HomeMy WebLinkAbout4900 BOARDWALK DR - APPLICATIONS - 3/2/2016Mar 13 16 08:23p Ellmann Service Cc 9702233324 p.1 Planning, Development &Transportition- clty p-f 281 N. College Ave . - P.O. BOX 580' > Fort Collins, CO 84524 ��t - Phone g70-41 6-2740 Fax 224-6134 OVER-THE-COUNTER PERMITS ONLY . .. This application Is to be used to apply for the following permits only (clleck all that apply. 0 Air Conditioning 0 Dernoli on (interior non-structural) ❑ Electrical Alteration (not service change) 0 Gas Lighter D Gas Log 0 Heating Unit ❑ Lawn Sprinkler Ci Mobile Horne replacement D Roofing ❑ Sewer Line - ❑ Photo-volwc p'Ventilstioi' Eater Heater 0 Water line ❑ Wood/Pellet Stove (must be EPA certified, provide make, model•and manufacturer). - Complete all applicable Information on the application. Incomplete applications will not be, accepted_ Application # I Co G 1 H 0 Z Date - For ol%usE only G lob Site Addmss (re+qulred) � (V 'E -Ibca Value of Construction (labor, materials, profit) Z�1 •� -- - - Address 1355 . Gity/state vtv- -Zip PhoneN �k7 [er o `134 v I L) L 22a. 6 Applicant Name Address c1ty/State ipp Phone­11-2 C'r,-7r?i �-•/y %��Ln.rJ•'r.' %=y�'J'.: iG%SG�f! p I.— +�_- � 1_?J! Z_ Contractor Lic Address citylstate Zip Phone f �.:: { / i' l % t 0"'�fn7l. � .S.=riY� »✓ -7':ti Contractor City of Ft:. Collins Sales Tax # 3 :�20i Are you paying takes here or by report? ❑Here Orkeport -Wes tar numberlsrequired6yallconaactas Are you paying vylth your trust account? 'Yes ❑ No is this a residential or commercial project? gResidentiai [3 Commercial , If residential, is it:: Single Family Detached ❑ Condgjrbwnhome (single family attached) Q Duplex Q Multifamily (apartment) Q Garage if c=merdal, is it: iJ Bank 0 Bar LI Church 0 Hotd/Moiel 13 Medical office 0 Office 0 Retail 0 Restaurant Q Other (explain) rs this building 50 years of age or more? ❑ Yes D No Ifyes, you mayneed t0 contact Hi , 0ffCRreservra60n If this is for a demolition permit; what year was the building constructed? lfprior to 1975, you taill need an asbesos assessment to.submit wl i this awhi:abon. ■-�K •R■ s *If lawn sprmklerybadd low preventer, must fist licensed plumber. If ftst-time AIC, must list licensed electrician. Subcontractors: LEA iecom nynameorGlyoflctCoffasGcenseT EleWdah Plumber -- me&w[cal Roofer Other I hereby adenovuledge that I have read this apprication and state that the above information is complete and correct, i agree to comply with all requirements contained herein and city ordinances and state laws regulating building construction. I know that a permit is not valid until it has been paid and issued. Appllcant" SigDate Print J G 7 1 J