HomeMy WebLinkAbout912 WOOD ST - CORRESPONDENCE - 5/16/2016c itsof Community Development & Neighborhood Services Fort Collins 281 N. College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80522; Voice: 970-221-6760 FAX: 970-224-6134 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN and DOCUMENTATION Note: Environmental Services staff is able to assist with questions about getting a recycle program implemented, and will also provide education and site visits upon request (call Caroline Mitchell at (970) 221-6288). PROJECT INFORMATION Address 912 Wood Street Date 5/16/16 Permit No. g1504515 General Contractor & Contact Info: Bellisimo INC 970-229-5900 Vendor hauling the Facility recycling the Total volume: or weight Material material2 materla13 of naterial Concrete/Masonry Gerrard Excavating970-669-1463 Bevins Trucking 862 WWII= Lane Ft Collins tons: Wood/Lumber Metals Cardboard Trash N/A ....:.. .:.. . Other (describe) Required Documentation4: Provide signed documentation from the hauling company that the volumes & weights listed above are accurate. If you hauled the materials yourself, attach tickets from locations receiving the recyclables. Documentation is required in order to receive final project approval from the City. I and my City -licensed hauler certify that the above materials from my construction site were recycled in the volume / weight described and were taken to the facilities described. 5/17/16 Signature (Contractor or Owner) Date Signature (Licensed Hauler) Date 'At minimum, the four listed materials must be recycled. Enter vendor name and phone number. If the applicant will haul the material themselves, state such. 'Where will applicant or vendor take the material for recycling? Enter facility name and address. 4 To be completed at the end of the project. Please re -submit this form at end of project with these sections completed. Rev 1/15/14 V:is04sL5 qua LOwo 51-,. BIVENS TRUCKING & EXCAVATING, INC. (RECYCLE PRODUCTS) 862 W. Willox Lane Fort Collins, CO 80524 970-482-0358 BILL TO Gerrard Excavating 27486 County Road 13 Loveland, CO 80534 RV ? t 205 SHIP TO Invoice DATE INVOICE NO. 11/2/2015 13622 TERMS P.O. ITEM JOB QTY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT 56773 Concrete Du... Wood Street 14.99 Concrete Dump Charge, Big Pieces 8.00 119.92 56776 Concrete Du... Ft. Collins 17.98 Concrete Dump Charge, Big Pieces 8.00 143.84 56781 Concrete Du... 18.53 Concrete Dump Charge, Big Pieces 8.00 148.24 56785 Concrete Du... 17.62 Concrete Dump Charge, Big Pieces 8.00 140.96 Sales Tax 3.55% 0.00 Thank you for your business! Total $552.96 Bivens Recycle Products is located at: 862 W. Willox Lane Fort Collins, CO Phone 970-482-0358 �)I 5 a95l5 Vendor: 4509 - Bivons Trucking & Excavating, InvoicoNo: 13622 Amount: 552.96 Comment: Pateros - Concrete Dump Charge KRISTEN HANSEN Midies"', KRISTEN HANSEN Gerrard Invoice Approval Page ANNA ATKINSON � 1�T 1 T11 i i11 hlll� ANNA ATKINSON Invoice Date: 11/2/2015 7:43:42 PM ANNA ATKINSON Scale Ticket • Invoice BIVENSPhone: (970) 482.0358 • Fax: (970) 221-1626 7 TRUCKING t+pjiXCAVATING, INC. 5.077 (Recojed Products) 862 W. Wlllax • Fort Collins, CO 80624 / 0 Timete: ; Company ` \ `L U-11 Tare:� _✓ , Address City State Zip Gross, Phone Tare: Net: �, , Delivery Address - r \ �... Tons •"1 "I Material ` Lr PROJECT CASH SALES ONLY. UNIT PRICE $ WHOLESALE ACCOUNTTQ.1MS-1.Q71,116FTHE FOLLOWING MONTH. Balances unpaid after the 10th of the ecr following month are subjto a late payment charge of 1 t/2% per month, or maximum allowed by law, if different, PRICE $ together with expenses incidental to collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. SALES TAX $ !'Materials play be Inipeoted by purehater prior to shipment "Seller aeeopla no roeponeiblllty for rejection of material after fl hat+.ltNn,ahlpppd irom yard. Any dlapu a or claims rogarding pricing mint be made In writing within fifteen (75) days of DELIVERY / HAUL OFF $ PW Cuomer's penonilhlola will b� loaded et their own risk. Dollvory Inside curb Ilne Is Doty et s dlrootlon and signatups By dlI tiny.Dr-lakinp.dtllvpry off of publle roadways, the customer sprees to holdd Indsmntly BIsueking a Ekcavating, Inc. from ill elalma end Ilabllltles for damages caused by delivery®, but not IImIto to dRrtagad i1 dsw!11,, damage to underground iieucturos, damage to pavement on private property, damsga to publle curb and gutlegito I Neva read the above end agree t4 the terma and conditions thereof. TOTAL DUE s-llqq 2- Signature —` Scale Ticket a Invoice BiVENS Phone: (970) 482-0358 • Fax: (970) 221-1626 56776 i TRUCKING 6 EXCAVATING, INC. (Recycled Products) 862 W. Willox • Fort Collins, CO 80524 Company Address City state Zip Phone Delivery Address PROJECT Time/Date: Unit #: Tare: Time/Date: c� Unit #: Gross: Tare: Net: Tons � MaterialQ.t ?`l`� C Z f✓. ")\t^ -WHOLESALE ACCOUNT TERMS -10TH OFTHE FOLLOWING MONTH. Balances unpaid after the 10th of the following month are subject to a late payment charge of 1 t/2% per month, or maximum allowed bylaw, if different, together with expenses incidental to collection, Including reasonable attorney's fees. . "Mata►ists may be Inspected by purchaser prior to shlpment.- seller accepts no responsibility for nleatlon of material after R hM been shipped from yard. Any disputes or claims regarding pricingmust be made In writing within fifteen (16) days of nlcNpt e! statemeltt Customer's personal vehicle will be loaded at their own risk. Delivery Inside curb line Is only at cu tomiWa dlreogon.snd signature. By directing or taking delivery off of public roadways, the customer agrees to hold 1atIr1111Ma a1M.fndemmMy El4enaTtucking i Excaveting,l[1s._frorn all claims and liabilities for damages caused by delivery such W but not limited to dainspedeldewalkC demage to aniisi7ilound structures, damage to pavement on private property, dMnps>Q putilfo auib if>d poser, ito: t t sve road the above and agree to tha terms and conditions thereof. signature IV C a C CASH 6ALES ONLY UNIT PRICE $ PRICE S SALES TAX $ DELIVERY / HAUL OFF $ hre. ®S $ TOTAL DUE 5 9 L41 -330 MA9 IN ;q:-sy .. , ..e�gytif9u,a.,rr,T� •., aoa .. .. ,..q... _.........�_.. ..,,. BIVENSPhone: (970) 462.0358 • Fax: (970.) 221-1626 TRUCKING & EXCAVATING, INC. (Recycled Products) 862 W. Wlllox •Fort Collins, CO 80524 _ Time/Date: Unit #: Company �• Tare: Address City Phone Scale Ticket a� Invoice 5 Time/Date: Unit #: Gross: Tare: _ .. � Net: ��^ Delivery Address j � - C: In Tons Material` CASH PROJECT UNIT PRICE State Zip WHOLESALE ACCOUNTTERMS -10TH OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH. Balances unpaid after the 10th of the following month are subject to a late payment charge of 1 1/2% per month, or maximum allowed by law, If different, together with expenses Incidental to collection, including reasonable attomey's fees. "Materms may be Inspected by purchaser prior to shipment.- Seller accepts no responsibility for rejection of materiel after jt has been shipped from yard. Any disputes or claims regarding pricing must be made In writing within fifteen (16) days of renlpt..of sistenlent. Customses personal vehicle will be loaded at their own risk. Delivery inside curb line Is only at custernses-direction and elpnaturs. By directing or taking dell"ryrofFof public roadways, the customer agrees to hold hatfrtlsea:siaf Indsmtttly SlvenoTFyaking i Ex9avating, Inc. from all dslmi alfd liabilities for damages caused by delivery amh sih &A not limited to domagedeldiong6idamage to underground.ebveturos, damage to pavement on private property, dealpe to pubtls 60-sn guttait�to. I have road,th0 above and agree to the terms and conditions thereof. x, �.,_.....,.oad Signature PRICE SALES TAX 3 ONLY DELIVERY / HAUL OFF $ hra. ®S $ TOTAL DUE Z n 0 111 Bj'FSv:s+.ww.Rsarcad�:•"y�+t,FL:its'.^"•'°vv.y.��r.��'Cvt.;..�r.;�;srr.,. ..q.;64s,����, �:.n •-, .. .__ t ... •, - �" \ Scale Ticket • Invoice BiVENS Phone: (970) 482-0358 • Fax: (970) 221-1626 a� sr c� r. : V TRUCKING A EXCAVATING, INC. �— (Racyclad Products) 862 W. Wlllox • Fort Collins, CO 80524 Time/Date: �, ,�. �, ,�. Unit Company Tare: Address ;:.. Time/Date: City State Zip Unit #: .:• , - /1 ` ��� Gross: Phone Tare: Net: Delivery Address Tons �Material CASH ALES ONLY PROJECT UNIT PRICE $ WHOLESALE ACCOUNTTERMS.-10TH OFTHE FOLLOWING MONTH. Balances unpaid after the loth of the following month are subject to a late payment charge of 1 t/z% per month, or maximum allowed by law, If different, PRICE $ together with expenses incidental to collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. a SALESTAX $ (% ••Mebrials may be Inspected by purchaser prior to shipment.- Seller accepts no responsibility for rejection of material after ft has tram shipped from yard. Any disputes or claims regarding pricing must be made In writing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of statement Customer's personal vehicle will be loaded at their own risk. Delivery Inside curb line is only at DELIVERY /HAUL OFF $ customer's direction and signature. By directing or taking delivery off of public roadways, the customer agrees to hold harmless and Indemnify 131vens 1Yucking 8; Excavating; Mc. from•si -alums and liabilities for damages caused by delivery r such me, but not Iimfulil to damaged! sidawafkr, 6mi sge to underground structures, damage to pavement on private property, hra, Q $ S derhage to public curb and gutter, Ma., I lj$vi road the aboyvand spree to the terms and conditions thereof. `=•:3";-" TOTAL DUE $ ILID lie Signature '