HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW BELGIUM BREWERY, PROCESS WATER FACILITY - PDP - 1-95D - CORRESPONDENCE - STAFF'S PROJECT COMMENTS (3)51 Issue Contact. Jeff Hill Provide a steel casing (including a detail) around 8-inch water main at the future rail spur crossing. Maintain 15 feet separation between the center line of the proposed rail spur and the water main. Zoning 2 Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols Chain link fences are n t all ed - 3.8.11(B) 7-10-01 Is the chain link nce for screening purposes or security purposes? 3.8.11(B) does not al, . f r screening - please clarify. 4 \ Issue Contact. Jenny Nuckols Site plan - need to see building envelope, dimension, distance to property lines 7-10-01 REPEAT COMMENT 6 Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols General notes #5 - refers to building and pole mounted lighting but I don't see any lights referenced on the site plan or elevation - please review 7-10-01 REPEAT COMMENT Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit. If you have questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project, please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750. Yours Truly, TED SHEPARD City Planner 7 of 7 31 Issue Contact. Basil Hamdan Floodplain Issues: 1. In the drainage report, describe the site as being 500-year floodplain and list the FEMA map panel #, map date, and 500-year flood elevation. Include a copy of the FEMA map with the site location marked on the map. 2. Please describe the critical facility floodplain regulation that applies to this site. Describe what you did to mitigate (i.e. fill to remove yourself from the floodplain). Describe the elevation of the ponds and the structure where chemical storage is located relative to the 500-year flood elevation. 3. On the drainage plan, please list the 500-year flood elevation. 4. Please submit a floodplain use permit with $25 permit fee. Include letter from Stuart and Assoc. about the ponds. Include architectural elevations showing floor elevations of the structure relative to the floodplain. Transportation Planning 27 Issue Contact: Mark Jackson -Need to make improvements to frontage on Buckingham, including connection of sidewalk from its current termination at 1st street east to site boundary. Improve sidewalk, parkway, bike lanes to Collector Street standards. 29 Issue Contact: Mark Jackson Buckingham cross section shown in the TIS is incorrect. 4' Bike Lanes are not satisfactory. Water Wastewater 17 Issue Contact: Jeff Hill Match the invert of the proposed sanitary sewer service to the crown of the existing sanitary sewer trunk. 48 Issue. Contact: Jeff Hill Show all water and sewer lines on the landscape plans and provide required landscape/utility separation distances. 49 Issue Contact. Jeff Hill Provide on site and offsite utility easements for the proposed water mains and fire hydrant. 50 Issue Contact. Jeff Hill Provide a flow monitoring/sampling manhole on the 6-inch sanitary sewer service. 6of7 FA 24 25 26 Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Outfall Issues: The plan does not address where the flows leave once they are released form the site. There seems to be several locations where undetained runoff could leave the site. Please direct all developed flows to proposed water quality/detention pond. There is no planned outfall shown for the releease from the pond. As previously mentioned at the ODP stage, the proposed pond would drain seemingly into the existing borrow ditch along Lemay.. The City and the County have agreed that no new developed dtrainage should be directed toward the Lincoln Stret ditch since it is caiusing flooding in existing County businesses. Please contact City and County staff to schedule a meeting to discuss Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Landscape Plan issues: The propsed landscape plan does not address what will be done as far as landscaping in the proposed detention/water quality pond. The seeding of native non -irrigated grasses as shown on the Landscape Plan should be reflected on the Erosion Control Plan. Issue Contact., Basil Hamdan Report Issues: Please stamp report. Why were the release rate of 0.2 cfs for mainor storm and 0.5 cfs for major storm mentioned in the report ? This site is in Dry Creek Basin mostly and does not have these release criteria. Please provide more discussion in the report for the proposed outfall and where would the site drain. 5 of 7 20 21 22 23 Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Drainage issues: The drainage plan should show flow arrows indicating the general direction of flows. A legend should be added to the drainage plan. Please provide a drainage as well as a pond summary table on the drainage plan. The grading is such that there is nothing to prevent flows from the proposed wastewater treatment facility from flowing off -site undetained. Please correct. Basin lines do not follow shown grading. Basin lines do not close. It seems that more drainage sub -basins should be delineated to reflect the proposed grading. There are concentrated flows from the West that are being directed toward Buckinqham Street; how will these flows be handled ? Issue Contact. Basil Hamdan Erosion Control issues: All disturbed areas should be seeded and mulched. Call out sediment trap at the water quality pond outlet. Make sure silt fence is tied in continuously around the site. Please make sure that construction schedule BMP's match those shown on the plan. Provided efficiency calcs do not reflect BMP's shown on the plan. Please provide a security deposit cost estimate calculation in the report. Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Utility plan issues: Please clarify on the utility plan what lines are existing and which one(s) is proposed. It seems that not all existing storm lines are shown as existing according to plan key. Please call out class of proposed storm sewer. Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Detail sheet issues: The provided detail for the detention/water quality outlet pond is generic. Please provide all actual inverts and proposed water surface elevations on the detail sheet in a form that can be built by the contractor. Please show proposed water quality detail with proposed orifice sizing as per calculation in the report on the shown detail. Provide a spillway detail for the pond. The spillway should be protected agianst rosion. Please call out the pipe size on the trench drain detail. 4of7 PFA 7 8 11 12 13 Issue Contact., Ron Gonzales ACCESS A fire lane will be required. Submit a plan for review/approval prior to start of construction. Issue Contact: Ron Gonzales WATER SUPPLY A fire hydrant is required w/in 300 ft of the building. Thereafter, they are located on 600 ft. centers down the street and/or fire lane. Issue Contact. Ron Gonzales FIRE SPRINKLERS Sprinklers required for expansion fire protection. Also required in H-7 Occupancy. Issue Contact: Ron Gonzales HAZMAT Enough hazmat (corrosives) to warrant H-7 Occupancy. All UFC Art. 80 systems required for use and storage of corrosives. KNOX BOX REQUIRED Stormwater Utility m 19 Issue Contact: Ron Gonzales Issue Contact: Basil Hamdan Plat issues: Please dedicate on the plat all necessary drainage easements for the proposed detention/water quality ponds on the property. Please call out BFE and floodplain name on the plat. Show floodplain limits if applicable. Issue Contact., Basil Hamdan Grading issues: The grading plan does not match up with the drainage plan. It seems that there are basin divides that are not indicated by the drainage plan. Call out spillway location and elevations on the grading plan. The grading plan is missing some of the existing grading on sheet 4. The slopes should be called out at several locations rather than the generic indication of "slope varies". 3 of 7 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Issue Contact. Sheri Wamhoff Add notice to the plat regarding maintenance of private drives. (See attached for copy) Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Show the widths of the adjacent row. Provide easement for the ditch relocation that is needed at the southwest corner. Issue Contact. Sheri Wamhoff Need to dedicate the 9-foot utility easement behind the row on Buckingham. Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Need to show the connection over to the existing site on the site plan that is shown on the utility plans. Need to show all improvements that are to be done with this project. Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Need to show the improvements to the frontage of the property that are to be done Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff What are the things (structures?) associated with the rail spur? Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff What is to happen to the existing north fence where the rail spur will cross the property lines? Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff It is not quite clear what is new and existing grading or structures. Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Need to show an easement on the plat for the detention pond and outlet. Natural Resources 30 Issue Contact. Doug Moore Has the City Forester reviewed the two tree to be removed? • Two Existing Plains Cottonwoods, one 24" and the other 36" are shown as being removed. Has the City Forester look at these tree to determine if they are consider significant under the Fort Collins Land Use Code? If these trees are significant what mitigation or protection is being recommended under the Tree Preservation Standards. 3.2.1(F) 2 of 7 STAFF PROJECT REVIEW City of Fort Collins BHA Design Date: 7/17/01 Luke Oldenburg 4803 Innovation Drive Fort Collins, CO 80525 Staff has reviewed your submittal for NEW BELGIUM BREWERY - PROCESS WATER FACILITY, PDP, #1-95D, and we offer the following comments: ISSUES: Engineering 32 Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Need to dedicate row for Buckingham with this plat. Needs to be adequate row to accommodate a 58-foot flowline to flowline section. This will provide for a parking lane on the south side of the street and for the center turn lane that is needed as per the traffic study. The additional row needed for the for the left turn lane will need to come from this property, since it is this property that is requiring the left turn lane. 33 Issue Contact. Sheri Wamhoff The row needed for the Lemay frontage will be looked at at the time that that portion of land is developed. Hopefully at that time we will have a better idea of what Lemay will look like adjacent to this property. 34 Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Improvements are needed on Buckingham to connect this site to the existing improvements. Need to build the entire street section. Buckingham is a collector and therefore is eligible for street oversizing reimbursement. The developer is responsible for the costs for the local street portion. This treatment facility is extends further south than what was discussed in prior meetings. Not leaving a developable parcel between the south edge of the plant and Buckingham therefore the adjacent street improvements need to be done at this time. 35 Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff The rail spur is shown on the utility plans, but is not shown on the site plans. If this is to be approved as a part of this project it needs to be shown on both sets of plans. Agreements will need to be worked out with streets facility for the rail spur before it can be approved on these plans. 36 Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff Please use the current general notes (see attached - I can also email a copy to you if you like) for all projects submitted under the new street standards. 1 of 7