HomeMy WebLinkAbout610 WHEDBEE ST - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS - 11/13/2018IN I 13 r 1 OPIUM 1 f 1 + • TRUSTED ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 303-257-8994 AEC@SCORFAEC.COM MlWW.SCOR.EAEC.COM ASBESTOS FINAL AIR CLEARANCE REPORT Project Detail Project I watlon: 610 Wbedimi, Street in Wort Cbllins, Colorado H0524 Performal By.. Ihmter haymaker Inspection Date: Novembvi-8, 2018 11(p)rt IAate-* November 13, 2018 Presented To: Risk Removal 6250 Iwu Forge Road Tinmath, C080541 Prepared By: ,Uviniced Eminm ueWal Consulting, LLC ColoradoConsulting FiniAl 0874 58W Franklin St. Suite 101 Ikkmver, C080216 d [30i ADVANCED O UORME AL FINAL CLEARANCE AIR SAMPLING DATA CONSULTMIGE SHEET Means of pump calibration: Filter ECA: Microscope field area: PCM Filter: TEM Filter: Gilian Gilibrator # _X_385mm2 X_0.00785mm2 X_ 0.Bum 25mm Mft MCE _<0.45um 25mm Mft Calibrated Rotometer # _X_ mm2 mm2 0.8um 37mm Lot# PC <0.45um 37mm Lot# Sample# Pump # Type: Sample Description/ Location: Activity,Start ' Time: Stop Time: P Total Minutes: Starting Liter Flow: Stopping Liter Flow: Average Liter Flow Air Volume (Liters) Fibers per Fields Limit of Oua fil'ooti one(LOO) Fibers/c c Field Blank - A - - Average: Field Blank 0/100 B Living Room 6.5 1 IWA North CL 14:40 15:25 45 15.0 15.0 15.0 675 0.004 0.0047 100 3.5 2 IWA Bedroom East CL 14:40 15:25 45 15.0 15.0 15.0 675 100 0.004 0.0025 6 3 NVA Bedroom South CL 14:40 15:25 45 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 1 675 100 0.004 0.0044 7 4 IWA West Bathroom CL 14:40 15:25 45 15.0 15.0 15.0 675 100 0.004 0.0051 4.5 5 RNA Hallwa CL 14:40 15:25 45 15.0 15.0 15.0 675 100 0.004 0.0033 Blind Recount: Collected by AEC's PCM Analyst: Hunter Haymaker SAMPLE TYPE: ACTIVITY: P = ersonal p HEX= HEPA exhaust CU clean ual p Signature: / - IWA = inside work area OW A = outside work area B = background GB = glove bag B/O = bag out PREP =work site preparation CL = clearance MCI ATTACFfNf M D CERTTETCATIONS GbladoDm�m. a��hll�-Ileild, o ASBESTOS CONSULTING FIRM TIJ,mlllle+Onl Advanced Enviromnlcnlal Consulting, LLC UnIsfollae No., ACF - land t., lac, Ill rtaht,aIll rrgaRrmram or:s•o-yot. C.n S. aad Ih, All Ill. Illy Cmlrol e'aumlul,u l4plui®Nr.1. Put U.,w 1, 1.^bi.WurlraJ,a Baum uhrnn rw.ub, arIlvlllr, ,1 111.I1<d under Rialto oa No 1, Pill II; le Him ,.'a al L'ulandn. aara: UrrmubrrrL:ala J eoalrt,: Uarmb142D11 llv�s CNC ininlnR l.,H_, Nallonwide imininl; BCC,liricutluF% bpurls /MININVI CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVLMLNT� ih Is ceni Pcrte Is mvaNed to: HUNTER I IAYMAKER In •ttpl;rntion of iaNsla[Ipry rnmplrlmn or anannaal aJMnnt rohc:ai,+r 1'ainl„6 Course Thu,lurb o npP:aved IN the Colonda Npat(munt of Public Ifrallh ana Envlronrncnl, In ac[ordan[r w,IM1 4QCC N<h'ulaliP,1 Number R. AIR XION ITORING SPECIALIST rY.0 Yt,.l lin 1.11s-111a,u dnpauOn [uu' 0.91 I'n.'N una. No n. dr. l '� �ii aa",r�»:n , a¢i•, a.auaaw,no O4 . IJIN4waJC, 11 ... .r._.1 ••nw... ..v, u•a.uq Cde�ia albq�a ra dd Gmm�mm, ASBESTOS LABORATORY nd,mnllk,IMt Advanced Environmental Consulting, LLC RralorAI.Na.IAL-20924 hu tam. it. rt Allrul. rryelrrmrN, <f 11 7.107. GR G. .,.it A, All Q111111 l<alrol ,},mWWoa R<{oI.Iba N.. S. Van 11,.4E, I.., lnprrfmn „hva Ill .., amb,a aalvRlah am rcgahrd by Itraulallon No S, 1'01, I1. la lot raa of Catmedn. r Wn' ,I%aaler n.l9le •�1+'j✓�C1o/x�.Gi� ' nnl9'.nUeld n+aun ' ' Cq!ii+ul:fdrapsaolla f HpisTER HaDMMf R', • THE -NJDSUMEQUIVALENT COHRS &\11PL1YG&EVALIIACCURBONEA90fSF09 UIS1., C.Lae Qictiu J . [aatxaa 11).�uld .. Caamae N'aA owrzas-RI' �S,y�rly : ,EV (:o6rada lkiiwwnn,nn a(FFHI<Ilcd,hJ ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Ili i, u.,lm., min John 11 llavmaker L'elolnnlina .Vu: 22173 b. m., the—,uir<:arna ur,'S-q-<OI. C.N.S. and A. (mulill Conaol ('noon m Nrpulallau ao. r. Ilan P. and i, Ivnuh, omia,d by Ill,„ male ofCMnn„L, in Ih<Rdlnwln fl Jn[iplin<: Air Monitoring Specialist* I—M: a.pm.. 1. lot. Cmdaa: Srpinvl,er ll, 1019 I Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division — Indoor Environment Program — Asbestos/IAQ Unit 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, APCD-IE-B1 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Phone: 303-692-3100 — Fax: 303-782-0278 E-mail: asbestos@state.co.us ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT This permit is --ranted subject to Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, adopted December 21, 2007, and effective January 30, 2008, the Colorado Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act (25-7-101 or 25-7-501 et seq , C.R.S.) and the following provisions, It is only'for the purpose of allowing asbestos abatement. 1 ADDITIONAL PERMIT PROVISIONS: - By performing work under this permit the abatement contractor agrees that the Division may revoke or suspend this permit should the Division find that the'contraclor: • has violated or has aided and abetted in the violation of 25-7-101 or 25-7-501 et seq., C.R.S. or Regulation No. 8, Part B, or an order of the Division or Commission, • has failed to meet any permit and notification requirement or failed to correct any violations cited by the Division during any inspection within a reasonable period of time, as may be determined by the Division, • has used misrepresentation or fraud in obtaining this permit, or, • has committed any act or omission which does not meet generally accepted standards of the practice of asbestos abatement. As a contractor, you may be subject to other licenses and permits, depending on the requirements of the county and municipality in which the work is being performed. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division strongly suggests that you check with county and municipal authorities in order to determine any other local building/permitting requirements that must be met. THE ORIGINAL PERMIT MUST BE POSTER ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. Immediately notify the Asbesro lIAQ Unit of project modifications by fax (number above) or a -mail (address above) and the appropriate county health department br fxv. Project lnod(cations include changes in the scope of work or the scheduled work dates, etc. This asbestos abatement permit is valid beginning I0/30/2018 through 11:59 PM on 11/28/2018. The actual scheduled work dates are from 10/30/2018 through 11/9/2018.. Approval issued on: 1023/2018 Record number: 142707 Notice Number: 18LR7072A Variance: None Comments: None For the location specified below: SFRD Living & dining room, hallway, bathroom, 610 Whedbee St. Ft. Collins Larimer County This permit has been issued to: Risk Removal, Inc. 6250 Iron Forue Rd. Timnath, CO 80547 Fee paid: 5400.00 Check number: CC 6761 Project Supervisor: Sandra 1. Godina Cerification No.: 19335 Project AMS: Seth B. Kisselman Cerification No.: 21329 Project Manager: Issued by: CA ASBESTOS ABATEMENT NOTIFICATION and PERMIT APPLICATION FORM FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED. .OF-* °F °to 16 �} Single Family Residential Diverrng (SFRD) Public and Commercial BurtVing, Sclrog and Singta-FAMily submilform IQ, Nei a50LFo(32SFora55.0.dram, buts 260LFor160SFore SSgeOuldnea Residential a260LFor160SFae drm PermhCoordinator code 200 SO CourtesyNotice code 100 SO Courle Notice Colorado Dept. d Public Health and Environ om # code 2D5 Sao Non -Public Access Notice O Out SO S80 Non -Pudic Access Notice pPCD•IE•Ot + re76 + Coda 210 660 Notice 430a Cherry Croak Drive South coda 230 S180 30 Da Permit code Do 30•Da PdCISFAD Permit Domer. CO 80246.1530 ilotado De ant code 200 S300 90-De Permit Phan¢ 3M-092-3100 Pat[!Ti n 285 5420 365-Da Permit coda 165/287 $1200 365 D P3CISFA6 Pertnit For 303.762.0276 of Public Health esbeslosdalala.m.us I code 100/280 ( S55 Notice or Pom91 Transfer [ code 177 J Sao Phase of Multiple and Envimnment Abatement ContffraAbatement Site Buildin Owner Company NameBuilding Name Owner Name Risk Removal. LLSFRD John Melia Street AddressSpodlyI=uonlnrm aslaulawtmo vier .al tare psra (e a soar. man. wv a. ate) Contact 86250lion Forge living ran, dining on. hanway,bath rm a bad ans John Melia City de Street Address Street Address T(mnath 0547 610 Whedbae Street 610Whedbea Street Telephone N Fax City C Zip coda City Stale Zip code970 221.9121 970Fort Collins Latimer 80524 Fort Collins CO 80524 Protect Supervisor Building Contact Phone N Telephone N Fax N Sandra Godina John Melia 20 499.5216 07 499.5216 Project PersoProject Information Disposal Site CO Project Mgr. Name Start Del End Dale LendNl Name 1 ate 11I9/16 Tower Landfill Cell Phone N CO Project Designer N 1 Start Time End Time Street Address 1 7:00 AM PM AM 4:00 PM 8480 Tower Road CO Project Designer Name Check the day(s) of operation: Su M Tu W Th F So City Stale Zip code Commerce Cl CO BOD22 Cell Phone N CO Pried Designer N Emergency? Type of ACM: TSI, Texture, VAT, etc. CDPHE Use Onl t Y❑ N® arm tax[ re on piaster, it Consulting Finn Name Regi5lrallon N Linear Feel / Type Square Feet / Type 55 gal. Drums elivery dale Approved Advanced Environmental Consul 20874 1,907s1 ACM ure walls /I / i A.M.S. Name Salh Klselman LFniffnotent 6 N bt PMreq'd7 Y W Can Phona N CO A.M.S. Cad N Ml 242-SM 21329 ate Issued: •• Y•"•'••"`•""'^" Y"^""""�•� •� YD iump'vyou III 4 Vlluu6uIIa IIIrs numndoend !/I nbWbIU5. ez arealrm:. matcate types) of ACHM to be abated (e.g. VAT, caging file, TSI, etc.). Use another page it necessary. Aftermolli0zallon, the work area will be pre -cleaned using HEPA-vacuum/wel-wipe methods. The work are will be set up as full containmont. Approxlmalely 1.907 square feet of ACM texture on plaslerwalis will be removed in a wet condition using an eidess sprayer and non-elechical hand loots e.g. hammers demo bats, crow, bats, putty knlfes spud bars. Any wall Insulation thal Is discovered will be disposed of as asbestos contaminated. All waste will be placed in double bags marked for hazard and generator. Final cleaning will be performed using w al-wipatHEPA-vacuum methods. The AMS will perform an Inspection for visible debris prior to clearance air monitoring. Upon receipt of satisfactory clearance results. EAS will remove all critical barriers and equipment for the purpose of demoblllzallon.ed tllmc AANWAas se.. ntnnmu M.1 December 04, 201810:55 Page: 1 Receipt #: 1602701969 AmEx #: XXXXXXXXXXX4002 2018/1210410:52 Qty Description Amount 11 PNG Color S/S 8.5xl1 & 8.5xl4 7.15 1 PNG B&W S/S 8.5x11 & 8.5xl4 0.13 1 PNG Color S/S 8.5x11 & 8.5xl4 0.65 SubTotal 7.93 Taxes 0.58 Total 8.51 The Cardholder agrees to pay the Issuer of the charge card in accordance with the agreement between the Issuer and the Cardholder. FedEx Office Print & Ship Centers 130 West Olive Fort Collins,CO 80524 970.221-2679 www.FedExOffice.com Tell us how we're doing and receive 10% off your next $25 print order at fedex.com/welisten or 1-800-398.0242 Offer Code:_ Offer expires 06/30/19 Get your message out in a big way with everything from full -color banners to photo -quality posters, yard signs, auto magnets and more. Please Recycle This Receipt A 41 001 Ma[li�[�'1 �M� YOyr,M 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT DETAILS 3.0 FLNAL VISUAL PROCEDURES 4.0 FLNAL CLEARANCE AIR. MONITORING AND SAMPLING 5.0 ANALYTICAL METIIODOLOGY AND LABORATORY RESULTS 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.0 LIMITATIONS List of Attachments Attachment A: Pictures Attachmeut I3: Final Visual Inspection Attachnwnt C: Air Sampling Data Attachment D: Certifications LO INTRODUCTION Advanced Environmental Consulting, LLC (AEC) was retained to perform industrial hygiene services related to post - asbestos abatement work area/contaionent visual and air monitoring services and, Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCTNI) laboratory analysis at the above -referenced location. Colorado Regulation Are. 8— Part B Section -fH ..P, clearing an asbestos abatement project applies to areas of public access rvbere the amount of asbestos -containing material (AG11) that will be abated exceeds the trigger levels " 2.0 SHE DESCRIPTION AND PROJ= DETAIIB The asbestos air clearance was conducted on November 8, 2018 by Colorado Department of Public IIealth and Environment (CDPI-]E) and Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AMERA) certified Air monitoring Specialist (AMS) --VIr. Hunter Haymaker (Certification \umber 22173). AEC is a CDPI-H7 certified Asbestos Consulting Firm (Certification Number 20874). The building is a single-family residential dwelling. AEC was responsible for consulting with the abatement representative (Sandra), to ensure the abatement areas (dining room, living room, hallway, rC two bedrooms) and materials (plaster) removed were understood so that the clearance(s) could be properly performed. &0 FINAL USUAL PROCEDURES Upon completion of asbestos removal activities and with only critical barriers still in place, a final visual inspection of the work area is required by the applicable regulations. A certified AIMS must visually inspect each work area for any dust or debris and behind critical barriers, to determine whether all dust and debris has been removed. If the inspector notes any such dust or debris, the abatement contractor is required to re -clean the work area until such time that the inspecting AMS does not observe any dust or debris in the work area. It was determined that the abatement contractor had properly cleaned tine work area completely of all dust and debris prior to air monitoring collection. 40 FINAL CLEARANCE AIR MONNORINGI AND SAMPLING Final clearance air samples must be collected from the work area after completion of a final visual inspection and prior to teardown of the containment structure. Analysis of each these samples must show airborne asbestos fiber concentrations of less than or equal to 0.010 flee. If concentrations exceed this limit, the abatement contractor must re -clean the work area and a second set of final clearance air samples must be collected and analyzed.'Phis process is repeated until tine analytical results of the final clearance air samples meet the regulatory standard. Only upon successful completion of the final clearance air monitoring process may an asbestos abatement project be considered complete, and teardown of the containment structure can continence. Final clearance air samples Nwere collected using constant flow high -volume air sampling pumps, twenty-five (25) nun air sampling cassettes, flexible tubing and adjustable sampling stands. The sampling cassettes were attached to one end of the flexible tubing and placed on the stands approximately forty-eight (48) inches above the floor. The opposite ends of the flexible tubing were attached to the air sampling pumps 'I'Ine I'CM sample pumps Nvere activated and operated at a flow rate of approximately fifteen liters per minute (15 LP\i) for a period of approximately thirty-five (35) minutes. Aggressive air sampling techniques (i.e. one -hose povered leaf blower for five minutes per I,000 square feet and a fan placed at a fort) -five-degree angle toward the ceiling per 10,0000 square feet) as described in 40 CFR Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E, were utilized throughout tine sample collection process Upon completion of the final clearance air sampling, labels containing sample identification numbers, sample location, pump flow rate, and total sample time were applied to each sampling cassette. Per the applicable regulations, based on the quantity of ACm removed during the abatement project, five (5) final clearance air samples wore collected in the full containment work area(s) located at the site. J 5.0 ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY AND LABORATORY RESUI" The AEC representative is trained in PCM laboratory analysis by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSII) 582 Equivalent Course and successfully participates in the American ]Industrial Hygiene Association (AIIIA) Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program The results of the final clearance air monitoring samples via PCM laboratory analysis confirm that the concentrations of airborne fibers within each work area were below the regulatory limit of 0.010 flee. Results below the detection limit are listed as BDL. S81'rJILIeLocation 7bt7175me Litarl+7orr Yolanm. NumberofKbcis Fibelrslcc Living Room North 35 Min 15.0 525 L 6.5 0.005 Bedroom East 35 Min 15.0 525 L 3.5 BDL Bedroom South 35 Min 15.0 525 L 6.0 0.004 West Bathroom 35 Min 15.0 5251, 7.0 0.005 Hallway 35 Min 15.0 525 L 4.5 BDL 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AH:C provided asbestos abatement clearance services at the above -referenced location. Air samples collected at the above referenced sample locations were below the regulatory level of 0.010 flee. Therefore, the work aira(s) are clean and ready for re -occupancy. 7.0 L=ATIONS This report describes the data collected and observations made by AEC during the final clearance sampling. AEC represents that its services were performed within the limits prescribed by applicable regulations, within scope of work as approved by the EPA and the State of Colorado and in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professional consultants under similar circunrstiances AEC accepts no responsibility for data collected, the recommendations Invade or expressed to the client, and/or other commitments made by persons or firms other than AEC. No other representation is made to the client, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended. Thank you for the opportunity to provide industrial hygiene support services. If there are any questions on this asbestos final clearance report, please contact AEC by phone or email. Respectfully Submitted, ADVANCED ENftOMEEINTAL CONSULTING Hunter Ilaymaker Certified Air Monitoring Specialist n F-10 m gLzj: �WUY MI& 11 s 1 A1 !,►yYt li�p,�� ATTACEaVWMi ADVANCED FJMRONMENTAL CONSULTIN61 FINAL VISUAL INSPECTION o First Inspection o Reinspection o Encapsulation X Inspector understands whether ACM removed/repaired/encapsulated/enclosed/O&M Contractor Certification of inspection In accordance with Colorado State Regulation 8, the contractor hereby certifies that he/she has visually inspected the Work Area (all surfaces, including pipes, beams, ledges, walls, ceilings, floors, decontamination unit, sheet plastic, etc) and has found no dust or debris. AEC's Certification of Visual Inspection. HH Decon & Waste Load out still intact HH No visible debris between deck and beams HH 'All waste bags removed HH , No visible debris behind critical barriers HH All exhaust filters are in operation HH !No visible debris on top of ducts, hangers, rods, lights HH Completely dry HH I No visible debris on surfaces covered by poly HH :Sufficiently well lit HH No visible debris on pipes HH ,Access to all areas HH 'All equipment clean, including underside of NAM HH Encap not sprayed onto critical barriersurfaces HHHot/Cold showerwaterwork properly(filterto less than 5), HH No visible debris on walls and floors HH 'clear view port minimum of 12"x12" Comments Print Name Signature AEC Technician: Hunter Haymaker n