F6rt Collins
Minor Amendment Application Form
Comments Due By:
Minor Amendment #
Planner. Meak
Effective Date g • (o • / L�___
- Zoning Department
Date Submitted: July j. ,-Mr'4 j% —/u" -/
Project Name: Foothills Redevelopment PA-vz
Project Location (Street Address): 215 E Foothills Parkway
Legal Description: SW Qtr of Sec 25, Township 7 N, Range 69 W of the 6th PM
General Information: List all propertt, owners having a legatequilable inlerest in the propert, (AMach separate sheets i1'neeessarv).
ue�'sAlatne (s Walton Foothills Holdings, VI, LLC
Street Address: 5750 DTC Parkway, Suite 210 City/State/Zip: Greenwood Village, CO 801 1 1
Telephone: 303-771-4004 Fax: 303-771-4086
�rivlicant's/Consultant's Name Bruce McLennan Name of firm: SEM
Street Address: 8055 E Tufts Ave, Suite 850 City/State/Zip: Denver CO, 80237
Telephone: 303-220-8900 Fax: 303-220-0708 Email: brilclennan t f-w.com
1) Eight (8) copies of RECORDED plan (i.e. site, landscape, elevation, etc. - whichever is being altered) on 24" x
36" size (usually available at the Technical Services Department at 281 N. College) - RED -LINE THE
CHANGES ON the eight plans or provide eight copies of revised drawings showing the changes in addition to the
eight originals. ALL PLANS MUST BE FOLDED TO 8 1/2" X 11",
2) Completed and signed Minor Amendment application form and Transportation Development Review Fee
application form.
3) Application fee of $350 ($192.00 Minor Amendment Fee plus $158 Transportation Development Review Fee).
Note: an additional $250 fee is required if the Poudre Fire Authority needs to review the application.
Replace (5) sheets in the approved mylar set. The sheets to be replaced are A 101, A 103, A 104, and A 105.
Sheet A 106 has been added and the Sheet list has ben updated to reflect this.
certify the information and exhibits tcubmitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge end that in fling this application, 1 am acting with
the knowledge, eononl, and authority of the owncir of the propert} (including all owners having a legal ur equitable interest in the real property, as
detinudd hiSection 1-2 of the City Code; which is the Rubjtat of this application) without whn.•�e cono=t and authority thn reyurRted attinn should not
lawfully be acoomplisbod. Pursuant to said authority, I hereby PmVut City of uials to cater upon tho properly for the purpose of inspc:tion, dnd if
necessary, for posting a public notice on the property.
"V Name (please PRINT):
0 Addretts:— ��']_X2-'� i�i11✓u "tt41-SZ-16
\ r '
Telephone: ] �i l • L10 `). g
281 N. College Ave, PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522, (970) 416-2745 F: (970) 224-6134