Community Development and
Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO $0522
970.224.6134 - fax
October 26, 2011
Angie Milewski
BHA Design
1603 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO
Re: Engines Lab Addition
Description of project: This is a request for a 50,000 square foot addition to the Engines Lab at 430 North
College Avenue. The addition will be used for lab space, administrative offices and support space.
Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referrenced above. The
comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in preparing the detailed
components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the
time of formal review of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project
Planner, Ted Shepard, at 970-221-6343 or tshepard@fcgov.com.
Comment Summary:
Department: Zoning
Contact: Peter Barnes, 970-416.2355, pbarnes . aoov.com
1. This property is in the POL zone. The use is classified as an "existing limited permitted use" (Sec.
4.13(B)(1)(c). Additions to existing limited permitted uses are regulated by Sec.1.6.5 of the LUC. This
section requires that if the addition increases the floor area by more than 25%, which appears to be the
case, then the entire site must be brought into compliance with the code "to the extent reasonably
feasible". The addition will be processed as a Basic Development Review.
Response: Noted.
2. The parking lot and driveway areas will need to comply with the standards in Sec. 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
regarding landscaping and parking lot design.
Response: Noted.
3. There's not enough additional information or drawings submitted for the conceptual review to offer
specific comments at this time. Therefore, just the additional comment that the applicable regulations in
Article 3 will apply.
Department: Water -Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Roger Buffington, 970.221-6854, rbuffington cgov.com
1. Existing water main and sanitary sewers in the area include an 8-inch water main in College, a 6-inch
water main that extends onto the site from College and a 30-inch sewer south of the railroad in the
northern part of the Rapid Lube site.
Response: Noted.
Department: Water -Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Roger Buffington, 970-221.6854, rbuffingion@Lcgov.com
2. Portions of the 6-inch water main are within the footprint of the proposed building and will need to be
Response: A new 6" service line has been designed to wrap around the building on the southern side.
3. Since the water main on the site is not a looped main, it may be necessary to extend an 8-inch line from
the main in College to provide better fire protection. This should be reviewed with Poudre Fire Authority.
Response: We met with PFA and the new 6" waterline will supply adequate fire flows.
4. There are currently two active water taps providing service to the site. These include a 2-inch meter for
the main building and a 3/4-inch for the modular building to the east. In addition, there is a Yrinch
service which is currently inactive (irrigation service?).
Response: Noted.
5. Development fees and water rights will be due at building permit.
Response: Noted.
Department: Transportation Planning
Contact: Matt Wempe, 970-416.2040, mwem ceo,^ v.com
1. It appears that the trail connection to the Poudre River Trail will be removed. Please examine ways to
maintain a trail connection on the east side of College Avenue south of the bridge. If you have specific
design questions, please contact Craig Foreman, Parks Planning Director, at 970.221.6618 or
cforeman .fcgov.com.
Response: We have indicated a connection to the trail from the sidewalk on the east site of College
Avenue south of the bridge. The connection follows the existing sidewalk leading to the historic
building, then connects directly north to the trail through an area where the fenced utility yard is being
removed. This provides a direct and functional connection to the trail without creating further impacts to
the historic building front yard or grotto areas.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Glen Schlueter, 970-224.6065, gschlueterBf`cgov.com
1. A portion of the site is in the Cache La Poudre River floodplain, but it appears the proposed buildings
are out of the floodplain. A Floodplain map was provided to the applicant.
Response: A Floodplain map was received and is shown throughout the submitted plan set.
2. If there is an increase in imperviousness greater than 1000 square feet, a drainage and erosion control
report and construction plans are required. These must be prepared by a Professional Engineer
registered in Colorado.
Response: There is an increase of imperviousness of over 1000 square feet and a drainage report was
Included within the submittal package.
3. Usually onsite detention is required with a 2 year historic release rate for water quantity if there is an
increase in imperviousness greater than 1000 square feet. However in this case the site drainage can
enter the Poudre River and be gone before the 100 year peak of the river. So if the site drainage
system is sized for the 100 year release into the river, onsite quantity detention is not required. The
difficult part of that is building an outfall to carry the 100 year flow and to do it in such a way that is stable
and esthetic.
Response: On site detention in only included to detain and reroute additional flows produced by the new
Improvements. Two existing outfall pipe have been utilized to drain all on -site drainage into the river.
4. Water quality treatment is also required as described in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual,
Volume 3 — Best Management Practices (BMPs).
(http:/hvww.udfcd.org/downloads/down—cdtmanual vollll.htm) Extended detention is the usual method
selected for water quality treatment; however the use of any of the BMPs is encouraged.
Response: Water quality has been included with the submitted design and included extended detention/
rain garden, grass lined sweles, grass buffers and snouts.
5. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Cache la Poudre River Master
Drainageway Plan as well the City's Design Criteria and Construction standards.
Response: Noted.
6. The city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $6,313.00/acre ($0.1449/sq.ft.) for new impervious
area over 350 sq.-ft., and there is a $1,045.00/acre ($0.024/sq.ft.) review fee. No fee is charged for
existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each building permit is issued.
Response: Noted.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Glen Schlueter, 970.224.6065, cschlueter6ftcov.com
Information on fees can be found on the City's web site at
http://www.fcgov.com/utlities/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-development-fees or
contact Jean Pakech at 221- 6375 for questions on fees.
7. The north and north west portion of this property is located in the FEMA regulatory floodplain and
floodway for the Poudre River. Any future stormwater outfall, grading, landscaping, fencing, or other
development in this area defined by Chapter 10 of the City Municipal Code must be preceded by an
approved floodplain use permit, $25 fee and no -rise certification.
Response: No construction or disturbance will occur within the FEMA boundary.
8. All development review checklists for floodplain requirements can be obtained at
http:/twww.fcgov.com/utilities/what-we-do/Stormwater/flooding/forms-documents. Please review these
documents when preparing your plans for submittal.
Response: Noted.
9. The Floodplain Administrator for the Poudre River Basin is Marsha Hilmes-Robinson; 970-224-6036, or
mhilmesrobinson@fcgov.com. Please contact Marsha with any floodplain related questions. .�
Response: Noted,
10. Even though the information does not indicate it, the applicant indicated there may be a
Proposed on the City property to the south of the site and west of the railroad behind g
d the ex stin lot
businesses along College Ave. his could be a challenge since the alley is drainage convey a
with a limited outfall. The ponding in that area could be more than 6' deep. An analysis by desinarea
engineer is needed and possibly an additional drainage outfall. Parking lot ponding is limited to 1
depth. This could also be railroad right-of-way. foot in
Response: Noted. We are exploring the addition of parking off -site near this area. This
processed as a sepit
arate amendment to the currently approved plans for the affected swill be
Department: Park Planning
Contact: Craig Foreman, 970.221.6618, cforemanftaov com
1. Since the connection to the Poudre Trail is going away on the east side of the Power Plant w
have a replacement connection off North College Avenue. a should
Response: We have indicated a connection to the trail from the sidewalk on the east site
Avenue south of the bridge. The connection follows the existing sidewalk leadinghisto the is
building, then connects directly north to the trail through an area where the fenced utilitytoric
removed. This provides a direct and functional connection to the trail without creating fu heir Impacts being
the historic building front yard or grotto areas. Pacts to
Department: Historical Preservation
Contact: Karen McWilliams, 970-224.6078, kmcwilliamsAfcaov cnn,
1. As several resources on this property, including the main building, are designated as Fort Collins
Landmarks, alterations to buildings, resources and site will be reviewed for compliance with Land
Code Section 3.4.7, Historic and Cultural Resources. Use
2. Historic Preservation Staff and the Landmark Preservation Commission are always available to
assist with
Professional advice and design reviews on issues affecting historic properties. The project team has
previously met for a conceptual review with the Landmark Preservation Commission. In addition to its
appreciation of the phenomenal work done by the Engines Lab, the Commission's comments included
preserving the view corridor of the historic building, especially as it is approached from the south; settin
the new construction back behind the first pile of the existing building; and while it is certain)preferableg
to retain the fountain in its historic location, the commission would consider relocating the fountain onsi
if its relocation contributed greatly to the design of the new construction in respect to the historic. site
3. The project will need to be presented to the Landmark Preservation Commission for review and final
approval. It is recommended that the project team keep the Commission informed, and take advantage
of the Commission's feedback throughout the design process.
4. Properties that are designated as Fort Collins Landmarks may receive financial incentives. Finan i
Programs include 20% State Tax Credits, cal
Assessment grants, State Historic Fund grants of $200,000'and more,nterest an, , for in 0 Historic Structure
come ing
Properties, an additional 20% Federal Tax Credit. Any work, both interior and extenor,, whichc rotects r
promotes a building's historic character by meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Standards p o
(http./1www.cr.nps.gov/hps/tps/standguidefindex.htm) can qualify. For more details on financial
incentives, please contact Historic Preservation staff.
Response: Since our Conceptual Review meeting, we have had several advisory review meetings with
the Landmark Preservation Commission, and received Final Approval on June 20, 2012.Our site,
landscape and building plans reflect the comments received from the LPC.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Carle Dann, 970-219.5337, CDANNO-Doudre-fire.oro
Fire hydrants, where required, must be the type approved by the water district having jurisdiction and the
Fire Department. Hydrant spacing and water flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of
occupancy. Minimum flow and spacing requirements include:
- Commercial and multi -family dwellings 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further than
300 feet to the building, on 600-foot centers thereafter
- Residential within Urban Growth Area,1,000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further than
400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter
- Residential outside Urban Growth Area, 500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further than
400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter.
These requirements may be modified if buildings are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems.
PLEASE NOTE: There currently are three hydrants on site; however, one hydrant is located where the
proposed addition will be built. If we have enough water flow and pressure, I'd like to keep just the
remaining two hydrants on site.
2006 International Fire Code 508.1 and Appendix B
This proposed building shall be fire sprinklered. 2006 International Fire Code Section 903
Fire department connections shall be installed remote from the buildings or in an approved location, and
located on the street or fire lane side of buildings, fully visible and recognizable from the street or
nearest point of fire department vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire code official.
PLEASE NOTE: Let's discuss location for a possible remote FDC.
2006 International Fire Code 912.2 and PFA Fire Prevention Bureau Policy
Poudre Fire Authority requires a key box ("Knox Box") to be mounted in approved location(s) on every
new building equipped with a required fire -sprinkler system or fire -alarm system. Knox Boxes are
required to be installed approximately 60 inches above grade and no higher than 72 inches above
grade. 2006 International Fire Code 506.1
Buildings that are required to be fire sprinklered shall have a minimum 6-inch fire line unless hydraulic
calculations can support a smaller fire line. NFPA 13 (2007) 23.1.3
Fire access roads (fire lanes) shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building
hereafter constructed or moved into or within the PFA's jurisdiction when any portion of the facility or any
portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus
access as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. This fire lane
shall be visible by painting and signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. A fire lane plan shall
be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in
relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements:
- Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface (asphalt or concrete) capable of supporting
fire apparatus weights. Compacted road base shall be used only for temporary fire lanes or at
construction sites.
Have appropriate maintenance agreements that are legally binding and enforceable.
Be designated on the plat as an Emergency Access Alignment.
Maintain the required minimum width of 20 feet throughout the length of the fire lane (26 feet on at
least one long side of the building when the structure is three or more stories in height).
If the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire -sprinkler system, the fire code
official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet.
2006 International Fire Code 503.1.1, 503.2.3, 503.3, 503.4 and Appendix D
Where adequate radio coverage cannot be established within a building, public -safety radio amplification
systems shall be installed in the following locations:
1. New buildings greater than 50,000 SF in size or addition(s) to an existing building that cause the
building to be greater than 50,000 SF. For the purpose of this section, fire walls shall not be used to
define separate buildings.
2. All new basements greater than 10,000 SF where the designed occupant load is greater than 50,
regardless of the occupancy classification.
3. Existing buildings meeting the criteria of Items 1 and 2 of this section undergoing alterations
exceeding 50 percent of the aggregate area of the building.
Public -safety radio amplification systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with criteria
established by Poudre Fire Authority.
PFA Fire Prevention Bureau Administrative Policy 07-01
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an
approved area for turning around fire apparatus. 2006 International Fire Code 503.2.5 and Appendix
D103.3 and D103.4
The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25 feet inside and 50 feet
outside 2006 International Fire Code 503.2.4 and Appendix D103.3
Toxic, corrosive, or reactive materials, or flammable/combustible liquids (as defined in the Uniform Fire
Code) if used, stored, or handled on site, must have a Hazardous Materials Impact Analysis (HMIA)
completed and supplied to the Planning Department and the Fire Department. (What do you have? How
much? How do you prevent it from being a public threat?)
Response: Comments noted. We have also met recently with Ron Gonzalez to review the revised site
plans and to discuss fire requirements for the project. We are also providing a list of materials that are
stored and/or used on site for PFA review.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Lindsay Ex, 970-224.6143, lex@Lcgov.com
1. An Ecological Characterization Study for the site has been received by staff. We appreciate the
timeliness of this submittal. Need top of bank and ordinary high water mark on ECS map.
2. Please note that a 200' buffer is required along the Poudre River in this district. The current conceptual
plan shows some intrusion into this buffer by a drive and by one of the proposed buildings. While an
access drive to the existing building is acceptable, please remove the proposed building from being
within the 200' buffer. In addition, please consider the use of pervious or other low -impact development
techniques for the drive within the buffer area.
3. While the 200' buffer has been mostly achieved in this current sketch, according to Article 3.4.1(E)(1)(g),
the City has the ability to determine if the existing landscaping within the buffer zone is incompatible with
the purposes of the buffer zone. Given the existing conditions on the site, there is little question that
restoration and mitigation measures will be required for returning this site to an appropriate habitat
adjacent to the Poudre River (predominately prairie habitat with minimal riparian habitat on the north edge
of the property). Staff will work with the applicant, as needed, to develop a landscape plan that is
mutually acceptable.
Response: Comments noted. We have held multiple meetings with city staff from various departments to
confirm that we are meeting the recommendations of the Ecological Characterization Study, the
elimination of any portions of the building or parking from within the 200' setback, and the expectations
for landscape treatment of the restored areas within the 200' setback. The plans reflect the result of
these discussions, and we look forward for your continued coordination.
4. The City's green building program has many programs that may benefit your project. Resources are
available at the Green Building web page: http:/Awm.fcgov.com/greenbuilding/. Of particular interest
may be the Integrated Design Assistance Program, which offers financial incentives and free technical
support to those interested in delivering high-performance buildings that exceed building code
requirements for energy performance. Gary Schroeder (970-221-6395) is the contact person for this
program. This is the direct link to the web page for this program:
Response: Noted.
5. With respect to landscaping and design, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code, in Article 3.2.1 (E)(2)(3),
requires that you use native plants and grasses in your landscaping or re -landscaping and reduce
bluegrass lawns as much as possible. Reveille Bluegrass is one option for having bluegrass lawns and
using less water.
Response: Noted.
6. The applicant should make note of Article 3.2.1(C) that requires developments to submit plans that "...(4)
protects significant trees, natural systems, and habitat". Note that a significant tree is defined as a tree
having DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of six inches or more. As several of the trees within this site
have a DBH of greater than six inches, a review of the trees shall be conducted with Tim Buchanan, City
Forester (221-6361) to determine the status of the existing trees and any mitigation requirements that
could result from the proposed development.
Response: Given the significant site restrictions (200' river setback, adjacent BNSF RR, and historic
building setback requirements), several of the existing trees south of the existing building will be
impacted to accommodate the building addition. We are exploring the ability to transplant some or all of
these trees, but have indicated mitigation of these trees on site based on the values that have been
assigned by the City Forester.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Susan Joy, 970-221.6603, ssoogy fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of building permit.
Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions.
Response: Noted.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Susan Joy, 970-221.6603, si2yWcgov.com
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of submittal. For additional
information on these fees, please see: http:/twww.fcgov.com/engineering/dev-review.Dht)
Response: Noted.
3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks,
curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced
or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of
completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Response: Noted.
4. Please contact the City's Traffic Engineer, Joe Olson (224-6062), and the Transportation Planning
Department (416-2040) to schedule a scoping meeting and determine if a traffic study is needed for this
Response: Noted. We have included a traffic study based on the scoping meetings with city staff.
5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Response: Noted.
6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary for this
Response: Noted.
7. This site is adjacent to CDOT roadway and all access to the site is governed by an access control plan.
The access control plan will need to be followed and implemented with any project. Plans will be routed
to CDOT for review and approval and the applicant may need to obtain access permits from CDOT.
Response: Noted.
8. Utility plans are required for this project and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the
project is finalized.
Response: Noted. Utility plans are included.
9. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site.
Response: Noted.
10. Please see chapter 19 of LCUASS for all parking standards.
Response: Noted.
11. The Railroad will need to sign off on the plan sets if improvements are proposed within their right of way.
Response: Noted.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Alan Rutz, 970.224.6153, arutzLS-fccov.com
1. There is an existing electric line that is beneath the proposed building. This line will need to be
relocated. System modification charges will apply.
Response: Noted.
2. There is an existing electric tunnel near or under the west side of the proposed building. There is a fiber
optic line in the tunnel going into the existing building.
Response: Noted.
3. Coordinate transformer location with Light and Power. Submit C-1 form with load requirements.
Response: Noted.
4. Electric development charges will apply.
Response: Noted.
Current Planning
Contact: Ted Shepard, 970.221.6343, tsheaard@fcgov.com
1. The proposed development is subject to a Basic Development Review, please contact the Zoning
Department regarding your formal submittal.
Response: Noted.