C-1tv of fort Collins
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January 27, 2000
M.A. Mortenson Company
4722 Timberline Road
Fort Collins, CO 80528
RE: Harmony Road Sidewalk Improvements
PVHS Harmony Campus
To Whom it May Concern
Construction of sidewalks adjacent to Harmony Road are required with the
development of the PVH Harmony Campus. Portions of the sidewalk encroach into
the Colorado Department of Transportation right of way on Harmony road.
A construction permit is usually required for work in state right of way, however the
permit process has been delayed by an A -line issue for over a year. The Colorado
Department of Transportation will allow your contractor to do the necessary work for
the construction of sidewalk if The City of Fort Collins is willing to give our approval.
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department permits your contractor to do only
the necessary sidewalk improvements along Harmony Road. Harmony Road street
improvements, including installation of an access point to the development will be
constructed by The City of Fort Collins in conjunction with the Harmony and
Timberline improvements project being butt by the City in the near future. The intent
of this letter is to give permission to do only the necessary sidewalk improvements for
this site.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at 221-6605 ext. 7115.
Dave Stringer
Development Review Manager
5. Preliminary evaluation of the Harmony Road improvements and design suggest that
you will need to provide and/or design for two 12-foot left turn lanes (to southbound
Timberline Road), three 12-footthru lanes, a 12-foot acceleration/deceleration lane,
a 10-foot bike lane, a 4-foot paved shoulder with no curb and gutter, a 10-foot
landscaped parkway (most of it will likely be a borrow ditch), and an 8-foot
meandering sidewalk.
6 When designing for the Harmony Road improvements, both interim and ultimate,
be sure that the provisions regarding the recovery area on the shoulders of
Harmony Road are taken into consideration. The State Highway Access Code has
cross slope requirements. Please reference this document.
7 The City requires intersection improvements at the intersection of Harmony Road
and Timberline Road. Both developments (Harmony Village and PVH) are
responsible for these improvements. Therefore, it is the recommendation of City
y; ;'staff that you coordinate your design with JR Engineering and include the design
in the set of utility plans for each development. We would like to see the design of
the intersection cover the following area:
r J a. east ley' - Kivu feet,
k' z b. north leg - to Milestone Drive,
C. west leg - 1000 feet,
d. and south leg - to the main entrance to both projects.
8. You will not be permitted to build the west access on Harmony until the Harmony
i Road Access Control Plan is amended. This can and most likely will take a
J 1 l considerable amount of time to complete. You may show the access on the utility
j plans and design for it, but indicate that it is a "potential future access' incase the
amendment is not approved.
9. The main entrance into the PVH site will need to be perpendicular to Timberline
C; Road. This will need to be modified on both the utility plans and the site plan.
Once again, the above comments are currently the main issues City staff recognizes from the
conceptual drawings at this time. More formal and detailed comments will be made once the utility
plans are submitted for review. I hope this letter addresses the issues you were intending it to. If
you need clarification on anything, or have any additional questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 221-6605.
/ Sin tBlandford
r 5
Tim R.
���� Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
CC] Leanne Harter -City Planner
Eric Bracke, Traffic Systems Technician
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Tess Jones, CDOT
Matt Baker. SID Coordinator
Transpoe-4cmt Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
July 11, 1998
Ms. Theresa Michalak
The Sear -Brown Group
209 South Meldrum
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2603
Re: Poudre Valley Hospital Roadway improvements
Dear Theresa:
It was brought to my attention that I did not clarify an issue thoroughly enough regarding the Poudre
Valley Hospital project in my prior letter sent to you. Upon receiving comments from Tess Jones of the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), she emphasized that the State has not committed
to the approval of the west access off Harmony Road. Please understand that City Staff will support
a decision to amend the Harmony Road Access Control Plan to include this access. However, please
understand that the State has the authority to override the City's position. This is the only information
I can give you at this time, but I, and City staff, will continue to pursue this issue.
One other comment that Tess Jones addressed was the fact that the State will process the State
Highway Access Control Permit(s) for this Development. She will send you the necessary checklists
to the civil portion of the permit(s) upon request. City staff will be involved in all meetings associated
with this project.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If I can be of any assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 221-6605, ext. 7128.
Tim R. Blandford
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
cc: Leanne Harter, City Planner
Eric Bracke, Traffic Systems Technician
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Tess Jones, CDOT
Matt Baker, SID Coordinator
'81 Forth Cnilege Avenue • P.O. Bo,: �80 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0880 • (y70) 221-66017
Transpo cion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
July 29, 1998
Ms. Theresa Michalak
The Sear -Brown Group
209 South Meldrum
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2603
Re: Poudre Valley Hospital Meeting With CDOT
Dear Theresa:
This letter is to inform you that Tess Jones would like to meet and discuss the Harmony Village project.
After reviewing schedules, it appears that Wednesday, August 12, 1998 will work best for her and City
staff. The meeting would start at 2:00 and end at 3:00 in the Development Review Conference room.
Please respond if you cannot meet this time. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that the time is
all right. If you need clarification on anything. or have any additional questions or concerns, please do
not hesitate to contact me at 221-6605.
T/ere -
/ \
im R. Blandford
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
cc: Leanne Harter, City Planner
Eric Bracke, Traffic Systems Technician
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Tess Jones, CDOT
Matt Baker, SID Coordinator
'_'NI North Collc.., Aconuc CO. Porl Collins, CO 5�1�?=-O�Rfi (9;Oj 221-GGiL;
Engineeri. Department
City of Fort Collins
August 5, 1998
The intent of this letter is to address the possible improvements to Harmony and Ti nberline
Roads, and the intersection of these streets, related to the timing of processing development
proposals impacting these roads. At a meeting on July 14, 1998, among the City Engineering
Department and consultants associated with the proposed development sites along Harmony road,
it was 'etermined that the City would take the lead on determining the location of centerline along
harmany Road.
Since that meeting, City staff has been attempting to gather the information from various
consultants. Our staff is still in the process of piecing this information together to determine the
datum line. However, due to various constraints, it has been difficult to collect the data and the
centerdne has ,not been precisely defined at present."
Because the review of development proposals includes the determination of the associated
roadway improvements, the point must be clear that all proposals in the process at this time, or
anticipating submittal, are proceeding with some risk. The determination of the centerline of
Harmony Road could impact the ultimate location of buildings, setbacks, and landscaping.
Development proposals already in the process will continue to be reviewed, but, again once the
datum line is determined, additional comments affecting the site layout may be forthcoming.
Please feet free to contact me if you have -any questions or concerns regarding this matter.
Best regards,
Cam McNair
City Engineer
'P] `v r C_ J!"m • 1?C)- 3�: �80 •fort Collins, r0 S(522-0=50 • (470)
Transpr ation Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
November 19. 1998
Everitt Companies
Attn. Mr. Stuart MacMillan
P.O Box 2125
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Re: Timberwood Drive Design Requirements
Dear Stu:
This letter is to inform you of the outcome of our transportation coordination meeting today. As you
know. City staff discussed the issue of Timberwood Drive between Snow Mesa and Timberline
Road that issue being whetherto consider Timberwood Drive a collector street or a connector local
After reviewing the layout proposed on the last submittal and the concerns stated in your memo
dated November 19. 1998, staff determined that it was to the best interest of the City to keep
Timberwood Drive classified as a collector street. This determination was based on several items.
a. The Developer's traffic engineer did not provide a traffic analysis at the time of the
September 9, 1998 meeting to accurately determine the street classification The
City made an educated guess then how the Developer would design Timberwood
Drive and hence was not a commitment by the City to the Developer. I believe City
staff present at that meeting stated that an analysis would need to be done to
accurately determine the classification.
b. After receiving the supplement to the traffic study submitted by Matt Delich and
reviewing the anticipated traffic volumes along this segment of Timberwood Drive,
the volumes suggest that a collector street is necessary per City standards. Eric
Bracke said that it would function as a collector street and in fact this supplement
supports this statement.
C. Because of the long, straight portion of Timberwood Drive, higherspeeds will result,
which in turn effects the safety of the public especially transitioning into a curve that
does not match what actual traffic speeds will be.. The radius of the curve that the
Developers engineer has proposed cannot handle the higher speed traffic.
Please recall that City staff has consented to the two (2) "T" intersections at Timberline Road and
Snow Mesa to provide the Developer additional room for the "campus -like" setting that he or she
is trying to emulate. Staff also agreed to allow a reduced design speed (design speed of 35 mph)
for the collector. which allows for a smaller radius to be used in the design.
I think that meeting on this issue as soon as possible is necessary. We need to discuss this matter
further and reach a solution that everyone agrees with. which does not adversely affect the publics
281 North Colle ;e Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • f9 0) 221-1_,605
I look forward to meeting with you in the next couple of days. Please contact me so we can
coordinate our schedules for a meeting. You can reach me at (970) 221-6605.
Tim R. Blandford'�--
Development Review Civil Engineer
City of Fort Collins
cc: John Fischbach, City Manager
Gary Diede, TOP's Leader
Cam McNair, City Engineer
Bob Blanchard, City Planner
Eric Bracke, City Traffic Engineer
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Matt Baker, SID Coordinator
Transpe ' ztion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
November 13, 1998
BHA Design, Inc.
Attn. Miss. Angela Milewski
4803 Innovation Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Re: Harmony Road and Timberline Road Configurations
Dear Angie:
This letter is to inform you of the Harmony Road and Timberline Road lane configurations. City
staff has discussed both issues and has come to these final recommendations.
Harmony Road (east side of the Timberline Road intersection):
Interim - The interim lane configuration will consist of two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane,
and a continuous deceleration lane.. and a bus pullout, all in the eastbound
direction. In the westbound direction, two (2) left turn lanes will be provided
at the intersection of Timberline Road and Harmony Road.
Ultimate - The ultimate lane configuration will consist of three (3) travel lanes in the
eastbound direction, a bike lane, and a right-turn"deceleration lane at the
entrances to the site. The City of Fort Collins will not require acceleration
lanes at the signalized intersections (Timberline Road/Harmony Road
intersection and Snow Mesa/Harmony Road intersection). This is in
conformance with Section 4.8(1)(c) of the current (August 31, 1998) version
of the State Highway Access Code (SHAC). However, the City will require
an acceleration lane at the private entrance onto Harmony Road. All
required aspects of the Harmony Road design will meet the requirements
stated in the SHAC.
Timberline Road (north of the Harmony Road intersection):
Interim - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2) left -
turn lanes, and two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane. The
lane configuration in the northbound direction will consist of two (2) travel
lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane.
Ultimate - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2) left -
turn lanes, three (3) travei lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane. Please
note that once you travel through the intersection (traveling southbound), the
third lane will turn into a right -turn lane for the Harmony Village site at the
Timberline Road/Timberwood Drive intersection. The lane configuration in
the northbound direction will consist of three (3) travel lanes, a bike lane,
and a right -turn lane.
281 North College Avenue • i n. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0SRO • (970) 321- 605
Timberline Road (south of the Harmony Road intersection):
Interim - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2)
travel lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane. The lane configuration in the
northbound direction will consist of two (2) left -turn lanes, and two (2) travel
lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane.
Ultimate - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2)
travel lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane. The lane configuration in the
northbound direction will consist of two (2) left -turn lanes, three (3) travel
lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane.
Timberline Road (north side of the Timberwood Drive intersection):
Interim - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2) left -
turn lanes (into the PVHS site), and two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane, and a
right -turn lane (into the Harmony Village site). The lane configuration in the
northbound direction will consist of two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane, and a
right -turn lane.
Ultimate - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2) left -
turn lanes, and two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane. The
lane configuration in the northbound direction will consist of three (3) travel
lanes and a bike lane.
Timberline Road (south side of the Timberwood Drive intersection):
Interim - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2)
travel lanes and a bike lane. The lane configuration in the northbound
direction will consist of one (1) left -turn lane (into the Harmony Village site),
two (2) travel lanes, a bike lane, and a right -turn lane (into the PVHS site).
Ultimate - The lane configuration in the southbound direction will consist of two (2)
travel lanes and a bike lane. The lane configuration in the northbound
direction will consist of two (2) travel lanes.. a bike lane, and a right -turn lane.
Please note that Timberline Road will have two (2) northbound travel lanes
south of the Timberline Road/Timberwood Drive intersection, and will
become three (3) travel lanes once you travel through the intersection.
Please note that the above lane configurations do not take into consideration the landscaped
medians, landscaped parkways, and sidewalks. which are also a part of the Timberline Road and
Harmony Road designs. The design of Timberline Road needs to meet the City's standards for
both a major arterial and an arterial street (depending on the portion being designed), and as I
stated earlier, Harmony Road will be designed according to the SHAC
A couple of other issues I mentioned previously, which I needed to get direction on, were the
classification of Timberwood Drive (between Snow Mesa and Timberline Road) and the width of
the private "loop road/drive." After talking with City staff, it was determined that the classification
of Timberwood Drive would be a collector street without parking. Please use a reduced design
speed of 35 mph (it will be posted at 30 mph) The horizontal and vertical alignments will need to
meet this design speed. A variance request will need to be submitted if the design standards for
a collector can not be met.
The other issue, the "loop road/drive," was discussed at our Transportation Coordination meeting
on November 12, 1998. It was agreed that `.his would in fact function as a private drive, typical in
parking lots. Therefore, the private drive will need to look like a drive isle and not like a street. The
width will remain 32 feet wide, with two (2) 10-foot travel lanes and two (2) 6-foot bike lanes. The
bike lanes will be striped and marked, but the travel lanes will not be striped. The standards detail
for driveway entrances will need to be met as well. Please refer to the street standards, detail D-
15, for the appropriate configurations and dimensions.
If you need clarification on anything, or have any additional questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 221-6605.
- a_
Tim R. Blandford
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
cc: Bob Blanchard, City Planner
Eric Bracke, Traffic Systems Technician
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Tess Jones, CDOT
Matt Baker, SID Coordinator
Dave Klockeman, JR Engineering
Rob Hume, The Sear -Brown Group
Transpor' 'ion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
June 29, 1998
Ms. Theresa Michalak
The Sear -Brown Group
209 South Meldrum
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2603
Re: Poudre Valley Hospital Roadway Improvements
Dear Theresa:
This letter is in response to the meeting City of Fort Collins' staff had with Tess Jones from the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Thursday, June 25. 1998. The items that we
discussed were the necessary roadway improvements required of this development along Harmony
Road and Timberline Road. Please be aware that the items listed below are preliminary concerns
based on the conceptual drawings your office submitted. We will make more formal comments
once your office officially submits the utility plans for review and you have provided a traffic impact
The following is a list of comments and concerns made by City staff:
1. Please submit a Traffic Impact Study so accurate lane lengths, storage lengths,
taper lengths, lane configurations, etc. can be determined.
2. An amendment to the A -Line needs to be completed for each access point along
Harmony Road. The amendment needs to be completed and approved before the
City will issue a building permit. This includes Timberline Road since the PVH
development is modifying the access. The Developer will coordinate this process
with the State. I would suggest starting this process as early as possible due to the
length of time it takes to complete. The A -Line needs amending before the State
approves the access point(s) shown on the utility plans.
3. The west access (on Harmony Road) into the site will be limited to a right-in/right-
out only.
4. The Harmony Village project to the west of this site has tentatively provided an
acceptable design (conceptual only at this point) of Harmony Road. The PVH
development will need to consider this design when designing their necessary
improvements. Currently, the Harmony Road improvements along the frontage of
the Harmony Village site are based from the north edge of the existing median. The
ultimate cross section atthe intersection of Timberline and Harmony will include the
following: a 7-foot median, tvvo 12-foot left turn lanes, three 12-foot through lanes,
a 6-foot bike lane (between: the thru lane and the right turn lane and 10 feet along
the edge of the road), a 12-foot right turn lane. a 4-foot paved shoulderwith no curb
and gutter, a 10-foot wide landscaped parkway (most of it will likely be a borrow
ditch), and a meandering sidewalk. I would suggest that you contact Dave
Klockeman at JR Engineering to coordinate designs.
281 North C ullc,,;e .-Wenuc • P.O. BOy �80 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-07;80 • (970) _=-6005
5. Preliminary evaluation of the Harmony Road improvements and design suggest that
you will need to provide and/or design for two 12-foot left turn lanes (to southbound
Timberline Road), three 12-footthru lanes, a 12-foot acceleration/deceleration lane,
a 10-foot bike lane, a 4-foot paved shoulder with no curb and gutter, a 10-foot
landscaped parkway (most of it will likely be a borrow ditch), and an 8-foot
meandering sidewalk.
6. When designing for the Harmony Road improvements, both interim and ultimate,
be sure that the provisions regarding the recovery area on the shoulders of
Harmony Road are taken into consideration. The State Highway Access Code has
cross slope requirements. Please reference this document.
7. The City requires intersection improvements at the intersection of Harmony Road
and Timberline Road. Both developments (Harmony Village and PVH) are
responsible for these improvements. Therefore, it is the recommendation of City
staff that you coordinate your design with JR Engineering and include the design
in the set of utility plans for each development. We would like to see the design of
the intersection cover the following area:
a. east leg - 1000 feet,
b. north leg - to Milestone Drive,
C. west leg - 1000 feet,
d. and south leg - to the main entrance to both projects.
8. You will not be permitted to build the west access on Harmony until the Harmony
Road Access Control Plan is amended. This can and most likely will take a
considerable amount of time to complete. You may show the access on the utility
plans and design for it, but indicate that it is a "potential future access" incase the
amendment is not approved.
9. The main entrance into the PVH site will need to be perpendicular to Timberline
Road. This will need to be modified on both the utility plans and the sita ,-ian.
Once again, the above comments are currently the main issues City staff recognizes from the
conceptual drawings at this time. More formal and detailed comments will be made once the utility
plans are submitted for review. I hope this letter addresses the issues you were intending it to. If
you need clarification on anything, or have any additional questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 221-6605.
Sin re
Tim R. Blandford
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
CC' Leanne Harter, City Planner
Eric Bracke, Traffic Systems Technician
Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planner II
Tess Jones, CDOT
Matt Baker, SID Coordinator
Transpor+-ition Services
Engineerii,g Department
City of Fort Collins
June 29, 1998
A ,
•�' f,
Ms. Theresa Michalak ;
The Sear -Brown Group
209 South Meldruma
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2603 CC `
Re: Poudre Valley Hospital Roadway Improvements
DE4r Theresa:
This letter is in response to the meeting City of Fort Collins' staff had with Tess Jones from the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Thursday, June 25, 1998. The items that we
discussed werethe necessary roadway improvements required of this development along Harmony
Road and Timberline Road. Please be aware that the items listed below are preliminary concerns
�4based on the conceptual drawings your office submitted. We will make more formal comments
once your office officially submits the utility plans for review and you have provided a traffic impact
y � he following is a list of comments and concerns made by City staff:
1. Please submit a Traffic Impact Study so accurate lane lengths, storage lengths,
r taper lengths, lane configurations, etc. can be determined.
2. /*P� An amendment to the A -Line needs to be completed for ear-5 access point along
- J Harmony Roat56 The amendment needs to be completed and approved before the 1
City Hill -issue a building permit. This includes Timberline Road since the PVH
deve,opment is modifying the access. The Developer will coordinate this process
with the State. I would suggest starting this process as early as possible due to the
length of time it takes to complete. The A -Line needs amending before the State -.
approves the access polnt(s) shown on the Utlllty plans.
3. The wvest ac�ess rcn H rRoad) into the site will be Amited to a right-in/right- C
i r mony
out only. .�12,.Qj3��
4. The Harmony Village pro)ect to theA✓est of this site has tentatively provided an,,
acceptable design (conceptual only at this point) of Harmony Road. The PVH
development will need to consider this design when designing their necessary
improvements. Currently, the Harmony Road improvements along the frontage of
the Harmony Village site are based from the north edge of the existing median. The
ultimate cross section at the intersection of Timberline and Harmonywill include the
i following: a 7-foot median, two 12-foot left turn lanes, three 12-foot through lanes,
6�oot bike lane (between the thru lane and the right turn lane and 10 feet along
S 4he edge of the road), a 12-foot right turn lane, a 4-foot paved shoulderwith no curb
and gutter, a 10-foot wide landscaped parkway (most of it will likely be a borrow
ditch), and a meandering sidewalk. I would suggest that you contact Dave
Klockeman at JR Engineering to coordinate designs.
281 North College Avenue e PO Box 580 • Fort Collins. CO 80-52'_-0580 • (97 0) 21-660_7