March 25, 1988
Mr. Robert Dickinson
8029 South County Road u9
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
Dear Mr. Dickinson:
Staff has reviewed the request for a minor subdivision to be known as Emerson
Acres and offers the following comments:
The letter dated March 14, 1988, that was submitted as part of the sub-
division request, does not reflect the most current understanding of
the issues relating to the proposed subdivision. According to our
records, it was decided in late January that the status of Stanton
Creek and the Provincetown channel shall be in the form of an easement
(as opposed to a dedicated tract) that reflects the 100-year flood -
plain. Consequently, the plat does not show easements for the 100-year
floodplain for both Stanton Creek and the Provincetowne Channel as pre-
viously requested. The easements that arc shown are not adequate.
Please refer to the survey that was performed by the City that shows
the limits of the 100-year floodplain for both Stanton Creek and the
Provincetowne Channel. This survey also includes the full legal
descriptions for both. This information should be shown on the revised
2. Your letter of March 14, 1988 also does not reflect our understanding
of the treatment of the Provincetowne channel. The City has no plans
to riprap this channel to the confluence of Stanton Creek. This con-
ccpt was discussed only in reference to the possibility that the Dueck
Company (owners of Benson Lake in Provincetowne) would drain the lake.
If such a release occurred, the City would indeed riprap to prevent
damage to the land. Since the Dueck Company has now informed the City
that Benson Lake will not be drained, the need to riprap to the conflu-
ence of Stanton Creek is eliminated. The City prefers that drainage
channels remain as natural as possible.
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3. Staff, however, remains concerned about soil erosion in both the Stan-
ton Creek and Provincetowne channel floodplains. It is important that
a plat note be added to the plat which would state that the owners of
property shall agree to maintain soil stability and natural grasses (or
weeds) to prevent erosion and damage to the drainage channels. The
plat note should also state that the City Stormwater Utility reserves
the right to enter the easements and repair damaged areas. Such repair
work would not be begin without prior notification to the affected
property owner. If it is determined that the damage was due to the
actions of the property owner, the City reserves the right to charge
the owner for expenses incurred.
4. A plat note should be added to the plat that states that any fencing in
the 100-year floodplain for both Stanton Creek and the Provincetowne
channel shall be of a "break -away" type which would not inhibit flows.
The City Stormwater Utility has a specification for this fence. The
details of this specification should be referenced on the plat and
fully described in the development agreement.
5. A 15' utility easement should be dedicated along the east right-of-way
of Lemay Avenue and along the north right-of-way line of County Road
6. The Public Service Company requests an additional 10' utility easement
adjoining the north line of the 21' power line easement. (Rec.
7. The Poudre Fire Authority requests two fire hydrants. One should be
located at Lot 1, and one should be located at the corner of Lemay Ave-
nue and County Road #32.
8. Please provide a vicinity map on the plat.
9. It is Staff's understanding that Lots 1-5 shall be allowed to develop
and that Lot 6 be allowed to redevelop under the parameters of the
r-l-p zoning without having to design and construct or pay for the
street improvements. This understanding is accurately described in
your letter of March 14 under paragraph number #3. In order to create
an accurate public record and to let the facts be known, please add the
following note to the plat document:
"The future owners of the six lots described on this plat will be
allowed to develop the said lots under the guidelines of the r-1-p zon-
ing as fully described under Sections 29-146 through 29-I60 of the City
of Fort Collins Zoning Code without having to design, construct, or pay
for street improvements. Should any individual or group of lot owners
resubdivide, rezone, or apply for a Planned Unit Development that
otherwise increases the intensification of land use beyond that allowed
by the r-1-p zoning, then that owner or owners shall design, construct,
and pay for the street improvements as an obligation of the development
"In the future, should a Special Improvement District be implemented,
then each Lot owner bordering the street included in the Special
Page 3
Improvement District shall be required to participate in the street
improvements as is customary under the rules and regulations of the Citc
of fort Collins. The obligation would be finalized with a development
agrecmcnt between the redeveloping land owner and the City."
10. Staff is concerned that
there may be future
owners that would not
exercise prudent review
of the plat document
development agreement
that would run with the
entire 42.25 acres.
order to reinforce the
potential obligation of
each owner, a separate
development agreement
should be entered into
by each owner at the
of a building permit.
This would be administered at the building
stage. Therefore,
please add the following
note to the plat document:
"At the time of application for a building permit on any of the
described lots on this plat, the lot owner shall enter into a develop-
ment agreement with the City of Fort Collins. This development agree-
mcnt shall state the potential obligation on the part of the lot owner
for street improvements. Street improvements shall be obligated should
the lot redevelop or should a Special Improvement District be formed as
described in the above note."
11. Lot 6 presents a special problem due to the inability at this time to
obtain the necessary dedication for right-of-way for County Road #32.
Staff, therefore, requests that a note be added to the plat which would
obligate the owner of Lot 6 to dedicate the necessary right-of-way if
the owner elects to demolish the existing house and construct a new
house. Please keep in mind that a new house would not be allowed under
the r-I-p zoning unless the old house were removed since only one house
is allowed per lot. Please add the following note:
"The owner of Lot 6 as described on this plat shall dedicate an addi-
tional 30 feet of right-of-way for County Road #32 and an additional 15
feet for utility easement (total 45 feet) as a condition of application
for a building permit for a new principal residence."
12. There has been ample discussion with Mr. Harold Einarsen on the topic
that the zoning of r-1-p requires either a Planned Unit Development or
a rezoning to allow the construction of the residential uses described
under the zoning code. Although this does not have any bearing on the
proposed subdivision, Staff would like to make all parties aware of
this zoning condition. Staff suggests that the path of least resis-
tance would be to rezone the entire 42.25 acres to R-L-P (large case
versus the existing small case) which would allow traditional single
family development along with traditional accessory uses. Staff will
assist and support the application for the rezoning of Emerson Acres to
R-L-P. The process would take approximately three months.
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concludes Staff comments at this time. I
suggest we meet to dis-
comments in detail. Please be aware
the administrative hear-
the Planning Director for approval
not be scheduled until
revised plat is submitted for review.
always, please calf if
any questions.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzing, Development Engineer
Glen Schlueter, Stormwater Engineer
Matt Baker, Special Improvement District Coordinator
Harold Einarsen, Suite 300, 419 Canyon, Fort Collins, CO. 80521
Mark Paige, Intermill Surveying, 1301 N. Cleveland, Loveland, CO. 80537