P.O. Box 850
Greeley, Colorado 80632-0850
Ms. Linda Ripley
Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
P. 0. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Dear Ms. Ripley:
Q'Y 4
OCT : 0 i588 "=r
F of coti°P
October 7, 8
arimer Co., SH 287
- PACE Warehouse PUD
2 Mi . S. of Harmony
Rd. on W. Side of
SH 287
DOH FILE 45100
We have reviewed the PACE Membership Warehouse PUD/Traffic Analysis, and
we have the following comments.
1. Projected traffic on SH 287 indicates the need for a 140-foot total right
of way, 70 feet each side of the highway centerline. Since the existing
width along this property is approximately 50 feet west of the centerline,
additional width to meet the projected need should be protected by reser-
vation or, preferably, dedication as permitted by City regulations.
2. As noted in the Traffic Impact Analysis by Leigh, Scott and Cleary, Inc.,
an Access Control Plan is being developed for a section of South College
Avenue, including the frontage along this site. Until this plan is completed,
no firm decisions can be made with regard to the proposed access to this
property opposite Fairway Lane.
However, at this time, it appears that some type of non -full -movement
access would be allowed. A traffic signal at Fairway Lane is not being
proposed in the access plan.
In addition, there is a desire to plan for a north/south road west of
SH 287 which would serve multiple properties in the area. The "Future
Connections" shown on the Preliminary PUD are not consistent with the
level of roadway being discussed and would not help to redistribute traffic
from SH 287.
Construction of an access to SH 287 would require an Access Permit.
Application for this permit is made to the City. In general, the access
design shown on the PUD plan appears reasonable. The one-way entry lane
should be 16 feet wide and the two-lane exit 24 feet wide exclusive of
gutter pans. Proper signage and striping will be necessary to define
the exit lanes and ensure proper use of the access.
October 7, 1988
Page Two
PACE Warehse.
DOH FILE 45100
3. The site plan for this development indicates that surface runoff flows
toward the highway drainage system. That system is for the protection
of the State Highway right of way and is not intended to accomrrodate
drainage from abutting properties beyond that which has historically
been accepted. Therefore, we ask that on -site detention of surface runoff
be provided so that the historical runoff rate will not be exceeded due
to this development.
Thank you for the opportunity to review this PUD. Please contact Wally Jacobson
at 350-2168 if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
John K. Crier
Planning/Environmental Manager
cc: D. Yost
Area Foreman
File: Crier -Jacobson