HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE MARKET PLACE PUD - PRELIMINARY - 21-89 - DECISION - MINUTES/NOTES (2)h PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING . MAY 22, 1989 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 6:32 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. Board members present included Chairwoman Laurie O'Dell. Vice -Chair Sanford Kern, Jim Klataske, Jan Shepard,, Rex Burns and Alternate Joseph Carroll. Members absent included Lloyd Walker. Staff members present included Tom Peterson, Linda Ripley, Ted Shepard, Sherry Albertson -Clark, Rick Richter, Paul Eckman, and Kayla Ballard. Planning Director Tom Peterson reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agenda. The Consent Agenda consisted of: Item 1 - Minutes of the April 24 and April 26, 1999 meetings; Item 2 - Woodlands 5th Filing, Final Subdivision, #60-79H; Item 3 - Centre for Advanced Technology, Congregate Living, Preliminary, # 53-85X; Diamond Shamrock PUD, Final, 014-89A; Item 5 - Warren Farms 3rd Filing, Final Subdivision, #53-84G was continued to the June 26, 1989 meeting; Item 6 - Resolution PZ89-3, Dedication of a Utility and Access Easement on Lot 2, of Southmoor Village East Second Filing, Fort Collins, Colorado #105-88, 023-89; Item 7 - Interstate Associates, Annexation and Zoning, #22-89. Member Kern moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Member Shepard seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed 6-0. WEBERG PUD - MASTER PLAN - 076-88E WEBERG PUD - PRELIMINARY - #76-88F • Sherry Albertson -Clark, project planner, gave a description of each item. She stated that staff recommended approval of Weberg Master Plan and Weberg Preliminary with the following conditions: 1) The applicant provide mitigation for the loss of existing trees on the final plans; 2) A unified signage design be provided with the final plans; 3) Final building elevations provide fluting in selective areas of the exposed aggregate panels for all elevations of the Weberg building, and a consistent architectural theme for the entire site be established; and 4) Preliminary design for Fossil Boulevard off -site be provided with the final plans. Frank Vaught, Vaught/Frye Architects, gave a history of what was proposed to the Board in April. He stated that the land uses did not change from the preliminary plan. He stated that this property would interface with the property to the north and south. The adjacent property owners have concurred with Weberg's that if a new street were proposed, that street would split the property so each owner would assume one-half of the responsibility. The existing trees would be incorporated into an island down the center of the street. He briefly discussed the straightening of Fairway Lane, setbacks, berming, additional areas for an increase in the landscaping, exterior building materials, decrease in building height, and elevations. He presented slides that compared exposed aggregate concrete on various existing buildings throughout the city. He presented a new elevation plan to the Board for review. He stated that a vertical ribbed 5 foot band around the showroom/warehouse exterior would be incorporated into the plan. Canvas awnings had also been incorporated. He added that this site had been designed for the storm drainage to exit on the south side of the site. It would be treated through a filtration system. Member Carroll asked for clarification of the topography of the strip along . College and the small triangular strip in the back of the site. Mr. Vaught replied that there was a 6 foot elevation difference from the site to College Avenue and toward Fairway Lane, which tapers and meets College Avenue. CJ Member Burns suggested that City staff work with the adjacent property own- ers and the next to the adjacent property owners in regard to the alignment of Fossil Creek Boulevard. The motion to approve the preliminary passed 6-0. THE MARKET PLACE PUD - PRELIMINARY - 021-89 Sherry Albertson -Clark gave a description of the proposed project. She stated that staff recommended approval with the following five conditions: 1) a 15 foot landscape easement be provided on the adjacent property to the north with final plans; 2) a unified signage design for all signage on -site be provided with final plans; 3) additional information be provided on the proposed building elevations addressing color schemes and materials with final plans; 4) easements for the outparcel access be provided with the final plans; and 5) a signed Deed of Dedication for Troutman Parkway be provided prior to final approval. She stated that the applicant recently provided a full-size copy of the site plan which incorporated the outparcel. She added that if the Board was willing to review that outparcel, the fourth condition would not apply. Jay Rosenbaum, Rosenbaum -Dean, stated that he would be available to answer any questions the Board may have. Mr. Gene Yergenson, Rosenbaum -Dean, discussed landscaping, berming, the pedestrian walkway, curbcuts, access to and from the site, elevations, color schemes, signage, screening, parking, the proposed building pads, and setbacks. Ms. Albertson -Clark clarified that the main concern with condition 3 was matching the color with the Fountainhead project. Steve Johnson, property owner termed "outparcel" and National Car Rental owner, requested that the outparcel be included in this preliminary process to assure consideration of the access to his property. Member Kern asked if there would be 2' - 3' undulating berms along College Avenue. Mr. Yergenson replied that the 25 foot setbacks would have 2' berms. Member Kern asked what would be the signage size. Mr. Yergenson stated that the main sign would I0' X 20' and there would also be a small id sign. Member Shepard asked how this site would be phased. -5- Mr. Yergenson stated that the southeast parcel was under separate ownership. Phar-Mor, Buildings C, B, D and F would be in one phase. Pad A and B would be constructed as per tenant useage. He added that 100% of the parking would be constructed with Phase One, as well as 100% of the landscaping. Ms. Albertson -Clark stated that staff used the commercial/regional shopping center land use point chart for this project. She briefly discussed the 45 foot building setbacks, 30 foot building height, landscape easements, access points on College Avenue, and decel lane on College Avenue. Member Carroll asked how traffic would be handled with a median on the west side of College Avenue on Troutman and no median on the east side of College on Troutman. Rick Richter stated this was a standard design phase to have the drives aligned. Matt Delich, project engineer, stated the left turns out south on College Avenue and will require 200'-250' to make that turn which will require side -by -side left turn lanes, not back-to-back. Pubic Input Jim Peterson, property owner to the north and across the street from the project, stated he was in favor of the project. Chairwoman O'Dell closed the public input at this time. Chairwoman O'Dell asked if the inclusion of the outparcel would be appropri- ate. Ms. Albertson -Clark stated that there were options available such as excluding this outparcel from the preliminary approval. Staff has been encouraging the applicant to include this outparcel, although it was submitted late. Member Shepard asked if the southeast corner complied with the preliminary requirement. Ms. Albertson -Clark stated that some materials were included although the landscaping plan and the storm drainage plan have not been reviewed. Member Shepard asked what the proposed height was for the buildings on the southeast corner. Ms. Albertson -Clark replied that there were none indicated on the plan. Chairwoman O'Dell commented that the inclusion of the outparcel was logical but she had a concern that not enough information was available for review. Member Kern concurred with Chairwoman O'Dell. Chairwoman O'Dell asked why the Phar-Mor building was so tall and if it was a one story inside. -6- Mr. Yergenson replied that the inside of the building is one story and the outside was taller so it would meet the plan to screen the rooftop equipment. Member Burns asked why the drug store was located so far north. Mr. Yergenson stated that this would provide more parking for the anchor tenant. Member Burns moved to table The Market Place PUD Preliminary to the June meeting to allow staff ample time to review the entire site including the outparcel. Member Kern seconded the motion. The motion to table passed by a vote of 4-2 with Members Klataske and Car- roll In the negative. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. • P -7-