THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 21-64 day of �up4
199 0 . by and between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. COLORADO, a
Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "the City O Sc B Partnership,
a Colorado Limited Partnership. hereinafter referred to as "thc Developer'; and
COLRAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation, hereinafter
of erred to as "the Owner'.
WHEREAS, the Developer has entered into an agreement with the Owner
to acquire ownership of certain property, situated in the County )C Larimer,
State of Colorado, and legally described as f oilows, to wit:
Development, a Iract of Laud Located in the Aorth 1 2 of
Section '_'. Township - \orth. Range 69 "est of the Ali P.M..
Larimer Couutc. Cnlorado being a Replat of a Portion of Tracts
\. B ❑nd C of Silverplunte P.U.D. of the ('it} of Fort Collins.
VAHERFAS. the Weloper desires to develop said property and has
uhntirtcd to the City a subdh ision plat and, or a site plan and landscape plan,
t .opy of which is on file in the Office of the Director of Engineering and
nr_tdc a part hereof h% reference: and
v\HEREAS. the Developer P.as further subramcd to the CA% a utility Than
'or said lands, a cope oC which is on file in the office of [he Director of
Engineering and made a Dart hereof L•v reference: and
WHEREAS. the parties hereto have agreed that the dcvclopment of said
ands will require morcased municipal sere ices from the Citc in order to serve
uch area and will further require the installation oo :crtnin improvements
;m imarilv 4 penes it ro the lands m be dcccloped and not to the City of Fort
:!ins as a � hole: and
WHEREAS. the Cite has ::pprovcd the subdivision plat and er me plan
la ;ands.:npc plan submitted 1--, the Devcloper subject to certain n:quirements
utd _onduions which involve the installation of and construction nt utilities
.nu thcr municipal improccmcr.ts in connection with said lands.
yOva, I HEREFORE. in ,cnsidcration of the promises nC :he parties
_. and otocr rood and valu .onsidcration the r"sipt „nd icquacv of
iti,'n is heretic ncknovcicdgcd. It is agreed as follows:
I_ General Ciondition,.
\. the terms
of this .Agreement shall govern
ail amelopment
actmikes .-C
the Developer
permininq tw tine
;up on Inopertp
._ _rii,-,j
I,I , Ir _
,u �.
. —�"ni crit.
ani.:tics >.hall
include. Put not
1': to. the
II The actual
construction of
improvements, i_)
Obtaining a
building permit
therefore. �,i —,)
An}- -,hange in
_ride. woramur
or appearance
of said property
.aused '._ -" on
0 _ave',c--.ent Agreecent for Silverplume Estates, Third Filing P.O.D.
Not Applicable
r7 - 077WE -
cni'. _..ese 731cr -_or^i drat.--_ _--i❑ ........ __ - an -2c
__z -awer. 7anr :eS, -.._---_.-.. ,
behalf of the Developer with the intent to construct
improvements thereon.
B. All water lines, sanitary sewer collection lines. storm sewer lines
and facilities, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and bikepaths
shall be installed as shown on the approved utility plans and in
I till compliance with the Council -approved standards and specifi-
cations of the Croy on file in the Office of the Director of
Engineering to the specific utility, subject to a three (3) year
time limitation from the date of execution of this agreement. In
the event that the Devcloper commences or performs any con-
struction pursuant hereto after three 13) years from the date of
execution of this agreement. the Developer shall resubmit the
project utility plans to the Director of Engineering for rcexami-
nation. The Cite :nay require the Developer to comply with
approved standards and specifications of the Citv on file in the
Office of' the Director of Engineering at the time of submittal.
\o funding permit I'�r the -:,instruction of anv structure within
the dc%elopmcnt shad
lc i_sued b\
the Cite until
the %eater
Dire hsGrants. ;nnicnr,,
;;wer and
streets ("oidr :it
beast the
course compicted) :_,rcing
sucii structure
have been
accepted by the Cit..
No building
permits shall be
issued for
structure located in
excess of six
hundred sixtc Feet
u single point of a-
D. Anv water lines. sanitary sewer lines, storm drainage lines, and'or
streets described to Exitibit "a," attached hereto. shall be
installed within the nine and'or sequence required on Exhibit
V' If the Director nh Engineering has determined that anv
%kater lines. sanitary sewer lines. storm sewer facilities and.,or
,trccts arc required to pro%idc service or access to other areas of
the City, those facilities shall be shown on the utility plans and
shall be installed b,, the Devcloper within the time as established
under "Special Conditions" in this document.
Exccpt as othcr�vise herein specifically agreed. the Developer
agrees to install and pac for all water, sanitary sewer _,nd storm
sewer facilities and appurtenances, and all streets, curling, gutter.
sidewalks, bikewn%s and other public improvements required by
this development ,u shown oa toe plat. utility nnCi '._tndsapc
plans, and other npproecd documents pertaining to this dc,clop-
mcnt on f i I c with the Cin.
P_ Street improNements (except curbing, ,utter and ��alksi shall not
he installed until a:l utility lines to he placed therein hn%c iecn
coniplctcl% installed. including all individual lot scr,ricc 1:ncs
Icading in and from the main to the property line.
hhc installation I nil itiI ti,s shown nn the utility drawings
;hall be subjcc[ 1 uch _iepartill c11 s apprncal. l-hc I ccci-,per
agrees to correct fill% deficiencies in such installations in order to
mccr the rcquiremcnts of the plans and%or spccifications
tpplicablc to such installation. In case of .ontlist, t!tc utiiin
dIn�%ings shall ;upersedc the standard specifications.
li. All storm drainage facilities shall be so designed and constructed
by ,he Developer as to protect downstream and adjacent
properties against injury and to adequately serve the property to
be developed (and other lands as may be required, if any). The
Developer has met or exceeded minimum requirements for storm
drainage facilities as have been established by the City in its
Drainage Mastcr Plans and Design Criteria. The Developer does
hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Citv from anv and all
claims that might arise, direct)} or indirectly, as a result of the
discharge of injurious storm drainage or seepage waters from the
development in a manner or quantity different from that which
was historically discharged and caused by the design or
construction of the storm drainage facilities, except for (1) such
claims and damages as are caused by the acts or omissions of the
Cite in maintenance of such facilities as have been accepted by
the City for maintenanceerrors. if any, in the general
concept of the Cit}''s master plans but not to include any details
)t -aeh plans. %chich details sh,:li I,c the responsibility of the
Dc-.cloperL and (,i srcciFic ns mar be giacn to [hc
Dc".wrcr t,% ti-.c t-it,. ,\prro%::l tnd a,eeutanec h% the Cite
i _ _form drainagc Facility design ur construction shall in no
manner he deemed to :onstirutc a %yaivcr or relinquishment by
the City of the aforesaid indemnification. The Developer shall
.:ngaz -e a licensed professional engineer to design the storm
drainage facilities as aforesaid and it is expressly affirmed
herebp that such engagement shall be intended for the benefit of
the City, and subsequent purchasers of property in the
I he DcNcloper shall pay storm drainagc basin ices in accordance
�yith Chapter 26, Article Vil of the Cite Code. Storm di ainagc
impro,.ements eligible For credit :;r Cit, repayment under the
provisions of Chapter _'6 arc .:cscriLied together yitIt the
estimated cost of the intprovcments un the attached Exhibit "B."
�cIi,:n improvements. it appiicaulc. -,hail include right-of-way.
,Icst>n and construction costs. Soe Section '.C, Special Cunditions.
Storm Drainage Lincs and ppurtcitaitces. or pccific
The Developer shall provide the Director of Engineering kith
crtri icd Record Utility Drawing Transparencies on Black Image
Diazo Reverse Al%lars upon completion of any phase of the
o _,ruction.
ti��cci:rl Conditions.
vlater lines.
dot Applicable.
ii. S %%� r lines.
\ot -Applicable.
C. Storm drainage lines and appurtenances.
(i) For lots 1-19 the Developer and the City agree that all
on -site and off -site storm drainage improvements required
for the development of said lots shall be completed by the
Developer prior to the issuance of more than five building
permits. Completion of improvements shall include the
certification by a licensed professional engineer that the
drainage facilities which serve this development, have been
constructed in conformance with the approved plans.
(ii) For lots 20-33 the Developer and the Cite agree that all
on -site and off -site storm drainage improvements required
for the development of said lots shall be completed by the
Developer prior to the issuance of more than three building
permits. Completion of improvements shall include the
certification by a licensed professional engineer that the
drainage laeilities which scr.c this dcvciopmcnt. have been
constructed in conformance %pith the sppra%ed plans.
liii Tlr_ Do%.cioper cerccs to provide anc inata[ain erosion control
mproromcnts as shown on the appro,,cd utility pians to
tat, iIize all over -lot grading in and adjacent to this
ccvclopment. The erosion control improvements must be
=omplcted prior to the issuance ut aay 'Pudding permits.
livi The Developer and the Cite agree that the storm drainage
s.,stcnt for this development conmins smc special features
that make it important to construct the facilities according
to the plans and to ensure that the facilities are maintained
and ttcpt operational throughout file ttuiIdouI of this
dc� clopment. For this reason, the cllowing additional
rcqu ircments shall apply to the construction of any
improvements on lots 13 and la.
drainage improvement >.stcm tcquircd to 1-c constructed
,n lots i3 and 14 shall be completed in accordance %\-ith the
approved utility plans and said cemnlalcn shall t c certified
is being in accordance erith laid ;_inns b\ a licensed
professional engineer. Said certification shall be received by
ne Cite prior to the issuance of a building permit for any
f the above lots. .a, recertification Ire such engineer that
:he drainage s-astems' function and adequacy to serve its
;rurpnsc has not 1-ecn impnircd _ tl;c construction and
Landscaping on said lot shall be rccciNed b} [fie City prior
to the issuance of a certificate of occuoancy for each of
the ❑bo%c lots. In addition. homes :cnstructcd on tite above
is shall he constructed at, or aboNc, titc spccilicd minimum
c.arions shown on the approved Mill!, plans. To ensure
-ompliance kith said cicyation rcauircmcn[, a certification
.ar�c�r,r must Lc submitted to the =it•r iioi to the isuancc
,f a certificate of occupancy for nnc such home.
D. Streets.
(i) The Developer and the City agree that no street oversizing
reimbursement is due the Developer for the development.
(ii) Prior to beginning construction in Silverplume Drive the
Developer shall deposit with the City a guarantee in the
form of a certificate of deposit, cash, performance bond,
letter of credit or other Citv approved security to guarantee
the completion of all public improvements to he constructed
in the street in accordance with the approved utility plans
on file in the office of the Director of Engineering. The
amount deposited shall be equal to 150116 of the estimated
cost to reconstruct the pavement to current Cite standard
thicknesses for the full width of Silverplume Drive along
the full frontage of this development. The estimate shall be
prepared b} tnc Developer and submitted to the Director of
Engineering for review and approval The Developer shall
not I-.c allowed to pace the final lacer of asphalt pavement
on SiI%croluine Drive until all ;tnti2i,,atcd utility
improccmcn;s ',•Ia%c Lccn completed in�luding unlit)
improvements '.n the future planned Third Filing).
(iii) Prior to beginning construction in Sikerplume Drivc the
Developer shall submit a proposed traffi; detour and street
closing plan to the City Traffic Engineer for review and
(iv) The Developer shall be required to take construction access
to the dcrclopment site from Swallow Road. No
construction ,:-liveries shall be made on SiIycrplume Drive
from Dunbar Avcnue.
E. Hazards and Emercenc\ Access.
ii No combustible material will be allowed n the rite until a
permanent rater s%stem is installed he the Dcteioper and
approved by fire Citv.
The Developer shall provide an acccsswav to any building
under construction. adequate to handle any emergency
cchicles or equipment. and to p r o p c r I % maintain such
acccsswae nt all times. Such access«aN shall be at
minimum,.aide with 9" aggregate (•asc _�ursz material
compacted according to Cite Standards and «ith un
radius turnaround at the building cnd of paid acccssway.
(iii) The issuance etanv footing and foundation lxrmit by
Cm is made solely at the Developer's own risk and
Developer shall hold the City harmless fmm mi, and
issuance of ,aid permit prior to the .omplction of
requirements as set forth in Section '9-( ,S ui the Code
the Cite.
- s-
3. Misee Ilancous.
A. The Developer agrees to provide and install, at his expense,
adequate barricades, warning signs and similar safety
devices at all construction sites within the public right-of-
way and/or other areas as deemed necessary by the Director
of Engineering in accordance with the City's "Work .Area
Traffic Control Handbook" and shall not remove said safety
devices until the construction has been approved by the
Director of Engineering.
R. The Developer shall, at all times, keep the public
right-of-wav free from accumulation of waste material or
rubbish caused by the De%eloper's operation, shall remove
such rubbish no less than wcckly mid, at the completion of
the work, shall rcmo%c all such waste materials. rubbish,
tools. Construction cquipmcn[, ;nachinerv, and surplus
materials f rom the public righ[-of-way. The Devcloper
lurther agrees to maintain the finished street surfaces free
rom dirt caused be the Deaeloper's operation. Anv excessive
.ecuntulation 1 irt ..nd or c,rnstrumon materials shall he
considered suifieicnt cause Ior the (its. io ithhold
building permits and;or :crtiCicntcs of rccupancy until the
problem is corrected to the satisfaction of the Director of
Engineering. II the Developer fails to adequately clean such
streets within two (2) da}s after receipt of written notice,
the Citv may have the streets cleaned at the Developer's
expense and the Devcloper shall be responsible for prompt
payment of all such costs.
C. The Dcvcloper hcrcbv insures that his subcontractors shall
cooperate with the City's construction inspectors by ceasing
operations when winds are of sufficient velocity to create
blowing dust which, in the inspector's opinion, is hazardous
to the public health and welfare.
D. Mien the inspector cictcrmincs that erosion izithcr by %ind
or water) is likcly to be a problem, the surface area of
erodible earth material exposed at ❑ny one time shall ;tot
exceed 200.000 square fcct for earthworks operations.
Temporary �)r permanent erosion control _hall be
incorporated into the subdi%ision at the earliest practicable
time. Re wav rf explanation and without limitation, said
,ontrol mac _onsist I _.eding of _11)111 c i iasscs.
temporary dikes. gabions, and or other devices.
L. The Dcvcloper shall, pursuant to the terms of this agree-
ment .ompietc all inhpro%cments and perform all -tiler
obligations required herein, as such improvements or obliga-
tions may he shown on the original plat and rciated 'acu-
Mcnt . r_ •P12t _. rat', __7 _
and the l iI, mac %ithh01d such building permits and 2cr11-
ficates of occupancy as it deems nccessary to ensure perfor-
mancc hereof.
F. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a waiver of
any requirements of the City Code, and the Developer
agrees to comply with all requirements of the same.
G. In the event the City waives any breach of this agreement,
no such waiver shall be held or construed to be a waiver of
any subsequent breach hereof.
H. Financial obligations of the Cite of Fort Collins payable
after the current fiscal ,gear rind or not appropriated or
budgeted are contingent upon funds for that purpose being
appropriated. budgeted and otherwise made available.
This Agreement shall run with the real property herein
above described and shall be binding upon the parties
hereto, their personal rcpresonta5 ves, heirs, successors,
grantees ❑rid assigns. Assign merit oC interest within the
meaning of this paragraph shall specifically include, but not
c limited to. a cum c%since rr assignment of tiny portion of
'no W cloper's real n nourvinn micros[ in the real
:property h,crein After -:escriccd. as Awl as ant. assignment
A the DeNcloper's rights to .icvciop such propene under the
terms and conditions of this ,Agreement.
In the event the Developer transfers title to such real
propertyand is thereby divested of all equitable and legal
interest in said property. the City hereby agrees to release
mid Dcycloper from lia'bdir under this ygrccmcnt ;air
respect to ❑ny breach of the terms and conditions of this
\grcemcnt occurring after the date or any such transrcr of
interest. In such event. tat. succeeding property owner shall
be bound by On terms of Nis -Agrccmcnt.
K. Each and cycry term and wondition of this Agreement =hall
he deemed to be a material clement thereof. In the mcnt
rither parn shall fail or refu_. P—"crform according t,., M,
terms of this agreement, _awn party may be declarcA in
�Icfault. In the event a part, has been declared in default
hereof, such defaulting part =mall be allowed ❑ period of
five (5) days within which to cure said default. In the
nent the default remains un.orrc tcd. the party declaring
default Anav elect to: (a) terminate the agreement and = ck
damages: In treat the -Agreement as continuing and rcgaim
panific Inn-formancc w. _ _,.ail i,sclf f eMN _,cr
rcmedv at Law or cquify,
In the cyent the default of env A the provisions hereof by
either party which shall require the party not in default to
commence Icgal or equitable imion against said defaulting
;arty, the defaulting pariv <hall Pit liable to -hc
I_l'.tllltln:' 171 t' o I I I I'll, 11i _ -I'_
Me non -defaulting pare ;,on -defaulting I...
reasonable attornev's fees and wosm incurred L,_ reason 4
the default. ,Nothing herein ;hall Le construed to prnent
)r interfere with the City's rents and remedies spr.:ified in
Paragraph _ E of this -Agrccmcnt.
\TT T:
City Clerk
Diic.tor of Em,incc-ic2
its \ttornc%'
i it1c:A5st C"t'reh',"
A Municipal Corporation
Citv Manager �= LIIIIZ
O & B Partnership
a Color Limrship
B v:
LawrenecLiz, neral Partner
l3v .% L z 4 l
Cliarlcs \I. Bctr.:-. t;cncr;.l P::rtncr
a Colorado Corporation
B v:
ICorporarc Scala
I. Schedule of water lines to be installed out of sequence.
Not Applicable.
Schedule of sanitary sewer lines to be installed out of sequence.
Not applicable.
Schcdulc I C sheet ImproSenlents to be installed out of scqucncc.
\ot ,A��pli,al`Ic.
Storm drainaLc impro%cmcn[s to Cc installed out of sequence.
y'ot applicable.