HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW BELGIUM BREWERY, PROCESS WATER FACILITY - PDP - 1-95D - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) REPORTGeotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company - On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street- Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 • For lightly loaded structures, (i.e. maximum column loads not exceeding 150 kips) spread footings bearing on undisturbed natural soils and/or engineered fill extended to the native subsoils may be used, and Grade beam and straight shaft piers/caissons for proposed structures having maximum column loads in excess of 150 kips. Slab -on -grade construction is considered acceptable for use, provided that design and construction recommendations are followed. Foundation Systems - Conventional Type Spread Footings Due to the presence of low swelling subsurface clay and/or sand soils encountered on the site, spread footing foundations bearing upon undisturbed subsoils and/or engineered fill are recommended for support for proposed buildings having maximum column loads not exceeding 150 kips. For those structures having column loads in excess of 150 kips, a grade beam and straight shaft drilled pier/caisson foundation system should be utilized. Footings may be designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 1500 psf. In addition, the . footings should be sized to maintain a minimum dead -load pressure of 500 psf. The design bearing pressure applies to dead loads plus design live load conditions. It is not known whether the existing fill material encountered during the subsurface explorations was properly placed and/or uniformly compacted. Therefore, footings should not be placed on the existing fill material without removing and re -compacting. The fill material, once removed to the native soils, is suitable for reuse as fill and/or backfill material, provided the recommendations contained in the "Earthwork" section of this report are followed. Exterior footings should be placed. a minimum of 30.inches below finished grade for frost protection and to provide confinement for the bearing soils. Finished grade is the lowest adjacent grade for perimeter footings. Footings should be proportioned to reduce differential foundation movement. Proportioning on the basis of equal total movement is recommended; however, proportioning to relative constant dead -load pressure will also reduce differential movement between adjacent footings. Total movement resulting from the assumed structural loads is estimated to be on the order of 3/4 inch or less. Differential movement should be on the order of 1/2 to 3/4 of the estimated total settlement. Additional foundation movements could occur if water from any source infiltrates the foundation soils; therefore, proper drainage should be provided in the final design and during construction. LOG OF BORING NO. 4 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER New Belgium Brewing Company SITE North of Buckingham Street PROJECT Fort Collins, Colorado Lagoon Treatment Facilities SAMPLES TESTS w m ❑ z w a >_ F- >- : o L) W H zi c(n 3 Ho aJ (n Co \ W ? to H O s >- F (n o >-LL =L) o a ❑ ZLd s zz o w ciMLL ZH(n o u) a H W =❑CD JHN o�^a s cn o¢. HJ .j a C9 O J H s a ¢ _ DESCRIPTION Approx. Surface Elev.: 4948.4 ft. LHi. s (L W o J O E N 0 U (n o ^ ^ ^ 0.5 6" TOPSOIL 4947.9 COMP. SC 1 SS 12" 14 14 CLAYEY SAND 2.5 Rust, dark brown, calcareous, 4945.9 moist, medium dense SAMPLE 0 0'-2 5' 36/18/41 SP 2 ST 12" POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL = Gray, tan, brown, moist to wet, — 5 3 SS 12" 35 2 medium dense to dense NV/NP/7 4 SS 12" 40 11 10 14.6 4933.8 " I BOTTOM OF BORING ITHE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APOROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STARTED 1-30-01 wL $Z 5.0' WD I 5.0' AB BORING COMPLETED 1-30-01 Irerracon RIG CME-75 FOREMAN MTZ �I Water Level Checked on 2-7-01 APPROVED DAR JOB s 20015018 i i DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY. AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. ,{ E" asr eoRINGs r r FIGURE I: SITE PLAN NEW BELGIUM ON -SITE LAGOON TREATMENT SYSTEM 500, LINDEN STREET FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Project Mngr. DAR Project No. 20015018 Genigned By lt'orracon scale; 1"=200' DAR Checked By: DAR 301 N. HOWES STREET Date. 1 26 01 Aoproved By: DAR FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521 Drawn By: SDC Fle Name: 5018FIG1 Figure No. 1 Distress Type Blow-up Comer Break Divided Slab Durability Cracking Faulting Joint Seal Lane/Shoulder Drop-off Linear Cracking Longitudinal, Transverse and Diagonal Cracks Large Patching and Utility Cuts Small Patching RECOMMENDED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE POLICY FOR JOINTED CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Distress Recommended Maintenance Distress Distress Severity Type Severity LOW None Polished NoLevels verity Aggregate Defined Medium Full -Depth Concrete Patchl Slab Replacement High Low Seal Cracks Popouts No Severity Levels Defined Medium Full -Depth Concrete Patch High Low Seal Cracks Pumping No Severity Levels Defined Medium Slab Replacement High LOW None Punchout Low Medium Full -Depth Patch Medium High Slab Replacement High Low None Railroad Low Crossing Medium Grind Medium High High Low None Scaling Low Map Cracking Crazing Medium Reseal Joints Medium High High Low Regrade and FIR Shoulders Shrinka a No Severity Levels to Match Lane Height Cracks Defined Medium High Lovr Clean S Seal all Cracks Spalling (Comer) Low Medium Medium High Full -Depth Patch High Low None Spelling LOW. (Joint) Medium Seal Cracks or Replace Patch Medium High High Low None Medium Replace Patch Nigh Recommended Maintenance Groove Surface or Overlay None Undersea[, Seal crackstjoints and Restore Load Transfer Seal Cracks Full -Depth Concrete Patch No Policy for this Project None Slab Replacement, Full -depth Patch, or Overlay None None Partial -Depth Concrete Patch None �artlal-Depth Patch Reconstruct Joint lrerracon TABLE D1 RECOMMENDED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE POLICY FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Distress Distress Recommended Maintenance Distress Distress Recommended Maintenance Type Severity Type Severity Alligator Low None Patching & Low None Cracking utility Cut Patching Medium Full -Depth Asphalt Concrete Patch Medium Full -Depth Asphalt Concrete Patch High High Bleeding Low None Polished Low None Aggregate Medium Surface Sanding Medium High Shallow AC Patch High Fog Seal Block Low None Potholes Low Shallow AC Patch Cracking Medium Clean & Seal All Cracks Medium Full -Depth Asphalt Concrete Patch High High Bumps & Sags Low None Railroad Crossing Low No Policy for This Project T Medium Shallow AC Patch Medium High Full -Depth Patch F Hlgh Corrugation Low None Rutting Low None Medium Full -Depth Asphalt Concrete Medium Shallow AC Patch Patch High High Full -Depth Patch Depression i LOW None Shoving Low None Medium Shallow AC Patch Medium Mill & Shallow AC Patch High Full -Depth Patch High Edge Low None Slippage Low None Cracking Cracking Medium Seal Cracks Medium Shallow Asphalt Concrete Patch High Full -Depth Patch High Joint Reflection Low clean & Seal All Cracks Swell Low None Medium Medium Shallow AC Patch High Shallow AC Patch I High Full -Depth Patch Lane/Shoulder Drop -Off Low None Weathering Low & Ravelling Fog Seal Medium Regrade Shoulder Medium High High Longitudinal & Low None Transverse Cracking Medium Clean &Seal All Cracks High lrerracon � UNIFIED.SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests° Coarse -Grained Soils more than 50°% retained on No. 200 sieve Fine -Grained Soils 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve Gravels more than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Clean Gravels Less than 5% finesc Cu > 4 and,1 < Cc <3- Cu < 4 and/or 1 > Cc > 3- Gravels with Fines more than 12% finesc Fines classify as ML or MH Fines classify as CL or CH Sands 50°% or more Clean Sands Less Cu > 6 and 1 < Cc < 3a of coarse fraction then 5°% fines - passes No. 4 sieve Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc > 3- Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH more than 12°% fine SD Fines Classify as CL or CH Silts and Clays inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above "A line' Liquid limit less than 50 PI < 4 or plots below "A" line' organic Liquid limit - oven dried < 0.75 Liquid limit - not dried Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line Liquid limit 50 or more PI lots below "A" line organic Liquid limit - oven dried Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name' GW Well -graded gravel' GP Poorly graded gravel` GM Silty gravel,G,H GC Clayey graveiF•G•" SW Well -graded sand' SP Poorly graded sand' SM Silty sand°,'`' SC Clayey sand°•"•' CL Lean claywLJ' ML Silt"M OL Organic clayK,L,M,N Organic silt'LL.M.o CH Fat clay"' MH Elastic Silt"m Organic clayrL•M." < 0.75 OH Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt'``•'•* Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat 3sed on the material passing the 3-in. 5-mmf sieve .'Cu-Dao1DLO Cc " iD3o) elf field sample contained cobbles or D3o x Dso boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. 'Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual.. 'if soil contains >.15°% sand, add':"with' symbols: sand" to group name. GW-GM well -graded gravel with silt 'if fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GW-GC well -graded gravel with clay GC -GM, or SC-SM. GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt 'if fines are organic, add "with organic fines" GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay to group name. °Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual 'if soil contains > 15% gravel, add "with symbols: gravel" to group name. SW-SM well -graded sand with silt 'If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is SW -SC well -graded sand with clay a CL-ML, silty clay. SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay m 50 v X 40 L-] G 30 F U_ 20 a 0 ] a 0 'If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add .with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. 'if soil contains > 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. 'If soil contains > 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. NPI > 4 and plots on or above "A" line. °PI < 4 or plots below "A" line. 'PI plots on or above "A" line. GPI plots below "A" line. For olaa,lllaatlon al Iina-srafnb calla and fin•-amin•d fraction of aoeru- greln•d "ail. Eav"lian al Al - line Nonienlel of ♦ to LL 2a.a Nan Po . 0.73 (LL - 20) •J ; �1 I O ��� •P Ea"euan of V - line Varlkol al LL la to PI • 0.a P7, Nan (LL I - 1 G OV OIL MH oR OH I i ML 0R OL 0 10 is 20 30 40 50 ac 70 so 90 100 Itc LIQUID LIMIT (LL) lferracon REPORT TERMINOLOGY (Based on ASTM D653) Expansive Potential The potential of a,soil to expand. (increase in•volume) due to absorption of moisture. Anished Grade The final grade created as a part of the project. Footing A portion of the foundation of a structure that transmits loads directly to the soil. Foundation The lower part of a structure that transmits the loads to the soil or bedrock. Frost Depth The depth of which the ground becomes frozen during the winter season. Grade Beam A foundation element or wall, typically constructed of reinforced concrete, used to span between other foundation elements such as drilled piers. Groundwater Subsurface water found in the zone of saturation of soils, or within fractures in bedrock. Heave Upward movement. Lithologic The characteristics which describe the composition and texture of soil and rock by observation. Native Grade The naturally occuring ground surface. Native Soil Naturally occurring on -site soil, sometimes referred to as natural soil. I)ptimum Moisture The water:content at which a soil: can be compacted to a maximum dry unit Content weight by a given compactive effort..: Perched Water Groundwater, usually of limited area maintained above a normal water elevation by the presence of an intervening relatively impervious continuing st rat um . Scarify To mechanically loosen soil or break down existing soil structure. Settlement Downward movement. Skin Friction (Side The frictional resistance developed between soil and an element of structure Shear) such as a drilled pier or shaft. Soil (earth) Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks, and which may or may not contain organic matter. Strain The change in length per unit of length in a given direction. Stress The force per unit area acting within a soil mass. Strip To remove from present location. Subbase A layer of specified material in a pavement system between the subgrade and base course. Subgrade The soil prepared and compacted to support a structure, slab or pavement system. i. .1rerracon I REPORT TERMINOLOGY (Based on ASTM D653) Allowable Soil The recommended maximum contact .stress developed at the interface of the Bearing Capacity foundation element and the supporting material. Alluvium Soil, the constituents of which have been transported in suspension by flowing water and subsequently deposited by sedimentation. Aggregate Base A layer of specified material placed on a subgrade or subbase usually beneath Course slabs or pavements. Backfill A specified material placed and compacted in a confined area. Bedrock A natural aggregate of mineral grains connected by strong and permanent cohesive forces. Usually requires drilling, wedging, blasting or other methods of extraordinary force for excavation. Bench A horizontal surface in a sloped deposit. Caisson (Drilled pier A concrete foundation element cast in a circular excavation which may have an or Shaft) enlarged base. Sometimes referred to as a cast -in -place pier or drilled shaft. Coefficient of A constant proportionality factor relating normal stress and the corresponding Friction shear stress at which sliding starts between the two surfaces. Colluvium Soil, the constituents of which have been deposited chiefly by gravity such as at the foot of a slope or cliff. Compaction The densification of a soil. by .means -of mechanical manipulation. concrete Slab -on- A concrete surface layer cast directly upon a base, subbase or subgrade, and Grade typically used as a floor system. Differential Unequal settlement or heave between, or within foundation elements of a Movement structure. Earth Pressure The pressure or force exerted by soil on any boundary such as a foundation Wall. ESAL Equivalent Single Axle Load, a criteria used to convert traffic to a uniform standard, (18,000 pound axle loads). Engineered Fill Specified material placed and compacted to specified density and/or moisture conditions under observations of a representative of. a geotechnical engineer. , Equivalent Fluid A hypothetical fluid having a unit weight such that it will produce a pressure against a lateral support presumed to be equivalent to that produced by the actual soil. This simplified approach is valid only when deformation conditions are such that the pressure increases linearly with depth and the wall friction is neglected., Existing Fill (or Materials deposited through the action of man prior to exploration of the site. man-made fill) Existing Grade The ground surface at the time of field exploration. .1rerracon LABORATORY TESTS SIGNIFICANCE AND PURPOSE TEST SIGNIFICANCE PURPOSE California Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement Bearing subbase, and base course material, including recycled Thickness Ratio materials for use in road and airfield pavements. Design Consolidation Used to develop an estimate of both the rate and amount of Foundation both differential and total settlement of a structure. Design Direct Used to determine the consolidated drained shear strength of Bearing Capacity, Shear soil or rock. Foundation Design & Slope Stability Dry Used to determine the in -place density of natural, inorganic, Index Property Density fine-grained soils. Soil Behavior Expansion Used to measure the expansive potential of fine-grained soil Foundation & Slab and to provide a basis for swell potential classification. Design Gradation Used for the quantitative determination of the distribution of Soil. particle sizes in soil. Classification Liquid & Used as an integral part of engineering classification systems Soil Plastic Limit, to characterize the fine-grained fraction. of soils, and to Classification Plasticity specify the fine-grained,fraction!of.construction materials. Index Permeability Used to determine the capacity of soil or rock to conduct a Groundwater liquid or gas. Flow Analysis pH Used to determine the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil. Corrosion Potential Resistivity Used to indicate the relative ability of a soil medium to carry Corrosion electrical currents. Potential R-Value Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement subbase, and base course material, including recycled Thickness materials for use in road and airfield pavements. Design Soluble Used to determine the quantitative amount of soluble Corrosion Sulphate sulfates within a soil mass. Potential Unconfined To obtain the approximate compressive strength of soils that Bearing Capacity Compression possess sufficient cohesion to permit testing in the Analysis unconfined state. for Foundations Water Used to determine the quantitative amount of water in a soil Index Property Content mass. Soil Behavior lrerracon - DRILLING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: Ring Barrell - 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise noted Split Spoon - 1_" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PS :Piston Sample ST : Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted WS : Wash Sample PA: Power Auger FT : Fish Tail Bit HA: Hand Auger RB ; Rock Bit DB : Diamond Bit = 4", N, B BS : Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM : Pressure Meter HS : Hollow Stern Auger DC : Dutch Cone WB : Wash Bore Penetration Test: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O.D. split spoon, except where noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL :Water Level WS :While Sampling WCI : Wet Cave in WD :While Drilling DCI ; Dry Cave in BCR : Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR ; After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D-2487 and D-2488. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand, Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: clays, if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In dditiori. to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in -place density and fine grained soils the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean clay with sand, trace gravel, stiff (CL); silty sand, trace gravel, medium uense ISM). CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS: Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Consistency < 500 Very Soft 500 - 1,000 Soft 1,001 - 2,000 Medium 2,001 - 4,000 Stiff 4,001 - 8,000 Very Stiff 8,001-16,000 Very Hard RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVEL Descriptive Term(s) (of Components Also Percent of Present in Sample) Dry Weight Trace < 15 With 15 - 29 Modifier > 30 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES Descriptive Term(s) (of Components Also Percent of Present in Sample) Dry Weight Trace < 5 With 5 - 12 Modifier > 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS: N-Blows/ft. Relative Density 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10-29 Medium Dense 30-49 Dense 50-80 Very Dense 80+ Extremely Dense GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY Major Component of Sample Size Range Boulders Over 12 in. (300mm) Cobbles 12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm) Gravel 3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm) Sand #4 to #200 sieve (4.75mmto 0.075mm) Silt or Clay Passing #200 Sieve (0,075mm) lferracon -'' 1 r�rracon 301 NORTH HOWES STREET Falling Head Permeability Test Results P.O. BOX622 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80621/80522 (970) 484-0359 FAX (970) 484-0454 CLIENT NAME: New Belgium Brewing Company PERMEABILITY NO. 2 DATE: 2/12/01 PROJECT NAME: On -Site Lagoon Treatment System q 4 i..' RAL ti k ��' t'AkJi li r, iYtw l t.1n �. Sif'` j4, >y4 4r�t; Y FTTE�igYEsf�RG LGMITS t }yy? 4;q, i`w fill LIQUID LIMIT: 29 PROJECT LOCATION: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, Colorado PLASTICITY INDEX: NP TERRACON PROJECT NO. 20015018 PERCENT PASSING # 200: 56 SAMPLE LOCATION: Test Boring No. 3 @ 0.5' - 4.0 4�J 31• �8 ti'A.�� I�.u+Qh( KwFT,' eR+T 4! FI Hfu3Vt:1 1r4 S YL Y tlj(}Y �n `4%rv. FS. �TESTRESUTS�*�,��si PERMEABILITY DIAMETER: 4.0 INCH PERCENT COMPACTION: 98.1 % Proposed Lagoon Liner SOIL DESCRIPTION: Sandy Lean Clay SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL PERMEABILITY DENSITY: 108.9 PCF % MOISTURE CONTENT: 13.5 COEFFICIENT OF 1.0 FT/YR PERMEABILITY (K): 9.4E-07 CM/SEC REVIEWED BY: David A. Richer, P.E. - Department Manager 5.0 4.5 4.0 U. 3.5 = 3.0 m w 2.5 W a LL O 2.0 Z W U U. W 1.5 O U 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 TIME -HOURS Falling Head Permeability Test Results t . 1 farrmcon 301 NORTH HOWES STREET P.O. BOX 622 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521/80522 (970) 484-0359 FAX (970) 484-0454 CLIENT NAME: New Belgium Brewing Company II PERMEABILITY NO. 1 DATE: 2/12/01 PROJECT NAME: On -Site Lagoon Treatment System i 5li`x R { C E} }� •Y tj.4JF.5 - .iv` 4 ) t f&M +�' W "..,n 1Y' 3t ;,ri ttt „ EfZBERtG•LIMiTSa �f rL ai tf'.2. LIQUID LIMIT: 35 PROJECT LOCATION: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, Colorado PLASTICITY INDEX: NP TERRACON PROJECT NO. 20015018 PERCENT PASSING # 200: 38 SAMPLE LOCATION: On -Site Stockpile Material w;tF<X t wrF $♦i TEST,ERESULT5a1j *:+ Fw.T+! .'4.�.•.i �{ .T�A+ilOZZ: .S'{Tn r4Vi1-4�n4'A IN ti 3;.1T%.,k!. AI1�, �Yi Vflh.x4 t € YT tg;" . PERMEABILITY DIAMETER: PERCENT COMPACTION: 4.0 INCH 98.7 % Proposed Lagoon Liner SOIL DESCRIPTION: Sandy Silt with Sugar Lime SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL PERMEABILITY DENSITY: 82.9 PCF % MOISTURE CONTENT: 27.7 COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY (K): 12.4FT/YR 1.2E-05 CM/SEC REVIEWED BY: David A. Richer, P.E. - Department Manager 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 LL 14.0 Y_ 13.0 12.0 J Q 11.0 w 10.0 W 9.0 LL O F- 8.0 z Lu 7.0 LL W 6.0 O 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TIME - HOURS Irerracon Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil 301 North Howes Street P.O. sox 503 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521 (970) 484-0359 FAX (970) 484-0464 CLIENT NAME: New Belgium Brewing Company PROJECT NO. 20015018 DATE: 2112/01 Fort Collins, Colorado PROJECT NAME AND On -Site Lagoon Treatment System TEST RESULTS LOCATION: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, Colorado MAXIMUM UNIT WEIGHT: 111.0 Ib/ft' SOURCE MATERIAL: Test Boring No. @ 0.5-4.0 OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT: 16.0 % SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Sandy Lean Clay ATTERBERG LIMITS GROUPSYMBOL: CL MATERIAL DESIGNATION: Curve No. 1 SAMPLE DATE: 1/30/01 LIQUID LIMIT: 29 PLASTIC LIMIT: NP TEST METHOD: A TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D698-94 PLASTICITY INDEX: NP SAMPLE PREPARATION: WET % PASSING # 200 SIEVE: 56 REVIEWED BY: David A. Richer, P.E. - Geotechnical Engineer RAMMER: MECHANICAL: MANUAL: X .. -� MMMM=M MM =M=M MMM=---- MM�MMIMMIMMvIMMMMMnMM ------M M M M MM=M MM MM MM � MMMMMMMMMMMMMWnMmmmmm MsMIMMMnMMMMMMMMMMMMIMM MMMMM MMMMMMM=MM=M7=MM mm�=MnMmmmmm� MMMMMM .. �MMMM�MMMMvMwk �� ��nn�nnnn��n�n ����vvvvvvvvv Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil CLIENT NAME: PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION: SOURCE MATERIAL: New Belgium Brewing Company Fort Collins, Colorado On -Site Lagoon Treatment System 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, Colorado Stockpile Material SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Sandy Lean Clay blended with Sugar Lime GROUP SYMBOL: CL MATERIAL DESIGNATION: Curve No. 1 SAMPLE DATE: 1/30/01 TEST METHOD: A TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D698-94 SAMPLE PREPARATION: WET RAMMER: MECHANICAL: MANUAL: X Irerracon 301 North Howes Street P.O. BOX 503 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521 (970) 4a4-0359 FAX (970) 484-0454 PROJECT NO. 20015018 DATE: 2/12/01 TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM UNIT WEIGHT: 84.0 Ib/ftl OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT: 30.0 % ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 35 PLASTIC LIMIT: NP PLASTICITY INDEX: NP % PASSING # 200 SIEVE: 38 REVIEWED BY: David A. Richer, P.E. - C . nnn■■■■n■■■■nnnnn■■■►nn■©nn ■■■■nnnn■■■■nnnn■■n■■■■nn�■n ■■nnn■■■■■■n■■nnnnnn■��■n■■■© n■■■■■■n■■nn■■■■nnn■■nnnnn■■ No Text No Text V LOG OF BORING NO. 5 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER New Belgium Brewing Company SITE North of Buckingham Street PROJECT Fort Collins,. Colorado Lagon Treatment Facilities SAMPLES TESTS H DESCRIPTION z\ HLL x x N lu w > V) ? w o � zz o~x HHl a ¢ r (L rn L) rn x Lu 0- 0 U a Ho cn H rLL 0 Lu U0::LL x Ln o¢� Approx. Surface Elev.: 4947.3 ft. wo z V) co 5 c. cn n. _j a ^ " " 0.5 6" TOPSOIL 4946.8 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL. 1 SS 12" 15 11 Rust, dark brown, calcareous, moist, stiff 4.0 4943.3 2 ST 12" = SM 3 SS 12" 37 2 SILTY SAND with GRAVEL = 5 Gray, tan, brown, moist to wet, medium dense to dense 4 ST NR 5 SS 10" 50/0.8 13 10 6 ST NR 15 8 SS 12" 45 11 20 21.0 4926.3 22.5 WEATHERED SAND TO /S LTSTONE 4924.8 Blue, gray, moist, moderately hard 24.3 4923.0 SANpSTONE/SILTSTONF. 36/20/48 Blue, gray, moist, moderately hard to hard BOTTOM OF BORING ITHE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APkOXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STARTED 1-30-01 IL 2 4.5' WD =5.0' AB BORING COMPLETED 1-30-01 1Derracon RIG CME-75 FOREMAN 1NITZ Water Level Checked on 2-7-01 APPROVED DAR JOB a 20015018 LOG OF BORING NO. 3 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT ENGINEER 1 New Belgium Brewing Company SITE North of Buckingham Street PROJECT Fort Collins, Colorado Lagoon Treatment Facilities SAMPLES TESTS w CO r_ z w (L >- F- >- 0� � o U W Q� F- Zw I Cn a t_C) 0- J cn co \ W o cn H O E >- F- N Z o Uj rL 0= U o D- O Zx HH Zz ow UAL Z F- fn x cn a F= 5� HWm EOm JHN xe Hf-^ o cn cs¢w H J J a X O O J U _ a ¢ 0 DESCRIPTION Approx. Surface Elev.: 4948.0 ft. 1. U_ x F- n. W o J O E } M U fn x A"A"Al 0.5 6" TOPSOIL . 4947.5 12" 14 11COMP. SANDY SILT .Rust, dark brown, moist, stiff SAMPLE 3.0 4945.0 f @0 1'SILTYSA with GRAVEL RSSTS 12"29/NV/56 Gray, tan, brown, moist to wet, Sz medium dense to dense — 5 12" 20 4 s -4 1 4 1 SS 1 12" I 47 1 8 1 1 1 10 14.8 4933.2 J 5 SS 10" 50/0.8 13 BOTTOM OF BORING ITHE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE A4ROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. / WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STARTED 1-30-01 r Q 5.0' WD 1 6.5' AB BORING COMPLETED 1-30-01 lDerracon RIG CME_75 FOREMANMTZ Water Level Checked on 2-7-01 APPROVED DAR I JOB a 20015018 LOG OF BORING NO. 2 Pave 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER New Belgium Brewing Company SITE North of Buckingham Street PROJECT Fort Collins, Colorado Lagoon Treatment Facilities LD O J H DESCRIPTION S o- Approx. Surface Elev.: 4949.3 ft. FILL MATERIAL Sandy Lean Clay with Gravel Rust, brown, black, moist, very stiff 3.5 CANDY LEAN CLAY Brown, rust, moist, calcareous, stiff 7.0 WELL::��Zef.7 VIER iH STLT and ND Gray, tan, brown,moist idense BOTTOM OF BORING Om F- O E❑m Ld >- H W (n Z= JHN W zLL # W LLLLDD ❑ . = W 1 N F- ❑ z z H F-. F- N Co. W O 3 co ow � U i 0- U E 0- U F O H >- U_ U o: 4. 0 (1_ W U > >- W 4_J O MU zF--(n HJ ❑ ❑ z to m E o o_ =) 0- J a NZ CL 1 11 SS 1 12" 1 22 1 10 4945.8 CL 2 STF3 75 SS 14 19 4 1 SS 1 12" 1 42 1 12 1 1 1 NV/NP/7 10 4934.3 1 5 SS 12" 15 ITHE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STARTED 1-30-01 WL SZ 7 O+ WD t 7.5' All BORING COMPLETED 1-30-01 wL Irerracon RIG CME-75 FOREMAN MTZ `h'L Water Level Checked on 2-7-01 APPROVED DAR JOB n 20015018 , LOG OF BORING NO. 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER New Belgium Brewing Company SITE North of Buckingham Street PROJECT Fort Collins, Colorado Lagoon 1 of 1 SAMPLES TESTS Y• H \ W } 1- (Hn. O Uj Zx H W EOm JHN U p -•i l•. L~i. J O Z H x CL Q ct DESCRIPTION Approx. Surface Elev.: 4950.5 ft. x f- a- W o N (n U W x w cn E z W 0- >- t- w o U W X ZLLL I cn 3 F- O 0-J (n an � (n H O X: w o ?- L MU o o_ IHi- Z Z . ow UQ� LL. Zh(n x CO a o H E-= = cn Oa`-' HJ J a x FILL. MATERIAL Sandy Lean Clay with Gravel CL 1 SS 12" 7 22 Brown, black, moist, medium stiff 3.0 4947.5 4.0 SANDY LEAN CLAY 4946.5 CL 2 ST 12" 14 Brown, rust, moist, calcareous, SW 3 SS 12" 46 2 medium stiff 5blvi WELL GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL �:•;- Gray, tan, brown, moist to wet, medium dense to dense 4 SS NR 8 10 15 20 22.5 \Blue, gray, moist, moderately hard 24.3 SANDSTONE/SIT.TSTONE Blue, gray, moist, moderately hard to hard BOTTOM OF BORING 7 1 1 1 NV/NP/9 -I 16 1 SS I NR I 34 1 1 1 1 36/20/48 ITHE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APOROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STARTED 1-30-01 WL Q 7.0' WD T 7& AB BORING COMPLETED 1-30-01 WL - - 1fierracon RIG CME-75 FOREMAN MTZ � Water Level Checked on 2-7-01 APPROVED DAR JOB # 20015018 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide testing and observation during excavation, grading, foundation and construction phases of the project. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations, which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental assessment of the site or identification of contaminated or hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices.. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report, are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes, and either verifies or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. 18 s Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street —Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Additional Design and Construction Considerations Underground Utility Systems All piping should be adequately bedded for proper load distribution. It is suggested that clean, graded gravel compacted to 75 percent of Relative Density ASTM D4253 be used as bedding. Where utilities are excavated below groundwater, temporary dewatering will be required during excavation, pipe placement and backfilling operations for proper construction. Utility trenches should be excavated on safe and stable slopes in accordance with OSHA regulations as discussed above. Backfill should consist of the on -site soils or imported material approved by the geotechnical . engineer. The pipe backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Corrosion Protection Results of soluble sulfate testing indicate that.ASTM Type I Portland cement is suitable for all concrete on and below grade. However, if there is no, or minimal cost differential, use of ASTM Type II Portland cement is recommended for additional sulfate resistance of construction concrete. Foundation concrete should be designed in accordance with the provisions of the ACI Design Manual, Section 318, Chapter 4. • Surface Drainage Positive drainage should be provided during construction and maintained throughout the life of the proposed project. In areas where sidewalks or paving do not immediately adjoin the structure, we recommend that protective slopes be provided with a minimum grade of approximately 5 percent for at least 10 feet from perimeter walls. Backfill against footings, exterior walls, and in utility and sprinkler line trenches should be well compacted and free of all construction debris to reduce the possibility of moisture infiltration. Downspouts, roof drains or scuppers should discharge into splash blocks or extensions when the ground surface beneath such features is not protected by exterior slabs or paving. Sprinkler systems should not be installed within 5 feet of foundation walls. Landscaped irrigation adjacent to the foundation system should be minimized or eliminated. GENERAL COMMENTS L 17 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company —On-site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Minimum Percent Material (ASTM D698) Scarified subgrade. soils.........................................................................95 On -site and imported fill soils: Beneath foundations..................................................................98 Beneathslabs............................................................................95 Beneath pavements...................................................................95 Aggregate base (beneath slabs)............................................................95 Miscellaneous backfill (non-structural areas).........................................90 On -site clay for backfill or grading purposes should be compacted within a moisture content range of 2 percent below, to 2 percent above optimum. Imported or on -site granular soils should be compacted within a moisture range of 3 percent below to 3 percent above optimum unless modified by the project geotechnical engineer. Excavation and Trench Construction Excavations into the on -site soils may encounter caving soils and groundwater, depending upon the final depth of excavation. The individual contractor(s) should be made responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local, and federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. The soils to be penetrated by the proposed excavations may vary significantly across the site. The preliminary soil classifications are based solely on the materials encountered in widely spaced exploratory test borings. The contractor should verify that similar conditions exist throughout the proposed area of excavation. If different subsurface conditions are encountered at the time of construction, the actual conditions should be evaluated to determine any excavation modifications necessary to maintain safe conditions. As a safety measure, it is recommended that all vehicles and soil piles be kept to a minimum lateral distance from the crest of the slope equal to no less than the slope height. The exposed slope face should be protected against the elements. 171 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 or underground facilities are encountered, such features should be removed and the excavation thoroughly cleaned prior to backfill placement and/or construction. It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can be accomplished with conventional earthmoving equipment. Subgrade Preparation Subgrade soils beneath the over -excavated existing on -site fill materials, interior and exterior slabs should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum depth of 8 inches. The moisture content and compaction of subgrade soils should be maintained until slab or pavement construction. • Fill Materials and Placement Clean on -site soils or approved imported materials may be used as fill material and are suitable for use as compacted fill beneath interior or exterior floor slabs. . Imported soils for the proposed pond liner, should conform to the following: Gradation Percent finer by weight (ASTM C136) 1/2 ........................................................................................................100 3/8........................ ............................................................................70-100 No. 4 Sieve.....................................................................................50-100 No. 200 Sieve .................................................... .......:................... 60 (min) • Liquid Limit........................................................................30 (min) Plasticity Index..................................................................15 (min) • Coefficient of Permeability .................................. I ..... 1x10.6 cm/sec Engineered fill should be placed and compacted in horizontal lifts, using equipment and procedures that will produce recommended moisture contents and densities throughout the lift. Recommended compaction criteria for engineered fill materials are as follows: 15 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company - On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street - Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. Earthwork General Considerations The following presents recommendations for site preparation, excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of engineered fills on the project. All earthwork on the project should be observed and evaluated by Terracon. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fill, subgrade preparation, foundation bearing soils, and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. Site Preparation It is recommended the existing on -site fill material within foundation portions of the site be removed to the native soils and stockpiled for reuse. The on -site fill material is suitable for reuse provided the recommendations contained within this section of the report are followed. The fill material should be moisture conditioned, placed in uniform 8 to 12-inch lifts, and mechanically compacted' to at least 95% of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Strip and remove existing fill, debris, and other deleterious materials from proposed building areas are previously mentioned. All exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions that could prevent uniform compaction. The site should be initially graded to create a relatively level surface to receive fill, and to provide for a relatively uniform thickness of fill beneath proposed building structures. All exposed areas which will receive fill, once properly cleared and benched where necessary, should be scarified to a minimum depth of eight inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. Although evidence of underground facilities such as septic tanks, cesspools, or basements were not observed during site reconnaissance,. such features could be encountered during construction. It is our understanding that existing underground utilities may conflict with proposed areas for construction. The relocation of these utilities should be addressed during design stages of the project. If unexpected fills 14 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Aggregate base course should be placed in lifts not exceeding six inches and should be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698). Asphalt concrete and/or plant -mixed bituminous base course should be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler and additives, if required, and approved bituminous material. The bituminous base and/or asphalt concrete should conform to approved mix designs stating the Hveem properties, optimum asphalt content, job mix formula and recommended mixing and placing temperatures. Aggregate used in plant -mixed bituminous base course and/or asphalt concrete should meet particular gradations. Material meeting Colorado Department of Transportation Grading S, SX or SG specifications is recommended for asphalt concrete. Mix designs should be submitted prior to construction to verify their adequacy. Asphalt material should be placed in maximum 3-inch lifts and should be compacted to a minimum of 92 to 96 percent of Maximum Theoretical Density. Where rigid pavements are used, the concrete should be obtained from an approved mix design with the following minimum properties: • Modulus of Rupture @ 28 days.........................................600 psi minimum • Strength Requirements.............................................................. ASTM C94 • Minimum Cement Content ................................................. 6.5 sacks/cu. yd. • Cement Type........................................................................Type I Portland • Entrained Air Content ............................................. :......................... 4 to 8% • Concrete Aggregate ..............................ASTM C33 and CDOT Section 703 Aggregate Size................................:.................................. 1 inch maximum • Maximum Water Content .............................................. 0.49 lb/lb of cement • Maximum Allowable Slump............................................................ 4 inches Concrete should be deposited by truck mixers or agitators and placed a maximum of 90 minutes from the time the water is added to the mix. Other specifications outlined by the Colorado Department of Transportation should be followed. Preventative maintenance should .be planned and provided for through an on -going pavement management program in order to enhance future pavement performance. Preventative maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventative maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g, crack sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventative maintenance is 13 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Local drainage characteristics of proposed pavements areas are considered to vary from fair to good depending upon location on the site. For purposes of this design analysis, .fair drainage characteristics are considered to control the design. These characteristics, coupled with the approximate duration of saturated subgrade conditions, results in a design drainage coefficient of 0.90 when applying the AASHTO criteria for design. For flexible pavement design, a terminal serviceability index of 2.0 was utilized along with an inherent reliability of 70 and a design life of 20 years. Using an estimated R-value of 10 based on the laboratory test results and soil classifications, appropriate EDAL/day, environmental criteria and other factors, the structural numbers (SN) of the pavement sections were determined on the basis of the 1993 AASHTO design equation. In addition to the flexible pavement design analyses, a rigid pavementdesign analysis was completed, based upon AASHTO design procedures. Rigid pavement design is based on an evaluation of the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction of the soils (K-value), the Modulus of Rupture of the concrete, and other factors previously outlined. The design K-value of 100 for the subgrade soil was determined by correlation to the laboratory tests results. A modulus of rupture of 600 psi (working stress 488 psi) was used for pavement concrete. The rigid pavement thicknesses for each traffic category were determined on the basis .of the AASHTO design equation. Recommended Pavement Thicknesses (inches) �`Traffic.Atea .Rggregate ljlantMixed ': Altetnatwe A.`spFtalt ; , .Portland, , is Concrete `: 'Base :' a ymmous Dement: ' Surface , ;Course::. Base Concrete: Total A 3 6 9 Automobile g 2 3 5 Parking C 5 5 A 4 8 12 Drive and Bus Access 8 3 4 7 6 6 Areas C Each alternative should be investigated with respect to current material availability and economic conditions. Aggregate base course (if used on the site) should consist of a blend of sand and gravel, which meets strict specifications for quality and gradation. Use of materials meeting Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Class 5 or 6 specifications is recommended for base course. 12 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street— Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 the upper subsoils can be accomplished by conventional type excavation equipment. Soils encountered at greater depths beyond the upper 3 to 7 feet of overburden clay soils are likely to be wet and may not capable of supporting heavy earth moving equipment: The lagoon should be excavated and constructed with slopes of 3:1 or flatter and the berm surrounding the lagoon also be constructed on 3:1 slopes. The on -site soils are suitable for the embankment. It is recommended the wetted perimeter of the lagoon be lined with a minimum 2-foot layer of the on -site sandy lean clay and/or imported clay material approved by the Geotechnical Engineer having a permeability coefficient of 1x10" cm/second when compacted to 95 percent of its Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Consideration may also be given to lining the lagoon with a mixture of the on -site sandy soil and bentonite. A composite sample was obtained from Test Boring No. 3 from 0.5 to 4 feet below existing site grades, and a composite sample was also obtained from the on -site stockpiles containing sandy lean clay blended with sugar lime residue. Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698 tests were performed one these composite samples to determine maximum dry density and optimum moisture content characteristics, results of which are included in Appendix B of this report. The composite sample from Test Boring No. 3 was classified as sandy lean clay, and stockpile sample was classified as silty sand. Falling head permeability tests were conducted to estimate the coefficient of permeability and the suitable for reuse as a liner material. The samples were remolded to approximately 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density at or near Optimum Moisture content, and inundated. The measured coefficient of permeability was 9.4x10*7 cm/sec for the composite collected from Test Boring 3 and 1.2x10'S cm/sec for the on -site stockpile material. Cohesive and/or plastic type soils, such as clayey sands, lean clays, sandy silts, and sandy lean clays suitable for a pond liner, when subjected to this type of testing have coefficient of permeability values of 1x10'6 or better. Pavement Design and Construction Design of planned pavement areas for. the project have been based on the procedures outlined in the 1993 Guideline for Design of Pavement Structures by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Areas within proposed pavements on the site will be divided into two categories based upon anticipated traffic and usage. Traffic criteria for pavement, thickness designs include estimated single 18-kip equivalent daily axle loads (EDAL's) of 7 for automobile parking and 15 for drive and/or truck access areas. 11 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Floor Slab Design and Construction Some differential movement of a slab -on -grade floor system is possible should the subgrade soils become elevated in moisture content. To reduce potential slab movements, the subgrade soils should be prepared as outlined in the earthwork section of this report. For structural design of concrete slabs -on -grade, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be. used for floors supported on existing on -site soils. A modulus of 200 pci may be used for floors supported on at least 2 feet granular structural fill or on -site granular soils meeting the specifications outlined below. Additional floor slab design and construction recommendations are as follows: • Positive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundations, columns or utility lines to allow independent movement. • Control joints should be provided in slabs to control the location and extent of cracking. Interior trench backfill placed beneath slabs should be compacted in accordance with recommended specifications outlined below. • In areas subjected to normal loading, a minimum 6-inch layer of sand, clean - graded gravel or aggregate base course should be placed beneath interior slabs. If moisture sensitive floor coverings are used on interior slabs, consideration should be given to the use of barriers to minimize potential vapor rise through the slab. • Floor slabs should not be constructed on frozen subgrade. • Other design and construction considerations, as outlined in the ACI Design Manual, Section 302.1 R are recommended. Construction of On -Site Lagoon Treatment System It is our understanding the proposed 1-1/2 acre site where the test borings were drilled is to be developed into an on -site lagoon treatment system. Excavation for the cell/lagoon within Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Lateral Earth Pressures For soils above any free water surface, recommended ,equivalent fluid pressures for unrestrained foundation elements are: • Active: Cohesive soils (on -site clays).................................................45 psf/ft Cohesionless soils (on -site or imported sands)......................35 psf/ft • Passive: Cohesive soils (on -site clays)...............................................250 psf/ft Cohesionless soils (on -site or imported sands) .................... 350 psf/ft • Adhesion at base of footing .................................................... 500 psf Where the design includes restrained elements, the following equivalent fluid, pressures are recommended: • At rest: Cohesive soils (on -site clays).................................................60 psf/ft Cohesionless soils (on -site or imported sands) ...................... 50 psf/ft The above -referenced lateral earth pressures do not include any factor of safety and are not applicable for submerged soils/hydrostatic loading. Fill against grade beams and retaining walls should be compacted to densities specified in Earthwork. Compaction of each lift adjacent to walls should be accomplished with hand - operated tampers or other lightweight compactors. Overcompaction may cause excessive lateral earth pressures, which could result in wall movement. Seismic Considerations The project site is located in Seismic Risk Zone I of the Seismic Zone Map of the United States as indicated by the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Based upon the nature of the subsurface materials, a soil profile type S. should be used for the design of structures for the proposed project (1997 Uniform Building Code, Table No. 15-J). Q Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 To satisfy forces in the horizontal direction, piers may be design for lateral loads using a modulus of 75 tons per square foot for the portion of the pier in clays and/or engineered fill, and 300 tsf in bedrock for a pier diameter of 12 inches. The coefficient of subgrade reaction for varying pier diameters is as follows: Pier,DiBmeter z Gaelficient' of Subgrade+Reaction (tonsRtt ) ki S%Hi uixx i�,.n r [MR,1 3 '^ Ys ti t r '1 S} or Stiff Clays° 1 k" Y1 aBe"droc �.,.v <,+^ xErgineeredhFill 12 75 300 18 50 250. 24 38 200 10 30 150 36 25 1 100 The soil modulus and coefficient of subgrade reaction are ultimate values; therefore, appropriate factors of safety should be applied in the pier design. All piers should be reinforced full depth for. the applied axial, lateral and uplift stresses imposed. The amount of reinforcing steel for the tensile force should determine expansion created by the uplift force on each pier, with allowance for dead load. Minimum reinforcement of at least one-half percent of the cross -sectional area of each pier should be specified. Drilling to design depths should be possible with conventional single flight power augers. Groundwater conditions indicate that temporary steel casing will likely be required to properly drill and clean piers prior to concrete placement. Groundwater should be removed from each pier hole prior to concrete placement. Pier concrete should be placed immediately after completion of drilling and cleaning. If pier concrete cannot be placed in dry conditions, a tremie should be used for concrete placement. Due to potential sloughing and raveling, foundation concrete quantities may exceed calculated geometric volumes. Casing should be withdrawn in a slow continuous manner maintaining a sufficient head of concrete to prevent infiltration of water or the creation of voids in pier concrete. Pier concrete should have a relatively high fluidity when placed in cased pier holes or through a tremie. Pier concrete with slump. in the range of 5 to 8 inches is recommended. To provide increased resistance to potential uplift forces, the sides of each pier should be mechanically roughened in the bearing strata. This should be accomplished by a roughening tooth placed on the auger. Pier bearing surfaces must be cleaned prior to concrete placement. A representative of the geoteehnical engineer should inspect the bearing surface and pier configuration. l Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Footing foundations and masonry walls should be reinforced as necessary to reduce the potential for distress caused by differential foundation movement. The use of joints at openings or other discontinuities in masonry walls is recommended. Foundation excavations should be observed by the geotechnical engineer. If the soil conditions encountered differ significantly from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations will be required. Foundation Systems — Drilled Piers/Caissons For proposed structures having maximum column loads in excess of 150 kips, a grade beam and straight shaft drilled pier/caisson foundation extending into the underlying bedrock stratum is recommended. Straight shaft piers, drilled a minimum of 8-feet into firm or harder bedrock, with a minimum shaft length of 20 feet are recommended. For axial compression loads, piers may be design for a maximum end -bearing pressure of 25,000 pounds per square foot (psf), and skin friction of 2,500 psf for the portion of the pier in firm or harder bedrock. A minimum practical horizontal spacing between piers of at least three diameters should be maintained, and adjacent piers should bear at the same elevation. Piers should be considered to work in-group action if the horizontal spacing is less than three pier diameters. The capacity of individual piers may need to be reduced when considering the effects of group action. Capacity reduction is a function of pier spacing and the number of piers within a group. If group action analyses are necessary, capacity reduction factors can be provided for the analyses. All piers require sufficient dead load and additional penetration into the bearing strata to resist the potential uplift of the expansive materials. All piers should be designed for a minimum dead -load pressure of 5,000 psf based on pier end area. Required pier penetration should be balanced against potential uplift forces due to expansion of the subsoils and bedrock on the site. For design purposes, the uplift force on each pier can be determined on the basis of the following equation:. Up=20xD Where: Up = the uplift force in kips, and . D = the pier diameter in feet Uplift forces on piers should be resisted by a combination of dead load and pier penetration below a depth of 7 feet and in the bearing strata. 7 .0 i Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company - On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street - Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 approximate depths of 2-1/2 to 7-feet and extended to the depths explored, 15-feet, and/or to bedrock. Siltstone/claystone bedrock was encountered beneath the granular stratum in Boring Nos. 1 and 5 at approximate depths of 21 feet and extended to the depths explored, 25 feet. Field and Laboratory Test Results Field and laboratory test results indicate the fill and native clay layers are medium stiff to stiff in consistency, exhibit low swell potential and have moderate bearing capabilities. The cohesive to slightly cohesive clay and/or silt materials have fair to good permeability characteristics. It is recommended that materials utilized in the pond liner construction have permeability characteristics on the order of 1x10-6 cm/sec or slower. The granular sand stratum is moist to wet in -situ, loose to medium dense to dense in relative density, and exhibits moderate bearing characteristics. The bedrock stratum is moderately hard to hard with increased depths, and exhibits moderate swell potential and moderate to high bearing characteristics. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was encountered during initial drilling operations at approximate depths of 4 to 7-1/2 feet below site grades during the drilling operations and when checked 7 days after the field exploration. These observations represent groundwater conditions at the time of the field exploration, and may riot be indicative of other times, or at other locations. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate with varying seasonal and weather conditions. Based upon review of U.S. Geological Survey maps (ZHillier, et al, 1983), regional groundwater is expected to be encountered in unconsolidated alluvial deposits on the site, at depths ranging from 5 to 15-feet below the existing ground surface elevations at the project site. ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Geotechnical Considerations The site appears suitable for the proposed construction from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint. The following foundation systems were evaluated for use on the site: n 2 Hillier, Donald E.; Schneider, Paul A., Jr.; and Hutchinson, E. Carter, 1983, Depth to Water Table (1979) In the Boulder - Fort Collins -Greeley Area, Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, United States Geological Survey, Map 1-855-I. 5 o� Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 SUBURFACE CONDITIONS Geology The proposed area is located within the Colorado Piedmont section of the Great Plains Physiographic province. The Colorado Piedmont, formed during Late Tertiary and Early quaternary time (approximately two -million (2,000,000) years ago), is a broad, erosional trench, which separates the Southern Rocky Mountains from the High Plains. Structurally, the site lies along the western flank of the Denver Basin. During the Late Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Periods (approximately seventy million (70,000,000) years ago), intense tectonic activity occurred, causing the uplifting of the Front Range and associated downwarping of the Denver Basin to the east. Relatively flat uplands and broad valleys characterize the present-day topography of the Colorado Piedmont in this region. The site is underlain by the Cretaceous Pierre formation. The Pierre Formation, consisting of sandstone/siltstone bedrock was encountered in 2 of the 5 test borings at approximate depths of 21-feet below existing site grades: It is anticipated the Pierre Shale underlies the remaining portions of the site at similar depths. The bedrock is overlain by alluvial clays and sands of Pleistocene and/or Recent age. Mapping completed by the Colorado Geological Survey ('Hart, 1972), indicates the site in an area of "Low to Moderate Swell Potential'. Potentially expansive materials mapped in this area include bedrock, weathered bedrock and colluvium (surficial units). Due to the gentle slopes at the site, geologic hazards at the site are anticipated to be low. Seismic activity in the area is low; and from a structural geology standpoint, the site should be stable Soil Conditions The soils encountered at the surface of each test boring consisted of approximately 3 to 3- 1/2-feet of sandy lean clay with gravel fill material at Boring Nos. 1 and 2 and an approximate 6-inch layer of silty topsoil at Boring Nos. 3 through 5. Native sandy lean clay, clayey sand and sandy silt underlie the surface layers and extend to silty sand with gravel below. Coarse granular sand with gravel was encountered beneath the upper soils at 'Hart, Stephen S., 1972, Potentially Swelling Soil and Rock In the Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Environmental Geology No. 7. 4 0 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street— Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Groundwater conditions were evaluated in each boring at the time of site exploration and 7 days after drilling. Laboratory Testing All samples retrieved during the field exploration. were returned to the laboratory for observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix C. Samples of bedrock were classified in accordance with the general notes for Bedrock Classification also described in Appendix C. At that time., the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory -testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Boring logs were prepared and are presented in Appendix A. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil and bedrock samples and are presented in Appendix B. The test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. All laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Selected soil and bedrock samples were tested for the following engineering properties: • Water Content • Dry Density • Consolidation SITE CONDITIONS • Plasticity Index • Moisture -Density Relationship • Falling Head Permeability The site for the proposed construction is presently a vacant tract of land located east of the existing New Belgium Brewing Company's facility on Linden Street, north of Buckingham Street, west of Lemay Avenue and south of the City of Fort Collins' maintenance facility. The site is sparsely vegetated with native grass and weed and exhibits positive surface drainage in the west direction. Stockpiles of sugar -lime material are situated to the southwest of the lagoon system area. These are "left -over" remnants from when the property to the north was used utilized as a sugar mill at the turn of the century. It is proposed to incorporate these stockpiles into the existing subsurface soils to be used as potential liner/embankment materials. Details are presented in the geotechnical engineering recommendations section of this report. 3 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 masonry block structures having wall and column loads on the order of 1 to 5 klf, and 10 to 50 kips, respectively. Final grading plans were not provided prior to the subsurface exploration activities, however, it is anticipated the finished floor elevation for proposed buildings will be at or slightly above existing site grades. Due to relatively shallow depth to groundwater and the coarse granular stratum encountered during the site exploration, the bottom of the lagoon should not be placed greater than 3 feet below existing site grades. SITE EXPLORATION The scope of the services performed for this project included a site reconnaissance by an engineering geologist, a subsurface exploration program, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Field Exploration A total of 5 test borings were drilled on January 30, 2001 to approximate depths of 15 to 25- feet below existing site grades at the locations shown on the Site Plan, Figure 1. The test borings were drilled within the proposed 1-1/2 acre lagoon treatment system area. All test borings were advanced with a truck -mounted drilling' rig, utilizing 4-inch diameter solid stem augers. Terracon and New Belgium Brewing Company personnel agreed upon the locations_ of the test borings during a site visit on January 26, 2001. The borings were located by pacing from property lines and/or existing site features. Surface elevations at each test boring location were determined by means of an engineers level and referenced to a manhole rim elevation of an existing sewer line located on the north side of Buckingham Street, south of the property. The accuracy of boring locations and elevations should only be assumed to the level implied by the methods used. Continuous lithologic logs of each boring were recorded by the engineering geologist during the drilling operations. At selected intervals, samples of the subsurface materials were taken by means of pushing thin -walled Shelby tubes, or by driving split -spoon samplers. Penetration resistance measurements were obtained by driving the split -spoon into the subsurface materials with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The penetration resistance value is a useful index in estimating the consistency, relative density or hardness of the materials encountered.# 2 A, , GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT NEW BELGIUM BREWING COMPANY ON -SITE LAGOON TREATMENT SYSTEM NORTH OF BUCKINGHAM STREET, WEST OF LEMAY AVENUE FORT COLLINS, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO. 20015018 FEBRUARY 7, 2001 INTRODUCTION This report contains the results of our geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed New Belgium Brewing Company on -site lagoon treatment system to be located east of the existing brewery, north of Buckingham Street, west of Lemay Avenue and south of the City of Fort Collins maintenance facility in Fort Collins, Colorado. The site is located in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Larimer County, Colorado. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: • subsurface soil and bedrock conditions • groundwater conditions • foundation design and construction • lateral earth pressures • floor slab design and construction • lagoon construction • earthwork • drainage The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of field and laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and experience with similar soil conditions, structures and our understanding of the proposed project. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on information provided, we understand an on -site lagoon treatment system for the New Belgium Brewing Company located at 500 Linden Street is to be constructed on the site. In conjunction with the lagoon treatment system, associated maintenance/storage type buildings may also be constructed. It is anticipated these buildings will be slab on grade, 1 Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 APPENDIX A Site Plan and Boring Location Diagram Logs of Borings APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX C General Notes Pavement Notes iv V 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Letterof Transmittal...................................................................................................... INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION..........................................................................................1 FieldExploration......................................................................................................2 LaboratoryTesting.................................................................................................. 3 SITECONDITIONS.............................................................................................................3 Geology................... :..................... :......................................................................... 4 SoilConditions........................................................................:............................... 4 Field and Laboratory Test Results...........................................................................5 Groundwater Conditions.......................................................................................... 5 ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................5 Geotechnical Considerations................................................................................:..5 Foundation Systems - Conventional Type Spread Footings...................................6 Foundation Systems — Drilled Piers/Caissons.........................................................7 Lateral Earth Pressures...........................................................................................9 Seismic Considerations...........................................................................................9 Floor Slab Design and Construction........................................................................10 Construction of On -Site Lagoon Treatment System................................................10 Pavement Design and Construction......................................................................1.11 Earthwork................................................................................................................14 General Considerations...............................................................................14 Site Preparation.. .................................................................. .................... 14 Subgrade Preparation..................................................................................15 Fil Materials and Placement........................................................................15 Excavation and Trench Construction...........................................................16 Additional Design and Construction Considerations................................................17 Underground Utility Systems........................................................................17 Corrosion Protection....................................................................................17 SurfaceDrainage..........................................................................................17 GENERALCOMMENTS.....................................................................................................17 M Ne Geotechnical Engineering Exploration New Belgium Brewing Company — On -site Lagoon Treatment System North of Buckingham Street — Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 The soils encountered within the proposed lagoon treatment system area generally consist of approximately 3 to 7 feet of slightly cohesive to. non -cohesive, non -plastic to plastic clayey sand, sandy silt and/or sandy lean clay. The sandy lean clay material has permeability characteristics conducive for the project requirements when properly moisture conditioned and compacted. However, based on the laboratory test results, it appears the clayey sand, sandy silt and the on -site stockpiled materials blended with residue of sugar lime may not be suitable for the use as fill material for the wetted perimeter. To minimize seepage within the lagoon system, it is recommended the wetted perimeter be lined with a minimum of 2-feet of the on -site sandy lean clay and/or imported clay material having a coefficient of permeability on the order of 1x10"6 cm/sec. Alternately, an appropriately proportioned soil and bentonite mixture may be used. Due to the relatively shallow depth to groundwater, (i.e. 4-1/2 to 7 feet below site grades) as well as the coarse granular sand with gravel stratum, the bottom of the lagoon should not extend below a depth of 3 feet below existing. site grades. Soils encountered beneath the upper clay layer are likely to be wet and may not be capable of supporting heavy earth moving equipment. Depending upon the designed depth of the lagoon system, temporary dewatering may be necessary to properly compact and construct the system. Other design and construction recommendations, based upon geotechnical conditions, are presented in the report. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this phase of your project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, TERRACON Prepared by: David A. Rich Geotechnical Reviewed by: William J. Attwooll, P.E. Office Manager Copies to: (4) Addressee V' February 12, 2001 New Belgium Brewing Company 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Attn: Mr. Fred Porter Irerracon 301 N. Howes • P.O. Box 503 Fort Collins, Colorado 80521-0503 (970) 484-0359 Fax: (970) 484-0454 Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report New Belgium Brewing Company — On -Site Lagoon Treatment System 500 Linden Street North of Buckingham Street, West of Lemay Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20015018 Terracon has completed a geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed New Belgium Brewing Company on -site lagoon treatment system to be located east of the existing brewery, north of Buckingham Street, west of Lemay Avenue and south of the City of Fort Collins maintenance facility in Fort Collins, Colorado. This study was performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. D2001041 dated January 22, 2001. The results of our engineering study, including the boring location diagram, laboratory test results, test boring records, and the geotechnical engineering recommendations needed to aid in the design and construction of the proposed lagoon treatment system, and other earth connected phases of this project are attached. The soils encountered at the surface of each test boring consisted of approximately 3 to 3-1/2-feet of sandy lean clay with gravel fill material at Boring Nos. 1 and 2 and an approximate 6-inch layer of silty topsoil at Boring Nos. 3 through 5. Native sandy lean clay, clayey sand and sandy silt underlie the surface layers and extend to silty sand with gravel below. Coarse granular sand with gravel was encountered beneath the upper soils at approximate depths of 2-1/2 to 7-feet and extended to the depths explored, 15-feet, and/or to bedrock. Siltstone/claystone bedrock was encountered beneath the granular stratum in Boring Nos. 1 and 5 at approximate depths of 21 feet and extended to the depths explored, 25 feet. Groundwater was encountered on the site at approximate depths of 4-1/2 to 7 feet during the drilling operations and/or when checked 6 days after drilling. The results of field exploration. and laboratory testing completed for this study indicate that the subsurface soils at the site have low to moderate expansive potential and moderate load bearing characteristics. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered, it is recommended for any proposed building to be constructed in conjunction with the lagoon treatment system be supported by conventional -type spread footings bearing on the native, undisturbed subsoils, or engineered fill material extended to the native subsoils. If column loads are greater than approximately 150 kips, a drilled pier/caisson foundation system is recommended. Slab -on -grade construction is considered feasible at the site provided the recommendations set forth in the report are followed. Arizona ■ Arkansas ■ Colorado ■ Georgia ■ Idaho ■ Illinois ■ Iowa ■ Kansas a Kentucky ■ Minnesota ■ Missouri ■ Montana Nebraska ■ Nevada ■ New Mexico ■ Oklahoma ■ Tennessee ■ Texas ■ Utah ■Wisconsin ■ Wyoming Quality Engineering Since 1965 a0. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT NEW BELGIUM BREWING COMPANY ON -SITE LAGOON TREATMENT SYSTEM NORTH OF BUCKINGHAM STREET, WEST OF LEMAY AVENUE FORT COLLINS, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO. 20015018 FEBRUARY 12, 2001 Prepared for. NEW BELGIUM BREWING COMPANY 500 LINDEN STREET FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80524 ATTN: MR. FRED PORTER Prepared by: Terracon 301 North Howes Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80521.. 1rerraco