HomeMy WebLinkAboutOLD TOWN NORTH - Filed MA-MINOR AMENDMENT - 2005-04-19F(19�_2 ofFotCollins Zoning Department Comments Due By:ge4ve, PO Box 590 Minor Amenci��ent PilchCollins,CO 80522planner�5 city oiFurtoiuins1416-745 PAX (970) 224-6134 Effective Date ;)-- l 'I -cJ Minor Amendment Application Form Date Submitted: �, Project Name V t-fl— T-10 AC1�—1 A,---- — 0 Project I ocation (Street Address): C �� f �fi�( Minor Amendment Fee: $3 D0 Legal Description: _ —__ L t.t,tii-CZF'✓ General Information. List a// /'open mr e y h t ing a legal'er uitab nterest in the proper[ (Attach separate sheets ifnecesyart). Owne StreetrAd dress: s .� -- " 6 /.'� Cih��e;zip rV-, IZ tl�� � "l _ e �� . CGState/Zip: YC I � 11�11 'telephone: v -- _ i'_�,ct�'LH'ax: Apphcan['s/('oust tant's 1Atmu _(, I.��-- �-Nameort�C Street Address � -.� - i ✓ CitN Dt G� Telephone: �[1��'', (v1 _-___ Pax: ���'�I`�� '--_ —_ Email: _IJk1j SUBMITTAL. REOU►REMENTS: 1) Six (6) copies of RUCORDED plan (i.e. site, landscape, elevation - whichever is being altered) in 24" x 36" size (available at the Technical Services Department at 281 N. College)— RED -LINE THE CHANGES ON FIVE (5) OF TILE COPIES; 2) Completed and signed application form; and 3) Application fee of $192.00. MINOR AMENDMENT Detailed description of the change and reasons) for the request: � o6Ffl�� � � , (' f � i'� �A—L- ---�l�.t�,._f,ta�. k-._._t.✓- d- cl C _Zf_:.,T' �I�"tlitia�',^_� Li.,-��.-_11L' -) tr O �iiti^ �'"cr,('-� — lJ �ux.m—�'eti—J�F�-.u,•�Fc� /-erl -�__ 3 ,C,e-t��+e�_�?-�"�l%4Ny„-� o_wt_�, — LJ�^.3'� i _tu ----- CERTIFICATION I certify the information and cahibits submitted are true and correct to the bust of my knowledge and that in filing this application. I am acting with the knowledge, couscnt, and aothority Of the owners of the properly (including all owners having a Icgal or equitable interest in the real property, as defined in section I "_' oftile City Cade; wblch is the suhjecl of this application) without whose consent and authority the requested action should not lawfully be uccontplishedd Pursunui to said authority, I hereby permit City officials to enter upon the property for the purpose or. n,pecuoa, and if nccc,snry, IDr po lin". a public Nonce on th • prop erty. n ' , `,y' Nemc (please PRIN I ): _�! v o h� l / —���A��� U I vJ. w� —�Jti L`� Address (o - pay,Z m � I I r —_ t Ltd h7 „ -- — Approval Items for MA05012 Subdivision: OLD TOWN NORTH Site Address: Department/Description Action Taken Entered By Comments (if any) CURRENT PLANNING 02/17/2005 OK Steve Olt The project did have, and still will if the Minor Amendment is approved, more parking spaces than the LUC requires for the bedroom counts in the single-family attached units. ENGINEERING -DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 02/08/2005 OK Sheri Wamhoff ZONING 02/08/2005 OK Peter Barnes Page 1 of 1 02/17/2005 9:50:32 AM FN(lltl I I December 27, 2006 As part of the Old Town North Minor Amendment Application dated today, changes to the Final Compliance Plan shall be as follows: Regarding TYPE OF DWELLING (as indicated on cover sheet I of 6), 8 units shall be transferred from SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED, 40 FEET OR LESS, to the SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED/MULTI-FAMILY units on Blondel Street. After such transfer of units, 40 units total shall be allowed on the following lots: Block 3, Lots M10-M17 Block 7, Lots M42-M49 Block 4, Lots M9-M16 Block 8, Lots M224129 And 8 fewer units shall be allowed on the combined total of SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED, 40 FEET OR LESS, within the Subdivision overall. Monica Sweere Manager Old Town North LLC Post Office Box 270053 ♦ Fort Collins, Colorado 80527-0053 ♦ (970) 482-3155