HomeMy WebLinkAboutLARIMER COUNTY COURTHOUSE OFFICES BLOCK 101 - Filed CS-COMMENT SHEETS - 2008-04-22A T NN Y O U L ,Q 0 City of Fort Collins Current Planning COUNTY REFERRAL COMMENT SHEET COMMENTS TO: Matt Lafferty FROM: ENGINEERING TYPE OF MEETING: Staff Review PROJECT: Larimer County Courthouse SP41;� THRU: City of Fort Collins Planning Department PLANNER: Bob Barkeen City comments must be received in Current Planning Department by: December 12, 2001 ❑ No Problems 0 Problems or Concerns (see below or attached) Comments: • General Comments: • It is the City's intent to have Howes and Mason become 2-way streets. Considerations should be made for this in the plans. • Please provide the standard 3.5" by 4.5" City signature block on the lower tight -hand comer of all udlity plan sheets. • Please provide the standard general notes as attached. • Please complete and submit a Utility Plan Checklist with your next submittal. The Checklist will help clarify additional needed information. • Please exclude site and landscape plans from the utility plan set. They should be flied separately. • Please darken gray lines so that they are legible/reproducible. • The warning note presented along the bottom of each sheet is inappropriate for utility plans. Please alter or remove it. • Any damaged existing curb, gutter or sidewalk will need to be replaced. Was a geotechnical report submitted? • Is a basement being proposed? If so, what is its finished floor elevation? • Please see redlined plans for additional comments. (• Easements should be provided either by separate document(s) or by a replat. r Date: November 27, 2001 Signature: Selected Issues Report ctt,e r: Date: 4/3/2008 LARIMER COUNTY COURTHOUSE OFFICES - SITE PLAN ADVISORY REVIEW, #37-98C SELECTION CRITERIA: Status = All ISSUES: Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Katie Moore Topic: Accesses Number:29 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please design accesses to the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. Number:30 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Driveways should be labeled as concrete to the ROW line. Number:31 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Curb return radii for driveways intersecting arterial streets should be 20' per LCUASS table 8-2. Number:32 Created: 12131/2001 Pending Driveways should intersect public streets at 90-degrees +/- 10-degrees for a minimum of 25 feet measured from the edge of curb inward toward the site. (LCUASS 9.4.2) Number:33 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show existing driveways across the street from the proposed driveways. (for align ment/separation purposes). Number:34 Created: 12/3112001 Pending None of the proposed access points meet separation requirements under LCUASS Table 7- 3. Topic: Detail Sheet Number:35 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please eliminate repeated and/or unnecessary details Number:36 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please provide details of proposed retaining walls. Topic: Drainage Plan Number:39 Created:12/31/2001 Pending It seems that the drainage basin lines do not quite match what is shown on the grading plans at the soughteast driveway and to a lesser degree at the northeast driveway. Topic: General Number:8 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Page 1 It is the City's intent to have Howes and Mason become 2-way streets. Designs should reflect this in the plans. Number:9 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please provide the standard 3.5" by 4.5" City signature block on the lower right-hand corner of all utility plan sheets. Number:10 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please provide the standard general notes as attached. Number:11 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please complete and submit a Utility Plan Checklist. The Checklist will help clarify additional needed information. Number:12 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please exclude site and landscape plans from the utility plan set. They should be filed separately. Number:13 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please darken gray lines so that they are legible/reproducible. Number:14 Created:12/31/2001 Pending The warning note presented along the bottom of each sheet is inappropriate for utility plans. Please alter or remove it. Number:15 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Any damaged existing curb, gutter or sidewalk will need to be replaced. Number:16 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please submit a copy of the geotechnical report. Number:17 Created: 1213112001 Pending Is a basement being proposed? If so, what is its finished floor elevation? Number:18 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please see redlined plans for additional comments. Number:19 Created: 12131/2001 Pending Easements should be provided either by separate document(s) or by a replat and should be shown on all plans. Topic: Grading Plan Number:37 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show drainage arrows. Number:38 Created:12/31/2001 Pending No more than 500 square fee of sheet flow is allowed over public sidewalks. (LCUASS 9.4.11 a & b, and 7.7.4) It appears that this is not being met at the driveways. Please re - grade and/or provide under -sidewalk drains. Page 2 Topic: Overall Utility Plan Number:20 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show/label all easements and ROW (easements and ROW should be shown on all sheets). Number:21 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please dedicate easements as necessary/required for utilities, PFA, etc. The parking lot and sidewalk areas outside of ROW should be placed in an access easement. Number:22 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show how the project will be phased. Number:23 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show how the mid -block sidewalk connection on Mountain will align with the north - south sidewalk to the Courthouse to the north. Number:24 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show striping on adjacent streets. Topic: Site and Landscape Plan Number:40 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show utilities on this plan for verification that separation requirements are being met. (LCLIASS 2.2.3) Topic: Street Improvement Plans Number:25 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please show how the proposed flowline profiles will tie into the existing flowline. Number:26 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please label street area to be cut as follows: Limits of street cut are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City Engineering Inspector. All repairs are to be in accordance with City street repair standards. Number:27 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Please provide a minimum of 2 cross -sections on Mason and one on Howes showing how new and existing slopes will work together. Number:28 Created:12/31/2001 Pending Street cut areas should extend to the edge of the parking lane or bicycle lane (whichever is applicable) at a minimum. The proposed 5 looks to be too narrow. Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff Topic: Accesses Number:57 Created:1/3/2002 Pending Seperate the potential conflicts between delivery vehciles, County vehciles and personally owned vehciles (POV) by provided seperate access points along Mason St and Oak St. For POVs a full turn movement driveway cut can potentially be located on Oak St. with the continuation of the drive aisle (see red lines). As a result the frontage along Mason St. can become more pedestrian friendly as the driveway width for delivery vehciles can be reduced. This will also address the possiblity of the proposed Mason St. driveway becoming a restricted right -in / right -out turn movement if curbs are installed on both sides of the Page 3 railroad tracks, which would hamper the convenience for customers. More importantly this would improve the vehicular flow, including the MSTC buses, for the arterial street by placing the majority of ingress and egress traffic on a local street. Topic: General Number: 49 a Number: 60 An updated TIS is requested for the project. Created:1/3/2002 Resolved Created:1/3/2002 Pending Topic: Site and Landscape Plan Number:50 Created:1/3/2002 Pending Orientation of the building neglects to address the relationship to the Mason St. Transportation Corridor (MSTC). Within the MSTC Master Plan transit oriented development is strongly encouraged. This can be accomplished by orienting the building's main entrance to either the Oak and Mason intersection or the Mountain and Mason intersection. If this is not possible, good transit adjacent development is also strongly encouraged, which could be accomplished by eliminating the need for the pedestrian traffic from Mason and Oak to cross a drive aisle to get to the building's main entrance. This is also a requirement within the City's Land Use Code. (Please refer to comment #57 for further info.) Number:51 Created:l/3/2002 Pending If building orientation remains the same? Utilize landscaping, site furnishings, seating, and art pieces to reduce the impact of the loading area on the MSTC and in the landscaped area along Mountain. Other site amenities are mentioned within the MSTC Master Plan. Number:52 Created:1/3/2002 Pending Relocate handicap parking to the stalls adjacent to the southside of the building. This will eliminate the need to cross a drive aisle. The access ramps can also serve bikes that need to access the bike parking facilities. Number:53 Created:l/3/2002 Pending Site plan also needs to take into accountant the potential of a physically seperated contra flow bike lane on the west side of Mason Street. Number:54 Created:l/3/2002 Pending In addition to Mason potentially converting back to two way traffic, the loading area may also have to be redesigned if raised curbs are installed on both sides of the railroad tracks on Mason Street. Number:55 Created:1/3/2002 Pending Directional access ramps will need to be installed on the southwest corner of Mason and Mountain to the LCUASS design standards. Number:56 Created:1/3/2002 Pending According to the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan the new County Building was to be the southern terminous of the planned pedestrian spine. In order to accomplish this the spine will need to cross Mountain Ave. and tie into the proposed northern entrance. Please illustrate this proposed location on the site plan. Furthermore, at this time funds should only Page 4 be escrowed for half of the Mountain Ave. pedestrian crossing since the design has not been completed. Number:58 Created:l/3/2002 Pending Include directional access ramps on the north side of the Mason Street drive aisle cut (see red lines). Furthrmore, the drive aisle crossings need to place the emphasis on the sidewalk continuation and may require special treatment that informs drivers that they are entering a pedestrian area. Number:59 Created:1/3/2002 Pending Was the option of potentially incorporating additional building facades / entrances along Mason St. explored? This could be additional office space or commercial spaces for lease. The loading dock could remain in the same location and built into the design of the building(s) and still function as intented. Page 5