HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIGDEN FARM FILING SEVENTEEN - PDP - PDP130015 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - PLANNING OBJECTIVESStatement of Planning Objectives April 24, 2013 Rigden Farm Filing Seventeen Project Development Plan Introduction and Project Development Plan Proposal • The proposed Rigden Farm Filing Seventeen Project Development Plan (PDP) is generally located at the intersection of William Neal Parkway and Zeigler Road and represents a replat of portions of the Rigden Farm Filing Six development area. The 124 acre Filing Six PDP was originally approved in 2002 and currently provides for 4 distinct housing types and allows for a total of 400 Dwelling Units including: 238 - Single Family Detached Front/Side Access Dwellings; 81 Single Family Alley Access Dwellings; 28 - Two Family Dwellings; and 53 - Multi-Family Dwellings. • The area proposed to be replated within Filing Six shall be referred to hereafter as the Phase Two Development Area: The Filing Six Phase II area is currently approved for a total of 123 Dwelling Units and lies west of Zeigler Road and south of the City of Fort Collins Foothills Channel and is accessed by William Neal Drive. Phase Two of Filing Six is currently approved for 72 - Single Family Front/Side Access Dwellings; 43 - Single Family Alley Access Dwellings; 2 - Two Family Dwellings and 6 - Multi-Family Dwellings. • The Filing Seventeen PDP is a replat of Lots 220 - 231; Lots 259 - 267; Lots 268 - 298 and Tracts AQ, AR, AV, & AW of Rigden Farm Filing Six. Filing Seventeen proposes to develop a total of 57 - Single Family Front Access Dwelling Units; currently there are 52 plated lots including 9 - Single Family Front/Side Access Dwellings and 43 - Single Family Alley Access Dwelling Units. The result of this replat is that the lots within the Filing Six Phase II area in conjunction with the proposed Filing Seventeen Replat when approved will provide for a revised Phase II total of 128 Dwelling Units which includes 120 - Single Family Front Access Dwellings; 2 - Two Family Dwellings; and 6 - Multi-Family Dwellings. This represents a change in the number of Housing Types in the Phase II area from 4 Housing Types to 3 Housing Types due to the elimination of the Single Family Alley Access Dwellings and an increase in the total number of Phase II units from 123 to 128 Dwelling Units thus increasing the total number of allowed units within the entire combined Filing 6 and Filing 17 areas from 400 to 405 Dwelling Units. As a result of the proposed changes in the Filing Six Housing Types as well as the additional five (5) Single Family units being proposed, the City has requested that the applicant perform a comprehensive Housing Type Analysis within the LMN Zoning District of the Rigden Farms Development. The Housing Type Analysis is intended to demonstrate that the modifications in Housing Type brought about by the proposed Filing Seventeen does not adversely affect the overall Land Use Characteristics of the LMN Zoning District of the Rigden Farm Development and shall also demonstrate that the LMN Zoning District within the Rigden Farm Development is in compliance with all current City Land Use requirements set fourth in Section 4.5(D)(2) of the City’s Land Use Code. Refer to the LMN Zoning District Housing Type Analysis for further detail related to this matter. Development Phasing • Filing Six-Phase I: This area of Filing Six is currently developed and includes a total of 145 Dwelling Units and lies west of Chase Drive and south of the City of Fort Collins Foothills Channel and is accessed by William Neal Parkway. Approximately 95% of all Phase I homes are currently constructed and when fully build-out Phase I will include 79 - Single Family Front/Side Access Dwellings; 38 - Single Family Alley Access Dwellings; 2 - Two Family Dwellings and 26 - Multi-Family Dwellings. • Filing Six & Filing Seventeen-Phase II: This Phase II area represents the portion of the Filing Six development proposed to be partially replated by the Filing Seventeen PDP. The Phase II area is currently approved for a total of 123 Dwelling Units and lies west of Zeigler Road and south of the City of Fort Collins Foothills Channel and is accessed by William Neal Drive. Phase II when replated will allow for a total of 128 Dwelling Units including 120 - Single Family Front Access Dwellings; 2 - Two Family Dwellings and 6 - Multi-Family Dwellings. • Filing Six-Phase III: This area of Filing Six is in the process of being developed and will not affected by the proposed Filing Seventeen Replat. Phase III lies West of Zeigler Road and north of the Fort Collins Foothills Channel and when developed will include a total of 132 Dwelling Units. Phase three is currently approved for 87 - Single Family Front /Side Access Dwellings; 24 - Two Family Dwellings and 21 - Multi-Family Dwellings. Property & Development Ownership • The property within the Filing Seventeen development area is owned and shall be developed by Meritage Homes of Colorado Inc. and when developed each residential lot will be sold to individual Lot/Home owners. All Open Space Tracks within the Filing Seventeen development area will be owned and maintained by the Rigen Farm Master Home Owners Association. Site Planning & Landscape Design • Street Tree and Open Space Planting – Along all public roadways directly adjacent to the Filing Seventeen street trees shall be planted within the proposed curb side tree lawn (parkway). Street tree locations and tree species within the Filing Seventeen tree lawn will be coordinated with and based upon the currently approved Filing Six Landscape Plans with only minor adjustments being made to tree locations based upon new driveway and utility service locations for Filing Seventeen. All other tree lawn and open space planting associated with Filing Six shall be landscaped as currently approved by the 2002 Filling Six PDP Landscape Plans. The proposed street tree plantings shall be provided in the quantity and size required by the City’s Landscape Standards in order to add to the urban tree canopy of the immediate area. Additional tree plantings will also be interspersed throughout a 12 foot wide Rear Yard Landscape Buffer located along the rear of Lots I through Lots 31, Block 2 of Filing Seventeen. • Landscape Standards – It is the intent of the developer to landscape the site to meet or exceed the City’s standards for tree lawn and open space landscaping. All areas within Filing Seventeen that are landscaped shall be irrigated with a permanent automatic underground irrigation system unless they are intended to be non-irrigated. Any areas identified on the Landscape Plan to be non-irrigated shall be irrigated with a temporary above ground irrigation system and irrigated until such time that proper establishment of seeded and landscape areas has been achieved, a minimum of two growing season. • Existing Trees – There are no existing trees within the Filing Seventeen development area. Any existing trees within other areas of Filing Six not affected by this replat shall be protected or removed and mitigated as required by the current approved 2002 Filing Six Project Development Plans. • Sensitive Natural Habitat Areas – There are no existing Sensitive Natural Habitat Areas within the Filing Seventeen development area. Any existing Sensitive Natural Habitat within other areas of Filing Six not affected by this replat shall be protected or enhanced as required by the current approved 2002 Filing Six Project Development Plans. • Pedestrian Walkways – Walkways within the Filing Seventeen development area are located and aligned to directly and continuously connect points of pedestrian origin and destination. Pedestrian walks and paths will link with the Public Right-of-Way sidewalks providing pedestrian access and connectivity throughout the Filing Six and Filing Seventeen development and will connect as planned to other existing pedestrian points of connection within the overall Filing Six and greater Riden Farm development area. • Vehicular Site Access – The locations of all public roadways and vehicular accesses to the Filing Seventeen development area is based on the previously approved access and street layout provided by the 2002 Filing Six Project Development Plan. Filing Seventeen does however propose to eliminate the currently approved Private Alley’s located along the rear lots of what is now being designated as Lots 1-12, Block 1 and Lots 1-31, Block 2. The Filing Six PDP currently designates these lots as Single Family Detached Rear Alley Access. These lots are now being proposed to be Single Family Detached Front Access Lots. The existing platted Private Alley Easement at the rear of Lots 1-12, Block 1 will be vacated by the Filing Seventeen Plat and the 12 foot wide land area shall be absorbed into each of the individual private lots. As a result of the elimination of the rear alley along Lots 7-12, Block 1 these now have garages fronting onto a designated collector road, as such access to these lots is proposed to be provided via a 20 foot wide Private Access Drive and Access Easement located along the front of Lots 7-12, Block 1. This Private Access Drive will connect at the east and west end with William Neal Parkway and shall be owned and maintained by the Rigden Farm Home Owners Association. No direct access to William Neal Parkway will be allowed from Lots 7-12, Block 1. Filing Seventeen also proposes to eliminate the Private Alley and Access Easement along the rear of Lots 1-31, Block 2. The 12 foot wide Private Alley Drive and Access Easement will be replated as an Open Space Tract and serve as a 12 foot wide Rear Yard Landscape Buffer between these lots. The landscape buffer will be planted with tress and turf and irrigated with a permanent underground irrigation system and shall be owned and maintained by the Rigden Farm Home Owners Association. Residential Building Architecture • Building and Project Compatibility – Section 3.5.1 of the City’s Land Use Code requires that the physical and operational characteristics of the proposed buildings and their uses be compatible with the context of the surrounding area. The proposed development, we believe can be determined to be compatible based upon the residential uses and the architectural character proposed which will be substantially similar in building scale, form and material composition with the existing residential structures in close proximity to Filing Seventeen. • Architectural Character – The architecture of Filing 17 will be compatible with and enhance the existing standards of quality of the overall Rigden Farm Development. The developer proposes six (6) different home models and each model will provide a minimum of three (3) distinct architectural styles and elevations for perspective home buyer to choose from. • Building Size, Height, Bulk, Mass and Scale – The proposed residential building size, height, bulk, mass, and scale are intended to be similar and compatible with the existing neighborhood’s character and quality. Residential homes in the Filing Seventeen development area will be a combination of one and two story structures. • Building Materials – The Rigden Farm Development and more particularly the portions of Filing Six that are currently constructed has established a distinct architectural theme, building style, materials and colors within the existing neighborhood. Therefore the developers of Filing Seventeen propose utilizing a similar design theme and construction materials. Similar building forms, architectural detailing, color and texture, shall be utilized in order to enhance the overall architectural experience of the existing neighborhood’s character and to insure continuity throughout the entire development. • Building Height – The height of all proposed residential structures shall be as allowed by City’s Land Use Code in the LMN Zoning District. Affects of this project on access to sunlight and affect on desirable views has been considered and minimal to no undesirable affects are anticipated by the proposed height or placement of the residential buildings within this development. Development Schedule • Filing 17 Construction Start: Spring 2013 • Filing 17 Construction Completion: Summer 2013 • Construction of Homes within the Filing 17 Development Area is anticipated to begin the Summer or Early Fall 2013.