided between the driver and the driven equipment to
accommodate slight angular misalignment, parallel misalignment, end float, and to
cushion shock loads. Unless otherwise indicated or recommended by the equipment
manufacturer, coupling type shall be furnished with the respective equipment as follows:
Equipment Type Coupling Type
Horizontal and end suction pumps Gear or flexible spring
Vertical nonclog pumps with extended
Flexible disc pack or Universal joint with
carbon fiber composite shaft and steady
bearing support(s)
B. Each coupling size shall be determined based on the rated horsepower of the motor,
speed of the shaft, and the load classification service factor. The CONTRACTOR shall
have the equipment manufacturer select or recommend the size and type of coupling
required to suit each specific application.
C. Differential Settlement: Where differential settlement between the driver and the driven
equipment may occur, 2 sets of universal type couplings shall be provided.
D. Taper-Lock or equal bushings may be used to provide for easy installation and removal of
shafts of various diameters.
A. General: Equipment manufacturer shall be responsible for designing and manufacturing
shafting to carry all loads applied to the shaft. Shafting shall be continuous between
bearings and shall be sized to transmit the power required. Keyways shall be accurately
cut in line. Shafting shall not be turned down at the ends to accommodate bearings or
sprockets whose bore is less than the diameter of the shaft. Shafts shall rotate in the end
bearings and shall be turned and polished, straight, and true.
B. Design Criteria: Shafts shall be designed to carry the steady state and transient loads
suitable for unlimited number of load applications.
C. Materials: Shafting materials shall be compatible with the type of service and load
transmitted. Environmental elements such as corrosive gases, moisture, and fluids shall
be taken into consideration. Materials shall be as indicated unless furnished as part of an
equipment assembly.
1. Low carbon cold-rolled steel shafting shall conform to ASTM A 108, Grade 1018.
2. Medium carbon cold-rolled shafting shall conform to ASTM A 108, Grade 1045.
3. Other grades of carbon steel alloys shall be suitable for service and load.
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4. Corrosion-resistant shafting shall be stainless steel or Monel, whichever is most
suitable for the intended service.
D. Differential Settlement: Where differential settlement between the driver and the driven
equipment may occur, a shaft of sufficient length with 2 sets of universal type couplings
shall be provided.
A. Unless otherwise indicated, gears shall be of the spur, helical, or spiral-bevel type,
designed and manufactured in accordance with AGMA Standards, with a service factor
suitable for load class, mechanical service and thermal rating adjustment, a minimum L-
10 bearing life of 60,000 hours, and a minimum efficiency of 94 percent. Peak torque,
starting torque, and shaft overhung load shall be checked when selecting the gear
reducer. Worm gears shall not be used unless specifically approved by the ENGINEER.
B. Gear speed reducers or increasers shall be of the enclosed type, oil- or grease-lubricated
and fully sealed, with a breather to allow air to escape but keep dust and dirt out. The
casing shall be of cast iron, ductile iron, or heavy-duty steel construction with lifting lugs
and an inspection cover for each gear train. An oil level sight glass and an oil flow indicator
shall be provided, located for easy reading.
C. Gears and gear drives that are part of an equipment assembly shall be shipped fully
assembled for field installation.
D. Material selections shall be selected by the manufacturer, provided the above AGMA
values are met. Input and output shafts shall be adequately designed for the service and
load requirements. Gears shall be computer-matched for minimum tolerance variation.
The output shaft shall have 2 positive seals to prevent oil leakage.
E. Oil level and drain locations shall be easily accessible. Oil coolers or heat exchangers with
required appurtenances shall be provided when necessary.
F. Where gear drive input or output shafts from one manufacturer connect to couplings or
sprockets from a different manufacturer, the CONTRACTOR shall have the gear drive
manufacturer furnish a matching key taped to the shaft for shipment.
A. Power drive chains shall be commercial type roller chains meeting ASME Standards.
B. A chain take-up or tightener shall be provided in every chain drive arrangement to provide
easy adjustment.
C. A minimum of one connecting or coupler link shall be provided in each length of roller
D. Chain and attachments shall be of the manufacturer's best standard material and be
suitable for the process fluid.
A. General: Sprockets shall be used in conjunction with chain drives and chain-type material
handling equipment.
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B. Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, materials shall be as follows:
1. Sprockets with 25 teeth or less, normally used as a driver, shall be made of medium
carbon steel in the 0.40 to 0.45 percent carbon range.
2. Type A and B sprockets with 26 teeth or more, normally used as driven sprockets,
shall be made of minimum 0.20 percent carbon steel.
3. Large diameter sprockets with Type C hub shall be made of cast iron conforming to
ASTM A 48, Class 30.
C. Sprockets shall be accurately machined to ASME Standards. Sprockets shall have deep
hardness penetration in tooth sections.
D. Finish bored sprockets shall be furnished complete with keyseat and set screws.
E. To facilitate installation and disassembly, sprockets shall be of the split type or shall be
furnished with Taper-Lock bushings as required.
F. Idler sprockets shall be provided with brass or Babbitt bushings, complete with oil hole
and axial or circumferential grooving with stainless steel tubing and grease fitting extended
to an accessible location. Steel collars with set screws may be provided in both sides of
the hub.
A. V-belts and sheaves shall be of the best commercial grade and shall conform to ASME,
MPTA, and RMA Standards.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, sheaves shall be machined from the finest quality gray cast
C. Sheaves shall be statically balanced. In some applications where vibration is a problem,
sheaves shall be dynamically balanced. Sheaves operating at belt speeds exceeding
6,500 fpm may be required to be of special materials and construction.
D. To facilitate installation and disassembly, sheaves shall be provided complete with Taper-
Lock or QD bushings as required.
E. Finish bored sheaves shall be complete with keyseat and set screws.
F. Sliding motor bases shall be provided to adjust the tension of V-belts.
A. Power transmission trains, prime movers, machines, shaft extensions, and moving
machine parts shall be guarded to conform to the OSHA Safety and Health Standards
(29CFR1910). The guards shall be constructed of minimum 10-gauge expanded, flattened
steel with smooth edges and corners, galvanized after fabrication, and securely fastened.
Where required for lubrication or maintenance, guards shall have hinged and latched
access doors.
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A. General: Bearings shall conform to the standards of the American Bearing Manufacturers
Association, Inc. (ABMA).
B. To assure satisfactory bearing application, fitting practice, mounting, lubrication, sealing,
static rating, housing strength, and lubrication shall be considered in bearing selection.
C. Re-lubricatable type bearings shall be equipped with hydraulic grease fitting in an
accessible location and shall have sufficient grease capacity in the bearing chamber.
D. Lubricated-for-life bearings shall be factory-lubricated with the manufacturer's
recommended grease to insure maximum bearing life and best performance.
E. Anti-Friction Type Bearing Life: Except where otherwise indicated, bearings shall have a
minimum L-10 life expectancy of 5 years or 20,000 hours, whichever occurs first. Where
so indicated, bearings shall have a minimum rated L-10 life expectancy corresponding to
the type of service, as follows:
Type of Service Design Life, years L-10 Design Life, hours
(whichever comes first)
8-hour shift 10 20,000
16-hour shift 10 40,000
Continuous 10 60,000
F. Bearing housings shall be of cast iron or steel and bearing mounting arrangement shall
be as indicated or as recommended in the published standards of the manufacturer. Split-
type housings may be used to facilitate installation, inspection, and disassembly.
G. Sleeve Type Bearings: Sleeve-type bearings shall have a cast iron or ductile iron housing
and Babbitt or bronze liner. Bearing housing shall be bolted and doweled to the lower
casing half. These housings shall be provided with cast iron caps bolted in place and the
bearing end caps shall be bored to receive the bearing shells. Sleeve bearings shall be
designed on the basis of the maximum allowable load permitted by the bearing
manufacturer. If the sleeve bearing is connected to an equipment shaft with a coupling,
the coupling transmitted thrust will be assumed to be the maximum motor or equipment
thrust. Lubricant, lubrication system, and cooling system shall be as recommended by the
bearing manufacturer. In accordance with the Lead Reduction Act, sleeve bearings
containing lead material exposed to drinking water shall not be acceptable.
H. Plate Thrust Bearings: Thrust bearings shall be the Kingsbury Type, designed and
manufactured to maintain the shaft in the fixed axial position without undue heating or the
necessity of adjustment or attention. Bearings shall be oil lubricated to suit the
manufacturer's standard method of lubrication for the specific bearing If bearing cooling is
required, manufacturer shall provide heat exchangers, incluging necessary intrumentation
and controls, piping, filters, and valves.
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A. Gaskets and packings shall be in accordance with the requirements of the specifications.
Gaskets and packings in contact with drinking water shall be NSF 61 approved.
Elastomeric materials in contact with water with chloramines, or water with ozone residual
shall be made of Teflon or Viton-A, or equal.
B. Packing around valve stems and reciprocating shafts shall be of compressible material,
compatible with the fluid being used. Chevron-type "V" packing shall be Garlock No. 432,
John Crane Everseal, or equal.
C. Packing around rotating shafts (other than valve stems) shall be "O" rings, stuffing boxes,
or mechanical seals, as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the
A. Equipment nameplates shall be engraved in white-center and cobalt blue-faced laminated
plastic engraving stock.
1. 3/32-inch thick material.
2. Two-ply.
3. Chamfered edges.
4. Block style engraved characters of adequiate size to be read easily from a distance
of 6 feet. No characters smaller than 1/8-inch in height.
B. Fastened to the equipment in an accessible location with No. 4 or larger oval head
stainless steel screws or drive pins. Nameplates shall contain the equipment name,
equipment tag number and power source.
1. NEMA 4X type enclosures thall have nameplates with adhesive backs.
A. Tools: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish one complete set of special wrenches and other
special tools necessary for the assembly, adjustment, and dismantling of the equipment.
Tools shall be of best quality hardened steel forgings with bright finish. Wrench heads
shall have work faces dressed to fit nuts. Tools shall be suitable for professional work and
manufactured by Snap On, Crescent, Stanley, or equal. The set of tools shall be neatly
mounted in a labeled toolbox of suitable design provided with a hinged cover.
B. Spare parts shall be furnished as indicated in the individual equipment sections. Spare
parts shall be suitably packaged in a metal box and labeled with equipment numbers by
means of stainless steel or solid plastic nametags attached to the box.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide lubricants for equipment during shipping, storage, and
prior to testing, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Lubricants that
could come in contact with potable water shall be food grade lubricants. After successful
initial testing, final testing, and satisfactory completion startup testing, the CONTRACTOR
shall conduct one complete lubricant change on equipment. In addition, the
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CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper disposal of used lubricants. The
OWNER will then be responsible for subsequent lubricant changes
A. Installation Supervision, Inspection, Startup, Training, and Field Adjustment: An
authorized, experienced, and competent service representative of the manufacturer shall
visit the Site to perform the following:
1. Supervision of the installation of the equipment
2. Inspection, checking, and adjusting the equipment and approving its installation
3. Train OWNER staff in the operation and maintenance of the installed equipment.
4. Startup and field testing for proper operation, efficiency, and capacity
5. Performing field adjustments during the test period to ensure that the equipment
installation and operation comply with requirements
6. Certify in writing that the equipment and controls have been properly installed,
aligned, lubricated, adjusted, and readied for operation.
7. Unless otherwise indicated, factory representative shall be present at the job site for
the following number of days:
a. Half a day per equipment for smaller than 500 horsepower.
b. One day per equipment for 500 horsepower and larger.
A. General: Equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written
B. Alignment: Equipment shall be field tested to verify proper alignment.
A. When any system is furnished as pre-packaged equipment and shipped to site, the
SUPPLIER shall ensure the components are properly protected while in transit to avoid
any damages. The OWNER will not be financially responsible for repairs or replacement
of any components of the pre-packaged system that encure damage due to insufficient
shipping protection.
B. When any system is furnished as pre-packaged equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall
coordinate space and structural requirements, clearances, utility connections, signals, and
outputs with Subcontractors to avoid later change orders.
C. If the packaged system has any additional features (as safety interlocks, etc.) other than
required by the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall coordinate such features
with the ENGINEER and provide material and labor necessary for a complete installation
as required by the manufacturer.
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A. Studs, cap screws, bolt and nuts used in field assembly shall be coated with Never Seize
compound or equal.
A. Welds shall be cleaned of weld-slag, splatter, etc. to provide a smooth surface.
A. Where indicated by the individual equipment sections, equipment shall be field tested after
installation to demonstrate satisfactory operation without excessive noise, vibration, or
overheating of bearings or motor.
B. The following field testing shall be conducted:
1. Start equipment, check, and operate the equipment over its entire operating range.
Vibration level shall be within the amplitude limits as indicated or as recommended
by the reference applicable standards.
2. Obtain concurrent readings of motor voltage, amperage, capacity, vibration, and
bearing temperatures.
C. The ENGINEER shall witness field-testing. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the
ENGINEER of the test schedule 3 Days in advance.
D. In the event that any equipment fails to meet the test requirements, the equipment shall
be modified and retested until it satisfies the requirement.
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A. The ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system suppler (defined herein as “SUPPLIER”) shall
furnish and assist with installation, testing, and training related to an open channel UV
disinfection system complete and properly operating as specified herein. The UV
EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS shall include harmonic filters (if needed), inlet baffles (if
needed), channel reducing baffles, UV banks, a system control panel, in-channel intensity
sensor systems, power distribution centers, automatic wiper cleaning system, level
control, electrical, a UV transmittance probe, channel level sensing equipment, motorized
influent gates and level control effluent gates, out-of-channel support racks for UV
modules, instrumentation and control components including spare parts and all other
accessories in accordance with the requirements of the Proposal Documents and as
specified herein.
B. The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for detailing the interconnecting electrical and control
wiring; cable trays; and accessories for all equipment system components furnished under
this Proposal. All components of the UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS shall be shipped
to the project site by the SUPPLIER and unloaded and installed by the CONTRACTOR
with oversight from the SUPPLIER. In the event that a CONTRACTOR has not been
selected at the time of delivery, the OWNER shall unload the equipment.
C. The UV disinfection units shall be furnished with all necessary accessory equipment and
other auxiliaries, whether specifically mentioned in this Section or not, as required for a
complete operational UV disinfection system incorporating the highest standards for the
type of service including, but not limited to:
1. Horizontal Open Channel UV disinfection modules.
2. Power distribution centers, system control center, and interconnecting cables to
UV modules, programmable logic controller, operator interface terminal, and other
system control hardware.
3. Lamp identification and monitoring system.
4. UV radiation reflector shields and safety equipment.
5. Automatic mechanical module cleaning systems.
6. UV Intensity (UVI) monitoring system.
7. Harmonic filter if needed to meet the requirements of IEEE 519.
8. DELTA-WYE transformers.
9. Motorized influent isolation slide gates.
10. Motorized effluent level control slide gates
11. Stainless steel channel reduction baffles
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12. Level Sensors and UV Transmittance (UVT) sensor.
13. Miscellaneous associated equipment required for proper operation of the system.
A. Without limiting the generality of other requirements of the specifications, all WORK
specified herein shall conform to or exceed the requirements of the building code and the
applicable requirements of the following documents to the extent that the provisions of
such documents are not in conflict with the requirements of this Section.
B. All electrical equipment, including control panels custom manufactured for this project,
shall bear the label of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) confirming the products meet
UL safety requirements and meet the requirements of NEC Article 409 and UL 508A.
C. Installation of electrical equipment and materials shall comply with OSHA Safety and
Health Standards (29 CFR 1910 and 29C FR 1926, as applicable), National Electrical
Code, state building standards, and applicable local codes and regulations.
D. Reference Division 40 specifications and the Instrumentation drawings for additional
control and instrumentation requirements. Reference Division 26 specifications for
additional electrical requirements.
E.Trade Standards: Products and their installation shall be in accordance with the following
trade standards and recommended practices as applicable:
ANSI C62-41 (IEEE 587)Transient Protection
ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electric Code
ANSI C78.1 Lamp Starting
ANSI C82.1 Lamp Starting
FCC CFR 47, Ch 18 RFI/EMI Suppression
IEC Standard 555-2 Harmonic Standard
IEEE 519-2014 Recommended Practices and Requirements
for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power
NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for
Drinking Water and Water Reuse
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
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NEC 2020 National Electrical Code
F. Where reference is made to standards of one of the above institutions, or other
organizations, the version of the standard in effect at the time of the SUPPLIER selection
shall apply.
A.Submittals: Submittals shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00
– Submittal Procedures.
B.Owner’s Manual: Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals shall be in accordance
with the requirements of Section 01 73 00 – Operation and Maintenance Data. Manuals
shall be submitted for all equipment being provided inclusive of gates, UV equipment,
actuators, and instrumentation.
C.UV Equipment Submittals: The submittals shall include the following information:
1. Complete descriptive manufacturer’s literature including catalog cut sheets for all
components, with the bid, as specified in the PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS.
2. Complete description in sufficient detail to permit an item by item comparison with
the specification. Any deviations shall be identified and a reason for the deviation
shall be cited.
3. Dimensions and installation requirements to accommodate the system design
specified in Paragraph 2.3 or 2.5 of this Section under the operating conditions
specified in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section. Equipment layout, overall dimensions,
hydraulic profile, required clearances and general description of the equipment,
including location of electrical equipment, control panels and other auxiliary
equipment shall be included.
4. Layout and equipment requirements for the UV MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT at
a maximum month and peak hour flow of 6 MGD. SUPPLIER shall submit the
dimensions and installation requirements for the layout including location for and
allowable distance to ballast and control panels.
5. Electrical design data and drawings including, but not limited, to the following:
a. Electrical single line diagrams, schematics diagrams, internal wiring diagrams
of UV System including UV Modules, Power Distribution Centers (PDC), and a
Vendor Control Panel (VCP) with all component ratings such as transformer
sizes, main bus, main circuit breaker, branch circuit breakers and feeder sizes.
b. Interconnection wiring diagrams indicating manufacturer provided cable and
c. Operating characteristics of all electrical and control equipment including
power consumption, operating voltage and amperage tolerances, and ancillary
electrical services shall be provided.
d. Panel layout drawings for the Power Distribution Centers (PDC) and Vendor
Control Panel (VCP)
e. Site layout drawing indicating proposed panel arrangement for transformers,
PDCs at the channels and VCP located within the UV Building.
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f. Site specific detail for interconnection at UV bank termination point such as
dimensions, terminal identification, ground connection, waterproof strain relief
mechanism, pin-connection, etc. Locate termination point on site layout
g. All drawings shall be furnished on 11-inch by 17-inch paper as well as
electronic files in AutoCAD 2021 or Revit format and PDFs.
6. Complete SUPPLIER’S and/or descriptive manufacturer’s literature including catalog
cut-sheets for all electrical components including, but not limited to, those
components in the UV modules and banks, transformers, the PDCs and VCP.
7. Complete list of cables including conductor size, cable OD, cable insulation type,
voltage, function/description, and termination points.
8. Cable installation guidelines.
9. Recommended method of cable delivery from PDC to UV banks to protect cables
from damage and that meet cable insulation requirements such as cable tray in
concrete trench, lightweight fiber-composite cable trench, 316 stainless steel junction
box, or embedded conduits.
10. Nameplate engraving schedule showing engraving by line, character size, and
nameplate size. See Specification 46 01 00 – Equipment General Provisions for
nameplate requirements.
11. Complete fully commented and documented PLC software listings in electronic
12. Qualifications of the independent testing agency and test protocol for the Electrical
Acceptance Test specified in Paragraph 3.6 of this Section. Submit to the OWNER
for approval within 60 days of the PURCHASE ORDER.
13. Engineering memorandum with hydraulic calculations demonstrating the hydraulic
characteristics for headloss, plug flow, dispersion, and retention time for each of the
flow rates specified in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section.
14. Complete data on materials to be used for fabrication.
15. Testing procedures, documentation, and results.
16. Any information required for the SUPPLIER to be in conformance with the
requirements of Paragraph 2.1 of this Section.
17. Independent bioassay validation to NWRI standards and dosage calculations
demonstrating compliance with the specified requirements.
18. A statement by the SUPPLIER listing any deviations or exceptions taken to these
specifications shall be submitted with the bid. State specification reference and
proposed alternative with reason for exception.
19. SUPPLIER shall supply a container to use for recycling old/used lamps. SUPPLIER
shall ensure disposal of returned (old/used) lamps, ballasts, sleeves and other UV
equipment at no cost to OWNER.
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20. If air conditioning units are installed on panels, include sizing calculations for air
conditioning units.
21. Storage requirements for UV equipment. Submit dimensions for crated UV
equipment to determine required storage room required.
A. The SUPPLIER’s personnel that engage in the UV system design before the procurement
contract is signed shall be available to assist during the course of final design to ensure
that continuity in the UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS requirements are maintained.
B. The SUPPLIER shall hold a minimum of four (4), one (1) hour long design coordination
calls with the ENGINEER and OWNER over the course of the design phase. The meetings
will include discussions of internal wiring, PLC programming, and interfacing with the
OWNER’s PLC System, and any required clarifications as to the exact scope of each
party's responsibilities, in addition to the general UV system design coordination.
C. Installation and Startup Assistance: The SUPPLIER shall provide the services of a trained,
qualified factory service representative to supervise unloading and assist in the installation
and startup of the equipment for the time specified in the Contract Documents.
D. Instruction of OWNER's Personnel: In addition to the above services, the SUPPLIER shall
provide the services of a qualified factory representative, to inspect the finished installation
and instruct the OWNER's operating personnel for the time specified in this Specification,
in accordance with the requirements of Specification 01 79 00 – Owner Staff Training.
E. Equipment Testing: The SUPPLIER shall provide the services during equipment testing
as specified in this Section.
Services Provided by
Factory Representative
No. of Trips
Minimum Time
On Site Per Trip
1. Supervise unloading & installation As required for proper installation
2. Inspect and approve installation(b)1 8
3. Supervise initial adjustment(c)1 8
4. Supervise and assist in testing(d)3 24
5. Instruct OWNER and ENGINEER in
proper start-up and O&M(e)1 8
6. Check-up visit & refresher training (f)1 8
(a) The manufacturer’s factory representative shall be present at frequent enough intervals to ensure proper installation,
testing, and initial operation of the equipment.
(b) The manufacturer’s factory representative shall provide to the ENGINEER a written certification that the system has
been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
(c) May be done upon completion of Item 2 if acceptable to the ENGINEER.
(d) May be done upon completion of Items 2 and 3 if acceptable to the ENGINEER.
(e) Instruction may be given upon completion of Item 4, provided that the test is successful and the O&M manuals have
been submitted to and accepted by the ENGINEER.
(f) Check-up visit and refresher training shall occur 6 months after operation or as requested by the OWNER.
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1.5 In the event the services of the manufacturer's representative are needed and requested by
the CONTRACTOR for periods longer than indicated in these Contract Documents,
payment for such services shall be made by the CONTRACTOR. No payment will be due
for time spent by the representative due to faulty design or fabrication of the equipment.
A. All components of the UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS provided under this Pre-
Selection shall be constructed with due regard to safety of operation, accessibility, and
durability of parts, and shall comply with all OSHA, State of Colorado, and local safety
A. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER a Warranty as per the agreement. The
SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER with both a written two (2) year Warranty covering
all warranty obligations and for conformance to the requirements specified herein. The two
(2) year warranty shall commence following successful completion of all on-site testing
and receipt of written acceptance from OWNER and shall be inclusive of all components
of the system specified herein.
B. All electronic ballasts shall have a complete SUPPLIER’s Guarantee for a minimum of five
(5) years of continuous service, prorated after one (1) year. Any electronic ballast which
fails before they have reached the end of their five (5) year (43,800 hours of operation)
guarantee period shall be replaced by the UV System SUPPLIER at pro-rata basis. A
ballast shall be deemed to have reached the end of its life when it fails to start or operate
the lamp(s) associated with it or another system fault is traced to the ballast. All shipping
and handling costs to be incurred by the SUPPLIER.
C. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER a pro-rata lamp warranty based on failure of
any lamp prior to the guaranteed lamp life. The guaranteed lamp life shall be 12,000 hours.
D. Any lamp that fails prior to the guaranteed lamp life period shall be replaced on a pro-rata
basis. Any lamp that fails prior to 9,000 hours shall be replaced in full at no cost to the
OWNER including all shipping and handling costs. A lamp shall be deemed to have
reached the end of its life when:
1. The lamp output has dropped below the End of Lamp Life (EOLL) Factor in the
third-party validation report. The lamp output shall be measured in-situ by
measuring the UV intensity at a given UV transmittance value immediately
following a pass of the wiper system,
2. Lamp fails to ignite, or
3. Sufficient end darkening is observed that the OWNER chooses to have the lamp
output tested at the OWNER’s cost by an independent party and the independent
party determines that areas of the lamp that are not measured by the UV intensity
sensor have an output that has decreased below the EOLL factor. If the results
of the test reveal that the lamps have reached the end of its life, the SUPLIER
shall reimburse the OWNER with the cost of third-party testing. The OWNER will
provide the SUPPLIER with the opportunity to replace any lamp before
undertaking lamp output testing.
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E. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER a 2-year full-replacement warranty on the
cleaning device (wipers) in contact with the quartz sleeves, regardless of wiper frequency
F. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER a 10-year pro-rata materials warranty on the
UV module wiping systems. Under this warranty, the SUPPLIER shall furnish and install
the UV module wiping systems that fail prior to the completion of 10 years of operation on
a pro-rata cost basis. The proration period will be after year 2.
G. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER with a 5-year warranty on the UV intensity
sensors. Under this warranty, the SUPPIER shall replace the UV intensity sensor at no
cost to the OWNER when its reading is more than 15 percent different to a calibrated
reference sensor when the reference sensor is installed in the same place.
H. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER with a 10-year warranty on the quartz sleeves.
Under this warranty, the SUPPIER shall replace any quartz sleeve at no cost to the
OWNER. A quartz sleeve shall be deemed to have reached the end of its life when:
1. There is physical failure (due to routine operation and/or maintenance),
2. When the in-situ UV intensity falls below 87% of specified new lamp output (per
SUPPLIER submitted Lamp Output Validation) using new lamps after a
maximum 100-hour burn-in period. The quartz sleeve shall be cleaned using the
mechanical cleaning processes prior to this test.
I. The SUPPLIER shall provide the OWNER with a 10-year PLC software warranty relating
to providing solutions to system problems. Field PLC software changes or adjustments
can be performed by the OWNER, providing that the OWNER consults with the
SUPPLIER prior to making any and all field software changes. The SUPPLIER shall then
provide an electronic copy of redocumentation of the system software to the OWNER.
A. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for replacement of UV lamps, not
covered under warranty. Every year, the fixed cost shall be adjusted, for inflation only,
according to the Consumer Price Index as published by Bureau of Labor Statistics
(national value).
B. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for replacement of electronic
ballasts, not covered under warranty. Every year, the fixed cost shall be adjusted, for
inflation only, according to the Consumer Price Index as published by Bureau of Labor
C. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for replacement of mechanical wiper
assemblies, not covered under warranty. Every year, the fixed cost shall be adjusted, for
inflation only, according to the Consumer Price Index as published by Bureau of Labor
D. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for replacement of quartz sleeves,
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not covered under warranty. Every year, the fixed cost shall be adjusted, for inflation only,
according to the Consumer Price Index as published by Bureau of Labor Statistics.
E. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for replacement of UV intensity
sensors, not covered under warranty. Every year, the fixed cost shall be adjusted, for
inflation only, according to the Consumer Price Index as published by Bureau of Labor
F. For a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance date, the SUPPLIER shall
provide to the OWNER a guaranteed fixed-cost price for any chemicals used in
maintaining the UV system including chemical lamp cleaning. Every year, the fixed cost
shall be adjusted, for inflation only, according to the Consumer Price Index as published
by Bureau of Labor Statistics.
G. The SUPPLIER’s Guaranteed Equipment Replacement Costs must be provided as
required in the PRICE FORM.
H. No redesign of components by the SUPPLIER that results in an increased cost to the
OWNER shall be allowed for a period of 20 years after the UV system final acceptance
A. The following SUPPLIERS with the respective listed models (or Engineer approved equal)
are considered proven technologies that meet the OWNER’s needs. The model numbers
listed for each SUPPLIER are UV system technologies that have been reviewed by the
OWNER. It is each SUPPLIER’S full responsibility to modify the design of its standard
equipment as required to meet all specific requirements of this Section.
2.Trojan – 3000 Plus
3. Engineer approved equal
B.Lamp Output Certification: The lamp output shall be certified by an independent
laboratory, and the certification shall be provided with the Submittal.
C.Independent, Third-Party Equipment Bioassay: Each SUPPLIER shall submit to the
ENGINEER, a confidential, independent, third party Bioassay, specific to the SUPPLIER’S
equipment that supports the guaranteed performance and is the basis for the calculation
of power usage included in the PRICE FORMS. The definition of an acceptable,
“independent third-party” shall be a company or organization other than the SUPPLIER’S
company itself, which has conducted collimated beam bioassay studies over the past five
(5) years, not all for the same UV equipment manufacturer, and according to standard
industry practice for such studies.
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A. The design of UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS shall be completed by the SUPPLIER
and shall be submitted to the OWNER for review. The SUPPLIER shall consider all other
aspects of this particular application and shall conduct any additional investigations as it
determines to be necessary to ensure that the UV system design will meet the
performance requirements of this Section. The range of operating conditions over which
the disinfection performance requirements of this Section shall apply is as follows:
1. Design conditions:
- Ambient air temperature: -20 to 45 degrees C
- Ambient air relative humidity: up to 95%
- Number of open channels: 2
- Minimum number of UV banks in series: 2
- Redundancy: there shall be a redundant channel during the peak flow of 6
MGD and at a UVT of 65% while delivering a dose of 30 mJ/cm2.
2. Hydraulic constraints
- Hydraulic capacity (duty channels): 6 MGD (Peak Hour Flow)
- Maximum allowable headloss across UV system, per channel at 6 MGD,
including baffles, UV modules, and any other restrictions: 3.4 inches
3. Flow Rates
- Average Day Maximum Month Flow: 6 MGD (Peak UV disinfection capacity –
permit compliance)
- Peak Hour Flow: 6 MGD (Peak hydraulic capacity)
- Design Average Flow: 2 MGD
- Minimum Flow: 1 MGD
4. UV Transmittance @ 253.7 m (all values are for a 10mm pathlength)
- Minimum UVT @ 6 MGD: 65%
5. Maximum Total Suspended Solids (TSS): 15 mg/L
B. Performance Requirements
1. The UV disinfection system shall be guaranteed to treat filtered effluent to produce
a final effluent conforming to the following discharge permit:
a. 126 cfu per 100 mL E. coli based on a 30-day geometric mean
b. 235 cfu per 100 mL E. coli based on a 7-day geometric mean
c. Grab samples will be taken in accordance with the Microbiology
Sampling Techniques found in Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition.
2. The UV system shall have been validated to deliver a minimum UV reduction
equivalent dose of 30,000 μWs/cm2, calculated based on the SUPPLIER’s third-
party validated bioassay using MS2 surrogate, at all flow and UVT conditions,
listed in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section and at end of lamp life after reductions for
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UV sleeve fouling. The basis for evaluating the UV dose delivered by the UV
system shall be based the manufacturer’s bioassay as per NWRI Ultraviolet
Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (3rd Edition).
3. The UV Dose shall be adjusted using an end of lamp life factor of 0.5 to
compensate for lamp output reduction over the time period corresponding to the
UV Manufacturer's lamp warranty. The use of a higher lamp aging factor will be
considered only upon review and approval of independent third party verified data
that has been collected and analyzed in accordance with protocols described in
NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (3rd
Edition). Furthermore, the warranties for lamps will use the higher EOLL factor for
determining when a lamp has failed.
4. The UV Dose will be adjusted using a quartz sleeve fouling factor of 0.8 when
sizing the UV system in order to compensate for attenuation of the minimum dose
due to sleeve fouling during operation. The use of a higher quartz sleeve fouling
factor will be considered only upon review and approval of independently verified
data that has been collected and analyzed in accordance with protocols described
in NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse
(3rd Edition).
5. Independent third-party validation for use of higher factors (end of lamp life and
sleeve fouling) must be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval with the
bid. In addition, the third-party bioassay validation report must be supplied with the
bid to the Engineer for review to support the SUPPLIER’s sizing of the suggested
UV system along with calculations showing the applied UV dose accounting for the
quartz sleeve fouling and end of lamp life. The system shall be able to continue
providing disinfection while replacing UV lamps, quartz sleeves, ballasts, and while
cleaning the quartz sleeves on the Standby bank.
6. The UV system shall be designed for outdoor installation.
7. The electrical, instrumentation, and other mechanical equipment shall be designed
for outdoor installation and shall include air conditioning units provided by the
SUPPLIER on all PDCs, unless they are installed inside the channels.
A.UV Equipment Materials:
1. General: All metal components in contact with water shall be Type 316 stainless
steel. All wiring exposed to UV light shall be Teflon coated, or other material
resistant to long term UV exposure, as approved by the OWNER. All material
exposed to UV light shall be Type 316 stainless steel, Type 214 quartz, Teflon, or
approved equal material suitable for long term UV exposure. All anchor bolts
complete with nuts and washers shall be Type 316 stainless steel and shall be
sized and provided by the SUPPLIER.
2. Lamp Module Configuration:
a. The lamp array configuration shall be horizontal arrays with all maps parallel
to each other. The lamps shall be evenly spaced with centerline spacings
that shall ensure effective disinfection and low channel headloss.
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b. The single array pattern shall be continuous and symmetrical throughout the
c. The system shall be designed for complete immersion of the UV lamps in the
water stream, including both electrodes and the full length of the lamp tube.
Both lamp electrodes shall operate at the same temperature and be cooled
by the water stream.
d. Systems designed whereby the lamps are inserted through a metallic
bulkhead or which otherwise prevent continuous cooling of the lamp
electrodes by the water stream shall not be permitted.
3. Electronic Ballasts:
a. Electronic ballasts shall be located in a NEMA 4X, 316 stainless steel, vertical
enclosures and shall have air conditioning units attached and equipped with
automatic shutdown alarms at high temperatures. Alternatively, ballasts may
be located in an enclosure on top of each UV module without air conditioning.
There shall be one PDC per bank of UV modules.
b. The PDC shall contain the ballast support racks, electronic ballasts, and lamp
status monitoring systems.
c. Lamp wires shall terminate in the electronic ballast enclosure. Each
connection shall facilitate service by use of non-proprietary plug-in
d. All wires connecting the lamps to the junction box exposed to UV radiation
shall be Teflon coated or approved equal UV resistant material.
e. The UV module (if applicable) shall be connected by means of wire harness
housed within a flexible 316 stainless steel jacket and quick disconnect fitting
suitable for outdoor service.
f. At the point of exit from the UV Module frame, the multiconductor cable shall
pass through a waterproof strain relief mechanism.
4. UV Lamps:
a. Lamps shall be low pressure, high-intensity design.
b. Lamps shall be of design in which the coiled filamentary cathodes are heated
by the arc current.
c. The filament shall be the clamped design, significantly rugged to withstand
shock and vibration.
d. All electrical connections to the lamp assembly shall be at one end of the
lamp through a four-pin machined watertight plug connector.
e. Each lamp base shall incorporate a dielectric barrier or pin isolator. The pin
isolator shall consist of a non-conductive divider placed between the lamp
pins to prevent direct arcing across the pins in moist conditions. The barrier
shall be dielectrically tested for 2,500 volts.
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f. 95% of UV output shall be within the wavelengths of 233.7 to 373.7 nm.
g. The lamps shall be capable of operating in a “No Flow” condition for a
minimum period of 60 minutes without causing any damage to the lamps.
h. UV Lamps shall have a cool down period of 10 minutes or less prior to lamp
re-start, should the power to the UV system fail or be interrupted for a short
period of time.
i. The lamps shall produce no detectable levels of ozone.
j. Lamp bases shall be of 316 stainless steel and/or durable ceramic
construction resistant to UV light and ozone.
k. The SUPPLIER shall ensure disposal of returned (old/used) lamps at no
costs to the OWNER. The SUPPLIER shall provide packaging and shipping
for lamps.
5. Lamp End Seal and Lamp Holder:
a. The electrical connection end of the quartz sleeve shall be sealed by means
of a protective retainer plug designed with dual O-rings to seal and hold the
sleeves in parallel alignment.
b. The retainers shall remain in place to protect the quartz sleeve ends against
accidental damage, without impeding the removal and replacement of the UV
c. The lamp socket shall be centered against the inside of the quartz sleeve
and shall be retained by a cap nut with a ribbed exterior surface providing a
positive handgrip for tightening / loosening without the need for any tools.
This connection shall include a self-contained O-ring, sealing the lamp and
socket assembly (independently from the quartz sleeve).
d. Lamp power cables shall be capable of being disconnected prior to any
handling of the lamps or of the lamp assembly.
e. The lamps shall be isolated and sealed from the module frames and all other
lamps in the module.
f. In the event of a quartz sleeve fracture, the two seals of the lamp holder shall
prevent moisture from entering the lamp module frame and the electrical
connections to the other lamps in the module.
g. The lamp holder shall also incorporate a UV resistant plastic stop that shall
prevent the lamp sleeve from touching the steel sleeve clip.
6. UV Lamp Assemblies:
a. Each UV lamp assembly shall consist of a UV lamp, enclosed in an individual
quartz sleeve, one end of which will be closed and the other end sealed by a
lamp end seal for horizontal configurations.
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b. Lamps shall be removable with the quartz sleeve and wiper system
remaining in place.
c. The quartz sleeves shall not come in contact with the stainless steel of the
module frame and the ends of the quartz sleeves shall not protrude beyond
the stainless steel frame of the UV module.
d. The quartz sleeve shall be rated for a minimum UV transmittance (254 nm)
of 89%, and shall not be subject to degradation over the life of the system.
The nominal wall thickness of each sleeve shall be a minimum of 1.0 mm.
e. The UV lamp sleeve shall be a single piece of Type 214 clear fused quartz
circular tubing, or approved equal.
7. UV Modules
a. The UV modules shall be designed such that the lamps and quartz sleeves
can be changed without special tools.
b. The ends of the lamp sleeve shall not protrude beyond the stainless steel
frame of the UV module.
c. Outlet caps mounted to the PDC/junction box shall be installed to cover
outlets when a module is removed from a bank.
d. The UV bank shall be designed for complete submergence without causing
failures or damage to the system components. If Electronic Ballast
Enclosures are installed above the UV modules in the channel, Electronic
Ballast Enclosures shall be designed for temporary submergence and shall
be NEMA 6P rated.
e. Each UV module shall be equipped with an interlock switch, which shall
automatically disconnect power to its associated UV bank if the module quick
disconnect plug is removed.
f. Type 316 stainless steel spacer / reflector panels shall be provided between
the modules so that no ultraviolet light is emitted from the channel when the
UV modules are installed and the lamps are energized.
g. Each UV bank shall be rated Type 6P.
h. The UV modules shall be 316 stainless steel and be provided completely
i. The UV modules shall be designed to resist all water forces including
j. Each UV module shall be individually removable from the channel.
8. UV Module Support Frame:
a. The support frame shall be Type 316 stainless steel and be mounted in a position
above the effluent level in the channel by means of slotted angles allowing
precise adjustment of the module position within the channel during installation.
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Once correctly positioned, the frame shall allow for permanent attachment to
prevent any movement during the life of the installation.
b. The top of the frame shall serve as a UV reflector shield to prevent UV light from
exiting the UV bank area when the UV lamp modules are energized and fully
immersed in the effluent.
c. The frame shall be designed such that no fastening of the individual UV lamp
modules is required other than a spring clip or O-ring (if needed) to overcome
buoyancy of the module.
d. The frame shall be capable of guiding the UV modules for smooth removal and
replacement of modules.
e. Provide two (2) lifting slings for lifting and supporting a UV module. The slings
shall be capable of lifting the weight of one entire UV module. Design of sling
shall incorporate a minimum Safety Factor of 3.0. The single lifting eye on the
sling shall be capable of connecting to the bridge crane provided by the OWNER.
f. Portable maintenance racks shall be provided for lamp replacement for
horizontally mounted UV lamps systems. Two units shall be provided.
B.UV Module Lifting Device:
1. An existing bridge crane will be used to lift the modules from the channels. The
SUPPLIER shall provide any special grapples or recommended spare parts and
special tools for connecting the modules to the bridge crane hook
C.UV Intensity Monitoring:
1. Each UV bank shall have a minimum of one (1) on-line, in-channel UV intensity
sensor and transmitter which responds to the germicidal portion of light as
measured at 253.7 nm. The submersed UV sensor shall continuously monitor the
UV intensity produced in each bank of UV lamps. The sensor shall not degrade
after prolonged exposure to UV light or filtered effluent and shall have sensitivity
at 254 nm of greater than 95%.
2. The unit shall continuously monitor the average UV intensity in the water to be
disinfected and shall transmit a 4-20mA hardwired signal to the PDC/ballast
cabinet. The PDC/ballast cabinet shall transmit the reading via Ethernet to the VCP
for display via the operator interface as an absolute value in mW/cm2. The intensity
sensor shall have a response time such that each reading is updated at least every
15 seconds. The accuracy shall be ± 2% of full-scale transmission. The resolution
shall be ± 1% of full-scale transmission.
3. The measured UV intensity signal shall be used in the VCP for continuous
monitoring and control of the UV dose.
4. All of the intensity monitoring components shall be capable of operating at a water
temperature range of 0 to 50 degrees C and in the ambient temperatures described
above and shall be accessible without removing lamps to ensure continuous
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5. The sensor shall be automatically cleaned at the same frequency as the lamp
sleeves to prevent fouling of the sensor and hence spurious false alarms for low
6. The UV sensor shall be factory-calibrated to US National Institute for Standards
and Technology (NIST) or ONORM standards.
7. The sensor shall be digitally calibrated to ensure calibration accuracy.
D.Automatic Mechanical Wiper System:
1. Each UV Module shall be equipped with an automatic wiping system, complete
with an automatically initiated and controlled cleaning cycle capability.
2. The automatic wiping system shall be hydraulically or pneumatically powered and
shall use Teflon, Viton or 316 stainless steel wipers to clean the quartz sleeves.
Wiping frequency shall have an adjustable number of strokes or an adjustable
timer interval.
3. The wiping system shall be PLC controlled through the VCP and provide for fully
automatic, unattended operation with the capability for a manual override.
a. Remote Manual and Remote Auto cleaning control shall be available through
the operator interface.
b. Wiping interval, the time between wiping cycles, shall be factory preset at
optimum value based on water condition and shall be easily adjustable by
the OWNER whenever actual conditions warrant.
c.The number of wiping strokes per interval shall be factory preset for optimum
effect and shall be easily reset by the OWNER.
4. The cleaning system shall maintain uniform wiping tension and cleaning over
complete wiping length of the quartz sleeve and the UV sensors. The cleaning
system shall maintain full efficiency throughout its warranted life, with no
deterioration in quality of cleaning.
5. The wiper blade brush or other cleaning device in contact with the quartz sleeve
shall not damage or scratch the quartz sleeve or sensor in any way. To offset
cleaning mechanism wear and to maintain positive contact and wiping efficiency
with the quartz sleeve, the wiper blade brush or other cleaning device shall be self-
adjusting and shall automatically adjust to account for wear over its useful life.
6. For systems utilizing a Hydraulic System Center (HSC)
a. One (1) HSC enclosure rated for NEMA 4X service shall be supplied to house all
components required to operate the automatic cleaning system.
b. Enclosure material of construction shall be Type 316 stainless steel and shall be
located adjacent to the UV channels.
c. The HSC shall contain one hydraulic pump (a spare hydraulic pump shall also be
provided) complete with an integral 4 way valve and a fluid reservoir, which shall
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be housed inside the HSC enclosure and shall be used exclusively to operate the
sleeve cleaning system.
1. A single beam laboratory grade UV filter photometer with 100% transmittance
control adjustment shall be supplied to allow measurement of the UV
transmittance of the effluent and shall act as a backup to the online UVT meter so
the OWNER can manually input a UVT input in to the VCP.
2. The range shall be 0 to 100% transmittance with a wavelength accuracy of 0.16”
half bandwidth.
3. Accessories shall include two (2) matched quartz cuvettes, 100% T standard
solution and cuvette cleaning solution.
4. Photometer shall be by RealTech Inc.
F.Influent Isolation Slide Gates
1. The SUPPLIER shall provide, select, and size motorized influent isolation slide
gates for each UV Channel in accordance with Section 43 30 56 – Hydraulic
Gates, General and Section 43 30 62 – Slide-Stop Gates. The CONTRACTOR
shall be responsible for power supply and installing the gates and actuators.
G.Effluent Level Control Gate
1. Design, provide and install one effluent self-adjusting level weir gate at the
downstream end of the open channel. The gate shall be all Type 316 stainless
steel and shall be in accordance with Section 43 30 62 – Slide-Stop Gates.
2. Gate shall be designed and installed to prevent leakage, and to adequately resist
all hydrostatic and other operating loads and forces.
3. Gate shall be electrically actuated and programmed at the PLC to maintain a
setpoint water surface level downstream of the second UV bank to an accuracy
of +/- 0.4 inches, or as required by the Manufacturer. Programming shall have
proper dead-bands and control features to ensure that no excessive modulation
(“hunting”) of the gate occurs.
H.Electric Motor Actuators
1. Electric motor actuators for all influent slide gates shall be provided in
accordance with Section 43 30 12 – Valve and Gate Actuators and shall be
attached to the actuating mechanism housing by means of a flanged motor
adapter piece. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for connecting all the
power and controls wiring to the VCP with oversight/approval from the
2. Actuators shall be rated 480V, 3phase, 60hz and controls shall be Hardwire
I.Channel Reduction and Inlet Baffles
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1. The SUPPLIER shall provide Type 316 SS inlet baffles and channel reducing
baffles as required by the SUPPLIER’s equipment layout and supporting
hydraulic calculations. Channel reduction baffles shall be designed and installed
to prevent leakage, and to adequately resist all hydrostatic and other operating
loads and forces. SUPPLIER shall provide stamped calculation by a Professional
Engineer licensed in Colorado. SUPPLIER shall provide all anchors for baffles.
J.Flow Signal:
1. A flow signal will be transmitted from the plant control system to the UV VCP via
Ethernet. The flow paced control system shall automatically vary the power level,
the number of banks energized and the number of modules (or lamps) and
channels in operation. The process of automatically placing a channel and module
on-line shall minimize channel flow-through. The operator shall have the ability to
manually input a flow from (0 to 6 MGD).
K.Electrical Components:
1. General:
a. The major electrical components of the entire UV system to be provided by
the SUPPLIER shall include:
1) One (1) Vendor Control Panel (VCP) also referred to as the PLC
control cabinet.
2) One Power Distribution Center (PDC) per bank or one ballast cabinet
per channel for UV Disinfection System Baseline.
3) 2 lamps per ballast.
4) Air conditioner units for ballast cabinets mounted outside of the UV
b. The SUPPLIER shall identify the interconnection electrical service
requirements (voltage, amperage, etc.) and control wiring requirements for
all power and control enclosures, and provide all other accessories
(disconnect switches, etc.) required for a complete and operational
installation. These requirements shall be submitted to the OWNER as part of
the submittal requirements in Paragraph 1.3 of this Section.
c. There shall be local control of the UV lamp operation independent of
automated control by the PLC.
d. The SUPPLIER shall be required to balance the electrical loads on the
different legs of the electrical service.
2. Power Distribution Center / Enclosure (PDC):
a. Electrical power supply to the UV Facility is 480 volts AC / 60 Hz / 3 phase,
3 wire connection plus ground connection. The SUPPLIER shall provide one
(1) DELTA-WYE transformer per PDC if a 4 wire connection plus ground is
required by the SUPPLIER. The transformers shall conform to the
requirements of specification Section 26 12 16 – Dry Type Transformers.
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b. All equipment shall be suitable for operation at this voltage and the available
fault current.
c. In addition to the requirements of this Section, the PDC shall conform to the
requirements of specification Section 26 05 15 – Industrial Control Panels
and Division 40.
d. Each PDC shall provide a single point of electrical power isolation for a
complete bank or channel. PDCs shall be NEMA 4X 316 stainless steel.
200% neutral.
e. Each PDC shall have a flanged disconnect that’s interlocked with the
operation of the main circuit breaker that shall isolate all power within the
PDC and provide short circuit and ground-fault protection.
f. Each PDC shall contain an individual circuit breaker that shall provide
overcurrent, short-circuit, and ground-fault protection for each PDC, unless
ground fault protection is integral to each ballast (lamp driver) than the PDC
circuit breaker needs to only provide overcurrent and short-circuit protection.
g. Each PDC shall house the ballast support racks, the electronic ballasts, and
all ballast monitoring or control equipment for the associated bank(s) of UV
h. An internal heater shall be provided in the PDC to prevent condensation.
i. Each PDC shall be capable of controlling one or more banks of lamps if the
UV Vendor PLC is not available. Local manual control shall be located on the
front of each PDC enclosure.
j. Panel grounding:
1) A separate ground conductor shall be run in each power conduit
to the PDC. The conductor shall be sized in accordance with NEC
Table 250-122. The conductor shall be bonded to the inside of the
2) Each PDC shall be equipped with a 1/4inch by 1inch copper
ground bus running the length of the panel, with the steel enclosure
connected to the bus so as to effectively ground the entire enclosure.
A compression fitting shall be provided at each end of the ground
bus for accepting plant ground connections.
a) Surge protectors and separately derived AC
power supplies shall be bonded to the frame ground
3) A second (signal) ground bar shall be mounted on insulated
stand-offs and shall be bonded to the frame ground bar at one point
only. Signal circuits, signal cable shields, and low-voltage DC power
supply commons shall be bonded to the signal ground bar.
k. PDCs which house ballasts shall be provided with properly sized air
conditioning units attached to panels. The panel builder shall provide
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calculations to show that the panel internal temperatures will be maintained
when the panel is mounted in direct sunlight with the air temperature ambient
is 50 degree C and a humidity of 100 percent non-condensing.
l. The air conditioner shall have the following features:
1) Use CFC-free R134a refrigerant.
2) Have fully gasketed flanges on all four mounting edges for a
watertight seal that maintains NEMA 4X rating of the panel.
3) Thermostatic low temperature control to provide energy efficient
operation and prevents over-cooling.
4) EMI/RFI suppressor to minimize transient spikes during
compressor on/off cycling.
5) Separated blower-driven evaporator and condenser air systems for
closed loop cooling.
6) UL Listed.
7) NEMA 4X 316 Stainless steel enclosure.
8) Internal corrosion resistant coating and/or galvanized steel
9) Low ambient kit.
10) Short cycle protector.
11) Digital display on ambient side
12) Rated 480V, 3phase, 60Hz.
m. Provide one air conditioner per PDC which houses ballasts, manufactured by
McClean, Rittal, Pentair, or Engineer approved equal.
3. Connectors:
a. The UV module connectors shall be waterproof for direct water jet spray
when mated with a molded backshell.
b. Each connector shall have less than 120 volts across any pin to ground or
shall have a 5 mA ground-fault circuit interrupter.
c. The connector pins shall be brass with a silver plating.
d. Each pin when mated shall seal with a "cork and bottle" seal.
e. The ground pin shall be longer than the other pins giving a "make first - break
last" ground connection.
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f. The body of the nut and receptacle shall be waterproof and made of High
Impact plastic or 316 stainless steel.
g. Covers shall be provided for each connector to seal when not in use, or
sockets at the junction box are to be equipped with fixed covers to seal when
not in use.
4. Electronic Ballasts:
a. Electronic ballasts employing Power Factor correction shall be provided.
Ballasts shall:
1) Control current inrush and filament energy during lamp start-up to
minimize cathode sputtering.
2) Control the overall power used by the lamps.
3) Monitor lamp operating conditions and modulate lamp voltage to
maintain lamp current.
b. The ballast shall match the operating and impedance characteristics of the
c. The electronic ballast shall conform to the following standards, where
1) ANSI C62.41 (IEEE587) Class A related to transient protection.
2) FCC regulations, US Code of Federal Regulations #47, Chapter 18
for RFI/EMI suppression.
3) ANSI/NFPA 70-1990 for maximum voltage to ground limitations and
grounding requirements.
4) IEC Harmonic Standard 555-2, table 2 and 3 for ballast harmonic
d. The electronic ballast shall operate under the ambient conditions described
in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section.
e. The electronic ballast shall meet the following physical and electrical
1) Operating power factor for the ballasts of 98% or greater and less
than 5% total harmonic distortion (THD) current at the maximum
power level and nominal input voltage.
2) Electrical conversion efficiency of 90% or greater.
3) The Ballasts shall be electronic microprocessor controlled, designed
as slot cards fitting into a rack system with a plug connector for ease
of maintenance.
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4) Each Ballast shall drive a pair of lamps with independent control and
monitoring circuits, and providing individual lamp status information
to the PLC.
5) The Ballast shall produce an earth free lamp power supply operating
at above supply frequency and optimized to preserve lamp life.
6) The Ballast shall detect lamp failure and initiate a re-strike sequence,
independently from any external influence. The Ballast shall attempt
three re-starts before shutting off.
7) Ballast to withstand line voltage fluctuations at the PDC of 480 VAC
±10 percent at 60 hertz, while maintaining lamp operation for brown-
out protection.
8) The Ballast shall incorporate a filament pre-heat circuit to minimize
lamp failure on start up.
9) The Ballast shall be capable of varying the lamp power proportional
to a 4-20 mA or digital control signal.
10) Ballasts requiring liquid closed loop re-circulating heat exchanger
systems, e.g. propylene glycol, for cooling shall not be permitted.
11) No visible flicker and “Class A” audible noise.
12) Thermal overload protection per UL 935
13) Ballast to have a guaranteed 43,300 hours mean time between
14) Ballast output regulation to 2% of AC line voltage fluctuations from
90% to 110% of nominal.
15) Local visual diagnostic shall be provided with LEDs for ballast and
lamp status.
16) In order to avoid net harmonics and radiated interferences, the
electronic ballasts shall be equipped with an active harmonic filter.
5. Junction Box (JB)
a. The JB shall be a NEMA 4 316 stainless steel unit, which spans over the
channel and provides all service connections for the associated bank of
lamps, sensor, position and safety switches, wiper system operation etc. via.
quick disconnect plug and socket arrangements.
b. The JB shall provide individual termination points for all field cabling and
airlines entering the unit.
c. The quick disconnect plug and socket arrangement will be covered by a
lockable 316 stainless steel guard that will limit unauthorized access to the
plug and socket.
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d. Access to the field terminations inside the JB shall be via. a removable panel
with weatherproof seal.
e. The construction of the JB shall provide mechanical protection for all cabling
and airlines entering the JB and shall be sized in accordance with the NEC.
6. Additional Electrical Components:
a. The SUPPLIER shall supply all lamp to ballast cables interconnecting the
modules, any junction boxes and PDCs. The SUPPLIER’S factory technician
shall witness terminations of cables. All other wiring from the enclosures to
PDCs and VCP shall be made by the CONTRACTOR.
7. Refer to Division 26 and Division 40 for additional Electrical requirements.
1. Provide a theoretical electrical system harmonics study for the electrical
distribution system including utility. The goal of the study shall be to determine
requirements for the UV disinfection system to comply with harmonic distortion
levels. The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for providing harmonic filters where
needed to meet these requirements. The SUPPIER shall perform or shall hire an
independent contractor to perform a field harmonic study and shall provide
additional harmonic filters as required to meet the requirements of IEEE 519 with
no increase in the contract price. For preliminary calculation purposes, the short
circuit current shall be 20,000 A, and the Point of Analysis (Point of Common
Coupling) shall from the load side of one of the feeder breakers of the existing
MCC. CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall coordinate with SUPPLIER to provide
information on CONTRACTOR provided equipment. The calculations shall be
performed using the UV system and no other load operating on the system. The
UV Disinfection System shall be supplied power from two plant sources via an
automatic transfer switch to the 480V distribution equipment for the UV Disinfection
system. In addition, there may be secondary power from a generator. The
harmonics study shall be completed using each power source. The final electrical
system design parameters will be sent to the successful contractor as soon as they
are available. The final calculations shall incorporate the final system configuration
2. The harmonics study shall verify compliance with the harmonics and line notching
requirements specified herein, with information on the filter system (if necessary)
required to achieve the specified levels. The study shall be based on and contain
at least the following:
a. Explanation of method used to perform the study.
b. Explanation of study results with specific recommendations on filters and/or
other measures, which will be implemented to meet the specified limits.
c. All calculations and/or computer printouts used to arrive at the
d. Individual UV module voltage and current harmonic content up to the fiftieth
harmonic, and the combined total of all the UV module harmonic contents
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reflected in the system source supply voltage and current as a percentage of
the 60 Hertz fundamental under actual load conditions from 0 to 60 Hertz.
3. The harmonic distortion on the total installed distribution system for voltage and
current distortion levels and line notching shall meet the requirements of IEEE 519.
Capacitor-inductor filter traps that require tuning to the power system shall not be
acceptable. Harmonic mitigation schemes that require the operation of multiple
banks shall not be acceptable. The SUPPLIER shall provide for the design,
furnishing, and installation of the filtering and appurtenances required to meet
these requirements, and all related costs shall be included in the Contract Price.
4. The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for obtaining all data necessary to perform
the study, including feeder cable sizes, approximate feeder length, motor data,
switchgear data, existing field data (if required) and any other information relative
to the study.
5. The report shall be provided prior to or with the UV system shop drawings for
approval. UV System submittals received prior to or without the study will be
considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
6. The SUPPLIER shall provide an up-to-date single line diagram with referenced
data with the submittal for the study.
1. The UV system shall be furnished as a package system and shall consist of
mechanical, instrumentation, electrical and control components as detailed in
Paragraph 2.3 through Paragraph 2.5 of this Section. The UV Manufacturer shall
provide all UV instrumentation components required for complete system control.
2. All UV manufacturer furnished control panels shall be NEMA 4X, 316 stainless
steel, designed to be located in an indoor wash-down area. VCP control and
networking components shall be as defined in specification Section 40 95 10 –
PLC- Based Control Systems Hardware.
3. The VCP shall be designed and built to operate under the ambient conditions
described in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section.
4. In addition to the requirements of this section, the VCP shall conform to the
requirements of specification Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and
Instrumentation Systems, Section 40 92 00 – Control Panels, Section 40 95 10 –
PLC-Based Control System Hardware, Division 26, and ATTACHMENT-1 for the
OWNER’s PLC standards at the end of this specification.
5. Electrical power supply to the VCP shall be a two wire (plus ground) 120 volts AC
/ 60 Hz / single phase supply.
6. The VCP shall have an internal single point of electrical power isolation and shall
house any power distribution circuits, transformers, or power supplies required for
the UV system control.
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7. Instrument procurement and installation shall be subject to the requirements of the
Division 40 specifications, drawings, instrument schedule and I/O schedule.
8. The UV Manufacturer System controller shall provide for manual maintenance
operation or fully automated operation of the entire UV system.
9. All I/O, terminal block and communication spare capacity shall be subject to the
requirements of specification Section 40 91 00 – Process Control and
Instrumentation Systems.
10. The UV System shall not be able to operate unless the controls are energized, nor
shall it be able to operate with any defective controls.
11. Controls and instruments shall fail into a safe condition.
12. Other requirements per Division 26 and Division 40 shall apply, including
supplemental panel and enclosure requirements, and shall augment the
requirements specified herein.
13. All instrumentation shall be individually circuit breaker protected to minimize the
effects of any single point of failure.
14. The PLC panel design shall include an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) in
order to provide ride-through power to the PLC during transition to and from utility
power sources. The UPS shall conform to the requirements of specification Section
40 92 00 – Control Panels
1. UV System equipment control and coordinated operation shall be governed by the
UV Manufacturer furnished PLC-based UV System control panel. The UV
Manufacturer control panel shall house a Schneider Modicon M340 PLC (no
equal), for execution of all system control functions. The UV PLC shall be
manufactured per Section 40 95 10 – PLC-Based Control Systems Hardware
2. The UV supplier shall reference the Owner requirements see ATTACHEMENT-1,
for standard equipment and programming details.
3. The UV PLC shall:
a. Maintain the target delivered UV dose at all times. Calculating dose in the
following method:
1) Dose is a function of flow, UVT, and sensor intensity. Under this control
method, the combined effect of power setting, lamp aging, and sleeve fouling
is continuously monitored by the UV sensor. This method would alarm as the
delivered UV dose approaches the design delivered UV dose.
b. Have the ability to adjust the power level of the UV lamps automatically based
on programmed data and external inputs (including UVT measurement),
maintaining target UV dose while minimizing energy usage.
c. Provide a counter to measure the time the lamps have operated. The
counters are password protected but can be manually reset by the OWNER.
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d. Provide separate alarm and emergency shutdown functions.
e. Provide normal startup and shutdown control logic as well as emergency
shutdown and maintenance control logic.
f. Receive input, monitor, and control operating variables.
g. Contain operator adjustable program timers and setpoints.
C.Human Machine Interface (HMI)
1. All control panel mounted HMI devices shall be mounted between 3 and 6ft above
the base of the cabinet.
2. The control panel shall include a panel-mounted NEMA 4X, operator interface
(Schneider Magelis as detailed in Section 40 95 10 – PLC Based Control Systems
Hardware) to support local interface to the UV System independent of the balance
of plant control system.
3. Screens for all controls, meters and alarms shall be provided and formatted in
accordance with the requirements specified under Division 40. Screens shall be
developed utilizing Schneider Ecostruxture Software. Following successful
completion of the Performance Test, all control screens in native electronic format
shall be forwarded to the OWNER and ENGINEER. In addition, programming shall
be subject to the general requirements of Section 40 95 10 - PLC Based Control
Systems Hardware.
a. HMI screens shall be developed per OWNER standards and as per
specification Section 40 95 10 - PLC Based Control Systems Hardware. The
SUPPLIER shall schedule a meeting with the OWNER to discuss graphic
screen development prior to start of construction.
4. The Manufacturer shall use visual graphics and minimal written instructions on the
HMI screens to indicate:
a. Hand/Off/Auto indication per reactor.
b. UV transmittance, the reading from the meter shall be visible on screen.
c. Calculated UV Dose (each bank)
d. Influent Isolation gate position. (Provision)
e. Effluent gate position level. (Provision)
f. Gate fault.
g. Communication failure between UV PLC and Plant PLC.
h. UV intensity (each sensor).
i. Lamp elapsed time (each lamp) with ability to reset counter on individual
lamp without resetting the rest of the bank.
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j. Show the details on last time lamp was started and total number of starts –
daily and total.
k. Lamp life reset (adjustment only necessary if location changes are required).
l. Cumulative number of lamp ON/OFF cycles.
m. Estimated UV System power consumption (in kW).
n. Percent ballast output (per bank).
o. If the OWNER selects to include the option cleaning system:
1) Cleaning system ACTIVE/INACTIVE (per bank)
2) Manual cleaning system initiation (per bank).
3) Cleaning cycle interval indication (visible on all screens).
4) Cleaning interval adjustment (one setpoint for the entire UV System) plus
time since last cleaning.
5. Alarms:
a. Alarms shall be provided at the treatment plant SCADA system to indicate
an alarm condition in which the disinfection performance may be jeopardized.
All alarms shall be made available for interface over the communications link
to the plant’s SCADA system. Alarm setpoints shall be adjustable at the
operator interface by the OWNER.
b. In the event of lamp failure, the SCADA system shall identify the affected
lamp, module or bank by a numbered address system as well as a graphical
representation of the individual lamp that failed in the area.
1) Calculated UV dose below required level
2) Measured UV intensity below required level
3) Measured UVT below required level
4) Module failure shall indicated when current leakage to ground occurs or
current draw over 10amps for any single module occurs.
5) Flow outside of validated range
6) UV transmittance below validated range
7) Bank failure alarm
8) Ground fault interrupt (if applicable)
9) High temperature
10) High control cabinet temperature
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11) High Priority Alarm reset
13) UV system power failure. Failure of the main power supply to the UV
14) Critical instrument failure
c. Low Priority Alarms: If any of the low priority alarms are activated, a general
alarm signal shall be sent to Plant PLC indicating a “Low Priority Failure”
alarm (non-flashing) as well as the actual alarm. Low priority alarms include:
1) LOW UV intensity warning (intensity probe reading drops below
predetermined setpoint).
2) Single lamp failures.
4) Wiper end of travel position.
5) Low Priority Alarm reset.
6. Programming requirements of the HMI shall comply with Division 40.
D. Connection between the UV PLC and the Plant PLC shall be via Modbus TCP
1. The UV System HMI controls screens (intended to encompass system status
monitoring points and signals, control setpoints/commands and alarms) shall be
made accessible to the Plant Control System. I/O required to be supported by the
UV Manufacturer control panel PLC/HMI shall include those listed in the project
I/O Schedule, represented in or referenced by the P&IDs and additionally required
by the UV Manufacturer.
2. The UV Manufacturer HMI and the Plant HMI are intended to be configured as
parallel interfaces to the UV PLC. In general coordination between the plant HMI
and the UV Manufacturer control panel HMI shall be managed as follows:
a. The UV Manufacturer control panel HMI and the Plant HMI shall
simultaneously monitor system status, alarms, control settings and process
values. However, the reference point for UV System setpoint entry shall be
governed by a UV Manufacturer control panel HMI accessible Local/Remote
(L/R) switch. The L/R switch will be used to toggle logic in the UV PLC that
directs the PLC to only process inputs received from the UV Manufacturer
control panel HMI (in Local mode) or the Plant HMI (in Remote Mode). The
status of the L/R switch will be propagated to the Plant HMI.
b. Normally, the UV Manufacturer control panel HMI is expected to be in
Remote Mode to allow for centralized control and monitoring from the plant’s
control room.
3. Availability (or lack thereof) of the Plant control system shall not impact availability
of the UV System controls (except where process interlocks not intended to be
bypassed are concerned). Loss of the UV Manufacturer control panel HMI shall
not impact UV PLC operation or plant control system interface to the UV PLC.
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4. All alarms shall be viewable, and acknowledged from the Plant PLC.
5. The Manufacturer shall provide all registers and tags to allow integration of its
equipment into the Plant PLC. PLC I/O tagging shall conform to the requirements
of the OWNER.
6. Bank status shall be capable of being placed either in “Hand,” “Off” or “Auto” mode
via a hardware switch on the MCP. In “Hand”, the individual banks shall be turned
on independent of the PLC via separate On-Off hand switches. In “Off” the bank
shall be turned off, independent of the PLC. In “Auto” the individual banks shall
each be controlled through an On-Off software switch in the PLC via the control
a. When in “Remote”, banks shall be automatically cycled for equal wear and
timed off to minimize bank cycling.
b. Elapsed time run of each lamp shall be recorded and displayed on the PLC
system in addition to the number of strikes. The PLC shall have the option to
reset lamp hours after the lamps are replaced.
7. The System Integrator shall provide trends of the following information on the Plant
a. All UV intensity readings
b. UV dose delivered
c. UV transmittance
d. Percent ballast output (per bank or per reactor if only one bank in a reactor)
e. Estimated power
f. Temperature
g. Level
h. Effluent flow
E.Control Strategy:
1. General Strategy:
a. The control system shall have the ability to control one channel or two
channels in parallel, as selected by the OWNER’s personnel, or will provide
automatic control when system is in Auto mode.
b. The control system shall be PLC based and fully capable of allowing lamps
and motorized channel inlet gates to be operated to maintain sufficient UV
dose proportional to flow while conserving power. The controls shall
modulate the effluent gate to maintain a desired level range as determined
by the SUPPLIER.
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c. Commands to open and close inlet gates, modulate effluent gates, and to
turn UV banks on and off shall be maintained, such that, in the event of a
PLC or other related power failure and following restoration of power after a
power failure, all influent gates shall be opened and all UV banks shall be
turned on to full power for a startup time period of 30 minutes. In case of low-
level alarm, the banks in the channel with the alarm will not be turned on.
After the 30 minutes has expired, the PLC shall either leave all channels in
operation or shut one channel down, depending upon effluent flow signals,
and resume automated control of lamp output power to provide the setpoint
dosage to the effluent water. Other features shall be provided as specified
d. Each flow channel shall contain one motorized inlet gate (open or close), and
one motorized modulating effluent level control gate.
2. Control Algorithm:
a. Control algorithm shall be either Received Dosage Control or Flow and Water
Quality Pacing Control.
b. Received Dosage Control. A UV Disinfection Management System shall
control the On-Off cycling as well as the adjustable lamp power setting to
each bank of UV lamps based upon a Received UV Dosage pacing
1) On power up, all lamps should turn on for a preset minimum time
2) The Management System shall utilize a UV intensity sensor located
within the UV bank(s) and the UV transmittance probe to accurately
sense any change in lamp power, lamp fouling, effluent
transmittance, or other factor and compensate for any reduction in
the UV-C output due to lamp aging or lamp fouling.
3) The UV Disinfection Management System shall receive inputs from
each UV intensity sensor (one per UV bank) and UV transmittance
meter and shall automatically adjust the lamp output power to
maintain the required Received UV Dose under all operational
conditions. Dosage setpoint shall be capable of being adjustable by
OWNER’s personnel via password protection.
c. Flow and Water Quality Pacing Control. The UV Disinfection Management
System shall include provisions to select simple flow pacing based upon an
Applied UV Dosage algorithm. The UV dosage setpoint shall be adjustable
by OWNERs personnel.
1) The algorithm shall be programmed to work utilizing an input value
of the measured UV transmittance by the UV transmittance probe,
an input signal of total UV system in-channel flow (with adjustments
made for number of channels on line, a constant lamp sleeve
fouling factor and EOLL factor as confirmed in the validation and
accepted by the Engineer, and any safety factor required to
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continuously calculate the UV dose being delivered to the effluent
and to ensure proper dose delivery.
2) Allow for manual input of UVT; however the online UVT probe signal
shall be incorporated in to the UV dose algorithm for proper UV
dose output. Allow the analog input UV transmittance (UVT) factor
to vary between a preset range of 55 and 80 percent (where the
OWNER has the ability to adjust the allowable range in
programming). Input values of UVT outside of the range of 55 to 80
percent shall be considered erroneous. The program algorithm
shall automatically default to 65 percent for values of UVT out of
3) To prevent the delivered validated dose falling below the target
dose, the lamps shall be automatically turned up (energized) to a
higher power setting until the applied dose exceeds the operating
dose and/or additional lamps, modules or channels shall be placed
into service. If the validated delivered dose falls below the target
dose, the low UV dose alarm shall be activated.
4) Provided that the hydraulic flow can be passed through the system,
if the operating UV dose can be delivered at a lower power setting
or with fewer lamps/banks or channels in service, the UV system
shall automatically adjust so that the target dose is achieved with
the lowest possible power consumption.
1. General:
a. All instrumentation used in the UV disinfection system control or monitoring
shall be individually fused or circuit breaker protected to minimize the effects
of any single point of failure.
b. All instrumentation used in the UV disinfection system shall be designed for
use in the specified application. All instrumentation shall be installed per
manufacturer instructions.
c. The SUPPLIER shall furnish one (1) low water level switch and one (1) high
level water switch per channel for installation by the Contractor. The level
switches shall be provided in accordance with Section 40 91 07 – Level
Detection Switches.
2. UV Transmittance Meter:
a. The SUPPLIER shall furnish one (1) on-line UVT monitor to automatically
and continuously track the UV transmission of the effluent at the 254 nm
b. UVT probe shall be model IQ UVT-254 by YSI Incorporated.
c. The UVT monitor shall be ranged from 50 to 100 percent with an accuracy of
+/- 1 percent. Resolution shall be +/- 0.1 percent of reading. UVT reading
shall update a minimum of once every 60 seconds.
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d. The UV PLC shall accept the signals from the UV transmittance transmitter
via hardwire 4-20mA for use in the control to provide the design dose with
minimum electricity consumption.
e. Power feed to the UVT monitor shall be 120 volt, single phase, 2 wire (plus
ground), 14 VA and UVT monitor shall meet the requirements of Division 26
and Division 40.
f. The path-length of the UV transmittance monitor shall be between 5mm to
g. The reading from the UV transmittance monitors shall be within one percent
of the reading of a bench-top spectrophotometer for a period of at least one
week after calibration.
3. Level Transmitter:
a. The SUPPLIER shall provide three (3) total radar level instruments. One (1)
per channel, and one (1) in the common influent channel as described in
Division 40 specifications and as shown on the drawings.
4. UV Intensity Monitoring: Each bank of lamps shall have a minimum of one
ultraviolet intensity sensor that shall respond only to the germicidal portion of light
generated. Incorporation of the each of the UV intensity sensor signals shall be
required by the UV System Control Logic for proper UV dose output. Sensors shall
be calibrated to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards
and the PLC shall be equipped for transmission of alarm signals to a remote
A. The following spare parts shall be furnished as part of the equipment specified in either
Paragraph 2.3 or 2.5.
1. 10% of Total Number of UV Lamps
2. 5% of Total Number of Electronic Ballasts including all electrical connectors and
mounting parts that should be replaced whenever a ballast is replaced
3. 5% of Total Number of Quartz Sleeves, including all seals and other items
4. 10% of the Total Number of wiper seals for the cleaning system
5. 2 In-Channel UV Intensity Sensors
6. 2 face shields for protection against UV light between 200 – 400 nm wavelengths
7. 3 UV area warning signs (minimum 30 inches long by 3 inches tall)
8. A quantity of any required lubricants and cleaning chemicals, wipers, or brushes
suitable for one full year’s operation with quantities determined based on actual
operation during startup and prior to final acceptance.
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9. Any manufacturer recommended spare parts for the influent/effluent gates and
B. All spare parts and safety equipment shall be separately packaged.
C. All packages shall have quantity, item description and part numbers marked on the outside
of the packages.
D. All packages shall have the value of the items included marked on the outside of the
A. The UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS shall be manufactured, installed and tested in
compliance with local, state, OSHA, and other governing code requirements, and in
accordance with the best applicable trade practices.
A. Package materials and equipment to facilitate handling and protect from damage during
shipping, handling and storage. Mark or tag outside of each package or crate to indicate
its purchase order number, bill of lading number, contents by name, name of Project and
UV Manufacturer, equipment number and approximate weight. Include complete packing
lists and bills of materials with each shipment.
B. The UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS and control panel shall be factory assembled,
complete with all components specified. The OWNER and ENGINEER shall be informed
of completed fabrication 30 days in advance and shall be provided an opportunity to
inspect the equipment, control panels, and accessories prior to shipment.
C. A copy of the identical information and instructions to be included with each shipment shall
be included with the 15-day advance notice of delivery.
D. Any field assembly required shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR. Equipment shall
have necessary lifting lugs for lifting the components into place. Components shall be
lubricated at the factory as necessary to protect the equipment during shipment and
storage. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for terminating all connections from the
PDC to the UV banks with oversight by SUPPLIER.
A. Unloading of equipment shall be the responsibility of the OWNER (or CONTRACTOR if
under contract) with SUPPLIER oversight, per Specification 01 64 00 – Owner-Furnished
B. Prior to unloading equipment at the jobsite, and prior to transfer of equipment to the
OWNER (or CONTRACTOR if under contract), the OWNER, the SUPPLIER and the
CONTRACTOR (if under contract) shall make a joint inspection of the condition of each
equipment item and shall note in writing all observed defects or omissions in the
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C. Equipment damaged during shipment, or lost during shipment and prior to unloading and
transfer of equipment to the OWNER (unless CONTRACTOR is under contract), shall be
replaced by the SUPPLIER with new equipment and materials before the equipment shall
be accepted by the OWNER.
A. The SUPPLIER shall submit to the OWNER two complete sets of equipment installation
instructions, a minimum of 30 calendar days before installation begins.
A. The SUPPLIER shall certify the correctness of the installation of all equipment furnished
and shall provide a manufacturer’s certificate of satisfactory installation to the
CONTRACTOR and OWNER. In addition, the SUPPLIER shall inspect the equipment
prior to installation and shall certify its condition has not been impaired by storage and
A.Factory Testing: All major system components shall be factory tested for compliance with
the construction and functional requirements specified herein. Certification of the test
results shall be submitted in writing to the ENGINEER for each module and control panel
separately, prior to shipment. Factory Testing is assumed to take up to five (5) days (not
including travel time). The OWNER shall be given 45 calendar days’ notice prior to testing
and the SUPPLIER shall provide and coordinate all travel accommodations for the Factory
Testing. The intent is to test the entire UV system. If that is impractical, SUPPLIER shall
suggest methods to simulate operation of the UV control system.
1. All system programming shall be tested
2. Control panel operator interface and graphics shall be tested.
3. UV system device level communication networks, if applicable, shall be tested.
4. Ethernet/IP communications for remote indication shall be tested.
If PLC programming is not complete, or if the system fails the factory witness testing, the
SUPPLIER shall pay for six (6) OWNER representatives to revisit the factory to witness
Factory Testing. If PLC programming is still not complete, or if the system still fails the
factory witness testing, the SUPPLIER shall pay for all subsequent visits by the OWNER
representatives to witness factory testing until the factory testing is successfully
Successful completion of factory witness testing and approval of PLC programming by the
ENGINEER are required prior to shipment of the PLC.
B.System Conformance Testing:
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1. Upon completion of construction of the UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS and prior
to startup, the SUPPLIER, with the assistance of the CONTRACTOR, shall conduct a
comprehensive System Conformance Test for equipment, according to an agreed
upon test procedure which shall be reviewed by the OWNER. The System
Conformance Test procedures shall be developed by the SUPPLIER and submitted to
the OWNER for review and comment 30-days prior to testing. A qualified
representative of the SUPPLIER shall direct the system tests, analyze data, and certify
the system performance during the tests. The OWNER shall observe all tests and shall
be given 10 days advance notice by the CONTRACTOR and SUPPLIER of intent to
conduct such tests.
2. Conformance tests shall demonstrate that the equipment and control systems
furnished under this bid are properly installed and operate continuously for a minimum
of 72 hours in wastewater in accordance with all provisions of these specifications.
This testing shall also include the following:
a. Proper installation and alignment of UV modules.
b. Water tightness of all submerged equipment.
c. Proper placement of UV lamp modules to assure specified water levels
relative to the lamps.
d. Electrical wiring and connections.
e. Proper calibration and operation of instrumentation, alarms, and operating
indicators associated with the UV equipment, including the UV intensity
f. Proper UV dose delivered.
g. Proper placement and operation of ballast, cooling fans, air conditioning
units, and filters in the control panels.
h. Adequate ventilation in all electrical enclosures.
i. Proper operation of lamp module shut-off switches and ground fault circuit
j. Proper operation and communications between the MCP PLC and existing
SCADA system PLC equipment.
k. Proper operation of flow pacing and dosing controls including sequencing of
banks and variable intensity.
l. Proper operation of the influent slide gates under varying flow conditions.
m. Proper operating of the effluent slide gates for controlling water surface level
in the channels during varying flow conditions.
n. Confirmation of the restrike lamp time that is stated by the SUPPLIER in their
Proposal along with the lamp dimming range.
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3. Upon completion of the system conformance test period, the SUPPLIER shall submit
to the OWNER and Engineer written certification that all UV equipment and accessory
equipment associated with the UV disinfection system have been properly installed,
are in good condition, are functioning properly, and are in accordance with Paragraph
3.1 through 3.5 of this Section.
4. All system test results and data shall be submitted and reviewed by the OWNER and
5. If, in the opinion of the OWNER or ENGINEER, the system meets the requirements
specified herein, the system shall be classed as conforming for purposes of advancing
the project to the Performance Testing phase.
6. In the case of a nonconforming system, project advancement to the performance test
phase shall not occur until the SUPPLIER and the CONTRACTOR have made such
adjustments, replacements, changes and/or additions as are necessary to correct the
system and retest it as specified above. Project advancement to the performance test
phase shall not occur until, in the opinion of the OWNER, the system has conformed
to these specifications.
C.Performance Testing:
1. Following successful completion of the System Conformance Testing, Performance
Testing shall begin. The SUPPLIER shall coordinate with the CONTRACTOR to
prepare and submit to the OWNER a detailed protocol to be followed for the
Performance Test. This detailed protocol shall be submitted at least 30 days in
advance and shall require written review by the OWNER prior to initiating the tests.
The SUPPLIER shall participate in Performance Testing planning meetings as
required by the OWNER and CONTRACTOR. The SUPPLIER shall commence the
Performance Tests upon approval from the OWNER. The SUPPLIER is required to be
on-site during the first five uninterrupted days of performance testing.
2. Laboratory analyses will be performed by the OWNER. All laboratory test results shall
be submitted by the OWNER and forwarded to the SUPPLIER.
3. Performance testing shall be conducted in wastewater treatment plant secondary
4. Duration of performance testing shall be for a two-week period of continuous operation
in “Auto” mode. Samples shall be collected two times per 24-hour period at intervals
directed by the OWNER.
5. Samples shall be collected by the OWNER and may be measured in their own
laboratory for the following analyses:
a.E. coli counts just upstream of the UV system.
b.E. coli counts just downstream of UV system.
c. Suspended solids just prior to disinfection.
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6. At the time of sample collection, UV transmission and UV intensity shall be measured
at the germicidal wavelength range in addition to the flow rate and recorded by the
7. Sample collection, preservation, and analysis shall be in accordance with the latest
edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”.
8. No major changes in equipment or apparatus shall be permitted during this testing
period. However, minor adjustments of equipment that would normally be expected
during regular operation of the equipment may be made.
9. If during the Performance Tests, the system does not meet all performance
requirements of this specification, including all requirements as defined in Paragraph
2.2 of this Section, the Performance Tests shall start over and be re-run for another
two-week period, as described above, and additional testing, labor, materials,
equipment, etc., associated with correcting deficiencies in the UV system, including
the repeated tests, shall be at no additional cost to the OWNER.
10. Should said equipment, when tested for a second period, fail to meet all of the
requirements of the guarantee, as well as the operational performance data
requirements, as set forth herein, the SUPPLIER shall make any and all modifications
to the system including the possibility of purchasing new additional equipment and
appurtenances including piping, valves, concrete tankage, control wiring, electrical
system modifications, etc. necessary to cause the system to meet the performance
specifications. If the changes cause additional operating costs for the OWNER
compared to those used in the proposal evaluations for supply of this equipment the
SUPPLIER will be liable to the OWNER for the 20-year life cycle cost evaluation of
those additional operating costs.
D.Electrical Acceptance Test:
Verification of warranted power consumption shall be documented by electrical
acceptance testing. This electrical acceptance testing is separate and independent from
the Performance Testing described above but may be conducted concurrently. Cost of the
electrical acceptance testing shall be borne by the SUPPLIER.
1. Electrical Acceptance Test shall consist of a 24 consecutive hour measurement of
kWh usage, kVARh usage, KW demand and harmonic distortion on operating UV
banks by an independent testing agency selected by the SUPPLIER and acceptable
to the OWNER and Engineer. Qualification of the testing agency and test protocol shall
be submitted to the OWNER and Engineer for approval within 60 days of the receiving
a contract.
2. Test Protocol: During this Acceptance Test, the flow input shall be manually set to 6
MGD, UVT shall be manually set to 65 percent, target dose shall be set to the design
minimum as specified in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section and the power consumption of
online UV modules shall be measured and continuously recorded using a Watt-Hour
meter. The Watt-Hour meter shall provide accuracy of ±0.25 percent, shall operate at
frequencies between 57 – 63 Hz, and shall be furnished with a statement from the
meter SUPPLIER attesting to its accuracy. The OWNER reserves the right to verify
meter accuracy by independent testing. The watt-hour meter shall be connected to the
line side of the PDC or step-down transformer (if there is one). Testing shall begin 15
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minutes after the UV banks are energized to ensure that the lamps are at full intensity
and have a stable power consumption.
3. The harmonic current and voltage from the UV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS shall
be measured for all bank configurations prior to final acceptance. The point of common
coupling is defined as the line side terminals of the PDC. If the measured harmonic
current and voltage does not comply with Tables 10.2 and 10.3 of IEEE 519-2014,
then the SUPPLIER shall make modifications to limit the harmonic distortion through
their equipment.
4. The UV system phase currents, neutral current and total volt-amperes shall be
measured at maximum load. This is to ensure that the power supply wire and electrical
equipment are sized properly to avoid thermal problems and that the UV electrical
demand equals the SUPPLIER’s claims in the submittal.
5. Test results shall be submitted to the OWNER within 2 weeks after electrical
acceptance testing has been completed.
6. If during the Electrical Acceptance Test, the system does not meet all performance
requirements of this specification, including all requirements as defined in Paragraph
2.3 or 2.5 of this Section and values stated in the PRICE FORM, the test shall be re-
run, as described above, and additional testing, labor, materials, equipment, etc.,
associated with correcting deficiencies in the UV system, including the repeated tests,
shall be at no additional cost to the OWNER.
E.System Acceptance: The ultraviolet disinfection system will not be accepted if the level
of E. coli bacteria exceeds the specified wastewater effluent requirements.
1. Final system acceptance shall be signed off on by the OWNER and ENGINEER.
2. Should the ultraviolet disinfection system fail to meet the specified wastewater effluent
requirements, the SUPPLIER shall correct all deficiencies by repairing or replacing the
system. Retesting of the system will be done at the SUPPLIER's expense.
3. Should the ultraviolet disinfection system fail the retest, the OWNER will, at their sole
discretion, use the warranty specified to repair or replace the system.
4. If the ultraviolet disinfection system succeeds in meeting the specified wastewater
effluent requirements, but fails in meeting the Guaranteed Power Consumption from
the PRICE FORMS, the Owner may choose to accept the equipment. If the OWNER
accepts the equipment in this case, liquidated damages will be assessed and levied
on the SUPPLIER. The liquidated damages will be calculated on the basis of the
Guaranteed Power Consumption. The liquidated damages shall be calculated as
Should the Electrical Acceptance Test demonstrate that the electricity consumption is
less than in the PRICE FORMS the OWNER will NOT provide any compensation to
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