HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHUNDERBIRD ESTATES SIXTH ANNEX ORDINANCE # 27 1964 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-10-29Page is too large to OCR. EN NIG EERING S THE BEST TNISREPRESEP SSIBLETAKEN QUALITY IMAGY POOR QUALITY FROM V ORIGINAL- PiULJAM NO. �7 • 1964, ACCAM' W AND APPRtMYM TO PLAT N WSAT 1S it"M AS Tara TC MDARRIAD %RTATIS Mla Amm"Tiorr To Tire, cil." uP FOU caLUIMs AMM9 To U INCM.UDGR WITHIN Tea LIMITS AW JNR1SPICTUN Tr>R I"s Pt1RAUANT TO Tan: AUTrUOA M't COMM&I"D 1Mr ARTIcLR 11. CRAPTER 139. t;oWWl, O "VI-V40 Wa6aUS, heretofore a written petition W.0 prau;a"COA �:u �,.vw of the City a!fort Collins in substantial cowplianae uitk tux Asrv«., ate- Article 110 Chaptor 139, Colorado Advised Statutss, by the cwaaexs :xz. thou fifty per cGUt (Sox) of the aces and Who ctvaprise the majutit� 'or owners residitvr in the area of laud embreoed in What is knows 44 tun rrstates Sixth Annexation to the City of Port Collins, Wlwrein anu taw": " said potitionars petitioned the City of port Collins for suneaatiovs Jt .z a territory embraced in whet JA known as the Thunderbird Astates sixktl 0"'w« .:. a to the city oil Part Collins, celarade, eougrisin4 the "a" sheds In tberoof attscbed to said petition Had Moro particularly described as auaui%.ar a" fortb, end WMUAS, said petition Was accepted by the Council of LUS G,1 at 11ort Collins by resolution pessod and adopted an June 11, 1964, and WIMRRWW, notice for hearing on the 23rd day of July. 1964, .- ordisanao ayppraviaR the auuoxstion of said territory and includivyl L.W within the knits and jurisdiction of the City of Fort Collins was "'Y published as provided by Laws Had WINZW, the Council of the City of port Collins into fo6cA c.:"t .,v petition and the documents thereto attached meth the requirommats of Chapter 1390 Colorado Revised Statutes. 19590 and WY6REAS, no prooeaM 1UP for an election to detotmivta ttra annexation have been initiated by written coonter-position ae pnuviJ,i 'rye and as abjection to anoonatiat having beat mUsi 3R IT tjiMAIX" By TMR CW MFIL Of TMML CITY IMP FORT CAN I IA:; section 1. That aftor duo cansidoratiou of the P"'"oa L..vx the petition for the annexation of all the territory 1n taunt is m..ww3v<u -, described as the TbmuWrbird %states Sixth Annaxatic" to t" Cie, Collinas Colorado, as shows by the plat thereof AAU"Od to suvd which is sots particularly described as follnwc. to--vi" A treat of load *itante in the wWk of the XWk Of S*ctdoa, 251, Townsbip 7 worths Range 69 West of the Sixth P.*',. wbteh, considering the north line of said FWD; as bosrlujj V. g%145" X. and with all bearings contained harsh Cola tiwo thereto, is contained within the boundary lino whical begin at the Mathwast corner of said section 25 sad run those* 9. 89*43' L. 200.00 fond theme* A. tau°4w'45` a, 19().©0 foot; thomea s. $91436 W. 200.00 feat; tkowe W. 00'"00'45" W. 190.00 fast: to the point otl b"f"Obaq- aentaining 0,872 "was wsro or least be accepted and approved and that said territory be owneeead and node of the City of tort Collins and be included within the limits rand of the City of tort Collins on a 'all Commercial ustriet, and toot t Ma ,,14 Clerk be and be is hereby autborisad and directed to prepare certifi..n:i *f this ordiossms, to each of whisk *ball be attached a plat of said rhit"40-,e:n ti*tates sixth Ancematiam to the City of Fort Collins Colorado. cud. vW"',.0 1!? a *spy thereof in the office of the Clerk and Recorder cf the County -kt (A" t.L4 and smother copy thereof is the office of the Clerk of the City of fqv�- Gazhsa,a , togotber with a certified am of said petition, and &*other copy of m»s+a petition and approving ordinames with the Secretary of $tat* of the Unto Colorado. $ootion 2. That in seemptis$ and 4pprevie4-the plat of the Setatea Sixth ANUMtien to the City of tort Collins, the City of tort COxA=�: "" met "owns obligations repeating the construction of water wain#,, e•r,..,y lima*, gas mains, olectris light limes or other services or otiliti** w1th respect to service of sold additica, asmpt as may be required and provi;wi the owmars of the property within the limits of eaid addition in cowtlaancAw witb the terms and provisions of Chapter 15. Code of Ordinance* of tkw cit, ,. port Collins. Colorado, 1l589 ea amended, relating to local and pchlic twvw*vanmta. iatrodaaad, onsoidorod fevarably on first reading and orderwi »0111,swd this 23rd day of July, A. D. 1%4, and to be presented for final p*aataa=r- -, 13th dsy of August, A. 0. 19". AITRili !, City Clar _2_ Passed and adopted on final readin;; this 1,a'Lt L,, uy „ 1964. ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) as. COUNTY OF LATUMER ) I. Miles F. House, duly appointed andaeting City Clerk of tiie (:it-r a I:yrt Collins, Colorado, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is it trkdr> r: correct copy of Ordinance No. 27, 1964 annexing property to be knovrn , a J::: Thunderbird Estates Sixth Annexation to the City of Fort Coll.trw w? i•^} :-� P 7 -v;se'. and adopted on final reading on the 13th day of August, A. "•. 1901. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set Pq hand and atr., the City of Fort Collins, this 19th day of August, A. D. 1964. city 7 lezk _ 3.