HomeMy WebLinkAbout4900 BOARDWALK DR - APPLICATIONS - 5/12/2018Planning, Development d!t TYsnsportatia' of 281 N. College Ave P.O. Box 580 olllnS Fort Collins, OD 80524 - phone 970416-2740 Fax 224-6134 OVERwTHE-COUNTER PERMS ONLY is application is to be used to apply for the tollowfrtg permits only (check all that apply)• 0 Air Conditioning Demolition {interior non-structural) 0 Electrical Alteration (not service change) ❑Gas Lighter O Gas Log Hetiag Unit ❑ t_awn Sprinkler ❑ Mobile Home replacement ❑ Roofing 0 Sewer tie 0 FhotDide make, model and Ventilation Water Heater ❑ Water Line ❑ WoodlPellet Stove (must be EPA termed, Pr all appfieabis information on the application. )n# For ofliice vise ordy ab Sf a Address (mi ) 10 _.__-_ �a Qpitcant Name 7ontracmr �i/trr �� %y1 �ontracbor City of Ft. Collins Sales Tax Sww tmrnumberis mquhed bya0 wrivve m incomplete apAilcadons win not be aatmpted. Date w f i I z I i Value of Construction (labor, materials, profit) <- !?� 57'9- 13 City/state 0.&i A*A zip Address C,ty/Stift Tip ie�3 Address city/she ?ip 33 ZOa Are you paying taxes here or by report? ❑ Here ,'"eport Are you paying with your trust a000unt? .Yes ❑ No Is this a residential or commercial project? XReSWMVW ❑ Commercial If residential, is ft: 09ri9le. wily Detached 0 Condo/bownhome (single family altadied) 17 Cupp €.7 Multifamily (apartment) 0 Gw 4e if commercial, is it: 0 Bank 13 ear 0 Church 0 FoWft9otel ❑ Medical 0180e ❑ Office O Rail ❑ Restaurant ❑ other (explain) Is this building so years of age or more? ❑ Yes ONO lfy you mayreeed to contact Hcsmric presPlvab47n If this is for a demolition permit, what year Was the buililling conshvcted? Ifprfor to .075, you wNI need an a 0esbas asse� to w&nir MM Mls 4waador►. M *If lawn sprinider/bactdtow preventer, must list tieensed plumber. If first-time A/C, must fist ficensed electrician. !List the ea-RAmy name or City of CerWlkero # E3KWtan Plumber_______.;,: Mediankel wer Oilier I hereby adatowledge that I have read this appkatfon and state that the above ftf notion Is complete and cwreet. I agree to compiy with all requirements contained herein and dty ordinances and stabs laws regulating building consbruobon. I knarw that a . permit Is not valid until it has been paid and Issued. cam Sial[u 6'd 91,170-M7-OL6 Auodwoo eolties uuewlle d£0:L0'86 9l APN