HomeMy WebLinkAboutADRIAN ANNEXATION & ZONING - 42-03 - REPORTS - CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONc) North Impala Drive is only 30 feet wide and there is a slight bend in the road adjacent to the proposed annexation and development property. North Impala Drive residents frequently park vehicles in the street as well as entertain guests who park in the street. This already is a congested area. d) The residents of the "Green Acres" subdivision (neighborhood) are responsible for maintaining North Impala Drive pavement. Who will pay for increased traffic flow resulting in degradation of the roadway? e) Increased traffic flow caused by anything other than single-family residences would increase traffic flow on North Impala Drive jeopardizing safety for the current neighborhood children. Neighborhood children routinely use the street to play in because neighboring properties are too small in which to play (e.g.: play ball or have a water gun fight). f) Higher crime rates are associated with population densities higher than those of the current neighborhood. An influx of low-income renters that potential multi- family/mixed-residential dwellings bring its own plethora of problems. Anything other than single-family dwellings in a neighborhood where there are nothing other than single-family dwellings would jeopardize the integrity of public safety, a present low crime rate, and homeostasis of the neighborhood. 4) Time is needed for a democratic petition to be obtained and presented to support the above reasons why the proposed "Adrian Annexation" should not be allowed in its proposed context. 5) It shall be heard that we the above simply do not want the burden of L-M-N (Low Mixed Density) housing in our neighborhood that currently does not have such. 6) We the above request that a traffic study, (to be paid for by Mr. and Mrs. John Adrian) shall be conducted of the vehicular and pedestrian traffic on North Impala Drive. North Impala Drive is a dead end street with 39 private homes. The residents thereof could be negatively affected by the proposed zoning change. Consideration of potential traffic entanglements on these thoroughfares must be considered so not to create or add to infringements on public safety, decrease quality of life for residents of North Impala Drive, devalue property values of North Impala Drive residents or other neighbors, or create excessive burden on the residents of the "Green Acres" subdivision whom are presently responsible for maintenance of North Impala Drive pavement. 7) Consideration shall be given to allow reasonable time for Ms. Sandy Knox to study right- of-way and impact to her property located due east and south of the proposed annexation. At this time we the above request no annexation or rezoning occur. We request that further discussion of the proposed "Adrian Annexation" be stopped until the above issues can be resolved, and that maximally a R-L (Low Density Residential) zoning code be allowed for the property of Mr. and Mrs. John Adrian at 2333 West Vine Drive --this following proper review and compliance with consideration due the neighborhood. RECEIVED TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS COUNCIL FROM: DR. STEVEN L. SCHAEFFER MS. SANDY KNOX MR. JOHN ANGELOTTI MRS. SHARON STOCKTON MS. SHELLY NETH DATE:20 JANUARY 2004 JAN 2 0 ?004 CURRENT PLANNING MS. CAROL L. WENNERSTEN MR. DYLAN SCHEIE MR. RAY STOCKTON MR. DAVID GRUMMERT MRS. ANN GRUMMERT SUBJ: FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 29—ADRIAN ANNEXATION DEAR CITY OF FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL; We the above met on Saturday the 17'b of January to discuss the proposed "Annexation Proceedings for Such Property to be Known as the Adrian Annexation." The property is located at 2333 West Vine Drive. We the above want to be on record as being in opposition to annexation and rezoning as stated in the "Recommendation' by the Staff (Steve Olt) for reasons following. We the above request your disallowance of this annexation and rezoning until the issues contained in this letter are resolved: 1) The executive summary of this agenda item contains misleading statements. Presently, references are made to adjoining (neighboring) properties on the west and indirectly to the south being zoned FA — Farming in Larimer County. The neighboring properties of the proposed annexation all have single-family detached houses built on them. The illusion created in the executive summary makes it sound as though there are farm properties adjacent to the proposed annexation. All one needs to do is drive through this area and they will realize that the proposed rezoning is insensitive and out of character with the existing neighborhood that is currently made up of single-family detached homes. This alone should be enough for you to understand that the annexation proceedings must be stopped until the situation is properly addressed and studied in consideration of the neighbors. 2) Homes surrounding the proposed annexation and rezoning are single-family detached houses. Rezoning this property to the proposed L-M-N would be incongruous with the surrounding neighborhood. The Briarwood Road and Plains Court neighborhood indirectly to the southeast is zoned L-M-N, however, only single-family detached houses occupy the properties. We the above prefer not to see this pattern changed if development is inevitable. 3) Consideration shall be given to the 39 private residences of North Impala Drive regarding the following issues: a) Anything other than single-family dwellings located on the proposed annexation would not be in continuity with existing architecture on North Impala Drive. b) The proposed L-M-N zoning permits multi -family units. This is insensitive, disrespectful, and in dissonance with the character, harmony, and integrity of the neighborhood.