Narch 16, 1974
Xseting notes$
PAfr I11ventide South, rort Collins, Colorado
A meeting was held in the office of the City Bngineer to review
the grading of the site for the referenced project.
Those in attendance worst
Boy A bingman, City Engineer
Bill Kane
Don Parsons40
Dort $►arsons agreed to 49WWt the proposed grading plan shown On
Shest C.O. 1 dated Parch 110 1974 providing that the grades along
the north-sart corner of the retaining wall be made more gentle
$o that a walkway could be established along that east side for
access to the area along the stream from the nursing home. the
also wanted to provide an area inlet in the parking area (in lieu
of curb tut -outs) to carry the water thftugh an underground oon-
duit and outfall to the stramaa.
Bill Kate asktd that a new landscaping plan for the area around
the stream be presented for his approval. He suggests that we
look at bat► the development to the west has improved the stream
banks. He suggested some screening for the retaining wail - ivyp
deciduous trees and evergreens. so also suggested a park like
area for use of the resident* be developed using walks, benches,
etc., in this space south of the stream.
Dan Parsons said that the City has an improvement district for the
water lips and curb/gutter for Lemay street and that it any be
advantageous fax Geriatrics to have the City install the curb and
gutter and street paving that is now shown to be installed by the
Contractor. Amy Dingman said that according to an agreement made
by spring Mea4rs the Owner is required to pay for the water train
in Lousy. Our drawings show this as being installed by the City.
Their casts which can be compared to the Contractor's costs are
as follows#
921 38TH AVENUE COURT GREELEY, COLORADO 80631 ( 3 0 3 ) 353.4769
Mestim4 notes$
Page Z
Don also agreed that he would put a memo in the file say"4
that the parking spruzes lost bF O*Vinq that rstaatmixrg wall to
south to create the 100 foot streM easesomtWMUL l mot be
required later in the overt of a change in personal in the
planming 4e9ar mat.
WilliM A. Williams
Gas X4 Asmus
Bind" Gonstructioa Co.
Don Pars"s ✓
Wat4W Line$ 7. 70 par fZ*At f Ot thaMevrtr the city Will pay
tit , 6f Geriatrics cost It Geriatrics installs line) .
Walke curb L gutter and Paving % street$ 37.13 tlmwevar
It Geriatrics iastalls the City will pay the abet of the
extra base required for as arterial street a" for the
extra met of street width *=aedinq 20 feet.