Bob Snow
Mountain Bell -Engineering
124 W. Magnolia
Fort Collins, CO 80521
FROM: Mike Herzig, Development Coordinator
RE: Subdivision Utility Plans
DATE: February 8, 1988
Submitted for your review and comment are utility olans for:
Centre for Advanced Technology, Parcel U & 6th Filing
Please resoond by:
February 16, 1988
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300 LaPorte Ave. • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 • (303) 221-6750
DATE: 8 Feb 88 DEPARTMENT.- L.-,, all
yqITEM: 53-85N CAT,, 6th Filing & Parcel U FINAL
No Problems
--Problems or Concerns (see' below)'
Date Signature
February 19, 1988
Mr. Frank Vaught and Mr. Tony Hughs
Vaught - Frye Architects
2900 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
Dear Mr. Vaught and Mr. Hughs:
Staff has reviewed the request for preliminary P.U.D. for all of Tract U of the
Centre for Advanced Technology and offers the following comments:
1. Building A exceeds 150 fire access requirement and must therefore be
equipped with a fire sprinkler system.
2. All areas of the internal access drives which may be impaired by parking
that would obstruct fire access must be marked with signs stating: "No
Parking - Fire Lane".
3. The water line sizes and fire hyCrants must be shown. All buildings must
be designed and constructed to the limitations of the building code and
water flow capacity.
4. All access drives must be dedicated for fire access.
5. The City Light and Power Department will charge the developer for the
relocation of any existing vaults or streetlights.
6. Building A
of Parcel U and Project One of the C.A.T. 4th Filing (Norlarco)
may require a fairly large fire flow.
The water
pressure in this area will
drop as low
as 45 p.s.i. Please verify
that the
proposed water distribution
system is
adequate for both Parcel U
and the
4th Filing. A water line
these two tracts may be needed. It
also may be necessary to
install the
water line closer to Building
A, Parcel
U than currently planned.
300 LaPorte Ave P.O Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 (303) 221-6750
7. There is an existing 12 foot wide utility easement and an existing 20 foot
wide utility easement adjoining the westerly right-of-way line of Research
Blvd. The final plats should reflect these easements.
8. The Public Service Company requests that use of berms, trees, or fences in
the front lot utility easements must be coordinated and approved by all
utilities using the easement. The legal description of these easements are
9. Please provide a building envelope for each building and show the dimen-
10. Staff is very concerned about the pedestrian crossing of the New Mercer
Ditch. As the C.A.T. develops, there is a danger that the ditch and the
potential for an open space amenity may become walled off. With the
Arrowstone Development Company planning a site on Tract T, there exists
an opportunity to connect the sites. Such a connection would enhance the
value of both Tracts U and T. It is Staff's belief that the New Mercer
Ditch represents an opportunity rather than a constraint. Please be
prepared to discuss the location and the timing of construction of a
pedestrian connection across the ditch.
11. Staff is also concerned about treatment of the area adjacent to the ditch
easement. The landscaping in this area appears sparse. Please investigate
with the New Mercer Ditch about planting some trees in the easement yet
well away from the channel.
12. Please investigate the total number of parking spaces. If -it is possible, the
parking adjacent to the ditch easement should be eliminated in favor a
buffer area that would complement the open space. This parking is distant
from all buildings except Building D and therefore would be used last.
13. The final landscape plan should consider using drought tolerant grasses as
well as wildflower mixes in the turf area. Also, it will be recommended
that seeded areas be mulched with crimped straw at a rate of 2,000 lbs. per
acre. This will prevent interim erosion.
14. There is a discrepancy between the landscape plan and the site plan on the
sidewalk connecting the west sides of Buildings D and E. Please correct the
landscape plan to show a sidewalk.
15. There should be a sidewalk connection between building A and the future
office building in C.A.T. 4th Filing. Please show the sidewalk in front of
Building A curving around the side to connect to a future sidewalk from
C.A.T. 4th.
16. In the review for C.A.T. 4th, it was a concern of Staff that there be a
vehicular connection between the parking lots of Tract U and the 4th
Filing. Such a connection would add a more unified aspect to both sites. It
is important that as the C.A.T. develops, that a comprehensive approach
remain the focus and not have each tract develop in piecemeal fashion.
17. It is also important that there be a clear pedestrian linkage between
Building A and Buildings B and C. Staff recommends that a distinctive
pavement treatment be installed between the landscaped islands to promote
the use and safety of the sidewalk through the parking lot. Such treatment
has worked successfully in other projects in slowing down the motorist at
the pedestrian crosswalk.
18. The site plan should show the sidewalk access ramps along Research Blvd.
This concludes staff comments at this time. Please make a note of the follow-
ing deadlines for the March 28, 1988 Planning and Zoning Board:
Plan revisions are due March 2, 1988 (3copies)
PMT's, colored renderings, and 10 prints are due March 21, 1988
Please feel free to call to arrange a meeting to discuss these comments.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Engineer
February 19, 1988
Mr. Frank Vaught
c/o Vaught - Frye Architects
2900 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
Dear Mr. Vaught:
Staff has reviewed the request for final P.U.D. for C.A.T. Parcel U Sixth Filing
and offers the following comments: -
1. The City Light and Power Department will charge for any relocation of
existing vaults or streetlights.
2. The 20 foot access drive on the west side of the building must be signed "No
Parking - Fire Lane" on both sides.
3. The building must be designed and constructed in accordance with building
code and fire flow limitations, Fire sprinkler systems may be required or
used in lieu of other code requirements.
4. The long tcrrn parking should be identified with a sign stating "Employee
5. The landscape plan should state the following note: "All landscaping must be
installed or secured with an irrevocable letter of credit, performance bond,
or escrow account for 125% of the valuation of the materials prior to
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy".
6. Note number 7 of the landscape plan should be expanded to include the
application of crimped straw mulching in the reseeding of disturbed areas on
Tract U. This mulching is recommended to be applied at a rate of 2,000
pounds per acre. This will assist in preventing interim erosion.
300 LaPorte Ave. P O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 (303) 221 6750
7. The Storm Drainage report should provide more detailed information regard-
ing the phasing of Tract U. Will the storm sewers and detention area be
built with Filing 6?
8. A drainage casement must be dedicated for the detention pond and storm
sewers as part of the 6th Filing.
9. It should be made clear to the applicant that maintenance of drainage
facilities (both onsite and, in this case, offsite) will not be the responsibility
of the City. This will be stated explicitly in the development agreement.
10. There has been much discussion about a pedestrian crossing of the New
Mercer Ditch. Staff has consistently notified all applicants of projects on
Worthington and Research between Centre and Drake that there needs to be
a pedestrian crossing. It is Staff's belief that the ditch easement should be
considered an opportunity and not a constraint. As the C.A.T. develops,
there is a danger that the ditch will become walled off in an urban environ-
ment rather than open and available for diversity and interest.
11. There is a discrepancy between the site and landscape plan. The site plan
shows a sidewalk through the parking lot island on the southeast property
line whereas the landscape plan shows shrubs. Please revise accordingly.
12. The White Birch is prone to decline and die out. Please consider other
species such as the Amur Chokecherry, Prunis Maackii.
13. Will there be any fencing associated with this filing? If so, please indicate
location, type of material, and height:'.
14. The description fo7 trash enclosure is vague. Staff would prefer this material
match the red -brown brick described on the architectural elevation.
15. Where the sidewalk ramps are indicated, please show that there will be some
form of treatment clearly indicating a pedestrian crosswalk.
16. The exterior stairs at the existing building to the north have been painted to
blend in discreetly with the brick. This should also be done on the proposed
building in the 6th Filing. Please indicate on the architectural elevation the
color of the exterior stairs.
17. Staff applauds the use of planter walls to soften the vertical scale of the two
story portion. Please be sure that foundation plantings are intense enough to
cover the mulch bed within two to three years growth.
18. It is not clear the material of the mechanical screen. Please add more
detailed description to architectural elevation.
This concludes staff comments at this time. Since this is both a preliminary and
final, please note the following deadlines for the March 28 Planning and Zoning
Board hearing:
Plan revisions are due March 2, 1988 (3 copies)
PMT's, collored renderings, and 10 final prints are due March 21, 1988
Final documents are due March 24, 1988
As always, please feel free to call if there are any questions or concerns.
J. J
Ted Shepard
Project Planner