Sheri Wamhoff - Columbine East drainage easement
From: "Spencer Smith" <ssmith(atstinc.com>
To: <swamhoff@,fcgov.com>
Date: 1/3/2006 1:14:31 PM
Subject: Columbine East drainage easement
Hey Sheri,
I believe that the document that was recorded only had the signatures of the owners involved in the easement.
Do we need to create a document that has a space for the City's signature on it and record it again? Or can we
just have a copy of the document sent to you and Basil for review and signing? Sorry that I am not familiar with
the process for getting an easement recorded. Please let me know what I need to do to get everything taken care
Thank you very much.
Spencer Al. Smith
748 Whalers Way Bldg. D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
phone: 970.226.0557
fax: 970.226.0204
metro: 303.595.9103
email: ssmith(cbtstinc.com
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\swamhoff.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW } 000... 4/17/2006
06/16/2005 15:44 9702234156 EVERITT COMPANIES
PAGE 01/01
14 OM IfoiN IS.
June 16, 2005
To: Katie Moore Via FAX - 1 Page
City of Fort Collins Engineering Department 221-6378
Re: 4824 S. Lemay
Storm Water Drainage and Construction Easement
Columbine Care Center East / Long-term Care PDP
Dear Ms. Moore;
This will eonfinnt that, as the owner of the property adjacent to the above referenced property, we
are in agreement to the storm water drainage and construction easement described on the attached
Exhibit A, in conjunction with the redevelopment of the 4824 S. Lemay property. It is our
intention to execute a Deed of Dedication for Easement per the plans and as required by the City
of Fort Collins; and an agreement between the parties stipulating the responsibilities for the
installation of the storm water drainage, restoratlon, repairs, and replacements, etc., affecting the
property through which the casement is being granted.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Sora a Mills at 226-1500.
By: Capital Managers, LLC
3030 Snulh Cnikpe Aw,w - R n Culline - Coloado - 90525
Mniliog Adcbm PA." 2125 - Fort Cnlllns - Culomdn - aa522
TWephom: (07n) 226-1500 - FAX: (97M 223-A 156
FW: Columbine Health Care Facility
Page 1 of 1
Fraser Walsh
From: Hilderbrand, Len [Len. Hilderbrand@XCELENERGY.COMI
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 7:50 AM
To: Fraser Walsh
Subject: RE: Columbine Health Care Facility
Yes, this will work for Xcel Energy to reduce this easement to 10 feet. The 10 foot easement
will be adequate for any of our future needs in this area. Thanks Len Hilderbrand Designer
-----Original Message -----
From: Fraser Walsh [mailto:fwalsh@tstinc.com]
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 7:03 AM
To: len.hildabrand@xcelenergy.com
Cc: Hilderbrand, Len
Subject: FW: Columbine Health Care Facility
As a follow up to our conversation regarding the proposed Columbine Long Term Health Care
Facility located at the northeast corner of Rule and Lemay,
I am sending this email in order to summarize our conversation, and ask for your signature as
proof that you understand our request and have no concerns with our proposal. We are
requesting a reduction in the width of the utility easement located along the east ROW line of
Lemay Ave. The City of Fort Collins typically requires a 15' utility easement to be platted adjacent
to arterials. We are proposing a 10' wide utility easement to make room for a private storm
sewer line. It is my understanding that as long as there is room for your transmission lines, you
have no major concerns.
Thanks again for your help. Please let me know if you have any questions, or want to discuss this
matter in more detail.
Fraser Walsh, P.E.
QJ40R-18-2005 10:50 VAL13HT FRYE ARCHITECTS 970 224 1662 P.02/03
Re: Varlance Requeat for Columbine East
Lemay Avenue - Sidewalk
This Is a variance request for the location and alignment of the proposed
sidewalk adjacent to Lemay Avenue.
Lemay Avenue Is classified as a 4-lane arterial street. The standard under the
" Ladmer County Urban Area Street Standards" requires a 10 feet wide parkway
and 6 foot sidewalk. The standard is to typically locate the sidewalk at the back of
the right-of-way.
The applicant Is proposing a 6 foot wide curved sidewalk to be located
betweenl5 to 25 feet from the front of curb which will meet and exceed the
required 10 foot parkway standard (see attached drawing).
The location of the curved sidewalk also provides the following:
1) A wider distance or space for evergreen trees and berms, which will
provide an attractive evergreen streetscape from Lemay Avenue and
provide some screening to the courtyard west of the proposed building.
2) The sidewalk will be in character of the existing streetscape, speolfically
directly north of the site, where the sidewalk adjacent to Lemay Avenue
currently meanders.
The requirement for providing canopy street trees within five feet of the sidewalk
will be maintained. There are currently eight mature cottonwood trees
approximately 6 to 10 feet from the back of curb, which have been evaluated by
the City Forester. All the trees will remain except for one, which will be replaced.
New tree planting between the existing mature cottonwoods can be planted 5
feet west of the proposed curved sidewalk.
The project is also within the Harmony Corridor Plan. Under the standards
and guidelines the requirement is to provide meandering sidewalks, berms and
groves of deciduous and evergreen trees.
In summary, the proposed sidewalk meets the LCUSS street standards for a
4-lane arterial street and will comply with the Harmony Corridor Guidelines. In
addition, the sidewalk will be In character with the existing streetscape with the
proposed location providing sufficient area to allow for an attractive well -
screened landscape between the street and the project.
5i '2%�i
June 8, 2005
Ms. Katie Moore P.E.
Fort Collins Engineering Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Katie:
This letter is a variance request with regard to intersection spacing requirements between existing driveway
the existi
access to the Evangelical Covenant Church, on the west side of Lemay
Avenue, and the proposed driveway to the Columbine South
Development, on the east side of Lemay Avenue. According to Table
7-3, Fort Collins Street Standards - Technical Design Criteria, the
distance between driveway edges on four -lane arterial streets should
be 460-660 feet. The distance between the subject driveway edges is
approximately 90 feet. This segment of Lemay Avenue is striped as a
two-way left -turn lane. The issue regarding this variance is the
probability of left turns to each driveway arriving at the same
The "Columbine South Development Transportation Impact Study,"
January 2005, shows a driveway to Lemay Avenue near the north
property line. The forecasted southbound left -turning vehicles
entering this driveway are forecasted to be 8 and 5 in the
respective peak hours. The church land use on the west side of
Lemay Avenue is expected to generate 5 and 4 northbound left -turning
vehicles in same respective peak hours. The probability that a
northbound left turn to the church and a southbound left turn to
Columbine South being in the area between the two driveways at the
same time is 0.04 in the morning peak hour and 0.02 in the afternoon
peak hour. This analysis conservatively assumed that all of the
generated traffic would arrive in the same half hour of the
respective peak hours.
It is concluded that the probability of left -turning vehicles
from opposite directions arriving at the same time is very small.
In addition to this small probability, this segment of Lemay Avenue
is straight and flat with no sight line constraints, such that
conventional "rules of the road" regarding yielding to vehicles
already in the two-way left -turn lane would be applicable. It is
concluded that the offset intersections with the two-way left -turn
lane is not detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety for
the prudent driver.
It is requested that you approve this variance request with
regard to intersection spacing. Do not hesitate to contact me if
You desire additional information,
Matther.� J. Delich, P.E.
4I 1 `:
748 Whalers Way, Bldg, D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
metro 303.595.9103
fax 970.226.0204
June 10, 2005
Ms. Sherri Wamhoff
City of Fort Collins
Engineering Department
281 N. College Ave.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Re: Columbine East variance request
Project No.: 1018.0001.00
Dear Sherri,
The purpose of this letter is to describe our requests for variances to the City of
Fort Collins design standards for the proposed Columbine Long Term Health
Care Facility. The Columbine East Long Term Care Facility is to be located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of Rule Drive and Lemay Avenue. We are
requesting variances for the following items:
• The alignment of the public walk along Lemay Avenue.
We have attached to this letter written by VF Ripley and Associates describing
our clients desire to meander the sidewalk along Lemay. Our team has met and
discussed this design with the City planning and engineering staff, and hopes for
your support. A significant amount of clearing and grading will need to occur in
building out Lemay Avenue to the ultimate width. The existing trees along Lemay
on this property sit up on a slight rise and are quite large. We believe that in
removing these trees and root balls, a significant portion of the road right of way
would be disturbed, requiring the removal of the irrigation system and the
sidewalk, even if it were placed in the standard location along the right of way
line. It is concluded that the variance to the sidewalk location will not reduce the
design life of the improvement nor cause the City of Fort Collins additional
maintenance cost.
We appreciate your review and approval of these variances. If you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to give our office a call.
info@tstinccom wwwI 0
Re: Variance Request for Columbine East
Lemay Avenue - Sidewalk
This is a variance request for the location and alignment of the proposed
sidewalk adjacent to Lemay Avenue.
Lemay Avenue is classified as a 4-lane arterial street. The standard under the
"Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards" requires a 10 feet wide parkway
and 6 foot sidewalk. The standard is to typically locate the sidewalk at the back of
the right-of-way.
The applicant is proposing a 6 foot wide curved sidewalk to be located
between15 to 25 feet from the front of curb which will meet and exceed the
required 10 foot parkway standard (see attached drawing).
The location of the curved sidewalk also provides the following:
1) A wider distance or space for evergreen trees and berms, which will
provide an attractive evergreen streetscape from Lemay Avenue and
provide some screening to the courtyard west of the proposed building.
2) The sidewalk will be in character of the existing streetscape, specifically
directly north of the site, where the sidewalk adjacent to Lemay Avenue
currently meanders.
The requirement for providing canopy street trees within five feet of the sidewalk
will be maintained. There are currently eight mature cottonwood trees
approximately 8 to 10 feet from the back of curb, which have been evaluated by
the City Forester. All the trees will remain except for one, which will be replaced.
The project is also within the Harmony Corridor Plan. Under the standards
and guidelines the requirement is to provide meandering sidewalks, berms and
groves of deciduous and evergreen trees. We have tried to incorporate that same
design concept into this development. The sidewalk will be in character with the
existing streetscape with the proposed location providing sufficient area to allow
for an attractive well -screened landscape between the street and the project.
No Text
June 10, 2005
Ms. Sherri Wamhoff
City of Fort Collins
Engineering Department
281 N. College Ave.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Re: Columbine East variance request
Project No.: 1018.0001.00
Dear Sherri,
The purpose of this letter is to describe our requests for variances to the City of
Fort Collins design standards for the proposed Columbine Long Term Health
Care Facility. The Columbine East Long Term Care Facility is to be located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of Rule Drive and Lemay Avenue. We are
requesting variances for the following items:
The distance from the intersection of Rule and Lemay to the site
access point along Lemay Avenue.
The type of access from Rule Drive onto the private drive that
accesses the site.
The radius of the curb returns at the access onto Lemay Avenue
There are two access points proposed for the site. They are located at the
southeast corner accessing Rule Drive and at the northwest comer accessing
Lemay Avenue. The distance from the centerline intersection of Rule Drive and
Lemay Avenue to the centerline of the private drive along Lemay is 412 feet. This
distance falls short of the requirement by 48 feet. The site size limits the distance
that the access point along Lemay can be from the intersection. The concern with
this variance is site and stopping distance from the intersection. This section of
Lemay has adequate site lines, allowing for the necessary aware driver reaction
time. The minor reduction in distance between intersections will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for the prudent driver.
We are also requesting a variance from the standard that requires a Standard
Private Driveway approach onto Rule Drive. The typical site traffic will consist of
frequent trips from emergency vehicles and commercial traffic. These vehicles
will require a larger turning radius than provided by the typical private drive
access. We are proposing to use the standard High Volume Drive, to allow for
the larger turning radius. The High Volume Drives may lend the driver to use a
748 Whalers Way, Bldg, D higher speed when entering the site. A majority of the traffic entering the site at
Fort Collins, CO 80525 this entrance will be coming from Lemay Avenue. The distance from the
970.226.0557 intersection of Rule and Lemay to the site access will limit the speeds drivers can
metro .226.05.4 obtain. There should be little negative affect on pedestrians, as the site distances
fax 970.226.0204 g
along this portion of Rule Drive allow the prudent driver to see any pedestrians
info@tstinc.com walking across the site entrance. It is concluded that the variance to the site
w .tstinccom access design standard will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and ■
welfare for the prudent driver or pedestrian, will not reduce the design life of the
improvement nor cause the City of Fort Collins additional maintenance cost.
We are requesting a variance to the standard radius of the curb returns for the
access from the site onto Lemay Avenue. The standard shown in Table 8-2 of
section 8.2.9 of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standard requires 20' radii
for the curb returns from a High Volume Drive & Alley onto an arterial street. We
have proposed 25' curb returns for this access because a high percentage of
vehicles using this entrance will be emergency vehicles and delivery trucks,
which require a larger turning radius. The larger radius may lend the driver to use
a higher speed when entering the site. A majority of the traffic entering the site at
this entrance will be coming from Lemay Avenue. The location of the site access
will limit the speeds drivers can obtain. There should be little negative affect on
pedestrians, as the site distances along this portion of Lemay Avenue allow the
prudent driver to see any pedestrians walking across the site entrance. It is
concluded that the variance to the site access design standard will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for the prudent driver or
pedestrian, will not reduce the design life of the improvement nor cause the City
of Fort Collins additional maintenance cost.
We appreciate you review and approval of these variances. If you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to give our office a call.
= Sheri Wamhoff - Re Columbine East drainage easement _ Page 1 J
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: Spencer Smith
Date: 1/3/2006 1:29:04 PM
Subject: Re: Columbine East drainage easement
Attached is the dedication format, information sheet on the process and the application form.
We need a deed in the City format with the owners signatures the owners attorney certification, city
acceptance line, legal and sketch along with the application and processing fee. Then the City will accept
it and file it. I don't know what format the deed that was recorded is in - if it is something similar to the
standard deed language then you can probably use that provided the city acceptance line is on it and the
attorney certification, legal and sketch are there.
Let me know if you have any questions on the format and process once you review the attached
>>> "Spencer Smith" <ssmith@tstinc.com> 1/3/2006 1:15:42 PM >>>
Hey Sheri,
I believe that the document that was recorded only had the signatures of
the owners involved in the easement. Do we need to create a document
that has a space for the City's signature on it and record it again? Or
can we just have a copy of the document sent to you and Basil for review
and signing? Sorry that I am not familiar with the process for getting
an easement recorded. Please let me know what I need to do to get
everything taken care of.
Thank you very much
Spencer M. Smith
748 Whalers Way Bldg. D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
phone: 970.226.0557
fax: 970.226.0204
metro: 303.595.9103
email: ssmithatstinc.com <mailto:ssmith(@tstinc.com>
www.tstinc.com <http://www.tstinc.com/>
e .ti
y �
September 26, 2005
Ms. Sherri Wamhoff
City of Fort Collins
Engineering Department
281 N. College Ave.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Re: Columbine East variance request
Project No.: 1018.0001.00
Dear Sherri,
The purpose of this letter is to describe our requests for variances to the City of
Fort Collins design standards for the proposed Columbine Long Term Health
Care Facility. The Columbine East Long Term Care Facility is to be located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of Rule Drive and Lemay Avenue. We are
requesting variances for the following items:
The distance from the intersection of Rule and Lemay to the site
access point along Lemay Avenue.
The type of access from Rule Drive onto the private drive that
accesses the site.
There are two access points proposed for the site. They are located at the
southeast corner accessing Rule Drive and at the northwest corner accessing
Lemay Avenue. The distance from the centerline intersection of Rule Drive and
Lemay Avenue to the centerline of the private drive along Lemay is 412 feet. This
distance falls short of the requirement by 48 feet. The site size limits the distance
that the access point along Lemay can be from the intersection. The concern with
this variance is site and stopping distance from the intersection. This section of
Lemay has adequate site lines, allowing for the necessary aware driver reaction
time. The minor reduction in distance between intersections will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for the prudent driver.
We are also requesting a variance from the standard that requires a Standard
Private approach onto Rule Drive. The typical site traffic will consist of
frequent trips from emergency vehicles and commercial traffic. These vehicles
will require a larger turning radius than provided by the typical private drive
access. We are proposing to use the standard High Volume Drive, to allow for
the larger turning radius. The High Volume Drives may lend the driver to use a
higher speed when entering the site. A majority of the traffic entering the site at
748 Whalers Way, Bldg, D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
this entrance will be coming from Lemay Avenue. The distance from the
intersection of Rule and Lemay to the site access will limit the
metro 303.595.9103
speeds drivers can
obtain. There should be little negative affect on pedestrians, as the site distances
fax 970,226.0204
ag this portion of Rule Drive allow the prudent driver to see any pedestrians
walking across the site entrance. It is concluded that the variance to the site
access design standard will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and
welfare for the prudent driver or pedestrian, will not reduce the design life of the
improvement nor cause the City of Fort Collins additional maintenance cost.
We appreciate you review and approval of these variances. If you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to give our office a call.
Page 1 of I
Sheri Wamhoff - Columbine East drainage easement
From: "Spencer Smith" <ssmithpatstinc.com>
To: <swamhoffi@fcgov.com>
Date: 1/4/2006 1:11:34 PM
Subject: Columbine East drainage easement
Thank you for the information included in your last e-mail to me. I did notice that you were referring to the
easement as being a public drainage easement dedicated to the City. Actually, the easement is just a private
drainage easement between the owner of the existing detention pond area that we are releasing into, and
Columbine Health Systems. From the forms that you sent me it appears that a private drainage easement only
needs to be signed by the land owners involved, with a copy provided to the City for review. I have left a voice
mail with Basil to confirm that this is the case. Once I have word if this is correct I can get copies to you and
Spencer M. Smith
748 Whalers Way Bldg. D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
phone: 970.226.0557
fax: 970.226.0204
metro: 303.595.9103
email: ssmith a@tstinc.com
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\swamhoff.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW} 000... 4/17/2006
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: Basil Hamdan; Spencer Smith
Date: 1/4/2006 1:54:38 PM
Subject: Re: Columbine East drainage easement
Per the conversation that I had with Basil last week the easement was to be a public easement. Even
detention ponds that are maintained by the developers are dedicated to the City. There are several
reasons for this. One of the primary reasons is that when the easement is owned and maintained by the
City a property owner can not just decided they no longer want the pond, drainage swale or facility and sell
the area off as developable property.
Basil - let us both know whether it should be a public or private easement.
>>> "Spencer Smith" <ssmith@tstinc.com> 1/4/2006 1:12:31 PM >>>
Thank you for the information included in your last e-mail to me. I did
notice that you were referring to the easement as being a public
drainage easement dedicated to the City. Actually, the easement is just
a private drainage easement between the owner of the existing detention
pond area that we are releasing into, and Columbine Health Systems.
From the forms that you sent me it appears that a private drainage
easement only needs to be signed by the land owners involved, with a
copy provided to the City for review. I have left a voice mail with
Basil to confirm that this is the case. Once I have word if this is
correct I can get copies to you and Basil.
Spencer M. Smith
748 Whalers Way Bldg. D
Fort Collins, CO 80525
phone: 970.226.0557
fax: 970.226.0204
metro: 303.595.9103
email: ssmith(cDtstinc.com <mailto:ssmithkDtstinc.com>
www.tstinc.com <hfto://www.tstinc.com/>
Progress on the Columbine offsite public easement
Page 1 of 1
Sheri Wamhoff - Progress on the Columbine offsite public easement
From: "Fraser Walsh" <fwalsh@tstinc.com>
To: <mgausepohl@vfavfr.com>
Date: 1/12/2006 10:28:13 AM
Subject: Progress on the Columbine offsite public easement
CC: "Spencer Smith" <ssmith@tstinc.com>, <swamhoff@ci.fort-collins.co.us>,
Following up on our conversation this morning, we have executed a private easement that allows for the installation of the
offsite storm pipe. The City is also requiring a public drainage easement for that pipe, should there ever be a need for them to
maintain it.
Tim is working on the new public drainage easement, he and Spencer talked yesterday about a few questions he had
regarding maintenance, etc. Tim should have a draft to us shortly. Once we have that document, we should be able to run
around for signatures very quickly. I am assuming by next week we can be back to Sherri to get the go ahead on the
construction drawings.
Let me know if you have any questions
Fraser Walsh, P.E.
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\swamhoff.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\G W } 000... 4/ 17/2006
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: Basil Harridan; Fraser Walsh; mgausepohl@vfavfr.com
Date: 1 /17/2006 11:21:35 AM
Subject: Re: Progress on the Columbine offsite public easement
Thanks for keeping me in the loop on this. I have not seen the easement yet, but will let you know when I
have received it.
Along with getting the easement, getting the plans signed and the plat filed we need to issue a
Development Construction Permit(DCP) for this project before construction can start. I have not received
an application yet for this permit. I have attached the application form and DCP brochure for your
information. Please get this back to me as soon as possible so that we can check the numbers and the
dollar amounts and get back to you on what they should be so that the applicant can work with the bank to
necessary checks, letters of credit and/or bonds that will need to be received before issuance of the
permit. Since we did not have a development agreement on this project you will also need to work with
Stormwater regarding the amount of erosion control deposit that needs to be made. The erosion control
deposit will need to be made before a DCP can be issued.
I have outlined what is needed below in order to start construction on the site.
I. Need to receive deed of dedication
This includes:
Deed of dedication to the City signed by the owners,
Attorney certification signed by the applicants attorney
Legal description and sketch
Transportation Development Review Application and Fee (I have attached this form, but you can see
www.fcg mcom/engineering for the form and additional information on this)
Check made out to "larimer county clerk and recorder" for the filing fee amount (I will let you know what
this is once I receive and have checked the document and can calculate this).
2. Utility plans signed by the City. I have routed these plans for signature, but final signatures can not
occur until the above easement is received.
3. Plat filed - the plat can be filed once the easement is received and the utility plans are signed.
4. Need mylar copy and 7 signed and stamped copies of the utility plans (once the city has signed them,
they will be sent to TST for them to do this).
5. Development Construction Permit (DCP) application received.
6. Once the DCP is received the project quantities and cost estimate sheet will be reviewed by the City
(Note: I will either need to have the mylars or the prints returned in order to do this.) Once reviewed will let
the applicant know what the inspection fee amount and warrantee amount is.
7. Issuance of DCP - I did check with the City Construction Inspector on this project and no DCP meeting
is needed. In order to issue the DCP the above items need to be complete as well as the following items:
A. Check made out to the City for the inspection fees and the application fee (if not paid upon application).
I will let the applicant know what this amount is once the project quantities and cost estimate sheet is
B. Letter of Credit or Bond in City acceptable format provided for the public infrastructure quarante/
warrantee. I have attached letter of credit and bond formats. I will let the applicant know what this amount
is once the project quantities and cost estimate sheet is reviewed.
C. Erosion control deposit is made with Stormwater and a copy of the receipt provided to me. I do not
know what this amount is. Please check with and coordinate this with stormwater as it will need to be
submitted to there office.
D. Permitee will need to sign the permit. This can be done when the above items are brought in or I can
email the permit to the permitee and they can sign it and bring the whole permit at the same time. Note I
can't create the permit until I know the dollar amounts that need to be submitted.
Hopefully this will help. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I failed to include one of the
Sheri Wamhoff
Development Review Manager
City of Fort Collins, Engineering Dept
>>> "Fraser Walsh" <fwalsh@tstinc.com> 1/12/2006 10:29:20 AM >>>
Following up on our conversation this morning, we have executed a
private easement that allows for the installation of the offsite storm
pipe. The City is also requiring a public drainage easement for that
pipe, should there ever be a need for them to maintain it.
Tim is working on the new public drainage easement, he and Spencer
talked yesterday about a few questions he had regarding maintenance,
etc. Tim should have a draft to us shortly. Once we have that document,
we should be able to run around for signatures very quickly. I am
assuming by next week we can be back to Sherri to get the go ahead on
the construction drawings.
Let me know if you have any questions
Fraser Walsh, P.E.
CC: bob.wilson@columbinehealth.com; Spencer Smith
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: Fraser Walsh; mgausepohl@vfavfr.com
Date: 1/17/2006 2:08:20 PM
Subject: columbine plat
I took a look at the plats that were submitted and had technical services take a look at them. Wanted to
try and get everything ready so we can get them filed as soon as everything comes together.
I have three comments that need to be addressed regarding the plat.
1. The owner signed the plat, but no date was put in the signature line - a date of signature needs to be
2. The notary line for the owners signature was not signed. This needs to be signed and dated and may
require the owner to sign again unless they know a notary that trusts it was them who signed.
3. We need three mylar copies of the plat (I only received two). One of the mylars needs to be original
with all original signatures the other two can by mylar copies of the original document.
I have put the two plat copies that I received out on the planning counter and they can be picked up at any
time for the dates, signature and copy to be made. Once these are done please return the mylars to me.
If you have any questions please let me know.
CC: bob.wilson@columbinehealth.com; Spencer Smith
From: "Fraser Walsh" <fwalsh@tstinc.com>
To: "Sheri Wamhofr' <SWAMHOFF@fcgov.com>, "Basil Hamdan"
<BHAMDAN@fcgov.com>, <mgausepohl@vfavfr.com>
Date: 1/18/2006 1:38:45 PM
Subject: RE: Progress on the Columbine offsite public easement
Thanks for the help. Bob is out of Town, so we hope to have signed
documents to you early next week - Monday or Tuesday.
Let me know if we need to grab anything else.
CC: <bob.wilson@columbinehealth.com>, "Spencer Smith" <ssmith@tstinc.com>