1. ?ermiaasi.on is granted fora :rose: njr on the `,arms st;a"ted and required
The applicant is: C.i.tyLQf..F�.rt.�QllirtS..�
2. The crossing is located in Larimer ColLnt.v, Colorado at the
which is approximately: 3507eet south of the intersection of Conifer and
North L e M a,y .�._._.____..._....._._.___. �
Also, work shall be done -in a g,jcad and worlkman like manner per the 'leans ann—
s p ecifica t ions a Pproved , and all labor, material, costs, and ex--ons,r18 of any
Mature shall bra paid for by applicant beafore delinquent. The Lake +:anal 'it�clti'.tr:t^�
tManagrer must be notified in advance of startint; any work and before complet3: n i,
so work and material can be inspected. The crossing shall. be complated on -)r
before ,L
3• Applicant shall place any pipe within a pipeline, so that subsequent re,.0 y MY
can be shade uithout disturbing the croa3ingr. The ditch shall be restored to =is
good a condition as same was in prior to the crossing. brmanent markers shal).
be maintained by applicant, and if the Lake Qinal Ditch Company must m in+Vain
any marker, applicant shawl Xay the expense therefor.
4. Applicant will keep crooning in good repair and hold lake Canal Company harmless
from any damage, coats, expenses and liability because of this c;rro3ssing. T}o
repairs or work of any nature shall be done at the time which interferes 'with the
Lake Canal Cumlxany's use of its ditch and access thereto.
5. The charp,-,s or thins permit Mh.tll. * -�tid .in f%dvailce to, the Lake Canal Company.
6, The Purpose of the oruneiijg is for: Two (2) 36"_RCP Storm Sewer Lines_ _
One 1 �.55" PUC Low Flow Storm Sewer Line:
?, Apolica.nt dues not xa.va i.he right to Lrran..t rieh-ts to others to u<se the s;;,,
location, except to a successor to ra.pplicantle ;ownership. This -i'3r7jit may
terminated for failure to ma.intair: same, an,i tt,rikii%ates r+hen no i,,nger
.kn.y terry ,orary interruption shall tiP 'aitrt gut dd.lai3,7ra r
dxI-xin e to Lake ;M11 CurnParIV. 4ny-roti.c,a:A by La,k.s sinaal Camsty �sy
Eaerved by Vailing to anpli^...ant at addree3a herein listed, and there tst all n %
conclusive p.resura ,t ion that any notice, mailed a.pPlic:a.rat is received. No
Of addre3s by aPpli.cant is affective unlass received by Talks Carval
SrxCLal. r,igi1iremantrsr!-
T:Yu terms herein are binding a
grantees, successors and legal
AT T hOr . _
3 e c z v ta..ry-- Nit. na ge r
:'. u. ;:fox 204
Timruith, Colo. 90547
the atPPliC&r)tts, their hetii.�enef'.cia.r:t�a,
re; presentatives . ;
Acccepted: C
Address: P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CC 80522
`rcezaphone No. i 303 221-6 $� `
Dated: November 20, 1987
Tf{ � CANAL-,, jOM
i4,ssi grit C'i-ty attorney