HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOFTS AT CAMPUS WEST (THE) - PDP/FDP - 28-97 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - CORRESPONDENCE-CONCEPTUAL REVIEWM d. The replat of the property should include a note which states that all previous easements, etc. are vacated by the new plat. New easements are to be dedicated with the new plat. e. No additional right-of-way dedication is needed along City Park Avenue. f. Standard utility plans must be submitted and a development agreement will be required for all public improvements. Please contact Sheri Wamhoff at 221-6750 with any questions regarding these comments. �g A -BA manhole near City Park and diagonally across this property serving the condos to the north. Service to these condos must be re-routed or connected in an acceptable manner. A water main, ending with a fire hydrant, must be extended onto the site to provide water service to the proposed buildings. Water Conservation Standards for Landscaping and Irrigation will be applicable. Water Rights Acquisition, and Water and Sewer Plant Investment Fees (PIF's) will be due at the issuance of Building Permit. Please contact Roger Buffington at 221-6681 with any questions regarding these comments. 8. The Stormwater Utility offers the following comments: a. The site is located within the Canal Importation Drainage Basin. The Stormwater Development Fees for this basin are $3,717 per acre, subject to a runoff coefficient reduction. b. The applicant has met with the Stormwater Utility and a letter from the applicant to the Stormwater Utility correctly represents their conversations. The primary issues are that detention may be required and how the drainage outfall runoff presently passes through the existing development. C. The detention requirement can be varied if it can be proven that the runoff leaves the site ahead of the peak of flow in W. Elizabeth and not added to the back up of flow at the Shields/Elizabeth intersection. d. Standard drainage and erosion control reports and plans are required and must a be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Colorado. e The stormwater system maps show a 12" storm sewer that extended into the site. This will have to be maintained or re-routed. Please contact Glen Schlueter at 221-6589 with any questions regarding these comments. 9. The Engineering Department offers the following comments: a. The Street Oversizing Fee is currently $554 per multi -family residential dwelling unit. b. A Transportation Impact Analysis must be submitted with the development application. Please contact Eric; Bracke at 221-6062 to discuss the parameters of this analysis. C. Pedestrian access to City Park Avenue and the shopping center must be provided. in Division 4.14 E (Article 4, pp. 86-88) of the Land Use Code. In the event of a conflict between a standard or requirement contained in Article 3 and e Article 4, the standard in Article 4 shall prevail. A minimum of two parking spaces per 3 bedroom dwelling unit are required. As stated in Division 3.2.2 G (Article 3, p.25) of the Land Use Code: "In no Gvzt case shall shared parking include the parking required for residential uses." d. Copies of the submittal requirement checklists for Project Development Plan (PDP), PDP Subdivision Plat, Final Compliance Review, and Final Subdivision Plat were given to the applicant. Please contact Mike Ludwig at 221-6750 with any questions regarding these comments. 3. The Parks and Recreation Department stated that both neighborhood parkland and community parkland fees will be assessed to each dwelling unit, based upon the square footage of each dwelling unit. A copy of the fee breakdown schedule was given to the applicant. Please contact Randy Balok at 221-6364 with any questions regarding these comments. 4. The Light and Power Utility stated there is existing power along City Park Avenue and West Elizabeth Street. Any relocation of existing services will be at the developers expense. Please work with Light and Powerto coordinate a transformer location. Please contact Monica Moore at 221-6700 with any questions regarding these comments. 5. The Building Inspections Department stated that any three story buildings must be equipped with an automated fire suppression system. Handicap accessible units must be provided per the Building Code as amended by the City of Fort Collins. All buildings must meet the City's Residential Energy Code. Please contact Sharon Getz at 221-6760 with any questions regarding these comments. 6. The Poudre Fire Authority stated that all existing and proposed fire hydrants must be shown on the utility plans. All buildings must be within 300 feet of a fire hydrant. Three story buildings must be equipped with an automated fire suppression system. The rear of all buildings must be within 150 feet of fire truck access. It appears that the eastern most building that is proposed may not meet this requirement. Please provide a fire extinguisher per dwelling unit. A knox-box must be provided for each building that is equipped with an automated fire suppression system. Please contact Roger Frasco at 221-6570 with any questions regarding these comments. 7. The Water and Wastewater Utility stated that there is a 12" water main in City Park Avenue. 8" sanitary sewers exist to the south on the west side of City Park Avenue, north of the Sullivan's Restaurant; and in the commercial area east of McDonald's. There appears to be a private sewer service extending north from the r; 000 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW STAFF COMMENTS City of Fort Collins MEETING DATE: April 28, 1997 ITEM: Townsquare Apartments. APPLICANT: Carl Glaser Glaser Associates 215 Jefferson Street Fort Collins, CO 80524-2412 LAND USE DATA: Request for 5 four-plex multi -family residential buildings (alternate: mix of 4 four-plex and 2 six-plex buildings) on approximately 1.24 acres, located at 816 City Park Avenue (Town Square PUD). COMMENTS: The Zoning Department stated that the property is a part of the Townsquare PUD that was approved in 1976 for retail use. The request for multi -family dwellings is considered a major amendment to the PUD and therefore, must be reviewed and processed as required for the land use proposed for the amendment as set forth in Article 4. The subject property is in a CC, Community Commercial District. The CC District is described in Division 4.15 of the Lard Use Code (Article 4, pp. 82-88). Multi -family dwellings are allowed in the CC District subject to administrative (Type 1) review. A minimum of two parking spaces per 3 bedroom dwelling unit will be required. Please contact Gary Lopez at 221-6760 with any questions regarding these comments. 2. The Current Planning Department offered the following comments: a. Review procedures are outlined in Division 2.2 of the Land Use Code (Article �""� 2, pp. 12-22). No neighborhood meetings are required by the Land Use �ti., I 5+ Code for projects subject to administrative (Type 1) review. However, Staff �&9 > 9u strongly urges the applicant to contact representatives of the West Central ,(, Mr�lnavS Neighborhood Group (Emily Smith at 482-4 77 or Hal Worth at 484-4447) (( n �►'�f �0-Vto discuss the proposed request. MP n b. The application will be subject to all applicable General Development Standards of Article 3; and the CC District Development Standards as stated C•7MMUNITYPLANNINCANUENVIRONMENTAL S-RVICES 281 N. College Ave. PO. Box580 Fort Collins, CO80522-05801,M)221-r.750 PLANNING DEPART MENT Comma i Planning and Environmental vices Current Planning City of Fort Collins May 6, 1997 Carl Glaser Glaser Associates 215 Jefferson Street Fort Collins, CO 80524-2412 Dear Carl, For your information, attached is a copy of the Staff's comments regarding the Townsquare Apartments, which was presented before the Conceptual Review Team on April 28, 1997. This is a request for 5 four-plex multi -family residential buildings (alternate: mix of 4 four- plex and 2 six-plex buildings) on approximately 1.24 acres, located at 816 City Park Avenue (Town Square PUD). The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project. If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review process, please feel free to call me at 221-6206. Sincerely, WI-J. Z4 Michael uig Project Planner xc: Stormwater Utility Project Planner File 281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020 k be constructed at party walls and extended as parapets above the roofs. All first floor units are designed to be handicapped accessible and modifiable. 6. Poudre Fire Authority: The design has been reviewed with Roger Frasco of the Poudre Fire Authority. PFA shall regard the building as determined by the building department, which is a two- story with basement walk -out, and therefore a fire -suppression system is not required at this time. A new fire hydrant is to be provided at the east end of the units. 7_ Water and Wastewater Utility: The private waste -line is shown on the utility plan to be re-routed. A water main, ending with a fire hydrant is shown on the utility plan to be extended to the east end of the proposed buildings. 8. Stormwater Utility: Extensive meetings have been held with the Stormwater Utility. It was determined that detention would be required. 9. Engineering Department: A transportation Impact Analysis is included with the PDP submittal. Pedestrian access to City Park Avenue and to the Town Square Shopping Center has been provided. Other items have been addressed on the drawings. k October 28, 1997 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW ISSUES The Lofts at Campus West 816 City Park Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado SUMMARY: The Lofts at Campus West ("Project') is a higher density infill housing project intended for students attending Colorado State University. The project is designed in a SanFrancisco/Neo-Victorian style with lofts "nested" with the next floor to provide a unique approach to student housing. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS: Zoning Department: The project is being submitted under the new Land Use Code. Parking spaces have been provided with two parking spaces per three bedroom dwelling and as required by the code. 2. Current Planning Department: a. Contact has been made with Hal Worth. A meeting is being scheduled with Emily Smith, Bob Milhous, Hal Worth, and Ken Waido of the West Central Neighborhood Group. b. Development Standards have been observed in the planning of the project. C. Parking is provided as per the Land Use Code with 1.75 spaces per two - bedroom unit and 2 spaces provided per three -bedroom unit. Parking is not shared with the adjoining commercial area, and the parking has been defined with landscape islands to separate the residential parking from the commercial parking. d. Checklists have been followed. 3. Parks and Recreation Department: No questions or response. 4. Light and Power: No questions or response. 5_ Building Inspections Department: The building as designed qualifies as a two-story with basement walk -out and therefore (under current codes and ordinances) is not required to have a fire suppression system. The building design has been reviewed with Sharon Getz and Dick Valdez. It was agreed that due to the connecting stairways, the structure should be considered as a single building. Therefore, two-hour separations shall