City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: October 14, 1999 DEPT: ENGINEERING
PROJECT: #1-97A First assembly of God ( Timberline
Church) P.U.D. - Final (LDGS)
PLANNER: Ted Shepard
* Plat does not close - off by 9.5'+/-
* Where is detail of trail section ( typ) ?
* Add note RE: trail construction from page 6/23 to sheets 10&13/23
* Refer to standard detail sheet 22/23
* Please refer to trail and bridge construction plans for Rigden faun and include
with this plan set.
Date: lL7 �'� � — Signature:
Comments continued from the previous page:
• Please provide spot elevations as indicated in details D-18 and D-19. This also applies to
driveway accesses.
• Show and label all easements.
• Please identify the limits of construction more clearly. Modify the line weights.
• Please include a note stating that the City will not be responsible for any private
improvements. Indicate the private improvements.
• Show the locations of any utility crossings in the profiles.
• Please label the centerline of Timberline Road.
• Please show all curb return profiles.
• You will need to show how he proposed grade @ the east edge of asphalt ties back in with
the existing street.
• Ultimate designs for arterials need to extend for 1000 feet beyond the proposed
construction. This has not been shown to the south of the project. Please include in the
centerline profile, both existing and ultimate, in the design.
• Indicate where the proposed construction (i.e. the east EOA) matches the existing
pavement. Use stations and elevations
• Include the typical cross section on this sheet or reference the sheet where it can be found.
• See sheet number 17 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 18 of 23: Timberline Road Plan and Profile (2)
• The interim taper for the asphalt that you are proposing is inadequate. Referring to
AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 40 mph needs to be 320 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length to both ends of Timberline Road.
• The City does not accept "angle points" at the beginning and the end of tapers. According
to AASHTO requirements, a minimum radius of 500 feet should be used for a central angle
of 5 degrees and should be increased 100 feet for each additional 1 degree decrease in the
central angle.
• The radii at the access into the site need to be reduced to 15 feet instead of 25 feet.
• Please provide handicap access ramps at the curb returns and reference a detail.
• Please provide stationing and elevations on all PC's in the plan and profile.
• Please provide a curve data table for all curves used on this sheet. Include a label, radius,
tangent length, angle, and arc length.
• Please provide a note indicating the type of stationing being used.
• Make sure that the existing features are shown with a light dashed line type and are labeled
• Please reference all of the details used.
• Please provide spot elevations as indicated in details D-18 and D-19. This also applies to
driveway accesses.
• Show and label all easements.
• Please identify the limits of construction more clearly. Modify the line weights.
• Please include a note stating that the City will not be responsible for any private
improvements. Indicate the private improvements.
• Show the locations of any utility crossings in the profiles.
• Please label the centerline of Timberline Road.
Comments continued on the next page ar
Comments continued from the previous page:
• Please show all curb return profiles.
• You will need to show how he proposed grade @ the east edge of asphalt ties back in with
the existing street.
• Indicate where the proposed construction (i.e. the east EOA) matches the existing
pavement. Use stations and elevations
• Include the typical cross section on this sheet or reference the sheet where it can be found.
• See sheet number 18 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 19 of 23: Timberline Road Cross Sections
• For all cross sections please include the following:
i. ROW lines
ii. Label the curb, gutter, sidewalk, medians, etc.
iii. Slopes
iv. Label the proposed construction and the future construction
V. Provide elevations where the proposed improvements matches the existing
vi. Show all utility crossings and include invert elevations, clearances, etc.
• Provide cross sections every 50 feet.
• Please provide cross sections for 1000 feet south of the proposed construction reflecting
the ultimate design and existing conditions.
Sheet 20 of 23: Timberline Road Cross Sections
• For all cross sections please include the following:
i. ROW lines
ii. Label the curb, gutter, sidewalk, medians, etc.
iii. Slopes
iv. Label the proposed construction and the future construction
V. Provide elevations where the proposed improvements matches the existing
vi. Show all utility crossings and include invert elevations, clearances, etc.
• Provide cross sections every 50 feet.
Sheet 21 of 23: Signing and Striping, Typical Sections
• Please remove all of the unnecessary information, i.e. contours, waterlines, etc.
Sheet 22 of 23: Detail Sheet (2)
• Is there a detail sheet missing or is the title numbered wrong? Please address.
Citv of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 13, 1997 TO: Engineering Pvmnt
PROJECT: #1-97A First Asembly of God - (LDGS) Final
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
A final soils report and a pavement design for Timberline Road will be required for the streets
prior to construction. The pavement design needs to be based on the new borings, and traffic
information from the City's Engineering office.
Ply _ Sk _ Ord W Report
_ U0 _ Rdw U0 _ hands*
City of Fort Collins
DATE: April 10, 1997 DE.PT: Engineering
PROJECT: First Assembly of God P.U.D.
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
Sheet 1 of 2: Preliminary Site Plan and Plat
• Please check the dimensions for what is required for a major arterial street according to
the current street standards. It appears that what is shown does not meet these
requirements. Also, the R.O.W. that is shown looks like it is shifted to the east too far.
Please modify.
• Note that the southern access is temporary and will be moved south to line up with
Sagebrush Drive.
• Sagebrush Drive will not be required to continue through the site.
• We will need a guarantee stating that the accesses being shown to the north will need to
have the flexibility to shift to the east and west to accommodate the development to the
• We will need to see a letter from the USDA property for the easements required.
• Please provide an updated architectural site and landscape plan reflecting the changes to
the site.
Comments continued on the next page ow
Date: 1 mj i 11i Signature:
Comments continued from the previous page...
Sheet 2 of 2: Preliminary Site Plan and Plat
Please label all of the lines, i.e. on Timberline Road, to better distinguish one from the
Please show and provide for the ultimate R.O.W. for a major arterial road. Right now
though, design for an arterial street ( meeting the current street standards ) with 83'
roadway. Provide an offsite design showing the transition from the existing conditions at
Vermont Drive to the new standards along the church frontage. (This will be in
conjunction with the interim design shown now)
Refer to the plans for additional comments.
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: January 21, 1997 DEPT: Engineering
PROJECT: #1-97 First Assembly of God PUD
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, February 10, 1997
1. Revisions to the typical street section for Timberline Road should be made on sheet 1 of 3,
Preliminary Cover Sheet. The dimensioning of the lanes, easements, etc., are not
minimums and should be addressed.
2. Need to show all streets to the west of Timberline Road and their connections to
Timberline Road.
3 Include the street improvements that are planned for Timberline Road and include them in
this project. These improvements should show lanes and their widths, easements, and
transitions, etc. to and from the projects accesses.
4. The transit stop indicated on the site plan is not needed here. The existing transit stop in
front of the CSU buildings will remain in its present location.
Date: Z lz Signature
/' ze
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: January 21, 1997 DEPT: Engineering
PROJECT: #1-97 First Assembly of God PUD
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, February 10, 1997
1. Revisions to the typical street section for Timberline Road should be made on sheet 1 of 3,
Preliminary Cover Sheet. The dimensioning of the lanes, easements, etc., are not
minimums and should be addressed.
2. Need to show all streets to the west of Timberline Road and their connections to
Timberline Road.
3. Include the street improvements that are planned for Timberline Road and include them in
this project. These improvements should show lanes and their widths, easements, and
transitions, etc. to and from the projects accesses.
4. The transit stop indicated on the site plan is not needed here. The existing transit stop in
front of the CSU buildings will remain in its present location.
Date: / s Signature
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: January 21, 1997 DEPT: Engineering: Pvmt
PROJECT: #1-97 First Assembly of God PUD
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, February 10, 1997
The preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report submitted at final will need to
be a currant report. The report submitted is dated January 1994 and did not address
the currant standards.
Date: Signature j ,.-
City of Fort Collins
Current Planniniz
DATE: January 21, 1997 DEPT: Mapping
PROJECT: #1-97 First Assembly of God PUD
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, February 10, 1997
I. h_-d �o sec ri,2 N,« �1 �Izl+ � i'jC
Date: Signature
Stan A. Myers P.E.
1318 Tarryton Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
223-7973 (H) 482-5922 (W)
April 29, 1997
Mike Herzig
City of Fort Collins
Planning Office
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, Co 80521
Re: First Assembly of Fort Collins - Cost of Offsite Roadway Improvements
Dear Mike:
Please find attached an estimate of the offsite roadway connections agreed to by First Assembly.
These are based on a flowline to flowline width of 36 feet. The extensions are based on a field
measured distance of 273 feet from the north property line of the church site to the south flowline
of Custer Drive (extended east as a collector).
I trust this will provide you with the documentation you requested. If you have questions please
contact me.
Stan A. Myers P.E.
cc: Frank Estep; First Assembly
Lowe Ross; The Larson Group
DATE: August 26, 1999 TO: Engineering
PROJECT: #1-97A First Assembly of God (Timberline
Church) P.U.D. — Final (LDGS)
All comments must be received by Ted Shepard no later than the
staff review meeting:
Wednesday, September 15, 1999
No Comment
Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
c--- '�
Date: L�_— /� `� Signature) �_
_ Plat _ Site _ Drainage Report _ Other
_ Utility _ Redline Utility _ IendsW
Local Connector Street Costs
prepared by Stan A. Myers P.E.
Based on input from Western Mobile 4/28/97
Unit Cost per I.f.
Cost of Roadway
Sidewalk 4.5 feet wide (per s.f.) $1.75 $15.75
Curb & Gutter (2ft. pan) (per I.f.) $7.50 $15.00
3-1/2inch Asphalt Pvmnt and 6 inch Base Course (per s.y.) $9.25 $32.89
Total Street Improvements per I.f. $63.64
Cost per Street Extension (273 I.f.) $17,373.42
Total Estimated Cost for Both Extensions to Custer Drive $34,746.83
Stun A. Myers P. E.
1318 Tanyton Drive
Fart Collins, CO 80525
(H) 223-7973 (14� 482-5922
April 7, 1997
Mike Herzig
City of Fort Collins
Planning Office
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Fax 221-6378
RE: Response to Cit} Preliminary Comments
Dear Mike
This letter summarizes the redline comments we received from the City of Fort Collins Stormwater Utility, the
Water and Sewer Department . Transportation Department and the Engineering Department. According to
recent conversations with each of these departments it is the intention of the First Assembly of God's design team
to note these items and to address each item with the Final Submittal of the church's Utilitv Plans.
The following list summarizes the items which appears on these comments for everyone's information.
The following comments from the Stormwater Utility Review have been noted:
1. Diversion drainage from the east side of Timberline Road will be diverted into the Church
site and detained.
2_ Existing and new contours will be clearly identified with the new contours tying into the
appropriate existing contour.
3. The status of all irrigation structures will be clarified.
4. Conveyance of the drainage to the detention area will be clarified.
5. Summary Hydrologic Tables will be added.
G. Drainage around the proposed davcare facility will be routed onsite and clarified.
7 Drainage basin lines and design points and their flows will be clarified
8. The 100 year floodplain along the Foothills Channel will be shown.
9, The Foothills Channel easement will be shown.
The following comments from the Water Utility Review have been noted:
1. These notes will be added to the final Planting Notes:
Shrubs shall be 4 feet clear of all water and sewer lines.
Locate all utilities prior to planting
2. The 3 inch and 6 inch waterlines in Timberline should be noted as Fort Collins- Loveland District
3. Water service for this site will come from the City's 16 inch line in Timberline Road.
4. All curb stops and meter pits will be located in landscaped areas
5. Sanitary sewer service to the main building should consider the future expansion as well
6. Waterline thrust blocking should not be in the vicinity of manholes
7. Five feet of horizontal separation should be maintained between the waterline and curblines
8 City asked that the waterline be looped to the east property line if possible
9 Any required service lines to the future school site, assisted living center or the bus barn should be
10. All irrigation taps should be identified.
11. The 20 foot sanitary sewer casement from the south should be expanded to 30 feet if possible
The following comments from the Engineering and Traffic Department Review were noted:
The pavement transition from the current pavement width to the required 70 foot pavement width
should be designed south of the site along the CSU and USDA frontage Additional access
easement required for the transition. This has been done and a letter of intent to grant the church
this additional easement has been acquired.
2. The north access drive should accommodate an entry lane (15 feet recommended width): a left out
(12 feet recommended width) and a right out (12 feet recommended width).
3. The south access drive should accommodate at the least an entry lane, a left out (12 feet
recommended width) and a right out (12 feel recommended width).
Again, these comments have been noted to be addressed with the Final Design Submittal. I trust this information
provides you with verification of the approach we intend to take. If you have questions or would like further
clarification please contact me. Thank you for the flexibility you have had in working with us.
Sincerely ,
Stan A. Myers P. E.
Frank Estcp; First Assembly
Gary Larson ; The Larson Group
Eldon Ward: Cityscape Urban Design
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: June 14,199
PROJECT: First Assembly of God
PLANNER: Ted Shepard
1. Need to dedicate 3 additional feet of Right-of-way on Timberline
2. Timberline road is being designed for the City by JR Engineering, Please eliminate
Timberline Road design from your plans and reference JR design set ( to be built by others)
3. South access point to be labeled as temporary until such time as Sagebrush is built, access will
then come from Sagebrush.
4. Coordinate Norlhwest access point with Rigden Farm, needs to move east.
5. Need to reevaluate Traffic Study, Custer Drive will be signalized, I suspect most traffic will
use signal, Timberline Road accesses will be right in/right out.
6. Use current signature block (copy attached).
Need sanitary sewer easement
8. Waterline connections in Timberline Road need to be installed with City project, contact City
project engineer Jason Stutzman for coordination.
9. This project will require a Development Construction Permit and Development Agreement
10. Please submit redline / blueline with next submital, Engineering ready for Mylars
Date: L! `5 Signature:
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 13, 1997 TO: Engineering
PROJECT: #1-97A First Asembly of God - (LDGS) Final
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
Sheet 1 of 23: Cover Sheet
• Please reduce the size of the overall vicinity map and enlarge the surrounding street
• Please modify the General Notes as noted on the Cover Sheet.
• Please remove the copyright from all sheets throughout the utility plan set.
Sheet 1 of 3: Plat
• Please reduce the size of the overall vicinity map and enlarge the surrounding street
• Please include the following in the vicinity map:
i. City limit lines
ii. Major public facilities
Comments continued on the next page sw
Date: IZ/17
✓ PIS / Siw _ Drainage Report ✓ Ok 2Esvowsc 7a —
Utility v Redline Utlltq ✓ I.aodscape ct +eyr5
City of Fort Collins
Comments continued from the previous page:
Please modify the Attorney's Certificate according to the enclosed sheet. This new version
will be required on all plats from now on.
Please modify the legal description in the title.
Please provide access easements at the driveway "stubs" on the north edge of the
property. They should be 36 feet wide, but will be built to 30 feet wide.
Sheet 2 of 3: Plat
There is a portion of the proposed platted boundary that is not included in the legal
description. Please include in the legal description and provide a bearing on the plan view.
See sheet number 2 of 3 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 3 of 3: Plat
Please modify the legal description in the title.
Sheet 17 of 23: Timberline Road Plan and Profile (1)
• During our transportation coordination meeting, it was agreed upon by staff that the south
access should be constructed in the ultimate location, and aligning with Sagebrush. An
access easement will need to be acquired for this. If the access were to be constructed in
the future an easement would still be required. So rather than building a temporary access,
tearing it up and then building the permanent access, it would be a cost savings to just
construct the south access in its correct location.
• The interim taper for the asphalt that you are proposing is inadequate. Referring to
AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 40 mph needs to be 320 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length to both ends of Timberline Road.
• The City does not accept "angle points" at the beginning and the end of tapers. According
to AASHTO requirements, a minimum radius of 500 feet should be used for a central angle
of 5 degrees and should be increased 100 feet for each additional 1 degree decrease in the
central angle.
• The taper length for the future improvements that you are showing is inadequate. Referring
to AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 50 mph needs to be 600 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length on the plans.
• The radii at the access into the site need to be reduced to 15 feet instead of 25 feet.
• The nose of the median needs to be a minimum of 20 feet from the flowline of Timberline
Road per City standards. Please modify.
• Please provide handicap access ramps at the curb returns and reference a detail.
• Please provide stationing and elevations on all PC's in the plan and profile.
• Please provide a curve data table for all curves used on this sheet. Include a label, radius,
tangent length, angle, and arc length.
• Please provide a note indicating the type of stationing being used.
• Make sure that the existing features are shown with a light dashed line type and are labeled
• Please reference all of the details used.
Comments continued on the next page cw
Comments continued from the previous page:
• Please provide spot elevations as indicated in details D-18 and D-19. This also applies to
driveway accesses.
• Show and label all easements.
• Please identify the limits of construction more clearly. Modify the line weights.
• Please include a note stating that the City will not be responsible for any private
improvements. Indicate the private improvements.
• Show the locations of any utility crossings in the profiles.
• Please label the centerline of Timberline Road.
• Please show all curb return profiles.
• You will need to show how he proposed grade @ the east edge of asphalt ties back in with
the existing street.
• Ultimate designs for arterials need to extend for 1000 feet beyond the proposed
construction. This has not been shown to the south of the project. Please include in the
centerline profile, both existing and ultimate, in the design.
• Indicate where the proposed construction (i.e. the east EOA) matches the existing
pavement. Use stations and elevations
• Include the typical cross section on this sheet or reference the sheet where it can be found.
• See sheet number 17 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 18 of 23: Timberline Road Plan and Profile (2)
• The interim taper for the asphalt that you are proposing is inadequate. Referring to
AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 40 mph needs to be 320 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length to both ends of Timberline Road.
• The City does not accept "angle points" at the beginning and the end of tapers. According
to AASHTO requirements, a minimum radius of 500 feet should be used for a central angle
of 5 degrees and should be increased 100 feet for each additional 1 degree decrease in the
central angle.
• The radii at the access into the site need to be reduced to 15 feet instead of 25 feet.
• Please provide handicap access ramps at the curb returns and reference a detail.
• Please provide stationing and elevations on all PC's in the plan and profile.
• Please provide a curve data table for all curves used on this sheet. Include a label, radius,
tangent length, angle, and arc length.
• Please provide a note indicating the type of stationing being used.
• Make sure that the existing features are shown with a light dashed line type and are labeled
• Please reference all of the details used.
• Please provide spot elevations as indicated in details D-18 and D-19. This also applies to
driveway accesses.
• Show and label all easements.
• Please identify the limits of construction more clearly. Modify the line weights.
• Please include a note stating that the City will not be responsible for any private
improvements. Indicate the private improvements.
• Show the locations of any utility crossings in the profiles.
• Please label the centerline of Timberline Road.
Comments continued on the next page cw
Comments continued from the previous page:
• Please show all curb return profiles.
• You will need to show how he proposed grade @ the east edge of asphalt ties back in with
the existing street.
• Indicate where the proposed construction (i.e. the east EOA) matches the existing
pavement. Use stations and elevations
• Include the typical cross section on this sheet or reference the sheet where it can be found.
• See sheet number 18 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 19 of 23: Timberline Road Cross Sections
• For all cross sections please include the following:
i. ROW lines
ii. Label the curb, gutter, sidewalk, medians, etc.
iii. Slopes
iv. Label the proposed construction and the future construction
V. Provide elevations where the proposed improvements matches the existing
vi. Show all utility crossings and include invert elevations, clearances, etc.
• Provide cross sections every 50 feet.
• Please provide cross sections for 1000 feet south of the proposed construction reflecting
the ultimate design and existing conditions.
Sheet 20 of 23: Timberline Road Cross Sections
• For all cross sections please include the following:
i. ROW lines
ii. Label the curb, gutter, sidewalk, medians, etc.
iii. Slopes
iv. Label the proposed construction and the future construction
V. Provide elevations where the proposed improvements matches the existing
vi. Show all utility crossings and include invert elevations, clearances, etc.
• Provide cross sections every 50 feet.
Sheet 21 of 23: Signing and Striping, Typical Sections
• Please remove all of the unnecessary information, i.e. contours, waterlines, etc.
Sheet 22 of 23: Detail Sheet (2)
• Is there a detail sheet missing or is the title numbered wrong? Please address.
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 13, 1997 TO: Engineering
PROJECT: #1-97A First Asembly of God - (LDGS) Final
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
Sheet 1 of 23: Cover Sheet
• Please reduce the size of the overall vicinity map and enlarge the surrounding street
• Please modify the General Notes as noted on the Cover Sheet.
• Please remove the copyright from all sheets throughout the utility plan set.
Sheet 1 of 3: Plat
• Please reduce the size of the overall vicinity map and enlarge the surrounding street
• Please include the following in the vicinity map:
I. City limit lines
ii. Major public facilities
Comments continued on the next page cw
Date: 1Z/I7
✓ iPtyW , / Site T� _ Drai�a�agpe�pRepolt ✓ Oler eEsa&Jsi= n
'� U& `� ud� Inds* � � City of Fort Collins
Comments continued from the previous page:
Please modify the Attorney's Certificate according to the enclosed sheet. This new version
will be required on all plats from now on.
Please modify the legal description in the title.
Please provide access easements at
property. They should be 36 feet wide,
Sheet 2 of 3: Plat
the driveway "stubs" on the north edge of the
but will be built to 30 feet wide.
There is a portion of the proposed platted boundary that is not included in the legal
description. Please include in the legal description and provide a bearing on the plan view.
See sheet number 2 of 3 for additional comments and concerns.
Sheet 3 of 3: Plat
Please modify the legal description in the title.
Sheet 17 of 23: Timberline Road Plan and Profile (1)
• During our transportation coordination meeting, it was agreed upon by staff that the south
access should be constructed in the ultimate location, and aligning with Sagebrush. An
access easement will need to be acquired for this. If the access were to be constructed in
the future an easement would still be required. So rather than building a temporary access,
tearing it up and then building the permanent access, it would be a cost savings to just
construct the south access in its correct location.
• The interim taper for the asphalt that you are proposing is inadequate. Referring to
AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 40 mph needs to be 320 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length to both ends of Timberline Road.
• The City does not accept "angle points" at the beginning and the end of tapers. According
to AASHTO requirements, a minimum radius of 500 feet should be used for a central angle
of 5 degrees and should be increased 100 feet for each additional 1 degree decrease in the
central angle.
• The taper length for the future improvements that you are showing is inadequate. Referring
to AASHTO requirements, the taper length for a speed of 50 mph needs to be 600 feet
(minimum). Please provide this length on the plans.
• The radii at the access into the site need to be reduced to 15 feet instead of 25 feet.
• The nose of the median needs to be a minimum of 20 feet from the flowline of Timberline
Road per City standards. Please modify.
• Please provide handicap access ramps at the curb returns and reference a detail.
• Please provide stationing and elevations on all PC's in the plan and profile.
• Please provide a curve data table for all curves used on this sheet. Include a label, radius,
tangent length, angle, and arc length.
• Please provide a note indicating the type of stationing being used.
• Make sure that the existing features are shown with a light dashed line type and are labeled
• Please reference all of the details used.
Comments continued on the next page cw